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126 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: abstract

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ritkabetegsegakademia.huAt the the virtual virtual conference conference space space we we provide provide access access to to the the presentation presentation videos, videos, posters posters given given by by the the authors authors themselves themselves (and (and also also abstracts, abstracts, as as mentioned…poster abstract, abstract book, programme abstract, preserve abstract, abstract controldatum, congress, case, subject, participant8
alpsadria.huWe are gladly announce that the Abstract book of the 19th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop has been published. You can download the Abstract book for free HERE:submission abstract, announce abstract, abstract book, workshop abstractalp, scientific, july, announcement, cancellation8
iseo2024.huAbstract: You are invited to submit original contributions for oral and poster presentations related to the topics of the Symposium. The use of an abstract template (maximum 3 pages A4 total for one submission) is mandatory. Correspondence regarding the abstracts will only be sent to the…submission abstract, use abstract, abstract template, correspondence abstract, abstract correspondoil, essential, university, symposium, international7
ssscc.huAll abstracts submitted to the conference will be published in the peer-reviewed digital Proceedings. The maximum length of the abstract and references is 1 page. Proceedings will be published on-line in Open Access with an ISBN number.ssscc abstract, abstract digital, length abstract, abstract reference, abstract submissioncity, system, sustainable, conference, safe7
weakmolinter.huCMS hosting & online services provider: Molcomp System Ltd . - Conference online registration and abstract managementabstract submission, registration abstract, abstract managementsymposium, interaction, molecular, japan, date6
aktivzenetanulas.huBorbála Lukács, Emese Maróti, Kata Asztalos, Ferenc Honbolygó (2020): Classroom music and movement instruction benefits only children’s musical skills: A two-year comprehensive study. The Neurosciences and Music – VII, 18-21 June 2021, Aarhus, Dánia (accepted abstract)proceeding abstract, abstract bookmusic, model, movement, research, active6
hbs-conference.huThe scientific programme will be organised according to the traditions; a few plenary lectures followed by oral presentations running in parallel sessions. Abstracts selected by the Scientific Advisory Board are delivered as oral lectures; all other abstracts are presented as posters.abstract submission, session abstract, abstract scientific, lecture abstract, abstract postermeet, annual, conference, hungarian, society6
isir.huThe online abstract submission system is open! 31 March 2024 is the deadline for submitting your abstract for the coming ISIR Symposium! Share this email with interested colleagues and students! Join ISIR community at Linkedin! 22nd International Symposium on Inventories 19-23 August 2024 –…online abstract, abstract submission, deadline abstract, abstract isirinventory, issue, supply, symposium, journal6
por.hu- Do not exceed 250 words for Articles, Reports and Seminars, 150 words for Short Communications and Case Reports. State briefly the aims of the study, the main question(s) and approach(es) as well as the most important results and conclusions. The abstract should be informative without reference…publisher abstract, abstract proceeding, word abstract, abstract reference, conclusion abstractuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine5
das2023.huIn a standard presentation , the contribution should be presented as a “Commented Poster Lecture”, which is a 4-min presentation about the summary of the work corresponding to the submitted abstract. The “Commented Poster Lecture” is followed by a regular poster presentation.work abstract, abstract comment, member abstract, abstract keynote, abstract submissionsociety, mechanic, symposium, experimental, conference5
biosysfoodeng.huAbstracts for oral and poster presentations are invited on the conference topics and should be uploaded to the registration form.registration abstract, abstract submission, form abstract, abstract maximumconference, effect, university, food, engineering4
anyanyelv-pedagogia.hu…of communication skills in Hungary, beyond the borders, and overseas as well. They also support first language development in the family and at institutions. The abstracts, titles, and keywords in English all strengthen the international accessibility of the papers published in the journal.institution abstract, abstract title, translation abstractjournal, editor, language, article, number3
