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273 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: accordance

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abtl.hu(3) Business companies operating with a permanently state owned property share are obliged to regulate their records management in agreement with the competent public archives, to manage their records in accordance with the regulations, to facilitate on the spot information for the public archives…use accordance, accordance purpose, condition accordance, accordance provision, country accordancearchive, shall, public, record, document11
mlszsz.hu(8) Honorary and Supporting members have the right to attend at the GA, to consult at the GA and to use the services of the Association. They are not electable, do not have the right to elect or vote and shall act in accordance with the Statue of the Association.egyesület accordance, accordance act, shall accordance, accordance statue, asset accordanceassociation, member, shall, presidency, president7
rivaboutiquehotel.huThe most modern hotel complex in Szeged is opening our newest accommodation, the RIVA BOUTIQUE Hotel**** in accordance with the criteria of RIVA Brand. Our …hotel accordance, accordance criteriaroom, accommodation, reservation, brand, criteria5
borsyugyveditarsulas.huFormed in accordance with Act LXXVIII of 2017 on Attorneys and other relevant professional regulations, the BORSY ASSOCIATION OF LAWYERS is registered by the Debrecen Bar Association. In the framework of the association, the three law firms founded by the participating attorneys provide legal…attorney, act, association, regulation, rule5
europlusimmo.huWe hope that our services are in accordance with you interrest and you realise your conceptions through us.service accordance, accordance interrestestate, real, agency, property, west4
dhotel.huj) legal legal relationship relationship in in accordance accordance with with the the Act Act on on the the Employment Employment Relationship Relationship of of Defense Defense Employees,prosecutor accordance, accordance act, employment accordance, relationship accordance, authority accordancebath, act, guest, room, relationship4
kbtraining.huWe hereby inform you that Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Kft., the Data Controller (hereinafter referred to as the Controller), will store and manage all personal data of you, the Data Subject (hereinafter referred to as the Subject) in the context of your registration for the Technical Training, in…data accordance, accordance term, training accordance, accordance applicabledata, training, participant, controller, process4
akuna.huUnless the case referred to in Article 5.1 or another case where the purchase agreement can not be withdrawn, the buyer who is the consumer and ordered goods in other way than in person, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1829 (1) of the Civil Code, has the right to withdraw from the…person accordance, accordance provision, agreement accordance, accordance follow, circumstances accordancebuyer, seller, agreement, purchase, case4
papapedia.huThe Russian Peace-Keeping Forces (RPKF) as CIS Peace-Keeping Forces in Abkhazia in 1994 had the task of maintaining peace and security in the region. The RPKF was created by the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in accordance with the Sochi Agreement of July 27, 1994. As part of this…effect accordance, accordance report, mandate accordance, accordance resolution, aid accordancemission, military, force, observer, peace4
translog.hu…of these. We arrange our Road Transport activities professionally, accurately and at competitive prices. We can make the Customs Clearance of the import and export arriving and departing in Hungary. We carry out your customs quickly, accurately and in accordance with current legislation.task accordance, accordance client, company accordance, accordance general, accurately accordancetransport, freight, road, air, custom3
budatrioapartments.huAnnex II is amemorial to the following: The Service Provider shall provide the service provider only after the entry into force of the individual contracts. The individual contracts shall be amended in the case of the products listed in Annex III to this GTC. They shall be established in…shall accordance, accordance criteria, fee accordance, accordance article, organisation accordancecustomer, provider, use, order, apartment3
orhamuvek.hu…Director Mr Balázs Tóth wished to expand the existing service workshop to include a high-standard, modern service area. Our company performed the construction works by the deadline and in accordance with the high standards of quality required. We performed the works as the general contractor.deadline accordance, accordance high, level accordance, accordance market, flawlessly accordancestructure, satisfied, quality, manufacture, additional3
i-coaching.huNLP Academy Ltd. and the data processor within the scope of its activities shall ensure data security in all cases. We will take all technical and organisational measures necessary to enforce data protection and confidentiality rules. We have taken appropriate measures to protect the data in…obligation accordance, accordance legislation, authority accordance, data accordance, accordance lawdata, process, academy, training, course3
ak-epito.huFrom our viewpoint, we do what we love most, from the viewpoint of our customers, we accurately design, build and construct in accordance with the agreed technical content, if necessary, we perform renovations, and hand over the facilities entrusted to us in cooperation with our customers at the…accurately accordance, accordance technical, building accordance, accordance beliefconstruction, general, hall, build, customer2
classic-center.huThis website uses cookies to improve user experience. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Read morecookie accordance, accordance privacycenter, sale, gallery, user, website2
iconrem.huOur technical services department responsible for the properties varying in size and function takes care of the continuous operation and maintenance of the real estates in accordance with the expectations of owners and customers.property accordance, accordance agreement, estate accordance, accordance expectationsmanagement, icon, property, estate, real2
kaszasgabor.huBut to my misfortune “…a new CEO was employed by the plaintiff, who interpreted this [the contract – the editor] differently.” this was said by the legal representative of HungaroControl. They reasoned that due to the stricter oversight of the public funds, they couldn’t proceed in accordance with…training accordance, accordance decision, fund accordance, accordance previoustraining, contract, traffic, air, controller2
mailengine.huWe process the data of your subscribers in accordance with the applicable Hungarian and European (GDPR) data management laws - in compliance with the requirements for the protection of the data of subscribers and subsequent specific requests.subscribers accordance, accordance applicabledetail, campaign, management, easy, mail2
colaw.huThis website is operated by the Law Offices of Kölcsey-Rieden and Partner, registered with the Budapest Bar Association (H-1055 Budapest, Szalay u. 7.), in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which can be found on the website are of the Hungarian Bar…basis accordance, accordance client, u. accordance, accordance lawlaw, lawyer, employment, partnership, january2
countinghouse.huIn addition to the above mentioned monthly regular tasks, we also perform administration for entering and leaving employees, all changes in the employment relationship must be reported to the Hungarian Tax Authority. The Counting House Team will carry out these tasks on behalf of your company in…company accordance, accordance currently, accordance applicabletax, accounting, count, house, payroll2
drveresmaria.huInitiation of other necessary specialist medical examinations (in accordance with legal regulations)examination accordance, accordance legaloccupational, health, category, reference, care2
poligratkft.huNormal steel, copper materials and aluminium are pickled for cleaning purposes or pre-treatment before electropolishing, chemical deburring, polishing, anodizing or galvanizing. Rinsing water and used pickling chemicals must be treated and disposed of in accordance with the legal regulations.chemical accordance, accordance legal, acidic accordancesurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless2
olforg.huOur company proudly offers its services in accordance with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. We operate based on the guidelines of the ISO 9001 quality management system and the ISO 14001 environmental management system to ensure the highest quality and environmental consciousness for our…service accordance, accordance isomilling, turn, client, reference, quality2
csaba-metal.hu…components for fork lifts. Started to produce different type of containers for different purpose like refuse collectors from 2015. Activity of our company is including every technologies of the steel production, surface treatment, administration in accordance of the used standards in this industry.administration accordance, accordance standard, continouosly accordance, accordance demandtechnology, quality, control, production, manufacture2
cedit.huWith our fire and occupational safety e-learning system, we prepare educational material and topics for our clients in accordance with the scope of their activities (even in several languages) in accordance with the laws in force.client accordance, accordance scope, activity accordance, accordance applicable, language accordanceprotection, fire, safety, office, learn2
helpkft.huWe would like to inform you that Act XLIX of 1991 on Bankruptcy and Liquidation Proceedings Act LXX of 2021. amended by law, the Bankruptcy and Liquidation Proceedings Act Paragraphs 7a to 7c have been added to Section 46. The amount of the asset search and asset recovery costs to be paid in…claim accordance, accordance lawliquidation, professionally, notice, bid, tender2
sipeuropa.huThe Company will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of Your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of…securely accordance, accordance privacydata, personal, privacy, purpose, website2
ismerosok.huIn certain cases, the Audit Committee may review our decisions under its own terms and conditions and in accordance with its own rules of organisation and operation. For more information, please visit here.condition accordance, accordance ruledata, condition, account, purpose, law2
orhaautomotive.huOur company ordered from Orhaművek kft. the manufacture of the steel structure for a waste sorting and composting facility at Békéscsaba. The 60-tonne truss structure was manufactured flawlessly, in accordance with the product designs; we had no problems during the installation of the structure…flawlessly accordance, accordance product, level accordance, accordance marketmanufacture, steel, quality, satisfied, automotive2
