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49 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: repository

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cubussapiens.huCategories Software Development Tags eclipse , error handling , maven Leave a comment on Naming Maven repositoriesmaven repository, bundle repository, repository declaration, proxy repository, repository webmastersoftware, development, editor, reflective, maven11
researchdata.huAfter several years of preparation, the HUN-REN Data Repository Platform (ARP) is ready to be launched in March.data repository, repository platform, repository hungarian, repository researchdata, research, event, infrastructure, development11
abtl.huensure conservation and restoration of deteriorated or damaged archives; prepare or have a security copy prepared of these archives and of archives of particular importance, and hand over a copy thereof - unless a legal rule otherwise provides - to the security film repository in the National…archive repository, repository permanent, repository institution, repository public, repository shallarchive, shall, public, record, document9
csharp-tutorial.huAs you may know, repository pattern is intended to create an abstraction layer between BLL (business logic layer) and DAL (data access layer). Repository pattern is to query the data source and maps it to the BLL. But what if …generic repository, repository pattern, layer repository, bll repositorytutorial, code, framework, entity, useful7
cyeb.huAbout us | References | Request for proposal and contact | Partner portal | Repository | Press roomportal repository, repository pressconsumption, electricity, energy, reference, request6
hrda.huCentre for Social Sciences (Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont - TK) has joined the Hungarian node of RDA. The main interest of TK is creating data repositories for social sciences. They have already contributed to the creation of several such scientific repositories.data repository, repository lead, repository mta, repository social, access repositorydata, science, research, national, open4
keli.huThen I googled a bit and made apt work. In order to install mysql-server and php-mysql I also had to use CentOS's repository. Here is what I did:centos repository, repository rhelserver, view, apt, file, small3
stsgroup.huDescription of project content: STS Service Ltd. plans to implement the acquisition of a complete ERP software package, consisting of CRM, time & attendance and HR, controlling and decision support, procurement and logistics, electronic document management (document repository) and mobile…document repository, repository mobilegroup, plant, power, energy, construction2
ecolres.huHungary’s richest, internationally renowned botanical garden showcases 13,000 plant species and varieties in a sentimental landscape garden that dates back two centuries. A national nature reserve and historic monument, a strategically important gene bank, an inexhaustible repository of research…inexhaustible repository, repository researchresearch, garden, ecological, species, science2
vetiver-lms.huVET Itineraries with a Variety of Open Educational Resources enhanced by a Multilingual Repositorymultilingual repositorytext, navigation, flag, main, variety2
bozzayviktor.hu…object-oriented approach, based on the factory pattern, a Sudoku solver, and generator. During development, I followed the Test-Driven Development (TDD) methodology, but I didn`t use any testing library. I wrote my own testing framework as well. The source code is shared in a public repository.universal, curriculum, developer, application, measurement2
russianstudies.hu…the year. Besides being accessible on the periodical’s own website, issues are freely accessible at the Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences’ repository ( EDIT ), the Electronic Periodicals Archive & Database of the Hungarian Electronic Library ( EPA ) as well as in many other major internationalscience repository, repository editrussian, study, history, russia, historical2
duba.huAnyway. Thanks for visiting my website. If you have any suggestion feel free to send me an email or add your thought to the repository.page, website, setting, resume, free2
raszta.huWith the right online board getting together with software, directors could make sure all the information they need comes in a effortless digital repository. Usually, these types of systems are highly attached and can be used with peace of mind also for very sensitive documents just like meeting…digital repository, repository usuallylegal, january, law, agreement, board1
napkiado.hu“Who were the repositories and performers of Hungarian instrumental folk music? What were they doing when they did not play music? What was the opinion of society about them? What ensembles did the peasant or Gypsy or Jewish musicians form who satisfied the demand of the community? What was the…anthem, national, country, nation, book1
mezoturilatnivalok.hu…with programmes and events built around them. The town centre surrounding the Town Hall retains the feel of the place’s heyday when it was a market town. It is a living part of the town and a repository of architectural heritage and monuments of cultural history with untapped tourist potential.town repository, repository architecturaltown, detail, hall, event, history1
bparchiv.hu…permanently in the Basilica, where offices were established then. In the 1960s owing to the renovation of the City Hall and building of new repositories, the high level of crowdedness was slightly decreased. The most precious medieval documents were moved back to the restored store of the City…new repository, repository high, apart repository, repository microfilmcity, archive, history, hall, document1
energoprojekt.huAn online data room may be a secure repository for keeping sensitive information and permitting efficient collaboration. It is actually widely used just for M&A financial transactions, tenders, growth capital raising and other organization operations. That ensures a high level of security for…secure repository, repository sensitivesoftware, management, organization, board, way1
bocskaitermal.huAs of 1 September 2021, our accommodation facilities will be obliged to record the data of our guests in an accommodation management software with the help of a document scanner and to transmit them to the Closed Guest Information Database (VIZA). The VIZA is an IT repository created by the…viza repository, repository hungarianguest, dear, apartment, accomodation, medical1
divaldo.huSimulation of scintillation process and detecting photons using Silicon Photomultiplier. The source code is available on my self hosted git repository.simulation, site, smartphone, chamber, linear1
mome.huIt is the main pillar of the University's core activities, that unites education, including all institutes and departments, while also serving the primary repository and development center for the University's intellectual heritage.primary repository, repository developmentuniversity, art, innovation, international, study1
anyanyelv-pedagogia.hu– A member of the editorial board uploads the articles with the international DOI number into the repository of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.number repository, repository hungarianjournal, editor, language, pedagogy, article1
