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47 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: pedagogy

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anyanyelv-pedagogia.huThe column Tanulmányok [Studies] presents studies mainly in applied linguistics and first language pedagogy and—in a smaller number—in pedagogy. In the column Műhely [Workshop], there are studies and articles about the practical activities in education at the institutions and in the family and…language pedagogy, pedagogy journal, pedagogy hungarian, pedagogy peer, pedagogy publicationjournal, editor, language, article, number10
aktivzenetanulas.huOur participation at the Content Pedagogy Research Program of the Hungarian National Academy of Sciences gave us the opportunity to enrich music teaching methodology with experience-based learning models. During the research process our main research aim was to discover the ways to realize the…content pedagogy, pedagogy research, kokas pedagogy, pedagogy book, music pedagogymusic, model, movement, research, active7
zemplenimuzeum.huIn the Zemplén Museum in Szerencs there is a variety of museum pedagogy classes for every age group.museum pedagogy, pedagogy classmuseum, collection, postcard, exhibition, local6
amiovink.huBased on the principles of the wonderful Montessori pedagogy, with the help of the huge selection of the special materials, we educate the children about independence, creativity, self-realization beside the compulsory curriculum.montessori pedagogy, pedagogy helpkindergarten, talent, language, child, nursery3
sportovi.huOur English language teaching methods – in addition to the existing pedagogy programme – are purpose-based and our educational material is presented by native English teachers.hungarian pedagogy, pedagogy programme, international pedagogy, addition pedagogyprogramme, child, education, kindergarten, language2
blumprogram.hu…name which would not only be associated with physical health but one which would also support adaptability. This is how the Blum kindergarten pedagogy program for personality development was founded on trans-generational bases (named after our grandfather, drama teacher Mihály Bácskai, one of…century pedagogy, pedagogy differentiation, kindergarten pedagogy, pedagogy programchild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher2
kaczursandor.hu1993-2020: More than 2900 hours of training in information technology, programming, foreign languages, self-knowledge, pedagogy, methodology across topics, marketingknowledge pedagogy, pedagogy methodologywebpage, university, thesis, hungarian, mobility2
turbotanoda.huHumanities in 2003, I completed a Postgraduate Specialist Course in Corrective and Preventive Educational Psychology. In 2013 I graduated as a Special Education Teacher from the University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty with a degree in Pedagogy of Students with Learning Disabilities."drama pedagogy, degree pedagogy, pedagogy studentteacher, child, speciality, school, education2
brumiovoda.huIn 1998 we received the kindergarten certification first in the 16th district, and since then we have been operating in the form of private kindergarten. Our range of services has grown over time, in line with the extending knowledge of pedagogy and related sciences, our practical experiences and…knowledge pedagogy, pedagogy scienceskindergarten, group, child, age, range1
encounter.huThe person-centered approach – which is mostly known by the outstanding American humanistic psychologist, Carl Rogers – has had great effect on the helping professionals worldwide, the method how mental patients are healed, practice of pedagogy, ideas about effective leadership style…practice pedagogy, pedagogy idearegistration, group, fee, encounter, arrival1
managerhungary.huHe has been awarded a prize in pedagogy for establishing how to teach and develop thinking in practice by The Boston International Conference on the Methodology of Thinking in 1992. He has given lectures and mini-courses on topics that can be well-adapted in business such as learning methods…prize pedagogy, pedagogy practicethink, manager, book, publish, international1
hungarianlearn.huI was born in Budapest but went to university in Pécs . I finished my degree in general and applied linguistics , Hungarian as a foreign language , hungarology , finno-ugric studies and pedagogy . Right after graduation, I started working at PTE, I was teaching students within the International…study pedagogy, pedagogy righthungarian, language, lesson, private, teacher1
kooperativ.huOur bookshop offers books for children, learning toys, books on pedagogy and psychology, literature on teaching and learning, and teaching programs and tools.book pedagogy, pedagogy psychologyschool, teacher, training, parent, tool1
sepsieniko.hu…several new related training programmes. In 2015, I initiated the foundation of Benda Kálmán College of Excellence in Humanities and Social Sciences, and after the completion of the construction work, I became its first director and the head of its Arts Studies and Arts Pedagogy Workshop in 2017.art pedagogy, pedagogy workshopstudy, hungarian, university, theatre, french1
