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154 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: soil

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tmg.hu“ Our farm started unfolding around 2010. We started farming without a plough: this was normal for us, but at that time we still had little knowledge of the principles of soil regenerative agriculture. Our knowledge has gradually grown over the years, based on experience gained on our lands and…website soil, soil regeneration, exploit soil, soil life, organism soilregeneration, knowledge, association, condition, website18
iceee.hu1,2 Department of Soil Sciences, 3 Department of Food Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India, 4 Department of Material Science, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic, 5 Department of Materials Technology and Production…hungarian soil, soil science, society soil, soil biology, department soiluniversity, science, environmental, engineering, faculty18
bloomair.huThe Bloomair technology offers no-till cultivation of woody plants without soil disturbance. The technology prevents greenhouse gases (GHG) from entering the atmosphere by injecting pig slurry or any liquid fertilizer 60-80 cm deep, directly into the rootzone. Therefore, farmers may also…soil treatment, compact soil, soil air, spike soil, soil hightechnology, water, nutrient, directly, treatment17
geoplan.huSince its establishment in 1990, Geoplan Ltd. has been operating as an acknowledged geotechnical - soil mechanical design company and expert on the Hungarian engineering design market. The foundation of the company is based on the traditions of a multi-generational family of engineers. The…soil investigation, geotechnical soil, soil mechanic, soil mechanical, activity soilgeotechnical, investigation, foundation, assessment, report14
alginit.hu…plants with sufficient quantities of water, allowing theto withstand periods of drought. The cycle of water retention and release can occur repeatendly and eternally. In fact the application of 4 kg Alginit on a surface of 1 m 2 improves the water retention capability of the soil up the to 40 %.nutrient soil, soil structure, sandy soil, soil kind, kind soilwater, user, application, mineral, algae13
bioego.hu…fixation, phosphorous mobilization, stem degradation and humus production on the treated field, furthermore it provides protective effects against soil-borne plant pathogenic fungi. It has been proven that the microbial components of the BioeGO soil inoculant do not have negative effects on each…care soil, liquid soil, soil biofertilizer, friendly soil, soil inoculantproduction, ability, strain, plant, component12
eco-soil.huEach and every day we work to make the world a better place for the current and the next generation. The sustainability of Our Planet depends on everyone of us. In order to reach a brighter future, we need to take care both of the Planet and Ourselves. The first step is to take care of the soil so…soil conditioning, productivity soil, soil able, soil table, care soillogic, description, page, mission, agricultural12
biokutatas.huA new collaborative research project focusing on soil health in the Homokhátság (Sand Ridge) region was launched in form of a workshop on September 21 st at Kujáni Farm in Kecskemét. This workshop served as the basis for ÖMKi’s new Living Laboratory as part of the Climate Farm Demo project , where…research soil, soil health, project soil, future soil, practice soilorganic, research, agriculture, food, variety11
biopol.hu…licensed, can be economical and effective supplements for everyday life of organic farmers. Increasing the humus content of the soils, helping the soil microflora, optimizing nutrient uptake, improving the electrolyte balance of plant juices, keeping nutrients in an absorbable state, significant…deficiency soil, soil crop, productivity soil, soil year, content soilorganic, farming, quality, nutrient, acid10
biofil.hu…potassium fertilizers (NPK) in an environmentally friendly, cost-effective way. They improve the soil structure, increase the water retention capacity of the soils, increase the production volume and, along with many other positive effects, help to prevent the harmful effects of pathogenic fungi.nutrient soil, soil structure, year soil, soil reason, regeneration soiltender, bacteria, fertilizer, effective, microbial8
sedilab.huSEDILAB, MTA CSFK Laboratory, lézerdiffrakció, laser diffraction, particle shape analysis, szemcseméret meghatározás, szemcseméret eloszlás,Raman spektroszkópia, Raman spectroscopy, HPLC, nanosizing, ,Laboratory for Sediment and Soil Analysis, őrlés, particle sizing, milling, light scatteringand soil, soil analysis, sediment soil, laboratory soil, soil physicallaboratory, analysis, research, geographical, institute8
stericlean.huSteriClean Soil microbiological conditioner is perfectly suitable to eliminate the living conditions of underground pests while being non-hazardous to the environment. We recommend it for soil treatment of crops, vegetables, fruits and grape. SteriClean Soil enhances overall the conditions of plant.stericlean soil, soil microbiological, environment soil, soil treatment, soil overallplant, disinfectant, detail, family, industry8
winesoftokaj.huThe Tokaj Wine Region’s incredibly diverse terroirs are unique. The extremely dynamic relatively recent geological past resulted in a wide range of topography, geology and soils.rock soil, soil tokajwine, region, event, grape, homepage8
experiplant.huFounder and Managing Director, Chief Scientist. He is a lecturer and Assistant Professor at the Eötvös Loránd (ELTE) University, Budapest. István is an internationally acknowledged expert with over 25 years of experience publishing on the field of soil biology, plant physiology and molecular…healthy soil, soil climate, product soil, soil crop, plant soillorem, ipsum, plant, biology, reference7
fermentia.huDownstream Processing, Production of Bacterial Soil Fertilizer, Production of Probiotic, Anaerobic Fermentation We are fully equipped to process the 1000 liter batches produced at our facility. Our staff is experienced in the isolation and purification of both secunder metabolites and recombinant prbacterial soil, soil fertilizerfermentation, production, development, process, scale7