csonkakepek.huMost of my creations are landscapes and still-lifes, but I gladly paint moody street landscape pictures and districts-scenes. Nowadays I explore the free and unrestrained world of abstract arts with pleasure, harping on the limits of colours and fantasy. I got my experiences in autodidact style…abstract picture, world abstract, abstract artpicture, landscape, painting, art, introduction3
q2020.huOn this website, you will find important information on the conference’s topics, sessions and training courses. Key dates and guidelines for the submission of abstracts and papers as well as practical information for your stay are also included.submission abstract, abstract paperconference, committee, statistical, date, course3
bayenergy.huActa Dermato-Venereologica Dermato-Venereologica is is a a journal journal for for clinical clinical and and experimental experimental research research in in ... ... Biotechnology Biotechnology Abstracts; Abstracts; Chemical Chemical Abstracts; Abstracts; CML CML DERMATOLOGY; DERMATOLOGY; CSA CSA…biotechnology abstract, abstract chemical, chemical abstract, abstract cmlday, book, series, breed3
huistro.huEnclosed please find the Report of the 1st ISTRO Working Group also, the Book of Abstracts.book abstract, abstract istromember, event, hungarian, branch, group2
vese-alapitvany.hu5. New line starts with 3 spaces, then the text: The text of abstract should be no more than 400 words. Subheadings should not be used. Avoid special characters if possible and avoid unusual abbreviations.text abstract, abstract word, reading abstract, abstract spellcheckinghungarian, foundation, school, kidney, university2
amondo.huBreak down everyday objects into their most simple shapes and forms with Blendraw. Develop abstract thinking skills as you determine which parts of an image are critical to its interpretation and understanding using two basic shapes and a wide range of colors. Beautifully designed, and…blendraw abstract, abstract think, way abstract, abstract lens, beautifully abstractcorporate, logo, brand, recent, image2
osas.huThe exhibition features constructive, concrete, abstract and conceptual works by nearly 50 artists from 15 countries. A common characteristic of the artists is interdisciplinary thinking and a consistent, independent creative strategy. The works were created using traditional and non-traditional…entity abstract, abstract concrete, concrete abstract, abstract conceptualart, post, exhibition, open, structure2
hdom.huThere is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.caramel abstracthorvath, photography, gallery, transition, half2
danielvaczi.huKada ad Libitum is an improvisation workshop which has been around for more than two decades. Their music immediately pulls the listener out of the rushing real-world. Their music is very emotional and abstract at the same time. From time to time snippets of the main theme emerge from…emotional abstract, abstract timemusic, instrumental, concert, improvisation, instrument2
triticale.huHome Organizing commitee Registration Program Abstracts, Papers Travel Info Sponsoring Hotel Booking Galleryprogram abstract, abstract paper, registration abstract, abstract submissionsymposium, research, registration, cereal, production2
daraloklub.huIf you want to approach self-defense from the side of reality. When it comes to energy in workouts, it always means kinetic energy, energy generated by muscles, and not abstract concepts.muscle abstract, abstract concepttraining, self, hour, defense, technique2
tapeta-bolt.huYork ARTISTIC ABSTRACT York CANDICE OLSON - CASUAL ELEGANCE York LEMIEUX York NEW ORIGINS York RONALD REDDING Grasscloth & Natural Resource York TOILES RESOURCE LIBRARYartistic abstract, abstract yorkwall, color, paper, origin2
whiterabbit.hu…desk and typical office supplies are the backdrop for this micro-universe that carries the macromessage, introducing the real problems of our real world: air-pollution, deforestation, overfishing, climate-change – thus making these abstract, complex environmental issue more tangible for everyone.change abstract, abstract complexcampaign, result, brand, solution, people2
nyirkosjudit.huAt the beginning, she created fire enamel pictures, then oil pastels and oil paintings. Her master is the painter Zoltán Kiss. Her paintings were initially dominated by geometric, abstract shapes and bright, dynamic colors. Later, the curved, organic forms also appeared in her paintings, which are…geometric abstract, abstract shapehomepage, painting, symposium, international, exhibition1
