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741 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: rule

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abtl.hu…national security control. The committee shall supervise the handover to the Archives of the documents falling under the effect of this Act. The rules of procedure of the committee shall be approved by the Minister of the National Cultural Heritage in agreement with the Minister controlling the…parliament rule, rule incompatibility, law rule, rule practically, act rulearchive, shall, public, record, document38
azumba.huJust as the film portrays acts of kindness and compassion, legal professionals can help navigate the complexities of contracts and agreements. From providing a sales bonus agreement template to offering insights on California meal period rules , legal experts can bring clarity to complicated…basic rule, rule thumb, divorce rule, rule regulation, dining rulelegal, law, agreement, contract, important22
munkavedinfo.huIn today’s complex business environment, understanding legal terminology and business law is essential. From company rules and regulations to corporate law courses, there are numerous legal concepts that can impact your business. Let’s explore some key topics in a question-answer style.legal rule, rule regulation, sure rule, ownership rule, rule trailerlegal, law, agreement, regulation, important16
helsinki.huWe are a non-governmental watchdog organisation that protects human dignity and the rule of law through legal intervention and public advocacy. We provide assistance to refugees, detainees and victims of violence committed by law enforcement agencies.commission rule, rule law, dignity rule, value rule, court rulearticle, law, refugee, committee, justice15
szav.huYour character may use this talent to attack an unaware adversary using a Melee (Light) weapon. A Backstab is a melee attack, and follows the normal rules for performing a combat check (see page 101 of the Genesys Core Rulebook), using the character’s Skullduggery skill instead of Melee (Light)…alternate rule, skill rule, rule rank, normal rule, rule combattier, activation, check, character, active12
kzst.hu• Judah under Roman rule: the Great Jewish War and the Bar-Kochba Revolt. The beginning of the Diaspora, the Talmudic era (until 600 CE) .greek rule, rule hasmonians, rule ommajads, roman rule, rule greatjewish, christian, lecture, society, community12
hermuz.huWe would like to draw the attention of the visitors to the fact that by redeeming the ticket, they accept the rules for visiting our exhibition venues, which is available here !visitor rule, ticket rule, rule exhibition, strictly rule, rule visitaward, museum, exhibition, visitor, public10
transparency.huWithout genuine and credible rule of law and anti-corruption measures, Hungary will not get EU money – joint press relase by Hungarian NGOsrule law, credible rule, comission rulecorruption, transparency, report, international, public10
konyhabiztos.huOur goal is to give people from other parts of the world the confidence to eat, shop or do business with you, by ensuring that the food safety rules and systems we already have in our countries work in the same way in the Middle East.safety rule, rule systemfood, career, reference, restaurant, safety9
ora-akcio.huUnderstanding legal terminology such as “PR in law” or “conduct rules for central government employees” may seem daunting, but our Legal Avengers have the expertise to guide you through these concepts. Learn more about PR in law and conduct rules for central government employees .debate rule, rule essential, guide rule, rule game, flex rulelegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements8
okotars.huAccording to civil society organisations, the bill submitted by the Government which would amend the rules of public consultation “in the interest of reaching an agreement with the European Commission” offers only pretend solutions. Strengthening public participation in lawmaking is an important…commission rule, rule law, annual rule, comission rule, country rulesociety, report, european, tree, organization8
mte.huestablish the Hungarian Association of Content Providers that has elaborated, discussed, and accepted the Statutes of the Association, the Code of Content Providing, the Code of Ethics of Content Providing, and made several recommendations to its members and accepting associations about the…publicly rule, rule ethical, operational rule, rule association, procedural ruleassociation, provider, provide, regulation, self8
javorbenedek.huThe European Parliament has just voted for binding rules for more transparency around MEPs’ meetings with lobbyists and seized the..new rule, rule lobby, threat rule, rule law, bind rulemedia, european, mep, letter, story8
ehftc2024.hu…– each lane with one target. Competition consists of two rounds (1st on Saturday, 2nd on Sunday). Every shooter will shoot at a total of 40 targets each day, which will be randomly set at distances between 7m and 42m. Kill zone sizes will be selected based on the international WHFTO rules as well.target ruletarget, field, championship, european, september7
kaszasgabor.hu…management, as I was almost certain that in the short period of time, he couldn’t gain proper insight into what really went on behind the strict rules and regulations, and I thought it would make him rather unhappy if he knew how future air traffic controllers are “trained”. I didn’t get any…seriously rule, rule fee, yes rule, rule training, strict ruletraining, contract, traffic, air, controller7
mkvk.hu…was active from September 5, 1997 till December 17, 1997, the day of the constituent meeting. The committee drafted the Chamber’s provisional rules and election procedures, granted temporary membership to auditors licensed by the Ministry of Finance, organised thefounding and election of…accounting rule, rule regulation, abuse rule, rule open, tax rulechamber, member, auditing, sector, place7
hclu.huFor the fifth year in a row, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is contributing to the European Commission’s annual Rule of Law Report in coordination with other Hungarian human rights and anti-corruption CSOs.rule law, commission rule, annual rulelaw, freedom, union, news, expression7
jungleapartment.huRegistration Nr. MA19008132 For our mutual satisfaction, please respect the following rules:house ruleapartment, house, bed, gallery, kitchen7
skmc.hu…signs concerned could they be heard once again? To make those “Silent Key” call signs, as many as possible, resound we welcome you, even though you have a reissued sk call sign, to participate in the contest as well as your activity in propagating the SKM Contest and its rules to your ham friends.contest rule, rule hamcontest, key, silent, memorial, amateur7
oneminutechallenge.huIf governmental rules are changing we have to apply them accordingly in our event, in that case we will let you know as soon as possible!competition rule, general rule, event rule, governmental rule, rule accordinglycompetition, minute, challenge, event, showcase7
upartment.huCreating a design it is not an end in itself, but a means. We understand the rules of the games. It’s about to make you happy.mean rule, rule gamehappy, mean, game, city, capital7
mlszsz.hu(1) The Board of Supervisors is the association’s own supervising organisation consisting of a president and two other members. The rules of procedure of the Board of Supervisors are determined by itself.ga rule, rule revoke, association rule, rule regulation, member ruleassociation, member, shall, presidency, president6
consumer.huConsumer protection law straddles the line between public and private law, and it is a fairly new, multi-disciplinary branch of law that includes substantive and procedural rules alike, with a healthy dose of civil law, commercial law and public administration law. It is a wide-ranging set of…sweepstakes rule, rule condition, protection rule, rule directly, procedural ruleconsumer, protection, inspection, minute, course6
ismerosok.huIn certain cases, the Audit Committee may review our decisions under its own terms and conditions and in accordance with its own rules of organisation and operation. For more information, please visit here.condition rule, rule use, accordance rule, rule organisation, clear ruledata, condition, account, purpose, law6
lovely-home.huGuests are financially responsible for any damages that occur as a result of the improper use of the balcony, apartment, furnishings, and household appliances, as well as any violations of the House Rules. The settlement of any damages will be handled on-site. If the Guests do not use the…house rule, rule settlementapartment, guest, reservation, house, away6
tourdematra.huRiders must obey all public road rules. You are requested to ride no more than 2 abreast on public roads at all times and do NOT attempt any dangerous passing or cross the centre line of the road. Please be aware of your fellow cyclists and any other traffic. Please always indicate your intention…race rule, road rule, rule race, rule particular, association rulerace, entry, tour, road, cycling6
paintball.huFirst you are to meet the Leader who’s going to show you around. You fill in the registration form and receive an overall. Then the Leader is going to explain the rules, tips and tricks of the game in 10 minutes. You are going to learn about the paintball gun (marker) and the safety instructions…leader rule, rule tip, rule field, score rule, rule totalgame, field, price, equipment, course6
deseda.hu7. In the period from June 05, 2017 to September 23, 2017 a temporary fishing rule shall apply. During the indicated period 1 pc. carp in a day and 3 pcs. carps in a week can be retained in the possession of any (child, beneficiary, grown-up, daily) permission. During the indicated period the…fishing rule, order rule, rule night, daily rule, exclusively rulefishing, fish, shall, permission, place6
tboss.huBathroom can be the soul of your home. Let's go against the rules and create your individual bathroom where every furniture is telling a story about you.home rule, rule individualbathroom, cabinet, furniture, story, mirror6
szazadveg.hu…of data protection in Hungary but, as the lines reveal, to keep Hungary in check – with reference to the violation of the basic principles of the rule of law – on the basis of the advice of NGOs, especially considering that the protection of the personal data of European citizens is not a Member…principle rule, rule law, line rule, hungary rule, criticism ruledata, report, protection, political, human6
dev-lab.huNo, our shooting packages can be tried without any licence, with the safety rules being taken into consideration.safety rule, rule considerationshoot, package, weapon, range, detail5
bte.huOur material founded on the facts present the most important changes and events of rules and the data concerned to the dangerous goods deliveries. During our work we intended to show the actual information from every main fields. We studied the fields of dangerous goods delivery on roads, rails…safety rule, rule fun, hand rule, rule road, event ruleassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor5
dataprivacy.huUnder Hungarian data protection laws, Binding Corporate Rules (BCR) were earlier completely omitted from the list of instruments guaranteeing adequate level of protection in the context of international data transfers.…harbor rule, rule hungarian, corporate rule, rule hungary, rule bcrguidance, data, post, category, privacy5
nuclearmorphology.hulife modelling. That is what morphology modelling does in the other direction, produces the large scale models of atoms and molecules by using the rules and connections of morphologic compatibility. In Mother Nature there are no misfits or square pegs in round holes. Everything is compatible or if…application rule, rule morphologic, merchant rule, rule trading, people ruleexperiment, gravity, truth, modelling, true5
nezopont.huFor several years in a row conservative Hungarian think tanks have participated in the targeted stakeholder consultation organized by the European Commission for the annual Rule of Law Report’s Country Chapter for Hungary. On these meetings the European Commission is represented by a team of EU offiannual rule, rule lawpolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature5
ignaczbusz.hu…trailer can be provided. Our goal is to suit to our clients to become returning partners. Our bus driver’s decades of routine, experience guarantees that we provide a safe, high quality passenger transportation. Our buses are complying with the current Hungarian and EU rules in all respects.eu rule, rule respectbus, tour, introduction, transportation, group5
gyermekkoriautizmus.huIndividuals on the autistic spectrum can have great difficulty in understanding the social rules that are the norm for the rest of us. Individuals with autism may have little or no speech and they may repeat phrases without understanding them. Many people with autism can be very literal and can be…social rule, rule norm, vocabulary rule, rule turn, long ruleautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic5
parking-hungary.huIn Hungary, parking zones and paid areas are marked with well-marked signs or signs. These signs include the parking period and parking. In general, you have to pay for parking more often in downtown areas or in busy places. Information about the rules and fees applicable in the given area can be…information rule, rule fee, different rule, rule general, parking ruleparking, ticket, easily, free, zone5
drilleszsolt.huMy main activities include the resolution of legal problems related to condominiums, the preparation of real estate sale and purchase agreements and lease contracts and rules of organization and operation, legal consultation related to condominium matters and meetings. Also, I undertake labor law…contract rule, rule organizationreal, estate, sale, condominium, law5
meltanyossag.huHarsh words for Hungary in the EUs new Rule of Law Report, nevertheless the aim doesn’t seem to be to escalate the conflict, said Júlia Lakatos to Balkan Insight regional news portal.new rule, rule law, country rule, rule euanalysis, election, opposition, primary, political5
russianstudies.hu…welcomes authors who can provide an academic treatment of any issue related to Eastern Slavic, Russian or Soviet history (including their Hungarian and Eastern European aspects), either as a historian or by means of a related discipline, provided they accept the periodical’s Rules of Publication.periodical rule, rule publication, idea rule, rule class, russia rulerussian, study, history, russia, historical5
pickleball.huA paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players.level rule, rule simpleopen, video, page, training, plan5
budapesttimes.hu…rejects migration and the “gender madness” and stands by its position calling for an immediate ceasefire and peace talks as regards the war in Ukraine, Tamas Deutsch, an MEP of ruling Fidesz, said in Strasbourg on Wednesday, after participating in an EP plenary debate on the rule of law in Hungary.debate rule, rule law, violation rule, tusk rulejanuary, mep, minister, newspaper, european5
holloscamping.hucorrect hand washing – we have posted a series of diagrams showing the rules of proper hand washing in each washbasinnew rule, rule visitor, diagram rule, rule proper, rule sensebooking, connect, price, gallery, main5
lorik.huCriminal proceedings are launched not only against habitual offenders. The rules of conduct of today’s society, reinforced with criminal law are so complicated and expansive that some of its prohibitions may be violated by any average person.necessary rule, rule conduct, people rule, violation rule, rule punishmentcriminal, law, lawyer, proceedings, defence4
navszakerto.huWe have great confidence, if you have resort to our service, you may expect the job from our well-prepared, trustworthy, dynamic legal team. And you may certain of that, we also adhere to the strict ethical rules.lawyer, tax, legal, law, procedure4
miszje.huMISZJE is a joint right managing organization, whose primary aim is to collect royalty and to perform the distribution of the funds according to its effective Distribution Rules.page, main, distribution, joint, fund4
tenyerlegal.hu…individual sales and purchase agreement, condominium formation, etc. Establishment of easements Representation of natural persons in real estate transactions Lease and management contracts (e.g. office building, hotel) Drawing up the general terms and conditions of accommodation and the house rulescontract, legal, law, agreement, procedure4
flyboy.huIn the course of the private pilot education, the pilots learn much about the weather conditions and the consequences of the deteriorative weather. As part of the education, most pilots may fly in compliance with the Visual Flight Rules (VFR) only. Some pilots may be qualified to instrument…easa rule, flight rule, rule vfr, commercial rule, rule commercialflight, passenger, cost, regulation, book4
reflife.huThe camp features intensive skating sessions led by Dave Smith, providing a hands-on opportunity to refine on-ice techniques. Alongside this, our room sessions are invaluable for analyzing and elevating your game, delving into rules and regulations, and discussing case studies of challenging…understand rule, rule strategy, officiating rule, rule interpretation, management ruleice, camp, hockey, summer, combine4
fidesz-eu.huOutrageous double standards in Brussels: the Tusk government is trampling on the rule of law in Poland, while the European Commission turns a blind eyegovernment rule, rule law, concern rulenews, european, parliament, brussels, mep4
panoramahazbukkszek.huHouse Rules Please adhere to the following rules during your stay to ensure a pleasant and safe environment for all our guests.house rule, rule stay, general rule, rule pleasantpanorama, house, guest, playground, reservation4
ahang.huStatement by Akcja Demokracja and aHang regarding the compromise on the rule of law conditionality mechanism currently negotiated at the EUCO Summitcompromise rule, rule lawcampaign, family, public, national, care4
bbfermix.hu32red Local casino Review ? Set of over at the website Bonus Rules Within the January 2024bonus rule, rule januarydeposit, bonus, spin, bride, date4
dentys.huThe Provider’s guarantee resulting from defective performance covers failures arising from the non-compliance with the professional rules. According to the normative liability insurance, the Provider is liable exclusively for damages that are done deliberately or because of the serious negligence…general rule, rule data, professional rule, rule normative, tax ruleprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic4
veszpremnews.huSupreme Court takes up case of fisherman challenging government regulation that could give ‘convulsive shock’ to decades of rulesshort, news, application, free, category4
leavers.huYou can find the house rules here . Please ensure you have read and understood these rules, as well as the consequences for breaking them. This is a required step of the registration process.house rule, rule consequence, rule listcamp, milestone, community, official, website4
airon.huHungarian Card, Golden Visa, National Residence Card – All in one place about the new rulestrust, corporate, tax, finance, advisory4
mtcsocsoklub.huThe operator reserves the right not to accept or to immediately remove from the club any guests who behave in a scandalous manner, do not comply with the rules of the club or are considered undesirable by the operator.house rule, manner rule, rule clubaddress, operator, guest, table, number4
carlsongracie.huNormally the minimum qualification level needed to attend the HQ training is 4 stripe white belt. But in case of Globetrotters we set aside this rule and we let any (even the less experienced) globetrotters to feel the power of our Jiu Jitsu. It is only a small warning that you need to be ready…aside rule, rule experiencelocation, hq, advanced, class, training4
nt.huImportant notice: by uploading their documents all applicants are yielding their consent their personal data be used in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Rule. Please see our Privacy Policy on our site under Others.protection rule, rule privacy, arbitration rule, rule version, unbundling rulelaw, nagy, legal, firm, client4
szelmezeitavak.huThose who violate rules listed above exclude themselves from further angling and their area permission must be taken away by official on the scene.pier rule, rule maafishing, fish, angle, area, lake4
balatongyongyeapartman.huTo the reservation please read the General Terms and conditions and the House Rules, if You have any question You can inquire in the contact menu.house rule, rule questionwebsite, apartment, booking, condition, general3
adatvedelmi-jog.huWhen it comes to data controllers, the GDPR tightens the rules of liability. Amongst other obligations, data controllers shall keep straight records of data processing, perform impact assessment regarding high-risk activities and should deliberately pursue, the application of general data…liability rule, rule data, procedural rule, rule correspondingly, gdpr ruledata, protection, law, process, subject3
360fokbringa.hu…sea was crowded by cars. In Iran the drivers have no clue about safe driving, we think that it’s because they might have to follow so many strict rules by the religion in their everyday life so the people are going crazy on the road since the rules out there are not so strict. Anyway, we survived…strict rule, rule religion, road rule, rule strict, people ruleday, people, road, asia, way3
partycsajok.huIn the heart of city, DJO Friday night House Rules is all about house music all night long. Go back to the roots of house music with grooves influenced by the Chicago sound played by Dutch DJs and international guest DJs. Light shows, special effects and surprises await at this club night. Let…night rule, rule complimentary, house rule, rule housenight, music, house, protect, saturday3
naih.hu…the processing of personal data relating to him infringes the GDPR, he can submit an application for commencing an administrative procedure for data protection. The application has to meet the substantive requirements prescribed by the Privacy Act and the rules laid down in the Administrative Code.protection rule, rule process, act rule, rule administrativeauthority, data, act, protection, president3
pornhub.szex.huHeading Here is example of hedings. You can use this heading by following markdownify rules. For example: use # for …markdownify rule, rule examplearticle, cruise, minute, travel, news3
abece.hu…reading, because the mistaken word does not fit into the context. For this reason, much of the time of the treatment is taken up by the acquisition of grammar rules and putting them into actual use. Learning the rules does not pose a problem, it is more the use of them that challenges the pupils.grammar rule, rule unable, practise rule, rule spelling, rule actualchild, problem, programme, task, treatment3
atlantiszkiado.huBrady, Aoife, Bohn, Babette, O’Reilly, Jonquil Lavinia Fontana : Trailblazer, Rule Breakertrailblazer rule, rule breakerbook, cart, island, search, discount3
helping-hand.huIf visitors are coming to us, or we are going to visit friends or family, we need to discuss the rules with the child in advance, and agree in a special sign, to take some time off to a quiet place when we see that he is getting close to an outburst.family rule, rule child, home rule, rule framework, wall rulechild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten3
chatdeck.huHere’s how the game works: Place the 4 different colored rule cards in the middle of the table for everyone to see. Shuffle all the other cards, and then the first player draws a card to play based on the color rule card. The game continues with the next player until you decide to stop or run out…color rule, rule card, well rule, rule flexiblegame, delivery, question, card, order3
kbtraining.huThe Controller shall ensure the security of data. To achieve this, the Controller shall initiate the technical and organisational measures and establish the procedures necessary to enforce the governing laws and regulations, as well as the data protection and confidentiality rules. The Controller…protection rule, rule controller, confidentiality rule, security rule, rule internaldata, training, participant, controller, process3
momjatszo.huUpon entering, you must consent to the rules of the house, and our GDPR personal data regulation.gdpr rule, rule housechild, unlimited, ticket, adult, package3
sriprahlada.huOur Gurukula has its own set of rules. The policy sets out the standards we expect from children and families. We only accept children from practicing Krishna-conscious families. Currently, in addition to Hungarian children, there are also students with foreign mother tongues. We teach them the…community rule, rule practice, set rule, rule policy, practice ruleschool, valley, education, student, krishna3
beleptetes.huoffline lockerlock management, RFID badge collecting, providing information by terminals, sophisticated user right levels, highly configurable zone access rules, credit management, etc. Financial and access reports make the control of all the money and human movements transparent for the management.access rule, rule credit, time rule, rule schedule, special ruleaccess, control, management, visitor, parking3
galgepszer.huOur partnership has the following specifics: quality, keepind declarated deadlines, with a very good value of money. All the employee are well qualyfied, and they take care of keeping the rules of safety and environmental awareness. Simple but resourceful solutions, that’s Gál Gépszer 2010 Ldt. -…special rule, rule partner, care rule, rule safetymaintenance, implementation, equipment, page, quality3
locked.hu…be played with 6 people, but with 7 people only Serial Killer, Motel, Sevenhill, Metro, House of Escobar and Ghost Castle. We recommend the formation of smaller teams, however, in the case of a team larger than 7 people, it is necessary to book several games. We cannot make exceptions to this rule.passport ruleroom, game, escape, lock, player3
budaring.huBudaring is NOT liable for damages, injury or death resulting from non-compliance with the above mentioned rules.rule immediatelytrack, close, race, flag, reservation3
startouring.hu…Hungarian State was destroyed, and in 1541 the royal seat of Buda fell. The country was split into three parts: the territory under Habsburg rule, the part conquered by the Turks and the Princedom of Transylvania. The 150 years of Turkish occupation drastically curtailed the country´s…habsburg rule, rule turk, rule result, rule attempt, austrian rulewine, century, castle, country, house3
intertar.huOur company does its best to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to serve our partners at high standards, the rules below are requested to be adhered to upon entry to the site and other construction sites:standard rule, rule entry, kindly ruleconstruction, development, download, gallery, office3
turuljatek.hu…from Szeged. He organized demonstrations and competitions in schools and sports clubs around the country (more than 75 places). The original rules were first published in 1904, the latest corrected version appeard in 1958 (edited by László Thékes). The Hungarian Gymnastic Club (MTE) was en…complicated rule, rule new, original rule, rule latest, later ruleplayer, history, play, round, game3