archbook.huThe jewels of our known world pave the way to beauty with a proud nation’s repository of history and natural treasures.nation repository, repository historybook, national, memory, wonder, arch1
matevojts.huPreviously I was creating backup irregularly into my cloud storage, but I read an article about adding all these files into a git repository, which I found an interesting idea.git repository, repository interestingengineer, software, mouse, file, studio1
szabodani.huThese are some of my latest work that was published, or repositories for my local development applications, and school projects.work repository, repository localportfolio, website, university, job, study1
szaguldozz.huRussell Guest Editor s : Brian L. All rights reserved. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVIDrelated research that is available on the COVID resource centre - including this research content - immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as…publicly repository, repository covidrespiratory, virus, korean, cell, vaccine1
dokkozpont.hu…and operating an electronic catalogue. Attending to students in higher education, we exhibiting our collections and organize tours of our plan repository, thereby supporting the practical aspects of their training and scientific research activities. In our client reception rooms, professionals andplan repository, repository practicalcollection, document, documentation, construction, plan1
openaccess.huL'Harmattan Open Access offers more than any other currently available publishing platforms and repositories. Our book database provides a rich set of features and metadata to help users navigate, browse, and search our publications. After a simple registration process, the platform’s users can…platform repository, repository bookaccess, open, academic, publication, publish1
morrohun.huOur subversion handling system features a closed central repository where we hold the files for the translation. These files can be modified by each team member simultaneously. Thus all translators can work on the same file from home in the same time and no data loss can occur. (In theory.) If…central repository, repository filetranslation, original, pillar, game, demonstration1
bayenergy.huCaptivated By By You You Crossfire Crossfire by by Sylvia Sylvia Day. Day. PDF PDF Book. Book. Bared Bared to to You You A A Crossfire Crossfire Novel Novel by by Sylvia Sylvia Day Day Books Books on. on. Sylvia Sylvia Day Day Crossfire Crossfire Novels Novels 1 1 4 4 by by Sylvia Sylvia Day.day, leigh, book, series, novel0
fejlesztek.husize_t is at least 32 bit on 32 bit systems and at least 64 bit on 64 bit machines (because it’s the type of the size parameter of malloc). So you can hold a maximum of 64^2 bits in this structure on a 64 bit system.data, bit, image, file0
phpclasses.huinfo at phpclasses dot orgclass repository, repository phpclass, site, review, book, job0
gaborhargitai.huWhen installing Google Drive File Stream for macOS for the first time, you should see Loading your files within the app – along with the sudden realization that your fans spin up and something is running one core of your CPU at 100% load. Aside from Google constantly fixing bugs [...]update repository, repository codenamefile, command, server, user, network0
translangedu.hu…on the relationship between translanguaging and linguistic practices in schools (García-Kleyn 2016, García et al 2017, Paulsrud et al 2017), our project explores the possibilities of integrating children’s Romani-language resources in a Hungarian-monolingual primary school setting and curriculum…video repository, repository volumeeducation, matter, multilingual, communication, research0
bajaimuzeum.huFor Visitors… Events… Contacts / Opening hours… Tickets… About Us… History of the Museum… Publications…data repositorymuseum, history, open, house, exhibition0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)programming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
madiborakademia.hu…OF MAD ITS SURROUNDINGS… CONTACT FORM… News… All news… FACULTY'S PHONEBOOK… Repository… Videos…wine, academy, video, research, form0
cardinal.huAn electronic document management system with workflow support. An efficient and stable partner in secure management of business documents with a wide range of satisfied customers and more than 25 years of experience.document, management, support, electronic, customer0
hermuz.huThe exhibition spaces of the Herman Ottó Museum and the Miskolc Gallery will be open to the public again from May 20, according to the following opening hours:award, museum, exhibition, visitor, public0
budaors.huBudaörs is a small city situated in a picturesque environment, at the southern edge of the Buda Hills and offers a harmonic combination of widely recognised works of contemporary architecture, breath-taking natural surroundings and monuments of our historical past. The city's commercial district…repository provisioncity, affairs, office, settlement, transaction0
sintegroup.huThe company has held the role of general contractor several times in recent years, typically in the construction of feed processing plants and plant halls.repository knowledgeconstruction, plant, capacity, group, extraction0
alliedsoft.huAllied Software Systems offers professional services to their customers since 2003. Main areas: software development, IT network management, digital cartography.multiple repository, repository instancesoftware, value, management, automotive, reference0
mab.hu…and published by the MAB in advance. If the institution or programme meets these criteria, it is then accredited. The core activity of the MAB is therefore the accreditation of institutions, faculties and programmes, as well as the evaluation of applications for university professor positions.document repositoryaccreditation, education, procedure, forum, decision0
ddvizig.huSouth-Transdanubian Water Management Directorate (DDVIZIG), Pécswater, management, news, directorate, south0
1etem.huLogin… Repository… Permanent Link… Legal Notice…content repository, repository iliaslogin, permanent, legal, notice, accessibility0
signcoders.huWe provide digital solutions to make your day-to-day processes more efficient. From web pages, through mobile applications to business process support systems.process, sign, language, impact, social0
abylon.huAbylon Consulting is an innovative IT consulting and software company focusing on business intelligence, data analytics and modern collaboration. We are among the fastest growing IT companies in the region making the Deloitte’s Technology Fast 50 CE list in 2022 and Financial Times’ fastest…regulatory repository, repository controlplan, data, solution, collaboration, intelligence0
lightport.huThe development of a road data collection system for road vehicles, with an automated data processing unit, as well as the optimization of the practical use of the image processing process and the transfer of collected data to related professional systems.road, pilgrimage, portal, application, development0
systemmonitoring.huI created some playbooks which help us to prepare a node for awx deployment. These playbooks install the necessary compoments. We can use these before we start the awx deployment.node, host, log, deployment, support0