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194 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: aid

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segelyszervezet.huApart from social programmes in Hungary, Hungarian Interchurch Aid has also carried out humanitarian and development work in over 40 countries, helping those in need regardless of nationality, religion or world view, all the while meeting the highest professional and transparency requirements.interchurch aid, aid humanitarian, successive aid, aid operation, hia aidaccount, code, humanitarian, donation, programme49
ultratrail.huDo not enter to this race if: - You find the cut off times too tight. This is a running event and not a stroll like El Camino. While other 100-kilometer races allow 30-35 hours, ours is 20 (and 17 hours for the 84K race). - You expect an aid station inrace aid, aid station, way aid, pictogram aid, difficulty aidrace, infographic, sponsor, guide, news15
plum.huDating back to 1860, Plum A/S is a Danish company and member of the Swedish CCS AB Group. For more than 50 years, we have been providing efficient and user-friendly hand hygiene solutions to corporate clients – and over 20 years with first-aid solutions that make your workplace safer. Today, we…aid station, aid product, important aid, year aid, aid solutionwipe, cleanse, hand, cleanser, safe13
phbences.huThe Szemrédi non-profit, Educational Charitable Foundation for the Students of Pannonhalma. The objectives of the Szemrédi Közhasznú Alapítvány a Pannonhalmi Diákokért is to help talented students attend this elite school by offering merit and need-based financial aid for students whose parents…financial aid, aid student, aid scholarship, aid boardstudent, school, foundation, financial, fund7
drsk.huExamination of issues relating to state aid in the provision of public services, Complex legal advice.recovery aid, aid subsidy, state aid, aid law, aid provisionlegal, public, procedure, representation, draft6
rosaparks.huThe Rosa Parks Foundation was founded in 2016 and took over the Invisible Study Hall programme, which had been operating in Józsefváros since 2013. In 2017, we launched our legal aid service focusing on education issues, and in 2019 we expanded our range of services with the shared education…legal aid, aid servicefoundation, study, invisible, hall, education5
munkavedinfo.huWhen it comes to legal matters, it’s crucial to have access to the right information and resources. Whether it’s understanding how to pay for legal aid or seeking guidance on specific legal questions, staying informed is key. We hope that this article has provided some clarity on these important…legal aid, aid ontario, aid guidance, aid nashville, aid vancouverlegal, law, agreement, regulation, important5
karitativ.huCristmas Love Feast: Thousands of families rely on help in the present times of crisis Food for Life Hungary, the humanitarian aid arm of the Krishna-conscious believers has organised food distribution events in Hungary on a daily basis for the last thirty years. Although the present difficult…immediate aid, aid victim, devotees aid, aid survivor, humanitarian aidfood, distribution, love, help, crisis5
azumba.huSimilar to the characters in the film, legal aid can sometimes feel like a beacon of hope in the midst of uncertainty. Organizations like Juno Legal NZ and NL Legal provide expert guidance and representation to those in need.legal aid, aid contract, aid divorce, aid like, aid intricacieslegal, law, agreement, contract, rule5
ful-orr-gegesz-orvos.huIn the last 10 years I enrolled in several training courses (ear surgery, objective audiometry and hearing screening, modern hearing aid treatments, rhinoplasty, laryngeal surgery, voice prosthesis implantation, rhinology and FESS, vestibularis examinations in France, salivary gland endoscopy in…hear aid, aid sanative, aid reason, hospital aid, aid severesurgery, tumor, treatment, neck, medical4
ora-akcio.huIf you’re in need of legal assistance but can’t afford a lawyer, you may be eligible for Fairfax Legal Aid . This organization offers free legal help to those who qualify. Check their website for more information and eligibility requirements.legal aid, aid free, aid organization, aid inc, aid expungementlegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements4
elektromoskocsi-betegagy.huOur warehouse is located in Abda, 5 km from Győr, right next to the main road. We are waiting for those interested in offering one of the largest used hospital and medical aids in Eastern Europe. In addition to used aids, we also have new aids, with a stock that is updated monthly. Our warehouses…childcare aid, medical aid, aid hospital, aid eastern, addition aidfoundation, hospital, care, bed, wheelchair4
telex.huBloomberg: Meloni pushing Orbán to unlock Ukraine aid in exchange for joining Eurosceptic party...billion aid, aid package, ukraine aid, aid exchangetranslation, minister, ukraine, country, member4
monedit.huMonedit Ltd is specialized in distribution of medical and natural science teaching aids and components for non-clinical neuroscience research microscope measurements.teach aid, aid component, aid medical, teachning aid, aid mainlysupplier, distribution, science, education, teach4
abtl.hu…data concerning when and how the documents came to being, are recorded on our central database. Within the legal frames, our researchers have access to the central database of the Historical Archives and other electronic research aids both in the Reading Room of the Archives and on the Internet.find aid, aid section, aid possible, research aid, aid readingarchive, shall, public, record, document3
savethehungarianorthodoxy.hu…of discontinuation, and our properties are in tragic states! Whatever that was not destroyed during the Shoah was ruined during the communist occupation, then even deteriorated further under poor management. We require aid to survive! The storied 150-year history of our communities must not end!management aid, aid storiedsave, restoration, orthodox, street, synagogue3
papapedia.hu…of UNIIMOG was sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council via the adoption of Resolution 619 on 30 May 1988, in response to the Iran-Iraq War. The mission's overarching purpose was to monitor the ceasefire agreement between the two nations and facilitate the flow of humanitarian aid.humanitarian aid, aid accordance, aid protectionmission, military, force, observer, peace3
eurogate-rail.huThere would be no need for prioritised government developments (development of the V0 railway ring, development of the Budapest-Belgrade railway line, development of Záhony, etc.) as well as for the aid scheme for single wagonload transport, the aim of which is to achieve the climate protection…aid program, etc aid, aid schemerail, railway, price, road3
airmatic.huThe controlling softwares of our products are developed with the aid of National Instruments’ LabVIEW and Beckhoff TwinCAT development enviroments. With more than 10 years of development our controlling architectures provide great flexibility, functionality and short development time.product aid, aid ptc, aid widely, aid nationalassembly, line, machine, software, need3