bmpvsz.hu…and to improve abilities for self-rescue. Every Hungarian citizen has the right to become familiar with and acquire the relevant defence rules which ensure the survival and rescue of humans and the protection of own material possessions. The preparation of the population is a complex…defence rule, rule survival, emergency rule, rule action, behaviour ruledisaster, organisation, protection, management, event3
kopintalapitvany.hu…the relevant international literature. It concludes, in a scientifically novel way, that the qualification of a number of applied monetary policy rules suggests that passive monetary policy is preferable in the short run, while active policy is more beneficial in the long run. At the same time…credit rule, rule hiatus, policy rule, rule passive, rate ruleeconomic, international, literature, country, economy3
direkt36.huThe “Sovereignty Protection Authority” is harmful and against the rule of law, yet it cannot intimidate independent mediaharmful rule, rule lawhospital, infection, secret, document, russian3
debrecenijogimuhely.huThe directive needs to benefit both consumers and companies from he outset. Consumer confidence would mean increased business. Clearer rules would make life easier for both. But several MEPs feel this balance is not apparent in the draft proposal. "The goal of improving consumer protection must be…clear rule, rule lifemarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission3
nagyboldizsar.huThe law is incompatible with the rule of law,, but its impact can only be understood after a close reading.incompatible rule, rule lawimmigration, tax, nagy, activity, law2
okotura.huOpportunity to become familiar with the traditions and customs of pastureland farming: herdsman rules, traditional clothing, basic equipment and morehouse rule, herdsman rule, rule traditionalbooking, site, price, guesthouse, room2
procreditor.hu…especially marked in the list of liquidations in progress, the debtor’s assets are not sufficient to cover the expected liquidation costs, or due to missing records and deficiencies of bookkeeping, it is technically impossible to conduct the liquidation proceedings according to the general rules.ordinary rule, rule liquidatorcreditor, debtor, liquidation, proceedings, bankruptcy2
furedi-annamaria.hu…ancestors and of whole ancient Europe, probably. Wise old knowers faithfully preserved this knowledge successfully throughout the strict Christian rule and the storms of history. They kept it in secret for centuries and passed it on from master to disciple up until today. The reason why it was…course rule, rule border, christian rule, rule stormcanada, woman, people, thing, category2
netbriefing.huAs the submission of flight plans is not obligatory for VFR (visual flight rules) flights in the uncontrolled airspace, currently only 60-70 percent of pilots make use of this opportunity. However, submitting flight plans facilitate communication between pilots and the staff of HungaroControl’s…access rule, rule european, european rule, rule air, flight ruleflight, plan, navigation, air, arrival2
hairtransplanthungary.huThe hair implantation planning is based on strict international rules and professional protocols. These rules accurately determine what is the minimum for a given cm 2 area, the amount of hair required and implanted, which is absolutely necessary in order to be effective in hair implanting.medical rule, rule standard, international rule, rule professional, protocol rulehair, clinic, transplantation, consultation, result2
ajnasz.hu-g, --glob ... Include or exclude files and directories for searching that match the given glob. This always overrides any other ignore logic. Multiple glob flags may be used. Globbing rules match .gitignore globs. Precede a glob with a ! to exclude it.globbing rule, rule glob, udev rulenumber, option, power, simple, file2
magyaradozas.huAs a foreign-owned company wishing to establish a subsidiary in Hungary, it's advisable to plan ahead in terms of taxation. Since every country's tax regulations are different, it's wise to entrust the initial steps to an expert who knows both Hungarian and international rules and can synchronize…tax rule, rule unique, international rule, rule predictabilitytax, international, taxation, appointment, strategy2
gardrobkozossegivasar.huBy booking, the vendor accepts the rules of the event . The organizers have the right to suspend participation from non-compliant vendors.vendor rule, rule eventtable, clothes, market, second, hand2
toll-charge.huNote to carriers: Rules pertaining to the specification of environmental protection categories to tighten in Hungarycarrier rule, rule specificationnational, payment, news, customer, protection2
f12.huUsing custom security attributes you can use the rule builder or rule syntax text box to create or edit the filter rules. In the preview, only attributes of type String are supported. Attributes of type Integer or Boolean will not be shown.attribute rule, rule builder, builder rule, rule syntax, filter rulehello, access, application, user, sign2
mediatorpont.huThere is no ruling in a mediation procedure . You don’t have to prove you’re right. With a Mediator, you can reach a divorce agreement much sooner than in a lawsuit. Divorce by Mutual Agreement instead of lengthy court procedures.divorce, attorney, mediator, court, agreement2
bypassnet.huDocumentation is an essential part of our work, be it an NPI or Trouble shooting guide or possibly a General Guidelines for damage classification. We lay down the rules and criteria together with our client and then send the necessary training materials to the last ‘gear’. Of course, we also…virus rule, rule disease, classification rule, rule criteriadevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment2
alfanyugdij.huThe savings can be withdrawn before the retirement age if at least 10 years had gone since the joining. In this case the yields are tax free, but the capital is taxable as the money is not used for pension purposes. Therefore the “ten-year rule” does not represent a termination date but it is…main rule, rule saving, year rule, rule terminationfund, pension, portfolio, voluntary, tax2
emeraldpr.huWhen I was a teenager, I wrote poems in Hungarian and English. For one reason, this one often echoes in my head nowadays: Words of happiness / that sparkle in the sky / Of grief and pain and sorrow / Hiding in the dark / Lonely words of justice / And rules that...emerald, zsofia, communication, member, association2
dckarting.hu5. Register for the Drivingcamp races two days before the race. Competitions are organized according to Sodi's rules if there are at least 6 competitors in the given category.sodi rule, rule competitorkarting, track, competition, race2
cij.huThe project supported by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee sought to raise awareness of the concept of the rule of law and inform the public about the latest development in this regard. In September 2020 and April 2021 CIJ supported the production and the distribution of 36 podcast episodes…podcast rule, rule law, concept rulemedia, center, training, independent, production2
drivinglicence.huIn Hungary the specific requirements that need to be met in order to get a driving licence are strictly defined by the authorities. The teaching materials have to contain the meanings of traffic signs, the rules of the road, the driving theory, and the technical particulars.sign rule, rule roaddrive, school, course, theory, licence2
maschek.huI was quite surprised I didn’t find any good online css editors. I have a simple textarea of css selectors and attributes, and I wish to offer some kind of help to the user in editing those rules. The best tool I found is called Sky CSS Tool, and it does a lot of fancy things I like, however it…tag rule, rule macro, user rule, rule goodeditor, homepage, css, archive, manager2
primustrust.hu…one can misuse its position. As Hungary is a member of the EU and maintains a vast double tax treaty and asset protection treaty network with 89 countries worldwide, several layers of law (domestic, EU and international) provide an effective and reliable legal environment to enjoy the rule of law.guarantee rule, rule law, environment ruletrust, protection, asset, tax, family2
iaabudapest.huWith global advertising laws changing dynamically in various nations, It’s high time for us to be aware of the legal aspects that impart marketing rules and regulations and recognize future possibilities for global businesses to incorporate smooth and stable transactions.current rule, rule world, marketing rule, rule regulationglobal, brand, industry, advertising2
realsafety.huCompleting occupational safety field inspections and supervision of work sites to comply with the rules of current regulationssite rule, rule current, examination rule, rule worksafety, fire, real, maintenance, technical2
magadert.huWe organize and run the groups in the standard way; the average number of participants is 10-15. Before the start of group meetings one of the group members reads the “group rules” which contain our principles such as volunteering, abstinence, honesty, openness, consistency and respect for others…group rule, rule principle, person rule, rule foundationgroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem2
etiquette.huEtiquette is meant to be a guideline , not a set of strict rules carved in stone. Those guidelines are developed using common sense, a sense of fairness, politeness, and above all, consideration for others. If you let consideration for others be your final arbiter, you will be well on your way to…strict rule, rule stone, person rule, rule etiquette, manner ruleevent, management, course, corporate, protocol2
ertekado.hu…to increase your chances of winning. You can learn how to study paylines and determine the symbols that represent specific symbols or odds patterns. When playing free slots it is important to be aware of the speed of spins and the various rules for casinos that can impact your winnings and prizes.fundamental rule, rule bier, spin rule, rule casinoslot, free, machine, bonus, game2
control1.huAn accountant keeps track of the past: books the accounts and makes sure the company complies with external rules, while a controller deals with the internal workings of the business and focuses on the objectives of the management. They are primarily concerned with the future of the company: they…money rule, external rule, rule controllercontrol, management, controller, analysis, plan2
kellerkonyvtar.huAbout Us Our library's denominator Rules Services, rates Program Local history e-Library Journalsdenominator rule, rule servicelibrary, history, local, book, journal2
homescape.hu, each game comes with a set of rules, as well as a scoreboard and a certificate with which you can evaluate your achievement and reward your team at the end of the game.set rule, rule scoreboard, rule charactergame, escape, room, task, real2
visitvac.huInvited guest: Viktor Fülöp Guidance from Moses to the pioneers. Was Thomas Esze clever? Do fish hold back water when they jump into the air? What is left of order if we break the rules? What [...]event, day, lover, orchestra, concert2
lorifit.hu© 2023 Dr. Loretta Hegedüs | Standard Policy Conditions (in Hungarian) | House Rules (in Hungarian) | Privacy Statement (in Hungarian) | Used Font Statementhouse rule, rule sorry, rule hungarianinstructor, class, statement, personal, trainer2
szeged-english.huIn view of the epidemiological regulations in force, students in all majors, training level and work schedule studying at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Szeged, need to observe the following rules in the first semester of the 2020-2021 academic year.szeged rule, rule semester, primary ruleuniversity, february, study, student, department2
giaform.hu…in the field of design, part design, mould design, mould production, plastic injection moulding or CNC cutting. GIA Form ensures professionalism from the idea to its fulfilment. Cutting-edge machinery to serve function and design, bearing the rules of injection moulding technology in mind.design rule, rule injectionmould, form, manual, cut, plastic2
drszalay.huIn the course of its works, the LAW OFFICE OF DR. TAMÁS SZALAY acts in compliance with the Act on Attorneys, as well as the code of ethics and norms applicable to attorneys-at-law. We hereby inform our clients of the substance and the most important rules of the above:lead rule, rule secondlaw, attorney, client, legal, office2
drfabry.hu…values, such as honesty, professionalism and youthfulness. I am looking forward to the practical, meaningful and cost-effective legal solutions. I believe in human focused, discrete and business oriented legal service providing in compliance with the written and unwritten rules of legal profession.unwritten rule, rule legalclient, law, legal, office, agreement2
aldomor.hu…especially marked in the list of liquidations in progress, the debtor’s assets are not sufficient to cover the expected liquidation costs, or due to missing records and deficiencies of bookkeeping, it is technically impossible to conduct the liquidation proceedings according to the general rules.ordinary rule, rule liquidatordebtor, liquidation, creditor, bankruptcy, liquidator2
hanami.huRules: Answer the ‘questions’ in a new post and tag blogs you’d like to know better. Nickname: aurinrule peepnote, art, photography, march, copy2
freesportparks.huOur PEDIA page presents the Hungarian outdoor free sport parks and their main sports' basic rules. Train Smart videos and QR-stickers show the correct use of Fitness Park machines and Street Workout Park equipments. And we provide cities with a complex city-marketing toolkit through our “We Are a…basic rule, rule train, rule regulationfree, map, street, location, city2
cansathungary.huDownload the 2020 CanSat Competition Guidelines for full eligibility criteria, rules and other important information.condition rule, rule dimension, criteria rule, rule importantcompetition, satellite, official, organizer, challenge2
kadar-komjathy.huAll our activities are guided by the observance of the ethical rules of lawyers and the representation of the interests of our clients.spirit rule, rule superior, superior rule, rule adherence, ethical rulelegal, lawyer, client, news, fee2
tuskevariskola.huTherapical as we try to focus on characteristics of the age group, changes of life-periods when making timetables, annual planning and the rules. We build up the personal and physical environment which surrounds the children or define the process of treating their behavioral and socializing…licentiousness rule, rule capable, plan rule, rule personalteacher, school, training, learn, child2
suncitybbq.huSCA is an American organization that primarily advertises steak competitions. Its rules, like KCBS’s jury system, are extremely strict and judging is completely anonymous. These competitions are very popular in Europe, but thanks to the Smoky Rabbit, such a competition has already been held in…competition rule, rule like, important rule, rule competition, strict ruleplace, competition, day, vienna, spice2
initials.huIn order to ensure our continuous work schedule and to provide you the best service we can, the following rules must be followed.appointment rule, rule mindinitial, haircut, beard, quality, precision2
theorangefiles.huThis resolution was contained in a report articulating concerns about the state of democracy, the rule of law and civil liberties in Hungary submitted to the European Parliament (EP) by MEP Judith Sargentini of the Netherlands, a member of the Greens-European Free Alliance EP political group.habsburg rule, rule partition, democracy rule, rule lawnational, file, orange, election, european2
arc-budapest.huIn all countries different legal requirements and practical rules are in force, and even continuously changing, regarding foreign employees arriving in the country. Are you aware of how many things you must take care of, if you are a foreign assignee? In our blog we have collected useful…practical rule, rule force, entry rule, rule ukraineimmigration, destination, process, legal, employee2
skytaxi.hu…hours as pilot-in-command (of which 50 hours must be cross-country flight time). In addition, commercial pilots must hold an Instrument Rating, or otherwise they would be restricted to flying for hire only in daylight, under visual flight rules (VFR), and within 50 miles of the originating airportflight rule, rule vfr, rule ifr, certificate rule, rule proceduretraining, fee, hour, flight, airport2
ritkabetegsegakademia.huMatters not regulated in the present contract shall be governed by Hungarian law, primarily by the Civil Code and other Hungarian legal regulations in effect. In case of a legal dispute, the case shall be heard by the Hungarian court having jurisdiction and competence on basis of the general rules…professional rule, rule gtc, general rule, rule codedata, congress, case, legal, conference2
reach-i4.huProcessing and action management: rule engine that allows for real-time actions based on incoming sensor & device data.management rule, rule engine, general rule, rule thumbdata, reach, solution, big, real2
procura.co.huProcura Consulting Kft. has outstanding experience in drafting rules in the public procurement field both at national and international level, by providing assistance to national governments and international organization in developing public procurement legislation (recently in the adoption of…experience rule, rule publicpublic, procurement, consulting, expert, international2
psgroup.huAuditing helps creating an overview about security and reliability of an IT system, provides information if the operations and data handling is in compliance with the company’s (or its owner’s) organizational rules, local and international regulations. Providing auditing services as a 3rd party…organizational rule, rule localsupport, group, maintenance, management, engineering2
igfhungary.huMultistakeholder. The multistakeholder approach refers to collaboration between all stakeholder groups on an equal footing (private sector, civil society, government and technical community), around development and implementation of an array of Internet-related principles, norms, rules, decision…norm rule, rule decision, commercial rule, rule igfgeneration, forum, committee, steering, principle2
expertsys.hu…We all know that this is a kind of simplest refactoring steps improving code readablity. Why not to do it? It shouldnt break anything, it can be done even manually because parameter name scope is local to the method and if we keep rule of short and overviewable methods then it is a simple task.method rule, rule shortvalue, method, message, code, result2
ceremoniamestered.huKnow that as a rule, about 30 percent of the people you invite won't attend. Naturally, this depends on the location of your wedding (destination weddings are harder to attend), how many out-of-towners are on your list, and the timing of the event (some guests may have annual holiday or summer…crew rule, rule thumbceremony, wedding, feedback, guest, day2
vindornyalak.hucentury by several other families of the lower aristocracy. In 1555 the village was destroyed by the Turks. From 1564 onwards it fell under Turkish rule. In 1584 village inhabitants deserted their homes in fear of the Turks and the village decayed. According to a few historical sources the village…estate rule, rule gas, dog rule, rule vaccination, turkish rulevillage, page, lake, website, baroque2
mahasti.hu- change the rules and the order of the contest any time during the competition or to cancel it.contest rule, rule contestgroup, dance, competition, category, belly2
felvesznek.hu…rights and obligations of every partner, the estimated budget, description of tasks and calendar of activities, what is more, the financial rules of the cooperation. Partners also received four Strategic Documents: these describe the means and methods of communication under the lifetime of…financial rule, rule cooperation, information rule, rule datatraining, manual, teacher, school, career2
digitalis-konyveles.hu…you probably don't like administration, accounting, taxation. You started your business out of passion, not because you were eager to do the bookkeeping. Should you be the head of an Ltd. or should you be “just” self-employed, it takes a lot of time to record everything, and follow all the rules.tax rule, rule daydigital, accounting, tax, bookkeeping, international2
civiljogok.huWithin the scope of its program to develop the legal environment of non-governmental organizations, Ökotárs / Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (HEPF) has been playing a significant role in the revision of nonprofit status rules, the expansion of public and community participation…status rule, rule expansion, goal rule, rule publicngo, public, legal, goal, regulation2
superweek.huEver wonder if the way we make decisions – from your daily coffee choice to high-stake business strategies – is governed by rules and assumptions we seldom question? This talk isn’t just about questioning these hidden forces, but about giving them a left hook! We will wrestle with these underlying…communication rule, rule people, strategy rule, rule assumption, hook ruledata, analytic, digital, day, analyst2
drtatar.huWe can manage legal representation also, when in procedures before Hungarian courts it will be necessary to initiate the preliminary ruling of the Court of the European Communities (Luxembourg) to interpret the law of the European Union. We also manage to write applications to the European Court…attention rule, rule community, preliminary rule, rule courtlaw, court, language, legal, establishment2
workandsmile.hu…to their employer, which is further strengthened by the fact that they are heavily attached to their employer through the current working visa rules, so turnover is very low. As they receive a work permit for 2 years, they will not travel home during this time, concentrating entirely on their…visa rule, rule turnoveremployee, smile, recruitment, worker, people2
bsce.huFor the CREDIT REGISTER (HITELREGISZTER) report 1500+, for the EVAN report 300+ and for the DEPOSIT REGISTER (BETÉTREGISZTER) report 300+ control rules have been defined by the National Bank of Hungary An application has been developed to check the reports before submission, which validates the…mnb rule, rule inspection, control rule, rule national, report ruledevelopment, management, solution, data, report2
budapestbusiness.hu…opinion can be formed. In Hungary and in the European Union auditing and the activity of auditors are strictly regulated by laws, EU community rules and directives. The work of auditors and the procedures are defined by and must be in compliance with auditing standards, which in Hungary are setcommunity rule, rule directive, tax rule, rule interesttaxation, financial, consulting, tax, statement2
greenorganico.hu“Organic” - certificate can be obtained only if all the strict rules and regulations are kept during its production, and throughout its lifetime. Independent auditors monitor and control the lifecycle of the organic products ensuring that all the processes are done according to the regulations.strict rule, rule regulationorganic, green, food, conventional, quality1
kpli.huIn 2015, she founded her own law firm, KPLI Law Kelemen Kinga Law Office. For the past 15 years, she has mainly represented clients in the fields of pharmaceutical law, advertising law and copyright, and has also been involved in the development of industry guidelines and ethical rules in the…ethical rule, rule fieldlaw, firm, labour, pharmaceutical, client1
egyuttazautistakert.hu…of social contacts, contemporary relations and mutually sharing experiences. Some autistic people have a hard time understanding the unwritten rules of society, find it difficult to read gestures and mimicry, and they often fail to understand metaphors and idioms. Autism can be very severe or…unwritten rule, rule societypeople, autism, spectrum, goal, disorder1
orosznyelvtanar.hutransparent system; and this is essential during the process of acquiring the really complicated Russian grammar which has an extensive palette of rules. In addition, it is very good that she gives homework about every topic, thus the theoretical knowledge can be put into practice. Also it has to…palette rule, rule additionlesson, class, russian, student, language1
acpartner.huLocal accounting regulations are going in the direction of having the possibility to prepare its financial statements based on integrated international rules.accounting, financial, advisory, auditing, client1
bestlocalgov.huto know the keys to the given manifestations of success. Professional self-governance is unconceivable without the consistent application of legal rules, at the same time only by taking into consideration the local specificities and circumstances may we provide public services at an adequate…legal rule, rule timegovernment, local, practice, council, europe1
egyesek.huI learnt a lot about the deeper meaning of respecting other people and how to build deeper relationships. Moreover, I learnt to distinguish the situations when rules are necessary and the ones that I have to follow what I believe.situation rule, rule necessarycomplete, training, volunteer, newsletter, guide1
randomdigital.huNew market, new rules. As we see, the new monetary system just shaping up in PSD2 form, focusing our major R&D capacity for the field. Prepare with Us!new rule, rule newdigital, random, solution, innovative, homepage1
dodgeball.huA rapidly evolving sport was born from the international version of one the utmost favourite PE class games. Simple, with easily understandable rules, with World and European Championships.understandable rule, rule worldtournament, news, school, cup, pirate1
awdkft.huThe system integrated on the basis of the existing rules. Automating current processes that include:basis rule, rule currentart, water, scheme, management, control1
botao.huInspired by holographic interface from Iron Man and also stop motion cinematography, what if I had physical miniture version of the scene I want to film in front of me, it would be very easy for me to move and place the camera wherever I want. We can bend the rule of reality with virtual reality.camera rule, rule realityreality, tool, artwork, medium, virtual1
danielvaczi.hu…jazz music. The members of the band play extremely free improvisations on top of the foundation which is composed with very strict compositional rules in mind. They are also experimenting with live controlled robot-instruments. Multet’s most recent album, with which Vaczi has been occupied for…compositional rule, rule mindmusic, instrumental, concert, playlist, improvisation1
dezsenyi.huBut we know this is the most frustrating area of law for any employer. It is complex and wide-ranging . Wage rules with applicable bonuses, rules on the scheduling of employees' working and rest time, collective agreements, rules on dismissal and the obligation to provide healthy and safe working…wage rule, rule applicable, bonus rule, rule schedule, agreement rulelaw, legal, client, labour, attorney1
edutax.huFurthermore, we undertake to prepare sample documents customized to companies, whether they are legal statements, employment contract, information, notice, mutual agreement – or special labour document, rules, atypical employment contract, distance work, executive employee, etc. As demanded, our…document rule, rule atypicaltax, labour, consultancy, expert, bookkeeping1
