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224 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: conversation

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marmin.huThat’s what what makes makes our our new new SMS SMS Text Text With With Lead Lead feature feature so so powerful… you’ve got got their their phone phone number, number, so so now now you you can can start start a a text text message message (SMS) (SMS) conversation conversation with with them… so…wish conversation, conversation one, flair conversation, conversation word, effortlessly conversationlead, site, visitor, free, website78
punkt.hu‘For a long time I did not think of myself as a photographer’ – In conversation with Enikő Gáborthing conversation, conversation bryan, world conversation, conversation andrás, photographer conversationinterview, gallery, photographer, news, important18
szabadnyelvklub.huYou can practice your English or German knowledge here, in the Libre Language Club, by joining our weekly conversations, without restrictions.german conversation, conversation budapest, weekly conversation, conversation restriction, language conversationlanguage, german, restriction, weekly, knowledge14
hungarian4u.huWe will have personalized conversations, this way we will talk about topics suitable to your age group.personalized conversation, conversation way, lesson conversation, interesting conversation, conversation thanklanguage, session, topic, free, lesson10
littlelovebox.hu180 cards are a lot! Let’s run the numbers. If you follow our recommendation and make the game even more exciting by having both partners answer each question, you will each spend approximately 5 minutes answering each question. That’s 180×10 minutes or 30 hours of conversation! Of course, there…hour conversation, conversation course, night conversation, world conversation, conversation exquisitelittle, card, love, game, question9
munkavedinfo.huIn a rare interview, two of the most influential figures of the 21st century sat down to discuss a range of legal issues. The conversation touched on everything from getting married in Crete to Apple’s legal issues . Here’s the inside scoop on their thoughts and insights.insight conversation, conversation chris, hilarious conversation, conversation legal, issue conversationlegal, law, agreement, regulation, important7
whiterabbit.huWWF Hungary and the importance of conversation became hot topic during the campaign. Due to the online auction and offline exhibition we had huge media coverage. 36% of total Hungarian population was reached; the traffic on the auction’s website went up by 63%, and 300k+ people were involved…global conversation, conversation important, platform conversation, conversation youngsters, importance conversationcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution6
clioinstitute.huProject-based research institute investigating 20th century Hungarian history. Catalyzing critical conversation and writing accessibly for the wider public.critical conversation, conversation accessiblyinstitute, history, occupation, century, research4
ordogkatlan.huThe festival is deeply conservative in its conviction that reading is good, that literature is important. Líra Literary Afternoons - conversations with writers and poets will prove us right.afternoon conversation, conversation writer, daily conversation, conversation music, alinda conversationtheatre, performance, festival, concert, music4
360fokbringa.humade our stay unforgettable in this cozy, friendly island. Here, there were no cars, no motorbikes, and no rush at all, and we always had nice conversations with the locals in the small tea shops at the bazaar. By this time we already knew maybe a hundred words in Bangla. “Camo nacho? Balo achee…nice conversation, conversation secret, conversation local, inspire conversation, conversation dayday, people, road, asia, way4
olddominion.huYou choose the topics, and during the conversation we give you what you need: vocabulary, expressions, idioms, and corrections. Äll the important parts of the English language will appear in our conversations: grammar, special words, culture, hidden messages, etc. If you don't know where to begin…telephone conversation, conversation foreign, topic conversation, conversation vocabulary, language conversationstudent, homepage, location, language, school4
families.huListen here the conversation with research team members concerning their latest results on Kossuth Radio...family, research, people, database, event3
tamasmagusmedium.huThis should not be imagined as a conversation between 2 people, souls appear who were connected to you in some way in this life, there are also cases when the soul of a living person appears. It doesn’t work like I call the spirit, then it comes, I don’t message it, or I knock on it!!! It cannot…human conversation, conversation scary, addition conversation, conversation counselingcourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health3
azumba.hualso have a range of features to make the due diligence process more stable for each party. This includes security and permissions, bespoke stats, watermarking of downloaded paperwork, and more. Many data bedrooms also have a conversation feature where you can talk to a member of the group directly.bedroom conversation, conversation feature, matter conversation, conversation oliverlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule3
ernart.huBesides the above I also help individuals who feel the need of talking to a professional in the framework of mental health counselling and life coaching sessions. due to the present situation I decided to offer for 50% of the regular fee a limited number of online helping conversation and…help conversation, conversation life, creation conversation, conversation experienceart, therapy, session, creation, group3
gyogyitobeszelgetesek.huI offer healing conversations where I help to discover the real ground of your problems and to find the psychic way to a solution. These seem to be conversations but it is a healing process indeed.relief conversation, conversation well, solution conversation, conversation processproblem, psychologist, hour, consulting, person3
coaching-nlp.huMarta helped me to accept myself as I am, and I realised that I am not lost in this world at all. I know now which direction I should take, which way to move forward to and what it is I desire. The conversations gave me strength and self-confidence and I can definitely say that I am smiling a lot…think conversation, conversation truly, forward conversation, conversation strengthtraining, mediation, course, toth, conflict2
mta-tkk.hu…six-year-old children”, and dealt with linguistic awareness and metalinguistic reflections of children and their correlations to social play, conversations and joint attention, within the framework of the MTA-NYTI Languag-E-Chance Educational Research Group. The study of the connections between…play conversation, conversation joint, reflection conversation, conversation awarenesslanguage, news, research, deaf, chance2
elekieletmodkozpont.huIn our institution, we support the unity of physical and mental health through effective natural treatments, therapies and personal conversations. We aim to promote the principles of healthy living through education and implementation.personal conversation, conversation principlelifestyle, guest, center, disease, medical2
inflexion.huWe can help HR and businesses find the link between building a community and making a profit. We don’t have pre-set answers for you, but we can help you kickstart your internal conversation. The framework of the program is three separate workshop sessions where we facilitate discussions between HR…internal conversation, conversation framework, honest conversation, conversation guestsale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead2
learninghungarian.huWhile English allows you to get to a casual conversation quite quickly and becomes tough when you try to entangle all those wonderful tenses, Hungarian starts with the grammar part since you need it for even as basic as saying hello. But don’t worry, I’m here to help you! Not just with explaining…basic conversation, conversation important, casual conversation, conversation quicklyteacher, lesson, private, learn, language2
harvardclub.huJoin alumni from around the world for an interactive conversation between Harvard University President Lawrence S. Bacow JD '76, MPP '76, PhD '78 and Shahm Al-Wir AB '98interactive conversation, conversation harvarduniversity, news, science, concert, day2
artmagazin.huGold und Liebe XI. – a conversation with Šimon Kadlčák on Brno, corporality and the exhibition series Spooky Butt.xi conversation, conversation šimonart, exhibition, artist, reality, contemporary2
pestextfestival.hu…year since that first event, we have brought great authors to Hungary, to make it possible for their local readers to engage them in thrilling conversation. And this year will be no exception. Despite all the difficulties in the world today, we are still here, and we still believe that literature…thrilling conversation, conversation year, guarantee conversation, conversation balázsfestival, literary, author, writer, literature2