huistro.huAt the beginning, I would like to tell thank you for your interest as a member of Working Group (WG) Conservation Soil Tillage (CST).classic soil, soil tillage, conservation soilmember, event, branch, group, september6
nitrogreen.huOur nitrogen supplement products are made from 100% natural ingredients, aligning with the expectations of the modern era. Our feather-creatin-based formulation releases nitrogen to nourish our plants continuously for 8-12 weeks after being applied to the soil. This ensures that an optimal…slowly soil, soil friendly, week soil, soil optimal, available soilsupplement, nitrogen, plant, phosphorus, natural6
framest.hucambridge roll combinator conditioning tines consolidates properly the soil cultivator cutting and mixing deep consolidation roll disc blades disc harrow disc harrow with subsoiling don't bring up big clods drawbar even depth seedbed following harrow frame full width good wing lock system…level soil, soil management, production soil, soil state, state soilgallery, machine, cultivation, agricultural, manufacturer6
geotechnikaiegyesulet.huThe Hungarian Geotechnical Society was founded in 2012 as the official Hungarian member organisation of ISSMGE (International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering). Previously, this role was performed by the Hungarian National Committee of ISSMGE within the Hungarian Academy of…society soil, soil mechanicsociety, geotechnical, award, memorial, homepage5
bombavadasz.huOur EOD specialists are carrying out instrumental explorations and disposals of munitions, bombs, artillery shells, rocket explosives, also known as military-purpose explosives, resting in our soils for the last few decades. Unexploded ordnance (UXO or UO), unexploded bombs (UXBs), or explosive…explosive soil, soil decadearea, disposal, exploration, explosive, technical5
tub-collection.huin addition 550 soil samples are stored (worldwide) for isolation and screening programmes.soil collection, addition soil, soil samplecollection, tub, publication, species, reference5
elmolight.huELMOLIGHT Bt was founded in 1998. In addition to the manufacturing of humus moulds, composts and vegetable moulds, our company is engaged in researches and services contributing to soil protection, micro-biological decomposition of organic contaminants that is waste management and waste…service soil, soil protection, elimination soil, soil hydrocarbon, addition soilsludge, compost, treatment, waste, biological4
magnumsecurity.huExamination of residual of plant protection products in plant products, water and soil; examination of heavy metals and other toxic substanceswater soil, soil examination, product soil, soil mediumsecurity, protection, plant, build, private4
altekfa.huThe secret of the plants grown by Alsótekeres Tree Nursery derives from the high-quality soil and the unique climate that characterizes the Pannonian environment. Our sunlight-rich summers, the dry and otherwise harsh winters, and relatively low rainfall make our plants really hardy. Here, at…outstanding soil, soil climate, quality soil, soil unique, climatic soilnursery, wholesale, tree, quality, plant4
grofbuttler.huand mellow it in excellent quality oak barrels. Our white wine is made partially by reductive technology, preserving the rich taste provided by the soil. Throughout the winemaking process, apart from minimal amounts of sulphur, no other chemicals are added to the wine, even the fermentation process…volcanic soil, soil szarkás, location soil, soil composition, limestone soilwine, winery, taste, vine, hill4
kaposgarden.huWe carefully assess your land, soil, characteristics of the landscape and microclimate, and suggest the best options for you to enhance the beauty of your garden.land soil, soil characteristic, soil work, soil revitalization, rich soilgarden, landscaping, maintenance, quality, plant4
kissboraszat.huEger is a very rich wine region with a medieval past. It was the northern boundary of the Ottoman Empire, where kadarka along with the old white wine grape varieties has been growing on the southern slopes of the Bükk Mountains. The basements of the Eger's underground maze - carved into the…hungarian soil, climatic soil, soil condition, tuff soil, soil famousregion, wine, grape, winery, tradition4
greensoil.hu…calcium, sulphur, important micronutrients and organic matter . GreenSoil Humin product line provides a perfect solution for different nutrient requirements in field, orchard and vegetable farming. We recommend our fertilizers for general fertilization even for soils low in humus and nutrients.fertilization soil, soil lowfertilizer, family, acid, matter, organic3
legjobbakciok.huUsing that magic chest, everyone can extract rainbow ore Soliarium from the soil of their lands. Each chest has unique appearance, features and extraction speed. Anyone can improve their chests using Aurorium metal to upgrade level of the chestmage soil, soil quest, world soil, soil earth, soliarium soilland, chest, solarium, player, login3
talaj-mechanika.huGEOVÁL Kft. was founded in 2011 as the successor of my self-employment. The main services are the followings: geotechnical soil drillings, soild analysing reports, making geotechnical plans, software based geotechnical planning, inspections of building damages.carrier soil, soil boring, geotechnical soil, soil drillingengineering, gallery, report, photo, geotechnical3
szarvasimuzeum.hu…knowledge to his community and homeland. You can study his work and varied efforts on the boards on the wall. Today, he is primarily known for his soil improving and educational measures, but he also did a lot to change the way people thought and to encourage them to accept new things, especially…primarily soil, soil educationalexhibition, age, idol, room, people3
ebht.huBlack coloured riolite, formed on the hill-sides and hill-slopes, mostly on Miocene-age riolite tufa, as well as clay slate and riolite, poor in lime, brown soils, clay-infused soil, brown forest soils, etc.brown soil, soil clay, clay soil, soil brown, forest soilwine, grape, cellar, region, century3
czurda.huThe region produces white grapes almost exclusively. The vineyards cover about 750 hectares. The soil is half-hard loess and brown earth, in some places, there are sandy patches. The wine region is situated in the north-northwestern - south-southeastern line of the Pannonhalma-hills. Its climate…magician soil, soil vine, world soil, soil wood, hectare soilwine, region, riesling, vineyard, shop3