barakadiamond.huSubject to the rules of law in force, customers from non-EU member states have the opinion of reclaiming the VAT on items purchased in our salon.subject rule, rule lawjewellery, luxury, collection, previous, big1
eurologo.huIn that case it may be better to go back to the basics and consider the golden rule in our communication that says "a picture is worth a thousand words".golden rule, rule communicationsticker, customer, quality, resin, message1
balanceline.huSetting up a new business is a very challenging and time consuming task itself. You must be familiar with all legal aspects, taxation rules and the local requirements of different registration platforms. Why bother with these yourself? Starting a business in Hungary is easy with Balance Line. We…taxation rule, rule localtax, line, legal, finance, financial1
panoramicart.hu…side of the terrace is south-facing, wind-protected and has a jacuzzi and an outdoor shower. There is a large living-dining room, a well-equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, providing comfortable accommodation for 5 people. Unfortunately, we cannot accept pets (because of the house rule).art, panoramic, apartment, homepage, activity1
fitparade.huIf a division at a PRO QUALIFIER or REGIONAL contest has only one class , the competitors will be governed in accordance with rules 4 or 5 above.npc, competition, news, regional, division1
casinobusz.huWe employ very reliable, calm drives with great experince. We ensure our drivers to be replaced by a relieved collagaue in long distances accoording to EU rules.photo, gallery, quality, transport, travel1
kamillaeva.huIn our relationship Gábor will always be the real photographer, but it was a great experience for me to practise photography. I know many things and rules but I also make many mistakes, I’m sure there are a lot in these pictures, too, but I really like the mood. We visited this little forest…thing rule, rule mistakerecipe, fashion, photography, photoshoot, wedding1
striker.huWell - and those three missing items, for which one has to go out to demonstrate: democracy, the rule of law and the republic.democracy rule, rule lawopen, letter, president, festival, human1
webcorestudio.huOur aim is to investigate the processes of type design — and design itself — as a non-dogmatic practice. Stressing the form, stretching the concepts up to corrupting rules and misuse of tools. We like to conceive typography as system and medium.concept rule, rule misusestudio, touch, hello, portfolio, quickly1
nyitottakvagyunk.hu…store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way…analytics rule, rule cookieopen, diversity, resource, inclusion, practice1
nevex.hu…It is therefore necessary to facilitate the accurate, efficient and reliable scientific evaluation with full focus on both national and EU rules and also on the expectation of the producers. Our goal is, in addition to enforcing the National and European Union regulatory systems, to assist…eu rule, rule expectationauthorization, plant, evaluation, process, institute1
gaborhargitai.huA complex modification rule for Karabiner-Elements to change AltGr + j to í. Install Karabiner-Elements from here Click here to import the rule Alternatively, open Safari (or if that doesn’t work for some reason, then Finder and press Go -> Connect to Server) and paste this text into the location…modification rule, rule karabiner, element rule, rule alternativelyfile, command, server, user, network1
nautilus.huMulti-level rule system for every category, and every hour to keep your sound consistent, yet make all positions scheduled. Powerful statistics help you if you want to adjust the playlist manually. In addition our system automatically imports traffic logs, schedules jingles, Ids, and all other…level rule, rule systemradio, automation, broadcast, schedule, software1
humantelex.huBy applying for job advertisements and submitting their CV, the sender agrees that Human Telex Kft. will handle and use the information provided in the applicant's application file in accordance with the GDPR and applicable data protection rules, and may contact the sender on the basis thereof in…protection rule, rule senderevent, creative, human, client, campaign1
karpitmuveszek.hu…is the time and dedication to the material and the artist’s handprint. This means that tapestry can be interpreted as the art form of man’s rule over time. Tapestry is basically a protest against the machine civilization that accelerates the passage of time. Processing it allows its creator…man rule, rule timeartist, light, thread, tapestry, nature1
pgospedition.huWe are defined by the dynamics. We are a company, which is designed to adapt to even drastically changing market rules, constantly evolving customers’ requirements and not only anticipating potential complications but actively prevent them to happen. The interesting combination is youth and the…market rule, rule constantlyoffer, transportation, day, customer, additional1
yurusuaikido.huOur association and dojos place great emphasis on quality instruction, so we limit the number of participants in training. Always call to see if there is an opportunity to join! This rule is to protect those who are already practicing with us, as progress can only be made well if everyone is given…opportunity rule, rule progresstraining, art, martial, official, organization1
emcis2004.hu…I will relate my instructing to these. Service can’t be satisfy isulation, we as a whole need the assistance of others to satisfy the service. This was the situation of Moses, he was the one in particular that was called, and he knew God, his law and rules and he take care of his kin in isolation.law rule, rule careteach, principle, ministry, society, conference1
hta.org.huThe Association represents the tire industry in discussions with government, governmental agencies, the media and other business organizations with due respect to all national and European competition rules.tire, association, member, tyre, director1
sovietpaintball.huIf the rules of the game told by the game master are fully respected by the players, it is completely safe.field, package, offer, discount, booking1
nuvu.huAnd what else is my reason for existence? Knowledge transfer and shaping the society: to teach Hungarian people that they can use fireworks on their own, that they can be trusted and can grow up for the “game” and game rules. Profession: while teaching and evaluating the exams of the pyrotechnists…game rule, rule professionpage, trade, letter, original, torch1
epds.huAll applied technologies and rules of procedure applied, but even the location of the installation itself, may require that specific set of criteria be in place. Their integration poses serious challenges to specialists in any case. The EPDS is freely configurable and helps their feasibility.technology rule, rule procedureequipment, environment, activity, operation, management1
pedalbar.huMeeting Point PedalBar Recommends: Escape rooms in Budapest A Beerbike Guide to Budapest’s Popular Streets Pedalbar Recommends: Budapest Craft Beerbars 10 reasons we love the beer bike The rules of the game SIGHTSEEING BY BEER BIKE HEN AND STAG PARTIES ON WHEELS! BEER BIKING AS YOUR HOLIDAY EXERCISEbike rule, rule gamebike, beer, tour, draft1
tritoo.huCreation of information security policy and procedures, revision of the existing rules, security awareness presentations and trainings (theoretical and practical trainings delivered by our security instructor who has many years of working experience at intelligence services).revision rule, rule securitydata, solution, science, analysis, process1
siofokiallatvedo.hu…over some of their dogs and re-homing them. We consider it our mission to propagate responsible animal ownership and animal welfare in order to avoid any form of cruelty to animals. We would like our name to be a deterrent to all who do not comply with the rules of responsible animal ownership.deterrent rule, rule responsibleanimal, rescue, dog, shelter, donation1
barben.hu…according to the Hungarian Labour Code. The Hungarian Labour Inspectorate – supervision office – monitors compliance with health and safety rules at work which strictly meets European standards. There is a safety representative-employee who works in our units permanently who is responsible…safety rule, rule work, responsible rule, rule applicationmanagement, shoe, factory, quality, employee1
rexcellence.huThe basic rules of our breeding system are the natural feeding (our rex rabbits get only first class stover from guaranteed supply system) and the natural environment. Our cages are made from wood and complete every EU standards, and are ideal for extensive breeding of the rex rabbit. Our breeders…basic rule, rule breedfur, rabbit, quality, premium, breed1
mineraluniverse.huPlayer3 is the Eye of Police! Pay atention to every place! Don't use Hacks! Don't go against the Rules! She'll make Justice!hack rule, rule justiceserver, player, great, chest, owner1
szengine.hu…usable only after making significant modification. However, our team develops a special and innovative engine optimized especially for the strict rules of the racing series. That’s the reason of our connection to the Formula Student in a unique way. The focus of the team’s developments is the…strict rule, rule racingstudent, engine, result, member, news1
furedvet.huWe do everything in order to serve and cure the ones visiting us, bearing in mind the rules of our profession to the greatest extent because we love animals.mind rule, rule professionoffice, veterinary, food, store, animal1
husa.huTherefore, the Association is a special and unique legal entity established by law. HUSA fulfils its responsibilities as an autonomous body under state supervision in compliance with industry self-governance regulated and supported by prominent and detailed rules.association, hydrocarbon, strategic, stock, volume1
fvszemle.huThe directive needs to benefit both consumers and companies from he outset. Consumer confidence would mean increased business. Clearer rules would make life easier for both. But several MEPs feel this balance is not apparent in the draft proposal. "The goal of improving consumer protection must be…clear rule, rule lifemarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission1
galamboslogistic.huwe meet the requirements relating to environmental rules and regulations and other obligations undertaken by the company,environmental rule, rule regulationlogistic, environment, protection, value, clean1
shuttlers.huOur highly trained drivers are fully conversant with road rules and local conditions, and their courtesy and discretion will ensure that your journey is smooth and pleasant.road rule, rule localdriver, booking, fleet, price, travel1
admiralcount.huIt is legally possible to operate a company anywhere in the EU, however this freedom was not followed by tax-law harmonisations. It involves a very special, country specific company law, taxation rules and bookkeeping requirements.taxation rule, rule bookkeepingtax, taxation, count, accountancy, bookkeeping1
rigocon.huEach organisation should develop an internal control framework that enables the achievement of its objectives, the trustworthiness of its financial reports, its compliance with rules and regulations and the reliability and efficiency of its operation . The quality of the control system has direct…compliance rule, rule regulationrisk, management, control, solution, financial1
applepshostess.huOur company gives high priority to protocol as we provide to these events hostesses and hosts who specialized in protocol events. In addition to elegant looks and appropriate attitude and manners we place great emphasis on unique needs and safety rules.event, host, staff, exhibition, agency1
gyulaipiheno.hu“In the times following the retreat of the Ottoman rule, John George Harruckern, a military officer from an upper Austrian industrial family, received a vast territory spanning most of Békés County in recognition of his services to King Charles III of Hungary.”ottoman rule, rule johnapartment, offer, room, castle, close1
civilosszefogas.huThe CET is comprised of the communities of Hungarian regions outside the country’s borders and the supporters of the CÖF. The Cooperation Council proceeds in the interest of Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin obligation the basis of its Deed of Foundation and Organizational and Operational…operational rule, rule novembergallery, letter, open, statement, history1
i-coaching.huNLP Academy Ltd. and the data processor within the scope of its activities shall ensure data security in all cases. We will take all technical and organisational measures necessary to enforce data protection and confidentiality rules. We have taken appropriate measures to protect the data in…confidentiality rule, rule appropriatedata, process, academy, training, course1
papapedia.huIn 1988, the Iraqi government was led by Saddam Hussein, who had taken power in 1979. Hussein had a brutally authoritarian rule, and the people of Iraq were subject to strict censorship, surveillance, and human rights abuses. In 1988, there was widespread unrest, with protests against the…authoritarian rule, rule peoplemission, military, force, observer, peace1
csovarilegal.huThe basic rule of a successful generational change is that the founder of the company settles the future ownership during their lifetime rather than relying on inheritance law. We design and help implement legal and tax optimization steps that allow a family business to pass into the ownership and…basic rule, rule successfullaw, tax, legal, university, expertise1
blueride.huOn weekends, the kids can take over the yacht! We offer a great and safe opportunity for children to get to know a true yacht's instruments and equipment so they can even learn the rules of mooring. They can also tour the cabin's facilities and be right next to the captain and even try out the…equipment rule, rule mooringwater, danube, booking, date, ride1
jogaszegylet.huAccording to the long-standing practice of the Constitutional Court, the requirements of foreseeability and predictability are integral parts of rule of law and legal certainty. When applying the law, this translates to the requirement that the courts adopt same or at least similar judgements in…part rule, rule lawlawyer, association, president, newsletter, law1
akollegium.huNo. We know that all our residents are adults, so we don't want to make any rules restricting access.adult rule, rule accesscollege, apartment, room, common, area1
rafacz.huWe ensure the highest quality by using advanced engineering to create the Red EGO pedals for you. Proved by extensive simulations and calculations, pedals are designed to withstand 200 kg pedal force without noticeable deformation, which is a widely used rule standard in motorsports. Durability is…widely rule, rule standardpedal, simulator, spring, setup, real1
compliancetarsasag.huThe European Commission launched a public consultation on the 21st of October 2021 about adapting civil liability rules to the digital age and artificial intelligence. The aim of the discussion is to identify and debate specific problems which arised in the field of...liability rule, rule digitalsociety, corporate, goal, community, career1
mgi-bpo.hu…by guarantee and registered in the Isle of Man with registration number 013238V, who choose to associate as a network as defined in IESBA and EU rules. MGI Worldwide itself is a non-practising entity and does not provide professional services to clients. Services are provided by the member firms…eu rule, rule mgiclient, news, tax, accounting, office1
kiskunmeridian.huOur appliances delivered to our customers operate mainly in fire and explosive spaces therefore we pay special attention to validation of the ATEX rules during design, the production and examinations, the implementation of safe solutions and their documentation.atex rule, rule designequipment, pressure, litre, container, value1
taxworld.huThe hardships a business has to face due to changes in the legal and tax environment are well known. It is important to adapt to changing rules in due time. Instead of constantly reviewing legislation, you can concentrate on...important rule, rule timelegal, tax, accounting, office, client1
bingham.huPerform safety tests and suggest corrections. We install the firewall and take care of its running and updating, changes the rules and responds to the threat. All this at your company.update rule, rule threatserver, software, user, additional, solution1
elanor.co.huCopyright © 2024 All rights reserved elanor • Cookies Settings • Cookies Usage Rules • Terms for the processing of personal data • Internal whistleblowing systemusage rule, rule termpayroll, personnel, present, resource, human1
keresztenymotorosok.hu…residents with our presence and offer help with our donations. - In our environment and in motorcyclist circles we advocate the importance of safe, civilized and responsible motorcycling. We learn from each other to live in a Christ-like way in this world and to comply with the rules on the road.world rule, rule roadgod, fellowship, christ, jesus, important1
proacteam.huThere are different rules in the VAT Act for the provision of services and separately for the supply of goods. If you do business in Hungary, you should be aware of this. What are product sales? Product sales are when we acquire a tangible product, good, semi-finished...different rule, rule vattax, accounting, accountant, relocation, chief1
nanotechnology.huBy assembling azulene units (fused pentagon-heptagon pairs) and hexagons, and applying specific wrapping rules to these structures resembling some recently-proposed Haeckelite structures (Terrones et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1716 (2000)), a large variety of toroidal, coiled, screwlike, and…wrapping rule, rule structurepublication, butterfly, image, detail1
fice.hu…through obstacle race and playful tasks. The environmental factors affected the children in a positive way. We can say that the community-development was successful as well, the children were active, we managed to shape the rules of the camp fast, which were understood and accepted by the children.active rule, rule campchild, event, day, theatre, camp1
sherlockrehab.huMárton Moldoványi. I am very satisfied! After the presented complaints, they are examined and treated based on the established and hypothesis. As a rule, I also get "homework" in the form of exercises that promote healing. My condition has always improved quickly, which is why I can only recommend…hypothesis rule, rule homeworkmanual, therapy, therapist, treatment, pain1
exleasingcar.huMAX BID. The maximum bet amount. In the event of competition, the iBID assistant will send a bid greater than the competitor’s bid in one smallest step (50 EUR or 100 EUR, depending on the rules of the particular auction). iBID Assistant will never exceed the maximum amount indicated (MAX BID).eur rule, rule particularauction, condition, bid, privacy, search1
pr-evolution.huThe story leads us to a community where nature in diverse forms and fairies are still part of the world, living in communion with people. Harmony and peace prevail. But once the son of man turns against the laws and breaks the rules, wanting control. The order is upset.law rule, rule controldance, evolution, performance, mother, goose1
illemkata.huWhich house would you choose? Which door would you open? What's behind the door? Which door would you definitely not enter? Many questions, many methods, many game rules can be created, figure out for yourself how you would play! The decks contain 44 different cards.game rule, rule deckstory, card, programme, journey, book1
budatrioapartments.huThe Customer acknowledges that the rules governing the booking and cancellation of the order may be changed by the Service Provider. This does not apply to orders that have already been fulfilled.customer rule, rule bookingcustomer, provider, use, order, apartment1
gyuttmentfesztival.hu…as presenters or listeners, but in any case as participants to help, teach and encourage each other and to form a community at a common place. We take off the rules, goals, expectations, fears and worthless order of consumer society and take on the silhouette of a freer, slower and worthier Life.place rule, rule goalgather, community, countryside, network, day1
moonwalk.hu…autonomy aspirations, there is a strong relationship between the autonomy index and external regulators in the Italian sample. They are strongly influenced by the desire to comply, tangible rewards and rules, the higher the influence of external regulators on actions, the lower the autonomy index.reward rule, rule highdisability, people, research, young, youth1
ecofact.huThe managers of companies may not have a profound knowledge of fire safety rules and regulations. However, they are held responsible by the law for implementing the rules of fire prevention in the workplace, which is just fair given the fact that it takes a responsible leader with decision making…safety rule, rule regulation, law rule, rule firesafety, fire, payroll, regulation, accounting1
thisistheday.huBottled soft drinks or water may not be brought in. Unfortunately, this is not up to us. The house rules are very strict in this regard. There will be a buffet where food and drinks may be purchased.house rule, rule strictday, ticket, donation, event, main1
bozzayviktor.huFor entry in the register, Act CXL of 2004 is the general rules of service of administrative authority procedure pursuant to Section 82 (2) and Section 86 (3) of the Act.general rule, rule serviceuniversal, curriculum, developer, application, measurement1
lannerkvartett.huUnconventionally, we use a double bass instead of a cello and personally welcome our audience before each concert. Our performances are interactive and offer many surprises to each program. The audience can arrive with their children and throw away their previously conceived rules of a typical…previously rule, rule typicalperformance, music, audience, unique, approach1
avicogroup.huAll plots at Madárhegy come with full infrastructure, including road networks, water, gas and electricity. Considering the rules on site coverage, altogether 400 sqm residential area can be built in, with 150 sqm on each floor, thus detached house, semi-detached house or even a 4-flat-house can be…electricity rule, rule sitedistrict, group, fully, hand, flat1
elitenails.huOur guests can park on the street. Pálya street is a paying zone according to district rules. Dear Guests, please note upon arrival that parking may take some time. Parking code on the street: 3012.district rule, rule dearnail, manicure, artificial, salon, polish1
osas.huBy developing the principle of a machine imaginaire , Vera laid the foundations for an algorithmic artwork of aesthetic imaging. With that she defined a machine that operates according to a program of rules and generates artworks in a way that is identical to the principles of digital computers…program rule, rule artworkart, post, open, exhibition, structure1
mecsekifarkasvar.huIf the advance payment is made with a SZÉP card, we will not be able to refund the full or partial amount of the advance payment due to the rules of use belonging to the SZÉP card!payment rule, rule useapartment, night, price, child, guest1
eltearabszak.hu…during the first half of the twentieth century. Kahle’s and Strothmann’s early epistolary exchange (1933–1938) falls into the period of Nazi rule in Germany, shedding some light on the ways in which each of them negotiated the political intricacies, temptations and dangers of the period. The…nazi rule, rule germanypost, reply, volume, september, october1
ha2mn.huThe Port City Amateur Radio Club has taken over the sponsorship of the New Hampshire Qso Party. Despite Contest Calendar the activity will be held with the same rules and times as in previous years (as written in Contest Calendar). The homepage here is being updated for more details.activity rule, rule timepage, radio, ham, activity, contest1
webassist.huThe idea to develop an entirely new tool for website builders and managers came out of our daily experience of dealing with people who administer content on the website. As a rule, they’re no IT pros, while almost all tools in the market are developed to fulfil needs of the latter.website rule, rule prowebsite, user, idea, tool, manager1
horizonsolutions.huDefine your tax situation, whether you are properly complying with the tax rules while paying no more than required, or your situation should be adjusted.tax rule, rule situationtax, consulting, plan, employee, share1
racerbeans.huCoffee production has been something of a roller coaster in Burundi, with wild ups and downs: During the country’s time as a Belgian colony, coffee was a cash crop, with exports mainly going back to Europe or to feed the demand for coffee by Europeans in other colonies. Under Belgian rule…belgian rule, rule burundiancoffee, small, process, dry, quality1
sefcsik-keramia.huHis workshop has also produced a huge number of classical objects following the historical traditions and rules of this ancient craft and even these works are characteristic and clearly recognizable. The core business, however, is satisfying the customer demand for customized ceramics, which can…tradition rule, rule ancientceramic, garden, functional, unique, customer1
goldengrace.huWe try to plan our rare litters carefully. A prerequisite for mating is that both parents fully comply with the breeding rules of the breeding club.breed rule, rule breeddog, grace, winner, connection, cup1
jetter.huComplying with legal and statutory regulations and internal rules is a top priority at Jetter. Our excellent reputation can only be upheld if we conduct our business with integrity, professionally and with a focus on the correct, fair and ethical treatment of each and every stakeholder.internal rule, rule priorityautomation, development, customer, solution, report1
naniko.huCastle Hill. Many tourists and business people coming to visit the capital, for its own purposes use the services of car rent in Budapest and, as a rule, prefer a specialist of this field the company Naniko, which offers the lowest rates. The elegant and cosmopolitan capital of Hungary is full of…budapest rule, rule specialistrental, availability, airport, price, additional1
mandalajogapecs.hu„The adaptability of vitality is limitless ... Hatha-Yoga is due in large part to its great success in employing techniques that maximize the accumulation and free flow of vitality in its body exercises, lifestyles and health standards. Those who follow these rules will never be sick: they can…standard rule, rule sickclass, schedule, yoga, pass, unlimited1
rudasbistro.huThere is no rule that you can’t enjoy yourself with daily wellness program. Luckily, in the heart of Budapest, you have opportunity to make your day. Enjoy the unique wellness adventure, and not need to travel faraway.offer, forward, gallery, special, event1
cardsys.huMP INFOSYS is a modular software package to record, handle and display all the data during pentathlon competitions strictly following the rules fixed by UIPM. 5TUSA provides quick and precise data management with wide-ranging possibility for setting parameters, while 5INFO, 5NEWS, 5TABL and 5VIDEO…strictly rule, rule uipmresult, software, competition, package, download1