pattern.hu“Pattern helped us redesign our digital selfcare processes with a focus on state of the art knowledge management and a transition towards automated conversation-based responses. Building on a successful pilot, Pattern also supports the rollout of the production knowledge management system.”transition conversation, conversation response, meaningful conversation, conversation thingmanagement, digital, knowledge, consulting, pattern2
vivida.huWhen we talked to Kata, it was like a loose, casual conversation, and then she suddenly asks something that stops the air and is really very relevant and thought-provoking. It was shocking to me how much she felt about my situation and the critical / important points I had to think about.casual conversation, conversation suddenlyhomepage, area, private, individual, news2
komplexinstrukcio.hu…is more about looking at the richness. The advantage is that in the end, the pupils have the reading- the writing-, and the test taking skills as well. If the teachers have a rich task and they teach the pupils higher order thinking and deep conversation skills, they will do well on the test, too.deep conversation, conversation skill, vivid conversation, conversation groupschool, teacher, child, pupil, group2
jewishwomen.hufaces it as if it were time to die, since the unavoidable always happens when it should, even if the ones who stay behind disagree. During our conversations, I always believed that when the time comes, these brave thoughts would change. But luckily, this didn’t happen. I will never forget the time…one conversation, conversation timereception, jewish, news, venue, sponsorship2
turrisbabel.huInterpreting services from a two-party conversation all the way to conferences with thousands of participants – our services are available in any point in the world in any language or the world!party conversation, conversation waytranslation, language, interpret, reference, quality2
kreativeworkshop.hu“Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or…picture conversation, conversation usewrite, creativity, bad, self, enemy2
f-projekt.huThe fastest and most effective method for meeting an objective is to clearly communicate the expectations and feasibility in business relationships by the parties. In lack of such conversation neither our Client, nor us are able to reach a successful and rewarding outcome as a result of the…fair conversation, conversation problem, lack conversation, conversation clientsolution, page, client, advisory, process2
karpatvasut.humore weeks, because we are in need of a stronger locomotive. Ours is the longest industrial railway track in Hungary, it spans ninety kilometers – added an important piece of information Miklós Bükki, vice-president of VAPE, the Association of Railway Track Users towards the end of our conversation.partner conversation, conversation miklósengine, railway, locomotive, track, coal2
valkuz.huThis list can be infinite as we have the answer for everything. However, we understand that you've seen enough, so let's start a conversation.website, management, security, server, solution2
szantaipszichologus.hu…about to change teams. Because I knew Levi as a player, we quickly found common ground and I was able to open up before. As a result of our conversations, I can now express my emotions better. It was also important for me to understand my own behavior and my relationship with my coach. I became…result conversation, conversation emotion, time conversation, conversation goodarticle, public, activity, goalkeeper, post2
policyagenda.huWe do not believe in pseudo debates and revelations but in meaningful conversations. For that reason, it is essential to be able to accept your partner in communication.conversation indispensable, meaningful conversation, conversation reasonagenda, homepage, analysis, political, fact2
goconcept.huOur dream has been to create a special location which is specifically designed for trainings ; spacious community spaces, cosy nooks for deep conversations, easy access to the forest, and an enticing environment to recharge with all the tools needed for effective indoor & outdoor trainings with up…deep conversation, conversation easytraining, lab, development, trainer, change1
akademiaklub.huFormerly known as the Library Room, the Vörösmarty Room welcomes guests with an authentic English club atmosphere. Furnished with elegant mahogany desks and comfortable leather armchairs, it's a great place for a casual conversation.academy, quote, hall, event, rule1
missu.huSecond step is to search for your soulmate. Finding the perfect one is hard but maintaining constant activity and having conversation with people you like is the key.activity conversation, conversation peopledate, member, love, story, perfect1
nokatud.huOur Job-Shadowing Program supports high school and college girls in their career choices. As part of the program, participants can spend an entire day at a host company or research institute, and can also follow a full-time employee working there as a shadow. Girls will have the opportunity for…casual conversation, conversation differentscience, girl, woman, technology, field1
speakacademy.hu“As technology creeps even deeper into our everyday lives, personal presence is gaining in value. This presence allows us to develop together and truly pay attention to other person, as well engage in conversations. Speak seminars can also help the participants develop in these areas. During the…person conversation, conversation speakspeak, academy, course, speech, talent1
jardinette.huOur selected wines can be perfect addition to a friendly conversation, family event or business lunch!friendly conversation, conversation familyevent, gallery, setting, traditional, soup1
ferolaser.huEven a phone call can be enough to start a job. In addition, we look forward to seeing you in person too at our factory, where you can get an insight into our work processes over a coffee, amid with good conversation.cut, bend, provider, sheet, metal1
napkiado.huConversation of national anthems ........................................................... 7anthem, national, country, nation, book1
businesscoachdebrecen.huÉva is a young, fresh minded coach. Able to adopt her coaching skill to new conditions. Drivers the conversations to result oriented direction in a friendly manner. Significantly helped me to understand my situation, strength and abilities. Now I have better view on a strong career option.driver conversation, conversation directionleadership, job, consultation, search, hello1
bertollnok.huStart a conversation with you Hungarian clients and customers on social media platforms. Tell them engaging stories. Show them your expertise in your field. Promote your brand and product while keeping them entertained. If your focus is Hungary we can help you do these all.campaign, social, media, post, creative1
harispark.huthe wealthier traditional class, to produce a new class with a different approach to the finer things in life. No longer is it possessions, but fine experiences that are valued by society. Great dining, interesting conversation, and good company is what we offer to all our guests here at Haris Park.interesting conversation, conversation goodevent, wedding, gallery, newsletter, restaurant1
foldikinga.hu"Dear Kinga, I will treasure both to the beauty of Blossom as well as the memories of our many conversations over coffee. They are linked forever in my mind. Thank you, for both."memory conversation, conversation coffeesculpture, textile, art, artist, grace1
pannoncsoport.huCan you imagine how uncommon it is in today’s rough business world for a supplier to conclude a purchasing negotiation by saying, ‘well, that was a pleasant conversation’? I have experiences like this from our meetings with Pannon.pleasant conversation, conversation experienceopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market1
winexperience.hu…food, Hungary is not an exception. We think wine should be consumed with food in order to experience its true potential. Wine is also perceived as a “Human Glue” that initiates conversations and can break walls between people, opening up long-lasting conversations about life, philosophy, and love.glue conversation, conversation wall, long conversation, conversation lifewine, event, taste, booking, sample1
budapestjewishwalk.huWe have had a conversation about typical Hungarian comfort meals with a nice American lady, a recent guest of my Jewish tour. We found something in common, a meal...view, jewish, tour, child, city1
dekorhaz.huBefore starting our conversation about Viagra, let us mention some facts about ED. You will be surprised to find out that healthy sex life is more than great pleasure and ability to have children. It is the best and only way to guarantee natural training of the male heart, lungs, blood vessels and…pill, character, drug, man1
geotan.huWe create opportunities for conversation between different generations / cultures and researchers alike. We listen to each other, our goal is to level up the standard ofopportunity conversation, conversation differentmain, council, financial, quality, activity1