racerbeans.hu…of Berlin, Santiago de Maria and Joy. The farm is in an area with a great cool climate for slow maturation, good rainfall and fertile volcanic soils. The cultivation of coffee at the farm was started in 1890 and according to family accounts, the original seeds of the property, and the mother…volcanic soil, soil cultivationcoffee, small, process, dry, quality3
startouring.huRomans produced wine in this scenic pocket of Europe 2,000 years ago, and today over 5,000 vineyards yield some of the finest wines in Hungary. The mild Mediterranean-like climate of the region, along with its fertile soil, helps endow the wines with their sunny southern flavor. Villány and…hungarian soil, soil foreign, fertile soil, soil arable, soil helpwine, century, castle, country, house3
envitek.hu…radio astronomy site characterizations). Another group of instruments offers dual polarization capabilities which are useful in applications like soil moisture or ocean salinity determination and cloud / rain liquid water discrimination. RPG’s spectrum of active instruments include microwave…infrastructure soil, soil rugged, like soil, soil moisturegas, process, solution, manufacturer, instrument2
cityplant.huGreen walls are vertical surfaces covered in greenery. Green walls can be both living and artificial. Typically, the roots in artificial green walls are not in direct contact with soil, while they are in the case of living walls.contact soil, soil caseplant, office, green, air, wall2
tli.huBesides the most frequent test we are able to perform any other necessary on-site or laboratory tests for raw material, asphalt, concrete, soil, qualifying examinations within the area of civil engineering. Our on-site laboratories are installed next to the construction site.concrete soil, soil examinationconcrete, laboratory, engineering, technology, site2
himesudvar.huThe area is located on the South-Eastern slopes of the Zemplén Mountain which has a volcanic origin. This brown volcanic coverage of soil was mainly exfoliated from the tufas of liparit and andesit. This soil contains adherent and flinty argil thus it is hard to cultivate. The advantage of this…coverage soil, soil mainly, andesit soil, soil adherent, advantage soilwine, grape, region, taste, quality2
greenhouse.co.huThe climatic and soil conditions of Hungary are excellent for the production of sweet corn, which together with the high standard of cultivation technology and the technical level of the processing industry guarantee good yields and excellent product quality. Sweet corn is the largest industrial…high soil, soil favorable, climatic soil, soil conditiongreen, greenhouse, production, house, market2
sovit.huWe have experienced, certified experts in all relevant fields of environment protection (water, air, soil, waste, noise and ecology) and practical knowledge of Hungarian environmental legislation. We have long-term partnerships with environmental laboratories and other companies for specialized…air soil, soil wastepermit, environmental, waste, transportation, german2
dosoremi.huThrough our portal, we publish nationwide digital soil property and more general soil related maps in a structured way.spatial soil, soil information, digital soil, soil property, general soilmap, overview, browser, digital, spatial2
grandiohungary.hu…for a good reason. By maintaining ecological stability, the number of pests in the plantation can still be tolerated, but in return remains a rich soil life and living community, which, in our view, might be able to protect itself in the long term. In this system, the role of the nearby forests is…compact soil, soil ideal, rich soil, soil lifewalnut, organic, quality, buy, free2
költségosztó.huSoil and rock (radon), sewer drain leak, dry drain traps, leaking underground storage tanks, and land fills.air, quality, solution, building, indoor2
pestbuda.hu…was a building here until 1944-45. The basement level of the destroyed house has remained to this day, which makes it difficult to replace the soil. Despite the difficulties, many new trees will be planted, there will be new shaded areas, vertical green surfaces, new public benches, a table…difficult soil, soil despite, skeletal soil, soil rootago, square, public, build, century2
rendernet.huIn mountainous areas the climate, soil properties, the flora and fauna change depending on elevation.climate soil, soil propertyimage, interactive, animation, imagine, history2
balogarpad.hu…course and make sure we do nothing wrong. From vineyard to cellar, we follow low intervention principles. We strive to bring out the best of the soil and climate characteristics in the grapes, so that our wines truly reflect the terroir. We work with nature to produce the best quality wines…good soil, soil climatewine, grape, natural, winery, vine2
syscontrol.huAgroSense is changing the technology of growing! It combines precise soil measurement, the observation of plant status, insect presence and control of irrigation with the latest scientific evidence on nutrient and pest management.parameters soil, soil air, precise soil, soil measurementcontrol, solution, instrument, webpage, proprietary2
biokarma.huHere we have combined Mag® Pure™ and Mag® Soil™ technology. These technologies are constantly self-generating negative ions, long wave infrared waves, bioresonance and scalar energy that have good effects on plants.mag soil, soil technologytechnology, limited, founder, energy, support1
atlaszmernokiroda.hu› Engineering preparatory work, building diagnostics: architectural and geodetic surveys, tests about soil mechanics, surveys, explorations and material tests of structurestest soil, soil mechanicstructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation1
ostertrade.huWe enable entrepreneurs and farmers in the global south to process their natural resources into industrial products of added value. With the machines we supply, the vegetables and fruit they produce in their rich soil and warm climate are transformed into tasty and high-quality food and food…rich soil, soil warmnews, expert, leave, profile, engineering1
