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380 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: sense

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commonsensesociety.huCommon Sense Society is an international network that promotes liberty, prosperity, and beauty—aspirational ideas that are indispensable to human flourishing and happiness. With a community-focused model across North America and Europe, we educate 21st-century generations and inform public…common sense, sense societycommon, society, event, news, music23
lathatatlan.huIf you visit the exhibition you can experience what it is like to live without the sense that provides you with the most information, your eyesight. Moreover, how losing one sense strengthens your other senses!like sense, sense information, eyesight sense, exclusively sense, sense balanceinvisible, exhibition, dinner, taste, foreign10
teremtoonismeret.hu…manipulative games, ulterior motives, emotional sado-masochism, virgin-whore mentality, poor-me roles, eagerness to comply with expectations, sense of guilt, self-pity, shame, pusillanimity, stupidness, laziness, money-grubbing, lust, fiery love, extortive-possessive love, wastefulness…method sense, sense guilt, secret sense, expectations sense, child senseparent, power, father, mother, relationship9
szav.hugets a new companion, or their companion grows in size). This talent can also change in flavor depending on the nature of your game setting. While an animal companion may make sense in many settings, in a futuristic setting it may make more sense for the “animal” to be a robot or drone, for example.sense emotion, uncanny sense, sense perception, companion sense, sense settingtier, activation, check, character, active9
turbo-hiba.huLuxury travel is back. The pandemic-weary population is emerging from lockdowns with the goal of relaxing and reviving senses dulled by one zoom meeting too many. Whether it is finally …goal sense, sense zoomhealthy, style, culture, fashion, live6
balazstakacs.hu…level as well and they help you relax and relieve blocks. Balázs is a very humble expert, whose friendly personality and gentle strength contribute to clients feeling a great sense of relaxation during massages. He is very flexible about bookings and he adapts to the preferences of clients.fulfil sense, sense comfort, deep sense, sense tranquillity, great sensemassage, gift, voucher, pain, minute6
sleephero.huDesperate, I turned to the Internet, where I first met a "sleep consultant". Since I was completely distraught and did not want to continue staying overnight for a single day, I immediately started the Sleep Sense program and put all my trust in the consultant. And guess what, everything they…sleep sense, sense consultant, sense programsleep, hero, day, child, night6
helping-hand.huADHD children are constantly struggling with lack of self-esteem. There is tremendous strength in praise for such a child, so teachers and parents shall always organize activities so that the child can do something good, have a sense of achievement and be praised. For children with ADHD, it is…chores sense, sense success, great sense, sense humour, task sensechild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten5
gyermekkoriautizmus.huAutism is “invisible” to people in the sense that many affected with autism look normal like anybody else. Despite autism being one of the most common developmental disabilities, there is not enough information about it.room sense, sense excellent, people sense, sense autism, underactive senseautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic5
argeomentum.huWe have substantial experience as invited speakers and presenters on our research projects to date across a range of national and international universities, adult training and summer schools. Amongst our teaching specialisations are geospatial planning, remote sensing, geodesy, agricultural and…remote sense, sense qualitative, sense eu, sense map, sense farmerresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation5
orsegi5erzek.huJust a taste of our novelties: a herb garden, herbal bath, herbal gastronomy… and a lot of unique and exciting secrets are awaiting you at the 5 Érzék Házak (5 Sense Guesthouses), in Őrimagyarósd, in the Őrség National Park.sense house, házak sense, sense guesthousehappiness, health, freedom, length, garden5
nanotechnology.huThis image shows the color change of the butterfly scale in our vapor sensing experiments in the 3D chromaticity diagram using 7 vapors at 10 concentrations. We proved that a modification of the surface may offer a possibility to sensitize / desensitize the sensors for certain volatiles and to…chemical sense, sense work, sense butterfly, vapor sense, sense experimentpublication, butterfly, image, detail5
balettora.huGives inspiration to fantasy through dance moves, rendering the children a sense of achievement. It is important to to carry the moves to the finish in a healthy way, by taking care of the joints and muscles, and of the gradual, as well as conscious use of the body.child sense, sense achievementdistrict, ballet, dance, course, child4
envirosense.huThe most widely used airborne remote sensing data during planning processes are orthophotos made by digital cameras. Although orthophotos appear to be simple photographs, they have a uniform scale like maps, objects are represented spatially, and accurate measurements are offered. Using remote…remote sense, sense service, sense datadata, area, map, page, airborne4
ernart.hu…creativity the most! You’ll use the objects from your environment and others, that you collect from the nature. It’s already exciting to check what you notice in your surroundings as potential material for your creations! Pebbles, pieces of wood, leaves etc. can gain a new sense through a creation!general sense, sense positive, new sense, sense creationart, therapy, session, creation, group4
ketszerecsen.huKét Szerecsen is a coffeehouse in the old sense, where you can drop by in the morning, at noon or late at night. Where you can always see a smiling face. Where ...old sense, sense morningmorning, night, face, late, page4
hungarikumbisztro.huWe are a family, who together with some friends, would like to create an atmosphere where everybody can feel like a family member and feel the sense & the taste of the real Hungarian hospitality.member sense, sense tastegallery, reservation, sour, potato, like3
nokvilaga.huSo what exactly is this alpine sense of life? An attitude? Of course. A lifestyle? Most definitely. The certainty of being in the right place here and now? Naturally. Something inside you that wells up as you enjoy nature and the mountains? Absolutely! You’ll hear a variety of answers if you talk…alpine sense, sense life, people sense, sense communityperformer, event, woman, country, fashion3
mobilemassage.huWe are available seven days a week offering premium quality massage programmes each of which is provided by our pretty, young, fully qualified and experienced masseuses. We operate officially and with total discretion. Our special programmes and our attractive masseuses will give you a sense of…masseuse sense, sense total, lifetime sense, sense masseusemassage, body, pleasure, guest, masseuse3
komplexinstrukcio.hufor the current teachers through the training, but also for the other stakeholders as a part of the dissemination and advocacy activities. In this sense, the cooperation between the three institutions, the school, the university and the non-governmental organization is rather vital and it creates…way sense, sense visual, orientation sense, sense purpose, activity senseschool, teacher, child, pupil, group3
azumba.huWhether you’re dealing with serious legal matters or just in need of a laugh, it’s important to have the right knowledge and resources. Stay informed and remember to keep a sense of humor!good sense, sense humor, inform senselegal, law, agreement, contract, rule3
iask.huThe European Space Agency (ESA) is organising an Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing with the focus on Agriculture and Water in collaboration with the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK). This course is dedicated to training the next generation of Earth Observation (EO)…remote sense, sense eo, sense focusresearch, centre, digital, news, sustainable3
kedrion.huKedrion’s plasma-derived therapies help people suffering from rare and debilitating conditions like Coagulation and Neurological Disorders, and Primary and Secondary Immunodeficiencies. We are privileged to provide this service and do so with a profound sense of responsibility.profound sense, sense responsibilitysafety, quality, news, corporate, report3
envitek.huRPG manufactures a wide range of instruments for remote sensing of the earth’s atmosphere and ocean / land surface, both ground based and airborne. The wide field of meteorological applications is covered by tropospheric temperature and humidity profilers, water vapor and cloud liquid radiometers…remote sense, sense technique, sense earthgas, process, solution, manufacturer, instrument3
abece.humethods presently used by the so-called specialists have some similar aspects: they take up a long period of time, and it is difficult for pupils to get a real sense of achievement. The general practice thus goes against the fact that successful treatment can only be achieved at one-to-one sessions.meaningless sense, sense problem, real sense, sense achievement, confidence sensechild, problem, programme, task, treatment3
szaguldozz.huAfter viral fusion, the genome is released into the cytoplasm, viral genes are transcribed, and viral genomes are replicated Collins and Crowe,Collins and Melero, The paramyxovirus best anti ageing serum korean comprises single-stranded, negative-sense, nonsegmented RNA. This is achieved by a…negative sense, sense nonsegmented, sense rna, positive sense, sense singlerespiratory, virus, korean, cell, vaccine3
napkiado.hu…stone carvings found during the excavations and other finds from the Anjou and Renaissance periods all speak of the fabulous wealth, artistic senses and culture of the ruling class of the age. The castle and palace in Óbuda first belonged to the king, later to the queen, the king resided here…today sense, sense word, artistic sense, sense cultureanthem, national, country, nation, book3
espressiq.hu…part of our daily rhythm. We strive to cultivate an environment where people can gather, share their thoughts, and ignite inspiration in one another. At EspressIQ, we believe in the power of connection, fueled by the love for coffee, to create meaningful encounters and foster a sense of belonging.surely sense, sense heart, encounter sense, sense belongcoffee, flavor, taste, captivating, heart2
thermodelta.huIR236 Fever Sensing System is professional in taking thermal images even on the flowing crowds with high efficiency and distinguish those with elevated temperature, which indicates possible presence of the fatal virus, like SARS and H5N1, With a size similar to competition products, it integrates…fever sense, sense systeminfrared, image, thermal, camera, price2
icqglobal.huEither in our corporate or private environment creating a culture of equality, where people feel valued and a sense of belonging has never been more important. We believe that in an inclusive environment, diversity is transformed into synergy, thus the level of innovation, engagement and…uncommon sense, sense unusual, value sense, sense belongglobal, welcome, people, knowledge, trainer2
heartandsexuality.huIt is important for us to be able to work together in venues where we can create a maximum sense of security, have adequate equipment and have our own kitchen.maximum sense, sense securitysexuality, training, heart, body, basic2
budapestcircusfestival.huThe impressive perche act of the De TRU group brings the harmony and peace of the Far East to the circus stage, in which extraordinary concentration is combined with an amazing sense of balance. In 2022, the performance won the Silver Medal at the International Circus Festival in Hanoi. In 2023…amazing sense, sense balancecircus, festival, international, act, artist2
abstractman.huHow could we create such a shape, which forms a uniform transition between these inner and outer funnel surfaces? Theoretically, in a sense this would be the opposite of the saddle surfaces, as there is a “crossing” between the plain convex (outer dome) and plain concave (inner dome) structures…theoretically sense, sense opposite, knowledge sense, sense spontaneoussurface, solid, shape, edge, case2
goconcept.huArtúr has a positive, attentive personality and a great sense of humor. In his spare time, he plays guitar in a punk band and makes recordings at his home studio.entertain sense, sense humor, great sensetraining, lab, development, trainer, change2
ehrenfeld.huUnderstanding your business is key to making informed decisions. We build structures and help you make sense of your financials and gain insight into how you can further develop.sense number, structure sense, sense financialadvisor, career, financial, open, healthy2
tiszapartimesehaz.huSink into the whirlpool tub and experience a sense of luxury in a body-smoothing, immersive environment. This enchanting island of tranquillity will relax your senses and replenish your depleted energy reserves, so you can return to your daily routine renewed and refreshed.tub sense, sense luxury, tranquillity sense, sense energyfabulous, cottage, place, summer, bathroom2
darvasjudit.huAwareness of how we make sense of the world, of how we engage or disengage in situations, how we impact others and are impacted by others - this is a precursor of change. Once we have gained awareness, we may choose to stick to our habitual solutions or we may seek new ones. Instead of running on…balance sense, sense security, awareness sense, sense worldstudent, study, approach, therapy, freedom2
russianstudies.hu…were followed by a lively discussion, and the conference was closed by a convivial gala dinner. Throughout the two-day program, there was a sense of liberation as the conference had had to be postponed several times due to the pandemic, and colleagues took full advantage of all the benefits…program sense, sense liberationrussian, study, history, russia, historical2
ihr.huIn our films we catch hold of the viewers seeing and hearing senses at the same time, that is why we works with the best musicians, recordists and actorsrealm sense, viewer sense, sense timeview, video, promotional, main, page2
artelli.huWhen the ordered garments are finished, we meet for a final fitting to ensure every detail meets your expectations. The privilege of owning a unique handcrafted product -specially designed and built according to the personal wishes- expresses the purest sense of Artelli Bespoke Tailoring. Unique…pure sense, sense artelli, sense bespokebespoke, tailor, handmade, unique, style2