reformatus.huThe Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) hosted its General Assembly in Rome this year. RCH was represented by László Zságer, head of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid’s (HRCA) Refugee Ministry, and Angela Canadey, project coordinator of the Refugee Ministry.church aid, aid hrcachurch, ministry, refugee, community, event3
jobbadni.huThe Hungarian Reformed Church Aid was among the first organization to mobilise its staff to provide assistance to refugees.church aid, aid national, aid organizationdonation, social, mission, development, office2
findedichzurecht.hu• What does emergency aid mean? If you have agreed with us in advance, you can even call the doctor or the office directly and get us to help. We will not only translate for you, but also represent your interests. Of course, the advice is binding with previously set prices.legal aid, aid administrative, emergency aid, aid advanceadvice, legal, assistance, insurance, general2
ststephen.huOn 12 June 1950, the secret police occupied and confiscated the Grand Lodge building in Budapest, and the Grand Lodge was forcibly dissolved. Thereafter, a Masonic Aid Fund for Hungary was set up under the sponsorship of the Austrian and German Grand lodges, which cared for Masons in Hungary…masonic aid, aid fund, private aid, aid charitylodge, stephen, member, mason, st.2
protone.hu…and heal. We have already solved the hearing problems for thousands of our clients and we are determined to help you either. Meanwhile we have created the one and only family of innovative hungarian ’in-house developed’ hearing aid with pure passion. We know that the device in itself is not all.hear aid, aid pure, aid devicehear, free, doctor, close, clinic2
rbif.huThe Robert Burns International Foundation’s mission is to help sick and underprivileged children in Hungary and Central Europe through financial aid contributions to medical facilities.financial aid, aid contributionchild, burn, foundation, international, sick2
beregimuzeum.huOld school desks and books, wall and raised maps, projector with glass slide, pen and ink and other visual aids from 19-20 th century.visual aid, aid old, aid thmuseum, close, open, visitor, castle2
nt.huPéter Nagy frequently handles high-profile, high-value litigation on behalf of governmental institutions and well-known banks. Nagy has extensive experience in state aid cases, commercial disputes and international arbitration. His clients appreciate that he has "very well-structured thinking and…state aid, aid caselaw, nagy, legal, firm, client2
bubbles.huOur machines automatically feed the detergent and rinse aid, which is also included in the price!rinse aid, aid pricelaundry, shop, network, self, machine2
szemredialapitvany.huGabriella és Zoltán Szemrédi approached Pannonhalma Archabbey with the idea of creating a foundation that would help talented and hardworking students living in difficult financial circumstances. After its establishment, the Szemrédi Charitable Foundation has already provided aid to many students…foundation aid, aid student, financial aid, aid scholarship, aid boardfoundation, charitable, board, donation, founder2
dentrip.huCAD (Computer Aided Design) is a technology that provides computer aided design for the user. This method, which has been used for several decades in engineering and architecture, has only recently started to be used in dentistry.computer aid, aid design, aid manufacturedental, prosthetic, tooth, treatment, dentistry2
validum.huOn-site training required by national legislation in English (Fire Exam, First-Aid, Crane Rigger, etc.)exam aid, aid cranesafety, fire, management, training, environmental2
prohair.hu…conditions. While testosterone is at the core of the balding process, DHT is thought to be the main culprit. Testosterone converts to DHT with the aid of the enzyme Type II 5-alpha reductase, which is held in a hair follicle’s oil glands. Scientists now believe that it’s not the amount of…dht aid, aid enzymehair, pattern, transplantation, loss, doctor2
magnumsecurity.huExamination of plant protection products' and harvest-aid products' authenticity, quality controlharvest aid, aid productsecurity, protection, plant, build, private2
agilecontracting.huAgile Contracting (AC) is the aid to the decade long conflicts between IT project management and legal departments. It is a flexible alternative to the rigidness of classical contracting in software development, but most importantly, it is an answer to our clients in need of a stress-free IT work…ac aid, aid decadecontract, agile, ac, webinar, template1
helyszinimentes.huI have been in the tire business for 6 years, during which time I have regularly been approached by customers stranded on the roadside asking me to come to their aid. As a result, I started my business to help as many drivers in trouble as possible.roadside aid, aid resulttire, site, repair, flat, price1
kiutprogram.huWe integrate our clients into market-based cucumber production systems, and in the given circumstances this activity is the one that makes it possible to become independent of public work or aid.way, main, support, poverty, employment1
lgms.huLGMS Horvath & Partners serves its clients in various areas, such as litigation and (international) arbitration, corporate and commercial law including M&A, structuring FDI deals and state aids, real estate, agricultural law, agricultural leasehold, public assets, public procurement, labor and…state aid, aid realhorvath, domestic, international, client, management1
orianas.hu…manner and make the presentation more visually appealing. Data visualizations: the presentation design will also include data visualizations, such as charts, graphs, and tables, to showcase the company's achievements and success in a clear and concise manner. These visual aids will make it easiervisual aid, aid easyask, logo, custom, brand, audience1
investmedical.huThe aging society and the growing number of people with chronic diseases are playing a great role in the increasing demand for the best solutions. With a strong emphasis on providing medical aids at home, we contribute to the improvement of the quality of life through of millions with our balanced…medical aid, aid homemedical, care, factory, patient, quality1
smilestone.huCases appear in the system as soon as they have been placed - no further action is required. You can keep track of the time and every other detail from the actual placement of the case to - and even after - the delivery. Thanks to the system, cases can be created with visual aids, dental notations…visual aid, aid dentaldental, case, software, lab, laboratory1
englishschool.hu…has unique learning needs and tailors his lessons accordingly, designing interactive activities, projects, and using storytelling and visual aids. Beyond the classroom, Dave finds inspiration in nature and music. He loves to hike and camp, sing and play music…..and he also loves his wife who…visual aid, aid classroomschool, teacher, child, language1
szabadsagszinei.huIn the course of carrying out social work, qualified social workers come in contact mostly with people whose lives have “disintegrated”. Our first task therefore–if not not the only one–is to show these broken people an achievable path nad show opportunities, with the aid of which they can once…opportunity aid, aid lifefreedom, colour, people, therapy, real1