mkvk.hu…and represent their professional, ethical and economic interests in harmony with public interest through its elected bodies and officers. In accordance with the provisions of the Act, the Minister of Finance appointed a preparatory committee, including 21 members, to prepare the foundation of…case accordance, accordance provision, officer accordancechamber, member, auditing, sector, place2
aidarg.huIn 2018 she has founded her own private course, the AIDA RSG in Berlin, for preschoolers she feels closest working to. Starting from September 2019 she has been working with the little ones in Budapest in accordance with her proven training methods under the name of AIDA RG.budapest accordance, accordance training, information accordance, accordance rulegymnastics, trainer, girl, schedule, young2
tradiscoseeds.huIn accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, the Company shall grant the following rights to data subjects.company accordance, accordance provisiondata, subject, shall, personal, process2
sintegroup.huWe prepare the necessary technological and architectural plans in accordance with the regulations in force, and then we carry out and coordinate the implementationplan accordance, accordance regulation, work accordance, accordance deadline, deadline accordanceconstruction, plant, capacity, group, extraction2
markrottweilerklub-hungary.huThe Magyarországi Általános Rottweiler Klub respects the rights of persons; and records the recorded Personal Data in a confidential manner, in accordance with data protection law.manner accordance, accordance data, data accordance, accordance principledata, controller, personal, protection, person2
droidx.hu…examines compliance with the requirements of this standard. After the certification procedure (audit) by the independent certifier, the certifier issues a certificate to the given organization, certifying the operation of the quality management system established in accordance with ISO 9001.advantage accordance, accordance need, system accordance, accordance isomachine, quality, machining, plant, management2
drtoka.hu…reliability and integrity among clients. We ame to provide clients with a full and customized range of legal services, all within short administration deadlines. The Law Office team of lawyers and advisors is tailored to meet the needs of and be in accordance with specific client needs.need accordance, accordance specificlaw, lawyer, german, office, legal2
jet-vill.huJET-VILL undertakes full-scale electrical implementation – with takeover realised in ready-to-operate fashion. After the investment, we carry out customized electrical maintenance and operation tasks, in accordance with the client’s requirements. And this is not all: we provide full-scale service…task accordance, accordance requirements, accordance clientunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power2
4kaudit.huAudit services in accordance with National Accounting Standards and other regulations. Audit of company transformation Balance Sheets.service accordance, accordance national, efficiency accordance, accordance effectivewebpage, advisory, tax, field, auditing2
ilant.huWe document our production on a day-to-day basis, delivering parts with protocols (records? report?) in accordance with our quality policy.process accordance, accordance specification, report accordance, accordance qualityengineering, production, technology, manufacture, plan2
reillyshop.hu…knowledge and the appropriate technique, as a creator, you will be able to express your feelings, thoughts and illusions in the body tattoo in accordance with the stated needs, thus displaying and realizing dreams at a quality level. In addition to your drawing skills, you will need knowledge of…tattoo accordance, accordance needtattoo, body, training, shop, artist2
dentys.huInvoices issued in accordance with the above-mentioned aspects include the payment method as well as the payment deadline. The Parties agree that in the event of late payment, the amount of default interest is equal to the default interest included in the Civil Code. The fulfilment of the payment…invoice accordance, accordance aspect, data accordance, accordance provision, service accordanceprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic2
hunled.huWe are preparing to provide the best possible solution for all our partners. Innovation for us goes without saying. The development of our HunLED luminaries is continuous, in accordance with the highest technical and European public lighting standards. That's why we can serve individual needs…review accordance, accordance applicable, continuous accordance, accordance highlighting, luminaire, type, technology, industrial2
kotroalkatresz.huLet me briefly introduce our company, which we have established based on 30 years of practice and experience in earthmoving machine service and spare parts sales. The main profile of our company is to offer and ensure spare parts for our customers in accordance with their needs. Moreover, we…customer accordance, accordance needmachinery, unit, long, reach, tool2
niptex.huWe strive to provide our partners with innovative solutions in the field of hand protection. Our designing, manufacturing and selling activities are in accordance with the stated requirements and expectations of our customers. Our commitments are clear, accurate and measurable.activity accordance, accordance state, business accordance, accordance enprotection, glove, family, safety, quality2
ip-board.huIn order to avoid inconveniences caused by translation errors, we provide the financial information in Hungarian in accordance with Hungarian legislation.hungarian accordance, accordance hungariansoftware, room, gallery, goal, camera1
mvconsulting.huobtaining a quality management system certificate in accordance with the requirements of the Certop ISO 9001: 2015 standardcertificate accordance, accordance requirementsconsulting, certificate, employee, main, page1
apponyiestarsai.huThis website is maintained by Apponyi Law Firm, an office registered in the Bar Association of Budapest under number 4662, in accordance with the law and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which can be found on the website of the Hungarian Bar Association along with information on client…number accordance, accordance lawlaw, protection, photo, lawyer, property1
millenniumcustodia.hu…that if it is not contrary to the interests of creditors, the interests of debtors should not be compromised through reorganization and settlements. In addition, our company is working to facilitate the work of the courts and authorities responsible for the proceedings in accordance with the law.proceedings accordance, accordance lawproceedings, task, introduction, liquidator, office1
hungaropasta.huIn our manufacturing facility, we produce egg and egg-free pasta and the production is in accordance with high quality and food safety standards.production accordance, accordance highegg, dry, quality, free, size1
lpsystem.huFor production of Printed Circuit Boards with professional quality there is an absolute need of equipments which representate the highest technological level, are in accordance with the environmental regulations and naturally are economical at the same time.level accordance, accordance environmentalequipment, massa, wet, process, furthermore1
eskuvoi-rendezveny-dj.hu…you to order a premium package that includes the installation and continuous control of 6 rotating headlights additionally to the basic lighting service . The lights can be programmed and controlled by the light control panel in accordance with the layout of the room or for other personal wishes.panel accordance, accordance layoutwedding, music, light, event, sound1
hospicehaz.huOur 10-bed inpatient unit is the Budapest Hospice House, where our aim is to provide complete and personalized care for incurable cancer patients until the moment of death. Having our own building enables us to offer, in accordance with the classic hospice model, a friendly atmosphere for the…build accordance, accordance classiccare, patient, family, pain, donation1
pmrkft.huWe carry out our waste management activities according to the Waste Management Act no. 43 of 2000 and in accordance with the modifying provisions of the waste management activities, in compliance with regulatory requirements and specific authority licenses. As a result, we can help our partners in…act accordance, accordance provisionwaste, management, paper, plastic, metal1
bebesilaw.huOur law office is established in accordance with Hungarian statutes and is registered with the Budapest Bar Association.office accordance, accordance hungarianlaw, firm, office, legal, corporate1
babel-budapest.huIn order to enhance the user experience related to the website, we use cookies on our website in accordance with the provisions of the privacy policy.website accordance, accordance provisionrestaurant, wine, great, day, reservation1
titiz.huThe meaning of halal is, according to the teachings of Islamic Law, lawful and permissible. According to this, the processing of foodstuffs and the preparation of meats are done in a way that is strictly in accordance with Islamic law in our restaurant.strictly accordance, accordance islamicreservation, photo, direction, meat, law1
biggeorgeholding.huThe building gets constructed on the corner of Szabolcs and Bulcsú Streets, with its main facade looking over this latter. This is where we can enter the hallways and the underground garage. In accordance with the regulations, the facade will also feature a 3,5 metres wide arcade. Both street…garage accordance, accordance regulationdirector, manage, management, property, city1
stankovicmona.huDuring our sessions, I provide a confidential and welcoming space, where I treat the shared information with strictest confidence in accordance with professional ethical standards and GDPR regulations.confidence accordance, accordance professionaldifficulty, session, management, psychological, counseling1
amplify.huFair value measurement We provide fair value measurements for financial reporting purposes, in accordance with relevant accounting standards.purpose accordance, accordance relevantfinancial, consulting, reference, organization1
catalogdb.huThese Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Hungary, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.shall accordance, accordance lawcatalog, database, small, developer, low1
action2020.huWe are aware of our environmental responsibility and sustainability is at the heart of our policies and practices. Our products are manufactured and marketed in accordance with ecological guidelines, as this is the best solution for both business and the environment.product accordance, accordance ecologicalceo, director, manage, environmental, development1
yurusuaikido.huAikido is not a competitive sport. The aim of aikido is not only to perfect certain movements or holds, but also to improve the practitioner's (aikidoka) in accordance with the laws of nature.aikidoka accordance, accordance lawtraining, art, martial, official, organization1