kopintalapitvany.hu…paper will refer to such exchanges, which are also shaped by personal relationships, as contention (rivalry) rather than competition in the broad sense, and will attempt to describe them as accurately as possible using the tools of institutional economics. The analysis suggests that it is not onlytechnical sense, sense central, broad sense, sense accuratelyeconomic, international, literature, country, economy2
satyananda.huWe invite you to yoga classes conducted in English at our beautiful downtown yoga center. Taking up yoga is one of the single most effective ways to improve your sense of wellbeing. As there are many types of Yoga it’s important to choose the right type for you. We teach Satyananda Yoga. It’s…general sense, sense people, way sense, sense wellbeingyoga, february, retreat, author, awareness2
beacoach.hu“A sense of humor… is needed armor. Joy in one’s heart and some laughter on one’s lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life.” (Hugh Sidey)humor sense, sense humorway, career, september, university, fun2
twinstravel.hu…my insecurity and doubt were very good and efficient. Say hello to the ladies we had for guides, in particular to Monika in Warsawa, because she is very good and a beautiful person in all senses ...saludos. From Diaz Pailles Guillermo Manuel, Amirante Marignac Norma and Zylberberg Fainstain Enriqueperson sense, sense saludostravel, tour, city, guide, person2
transporteconomics.hu…valuation, transport pricing, public transport, transport and environment, land-use modeling, and policy assessment. But above all, Piet was dearly beloved by everyone who has had the privilege to work with him, for his wisdom, his warm personality, his gentleness, and his sense of humour.cost sense, sense anymore, gentleness sense, sense humourdata, transport, map, note, road2
beingmore.hu“Working together has directed our attention on critical areas that negatively impact our colleagues’ sense of feeling safe. Now, we are consciously paying attention to these. We have become more structured. The experience of working together was pleasant, inspiring, and ‘definitely safe’.”colleagues sense, sense safeclient, leadership, journey, performance, development2
globon.huA wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I am alone, and feel Continue Readingexquisite sense, sense merecity, economy, western, soul, like2
lanazen.huFeminine and delicate, the designs of the Tiffany Fleur de Lis collection offer a refined sense of graceful empowerment that speaks to quiet confidence.refine sense, sense gracefulview, quick, brand, earring, list2
fmlogistic.hu‘‘Our success has not been left to chance. It is based on a legacy of family values combined with entrepreneurship and common sense.’’logistic, supply, solution, change, chain2
silhouetteconsulting.huTo me, an event is only a success, if both the client and the guests are satisfied, whether it is a smaller scale corporate event or a programme involving thousands of participants. I always make a success out of the projects I am in charge with thanks to my good sense of logistics. Looking for…good sense, sense logistic, attention sense, sense humourevent, consulting, manager, challenge, client2
pergoklimax.huA wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the…type, single, soul, spring, heart2
sensa.huTherefore, any development of personal effectiveness should be based on their specific role; if the employee understands this, not only can they become proactive, but innovative and forward thinking, resulting in a sense of dedication and accomplishment. The emphasis is on a shift in attitude, so…sensa sense, sense security, forward sense, sense dedicationdevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting2
qbparty.huBased on the experience of the last three years, we experience what the community needs. We want to have a great party. It doesn't make sense to have compos with only 1 or 2 entries.party sense, sense entryentry, yes, place, travel, minute2
metropolis.org.huMargitházi Beja: Awakening Sense Memory Photographic Trauma Marks and Medial Memory Work in Son of Saul, Warsaw Uprising and Reginaawaken sense, sense memorycontemporary, representation, history, social, woman2
laurelbudapest.huThe Dining Guide Top 10 Hungarian restaurants awarded Laurel Budapest stands as a culinary destination that delights the senses and creates lasting memories. From their remarkable dinner service, featuring the chef menu and plant-based vegan degustation menu, to the delightful lunch experience…menu sense, sense michelin, destination sense, sense lastingrestaurant, dining, culinary, taste, wine2
heatenergy.hu…point, we strive to add value to products through continuous improvements and ideas, as well as through excellent standards of service in all areas from design to engineering and out to production and service. We also treat ecological sustainability as an essential and common-sense requirement.common sense, sense requirementheat, energy, gas, regulator, safety2
funcity.huFeel the new dimension of entertainment with all your senses! The Crazy Rush takes to new worlds, you may act as an F1 pilot to drive around Hungary with jetpack, you may race with the Turbocharger or explore the minute details of our gigantic terrain board, including the trains rushing among the…entertainment sense, sense crazy, effect sense, sense technologyticket, entertainment, close, crazy, type2
placcc.huSlow Steps have Ears is a sound meditation and a sonic treasure hunt at the same time: 25 hidden speakers will play with our sense of reality in the Kerekerdő park through 2 and a half weeks.speaker sense, sense realityexhibition, dance, performance, twig, festival2
nemethgaborbuvesz.hu“Gábor’s performance is fantastic; it becomes truly exciting by involving spectators. My 8-year-old son was speechless at the end; he only asked me when the next show takes place. ☺ My personal favourite element is that Gábor slips his own personality, his kindness, and sense of humour into it. It…exclusion sense, sense thank, kindness sense, sense humourticket, performance, trick, date, wedding2
czurda.huhis vineyard, truly leveraging the natural world by preparing the soil from wood, bushes, and impertinent neighbours, as well as in the figurative sense by dealing with the many administrative burdens. In 2016 the vineyard was finally established with the passion, endurance, and substantial help ofliteral sense, sense emissary, word sense, sense metaphorically, figurative sensewine, region, riesling, vineyard, shop2
borkovics.huMy topic is the interpretation of the concept of time. I build the character of the story on the infinity of the circle, which I redefine through my own experimented technique. Time is, in the ordinary sense, the scene of our lives, yet we can’t define it scientifically. A constant contradiction…ordinary sense, sense sceneglass, exhibition, art, international, gallery2
tantragirlsmassage.hu…and unwind. Budapest offers many excellent options for a relaxing massage, where you will find the highest quality services and experienced masseurs. One of the best massages in Budapest are guaranteed to awaken your senses and transport you to an experience of total relaxation and tranquility.technique sense, sense tension, budapest sense, sense experiencemassage, erotic, body, price, masseuse2
pr-evolution.huThis relates the story of a self-absorbed life that became a black jacket; blind wandering in an infinite tunnel, seeking a feeling of the reality of being. Reality is lost, the intellectual faculty of rationality fails. A faded light shines on the way like a tiny, burning tea light: our senses…light sense, sense sensuality, moment sense, sense lifedance, evolution, performance, mother, goose2
relaxspa.huTherapeutic massage, which constitutes the base of European massages, facilitates the process of healing certain diseases, stimulates the circulation and refines the metabolism of the cells. Furthermore, it also enhances concentration skills, reduces the effects of stress and the sense of fatigue.stress sense, sense fatiguetreatment, massage, cost, minute, weight1
silver-line.huBudapest Dinner Cruise with Piano Battle Show : Budapest is stunning by day, but nothing can compare to its sights by night. Sign up for a superb evening programme and enjoy the perks of fine dining. Let our dinner and river cruise feed your senses as you are taken on a journey through the city…cruise sense, sense journeycruise, dinner, danube, piano, river1
maxolutions.hu- are motivated to work in international projects - are experienced in web development (Java) - prefer to work in varied, challenging projects - want to get programming trainings and reach professional certifications - have innovative thinking and sense of humorthink sense, sense humordevelopment, software, benefit, application, source1
zsonglor.huOur Psycho Circus program works with children and adolescents in the Psychiatric Department of the Heim Pál Children's Hospital with weekly circus sessions. Our goal is to give a sense of success and fun, contribute in the mental recovery, and to make better the inevitably unpleasant stay in the…goal sense, sense successcircus, association, international, juggle, activity1
startouring.huYou may wish to stay at one of the charming after stimulating your senses with history and fine art, indulge them with an excursion to Hungary´s scenic southernmost wine country: the Villány-Siklós Wine Route. The southernmost Hungarian wine country, Villány-Siklós is located 40 minutes south of…charming sense, sense historywine, century, castle, country, house1
ubuy.huOur exotic range of perfumes from different premium brands is available in a variety of fragrances to excite your senses and leave you feeling awesome. They enhance your mood and make you feel more confident and better about yourself. Now try our perfumes to pamper your senses and flaunt your…fragrance sense, sense awesome, perfume sense, sense fragrancestore, customer, yoga, shopping, brand1
infogroup.huThe company’s donation strategy is based on our sense of responsibility towards social challenges, which is part of our usual conduct of business. We also put sustainable, green solutions and the energy-consumption of our buildings in our focus. The sustainable operation of buildings plays…strategy sense, sense responsibilitydirector, development, real, estate1
pappsdiamond.hu…very stubborn. From his pleading gaze, one immediately softens. He who knows him can never get rid of him. She is kind and patient with the kids she enjoys playing with. His sense of humor is evident in many life situations. You can’t get bored next to it, it’s a special color spot for the family.enjoy sense, sense humorpuppy, dog, litter, tab, news1
cubussapiens.hu…is truly a killer feature…) it was interesting that the build did not try to download the dependency from Maven Central nor from the mirror set up for builds at the Hudson instance at eclipse. Given that the first twenty-two modules compiled (with dependencies to Maven Central) this made no sense.software, development, editor, repository, reflective1
dariusmusic.huI admire Zoltán’s fantastic sense of optimization of the cello soundpost, coupled with his extraordinary professional and sound technology knowledge.fantastic sense, sense optimizationinstrument, music, shop, violin, cello1
borbelylaszlo.huHe is particularly a supreme performer who comprehends the most complex musical structures and able to give senses to them and communicate it to the audition.able sense, sense auditionconcert, media, music, piano, radio1
mipa.huOur work strives to enhance our sense of surroundings, identity and relationship to others and the physical spaces we inhabit, whether feral or human-made.work sense, sense surroundingpage, award, homepage, physical, identity1
csellengocsemete.huIn the compilation and implementation of our professional program, we give particular attention to the individual needs of children, to their needs, to self-expression and to the development of their community and social sense.care, child, activity, family, development1
matisrita.huWhat I desire to find in the realm of idyllic paintings is a sense of security, that is why I have become involved in the quest for the ideal form, which has been attempted by so many, and which quest has run through the history of mankind since ancient times, to which man has always added…painting sense, sense security, age sensepainting, painter, interview, colour, exhibition1
translangedu.hu…delivered only in the standardised form of any languages. This approach, therefore, provides the feeling of homeliness and continuity in a setting away from home, which leads to a greater sense of safety on the part of the children, and allows for a more layered and varied form of communication.great sense, sense safetyeducation, matter, multilingual, communication, research1
budapestguides.hu…ceramic collection. Her wonderful figures have worldwide reputation depicting various topics on family life, themes on Hungarian folklore, religous topics, topics from greek mythology and scenes from everday life in her special unique way with a great sense of humour and very deep delineation.great sense, sense humourtour, city, hour, guide, famous1
bugfactory.huAt Bug Factory Kft, we are your one-stop solution for software development, mobile app creation, website development, ERP integration, and IT consulting. As a dedicated partner to other software companies, we bring expertise and seamless integration to every project. Our name not only reflects our…project sense, sense humorbug, factory, development, software, digital1
renyikatalin.hu“While the flesh belongs to an ephemeral earthly existence and the mind is the medium of transcendence, the soul makes it possible for the former two components to manifest together as the self. In this sense, the soul is life itself.”self sense, sense soulmain, painting, graphic, sculpture, exhibition1
investincsongradcounty.huEducation in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of development. No country can achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment in human capital. It improves the quality of their lives and leads to broad social benefits to individuals and society. Education raises…education sense, sense fundamentalcounty, investment, investor, estate, real1
bessenyeieva.huThis is a module where you might want to add some more information or an image, a link to your social media presence, or whatever makes sense for your site.presence sense, sense sitesite, module, administrator, joomla, template1
etiquette.huEtiquette is meant to be a guideline , not a set of strict rules carved in stone. Those guidelines are developed using common sense, a sense of fairness, politeness, and above all, consideration for others. If you let consideration for others be your final arbiter, you will be well on your way to…common sense, sense fairnessevent, management, course, corporate, protocol1
