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383 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: mean

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jagerbalazs.huOur new Project every processes had become fragmented; meaning quality and service were inconsistent. This lack of standardization was adversely impacting operating costs, productivity and customer satisfaction. For several years now Payfast has worked strategically with innovations as a means of…innovation mean, mean newcustomer, balazs, line, portfolio, vision9
zsolnayfenyfesztival.huof light, but one of the most special creations was presented in the Csontváry Museum, where a piece of art by Csontváry was “brought to life”. By means of the installation, visitors could make the painting Lonely Cedar move by the wind they generated. In addition to maintaining the high standards…atmosphere mean, mean movie, art mean, mean power, life meanlight, festival, art, map, visitor9
upartment.huCreating a design it is not an end in itself, but a means. We understand the rules of the games. It’s about to make you happy.end mean, mean rulerule, happy, game, city, capital7
munkavedinfo.huBrett: Speaking of legal insights, have you come across the meaning of a performance agreement and how it affects legal processes?order mean, mean readability, insight mean, mean performance, liable meanlegal, law, agreement, regulation, important6
marmin.huThe difference difference between between contacting contacting someone someone within within 5 5 minutes minutes versus versus a a half-hour half-hour means means you you could could be be converting converting up up to to 100X 100X more more leads leads today!hour mean, mean leadlead, site, visitor, free, website6
nemowork.huNEMO Work is the first innovative human resources registry enterprise in Hungary which, by means of its individual service portfolio, answers the topics of fluctuation. With its co-thinking philosophy the company confirms the employee’s engagement towards the customer.hungary mean, mean individualhuman, customer, enterprise, fluctuation, resource5
russianstudies.hu…Russistics. It publishes scientific articles in Russian, English and Hungarian on provide academic treatment of any issue related to Eastern Slavic, Russian or Soviet history (including their Hungarian and Eastern European aspects), either as a historian or by means of a related discipline.historian mean, mean related, possible mean, mean term, body meanrussian, study, history, russia, historical5
osas.hu…‘60ies all the way up to the political changes in 1989 as he always ridiculed the functioning of a non-functioning system through and by artistic means. His exhibitions those days were often closed literally a day after their opening if not condemned to silence even before the opening. A case in…layer mean, mean possible, aesthetic mean, mean consequence, artistic meanart, post, open, exhibition, structure4
existentialcounselling.huThe existential-phenomenological approach is based on the work of several philosophers, such as Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger and Sartre, among others. It deals with topics like human suffering, anxiety, free will, the search for meaning, guilt, despair and authenticity. In existential…like mean, mean life, choice mean, search mean, mean guiltcounselling, expat, psychotherapy, book, issue4
abtl.huhave a repository (repositories), that may be made inaccessible, is (are) fireproof, dry, contain the appropriate degree of humidity, that cannot be used simultaneously for any other purpose beside the custody of archives, outfitted with the storage means required for proper custody, and…person mean, mean type, storage mean, mean properarchive, shall, public, record, document3
serpakalandpark.huController or controller responsible for the processing is the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined…data mean, mean collection, purpose mean, mean process, greenwich meandata, price, adventure, personal, process3
tradiscoseeds.huWhen requested to do so by a data subject, the Company shall, without undue delay, rectify inaccurate personal data concerning him or her. Data subjects have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.data mean, mean supplementarydata, subject, shall, personal, process3
teremtoonismeret.huperceiving and understanding the real meaning of my tasks indicated by my astrological chartreal mean, mean task, mean symbolparent, power, father, mother, relationship3
szeged-english.huThe Department of English Studies will host a public lecture by Holly Case , Associate Professor of History at Brown University (USA) entitled “Giving Meaning to Madness: Hermeneutic Experiments during the Second World War.” 4 pm, Thursday, December 5th, in the Faculty Conference Room (Kari…mean madness, usa meanuniversity, february, study, student, department3
komplexinstrukcio.huThe open-ended tasks and group-work are means leading to the third pillar which is status treatment, or suppressing status differences in the classroom. KIP builds on the presupposition that in any kind of a classroom setting, there are always children with higher and lower status. In this case…work mean, mean pillar, different mean, mean different, acceptable meanschool, teacher, child, pupil, group3
premiumapartmanok.huController or controller responsible for the processing is the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined…data mean, mean collection, purpose mean, mean process, greenwich meanapartment, data, personal, premium, process3
siofokiallatvedo.hu…us to almost double our capacity during the past years. We also have close ties to numerous animal welfare organisations Nationally. Within our means we have tried to support the shelters at Tengelic and Paks in the past by providing food, taking over some of their dogs and re-homing them. We…donation mean, mean circumstances, nationally mean, mean shelter, friend meananimal, rescue, dog, shelter, donation3
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.hu…like a genuine place, with uneven caverns as well as rough patches of plants strewn all over the map. As well as programmer Retro Studios revolutionized a troubling franchise in one of the most surprising means feasible; by providing a thought-heavy puzzler likewise as a first-person shooter.product mean, mean passion, endurance mean, mean day, surprising meangame, video, like, lot, certainly3
xlfight.hu„No game plan, I’m just going to go and react and it should pay off.” – Tim Means When Tim…tim mean, mean basic, mean timago, fight, night, card, return3
inokim.huI deal in real estate, so I have to move around downtown a lot. I save a lot of time by using an electric scooter. For me, this is the perfect means of transportation in the city! I love it, LIGHT 2 super was a perfect choice! Easy and fast!perfect mean, mean transportationscooter, electric, detail, light, city3
vodamobil.hu…assistance; moreover during the warranty period you can leave your phone in the service. We will help you to find the best unlocked devices, means of communication and accessories. What is more in the dealer shops you have opportunity to pay your phone bill, to top up your balance, to change…device mean, mean communication, phone mean, recently meanstore, phone, mobile, accessories, device3
twoba.huThe biggest innovation in this mechanism is that the Piston is operated from a completely different position than before. So far the Piston has been pushed into the Piston housing from its upper position, now we are pushing the piston into the Piston housing from below from the upper position by…position mean, mean mechanisminstrument, audience, player, way, position2
famag.huOur partners are retail and wholesale companies both in Hungary and abroad. We forward our products to our customers by means of courier or our own vehicle. We serve our clients in both small lots and large (pallet) quantities.customer mean, mean courier, building mean, mean artificialseed, activity, essential, plant, oil2
markjector.hu…markers and signs currently used in the dynamic phase of the inspection no longer play a role in the procedure and they no longer act as means of proof either. Thus, the method is also excellent to replace the previously mentioned markers, as these do not necessarily have to be…figure mean, mean trivial, long mean, mean prooflight, figure, length, distance, subject2
flippermuzeum.huIt was more than 30 ago that legendary Data East marketed a pinball called the ‘Time Machine’. This name has got a symbolic meaning ever since. Today all pinballs have transformed into a time machine, remnants of an old age. Their natural environment, the arcade has been outdated since then…symbolic mean, mean todaypinball, ticket, news, machine, media2
archivportal.hu…into the results of their work with services which would facilitate both orientation and research. The portal enables researchers to explore by means of a website the documentary materials found in the archives of Hungary, both those involved in the cooperation and those which will join later…researcher mean, mean website, accessible mean, mean combinearchive, portal, database, review, award2
feedbacksolutions.hu…in an exclusive environment and at the highest possible professional standards. Donau’s focus on the individual is what sets the practice apart from the crowd and cultivates a close relationship with its patients. Their motto is not just a cliché but has real meaning: “We treat people, not teeth!”real mean, mean peopledental, client, clinic, feedback, page2
krisartraku.huArt , technique of representing an object or outlining a figure , plan, or skretch by means of lines. The earlist human drawing is dating back to the Stone Age , has been found in cave in South Africa. Its about 73 000 years old.skretch mean, mean line, deep mean, mean joydraw, art, pottery, collection, ceramic2