angoloniskola.hu…word-of-mouth and recommendations, and now teaches people of all age-levels and from all walks of life. Her lessons are English only and conversation-based that are fun, easy-going, yet all the while challenges the student to advance. The thing she loves most about teaching is helping…english conversation, conversation funteacher, student, training, language, native1
secon.huWe constantly train our clients just like we do ourselves. We have held trainings at agencies, education institutions as well as smaller and bigger businesses. We publish, give presentations, give advice and have conversations.search, consulting, effectiveness, strategy, training1
temptprincess.huArt historian Dániel Borovi provided professional assistance in the illustrations of the second volume. The author’s conversations with Count János Seremetyeff-Papp , a relative of the Hungarian branch of the Habsburg family , contributed to the authentic revival of the period.author conversation, conversation countbook, video, article, memory, reference1
hrexecutives.hu…in order to fully understand their needs and motivations. We expand our knowledge with permanent market research, information gathering, recent and current labour market analysis, phone calls, F2F conversations along with a good coffee or tea to be able to successfully complete our projects.call conversation, conversation goodcareer, homepage, consultancy, strategy, solution1
trhome.huIn the first instance, we assess the needs free of charge, even during several conversations, we inform the buyer about the purchase process and the real estate possibilities in the subject. After the needs assessment has been completed, we will help you get to Alanya, where our Hungarian…charge conversation, conversation buyerproperty, real, estate, number, turkey1
daytodaykids.huChildren can learn new words at an incredible pace. The most important predictor of vocabulary development is the number of words heard by the children. Those include words that are uttered during a conversation, while playing or reading a book, etc. Here are 7 [...]word conversation, conversation bookday, child, kid, activity, parenting1
enisvagyok.huOn September 26, our association will visit Újszász, where our colleagues will be assisted by a disabled person in need of the interested and needy. On-site facilities include inter alia information on request, advice; on-site administration; to test the presented aids; informal and taboo-free…free conversation, conversation colleaguesén, association, day, website, croatia1
pilvaxhotel.huFinnish sauna located in the most impressive top floor of the hotel, equipped with a shower and relaxation area for up to 8 persons could be the perfect place for inward observation , deepening or even important conversations .room, price, gallery, package, booking1
szaboorsi.huIf you want to: then you will enjoy the following workshop idea! You don’t necessarily need to go to couple’s therapy to have a constructive and bonding (or healing, if you like,) conversation with your partner. The following exercises provide useful and flexible itineraries to facilitate a mini…healing conversation, conversation partnerarchive, training, skill, track, applicant1
lanclanc.hu…would be the best and easiest for them. The children trust their teachers, they can talk to each other confidentially, share their experiences and their good or bad news. We promote the students’ moral development not only through lessons but in everyday situations, through conversations as well.group, child, teacher, kindergarten, school1
gyerekrehangolva.huIs your family struggling with a personal difficulty and running out of ideas? Do you only want a one-time conversation with a professional? Or do you want someone to accompany you down the road to reach your goal? I am at your disposal!time conversation, conversation professionalparenting, parent, early, support, child1
findyourways.huWe ended in a lovely coffee shop eating typical cakes (delicious) and enjoying a conversation that was supposed to last for half an hour, but took like 2 hours because everybody was having a great time.delicious conversation, conversation halftour, way, depot, privacy, condition1
espressiq.huEspressIQ is more than a coffee destination. It is a vibrant community that unites coffee enthusiasts from all walks of life. Within our space, engaging conversations, infectious laughter, and the forging of new friendships are part of our daily rhythm. We strive to cultivate an environment where…space conversation, conversation infectiouscoffee, flavor, taste, captivating, heart1
sziklaimasszazs.huLike my guests, my massages are unique as well. Thanks to the right communication, I can completely personalize the massages for all of my guests. If you specifically like the strong massages, especially on your upper back, in silence, you won’t be force to in conversation and I’m not going to…will conversation, conversation footmassage, unique, guest, free, book1
mazuri.huAs it will accompany you for years, you need to reach the right target group, and should adequately reflect the character, message and servi c es of the company. We take it seriously. It’s not a one-day operation, and the collaboration is grounded by a long conversation. Our graphics team can…long conversation, conversation graphicwebsite, campaign, logo, graphic, goal1
pechakucha.huPecha Kucha (which is Japanese for the sound of conversation) has tapped into a demand for a forum in which creative work can be easily and informally shown, without having to rent a gallery or chat up a magazine editor. This is a demand that seems to be global – as Pecha Kucha Night, without any…sound conversation, conversation demandnight, date, pm, event, contemporary1
pepperpr.hu…is for Matáv to channel its annual contribution of 200 million HUF to the civil sphere to those most in need of such support. The "Matáv Adds" program embraces four areas: the "Really important donations", the "Charitable numbers", the "Really important conversations" and the "Matáv employee adds".important conversation, conversation matávpepper, software, technology, market, office1
rockabi.huGenerated insights enable you to have deeper conversations on the right level of detail in a shorter time.deep conversation, conversation rightdata, dashboard, report, process, training1
iask.huOn Wednesday evening, a conversation with Ferenc Miszlivetz, Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies was broadcast on Kossuth Radio’s program “The Evening – the Host” in Hungarian. The interview was about the Kraft (Creative City, Sustainable Region) program and its results, the interviewer…evening conversation, conversation ferencresearch, centre, digital, news, sustainable1
pubcrawl.huLooking for a place to party in style? Do you prefer clubbing in a nightclub or cocktail bar as opposed to a sweaty disco? Are you looking for a cocktail lounge, sipping a smooth mojito, with a dash of lively conversations? Then we have the perfect night out for you with bar crawl!lively conversation, conversation perfectcrawl, night, guide, tour, crazy1
kultplay.hu…interenet policy to the MEPs. Europe after all isn't very famous of hitting the right note when it comes to the issues of copyright, net neutrality, or file sharing. How do they think it should it work and what should it include? Join the conversation here , and meet Nadia at this years Reboot !share conversation, conversation nadiareader, art, social, installation, european1
madoke.huThe Hungarian Documentary Association (HDA) was founded in 2019. The main aim of the organisation is to represent and safeguard the interest of all parties involved in making documentary films in Hungary. Our goal is to initiate a conversation between the filmmakers, the audience and the decision…goal conversation, conversation filmmakermember, news, documentary, association, privacy1
checkitlean.huOn our YouTube and TikTok channels, we primarily deal with the Development of the Total Organization, but we also provide a professional platform for Businesses within the framework of an introductory podcast and conversation.ecosystem, check, development, expertise, thought1
aacm.hu…was requested to present himself or herself and the organization they were representing in order to get to know each other and initiate a conversation. Apart from the presentation of the project, the presentation video of the Southern Great Plain, prepared as part of the project, was displayed.order conversation, conversation aparteurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
specialty.huIf you're interested in brewing good coffee then check their filter events and join the conversation on discord!event conversation, conversation discordcoffee, event, guide, city, shop1
noahrestaurant.huWe look forward to welcoming you in Újlipótváros, next to the Danube bank, at the NOAH Budapest Bisztró & Cafe & All our dear guests at breakfast! Our special dishes, sandwiches, salads and drinks are waiting for you and your friends in a cozy place, along with a good conversation. A wide…good conversation, conversation widerestaurant, original, malt, barrel, guest1