hallercamping.huWe hope that these measures will give our guests a sense of security and will return to our beloved campsite in the heart of Budapest this year as well.guest sense, sense securityguest, heart, campsite, dear, quality1
sociall.huIf your customers and competitors are on social media, it makes sense that you need to be there too. I can assist you and create a personalised social media strategy to achieve your goals: whether that’s increased brand awareness or more leads to your website.media sense, sense personalisedsocial, media, owner, list, strategy1
csunyavalas.huHowever, for PAS to even occur, one parent must be willing to act unusually cruelly and callously. These behaviors often point to narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), which is characterized by a grandiose sense of self, a strong need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.grandiose sense, sense selfvisit, october, september, june, january1
cryptobank.huA payment exchange, the first stage of which is the purchase of cryptocurrency, which is then transferred to another entity that redeems it. In the classical sense, it is an “escrow” service that eliminates uncertainty.classical sense, sense escrowcryptocurrency, process, transaction, detail, transparent1
falco7.hu…composition to suit the characteristics of the stain to be removed. Observing environmental regulations is part of the philosophy of the company out of a sense of responsibility; consequently, when purchasing the applied substances, the absence of harmful substances is a number one consideration.company sense, sense responsibilityclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements1
bonitasprings.huGolden retrivers were originally bred to search and apport wild animals, that’s the main job of the breed: their obidence, inteligence, great controllability, sense of smell, light bite, great working abilities makes them excellent gundogs. Water and apporting is vital for them! Keeping the…controllability sense, sense smelldog, spring, breed, breeder, member1
grepton.huData is what our days are about. Data is our raw material, IT is our tool, business sense is our goal. We build small, medium and large data solutions. From the first steps gradually to complex systems.business sense, sense goalsolution, industry, detail, tender, career1
nakedman.huI am naked in the sense, that I have decided to lose my old masks, shields and disguises. Through a difficult childhood, abusive relationships, trauma and substance abuse, crises and pain, I have decided to find my way back to myself, uncovered, vulnerable, and it’s fire!naked sense, sense oldman, title, site, facilitator, kingdom1
bigfish.huWe believe that interactions makes sense, every element of design is useful and they results in a positive experience during being used. We design coherent and aesthetic user interfaces, which meets the business requirements, the user needs and the technical possibilities.interaction sense, sense elementbig, fish, career, commerce, great1
czifrajuli.huJuli taught me how to run an organization in the practical and strategic sense of the word. I made the point that, although everything seems to be available, I cannot see the wood for the trees. From dry spreadsheets to team building; we covered every aspect of organizational development, so now I…strategic sense, sense wordinterview, consulting, article, psychology, book1
fitpuli.huAn investment both employers and employees benefit from, our digital workplace wellness programme helps improve individual health, a sense of community and organisational efficiency all at once.health sense, sense communityhealth, employee, programme, data, user1
benyei.hu…for a huge part of carbon-dioxide emission. But not in our company: for us, building passive, active and energy-producing houses has always made sense. Through our desire to build carbon neutral homes, we conduct intensive research into the technological requirements of a sustainable house. We…house sense, sense desireinterior, space, build, architecture, energy1
graefl.hu…we can go to sleep under the light of thousands of bright stars in a castle, which keeps centuries-old legends. Graefl Manor has an incomparable sense of timelessness, with a twist of sustainable perception, which means not only a return to the roots, but a creation of a path that we dreamed for…incomparable sense, sense timelessnessmanor, restaurant, apartment, event, castle1
ikte.hu…quality of the creative processes and the movement, but on the spiritual, psychical process that goes with it. To do this, we mobilize all the senses, addressing the whole person through bodily experiences. Thus body, soul and thought are balanced. During our programs, it is possible to rework…process sense, sense persongroup, method, therapy, training, art1
onlinepiackutato.huThe method has thus become reliable in the scientific and academic sense nowadays, and the results of a purely online research are as accurate and reliable as any other research method would have done.academic sense, sense nowadaysresearch, market, sample, result, questionnaire1
jany.huDr. Jány Law Office provides comprehensive legal service for Hungarian and foreign corporations and private persons in the field of civil and economic law interpreted in the most inclusive sense.law, office, real, estate, legal1
coachingworks.huBy the end of this meeting you will have a sure sense if this is the alliance that you can really benefit from and ready to continue.sure sense, sense alliancesession, previous, process, background, art1
cirkuszbp.huWe’re travelers ourselves always on a hunt for new experiences, but yet we crave that sense of familiarity found in a brunch – and we want to share that with you.experience sense, sense familiaritycoffee, place, food, family, day1
dentist-debrecen.huSugar consumption increases the risk of cavities, so in this sense, a sugar substitute is healthier.cavity sense, sense sugardental, tooth, dentist, surgery, treatment1
zaang.huWith over 10 years of experience in advertising and marketing, we have worked with clients in a variety of industries to assist them with their advertising needs. We create successful and custom digital programs that make sense for your entire business.program sense, sense entiredigital, agency, portfolio, development, creative1
hrsmart.huDue to the periodic nature of such a need, it does not make sense or possible to employ a permanent and experienced staff member. It’s much better to have a professional who periodically works for you for a particular project or task, but then with full commitment.need sense, sense possibleemployee, recruitment, staff, organizational, support1
biondobike.huOur mission is to make Italian bicycles, and to introduce and nurture Italian culture in Hungary in a broader sense. At Biondo Bike, in addition to speaking Italian well, we are well acquainted with the Italian bicycle manufacturing and cultural traditions, and it is our real mission to make them…broad sense, sense biondobike, second, hand, shop, bicycle1
moonrider.huHave a good time with us. Sit back and leave the stress behind. Decide what you need. We fine-tune our 6th sense to receiving all your wishes to be fullfilled and start your project whole-hearted but clear-headed.fine sense, sense wishproduction, mission, assistance, great, location1
qualydent.huThe other cause of fear can be a possible sense of shame because of neglected teeth. A lot of people don’t dare to come to our surgery because they haven’t had any dental treatment for a long time and they are afraid to show their bad teeth. I would like to assure you that we are to help in such…possible sense, sense shame, problem sensedental, discount, treatment, appointment, patient1
rallysimfans.hu- Improved: RBRControls. Improved and optimized the use of controls and shows a warning message if the original RBR hpattern gaer controls have been assigned (it doesn't make sense to use both RBRControls hpattern and RBR hpattern bindings at the same time. Use only one of the bindings for…control sense, sense rbrcontrolsstage, plugin, update, detail, version1
esztergomijegyek.huQARD™ is an innovative, state of the art solution, that focuses on the modern end-user and the business needs of the service provider. Through its use of cutting-edge technology, QARD™ enhances the overall costumer experience while providing a sense of security. We kept all the pros of the classic…experience sense, sense securityuser, technology, real, tourist, card1
manootesting.huDebug is on the case, sniffing out elusive bugs with a magnifying glass and a playful sense of curiosity.playful sense, sense curiosityfiction, software, expert, script, template1
corvinahotel.huThe side-effect free treatment improves microcirculation, increases fitness, relieves pain and musculoskeletal discomfort and provides a sense of well-being.room, table, family, book, restaurant1
create26.huWe offer you the sense of home with a possibility to grow without the need to sign long-term contracts.tour, space, office, room, meet1
civilszemle.hu…aims to publish so-called 'community studies' which are scientifically and professionally well based, however they are lacking the exaggerated scientism characteristic of academic periodicals to reach not only the professional community per se but the broader intellectual public in a broad sense.review, board, criteria, periodical, order1
hotelkalma.huOur Hotel is located in the heart of Hévíz, in a peaceful environment, 2-minute walk away from the Thermal Lake. You can spend truly relaxing days in our comfortable, spacious apartments, which will satisfy all your needs. Our Restaurant is also waiting for you with an outstanding feast for the…feast sense, sense medalhomepage, rate, offer, guest, group1
morenocentrum.huAt the end of my recollection let me put here what Zerka actually told me. In one of my interviews I asked her: „So what is it that you most like about psychodrama?” And her answer was: „It has a deep effect on you, on me, on everyone. It gives you sense and hope and it makes our lives better. How…effect sense, sense hopedrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend1
arthurmurraybudapest.huWe believe that learning dance in a healthy, creative environment expands imaginations, builds self-esteem and establishes a sense of teamwork and cooperation.esteem sense, sense teamworkdance, center, studio, dancer, student1
mopaa.huEmbracing rigor is part of saying ‘yes’ to a Hero’s Journey. Deep learning brings a special sense of joy, but the mastery required for a Hero’s Journey goes even further, requiring commitment, discipline and hard work towards a worthy goal.special sense, sense joyacademy, possibility, meadow, faq, gallery1
bastionresidence.huWe wish to provide a sense of luxury with our furnished residences, so furniture and accessories have been selected with the help of an interior designer . The exclusive pieces of furniture are coming from Italy, so the design reflects the slight Mediterranean touch of the area, and it also…bastion, minute, historic, homepage, luxury1
zsorycamping.huExperience a sense of true freedom by cooking outdoors! Summer includes delicious, open-fire dishes and the smell of smoldering woods. This service is also available in our campsite.thermal, bath, offer, guesthouse, bed1
advision.huWithout reading the book, none of the next steps will make sense. If you have already read the book, go straight to Step 2.step sense, sense bookvision, book, chief, corporation, step1
matyofoldipuli.huA wise who can carry out orders, learn quickly, but sometimes thinking about of the meaning is it common sense or not?breed, available, puppy, favorite, dog1
inthera.huIn our industry only those companies survive on a long term that have an unwavering sense and commitment to quality and the safety of the patients. This is why we vet all our partners extremely carefully to ensure that we only procure from safe and controlled sources both inside and outside the…unwavering sense, sense commitmenthealthcare, regulatory, distribution, pharmaceutical, affairs1
nextgenworld.hu…these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents.exquisite sense, sense merescience, national, academy, engineering, square1
fatbiketours.huUnforgettable Memories: Get ready to create lifelong memories as you pedal through Budapest's iconic landmarks, picturesque neighborhoods, and breathtaking parks. Our tours are designed to leave you with a sense of wonder and a deeper appreciation for this incredible city.tour sense, sense wondertour, city, freedom, sightseeing, main1
zsolnayfenyfesztival.hu…what astronauts report: a common feature of the experiences is a deep understanding of the connections of life, care for the planet and a renewed sense of responsibility for our environment. The work is 1.8 million times smaller than the real Earth, each centimetre of the installation illuminated…planet sense, sense responsibilitylight, festival, art, map, visitor1
uniquetravel.huExperience Budapest, the city of Art & Culture, while you discover your own talents. Get an insight into the Hungarian art life, get inspiration from nature and art, and develop your artistic sense with the help of a recognized artist of Hungary.artistic sense, sense helpunique, travel, art, tour, heritage1
holloscamping.huIn addition to the regulations, we have introduced five new rules, increasing the sense of security.rule sense, sense securitybooking, connect, price, gallery, main1
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.huThis was my first coaching session ever and was good in the sense it promoted a lot of self-reflection and the coach gave personal anecdotes or advice really only where needed. I will most likely be booking another session in the future.good sense, sense lottraining, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur1
erotic-massage-budapest.huUntil then, it is worth going to the real professional masseuses . They know exactly how to handle the senses and when the points are freely detected and what should they completely omit.exactly sense, sense pointerotic, massage, masseuse, energy, man1
flownyelvstudio.huOur school is called FLOW for a significant reason. We are committed to teach according to methods that are based on the flow-experience , the sense of accomplishment and the balance of revision and discovering a language.experience sense, sense accomplishmentlanguage, course, learn, skill, method1
familyday.huBirdsight provides an ongoing demonstration of a hand drawn fractal pattern to support an interactive art experience for ages 8 to adult. We will draw bird fractals on rocks, shells, photos, chunks of wood, etc. During the activity we discuss how illusions are created by the eye and how we make…eye sense, sense fractalbridge, math, family, day, art1
intertranssec.huThe state of security is always subjective, but the sense of security and effective defence are fundamentally determined by the organization’s responses to specific needs and challenges.subjective sense, sense securitysecurity, training, event, technology, transport1