mfe-hda.huRead the current issue of our internationally listed, open access dental scientific journal, Fogorvosi Szemle (available in Hungarian, with abstracts in English) for FREE!hungarian abstract, abstract englishhungarian, association, dental, society, dentistry1
amplify.huFinancial modelling Financial modelling is the construction of an abstract representation of the real financial situation.construction abstract, abstract representationfinancial, consulting, model, reference1
idosgyogyaszat.huSzekacs B: Hypertension in the elderly - Critical review of diagnostic-therapeutic guidelines and their background. LAM 2012 (8-9): 505-515) (extended English abstract).age, hungarian, university, effect, medical1
szuszekos.hu…now forgotten dowry chests (ex-pelled to the attics and larders), the symbols of which amazed him. As it turned out, the interpretation of the abstract – mostly geometric – symbols of these furniture items of na-tionwide fame received only little coverage from the historians. As an artist, he…interpretation abstract, abstract geometricchest, hungarian, style, carpentry, item1
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huFor example: Abstract title from the Land Register or an extract from the register of Commercial Register (which contains the current and the previous data of the company).example abstract, abstract titlenotary, notarial, document, public, deed1
gaszek.huTo me what follows from all this is that real achievement is not when someone represents abstract ideas in abstract paintings but when someone – for the sake of simplicity I say it this way – formulates them in realistic or naturalistic paintings. Of course it does not mean that I despise this…achievement abstract, abstract idea, idea abstract, abstract painting, strong abstractarchive, gallery, news, paint, art1
ernart.hu“ Art therapy with Erna was a wonderful experience. The atmosphere in the sessions was really warm and friendly. It helped me relax and let my creativity express my emotions and ideas in an abstract way through art. The activities were diverse and very interesting. I could feel a bond of trust…idea abstract, abstract wayart, therapy, session, life, creation1
apambeajulna.huGergely György Balázs / / István Schmidt Schmidt / / Miklós Horváth. Received Received 2010-05-25. 2010-05-25. Abstract. Abstract. The The growing growing numbers numbers of of consumers consumers distort distort AC AC networks networks with with harmonics.receive abstract, abstract numberny, ray, live, movie, book1
opendimension.huMotion design - bringing characters and abstract shapes to life. Mythical creatures, animals and people, logos and short inscriptions.character abstract, abstract shapedimension, open, drone, model, virtual1
bisceerobot.huI hope to meet another predecessor of mine one day, Ethon. Ethon already resembled me much more, but I think it had a more artistic flair, which is evident in its appearance: it mostly looked like an abstract, triangular pyramid. Ethon moved with holonomic propulsion, but it also had arms and saw…like abstract, abstract triangularapril, research, friend, adventure, researcher1
botao.hu…reflecting lonely but positive emotion. Audience can interact with the sparkles and feel the emotion of the messages. In accordance to the emotion, abstract visual effects and motion are happening as well as adaptive contemporary music and sound, so as to strengthen the feeling of the audience.emotion abstract, abstract visualreality, tool, medium, artwork, virtual1
matisrita.huIn any set of works of art, one may at first glance distinguish Rita Mátis’s paintings. Against the backdrop of the abstract and geometric-abstract art of recent decades and photo painting, trickling on their periphery, Rita Mátis’s loud figurative painting is an attitude worth noting in itself…backdrop abstract, abstract geometric, geometric abstract, abstract artpainting, painter, exhibition, interview, colour1
novenytermeles.huThe journal publishes scientific papers, opinion papers, reviews and book reviews in the field of crop production, crop breeding, crop genetics, crop physiology and agrobotany written by Hungarian and international researchers with abstracts also in English and Russian.researcher abstract, abstract englishcrop, production, l., yield, sweet1
evolecol.huOur group organized the yearly conference of the Hungarian Society of Ethologists (MET) in 2019. The program and abstract booklet can be downloaded here .program abstract, abstract bookletpeople, publication, ecology, group, agricultural1
ramonabenkoart.hu…are at the same time dominated by, randomness, order, complexity and reduction . With this fragmented representation, I push the boundaries of abstract and realistic approaches. The series is autobiographical in nature, in which various psychological states can be observed, e.g. emotional…boundary abstract, abstract realisticnews, artwork, let, newsletter, fragment1