businessenglishonskype.huThese newly emerging global brands grew as a result of a media revolution—television, magazines, and newspapers gave businesses the means to reach a mass audience. Businesses had always used advertising to inform customers about products and to persuade them to buy, but mass media provided the…money mean, mean exchange, business mean, mean massmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy2
fklaw.huOur firm has been awarded recertification in Meritas. We joined Meritas in 2010 and, as a condition of our membership, are required to successfully complete recertification every three years. Meritas is the only law firm alliance with an established and comprehensive means of monitoring the…comprehensive mean, mean quality, legal mean, mean matterlaw, data, firm, legal, client2
uniplanta.huTo obtain possibly the highest rate of active ingredients extracted, the herbs are subject to particle size reduction, of different means, opening up the cell structures before extraction.different mean, mean cellextract, quality, production, botanical, material2
racerbeans.hu…up or abandoned. After the civil war–torn 1990s and the nearly total devastation of the country’s economy, coffee slowly emerged as a possible means to recover the agrarian sector and increase foreign exchange. In the first decade of the 2000s, inspired in large part by neighboring Rwanda’s…possible mean, mean agrarian, financial mean, mean drycoffee, small, process, dry, quality2
logvalve.huexperience of developers, designers, technologists, in the complementary structuresof CNC machine tools and machine tools without control, in the high degree of skills and practices of the workers, as well as in the planning and computing system of ways and means, appliedin the corporate governance.technical mean, mean hungarian, way mean, mean appliedinvalve, log, control, quality, gate2
por.hu(c) 1995 Science Press Publishing Ltd. Budapest., (c) 1996-2001 WB Saunders Ltd., (c) 2002-2019 Springer Netherlands, (c) 2002 Arányi Lajos Foundation. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means…form mean, mean electronicuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine2
cerlux.huThe integrated management system contains all the parts of the company’s activity on its scope, and determines both the managers’ and the employees’ action. The standard quality of our products matching the users’ needs and reduction of damage caused by our environment are achieved by the means of…environment mean, mean ongoing, resource mean, mean collegauesquality, technical, need, material, customer2
echain.huWholly formed old latter future but way she. Day her likewise smallest expenses judgment building man carriage. Considered introduced themselves mr to discretion at. Means among saw hopes for.discretion mean, mean hopechain, soldering, application, oven, page2
mentalizacio.huPaying a contribution is not a prerequisite for participation in the treatment program. On applying, please assess your financial means and consider how much you afford to contribute when entering therapy with us.financial mean, mean therapymental, introduction, association, treatment, contribution2
szamoljademokraciaert.hu3. The polling station commission (PSC) members have to take an oath in person at least two days prior to the elections at the local government where they are delegated to count. This is when the brief training organized by the local election office also takes place, but this is by no means enough…government mean, mean non, place mean, mean professionallymember, election, station, poll, worker2
faa.huThis artwork is a series of infinite still lifes. Expands the boundaries of space and meaning of still life, if it\'s possible.space mean, mean lifeartwork, exhibition, drawing, website, text2
raszta.huQuestion Answer What are the types of trusts in UK Law and what are their legalities? It is important to understand the various types of trusts under UK law and their legalities to ensure compliance with regulations and achieve your estate planning goals. What is the meaning of exit in business…work mean, mean difficult, goal mean, mean exitlegal, january, law, agreement, board2
wojtyla.hu“ It is better to give than to receive.” This meaning of this sentence is getting more and more important as Christmas is coming. Zoltán Bajkó, the parish priest from Pálmonostora, visited us at the Friendship House a few days ago. He asked us to help some honest but poor families belonging to his…leader mean, mean dedication, well mean, mean sentencefriendship, centre, house, poor, town2
innovatox.huThe best thing in cooperation is your precision, competence and willingness to support us at best. InnovaTox is reliable, qualified and competent in the Regulatory issues and always ready to support us. You can support us in the regulatory procedures in Hungary, by means of contact with the…hungary mean, mean contactsafety, substance, notification, registration, guarantee2
pribojszki.hu”Mátyás Pribojszki is definitely a brilliant instrumentalist; his tasteful play can by all means compete with the best harmonica players of the blues planet. But the most interesting fact is probably that he is clearly on his way to a very personal and expressive style of his own that will help to…business mean, mean world, play mean, mean goodfestival, jump, pig, video, official2
lyukoszen.huWe are also specialized in planning and implementing the detonation of surface facilities by means of rock cutting underground explosion.facility mean, mean rock, client mean, mean highlyconstruction, group, tunnel, structure, mining2
tarot-dr-gal.huWhen we watch clouds in the sky, we discover as many different shapes in them as many we are. These shapes speak truly about us, to us. The ancient symbol system of TAROT works with the same effect mechanism: if we are aware of the meaning of the symbols, images and forms, we receive a direct…aware mean, mean symbol, destiny mean, mean lifecard, path, knowledge, origin, page2
akuna.huThe buyer agrees to use remote means of communication when concluding the purchase contract. Costs incurred by the buyer when using remote means of communication in connection with the conclusion of a purchase agreement (costs of Internet connection, telephone call costs) that do not differ from…remote mean, mean communication, provision mean, mean closebuyer, seller, agreement, purchase, case2
opusglobal.huOPUS GLOBAL is a future-oriented manufacturing and service provider corporate group, which brings quality and innovation into energetics, industrial production, food industry, and tourism industry to serve the economic operators and private consumers for long term by means of values created.term mean, mean valueglobal, value, industry, management, food2
thegardenofdelight.huIn the Netherlands, the experience of the beauty of flowers and their metaphorical meaning has always been inextricably linked to art and visual culture. As this exhibition reflects, contemporary artists, photographers and designers are also inspired by the lush richness and symbolism of flowers…metaphorical mean, mean inextricably, flower mean, mean specificdelight, garden, flower, page, studio2
satyananda.hu…the masonry and concrete slab, which cost nearly € 45,000 – will require additional funding. Therefore, we ask all those who have the will and means to contribute to the development of the ashram to support the construction with a donation. Thank you in advance! Continue reading “Fund raising…funding mean, mean development, easy mean, mean mindyoga, february, retreat, author, awareness2
kappenabzeichen.huThe train troop was a branch that dealt with the material supply of the combatant formations. All means of transport and horse stock made available to the army, as well [ … ]formation mean, mean transportjanuary, postcard, october, corps, arm2
abstractman.huAnd last but not least the meaning of the solid’s name in short: “tangential” as the convex and concave generatrices are all osculating to the axes (their vectors are meeting in 0 degree angles) and “cohesion” as because of the significant fragmentation it has a big surface area in relation to the…surface, solid, shape, edge, case2
pr-evolution.huBy no means! French chansons evoke the dance world of revues and burlesque, while they can easily be paired with the free-flowing, limitless and rich associative gesture system of contemporary dance. Singing, music and dance are now all about love, fun and cocktails.relation mean, mean existencedance, evolution, performance, mother, goose2
affianced.huPicking the wedding ring is a very exciting task, which- according to our experience- can help couples to get to know each others’ tastes and improve their ability to compromise. Engagement rings bear a symbolic meaning, that not only stand for the unity of men and women and their endless love but…symbolic mean, mean unitywedding, engagement, jewelry, unique, color2
sopronikisvonat.huOur vehicles are specially designed, comfortable, world-renowned means of transport for tourists.simple mean, mean transport, world meansightseeing, vehicle, train, tour, landscape2
sipeuropa.huThe security of Your Personal Data is important to Us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect Your Personal Data, We cannot guarantee its absolute security.shall mean, mean regardless, acceptable mean, mean personaldata, personal, privacy, purpose, website2
ikte.huhelps one to find their self-healing potentials, hidden resources, and thus to improve the quality of their life. The process of creation and its meaning for its creator is more important than the aesthetic value of the end-product. IED works in groups – while immersed in artistic activities, the…creation mean, mean creator, restoration mean, mean longgroup, method, therapy, training, art2