talizmanpanzio.huThe castles hey day was during the rule of Louis I, who modernised and refurbished the castle. These modernisations included an inner castle which was built around a rectangular courtyard and had four towers, one on each angle.day rule, rule louiscastle, pension, restaurant, beautiful, room1
szellkalmanalapitvany.hu…sensible approach. The people who have been awarded so far have done a lot to familiarise the highest number of international decision-makers and opinion shapers with Hungary, and presented Hungary’s business and political activity in the spirit of liberty, honest prosperity and the rule of law.prosperity rule, rule lawfoundation, media, page, main, people1
ovst.hu…and other tariff and non-tariff barriers, export control and sanctions, anti-dumping and safeguard investigations, and international trade litigation, just to name only a few. The International Trade team also advises on multilateral trade arrangements, such as WTO and EU rules and practices.eu rule, rule practicetrade, value, social, large, corporate1
lipotfurdo.hu…purposes, a pool with a water temperature higher than 35 °C, or children under the age of 6 to bathe in a massage pool, whirlpool and other facilities specified in the house rules. Children under the age of 14 can also use a medicinal water pool or a medical pool with a doctor’s prescription.house rule, rule childpool, bath, water, huge, slide1
aectutor.huParticipating in the Business English course was a blast! The teacher’s witty style and the one-language rule made it both educational and hilarious. It’s like learning to „speak business” with a side of laughter. Highly recommend!language rule, rule educationalcourse, language, class, student, skill1
barbizon.huThe same rule applies to items left in rooms. These will be sent by post at the guest's request for a fee.guest, reception, room, damage, case1
kendoszalon.hu…by all applicable local, state, national and foreign laws, treatises and regulations in connection with your use of the Site and Services, including, without limitation, applicable common law, all relevant statutes, and the rules and regulations of the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.statutes rule, rule regulationcondition, music, store, az, distribution1
dancecoreinvaderz.huDancecore Invaderz is an experimental, somewhat abstract project, less constrained by ruleshand, genre, official, music, january1
sensa.huOne of the most vital activities of a company operating in a competitive market is to attract, win, and retain customers. The rule of thumb in sales is that there is no runner-up; you have to be the market leader in order to increase your market share.customer rule, rule thumbdevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting1
falco7.huEnvironmental regulations are important not only to comply with the rules and regulations, but rather to satisfy our own conscience since companies are built and the environment is becoming more beautiful for future generations. The detergents we use are produced in compliance with the regulations…important rule, rule regulationclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements1
bekotours.hu…we can agree about a discount price. You can see the companies we used to work or still work together successfully in the reference section. The bus drivers are all polite and having several years of international experience, maximally respecting and accepting the European driving rules (AETR).drive rule, rule aetrvehicle, reference, bus, price, journey1
dhotel.huAccording to to the the current current rules, rules, an an individual individual who who spends spends at at least least one one guest guest night night in in the the area area of of ​​competence of of the the municipality municipality due due to to the the performance performance of of a a…current rule, rule individualbath, act, guest, room, relationship1
costesrestaurant.huInformation about our vouchers | Purchaser's Manual | Information on the rules of complaint, exchanging, and warranty | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)information rule, rule complaintrestaurant, faq, taste, cart, voucher1
100orszag.huThe cuisine of the Muslim Saudi Arabia follows strict rules both in terms of ingredients and methods of preparation. In the Arabian Peninsula, there are grasslands, oases and palm groves in addition to the desert areas. As a result, their diet is based on wheat, dates...strict rule, rule termcountry, saudi, arabia, gallery, cuisine1
trustair.huA special air ambulance is not always necessary, because it is also possible to transport patients on commercial flights under medical supervision. However, this has basic professional rules that must be followed.medical, transport, aviation, trust, flight1
barkacsoldal.hu…time, a new meeting for the conference was scheduled for 1828 March 2013.[6] On 2 April 2013, the UN General Assembly adopted the ATT.[7][8] The final treaty text had to be adopted by consensus, according to the Rules of Procedure of the Conference agreed to by the preparatory committee ( more ).consensus rule, rule proceduremarch, april, order, court, contract1
vbenz.hu…standards and often alongside international insurance requirements. If someone fails to comply with these requirements the insurance premium discount can be at risk therefore it is particularly important for us to have the necessary approvals and be aware of relevant insurance rules and standards.insurance rule, rule standardsolution, maintenance, liquid, protection, installation1
drdoczy.humap copy, property deed, trade register excerpt, e– annual report, monitoring of legal rules, legal advice on legal rules modificationlegal rule, rule legal, rule modificationlegal, advice, law, contract, litigation1
meetsafe.huMeet Safe is not a quality assurance system. It can’t control either the implementation and the correct application of regulations, rules and individual solutions contained therein, or bring them in line with the regulations in a given country. It is the sole responsibility of the user to properly…regulation rule, rule individualevent, introduction, tool, creative, enhancement1
okthaimassage.huFor complete relaxation and an equally high level of service for all guests, please respect our house rules.massage, foot, neck, head, traditional1
dorakonyvel.huHungary is country where the business life currently is blooming and makes foreign businesses, companies think, should I relocate? But how would you know if it worth it? How would you know what are the rules, conditions of having a company in Hungary? How about the taxes and accounting? My aim is…worth rule, rule conditionvel, main, page, accountant, payroll1
pannoniay.hu„To create something worthwile one has to master a trade and know what it requires and demands… But creation starts when I put the rules aside… But advancing is only possible if one knows one’s starting point.” – István Hildebrandcreation rule, rule asidetradition, innovation, series, image, music1
akuna.hu…within the European Union (European Economic Area) and out of it. These entities act as processors of personal data and will observe comparable rules and principles of personal data protection, as maintained by the Administrator. The Administrator guarantees the transfer of personal data to the…comparable rule, rule principlebuyer, seller, agreement, purchase, case1
bprh.hu…organizers perform the timing by professional measuring equipment also used in modern rallye under the whole round. Important to remark that the rules of the roads apply for the whole distance and the average speeds granted on the measured sections never exceed the speed of 50 km/H. The whole…important rule, rule roadhistoric, regularity, category, race, speed1
flumen.huThis central system needs information and rules to calculate the best charging schedule, and charge the vehicles as much as they need to fulfil their next routes. It can be feed with necessary data by enterprise systems (fleet management, route management, energy management, Outlook, etc.), and by…information rule, rule goodcharge, enterprise, electric, fleet, approach1
hungrana.huThis video demonstrates the work conditions and rules at the Hungrana Ltd site in Szabadegyháza, Hungary where work is done without endangering health, food safety or the environment.condition rule, rule hungranacorn, procurement, management, food, career1
trhome.huA Hungarian citizen can acquire ownership rights over real estate in Turkey. After the completion of the sales contract, the buyer with Hungarian citizenship is listed as the owner on the property sheet. The owner has full authority over the property. Protection of property is according to…hungarian rule, rule propertyproperty, real, estate, number, turkey1
drtanacs.hupreparation and legal opinion on contracts for the sale, donation, lease, usufruct, pre-emption, purchase, lien, preparation of Organizational and operational rules and the Deed of foundation for condominiums, protection of propertyoperational rule, rule deedlaw, legal, contract, protection, representation1
abstractman.huThe solid can be painted in a chess-board fashion, following a simple rule: after choosing a color for one face, every neighbor (sharing a convex or concave arc) must have the other color. Because of the overlapping, in four funnels (O1, O2, O3, O4) the greens will be the clock-wise, the reds the…simple rule, rule colorsurface, solid, shape, edge, case1
linkgroup.huIt is our great pleasure that our new concept demonstrating that the general rule of neuronal Hebbian learning is valid to the learning of signaling networks of single, non-neuronal cells has been published in Trends in Biochemical Sciences (accessible here and as a pdf file here ) and became the…general rule, rule neuronalgroup, network, member, signal, paper1
brumiovoda.huOur goal is to create a safe, family-centric atmosphere in our institute, where along rational, reasonable rules the personality of the children can develop freely, develop their talent and creativity and their problem-solving skill and autonomy. The aim is that due to their useful and joyful…reasonable rule, rule personalitykindergarten, group, child, age, range1
senanszkypetra.huThe same rules apply to bi-fin events as surface swimming, with the exception that competitors use bi-fins to do crawling style swimming, which significantly accelerates their speed compared to “classical” freestyle swimmers. In the youngest discipline of the sport, competitions are held at…swimming, champion, achievement, surface, underwater1
komplexinstrukcio.hu…and the more they collaborate, the more they learn. However, in order for the interaction to be productive, the group-work has to follow certain rules. The key to success of this program lies in the division of roles in the group - only when children know exactly what their responsibility is can…certain rule, rule keyschool, teacher, child, pupil, group1
caves.huA well adjusted vertical gear is essential for good and effective caving. The frog system has some strict (short cow's tail) and some not so strict rules on how to adjust your gear. This is a short summary about these rules and principles.strict rule, rule gear, summary rule, rule principlevertical, cave, gear, detail, hand1
szintlepespodcast.huPai Gow Poker hands are set according to the rules of Texas Hold'em, and more specifically, the rankings of the hands there.hand rule, rule texasdeposit, password, free, bonus, spin1
mta.hu…Nomination Committee, composed of members delegated by the eleven scientific sections, who are either members of the Academy or non-member representatives delegated to the General Assembly, in line with the provisions of the Academy’s Statutes as well as the Committee’s own Rules of Procedure.committee rule, rule procedurescience, academy, research, member, forum1
szalokybow.huTrust is important for me andthe users of my produtcts, so during the making process I observe the thecnological rules. Based on the opinion and needs of the archers I improve my bows.thecnological rule, rule opinionbow, custom, detail, limb, important1
belegal.huOur colleagues provide complex legal services within the rules of our profession and ethical guidelines with reliable knowledge, high level language skills and client-oriented attitude. Our main goal is to serve our client’s business interest in the most efficient way, therefore we provide quick…service rule, rule professionlaw, attorney, legal, solution, reliable1
online-angol.huThen the observation of the topical linguistic penomenom (structures, functions, notions etc.), the study and drill of the rules comes on.lesson, free, song, christmas, skill1
competition.huA new rule to the Act on Commerce, prohibiting places of hospitality and large beer and soft drink producers from entering into exclusive contractsnew rule, rule actcompetition, law, consumer, authority, advertisement1
culex.huThe technology of the drawing of blood happens on an analogous manner according to the animal protection rules, with the human blood giving. We collect blood from only controlled animals and not animals delivered onto the slaughterhouse with unknown background and not waste products animals. With…protection rule, rule humanblood, animal, process, production, source1
apostille.org.huWe process Your personal data in accordance with the effective rules; we use them only to the extent required for the legalization.effective rule, rule extentdocument, legalization, delivery, international, certificate1
dknv.huHighly competitive trading floors are profit driven battle zones which must comply with regulatory and risk management rules. Trading desks should be supported in a way that their dealing activities remain the fastest possible while fully transparent and compliant with internal and external rules…management rule, rule trading, external rule, rule customersolution, consulting, management, trading, client1
tmtanitas.hu…daily basis, I get to strip away the masks that we build – that I build for myself, small and large – to reach the feeling of my true self. ‘Oh, this is who I really am! This is how I can experience life!’ My guiding principle has become being true to myself. I used to have lots of rules… No more,”meditation, stress, deep, benefit, health1
vackolo.huIn case of adoption across borders, we can have the EU pet passport and the TRACES (TRAde Control and Expert System) certificate issued, according to the rules laid down by the European Union.certificate rule, rule europeananimal, dog, shelter, owner, association1
etalonhorses.huEach and every member of the production shares the same commitment to treat our beloved animals with the highest dignity humanly possible. We feel honored to work with our magnificent animals to perform together on the long run. The production is dedicated to establish solid rules and regulation…solid rule, rule regulationhorse, fire, close, equestrian, video1
formalin.huThe packaging of formalin will be done with the packaging materials provided by the customer, which complies with the relevant rules and provisions in force and the properties of the dangerous material.relevant rule, rule provisionproduction, plant, material, industrial, customer1
tomigem.huthan the luck of the dice. Our goal is not to create a shorter, simpler game just to sell more of it. Those with the desire to delve deep into the rules, shall find the time well spent. Others can watch the short introductory video detailing the rules of the games. We'd like to add that our games…deep rule, rule shall, video rule, rule gamegame, pig, match, shop, event1
1000ff.huOur firm was established in 2016, and its primary activities are centred on printed and online layout design. Since then we have collected enough experience not just to solve problems, but also to be constructive, and with our attitude of querying rigid rules we have expanded the limits of…rigid rule, rule limitgraphic, animation, brochure, catalogue, poster1
piroplan.huHis area is the fire detection and gasous (Nitrogen, Argon, Inergen, CO2, FM200, NAF S 125, NAF S 227, Novec) extinguishing systems. The company is prepared to design sprinkler systems which comply with the Hungarian standard as well as the FM, VDS, FOC, LPC rules and the international…lpc rule, rule internationalengineer, fire, protection, mechanical, executive1
artmagazin.hu…with themes such as absurdity, embarrassment, irony and apathy. Through his paintings, he captures distant characters, silently provocative inhabitants of terrains the rules of which we are not even aware of; while his performative practice dives in the bizarre spheres of political extremism.terrain rule, rule awareart, exhibition, artist, reality, contemporary1
macher.hu„Our everydays are determined by the processes, rules and instructions created to achieve the goal. We tailor processes to meet the challenges of our environment. ”process rule, rule instructionproduction, quality, cable, customer, technology1
sustain.huEU Taxonomy Regulation – extending sustainability audit rules to over-the-counter operatorsaudit rule, rule countersustainability, climate, indicator, impact, corporate1
szabadsagszinpad.huthe country's orb, while the German imperial eagle is preparing to strike. Thus does the work subserviently reflect the populist and authoritarian ruling political party's new constitution, forced upon the population again without any consultation, suggesting that the state of Hungary bears no…authoritarian rule, rule politicalmonument, history, civilian, government, personal1
euvitis.hu…Starving for excellency and for saving the harmony of their life with this landscape a few of winery-owner families decided to accept the strict rules of organic farming. Their decision might be a fortune for our business, because we – a newcomer entity within the endless line of grape seed…strict rule, rule organicgrape, seed, source, family, wine1
szintezis-net.huESS is an entrance and attendance management system that enables access control for facilities as well as location tracking suitable for doors, gates, and turnstiles. Full access control and system rules can be configured through the admin module, so everything can be customized to fit the…system rule, rule adminprocess, development, solution, user, patient1
noemiesberci.huBy car: You can park for free in the area on weekends. It is worth following the traffic rules regarding parking (e.g. fines are issued for standing on the pavement or for parking within 5 m of the intersection of the road’s edges)traffic rule, rule parkingwedding, live, schedule, location, story1
bta-group.huIn the analysis, we are reflecting on both the “big picture” and the details at the same time. Our aim is to contemplate both the development and the user perspective. The analysis ensures that the test process and test results comply with the industry standard and local company rules and…company rule, rule regulationgroup, management, software, process, analysis1
easystudyhungarian.huI have a secret: The Hungarian language is not a monster. You don’t need to fear it. Maybe it has special rules, structures, and pronunciation, but if you have a mentor (like me) who explains patiently, who concentrate on your needs and who teach you based on a well-built structure, you will…special rule, rule structurestudy, free, easy, language, minute1
droidx.huAdhering to the rules of the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System, for which we obtained a certificate in 2017.machine, quality, machining, plant, management1
abt.huIn our newsletter, we will give you an overview of the current fringe benefit elements and their tax rates applicable in the year 2024 following the changed rules adopted last days of November 2023.year rule, rule daytax, payroll, accounting, data, financial1
amavat.huThe situation may be further complicated if the UK-based trader is an ‘agent’ acting on behalf of say a non-EU principal e.g. an American or a Chinese vendor. There are special VAT rules in an agency-principal situation.vat rule, rule agencyvat, tax, registration, country, seller1
exmachina.hu“Only one digit separates the unaritical ruling system of law from the binary ruling system of IT.”unaritical rule, rule system, binary rulepayment, solution, terminal, electronic, module1
drtulkangyorgy.hucomplete esthetical and functional rehabilitation of dentures. My goal is to find a solution for all my patients that meets their wishes and respects the rules of my specialism. We provide fast treatments of outstanding quality. I work together with qualified assistants and a trustworthy laboratory.wish rule, rule specialismtreatment, map, sight, review, dentist1
bonitasprings.huThe rules applying to the breeding of other animals apply to the breeding of dogs too – with one, most important, extra dimension: the breeder, while striving to create better, nicer, healthier dogs, is also creating a FRIEND and COMPANION for the future owners of these animals. This principle of…dog, spring, breed, breeder, member1
apambeajulna.hu18 февр. 2004 2004 г. ... ... V. V. Plan Plan Administration. Administration. A. A. Administrative Administrative Activities. Activities. The The final final rule rule for for the the 50 50 nm nm closed closed areas areas around around American American Samoa Samoa was was published published in…final rule, rule nmny, ray, york, movie, book1
findedichzurecht.huYou do not have to worry about communication. You call your lawyer, doctor, broker, club and ask about rules, regulations or services. All of this is natural in your home country and you don’t even think that it could be otherwise.club rule, rule regulationadvice, legal, assistance, insurance, general1
ohav.huC hildren compare themselves with the others in the class, compare their mothers with other’s mother, the rules at home with the rules in the school, and during this comparing process they will learn how different we all are and how should he or she behave in different situations.mother rule, rule home, home rule, rule schoolfoundation, course, culture, child, nation1
cedit.huThe transitional rules related to the termination of the emergency situation are amended in relation to the Occupational Safety and Health Act as follows: (2) The medical validity of operator licenses that expired during the emergency situation and are necessary for the performance of certain…transitional rule, rule terminationprotection, fire, safety, office, learn1
csigajogsi.huAccording to the Hungarian rules you have to take at least 29 driving lessons, (+ the exam) which consist of:hungarian rule, rule driveschool, drive, learn, office, course1
hankooknegyed.huIn order to ensure the enforcement of occupational safety and health regulations and to comply with the internal rules applicable to Hankook employees, the employer has for many years been using the so-called EHS Pre-employment Points System (EPR).internal rule, rule applicableemployee, health, day, september, news1
hungafoods.huWe’ve been doing this for more than 22 years now by continuously adapting to the changing market demands and by keeping in focus the food and consumer safety as well as the rules of business ethics.safety rule, rule businessfood, customer, trade, domestic, agency1
multi-guide.huBig advantage using the Multi-Guide system, pandemian rules and suggestions can be kept easily. Guided tours on tourist sites and spots, in museums and exhibition rooms can be offered also in pandemian circumstances.pandemian rule, rule suggestionguide, exhibition, device, visitor, available1
businessportrait.huAs a rule of thumb: one fully processed photo will cost you about 100 EUR. Prices are considerably lower if you order multiple images from the same set.portrait, corporate, photography, photo, website1
lqd.huIf the property of the indebted companies are not enough to cover the liquidation cost, or the liquidation proceeding is technically not possible by the general rules because of the lack of registers and books, the liquidator will start a simplified liquidation proceeding as the Act of bankruptcy…general rule, rule lackproceedings, wealth, liquidation, settlement, bankruptcy1
microcosmos.huPeople are inventive and cunning, and use a healthy, wise sense of humour to survive unpleasant things. They are informal and casual: they do not really like rules, including those of the traffic. But above all, people are hospitable and generous and accept visitors.casual rule, rule trafficgallery, destination, event, management, great1
classichotel.huPrivacy Statement | Legal notice | General terms and conditions | Guest rules and regulationguest rule, rule regulationroom, rate, free, guest, view1
aidarg.huWe will handle the personal information provided to us in accordance with the rules set out in the GDPR Regulation and the relevant Hungarian legislation in force at any given time.accordance rule, rule gdprgymnastics, trainer, girl, schedule, young1
marathonsport.huOur products are made according to the disciplines of the industry, the Hungarian sports equipment standards and the rules prescribed by sports federations. The customers will get the products we manufacture and distribute after our strict quality control. Our transportation and assembly…standard rule, rule sporttool, quality, page, main, equipment1
telcotrend.hu…of our work and the large number of athletes we have made it essential to introduce a uniform IT system. Telcotrend's experts learned our professional language, our rules, our philosophy, our objectives and understood our needs, there was no task they could not solve. It was easy to work with them.language rule, rule philosophysolution, custom, software, view, need1
ekraft.huThe production process of our powertrain systems also complies with the strict rules of the ISO 9001 quality management system which is certified by EMT Zrt.strict rule, rule isoboat, electric, gallery, faq, open1
gatifoto.hu…electronic, or web) without the prior written consent of GATIFOTO, contact: Admin . We furiously seek out copyright violations on the Internet and in Print and will use full legal force to deal with any Copyright infringements. The only exception to this rule is linking to articles (see below).exception rule, rule articlephoto, main, page, site, contest1
bellapuszta.huWe provide our animals appropriate attention and care, and we keep them according to the rules. Our guests can find a club place on the first floor of our main building, as well as a big terrace with a spectacular view. In the garden we can find wooden garden furniture, grill, pasture and petting…care rule, rule guestanimal, bus, ride, shuttle, horse1
bakaja.huArt means how rules appear in work of art. Every game has rules. As God always plays, so does the artist. The best he can do is to become a part of God's play. If he plays independently of him, he plays God and he falls.art rule, rule work, game rule, rule godsuite, choir, video, zoltan1
krgroup.huIn the case of a share deal, acquisition of 75% or more of the shares in a company that is in possession of Hungarian real property, where the property exceeds 75% of the company’s total value, is subject to the general transfer tax of 4%. The same rules and reduced rates as in asset deals are…tax rule, rule ratetax, group, accounting, vat, rate1
ced.hu…use the B2B platform, the Hulex law library and CEDucation online education platform. Company Registration User registration Register and be informed first-hand about the available tenders announced by the CED, the criteria and deadlines of them, and the rules for the use of resources. Applicationdeadline rule, rule usepage, main, event, support, development1