supermagnete.huI agree to regularly receive emailed information about supermagnete and their product assortment (magnets) in accordance with your data privacy statement and understand that I may revoke such consent at any time.magnet accordance, accordance datamagnetic, adhesive, ferrite, approx, customer1
standchem.huKeeping in mind the needs of our partners, our company has introduced a quality management and environmental management system in accordance with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.system accordance, accordance isomaterial, chemical, substance, raw, water1
rehabmed.huWe pride ourselves in offering programs designed in accordance with healthy weight-loss practices. Our staff provide you with professional guidance AND behavior modification.program accordance, accordance healthyweight, health, doctor, healthy, loss1
villeroy-boch.hu…manufacturing processes, Villeroy & Boch wall and floor tiles are not only extraordinarily attractive and practical, but are also produced in accordance with strict environmental criteria. Whether it be bathroom tiles, kitchen tiles or elegant variants for the living room, you are sure to find…practical accordance, accordance strictbathroom, collection, kitchen, live, dealer1
falco7.hu…rather to satisfy our own conscience since companies are built and the environment is becoming more beautiful for future generations. The detergents we use are produced in compliance with the regulations of strict laboratory requirements and are in accordance with ISO 9001 assessment requirements.requirements accordance, accordance isoclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements1
markjector.hu…and changes from a non-contact or even inaccessible environment, even with a homogeneous background, for the forensic numbering of traces in accordance with the rules and regulations of crime scene investigation. Advantages: Cost-effectiveness. The use of the device does not require special…trace accordance, accordance rulelight, figure, length, distance, subject1
arbrevert.hu…be interpreted, in respect of that case, to give effect to, and comply with, such laws. Any action brought in relation to these terms, directly or indirectly, shall attorn to the courts of the Toronto region and be interpreted in accordance with the laws and jurisdiction of the Province of Ontario.region accordance, accordance lawlegal, notice, credit, website, site1
oxor.huIn addition to the professional installation of existing machines and production lines in accordance with the manufacturer’s technology, our activities also include relocatingcomplete production lines within a factory, the transportation of full production units between sites, anddismantling…line accordance, accordance manufacturerline, production, machine, international, installation1
bankokft.hurange of more than 1000 playground equipment, which are in accordance with the regulations of the EN 1176 playground standardequipment accordance, accordance regulationequipment, playground, range, price, grass1
simoncar.hu…constantly developing our technological background in order to meet all the needs of our clients. The roll bars and racing cars we build are in accordance with the prevailing FIA regulations. In case our clients request it, the FIA technical committee homologizes our roll bars and racing cars in…car accordance, accordance prevailescort, type, body, build, th1
relnet.huWe reconfigure your devices in accordance with the changed requirements and keep them up to date to eliminate vulnerabilities.device accordance, accordance requirementstechnology, vendor, network, event, solution1
hankooknegyed.huWe must remain committed to the prevention of contagious diseases, with special attention to the COVID-19 epidemic. In accordance with the current regulations, colleagues with symptoms suggesting upper respiratory tract illness are tested with rapid antigen tests.epidemic accordance, accordance currentemployee, health, day, september, news1
szkokesfiakft.hu„SZKÓK ÉS FIA” Kft. in its present form has been operating since 2007, however, it started its cleaning business in 1998. Our company always determines the required tasks and creates its prices in accordance with our partners’ expectations. Due to recent dynamic development, cleaning and lawn…price accordance, accordance partnerés, activity, cart, order, long1
hotelhalaszkert.huFrom 1. September 2021, all accommodation establishments, including our hotel, must comply with another data provision obligation in accordance with Government Act CLVI of 2016 on the State Tasks for the Development of Tourist Areas. (Guest Information Closed Database = VIZA).obligation accordance, accordance governmentroom, offer, guest, gallery, restaurant1
datatronic.huWe handle your data securely, in accordance with GDPR guidelines, and provide you with ongoing access and support at all times of the day.securely accordance, accordance gdprcloud, native, infrastructure, industry, technology1
hungarikum.hu- which are classified as hungarikums by the Hungarikum Committee as a result of the individual assessment conducted in accordance with the provisions set forth in the legislation issued for the enforcement of this law, or which are considered as Hungarikums by virtue of this law.assessment accordance, accordance provisionvalue, collection, committee, national, people1
genaudit.huOur Company provides high quality services, always in accordance with the quickly changing regulations, to enterprises performing productive, servicing and retail activity. We help also private persons in answering their tax-related questions.service accordance, accordance quicklytax, page, main, news, accounting1
grandiohungary.huNuts are harvested in accordance with German requirements. After shaking and multiple washings, the raw nuts are sent to the drying towers within 48 hours at the latest. Thanks to gentle drying, we can reduce the moisture content to less than 7%. This is the key to nut processing.nut accordance, accordance germanwalnut, organic, quality, buy, free1
gmtlegal.huIssuers wishing to offer their bonds to investors under the designation "European Green Bond" or "EuGB" will be able to do so from the end of next year, in accordance with the European Green Bond Regulation....year accordance, accordance europeanlegal, law, market, guide, capital1
a47.hu‘During the renovation, special attention was paid to the remaining treasures of the interior values of the period. The spaces were conceived in accordance with its rating as a listed building: 13 premium quality flats were created by retaining the street and interior façades and converting the…space accordance, accordance ratingbuild, area, history, description, location1
fitparade.huIf a division at a PRO QUALIFIER or REGIONAL contest has only one class , the competitors will be governed in accordance with rules 4 or 5 above.competitor accordance, accordance rulenpc, competition, news, regional, division1
napocskavendeghazharkany.huIf you need to cancel your reservation, we will refund the accommodation fee already immediately in accordance, with the following conditions:immediately accordance, accordance followguesthouse, sunshine, accommodation, clean, night1
safetycenter.huFor over a decade, we have been specialists in designing and producing fall arrest systems and solutions for virtually all areas of application. We have developed our anchorage devices and safety systems in-house in accordance with the very latest production techniques – and send these out from…house accordance, accordance latestsafety, fall, point, arrest, rail1
femtisztakft.huWith our mobile grinder and painting systems, we undertake to develop up-to-date coating systems at several locations at the same time. An appropriately long life coating system is formed so as the material and technology are selected in accordance with expected uses, and during the professional…technology accordance, accordance useclean, pressure, painting, coating, water1
gastlandhotelek.huAs a hotel-chain we continuously strive to renew in accordance with the demands of the time in order to fulfil all needs of travelling, business and relaxing guests to the maximum extent.continuously accordance, accordance demandmain, page, guest, privacy, member1
juliamalom.huSignificant emphasis is put on food safety. By working together with an external accredited laboratory, the following is tested in accordance with the legal requirements:laboratory accordance, accordance legalwheat, flour, technology, mill, quality1
bpdigital.huSuperb team, it was a pleasure to work with them. They deliver results in accordance with our pre-established goals, making our job a lot easier. With their assistance we were able to break into the international market and gain several relevant customers.result accordance, accordance predigital, organic, traffic, engine, search1
absolutreorg.huOur employees, many of whom have more than one college and university degree each, continually train themselves, attending different further training courses. All our activities are performed in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the strictest ethical norms.activity accordance, accordance relevantprocedure, liquidation, consulting, creditor, activity1
astora.huI consent to ASTORA realty investments sending me information about its latest offers by e-mail or other equivalent individual means of communication, and I authorize the processing of my personal data in accordance with Privacy Policy.data accordance, accordance privacyhouse, apartment, investment, news, soon1
geoplan.huThe goal of our company is to prepare precise, professionally founded plans, reports, and expert opinions in the field of geotechnics and civil engineering planning and expertise in accordance with the Eurocode standard environment introduced in 2011.expertise accordance, accordance eurocodegeotechnical, investigation, foundation, assessment, soil1
grand-development.huI consent to GRAND real estate development sending me information about its latest offers by e-mail or other equivalent individual means of communication, and I authorize the processing of my personal data in accordance with Privacy Policy.data accordance, accordance privacydevelopment, river, news, real, estate1
izinta.huOver the years, we have continuously expanded our business, bringing innovative solutions and useful and usable products to the Hungarian market. We undertake the transport of radioactive materials for domestic companies and escort the transit of our foreign partners through Hungary in accordance…hungary accordance, accordance legalhuman, diagnostic, therapy, science, need1
ovst.huWe have a highly experienced and hands-on Management Team and project personnel, who fully understand the specific requirements of individual projects. Our services are tailored to meet the clients’ individual requirements in accordance with the highest HSQE, social responsibility, compliance…requirements accordance, accordance hightrade, value, social, large, corporate1
pressair.huIn accordance with the developed market needs, we have General Liability Insurance covering liability for activities, service providers, products, and environmental pollution. Our economy is balanced. We are a qualified taxpayer of the Hungarian Tax Authority earning the title “Debt Free Company”.air, quality, customer, solution, need1
