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183 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: shall

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abtl.huArticle 12: (1) Within ninety days after the entry into force of the Act a Committee shall be established, a member of which shall be appointed each by the Government, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the President of the Hungarian Historical Association. The members of the…act shall, shall document, person shall, shall person, shall respectarchive, public, record, document, act144
mlszsz.hu…call is adequate only if all of the members of the Presidency are informed about the session and the items on the agenda ten days before the session. The sessions of the Presidency are opened events. The honorary presidents shall also participate at the session and advisory right is given to them.association shall, shall business, member shall, shall degree, request shallassociation, member, presidency, president, activity39
tradiscoseeds.huWhere the Company receives a request for erasure of personal data, it shall, as a first step, consider whether the request for erasure is actually received from the data subject. To this end, the Company may request identifying details of the contract concluded by the data subject and the Company…company shall, shall follow, subject shall, shall right, shall informationdata, subject, personal, process, seed36
deseda.hu…catching 60 and 30 pcs. native fish races and grass carp subject to daily quantity limitation an annual ticket can be bought or fishing can continue with daily tickets. The previous annual areal ticket shall be handed over at the place of buying. Lost permissions can be replaced against charge.fisherman shall, shall away, net shall, shall person, shall fishingfishing, fish, permission, place, boat34
ap-x.huThe Company shall inform all recipients to whom rectification, erasure or restriction of data processing has been communicated or with whom personal data have been disclosed, unless this proves impossible or requires a disproportionate effort. Upon request, the Company shall inform the data…company shall, shall equipment, shall data, shall protection, subject shalldata, subject, process, personal, management12
kbtraining.huThe Controller shall ensure the security of data. To achieve this, the Controller shall initiate the technical and organisational measures and establish the procedures necessary to enforce the governing laws and regulations, as well as the data protection and confidentiality rules. The Controller…processor shall, shall controller, controller shall, shall responsible, notice shalldata, training, participant, controller, process11
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huThe notary shall attest in a notarial certificate that the photocopy is a true and faithful copy of the document presented to him. The notary may only certify the photocopy of a document if the photocopied document is clearly legible. The notary shall compare the photocopy with the document and…notary shall, shall notarial, language shall, shall language, licence shallnotary, notarial, document, public, register8
dentys.hu…subcontractors’ actions as if those activities had been done by itself. The Provider reserves the right to agree with its contributors as well as regarding the conditions of their services at its own discretion. Besides, the Provider shall not be obliged to share this information with its Patient.customer shall, shall price, provider shall, shall customer, shall informationprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic8
naih.huh) The Authority makes recommendations with respect to new laws and to the amendment of laws pertaining to the processing of personal data, the access to data of public interest and to data accessible on public interest grounds, and shall give its opinion with respect to draft laws affecting its…function shall, shall independently, president shall, shall vice, shall employerauthority, data, act, protection, president8
creditforte.huWe shall record and transmit to our Principals data we come into possession of only if the Client consentscompany shall, shall actcollection, homepage, debt, data, centre7
kendoszalon.huYou agree that the Terms of Service shall be subject to any applicable terms and conditions of such other agreements that Company enters into with respect to such Consumer Stores. You expressly acknowledge that certain Consumer Stores may, with respect to audiovisual recordings, require that your…remedy shall, shall appropriate, circumstances shall, shall company, policy shallcondition, music, store, az, distribution7
chillapartman.hu-If You rent the whole apartment ( both floors) all kitchen equipment shall be placed back to its original place.garbage shall, shall away, equipment shall, shall originalapartment, friend, vacation, family, day6
helping-hand.huADHD children are constantly struggling with lack of self-esteem. There is tremendous strength in praise for such a child, so teachers and parents shall always organize activities so that the child can do something good, have a sense of achievement and be praised. For children with ADHD, it is…visit shall, shall long, word shall, shall teacher, point shallchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten6
magyarlukafa.huTax is imposed by the workers of the Notarial District Office, and it shall be paid in two installments - before 15th March and 15th September. Check, bank transfer or payment at the Co-operative Savings Association (Takarékszövetkezet) cashier is available for making the tax payment duties…tax shall, shall area, office shall, shall installment, property shalldistrict, tax, office, real, notarial6
kovikonyvtar.huThese Website Website Standard Standard Terms Terms and and Conditions Conditions written written on on this this webpage webpage shall shall manage manage your your use use of of this this website. website. These These Terms Terms will will be be applied applied fully fully and and affect affect…webpage shall, shall use, content shall, shall audio, website shallwebsite, buckle, detail, llc, condition5
barbizon.huThe hotel shall only be liable for damages to other items brought in by the guest if the damage occurred in a place usually used by the guest or open to the guest, for example: the hotel room, corridor, lobby, garden, car park. The hotel is obliged to pay for such damage up to fifty times the…hotel shall, shall party, information shall, shall request, regulation shallguest, reception, room, damage, case5
budatrioapartments.huAnnex II is amemorial to the following: The Service Provider shall provide the service provider only after the entry into force of the individual contracts. The individual contracts shall be amended in the case of the products listed in Annex III to this GTC. They shall be established in…provider shall, shall service, contract shall, shall case, gtc shallcustomer, provider, use, order, apartment5
ritkabetegsegakademia.hu…Participant that is considered a document subject to strict accounting. In case of prepayment invoice the final invoice of the Participant is handed over during the conference, unless Participant orders it otherwise. Such final invoice shall always include the measure of intermediary services used.invoice shall, shall measure, compensation shall, shall participation, party shalldata, congress, case, legal, conference5