nokatud.huThe aim of our program is to give teacher a taste of the world of engineering, IT, and other future-oriented professions on a day held specifically for teachers, science educators, and form masters. This personal experience can later be an important aid in guiding the pupils.important aid, aid pupilscience, girl, woman, technology, field1
mobilhgvtire.huFrom any corner of the country to the comfort of your home, our team will swiftly come to your aid.tire, view, detail, road, pricing1
liontaria.huSERVICES Funding: Identifying funding opportunities for projects including non-refundable and refundable assistance Assistance in receiving external funding Assistance in managing external funding Assistance in reporting about the use of external funds State aid analysisstate aid, aid analysisdevelopment, ltd, news, detail, funding1
helping-hand.huIn which ways would you need help in the future? (educational publications, introductory lectures, educational aids, assistive interventions, teacher training, professional discussions, supervision, etc.)educational aid, aid assistivechild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten1
szazadveg.hu…affected by abuse, and technical analysis”, and court and data protection authority decisions, reports by human rights organizations and legal aid providers, materials of election observers, and scientific articles and media reports were used to support the findings contained therein. At the…legal aid, aid providerdata, report, protection, political, human1
m-statika.huWe have been involved with the design of tensile structures since the mid-1980s. Today, with the aid of computers and associated developments in computer software, the most diverse surface forms can be realised with lightweight roof structures and materials.today aid, aid computerstructure, structural, check, proof, computer1
rablautosiskola.huPeople with physical handicaps and special needs are offered top expertise as well as cars equipped with the required aids in easily accessible instruction rooms! We have organized training for physically handicapped people since 1986.car aid, aid easilyinstructor, course, category, price, gallery1
teljeselet.hu„The purpose of the “Complete Life” Social Foundation is to provide support and aid to realize the following goals:support aid, aid goalgoal, foundation, camp, newly, center1
techlegal.huEffective legal aid we value your time: no wordy documents or long legal analysis, just legal solutions focused on your businesslegal aid, aid timetechnology, passion, pioneer, legal, desk1
vaskft.huIn 2011 we started distributing black, white and colour masterbatches for PE,PP,PS,ABS,PO,PA,EVA,PVC and AS raw materials, CaCo3 filler and various additives, such as: slip, flame retardant, antioxidant, processing Aid, UV-stabilizers, anti slip, corrosion protection, anti-fog, degas and cleaning…process aid, aid uvagricultural, sack, industrial, garbage, pouch1
hboszormenyrendelo.huEveryone I worked with was wonderful, very professional, caring and prompt. My therapist was great, as were all of the aids!therapy, physical, therapist, pain, care1
daalgroup.huIf you want to know everything about EXANDAIR textile ventilation ducts, see our information materials and aids!industrial, engineering, group, air, hall1
hunled.huWe provide assistance in applying for aids, in preparing feasibility studies, in partial or full project management;assistance aid, aid feasibilitylighting, luminaire, type, technology, industrial1
rakosmiklos.hu…Bartók Viola Concerto (Op. posth.), and he published the reconstructed work for viola and piano in 2016, with a study about it entitled „Béla Bartók’s Viola Concerto restored with the aid of the Fibonacci number sequence”. This publication could be a useful study aid for viola players and students.concerto aid, aid fibonacci, study aid, aid violahomepage, study, publication, music, book1
suzuki.huMagyar Suzuki's employees and dealerships once again joined Hungary's largest Christmas charity program, the 20th “Shoebox” Campaign of the Hungarian Baptist Aid.corporation, website, christmas, employee, corporate1
science-data.huThe properties of transition-metal complexes and their chemical dynamics can be effectively modified with ligand substitutions, and theory can be a great aid to such molecular engineering. In this paper, we first theoretically explored how substitution with a Cl atom at different...great aid, aid molecularresearch, data, centre, physics, science1
mozaikhub.huThe Mozaik Hub provides much needed infrastructure, professional aid and training to us, lay leaders and the professionals we work with. The shared coworking space enables us to share ideas and solutions and create cooperation and joint programs among Hub member organizations. Our world has been…professional aid, aid trainingcommunity, member, jewish, support, financial1
morenocentrum.huZerka had been working with Moreno from 1941, first as an aid, then as a partner, a wife and ultimately as the mother of Jonathan, their child together. But Zerka took upon a lot more and she kept working and creating throughout her life: a real match for Moreno ’s immense achievements. She was a…moreno aid, aid partnerdrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend1
balatonhelp.hu…app is free to download and use with any smartphone from the App stores (Android or IOS systems) for distress situations. 365 days a year, 24/7. Lifesaving , as the main activity of our Association, is always free for anyone! Of course any first aid or first response activity is free of charge too!course aid, aid responsediscount, price, package, weekly, monthly1
balinttarsasag.huIn the past years the technique has not only been used in the different areas of health care, but also in any area where the client-aid-relationship is an important dimension of the profession. For example in education, consulting, social work, hospice care and elderly care, law, human resources…client aid, aid relationshipgroup, saturday, society, fee, technique1
opl.hu…two years with a mid-size Budapest corporate law firm, where he gained experience advising on investment projects involving European Union state aid law and was seconded to a mid-sized Hungarian credit institution. During his studies, Péter spent a semester at the University of Leuven mastering…state aid, aid lawlaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
thermofoam.huThe company was awarded a grant in the framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme. With its aid, we were able to renovate our plant in Bácsalmás, and purchase a variety of equipment: one plotter, two forklifts, one screen printer and one ultrasonic welder.programme aid, aid ablepackaging, material, construction, solution, need1
gs-poseidon.huOnly "Basic" (BST) training: (Personal Survival Techniques, Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting, Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities, Elementary First Aid) price: 500 EUR + 4 photos, not recomended !!! Please be aware that there is a new STCW - 2010 requirement. STCW - 2010 replaces the old…elementary aid, aid pricetraining, centre, course, certificate, price1
dienesnagy.huOver the last 60 years, millions of people have learned the Tm technique through effective personal instruction with highly-trained teachers. Now, with the aid of video meetings and an interactive phone app, your certified TM teacher can connect with you without requiring you to be in-personal for…teacher aid, aid videoteacher, nagy, technique, meditation, session1