avicenna.huAvicenna International College (AIC) is committed to the best standards of education and service. To ensure and implement the best education and service, we have developed AIC rules and regulations considering the prevailing EU and international rules and practices. All policies, rules…aic rule, rule regulation, international rule, rule practice, policy ruleinternational, college, student, education, study1
sovietairsoft.huIf the rules of the game told by the game master are fully respected by the players, it is completely safe.field, offer, booking, bachelor, price1
globalproject.huThe UK is no longer a member of the European Union, so new customs rules came into force on 1 January 2021. In order to be able to provide a full range of services to our customers after Brexit, our company has expanded its activities as follows:custom rule, rule forcetransport, international, groupage, global, england1
leopardkutya.huThese are the right nutrition , the right amount and quality of exercise , and the observance of a mandatory and consistent set of rules, i.e. education .set rule, rule educationdog, diversity, litter, breed, american1
mse-zsory.huEvery entertainment and sports news has a set of guidelines, however there are also rules that govern sports in basic . From antitrust law to labor issues to criminal justice, the law is a major behind-the-scenes gamer in the world of sport. For some, the legal elements of the current world sports…guideline rule, rule sportnews, feed, result, score, transfer1
nagyatad-parkhotel.huUnder specific rules, our hotel allows one small or medium-sized dog or cat per room to be kept in the hotel rooms for an extra fee of HUF 3,000 (without food). For other conditions and further information, please contact the hotel before booking the room!specific rule, rule hotelroom, request, offer, accommodation, people1
adoeljaras.huIn the following part of this present article we answer the above questions and discuss the basic rules of the so called equity procedures (tax debt mitigation, remission, instalment payment procedure).basic rule, rule equitytax, law, client, procedure, association1
fklaw.hu…employee’s rights closely protected by both legislation and case law. This is especially the case when collective redundancies are required. The rules and procedures relating to redundancies – both collective and individual – vary across different European countries. This article provides a briefredundancy rule, rule procedurelaw, data, firm, legal, client1
markjector.hu…a non-contact or even inaccessible environment, even with a homogeneous background, for the forensic numbering of traces in accordance with the rules and regulations of crime scene investigation. Advantages: Cost-effectiveness. The use of the device does not require special knowledge, as it doesaccordance rule, rule regulationlight, figure, length, distance, subject1
szommerkonyvelo.huAs an expat business owner and manager you can easily get lost in the maze of tax rules of another country. We believe it’s important for you to feel safe in the Hungarian tax environment while optimising your tax affairs.tax rule, rule countrytax, accountancy, payroll, reference, news1
cegos.huDo you want to participate on a face to face training? We can make it possible – obviously with the strictest security measures and responsibility despite the loosening of the rules.training, management, development, learn, consulting1
kultplay.huWe have to find ways around a very-late-capitalist system that actually want us to be subversive. How can you subvert something that wants you to break rules? Well... we are working on it.reader, art, social, installation, european1
raszta.huYo, let’s talk about some legal rights and protection like policyholder protection rules and agreements between companies like schools. When can an employer change your contract? That’s an important question to ask, it’s a real fact. The legal rights and advice are there to protect you. Now, let’s…protection rule, rule agreementlegal, january, law, agreement, board1
casinorent.huFor beginner, we offer the possibility to learn the rules and the gameplay of classic gambling games like Roulette, Poker or Blackjack. Experienced players are able to show their skills in the chip collector competition at camera poker tables which will make you feel like a professional Poker…possibility rule, rule gameplayevent, player, website, location, colleagues1
flplaw.huExperts’ studies, contracts, litigation – rules and regulations are changing at an increasingly rapid pace year after year but the core values and the mindset of being an attorney-at-law remain consistent. These are the thoughts that come to my mind day by day while looking at my Grandfather’s old…litigation rule, rule regulationlaw, firm, introduction, goal, area1
bliano.hu5. Legal Assurance: We follow all the rules. Working with us means you’re in compliance with regulations, eliminating any legal concerns related to your electronic waste.assurance rule, rule complianceinternational, waste, electronic, component, material1
a-games.huThe first larger project of A-games. Despite its simple rules it’s challenging for chilldren and adults as well.simple rule, rule challengegame, board, player, play, family1
balsailaw.huPlease be informed that pursuant to the regulation on ethical rules and requirements of the practice of attorneys issued by the Hungarian Bar Association, the cases undertook by the attorney and the clients represented by the attorney cannot be displayed on the attorney’s website.ethical rule, rule requirementslaw, firm, attorney, representation, litigation1
autoritassoft.huChanges on KATA 2021 Changes on KATA (Itemized Tax of Small Taxpayer Enterprises) 2021 Act CXLVII of 2012 on Itemized Tax of Small Taxpayer Enterprises (“KATA”) and Small Company Tax (“KIVA”) has major changes effective from January 1, 2021 regarding the tax rate and the rules of procedure for…rate rule, rule proceduretax, industry, accounting, advisory, payroll1
gtssimulation.huSECURITY The training of private security operators is largely the same as military or police training. Due to the specific legal environment, in this case, the tasks are tailored together with the client to comply with the rules of engagement for the specific environment.client rule, rule engagementsimulation, training, skill, environment, task1
drhodosi.huMost of us, unfortunately, do not have enough knowledge of court proceedings. However, in such a situation,a seemingly insignificant breach of the rules can have serious consequences. In a part of the cases, therefore, the application of the legal representative was made mandatory by law. However…breach rule, rule consequencecase, legal, contract, client, solution1
mehi.huCommission welcomes political agreement on new rules to boost energy performance of buildings across the EUnew rule, rule energyenergy, efficiency, institute, activity, update1
tubakurzus.huIn view of the current situation, you can read a comprehensive factsheet on the epidemiological preventive rules in the following document. – hungarian pagepreventive rule, rule followcamp, teacher, music, meal, application1
jobgroup.hupersonalised opportunities for advancement. Our company operates in full compliance with the applicable laws, as well as the written and unwritten rules of fair and ethical business competition. Our Internal Code of Conduct and Ethics and our Quality Policy place particular emphasis on transparent…unwritten rule, rule fairdetail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour1
nessum.huWe help Contracting Authorities to decide whether a public procurement is needed or not. From the preparation phase to the contracting, we follow and support the whole procedure. We have experiences in embodying public procurement rules in a local legislative act. We offer support for the Public…procurement rule, rule localprocurement, public, training, reference, authority1
catcafebudapest.huSome important rules however take place in the café; you must not feed them, use flash while taking photos, lift them or disturb them while they are resting. You can of course play with them, and pet them 🙂important rule, rule placeguideline, place, street, card, drink1
encounter.huThe registration fee gives you the right to participate in the programs (according to rules and guidelines) but it DOES NOT INCLUDE the accommodation and meals! At the registration form we collect information about your meals and accommodation requirements. This cost you will have to pay at the…program rule, rule guidelineregistration, group, fee, meal, encounter1
agroit.huDownload the application form Download foundation document Download Organizational and operational rules document Download Code of Ethicsoperational rule, rule documentsolution, complex, cluster, member, event1
stoppanzio.huThe “Grand Church” (Nagytemplom), the largest Calvinist church in the country, has become the symbol of Debrecen, which is also known as the “Calvinist Rome”. It was in Debrecen that Kossuth Lajos declared the end of the Habsburg rule in Hungary in April 1849. The Calvinist College has an…habsburg rule, rule hungaryoffer, room, event, house, guest1
meditations.huWe have great experience in building document retrieval systems for managing millions of documents. We designed search engine components of legal research systems developed for lawyers and legal experts. These databases contain millions of records (rules, acts, court decisions) where documents can…record rule, rule actfast, custom, problem, algorithm, computation1
birherui.huOur law office is dedicated to academic research, with special focus on legislation, legal theory and network legal theory. For us, law is much more than a set of rules – it is community value.set rule, rule communitylaw, firm, legal, research, publication1
ststephen.huYou’ll share the values of the great men who founded the Hungarian State: Men who believed in the brotherhood of man and the ideals expressed in the Countries Constitution. Freemasonry is built upon the tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Brotherly love is the practice of the golden rule…golden rule, rule relieflodge, stephen, member, mason, st.1
csaladfakutatas.huAs of 1st October, 1895 the state registrations became legal. Researching in these is more difficult, since the Hungarian legal rules - in order to protect the personal rights and data - regulate the limits of the research.legal rule, rule orderresearch, family, history, register, field1
keletholding.hufinance even the liquidation proceedings. Because of the shortcomings of the records and accounting liquidation proceedings respecting the general rules are technically impossible. Based on the above the liquidator informs creditors that it wishes to file a request with the competent court for…general rule, rule technicallyliquidator, useful, liquidation, number, advice1
soffie.huMake parking for your hybrid workforce stress free and implement fair parking rules. Through integrating the different IT systems parking services can be seamlessly embedded into the office life, for employees, partners or visitors.parking rule, rule differentoffice, management, employee, feature, highlight1
fdlaw.huCompanies with 50-250 employees have an obligation to introduce a new whistleblowing system by the middle of December. Please see our newsletter summarising the main rules.law, firm, lawyer, employment, corporate1
retrieveregyesulet.huBrowse the standards, breeding rules and criteria, the list of necessary healh checks and read about the new registration process. A list of stud dogs just like a list of new litters from our members are also available.breed rule, rule criteriabreed, examination, news, event, current1
ligetibastyavendeghaz.huGuest House… Home… Gallery… House 1 photos… House 2 photos… Prices and Booking… Booking house 1…house rulehouse, price, guest, stay, booking0
drandirko.humy name is Dr. Balázs István Andirkó LL.M. I am an attorney-at-law, specialized in real estate and conveyancing law, leading partner of Dr. Andirkó Law Office, member of the Debrecen Bar Association (Hungary).law, office, homepage, labour, inheritance0
redseafishing.huEgypt… Programs… The Ship… Contact… Guest Book… Gallery… Useful Informations… Fishing… Hurghada and The…introduction, egypt, ship, book, guest0
portfolio.huSouth Korean battery plant keeps sacking Hungarian workers after pocketing billions for job creationdetail ruleprice, fund, economy, portfolio, rate0
forumdebrecen.huWe consider it important that the Shopping Centre is not only a building encompassing 120 trendy shops but also an active partner of a number of charitable initiatives and supports, from among which many have become a tradition over the years.house ruledetail, location, open, map, hour0
shotshop.huCrossbow Discounts… Hunting Discounts… Shooter Discounts… 1911 Discounts… BOWS… COMPOUNDS… COMPOUND…cart, bow, arrow, archery, accessories0
stiflerbars.huExperience American flavors at Stifler Bars, one of the best pubs in Budapest. Enjoy live music, games & open air party vibes in the heart of Budapest.game, event, bar, concert, open0
gellertbath.huThermal bath in Budapest since 1918 in Art Nouveau style. Healthcare services, lava stone massage, red wine bath. Relaxing and wellness programmes.bath, thermal, open, website, official0
techxpo.huBudapest is perfectly geopolitically situated and highly secure location for the event. TECHXPO Budapest will be held in the Papp Laszlo Budapest Sports Arena from 7-10 November 2024, with an exhibition space of around 6,500 nm2 and 180+ exhibitors.hall, soon, ticket, exhibitors, event0
bar-show.huBar Show event: a modern and progressive bar-cultural gathering that pools the professional figures of the bar scene along with connoisseurs interested in the world of bars and their sophisticated drinking culture.bar, event, ticket, award, exhibitors0
hudex.huIf a non HUDEX Member third party intends to incorporate the 'HUDEX Hungarian Financial Futures Index in any manner into its products or services traded on an energy exchange or equivalent facility, it shall conclude a contract with HUDEX Energy Exchange Ltd. on the use of the above data (this…rule regulationdata, report, overview, member0
fotomax.huWhen working remotely and having to manage your own time, it is not uncommon for breaks to be overlooked.golden rule, rule midlifetechnology, politics, travel, news, small0
egmo2022.huBased on the decision of the Jury at EGMO 2022, the next EGMO will be organized in Portorož, Slovenia (2023), and Georgia will organize EGMO...covid rulegirl, problem, european, mathematical, location0
jozsefvaros.huProblem exploration walk about dogs in the Csarnok neighborhood | Józsefváros Participatory Budgetinguniform rule, rule dog, control rule, rule józsefváros, basic rulemunicipality, office, open, free, district0
eduid.huHungarian Research and Educational Federation (HREF) is a SAML2-based Identity Federation of Hungarian higher education and research institutions, public collections and other content providers. For the end-users, the federation aims to be transparent, therefore the login procedure is communicated…rule membershipfederation, member, user, attribute, institution0
lfblegal.huIn case of tax investigations and tax litigations, we represent our clients in teams composed of tax advisors with decades of in-house tax authority experience and litigation lawyers with international recognitioneu rule, rule accesslegal, tax, client, litigation, international0
zsidokultura.huNetwork…css rule, rule familynetwork, eng, css, family, logo0
torekivendeghaz.hua fisherman and a family to find relaxing tranquility on the lake shore, even in the hottest summer hustle. You can reach the first stop of the educational trail along the artificial lakes fed by the stream on the section of the main road 7 between Siófok and Balatonszéplak by turning towards the…guesthouse, guest, room, house, gallery0
mupa.huFeledi Project presented dance productions at the Liszt Fest that were inspired by the music of two contemporary composers, Roland Szentpáli and György Orbán. The choreography of Cosmic Conflict is based on Szentpáli's The Wind and the Sun, an award-winner of Müpa Budapest's 2020 Composition…detail, ticket, music, event, pm0
mccfeszt.hu…festival will bring together distinguished international and Hungarian experts, influential thought leaders, captivating family activities, interactive programs, and, naturally, the cream of Hungarian pop music. All of this will unfold against the enchanting backdrop of Esztergom, Hungary's…house rulenews, festival, talent, pass, gallery0
sutemenyforma.huWith this package you get all the bells and wisels you will never need to build awesome website. Ready to buy?coat, woman, dress, light, jacket0
budapestrenovations.hu…We start by getting to know each client’s needs, taste and lifestyle to customize well-designed solutions. We have the ability to source any material and bring in any resource necessary to complete your project. Our goal is to keep our clients well-informed with a single point of contact…renovation, client, portfolio, kitchen, apartment0
chillapartman.huChill Apartment located in a quiet street, in a pleasant and calm surroundings. The Lake, beaches, restaurants and pubs as well as the historical part of the city is within an easy distance.apartment rule, rule conditionapartment, shall, friend, vacation, family0
ppke.huThe Pázmány Péter Catholic University, through its Faculty of Theology, is the heir to the oldest Hungarian university traditions. In the past thirty years, our university has come a long way: from the initial difficulties and low student numbers, it has now reached the point where the Pázmány BTK…faculty, study, student, scholarship, international0
bse.huBSE Xtend - Stock exchange for medium-sized companiesrule regulation, bse rulemarket, data, exchange, trading, stock0
reginart.huKi vagyok én?… Itt érsz el… Zara Bray Legal and General… Yay Definition Adverb… Wrongful Dismissal…whitewash rulelegal, legally, definition, general, claim0
qbparty.huIt is really easy. We are 35 minutes away from Budapest Eastern Train station (Keleti Pályaudvar), about the same time by bus too. For more information, please read the Location section.competition rule, compo rule, rule platform, party rule, rule permanententry, yes, place, travel, minute0
kisgeri24.huIn the 12 hour format, you can participate in a team of 2. You have 12 hours to collect your points. You have a flexible start as well, and you can take a break which won’t count towards your 12 hours. The organizers have to be notified about the start and the end of your break. Of course you can…hour, competition, festival, format, registration0
skyborn.huYou can use their coupon code for save at Write My Essay. Copy and paste your referral link to share with acquaintances. Your referrals get a discount of 10% on the first purchase. It is possible to recommend your best essay writing service review reddit friends to anyone you like to receive your…legal, advice, template, expert, law0
partybikebudapest.huA minimum of 4 and a maximum of 16 people fit on the party bike. We can organize tours for groups up to 30 people on several beerbikes. With maximum capacity, 1 or 2 people stand in the middle, drafting beer for the others. Our sober driver provides safe passage for the beerbike through traffic!bike, beer, tour, friend, price0
giroszasz.huEXPERTISE… EXPERTS… CONTACT… Back…expertise, expert, page, game, appointment0
edvymalom.huSimaháza Bishop's Mill, Simaháza Chapter Mill or Cloth Mill, Döbrés Mill, Zavar Mill, Papiros (paper) Mill, Hatkerekű (six-wheel) Mill, Igal Mill, Sávoly Mill, Csinger Mill, Nagyhantai Cloth Mill, Bogáts Mill, Agyaglikaccommodation rule, rule housemill, room, town, introduction, house0
malatahomes.huMaláta Homes is situated in a quiet and urban area near the heart of Budapest . Close to the real life of the capital in a quiet but easily accessible place, therefore our guests can relax in a calm environment, while still providing easy access to the city’s main attractions and points of…apartment, private, room, reservation, area0
unimark.huTeam Unimark wishes you an egg-cellent Easter!steel rule, rule diemachine, cut, accessories, news, steel0
adrenalin-park.huTeam-building Oxygen Adrenalin Park is an excellent choice for outdoor events (team building, team building training, family days).house rulebuild, open, hour, excellent, unforgettable0
zselicivt.huGames you will find includes: red deer, roe deer, wild boar, and in small numbers moufflon and fallow deer. For our members we can secure pheasant, hare, and mallard hunting opportunities booth for groups and for individuals too.price, list, accomodation, hunting, association0
calypsocafe.huYou can dine at our a’la carte menu, where you can find a rich assortment of our home-made soups, fresh dishes, ready-made meals, Italian pasta and homemade freshly baked pizzas.house rulerestaurant, lakeside, room, music, reservation0
bogathykuria.huBogathy Mansion… The Only One Suite… Business Class Suite… Grand Deal Suite… CEO Suite… Gallery…house rulemansion, suite, gallery, complaint, easily0
ffz.hutomcat8-admin : This package installs two web applications that can help managing this Tomcat instance. Once installed, you can access the manager webapp and the host-manager webapp .tomcat, apache, package, application, page0
szabihid.huover the bridge. It became natural to use the bridge as a public space. People enjoyed the freedom of Szabihíd lounging in the hammocks both provided by Valyo and brought by themselves. They organized sporting events, yoga classes, parties. The Szabihíd Project irrevocably became a part of Budapest.general rulebridge, space, event, public, city0
hungarocat.huCopyright HungaroCat © 2011-2022 All Rights Reserved.breeder, board, sponsor, document, owner0
flippermuzeum.hu…top 10 out of some 600 Budapest tourist attractions on Tripadvisor. The place was featured, among others, in The New York Times, Sydney Morning Herald, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, BBC, CNN, and some 100 other leading international media outlets. You can read further about this by clicking here.house rulepinball, ticket, news, machine, media0
prime-magankollegium.huDaily cleaning of common spaces, weekly cleaning of bedrooms and bi-weekly changing of bed linen are included in the price.house rule, rule undisturbeduniversity, room, minute, price, location0
hotelgerardus.hu…and event center in the South Great Hungarian Plain. With its sophisticated design, 50 rooms, including 2 suites, and our excellent chef's 21st-century concept, it becomes a center where we provide a unique experience for every guest. Elegant, complex, sporty, and exceptional - like nothing else.house ruleroom, gastronomy, rental, offer, event0
tanitasok.huDesign with the user in mind to enjoy the clean look. Feeling at home with backend, being an artist with frontend.column, masonry, grid, width, tab0
prezilimpia.huThe University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, and the University of Szeged Junior Academy together with Ezabeszéd Toastmasters Retorika Klub Szeged with the contribution of Philip Morris, Hungary are organizing the SZTE-PREZILIMPIA competition. PREZILIMPIA is a…presentation, competition, talent, student, round0
harispark.huThere are few more exciting events in any couple’s life than their wedding. Your most important yet stressful task is to make sure everything is perfect on the Big Day. Let our professional team at Haris Park take the worry out of organizing this important event and help you make your dreams come…house ruleevent, wedding, gallery, newsletter, restaurant0
harmatingatlan.hu…a spacious living room where you can spend time comfortably even when the weather doesn't allow you to roam the magical streets of Veszprém. The fully equipped kitchen and bathroom ensure that you will not be lacking anything. And from our cosy balcony, the panoramic view of Veszprém is a unique…house rulehouse, room, century, square, programme0
banina.huBanina Ltd. has been present on the Hungarian fruit and vegetables market for almost 20 years. Our goal is to provide our partners high quality services built on our experience and serve the consumers with the best quality fresh goods.simple rule, rule successmarket, vegetable, fruit, consumer, quality0
homeawayapartment.hu…we explore Budapest or where the best spot for money exchange 🙂 Well equipped kitchen and hair drier is present. Most valuable plus of apartments is location, few kilometers on foot to historical center. Near by Jewish district, a very beautiful part of the city, with a lot of cozy cafes and bars.”apartment, away, location, place, excellent0
palvilla.huOur largest apartment for up to 2 persons. Huge bathroom, rain shower, spacious spaces ... recommended from 1 night up to several months.house ruleapartment, premium, guest, review, attraction0
360bar.huWe await you with a 360-degree panorama in the highest furnished rooftop bar in Budapest. Don’t be shy, come upstairs, try and love the Igloo Garden feeling!house rulebar, rooftop, reservation, table, private0
patricius.huWhen the wine reaches the desired stage of maturity and we deem it is worthy of your table we bottle it with the greatest care. Have a look around our webshop to choose a wine.wine, estate, gallery, noble, harvest0
mamat.huThe Hungarian Malacology Society (MAMAT) was founded in 2008 with the aim of gathering those who are interested in the molluscs.fundamental rulesociety, member, picture, news, species0
pillefizioterapia.huHow can we help you? Read more Spine issues Regardless of age, we can experience neck, back and lower back pain, which can also produce frightening... Read more Read more Pains caused by sedentary work Our lifestyle has changed a lot in the last century. An average Hungarian person sits for 6…house rulepain, preparation, pelvic, physiotherapy, rehabilitation0
bluedanubefilmfestival.huThe Blue Danube Film Festival is a film festival, which showcases independent films from all over the world. We encourage creativity and experimentation. We are open to all kinds of films.festival, short, danube, official, selection0
imolavendeghaz.huThe Imola Garden Guesthouse includes 2 buildings, they are called the Villa and the Guesthouse. We welcome our dear guests with a total of 16 air-conditioned rooms and two room types (standard and standard plus). Each room has a fully equipped bathroom with a shower. There are also 3 shared…house rulegarden, guesthouse, room, inquiry, guest0
funcity.huGuaranteed escape from the daily treadmill. Unforgettable experiences, new dimension of entertainment for all people with any age. You will be introduced to unknown universe from the most innovative entertainment centre of the country in Bükfürdő.ticket, entertainment, close, crazy, type0
kaziapartmentbudapest.huThe location could not be better. The flat is in Kazinczy street which is the center of the Jewish Quarter. This is the bohemian part of Budapest full of restaurants, pubs, night clubs, etc. Everything is close by walk or by bike, but it has excellent connections to public transport as well.house ruleapartment, gallery, location, previous, street0
aquaworldresort.huRegarding its services, the hotel is unique in Budapest: offering 309 rooms, standard rooms in the hotel’s main building, junior suites, family rooms and suites. Free, unlimited internet access (Wi-Fi) in the entire premises of the hotel, as well as free outdoor car park for over 1000 cars await…room, treatment, day, family, pool0
hotel-mako.hu…to ask for information about the sights, sights, the surrounding settlements (eg Szeged) and the programs and events of our city at our 24-hour reception. You can order delicious and Hungarian dishes from several restaurants. Opposite the guesthouse there is a supermarket (Lidl) where you can get…house rule, detail rule, rule contactroom, guesthouse, apartment, child, visitor0