teljeselet.huOur work and efforts give young people with disabilities an experience of a lifetime, motivate hundreds of students and adults to volunteer, and inspire young people to pursue occupations as helpers, or work in the fields of special education, healing and pedagogy.goal, foundation, camp, main, newly1
cantatenobis.huMária Husznay-Thormann , the choir master of Cantate Nobis used to teach music, choir leading and related subjects between 1977 and 2010, as an Associate Professor at the Jászberény Faculty of Pedagogy of Szent István University . For decades she led the female and mixed choirs of the Faculty. In…faculty pedagogy, pedagogy szentensemble, choir, vocal, leadership, music1
komplexinstrukcio.hu…is the one and only methodology worth promoting. The country-wide roll-out is confined to the methodology, however the heart of innovation should be changing the culture of pedagogy. The project mechanisms are not in favour of creating sustainable change. The universities believe in micro networks.culture pedagogy, pedagogy projectschool, teacher, child, pupil, group1
olahsandor.huOláh Sándor was born in 1959 in Polgár. Currently he lives and works in Debrecen. He graduated at the Media Pedagogy major of the Teacher’s Training College of Eger, then he received his second degree at the Art major of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the College of Nyíregyháza. He studied in…medium pedagogy, pedagogy majorleather, art, picture, introduction, exhibition1
metropolis.org.huMetropolis, a Hungarian journal of film theory and film history, was founded in 1996 upon the initiative of a handful of students at what was then called Moving Image Theory and Pedagogy program at the Humanities Faculty of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest. (This course of study has since…theory pedagogy, pedagogy programhungarian, contemporary, representation, series, social1
indepth.huWe are experts of improvisation, playback theatre, psychodrama, drama pedagogy, and organization constellation.drama pedagogy, pedagogy organizationdepth, organization, learn, group, development1
sriprahlada.huWe try to use different methods during classes, such as project methods and drama pedagogy, and one of the kids’ favorites is the Adventure day.drama pedagogy, pedagogy kidschool, valley, education, student, krishna1
pestbuda.husong collector in 1905 and presented his own works to the public in 1910, and Psalmus Hungaricus, written in 1923, was a huge international success. His music pedagogy method is still used in education today. The composer's former home on Kodály Körönd now houses the memorial museum named after him.music pedagogy, pedagogy methodsquare, magazine, hungarian, statue, art1
soundweaving.huCimbalom player, musician, composer. Founder of the Tárkány Művek (Tárkány Works) band with a folk music approach to jazz. Tárkány Művek won the prestigious Junior Prima award in 2012. He is a member of several bands, plays traditional shepherd and rural folk music, and also deals with music…music pedagogy, pedagogy composepattern, origin, county, introduction, imprint1
mma-mmki.huThe role of the parent in art education has been researched since the autumn of 2021 by the art pedagogy […]art, publication, institute, close, cultural1
fuleiviola.huI live in a creative family; my husband is a pianist, we are raising our four children in Vác and I have not returned to my speech therapist job yet. I used to work in kindergartens and schools in Budapest and was leading speech improvement drama pedagogy classes for aphasic patients.drama pedagogy, pedagogy classproduct, main, pottery, introduction, gallery1
nyitottkor.hu…contexts. We will do this by developing new methods and upskilling our staff and wider networks through a series of trainings in creating counter narratives. Our methodology will draw on Freirian critical pedagogy, Theatre of the Oppressed, Applied Drama, Critical Incident and Community Organising.critical pedagogy, pedagogy theatredrama, group, european, school, participant1
edukid.huEdukid was created in 2010 with the goal of helping children and young people with hearing impairments in a way that adapts to the needs of the patient. We can proudly say that we are still unique in the market today. We are dealing primarily with hearing diagnosis and hearing rehabilitation for…special pedagogy, pedagogy surveychild, rehabilitation, speech, need, infant0
brigetio.huThe main attraction of the Brigetio Heritage Visitor Centre is the Brigetio Heritage permanent archaeological exhibition on the ground floor, designed and built by Narmer Architecture Studio, which presents in a spectacular and interactive form the most beautiful finds and the results of the…museum pedagogy, pedagogy activityvisitor, exhibition, museum, heritage, center0
szoloszemovi.huActivities being repeated and taking place at the same time, on the same schedule help them know what to expect. The daily programmes of the individual groups may be formed differently, taking their ages into consideration, although the time allocated for individual activities and the provision of…szőlőszem pedagogygroup, kindergarten, activity, daily, nursery0