izinta.huIn recent years, we have opened up to the general public, expanding our product range to include medical devices and medical aids available to all. From 2020, we are reaching consumers directly with our retail products, available in pharmacies. As the first covid test distributor, we were the…medical aid, aid availablehuman, diagnostic, therapy, science, need1
fenymodul.huFény-Modul Kft. Is located in Mártély, in the southeastern part of Hungary, near Hódmezővásárhely. The company was transformed in 1997 into its current corporate form from a former private enterprise. The company sells lamp mounting aids and makes table and ceiling lamps.mount aid, aid tableproduction, square, cylindrical, shape1
kozossegikertek.huThe KÉK, Contemporary Architecture Centre, operates as a public interest foundation, and we issue a Supporter Certificate for your business about the financial aid supporting our Community Gardens project, with which you may receive tax relief.financial aid, aid communitygarden, community, city, programme, centre1
szav.huAdd j to medicine checks to do first aid. Medkit may make it’s own medicine check at l k kcheck aid, aid medkittier, activation, check, character, active1
mkvk.hu– publishes professional books, methodology guides and aids, and promotes professional development by organising seminars and conferences,guide aid, aid professionalchamber, member, auditing, sector, place1
siofoktaxi.hu... And other surroundings of the Lake Balaton. Siófok Chauffeaur aid is provided by the local, trustworthy and professional drivers. For current prices and offers, please call us! Available day and night. 0-24 hours.chauffeaur aid, aid localairport, transfer, minibus, driver, lake1
enisvagyok.huOn September 26, our association will visit Újszász, where our colleagues will be assisted by a disabled person in need of the interested and needy. On-site facilities include inter alia information on request, advice; on-site administration; to test the presented aids; informal and taboo-free…administration aid, aid informalén, association, day, website, croatia1
gyermeksegito.huOur NGO is constantly supporting the war-torn Ukrainian people with aid shipments, delivering donations to the refugees in Eastern Ukraine in Vinograd, Transcarpathia.people aid, aid shipmentngo, need, christmas, family, ukrainian1
3dpano.huThe spherical panorama’s special version which is taken in the air using the lower airspace usually from (GND) 80-150m height. This kind of bird's eye view panorama can provide additional visual information and navigation aid for virtual tours or we can show larger areas such as a town or an…navigation aid, aid virtualvirtual, tour, panorama, visual, video1
kathleenedubsalapitvany.huhave fond memories of her and greatly miss her. In 2012 a foundation bearing her name was established by individuals who are all confident that studying is the best long-term investment, in order to support talented young people who need financial aid to accomplish their educational goals. Read on .financial aid, aid educationaldub, foundation, university, grant, study1
gonefishing.huYou can swim, so it is not a problem. If not, you can trust our life-jackets and pray. Talking seriously as an EFFA certified fly fishing guide I have learnt the necessary techniques for water rescue, first aid, CPR, “reach-throw-row-go”, etc and we are using a stiff kayak or boat, equipped with…rescue aid, aid cprfishing, guide, water, local, fish1
orangyal-1890.huThe primary services provided by Őrangyal 1890 Gyógyszerészeti Kft. are drug retail and wholesale of medical aids, the introduction of medical devices and medicinal products for pharmacy retail, and full marketing of these products, as well as research and development of medicines with plant-based…medical aid, aid introductionstudy, case, request, access, active1
fandrpartner.huWe make our products from natural ingredients based on home-style recipes. Food safety is guaranteed by the fact that we operate according to the IFS quality assurance standard . Our workers have years of experience. We procure our ingredients and processing aids from Hungarian and internationally…process aid, aid hungarianfree, soon, gluten, lactose, bread1
cluefactory.huAccount manager, and also an expert game master, with over 4 years of experience. Perfect aid for beginner escapegame owners and gamemasters. Thinking about opening an escape game? She will answer your questions.perfect aid, aid beginnergame, room, escape, real, provider1
bmpvsz.hu…in providing information to the population, in the education of youth, in setting up and training Voluntary Organisations, in distributing aid and in supporting voluntary intervention as priorities. In the course of our activities we cooperate with the County Disaster Management…organisation aid, aid voluntarydisaster, organisation, protection, management, event1
habitat.hu…Habitat organizations around the world support those in need through renovating residential buildings, giving microloans, providing quick housing aid after catastrophes, providing access to drinking water, exploiting renewable energy sources, providing training and a multitude of other projects…housing aid, aid catastrophehabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization1
artoral.huThanks to our continuous developments we offer complex dental services where the newest tools, technoligies and medical aids are available.medical aid, aid availabledentist, dental, surgery, street, clinic1
hands-on.huProject management from design to implementation for: website development, aid voucher design…development aid, aid voucherhand, consulting, management, support, provider1
lovecraft.hu. P. Lovecraft’s art of writing in a short, concise, but interesting way. This background material will not only make recommendtation to short and adaptable texts from Lovecraft, but may give rendition strategies to understand and interpret them, and also a teacher could use it as an aid in…teacher aid, aid teachsociety, community, member, essay, purpose1
festmenyvizsgalat.huZsófia Végvári, head of the Complex Painting Examination Laboratory has been dealing with the scientific examination of paintings since 2005, with the aid of an instrument park providing state of the art analyses and results. The technical equipment of the laboratory is extraordinary both in…painting aid, aid instrumentexamination, painting, complex, analysis, laboratory1
wowcraft.huEquip: Your spells have a chance to activate the spores inside the baton, causing them to rush to your aid. If you're aiding an ally, the spores will provide them with 630 Versatility for 12 sec. If you're attacking an enemy, they will instead deal 11496 Nature damage to your target over 12 sec…baton aid, aid allystat, random, primary, effect, chance1
kopintalapitvany.huThe state has an important role to play in financing start-ups at each stage of their development. The vast majority of start-up funding is provided by non-reimbursable state aid and soft loans, the latter backed by state guarantees. The role of venture capital is much smaller. However, it can be…state aid, aid softeconomic, international, literature, country, economy1