adatvedelmi-jog.huAccording to the GDPR, the data subject’s consent will remain the general legal basis for data processing. Data processing should be managed that the data subject could withdraw their consent anytime. The GDPR highlights that in case of direct marketing, the data subject shall be informed…controller shall, shall appropriate, information shall, shall write, data shalldata, protection, law, process, subject4
ag-media.huAG Media ltd. activities: temporary release of Pages, Book Publishing, Prepress, action shall Europe collection database, On-line edition, Exhibitions, Conferences Event management, education, marketing consulting services.action shall, shall europemedia, ltd, event, line, activity4
tokajmagic.huTokaj-Hegyalja is truely one of the most exciting spots of the world winemap. But it’t not that easy to find the right path from Rt 37 when you leave Szerencs. Where shall I book accommodation in Mád? Where are the „must see” wineries in Bodrogkeresztúr? What shall we see in Zemplén Hills? How…tokaji shall, szamorodni shall, shall bottle, szerencs shall, shall accommodationwine, tasting, special, local, topic4
bte.hu(6) The quorum for the General Assembly shall be constituted by the presence of at least 50 % +1 person with the right to vote. If there’s no quorum, the repeated Assembly shall be convened on the same day, but within 3 days at the latest with the original agenda. The quorum shall exist…assembly shall, shall presence, shall day, quorum shall, shall independentlyassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor4
flyboy.hu…Some pilots may be qualified to instrument flights (IFT) being able to fly under IFR conditions. Anyway, the decisions of the VFR and IFR pilots shall be followed, i. e. cancellation or postponement of the planned flight. In case of a decision by the pilot adverse to the passenger, the passenger…passenger shall, shall pilot, pilot shall, shall i., shall airportflight, passenger, cost, regulation, book4
likedrive-autosiskola.hu…provided for by the applicable law, or the legal obligation contained therein is not otherwise performed. In the latter case, the training body shall immediately notify the participant of the modification. If the participant is a does not agree with the amended provisions of this Prospectus…body shall, shall immediately, prospectus shall, shall information, exemption shallexam, drive, hour, fee, school3
tabellio.huNotaries are only subject to the law and may not be ordered, they shall act independently and impartially. Although there are some exceptions, notaries may not engage in gainful activities other than their public office. Notaries may not advise parties on legal matters apart from their procedures…case shall, shall order, law shall, shall independently, notary shallnotary, law, colleagues, data, protection3
netbriefing.huPre-flight action for flights away from the vicinity of an aerodrome, and for all IFR flights, shall include a careful study of available current weather reports and forecasts, taking into consideration fuel requirements and an alternative course of action if the flight cannot be completed as…aircraft shall, shall familiar, flight shall, shall careful, shall followflight, plan, navigation, air, arrival3
budapestagency.huThe applicant shall to have a C visa (short period business trip – Schengen Visa ) which can be claimed in Hungary consulate (int he country of residence).applicant shall, shall company, shall hungary, shall visapermit, immigration, investment, student, card3
catalogdb.huThe Catalog - NoSQL Database System has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or services. You further acknowledge and agree that The Catalog - NoSQL Database System shall not be responsible or liable, directly…system shall, shall responsible, termination shall, shall termination, term shallcatalog, database, small, developer, low3
sarsan.hu…orders are submitted, we start our joint work during which you will be continuously informed about intermediate results. Finally, before project documentation is drawn up, we shall check the 3D models together. The 3D model and the 2D plan can both be modified according to your subsequent needs.tool shall, shall device, documentation shall, shall modelmanufacture, technical, accounting, machinery, special3
isbnbooks.hu…Szeged and its surrounding, which incessantly assimilate parallel experiences, strategies of escape and coping, narrativity. Astrid Csatlós processes her own experiences, her anxiety-inducing thoughts, by walking … Continue reading > Asztrid Csatlós – I shall now count from one to ten. I say…exhibition, event, book, category, slide3
absolutelycosmopolitanbostons.huPuppies are available for purchase upon a preliminary purchase request. Upon birth of the puppies I shall inform all prospective buyers in the order of the waiting list, attaching pictures of the puppies. You may specify in the purchase request the gender and desired qualities of the dogs…puppy shall, shall prospective, price shall, shall bedding, situation shalllitter, puppy, absolutely, dog, page2
elitehunting.huIf the advance comes in to us 14 days before the first hunting day we shall make out avoucher for you. You can certify the payment of the advance by presenting the first exemplar of this voucher and it will be taken into consideration in each paying offices.day shall, shall avoucher, fine shall, shall naturehunting, price, lorem, ipsum, hunt2
akuna.huIn case of withdrawal under Article 5.2 of the Terms and Conditions, the seller shall return the funds received from the buyer within fourteen (14) days of withdrawal from the purchase agreement in the same manner as the seller has accepted them from the buyer. The seller is also entitled to…seller shall, shall tax, shall fundbuyer, seller, agreement, purchase, case2
hudex.huIf a non HUDEX Member third party intends to incorporate the 'HUDEX Hungarian Financial Futures Index in any manner into its products or services traded on an energy exchange or equivalent facility, it shall conclude a contract with HUDEX Energy Exchange Ltd. on the use of the above data (this…facility shall, shall contractdata, report, overview, member2
reformatus.huWeek of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024 set to begin: “You shall love the Lord your God ...and your neighbour as yourself…”unity shall, shall lordchurch, ministry, refugee, community, event2
markrottweilerklub-hungary.huThe Data Manager shall only disclose personal data in the prospectus or in the prospectus. for the purpose of the provisions of the relevant legislation. The scope of the Personal Data handled is proportionate to the purpose of data management and can not be expanded.contract shall, shall jurisdiction, manager shall, shall personaldata, controller, personal, protection, person2
arbrevert.hu…notify you for material changes to the terms but you acknowledge that we are not obligated to do so. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation, and enforceability of these terms, shall be governed by, and construed by 8379645 Canada Inc. in its sole discretion.term shall, shall canada, shall respect, indirectly shall, shall courtlegal, notice, credit, website, site2
i-coaching.huNLP Akadémia Kft. shall, upon the customer's request, provide further information about the data concerning the customer that it processes, the purpose, legal basis and duration of the processing, as well as about who receives or has received the data and for what purpose. NLP Akadémia Kft. will…kft shall, shall customer, activity shall, shall datadata, process, academy, training, course2