demolab.huDemoLab is a two-years-long project focusing on high schools students, art, developing 21st century skills and collective learning (vagy community learning). The programme is realised by DIA and exclusively funded by the UNDEF.innovative pedagogylearn, method, young, people, summer0
kodaly.huKodály Institute in Kecskemét, Hungary teaches music teachers from all over the world so they can teach children with the Kodály Conceptinstitute, course, music, study, student0
translangedu.hu…translanguaging (García 2009) emphasize the linguistic repertoire and a holistic approach to communication (Gorter-Cenoz 2017) instead of the description of several languages, varieties, and code-switching between them. The major thrust of translanguaging research is to describe how speakers use…education, matter, language, multilingual, communication0
nagyothallo.info.huDr. Béla Török Kindergarten, Elementary School, Vocational School, Skills Development School, Unified Special Education Methodology Institute and College - ENGLISH VERSIONschool, special, development, education, child0
fuzerradvanyikastely.huThe gift shop, established in the reconstructed Füzérradvány palace, offers visitors a wide range of books, publications, photos, postcards, fridge magnets, ceramics, and porcelain and textile souvenirs related to the various exhibitions and collections of Károlyi Palace.museum pedagogyhistory, visitor, tour, exhibition, collection0
crownacademy.huWe apply a high-quality, interdependent educational program in the different age groups of our institution, which was developed based on children’s developmental stages and needs.developmental pedagogygroup, academy, crown, location, small0
sumegipalota.huThe gift shop offers visitors a wide range of books, publications, photos, postcards, fridge magnets, ceramics, and porcelain and textile souvenirs related to the various exhibitions and collections of the Episcopal Palace in Sümeg.museum pedagogyvisitor, history, guide, development, gift0
emlekezesdramaja.hu…high school students of Budapest. The research process is school ethnography, where institutional questionnaires, teacher and art teacher background interviews, and (participating) observation through occupations are the methods through which the research undertakes to create process analysis.theater pedagogy, pedagogy fineschool, remembrance, drama, art, social0
esct.hu…on ‘faith seeking understanding’, Catholic theology engages in interdisciplinary research and education which is loyal and yet constructively critical vis-à-vis the Church, while at the same time meeting the highest academic standards of the academy. The Society offers itself as a service both…catholic pedagogy, pedagogy edithpresident, theology, catholic, regional, congress0
szarvasimuzeum.huWelcome to the room of the triangle-headed idol. You can see the 7,000-year-old statue which has become the emblem of our museum. In this room, you can learn a lot of interesting things about this figure and the people who made it. In this period, farming techniques continued to develop so that…museum pedagogyexhibition, age, welcome, people, room0
bajaimuzeum.huFor Visitors… Events… Contacts / Opening hours… Tickets… About Us… History of the Museum… Publications…museum, history, house, exhibition, hour0
bajnaikastely.huThe gift shop, established in the reconstructed Sándor-Metternich Mansion, offers visitors a wide range of books, publications, photos, postcards, fridge magnets, ceramics, and porcelain and textile souvenirs related to the various exhibitions and collections of the mansion...museum pedagogyhistory, mansion, photo, exhibition, visitor0
rogersalapitvany.hu© 2024 Rogers Foundation for Person-Centered Education. All rights reserved! | Privacy Policy (HU) | Cookie Settingsdrama pedagogyeducation, foundation, person, development, emotional0
kubinyimuzeum.huThe Castle Museum is home to internationally renowned and unique finds from archaeological and historical periods, as well as art historical exhibits from the 19th and 20th centuries. Our collections consist of more than 150,000 artifacts, from which some are to be admired in the remarkable…museum pedagogyexhibition, museum, castle, collection, current0
kassakmuzeum.hu…Getting here… The building… Guided tours… Museum pedagogy… Research service… Reprography… Events…museum pedagogyexhibition, museum, admission, research, current0
naputasok.huHÓDOSI HELGA… TÁMOGATÁS / SUPPORT… GOETHEANUM – JUNI / AUGUST 2019… PRAGUE FEBRUAR 2019… BASEL NOVEMBER…art, international, academy, position, teacher0
matricamuzeum.huOPENING TIMES… TICKETS… GALLERY… EVENTS… Museum pedagogy… Visitors… Contacts… OUR TEAM… MUSEUM…museum pedagogymuseum, document, exhibition, open, ticket0
lanclanc.hu…on low shelves, and arranged tastefully. The children have a lot of space to move around: apart from the big classrooms, there is a gym and a huge garden. Gardening, music, singing, arts and crafts activities, circle games, and storytelling are all part of our everyday routine. The children…group, child, toddler, teacher, hungarian0