furedi-annamaria.huIn Hungary we know that not all gypsies are the same and although some prejudices prevail, this incident would never happen here. We, the majority, know very well that there are a lot of people among the Roma who shun work and bank on state aid, sadly this is too striking. But there are numerous…state aid, aid sadlycanada, woman, people, thing, category1
tuskevariskola.huUnfortunately year by year there are more and more students who can become cooperative and „teachable” merely with curing aid. Teachers of learning disabilities can help their integration at school.merely aid, aid teacherteacher, school, training, learn, child1
raszta.huletter? Yes, you can find detailed information about the legal process and a template for the termination by mutual agreement letter here. 2. Legal Aid in New Brunswick: Free Legal Assistance for Residents Are there options for legal aid in New Brunswick? How can I access free legal assistance? Newlegal aid, aid new, aid alternativelegal, january, law, agreement, board1
zsibokhangszer.huBeside to making good quality learning istruments, I always made unique instruments, which are partcipated in exhibitions in Frankfurt and with the aid of our american partner in the U.S. as well. I have made my master-exam for stringed musical instrument making in the workshop of Pál Sáránszky in…frankfurt aid, aid americaninstrument, repair, exhibition, factory, country1
vhphungary.huTo promote activities of culture, community arts, community languages, heritage, civilization, education, aid and relief to the needy, or any other activity in the advancement of general public benefits including social, cultural and scientific research.education aid, aid relieforganization, international, community, event, class1
rakosyuveg.huThe array of our products and services is extremely broad. We are unbeatable in glass processing: cutting, chamfering, drilling, CNC machining, heat treatments, curving, painting, printing, surface treatments – we perform these work processes with the most modern equipment, with the aid of our…equipment aid, aid highlyglass, heating, technology, highlight, sound1
inno21.huThe Hungarian developed Parking Turntable is a worldwide success. This parking aid allows you to park your vehicle in tight spaces. Just get on the plate and position, i.e. turn your car the right direction.parking aid, aid vehicleparking, space, tight, construction, technology1
hrbp.huIT programmer, IT developer, administrative, customer service (help desk), trade marketing, engineer and logistics positions with the aid of a professional HR consultant.position aid, aid professionalclient, area, expertise, introduction, software1
imolavendeghaz.huWe hereby inform you that under the terms of operative legislation, from 1st September 2021 certain personal data required by law shall be recorded for every guest using accommodation services in Hungary in property management software with the aid of a document reader, and be transmitted to a…software aid, aid documentgarden, guesthouse, room, inquiry, guest1
elbronco.hu-The staff’s riding and horse training skills are of high quality. I have followed the training of horses at El Bronco and am impressed with it. The horses are trained to be willing, happy and ridden with small aids.el, horse, ride, national, western1
nezopont.huAccording to a recent survey by the Nézőpont Institute, two thirds of Hungarian voters do not agree with the European Union's EUR 1.5 billion monthly financial aid to Ukraine. Only less than a quarter of active voters consider the monthly support for Ukraine acceptable. Ukraine was struggling withfinancial aid, aid ukrainepolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature1
armenian.huHungary provides humanitarian aid to Armenia through the Hungary Helps – Magyarország segít programhumanitarian aid, aid armeniaago, month, minister, foreign, day1
mediproof.huComparing market trends of any product, brand, distributor, or active substance. Does not matter if you are looking for medicines, medical aids or starters, we have the data.medical aid, aid startermarket, analysis, decision, support, data1
pepperpr.huOnly 40% of the first-aid ambulance vehicles in Hungary are equipped with a modern, mobile respirator. With the help of the "Additions from Matáv" Program, one more vehicle of the National Ambulance Service was equipped with an instrument ensuring up-to-date services. The equipment facilitates the…pepper, software, technology, market, office1
dolcevitaetterem.huThe restaurant tries to keep pace with the innovations in catering year by year with the aid of its colourful and varied menu while preserving the old culinary traditions as well.year aid, aid colourfulrestaurant, gyor, italian, drink, italy1
mvgyosz.huOur aid tool shop sells a wide range of low vision products, devices and accessories facilitating the everyday life of visually impaired people, at affordable prices.federation, blind, sight, partially, useful1
nhgandpartners.hu…with extensive experience gained in significant litigation and arbitration cases. Our office has been renowned for effectively providing legal aid services to several relevant actors and investors in capital markets as well as for its advocacy activity at arbitration courts, but it also has…legal aid, aid servicelaw, office, expertise, lawyer, legal1
dokkozpont.huWith the aid of our online databases and by responding to the incoming queries in a timely and professional manner, with the continuous and comprehensive exploration and digitalization of the collection as well as its preservation, we endeavour to support and assist the research of our clients and…collection, document, documentation, construction, plan1
csigateszta.hu…been continuously improving these pastas ever since. These products allowed me to enter the consumer market so as to now I’m engaged in the manufacturing of nothing else but “csiga” noodles. A new facility was built, allowing us to keep making high-quality “csiga” products and to meet increased…recipient aid, aid illés, contractual aid, aid huf, rate aidnoodle, manufacture, type, traditional, soup0
osz.huThe Hungarian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation (Országos Mozgásszervi Intézet) only receives medication when payment is made in cash. In another Budapest hospital, surgeries faced delays due to equipment not arriving on time. The root cause? The sky-high debt of Hungarian hospitals.medical aidmedical, healthcare, association, manufacturer, device0
whey-protein.huShaker… 6 Pack Fitness… Absorice… Activlab… AMIX… ANS… Athletic Xtreme… Beltor… Berkley… BPI SPORTS…nutrition, nature, power, extension, lab0
veronikapartman.hu…comfortable bed, fine cozy blanket. Prepared a surprise (champagne, water, orange juice, fruit and sweets). Very nice owner who put her heart and soul into this beautiful apartment. There was even a beautiful bouquet of roses on the table. Everything is in its place, I am happy to recommend it!apartment, place, price, day, beautiful0
customers.huPhone, Tablet, Laptop… All… Mobile phones and accessories… Mobile phones… Phone cases… Screen…beauty aid, aid accessoriesaccessories, game, phone, garden, machine0
nemzetiholgyek.huPraesent sapien lacus, molestie vitae arcu in, elementum congue justo. Aenean aliquam semper velit eu pretium. Suspendisse mattis luctus quam nec vehicula. Donec scelerisque tristique metus a vestibulum. Curabitur mattis eros lorem, finibus egestas augue aliquam et. Mauris a fringilla ligula…medical aid, hunger aid, detox aidluctus, nec, molestie, campaign, augue0