pmssolutions.huIn accordance with the needs of our partners we visit Coop, CBA and Reál stores, small independent shops, hypermarkets, Horeca units, pharmacies, DIY stores and other store types.sale, material, promotion, promotional, production1
magyarugyvediiroda.huThis website is maintained by Magyar Ügyvédi Iroda, which is registered in the Budapest Bar Association (address: 1055 Budapest, Szalay utca 7, mailing address: 1363 Budapest, PO Box 61) in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to attorneys at law, which regulations can be…box accordance, accordance lawlaw, client, legal, office, representation1
providers-nest.huWe strictly follow a KYC procedure and only entertain relationship after a scrupulous mandatory DD; whilst you explain the reason for contacting us, please note that in order to proceed with any enquiries the following documentation will be requested in accordance with KYC procedures:documentation accordance, accordance kycprovider, nest, economic, finance, industry1
flanker.huIn order to enhance the user experience related to the website, we use cookies on our website in accordance with the provisions of the privacy policy.website accordance, accordance provisionindustry, adhesive, manufacture, automotive, electronic1
lastminutehotels.huThe four-star relic building of Ipoly Residence Hotel is located in the busiest part of Balatonfured, only 50 meters from the shore of Lake Balaton. In accordance with the high quality standards there are 8 suites, 6 premium rooms, a restaurant, a conference room, wellness services (jacuzzi…balaton accordance, accordance highenquiry, package, deal, booking, room1
produkteam.hu…and spend on its continuous updating. In addition, the costs will be more predictable, as payroll fees are calculated per person. We guarantee payroll process for your company in accordance with current legislation, and you can reduce tax risks and gain tax benefits provided by legislation.company accordance, accordance currentlabour, recruitment, solution, payroll, employee1
atoz.huOur Class Programs aim to relate strongly to the individual needs, developmental stages, and interests of the particular children in the class. The qualified teachers plan their own age-related program and daily routine based in accordance with the Centre’s educational guidelines, curriculum and…routine accordance, accordance centrechild, centre, international, kindergarten, introduction1
ediport.huOur EDI invoice archiving service archives invoices in the statutory manner and offers access to these invoices in accordance with applicable regulations. Under this service, which can be accessed online, EDI invoices are archived automatically. The service is described in more detail in the “EDI…invoice accordance, accordance applicablesupport, message, connection, client, implementation1
mousa.huThis website is in accordance with the current legislation of the Hungarian Bar Association concerning contents of websites of lawyers. Dr. Mousa Delal Attila lawyer, 2018 © All rights reserved. Design by DeepInsightwebsite accordance, accordance currentlawyer, law, case, fee, legal1
tuskevariskola.huOnce final essays are submitted by teachers participating in the training at the end of the third half of the course, they shall become prepared for working as teachers of learning disabilities in accordance with the provisions of educational law.disability accordance, accordance provisionteacher, school, training, learn, child1
grandsolution.huIt is important to know that all of our products are manufactured in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO14001 standards.product accordance, accordance isosolution, shrink, heat, tool, component1
tsrlog.huYou will find us mainly in Western European countries. In accordance with the continuous needs, our team is present in Romania in order to cover Southeast Europe as well.country accordance, accordance continuouslog, offer, quality, main, collaboration1
kornyezet-szimulacio.huWhat is explosion protection and when is it required? When must test systems be designed in accordance with ATEX directives? These are just some of the questions asked by our customers.system accordance, accordance atexchamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental1
adworks.huWe realise that buyers make their final decisions at the point of sale. Therefore we design and produce materials that foster this decisions, in accordance with the product, place and possibilities.decision accordance, accordance productsmall, client, fast, big, firm1
mesevilagovi.huWe provide a homely environment for a small group of mixed-age, English-Hungarian speaking children. This small class size gives us the opportunity to focus individual care and attention on each child, allowing the teachers to interact with each child in accordance with their particular stage of…child accordance, accordance particularchild, kindergarten, environment, introduction, language1
barbizon.huIf the hotel is fined by the competent authority in accordance with the relevant law for the unlawful conduct of any guest or other person staying in the hotel area, the hotel is entitled to pass on the amount of the fine to the person who has committed the unlawful conduct or to demand payment…authority accordance, accordance relevantguest, reception, room, damage, case1
selfstore.hu…persons and corporate clients, even only for 2 weeks. You will be able to visit your self-service storage unit without prior arrangements, in accordance with your needs. It is a great way to store your furniture and personal belongings when you are renovating your house or moving, upon an…arrangement accordance, accordance needstorage, self, location, store, unit1
x5chair.huAt our Gyula site, production takes place on 1,200 m2 in accordance with the objectives of Industry on 10 modern injection molding machines. We also have a professional relationship with the Polymer Department of the University of Miskolc and the Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Association, who with their…place accordance, accordance objectivechair, production, explore, base, international1
botao.hu…consists of tweets reflecting lonely but positive emotion. Audience can interact with the sparkles and feel the emotion of the messages. In accordance to the emotion, abstract visual effects and motion are happening as well as adaptive contemporary music and sound, so as to strengthen the…message accordance, accordance emotionreality, tool, artwork, medium, virtual1
cerlux.huOriginating in our philosophy, we are tending to be in accordance with our existing and new customers’ special needs, which raises our company from other members of the market in the future too.philosophy accordance, accordance newquality, technical, need, material, customer1
sirlancelot.huYour small or large group of companions will also be safe on the premises, as up to all 5 of our chambers are accessible in accordance with the draconian distancing regulations.accessible accordance, accordance draconianrestaurant, feast, onion, table, gallery1
digitalis-konyveles.huFocus on your business, your passion, and do everything to make that successful, and let me do all the background work for you. I will guarantee that everything will always be fine. Should it be bookkeeping, payroll, fuel accounting vehicle admin, VAT reports or any other tasks, I will always…task accordance, accordance currentdigital, accounting, tax, bookkeeping, international1
kissbully.hu…excellent. Money-back pro essay writing service assure – should you for some purpose resolve to request a refund, we are going to return your cash in accordance with our straightforward refund coverage. Confidentiality – the fact that you’ve got used our companies will stay undisclosed, always.cash accordance, accordance straightforwardfrench, female, champion, available, news1
progresszivnyomda.hu…our own new 2000 m 2 park is located. In the last couple of years we focused on achieving high quality standards, we have made investments in accordance with our customers’ higher levels of demand. Our print shop introduced the Staccato 10 micron printing process in 2008 (we were the first in theinvestment accordance, accordance customerpage, printing, prepress, download, reference1
likedrive-autosiskola.huThe Driving School determines the conditions of the discharge in accordance with the GKM Regulation as follows:discharge accordance, accordance gkmexam, drive, hour, fee, school1
mfpartners.huThis website is maintained by Maráczi, Fellegi and Partners Law Firm, a law firm registered at the Budapest Bar Association, in accordance with the legislation applicable to lawyers and internal regulations.association accordance, accordance legislationlaw, attorney, expertise, client, firm1
dezsenyi.hu…this is a cost-effective solution, as the cost of a long-term mandate is fixed and therefore predictable. The advantage for the company is that the lawyer is responsible for advocacy of the company's decision, which has been taken in accordance with legal advice, in legal proceedings if necessary.decision accordance, accordance legallaw, legal, client, labour, attorney1
luxusmedencek.huAdmire your garden from the cool terrace. Our terrace blinds are made in accordance with the highest demands of the modern age, thus providing a wonderful view, not least protection against the weather.blind accordance, accordance highpool, cover, terrace, ceramic, shade1
mediner.huOur partners, without exception, carry out pharmaceutical manufacturing in accordance with European standards and regulations which is a guarantee for the production and distribution of high quality products.manufacture accordance, accordance europeanarea, adverse, event, report, medicine1
eutdij.huThanks to the involvement of interest groups and in accordance with needs of carriers a penalty alarm function was introduced. The internationally unique function is intended to protect the good faith misleading carriers. The e-mail notification draws attention on if the control system detects any…group accordance, accordance needvehicle, device, road, axle, easy1
unimatik.huOur company’s expert team designs the manufactured machines and equipment in accordance with the latest trends and needs of food industry production, which work efficiently and reliably at every stage of the production process.equipment accordance, accordance latestmachine, process, food, production, industry1
artoftour.huIndividual guests as a boutique travel agency serve, our employees are always all the individual needs in accordance with helping the passengers, as a travel designer, we are paying attention to the unique offer that best suits your needs.individual accordance, accordance passengernumber, event, tour, client, fact1
bte.huOur experts in accordance to the cooperation agreement with National Directorate General for Disaster Management updated the matter of training guideline for professionals controlling the delivery of dangerous goods on roads this year. This issuance third after the others is a periodical, which…expert accordance, accordance cooperationassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor1