astero.huThe climate and soil within the Carpathian Basin are especially favourable to grow fruits and vegetables. It has been scientifically proven that sour cherries, sweet corn and peppers contain more health-promoting substances (such as vitamins and trace elements), than any other species grown…climate soil, soil carpathianvegetable, fruit, fresh, cherry, sour1
ova.info.hu…agricultural land use maps, satellite images, CORINE land-cover maps (Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing, Hungary [FÖMI], 2009), soil typological maps, forest stand maps from the State Forest Service, and Natura 2000 site maps, among others. In Hungary, the NGMD was the first…fömi soil, soil typologicalgame, management, database, data, national1
cofa.hu"Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity, and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and…health soil, soil ecosystemorganic, association, member, farming, certified1
dulobisztro.hu…methods in the cultivation of our vineyards as well as in the treatment of the wines, the slopes – different in terms of both their location and soil structure – will become much better suited in revealing to us the diversity of Furmint, the kindness of the Muscat variety and the spiciness of…location soil, soil structurewine, open, winery, taste, offer1
jasdipince.hu…and below there is Balaton. In the glass, the wines are glittering at an ideal temperature, while a meaningful conversation about flavors, soil, people or technology is taking place. The tasted wines can be accompanied with flavors harmonizing with them, such as our beautiful cold dishes…flavor soil, soil peoplewine, bar, shop, terrace, reservation1
iranytuafenntarthatosaghoz.huthe fulfillment of the DNSH principle: climate change mitigation and adaptation, sustainable use and protection of water resources, transition to the circular economy, prevention and reduction of air, water and soil pollution, protection and restoration of biodiversity and health of ecosystemswater soil, soil pollutionsustainability, sustainable, climate, circular, social1
wecup.hu…thrown away so they turn into a waste very rapidly therefore increase the plastic waste on the landfill in a huge amount . On the other hand, disposable products lands in the nature instead of a trash bin very often which aggressively bothers the soil, rivers, oceans by its’ extremely big amount .aggressively soil, soil rivercup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable1
easymovingbudapest.huOur gardening services encompass a wide range, including the removal of bagged soil, delivery of bagged soil, transportation of gravel, plants, and garden green waste.removal soil, soil delivery, delivery soil, soil transportationprice, removal, clean, delivery, furniture1
gyermeksegito.huOur NGO Borhy Gardening is making our headquarters a home from home with donations of seedlings, soil and cattle manure. Thank you to Borhy Gardening for their help!seedling soil, soil cattlengo, need, christmas, family, ukrainian1
alapjogokert.huThe Budapest-based Center for Fundamental Rights (Alapjogokért Központ) has been a Hungarian think tank dealing with political and legal analysis since 2013. The Center serves as the main organizer of CPACHungary, the only Conservative Political Action Conference on European soil. A key mission of…european soil, soil keyhomepage, research, political, center, review1
szilagyipinceszet.huWe take perfectly ripened grapes, grown on the rich volcanic soil of our vineyards. We mature our wines in Zemplén oak barrels in the Ungvári Wine Cellars in Sátoraljaújhely, a World Heritage site.volcanic soil, soil vineyardwine, vineyard, window, browser, cellar1
solteszborhaz.huWe are a classic Tokaj Wine Region family business that has its roots reaching back to the grandparents. Our 4-hectare small estate has 5 lands in vineyards near Tolcsva . Thanks to the varied soils and bedrock plus the traditional Tokaj grape varieties (Furmint, Hárslevelű), our wines carry the…varied soil, soil bedrockwine, offer, vineyard, cellar, gallery1
triticale.hu…of by today. It is interesting to learn that triticale became a typical European crop – more than 85% of the world production is produced by European farmers. We consider that triticale has a great future in other continents too, especially for marginal soils, and in low input production systems.marginal soil, soil lowsymposium, research, registration, cereal, production1
zoldsegbirtok.huAt the end of autumn, after the last harvest, the soil and the land are carefully winterized. We remove dead leaves, old and unused parts of vegetables, properly clean the land chemical-free methods and then cover the soil with rich compost.harvest soil, soil land, method soil, soil richvegetable, land, nature, virtually, beneficiary1
drogriporter.huSummer came to Kherson, with thick morning mists and frog concerts at night. Sweet cherries, juicy apples, and all of the many things that the soil generously provides began to appear. And with them came blackouts and mobile phone disconnection.thing soil, soil generouslydrug, people, video, harm, reduction1
kossuthpince.huKiskőrős is situated between the Danube and Tisza rivers in the middle of Hungary largest wine producing region. The sandy soil and high sunshine hours provide the perfect conditions for grape and fruit growers alike.sandy soil, soil highwine, association, grape, dish, deep1
mottokft.huOur services include a wide range of underground works, civil and industrial constructions, roads, irrigational works, hydropower plants, drainage system, and transformer station construction. We are prepared to solve problems such as shaft sinking in water bearing and unstable soils…unstable soil, soil preconstruction, relationship, underground, shaft, station1
biofive.huThe purpose of the wastewater treatment process is to produce pure water. The residue is sewage sludge, as it is "precipitated" from sewage so it becomes unviable for females. Due to the high concentrations of the useful elements, the soil and water courses are burdened.element soil, soil watersludge, sewage, treatment, metal, russian1
nemeskert.huAdditionally we grow lettuce on 1.6 hectars and we harvest it from autumn till summer. We use integrated production (try to avoid chemicals) in all greenhouses and we grow our products without any soil.naturally, tomato, aim, gallery, site1