csapviztisztitas.huDoulton® has hundreds of years of experience providing families with clean, healthy drinking water in their homes since its beginnings in 1826. Using natural ceramic water filters that improve the look, smell and taste of tap water, Doulton® filters remove contaminants while retaining the healthy…humanitarian aidwater, filter, drink, taste, counter0
drivingschoolinenglish.hu…learning in a foreign country is really a challenge. However, at THE DRIVING SCHOOL IN ENGLISH we offer a fully comprehensive training program tailored expecially for the English, French and Russian speaking residents in Hungary. Full traning given by qualified instructors in dual ... Read moreHomeaid course, form aiddrive, school, foreign, course, french0
driving-licence-budapest.huB category driving licence, driving school in Budapest, b driving licence, driving school in english, driving school in Hungary, practice driving lessons, driving lessons with driving license,aid examdrive, school, license, student, licence0
mozduljunkki.huis a Non Profit Organisation to provide professional assistance for people with motor disorders at live concerts and at Sziget Festival since 2016.festival, people, wheelchair, assistance, live0
atmsmento.huAmbulance Transport & Medical Safety Kft.… Home… Ambulance Transport… Medical Safety… First Aid Course…aid coursemedical, transport, safety, ambulance, course0
netespenz.huI’m a paragraph. Go to SitePad Editor to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.editor, text, finance, story, great0
hexa-alpin.huAbout Us… Training Center… Competition Results… Partners… Trainings… Self-rescue from Crane…aid alpinisttraining, rope, course, inspection, safety0
grand58apartman.huThe Grand 58 Apartment is a gem, perfect for families and friends. Located near the Keszthely Municipal Beach and the soothing Hévíz Spa, it is unbeatable for those seeking relaxation and adventure. Inside, our apartment is a combination of comfort and style, featuring a tranquil garden terrace…apartment, region, booking, place, event0
zsidojovoert.huBy uniting the strength of our communities, using it, our strength will multiply and we will also be able to perform tasks that we alone would otherwise be unable to do.legal aid, aid rightcommunity, manual, jewish, application, member0
szeretemacsaladom.huA baby’s skin isn’t just sensitive-it actually absorbs more of everything it touches. It’s why we searched for a GOTS-certified organic cotton in its purest form. Conventional cotton is produced with a lot of chemicals, but ours is free of all the yuck.infant aid, aid cprgift, shop, jacket, set, event0
gesgkft.huG&G Ltd. has undertaken the overhaul and modification of both serialized and special railway coaches since 2013. We achieve the desired exclusive, nostalgic or modern atmosphere with the proper combination of stainless steel, brushed aluminium, hardwood, HPL woodpatterned and uni panellings and…aid ftweed, railway, control, modification, development0
gurulo.hu…This means the individual setup of the best suitable assistive equipment that requires the least energy from its user. We believe that through the use of suitable assistive tools the chances of employment of people with disabilities and their capacity to keep their workplace increase considerably.psychological aidpeople, disability, rehabilitation, employment, tool0
budgetleasing.huThe price range for long-term car rentals can vary significantly based on factors like the type of vehicle, rental duration, location, and rental company. Budget-friendly options are typically available for extended rentals, with lower daily rates compared to short-term rentals.rental, type, fuel, transmission, body0
mezoturilatnivalok.hu…at a national level which provide playful learning experiences for schoolchildren, the option of interactive, independent discovery and supplementary cultural history programmes for families, and exclusive event venues for visitors. The project elements include tangible cultural, historical…aid huftown, detail, hall, event, history0
luxuryvillakeszthely.hu…and friends looking for an upmarket lakeside experience. Step through the door and you'll be greeted by a world where sumptuous design meets the comforts of home. The spacious bedrooms are tastefully decorated, while the large living room with its sumptuous sofas and glittering chandeliers invites…luxury, booking, region, place, event0
charitybridge.huDuring our nearly 18 years of existence, now we turn for the first time for public assistance.aid abroadchild, donation, bridge, progress, edit0
rentabikesiofok.huYou can ride around Lake Balaton by high quality KTM bikes, shorter (76km) or longer (210km) trips can be done as well starting from Siófok. The number of the bikes are limited, so be sure you have reserved your bike in e-mail in advance.bike, rental, tour, news, lake0
valexa.huMartvill is a complete eCommerce shopping platform for multiple vendors to sell their products online to customers. You can choose Martvill if you have planned to buy a Multi-vendor eCommerce site.aid supplyaccessories, care, hair, camera, body0
dutrade.huDUTRADE Steels Product Processing and Trading Co., (DUTRADE ZRT) is a Hungarian steel producer with a long tradition, it is a member of the ISD DUNAFERR Group. DUTRADE ZRT has been running a domestic steel distribution network of ISD DUNAFERR ZRT since 1992. The first Steel Service Center in…hrdop aid, aid schameprofile, steel, document, sheet, cold0
innoid.huWe are a mobile software agency located in Budapest, Hungary , wholly committed to creating state-of-the-art, high quality mobile software products.mobile, development, software, native, app0
ganteline.huSince 2011, Ganteline is the member of the Worldwide Euro Protection (WEP) being a decisive participant of the global labor safety business.plum aidprotection, protective, clothing, glove, welding0
blumat.huare ideal for indoor plants, balcony plants and potted plants. The plant watering system is a reliable, efficient and economical way of watering flowering plants and vegetables on the balcony and patio, in raised beds and greenhouses. Blumat is ideal for watering plants when you are on holiday and…plan aidwater, plant, detail, balcony, bed0
stsgroup.huWe are pleased to announce that members of our company group, STS ECO Kft and STS Service Kft, have both won the opportunity from EDP Renewables for the construction of a complete solar power plant and the associated high-voltage connection to the grid near Vasmegyer in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg…reimbursable aid, aid max, aid hufgroup, plant, power, energy, construction0
yellowpages.co.huFind high quality products. Connect directly to suppliers. Yellow Pages Hungary the gateway to Worldwide Tradehear aid, aid repairsupplier, manufacturer, wholesaler, equipment, repair0
summamed.huEA-OG Cytology Cytology combination combination counterstain counterstain / / EA-OG EA-OG kombin�lt citol�giai h�tt�rfest�kink aid, aid mlfocus, warning, ribbon, stain, tissue0
edukid.huEdukid was created in 2010 with the goal of helping children and young people with hearing impairments in a way that adapts to the needs of the patient. We can proudly say that we are still unique in the market today. We are dealing primarily with hearing diagnosis and hearing rehabilitation for…hear aid, aid rehabilitationhear, child, rehabilitation, infant, need0