husa.hu, as the legislations governing its operation prescribe competitive neutrality, thus it must refrain from interfering in the operation of the market. The establishment of HUSA brought into existence the golden mean between the efficiency of market players and the stability of government…golden mean, mean efficiencyassociation, hydrocarbon, strategic, stock, volume2
bodycoach.hu"Whole Body Vibration" is a principle that has come over from science. An automatic stretch reflex is generated in the body by means of the mechanical vibrations of a plate. It therefore reaches 100% of the muscle groups without you having to move. With traditional training methods this is only 60…body mean, mean mechanical, training mean, mean differentbody, vibration, training, aspect, particular2
napur.hu…as well as a montage of textures are also seen on the house, yet not as organizing principles or the designer’s aim: they are only present as means of detailing, arranged in tectonic order. Marcel Ferencz uses materials softly adorned, as masses strikingly down-to-earth, bricks in order, as…treatment mean, mean mission, present mean, mean detaildetail, architect, office, build, center2
7days.huNavigating Meaning Through Prepositions: Exploring Adjectives and Their Prepositional Partners – Answerable, Averse, Loath,...grammar, language, passive, vocabulary, password2
mab-pharma.huAs a member of MAB Group, we take conducting long-term, mutually advantageous and ethical business as the cornerstones of our philosophy. By means of our flexible, client-centered attitude, significant market and professional experience, we strive towards especially long-term, strategic cooperation.philosophy mean, mean flexible, business mean, mean goodpharmaceutical, vision, market, client, mission2
aranymandula.huIn our apartment houses we accept the means of payment below: bank card, credit card, transfer and cash, Széchenyi Pihenőkártya (MKB, K&H, OTP Bank)house mean, mean paymentapartment, price, people, accomodation, terrace2
i-ching.huThe three-dimensional arrangement puts the hexagrams in a new perspective. In this form new light is thrown on the whole I Ching , and its true meaning will be illuminated. Thus, all the readers of the I Ching - the adherents of Taoism in the first place - can get new, specific information from…true mean, mean readeryi, globe, arrangement, group, jing1
matyofoldipuli.huA wise who can carry out orders, learn quickly, but sometimes thinking about of the meaning is it common sense or not?quickly mean, mean commonbreed, available, puppy, favorite, dog1
nordconsult.huContribution to increase and secure the competitiveness of our Clients with complex and proactive activity in exploring and attaining new financial means and incentives.financial mean, mean incentiveconsult, introduction, management, news, client1
komondors.hu…first line of herds and flocks preserving freedom loving shepherd people liked and estimate. - Linguists, the word kun sheepdog origin: gumandur meaning kun, today's report (for use with word kun kun & dur = Guman Turkish suffix) Cumans a Komondor dog, dog on word won. The first member of the…gumandur mean, mean kun, sheepdog mean, mean phrasepuppy, breed, result, dog, litter1
benyei.hupump or air furnace and ceiling cooling . Fresh air is provided by using a recuperator (heat recovery) and simple ventilation systems. In our buildings, we store energy by using accumulators , and we recycle the waste heat and energy produced by cooling. We purify drainage through biological means .interior, space, build, architecture, energy1
kertmanufaktura.huLasting, quality work, both at the drawing board and in the garden. Our vivid gardens redefine the meaning of home beyond a place to live.garden mean, mean homegarden, build, maintenance, quality, schedule1
cerc.huOur portfolio also includes management services where we can offer complete project management and coordination of privately funded projects as well as those projects funded by the European Commission or by other means. In case of projects involving a consortium, we take responsibility for the…commission mean, mean caselab, research, powder, development, innovation1
grand-development.huI consent to GRAND real estate development sending me information about its latest offers by e-mail or other equivalent individual means of communication, and I authorize the processing of my personal data in accordance with Privacy Policy.individual mean, mean communicationdevelopment, river, news, real, estate1
paladinbilisim.huToday, we embody this meaning in data practices by tackling complex data-related problems within organisations.today mean, mean datadata, solution, management, intelligence, organisation1
boy-west.huTransportation We always offer the transportation means best suited to the shipping order of our clients. We take special care in keeping to pick-up and delivery deadlines, in securely fastening the load, and in driving technique... Transportation to and from airports in Graz, Vienna and Budapest…transportation mean, mean goodwest, boy, airport, storage, passenger1
mahasti.hu- costume correspondent to the performed choreography, to the personality of the performers and the meaning of the choreography.performer mean, mean choreographygroup, dance, competition, category, belly1
iaabudapest.huSasan added: “Measuring the sustainability perception of some of the world’s biggest brands is quite unique as it opens up areas of self-reflection as a means to assess progress or the dialling up of efforts. We need more brands to commit authentically to the sustainability cause and this report…reflection mean, mean progressglobal, brand, industry, advertising1
ismerosok.huYou will not access or collect data from our products by automated means (without our prior permission), or attempt to access data that you are not authorised to access.product mean, mean priordata, condition, account, purpose, law1
interregioforum.huThe InterRegio Forum Association is a Budapest-based NGO, founded in 1997. Our mission is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life for the people living in the Carpathian Region and to strengthen civil society and enforce equal opportunities by the means of human resources…opportunity mean, mean humanforum, border, cooperation, practice, region1
close.co.huWe were the first to cast our ballot for the brand Davines in Hungary. This family enterprise makes sure to protect biodiversity using multiple means from planting forests to using biodegradable plastics and natural raw materials.multiple mean, mean forestclose, hair, salon, colour, haircut1
zobak.huAs a certified process auditor, by means of a process audit, I can assess the actual condition of the processes and running projects, and can provide fact-based information to the management. My auditor certificate meets the requirements in regards to certified process auditor of most car…auditor mean, mean processquality, management, automotive, supplier, consulting1
csengery.huExcellent communications in the area with several line buses, metro stations and other means of communication such as the world famous underground. Despite its central location it is very quiet. The apartment overlooks the neighbouring beautiful secessionist building.station mean, mean communicationapartment, location, gorgeous, detail, area1
budapest-ugyved.huUnfortunately, due to the current virus situation, personal contact has been avoided, but it is still possible to conclude a sales contract, set up or modify a company online by means of a telesignature or a telex.online mean, mean telesignaturelawyer, contract, sale, purchase, client1
aether.huSome source code for processing sketches and flash applications. Intended for designers to hack around with, these are not proper codes by any means. coming soon…code mean, mean soonarchitecture, space, aether, house, camera1
adatvedelmi-jog.hu…transparent, intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language, in particular for any information addressed specifically to a child. The information shall be provided in writing, or by other means, but if requested by the data subject, the information may be provided orally.write mean, mean datadata, protection, law, process, subject1
funcity.huYou will be amazed for sure! With a crazy impetus and amazing movements, the Crazy Rush takes you to a real new dimension! The word game is provided with a new meaning: test as many game levels as you can!new mean, mean gameticket, entertainment, close, crazy, type1
batranmagyarul.hu…get frustrated if some things get forgotten from one lesson to the next and she will look for new angles to tackle the issue from. I would recommend Zsuzsa to anyone who wants to learn Hungarian, at any level. Hungarian is by no means an easy language, but Zsuzsa will make it accessible and fun.hungarian mean, mean easylesson, language, student, month, people1
szelfutta.hu(This is a translation of the original „ Ezután mindig így lesz ” poem. At some part it does differs from the original version, though, these differences are mostly because of the assonances and rhymes. But the meaning it carries, it is the same. Please if you find any mistakes, or you have any…rhyme mean, mean mistakeplastic, clean, video, process, model1
ptsh.hu…to do so; he will answer only to someone who is capable of capturing him. From this feature of Proteus comes the adjective protean, with the general meaning of “versatile”, “mutable”, “capable of assuming many forms”. “Protean” has positive connotations of flexibility, versatility and adaptability.general mean, mean versatiletransport, municipality, implementation, development, city1
himesudvar.huDuring the harvest certain bunches are individually selected. We need bunches with botrytised berries and must with high sugar content thus its wine is rich with an unique quality. "Szamorodni" is a gained from polish language with the meaning "how it is created". This means that we do not select…language mean, mean botrytisedwine, grape, region, taste, quality1