mzzt.huAll issues of the journal Magyar Zene [Hungarian Music] are now available online at Magyar Zene [Hungarian Music] . Magyar Zene is in Hungarian but includes abstracts in English.hungarian abstract, abstract englishhungarian, music, exhibition, site, society1
darklight.co.huI am strongly convinced that supremely talented dance artists with their natural born gifts represent a high cultural value that demands attention, live on the stage of the Hungarian National Opera House as well as on photos depicting dramatically lighted abstract moments.dramatically abstract, abstract momentdance, body, science, photo, hungarian1
lintimage.huAs the owner, I do my work with heart and soul… From the very beginning, we have explored the methods and materials that allow us to provide the least painful experience to our guests, who often come to us as a refuge after many negative experiences… I cannot abstract from the fact that in…experience abstract, abstract facttreatment, price, care, massage, hair1
creatorcave.huThe cycle of turning concrete experiences into abstract thought, than back to concrete pieces.experience abstract, abstract thinkcreation, visual, interactive, cave, sense1
katicaovi16.huIn the lives of future generations coding knowledge will be considered as basic as speaking foreign languages. During robotics sessions children acquire their knowledge by solving different logical tasks through which they improve their ability for abstract thinking.ability abstract, abstract thinkkindergarten, child, language, programme, basic1
compassioninaction.huBuilt around 10 simple cognitive Compassion Dynamics models to drive the mindset change from “ego” to “eco”, the workshops are designed to translate abstract understanding into experiential learning and as a result, changed action in small tangible steps.workshop abstract, abstract understandaction, self, group, result, value1
lanclanc.huThe hands-on experiences that the Montessori materials provide help the students in understanding and learning the concrete and the abstract knowledge, too. Our students also use digital tools, like laptops, for learning. We organize theme weeks, theme days and outings regularly, which make the…concrete abstract, abstract knowledgegroup, child, toddler, teacher, hungarian1
pitagora.hu‍ Blendraw is a unique skill development game helping children learn how to explore, create, and comprehend abstract images. Abstract thinking is the foundation of our daily existence. It is how we make decisions, react to our environment, and experience a situation.child abstract, abstract image, image abstract, abstract thinkrevival, consulting, model, way, role1
karpitmuveszek.hu…Stories in the Threads: the name of this exhibition also references this meta-narrative that is far from implying a detachment or something abstract. It is more like an intimate connection between the object and the threads of the spirit forming it. To quote Noémi Ferenczy once again, “The…detachment abstract, abstract like, human abstract, abstract metaphysical, number abstractlight, artist, tapestry, thread, nature1
abstractman.huIt is not an exaggeration to call obsession the strong positive feeling what made me motivated to think about and experiment with this “abstract cell”.motivate abstract, abstract cellsurface, solid, shape, edge, case1
taker.hu…the feathers. This got me thinking. Funny how people talk about feathers when there are obviously no feathers there, and rarely talk about the abstract splashes. I wanted to visually explore this idea in this work. On the left side of my wall there are really merely just splashes. Nothing else…rarely abstract, abstract splashwall, date, approx, location, close1
nikolettmagyar.hu…them more exciting by the play of symbols, shapes and colors. The latter are often completely abandoning figurality and developing through the abstract tradition and gestural painting, so the color effect and structural design are the focus. The varied play of surface qualities, the formation of…figurality abstract, abstract traditionart, exhibition, group, artwork, color1
geopolitika.hu2016. Some of our other studies and abstracts promote the work of the Central Bank of Hungary and professional working groups related to the Hungarian Government. Our research papers are read by over 100,000 readers from 150 countries worldwide every year. Being aware of the increasing…study abstract, abstract workfresh, china, road, century, institute1