microcosmos.huPeople are inventive and cunning, and use a healthy, wise sense of humour to survive unpleasant things. They are informal and casual: they do not really like rules, including those of the traffic. But above all, people are hospitable and generous and accept visitors.wise sense, sense humourgallery, destination, event, management, great1
szentjobi-szabo.huJSN Metro is the latest innovation in the Metro legacy. The look itself echoes the visual language of airport and metro system signage as undoubtedly straightforward, making it increasingly popular to both web and mobile user. Its interfaces are supposed to encourage the sense of depth, experiment…interface sense, sense depthcenter, leave, style, main, flexible1
libertyskate.hu…while mostly amateurish, can also tickle your fancy, just like in our previous ‘trademark’ videos. The sometimes adverse weather conditions couldn’t stop us, and some up-and-coming groms residing abroad, having sheer fun. Imre’s part definitely stands out. Let your senses be pampered with this […]video, crew, day, spot, long1
m-prospect.huWe have been a language examination venue since the inception of our activities. We have always tried to market exams where the sense of achievement is not overshadowed by the performance. For almost twenty years, therefore, we have been offering ETS professional business tests and English for…exam sense, sense achievementlanguage, quotation, translation, prospect, skill1
mariannmarczi.hu…With "dense" can her play be well described in intensive expression. Dynamic and in style always a little disciplined, but with a lot of sense for atmospheres and a very differentiated attack. Her rich experience with contemporary music certainly contributes to the pianist's "attempting…lot sense, sense atmospherepiano, minor, sonata, concert1
nyema.huI will show you some of my woodworks and other stuff I have made. If you have a bit technical sense, and you really want to create something on your own, you will be able to do this :)technical sense, sense ableshutter, woodwork, wood, light, bike1
ddmetall.huCompound steel is composed of various grades of Fe and C. The aim of alloyage is to alter the properties of steel in the sense of density and inhibition of corrosion, wear resistance, acid resistance etc. so as to improve all the physical, chemical, and electrical properties.steel sense, sense densitymetal, alloy, copper, waste, steel1
pepperpr.huSensibility of the society is low as well as the companies' attitude in the sense. There is a great need for senzitisation of everyone and not only those who meet or work with disabled people or with minorities, RehabJob offers 2 new services.attitude sense, sense greatpepper, software, technology, market, office1
matuszimpex.hubilateral interstate agreements and aims to correct the unfavorable imbalance between supply and demand. In addition, Matusz Impex can also solve problems related to the export of goods from our country and other European countries in a broad sense, which is in the interests of the national economy.broad sense, sense interestquality, trout, meat, kazakh, fillet1
forgonyanna.hu“ Thank you very much for this seminar, I spent it with very uplifting feelings, and I ended it in the same way as well. I became richer with unusually punctual psychic senses, and I really succeed to transform many old difficult feelings. I became freer, fresher and mentally lighter. The biggest…psychic sense, sense oldseminar, practitioner, free, instructor, day1
webcorestudio.huWhile very diverse, our aesthetic approach often involves distinct sense of play and global vision, aiming to put the fun in functional.distinct sense, sense playstudio, touch, hello, portfolio, quickly1
turrisbabel.huThe management of our company deems It important to be part of the major industry bodies and associations. In this sense, our company is a founding member of the country’s leading LSP industry association, PROFORD, the Hungarian Association of Professional Language Service Providers.association sense, sense companytranslation, language, interpret, reference, quality1
innowear.huPeople and employees are at the centre of our developments. Our primary concern is to ensure the protection of the individual and increase their sense of comfort during work, leisure activities and everyday life. To achieve these, we cooperate with renowned national and European research institutes.individual sense, sense comforttextile, development, research, production, material1
etlapgyartas.hu…to your individual needs, suiting the nature and image of the catering facility concerned. We also provide the utmost in terms of practical sense. We provide the opportunity for fast, convenient replacement of internal content, even on a daily basis. Whether it is a restaurant, a bistro, a…practical sense, sense opportunitymaterial, accessories, gallery, need, reference1
ttisuccessinsights.huTTI is a consistent producer of assessments that make sense and are very marketable. These tools have become an underpinning of our approach to problem solving for clients.assessment sense, sense marketablesuccess, insight, talent, science, assessment1
iloveyoga.huI increasingly had a sense of achievement and the early rigidity of my body ceased as well as emotional blocks. I noticed that I could better manage conflicts and got positive feedback from my peers.increasingly sense, sense achievementyoga, booking, visit, price, photo1
azoregtolgy.huTamás, the sous chef, is not only knowledgeable in the realm of food but also navigates the world of wines with ease. He spent his early years as a headwaiter and sommelier, and over the years, he autonomously evolved into a chef, possessing a keen sense for the harmony between flavors and wines…keen sense, sense harmonyevent, dish, reservation, flavor, az1
fitting-ker.huWe are committed to quality. Our work is vocation, creed, and passion. We’re a value-creating community. Professionals who like to participate in projects that make all competent, co-workers and partners with goose bumps in a good sense. We know no way of compromising in terms of quality: we are…good sense, sense wayproduction, quality, process, metal, technology1
bravolight.hu…LEDs will not only make your envireonment more comfortable, it will also allow you to work more efficiently. LED lights are not vibrating, so by using them, you can avoid eye damage and unpleasant headaches. Lighting can also have an impact on your hormones and on your general sense of wellbeing.general sense, sense wellbeinglighting, light, plan, solution, source1
frenak.hu"Pál Frenák always enthralls his audience, who are transported into a special, fascinating environment, richly saturated with feelings, surrounded by dancers who are wonderful in every sense of the word.”wonderful sense, sense wordcontemporary, dance, award, tour, choreographer1
ceremoniamestered.huWith his special sense and experience he'll make the evening with some funny games and kind ideas memorable and also unforgettable. In short, the MC takes off the weight of your shoulder, the day of the wedding will be even smoother and more fun for everyone. So the wedding is celebrated, free of…special sense, sense experienceceremony, wedding, feedback, guest, day1
fodraszgepek.huMenz Salon is a classical male grooming and traditional Barber shop. Providing a comprehensive menu of traditional and contemporary services towards men's hair, beards, hot towel shaves, facials, and body treatments. A classic Barber Shop offering grooming services and products in the true sense.hair, salon, haircut, client, style1
capoeirabrasil.huIt also develops stamina, balance, movement coordination, sense of rhythm, and creates a family-like community.coordination sense, sense rhythmtraining, class, downtown, news, media1
john.huWork item size are a big question. As item 2, we have two GPU, Intel HD Graphics 530 and NVIDIA 950m. The work item size of Iris is so small comparing to NVIDIA 950m. This doesn’t make sense. Because Intel HD Graphics 530 supports OpenCL 2.0 which can access main memory directly. It should have…m. sense, sense intelpost, square, center, latest, item1
szaboesszalai.huDr. Péter Szalai, attorney-at-law, specialized in civil law in the broad sense of the term, and has been continuously representing clients before courts in divorce cases, both in factual and in divorce by mutual consent (dissolution).broad sense, sense termlaw, firm, proceedings, criminal, case1
akuna.huThe seller is not bound by any codes of conduct in relation to the buyer in the sense of § 1826 (1) e) the Civil Code.buyer sense, sense civilbuyer, seller, agreement, purchase, case1
gaboros.huIf you're working with large amounts of data, efficiently storing raw information will be your first obstacle. The next challenge is to make sense of the data utilizing analytics. One of the fastest ways to convey the state of data is through charts and graphs.challenge sense, sense datatutorial, data, series, ago, database1
tarot-dr-gal.huNothing happens without sense, it is only our conscious mind that might lack complete information about the world, the occurrences, no matter how many dimensions we are talking about.card, path, knowledge, origin, page1
homeinspection.huIt makes sense to inspect a house after you have already viewed it, are considering buying, but have yet to make an offer (in Hungary, an offer is usually not negotiable afterward).property, inspection, decision, house, price1
abbazia-nemesnep.huAll the goods, nature and freshness of this region is present in a world, where the time slows down, and all your senses sharpen. Here the smart gadgets are used only to record the moments.time sense, sense smartrate, offer, guest, homepage, dog1
gellertescape.huGellért Escape provides a great team building platform. Our games are designed to apply problem solving skills while practicing team work. Participants will have to use logic, common sense, communication and a little ingenuity to work together in order to solve clues and escape on time.common sense, sense communicationescape, room, game, detail, advanced1
lieblingvendeghaz.huWe will help you experience Mykonos life in its true sense. From living among the residents to eating authentic delicacies you are sure to walk home with memories and wonderful moments.true sense, sense residentamenities, room, stay, guest, perfect1
budasys.hu„We are in the process of creating novel ideas and focus oriented business development. Endre shows great interest and a good sense of understanding of our needs.”good sense, sense understandstrategy, sale, leadership, management, testimonial1
kanadistak.huIn harmony with our past, at present our community incorporates not only academics, researchers, students, but in a broader sense all those interested in studying the blend of cultures and values Canada stands for. Our aim is to accumulate and disseminate a profound knowledge of Canada.broad sense, sense interestedcanada, canadian, study, conference, central1
futureoceans.hu`During this project I managed to identify behavioral characteristics that will improve our understanding about their habits and lifestyle and therefore enable us to make their protection more successful. The collected data is still being analyzed and it will take a few months to go through and…month sense, sense behavioralmanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future1
lareesa.huLareesa is an absolute blast to work with and brings a wonderful energy and sense of humor to everything she does. Have truly appreciated her insight into communication strategies,energy sense, sense humorcreativity, science, brand, happy, serial1
arwenmasszazs.huReduces stress, improves the sense of well-being. The ultimate indulgence of touch. Gentle, fine, slow stroking, rubbing and slidinstress sense, sense ultimatemassage, body, main, office, client1
whiterabbit.huThe communication addresses those spirited and determined characters of our urban culture, who know what they want; have a strong sense of their personality and want to express it via their unique hair-styles as well.strong sense, sense personalitycampaign, result, brand, brief, solution1
dca.hu. She could not do all of that in a group class. As a mother, I think the experience of practising for an evaluation provides confidence and a good sense of discipline. My daughter dances because she loves it… Sandra’s private lessons have also let Jessica develop good skills which complement the…good sense, sense disciplinedance, drama, class, school1
studystream.huCan you learn driving a car only by reading a lot about it? Visual sensing is the dominant and most effective way to acquire knowledge. Reproducing lifelike situations by taking the place of a tutor is the closest experience to doing it on your own without the risk of accidents, failures and…visual sense, sense dominantlearn, human, curve, tutor, training1
igazgatas.hu…Institute (HUNADI) was established in 2005 with the aim of being a patriotical committed, practice-oriented, tradition-based – that is conservative – and open to innovation thinktank of public administration-development, in a broader sense: management and organizational development thinking.broad sense, sense managementpublic, organizational, administration, development, structure1
aitmagyarorszag.huNone bigger than early education. Parents know that at KinderCare we make it our passion to nurture a sense of discovery.passion sense, sense discoveryenquiry, question, session, kid, child1
hungarovend.huGreen tea (Pure) tea premium - Tetley Especially delicious with its magical scent. The silky taste of green tea stimulates your senses and provides a ..coffee, cart, premium, list, wish1
picimfalum.huVeronika Guest House is set in a fairytale landscape where you can relax among the Görgényi mountains next to the gently flowing Eszenyő stream. Let the crystal clear mountain air and natural surroundings recharge your senses.distance, approx, house, guest, church1
soundweaving.hu…embroidery patterns turned into laser cut textile pieces, and cross-stitched patterns into melodies. Soundweaving equally stimulates all senses, and calls for interaction. The project uses multiple media and communicates on diverse planes, combining the borderlands of folk art, design and…equally sense, sense callpattern, origin, artist, county, introduction1
emesesoft.huWe are purveyors of global private luxury travel. Our services are singular, personal and high-touch. In contrast to a more ostentatious style, our sense of luxury travel is under-stated, subtle, ...style sense, sense luxurycustomer, reference, book, important, site1
szarazszilvia.hurestless sleep, and when we met, you mentioned, what could be the real reason, and I am very grateful for you, that finally I can sleep through the night again. In addition, my life turned upside down, in the best sense. I feel, that I live my days with much better quality! Thank you for everything!good sense, sense daytreatment, consultation, class, day, happy1