kapcsolatmentor.huDuring mediation and counselling, clients can learn communication and conflict resolution techniques. They can also master a progressive approach, which allows them to solve their problems by amicable means.relationship, family, career, divorce, problem1
red-dot.hu…order products from designers and manufacturers who have been awarded one of the most important design prizes in the world, the Red Dot. By this means we ensure that every product you buy online in the Red Dot Design Shop enjoys the highest standard of quality and design. Delivery is free within…dot mean, mean productshop, award, association, germany, eng1
hegedu-oktatas.hu…(…) An able teacher indispensable to serve as a guide and adviser in our progress. But even then as performers, we still have to do our own practicing ourselves most of the time alone and, without help: ultimately only the player can 'teach' himself the actual means of playing and the performing."actual mean, mean playviolin, teacher, district, lesson, progress1
silhouetteconsulting.hu…I gladly joined the team at Silhouette Consulting where I do my best to become a useful member of the team with undiminished enthusiasm, utilising my former experiences hilfreiche ressourcen . To me, event organisation is not a job, but a calling – something that brings meaning to my life.calling mean, mean lifeevent, consulting, manager, challenge, client1
mehke.hu…for our Government within the field of environmental management in order to promote the success of those transformations. Our proposal covers the means of communal waste treatment, the range of wastes to be collected selectively, and the reorientation of valuable wastes from communal and other…proposal mean, mean communalwaste, association, industry, management, protection1
filmart.hu…gallery and auction house. But twenty years on, he is reacquainted with his first lover, Irene. Stephen is used to getting what he wants by any means, and he soon realizes he still has emotional sway over Irene. He feels that this is his last chance to make amends for his past sins and escape…stephen mean, mean soontelevision, police, story, documentary, series1
oneminutechallenge.huWe are planning on selling the full passes first. Single night tickets will be only available if we have free spots. Please bear in mind that it is really hard to organize an event these days, so if you have the means, please buy the full pass to support the event. 😉day mean, mean passcompetition, minute, challenge, event, showcase1
terezsulyok.huenchanting the landscape and man. An inexplicable warmth flows from these images. The bluish-green world of colors is a means of restraintcolor mean, mean restraintexhibition, nature, landscape, village, illustration1
gepujsag.huToday's machines are no longer the same machines that were 150 years ago built upun the basic laws of mechanics and Electromagnetic Theory. All means operating in economy and intellectual capacity serving their production have changed, they represent the use of deeper natural Sciences.theory mean, mean economyannual, newspaper, journal, informative, engineer1
cziffrafesztival.hu…force behind his foundation and scholarship. This is why he had the early Gothic Chapelle Royal St Frambourg in Senlis restored, which was by no means a simple undertaking. Walking in Cziffra’s footsteps, during the Memorial Year, young talents are placed in the limelight by receiving the…senlis mean, mean simplefestival, event, performer, art, calendar1
garenal.huThe functions of the liver are so complex and complicated that in case of a problem we cannot substitute it with artificial means as opposed to the excretion function of the kidneys or the function of the heart. For this reason it is extremely important to protect the health of our liver and to…artificial mean, mean excretionpowder, drink, function, health, body1
muladharayoga.huAbout ten years ago I got to know Yoga just as a set of physical exercises, today I understand and practice Yoga as a lifestyle. It has practically thought me the meaning of mens sana in corpore sano – healthy mind in a healthy body. My teacher once compared Yoga with a state of mind, like…practically mean, mean menyoga, practice, hour, class, event1
budapestguides.huDiscover our city by public transportation and walking! We will start the tour with buying together a one day pass 6 Euros which gives you the opportunity to use all means of transportation. You'll see a lot, we cover all the major attractions of Buda & Pest! We drive by bus to the old town Castle…opportunity mean, mean transportationtour, city, hour, guide, famous1
eltesoft.huIn the forthcoming years the main task of the info-communication industry will be to ensure higher and higher levels of means and solutions for invigorating the flow of knowledge on particular scientific and innovation areas. And also, to dismantle the time and space barriers in the public ICT…level mean, mean solution, workplace mean, mean physicalevent, news, research, training, ict1
hyd.hu„Deuterium depletion offers a more powerful but also milder means for efficient treatment and prevention of primarily tumorous diseases than any other therapy up to now. Application of preparations of reduced deuterium content can complement the medicines currently used in therapy and prevention…mild mean, mean efficientcancer, research, view, llc1
vojtek.hu…develop using on the original idea. In the early phase of the launch companies or significant units usually do not have the necessary financial means or a designated manager whose only job would be to support the project. However, management know-how is necessary to successfully build a company…financial mean, mean managermanagement, manager, task, portfolio, solution1
tamarahagen.hu"First, have a definite, clear practical idea; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end." - Aristotlenecessary mean, mean end, method meancommunication, touch, public, relation, corporate1
nanoworx.huIn case maths is a painful disaster, Area76 supports operations with high computing demands by means of GPU technology.demand mean, mean gpuprocess, software, developer, order, solution1
helsinki.huIt is important for us to be able to live in a just, civilized country where the means of criminal justice are used when necessary and applied in a way that complies with the principles of justice, domestic and international law. That is why we have been working for decades for fair, law-abiding…country mean, mean criminalarticle, law, refugee, rule, committee1
aok.huDevelopment is my job, my hobby - my vocation. After many years in management, in the early 2000s I decided to do what I am most interested in: developing organisations. I am primarily interested in the people who work there. I believe that it is possible and worthwhile to work in a way that…joy mean, mean successart, knowledge, organisation, client, protect1
idosgyogyaszat.huSzekacs B , Vajo Z, Acs N, Hada P, Csuzi L, Bezeredi J, Magyar Z, Brinton EA.: Hormone replacement therapy reduces mean 24-hour blood pressure and its variability in postmenopausal women with treated hypertension. Menopause . 2000 Jan-Feb;7(1):31-5.therapy mean, mean hourage, university, effect, medical, health1
foldmeresma.huIt is possible to merge and subdivide several adjoining properties, even by means of boundary demarcation, within the framework of a single procedure, as long as the properties concerned areproperty mean, mean boundaryland, build, plot, today, measurement1
gerotamas.hu“By executing his professional obligations, the lawyer – by legal means and mode - contributes to the enforcement of his Client’s rights and the fulfillment of his Client’s obligations. The lawyer takes part in settling the mutual consent of the litigations of the Parties in opposition” -…legal mean, mean modelaw, criminal, real, estate, corporate1
biggeorgeholding.huEmerald Residence strives to fit to the diverse age and style of its neighboring historical buildings in its appearance, making use of today’s expectations and contemporary means, while following the main directional concepts. The main advantage of the building stems from it being more than just a…contemporary mean, mean maindirector, manage, management, property, city1
csillagokkalsuttogo.huFor me, life coaching is a means of life management. It leads you to see opportunities that you currently havecoaching mean, mean lifetranslation, analysis, spiritual, guidance, special1
gergenyi.huHe was a fisrts year trainee lawyer when the client became the successful party by using his litigation tactics and strategy. Many similar success was followed later and some of the cases became the means of law enforcement by the decision of the Supreme Court. He had his bar examination and…case mean, mean lawlegal, office, law, procedure, contract1
drszalay.huBy practising their profession – with the means and in the manner provided for by law – attorneys help their clients to assert their rights and fulfil their obligations.profession mean, mean mannerlaw, attorney, client, legal, office1
habitat.hu…issue of energy poverty involves at least 1 million people around the country. Low-income families typically live in low-quality, more energy-intensive housing and lack the financial means to improve these circumstances. Therefore, external support and assistance is needed to combat energy poverty.financial mean, mean circumstanceshabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization1
admiralcount.huActive participants of business life and leaders of companies that wish to adapt to current market trends have high expectations regarding the bookkeeping of their enterprise. It is vital to understand that bookkeeping as such can not exist solely in the classical meaning of the word…classical mean, mean wordtax, taxation, count, accountancy, bookkeeping1