tabunello.huThe organic vineyard lies on a volcanic hill, the base soil consists mainly of volcanic heritage and the "Pannon" marine deposit. There are significant microclimatic differences in the mountain's main climate. Since the mountain blocks the northern winds its south side is dominated by…base soil, soil mainlywine, bottle, st, vineyard, vine1
dobogo.huand tradition with a young, fresh, original approach. The Winery is owned by Izabella Zwack and the winemaker Attila Domokos since 2003. The Winery is cultivating five hectares with a naturalistic approach on the volcanic soil of first growths in Mád, in the Betsek, Szent Tamás and Úrágya Vineyards.volcanic soil, soil growthwinery, wine, history, grape, variety1
szegedfish.huThe main activities of the SZEGEDFISH Ltd. range from freshwater fish farming and fish breeding. The artificial fishponds spread over an area 2000 ha (20 km2), due to development procedures in the last decades. Thanks to some natural geographic qualities (a favorable micro climate, soil…climate soil, soil propertyfish, production, sidebar, primary, activity1
korte.huWe started remediation activities at the beginning of the 1990s. We installed and operated systems using a wide range of remediation technologies at former Soviet military barracks, airfields and production facilities leaving heavy soil and groundwater contamination.heavy soil, soil groundwaterwastewater, treatment, technology, chemical, water1
mendlerpince.huThe Hajós-Baja wine region, which consists of 12 settlements, offers the possibility of producing many high-quality wines thanks to its sub-Mediterranean climate and its brown, loess and humus soil properties.humus soil, soil propertywine, quality, cellar, dry, taste1
kertmanufaktura.huI have been strugling for five years, yet I was unable to make the lawn stay in the soil. It hatched after sowing but after 2-3 months, all that was left is bare soil again. I’ve tried many options, tested several seed types, with no luck. Then I found Kertmanufaktúra Ltd, and asked them to find…lawn soil, soil month, bare soil, soil option, area soilgarden, build, maintenance, quality, schedule1
pinceveszely.hu…2022 Basement exploration with ground-penetrating radar in Budafok 2022 Examination of a former Budafok cave dwelling 2022 Cavern exploration and soil survey in a settlement near Buda 2015 Cellar Research at Budafok 2016 Cave Dwelling Site Inspection 2018 Research of Unknown Underground Object…exploration soil, soil surveycellar, danger, prevention, dangerous, cavity1
tokemping.huThe Domb is an artificial elevation situated in the Széchenyi part of Kecskemét. It was created using soil excavated during the dredging of the neighboring boating lake from 1976 to 1986. With a height of 49 meters, the peak of the Domb rises above the 160 meters sea level, making it the highest…kecskemét soil, soil dredgingheart, bath, pricing, metres, facility1
stonebag.huAll our cotton is certified organic by GOTS(Glovbal Organic Textile Standars). Its production sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people by using natural processes rather than artificial inputs. Organic cotton farming does not allow the use of toxic chemicals or GMOs (genetically modified…health soil, soil ecosystemshop, collection, coat, sustainable, accessories1
zsolnaycafe.huhe unrivaled virtuoso experimentation technique and the special material make it possible to see through the depths of the soil and the rocks in the pictures of Mr. Tamás Felsmann and son, István Felsmann. After pouring and post-treatment of the resin and layering of the various materials, it…depth soil, soil rockdessert, coffee, tradition, famous, build1
fixbetonkerites.huThanks to its simple, well-designed installation process, it is possible to build up to 20-25 metres of fence per day, depending on the soil, which makes it one of the fastest fence builders currently available. Additionally, we can help you demolish your old fence and install the new concrete…day soil, soil fastfence, concrete, quality, quote, customer1
juhaszvin.hu…and 19 other small towns and villages. It is the birthplace of excellent, high-quality, elegant wines, which the reddish-brown clay and volcanic soils endow with extremely rich aromas and complexity. The city and its surroundings are a famous historical wine region, where the traditions of…volcanic soil, soil extremelywine, taste, vineyard, region, event1
redginseng.huAs the root of ginseng is delicate, it requires the proper growing environment to produce healthy components, specifically ginseng saponins. Korea is a country naturally blessed with the geographical latitude, four distinct seasons, and ideal soil conditions that constitute the perfect growing…ideal soil, soil conditionkorean, korea, main, page, root1
plantor.huSince much special engineering expertise relates to our main activities (geodesy, soil mechanics, water technology, sewage technology, etc.), a cooperative team was formed in the base business during our operation. The team supplies its service with outstanding professional skills and reliable…geodesy soil, soil mechanicactivity, water, reference, engineer, planner1
kissanikomesterkozmetikus.huADRIENNE FELLER products composed of medicinal plants handpicked from the soil of Pannonia, are premium quality natural cosmetics, serving your beauty and touching your soul. They contain floral extracts, special oils, luxurious essential oils and floral essences.plant soil, soil pannoniaskin, treatment, minute, duration, cell1
p92rdi.hu"It is impossible to have a healthy and sound society without a proper respect for the soil . "development, innovation, research, ltd, international1
agriteach.huWIRELESSINFO is private Czech research institute founded in 2003 with focus on precision farming, soil protection, waste management,, landscape management and ICT for agriculture.farming soil, soil protectionagricultural, teacher, training, agriculture, digital1
atlasmernokiroda.hu› Engineering preparatory work, building diagnostics: architectural and geodetic surveys, tests about soil mechanics, surveys, explorations and material tests of structurestest soil, soil mechanicstructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation1
megujuloderiutca.hu…effects of climate change. Some of the rainwater will not be discharged into the sewer but to the green areas, improving the water balance of the soil, which cools the city by evaporating and reduces the need for irrigation. The light coloured pavement will heat up less over the summer, and there…balance soil, soil cityplan, street, area, community, renovation1