furedyacht.hu…the practical material with increased number of hours which cannot be replaced with studying at home. It is really important for us that all our students shall have sufficient practical knowledge. The proportion of students failing the practical exam is insignificant in Füredyacht sailing school.student shall, shall sufficientsailing, course, boat, examination, license2
tourdematra.huWe shall not be hold responsible for any content that appears on your website. You agree to protect and defend us against all claims that is rising on your website. No link(s) should appear on any website that may be interpreted as libelous, obscene or criminal, or which infringes, otherwise…agreement shall, shall daterace, entry, tour, road, cycling2
fogszabalyzas.huIt’s never too late to have a smile you always wanted to have. Today there are processes, not only for children, but also for adults which shall not make everyday’s life essentially difficult while the device can be almost invisible. You just have to take the decision and le tus provide the…vain shall, shall non, adult shall, shall everydayorthodontic, treatment, child, surgery, homepage2
drzsuborilaszlo.huis performed under local anaesthesia. The process is painless, however you may feel some dull perssure that is completely normal. But yes, after the anaesthetics are worn off, some bearable pain may occur in the area. Take one pill of your usual pain medicine and it shall make it go away in no time.medicine shall, shall awaydental, tooth, oral, implant, replacement2
etoki.hu…with Hungarian population in the neighbouring countries, plus of the necessity of the Central European regional cooperation based on the idea of V4 partnership. Accordingly, The European Scientific, Education and Research Institution shall support all possible implementation of the above.institution shall, shall possibleeuropean, research, education, institution, understand2
papapedia.hu…and Abkhaz sides of the Agreement on a Ceasefire and Separation of Forces, the Security Council, by its resolution 937 (1994) of 27 July 1994, authorized the increase in UNOMIG's strength to up to 136 military observers and decided that the mandate of an expanded Mission shall be as follows:uniimog shall, shall periodmission, military, force, observer, peace2
globe-shield.huGlobe-Shield Kft. shall be liable for material and moral damages resulting from the non-performance or incomplete performance of the service to the extent of the fault.kft shall, shall liableglobe, shield, security, control, protection2
teatrom.huThe performing art collectives have a fermentation effect in the segregated communities. The feeling, the non-hierarchical manner of decision-making amongst youngsters shall be contagious. The dignity of creativity and the earned success as positive examples might attract more settlements into the…youngsters shall, shall contagious, generation shall, shall healthycommunity, performance, group, art, festival2
matrabikersc.huWe shall not be hold responsible for any content that appears on your website. You agree to protect and defend us against all claims that is rising on your website. No link(s) should appear on any website that may be interpreted as libelous, obscene or criminal, or which infringes, otherwise…agreement shall, shall datecycling, website, bike, road, member2
menekultugyved.huThe Republic of Hungary shall grant subsidiary protection status to an alien who does not qualify as a refugee but in respect of whom substantial grounds have been shown for believing that the person concerned, if returned to his or her country of origin would face a real risk of suffering serious…hungary shall, shall refugee, shall subsidiaryasylum, citizenship, immigration, attorney, procedure2
ggdent.huOur clinic is equipped with all possible means of modern implantation. We use state-of-the-art foreign technologies ranging from All-on-six technology to rehabilitate complete tooth loss all the way to digital implantation. As part of a free health check, we shall be able explore possible…state shall, shall short, check shall, shall abledental, implantation, tooth, implant, oral2
arc-budapest.huJust share with us your relocation, immigration or destination requirements, leave all arrangements to us and we shall help you for a legal start, and jobs free from mistakes or concerns in Hungary.address shall, shall study, arrangement shall, shall legalimmigration, destination, process, legal, employee2
drszalay.huAttorneys shall practice their profession to the best of their ability, conscientiously and in compliance with the law.attorney shall, shall freely, shall professionlaw, attorney, client, legal, office2
ngtt.huThe President or Vice President of the Hungarian Competition Authority and the Central Statistical Office shall attend the Council’s plenary sessions as guests with a consultative right.officer shall, shall council, office shallnational, member, council, social, economic2
szazadveg.hu…ensure, the report says, that EU funds allocated to support the digitalisation of public services in Hungary do not violate the EU general data protection regulation and other EU legislation. The European Commission shall also initiate infringement proceedings against Hungary for violating EU law.commission shall, shall infringement, authority shall, shall decisiondata, report, protection, political, human2
opl.hu…governs your use of the website and by accessing the website you agree to be bound by the regulations. If any provision in this Disclaimer shall be held to be illegal or invalid in whole or in part, then such part of the provision shall be deemed not to form part of the Disclaimer. The…disclaimer shall, shall illegal, provision shall, shall disclaimer, responsibility shalllaw, university, legal, language, fluent2
metropolis.org.huKnopp Eszter: On the Borderline Manipulated archival footage and issues of the authentic representation of the past in They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)past shall, shall oldcontemporary, representation, history, social, woman2
kaszasgabor.huand equitable with me during the procedure against me, and if I wish to change my behavior and I am willing to pay back the 2.3 million Forints, I shall contact him again . I don’t know if this was the hourly fee of the CEO, or what the relation was between the two things, but it is nonetheless…student shall, shall air, forint shall, shall hourlytraining, contract, traffic, air, controller2
miaszabo.huAsk me about any of the products i use, and bring the skincare products you have at home – i shall happily analyze them for you.home shall, shall happily, treatment shall, shall gladlyintelligent, skin, effective, specialist, solution2
skinacademy.hu…browsing the industrial exhibition. Parallel sessions are not included in the programme; hence the participants do not have to make difficult choices as they cannot be in two places at the same time. Only parallel sponsored symposia shall be allowed in order to reduce the division of the audience.symposium shall, shall orderacademy, registration, skin, interactive, disease1
pipistrel-hungary.huThe cooperation project valued at over 100 million EUR for a 10-year period shall establish:aircraft, cooperation, manufacture, virus, production1