nextconsulting.huto hone the assets and opportunities – individual as well as corporate – and work together to create the most efficient organization possible. In doing this, we allow measurable results rather than promises and abstract visions to lead the way: through successful collaboration, we create real value.promise abstract, abstract visionconsulting, manager, introduction, consultant, reference1
morihana.huBe believe that our values are reflected not just in abstract terms but practically by the wok of our colleagues. We are proud of working with them as well as with our partners, that's why they are presented here.value abstract, abstract termnews, firm, sme, career, certification1
korinda.huThe first album of Korinda Band is released in 2019, which is an abstract of their programme representing the musical traditions of the Moldavian Csángó’s and eastern part of the Sekler regions. With that concert programme Korinda got the possibility to tour not just all over Hungary, but also…band abstract, abstract programmemusic, member, tradition, heart, hungarian1
kismihok.huKismihók, G., Cornelisz, I., Klaveren, C. van, Berg, A. M., & Mol, S. T. (Eds.). (2017). Learning & Student Analytics Conference (LSAC) 2017: Implementation, Institutional Barriers and New Developments - Book of Abstracts .g., learn, conference, proceeding, research1
szaguldozz.huCOVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. Abstract This chapter reviews the main viral pathogens of the respiratory tract, the immune responses they induce, currently available vaccines, and…source abstract, abstract chapteranti, respiratory, virus, korean, cell1
startouring.hu…showcases artifacts from Renaissance Pécs. Other museums on Káptalan utca include the Martyn Ferenc Collection, featuring the works of this abstract painter, the surrealist paintings of Endre Nemes, and the sculptures and ceramics of Amerigo Tot. Give yourself a day or two to absorb it all…work abstract, abstract painterwine, hungarian, century, castle, country1
allergeninfo.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed faucibus libero risus, at blandit quam iaculis ut. Morbi porttitor lorem id sollicitudin dictum. Vestibulum sed tortor sed lorem laoreet sollicitudin eu vel nisl. Morbi eu sagittis.abstract ipostudy, case, amet, sit, dolor0
piczur3dstudio.huThe International Fine Art Exhibition serves as an opportunity for unique creatives from all around the world to demonstrate their talents. This year provides powerful narratives to complement groundbreaking art.abstract artworkart, exhibition, artwork, gallery, event0
huveta.huMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja is the only peer-reviewed journal in Hungarian that publishes high-quality veterinary research.fulltext abstract, abstract icahisveterinary, university, medicine, document, publication0
martaedocs.huMarta Edöcs creates contemporary and minimalist glass objects, wall panels, but she is also known internationally for her unique jewelry designs.work abstract, abstract imprintmarta, object, jewelry, glass, minimalist0
gyecsek.huExhibitions… Biography… Bibliography… Contact… Abstract pictures… Portraits… Landscapes… Entropy…abstract pictureartist, gallery, exhibition, biography, picture0
consimpex.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed faucibus libero risus, at blandit quam iaculis ut. Morbi porttitor lorem id sollicitudin dictum. Vestibulum sed tortor sed lorem laoreet sollicitudin eu vel nisl. Morbi eu sagittis.abstract ipostudy, case, amet, sit, dolor0
zlatko.huBudapest Making New Waves Festival - Andrea Ladanyi performs by interrupting laser rays to trigger sound processes programmed by Zlatko. Michael McInerney processes the sound of Shakhuachi with sensors controlling processes designed for improvisation.budacolor abstract, abstract nightpec, birmingham, sound, modular, improvisation0
ddrs2021.hupreferred to have a conventional face-to-face conference at a later date. DDRS Conference as a culminating event of a series of conferences in the topic has its merits by having a highly international faculty and audience and the time to interact and network during the conference. It was also…scientific, programme, conference, exhibition, organiser0
streetarttattoo.huAre you looking for a professional tattoo parlor in Budapest? You are at the right place! The team of Street Art Tattoo Tattoo salon and Piercing studio are waiting for your application in the heart of the city center! Contact us at one of our contacts or make an appointment using the menu item…abstract tattootattoo, appointment, book, artist, art0
ezham2024.huEZHAM 2024 will specifically focus on zebrafish facility management, husbandry and fish holding related topics. We are going to discuss the latest scientific achievements in aquarium maintenance, zebrafish husbandry, with special emphasis on health and welfare issues.meet, european, association, sponsor, scientific0