ppkg.huOur flagship service allows monitoring weather, climate, soil and cattle comfort indices for small-holder farmers around the world.climate soil, soil cattlefarming, organic, innovation, agriculture, sustainable1
hungarofarm.hu…product. Our colleagues perform purity and germination tests, further control the moistness of the products. In case it is necessary for the production certain products, we perform soil tests already before sowing, and we examine the products for agent residue, assuring pharmacy-quality.product soil, soil testseed, quality, german, core, main1
tigrics.huNatural life needs security in light of environmental, social, monetary and legitimate components. Natural life protection has relationship with hydrological cycle, soil profitability, food and grain. Natural life especially jeopardized species need security and the board. Worldwide Bio variety is…cycle soil, soil profitabilitynear, wild, privacy, condition, worldwide1
1primus.huThe very closed soil composition above the water base protects the water quality and guarantees a very long filtration time, as well as filling with precious minerals.close soil, soil compositionwater, main, mineral, video, origin1
geohome.hu…passive cooling, by using the ground’s characteristics. This is a closed system, meaning that during the operation, no waste or any other pollutant is produced. During planning, we take into consideration the sustainment of the soil’s heating energy balance in harmony with the expected needs.sustainment soil, soil heatingenergy, ground, efficient, source, family1
spiritsdigest.huIngredients featured include vegetables and fruits, such as sweet potato, beetroot, mushroom, date, jackfruit, and pea; and plants and trees including amaranth, moringa, pandan, and nopales. Other ‘unexpected elements’ have also been worked into the drinks, including soil and insects. For example…drink soil, soil insectbrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
tomcsanyibirtok.huWith the labels, we remind ourselves to three things. The hill, the grape and our fingerprint. Somló is a place that grew on us. We are working here on this volcanic, basaltic, sedimentary soil. The roots of the vine are reaching deeper and deeper to bring up something completely incomprehensible…sedimentary soil, soil rootwine, natural, hill, gallery, media1
vanaround.huThe Badacsony wine region is one of Hungary’s most popular and prestigious historic wine regions. The proximity of the lake gives the region its special qualities, but it is the volcanic soil and the mountain-forming basalt that makes it truly unique. Join the tasting of the justly famous white…volcanic soil, soil mountaintour, region, trip, beautiful, place1
turuljatek.huThe ground is an oblong, plain, sand, grass, parquet, etc. area 10X5 m long. In the open air it is bordered by rubber bands or strings visibly stretched and fasten with pegs 1-2 cm above the soil.player, history, play, round, game1
schunkpince.huS oil conditions are suitable for winegrowing in the whole county – areas of forest soil, yellow soil and field soil vary – but especially in the Pécs Wine Region, in the Mecsek Hills, types of stones – mainly sandstone, limestone and granite – can be found which add a distinguished mineral, bulky…forest soil, soil yellow, yellow soil, soil field, field soilwine, winery, region, local, hill1
juniperus.huAs the foothills of the Alps in the Western region of our country provide suitable soils and humidity for growing evergreens, our production at our Szombathely facility has tripled since we started our venture there. We grow our ornamental tree saplings in our ten-hectare garden in Városföld…suitable soil, soil humiditygarden, ornamental, plant, nursery, management1
prevenor.huWithin our fire protection service, we aim to protect human life, protect community assets, protect property values, and preserve and protect the environment – soil, wildlife, air, water.environment soil, soil wildlifesafety, protection, activity, health, fire1
katonaborhaz.huThe so-called Akane substance dissolved in PI water is able to change the water retention capacity of the soil, once it is irrigated. Thus, vine plants get nourished more efficiently, which fosters their growth and fruit yield as well. Since this treatment increases the resistance against pests…capacity soil, soil vinewine, winery, grape, cellar, taste1
vasiwolftrade.huThe company is committed to providing high quality plants at reasonable prices . Our plant nursery uses an advanced automatic israeli watering system that ensures excellent product quality even during the dry seasons. Plant and soil protection are also high prorities for us. In this connection our…plant soil, soil protectiontrade, discount, map, gallery, nursery1
fractal.huFRACTAL has been specialized in shallow geophysical survey, for detecting near-surface targets, determine the spatial- and depth-distribution of rock geophysical parameters and revealing the structure of undergroud rock and soil. Combination of technical innovation and our practical experience…rock soil, soil combinationmain, page, gallery, publication, surface1
hernyak.huThanks to the exceptional climatic conditions and the valuable chalky soil, this area of the country offers endless opportunities for growing grapes. Our aim is to learn all the secrets of the 7 hectares of land acquired over the years, to be able to harvest the grapes every autumn under the most…chalky soil, soil areawine, estate, family, grape, organic1
action2020.huAs a key player in the domestic energy sector, it is essential that sustainability aspects appear in all segments of our operations. This is also served by our environmentally conscious developments in soil and groundwater protection.development soil, soil groundwaterceo, director, manage, environmental, development1
leglibirtok.huThe family winery is currently a 33 hectare plantation. The Légli versants are in the mountain villages of Balatonboglár, Szőlősgyörök, and Gyugy at about 150-250 meters above the sea level. Ripe, succulent, and harmonious wines are the result of the diverse and protected loess surface soil of the…surface soil, soil warmwine, family, land, winery, flavour1