bihartax.huThe liquidation proceedings, which are its main activity, are carried out by the company in accordance with the several times amended Act XLIX of 1991 on bankruptcy proceedings and liquidation proceedings. in accordance with the provisions of the law, based on a court appointment.company accordance, accordance time, proceedings accordance, accordance provisiontax, liquidation, proceedings, liquidator, colleagues1
barben.huOur social responsibility is to maintain jobs and create new ones in the area. Production processes, sustainability aspects and reprocessing are handled in compliance with environmental protection aspects in accordance with EU standards. The issue of workplace-safety is a top priority for us so we…aspect accordance, accordance eumanagement, shoe, factory, quality, employee1
paratrans.hu…we will get you there. Our drivers specialize in providing an outstanding experience for those with special needs. Paratrans vehicles have been specially outfitted for wheelchair transportation, in full accordance with legal requirements. Safe transportation of our passengers is our top priority.transportation accordance, accordance legaltransportation, disability, people, wheelchair, vehicle1
techmontage.huA prerequisite for hiring out staff is the obtaining of a qualification in accordance with Hungarian law, which we obtained in 2019, providing the necessary financial and administrative resources. and financial conditions.qualification accordance, accordance hungarianmanufacture, steel, labour, structure, loan1
duna3000.hu…contributions payable. We try to pay close attention to our clients’ questions, requests and satisfy those by providing them clear answers and solutions in accordance with the Hungarian regulations. Our partnership agreement involves one complimentary consultation per month for all of our clients.solution accordance, accordance hungarianaccounting, tax, consultation, authority, report1
unitrade-auto.huWe always carry out our work in accordance with the highest quality requirements. Our plant has MSZ-EN ISO 3834-2: 2021 certification issued by TÜV Thüringen Hungary LLC.work accordance, accordance highproduction, quality, machine, management, introduction1
brg-group.hu…and accountants turned down the work of liquidating my company, I found BRG. With great agility and skills, they managed to solve what others failed to solve for years. I'm much more relaxed now that my company had been liquidated in accordance with law and I'm really grateful for their work.company accordance, accordance lawaccounting, liquidation, group, finance, outsource1
nyl.hu…partially or wholly do not have the suitable single-purpose machine or tool, then for the long term business relationship (or depending on the amount of the single order) we can even extend our machine park within the framework of an individual project in accordance with the client’s requirements.project accordance, accordance clientsheet, metal, price, form, reasonable1
cereskft.huThe liquidation proceedings, which are its main activity, are carried out by the company in accordance with the several times amended Act XLIX of 1991 on bankruptcy proceedings and liquidation proceedings. in accordance with the provisions of the law, based on a court appointment. Since its…company accordance, accordance time, proceedings accordance, accordance provisionprocedure, activity, liquidator, liquidation, court1
kadar-komjathy.huWe try to take the necessary steps as soon as possible in accordance with our clients' schedules, depending on the urgency of the matter.possible accordance, accordance clientlegal, lawyer, client, news, fee1
ecm-kft.huAll products are manufactured according to ISO 9001. In addition, construction chemicals are also in accordance with the CE certification.chemical accordance, accordance ceproduction, quality, salt, capacity, customer1
fonoise.huthe microphone can beplaced in accordance with the measurement requirements, in the employee's closesurroundings, away from the sound-reflecting surfaces.microphone accordance, accordance measurementnoise, sound, unit, protection, benefit1
kodkft.huBeside our experienced engineers and technicians, the key of our success is that we satisfy the demands of our customers to the most possible extent and in accordance with the highest quality standards.extent accordance, accordance highelectrical, production, control, implementation, activity1
babolnasped.huThe moving spirits of the company's activities are the continuous demands for technical rejuvenation and the mobilization of our intellectual resources in accordance with the needs of our clients and the demands of the market.resource accordance, accordance needvehicle, repair, forward, logistic, transportation1
oeconomicus.huA hypothetical person who behaves in exact accordance with their rational self-interest. ‘economic man is a rational actor—he measures costs against benefits’exact accordance, accordance rationalhomepage, accounting, actor, exact, benefit1
deanristudio.huDuring my work, I try to expand my knowledge and services in accordance with the latest trends, keeping both the professional expectations and the needs of my guests in mind. When developing treatments, I always try to work with skin-friendly active ingredients, I do this with professional natural…service accordance, accordance latesttreatment, care, beautician, profession, facial1
sacinformatics.huTime and Leave Management: Time Management processes include the capture of working time and time off in accordance with particular agency policies. Leave management includes the leave request process and the management of leave balances.time accordance, accordance particulartechnology, banking, office, development, application1
pptrading.huOur core values ​​include quality work or service, its quick delivery and, of course, everything in accordance with applicable legislative standards, and our professional approach in the field of management during the entire implementation of the order.course accordance, accordance applicabletrading, order, entire, quality, production1
bornemisszavendeghazak.huOur guesthouses are always open to visitors in accordance with current Hungarian legislation.visitor accordance, accordance currentlake, water, area, beach, apartment1
infius.huWe consider it important to underpin our knowledge gained with internationally recognized exams as well. Therefore we expect to take succesful Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) exams from all members of our development staff, accordance with their personal training plans. So we already have…staff accordance, accordance personaldevelopment, expert, developer, task, need1
tofemcnc.huWe are waiting for our clients also in Sirok and Eger. On 550 m2 our plants are in accordance with all ISO requirements.plant accordance, accordance isoproduction, machine, client, detail, capacity1
anteus.huFrom the wide range of proven solutions we choose the one that perfectly fits your needs, all documented in accordance with the industry standards.need accordance, accordance industryaccess, control, management, solution, ticket1
wecup.huThese systems ensure that the forests have been managed responsibly and in accordance with environmental, social and ecological values. PEFC gathers the European forestry industry in its own labelling system for responsibility, replanting and endurance of forests. FSC gathers independent parties…responsibly accordance, accordance environmentalcup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable1
intertranscoop.huWe perform our tasks in every case at the highest level, in accordance with our partners’ expectations.level accordance, accordance partnereurope, warehouse, gallery, real, estate1
drivinglicence.huWe are going to process your personal data in accordance with the current data protection legislation and use them solely for the purposes specified. We will not disclose your personal data to any third parties without your consent.data accordance, accordance currentdrive, school, course, theory, licence1
englishgarden.huThe English Garden is a fully licensed International English Language kindergarten and nursery, established in accordance with the Hungarian Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Children’s Welfare. Additionally, we are a member of the Preschool Learning Alliance, which is one of the largest…nursery accordance, accordance hungariangarden, school, nursery, child, pre1
scrollinhand.huThe ancient Roman tombstones were not only grave-markers. Their main purpose was to keep memory of the deceased alive. To achieve this they indicated everything which—in accordance with their values—recalled the person passed away, signed his standing in the social structure, his profession, his…alive accordance, accordance valuescroll, roman, representation, hand, monument1
spiderpig.huSpiderPig lease accounting software is a platform-independent lease accounting tool to collect and organize your lease contracts, perform calculations and meet reporting and disclosure requirements in accordance with IFRS 16.requirements accordance, accordance ifrslease, tool, contract, accounting, functionality1
enciankft.huOur company has a nation-wide reselling network. The products are distributed by the largest wholesale companies, can be found in the largest pharmacy networks, and almost in all bio shops in Hungary. In accordance with the actual trends, we are present in the supply of webshops.hungary accordance, accordance actualquality, sale, medical, representation, network1
hidepito.huOur experience, professional knowledge, quality certificates and legal memberships ensure that we perform our tasks in accordance with the regulations and the customer's expectations every time.task accordance, accordance regulationactivity, reference, membership, legal, certificate1
apostille.org.huWe process Your personal data in accordance with the effective rules; we use them only to the extent required for the legalization.data accordance, accordance effectivedocument, legalization, delivery, international, certificate1
dynamobike.huyou appreciate the meaning of sustainable and green tourism and you travel in accordance with these conceptstourism accordance, accordance conceptbike, rental, rent, biking, accessories1
startkontakt.huWe have Engineering supporting programs in the field of pressure vessels, according to the Standard of EN13445, AD2000, ASME. We also owe software helping the heat technics calculations, and program system, making possible the checking of the static inspection of steel structures in accordance…structure accordance, accordance standardpressure, gas, production, storage, start1
idomsoft.hu…creating central registers with complex relations and big data volumes. We are also experienced in the processment of personal data in accordance with relevant legal rulings. In addition, we are prepared for providing further IT services, especially IT and public administration management…data accordance, accordance relevanthistory, personal, activity, data, operation1