parkhotel-taltos.huFelsõtárkány located at Heves county nearby at baroque Eger. The village is Turkish - Bulgarian origin, means to "viceroy" or nobleman. Our hotel Park Hotel Táltos,located near the beautiful baroque city of Eger, and the well known wine r egion of Eger too.origin mean, mean viceroygallery, photo, cottage, camp, forest1
bprc.huBorsodi PRC Ltd. was established in 2020. The creation of the company was a means to offer a new type of competition for homing pigeons and homing pigeon owners.company mean, mean newcompetition, pigeon, login, cart, auction1
design-jegygyuru.huWedding-rings are particularly good personal intermediates,since they bear, as a matter of course, a surplus meaning. They are mystic objects…. I createthem with pleasure.surplus mean, mean mysticwedding, view, quick, engagement, jewelry1
nyitottkor.huIn October 2019 partners visited us in Budapest for 3 days to kick off the project, and in the very beginning of 2020 we hosted a joint staff training event. In the frames of the training 25 of us worked together to explore the meaning of the ‘Displaced teacher’ and the current situation of our…training mean, mean teacherdrama, group, participant, european, education1
bastionresidence.huThe Bastion Residence is located at an excellent location also in terms of transport. With a few minutes’ walk you can reach all means of public transport, and you can also enter the street by car, and use the underground parking garage.walk mean, mean publicbastion, minute, historic, homepage, luxury1
globpack.huOur oustanding storage capacity, and our own means of transport make the fulfill of the suddenly coming customer needs possible.capacity mean, mean transportwaste, management, paper, location, packaging1
charliebitter.huThe site does not contain financial or investment advice, it does not constitute financial advice, I draw everyone's attention to the DYOR means. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.dyor mean, mean researchhelp, industry, base, registration, login1
felvesznek.hu…calendar of activities, what is more, the financial rules of the cooperation. Partners also received four Strategic Documents: these describe the means and methods of communication under the lifetime of the project, how to disseminate and exploit results of the project, the way of monitoring and…document mean, mean methodtraining, manual, teacher, school, career1
kj.hu…stakeholders. We support mobility providers & operators in the integration of their systems into a unique payment platform for all mobility means . With our excellent UX & UI experience, we design and develop attractive, ease-to-use apps for iMobility, including an integrated e-parking…mobility mean, mean excellentticketing, solution, touch, innovative, mobility1
erti.hufocused on key areas, and on the other hand, research activities should be coordinated. The results of forest research have already proved that by means of sustainable forest management we can increase not only the value of forests that can be expressed in natural objects but also their…research mean, mean sustainableforest, department, natural, management, change1
eleses.huTravel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip.airplane mean, mean luggagestyle, travel, technology, news, fun1
plaextended.huWe meticulously follow the industry best practice of using a responsive web design. Meaning, serving the same HTML code for all devices and only using CSS Media Queries to determine the rendering on each device.design mean, mean htmltechnology, tender, video, plastic, quality1
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.hu…and how it plays into the big picture of how I want to show up and serve others. Benedek is great at helping you dig deep and uncover the real meaning and intention behind what you want, and I always leave our sessions feeling heard, understood and accomplished. –Paula Haubrich, Certified…real mean, mean intentiontraining, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur1
hunorkolozsi.hu"Hunor has great skills. I appreciate that he really thinks about what symbolic meaning he could use to convey the message. Moreover he provided me with a lot revisions and focused togther with me to get the job done and fullfill my needs. Will definitly hire him again."symbolic mean, mean messagelogo, website, basketball, view, coffee1
mta.huTo honour this year’s WSF motto of “Science for Social Justice”, all the speakers of the opening event urged the global scientific community with one voice to put science at the service of society, drawing on all the tools and means at hand, and to make a strong commitment to fighting against…tool mean, mean handscience, academy, research, member, forum1
action2020.huBiofilter Zrt recognizes that global problems, environmental protection or sustainability are not far from the business world and its goals, means. Representing the circular business model, our principle is that environmental responsibility is not an option, but the only one for a sustainable…goal mean, mean circularceo, director, manage, environmental, development1
creatit.huAn idea is not enough; you also have to know the method and means to realise it. We know what the limitations are, so we can select the optimal solution.method mean, mean limitationsolution, reality, page, digital, main1
lorik.huIf you are going to be interrogated as a witness or a suspect in a criminal proceeding, use by all means the help you can get from a defence counsel well versed in criminal law. Just like when having even a slight illness, we turn to a medical doctor for efficient help, we should never be too…proceed mean, mean helpcriminal, law, lawyer, proceedings, defence1
hungamosz.huapart can be just as easy. Bicycle maintenance is vital to the performance and preservation of your ride. Without proper maintenance, your bike will quickly go from a lean, mean, two-wheeled machine, to a squeaky, rusty, pant leg munching mess. Keeping your bicycle in top condition requires…lean mean, mean wheelbike, repair, maintenance, tip, bicycle1
titiz.huThe meaning of halal is, according to the teachings of Islamic Law, lawful and permissible. According to this, the processing of foodstuffs and the preparation of meats are done in a way that is strictly in accordance with Islamic law in our restaurant.reservation, photo, direction, meat, law1
findedichzurecht.hu• Do I have to pay after the first phone call or email? By no means! You will always be informed about possible costs. The consultations are billed individually, depending on the effort, from 70 to a maximum of 150 euros.email mean, mean possibleadvice, legal, assistance, insurance, general1
360fokbringa.hu…office, we met with David, who taught us a very popular Bangla song from the 80’s, the Bondu Tin Din . Later, we learned to sing (and even the meaning of) the song. Singing this to any kind of Bangladeshi people made them incredibly happy and never stop smiling or sometimes singing the song…later mean, mean songday, people, road, asia, way1
garibaldiguesthouse.huThe GARIBALDI 5 APARTMENTS & ROOMS is located in a beautiful central area of Budapest, just behind the Kossuth tér metro stop: only one minute walk to the Danube River, the Parliament and major transport means. Located in the government and banking area of Budapest, you will be in a safe and…transport mean, mean governmentroom, apartment, downtown, kitchen, accommodation1
bestdiamond.huConfused between Carat and Karat? Click now to understand the meaning of 9, 14, 18, 24 karat gold purity markings in jewelrykarat mean, mean karatengagement, guide, broker, collection, mission1
goconcept.hu“My experience in psychology, my years as a writer in the advertising industry, as well as my four years of film theory have gained new meaning for me through digital storytelling. The philosophy of global education has had a significant influence on my thinking; I have many unforgettable memories…new mean, mean digitaltraining, lab, development, trainer, change1
inspirationtravel.huBathing in hot water is relaxing and relieves stress in itself. But several clinical studies have claimed that medical waters cure also by means of the minerals absorbed through the skin. Hungary is a unique destination to have hundreds of thermal water springs, each with a special combination of…cure mean, mean mineraltravel, inspiration, cruise, tour, medical1
hungaromedgroup.huAnother important aim of the system is to provide a new and efficient means to quick filtering and diagnostics of infectious diseases so that national and worldwide outbreaks be prevented or, if necessary, treated quickly and efficiently.efficient mean, mean quickgroup, healthcare, infectious, disease, diagnostic1
ggdent.huOur clinic is equipped with all possible means of modern implantation. We use state-of-the-art foreign technologies ranging from All-on-six technology to rehabilitate complete tooth loss all the way to digital implantation. As part of a free health check, we shall be able explore possible…possible mean, mean moderndental, implantation, tooth, implant, oral1
saulgyermekei.huUnless otherwise indicated, the owner of all images, texts, footage and any other content is the Children of Saul Memorial Project. No part of this publication may be reproduced and published in any form or by any means, without the permission of the Project.form mean, mean permissionchild, july, story, victim, video1
hivo.huNote: The domain name of my web site, "hivo", can be understood in Hungarian as "believer", "invitation or one who invites", "He invites or calls you", or as the famous acrostic from Phillips Brooks for the real meaning of FAITH:real mean, mean faithrevival, christian, theology, faith, article1
mtcsocsoklub.huNo flammable or explosive materials may be brought into or stored in the club. We cannot be held responsible for equipment brought in afterwards and left unattended (e.g: means of transport such as bicycles, scooters, etc.).unattended mean, mean transportaddress, operator, guest, rule, table1