hamiltonconsulting.huHamilton Consulting is a small enterprise for education, consulting, and research in quantum science and technology. We rely on our academic expertise and network we've built up in the past two decades, as quantum-physics researchers and educators at various European research institutions and…consulting, technology, industry, science, workforce0
ecpa2021.huOn the ECPA2021 conference technical tour participants will gain insight into precision agriculture technology solutions adopted and applied on the field through the example of a large Hungarian farming company, KEVE Zrt. The technical tour begins in the outskirts of Baracska, near Budapest (the…poster abstract, abstract book, abstract submissionconference, submission, agriculture, precision, news0
szenogradi.huAbout Me…visual, background, artist, painter, portfolio0
nanotechnology.huIf graphene is a promising material in many respects, its remarkable properties may be impaired by unavoidable defects. We have undertaken electron wave-packet dynamics calculations in a multigrain self-supported graphene layer. Our results show that a grain boundary may act as a reflector at some…video abstract, abstract en, abstract hupublication, butterfly, image, photonic0
kozjogazdasaga.huSkip to footer… Extranet… Community… Community News… E-Learning… Knowledge Base… Activity… Messages…collection, single, event, post, job0
floraveres.huFlora Veres is Budapest based contemporary dancer, choreographer, performer, dance teacher. Here you can find some information about her work, upcoming events and contact details.dance, performance, upcoming, choreographer, detail0
bav-art.huAmong the appraisers organized by the BÁV Appraiser Academy, the work art appraiser training is very popular, almost always “sold-out”, in many cases we can only receive those interested on a waiting list.art, academy, training, auction, paint0
sociosummit.huThe Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (FTI-iASK) and the Centre for Social Care Excellence at Semmelweis University are organising the 2nd International Socio-Kraft Conference: The Space is Yours – Culture and Cooperation. The two-day event will take place on 23-24 November 2023 in Veszprém…socio, summit, committee, conference, travel0
hm2020.huHM2023 will be taking place in Budapest, one of the most beautiful cities of Europe. The previous conferences have taken place in the magnificent cities of Berlin, Porto, Innsbruck, Ancona, Brussels, and Bydgoszcz. In the history of Budapest, the year 1872 stands out as a milestone, for it was…abstract submission, book abstract, abstract bookforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis0
jurassic2022.huwe still have to decide when the Jurassic ended, so watch out for the session on the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. In addition, we invite you to a public panel discussion on Jurassic topics, a presentation of a newly published book, visits to museums, and a mid-conference field excursion to give youprogram abstract, abstract fieldcongress, august, invitation, september, limestone0
patekandrea.huabstract… association… diploma work… about… Abstract… Association… Diploma…association0
isc2022.huThe International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC) represents the oldest conference series on separation science. ISC symposia have been organised since 1956 in each even year. ISC is one of the premier meetings series for discussion of all modes of chromatography and separation science with a…welcome, programme, poster, vendor, venue0
pixelavi.hupixelavi – Pixel by pixelnature, macro0
varadyrobert.huscholarships, awards… solo exhibitions… group exhibitions… works in collections… Works… order by date…exhibition, award, scholarship, group, collection0
isza.huISZA2019 - Program and abstract book HOTprogram abstract, abstract bookbook, download, hot0
mentalport.huyear… 29th year… 30th year… 31th year… 32th year… Issue 1 - February 2023… Issue 2 - May 2023… Issue 3 -…abstract english, főoldal abstractissue, august, february, june, april0
szokoe.huThis year, the conference (entitled “SUSTAINABLE DIGITALISATION? GAINS AND LOSSES TEACHING AND RESEARCHING LANGUAGES FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES IN CHANGING ENVIRONMENTS”) will be organised by the Institute of Business Communication and Professional Language Studies, Debrecen University , on 0 5…fee abstract, abstract informationconference, language, specific, publication, news0