itgen.huBased on years of experience solution has been proposed for the preparation of the system design to ensure that the systems to be implemented in accordance with industry standards and meet the different customer's specific requirements.system accordance, accordance industrysupport, security, implementation, solution, technology1
technoplast.huWe believe that the secret of our success lies in keeping the quality of our products and services constantly at a high level and further improving them, therefore we operate in accordance with strict quality assurance standards – we provide detailed information on them on our site.level accordance, accordance strictindustry, manufacture, medical, plastic, group1
trhome.huIn accordance with Turkish regulations, we only sell properties with building permits and housing permits to buyers. We map the properties and obtain all the necessary permits before selling them. In all cases, the buyer acquires ownership, which we handle and hand over the title deed.property, real, estate, number, turkey1
acpartner.huI have more than 15 years of professional experience primarily in the audit of the stand-alone and consolidated financial statements of major Hungarian and multinational companies prepared in accordance with the Hungarian Accounting Act and IFRS and in auditing of mergers and acquisitions…company accordance, accordance hungarianaccounting, financial, advisory, auditing, client1
beleptetes.huNowadays, the business concerns and the organizations need to access the people and monitoring with safety and easy. The Unipass system relies on advanced technologies, and software allocates each person specific authorization for access in accordance with your own rules, and records them on their…access accordance, accordance ruleaccess, control, management, visitor, parking1
efficiency.huOur main goal is to fulfill the tasks of our partners with sufficient precision , but at the same time flexibly , in accordance with Their interests and ideas, and with the greatest expertise and speed .flexibly accordance, accordance interestefficiency, employee, recruitment, problem, long1
engineed.huIn accordance with the specifications established during consultation with the customer, we undertake the design of all or part of electronic devices and appliances, and execute it at short notice.engineer, customer, electronic, development, research1
huntingvideo.huIn case of unauthorized use of these procedures will automatically be initiated in accordance with the Law on Copyright.automatically accordance, accordance lawvideo, hunting, movie, picture, introduction1
budateher.huOur company carries out containerised waste collection in accordance with the legislation in force, thus protecting our customers from possible penalties.collection accordance, accordance legislationoffice, furniture, removal, transport, equipment1
eurofair.huWe use welding as a basic technology in production and construction. The quality requirements related to the relation of welding as a special process have been determined by Eurofair in accordance with the provisions of the MSZ EN ISO 3834-2: 2006, the application of which is required by the…eurofair accordance, accordance provisionstructure, production, construction, metal, site1
omnipack.huAll the specific marketing tools and methods that satisfy market needs at the highest level in accordance with customer target groups. These include proper formal and graphical appearance, as well as the convenience of use.level accordance, accordance customerpackaging, cluster, material, technology, tool1
cgeopol.huIn accordance with the classic research institutes, the Council has set up the Scientific Board, whose chairman was prof. Rémy Leveau till his death in 2005, who was also the researcher of the French IFRI and professor of numerous European universities. Among its members are prof. István…council, member, board, research, foundation1
neweld.hu2018 brought the next step in our company’s development. The two awarded GINOP tenders allowed us to start our production in accordance with the owners’ wishes. Our commercial activities are complemented by pressing and turning as per the automotive industry expectations.production accordance, accordance ownerwelding, production, consumables, material, machinery1
pcokft.hu…even a crime committed against Mother Nature to aim at the total extermination of these creatures. However, it is expedient to try to establish and maintain a certain “hygienically tolerable level” prescribed by the relevant Authorities in accordance with the domestic and international conventions.authority accordance, accordance domesticcontrol, storage, facility, grain, crop1
sudalu.huOur products can be hot-dip galvanized, galvanized, powder-coated or painted in accordance with the client requests.powder accordance, accordance clientmachine, structure, welding, steel, worker1
igfhungary.huThe Internet Generation Hungary 2019 is organized in accordance with five core IGF principles, which are:hungary accordance, accordance coregeneration, forum, committee, steering, principle1
elanhunting.huAll rights reserved. Articles on this site, audio and video materials belong to Elan Tours SRO as an exclusive owners. In case of unauthorized use of these procedures will automatically be initiated in accordance with the Law on Copyright.automatically accordance, accordance lawnewsletter, hunting, offer, video, news1
coolteam.hu…The quality of our products is guaranteed by the state-of-the-art technology used for their production and the highly qualified team of professionals working on them. Since 2011, production has been carried out in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system...production accordance, accordance requirementslabel, weave, emblem, printing, digital1
expoenergy.huSales and Installation can be Carried Out by Dealers and Services Authorized for Installation in accordance with the conditions.installation accordance, accordance conditionenergy, sale, engineering, official, bulgaria1
kiosk-budapest.huIn order to enhance the user experience related to the website, we use cookies on our website in accordance with the provisions of the privacy policy.website accordance, accordance provisiondrink, booking, breakfast, event, gallery1
movingservice.huOur work processes are designed in accordance with the requirements / guidelines of the Hungarian Association of Movers and the IAM International Association of Movers,process accordance, accordance requirementsoffice, international, domestic, relocation, furniture1
spielmann.huThis site was prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the Hungarian Bar Association.site accordance, accordance recommendationlaw, firm, property, inheritance, question1
kistetenyitarsaskor.huWe perform our public benefit activity i n accordance with the provisions of the Act CLXXV, 2011 and the general educationactivity accordance, accordance provisionorganisation, society, activity, association, programme1
drbennandras.huThis page was made in accordance with the recommendation of the Budapest Bar Association for the web pages.page accordance, accordance recommendationlaw, representation, office, legal, contract1
eljegyzesi-gyuru.huWhen determining the quality of diamonds, we use the so-called 4-C in accordance with International practice. The 4-C stands for the initial letters of the main characteristics:diamond accordance, accordance internationalprecious, unique, stone, jewelry, certification1
transunisol.huTo improve the quality of service to our valued customers, we are constantly developing and expanding our capabilities in accordance with the requirements of our partners and the ever changing demands of the market.capability accordance, accordance requirementsoffer, transportation, pool, address, homepage1
hostmyhome.huWe give advice to our clients on how to furnish and plan the use of the apartment in accordance with current trends and if need be with the inclusion of an interior designer.apartment accordance, accordance currenthost, street, price, apartment, guest1
mau.huIntertoll-Europe ZRt is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.website accordance, accordance privacyprivacy, personal, europe, data, address1
mgr-informatika.huNow we provide one day free IT system engineer service, which in accordance with the requirements may include the following activities:service accordance, accordance requirementssolution, supplier, consultation, reference, server1
rheumatology.hu…includes 12 one-hour oral lectures and 8 hours of practice, plus additional summer practice of one week. We teach musculoskeletal disease in accordance with orthopedics, traumatology, neurosurgery and radiology. We also educate GPs, physiatrists and other professionals. Regarding postgraduate…disease accordance, accordance orthopedicdepartment, medicine, education, research, address1
januscountry.huFrom the date of september the 1th, 2021, in compliance with the hungarian law, we as a hotel must collect some of your personal data, through the scanning device in accordance with the same laws. Your data will be stored in the booking system of the hotel, and then will be transfered to the VIZA…device accordance, accordance lawcountry, site, guest, offer, website1
redonyautomata.hu…are offered to private buyers. As early as at this time the manufacture of winding up systems of blind belts took place, which was commenced in accordance to this demand. In 1985, the demand for cold rolled profiled increased, thus, PHILIPS and in the following IKEA stand for most of the…place accordance, accordance demandfactory, manufacture, buyer, small, phase1
deliontechnik.huWith continuous on-site supervision, we guarantee that the sprinkler system is implemented to the desired quality, in accordance with the standards and regulations.quality accordance, accordance standardwater, gas, fire, construction, mist1
szegediujremeny.huWe try to work in accordance with our parent church, and we are grateful for their help, which we attempt to return to the best of our abilities.jesus, god, mission, christ, university1
cimkeellenorzes.huDuring the label review, we quickly and efficiently check the texts, statements and graphic elements on the labels of your products point by point in accordance with the legislation in force, and then, in the event of an error or non-compliance, we make a specific proposal for correcting or…point accordance, accordance legislationlabel, review, food, correct, legal1
obsidianls.huOur company also offers digital recording services. We are happy to provide digital recording of handwritten texts, filled questionnaires and any other documents in accordance with the parameters given in any language.document accordance, accordance parameterslanguage, quality, translation, price, affordable1
hrda.huThe Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH) Secretariat joined the Hungarian National Node (HRDA) of RDA on May 21, 2020. The primary interest of the ELKH Secretariat is to facilitate in the development of data management in Hungary in accordance with the EU open science principles and guidelines…hungary accordance, accordance eudata, science, research, national, open1