corvin-hotel.huA good relationship does not lack renewals, or deep conversation with each other. It is during these times that we meet each other’s personal desires which, in other cases, may only remain fantasy.deep conversation, conversation timelove, offer, focus, day, erotic1
oriastablajatekok.hu"I believe that the best conversations are made above a game board. Games connect people in every aspect."good conversation, conversation gamegame, event, board, giant, festival1
hiperszuper.huOver the past 23 years, I have gained insight into the life events of individuals with special abilities through thousands of conversations, learned about coping strategies, helped with their individual development, and supported their success at work, family, and school as a catalyst. If you…thousand conversation, conversation strategyhomepage, individual, picture, solution, big1
astoriadental.huThe patients’ first visit begins with the recording of their data, which is then followed by a long conversation. This serves the purpose of getting acquainted. Then both the general and the dental medical histories are recorded. [...]long conversation, conversation purposedental, surgery, oral, treatment, tooth1
kidma.hu…viewpoint of the average citizen with amazing pictures. We hoped that photos of the exhibition would help to dissolve the barriers of prejudice and would give way to cross cultural and cross religious conversations. The material for the exhibition consisted of 60 photos selected in 2008 and 2009.religious conversation, conversation materialjewish, goal, activity, cultural, movie1
rupesshop.huAround the web conversations about backing plate swaps and tool modification are rampant but rarely do these... Read Moreweb conversation, conversation backingcart, random, polish, view, dust1
ststephen.hu…with advice and contacts: e.g. ‘You need a warehouse in the Netherlands, I’ll introduce you to a couple of businesses I used there last year.’ This is never discussed in Lodge, but only outside of it, and is a conversation between two people who know each other: there is nothing ‘masonic’ about it.outside conversation, conversation peoplelodge, stephen, member, mason, st.1
bistorant.huplace for gatherings and conversations with family and friends accompanied with a glass of delicious cocktail or a fine wine.gathering conversation, conversation familyrestaurant, gallery, drink, dish, event1
kiraly24.huOn the fourth level of the project, a uniquely large roof terrace has been built in the city center, which can be the venue for evening conversations and barbecue parties, or the owners can enjoy the evening and the unparalleled panorama of the city center in the jacuzzi.evening conversation, conversation barbecueapartment, detail, city, location, terrace1
lelident.hu"I was very pleased with your attitude and relationship of my child. You are a very good team. I thank everyone for stress-solving conversation!"dentistry, aesthetic, dental, treatment, surgery1
morenocentrum.hu…were gone. There was some apprehension at first but after that they really started to enjoy each other’s company. They used to have long conversations and we also took a tour of the children’s groups of the Institute. Zerka was really taking in all the details and asked questions as if she…long conversation, conversation tourdrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend1
hajnawings.huThe writing of Xenophon shows a conversation between Socrates and Aristippus. Socrates discernedxenophon conversation, conversation socratessite, idea, pleasure, mistake, fashion1
kevinguitars.huOf course the guestbook continues, but with the name Forum , because the appearing posts are kind of forum conversations, contacts, which I really like.forum conversation, conversation contactguitar, forum, help, dear, visitor1
lofthostel.huWe are here to welcome you to Budapest and also to invite you to join our community at The Loft, a community that shares with each other, explores together and stays up into the wee hours because there is still more beer in the refrigerator and the conversation is too good to end. One that…refrigerator conversation, conversation goodhostel, live, location, direction, facility1
dulobisztro.huWithout doubt, it is always best to taste wines where they are made. The embrace of our vineyards, the burbling of the river Bodrog, the chirping of thrushes and foothill breezes will make every bite more savoury, every conversation more meaningful and every sip of a wine a lasting memory. With a…savoury conversation, conversation meaningfulwine, open, winery, taste, offer1
feic.hu“Flott-Expert” – Independent Security Consultant Association was established by the market needs and the conversation of security professionals.need conversation, conversation securitysecurity, independent, expert, consulting, consultant1
budapestpartyservice.huFor you or for your company, hospitality and catering is not only an obligation, but also a tool. A demonstration worth a message, a conversation with the others: with family, friends and partners.message conversation, conversation familywedding, event, detail, venue, worth1
flownyelvstudio.huDesigned to teach you to communicate effectively in English in professional contexts. You will expand your English vocabulary, improve your ability to write and speak in English in both social and professional interactions, and learn terminology and skills that you can apply to business…telephone conversation, conversation reportlanguage, course, learn, skill, method1
hairdressercsemo.huDo you expect excellent craftsmanship, personal attention, and enjoyable conversation? Then you’re in the right place with me! I offer you delicious coffee, or would you prefer a cold beer, a glass of wine, or something refreshing? In the Netherlands, I used to be the owner of ladies’ and…enjoyable conversation, conversation righthairdresser, cut, wash, hair, salon1
atlassoft.hu7. No one is ever excluded from a conversation, solely on the basis of seeing things in a different light, or having other preferences.analysis, software, security, development, technology1
orosznyelvtanar.hu…really helps you improve your conversational Hungarian which is something you need on a daily basis in Hungary. She begins her lesson with a conversation on daily topics and makes it easy to learn most necessary words and phrases by interweaving them into your regular routines. Finally, Vera is…lesson conversation, conversation dailylesson, class, russian, student, language1
kathleenedubsalapitvany.hu…other fields made her a respected and popular teacher. Her rigorous attitude did not make students feel ill at ease but motivated them. In conversations with colleagues she would never hesitate to give her characteristically ironic view of anything, least of all of academic life and American…ease conversation, conversation colleaguesdub, foundation, university, grant, study1
kossuthpince.hu„Blaufränkisch (Blue frankish) rosé” : Produced from Blaufränkisch grapes, this pleasantly fragrant and fresh tasting wine with a harmonious acidity is a wonderful accompaniment, either to fish dishes, roasted white meats or simply friendly conversations.wine, association, grape, dish, deep1
bynd.huEverything begins with a conversation. As your partner, we learn everything about you. We will find out what kind of business or communication goal you would like to achieve, we will get to know your product, service, target audience, your previous communication habits and what kind of film you…creative, commercial, brand, video, social1
thegoatherder.huInspired by the coffee scene in Australia, The Goat Herder brings the same relaxed urban vibe to Budapest - serving up the perfect combination of speciality coffee, tasty food, fresh juices, funky sounds and fun conversation.goat, bar, coffee, friendly, delicious1
iaabudapest.hu 2. [Event] Introducing ‘Conversations’ Meta’s Inaugural Business Messaging Event on May 19thevent conversation, conversation metaglobal, brand, industry, advertising1
skinacademy.hu…colleagues. The main programme will be interrupted by sponsored symposia only once after lunch. The breaks will be long enough for refreshing conversations, meals and browsing the industrial exhibition. Parallel sessions are not included in the programme; hence the participants do not have to makelong conversation, conversation mealacademy, registration, skin, interactive, disease1
zalkak.huDeep conversations starting with thought-provoking questions like “Nice day, isn’t it?”, etcdeep conversation, conversation thinkstructural, structure, building, analysis, engineering1
backpackbudapest.huI stayed at this delightful hostel and found it so peaceful! I barely left the place as the atmosphere was amazing everybody was very friendly and ready to give advice on where to go and what to do! Or just have a deep and meaningful conversation! I recommended this place to all my friends even if…meaningful conversation, conversation placeroom, yes, detail, hostel, check1
icons.huIn a personal conversation, we will gladly help you find and select the most suitable service for your company.personal conversation, conversation gladlynetwork, analysis, icon, training, development1