ahoi.hu"One ship drives east and other drives west by the same winds that blow. It's the set of the sails and not the gales that determines the way they go."(Ella Wheeler Wilcox)sunrise abstractoil, summer, flower, beach, bicycle0
viktoriavarga.huVisit the world of VIKTORIAVARGA for a private shoppingselect, option, signature, collection, add0
doggiesdesign.hu“We love our Doggies Design collar, it is made of very good materials, it can withstand Bambi always when he pulls. The buckle holds all the time, which is a very big advantage for us.”abstract collardog, view, collar, set, product0
somogyimark.hu…Abstract nature… Little walls of China… Salföld and surroundings… Bird art… Water and smoke plastics…abstract naturephotographer, china, photography, advertising, movie0
szempillanat.huAutomotive… Products… Portraits… About… Recent… Abstract photography…abstract photographyphotography, automotive, product, recent, everyday0
beddanarrett.hu” Expression over perfection, vitality over finish, fluctuation over repose, the unknown over the known, the veiled over the clear, the individual over society, and the inner over outer ”definition abstract, abstract expressionismoil, acrylic, medium, hungarian, perfection0
opuseteducatio.hu…argument on these learning tools. The simple quantitative instruments were applied to analyse the data. The SVVR contribute to the students’ eagerness in learning the English language. Although the easiness of this tool enhances learners’ desire in the English language instructional, the…university, education, faculty, economic, learn0
cefood2024.hu20-24 reasons to become a food scientist, food technologist, food engineer, nutritionist, food chemist, food microbiologist, food economistfood, conference, october, science, technology0
superresolution.huSecond Symposium on Super-resolution and Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy and István Ábrahám Memorial Workshopdeadline abstract, abstract submissionmemorial, resolution, university, medical, school0
esvcp2024.hu…species will be discussed ranging from honeybee to cattle. We shall not forget about the harmonization of laboratory testing. There will be sessions for mystery cases and cytological slides. The European Canine Lymphoma Network will also join our congress with their separate satellite session.abstract close, registration abstract, abstract submissionaugust, registration, congress, veterinary, european0
espcr2023.huCall for Abstracts… Registration… Programme… Venue… Accommodation… Hungary and Budapest… Social event…submission abstractregistration, programme, venue, accommodation, supporter0
phagocytes2024.huWe look forward to meeting you at the 2024 European Phagocyte Workshop to be held between March 20-23, 2024 in Visegrád, Hungary., The workshop follows nearly 40 years of phagocyte-focused meetings h Welcome | European Phagocyte Workshop 2024 Budapestabstract submissioneuropean, march, welcome, forward, nearly0
phagocytes2023.huWe look forward to meeting you at the 2023 European Phagocyte Workshop to be held between March 29 - April 1, 2023 in Budapest, Hungary., This will be a standalone meeting dedicated entirely to phagoc Welcome | European Phagocyte Workshop 2023 Budapestabstract submissioneuropean, april, march, forward, welcome0
lukacsiprofecia.hu"Strictly speaking, ’the being’ has no existence. What we routinely term an ordinary ’being’ is nothing but a highly relative conjoining of complex entities within a certain historical process. … A definition of the historical character of what is essentially inorganic is faced with several…attempt, letter, intention, existence, highly0
aranykorotthon.huTote bag pok pok brunch, meh trust fund chia blog air plant. Tofu af subway tile, craft beer pok heirloom plaid lyft vape wolf jianbing.good abstract, abstract artistexhibition, section, art, viral, artist0
cpbci2022.huFlyer… Abstract book… Getting there… Invited Speakers… Keynote Lectures… Poster informations… Program…abstract book, abstract submissionbook, speaker, poster, fee, venue0
hungairy.huYoung and old, from 7 years old to 70 - all ages were represented in this year's tekAIRd körbe! competition. The campaign, part of the HungAIRy LIFE integrated, was launched by Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd.main, news, hungarian, event0
iceee.hu1 Sustainability Solutions Research Lab, Faculty of Engineering, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary, 2 Environmental Research and Studies Center, University of Babylon, Babylon, Al-Hillah, Iraq, 3 University of Pannonia, Faculty of Engineering, Center for Natural Science, Research Group of…university, environmental, engineering, sciences, faculty0