skatetrek.huThe perfect skating movement and posture, furthermore the powerskating sideway-strides are easily attainable by means of adequate coaching instructions.attainable mean, mean adequateskating, training, ice, player, method1
hologram.hu…state documents may fall pray to the black economy. Therefore it is useful to provide revenue-producing products and important documents with appropriate protection at all times. State-of-the-art holographic, thin-film and RFID foils, which are difficult to falsify, can be a useful means for this.sticker, reference, protection, foil, safety1
azoregtolgy.huThe “Öreg Tölgy burger” gives a new meaning to the traditional burger. In this array of flavors, venison takes the spotlight, in the form of a patty that consists of 80% venison meat and 20% beef fat. Resting on a homemade bun crafted from our own recipe, the patty is embraced by delicious cheddar…new mean, mean traditionalevent, dish, reservation, flavor, az1
ahproduction.huPlease do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to arrange for the live broadcasting of your events, take recordings and distribute content so created (by means of signal forwarding), and are looking for a reliable partner who can organize and carry out both technical and creative work and employ…content mean, mean signalchampionship, production, broadcast, european, woman1
webassist.huWe decided to find the golden mean between complex and simple. Flexibility was the key unlocking doors to a totally new user experience –one that’s compelling for both high-end developers and usability-seeking content managers.golden mean, mean complexwebsite, user, idea, tool, manager1
homefactory.huIt is a dynamic team of young people whose primary goal is to meet a range of products that meet all needs, as well as the highest needs of customers. Despite being young, ART & DESIGN is by no means a beginner in the profession. Thanks to our well-trained and experienced staff and…design mean, mean beginnerart, customer, great, demand, furniture1
tabunello.huWe are convinced that these lands are qualified for the hihtest quality. Our aim is simple. We want to create the best by any means – the rest is not important.good mean, mean restwine, bottle, st, vineyard, vine1
dentist-debrecen.hu…kinds of questions; everyone has to make their own choice – bearing in mind their own personal needs and expectations, and their own financial means – on the basis of their personal choice of dentist and their trust in him or her. I do not claim – and wouldn’t want to try to convince anyone –…financial mean, mean basisdental, tooth, dentist, surgery, treatment1
szaguldozz.huother publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. Abstract This chapter reviews the main viral pathogens of the respiratory tract, the immune responsesform mean, mean acknowledgementrespiratory, virus, korean, cell, vaccine1
antalemese.huMy name is Emese Antal, and I am a Dietitian and Sociologist. In my work, I aim to emphasize at every forum that adequate nutrition is one of our most important means of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Research shows that there is a strong relationship between poor health outcomes and inadequate…important mean, mean healthyconference, habit, future, health, healthy1
abece.huLearning of the grammar also makes many difficulties. In Hungarian, mistakes in marking the accents may change the meaning of words or can make the text incomprehensible. Frequently, changing the place of the accent in a word can create a new meaningful word, which is again a source of new…accent mean, mean wordchild, problem, programme, task, treatment1
global-service.hu…air and sea freight forwarding, strive to facilitate the continuously growing demand for freight transportation all over the world, providing a means for businesses to avoid all the hecticness and troubles that cargo transportation brings. We consider ourselves more than just your regular…world mean, mean businessglobal, touch, freight, value, need1
sintegroup.huThe ancient means of preserving the crop is to reduce the moisture content during drying. We now achieve this with the help of advanced, state-of-the-art equipment.ancient mean, mean cropconstruction, plant, capacity, group, extraction1
fejlesztek.huThere are two elements which have the same meaning: constant “W” in cds-utils namespace and “b” a class variable in BitSequenceRG. They are set to 32 (the bit-length of uint). It is a bad practice to use two variables for the same purpose (maybe you forget to change both). In my notes I changed…element mean, mean constantdata, bit, image, file1
techno-geo.hu…the qualification of these. Our company's main profile about planning is the planning itself and the supporting of its preparation. Its meaning in the connection of land surveying is the high precision fix point network, as well as the expansive to all demand surveying and mapping. About…preparation mean, mean connectionqualification, survey, profile, land, engineering1
ivanyifilm.hu…but also to outstanding social service. In recent decades, the pastor has spoken out on a number of human rights issues, standing up for the vulnerable and persecuted. Since 2010 he has been under regular political attacks and his work has been obstructed by those in power through various means.pastor, soul, portrait, documentary, director1
femtisztakft.hu…coating systems at several locations at the same time. An appropriately long life coating system is formed so as the material and technology are selected in accordance with expected uses, and during the professional workmanship the required quality is provided by means of operational controls.quality mean, mean operationalclean, pressure, painting, coating, water1
szuszekos.hu…(as well as the funeral) chests. In other regions, people used plant and floral elements to enrich the geometric ones, which also explain their meaning. Within the respective territorial chest group, there are always some more “figural” analogies proving these assumptions. Even though geometric…one mean, mean respective, today mean, mean unclearchest, style, carpentry, item, geometric1
kiskozossegek.huIf you have the means to ‘invest’ into the Small Communities Programme either regularly or even on a single occasion or two, we gladly accept all monetary donations. Your donation is crucial to us because we depend mainly on volunteer work and the support of private individuals. You can transfer…community, small, programme, local, ecological1
rexsan.huOur laser pipe cutting machine is applicable to cut, punch, form pipes with the diameter of 120 mm and hollow sections in the maximum sizes of 100×100 mm or 120×70 mm. We can undertake to bend pipes in the maximum size of 50.8×1.5 mm by means of our CNC pipe bending machine. We can meet your…mm mean, mean cnc, manner mean, mean automaticbasket, distributor, doe, self, independent1
eurogate-rail.huThe EWG terminal is currently in the final testing phase with its technological equipment. The ultra-modern operations are reported to be going smoothly. The terminal’s cranes as well as its road and rail access gates are remotely controlled from an operator room by means of 5G technology. In…room mean, mean technologyrail, railway, price, road1
corvinahotel.huWe expect you from 2 o’clock in the afternoon on the day of arrival. We ask you to inform us by all means, if you arrive only after 7 p.m.room, table, family, book, restaurant1
aix-scientifics.huAix Scientifics ® was founded in 1996 in order to perform data capture in the scope of clinical studies by means of the Internet in a time and efforts saving manner. Since about 20 years almost all studies have been performed multi-lingually, based on Internet technique. Now, there are experiences…study mean, mean internetresearch, clinical, scientific, organisation, device1
learninghungarian.huYou can exercise pronouncing new sounds, understanding new shades of a certain expression, or deducting the meaning of a slang phrase on your own. I won’t lie, you will need to hit the books from time to time. But why not try and watch your favorite series dubbed in Hungarian with subtitles? The…expression mean, mean slangteacher, lesson, private, learn, language1
zahorjanivett.huAs a qualified media expert, my aim is to provide support for you in boosting your business’ success by utilizing forward-looking, conscious and creative means.fashion, social, media, journalist, marketer1
hospicehaz.huProfessional but loving care may give meaning and content to this phase of the patient’s life.care mean, mean contentcare, patient, family, pain, donation1
megoldaseskuvore.huWhile I play an important role in your wedding, I'm by no means the main focus. Let the bride take that spotlight (okay... and the groom too!)wedding mean, mean mainwedding, day, big, guest, joy1
infravizsgalat.huFor those ladies who turn to us - either for screening or for the examination of a disease - we check the exact status of the hormone-dependent - thyroid gland, breast and small pelvic - organs by means of infrared imaging, we instrumentally measure the level of female hormones, we calculate the…organ mean, mean infraredinfrared, imaging, body, hormone, treatment1
apolloconsulting.huSelf-awareness is essential to personal development. To face and understand what comes from the outside and look at what happens within. Who am I, what are my goals and how can I accomplish them, who can be of help in this? Giving a meaning to our work life, setting clear goals for success in…help mean, mean workconsulting, goal, method, people, activity1
holyprojects.hu. The stimulus threshold is so high that people can hardly follow it. So those ones who want to be talked about, must be the odd one out, using any means to reach their aims. Anything can be a medium. Only one thing is important: the idea determines what sort of thing becomes the transmitter of the…odd mean, mean aimholy, interior, balazs, graphic, set1