mtmsz.huInformation… Rules… WDA World Dance Championship… Rules WDA 2019… Registration… Hotels… EurOpen 2018…rule wdadance, championship, result, kid, protection0
ceba.huHome… About the competition… Competition rules… Winners… Winners 2018… Winners 2019… 2019 Review… 2019…competition rulewinner, competition, award, review, supporter0
brmhungary.hu…or even 3000 m elevation does not cause any difficulty for you, then you should definitely try yourself on a BRM performance tour! With many distances, you can choose up from 200 to 600 km cycling tours based on your personal stamina. With different places and routes, during daytime and the…detail, news, event, gallery, password0
sleepwalkers.huPLEASE DONATE! HELP US TO REBUILD THE HISTORIC FIELD BY DONATING YOUR 1% TAX TO SLEEPWALKERSdivision, news, tournament, field, adult0
centrummohacs.huLocated in the centre of Mohács, the Centrum Pension and Café offers quality rooms upstairs and a cosy café downstairs, welcoming guests from all over the world.house ruleroom, programme, place, house, pension0
cserkeszek.hu: with rooms suitable for dancing: a 130 sqm large room, a 40 sqm lounge that can be connected to a smaller, 50 sqm room (all with limestone flooring) as well as a 90 sqm ping-pong hall with boarded floor, fully equipped kitchenette and sanitary block, for up to 200 people, on altogether 400sqm arearule houseroom, possibility, small, court, sqm0
profgym.huIf you have never been in any of our gyms, you have to sign up for an account before coming. It's easy and takes only 1-2 minutes.house ruleatmosphere, registration, pricing, personal, trainer0
gadam.huHello Sports fan! Welcome to the website of the book and newspaper publisher G-ADAM Stúdió. Come and take a look at our books and magazines.book, publication, publisher, newspaper, page0
rabaquelle.huThe swimming pool is located in a separate, imposing building connected to the adventure pool.house rulepool, thermal, water, bath, adventure0
minikerobkft.huHome… About… Stores… Franchise… News… Contact… Join… Locations… 1Xbet En Saglam Kacak Bahis Sitesi…franchise rulestore, news, location, category, fresh0
bkk.huPublic transport Practical guide to Budapest public transport Public transport service changes Airport Express Front-door boarding Night transport Boat services Funicular Chairlift Heritage transport services Accessibility Dogs on public transport Cycling, scooters and walking Trip planning…transport, public, ticket, timetable, news0
balatongolf.huThe first 18-hole golf course on Lake Balaton, with a Mediterranean atmosphere suitable for international competitions, awaits golf lovers in a wonderful environment.house rule, local ruletraining, map, lesson, gallery, competition0
skif2023.huNews… Final result… Medal tables… Categories / Rules… Sponsors… Draws… Online stream… Kancho’s speech…category rule, tournament rule, rule bookchampionship, result, competition, grading, news0
barnoczki.huMy name is Dávid Dr. Barnóczki, I graduated at Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. I have experience mainly in the field of civil law, labour law, commercial and economical law, criminal law, administrative law, constitutional law and immigration law (working…general rule, rule datalaw, procedure, practice, economical, legal0
atlasmernokiroda.huThe careers of the three of us has split after the university years. In addition to designing reinforced concrete structures for civil engineering and water-management, we gained experience and expertise in structural design of bridges and in the field of building constructions.slide rulestructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation0
escapefromtarkov.huEscape from Tarkov… Support… Esp… Ita… [email protected]… License Agreement… Rules of the Game… Privacy…rule game, forum ruleescape, official, page, game, support0
magdalenaapartman.huHome… Magdalena Apartment… Premium Apartment Magdalena… Gallery… Gallery Magdalena Apartment… Gallery –…rule houseapartment, gallery, premium, price, offer0
pechakucha.huEach time 2-300 guests showed up at our previous events to see the presentations of Pecha Kucha Night in Budapest. Superb projects and tasty DJ sets made up unforgettable nights. Our last event co-organized with Budapest New Technology Meetup and KÉK – Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre…night, date, pm, event, contemporary0
sos-magyar.huthose who intend to learn Hungarian properly , and therefore consider a solid basis important,grammar rule, rule clearlybook, vocabulary, material, author, order0
programmester.huEnables users to search and upload events. It has advanced event serach, categories, maps, and free upload form.basic ruleevent, free, exhibition, september, october0
szilvasvaradbob.hu…able to enjoy this terrific heart-wrenching, fun-filled ride since its completion in December of 2008. Our track is found in Szilvásvárad at the Szalajka-völgy entrance next to the ski slope in the forest. Such a type of bob has never been built in Hungary; originating from the Brandauer companyentrance, fun, heart, ride, forest0
aislamiento.huMany of us dream of building a house. We built ours to give you a sensory experience. Discover our cabins storyhouse rulebooking, cabin, bike, luxury, story0
cooptech.huCooptech is a Hungarian owned technological designer and installation services solutions provider company with over 20 years of experience. Cooptech offers its expertise in DESIGNING, CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION of process plants to the leading PHARMACEUTICAL, CHEMICAL, FOOD AND BEVERAGE companies.procurement ruleindustry, pharmaceutical, vessel, food, beverage0
wingtsuncsorna.hu…much time to learn it. In the political-power relations of China at that time, it was a serious disadvantage, which made the masters leaving the Shaolin temple consider, in the possession of ancient knowledge, to create something revolutionarily new. This is how Wing Tsun Kung Fu came to existence.man, art, martial, technique, special0
greenguru.hu…City Counsils… Government City Counsils 2… Home 10… Home 2… Home 3… Home 4… Home 6… Home 7… Home…rule regulationview, government, regulation, tax, local0
absolutreorg.huIn order to meet the new challenges, experts of liquidation, property management, and property claims settlement were recruited to join our staff of accountants, auditors and experts of reorganization, many of whom are in possession of several decades of professional experience. It guarantees the…privacy ruleprocedure, liquidation, consulting, creditor, activity0
zetorzsolti.huHome… Zene… Written Agreement Slcsd… Who Pushed The Nafta Agreement… What Nations Are In The Paris…solicitor rule, rule costagreement, collective, rent, shareholder, write0
szaunahaz.huWe are now calling your attention to the fact that if you have a massage or pedicure session, which is at least 30 minutes long, you will be invited to use both the sauna and steam bath for free.sauna rulesauna, bath, steam, column, massage0
forma1fitnesz.huNews… Gallery… Contact… Gym - personal training Bővebben… Functional room - functional workouts…house ruleroom, training, personal, functional, group0
avivaheviz.huThe Aviva Method is a series of exercises, which helps women and men to be in control of their bodies.main, body, course, instructor, way0
ceegex.huMarket data is published according to delivery gasdays. The published prices before 1st of October 2017 are converted with the official euro exchange rates of MNB and serve for information purposes only.market rule, rule regulationmarket, day, data, membership, exchange0
openregistration.huOnline Registration for the Upcoming Budapest Open International Athletics Indoor Championshipsevent rule, rule iaafopen, registration, international, athletic, championship0
2bhostel.co.hu…over-arching bridges. Main transportation hub, Deák Ferenc square is only two minutes away by feet, so we are easily approachable from all directions with tram, bus and subway. Also, most convenient of all the airport shuttle bus 100E , which stops at Deák Ferenc square, 100 metres from our hostel.house rulehostel, room, place, street, facility0
termet.huHeat Pumps Ask an expert Where to buy? Find an installer Use the grant Find a service technician Termet S.A. magazine Advice and knowledgeboiler, water, heater, privacy, technician0
jobconcept.huThe main business activity of JobConcept Kft. is labour lending, but we are also available for labor exchange, head hunting, hired recruitment, HR Outsourcing, payroll, accounting and financial consulting.employee, labour, accounting, detail, presentation0
budapestsuites.huDowntown Vintage… Lavender… Lotus… Orchid… Rose… Downtown Dreams… Lily… Margarete… Sunflower… Tulip…house ruledowntown, dream, flower, lavender, sunflower0
beacoach.huMusic is my life: I enjoy dancing and going out for concerts and festivals. I believe this is one great way of having fun :o) The other way is playing boardgames with family or friends and a good bottle of wine ;o)life rule, rule paradoxway, career, september, university, fun0
endiline.huEndiline - All right reserved © 2024business rulemachine, printer, conveyor, material, accessory0
ferratavendeghaz.huThe Ferrata Guesthouse, which opened in 2021, is located in the hearth of Bakony Hills, one of the strongholds of Hungarian hiking, in the centre of Csesznek. In a wonderful mountainous environment, our guesthouse offers unparalleled experiences and inexhaustible opportunities for relaxation both…house ruleoffer, booking, guesthouse, room, accommodation0
ioi2023.huThe International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is an annual international informatics competition for high school students from various invited countries, accompanied by social and cultural programmes. It is one of the five international science Olympiads and is one of the most prestigious…contest ruleinternational, informatics, contest, schedule, task0
szabadnyelvklub.huYou can practice your English or German knowledge here, in the Libre Language Club, by joining our weekly conversations, without restrictions.strict rulelanguage, conversation, german, restriction, weekly0
3rdhome.hu3rdHome is one of our first properties we owned and loved, and has never been really and thoroughly renovated. After the long-term tenant had moved out, there was no other way but to renovate it from the ground up to our standards, and to extend its comfort by a parking place in a nearby car park.house ruleguest, place, nearby, apartment, build0
stonedloft.hu…Parking… Facilities and Services… Location… How to get to the Loft… Gallery… About Us…rule regulationstone, gallery, review, customer, description0
scale-artis.huWe supply rolled metal products. Stainless steel, special steels, alloys, pipe, construction, non-ferrous rolled metal, etc. Certified products. Full compliance of all mechanical and chemical properties of the products.request, machine, industrial, detail, spare0
hhcarpio.huThis is the website of H & H Carpio Fish farming Ltd. We made this website to give you an accurate impression about us. This sites goal is to enhance your awareness and interest in our products and services.fishing rulefishing, price, accommodation, room, event0
nextapartments.huThe apartment is on the Pest side of Budapest. Easily accessible from the airport, direct busses come from there to Deák Ferenc square. Nyugati Railway station also near, the metro line 3 and the bus stops just 3 minutes by walk from the apartment.house rule, rule operaapartment, room, margaret, island, brochure0
bpphoenixcup.hu…teams can match their strength during the course of a long weekend. Primary, we would to provide the opportunity to the teams to enjoy the the sport in a beautiful city at a nice location in a friendly atmosphere. At the same time, establish a tradition of a yearly held international tournamentcup, tournament, group, match, schedule0
akvariumklub.huThe Akvárium Klub is a community space and cultural-artistic meeting place located in the heart of Budapest, at Erzsébet Square. There are 3 large rooms in the area, with a capacity of several thousand people. It is suitable for standing receptions, seated events, concerts, and corporate parties.house rulesaturday, event, venue, concert, area0
ecsy.huNEW Naturestar products line (under Paper and other goods) arrived, including paper straw, wood cutlery, cane plate and bowls, bambus straws, coffee cup and lid, and also paper ice-cream cups in different style and size, with related wood ice-cream spoon we serve!tool, cake, form, cutter, bowl0
luminaxis.huFirst and foremost, we are four good friends, with a lot of experience in different fields. The goal of our enterprise is to help other people find great investment opportunities in the dynamic real estate environment of Budapest. And, of course, make a good buck along the way.real, estate, month, property, investment0
fibulahotel.hu…hotel complex is situated in an area where the Roman Emperor Diocletian once marched through with his army. The event has to do with how our apartment hotel got its name „Fibula,” because after five years of excavation, archaeologists found an exceptionally valuable onion-headed fibula on the site.house rule, rule dataapartment, page, room, offer, package0
multipoly.huMultipoly, az online szimulációs játék. Nyerd meg a NEW YORK-i utat. Próbáld ki magad, milyen lehet egy multinál dolgozni!game rulegame, prize, simulation, maga, winner0
pro-form.huPressure forming Vacuum forming Injection moulding Extruding Product and mould developmentrule regulationform, mould, plastic, injection, development0
csopa.huFamily program For Visitors with Small Children Take a Look Inside Csopa! Csopa Science Showshouse rulegroup, ticket, reservation, voucher, gift0
travellinggalaxy.huThe Travelling Galaxy is an interactive exhibition based on a private collection, featuring hundreds of authentic models, models and life-size puppets from the films, mainly from the original Star Wars trilogy (IV, V, VI). The design of the exhibition is extraordinary in itself, with a number of…exhibition, travel, ticket, card, interactive0
almaskertpanzio.huWe have a well equipped bathroom for every single room with tub or shower curtain depend on the room type.house ruleroom, airport, family, pension, transfer0
poluspanzio.huWe have a total capacity of 41 persons. Our rooms are well equipped, including a shower, toilet, sink, television, safe and fridge. The upstairs rooms are air-conditioned. Continental breakfast is optional in our guest house. We are waiting for our guests with different types of rooms.general rule, rule borderbed, room, guest, house, apartment0
workprime.huIssuance of certificates. Keeping records of employment documents. Administration related to pension contributions (announcement, payment to the OEP register. KSH – preparation of statistics.rule lawpage, ltd, employee, administration, employment0
aura-hotel.huThis was the 2nd time we went to this hotel as we had a great experience last year. The food is awesome, the staff is very nice, and the whole atmosphere of the hotel is fantastic.rule wellnessroom, offer, guest, booking, available0
gradoholiday.hu…is located in Belvedere Camping, located on the Italian coast, in a beautiful forested area, with the Grado peninsula almost at your fingertips, but Venice, Trieste, Padua and the surrounding wonderful Italian and Slovenian towns are also within easy reach both by car and by public transport.house ruleprice, mobile, accommodation, cheap, booking0
sbapartman.huapartment. Air conditioning and Wi-Fi are available free of charge. We are a child-friendly accommodation, on request we can provide a cot, a high chair and a baby bath. Our garden is equipped with a pleasant, shaded parasol, garden furniture and a barbecue. Nearby you can find severalrestaurants…house ruleapartment, beach, floor, person, view0
aranypartcamping.huAt the camping site and along the beach there are several restaurants and snack bars. Find the nearest place or the one with the most delicious foods and best drinks on offer.house rulecampsite, offer, booking, pitch, accommodation0
yachtcamping.huYacht Campsite offers you unique new, comfortable, well-equipped, comfortable holiday homes. This is a mobile home with a spacious terrace in a beautiful lake-side setting, suitable for 6 people.​campsite rulebungalow, campsite, list, pitch, price0
bartoktavasz.huA special series of artistic events is launched in the spring of 2021, on the 140th anniversary of Béla Bartók’s birth. The Bartók Spring International Arts Weeks will take an unconventional form in this uncommon year, with Hungarian and international stars’ online streamed concerts of epochal…spring, international, main, page, art0
medicsi.huOpening hours… Book an appointment… Contact the practice… On-duty doctor… On-duty pharmacy… Local…cardinal rule, rule lifeduty, pharmacy, hour, health, patient0
blsl.hu- All - Other Fuelpump Benzin Fuelpump Diesel Motorparts Injectors Benzin Injectors Diesel Turbochargersterm rulemain, fuel, genuine, pressure, chain0
bluebit.huBlueBit Engineering Office is a Hungarian enterprise specialised in counselling business and engineering, being a dynamically developing protagonist of the national market. By developing our counselling activity we strive to infuse this dynamism into the process of improving the efficiency of our…procurement, public, tender, procedure, counselling0
weddingceremony.husymbolic wedding ceremony, spiritual wedding ceremony, christian wedding ceremony, crossfaith wedding ceremony, official wedding ceremonywedding rule, rule officialwedding, ceremony, christian, way, minister0
magorganic.huMagOrganic Ltd. is located next to the Tisza lake near the edge of the town of Tiszafüred, and the villages of Tiszaigar, Tiszaörs and Tiszaszentimre. The company’s main activity is organic crop production and livestock farming.game rule, rule ébirorganic, article, buyer, consultancy, introduction0
budapestikaracsony.huWith the 72-hour Classic Card, enjoy free public transport and 30+ free entries, including at the Budapest Ice Park’s ice rink!house ruleice, winter, fair, christmas, rink0
budgetapartment.huApartment with Free Parking – Center Budget Apartment Inside Free Parking Self Check-In Free Streaming SkyShowtime Balconyhouse ruleapartment, parking, free, budget, inside0
strapa-pack.hu20 years experience of packaging solutions and producing packaging materials included individual packaging and industrial packaging, sea and shipping packaging.strict rule, rule heatpackaging, material, detail, solution, transport0
piknikhazcsopak.hu2 rooms, one room with double bed (for 2 persons) and sofa bed (for 2 persons), the other room with 2 single beds (can be folded up on request)house ruleroom, person, price, live, bed0
biztositasod.huAvada has been the #1 selling theme for more than 2 years, making it the most trusted and complete WordPress theme on the market. Powerful options & tools, unlimited designs, responsive framework and amazing support are the reasons our customers have fallen in love. We are dedicated to providing…golden ruleavada, option, page, support, custom0
siestaeger.huOur cozy rooms have a shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator and wireless internet connection (wifi), and air conditioning.house ruleroom, studio, apartment, family, double0
colegal.hu…centre of our practice. Further on, our colleagues have obtained in-depth understanding of the legal aspect of criminal law, sports law, various fields of competition law and consumer protection law. In any and all of our practice areas, we efficiently provide clearly comprehensible and…law, legal, preparation, university, counselling0
bestofbudapest.hu…tracks… Sports centres… Education… Nurseries and Kindergartens… Primary and Middle schools…rule drivetransportation, shopping, movie, accommodation, rent0
partitestverek.hu…and many of these people wants me among them. Laci told me about the short story of Brotherhood of the Coast, the Chilean foundation, the active “tables” all around the world, he also mentioned he was designated from Padua the bring the conception of the brotherhood to Hungary. The Italian brother…operate ruletable, national, news, flag, international0
bakaapartman.huBaka apartment is located close to the beach in a quiet, peaceful street in Ábrahámhegy. It was built in 2022. It is a clean, comfortable, cozy 5 -unit apartment house.rule apartmentapartment, room, gallery, reservation, people0
bigmolnr.hu#Bigmolnr is a Hungary-based IT and Business Consulting company. Our aim to deliver the best digital user experience for financial, telco and service company's customers.consulting, agile, career, digital, transformation0
usmchun.huWhen Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller named an experimental infantry unit, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, in early 2016, much of the concept was built around hardware : testing out unmanned systems, vehicles, and weapons for use by the force. But, more than a year later, many of the…marine, corps, forum, meeting, member0
rebi.huLife Is A Bullet… Time And Time Again… Walked Thru Barbed Wire… Decompression Period… Born With…rule secrecyenergy, love, movement, wire, period0
flintsteakkupa.huFlintsteak cup is an open amateur beach volleyball competition right aside Velencei lake on Sirály strand at Gárdony. Everyone are welcome to participate and we offer music and nice atmosphere!story rule, rule contactcompetition, beach, event, welcome, music0
budasmile.huLocated on the World Heritage Buda Castle Hill, in the historical heart of Budapest. Just a few steps to Matthias Church, Fishermen’s Bastion, the museums of the Royal Palace and heart-warming ancient streets.house rulesmile, place, apartment, free, museum0
czingerszobak.huThe Czinger Rooms is located in the centre of Mosonmagyaróvár, only a walking distance away from the historic old town and the thermal bath Flexum . We welcome our guests all year round to relax and enjoy the true hospitality, but also those in transit are truly welcome.house ruleroom, introduction, gallery, booking, map0
froccsterasz.huFröccsterasz is a lovely wine bar and dance bar. Among the outdoor places, we have the largest selection of „fröccs” (spritzer) and street food dishes. For an unforgettable dance night, for warm up drinks or everyday relaxation, a friendly cultural outdoor place, the Fröccsterasz awaits you in the…house rulebar, drink, complex, dance, wine0
zoldsakk.huGreen Chess is a place for playing chess with other people online. Besides standard chess, you can also play chess variants, e.g. hexagonal chess or multiplayer chess.site rulechess, green, people, hexagonal, place0
littleamericas.huAt Little Americas Apartments lovely young people will host you in our wonderful apartments to make sure you have an unforgetable visit in Budapest.house rulelittle, apartment, bridge, york, river0
mernokverseny.huEngineering Competition for university student that tests your real-life skills! In the competition you take part in Challenges with your team. The Challenges are brought to you by leading Hungarian companies and university departments.team ruleday, engineering, competition, innovative, history0
hungarianworldcup.hu© 2018 - All rights reserved Hungarian Kickboxing Federation | Website © 2018 - Sunny Planet Marketinghall, invitation, city, organizer, sponsor0
masszazsharmonia.hublock, life-giving energy does not get everywhere, so a lack of energy develops elsewhere. All this can manifest itself in physical and mental symptoms. Anyone who has tipped out of their internal equilibrium, can harmonize the vitality of “mana” in their body using the lomi-lomi nui massage method.house rulemassage, body, harmony, appointment, pressure0
keriapartman.huApartment Kéri provide you accommodation of high quality in the historical old town of Mosonmagyaróvár near Flexum Thermal Spa Bath.house rule, rule pricebath, apartement, price, house, historical0
semlab.huOur Zeiss Sigma 300 FESEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope) is suitable for detecting various manufacturing or usage-induced defects, analyzing the structure of steel or other metals, testing polymers, mineral samples and coatings up to a resolution of 1 nanometer.laboratory rulesem, laboratory, study, case, chemistry0
vorosmartytavasz.huThis time, Budapest's Vörösmarty Square will be filled with life in the run-up to Easter by the bustle of artisan and gastronomic exhibitors. Come and look around, surprise yourself with some handcrafted products or just spend a pleasant afternoon in Budapest’s iconic square.house ruleopen, hour, news, house, exhibitors0
winterfurs.hupost-New Year's Eve party at VR the Magic Experience and Event Centre at Monor, where two jacuzzis, a bar and a sauna will provide relaxation and rejuvenation. The highlight of the event is the traditional furdance, which will be made even more unforgettable by the music team from Furdance Budapest!winter, fur, registration, event, news0
extremepaintball.huGI Vision, the producer of some of the best-selling paintball masks ever made, has again come out with something unique, the GI Sleek Field Vision...gear rulefield, stag, group, event, special0
atlaszmernokiroda.huThe careers of the three of us has split after the university years. In addition to designing reinforced concrete structures for civil engineering and water-management, we gained experience and expertise in structural design of bridges and in the field of building constructions.slide rulestructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation0
levendulasarvar.huthe city’s holiday resort area, in the neighbourhood of the arboretum. The central position of our apartment has a couple of advantages. The city centre and the Europe-wide known Health and Wellness Spa can be reached on foot very easily, since they both are close to our apartment, in a 600 m range.house ruleapartment, lavender, person, house, package0
tiltottfesztival.huOur goal: to bring everyone together in the spirit of fun and togetherness. For the third edition of our festival we are bringing a wide variety of performers from Hungary and around the world. Come and party with us throughout the festival season.factory, festival, tour, brewery, site0
hungarian-teacher.huWhat? Hungarian Who? Hungarian teacher How much? Hungarian language course Online Hungarian tuition Reference Hungarian in Budapest Contact Learn Hungarianannual rule, rule professionalcourse, exercise, teacher, grammar, language0
lazarlovaspark.huWe provide a marvellous environment for all kinds of events – family trips, company team-building programs or a romantic wedding day. We are also a popular location for organizing birthday parties and other family events in a friendly environment.ground ruleevent, wedding, equestrian, gallery, restriction0
sopronbalfpanzio.huAll our rooms have a private bathroom, toilet, TV and refrigerator. Extra beds are available in our rooms at an additional cost.rule houseroom, person, price, accommodation, booking0
highlandgolf.huAt the end of Highland Golf Club’s 2023 golf tournament season, in addition to valuable gifts from the tournament sponsors, we will also draw additional raffle gifts.rule regulationentry, tournament, card, event, restaurant0
kreativter.huYou have the freedom to transfrom the rooms for the needs of your programme. It is up to your creativity what you want to create. No matter if you organize youth exchanges, trainings, camps, team building for company or a yoga retreat you will find a home in Creative Space.house rulespace, creative, youth, offer, request0