meliora.huWe are happy to act as your local partner, assisting you with the proper notification of your dietary supplements and foods for special medical purposes. We ensure that your submission shall be complete and fully compliant with the relevant EU and Hungarian requirements.submission shall, shall completetranslation, pharmaceutical, quality, agency, client1
wineofthehungarianparliament.huFor this reason alone we shall not change the goals we set. Serving as the ambassador for the production of Hungarian quality wines, the aim of our wine competition is to provide a platform for the recognition of our historic wine regions and dedicated winemakers, and for the organic development…reason shall, shall goalwine, parliament, national, welcome, category1
chemark.huOur job is characterized by the assurance and further development of the uniform quality or our products and services, for this reason our operation shall be marked by the quality principle from every aspect.operation shall, shall qualitypesticide, formulation, fill, packaging, protection1
bhouse.huBuying external expert knowledge is increasingly more significant in modern business life. The improvement of this field can be easily explained. In the current, intensive market competition all companies need the specialists of a given field. Irrespective of their size, all companies shall…company shall, shall appropriatesolution, industrial, structure, machine, milling1
gaborhargitai.huLet us have a nice Wi-Fi range extander be born from the ashes of a long discarded router now, shall we? I’m going to assume that you’ve successfully: installed OpenWRT on your router of choice had accessed the admin page have your radio0 interface up and running have radio0 is [...]router shall, shall successfullyfile, command, server, user, network1
ternai.huWe consider it is essential that the quality of our products shall comply with the requirements of the applicable legal, hygienic and environmental regulations and last but not least shall comply with our Partners.product shall, shall requirements, regulation shall, shall partnerquality, agricultural, activity, requirements, production1
krgroup.hu…must use a standardized template for the articles of association. Within one working day from submission of the application, the registry court shall issue a decision on incorporation. Incorporation is usually accomplished within two to eight business days, as the tax number required for…court shall, shall decisiontax, group, accounting, vat, rate1
policyagenda.huWe organise several conferences all year round. Topics discussed at such conferences range from basic income to the pension system. Our major principle is to let way to communication and discourse not merely among the presenters but also involving the audience. Our target is that true issues shall…issue shall, shall discussionagenda, homepage, analysis, political, fact1
jackplate.huThe proper start, good hole shot, suitable gliding, getting on plane behaviour of a particular hull and propulsion characteristics of any type of outboard engine, whether this is a fishing boat or a smaller or larger vessel, shall be due to the adequate power of the outboard, the position of the…vessel shall, shall adequateseries, plate, engine, power, hydraulic1
esztetikaszolnok.hu…refining skin appearance and optimally preparing skin cells for following active ingredients. Moreover, collagen as well as elastin synthesis shall be activated. This can, in individual cases, lead to a visible reduction of wrinkle depth. Dermabrasion can also be deployed for local treatment…synthesis shall, shall individualtreatment, cure, skin, cell, age1
shopperparkplus.huCapitalised terms in this Announcement shall have the meaning of the English language equivalent of the terms in the Prospectus.announcement shall, shall meanretail, classification, area, property, portfolio1
evangelikustemplom.huYou have faithfully guided us until now. We build the life of our congregation upon your promise: „Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?” We gratefully experience your steadfast love in our midst. Lord, continue to build the community with and in you. We…thing shall, shall forth, forth shall, shall yechurch, lutheran, congregation, effort, build1
simbad.huReservations shall be made in writing, which will become effective after the confirmation of our hotel.reservation shall, shall writerestaurant, massage, potato, bar, salad1
bereslegal.huWe shall stand at our clients’ disposal in Hungarian, English, German and Italian language.law, legal, firm, client, partnership1
szombathelyiugyved.huThe amount of the remuneration shall be determined individually in each case after prior consultation, taking into account the above aspects, and shall be fixed in the contract of assignment.remuneration shall, shall individually, aspect shall, shall contractlaw, page, legal, real, estate1
szlovakia-utazas.huThe harmonized cottage design shall strike the client’s eyes with luxury and comfort. The cottages are situated in the distinctive municipality of Ždiar below the Tatras in the splendid natural…design shall, shall clientaccommodation, tourist, cottage, slovakia, center1
klimanord.hu…grid extensions (e.g. if the electricity network in your home cannot cope with the excess load caused by the air conditioning system, the network shall be extended) and the price of installing the outdoor unit in extreme heights or in areas of difficult access. Furthermore, the installation fee…network shall, shall priceconditioning, air, package, flat, house1
czurda.huMy wine shall make people happy, cure their suffering, and confer upon them joie de vivre!wine shall, shall peoplewine, region, riesling, vineyard, shop1
gtkb.huOur vision is that the company of ours is going to be more and more dominant in the area, shall continue its success in the business life and respond to the changing market impulses and environmental background.area shall, shall successmarch, quality, career, condition, general1
ec-invest.huWe do not have any meaningless restrictions, and we take into consideration the interests of our Clients when concluding our contracts. Contracts entered into shall not, as the case may be, entail unchangable and irrevocable obligations. If you decide to rent another vehicle over the course of…contract shall, shall casearea, clean, price, capital, european1
suliverzum.huPersonal assistance with great efforts from the staff is always provided, Jobmonster indeed participated in facilitating the recruitment process in terms of timing, efficiency and cost reduction, and we do believe, we shall keep using it for long.reduction shall, shall longjob, resume, candidate, view, category1
lilafeher.huSkip to content This is a demo store for testing purposes — no orders shall be fulfilled. Bezárásorder shall, shall bezárástable, news, login, chair, sit1
bmwdiag.huPossession her thoroughly remarkably terminated man continuing. Removed greater to do ability. You shy shall while but wrote marry. Call why sake has sing pure.ability shall, shall writearchitect, build, density, housing, tower1
antaloczy-legal.huThe content(s) of this homepage shall not qualify as legal advice of whatever kind. Legal advice is solely provided in an actual case in the course of a personal meeting scheduled in advance or based on a long-term engagement, in any case after the review of the underlying documents of the given…homepage shall, shall legalemployment, law, attorney, legal, lawyer1