kigyopatikamako.huOur family-friendly and eco- and phytotherapeutic pharmacy opened in 1773 under the name of Divine Care, thanks to the health decree of Maria Theresa. The first pharmacy in Makó and Csanád counties was owned by several famous local pharmacist families until the Second World War, and then became…magnesium aid, aid tranquility, mobility aid, aid bandageprice, consumer, health, pharmacy, condition0
bringasapartman.huWe created 2 cosy studio apartments, each for 2 people with private entrants, especially for cyclist tourists . In both apartments 2-2 extra beds can be added, therefore we can welcome up to 8 guests at the same time. There are private bicycle storages in the apartments for 2-2 bicycles.apartment, price, booking, fee, night0
diakonosz.huThe MPE DIAKONOSZ Supporting and Providing Center (Abbreviated name DIAKONOSZ TSZK), was founded by the Hungarian Pentecostal Church (MPE) in January of 2013, is a juridicial person inside the Church; atends diaconate tasks, is the back supporter and a countrywide ecclesiastic institution of the…juristic aid, aid servicechurch, introduction, task, feature, photo0
xilaw.huXiaoyou Xi (Lucas) is a very creative and tactical lawyer. He has excellent communication skills (Chinese, English and Hungarian). His background makes him a good advisor, who understands the needs of my business.state aidlitigation, law, tax, finance, dispute0
kemalok.huSketchy Kisokos… Guild Craft… Login… Register… Next »… Home… Roster… Boss…periodically aid, aid playermythic, login, craft, shadow, vault0
tream.huDuring the past 25 years, we‘ve had the chance to particapate in projects related to banking systems, such as acceptance of card payment (ArkSys), accounting systems (Midas, Core), and we also delved into developing healthcare systems (MedSol) alongside inventory management.competence, reference, board, programming, guarantee0
bamaxwork.huPrimarily, we design and renovate offices, bank branches and healthcare facilities by using professional technical management, highly qualified skilled workers and carefully selected, long-trusted subcontractors.financial aidview, job, card, career, financial0
willisport.huThe Willisport Hockey Store and Sporting Goods Store has been a committed supporter of domestic hockey since its establishment in 1996. Our goal is to provide a wide range and professional service for ice sports enthusiasts, from protective gear to rackets to training equipment.training aidhockey, special, accessories, figure, stick0
gorillaszaki.hu© 2012 - 2024 Avada Website Builder by ThemeFusion • All Rights Reserved • Powered by WordPressview, detail, strategy, avada, consulting0
gabrieltex.huWallcover in yellow color for cold walls, it is equiped with velcro. It is made with velcro, the soft side is sewn on the material and the other is...medical aid, aid productview, quick, price, foam, rubber0
neweld.huAt the beginning NeWeld sold welding consumables and worked on welding technology. After a short period of time NeWeld filled a gap in the market by shifted its focus to brazing. NeWeld became the best company in this market, not only in Hungary but also in the surrounding Eastern European…aid ft, aid percentagewelding, production, consumables, material, machinery0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)documentary, islam, history, america, article0
medcordis.huWe continue to help people with diabetes with the devices we sell. As of August 1, 2018, VeriFine ® needles – compatible with insulin pens in Hungary – are being marketed with NEAK (Hungarian National Healthcare Insurance Fund) reimbursement. The world’s thinnest pen needle is also available in…insulin, needle, device, injection, administration0
strm.huÚj zene… 21 Savage – american dream… Lil Nas X – J CHRIST… Alok & Bebe Rexha – Deep In Your Love… James…love, american, dream, christ, deep0
krisna.huGlobal crises and individual battles – thousands await the Christmas Love Feast from the Hare Krishnasdevotees aid, aid survivorkrishna, thousand, feast, love, christmas0
standchem.huIn addition to the classic chemical distribution, Stand-Chem Kft. Undertakes the dissolution and dilution of chemical products and the unloading of tank trucks, with packaging on demand.material, chemical, substance, raw, water0
utazasioltopont.huVaccination center accredited for injection of yellow fever vaccination and issuing international vaccination certificatesoccupational aid, aid trainingtravel, counseling, medical, vaccination, occupational0
varagesztenye.huWe are more than happy to host you at Chestnut guesthouse! Relax in the heart of the Danube bend!price, chestnut, guesthouse, booking, bend0
driving-school-budapest.huB category driving licence, driving school in Budapest, b driving licence, driving school in english, driving school in Hungary, practice driving lessons, driving lessons with driving license,aid examdrive, school, licence, student, category0
fogaszbolt.huMy account… Checkout… Wishlist… Compare… HUF Ft… English… Categories… Home… Discount Products…impression aiddental, orthodontic, material, impression, adhesive0
brabusz.huHome… Vehicles… Services… References… Contact… English… Worker's transport… Private…stationary aidvehicle, reference, transport, worker, private0
amarone.huAmarone Ltd. is a development company specializing in delivering quality eHealth and mHealth solutions. We help our clients turn their vision into reality and support them in providing physicians and patients with innovative products. Our company is a member of Szinapszis Group, which provides a…app, development, quality, website, mobile0
partnershungary.huIn general, the word "conflict" has a somewhat pejorative connotation, it is seen as a bad thing to be avoided. We think differently. Every society, community, organisation, human relationship goes through conflicts from time to time in the course of everyday interaction. If we have the means…psychological aidconflict, mediator, training, management, mediation0
diosimate.huBACK TO NATURE… View Gallery… FOW /FOG OF WAR/… AFTER ALL… AD HOC…gallery, nature, primary, maker0
bottcher.huThe Böttcher Group which has its Headquarters at Cologne, Germany is present in more than 42 countries on five continents with a manufacturing plant or a sales office. Global market leader for rollers, sleeves, printing chemicals and printing blankets.printing, industry, sleeve, digital, compound0
pallatech.huMechanical Design… Computer Aided Manufacturing… Contact… CAD…computer aid, aid manufacturemechanical, manufacture, computer, mail, hour0
nyitottkor.huWe follow the story of a fourth grade class, who are witnesses to school bullying. In the first stage it’s hard to decide whether it’s teasing, joking around, a silly slip or just and innocent word game. Later on we learn that it’s foul play. The adults and teachers have no knowledge of the…drama, group, participant, european, education0
likedrive-autosiskola.huParticipant should be applying for the Driving School training only personally, after getting to know Prospectus and Driving School Privacy Policy and complete and sign an application form. For the participant have the opportunity to send the application form in advance by e-mail to the Driving…subject aid, aid knowledge, completion aid, aid courseexam, drive, hour, fee, school0