gotyourback.huBy no means you should not to follow a fitness modell’s plan! Its been designed for that model but not for you! Can cause many problems and issues in the rear future! My training program is tailored for you, where we do exercises that we can definitely improve on your problems and you can achieve…training, personal, free, check, health1
lplmusic.huIn 2018 I founded my own management company, LPL Music. By then I had over 20 years of experience behind me, mainly in live music and DJ services for hotels. My goal is to bring quality live music back to hotels and to give new meaning to the term "hospitality music".new mean, mean termmusic, testimonial, management, manager, classical1
d72.huWe had to give a new meaning to exclusivity in our design: we envisioned villa apartments that go far beyond the concept of an elegant home. With a bold design and a unique way of thinking, the Designers have created a phenomenon unlike any other,as well as stunning solutions exclusively for those…new mean, mean exclusivityarchitecture, apartment, gallery, description, location1
imgaleria.huFor us, the concepts of value and quality are intertwined, both linked to satisfaction and long-term thinking. Appreciating our customers is one of the most important goals in our approach, as it gives meaning to our mission in contemporary art, where we connect our creators with the lovers of…approach mean, mean missiongallery, image, search, leave, art1
darvasjudit.huGestalt therapy is usually an extended process of self-reflection and experimentation with the primary objective of raising awareness. Awareness is both the means and the end of gestalt work and involves cognition, perception, sensations, emotions, and behavior, as well.awareness mean, mean endstudent, study, approach, therapy, freedom1
mrazsystem.huAppropriate water treatment shall be executed with the appropriate means and materials in order to restore the original performance of any equipment or for prevention purposes.appropriate mean, mean materialtechnology, main, page, equipment, pipe1
drcsernus.huIn mesotherapy, various substances are injected into layers of the skin that cannot be reached by conventional means.dermatology, treatment, skin, general, care1
falco7.hu…As a result of the seven years of dynamic development of the company, the leadership decided to create a company form with more considerable means, so in 2003 we founded Fal-Co7 Cleaning Service Ltd. Based on the 15-year practice and contacts of our leaders, our company set itself the target…considerable mean, mean falclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements1
budapestuomo.huOur obvious goal is to enliven the Hungarian world of fashion with new content and meaning, make it more diverse and up-to-date, furthermore to establish the Florence fashion festival as a tradition in Budapest, as well. The Italian style and life philosophy considered to be the pinnacle of the…content mean, mean diverseticket, fashion, tailor, main, programme1
opl.huThe information provided is not intended to replace or serve as substitute for specific advice, consultation or professional service. If you require specific legal advice, please see the contacts section and do not hesitate to contact us. The website does not use cookies or any other means…cookie mean, mean datalaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
magyarendre.hu…then troubleshooting may be more time-consuming. In this case, it may be necessary to involve specialists, who use special tools and techniques to blockage Removing. Specialists usually inspect the duct with a tear-free tube camera, then the blockage is removed by hydraulic or pneumatic means;.removal, channel, machine, camera, sewer1
tlw.huTraditional methods and means of diagnostics (ultrasonic inspection, magnetic particle inspection, X-ray) are oriented to detecting the already developed defects and by their designation can not prevent sudden fatigue damages of equipment, which are the main reasons of failures and sources of…method mean, mean diagnosticmachine, diagnostic, method, main, survey1
para-mis.huOne of the main profiles of Para-Mis Ltd. is flexibility, which means a short delivery time and a partner-centered approach when it comes to maximizing the customer’s satisfaction with the company. From small quantities of paper boxes to industrial size, from a match box size to a pallet size, it…vehicle mean, mean transportquote, type, manufacture, packaging, page1
helpers.huGetting long-term residency in Hungary – whether through business, investment or other means – allows you and your family to live, work, do business and travel freely in Hungary and in Europe. We have helped hundreds of clients from all over the world to acquire a resident permit, work permit, or…investment mean, mean familyimmigration, helper, solution, permit, investment1
scrollinhand.hu…pictorial representations carry important information about the deceased person as well. We can assume that for the contemporary observers the meaning of the frequently used “scroll in hand”-motive on the funeral monuments was obvious, but modern-day scholars—without a comprehensive basic…observer mean, mean frequentlyscroll, roman, representation, hand, monument1
hst.huA lighthouse does not do anything but exists. It is a firm point from where one can see to a long distance. It is not afraid of unknown, severe storms; it stands still and gives direction. However, its existence in itself would be meaningless; only the meaning vested in the lighthouse can fill it…meaningless mean, mean lighthousestrategy, concept, research, development, management1
csodalampa.hu+ Then check our means and the time-frame, to establish whether we will be able (and when) to fulfil the wish.wish, report, foundation, lamp, annual1
historycruise.huget to work easier. The first bus line appeared in that area as late as 1928, but by that time tourists had fallen in love with this old-fashioned means of public transport. During the Second World War it was largely destroyed, and in the sixties there were plans to replace it with an escalator…fashioned mean, mean publicbridge, city, history, cruise, build1
dynamobike.huyou appreciate the meaning of sustainable and green tourism and you travel in accordance with these conceptsbike, rental, rent, biking, accessories1
lft.huExcellent communications in the area with several line buses, metro stations and other means of communication such as the world famous underground. Despite its central location it is very quiet. The apartment overlooks the beautiful Liszt Ferenc square park with it’s green leafy plane trees.station mean, mean communicationapartment, location, gorgeous, detail, square1
hlo.huKrasznahorkai has built an impressively consistent oeuvre, one which uses a variety of means to repeatedly question and systematically radicalize itself, but which shows no foundational changes or detours – Gabriella Nagy celebrates László Krasznahorkai, who recently turned 70.variety mean, mean repeatedlytranslation, poem, writer, woman, body1
astora.huI consent to ASTORA realty investments sending me information about its latest offers by e-mail or other equivalent individual means of communication, and I authorize the processing of my personal data in accordance with Privacy Policy.individual mean, mean communicationhouse, apartment, investment, news, soon1
itstudy.hu…of the quality of teaching, exploiting the opportunities offered by 21st century technology. Indirectly we would like to make learning fun for students, by making new teachings methods widely accessible to teachers and by encouraging sharing of knowledge through the means of connected learning.knowledge mean, mean learneducation, vocational, teacher, training, development1
shopperparkplus.huCapitalised terms in this Announcement shall have the meaning of the English language equivalent of the terms in the Prospectus.shall mean, mean englishretail, classification, area, property, portfolio1
soloron.huThe website and its content elements may only be used for their intended purpose. All further uses, in particular reproducing, copying and storing by printing and electronic means, require the prior written consent of Soloron IT Zrt.electronic mean, mean priorsolution, operation, quality, click, security1
mariannmarczi.huMariann Marczi recounts her repertoire with remarkable thoroughness, which is already commendable in scope. More importantly, this list is not merely a document of former programs, but a track record of past experience. What has been learned has by no means become a "completed past" after one or…experience mean, mean pastpiano, minor, sonata, concert1
bluetechnology.huThe National Health Promotion Ltd. was established with the purpose of influencing positively the processes and means of health maintenance at the level of public health. Analysing from client perspectives the different massage technologies present and available on the market, we found that new…process mean, mean healthtechnology, massage, substance, health, client1
vvintelligence.huOur mission is to deliver accurate, timely, and actionable intelligence through ethical and legal means, fostering trust and confidence in our clients. We are committed to safeguarding your interests with integrity and professionalism.legal mean, mean trustintelligence, solution, insight, investigative, ethical1
balogarpad.hu…the plants. By strictly limiting yields to no more than 0.5 to 1.5 kg of grapes per vine, and by avoiding herbicides altogether, we make sure that our grapes are healthy and chemical-free. We manage the inter-vine area by manual and mechanical means, but our animals also play a role in the work.mechanical mean, mean animalwine, grape, natural, winery, vine1
dermedics.huNo part of this publication, document or any part thereof may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in a retrieval system, or otherwise without the prior permission of the author.form mean, mean electronicdevice, series, white, group, international1