kovari.priv.huThis is a module where you might want to add some more information or an image, a link to your social media presence, or whatever makes sense for your site.presence sense, sense sitesite, module, joomla, administrator, template1
cadcam3000.huThey had a sharp sense of my ideas, which stretched the physical possibilities in countless cases, and always kept the project with clever, sober arguments — keeping in mind the importance of the sight — in the sure bed of feasibility.sharp sense, sense ideaengineering, tool, prototype, solution, measurement1
backtoharmony.huSince my young childhood, I know that my purpose in my life is to help others, move them from a place of feeling disempowered to a place of living in joy and harmony. All my life is around harmony. I create harmony in homes and in souls. I have a special sense to feel the geometries and energies…special sense, sense geometryharmony, energy, bathing, session, forest1
metatabor.huThe teaching methodology is highly successful enabling everybody to experience a sense of achievement. The tunes learned here, the communal music playing, the atmosphere and community life provides the participants with a source of contentment which nourishes them for the following year giving…everybody sense, sense achievementcamp, music, folk, july, teacher1
surf.huThe sup develops the sense of balance and physical fitness for those who want to do sport and for those who are attracted by the silence of nature, it helps to chill out and relax.sup sense, sense balancewater, board, people, ago, key1
akhalstud.huWe desire that the Akhal-Teke horse becomes an organic part of equestrian life in Hungary in the best sense instead of being regarded as a pet, or a cultural object.good sense, sense insteadhorse, stud, equestrian, stallion, tour1
global-service.huWe dream big and have a sense of pride in all that we do, including everyone on our journey.big sense, sense prideglobal, touch, freight, value, need1
clearvision.huLife is not a purpose, but a sense ... Things do not start outside, but inside, and not at the bottom but above and not in the visible, but in the invisible.purpose sense, sense thingsolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication1
batranmagyarul.huZsuzsa shows in finding puzzles and exercises that take us across the great Hungarian plain. For a native English speaker, it’s a difficult journey, and needs to be tackled boldly. With a natural patience and a good sense of humor however, you won’t regret enlisting Zsuzsa’s help. He who dares, winsgood sense, sense humorlesson, language, student, month, people1
monolamp.hu…up in the 80s & 90s, I was fascinated by how cool test cards looked on the TV screen. The strange geometrical shapes, vivid colors, and the fact that they lived inside the same box where Star Wars and Back to the Future did mesmerize me every time. It made no sense at all, but I still loved it.lamp, globe, history, light, cost1
aidarg.huRG is one of the most complex and feminine sports of our world, with the help of its sport-specific equipment (hoop, ball, rope and ribbon) it is able to improve the children’s coordination, dexterity, space and sense of balance. During training, proper posture, proper skeletal muscle and joint…space sense, sense balancegymnastics, trainer, girl, schedule, young1
szegedikortarsbalett.hu…we should emphasize the diverse effect-elements of performing styles that compose originality. Respecting the ‘laws of stage’ is a defining attribute in their shows, so is the using of theatrical means – in the literal sense of the word – that are enhancing the effect and intensity of vision.literal sense, sense wordproduction, repertoire, contemporary, dance, current1
trialshow.huBiketrial means going through obstacles with a special bike, without touching the ground with foot, only with jumps and sense of balance which defies gravity.jump sense, sense balancequote, event, price, trial, spectacular1
doszkocs-zsuzsa.hu“Every artist has a sense of adventure, a desire to break new ground” (Winifred Nicholson)artist sense, sense adventurepainting, gallery, drawing, picture, painter1
bth.huWe proclaim that the high standard of catering in the traditional sense is only the compulsory minimum.traditional sense, sense compulsoryreference, main, page, development, restaurant1
csakrabor.huThis chakra is responsible for the physical strength and the cleansing processes of the body. The physical body’s potential energy (Kundalini) also lies here. Its element is Earth and its sense is smell. Its colour is red. Its feelings are survival, instincts, vitality, physical strength…earth sense, sense smellwine, shop, energy, payment, news1
dalmasialmaskert.huAs a teacher I would like to share this with my wider environment. The “Handicraft products of the Almáskert” is a first step in a process to evolve village tourism, but at the same time it is a marketplace in the traditional sense.traditional, course, previous, language, family1
soulfacebody.huwhere beauty meets pampering to transport you to a beautiful world of senses. At our salon we are committed to providing a sophisticated and high-quality beauty experience.world sense, sense salontreatment, body, face, soul, skin1
borosferenc.hu…for Word - personal projects just for fun, for the joy of creating. Documentary, Hard Work, wich might be enjoyable by personal connections and Creativity - Event and Wedding Photography. Toughts, senses, feelings - If it is so, it was worth it, because everey good picture arouse emotions.tought sense, sense feelingphotography, object, food, picture, school1
emsports.huDániel Németh is a real threat in front of the opponent's goal with excellent finishing and great sense to create chances for teammates.great sense, sense chanceplayer, debut, champion, transfer, profile1
nyugagyapartman.huI have stayed at many hotels and I would say that this is one of my favorite places. From the moment I walked in, I felt a sense of calm and happiness, which made it hard to leave.moment sense, sense calmstaff, room, place, slider, location1
csaladfakutatas.huWe believe that the genealogic researches and services will further integrate the unified Europe, since in the future we will be in a community not only in our genes and history, but in the sense of politics and society, as well. This process will necessarily activate the desire for the community…history sense, sense politicsresearch, family, history, register, field1
designsolar.huWe are searching fot the plans dreamed by the sense of beauty – and materialize the best ones.plan sense, sense beautyenergy, storage, heating, build, aesthetic1
matrabikersc.huBy use of any other description of our sites being linked to that makes sense within the context and format of content on the linking party’s site.site sense, sense contextcycling, website, bike, road, member1
budapest-permanentmakeup.huShe is the newest member of our salon. Plenty of impressive works are created under her hands thanks to her sense of beauty, dexterity and creativity.thank sense, sense beautymakeup, tattoo, permanent, salon, lip1
proarte.hu…as part of the common good, contributing to the well-being of today’s young people in their homeland. It begins at an early age to develop a sense of beauty, imagination and creativity, and to recognise and develop talent. It organises creative workshops, drawing courses and meetings for…age sense, sense beautymedia, foundation, et, art, nature1
lagoonhungary.huLagoon was formed in pursuit of connection – with ourselves, our loved ones and the world around us. By bringing the human experience to the 7 seas, we’ve been able to unleash an unbridled sense of curiosity and instinctual need for quality since 1984. Something we wouldn’t have accomplished…unbridled sense, sense curiosityseventy, catamaran, boat, model, management1
goldtunnelsystem.huThe coaches can find out on which player they can build the major elements of the game in team sports; moreover, they have the chance to learn the athletes' decision-making mechanisms, motivations, and influence points. Top athletes need outstanding cognitive skills, but knowledge of their senses…knowledge sense, sense negotiationtunnel, athlete, assessment, analysis, success1
euroviptours.huWe pay a special attention to Health tourism, because we have realised, that more and more people wordlwide are becoming aware of the role of healthy living in preventing diseases and promoting an overall sense of well being. Fortunately Hungary is blessed with an abundant supply of thermal and…overall sense, sense fortunatelytour, wine, city, festival, pilgrimage1
econtent.hu„In my experience, e-content maintains a quality point of view until the very last detail. Their team of professionals are quick, precise, accurate and have an exceptional sense of aesthetics, which distinguishes them from other Hungarian agencies.”exceptional sense, sense aestheticquality, solution, brand, development, matter1
euvitis.hu…with the recommendation of grape seed (or grape seed extract) consumption. Too good to be true, you may say. No doubt, the control of the common sense is indispensable when it comes to the critical analysis of hidden or explicit promises delivered by web traffickers. But, here is an exiting piececommon sense, sense indispensablegrape, seed, source, family, wine1
balatongitar.huThus, on the subject of Musica del Delphin, his debut CD with ECM –the first ever classical guitar recording in that label, which caused a sensation in 2007-, the New York Times published: Pablo Márquez makes an eloquent case of Luys de Narváez’s mastery of counterpoint and sense of virtuosity…counterpoint sense, sense virtuosityguitar, international, music, prize, concert1
nems.huOur TDK student, J. Áron Vándorffy received 1st Prize on Students' Scientific Conference (TDK) of Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Title: Development of a 2DEG-based selective frequency sensing system Supervisors: Péter Lajos Neumann Section: Electronics devices and technologies…frequency sense, sense systemet, prize, gallery, lab, force1
energoprojekt.huMeeting managing tools can help with the corporation, consolidation and visibility of information so it is easier to understand and make sense of. This makes it a whole lot simpler to prepare meetings, optimize workflow and communication processes and maximize overall answerability. Whether you…easy sense, sense lotsoftware, management, organization, board, way1
hotelcollect.hu…feel quite enough. We loved the uniqueness of the building layout and the interior design. The unassuming exterior belies a high level of attention to detail in the decor and the exceptional level of customer service which generates the overall sense of well being and customer worth in its guests.overall sense, sense customercollect, room, courtyard, view, guest1
humanreport.hu…Index, Uncertainty Avoidance Index, Masculinity Index, Long-term Orientation Index. Furthermore, the “stress and purpose in life, the sense of coherence and life events scales” from the Rahe Brief Stress and Coping Inventory questionnaire, and the “Self-efficacy” scale. Schwarzer, 1993,life sense, sense coherencehuman, report, book, communication, social1
euphoriamassage.huMilking table is customised for your comfort and your pleasure. It’s a very unique experience, because you are not able to see the masseuse and you are completely depend on your other senses…massage, table, milk, swedish, masseuse1
europeandanubeforum.huWe would also like to devote a section to European culture, with the aim of strengthening a sense of self based on European traditions. To emphasise that, while every nation state in Europe has its own history, culture and language, we also share common European roots, such as the Greco-Roman…aim sense, sense selfeuropean, danube, forum, media, alternative1
stayinplay.huEach location has stories and riddles for at least two age groups. We tried to come up with riddles that make you think but also give you a sense of achievement. Of course, the application always offers help, the third help is being the solution itself. Be careful though: the more help you need…riddle sense, sense achievementgame, story, location, route, family1
szalkasszorutacskok.huThe amazing power of the dog’s sense of smell is almost beyond belief - which is why I will probably never totally understand how canine scenting processes work. So, I am definitely not 'teaching' dogs how to track wounded game, just providing some direction and a framework in which they are able…dog sense, sense smelldog, hunting, champion, class, judge1
hotelambient.husummer our region offers a variety of leisure time activities for people of all ages. Enjoy an active day on the mountain or take a historical guided tour through Murau. Taste the traditional Murauer Beer in our new Beer Pharmacy or learn about the whole history of the beer in the brewery of senses.activity, room, booking, summer, winter1
dalikiallitas.huThe genius of Salvador Dalí probably needs no introduction. He is one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. He is surrealism itself, who both founded and brought to its peak an artistic movement that is unique even to the lay senses. Dalí was not only a painter, but also a…lay sense, sense dalíexhibition, ticket, sculpture, journey, open1
soundbridge.hu…beautiful, enchanting sounds was already being." When is the singingbowl lady coming?" The voices and the person of Andrea gave me, as a Mom, a sense of comfort, acceptance and an even tighter grip and a greater love for my children. Sometimes openness, sometimes defiance, stubbornness came out…mom sense, sense comfortsound, group, day, session, retreat1
belle-aire.huWilson (1984) has defined Biophilia as an innate and genetically determined affinity of human beings with the natural world. Nature has an effect on our emotions, sense of aesthetic and mental health. According to the theory, the strong connection to the natural world has been an advantage in…emotion sense, sense aestheticnature, room, picture, theory, great1
meleghandrea.huFor over ten years the artist, who is also a diving instructor, has captured on this fine material the depths of the sea; the feeling of floating in the water; the breathtaking world underneath the surface — experiences of abandon that bring joy, happiness, and a sense of freedom to those who own…happiness sense, sense freedomsilk, art, garden, story, page1
muladharayoga.huIt’s pretty easy to experience peace and conscious living, sense of safety and strength while enjoying the shelter of harmonious ashram. But how to be more mindful in your daily life, so that your own body becomes the nicest and safest place to relax and recharge?live sense, sense safetyyoga, practice, hour, class, event1