vatregistration.huThe information on this website are indicative data. It shall not be considered as advise.data shall, shall advisevat, registration, taxation, news, law1
mrazsystem.huAppropriate water treatment shall be executed with the appropriate means and materials in order to restore the original performance of any equipment or for prevention purposes.treatment shall, shall appropriatetechnology, main, page, equipment, pipe1
fibusmed.huPassion is a positive emotional ENERGY fueling our way to take proper actions. Professionalism is the precise KNOWLEDGE of what will or will not work in a situation. PASSIONATE PROFESSIONALISM brings them together and with such an energy we can create changes that shall make our world a place we…change shall, shall worldhealthcare, small, professionalism, news, knowledge1
pepperpr.hu…a strong expansion policy; and finally on the well-skilled staff of the company. OBI keeps focusing on expansion in the next 12 months to come: they will add up to 4 new stores to the existing 18; while some existing units shall undergo some refurbishing to keep pace with the changing requirements.unit shall, shall refurbishpepper, software, technology, market, office1
smaragdpark.huThus we shall all contribute to sustainable living, we will preserve this beautiful planet for the generations to come, and enjoy ourselves in a natural pure environment, with lots of activities at reach.residential, style, lifestyle, live, general1
hungarianreview.hu"… the Union has no other choice and it does not have any future unless it includes and cherishes the various histories, traditions, and identities of Europe’s constituent nations. Brexit shall stand as a reminder to all of us that ignoring such claims leads nowhere."brexit shall, shall reminderreview, author, poem, editor, nation1
szabadossandor.huI consider it important to spend the first meeting with defining the issue as exactly as possible. We are going to use this time with mapping the underlying reasons and recurring patterns that may make it impossible to find an efficient solution to the situation. Next, we shall agree about what…situation shall, shall rolesession, self, counseling, issue, relationship1
kpli.huThe termination of the Home delivery of medicinal products According to Section 3 point 22. of Gyftv. “home delivery” shall mean the transport of medicinal…delivery shall, shall transportlaw, firm, labour, pharmaceutical, client1
heartandsexuality.huIf any client wishes to cancel arrangements for whatever reason, the following cancellation charges shall apply: up to 31 days prior to the workshop there is a cancellation charge of EUR 50. Within 30 days of the start of the workshop you will be liable for the 50% of the total cost of the course…charge shall, shall daysexuality, training, heart, body, basic1
livinghomes.hu© 2022 Living - All rights reserved. The details in this letter are for information only. We reserve the right to amend all details. The photos are for illustration purposes only. The visual designs on the website are for information purposes only, therefore the Investor shall not undertake any…investor shall, shall obligationlive, flat, district, street, visual1
fixbetonkerites.hu5. The installation of the fence elements shall commence after delivery at a date agreed in advance following the order.element shall, shall deliveryfence, concrete, quality, quote, customer1
it4all.hu…solutions that serve as cornerstones to organizations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To achieve this goal, we have gained a strong team of IT professionals. Our key experts have more than two decades’ worth of experience, which guarantees that quality and functionality shall not be compromised.solution, main, career, goal, software1
pelsobay.huEarly birds – Early birds are our first future buyers, whose individual needs can be integrated into the development plans. The developer shall reward their early decision with a discount. With the discounted purchase of those apartment units that have the best features, the unit they select shall…developer shall, shall early, unit shall, shall presumably, purchaser shallapartment, lake, build, building, shore1
meetsafe.huHow shall we organize live events again providing adequate safety and comfort at venues for organizers, clients and guests?event, introduction, tool, creative, enhancement1
tuskevariskola.huOnce final essays are submitted by teachers participating in the training at the end of the third half of the course, they shall become prepared for working as teachers of learning disabilities in accordance with the provisions of educational law.course shall, shall prepareteacher, school, training, learn, child1
videoninjas.huHBO Társas Játék II. aka When shall we kiss II. is a famous series in Hungary. Our task (with István Jófejű) was record all the behind the scenes material. It was a longer project than usual, cooperate […]aka shall, shall iiscene, series, production, february, station1
hungarofarm.hu…Hahn und Karl Saatenhandel GmbH, KWS, OMEGA-PHARMA, Bergland Pharma, and the Austrian Saatbau Linz are the most notable among them. We hope that You, as reader of these lines will contact us for further information, and we shall be able to welcome you among our business partners in the near future.information shall, shall ableseed, quality, german, core, main1
ststephen.huFreemasonry has in all ages insisted that men shall come to it’s door entirely of their own free-will; not as a result of solicitation; not from feelings of curiosity; but from a favorable opinion of the Institution and a desire to be ranked among it’s members.man shall, shall doorlodge, stephen, member, mason, st.1
artstudiogaleria.huSeller shall not be obliged to initiate the shipment until the relevant order’s total amount is not received, or until the confirmation of the intention of COD paying has not received.seller shall, shall shipmentreview, art, artwork, store, painting1
soloron.huThe copyright of Soloron IT Zrt. is regulated by Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright and exercise it by this law. In disputes, the provisions of this Act and Act V of 2013 (Civil Code) shall apply.solution, operation, quality, click, security1
lukacsiprofecia.hu…conjoining of complex entities within a certain historical process. … A definition of the historical character of what is essentially inorganic is faced with several serious obstacles. Nevertheless, I do believe that we shall have to cope with a huge revolution in philosophy generated by science.”obstacle shall, shall hugeattempt, letter, intention, abstract, entity1
solarapex.huAm no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision. Year well shot deny shew come now had. Shall downs stand marry taken his for out.shew shall, shall downluctus, ut, nec, tellus, elit1
tomigem.hu…luck of the dice. Our goal is not to create a shorter, simpler game just to sell more of it. Those with the desire to delve deep into the rules, shall find the time well spent. Others can watch the short introductory video detailing the rules of the games. We'd like to add that our games are maderule shall, shall timegame, pig, match, shop, event1
ablakprofilok.huWe hope that this website shall be a virtual meeting point for the owners of windows and craftsmen, manufacturers, suppliers and architects exerienced in upgrading.website shall, shall virtualwindow, mistake, historic, website, manifesto1