kertvellesy.huPlanning is a conversation between us. The most important to me is to understand you, your needs. The plan is not about me, but rather about you. I merely create the unity of color, form, needs and possessions. The style itself is secondary but to be stylish, is important. You have to feel and…plan conversation, conversation importantagreement, contract, office, reference, data1
intellimed.huOur professional studio produces recordings and educational videos using multiple angles to record live conversations. We also provide closed user interface to broadcast HD quality professional presentations viewable anytime, anywhere on desktop or preferred mobile device.live conversation, conversation closepage, technological, mobile, responsive, app1
gabsys.huCooperation since 2011 with our attention focused on Digi ltd. who is a major TV, cable, internet and mobile phone service provider. Our duties include operation support for the contact center, call-handling and comprehensively recording all the agents conversations with the customers.agent conversation, conversation customerltd, solution, record, support, custom1
fogdakezemalapitvany.hu…meet people living with intellectual disability serving. In this way, guests can experience the presence of participating these people during conversation and service, not because of their disability, but because of their human values. Currently every Friday at Breakfast bar (7621 Pécs, Király…people conversation, conversation servicefoundation, people, disability, youngsters, young1
veganactivists.huattention to animal exploitation. We dress in dark clothing and wear masks, symbolizing anonymity. We display the cruelties of the animal farming industries on TVs, laptops, and tablets, while our outreachers engage in conversations with the public. We strive to organize this event every other week.outreachers conversation, conversation publicvegan, association, animal, ethical, gallery1
visionfinder.huVision Finder is a training in that it uses “games” or situations constructed to provide you with experiences to learn from. It is also a peer-coaching and conversation group in that it builds on learnings from your past life experience, and the sharing of insights within the group. And above all…peer conversation, conversation groupvision, finder, group, support, venue1
independenttheater.huIndependent Theater Hungary has been operating since 2007. Our aim is to start a conversation about social issues that touch all of us, this way drawing attention to personal responsibility: what we, as individuals can do to improve the situation.aim conversation, conversation socialtheater, independent, festival, mission, people1
evelingua.huIn my opinion, learning how to speak a foreign language is the greatest success but also the biggest challenge for most language learners. In our sessions, it's all about you and your journey, with you taking the lead in most of the conversation. Through our collaborative efforts, not only will…lead conversation, conversation collaborativelanguage, ease, lesson, package, goal1
szaletly.huWhen during a casual conversation we decided to begin our journey into the hospitality business, we had no idea how fast the power of thought, and joy of creation would spearhead us forward. So fast that Szaletly would open already in December, 2021! So now, here we are in this beautiful turn of…casual conversation, conversation journeymain, weekend, offer, drink, wine1
happybalatonszallo.huWe assure the common cooking and baking as well. The spent time together, all the conversations can provide an unforgettable experience for all our visitors during the barbecue.time conversation, conversation unforgettablehappy, accommodation, price, room, free1
ikte.hu…appropriate learning techniques (e.g. visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic), or ways of recreation (reading, theatre, going to swim etc.). It can even lead to finding the ‘mother tongue’ we can use in conversation with ourselves (e.g. writing a diary, listening to music, meditating, or dancing etc.)tongue conversation, conversation diarygroup, method, therapy, training, art1
neointeractive.huWe felt that this was the right direction: conversation instead of clamor, precise targeting instead of waste coverage, content instead of announcement, selfhood instead of masses. Of course, the new and progressive technology was the driving force behind these changes and opportunities for…direction conversation, conversation insteadinteractive, media, digital, brand, campaign1
agilegettogether.hu…Change, the pattern Easier Path recommends making life easier to encourage reluctant individuals to adopt a new idea. Linda suggests that in conversations with others who see the world differently, we “talk to the elephant” instead of the “rider.” That is, don’t use logic or facts, but appeal to…linda conversation, conversation worldagile, session, track, speaker, detail1
tiszapartimesehaz.huSitting on the comfortable furniture of the terrace with a glass of wine in your hand will be a great opportunity for relaxed conversations, bringing you even closer together, but if you fancy a cosy summer barbecue, the landscaped garden is also available.relaxed conversation, conversation closefabulous, cottage, place, summer, bathroom1
pagonyiadrienn.huIf none of the above is perfectly right for you yet a conversation is calling, write me! Just because I haven’t listed your situation it’s still there.right conversation, conversation situationconsciousness, access, autumn, offer, goal1
codehunters.huIf you have any questions or would like to discuss your needs in more detail, please schedule a 30-minute informal conversation with us.course, solution, training, academy, cloud1
hegyesidesign.huWhen I decided that I wanted to use interior decorating help, I looked for someone who was recommended, and that's how I met Zsanett. After the phone conversation, I could already tell that I was dealing with a real professional, after the first personal meeting I was sure that I had made the…phone conversation, conversation realpage, interior, main, feedback, gallery1
nyitottkor.huThe main character is Jakab. In the first part of the program we see his childhood, in the second part the affects of it on his young adult life. When we get to the open end of the performance, the mediator turns to the viewer participants and initiates a conversation. We clarify the story if…participant conversation, conversation storydrama, group, participant, european, education1
elitenails.huCsaba did a precise job, in addition to the beautiful nails, I also got a really meaningful conversation from him. I can only recommend! 🙂nail, manicure, artificial, salon, polish1
domelia.huSimple and transparent way of communicating without any hassle. An unlimited history will provide you with access to conversations no matter when they took place.access conversation, conversation matterjob, profile, helper, membership, household1
gastromood.hu…takes the calls, he presents the tasting menu prepared in advance by the Laurel restaurant in Budapest, while creating a friendly atmosphere with stories about the dishes and informal, interactive conversation. Their rooster soup covers a ramen and for me it is the non plus ultra! I love it and...interactive conversation, conversation roostercuisine, post, view, restaurant, gastronomy1
xath.huStickers to share in your conversations! You can even personalize them with your own custom colored text. ( Requires Sticker powers )sticker conversation, conversation custompower, game, sticker, group, custom1
afrikasztorik.huCheck out our videos featuring interviews and interesting conversations about fantastic volunteers, and leaders of associations and foundations.interesting conversation, conversation fantasticassociation, wildlife, africa, interview, video1
jennyz.huGorgeous sights. Face swaps. Surprise doggos. Improvised lobby dance parties. Late-night eats. Catching up 1:1. Prom. Immature jokes. Honest conversations. Peace signs. Homeroom. Twinning. Champagne. Domains. Nodules. Surprise connections.honest conversation, conversation peaceday, february, week, photo, family1
scriptorium.huA Coaching Discovery Call is a pivotal starting point on your journey towards personal growth and development. This initial conversation gives us an opportunity to connect and explore the potential of a coaching relationship. During this call, you can expect an open and confidential discussion…initial conversation, conversation opportunityexecutive, meditation, career, yoga, practice1
nnx.huSome concepts in Agile are counterintuitive and thus hard to communicate via a conversation or video. Agile simulations are a fun and effective way to impart Agile concepts and provide some team building at the same time. (Red Beads, Kanban pizza, ...)hard conversation, conversation videointroduction, agile, story, transformation, activity1
hotel-mako.hu…order delicious and Hungarian dishes from several restaurants. Opposite the guesthouse there is a supermarket (Lidl) where you can get everything on foot in a few minutes, for example for a barbecue, a pot or just a fine bottle of wine, for a pleasant evening conversation in our Mureş-style garden.evening conversation, conversation mureşroom, guesthouse, apartment, rule, child1