tourdematra.huBy use of any other description of our sites being linked to that makes sense within the context and format of content on the linking party’s site.site sense, sense contextrace, entry, tour, road, cycling1
littlebird.huWe discover the world together, with a lot of games, tales, songs, music and a variety of activities. The familiar atmosphere makes the children’s adaptation to community and the evolution of their sense of security easier and smoother.evolution sense, sense securitylittle, main, user, account, navigation1
learninghungarian.hu…but by monitoring your knowledge and skills to reassure you that you are making progress. The right mindset is taking it day by day. A bit similar to yoga: never rush yourself, just practice consistently and don’t give up. You could say that in a sense, learning Hungarian helps build character.consistently sense, sense hungarianteacher, lesson, private, learn, language1
nyitottakvagyunk.huPrezi, espell and Google founded WeAreOpen in 2013 to spread the idea that being open is not only the right thing to do but also makes business sense.open, diversity, resource, inclusion, practice1
intretech.huSustainability can be considered as one of the most important keywords of recent years in every sense of the word…year sense, sense wordmanufacture, intelligent, automation, global, industry1
geopolitika.hu…as a discipline in Hungary. Since the beginning, our researchers have published nearly 600 articles and studies. We would like to believe that these articles have, to some extent, contributed to the development of the Hungarian scientific life or promoted the creation of common sense knowledge.common sense, sense knowledgefresh, china, road, city, century1
borbagoly.huNamed a Top 100 Winery in 2003 & 2014 by Acme Magazine & Italian Spirits, we invite you to visit our Marsala winery in person or virtually and immerse yourself in a true sense of place.true sense, sense placewine, vineyard, collection, great, discount1
wasmet.huOur jewelry is characterized by outstanding quality, timeless elegance and uniqueness. Experience for yourself the Italian sense of style that is famous far and wide and buy from our selection!italian sense, sense styleinvestment, jewelry, process, bar, coin1
digitalpinkunicorns.huOur all-embracing team is establishing digital solutions and marketing strategies with great focus on customer personalisation, and an unrivalled sense for expansion.unrivalled sense, sense expansiondigital, agency, creative, site, vision1
abouthungary.huThe foreign minister said a Hungary-Ukraine summit “would make sense only” if it was well-prepared.news, brief, minister, slovakia, latest1
jacoform.huWrong posture causes knee– and backache, it's most frequent reason is an uncomfortable and tight shoe. Professor Jörgen Keller brought the experience of a seaside walk into the shoe production. The anti–bacterial pillows placed in the elastic sole give you natural sense. The felt perfectly adapts…natural sense, sense feelshoes, foot, sole, natural, comfortable1
greenscorecard.hu…subjective, even if the grades awarded are based on the evolution of concrete indicators. We do not think that our work is finished in any sense: both the methodology and the database require further development. Still, a certain image of the present state of Hungarian society is drawn…work sense, sense methodologygreen, deal, sustainability, society, economy1
pestbuda.hu…started a fundraiser. The plans were drawn up by Jenő Lechner a hundred years ago, in 1923, and he created a sumptuous luxury villa with his brilliant idea and great sense of style. Three years later, the actor was able to occupy his new home after returning home from the United States of America.great sense, sense styleago, square, public, build, century1
datelite.hu…an important international partner of the University, sarmap SA from Switzerland. After several successful research projects on field of remote sensing, image processing and HPC University of Pécs accepted the know-how portfolio of the researchers, and know-how utilization contract was signed…remote sense, sense imageresearch, switzerland, important, decade, result1
healthy-options.huOur centre in Vassili is a true hidden gem, delightfully set in glorious surroundings. It will revive your senses and captivate you with the laid-back atmosphere of traditional Greek culture but a style, spirit and flavour all their own.surrounding sense, sense atmosphereholiday, healthy, option, yoga, class1
megujuloderiutca.huFecske utca. The aim of the Municipality was to create a promenade in the Market Hall neighbourhood that those working or living nearby can have a sense of ownership and pride about. For this to happen, locals were included in the planning process for the refurbishment of the street. Overall 5…nearby sense, sense ownershipplan, street, area, community, renovation1
emcotest.hu…spirit has shaped not only the development of the company but also its employees and environment. There is also a great lack of humanity, a sense of responsibility for the region and the environment. The numbers speak for themselves: 40 employees at the company’s headquarters in Kuchli are…humanity sense, sense responsibilityautomatic, enquiry, semi, environment, application1
wpmax.huSkilled, precise and creative, he has a good sense of people's needs. Your insights are good. He had ideas and suggestions that I had never thought of, be it design or any development. Helpful, kind and patient, it was a pleasure to work with him.good sense, sense peoplewebsite, offer, media, social, tool1
beboaquapark.huShow your skills on the trampoline, your sense of balance in the slippery bend or the balance beam, your strength in the monkey cage, or just skip or slide from the tower! And that’s not all…trampoline sense, sense balanceprice, hour, open, useful, ticket1
hungarikumhotel.huThe hotel's existence and appearance are second to none, it warms my heart, it strengthens my sense of being Hungarian, and my pride grows without limit.heart sense, sense hungarianroom, place, staff, kindness, wonderful1
businesscoach.hu„During our sessions she made me feel that we progress ahead and gave me a sense of tangible tools provided to me to revisit again and again when I need to solve a situation.”ahead sense, sense tangibletraining, privacy, data, management, self1
tukros.hu"the music played in villages is, in every sense, perfect. You can not add to it or improve it, the task is to learn to play it as authentically as possible.” - Péter Árendásvillage sense, sense perfectmusic, ensemble, house, folk, dance1
kzst.hu• The visible and invisible world (“al-‘alamu ghaibijun wa-mashud”) The limits of the senses (al-hawas), of the imagination (al-khajal) and of reason (al-‘aql) in ….limit sense, sense aljewish, christian, lecture, society, community1
rafacz.huWould you go to war with a plastic pistol? They are great for fun and occasional use, but they can not withstand everyday use. Most of the commercial grade pedals are just like two or three plastic buttons with the lack of real feel and true load sensing. They are much smaller than real pedals and…load sense, sense smallpedal, simulator, spring, setup, real1
budamotor.huWhat you see here is the front brake of the NSU Sport Max. Our objective is to produce such items for sport motorbikes that are not available on the market. We are a true micro-enterprise, or a manufacture in the traditional sense of the word. To meet every need, we are able, based on original…traditional sense, sense wordbrake, motorbike, race, wheel, drum1
studies.hu…attitudes, we launched a nationally representative consumer survey of 500 people. The data obtained were analysed by factor and cluster analysis, which led to well-separated consumer segments being identified. The main arguments in favour of buying local products were a sense of security (local...product sense, sense securityanalysis, result, economic, farming, ago1
por.huβ-Secretase 1 and its Naturally Occurring Anti-Sense RNA are Down-Regulated in Gastric Cancer 1627anti sense, sense rnauniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine1
ova.info.hu…This data includes agricultural land use maps, satellite images, CORINE land-cover maps (Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing, Hungary [FÖMI], 2009), soil typological maps, forest stand maps from the State Forest Service, and Natura 2000 site maps, among others. In…remote sense, sense hungarygame, management, database, data, national1
smileterminal.huFor tooth replacements where the patient's medical condition allows for tooth implantation, we use implants that meet the highest dental and oral surgery standards. As a result, our patients will have a greater sense of hygiene, naturalness and confidence.great sense, sense hygienedental, dentistry, treatment, smile, aesthetic1
centrumpanzioszentendre.huIn developing the rooms, we sought to give you a homely experience, which reflects through exclusivity to the towns Mediterranean nature. In one of our rooms can be found a French balcony with a sense of eastern style and luxury.balcony sense, sense easterncheck, detail, room, person, danube1
naturelle.huOur mission is to immerse our members in the breathtaking beauty of nature while promoting physical fitness, environmental stewardship, and a deep sense of camaraderie.deep sense, sense camaraderieview, winter, event, france, escape1
palosbusz.huway, in the “texture” of the narration, what it is like to be a Pauline, and a monk in general. Being a monastic priest is a complete life, not a way towards aloofness, but towards self-fulfilment – a modern way of life leading to happiness both in the everyday and the theological sense of the word.theological sense, sense wordhistory, order, everyday, middle, age1
energiaspiralcsapo.hu…general condition, sit comfortably and put your feet next to each other on the blue energy spiral. Normally you should feel almost immediately a sense of warmth or tingling that is getting slowly up the feet, but the feeling is different for everyone. Please use it at least one hour a day, but doimmediately sense, sense warmthspiral, energy, introduction, day, illness1
hyyc.hu, the sport has had its lowest point around the world due to COVID, and the players are fired up to attend, meet and learn from each other again! With a renewed sense of excitement, the competition promises to be exhilarating, and we’re looking forward to seeing who comes out on top this time…player sense, sense excitementrule, registration, competitor, judge, staff1
rsdgroup.huTop-notch service! RSD Group transformed my website and app. UI changes were sleek, and new features are a hit. They're tech experts with a great sense of humor.great sense, sense humorgroup, legacy, need, agency, education1
alapjogokert.huare subjects of public interest, ranging from questions of classic constitutional law to electoral systems and EU-law. In all our different analyses and papers, a common goal is to find a healthy balance between individual rights and the interests of society while remaining grounded in common sense.homepage, research, political, center, review1
bannercraft.huWe not only create with digital technology, but also in the traditional, classical sense. Do you need drawings, paintings digitally or in an offline version for an issue, a book, an infographic or as part of a presentation? Contact us!classical sense, sense drawingcampaign, reference, development, image, client1
ellipsometry.huOTKA K131515 (2019-2022, Hungarian project): Low-dimensional nanomaterials for the optical sensing of organic molecules on liquid and gas interfaces. Project leader: Peter Petrikoptical sense, sense organicoptical, student, university, development, fry1
new-buddha.huHedonism: A school of thought that argues that please is the sense of life. This contradicts everything I have written so far, thus makes no sense.think sense, sense lifereligion, issue, music, exception, answer1
mutogroup.huOften, collectives are formed to empower their members – to counteract individualism and alienation. We must, however, not overlook the fact that the past decades have seen a growing need for a sense of community and that the increasing number of collaborative art projects hints at reasons that go…need sense, sense communitygroup, exhibition, community, art, collaboration1
kaszasgabor.hu…that from the beginning to the end of trainings I have butterflies in my stomach . On the one hand, even if it were true, I would have had enough sense not to tell this to the one person who played at making our lives more difficult, but on the other hand it wasn’t even true. Of course I had no…true sense, sense persontraining, contract, traffic, air, controller1
smartpr.huCommunication is much more than just profession. Communication is the game of emotions, senses and creativity, where behind the numbers, statistics and plans there are innumerable human factors standing. Therefore, our philosophy is that public relations and marketing focuses on to human being on…emotion sense, sense creativityclient, news, relation, public, main1
vitezpetra.huExpertise in Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and ten years of experience in this field is a tool with which I can utilize my innate sense for aesthetics and my creativity.innate sense, sense aestheticgraphic, logo, portfolio, website, illustration1
budapestvibes.hu“Probably the best guided tour that i have had. Lovely person, great sense of humor, totally recommend!” – Soniagreat sense, sense humortour, guide, walk, city, story1
litocar.huOur data engineering services help organizations make sense of their data, providing insights and enabling better decision making.organization sense, sense datadevelopment, software, data, career, engineering1
dezsenyi.hu…she takes it on with a resolute will and a level of drive that is rarely seen in real life. There is no doubt about her kindness and empathetic sense, but she is also fearfully sharp-minded person who always sees through the situation and inflames with anger when she or her client is treated…empathetic sense, sense fearfullylaw, legal, client, labour, attorney1
oroksegintezet.huWe dedicate high regard to the societal role of culture and to those social scientific approaches, which have cultural aspects or – in a broader sense – have a cultural political significance.broad sense, sense culturalcultural, culture, research, event, political1
termeszetforrasa.huI am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment.exquisite sense, sense meregarden, plant, environment, trouble, morning1
goldvisanow.huWe'll connect you with a network of professionals and fellow expats, fostering a sense of belonging and opening doors to new possibilitiesexpat sense, sense belongrelocation, immigration, european, requirements, dream1
izometriafitness.huPassion for fun! In addition to moving your body for every hour, developing muscle, gaining a better sense of well-being, our main goal is to have fun every hour, rather than to float in front of you, "when will it be over?!" You can find it for you in our varied hourswell sense, sense mainprice, gallery, guest, hour, timetable1