berkodaru.huWe continuously develop and expand our fleet, in accordance with market needs and increasingly stringent environmental standards.fleet accordance, accordance marketcrane, vehicle, escort, currently, abroad1
polarkiss.huIn order to achieve these goals, we maintain and continuously develop a quality management system in accordance with the MSZ EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard and the normative document according to NATO AQAP 2110: 2016.system accordance, accordance mszreference, construction, electrical, maintenance, arrest1
premiumapartmanok.hufor the processing of data in accordance with Art. 13 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)data accordance, accordance artapartment, data, personal, premium, process1
naniko.huIn our company the fuel policy is regulated in accordance with several proposed options, which are given the choice of the customer. These options will also be shown during the booking process, or you can choose the option that suits you on the spot.policy accordance, accordance optionrental, availability, airport, price, additional1
cnchungaria.huOur newly introduced, reliable metalworking machines, marketed under the name TAATH, are German-designed and manufactured in strict accordance with the CE standard, using Japanese and Taiwanese parts. All our machines are characterized by high accuracy and long life. Our machines can be viewed and…strict accordance, accordance cemachine, tool, production, activity, hydraulic1
humantelex.huBy applying for job advertisements and submitting their CV, the sender agrees that Human Telex Kft. will handle and use the information provided in the applicant's application file in accordance with the GDPR and applicable data protection rules, and may contact the sender on the basis thereof in…file accordance, accordance gdprevent, creative, human, client, campaign1
kiskunmeridian.huWe have developed our products in accordance with the strict requirements of the industry in the spirit of pliancy, cost effectiveness and long-term utilization.product accordance, accordance strictequipment, pressure, litre, container, value1
kraftszer.hu…lies in the sector specific and innovative professional know-how which we leverage to design and manage our processes in a targeted manner, in accordance with market trends and tailored to the needs of customers, subject to our ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification. We have several international…manner accordance, accordance marketindustrial, management, plant, phase, engineering1
gamma-controll.hu…laboratories. Our company is owned by three private individuals, with a total of 15 employees. Our employees are 1st and 2nd Grade certified in accordance with BS EN 473, and as of 1st January 2013, they have the MSZ EN ISO 9712 certificate as well, in addition to having 2-30 years of experience.k.grade accordance, accordance bsmaterial, examination, casting, joint, substrate1
gelleresbaranyos.huThis website is operated by a law firm registered with the Budapest Bar Association in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to law firms.association accordance, accordance lawlaw, firm, main, news, field1
ressol.huAutomatic printing and application of the currently up-to-date label, in accordance with the changing legislations and regulations.label accordance, accordance legislationsolution, customer, component, refill, idea1
focusfox.huWe offer every stage of sound processing: on-site recording, sound editing, ADR, dubbing, foley, sound mixing, sound design, etc. Our studios are purpose built in accordance to the requirement.purpose accordance, accordance requirementwebsite, production, post, commercial, studio1
rosi-systems.huThe German Rosenberger Group has been providing cabling solutions for data center installations and data transmission equipment for more than 50 years. In accordance with the requirements of the modern age, the company offers mainly optical cables, which are manufactured in our Hungarian plant…year accordance, accordance requirementssupport, center, speed, light, news1
ar-game.huData protection guidelines and practice in accordance with GDPR. Transparent policy on data retention and deletion.practice accordance, accordance gdprgame, application, reality, solution, mobile1
drfucskar.hu…in our legal practice, that always apply to our own family, business and financial situation, in accordance with the highest business and ethical standards.situation accordance, accordance highlaw, case, legal, agreement, asset1
kanagawa.huKanagawa Advisory assists brands that are yet unknown to foreign markets to find suitable competitions, write tenders, develop international communications and launch strategies in foreign markets. We create a launch and communications plan in accordance with the brand’s potential and objectives.plan accordance, accordance potentialmarket, international, entrepreneur, advisory, foreign1
cmco.hu…and, above all, the use of our products. Our engineers are at your disposal to advise you during the design process. Our network of experts ensures installation in accordance with applicable standards, as well as commissioning and inspection and maintenance, either at our premises or at your site.installation accordance, accordance applicablechain, sling, equipment, crane, hand1
hargitaikft.huBased on our experience of the past 16 years in accordance with market expectations, we offer solutions in connection with explosive technologies, primarily cable glands and terminal box field of production.year accordance, accordance marketview, cable, gland, terminal, family1
continentaltravel.huWhen you visit our website, the site collects data using the cookies described above. By visiting our website, in accordance with this Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy, the user can accept with one click that the website uses cookies, which are not suitable for identifying persons. If the user…website accordance, accordance cookieagency, website, travel, incentive, success1
mab-pharma.huthe construction and operation, in accordance with the needs of our clients, of a network of medical representatives, a network of pathologists and sales incentive systems with the help of our own infrastructure and outsourcing partnersoperation accordance, accordance needpharmaceutical, vision, market, client, mission1
refkossuthter.huIn Szigetmonostor blessings came upon every part of their life - in accordance with the promises of Psalm 133 - when the initial conflicts and division of the congregation were sorted out. Manifold activities started: choir, puppetry, baby-club, widows’ afternoon, men’s supper and alpha-course…life accordance, accordance promisecongregation, god, church, jesus, family1
szasznemesacel.huOur success is based on the experience of more than 15 years, which is provided by our excellent specialists. Our most important principle is to ensure the highest possible quality, and since 2007 we have been operating a quality assurance system in accordance with ISO 9001 – 2015 standard.system accordance, accordance isoenterprise, private, production, activity, machine1
gerotamas.hu"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” - according to a quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. As a member of the Budapest Bar Association, I maintain this website in accordance with the laws and internal regulations relating to attorneys…website accordance, accordance lawlaw, criminal, real, estate, corporate1
nges.huthe legal system that will enable the creation of professional and amateur esports competitions with the help of the appropriate regulations. As a first step, even before our establishment, we paid special attention to laying the foundation of our operations in accordance with the local sports laws.operation accordance, accordance localchampionship, cup, federation, able, competition1
bestbond.hu…and Switzerland. Our orders serve the electrical systems of industrial and public facilities. We manufacture main and safety switch cabinets in accordance with the latest standards MSZ EN 61439-1: 2012 and MSZ EN 61439-2: 2012. We deliver our cabinets with all the necessary documentation and CE…cabinet accordance, accordance latestlatest, construction, cabinet, area, expertise1
dalmandivadasztarsasag.huIn accordance with the hunting season, depending on the herd, we welcome guests every year for roe deer hunting.hunting, game, opportunity, visitor, dear1
familytree.hu…of the world. Our team possesses the necessary legal expertise to navigate probate processes in Hungary, Western Europe and North America. Family Tree Ltd. upholds the highest standards of confidentiality and processes all information in accordance with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).information accordance, accordance eufamily, tree, search, europe, eastern1
tarchaworld.huOur products are available throughout the country in the network of the major domestic and foreign-owned retail and wholesale chains. We currently produce seasonal, hollow, Nicole Choco® figures and chocolate pastilles, but in accordance with market demands, our slice and bar of chocolate products…pastilles accordance, accordance marketchocolate, milk, easter, material, raw1
kovikonyvtar.huThese Terms Terms will will be be governed governed by by and and interpreted interpreted in in accordance accordance with with the the laws laws of of the the State State of of New New York, York, and and you you submit submit to to the the non-exclusive non-exclusive jurisdiction jurisdiction of…interpret accordance, accordance lawwebsite, buckle, detail, llc, condition1
rgbstudio.huWe have a solution suggestion for each problem. Our tasks are prepared on time and in accordance with discussions, while striving for maximum customer satisfaction. Considering professional trends, we develop our knowledge. Because each task is based on a variety of professionals who are most…time accordance, accordance discussionanimation, studio, graphic, motion, video1
premiumcarwash.huBy subscribing to the newsletter, you consent to the processing of your data in accordance with thewash, clean, package, removal, premium1
shopperparkplus.huIn accordance with the provisions of the Prospectus, following the successful offering, the Company will apply for the transformation of the legal form of the Company, and after the registration of this, the capital increase with the company court, afterwards it will arrange for the New Ordinary…retail, classification, area, property, portfolio1
bgv.huOur plans are prepared in accordance with the goals and expectations of the given company, as well as the conditions of the location and individual needs.plan accordance, accordance goalgeneral, build, management, wealth, germany1
icellmobilsoft.huYou can effectively manage a large number of electronic accounts, and generate a large amount of invoices in accordance with local tax regulations, as well as provide your front office and customer services with useful tools to manage invoices. Everything can be integrated.invoice accordance, accordance localcell, solution, control, freight, view1