zsoryfurdo.huLeisure Club, if you feel lonely yourself, who wants to connect, or friend, we are looking for company! conversations, optional programs to Eger, matyóföldre, etc. , games, musical evenings, a good team, surprises! surprise your friends,...company conversation, conversation optionalprice, package, discount, friend, restaurant1
borbath.huNVC method consists of four steps. We must go through these steps in mind first then we have to use them in actual conversations to express ourselves towards others. Through these 4 steps, we can express ourselves, what is inside of usactual conversation, conversation stepcommunication, course, list, icon, method1
euenglish.huRain check is an expression that often pops up in everyday conversation. You may hear it in movies, TV series, and real life English. But … Read More »everyday conversation, conversation moviequiz, lesson, news, movie, free1
botpanel.huWelcome to Ocean, your ultimate companion for the xat chat experience! Unleash the full potential of your conversations with our versatile bot, offering not only advanced moderation but also injecting vibrant interactions. Ocean takes the lead in managing conversations seamlessly while introducing…potential conversation, conversation versatile, lead conversation, conversation seamlesslyocean, feature, command, free, provider1
szomszedbisztro.huFrom the very beginning, we have developed the concept of Szomszéd to create a lively community space; a place where anyone can drop in, sit in, whether only for a quick coffee or for a long conversation with a nice dinner.long conversation, conversation nicespace, community, wine, drink, food1
japanguru.huBelow you will get access to a short intro about their language. You can listen to the Japanese language and find out how it sounds. The first audio is a short conversation and the second one is the complete first unit of the popular Japanese language book Japanese For Busy People 1 . Go ahead and…short conversation, conversation secondjapanese, translation, interpretation, teach, language1
golyahiralapitvany.huWe form a community with thousands of members where the adoptive parents can participate in such an environment where they can share their problems, ask their questions and have a conversation with similar families. It is important that they understand that they are not alone, and they can turn to…question conversation, conversation similarchild, family, parent, community, shop1
ontarget.hu- It was great to have a coach who has IT background so we could speak the ‘same language’ and he had lot of experience on the same field. - Peter expertise in English was also a huge advantage when we could practice certain conversations in English – was easier to recall during real life situation.certain conversation, conversation englishresult, consulting, potential, strategy, development1
envo.huAt first, it wasn't too striking, since I can be pretty sarcastic anyway. But after 3 days I started to act furiously towards anyone who tried to start a conversation with me. Thankfully the weekend came and I was able to think more clearly, and started to do a little self-investigation about what…furiously conversation, conversation thankfullyrelease, able, music, thing, little1
abtl.hu…party may get to know, and with the consent of the third party or the person under observation, he may make known the data recording or describing the personal contacts established between the person under observation and the third party (e.g. data gathered on personal meetings, conversations).archive, shall, public, record, document1
nyitottakvagyunk.hu…To set standards and to invite our team to hold the management and their colleagues responsible to stay true to our values. Sometimes it’s hard because some issues are complex and just hard to deal with overall. But the very conversations, the debate, thinking together makes it worth the while.overall conversation, conversation debateopen, diversity, resource, inclusion, practice1
worldeconomy.huStudying in a multicultural athmosphere gives more than the study material! We can learn a lot from each other through the conversations, without actually noticing.lot conversation, conversation actuallyeconomy, student, international, research, view1
innovasol.huInitiate a conversation: communicate bi-directionally, on top of distributing information.customer, data, advisory, warehouse, process1
ivanyifilm.hu…present his personality, but also to give an overall impression of the situation Hungary is facing nowadays. We’ve been following Gábor Iványi for the past two years, our camera was present at the most important events, but we also took every opportunity to have meaningful conversations with him.”pastor, soul, portrait, documentary, director1
luminaxis.huIt’s easier to work with people that you know. This is why, at the beginning, we’ll have a conversation, and together we’ll set up the expectations for our future project.beginning conversation, conversation expectationsreal, estate, month, property, investment1
patinaspalinka.huLater, during a conversation with another colleague, it came up how delicious the pálinka was and it would be great to make my own, which I could be proud of. He too became very excited at the thought and so we cut into making the first quince pálinka of our lives. Of course, we entrusted the…later conversation, conversation colleaguetaste, fruit, process, story, basket1
benyei.huEvery project starts with a conversation, and through that we begin our ultimate goal: to deeply understand the person that has entrusted us with their home or workplace. We pay close attention to every discussion that is had, since we know that it is our job to usher out those true inner images…project conversation, conversation ultimateinterior, space, build, architecture, energy1
parkinnsarvar.huWhether you want a quiet programme with lots of conversations or you are looking for great fun, we are here for you.lot conversation, conversation greatroom, offer, event, family, detail1
jasdipince.hu…Lőczedomb and Sáfránkert and below there is Balaton. In the glass, the wines are glittering at an ideal temperature, while a meaningful conversation about flavors, soil, people or technology is taking place. The tasted wines can be accompanied with flavors harmonizing with them, such as our…meaningful conversation, conversation flavorwine, bar, shop, terrace, reservation1
kaszasgabor.huThis was followed by a conversation together with the aforementioned head of training and the director of HR. It turned out that despite the long standing practice, under which if someone was not up to the standards regardless of their of selection procedure, they didn’t have to repay anything…training, contract, traffic, air, controller1
online-angol.huThe conversation lessons are based on audio or video resources showing a conversational situation, giving useful expressions and tips for communication and provide you with the chance of speaking with other learners of English being in similar level to try and confirm your knowledge and skills.lesson, free, song, christmas, skill1
janosmolnar.hu…to be regularly maintained and updated. Contact me, and I am more than happy to explain what this means and how much this could cost if you do it. Just like with cars, it could cost your business if you don’t do it. So this is an important conversation. Regardless of what platform you are using!important conversation, conversation regardlessjanos, website, molnar, place, portfolio1
gyulai-apartman.huWe can accommodate a total of 6 person. Two bedrooms, spacious living room with dining area, well-equipped kitchen and bathroom with shower are at your disposal. Terrace is an ideal place for friendly conversation as well.price, day, room, picture, normal1
benceremoniamestered.hu​Bence was a great help in planning our wedding. We needed him because, at the beginning, we weren't quite sure about what we wanted. Through our conversations, a vision and atmosphere emerged, and we managed to bring it to life perfectly. Thanks to him, there was a great atmosphere throughout the…sure conversation, conversation visionwedding, day, sure, guest, detail1
matheannapszichologus.hu…look forward to helping anyone, who feel they can’t solve a problem on their own and want to seek psychological help. During these supportive conversations, my goal is to provide an accepting atmosphere, as well as building trust with my clients; this is the only way to work together in the long…supportive conversation, conversation goalsession, introduction, pricing, form, help1
atlantiszkiado.huTo cross, one must sail a sea turbulent and inhospitable. But once on the island, everything changes. Whichever way one looks, notable mas-ters of thought amble around in splendid parks, engaged in vivid conversation. (Wolfgang Beck) Morevivid conversation, conversation wolfgangbook, cart, island, search, discount1