smartapart.hu…Comfort… Connect… Superior… Home… Team… Eco A… Eco B… Executive… Services… Location… Contact…house rulehouse, apartment, application, directory, guest0
budajuniors.huBuda Juniors is an English-language, multi-national football club in Budapest, Hungary for children aged 4 to 16 years old. Run by Janos Banfi, a former Hungarian national team captain with 14 years experience of playing professional football and qualified with the UEFA coaching license, we play…safety ruletraining, activity, news, aid, happy0
wargammersmini.hu…Attact… Dedicated Transport… Genestealer Cults… Chaos Daemons… Chaos Daemons HQ… Chaos Daemons Elites…rule accessorieschaos, fast, troop, hq, support0
gergelyszalay.huAs a junior developer I've had the chance to work with many technologies and used them to solve a variety of problems successfully. My main interest is IOT, embedded systems and electronics, where I hope to expand my knowledge in the future. I aim to continue expanding my knowledge and one day to…developer, window, close, development, school0
infinityrenovation.huHome… Showcase… Details… Studio… Start project… View details… VIEW ALL PROJECTS… OUR…detail, studio, view, showcase, start0
sardy.huRepresentation in trademark registration procedures before the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office and international offices (WIPO).law, office, representation, counselling, proceedings0
thehive.huIn the courtyard, there is a great club where you can see live gigs and can dance until the sun comes up, but we also have a private rooftop bar only for our guests! If you would like to go out and make the most out of your trip, we can arrange tons of experiences: pub crawls, sightseeing tours…euro rulehostel, group, bar, food, facility0
lyranails.huOur pages are designed by professional designers who use their keen eye for detail to create beautiful designs that convert.support, agency, tool, market, plan0
a-list.hu…in Budapest since 2003. Our goal is to provide the highest quality service to the international and Hungarian guests. The best Beauty Salon Buda II. Pest V. Hűvösvölgy 2/A. Redken Hairdresser, Belico Cosmetic Anti-aging, Manicure Pedicure CND OPI Shellack, Massage Body Massage, Fish-pedicure.list, salon, pedicure, manicure, quality0
championshow.huDear Exhibitors! The Budapest Winner CACIB, Hungarian Breeds’ Speciality, Champion of Champions and the President’s Cup CACIB shows mini catalogs are available on the links below with the ringlists and ringmaps: Budapest Winner CACIB and ...champion, president, breed, cup, speciality0
magyarregio.huStruggling to sell one multi-million dollar home currently on the market won’t stop actress and singer Jennifer Lopez from expanding her property collection. Lopez hasfavorite, lifestyle, market, million, currently0
elevenpark.huHungary's largest indoor playground in Budapest with more than 7000 sq meter. The most exciting games are waiting for you in Új Buda Center and in Reno Udvarhouse rulecenter, event, birthday, corporate, game0
balatonivilla.huVilla Balaton is the perfect solution. We offer beautifully furnished apartments right on the shores of Lake Balaton. Plus, our team takes care of everything for you – from finding the best apartment for your needs to arranging airport transfers and providing local information.house rule, additional rulestay, apartment, lake, gallery, touch0
registerforvat.huVAT registration is obligatory, when an EU tax payer is obliged to pay VAT in Hungary and reverse charge is not applicable.accounting rule, rule companyvat, tax, registration, applicable, reverse0
szerediresidence.hu…furnished with quality beds and bed linen to ensure a good night's rest. The kitchens are equipped with modern appliances, so cooking on your own is no problem. In the living room, comfortable sofas and a TV are available to make your evening relaxation complete. All apartments are air conditioned.house rule, cooki ruleapartment, sqm, quality, location, heart0
mediawavefestival.huWe launched the organization and implementation of Mediawave on a community basis in 2011, more than 10 years ago. Which process has not been implemented in the same rhythm in all our genres. In the musical and other artistic, as well as environmentally conscious attitude, we managed to develop…important rule, rule gamefestival, gather, archive, community, gallery0
dolinaapartman.huAfter a complete renovation, we opened our apartment in 2020 in the historical center of Eger, Hungary. We did the work ourselves so that we could pay attention to the smallest details.house rule, rule privacyapartment, offer, main, close, house0
hm-management.huOpening of companies and setting up of companies “Kft” (the companies “Ltd” in Hungary), in 24 hours.management, assistance, country, transparency, investment0
terramatra.huForest Cabin accommodation in Matraszentimre, Bagolyirtas in modern environment. Booking only with us. | Terra Mátrahouse rule, rule termforest, house, cabin, matra, price0
geopolitika.hu…future future trends geography geopolitics geostrategy hungary India industrial revolution infrastructure innovation Japán new world order OBOR One Belt One Road pageo pageo klub paigeo Pakistan Parag Khanna Poland Russia Silk Road smart city technology trade urbanization US USA vision Xi Jinpingpublication rule, rule requirementsfresh, china, road, city, century0
teetaku.hu…and Gamakichi… Naruto - Demon split… Be-lee-ve in yourself… Sharingan eyes… Kyuubi Head… Akatsuki…pirate, logo, hero, piece, face0
paramotor.huFor the first glance it would seem that Hungary's airspace is very strict. But as for the practice it is a very pleasant place to fly. Hungary's terrain is mostly flatland and there are some small hills, big lakes and two major rivers with fascinating views. You can fly over Lake Balaton, and have…rule restrictionlake, adventure, view, river, place0
diofa.hu…city centre, our Tiszafüred apartment houses offer convenient amenities to you and your family. Popular summertime attractions like water sports, fishing and the beach are all within walking distance. Our year-round destinations include bike tours, countless thermal baths and the Eger Wine Region.house ruleapartment, lake, yes, round, rental0
oxygenwellness.huOxygen Wellness Naphegy is one of the most exclusive fitness centres in Budapest, offering high quality and extensive fitness-wellness-massage services on thousands of square metres.group, statement, massage, trainer, condition0
bohoboutique.huThe slender organic forms are fluid and graceful.‎ Noguchi emphasises the lightness of the elements with thin yet comfortable upholstery and a choice of cover fabrics in natural colours.rule furniturecurve, table, sofa, chair, contemporary0
nagykalloihorgaszto.huBoilie and daily ticket fishing lake in Nagykálló - Oficial website of Nagykállói Horgásztanya KFT.extract rulelake, ticket, booking, swim, equipment0
hörcsög.huNew posts New media New articles New media comments New article comments New resources New profile posts Latest activityterm rulethread, message, forum, post, article0
szilvasvaradcamping.hu…this charming campsite is the perfect relaxing getaway for everyone. The continuous development of our village, the equestrian programmes and local food specialities of our restaurants will please all visitors. Well located for popular outdoor activities such as running, cycling and hiking.view, offer, gallery, price, picture0
theloungeroom.huInnovative hand and foot care with modern techniques and professional tools in a luxurious design."salon rulecare, room, hand, foot, main0
lfd.huCardio is important to everyone. Our cardio department consists of more than 30 cardio machines: treadmill, stair, ellipse, backrest and sitting bike. You can watch Youtube and Netflix on a large screen on every machine.house rulepersonal, trainer, ticket, price, season0
bs-nails.huYou have 5 days guarantee on your new nails set if something is wrong with the nail material or there are technical, structural issues caused by me. Not covered by the guarantee if you break, or you cut your nails, or a chemical gets on your nails, etc. Please send me a photo with the problem, and…etiquette rulenail, extension, minute, appointment, price0
hotelkikelet.huHotel Kikelet… Book your stay… Book a…house rule, additional rulestay, guest, view, room, additional0
lightport.huThe development of a road data collection system for road vehicles, with an automated data processing unit, as well as the optimization of the practical use of the image processing process and the transfer of collected data to related professional systems.road, pilgrimage, portal, application, development0
seasonone.huOur apartment is located in one of the most popular parts of the city according to the opinion of visitors to Szeged. The accommodation is near the city center (900 m, about 8 minutes walk), in a frequented location, next to the Szeged railway station, which can be reached by a 2-minute walk from…house ruleseason, apartment, gallery, location, house0
dooroffice.huin the same space independently of one another. Coworkers can get acquainted at work, exchange their experience, moreover find their new business partners! You can find everything you need in a well-equipped office: access to wifi, scanner, printer, fax, flip-chart, projector as well as many other…office ruleoffice, community, day, room, meet0
kozjogazdasaga.huSkip to footer… Extranet… Community… Community News… E-Learning… Knowledge Base… Activity… Messages…golden rule, rule designcollection, like, single, job, event0
majkiremeteseg.hu…is also the peculiar reverence that the centuries-old walls emanate and impact each visitor. Through the introduction of period interiors, interactive display elements, and the digital exhibition guide (Visual Guide), visitors can gain insight into the monks’ sequestered world, spent in silence.exhibition, visitor, history, house, photo0
erzsebetvilla.hu…like to spend time with your family, this 3-bedroom apartment is an excellent choice. The apartment has its own garden area and 1 parking space. The city center is a few minutes' walk away. Keszthely awaits its visitors with many cultural experiences and sports events both in summer and autumn.house rulecancellation, house, gtc, approach, booking0
arttrend.huThe ART Trend Luxury Villa is located just a few hundred metres from the centre of Tihany, within 400-600 metres of the Abbey, the Visszhang Hill, the Baba Museum, the Tihany Farmhouses or the Panoptikum. The Lavender House Visitor Centre on the shores of the Inner Lake and the House of Fragrances…house rule, rule etiquetteart, luxury, house, programme, price0
pestishop.huPilots… Rules… Fleet… Register… Log In… German… Spanish (Spain)… French… Italian… Portuguese…profile, fleet, italian, french, german0
mirabellacamping.huAt the camping site and along the beach there are several restaurants and snack bars. Find the nearest place or the one with the most delicious foods and best drinks on offer.house rulecampsite, accomodation, place, booking, tent0
flatneartocastlehill.huWe offer you high standard apartments in the heart of Budapest on the Buda side. The apartments are situated at the bottom of the Castle Hill between Batthyany square and Szell Kalman ter. It’s just a small walk up to the Castle Hill to the historical Castle area. The riverside of the Danube is…hill, flat, near, castle, welcome0
agriapark.huAgria Park parking garage located in the basement of 520 car parking allows convenient and secure. The parking lot is 0 hours available to customers until 24.house ruleoffer, hour, parking, special, shop0
gidranmenes.huAbout us… Horses… Lipizzaner horses… Gidran horses… Stallions… Horses for sale… Lipizzaner horses for…visit rulehorse, event, sale, international, competition0
karmun.huWe are delighted to inform you that the 1st step Registration for Karinthy Model United Nations 2024 is officially open. KarMUN has a long-standing tradition in our school as it has been organised ever since 2005 making it the oldest MUN conference in Hungary. Since 2022 our conference has been…rule procedureconference, nation, registration, united, model0
winterdogshow.huHere is the judge list - Winterdogshow 2023result, news, gallery, venue, champion0
arkhungaming.huARK [HUN] Gaming - Hungarian ARK servers without the need for completeness! Island, Ragnarok, Genesis, Valguero, Aberration, SE and currently Crystal Isles!rule infoserver, island, currently, need, donation0
spacechess.huAny cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your…rule gamespace, chess, shopping, game, page0
greenstoneapartments.huWe had the best accomodation experience so far at Green Stone Apartments. Our hosts, Kalin and Alina, are the best hosts that we have ever met. They helped us with everything we needed and they recommended us a lot of things to do. Their apartments are nice, modern and very clean. The space is…house rule, rule faqapartment, green, stone, bath, accommodation0
hotelrosecity.huwhich is why it still has the name Rose Hill. The 34-room hotel welcomes its guests with bright colors, well-equipped rooms, breakfast, drink bar service and a cozy garden with sunbeds. The most beautiful and famous sights of the city (e.g. Buda Castle, Margitsziget, Parliament, thermal baths, etc…rule policy, guest ruleroom, city, reservation, free, clean0
vorosmartyclassicxmas.huThe name of Budapest's Vörösmarty Square Christmas Fair and the heartfelt handicrafts of Hungarian exhibitors have become one. And is there anything better than admiring these little beauties accompanied by the fantastic flavours of the caterers?exhibitors, open, hour, christmas, activity0
budapest-shooting.huCeleritas Shooting Club on Facebook Celeritas Shooting Club on Instagram Celeritas Shooting Club on Youtubesafety rule, rule disclaimershoot, instructor, package, booking, police0
sopronbianco.huOur 4-bed room is equipped with a comfortable double bed and a bunk bed, private bathroom (with hairdryer), air conditioning, TV…house ruleroom, bed, house, detail, guest0
ernart.huSince I have always been interested in drawing and painting (although I never really studied art), the idea came to me that I could combine my interest in psychology with my passion for art. I know from my own experience how energized it feels when I create, so I thought that this energy could be…new ruleart, therapy, session, creation, group0
kekkutcottage.huNagyvisnyó is a small village surrounded by mountains in a picturesque setting, in the Bükk National Park. Here we dreamed up the Blue Well Cottage, just the way we like to relax.house rulecottage, house, booking, active, garden0
piheapartman.huIn seasons A and B the apartments can be booked for a minimum of 2 nights, in season C for a minimum of 3 nights and in season D for a minimum of 4 nights.season, price, apartment, night, gallery0
szantalmasszazs.huPain Management For Complaints Body Firming Wellness Treatments Multiple Session Passes Gift Cards Pricelisttreatment, studio, pass, solution, session0
nemowork.huNEMO Work is the first innovative human resources registry enterprise in Hungary which, by means of its individual service portfolio, answers the topics of fluctuation. With its co-thinking philosophy the company confirms the employee’s engagement towards the customer.human, customer, enterprise, fluctuation, resource0
portobello.huPortobello Yacht and Wellness Hotel Located in the centre of Esztergom, in a quiet, peaceful environment on Prímás Island on the shore of the Little Danube. The hotel awaits its guests with quality services, with direct, closed corridor access to thehotel rule, rule usefulroom, booking, gallery, guest, little0
orientapartmanok.huOn the main street of Eger, right in downtown, our renovated, well-equipped apartment house, is waiting for you. We offer 3 separate large apartments for our guests who want to relax. The city center, Dobó Square, Basilica is a 5-minute walk away. Each apartment has its own parking space. The…house ruleapartment, downtown, house, orient, main0
salonbudapest.huOur design competitions provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for up-and-coming brands, progressive studios and growing workshops to appear at Hungary’s largest interior design event.interview, interior, exhibitors, gallery, ticket0
pepitasummerswing.huThis year, instead of our yearly summer camp in the countryside, we organize workshops, social dance parties, a jazz band concert and practice opportunities in Budapest. Spend the weekend dancing and hang out with your favorite dancers in a cozy dance studio in Zuglo.rule participationregistration, summer, dance, edition, teacher0
hungarikumhotel.huPlanning an active holiday for a few days this summer? Our hotel, the jewel of Hungarikum Liget's 27 hectares, guarantees you an unforgettable summer holiday with its wide range of services!house ruleroom, place, staff, kindness, wonderful0
hugames.huForums - HUGAMES - GAME OF EMPIREforum rulepost, forum, activity, map, game0
newsy.hu…in People’s Life. Can You Ready?… Everyone has the right to be happy. Keep the smile always… Good…golden rule, rule midlifetechnology, news, travel, layout, ready0
vardronphotography.huA positive effect living and enuative effect livens up interruptsover effect livens up unsuals it.rule perfectionistphotography, website, effect, animal, tip0
belenushotel.huBelenus Thermalhotel*** superior is located in one of the most quiet parts of Zalakaros, just a three-minute walk from the Spa. The two-storey hotel offers pleasant accommodation for both parents and children in 38 rooms. The hotel is surrounded by a 6000 m 2 park area with a tennis court and a…hotel ruleroom, thermal, guest, offer, quality0
turbinabudapest.huProgram… INFO… House…house ruleticket, house, open, exhibition, live0
oba.hu…insurance in Europe… What is not protected by NDIF?… Compass (downloadable)… Compensation… Bank…rule regulationcompensation, insurance, deposit, customer, member0
nekemsemlehetetlen.huUnfortunately, there will be no “I” walk in the competition, so there is no free posing, but the use of freely chosen bridging movements is allowed among the mandatory elements. This Sport Physique competition is now like that. Instead of the initial tumbling and spinning, we try to come up with…competition, practice, till, week, day0
apartmanzalakaroson.huZALAKAROS… About city… About spa… PROGRAMMES… DISTANCE… MAP… INQUIRY… Hungarian (formal)… Deutsch…rule housedistance, city, programme, map, inquiry0
lujzaeskoriander.huBook a room Instagram Facebook Tripadvisor Whether you want to take a break and get away from your busy everyday life, or simply wish to relax for a while, or if you are on a business trip, we would love to have you here at Lujza & Koriander. Beside our eight, well-equipped rooms (for 16 […]house ruleroom, coffee, bed, break, trip0
dogsurf.huChoose the most suitable pet sitter and arrange a meeting with your pet and the petsitter, to see how your pet reacts and to make sure it's a great fit. You also pay the pet sitter directly, before the booking starts.sitter, dog, access, package, available0
allee.huAz Allee-ban ezt is megteheted! Foglalj időpontot, és újulj meg ingyenes stílustanácsadásunkkal!house ruleshop, open, hour, location, restaurant0
budakeszivadaspark.huGreen adventures 20 minutes from the city centre. More than 50 species, petting zoo, adventure park, playgrounds, and various daily programmesvisitor ruleanimal, open, forest, hour, detail0
ohmtech.hu…Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels… German Standard AD 2000 Merkblatt… EN13480 Metallic Industrial…viii rule, rule construction, general rule, rule pressurevessel, pressure, visual, european, construction0
martanyilas.hu1999 University of Pécs, Faculty of Music and Arts, Master’s School and Doctoral Programme, Students exhibition , Pécs Gallery, Pécs, (H)gallery, art, exhibition, artist, university0
csellengocsemete.huWe give importance to the development of physical activity, healthy lifestyle and the loving and protective attitude of nature. We want to make it possible for parents to stay in the work besides the children are in family life and in a loving, family-friendly atmosphere. Our staff are specialists…care, child, activity, family, development0
hupx.huHUPX – CEEGEX - HUDEX is in Essen at E-World Energy & Water 2024.market rulemarket, data, procedure, report, auction0
bukkicsillagda.huThis year, the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Observatory and Science Experience Center in Eger, as well as the newest visitor center of the Bükki National Park Administration (BNPI), the Bükki Star, hosted the XI. The Role of Planetariums and Demonstration Astronomers in Education Workshop.house rulenews, event, observatory, ticket, visitor0
mmts.huM&M Translation Services LTD was founded in May 2009 for the purpose of providing foreign language communication services.translation, insurance, condition, quote, address0
amiraapartman.huOur apartment houses are located a few minutes' walk from the centre of Eger, close to the spa.house ruleapartment, house, reservation, request, people0
natalivendeghazmatra.huGuest house Natali is located in Mátraszentlászló with beautiful panoramic view, surrounded by beech forest, only approx. 9 minutes walk from the ski court. The newly renovated, tastefully furnished guest house offers double bed rooms with shower and a TV. Enjoy the fresh air and silence of Matra…matra, guesthouse, news, room, booking0
born.huBORN Brandcoaching is a Budapest based network of restless business professionals. We are strategic partners of innovative multinationals, operative government companies and startup ecosystem participants. We facilitate research, strategy and action plan executions.coaching rule, rule goodbear, brand, manager, event, strategy0
kokolovastanya.hu…training. Most of our horses are Gidran horses and Lipizzai breeds that are our own breeding with high genetic value. The well-trained horses are calm and safe to ride on the school and also on the ground, for adults and children, too. The training is led by a skilled coach. We also have a Gidran…rule househorse, animal, breed, house, adult0
bmbah.huInformation for non-Ukrainian nationals fleeing from Ukraine and for Ukrainian nationals who arrived to Hungary before the outbreak of the armed conflict in Ukraineoperational rule, general rule, rule továbbnational, permit, permanent, client, fund0
ookpress.huPreservation of family values, modern production techniques, youthful innovation - for good products. This is the OOKPress Veszprém!important ruleprinting, book, price, family, production0
bplacrosse.huABOUT US… MEN'S TEAM… WOMEN'S TEAM… OUR TEAM… NYC… CONTACT… FAQ…cup, faq, picture, basic, training0
velencesunset.huOur apartment is located directly on the shore of Lake Velence, in the apartment block of Hotel Velence Resort & Spa. Our guests may as well access the wellness complex in their bathrobes through heated corridors and use the services of the hotel as well as of the spa.house ruleapartment, sunset, lake, child, room0
lidiaapartman.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing…lorem, amet, eiusmod, consectetur, tempor0
morrisons2.huVisit Morrison’s 2, the centre of Budapest nightlife to get a unique experience of the original ruin pub atmosphere!drink, unlimited, event, table, bar0
hidasi.huWe are especially skilled in judicial and administrative proceedings. We are engaged in creating commercial and real estate law contracts in both German and English. We carry out representation and consulting activities for both state and local government agencies, as well as on behalf of domestic…commitment rule, rule lawlawyer, law, firm, contract, german0
gozling.huGozling – All rights reserved 2019gallery, championship0
krisztirubin.huis extremely intelligent. The Maine Coon is basically cheerful, exploratory and open-minded. It adapts well to the owner's time. In general, like all cats, they are more active in the morning and evening. Maine Coons love to play, either alone or in company. They can be taught to retrieve like dogs.general rulekitten, sale, available, long, breeder0
stenya.huYeah, I hear you! Probably MSFS 2020 is the best, but I am an Apple guy, so I need something that runs on a Mac, on a MacBook to be precise as I come and go between countries.leave, plane, past, flight, external0
akkoinvest.huAKKO Invest Nyrt., Listed in the Premium category of the Budapest Stock Exchange, was established in 2019 with the transformation of Plotinus Nyrt., And its shares have been listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange since 2011. Since its transformation, AKKO Invest Plc. Has been engaged in asset…news, share, portfolio, publication, shareholder0
netizenbudapestcentre.huWe welcome you to the NETIZEN International Hybrid Design Hotel, located in the heart of Budapest. We offer stylish hotel rooms and separate beds in the city center. 24/7 reception and lobby bar, breakfast, Wi-Fi, free coworking. For groups of 6 people or more, discounts.accommodation rule, rule policycenter, room, centre, hostel, bar0
arkadgyor.huAmong our nearly 130 shops you can find both well-known global brands and smaller local businesses, thus everyone can find here products that meet their taste the best!house ruledetail, location, open, map, hour0
mondocon.huMondoCon has a lot of popular and well established programs, but we also like to keep things fresh so each MondoCon is a unique experience.event rule, competition ruleconvention, competition, event, visitor, ticket0
drtivadar.huBudapest Law Firm focusing on intellectual property law, commercial law, employment law, real estate law and dispute resolution.law, protection, firm, data, office0
kockashow.huCopyright © 2024 KockaShow . All rights reserved.event, fortune, successful, large, united0
metubudapest.huThe International Coordination Office organized the second "International Staff Training Week" program at METU between 11-15 December to which we mainly invited colleagues dealing with Erasmus-related duties and international affairs from various partner countries...rule regulationstudent, art, university, international, office0
arkadpecs.huThanks to the renovation and modernization of our Shopping Centre, several well-known and popular stores have become available at us just like H&M, Humanic, Bershka, Douglas, Tezenis, Swarovski, or Stradivarius.house ruledetail, location, open, map, hour0
vidraapartman.huThe apartment has 3 air-conditioned rooms with private bathrooms, of which two rooms are for 4 people each, and one room is for 2 people. Parking in a closed yard. Especially suitable for groups of friends. Playground at the end of the street.image, bathroom, street, room, air0
borsyugyveditarsulas.huFormed in accordance with Act LXXVIII of 2017 on Attorneys and other relevant professional regulations, the BORSY ASSOCIATION OF LAWYERS is registered by the Debrecen Bar Association. In the framework of the association, the three law firms founded by the participating attorneys provide legal…new rule, rule teleworkingattorney, act, association, accordance, regulation0
deltafitness.huThe Delta Fitness Club was born in 2000, in the city center of Debrecen. The equipments of the GYM have expanded recently, with HOIST, TechnoGym and Impulse machines.gym rule, rule gymmonth, price, bodybuilding, machine, equipment0