bio-klima.huIt is environmentally friendly , as it breaks down completely in a short time and leaves no ecological footprint. When released to the environment, it poses no threat to waters and does not pollute the soil or the flora.water soil, soil floraclean, air, unit, healthy, premium1
szappanospince.huThe soil forming rock of the wine region is loess, the plantations are settled on sand only to a lesser extent and there is brown forest soil as well. The climate is moderately warm and wet. The winter is typically mild and dry, the summer is sunny. May and June are the months with the most…forest soil, soil climatewine, winery, region, tourism, gallery1
pihenokert.hu– earthwork, soil spreading, drying setup, plant buttress, plant setup, watering, irrigation system planning and implementation, lawn – gardening ideas in picturesearthwork soil, soil spreadgarden, plan, irrigation, dream, homepage1
farmmix.huCollect information and purchase simply and quickly in our web shop! You can find wide range of products: gardening tools and machines, sprayers, irrigation equipment, gardening equipment, flower boxes, plant pots, flower soils, fertilizers, seeds and wine-growing facilities.flower soil, soil fertilizerplant, site, packaging, customer, fertilizer1
repulokamera.huto achieving high yield, consistent, and high quality produce. You can find pests damaged by pests on a large estate with high-resolution panoramas. From the height it is possible to see where the productivity of the soil differs and the differences in the development of the plants are well visible.productivity soil, soil differencedrone, video, industrial, condition, photography1
360fokbringa.hu…and make business. So disgusting, we could throw up from only the idea and we can’t wait to reach the U.S. to talk about this personally and show to them how the Lao people built house tilts, soil cases and fences from their bombshells. Don’t worry, we will do it just positivly, not with anger. ;)tilt soil, soil caseday, people, road, asia, way1
sporthotelvelence.huanalyse their results in an ideal environment for water, cycling and running sports. In modern sports science, increasing emphasis is being given to training on the sandy soil of beaches, which both enhances endurance and makes athletes’ joints more resistant to injury due to the special conditions.sandy soil, soil beachbook, active, room, relaxation, lake1
vinylmaster.huThe adhesive vinyl floor is laid using a special vinyl floor adhesive. Vinyl floor tiles are thinner, so defects in both the vinyl floor and the soil penetrate more easily - if you plan to lay such a vinyl floor, use a subfloor leveler beforehand. Before actually gluing, lay down a few sheets to…floor soil, soil easilyfloor, flooring, cover, type, room1
helgem.huProgress in manufacturing is measured by the production of high quality goods. The unit of progress for Lean Startups is validated learning – a rigorous method for demonstrating progress when one is embedded in the soil of extreme uncertainty.progress soil, soil extremeprocess, quality, practice, food, machine1
fertilia.huBesides the moisture content, temperature and biological activity of the soil, the forms of nitrogen constituting the fertilizers also highly influence in how many percents the active agents of the applied artificial manure becomes available nutrient for the subject plant. erotik shop erotik shop…activity soil, soil formfertilizer, guide, solution, liquid, calendar1
zalkak.hu…framed structures, steel and reinforced concrete industrial and agricultural warehouse units, steel form-work systems, an education centre, an observatory, nursery schools, hotels, industrial halls, multi-storey panel system dwellings in seismic zones, a space-frame roof system and timber…structural, structure, building, analysis, engineering0
kertgondozaslenti.hu“Our collection of plant combinations will help you find a stylish look for anywhere in your garden and gardening services as well.”erosion soil, soil erosiongarden, plant, maintenance, fencing, free0
jnlabel.huHome… Store… Plants… Cactus… About Us… Contact Us… My account… Cart… Checkout… Shop… Add to cart…green soil, soil lotuscart, plant, cactus, collection, sale0
stickers.huCommodo sociosqu venenatis cras dolor sagittis integer luctus sem primis eget maecenas sedurna malesuada consectetuer.green soil, soil lotussticker, plant, cactus, shop, collection0
indigoag.huLOG IN… Soil Carbon Science… Indigo Ag Logo… Hungary / Magyarország… Про Indigo Agriculture…biological, resource, story, agriculture, farming0
terragro.huRomână… Homepage… Publications… Services… Soil improvment… Technology… Videos… FAQ… Products…soil improvment, soil sample, soil improvementresult, technology, application, homepage, publication0
lightsaber.huFar far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.soil conditioningtext, country, blind, far, coast0
tokajkikelet.huWe use cookies to improve your experience on our website. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies.soil bedrockwine, title, introduction, vineyard, winemaking0
bioszenguru.hu• The relationship between human health and ecological farming, in sustainable organic agricultureenergy soil, soil healthtitle, page, parameters, technical, provider0
rebutor.huCommodo sociosqu venenatis cras dolor sagittis integer luctus sem primis eget maecenas sedurna malesuada consectetuer.green soil, soil lotusplant, cactus, luctus, ullamcorper, nec0
magote.huContinue reading “Mushroom’s moment: Is the trendy item set to become a grocery cart staple?” …mercury soil, soil watermushroom, fungus, food, brand, cardboard0
mochnacs.huMy name is Mihály Mochnács and I'm the manager, main constructor of the company. I became engineer originally at Donát Bánki College of Mechanical Engineering (today Faculty of Óbuda University) where I obtained my first diploma and which became the location of my first job. All the engineering…machine, technology, special, engineering, technological0
novenytermeles.huThe journal publishes scientific papers, opinion papers, reviews and book reviews in the field of crop production, crop breeding, crop genetics, crop physiology and agrobotany written by Hungarian and international researchers with abstracts also in English and Russian.stress soil, soil typecrop, production, l., yield, sweet0