epcnyomda.huOver the past 30 years, our company has grown into a modern, dynamically developing printing company with 50 employees and a net turnover of more than HUF 1.5 billion per year, which. In accordance with the vision of the owners, the greatest emphasis is on outstanding printing quality, customer…year accordance, accordance visionprinting, award, reference, quote, staff1
klimakamra.huPhotostability test chambers in accordance with the ICH Guideline Q1B options 2 New generation climate test chambers for stability tests on pharmaceutical products Walk-in test chambers for stability testing according to ICH Guideline Q1A Stability testing according to ICH Guideline Q1Achamber accordance, accordance ichchamber, climate, temperature, environmental, simulation1
imzrt.huThe legal predecessor of I.M. és Társai Zrt. was founded in 1992 for the purpose of introducing reliable, high quality services in accordance with the highest professional standards in the whole range of the Hungarian construction industry market which was in a transformation process at that time…service accordance, accordance hightechnical, control, scope, engineer, construction1
greencorner.huBy clicking the “Allow all” button, you consent to the use of all cookies in accordance with the data management policy .cookie accordance, accordance datagreen, website, privacy, heating, detail1
momal.huSince 1957, MOMÁL Ltd has accumulated vast experience in the field of acid-proof stainless steel processing and the production of rubber parts, which the company has been applying to many industries with great creativity and success in accordance with all the expectations of the modern age…success accordance, accordance expectationsrubber, steel, proof, acid, industry1
csomagszallitasmalta.huDomestic pets are transported in accordance with European Union regulations, so we have all the necessary and legally required permits and certificates.pet accordance, accordance europeanparcel, delivery, malta, packaging, transport1
sacinf.huTime and Leave Management: Time Management processes include the capture of working time and time off in accordance with particular agency policies. Leave management includes the leave request process and the management of leave balances.time accordance, accordance particulartechnology, banking, office, development, application1
hellopodcast.huBy clicking the send button, you give us your explicit and unambiguous consent to process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy !data accordance, accordance privacyhello, studio, agency, story, strategy1
okthaimassage.huIf you choose to register as a new customer, you will only need to log in the next time you book an appointment. Once you have filled in the fields of the form, your data will be stored, treated confidentially in accordance with the Data Protection Act and will not be disclosed to third parties.confidentially accordance, accordance datamassage, foot, neck, head, traditional1
serpakalandpark.hufor the processing of data in accordance with Art. 13 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)data accordance, accordance artdata, price, adventure, personal, process1
famag.huWe purchased and developed our machinery and equipment continuously in accordance with our activities undertaken in the course of time. Currently, we have conventional production lines and purpose-made customizations in our site. We adapt our machinery and equipment always to the expectations. The…continuously accordance, accordance activityseed, activity, essential, plant, oil1
jadedental.huDue to the COVID19 epidemic, our practice was operating in accordance with the regulations and instructions in force.practice accordance, accordance regulationoffice, dental, phone, question, force1
weddinginhungary.huThese terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with Hungarian Law, and any disputes relating to these terms and conditions will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hungarian court.condition accordance, accordance hungarianwedding, planner, day, agency, venue1
isze.hueconomical : as a non-profit organization – in accordance with the tax laws – we provide our services at a low price. We spend 88% of government subsidies on the fee of the course and the rent of the rooms, therefore this money gets back to the schools. The remaining 12% of the income covers the…organization accordance, accordance taxteach, training, course, activity, teacher1
aix-scientifics.huAix Scientifics ® is an independent Contract Research Organisation (CRO) consisting of an academic staff with long-term experience in clinical research for new pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Clinical trials are planned, conducted and evaluated based on scientific criteria, which are…criteria accordance, accordance legalresearch, clinical, scientific, organisation, device1
metropolissecurity.huOur employees meet qualification requirements specified in Act CXXXIII of 2005 and by the Chamber of the Trade, and perform their duties in accordance with the laws and regulations. Our workers are engaged in all fields of property protection and therefore we undertake object safeguarding…duty accordance, accordance lawprotection, security, property, safeguard, clean1
inspirationtravel.huand best out of Hungary . Let it be a city break or a round trip around the countryside, we help you organizing the most exciting programs for your groups. Our offers include not only traditional programs, but also ideas off the beaten track , from a single hotel booking to complex package services.package accordance, accordance clienttravel, inspiration, cruise, tour, medical0
lightport.huThe development of a road data collection system for road vehicles, with an automated data processing unit, as well as the optimization of the practical use of the image processing process and the transfer of collected data to related professional systems.service accordance, accordance clientroad, pilgrimage, portal, application, development0
veteranlink.hu* Search engine optimization * We give links from articles from 12-16 years old sites. UNIQUE site analysis if not enough the 70% optimization for you...article accordance, accordance topicday, veteran, site, website, engine0
porcellino.huPorcellino Grasso represents the enthralling Italian countryside style and is dedicated to the Italiandelivery, reservation, gallery, newsletter, venue0
vl2004.hu…price-niveau. We focus on confidence of our partners since the establishment of our undertaking in 2004. From the very beginning VL2004 Ltd has alway been dynamically growing, since we have always been engaged with enthusiasm and engagement to our profession. We are proud to contribute to the…container accordance, accordance expectaitionsscrap, equipment, licence, confidence, metal0
pietro-smarthome.huChoose us, and we will compile the smarthome package which suits you the best. Using products of high reliability and excellent quality, we can create a future-proof smarthome for You and your Family.control accordance, accordance weathercontrol, function, free, quote, gallery0
volt24.huWe guarantee our services for 5 years, so that our customers can use their electrical systems with full confidence in the long term.socket accordance, accordance modernelectrical, installation, customer, long, electric0
ova.info.hu…accessible and well designed data on populations, habitats, and the complexities of ecological interactions. The National Game Management Database (NGMD) was first mandated by the Hungarian Game Management and Hunting Law (the Act on Game Conservation, Management and Hunting (Act LV, 1996))…game, management, database, data, national0
infografik.huThe considerable planning is important. Be immediately recognizable your unique logo as your trademark, and the dominant visual element of your business's image. The perfect logo symbolizes the organization, providing an eye-catching, powerful and world-class overall picture about your product and…logo accordance, accordance stylelogo, identity, corporate, style, gift0
esleep.hu…button… View More… Hover design Effects… All info on hover… Icons & Add to cart… Icons on hover… Quick…shop, view, page, quick, image0
mywatch.huAll these pages are not included with a dummy content. You can configure your shop page as you need in Theme Settings -> Shop .post, example, single, image, page0
drfabry.hu…commercial agreements that will govern their business relations with their partners. Our activity covers domestic and international commercial transactions related to sale and purchase, contractor, consignment or agency agreement. We focus on long-term legal counseling, constantly review and updateclient accordance, accordance currentclient, law, legal, office, agreement0
furedijulia.huI am an organisational psychologist, who spent three decades in top HR positions at multinational companies. Following my burnout, I set up my own company and developed an innovative software that measures the characteristics of corporate cultures. My book on burnout was published recently. It is…speaker, consultant, author, latest, organisational0
serval.huMany desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes.ipsum, lorem, music, text, desktop0
revomatic.huRevomatic Ltd. deals with the design and construction of special purpose machines, air networks, production lines and robot cells that meet individual needs. Our company specializes in the solution of technological problems.manipulator accordance, accordance domesticmachine, cell, construction, special, purpose0
szigepszerk.hufitted with bar codes and drawings onto the processed rebar armatures bundled by positions.bar, activity, process, janos, reference0
pentolt.huPentolt Ltd. is a specialist company in the field of fire protection and electronic processingfire, institution, centre, vehicle, detection0
marktsoft.huOur colleagues’ up-to-date expertise, experience and commitment is the solid ground that guarantees the satisfaction of our clients. High-standard services that are in full harmony with client demands ensure the success and highest value of our company.solution accordance, accordance clientdevelopment, software, client, reference, solution0
nemse.huLogin / Register… Wishlist… 0 items 0,00 Ft… Compare… Quick view… Add to wishlist… Eames lounge chair…view, quick, chair, wooden, item0
latlaktegedegyesulet.huEven if your less into design and more into content strategy you may find some redeeming value with, wait for it, dummy copy, no less. Anyway, you still use Lorem Ipsum rightly.inspiration, ipsum, lorem, copy, interior0
sealtech.huWe work with state-of-the-art machines so we can support various industries, including automotive parts manufacturers, the chemical industry, the instrument industry, the food processing industry and trading companies.customer accordance, accordance stricttechnology, fund, industry, production, automotive0
mediway.huMediway is an independent, private Hungarian company founded in 2009, with great expertise in the introduction and distribution of pharmaceutical products, food supplements and medical devices for the Hungarian market.service accordance, accordance marketforce, sale, medical, pharmacy, centre0