regiapanzio.hu…that lies on the direct coast of the Moson-Danube, all age groups can find opportunities of their interest to have fun and relax. On our roofed terrace that has a view of the Danube, and also in our restaurant, we offer tasty wines for our guests accompanying their meals at any time of the day.house rule, rule petpension, room, restaurant, guest, reservation0
arkadbudapest.huMap… Contact… Shops… Gastronomy… Services… The Center… About us… Newsletter… Center Map… Location…house ruledetail, location, open, hour, map0
grimmeniko.huDiscover the new dimensions of your beauty. Great prices, professionalism, high-quality accessories. Salon in Pilisvörösvár, but I also work on the spot!house rulequality, professionalism, makeup, appointment, great0
lisztunnep.huLaunched in 2021, on the 210th anniversary of Ferenc Liszt’s birth, the Liszt Fest International Cultural Festival offers large-scale concerts, classical and contemporary chamber music productions, organ recitals, pop and jazz concerts, dance shows, literary and visual art events, and…event, art, international, main, page0
diamondresidence.huThe importance of apartment cleanliness plays a decisive role in the long-term ranking of accommodation. Our cleaning partner is responsible for the quality laundry, ironing, and on-site delivery of the textiles used by the guests staying in the apartments.house ruleguest, accommodation, apartment, package, booking0
dsa.huThe DSA’s role is to promote Direct Selling and uphold the highest standards of good practice by its Member Companies through its Codes of Practicerule conductmember, practice, direct, sell, role0
bocskayapartman.huIn Balatonfüred, in the North Coast of lake Balaton, our apartment in a calm, quiet environment is open the whole year.house rulelake, north, coast, accomodation, apartment0
naturistland.huIf you would like to bathe, sauna or sunbathe in a naturist way, we look forward to welcoming you in Budapest, in a pleasant private place in a family environment.house ruleevent, news, house, environment, area0
viktoriapekseg.hu…Service Plus… Digital… Essential Free Resources for Graphic Designers in 2022… 12Comments… Options…golden rule, rule designdigital, single, job, like, event0
caramell.huOur hotel has a total of 142 rooms, of which 75 are standard doubles, 42 are premium doubles and 25 are suites. In the double room categories containing unique interior design solutions, our guests have the opportunity to choose an interconnecting room. Our standard and premium rooms are located…house ruleroom, offer, premium, conference, double0
budapestpark.huOne concert ticket entitles you to attend the concert of the day and provides entry to all after-parties in Budapest Park on the day of the show. One after-party ticket provides entry to all after-parties of the day.refund ruleconcert, detail, ticket, june, voucher0
sosantikvarium.husince 1985… Catalog… Login… about us… contact… rules of order… help… detailed search… engraving in the…rule orderengraving, book, manuscript, map, postcard0
cskozosseg.huPlay the world's number 1 online action game. Engage in an incredibly realistic brand of terrorist warfare in this wildly popular team-based game. Ally with teammates to complete strategic missions. Take out enemy sites. Rescue hostages. Your role affects your team's success. Your team's success…community, counter, strike, download, server0
clearvision.hu…State Treasury. In addition, we developed the front end of ATM cash optimization system for various banks. For a mobile telecommunications company, our task was to develop and operate the retail system, commission and bonus system, tariff comparison systems and the data warehouse. We…solution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication0
charleshotel.huOfficial website of Hotel Charles , a 3 stars hotel in the center of Budapest. Book your hotel in Budapest at the best pricerule housecenter, studio, room, restaurant, website0
hevizairport.huWe have collected some useful information about Hévíz, entertainment options, and Lake Balaton.operate rule, rule hévízairport, passenger, ground, handle, request0
dnv.huDNV’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is both an ethical choice and a business decision. And truly, DNV is already a very diverse company, with employees from 116 nationalities working in 100 countries. We see diversity and inclusion within our workforce as a way of delivering excellence…service rule, rule standarddiversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group0
madagaszkarutazas.huAfter a trip the Island with Eddy in October 2019, after taking the photos she took here, she decided to create this website for others to get to know this fantastic country – and tour guide, Eddy.tour, madagascar, travel, destination, island0
gyepszelpanziotokaj.huThe Gyepszél Pension (the name is "On the Edge") is located in a suburban area of Tokaj, close to nature. It is easily accessible from the main road, but the environment is quiet and suitable for relaxation and recreation.rule regulationroom, pension, nature, suitable, road0
hudomainregistration.huThe domain registration form can be returned electronically. The registration of hungarian domain names takes max. 2-3 working days, and in case of international domain names it's only 1 business days if the necessary conditions are met.delegation ruleregistration, free, price, hosting, mail0
nexthostel.huCozy rooms near the Grand Boulevard for affordable price. We have rooms for every budget, from comfortable and spacious 8-bed rooms to single bed rooms. Our apartments have fully equipped kitchen, dining room and bathrooms, free Wi-Fi also included.house rulehostel, apartment, room, book, contract0
akademiaklub.hu"We were very pleased with the way the Academy Club handled the organisation of the gala dinner and the way the event was run. Our guests enjoyed themselves and we would like to express our thanks to the Academy Club staff for the successful organisation of the gala dinner."club rule, house ruleacademy, quote, hall, event, dinner0
golfpannonia.hu…shapes to ensure true golfing pleasure. Eight water hazards spice up the game, while the positioning of flags on the undulating hills of the greens also add a challenge. The six different tees offer both beginner and advanced players the chance to accurately assess their golfing skills. The…local rule, club rulecountry, course, event, restaurant, detail0
budaval.huBudaval Ltd. was founded in 1989 as a Hungarian-Swiss joint venture. The Hungarian paper industry company's employees' long decades of experience in the paper industry,..quality, news, event, sheet, italian0
runningwarriors.huObstacles… Start List… Schedule… Rule book… Route planner… ELITE… AGE GROUP… BASIC… 11. Running…rule bookrun, race, obstacle, start, list0
thejerrycanbar.huThese portable mini bars are handmade. We use 100% natural dyes in an environmentally friendly manufacturing process.complaint rulebar, handmade, friendly, man, colour0
szodahazapartman.huThe apartment has 3 air-conditioned rooms with private bathrooms, of which two rooms are for 4 people each, and one room is for 2 people. Parking in a closed yard. Especially suitable for groups of friends. Playground at the end of the street.image, apartment, room, house, street0
bikersopenair.huThe idea of a bikers’ weekend at Orfű occurred to us as early as 2011. The ultimate goal was to create an alternative event venue for bikers not only interested in listening to rock bands and attending other interesting programs at a biker event, but also eager to learn more about the history of…house rule, rule gccevent, music, festival, motorcycle, meet0
harmoniapalota.huHarmonia Palace offers beautiful luxury apartments and classically styled meeting rooms in downtown Budapest.house rule, rule harmónia, rule privacyhouse, privacy, use, apartment, event0
videoart.huVideózás… Grafika… Kiadványok… Marketing… Webhosting… Esküvői videó…responsive, organization, schedule, people, management0
dunapartvilla.hu…on the waterfront. Protected by nature, the area's fish stocks are big, ducks and swans swim in the resort, a great experience for children as adults. The resort has a direct panoramic view of the Danube from all its rooms. Beach option is closest to Szigetszentmiklós 5 km and Ráckeve 10 km away.house rulehouse, room, apartment, away, danube0
nobleprog.huNobleProg ajánl teljes tréninget és konzultációt a Mesterséges Intelligencia, Cloud, Big Data, Programozás, Statisztika és Management terén.training, data, management, course, cloud0
hyyc.hu, the sport has had its lowest point around the world due to COVID, and the players are fired up to attend, meet and learn from each other again! With a renewed sense of excitement, the competition promises to be exhilarating, and we’re looking forward to seeing who comes out on top this time…registration, competitor, judge, staff, music0
balatontourist.huBalatontourist: Welcome to the Balatontourist campsites – the ideal places for holiday at Lake Balaton !site rulebungalow, holiday, campsite, lake, place0
continentalcitygolfclub.huThe Continental Citygolf Club within Europe is a unique 9-hole citygolf course, a practice and training center, and a premium event venue in the heart of Budapest.house rule, local ruletraining, membership, lesson, map, gallery0
szivk.huCatalogue… Databases on the Internet… Contact us… Opening hours… Staff… Our Services… Our library…rule regulationhistory, local, library, department, document0
mariannaapartman.huWe opened our House Apartments in 1998 on the basis of spa and dental tourism – which is situated only a 3 minutes walk from Zalakaros Spa- where our Dental Office is and we also offer medical massage. Our returning patients prove that we decided right. They like our well-equipped apartments and…house rule, rule regulationapartment, house, dental, surgery, flat0
kisberenyimenedek.huDear Visitor,If you have had enough of city noise and you are longing for peace and serenity, come and stay for a while in one of our Guest Houses in Kisberény!house rulehouse, guest, village, visitor, dear0
bolyaimk.huAccess information will be sent to the merchants after the closing date of the registration, and the venue map will be uploaded to this site.rule fair, information rule, rule competitionfair, scale, registration, association, competition0
rottweiler-hungary.huHome… About us… Become member… Board… Regulations… Fundamental rule… Breeding and Breeding test…fundamental ruleresult, entry, breed, trial, association0
bodrogriverhouse.huBodrog 33 Riverhouse is situated on the river bank in Tokaj , in a quiet, peaceful milieu. The house has two separate apartments, one downstairs and one upstairs, and it can accommodate 8+2 people altogether. Perfect choice for a family vacation.house rulehouse, river, museum, apartment, sight0
yourparking.huPage not found – Yourparking Hungary Kftsweepstakes ruleparking, barrier, advanced, basic, error0
freedroid.hua Comment at Mall… World… Hello world!… Easy Boho Style: Without Looking Like a Coachella Victim… 15…style, general, important, travel, game0
cornwell.huPremium sous-vide duck meat products. From our own farming, though modern technology with traditional harmonious taste directly to your plate in 3 minutes.culinary, gastronomy, future, technique, view0
sastohotel.huAll in one place, in the heart of the Mátra! you can relax close to nature, active recreation, adventure park activities, Mátra gastronomic experiences, events, team building.event, build, adventure, booking, room0
baglyoska.huThe holiday home is a two-story semi-detached house, the other part of the house is occupied by the owners.house rule, rule baglyoskahouse, guest, holiday, day, reservation0
ultratrail.hu…Visegrad mountains among huge beech and oak trees. Except for some short sections, the terrain is not rocky or technical, so it can be run through except for a few really steep climbs and descents. Combine your passions for running and travelling, join the race and get to know Hungary and Budapest!info rule, rule buttonrace, infographic, sponsor, guide, news0
familiacampingbalaton.huThe well-equipped Família Campsite is situated in Balatonőszöd, 700 metres from the free beach Wonderful, tranquil environment Different types of relaxation Wonderful panorama Androsics Winery Modern bathrooms Children’s playground Recharge your batteries Cultured environment Relax in comfort by…campsite, apartment, environment, free, near0
forditas.hu…by using intermediary languages, it is possible to perform translations from any foreign language to another foreign language, too; and thanks to the common work of our translators, the potential interpretation problems or differences, caused by the intermediary language can be eliminated, too.elementary rule, rule businesstranslation, language, price, agency, translator0
fantasyexpo.huWe aim to provide the most various programs to make every Fantasy Expo uniqe and exciting. But of course the all time favourites are permanents like the cosplay competition , AMV previews, fairs, board games and the gaming room. At our workshop there’s always something everyone can try and have…rule informationticket, stage, performance, category, application0
kingarthurpanzio.hu…for family and friend meetings. Our stylishly furnished rooms provide a pleasant night for travelers and business travelers as well. We can provide a community area at the reception that is suitable for gatherings. In this room there is a large piano, which gives entertainment for music lovers.house ruleroom, guest, house, main, page0
molnair.huHot air balloon rides near Budapest. Come and fly with us. Ballooning is once in a lifetime experience.rule flighthot, balloon, air, near, ride0
bandy.hu14 March 2023 Roster for Men’s World Championship is announced 6 March 2023 The men’s national team starts the World Championships against Czechia 2 February 2023 Successful tournament hosted on Városliget 22 January 2023 Letter of Apology 20 January 2023 The U21 Hungarian team was excluded from…rule regulation, play ruleplayer, statistics, national, march, championship0
hivo.huWhat do we need for revival: for a deep transformation of Christianity and society? Articles about spiritual awakening, renewal, holiness movement, faith, Wesleyan, Arminian theology, holy, entire sanctification, Christian perfection, John Wesley, church history, denominations, evangelical church…revival, christian, theology, faith, article0
budapest-ugyved.huI provide the following legal services to my clients: Set up company, Tax Planning, Business and employment contracts, Draft and countersign of sale and purchaserule exceptionlawyer, contract, sale, purchase, client0
natours.huIn our family- and children-friendly campsite we would like to provide you with an unforgettable time spent here with the help of a huge beach, places suitable for outdoor cooking and places where you can do sports. We provide a wide range of programmes, so neither children nor adults will feel…etiquette rule, rule regulation, funny rulehomepage, campsite, beach, house, regulation0
katipvendeghaz.huThe Balaton waterfront and the sandy beach are only 150 meters away from the Kati P Guesthouse. In our garden, you can enjoy your long-awaited holiday by our lovely garden pond rippling away.house ruleroom, studio, garden, floor, balcony0
prooptimum.huOur company aims to provide complex tax advisory services to individuals and businesses. Tax advice on all aspects of business law, taxation and accounting. Based on our experience, most of our clients come to us in a crisis situation to solve an acute problem. Most of the cases cannot be solved…tax, cancellation, consultancy, consultant, advice0
zolix.hu…only in the Heap… Objects not in the Heap… 6. Template Metaprogramming… Template basics… Tempalte…template, exception, object, advanced, array0
westendhostel.huWe hold a great deal of experience for the special needs of the guestsOur new, freshly furbished and designed hostel is located in the heart of Budapest, in an old style building on the ground floor.hostel, room, location, gallery, faq0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)book rule, rule pdfprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
veronikapartman.hu…comfortable bed, fine cozy blanket. Prepared a surprise (champagne, water, orange juice, fruit and sweets). Very nice owner who put her heart and soul into this beautiful apartment. There was even a beautiful bouquet of roses on the table. Everything is in its place, I am happy to recommend it!apartment, place, price, day, beautiful0
villabotaniq.huThe 4 apartments on 2 levels of the house surrounded by the magical garden combine all the features of an elegant high-class life with the smallest expectations of modern comfort.apartment, emerald, person, exclusive, dining0
colas.huBeyond transport facilities, public utilities, flood-control investments and aggregate production, the holding company – which has been managed by Hungarian executives right from the beginning – is also a key player when it comes to building construction. In addition to its fleet of equipment and…rule complianceconstruction, road, bridge, section, investment0
jatszohazgyula.huMagic playhouse Surprise your little one with a magical playhouse where they can play and explore freely! Our baby room features a play mat, a crawling tunnel and over 12 unique toysroom, inside, adventure, target, outside0
trafia.huWe are connecting the buyers with the suppliers in order for the suppliers to get the consideration of the invoices earlier, on conditions that are favourable to both parties. If necessary, we include external financing parties as well to provide the resources needed.business rulesupplier, interested, buyer, detail, cash0
forditoth.hu…I compiled several teaching materials for Pharmacy and Physiotherapy undergraduates, as well as for Medical students interested in Prescription Writing. Besides teaching Hungarian and international students, I also gave healthcare English language courses for practising pharmacists and future…translation, quote, rate, translator, material0
aktivponttihany.hu…experience and want to sail on your own? Memorable pleasure or adventure sailing, swimming in the middle of Balaton, sipping local wine aboard a yacht, a surprise for a lifetime – our English-speaking captains plan the route and programmes according to your wishes, so you don’t have to worry…house rule, rule boardsailing, lake, pleasure, sailboat, small0
open2jobs.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.work rule, rule idealimage, job, article, apply, february0
mariaapartman.huSTANDARD apartment for 2 people, Nr. 1 STANDARD apartment for 2 people, Nr. 2 STANDARD apartments for 4 people STANDARD apartments for 6 people STANDARD apartments for 8 people MINI LUX apartment for 2 people VIP apartment for 2 people LUX apartment for 2 peoplepolicy rule, rule contactapartment, people, accommodation, green, area0
falcocluster.hu…and the needs of all stakeholders in the company's operation. The cluster aims to answer the challenges of the economy and society. Its activities include the development and complexation of the furniture industry's raw materials, finished products, services, and the enforcement of synergy…cluster, member, market, activity, introduction0
madambudapest.huABOUT… PROGRAMS… Gallery… EVENT ENQUIRY… Contact… English… vip table… HAVE FUN WITH US… See more…house ruletable, gallery, enquiry, event, hour0
mosonshow.huThe Mosonmagyaróvár Modelling Club is the organizer of a model show and competition, that during it’s two decade history grew to an event that is one of Europe’s noted ones. The modellers can enter in various competition categories: AFV, aircraft, diorama, figure, civilian vehicles. In the past 20…competition rule, rule fairfair, model, competition, category, place0
eitansguesthouse.huEitan’s guesthouse was opened in 1992 on Teréz grand boulevard as the first accommodation of this type which was unknown in Hungary until then so we celebrated the 25 years jubilee in 2017. It is a comfortable and central guesthouse fulfilling all needs while spending couple of days in Budapest…house ruleguesthouse, room, reservation, location, price0
ferrataapartmanok.huOur guesthouses in the embrace of Magas-Bakony offer family-friendly services to families and groups of friends who want to explore countless attractions.house ruleguesthouse, family, offer, quality, apartment0
otkert.huOne of Budapest’s most popular dance clubs, ÖTKERT has been the pinnacle of the city’s nightlife since its opening in 2010 with wild parties, frenzied crowds, famous local DJs and unique events. The club is a breathtaking XIX. Chain Bridge and Saint Stephen’s Basilica. Every night different genres…rule entrancenews, january, table, event, gallery0
bfnp.huVisitor centres and sites… Guided tours… Tours… Walking tours… E-bike tours… Water tours…visit ruledetail, view, visitor, centre, tour0
ufe.huProducing responsive web pages, web shop developments, bank card payment systems, web page hosting,gdpr rule, rule naihquality, aim, development, reference, card0
hetfenyovendeghaz.hurare spectacle for those who love traditional folk architecture but still demand today’s comfort. In the house and the belonging spacious garden stillness is guaranteed: it’s not bordered by any streets, only the neighbouring gardens and a watercourse are around. If you are looking for a complete…cancellation rulehouse, surrounding, price, reservation, garden0
escaperoom.hu…have fun in our escape rooms. We invented and put together all the puzzles and decorations ourselves. We are doing our best so you can see new solutions at E-Exit instead of the same puzzles and themes other escape rooms use. Our experience shows that our rooms surprise experienced players as well.room, escape, fun, key, exciting0
thaimasszazsdebrecen.hu…regeneration and recreation for our guests, and to relieve their physical and spiritual stress. The massage is performed by qualified Thai masseurs; the massage techniques, which are built on thousand-year old traditions, improve our health conditions and participate in strengthening our…salon rule, rule healthmassage, homepage, masseur, item, parlour0
aticsaszarne.huThe student must take the Theoretical exam within nine months from the start of the course, and must take a successful Theoretical exam within one year from the start of the course. And with in two years of the successful Theoretical exam you must take a successful Driving practical exam…exam, drive, course, theoretical, licence0
csaladpartialapitvany.huSkip to footer… Home… About us… Recent Events… Stipendium Peregrinum… Gallery…cookie rulerecent, event, gallery, family, footer0
merini.hu…separate entrances. There is a 7-person, 3-bedroom and two 4-person apartments in the house. One of the apartments for 4 people can accommodate an extra bed, so it can accommodate 5 people. We can accommodate a total of 16 people. The apartments can be rented separately, as well as the whole house.house ruleapartment, page, main, house, approach0
starkor.hu…the project workflow ensure the high quality of our products. Quality assurance does not end with the delivery of the project; it continues with customer support during the warranty period to ensure our customers obtain the highest level of services. It is indeed important for us that our customersdeveloper, solution, customer, software, branch0
levendula-vendeghaz.huWe were very-very satisfied with everything. The owners were extremely kind. A real family friendly atmosphere. I recommend it to everyone with small children. We spent 4 nights at the Levendula guesthouse in Lovas and found everything superb. It’s a very nice place, perfect to relax and recharge…house rule, rule bookingguesthouse, room, booking, region, festival0
designmost.huOur pages are designed by professional designers who use their keen eye for detail to create beautiful designs that convert.support, page, agency, tool, market0
csi-ga.hu…charge for them. Borsodnádasd is surrounded by picturesque mountains on all sides, and it is even possible to go hiking on foot. In addition, a fully equipped kitchen is available if you wish to self-catering, but you can also find a dog-friendly restaurant a few kilometers away, or you can alsoguesthouse, friendly, dog, nature, stay0
manzardpanzio.huWe are welcoming our guests in Manzard Panzio with comfortable air-conditioned rooms, breakfast, closed parking, and garden with a swimming pool and various fitness machines near downtown Budapest, in a quiet, relaxing environment.house ruleroom, guest, pool, detail, breakfast0
bastyawellnesshotel.huEach of the rooms and suites offers romantic relaxation and refreshment after a tiring day of work. The rooms and suites are equipped with air conditioning, LED TV, telephone, minibar, Internet access, laptop safe and magnetic card lock, but we also offer bathrobes for perfect relaxation.house ruleroom, conference, detail, family, suite0
balatonescape.huTime is your worst enemy. In order to find your way out, you need to work in team, discover interestingbooking rule, rule contactescape, game, reservation, gallery, booking0
imolaplatan.hu…to the everyday and parental duties. On the journey to full relaxation we would like to accompany you with special, personalised attention; supporting help of our expert staff and by creating an undisturbed environment. We are convinced that You will share our novel vision and enjoy our efforts.house ruleadult, booking, offer, friendly, room0
liviaapartmanok.hu…keszthely hungary figula winery child balaton children's program at Lake Balaton thermal lake in Hévíz adventure Park Kehida thermal hungary bicycle at lake Balaton bicycle tour at Lake Balaton apartment for rent in szigliget balaton house for rent in Balatonfüred excursion to Lake Balaton…apartment, lake, beach, accommodation, wine0
profiforditas.hu…by using intermediary languages, it is possible to perform translations from any foreign language to another foreign language, too; and thanks to the common work of our translators, the potential interpretation problems or differences, caused by the intermediary language can be eliminated, too.elementary rule, rule businesstranslation, language, agency, translator, text0
egedcottage.hu. The transfer is considered completed when the money is credited to the Operator's account. The remaining 70% will be paid in cash on arrival. The guest is entitled to cancel the accommodation free of charge no later than 11 days before arrival. If the cancellation is made 10 days or less before…house rule, guest rulecottage, house, booking, night, operator0
kittibalakinapmu.huDay 7-15: your make up tattoo will fade and become lighter, so be patient and wait for a healed resultprice, permanent, gallery, faq, review0
gunarasfurdo.huThe spa is situated in a 8-hectare park. The open-air swimming pool (open only in season) offers a variety of experiences that will suit any age: there are two sitting pools with medicinal water, an adventure pool for children, a swimming pool, a competition pool, three adventure pools, a pool…house rule, rule spaopen, pool, medical, hour, water0
bodrogzug.huThese treasures are to be protected by the Tokaj-Bodrogzug Protected Landscape Area, established in 1986, belonging to the Aggtelek National Park Administration.tour, water, area, landscape, ticket0
balloon.huThis entry was posted in CIA , documents , Electronic Notice Board , Events , FAI , Photos , Results and tagged 2019 , 21st European , 21st FAI World Hot Air Balloon Championship , Championship , Hot Air Balloon , Malloca onrule europeansballoon, september, national, report, flight0
arkadszeged.huMap… Contact… Shops… Gastronomy… Services… The Center… About us… Sustainability… Newsletter… Center…house ruledetail, location, open, map, hour0