drpapprobert.huWe would be glad to meet you for a private consultation. If you are kind enough to input your data and shortly describe your case, we shall return to you shortly.case shall, shall shortlylegal, association, assistance, website, lawyer1
ismerosok.hu…and if it cannot be made enforceable, it will be deleted and the remaining part will remain in full force and effect. Failure to enforce any of these terms shall not be deemed a waiver. Any modification or waiver of these terms and conditions shall be effective only in writing signed by us.term shall, shall waiver, condition shall, shall effectivedata, condition, account, purpose, law1
esvcp2024.hu…biomarkers and clinical pathology in preclinical toxicology studies. Several species will be discussed ranging from honeybee to cattle. We shall not forget about the harmonization of laboratory testing. There will be sessions for mystery cases and cytological slides. The European Canine…cattle shall, shall harmonizationaugust, registration, congress, abstract, veterinary1
symmetry.huHe was one of the first editors of the journal Symmetry: Culture and Science . We have lost Gyuri, as his friends called him, as our greatest friend and most respected scientist. We shall keep in our memory his modest, helpful and friendly manner, providing a perfect example for a scholar of an…scientist shall, shall memorysymmetry, festival, event, international, science1
horgasszimulator.huWe can train far from your angling spot wether they are sea or freshwater species, to be at your best throughout the year. You shall be able to test or benchmark equipment as rod, reels or line fishing from trout to tuna fish or just have fun with it.year shall, shall ablefishing, detail, simulator, official, website1
angolmesekert.huOur preschool guarantees in its quality management program that it will continuously provide high quality values in its work, as described in the pedagogic guidelines, and we shall assure this via periodic assessment.guideline shall, shall periodicchild, preschool, introduction, education, development1
horvathfogorvos.huIt is to my delight when I as a dentist see my patients’ beautiful teeth and their confident appearance as a result of our aesthetic treatment. You can place absolute confidence in me, for your beautiful smile shall be my pride.smile shall, shall pridedental, tooth, treatment, replacement, aesthetic1
spielmann.huThis site does not administer legal advice. We shall take no responsibility for actions taken reliantly on the contents of this website.advice shall, shall responsibilitylaw, firm, property, inheritance, question1
sipeuropa.huThe words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.definition shall, shall meandata, personal, privacy, purpose, website1
aktivforras.huThe planned company activities should be considered and determined, as well as their tax and book-keeping specialties shall be learnt. They can cause relevant volume of expenditures affecting the business success. It is not necessary to list too many activities…specialty shall, shall relevantbook, consultation, tax, financial, item1
primefund.huPrimefund Investment Fund Management Private Limited Company creates value for its clients by premium category investments and professional services. We believe that increasing wealth, even in the 21st century, shall be made effective by the joint application of innovative approaches and the…century shall, shall effectivelaw, fund, investment, management, expert1
muzso.huCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License . My posts reflect my personal opinion and shall not be associated with any of my employers.opinion shall, shall employerago, week, socks, app, movie1
kuria-birosag.hu…beguiling smiles or tears, bending knees or threats. Besides, one should never be overwhelmed by a feeling of apathy towards one’s profession but shall reach a level of objectivity where the person of the judge and the parties dissolves like a veil of mist and only the case and law remain in one’sprofession shall, shall levelcuria, court, president, visit, european1
eagleeye.huIn order to acquire our services please kindly send us your inquiry of interest. We shall revert backdevelopment, study, process, media, social1
mousa.huFees are a matter of agreement; according to the relevant regulation of the Hungarian Bar Association, specific amount of fees shall not be presented on a lawyer’s website.fee shall, shall lawyerlawyer, law, case, fee, legal1
eliteaesthetic.huOver 95% of those who have been subject to laser hair removal shall that they are satisfied with the result. That's why:removal shall, shall satisfiedlook, aesthetic, treatment, hair, removal1
mlszksz.hu…the title for a certain logistic centre the procedure has to be initiated at MLSZKSZ, the association evaluates the application, upon which it is LEF’s authority to award the title. The qualification certificate shall be made out by LEF in agreement with the Ministry of National Development (NFM).certificate shall, shall leflogistic, transport, development, member, goal1
tomcsanyibirtok.hu…symbolise the fruit, the plant and more broadly the garden, in which we have the most things to do. We need to find out which grape variety we shall pick for each area and what cultivation method will work best. And finally, the fingerprint represents our presence; our soul, expertise, strength,variety shall, shall areawine, natural, hill, gallery, media1
samaritanus.huPaid patient transport with air-conditioned ambulance vehicles. All the vehicles are equipped with the needed medical tools, shall any events arise during transportation.tool shall, shall eventstart, patient, transport, international, transportation1
weddinginhungary.hu…a link to any other website does not mean that we endorse or accept any responsibility for the content, or the use of, such a website and we shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any content, goods or services…website shall, shall liablewedding, planner, day, agency, venue1
itec.huAFTER WE RECEIVE YOUR MESSAGE WE SHALL CONTACT YOU VIA TELEPHONE OR E-MAIL. YOU’LL BE PROVIDED WITH INFORMATION ABOUT SERVICE OPTIONS.message shall, shall telephonecertificate, support, homepage, device, instrument1
babelsound.huWe have a short but sweet announcement: this year shall not pass without our favourite Babel Sound Festival! The 11th edition between 18 and 23 July 2022 will be welcoming again all world music lovers to Lake Balaton, with concerts and spontaneous jam sessions every night in the magical atmosphere…year shall, shall favouritesound, festival, music, night, concert1
komposztal-a-tep.huFurther 90 collection points shall be installed beside the present waste collection elements of the system. Each new collection point shall have 4 containers and the earlier installed 400 sites with 3 container base shall get one more container. At the selective collection points the paper…point shall, shall present, shall container, base shall, waste shallwaste, management, collection, settlement, container1
grossglockner.hu"Only the symbol of the mountain and climbing; every decent person should have a Matterhorn that you want to climb through fire-water. Not the the Matterhorn is nice, ... but its nice to Matterhorn are to enforce them shall remain the real human behavior: the struggle. Not the struggle for…matterhorn shall, shall realtour, form, application, photo, route1