mente.hu…showing to them that there’s place here for everyone. Even those who have no community at their own parishes. This isn’t spirituality in the sense of a spiritual movement, as the diocese isn’t committed to any spiritual movement; the very essence of our spirituality is that we can channel thespirituality sense, sense spiritualyouth, community, mission, introduction, activity1
xperion.huXovis has signed an agreement with HELLA Aglaia covering the acquisition of the company’s People Sensing business. The acquisition, which should close in three to six months, is an important…people sense, sense businessmanagement, customer, digital, store, solution1
trucksandtyres.huI am László Szerencsi, after 13 years of international trucking, a flat tire in Szolnok made me realize that it makes sense to help other truckers when I was standing in the middle of the road for eight hours at night with ADR goods.szolnok sense, sense truckertyre, mobile, repair, truck, replacement1
56films.hu…return to the remote, run-down farm along the Susquehanna River, to the revolution of their past - and the dreams of their youth. This is an unusual class reunion that speaks about the Iron Curtain, the Cold War and being a hyphenated American. About having two homelands - and one sense of justice.homeland sense, sense justicedocumentary, revolution, story, outdoor, cold1
kofaragojozsef.hu…but much more like a sinful city, a civilization turning the world into a prison (Evening Teardrop in Babylon) and expresses in Moses’s sense the ambitious and self divinizing pursuit of man to build a sky-high tower to clamber to his Creator. But the haughty human deed, namely that man…moses sense, sense ambitiouspainting, artist, page, official, art1
foodbase.huAs a flavour producer, we create flavours that give consumers a sense of value, that plays a significant role in the consumption and acceptance of food, therefore it is very important to choose a supplier that produces high-quality flavour. We produce flavours in liquid and powder form.consumer sense, sense valueflavour, food, vinegar, base, powder1
gdiensemble.huProcessing Module, Reporting Module. This modular system is coupled with a service package that generates continuously processed data from remote sensing of parcels in the master dataset that can be used in precision farming. Our solution provides complete intelligence to help farmers get the most…remote sense, sense parcelensemble, agriculture, data, industry, today1
artbeet.hu…table book is really unique in the field of gastronomy on the local palette. Éva approached the creation of her piece with sophisticated taste and sense. Besides being the author she also was the remarkably talented producer of the the book. All those many international awards were well deserved!"taste sense, sense authororder, month, book, publish, search1
merkbau.huI think, this company is unique, compared to others on the market – not to denigrate any other companies, of course – in the sense that their word is their bond: if we come to a verbal agreement, I know they’ll always stick to it.course sense, sense wordbuilding, construction, plant, number, machine1
allaboutparenting.huLearn how to raise a child who believes in their own strengths. Raise your kid to have a healthy sense of self-esteem without turning them into a self-obsessed show-off. Discover how you can raise your child to not give up easily and to get things done – whether it’s a simple puzzle or that…healthy sense, sense selfparenting, child, parent, month, chapter1
djemeriq.huClub ShakerZ / DJ EMERIQ is in the club scene as a DJ since 2001. Besides his talents and DJing with vinyl and CDs, he also started to edit tracks so they made more sense for his DJ-sets.track sense, sense djtrack, production, music, free, scene1
jadedental.huIf you have any respiratory symptoms, cough, fever, fallen, lost your sense of smell, taste, could be infected with the coronavirus or other viruses at home or abroad, please postpone your visit.fever sense, sense smelloffice, dental, phone, question, force1
casinolove.huThis bonus is unusual in the sense that the casino returns a portion of the money you've lost. This amount generally ranges between 10% and 35%. The advantage of this bonus is that the casino usually imposes very few restrictions on it, and sometimes it can be combined with other bonuses.unusual sense, sense casinobonus, deposit, spin, free, code1
myweddingplanner.huAfter working more than 10 years as event manager in Germany and Hungary for various international customers in the business sector, my love for personal relationships with my clients, my sense for the small details and passion for creating exceptional events with a unique style made me take the…client sense, sense smallwedding, planner, day, ildiko, big1
massagehouse.huTantra or even tantric massage is a game of the senses. Come and experience the uniqueness of this mystical Hindu type of massage. You can use it to expand your body’s consciousness, develop your senses, learn to focus on erogenous zones, recharge your body and soul, and immerse yourself in the…game sense, sense uniqueness, consciousness sense, sense erogenousmassage, review, weight, height, erotic1
elmenykulonitmeny.hu“I met the team wearing purple shirts at Jászai Mari square. I soon realized I can whistle, shout, or even stand on my head, I cannot overdo this team, in the best sense. They cheered everybody, with such power and love which almost made me starting to run in my sandals, jeans, and backpack.”good sense, sense everybodyevent, campaign, fundraising, art, category1
carbona.hu“We were fully satisfied with the work of all the hotel employees. We had the sense during the two days spent at the hotel that you focus on the recreation and experiences of the guests. Thank you!”employee sense, sense dayoffer, medical, room, health, facial1
bugbag.huis my graphic designer with a fine sense of craft & art. Her lines and shapes are touched by spirituality or humor, which results one-off designs.fine sense, sense craftpremium, everyday, sustainable, quality, hand1
premiumvision.huYour eyes are responsible for 80% of the information you receive from your surroundings! The remaining 20% is covered by your other senses combined. This is why it’s critical to have your vision checked at least once a year!surrounding sense, sense criticalvision, premium, eye, optic, ophthalmology1
dpc.huProviding architectural consultancy and training to FÖMI (Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing)management, consulting, training, software, solution1
ggis.huThe word “family” was always the most common word used by students over the years as they tried to describe that special “thing” about GGIS. The sense of family is evident there because the very heart and love of God is expressed in the halls and classrooms, making GGIS that much more special. It…ggis sense, sense familyschool, international, great, question, grace1
spiritsdigest.hu…our surroundings. To taste Glenglassaugh single malt is to experience the coastal influence of Sandend Bay and the ancient harbour towns nearby. Shaped by the coalescence of land and sea, the senses are awakened by the imposing yet calming crash of waves and the sweet smell of gorse in the air.”sea sense, sense imposebrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
geekandgorgeous.huMeet our G&G sets featuring products that make sense to use together, while offering an awesome value for money. For each kit, you will also find a routine template in the how to use section helping you to fit all products into your routine easily.product sense, sense awesomegorgeous, price, set, liquid, collection1
orientme.hu…presence. In addition to strengthening export-import activity, our services include developing business strategies, managing logistics and customs processes, and helping to communicate with international partners. The essence of our business sense is trust, correct attitude and customer focus.business sense, sense trustconsulting, source, translation, introduction, language1
merjed.hu…shift in the ways in which we live and earn our livings. It needs to be met by a comparable paradigm change in how we think of education. We need to rethink some of the fundamental ideas that we have come to take for granted as simple common sense: about education, intelligence and ourselves.”common sense, sense educationtraining, fermentation, industry, school, page1
etalonhorses.huHe is the most multi-talented person of the team as he studied economy both in Budapest, Hungary and Oxford, England to develop excellent interpersonal communication skills and solid foundation of marketing. Luckily, he was born with a natural sense of art and music that is exhibited in his work…natural sense, sense arthorse, fire, close, equestrian, video1
taker.huI don't particularly like mere "decorations", in the sense that I want my works to exist on their own rights, I want people to stop and say wow when they see my paintings. My goal is to create works that have a great impact on people by their quality and their monumentality, and to beautify our…decoration sense, sense workwall, date, approx, location, close1
astellasaszakdolgozokert.huSense of invincibility after a successful series. In such moments punters refuse to believe that they could lose influence which again will proceed to bet large sums.betting, successful, football, discipline, money1
betekinto.hu…relations of the period. Accordingly, in line with the expansion of the scientific discourse on contemporary history, the scope of the journal has recently broadened. Therefore, publications on 20th century Hungarian and universal history in a broader sense can also be found in Betekintő.broad sense, sense betekintőeditor, security, issue, archive, scientific1
biztonsagosvaltozas.huBesides individual learning, a collective, group-level learning is also created during Team Coaching sessions. Participants also take away a sense of belonging, and can support each other on the road to success.away sense, sense belongorganization, development, process, group, goal1
broadwaygameclub.huTry them all this with the power of the PS5 console, whether with controllers, a racing wheel or with the brand new Playstation VR2 headset and its sense controllers.headset sense, sense controllergame, price, screen, huge, friend1
idegennyelvumedia.hu…as nowadays, consumers prefer visual experiences to a long article. Foreign-language Hungarian press has an important mission also in the sense that as a member of the European Union and NATO, Hungary is a significant factor for foreigners who do not speak Hungarian. Political, economic…mission sense, sense membermedia, news, language, foreign, supporter1
diapraxis.huTo bridge geographical distances, we organize easily accessible and feasible online programs. To foster a sense of togetherness, we arrange community meals and events. To explore the European roots of Islam, we coordinate meetings at historical sites in our partner countries.program sense, sense togethernessislam, place, date, european, organization1
creativespot.huWe have different approaches and professional backgrounds but we are connected by our sense of professionalism and reliability. What’s more, we at Creativespot are all obsessed with our field:background sense, sense professionalismanimation, video, explainer, logo, request1
nuclearmorphology.hu…to verify theories instead of finding the truth. Other devices are designed on false relations of faulty theories and hypotheses. Common sense and good old geometry would provide good methods, devices and evidence, but they are completely neglected, though they are still superior to…common sense, sense goodexperiment, gravity, truth, modelling, true1
agriavintage.huThe apartment mixes the grandmother's old objects with a very good sense, with the more modern furniture and accessories.good sense, sense modernmain, page, gallery, price, apartment1
vems.hu…functionality of sequential injection and ignition, boostcontrol, direct ignition, WideBand O2, Detonation Detection and Exhaust Gas Temperature sensing, SD-card logging and included space for hardware expansion and customizable functions. Besides racing and street applications, VEMS was the firsttemperature sense, sense sdpage, documentation, engine, application, gas1
existentialcounselling.hu…worked as part of a Human Resources team in the UK and in the education sector in Hungary. I spent over 10 years living away from my home country, and my own joys and challenges as an expat increased my curiosity about how others experience and make sense of their stay within a different country.curiosity sense, sense staycounselling, expat, psychotherapy, book, issue1
mazafati.huDelight in the irresistible taste of our premium dates. Bursting with flavor and sweetness, these dates offer a delicious experience that satisfies the palate. Indulge in the exquisite taste of our carefully cultivated dates, a delightful treat for your senses.date, quality, taste, nutrient, exceptional1
haba.org.hu…events and information is provided in due time via our newsletter and on our Facebook page. I f you would like to get notified about our upcoming programmes by email, please subscribe to our mailing list here . In the meantime, get a sense of our community by visiting our gallery of past events:meantime sense, sense communitybritish, association, event, board, university1
tihanyiugyved.huReal estate is a valuable asset in the Hungarian area. For many individuals and families, it represents their single largest purchase in a lifetime. It makes good sense to have an experienced real estate attorney who knows Hungarian real estate laws and understands the local real estate market.good sense, sense experiencelaw, client, family, firm, attorney1
solarsafety.huIn addition to the services related to occupational-, fire and environmental protection, we undertake the tasks of lifting and working machines in the classical sense and the tasks of occupational safety, health and safety coordinators.classical sense, sense tasksafety, protection, occupational, fire, machine1
somogyiangelika.hu…of the experiences in the development of my colleagues, I became increasingly interested in the human psyche and its science, psychology. In the course of my psychological counseling work, I keep helping my clients in deeper understanding of their issues and develop their strengths to be able to…sense directionproblem, university, counselling, psychologist, therapy0
dentrip.huAn implant can be placed immediately after the extraction of the tooth. This is called immediate implantation. This solution is primarily used for the replacement of aesthetic zone teeth (front teeth) with prosthetics. Tissues around the tooth (bone, connective tissue, gum) do not grow back after…narrow sense, sense visibledental, prosthetic, tooth, treatment, dentistry0