mindy.hu…let the good vibes in. Even if this crochet face mask won’t protect you from getting the dreaded corona virus they will surely start a great conversation, and you can add filters for extra protection in times of need. All face masks should be crocheted from washable ( 100% cotton ) yarn , washed…great conversation, conversation filtercraft, tutorial, pattern, detail, step1
boczgyula.huIn the last years of his life, I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to have long conversations with him in which he expressed his great thoughts on the creative process in his work. I am happy to have known him and I am fascinated by his sculptures. It is good to experience them again on…long conversation, conversation greatsculpture, exhibition, sculptor, stone, public1
gyerekbirodalom.huSituated in he beautiful green suburb of district 2, close to the nature conversation area.nature conversation, conversation areachild, kindergarten, language, nursery, ami1
kabelkonfekcio.huDuring conversations with our Clients we have time and again heard them mention the problem that the turnover speed of their business far exceeds the reaction time of production, resulting in serious economic risk and exposure for them. What can be done in such a rapidly changing environment in…cable, assembly, signal, power, industry1
deepcoaching.huDeep Coaching is neither psychotherapy nor life counseling. It is a series of deep conversations and interesting exercises which enable life-changing mind shifts to live your life to the fullest.deep conversation, conversation interestingdeep, talent, exceptional, ready, obstacle1
parittyahaz.huThe porch of the house and the garden are ideal for conversation and grilling. Sit out on the porch with your morning coffee or a good bacon roast in the evening?ideal conversation, conversation grillbooking, house, village, guest, gallery1
solmontis.huDiscover the unique flavours of Mátra in our wines, surrounded by an idyllic scenery, combined with tasty dishes, pleasant conversations and the greatest comfort. Let us invite you to our winetasting events hosted by Zita and László Kovács, the creators, delivering you a memorable experience with…pleasant conversation, conversation greatwine, estate, scenery, mission, noble1
weddingceremony.huOne time preparational conversation is needed – can be done via video-call, or personally.preparational conversation, conversation videowedding, ceremony, christian, way, minister1
boldogsagtervezes.huAs a behavior analyst, personal development coach, trainer and facilitator I have been working with clients for more than 10 years. My way of working is based on attentive listening, understanding and integrity. I have been trained in several methodology, among them Meaningful Conversations, life…meaningful conversation, conversation liferelationship, consultation, date, session, self1
kispadlizsan.huThe beginning of a good friendly conversation with garlic “sour cream”, kale and a little spice.friendly conversation, conversation garlicgluten, sugar, free, dessert, version1
warrioracademy.huPrint Design Online Graphics Social Media Web Development Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Brandingadvertising, agency, media, interested, detail0
diplomaticmagazine.huOn the occasion of 104th Independence Day, annually observed on May 28, the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Hungary hosted a grand reception at Aranybástya Restaurant, attended by the Political Director of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, high officials of government agencies, heads…magazine, diplomatic, interview, public, colour0
bzpc.huMessier 106 is a spiral galaxy located 24 million light-years away in the constellation Canes Venatic.conversation piecenebula, constellation, gallery, equipment, piece0
nemessis.huMy Budapest Collection for the MNG Shop have been nominated in the "Product of the Year" category. We would like to thank the Association for Cultural Enterprises jury for selecting our publication and collection for the next stage in the competition! # ACEBestProductsconversation hungarianillustration, book, graphic, artwork, fresh0
webtarskereso.huRegister… Get Started… Know More… Let's Begin… About Us… Terms… Privacy Policy… Contact… FAQs… Refund…match, login, privacy, account, perfect0
vostokkonstrukt.huprojects including civil and industrial construction projects throughout Hungary. VOSTOK KONSTRUKT is a full service general contractor specializing in all types of construction for building owners, property management companies, retail spaces, franchises, business offices, and villas to name a few.construction, interior, management, open0
cookbook.huGundel - New Hungarian Cookbookmeasurement conversationsoup, recipe, spice, cookbook, sauce0
alkoholfuggoseg.hu…and effective method. For this reason we have found it necessary – as a model experiment – to adapt the institutional methods to supported day care community living conditions, thus providing a so-called near home ambulant rehabilitation system where their recovery program is compatible…helpful conversation, conversation counsellingaddiction, rehabilitation, group, day, form0
exceltrening.hu…in English if required. Can be useful for expat managers working in Hungary, or for multilingual staffs. The basic thematics is the same as for the Hungarian audience, and certainly can be customized also to meet special needs. I hold the training on the location of the company anywhere in Hungary.mode conversation, conversation functiontraining, site, thematic, useful, function0
global-service.hu…each individual circumstance accordingly, constructing a seamless supply chain logistics to our clients. In addition, through upholding our core business values, namely Efficiency, Effectiveness, Integrity and Client Satisfaction, we continue to deliver goods in a professional, intact and timely…open conversation, conversation feedbackglobal, touch, freight, value, need0
justfans.huBecome a creator and post your premium content securely on our platform. Earn up to 85% out of your sales and enjoy a stable base of fans.private conversation, conversation contentcreator, user, premium, social, media0
tisztacserep.huFor smaller screens, the items on the right hand side will become less opaque and serve as decoration only. The focus will be on the description which will occupy all the width.ready conversationitem, animation, massa, et, support0
budapestpartyhostess.huBudapest Party Hostess is the premier hostess and party concierge service company in Budapest, dedicated to providing exceptional experiences to tourists, business men and bachelors seeking the ultimate party adventure in this vibrant city. As the CEO and founder, I have been passionate about…girl, night, guide, beautiful, model0
gombaforum.huTags: button mushroom, how to grow mushrooms, mushroom cultivation, button mushroom farming, button mushroom farming at home, button mushroom cultivation, button mushroom cultivation at home, how to grow button mushrooms, how to grow button mushrooms at home, how to grow button mushrooms in your…mushroom, cultivation, technology, research, economy0
szokimondoka.huSzóKiMondóka is a methodology that promotes literacy from an early age in a fun and interactive way which also creates opportunities for parents to play with their children using words, songs and rhymes. In today’s picture oriented world we bring the world of words closer to children in a playful…child, parent, book, methodology, language0
hirvilagunk.huTown Talk - Where voices unite, stories flourish, and community thrives through open dialogue and meaningful connections.local, news, community, town, art0
eurolex.huReputation is one of the most important things for a brand to manage. Cut through the media noise by showing authenticity through outstanding PR, marketing and communication. Boost your sales. Let your brand grow in your own way. That’s the full potential of your story.story, potential, consulting, case, study0
patinamuterem.huSituated in the verdant environs of Lake Balaton, far from the bustle of city life, you can try your hand at the craft in a fully equipped goldsmith workshop located in a 150 year old stone house. The workshop and studio are in close proximity to the barn and garden, which serve as serene and…jewelry, gallery, studio, space, metal0
smartians.huEU aims to provide its citizens proper education, skills, competences and creativity they need in a knowledge-based society. In our rapidly changing world, renewable education systems need to adapt to new forms of teaching and learning, taking advantage of new opportunities. Education, trainings…tailor conversationtraining, education, career, news, management0
upartment.hu…ingenuity of the latest generation of Hungarians writes a whole new chapter. Ruin pubs are reinterpreting centuries old café-culture, where young minds and ideas meet from every corner of the world. A new wave of inspired chefs is rejuvenating the prestigious Hungarian cuisine garnering the…ready conversationrule, happy, mean, game, city0
tarsal-go.huThe Game… Developers… Media… Stories… Buy… ConversatiOn… Let's…home conversationgame, developer, media, story, bar0
weddingband.huA nagymamám egyszer csak odajött és azt mondta: “Kislányom, mindenki bulizik, de a menyasszonynak pihenni is kell, meg odamenni a vendégekhez beszélgetni, nem táncolhatja át egyhuzamban az egész éjszakát…”wedding, like, day, girl, hot0