wffinbudapest.hu" The primary objective of the MNB shall be to achieve and maintain price stability. Without prejudice to its primary objective, the MNB shall support the maintenance of the stability of the financial intermediary system, the enhancement of its resilience, its sustainable contribution to economic…mnb shall, shall price, shall maintenance, shall economicdirector, central, digital, head, finance1
ceis.hu…Investment Services Consulting is not responsible for any errors or losses, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. Nothing herein shall to any extent substitute for the independent or professional examination and the sound technical and business judgment of the reader.information shall, shall extentnews, european, investment, central, transaction1
stulwerk.huWe wish you all happy holidays and a pleasent slide into the New Year. Our showroom and production is gong to be closed from 21st December 2023, but we shall be at your disposal again from 8th January.december shall, shall disposalchair, area, wait, educational, accessories1
holonics.huOur company, HOLONICS SZERKEZET Ltd. was established in 2013. The ambition is that our service for clients and customers shall be characterised by excellent, committed work. We intend to represent this, based on the experience of our professionals on the national and the international market.customer shall, shall excellentreference, news, bridge, desktop, international1
blumprogram.huPodcasts, play shops and brochures for parents: in line with 21 st century scientific views. We believe that authentic and trend-setting professional knowledge shall be shared by the general public at large.knowledge shall, shall generalchild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher1
aggtelekivendeghaz.huThose who choose the Guest House accommodation, shall not suffer any lack of relaxation. In the courtyard parking area, barbecue, playground, petting zoo comfortable rooms, outdoor pool, makes it even more enjoyable recreationaccommodation shall, shall lackregion, class, trip, training, day1
atlasworld.hu“Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”event, award, hero, action1
biharybalassa.huTELFA makes it possible that our clients even abroad shall be assisted by professional lawyers with international experience, with thorough knowledge of the given law system and legal practice, but the advantage of being a local lawyer.abroad shall, shall professionallaw, legal, firm, attorney, comprehensive1
formalin.huOur Company also can provide transport services /in case of deliveries made by road tanker or railway tank wagon/. In case of transports by road tanker, the compliance of the packaging material shall be ensured by the contracted shipping company based on the information /Safety Data Sheet/…material shall, shall shippingproduction, plant, material, industrial, customer1
imolavendeghaz.huWe hereby inform you that under the terms of operative legislation, from 1st September 2021 certain personal data required by law shall be recorded for every guest using accommodation services in Hungary in property management software with the aid of a document reader, and be transmitted to a…law shall, shall guestgarden, guesthouse, room, inquiry, guest1
csulokcsarda.huThe staff are friendly, professional and polite, the restaurant is a sophisticated and cultured experience. The food is fantastic, tasty and varied. My favourite is all the knuckle dishes. Among the soups I would highlight the Hungarian mushroom soup and the garlic cream soup. Among the…food, soup, guest, restaurant, pork0
avico97.hu…Address and Voice Alarm Systems that can support buildings or other types of sites. Furthermore you can find a summary of the brands (and product groups) we are representing on the Hungarian market, such as g+m elektronik ag sound systems and ic audio loudspeakers (100V systems and components).alarm, voice, sound, knowledge, base0
eastendgun.huYour content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.draft, gun, east, divi, offer0
kisallathamvasztassopron.huThe service of cremation is mobile, which means it is available in the territory of the whole country. The cremation of a little pet is in service any day of the week within 12-24 hours after signal. Before each cremation there is a ceremony of reverence, during which the owners are able to say…little, farewell, owner, versatile, easy0
epicadventures.huSince 2015 we have been making trips around the lake Balaton. All trips were exciting and full of fun as you can see it on the photos in our gallery. We explored the beautiful beaches and we had the chance to taste the great wines of the three wine regions around the lake.money shall, shall adventurelake, day, wine, adventure, group0
molnarkozmetika.huI continually studying. (makeup tattoos, 3D, 4D eyelashes, massage courses, eyelash lifting,hair removal with sugar, electro cosmetic trainings, various treatment methods to learn), and I listened many specialist’s presentation in conferences.treatment, makeup, beautician, training, eyelash0
biblecamps.hu…Scripture Union Hungary and other organisations are among those that use English Language teaching to attract children, and rely on native English speakers coming to Hungary to volunteer as English Teachers. You don't need to be a teacher to be able to help out, but it is important that you are:shall moneycamp, bible, faq, week, travel0
ensport.huA complex test that tells you everything about your fitness, endurance and abilities. The results serve as a compass, showing you the way to reach your goals. A cycling test followed by a running test.window, plan, training, run, athlete0
myreille.huArt… oil… watercolor… My Story… This too shall pass III.… This too shall pass II.… This too shall pass…shall iii, shall ii, shall i.oil, watercolor, art, story, circle0
szelmezeitavak.hu…and lake Nr. IV. except for the prohibition period of the carp . During this period boat fishing and boat usage is prohibited! Shore fishing is allowed from 5 am to 12 pm, from 8 pm to 12 pm only predatory fish angling is allowed. In case of night fishing enlighting the fishing area is mandatory.exception shallfishing, fish, angle, area, lake0
kordastudio.huKorda Studios is a state-of-art film studio complex located 30 km (18 miles) west of Budapest in the wine-making village of Etyek. The studio is named after Sir Alexander Korda, a Hungarian-born British film producer and director. Korda Studio fact sheet:subsidy shall, shall productionstudio, production, art, tax, season0
shooteasy.huSHOOTEASY will give you advice and provide you with the best experts of the special Hungarian film incentive system. All local, Hungarian expenses (with a very few exceptions) qualify for a 25% rebate . An additional allowance of 25% of the local, Hungarian spending can be used for foreign costs…subsidy shall, shall productionproduction, director, incentive, channel, location0
hunicorn.huHunicorn International Freight Forwarding Private Limited contracts with rail, trucking, shipping companies and airlines on behalf of its clients. Our main profile is overseas transportation and we have a worldwide network, as Hunicorn is a member of various major international shipping networks.forward, international, ltd, insurance, container0
ixtys.huSo we are just waiting and waiting when a sin gets ripen in expiation that it doesn’t need the shining cover of lying and we can be the help of it."truth shall, shall freegod, soul, easter, truth, holy0
aronkvh.hu[email protected]… View all…version shall, shall ccview, concept, house, ancient, greek0