evacon.hu…to details, with flexibility and innovation on cost effective ways. We take care of the timeline and budget of the planned organized programme. Evacon Ltd. knows the successful importance of the project security and goals with the maximum satisfaction of sponsors exhibitors and participants.concept, programme, activity, reference, conference0
korosgabor.hu…Dolomites 2024 2024… USA Trip 2024… First of May in Budapest 2024… Barcelona Street 2024 2024… D-Day…abstract i.portrait, street, photo, fashion, colour0
puzzlekucko.hu…Sunsout… White Mountain… Lovak… Schmidt - 1000 darabos - 58532 - Boathouse with Canoes… Schmidt - 1000…darabo abstract, abstract neonenjoy, art, white, hill, masterpiece0
parlamentiszemle.hu…the fields of public law and political sciences and dealing with parliaments and parliamentary issues at Hungarian universities nationwide, former and current justices of the constitutional court, as well as a senior executive at the Office of the National Assembly. Members of the editorial board:university, professor, parliamentary, constitutional, hungarian0
metropolis.org.hu…theirs published in Hungary (for example, Jacques Aumont, Pascal Bonitzer, Edward Branigan, Noël Burch, David N. Rodowick, Marie-Claire Ropars, Kristin Thompson.) In addition, our goal is to explore little-known or unjustifiably neglected areas and eras of the history of film theory and of film…english abstracthungarian, contemporary, representation, series, social0
cogmob.huHuman Interfaces: bio, cognitive, digital and wearable interfaces – augmented reality in transportupload abstract, abstract papercognitive, university, mobility, explore, transport0
holokausztmuzeum.huIn partnership with internationally acclaimed historians and world-famous experts of exhibition design and development, we are creating one of Europe's most extraordinary museums of the Holocaust and Jewish historyabstract representationexhibition, history, house, fate, today0
artvibe.huThis is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content.place, type, holder, people, actual0
cpbci.huThe aim of the conference is to bring together scientists working on various aspects, including chemistry, physics and biology of colloidal and interfacial systems, soft matter, and nanotechnology, and to promote the exchange of ideas between scientists with different areas of expertise within…abstract bookbook, speaker, poster, participant, organiser0
blogbook.huIntroduction to Programming Using Java (5th Edition – final version, 2010 Jun) – David J. Eck (HTML, PDF, ePUB + exercises)warren abstract, abstract machineprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
cpbci2025.huThe aim of the conference is to bring together scientists working on various aspects, including chemistry, physics and biology of colloidal and interfacial systems, soft matter, and nanotechnology, and to promote the exchange of ideas between scientists with different areas of expertise within…abstract bookbook, speaker, poster, participant, date0
embersari.huFaulheit (Lazyness), Bipolar project, Wolfsburg Kunstverein, Germany; Ponton Gallery, Budapestgallery, art, photography, são, group0
cesep2023.huWelcome - CESEP'23 | 9th International Conference on Carbon for Energy Storage and Environmental Protectionshort abstract, abstract preliminary, submission abstractconference, view, detail, protection, storage0
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iugb35.huOn September 21, 2021, the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) opened its 35th IUGB Congress with a welcome speech from Congress President, Prof. Dr. Sandor Csányi.guideline abstractcongress, registration, guideline, nature, venue0
poetrytherapy.huAbstracts… Tickets and Registration… Recommended Accomodations… Sightseeing Budapest… Organiser Team…programme, sightseeing, organ, european, ticket0
rbc2022.huIt is with pleasure that we invite you to participate in the Regional Biophysics Conference (RBC) to be held August 22-26, 2022, Pécs, Hungary .biophysics, conference, regional, deadline, registration0
jetc2017.hu…Submission… Venue… Accomodation… Exhibition and sponsors… Exhibition and sponsorship… Sponsors andregistration abstract, abstract submissionhungarian, conference, submission, registration, exhibition0
cemc-mscc2024.huGallery… Committees… Scientific programme… Abstract submission… Registration… Field trips… Location and…abstract submissionscientific, submission, registration, sponsor, gallery0
obic-bbs.huOBIC's overall goal is to improve the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy by contributing to a better understanding of the East Asian region. To achieve its objective, OBIC aspires to become a leading institution in oriental business studies - not only in Hungary, but in the broader Central…abstract submissionconference, orient, dialogue, language, submission0