sundayit.huWe offer solutions for automatically capturing data, relationships and insights from documents, forms and correspondence to improve business outcomes. It transforms documents into business value by capturing and validating information in any format at its point of need. Intelligently digitizing…relationship conversationsunday, solution, intelligence, process, software0
winesofhungary.huDiscover the wines and wine regions of Hungary! Learn more about wines, get to know the country’s wine-growing regions and visit your favourite winery in person!recognition conversation, conversation tamáswine, district, region, day, upper0
ipfone.hu…and the Lync file share has the change permissions for the user (you) running the Topology Builder. This doesn’t really work and gets a little bit more trickier, when you want to user DFS for Lync file share, but it very simple if you follow the procedure I’ve figured out. Let’s see how it works.skype conversation, conversation windowprotocol, remote, configuration, server0
ora-akcio.huFinally, individuals seeking legal assistance can benefit from expert advice and support from organizations such as the Greenwich Legal Advice Centre . Just as the characters in “Lagaan” relied on the guidance of their leaders, individuals today can seek professional legal advice to navigate…contract conversation, conversation trumplegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements0
balazslaszlogabor.huFood Blog - Default… Recipe Catalogue… Book… Book List… Book Details… Recipe… Recipe List… Recipe -…recipe, book, list, page, default0
gaben.huStark is a small Design Agency based in Prague. We love to find simple solutions to complex challenges .page, color, joomla, template, free0
nextcafe.huCome and visit us, and a few steps from the hustle and bustle of the city, you will find relaxation in the embracing armchairs of our cheerful, friendly café. Whether it's a friendly chat or a date with a coffee or breakfast, the "Dolce Vita" feeling is always waiting for you at Next Cafe!good conversationbreakfast, coffee, ice, cream, relaxation0
autochat.huAutomated and Emotional Conversation for Satisfied Audience | AutoChatemotional conversation, conversation satisfied, conversation audienceaudience, emotional, satisfied, automate0
leadvertise.huCras blandit ipsum ipsum ipsum ipsum ipsum ac odio consectetur, at sollicitudin odio tempor.ipsum, sale, cras, odio, blandit0
mobix.huMOBIX is a powerful, smart technology platform delivering Video Relay Services (VRS) , Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) , and Integrated Multimedia Messaging services and connecting the members of the Deaf and Hard Hearing Community with the rest of society.translation conversation, conversation placecommunication, sign, progress, assist, group0
nimfea.huIn November the István Fekete Educational Center hosted the next round of the symposium series organized by Nimfea Environmental and Nature Conservation Association on practical nature conservation measures – this time the focus was on plant species and plant communities, following earlier…nature conversation, conversation associationnature, association, conservation, center, environmental0
sleephero.huDesperate, I turned to the Internet, where I first met a "sleep consultant". Since I was completely distraught and did not want to continue staying overnight for a single day, I immediately started the Sleep Sense program and put all my trust in the consultant. And guess what, everything they…free conversationsleep, hero, day, child, night0
kemki.huThe mission of the Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) is to strengthen Hungary's academic discourse and represent Hungarian art and art history at a high standard globally by initiating and implementing locally focused, regional and international research projects and…art, research, history, central, european0
mito.huOur focus was to develop a measurement system from scratch that is able to report on different page speed KPIs so we can better understand what additional analyses are needed to increase the pages’ performance. We did not only focus on a page level measurement, but also grouped pages to page types…conversation optimizationstudy, case, performance, page, campaign0
dbx.hu…when they found themselves in a customer role? Is customer service truly the in center of the insurance practice? Are the boundaires of digital and personal meetings really clear? What is the scope of competence of artifical intelligence? Is there such a thing as insurance without human contact?software, insurance, communication, engineering, technology0
rwh.huThe company became exclusive Hungarian – regional representative and distributor of the most renowned Japanese, American, German, Italian, Korean bearings manufacturers and is now supplier of several Hungarian and multinational machine factories and engineering firms.bearing, linear, series, table, housing0
mediawavefestival.huWe launched the organization and implementation of Mediawave on a community basis in 2011, more than 10 years ago. Which process has not been implemented in the same rhythm in all our genres. In the musical and other artistic, as well as environmentally conscious attitude, we managed to develop…festival, gather, archive, community, gallery0
hlbh.huHLB Hungary is a member of HLB International, a global network of independent advisory and accounting firms.insight, international, network, advisory, award0
effclusive-picnics.hu…into our work every time. Whether it's a romantic date, a friendly gathering, a corporate event, or a family celebration, our team delivers the best for every occasion. There are no limits, only creative ideas and dedicated professionals who turn dreams into reality. We pay attention to every…picnic, family, early, venue, wedding0
hungarian-teacher.huWhat? Hungarian Who? Hungarian teacher How much? Hungarian language course Online Hungarian tuition Reference Hungarian in Budapest Contact Learn Hungariantelephone conversation, conversation greetcourse, exercise, teacher, grammar, language0
hungarianlessons.huHungarian Lessons with Szilvi in person or via Skype. I can help you to become fluent in Hungarian and speak confidently in everyday situations.lesson, individual, situation, everyday, fluent0
mphostelbudapest.huMP Hostel Budapest offer double rooms with private bathroom, 4-bedded and 12-bedded dormitories. The capital's attractions and popular entertainment venues are only a few meters away, whether by local public transport or by taxi.room, hostel, dormitory, bed, offer0
grainconference.huTraditionally, Bácska region is the centre of agriculture. The biggest agricultural port of Hungary is a perfect place to organize this event.business conversation, conversation dinnergrain, meet, partnership, registration, accommodation0
embersari.huFaulheit (Lazyness), Bipolar project, Wolfsburg Kunstverein, Germany; Ponton Gallery, Budapestgallery, art, photography, group, são0
hogyanfogyjak.huArtificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous industries, paving the way for transformative advancements. One of the most valuable applications of AI lies in its ability to provide valuable insights and unlock hidden patterns in vast amounts of data. In this post, we delve into the…techtalk conversation, conversation futuretechnology, future, art, artificial, intelligence0
dentalhome.humaximally controlled and precise, in order to achieve the best results. And last but not least, the personnel of the Dental Home maximally helped me besides dental treatments to enjoy my stay in Sárvár spa town. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with this service and I will recommend it to everyone.dental, treatment, technology, stay, tourist0
hintalovon.huSince 2015, we have been working to raise awareness of children's rights. We want to make sure that society has a voice in all aspects of life. children's interests and perspectives in all areas of life, so that we really listen to children. We want us all to understand the importance of a good…chatbot conversationchild, participation, report, safeguard, advocacy0
naturalhealing.hubalance and increase their quality of life. With natural remedies, coaching and psychological counseling, we provide support to improve their physical and mental state, increase their ability to cope with stress, and recognize opportunities for change and development in their current life situation.process conversation, conversation coachnatural, equilibrium, process, appointment, center0
folkmagazin.hu• Changes in the Hungarian town of Mezőkövesd and Matyó folk costume from the 19th century to the present (Part 3.) – by Murányi Márta Annatechnique conversation, conversation ónodifolk, result, search, foundation, christmas0
szintezis-net.huThe platform records all of the patient’s readings automatically including peak flow, inhaler use, and symptoms. Due to the small size of the meter, they can carry it anywhere and check their peak flow anytime. Patients receive explanations about all their readings and how to best manage their…process, development, solution, user, patient0