mixerhivo.huHow you feel while working makes a big difference. Most of the conditions depend on you and can be positively changed. Everything starts with a clear understanding, for that continuous control is needed. This process is revolutionized by FLLIP so that you can check your motivation at any time. To…sharp sensemotivation, value, fun, engage, real0
mindstep.huI think the methodology of coaching is really useful when you are in search of a better quality of life, looking for more fulfillment and a better balance. Coaching can help you to better understand what you want and the steps needed to achieve this.career, university, psychology, navigation, field0
g2amarketing.hu…agency with planning, implementation and analysis. If you think that your business deserves the maximum - choose us. We focus on long-term performance - brand and conversion growth. Our analyzes and expertise help you maximize your income. We help the development of brands, therefore both you…common sense, sense touchsocial, development, media, website, customer0
4ai.huWe believe in your success and that big data can help you achieve the best results for your business, regardless of your field or target market.expert sense, sense bigdata, big, client, insight, market0
araamuexclusive.huSri Lanka… Bali… Hong Kong… Vietnam… Bora Bora… Tahiti… Chile… Costa Rica… Peru… Uruguay… Anguilla…exclusive, island, selection, st, north0
chichaya.huOwing to the special catches, Thai massage also supports the flexible joints, corrects the tight and cramped muscles and relieves the pain. Moreover, it provides the energetic balance of the organs. The effect of massage is mainly balancing of the energy system, as it provides free energy flow by…massage, body, traditional, type, effect0
kultplay.hu…changes we all are riding - says user experience designer Nadia El-Imam to Kultplay. Nadia initiated a discussion at Reboot, a forth coming web conference located in Copenhagen, Denmark. This meet up is a gathering for "programmers, designers, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, bloggers…reader, art, social, installation, european0
zhe.hun human-robot collaboration, it is crucial for the robot to make its intentions clear and predictable to the human partners. Inspired by the mutual learning and adaptation of human partners, we suggest an actor-critic approach for a legible robot motion planner.tactile sense, sense forcevideo, robotic, jia, pan, human0
opusjazzclub.huOpus Jazz Club - Jazz concerts from every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 9pm!concert, thursday, pm, wednesday, saturday0
dunagrillterasz.huINTRODUCINGDuna Café Grill & Drink Bar 1 PERFECT MOMENTS FOR BUSINESSES, COUPLES AND FAMILIES Whether it is a business lunch, a family gathering, a corporate event, or an intimate candle-lit dinner spent together, the Nebro Restaurant is the perfect choice for any occasion.drink, family, event, bar, restaurant0
strohm-teka.huStrohm Teka is a brand that is focused on providing global solutions for bathrooms through all its product categories: taps , cabinets , mirrors , screens , accessories and ceramic products such as bathtubs , shower trays , toilets and bidets .series sense, sense seriesshower, collection, tray, tap, cabinet0
dronmagazin.hu…Lists His Top Ten Touchdowns And Best Players Of The Season… Read More… The Jackets Are Still…cronin sense, sense eituaugust, season, privacy, player, hello0
britalux.hu© BRITALUX 2014, MINDEN JOG FENNTARTVA - ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDaqua sensewhite, green, care, line, brand0
laszlodehegy.huLászló Beregszászi-Hegÿi sculptor, ceramist. Memorials, fountains, sculptures, high-reliefs.sculpture, de, fountain, relief, memorial0
usapolo.huAutós, Filmes, Horror, Koponyás, Mountain, Rock Fashion, Sport, Video Game Ruházat és Kiegészítőksense failplan, death, game, gothic, video0
stenya.huYeah, I hear you! Probably MSFS 2020 is the best, but I am an Apple guy, so I need something that runs on a Mac, on a MacBook to be precise as I come and go between countries.sense personleave, plane, past, flight, external0
csernitzkylaura.huI'm passionate about providing support for individuals on their unique journeys. I look forward to assisting you on your journey towards mental health.sense meaninglessnessjourney, support, forward, unique, passionate0
f2pilates.huF2 Reformer Pilates Studio | Budapest, Fürj utca 2. Group reformer pilates classes in the heart of Buda.endurance sense, sense balanceclass, studio, instructor, group, gallery0
spearhead.huWhen you earnestly believe you can compensate for a lack of skill by doubling your efforts, there's no end to what you can't docommunicate sense, sense funskill, effort, lack, mission, dream0
fejlesztek.husize_t is at least 32 bit on 32 bit systems and at least 64 bit on 64 bit machines (because it’s the type of the size parameter of malloc). So you can hold a maximum of 64^2 bits in this structure on a 64 bit system.data, bit, image, file0
ssscc.huWELCOME TO THE SSSCC 2023 EUROPEAN SMART SUSTAINABLE AND SAFE CITIES CONFERENCE | Smart, Sustainable and Safe Cities Conferencecity sense, sense internetcity, safe, conference, sustainable, submission0
tomsalamon.huEnglish… About me… Leadership… Health… Blog-English… Toggle website search… Menu…sense momentumleadership, health, insurance, search, website0
salaambombay.huVarieties of starters (2 pcs of Samosa, Stuffed mushrooms, Chicken Kathi Roll and Chicken Pakoda) served with mint & mango chutneyschicken, indian, onion, restaurant, spice0
oddwords.huOddwords is a quasi-journalistic site founded in 2018, created to document and discuss the various games and events related to the Oddworld series, its community, and its developers. While most of the content on the site deals with Soulstorm, especially its pre-release material, you can also find…post sense, sense trailergame, thought, list, event, media0
fabiolafoto.huDive into amazing world of black-and-white photography full of emotions, feelings, beautiful faces and personalities. Enjoy this mixture of beauty and creativity!emotional sensephotographer, photography, photo, travel, class0
nebro.huINTRODUCINGNEBRO FINE & WINE RESTAURANT 1 PERFECT MOMENTS FOR BUSINESSES, COUPLES AND FAMILIES Whether it is a business lunch, a family gathering, a corporate event, or an intimate candle-lit dinner spent together, the Nebro Restaurant is the perfect choice for any occasion.family, restaurant, event, corporate, perfect0
terramatra.huForest Cabin accommodation in Matraszentimre, Bagolyirtas in modern environment. Booking only with us. | Terra Mátraquiet sense, sense freedomforest, house, cabin, matra, price0
csempenagyker.hu…Baldocer Legend… Baldocer Montmartre… Ceramiche Brennero… Ceramiche Brennero Explora & Dekora…azteca sensecersanit, ceramica, ape0
budapestdancetheatre.huThe DEPO studio was established in 2011, as the studio theatre of Budapest Dance Theatre. Over the years it has developed into a buzzing, energetic, open community art space. A creative dance studio which provides a home for contemporary dance classes and international dance courses, as well as…essence sensedance, theatre, programme, training, repertoire0
creatorcave.huEndlessly distilling and reformulating structures, trying to get a glimpse of what they truly are.method sense, sense wordcreation, visual, interactive, cave, method0
humantelex.huIf you've been organizing birthday parties since kindergarten and you're always the one who comes up with the most creative theme nights, then join the Human Telex creative team as event creative!sense humorevent, creative, human, client, campaign0
webtuning.huMillions of websites operates around the world. Why aren't they up to date and looks nice? We're just working on it...year sense, sense humorcustom, responsive, website, portfolio, testimonial0
milan.huHungarian photographer, Budapest based artist, designer and visual storyteller. Hi combining fine art photography and photojournalism.spiritual sense, sense saltview, art, photographer, artist, photography0
zsidojovoert.huBy uniting the strength of our communities, using it, our strength will multiply and we will also be able to perform tasks that we alone would otherwise be unable to do.commitment sense, sense responsibilitycommunity, manual, jewish, application, member0
szineskepek.huNOTE : On the lower part of the above painting on the right side You can read my signature written by the very old hungarian runic characters. The exact name of this writing is "szekely-hungarian rovash". This is thousands of years old, but the violent christian conversion forbade it about one…practical sense, sense examplepainting, exhibition, example, photo, landscape0
fiziodia.hu…joints without restricting the body’s range of motion as well as providing extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered within the clinical setting. Kinesio Taping is currently used by therapists to change muscle tone, move lymphatic fluids, correct…therapy, pain, eng, manual, body0
tuskevariskola.huFor six years our training has given help for more than 120 colleagues mainly because our trainers, lecturers are well-known child-psychiatrists, psychologists, special needs teachers, teachers of learning disabilities with great experience. The training is child- and practice-centred. We intend…organ sense, sense sensitiveteacher, school, training, learn, child0
qsspartner.huCorporate Planner is an integrated software solution for operational and strategic challenges. It provides financial planning and consolidation functions as well.qlik sense, sense development, sense trainingplanner, corporate, portfolio, training, data0
gottimovies.hu…út szélén!… Ismered a viccet, hogy örökbe fogadsz egy állatot…?… Nyomj inkább még egy sorozatot… -Nagy…nydeum sense, sense kickstarterdental, image, head, office, trick0
haromnyirfa.huHárom Nyírfa designed our online identity, logo and web page. Annamari supported us greatly with her amazing ideas in the planning phase. She is fast, precise and trustworthy. We received a truly professional service. We thank her greatly!design sense, sense endprice, portfolio, page, logo, client0
kpopstore.hu2020 - 2023 © Kpopstoresixth sense, sense versionversion, tomorrow, treasure, girl, purple0
gatifoto.huThis is the official web site of independent photographer György Gáti and the Gáti Fotó Fényirodasense newphoto, main, page, site, contest0
mentalizacio.huIn 2017 we could enter MBT Practitional Level Training. In September 2017, we reached our goal to start an MBT outpatient service, which offers MBT for so-called dual-diagnosed clients who are living with borderline personality disorder and addiction. This service is delivered through the INDIT…mental, introduction, association, treatment, contribution0
chipcad.huHungarian… Linear Technology… Digilent… ADC… ATTINY… DAC… DigiPOT… Drivers… PowerMonitor… dsPIC… PIC24…current sense, sense amplifierpower, driver, controller, pic, step0
liquid-aroma.hu…MOD Kit… Liquid Opener-ek… Egyéb… 510 Cloud Park Aroma… Air Factory Aroma… Antimatter Aroma… Archangel…liquid, cloud, flavour, lab, dinner0
adamerdelyi.huI am currently employed in the field of video analytics by Genetec Austria GmbH as Delivery Lead, also serving as security champion in our product group. I completed a PhD program at NES - AAU focusing on objective evaluation and protection of privacy in visual data.trustworthy sense, sense cooperationprivacy, network, video, university, sensor0
autosen.huOur constantly growing product portfolio includes more than 400 products from the areas of position sensors, process sensors, Motion Control, IO-Link sensors, software, masters, etc. and our IIoT gateway io-key. The range is completed with a selection of suitable connection technology, sensor…sensor, accessories, class, key, temperature0
eurosquare.huApple Shopping Event Shop great deals on MacBook, iPad, iPhone and more. Shop Now The new Google Pixel 7 Shop great deals on MacBook, iPad, iPhone and more. Pre-Order Now Discount on all Smart appliances up to 25% Shop great deals on MacBook, iPad, iPhone and more. Shop Now Aurora Headset 0 days…view, quick, basket, hot, color0
turacsomag.huA wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.exquisite sense, sense mereview, quick, plant, shop, care0
hintalovon.huSince 2015, we have been working to raise awareness of children's rights. We want to make sure that society has a voice in all aspects of life. children's interests and perspectives in all areas of life, so that we really listen to children. We want us all to understand the importance of a good…survey sensechild, participation, report, safeguard, advocacy0
cadaveres.huCADAVERES DE DE TORTUGAS TORTUGAS 30 30 pólóheaven, soul, intro, breed, blood0
exclusiveapartmanok.hu…Apartment… Gold Gallery Apartment… Deluxe Exclusive Apartment… Exclusive Accomodation… Terms &…exclusive, apartment, gallery, pricing, booking0
szijak-okosorakhoz.hu…Maya… Garett Women Naomi… Garett Women Paula… Garmin… Approach sorozat… Garmin Approach S2… Garmin…sense sorozatseries, approach, active, charge, woman0
122.huKaldi is the coffee store for everyone who believes that great coffee shouldn't just taste good, it should do good too. We source all of our beans directly from small scale sustainable farmers and make sure part of the profits are reinvested in their communities.coffee, example, form, bean, great0
szabadterek.huThe Open Spaces Network (Szabad Terek Hálózata) was established in 2017 to broaden the shrinking spaces of civil society in Hungary.member sense, sense communityspace, network, member, society, open0
danagroup.huStarting with the year 2009 Dana Bulgaria refocused its activities on the photovoltaic energy sector. At the time the Bulgarian market was first in the region about to open for photovoltaic energy. Dana Bulgaria was amongst the first companies, which started developing PV plants in Bulgaria. The…common sense, sense energeticphotovoltaic, bulgaria, romania, multiple, proud0
pogacsas.huThis is Photoshop's version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor. This is Photoshop's version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor.lorem, ipsum, title, custom, proin0
sankoart.huHonestly? I am a child that tries to act like he’s an adult. I make a living while dreaming. This website is about these dreams that came true, about total freedom, about personal projects and about other theatrical works. Set, costume and visual design, acting, puppeteering, installations and…visual sense, sense touchvisual, art, costume, freedom, touch0
secreto.huSecreto is a strictly invitation only tango occasion in Budapest, Hungary. The ideal (and maximum) number of dancers is 250 , but we will not insist on it, if this had a decreasing influence on the dancing or navigation (etc.) level.priority sense, sense invitationregistration, music, travel, secret, people0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)common sense, sense agedocumentary, islam, history, america, article0