ukrainehelp.hu…to the Budapest Olympic Center (BOK) Event Hall. In BOK, volunteers help refugees with food, medical assistance, baby corner, ticket purchase options and coordinating accomodation and further transport. Free transfer lines leave regularly for Nyugati and Budapest-Keleti Station and the airport.medical aid, legal aid, migration aidhelp, ukraine, free, station, ukrainian0
budajuniors.huBuda Juniors is an English-language, multi-national football club in Budapest, Hungary for children aged 4 to 16 years old. Run by Janos Banfi, a former Hungarian national team captain with 14 years experience of playing professional football and qualified with the UEFA coaching license, we play…training, activity, news, happy, football0
cziczanoemi.huWelcome to Green Valley International School. We strive to provide highest quality education, bridging your child's success with infrastructure of knowledge and creativity.financial aidrhoncus, laoreet, sit, feugiat, lorem0
easydoc.huEasy Doc… Companies… Occupational Health Care… First Aid Trainings… Event Medical Services… Contact…aid trainingeasy, health, occupational, care, training0
shooteasy.huSHOOTEASY will give you advice and provide you with the best experts of the special Hungarian film incentive system. All local, Hungarian expenses (with a very few exceptions) qualify for a 25% rebate . An additional allowance of 25% of the local, Hungarian spending can be used for foreign costs…production, director, incentive, channel, location0
lepjunkhogylephessenek.huOur organization is the only one in Hungary today that advocates for centrally paralyzed children (cerebral palsy – CP) and their families. It was founded in 2011 by parents raising children with CP. Nowadays, we have grown into a national organization focusing on issues that affect all people…legal aid, aid servicechild, disability, care, association, family0
cni.huDegradable paint, degradable raw material, water-based paints and a foresight e.g. to introduce degradable paints and raw materials to the Hungarian market by the end of 2021.item, description, printing, domestic, coating0
apatit.huThe ambition of our homepage is you to know our dental office , treatments , prices , contact . Very important for us patients to keep ther oral health, we have got lots of informations about teeths, dental diseases, oral care. We have got tips for your acut dental problem, but only dentist can…dentistry, treatment, patient, price, dental0
patpartners.huShip-in-Food and Beverages… We heard from our partners… Ship-in-Shop products… From the ship-Laundry…ship, main, page, food, beverage0
aticsaszarne.huThe student must take the Theoretical exam within nine months from the start of the course, and must take a successful Theoretical exam within one year from the start of the course. And with in two years of the successful Theoretical exam you must take a successful Driving practical exam…aid cardexam, drive, course, theoretical, licence0
bornemisszavendeghazak.huLake Tisza is the second largest lake in Hungary, located in the northern part of the Great Plain. On its 127 km2, countless islands, backwaters and shallow channels alternate with vast open water areas, forming a characteristic mosaic landscape. Lake Tisza is the fourth showcase area of the…state aidlake, water, area, beach, apartment0
jungleapartment.hu…a peaceful night’s rest. There is also a single-person sofa bed under the gallery. You can make your morning coffee with the excellent Nespresso capsule coffee machine. The bathroom has pleasantly warm underfloor heating. The air conditioning helps to keep off the summer heat. The apartment is…apartment, house, bed, gallery, kitchen0
weldicon.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also…type, review, electric, holiday, incredible0
kdlegal.huI was very pleased with the documentary services provided by The Law Office Robertson. Many thanks to the team of attorneys, it was a successful experience.legal aid, aid defense, aid servicelegal, practice, single, case, attorney0
canadianschool.huWelcome to the Canadian International School Singapore. As one of the leading IB schools in the Asia Pacific region we offer an academically rigorous programme implemented by a broad range of languages, fine arts, athletic and service learning opportunities designed to develop balance, deepen…financial aidschool, learn, admission, career, student0
siketvak.huwe provide parents raising deafblind children, other organizations and their professionals with counselling;hear aidpersonal, introduction, activity, job, association0
reginart.huKi vagyok én?… Itt érsz el… Zara Bray Legal and General… Yay Definition Adverb… Wrongful Dismissal…legal aid, aid darwinlegal, legally, definition, general, claim0
caverescue.huHowever, in addition to cave rescue, BMSz is also ready and able to help those in need in many other cases. Due to special trainings, the members of the service are also able to approach difficult terrains in Hungary or to overcome extreme weather conditions.rescue, cave, member, area, operation0
zoldmami.hu…in our shop: 100% biodegradable bamboo toothbrushes and oral health care products, compostable nappies and baby care products, 100% biodegradable detergents, vegan superfood products, 100% natural based eco-friendly cosmetics, eco-friendly wipes or natural based probiotic feminine hygiene products.offer, cart, wish, list, view0
focusmed.huFocus Medical - CrystalFEMTO: Kristálytiszta látásélmény még extrém körülmények között is!vision, correction, surgery, focus, eye0
nandkft.huNAND Industrial Automation | Design and construction of individual target machines and systemsautomation, production, machine, industrial, construction0
gloryhungary.huAs a leading brand Glory promotes daily hygiene and cleansing. Our best known product is Glory hand disinfectant gel, the use of which does not require soap or water, and which can be used anywhere and at any time to ensure the pleasant feeling of clean and well-groomed hands.hand, sanitizer, soap, care, disinfectant0
wingsbeauty.huI have contacted the salon primarily because of KORNEL, who had already done an amazing job with my ruined hair and who makes a perfect natural transition between light brown and blond. (that was problematic before at other places). As far as I hear from the other hairdressers while I’m there – I…hair aidhair, treatment, makeup, permanent, reference0
tacticalstore.huOur customers’ satisfaction is crucial to us, so we long to fulfill your tactical gear, paracord, basic material, and camping and hiking equipment needs and offer you the products of leading manufacturers at a reasonable price!burn aidtactical, store, gear, belt, rope0
shotshop.huCrossbow Discounts… Hunting Discounts… Shooter Discounts… 1911 Discounts… BOWS… COMPOUNDS… COMPOUND…aid survivalcart, bow, arrow, archery, accessories0
andrasvoros.hucommercials… Bomba Energy Drink… IMAX Cinema… Road Safety… Hungarian Interchurch Aid… Go-Kart…commercial, drink, energy, safety, road0
szervitamedical.huWe offer occupational health care, health screening packages, lifestyle therapy and other health services.medical, health, occupational, care, screening0
mixvill.hu…Street lamps… Emergency lights… Fluorescent… LED… LED lamps… LED lightsources… LED E14… LED E27…aid materialcable, enclosure, accessories, series, meter0