zugfil.huDr. Tamás Zugfil attorney at law - Homejustice shalllaw, attorney, introduction, legal, gallery0
kreativter.huYou have the freedom to transfrom the rooms for the needs of your programme. It is up to your creativity what you want to create. No matter if you organize youth exchanges, trainings, camps, team building for company or a yoga retreat you will find a home in Creative Space.shall otherhood, shall warmth, shall doorspace, creative, youth, offer, request0
budaring.huYou can cancel your reservation one day at the latest before the actual booking. It takes a minimum of six people to book the track. In case of a smaller number of participants, the order of the race depends on the arrival You have to be on time in order for Budaring’s other events won’t be…driver shall, shall sobertrack, close, race, flag, reservation0
abahazy-forditoiroda.huPreparing economic, legal, technical, social science translations, translation of diplomas, certificates and other types of translationsinterpretation shall, shall advancetranslation, interpretation, quote, quotation, customer0
mystaging.huCompany is made up of a group of highly skilled gardening landscaping professionals and who pays a lot of attention the small details. In the years of experience our staff keep your looking and functioning beautifully.garden, maintenance, landscaping, landscape, plan0
recyclista.hu©2024 recyclista - All Rights Reservedclock, wall, slider, login, accessories0
teremtoonismeret.huDivine Self-Awareness is Your spiritual capacity, Your inherent Universal knowledge. * Divine Self-Awareness is the Creative Power inside you that you bring for getting to know Yourself. * Divine Self-Awareness is the way, the purpose and the mission. * Divine Self-Awareness is the method which is…shall babyparent, power, father, mother, relationship0
romel.hu…either alone or along with your purchasers and supplier quality engineers - the technical capabilities of potential or existing suppliers before nomination for a new project. With my experience in project management and quality planning, I can effectively support your process of supplier selection.quality, management, supplier, automotive, unique0
ernart.huSince I have always been interested in drawing and painting (although I never really studied art), the idea came to me that I could combine my interest in psychology with my passion for art. I know from my own experience how energized it feels when I create, so I thought that this energy could be…art, therapy, session, creation, group0
lowevonblumengarten.huCOLOUR : Lion yellow, red, reddish brown, also sandy (pale yellow, cream coloured) and all combinations in between, always with a black mask. Black hair tips are permitted; however, black must not determine the dog’s basic colour.dog, breed, close, strong, straight0
balazstakacs.hu…ensure relaxation at a physical, spiritual and at an energetic level as well and they help you relax and relieve blocks. Balázs is a very humble expert, whose friendly personality and gentle strength contribute to clients feeling a great sense of relaxation during massages. He is very flexible…appointment shall, shall hourlymassage, gift, voucher, pain, minute0
callsheet.huWe at Passion Backline, constantly strive to meet the requirements of our customers, and to provide the best possible equipment at reasonable prices. Therefore we carry gear from all the major brands, which are suitable for a wide variety of genres.passion, detail, reference, gallery, customer0
flamingohomedesign.huHigh quality interior design, interior construction, home renovation and tailor made furnishing, on deadline with price guarantee.shall homeconstruction, comfortable, renovation, interior, reference0
marmin.huNeil used used this this platform platform to to generate generate 11,000+ 11,000+ hits hits - - for for FREE FREE - - to to one one of of his his websites. websites. He He doesn't doesn't know know SEO, SEO, he he doesn't doesn't have have time time to to market market this. this. And And he he…shall informationlead, site, visitor, free, website0
zotn.huSo, story time, about things no one cares about. Before you ask, yes, this is just my journey with toki pona, focusing on the early years mostly, because if I was to cover everything (and there's a lot more than you see on youtube or even on my website), we'd be here for hours and I would've had…mumble shall, shall henceforthpoem, story, song, table, renovation0
zobak.huIn frames of a potential analysis I can assess - either alone or along with your purchasers and supplier quality engineers - the technical capabilities of potential or existing suppliers before nomination for a new project. With my experience in project management and quality planning, I can…quality, management, automotive, supplier, consulting0
etiquette.huThe corporate training programs cover business etiquette, and international business etiquette to help companies equip their professionals with etiquette training for the world.event, management, course, corporate, protocol0
juhoscipo.huPress… Blog in English… Webshop… United…main, shoe, german, de, kingdom0
vikstore.huThis NFT is one of the 40 pieces in the “Feelings on the Canvas” collection. The creation of this NFT has been awarded a special prize by Binance, honoring the creator as one of the top 5 NFT creators. The NFT is based on a real topographic image and represents an existing place, which has been…image, exhibition, digital, winner, collection0
verbatim.huExperience lightning-fast speed and uncompromising reliability with the Verbatim Vi3000 M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD. Engineered with cutting-edge technology, the Vi3000 delivers outstanding performance with read speeds of up to 3,100 MB/s and write speeds of up to 2,200 MB/s, making it up to six times…shall asapchristmas, data, support, storage, europe0
ssscc.huWELCOME TO THE SSSCC 2023 EUROPEAN SMART SUSTAINABLE AND SAFE CITIES CONFERENCE | Smart, Sustainable and Safe Cities Conferenceabstract shall, shall linecity, safe, conference, sustainable, submission0
brandstock.hu8 Pcs Facial Repair Anti Aging 24K Gold Whitening Face Skin Care Set For Gift Face Dark Circle Removeorder shall, shall bezárásview, detail, deal, shop, look0
drbalsai.huDuring treatment we apply latest technology to solve every problem and create your own perfect smile. Our services cover conservative dentistry (root canal treatments, fillings), esthetic solutions (bleaching, porcelain veneers, zirconia crowns), periodontal treatments (oral hygiene, deep…dental, tooth, smile, clinic, oral0
sintegroup.huThe company has held the role of general contractor several times in recent years, typically in the construction of feed processing plants and plant halls.operator shall, shall shutdownconstruction, plant, capacity, group, extraction0
luxnails.huIn our salon, we use quality ingredients and decorative materials. The salon has won the title of Crystal Nails Reference Salon, which also a guarantee for quality, durable and trendy nails.nail, artificial, salon, hand, price0
offbiennale.huOFF-Biennale Budapest is the largest contemporary art event in Hungary. It started in 2014 as a grassroots initiative, a “garage” biennale set up by a small group of art professionals in order to create a platform for exchange between art practitioners and other members of society. Since 2014, OFF…day shallbiennale, association, event, large, contemporary0