globeowl.huTo join the project you must be an undergraduate, postgraduate or 2019 graduate. All skills and backgrounds are welcome – you might be an English student, a geographer, an economist or a sociologist or a history student (this list could go on…) – everyone has something to contribute and we’d…student, training, owl, globe, skill0
azoter.huAZOTER-F is a member of AZOTER bacteria fertilizer product family, which provides a biological control against Fusarium fungus.effective soil, soil bacteria, soil improvementbacteria, fertilizer, control, plant, detail0
szinvonalbau.huOur company, Színvonal-Bau Kft. meets all the criteria above. We have been working in the construction industry for 20 years and are home in many areas: we deal with surface cleaning, corrosion protection and we confidently use special industrial coatings that may even be unknown to others. We use…earth soil, soil workconstruction, customer, coating, employee, insulation0
soilfreefarming.huHomepage… Deutsch… Magyar…page soil, soil freefree, farming, page, homepage, item0
boozebundle.huBoncellensis Secullant… Green Soil Lotus… Money Plant… Old Lady Cactus… Rattle Snake Tail… Star…green soil, soil lotusplant, cactus, collection, luctus, variety0
geovil.huHome… Our services… -- Design activity… -- Geotechnical monitoring system… -- Geothermal energy…recovery soil, soil probedrilling, tool, geotechnical, portal, activity0
csanyipinceszet.huThe centre of our winery is located in the heart of Villány. Its impressive, modern building completely fits in the surrounding landscape. The processing plant is equipped with the most modern machinery, while our breathtakingly long cellar labyrinth is a silent shelter for our maturing wines and…fertile soil, soil richwine, winery, news, event, vineyard0
optiles.huMoving along the top-quality exterior and interior tempered glass tiles, the whole area feels like getting off the surface and waving. Applying our products, you will have a never-seen-before experience to develop innovative and dynamic surfaces. Due to their advantageous technical…soil layer, soil silkcollection, air, fire, water, surface0
magorganic.huMagOrganic Ltd. is located next to the Tisza lake near the edge of the town of Tiszafüred, and the villages of Tiszaigar, Tiszaörs and Tiszaszentimre. The company’s main activity is organic crop production and livestock farming.nutrient soil, soil manureorganic, article, buyer, consultancy, introduction0
bormuterem.huBy signing up to our monthly mailing list you are welcoming the latest news, wines and savings directly into your inbox.mix soil, soil climatewine, white, case, news, tour0
kocziankft.huThe Kóczián + Kóczián Ltd. is a professional experience and extensive work carried out on the basis of demand. Consider the images and the introductory film, which may be a taste of our services and our machines.build, page, reference, removal, road0
barnabaskovacs.huLiving the everyday life of our family winery in Saint George-hill, founded by my parents, I got to know the approach and practices of organic grape growing and winemaking as a child.management soil, soil nutrientpublication, introduction, organic, vineyard, herb0
greenaqua.hu…and aquatic plant fans and lovers. Speed delivery within the EU and wide and unique range of accessories and equipments made us one of the leaders in Europe. Highly skilled professional staff and aquascapers including the founders gives you the best possible support on your next aquarium project.plant soil, shrimp soilplant, filter, guide, aquarium, gift0
saxbronzeage.huExcavation at the site is directed by Dr Magdolna Vicze ( Hungarian National Museum ), Professor Marie Louise Stig Sørensen ( University of Cambridge ), andsection soil, soil micromorphologyage, expedition, excavation, archaeological, site0
ardomus.huWe propose and sell biotechnology and imaging science products and we perform product innovation and development.plant soil, soil detectionimaging, development, webpage, official, science0
vulcano-research-group.hu…are known (e.g. Dorozsma marble, Baksa marble). Our knowledges of them, however, are rather restricted; some studies on general textural features and classification of index minerals have been reported previously. The so called Dorozsma High, a characteristic elevated block of the basement, [...]wineyard soil, soil fieldgroup, research, field, property, marble0
namor-ep.huSince 2003, our company has been primarily involved in road construction and civil engineering. Our practical experience in civil engineering projects in the Eastern Hungarian region has enabled us to execute our construction activities at a high standard, even for large-scale civil engineering…asphalt soil, soil debris, bw soil, soil compactorconstruction, unit, road, machine, excavator0
brimfert.huBrimfert core business is sulphur and related products and dedicated to produce high quality sulphur related products for customers. Brimfert, Micronized-Sulphur manufactured milled sulphur for the rubber and agriculture industries.healthy soil, soil nutritionrubber, chemical, fertilizer, gallery, agriculture0
alfa-gep.huAgriculture machines for fields: ploughs, seeder machines, combinators, cultivators, harrowsmachine, technology, equipment, garlic, agriculture0
usapolo.huAutós, Filmes, Horror, Koponyás, Mountain, Rock Fashion, Sport, Video Game Ruházat és Kiegészítőkplan, death, game, gothic, video0
silvestris.huSzilasmenti Cooperative is privatised under the national reprivatisation programme. Silvestris acquires the essential oil producing factories. Name changes to Silvestris & Szilas Ltd.use soil, soil harmfuloil, process, botanical, essential, technology0
ecpa2021.huOn the ECPA2021 conference technical tour participants will gain insight into precision agriculture technology solutions adopted and applied on the field through the example of a large Hungarian farming company, KEVE Zrt. The technical tour begins in the outskirts of Baracska, near Budapest (the…station soil, soil sowingconference, abstract, submission, agriculture, precision0
rlch.huOur tests comply with the European Union standard and we prepare our final analyzes following the standards of international test reports.technology, laboratory, analysis, equipment, water0
asvanykovekvilaga.huHome… Store… About Us… Contact Us… My Account… Plants… Cactus… Boncellensis Secullant… Green Soil…green soil, soil lotusplant, cactus, store, account, collection0