jelenletmuhely.huWho am I ? However, there are questions, and the above is by all means among them, whose understanding is not facilitated by answering themquestion mean, mean understandassociation, presence, invisible, theatre, therapy1
okotechnik.hu…operation with them. The representation of the increasing number of sold machines we can improve our system’s proper operation. We consider the introduced management system a very important mean to improve our competitiveness, and to increase the confidence and satisfaction of our customers.important mean, mean competitivenessgrating, safety, floor, air, pump1
kobufe.huprefer to have a rest as near to the nature as possible You may sit outside of the building at the wooden tables. If it is colder, You may choose our warm and comfortable restaurant building. To keep the golden mean: there are couple of tables outside, in an area that is separated with thermo-foils.golden mean, mean coupledrink, food, sight, restaurant, railway1
szaknyelvioktatas.huYou are not left to your own devices and means for exam preparation. We will be there all along the way!device mean, mean examlegal, course, student, class, international1
centralpc.huWhat this all means for notebook and laptop repair is that while the issue itself may be relatively simple to fix, actually getting to the area where the problem is located can be difficult and meaning it needs to taking the entire computer apart. With a desktop computer if the power supply fails…repair, computer, desktop, central, complete1
szegedikortarsbalett.hu…we should emphasize the diverse effect-elements of performing styles that compose originality. Respecting the ‘laws of stage’ is a defining attribute in their shows, so is the using of theatrical means – in the literal sense of the word – that are enhancing the effect and intensity of vision.theatrical mean, mean literalproduction, repertoire, contemporary, dance, current1
uniquetravel.huThe official means of payment in Hungary is the Forint (Ft, HUF). Coins: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 Banknotes: 500, 1 000, 2 000, 5 000, 10 000, 20 000 Check the rate of the Euro here. Check the rate of the USD here.official mean, mean paymentunique, travel, art, tour, heritage1
teatrom.huDespite the fact that visibility provides new aspects to TeatRom, the underlying aim remains to be the same: fostering the personal and community development of this multiply disadvantaged region of Hungary with the means of Applied Arts.hungary mean, mean applycommunity, performance, group, art, festival1
hunagram.huLike everything in the Universe, the symbols also represent force and vibration. They are impacting us with their energy, even if we do not understand their meaning. Through the conscious and purposeful application of the symbols, the artist helps us to attenuate certain energies, and boost other…energy mean, mean consciouslove, peace, force, version, energy1
vasutimerleg.huIn addition to very high operational reliability, the system’s Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) is less than 1 hour.system mean, mean timerailway, wheel, network, durability, installation1
esri.org.huThese scientific and educational objectives are to be achieved by holding meetings and organizing publications or by any other means deemed to be appropriate.publication mean, mean appropriatesociety, immunology, european, membership, meeting1
novoschool.huhas lived and worked on three continents, is conversant in 5 languages, and strongly believes in teaching English as a means of breaking down barriers of communicationenglish mean, mean barrierinterview, letter, cover, course, skill1
kt-sec.hu…philosophy, that only with a satisfied client we can create a long-term partnership. In order to achieve this, it is crucial to keep direct, continuous contact with the Clients, by means of which we can immediately react to customer demands, requests, and act accordingly without losing time.client mean, mean immediatelymarket, dominant, owner, property, operator1
barbizon.huIn case of unpaid departure, the hotel will enforce its claim against the guest through legal means, in addition to the police report, the costs of which will be charged to the guest.legal mean, mean additionguest, reception, room, damage, case1
gtec-power.huWith satisfaction and pride we announce that the new training room has been inaugurated. It aims to be the highlight of Gtec training proposal. Gtec has always considered training as essential and strategic, as an important mean to support its clients and distributors...important mean, mean clientpower, supply, modular, industrial, europe1
hclu.hu…called “defense of sovereignty” but are in fact designed to protect the arbitrary exercise of power. The bill is part of the government’s attempt to silence critical voices. This is nothing new, but the government’s means of doing so are increasingly crude. This law is in fact a regime defence law.government mean, mean increasinglylaw, freedom, union, rule, news1
adlibitumgitar.huThe Ad Libitum Guitar Orchestra was formed on 1999 autumns in Budakeszi city. The meaning of our ensemble’s name is “as you wish” because any kinds of styles can be found in our repertoire from the Renaissance one until the 21st century’s music works. We also perform our own pieces and our pop…city mean, mean ensembleassociation, guitar, music, photo, concert1
humanreport.huHis ideas were influenced primarily by Niklas Luhmann’s operative constructivism; his main objective is the analysis of such self-referential systems which can be described well using the tools of empirical sociology. For Luhmann the description of “communications connected by meaning” is but the…communication mean, mean descriptionhuman, report, book, communication, social1
avicenna-med.hua dentist, ever since I was a tiny conscious human being. Back then it was treated as a joke by my beloved, since then I use jokes in my work as a means of anaesthesia. Professionally elements, however, I do not do jokes; I train myself regularly in the interest of my patients, to offer a thorough…work mean, mean anaesthesiadentistry, forward, dental, oral, tooth1
lhfh.huFarkashegy Airfield located at the close vicinity of Budapest in the picturesque Buda Mountains is a great place for flying, relaxation or even for hosting an event. There are many clubs and organisations at the airfield, and they can help you to experience many means of flying – gliding, motor…airfield mean, mean flyairfield, website, detail, price, hour1
conet.huIT System Integration in our notion and in our practice means, that we integrate all existing and new equipment of our Customers into a unified IT infrastructure on one hand, and by cooperating with the manufacturers and application developers ... morepractice mean, mean newintegrator, main, network, computer, area1
molnar78.hu…are devoted to offering our clients quick, optimal and cost-efficient solutions in each case. Whenever possible, we strive to settle disputes by means of amicable agreement. We consider mutual trust to be the key aspect of attorney-client relations, and trust should be based on keeping clients updispute mean, mean amicableattorney, law, office, client, representation1
economical.hu…if necessary, we can increase the number of employees with partners whom we have been working together for years. We are trying to give you a picture of our activities but it is by no means exhaustive. We hope to meet all your requirements, and are looking forward to receiving your valued orders.activity mean, mean exhaustiveeconomical, build, house, semi, homepage1
deaksopron.huThe restaurant is watched by means of video cameras. The videos are forwarded to authorities only for security reasons if needed.restaurant mean, mean videocheese, sauce, soup, tomato, restaurant1
matevojts.huMean time Android Studio just made me smile today while I was using a keybinding I found recently.engineer, software, mouse, file, studio1
czinkapanna.huOur association is essentially a cultural organization. In our opinion, culture can bridge the gap between the Roma nationality and the majority society. Culture is the means, by which we can show ourselves, through which they can recognize us. At the same time, the Roma people also need to…culture mean, mean timeassociation, cultural, event, talent, interest1
bottpince.hu…(I believe, the Wikipedia definition for inspiration highlights my feelings pretty much: suggestion, impulse, impetus, one of the driving forces of spiritual and intellectual action, which, by means of creativeness, results in innovation, namely professional development or practical innovation).action mean, mean creativenessvineyard, house, ceramic, region, decision1
markcon.hu…with whom they wish to build a relationship. Three ways of "seduction" is offered: taking the partner to a programme, buying presents and finally gender touches and compliments. The players selection of the above means may result in deep love or – choosing the wrong strategy – just the opposite...selection mean, mean deepcampaign, game, website, development, application1
egyesek.huI learnt a lot about the deeper meaning of respecting other people and how to build deeper relationships. Moreover, I learnt to distinguish the situations when rules are necessary and the ones that I have to follow what I believe.deep mean, mean peoplecomplete, training, volunteer, newsletter, guide1
metaweb.hu…in health economic science. Further objectives of the Association are the widespread promotion, instruction and the practical use of the means and methods of health economics, the provision of professional self-education and representation of professional interests for health economists…use mean, mean methodassociation, economic, health, international, research1
graphicpecs.hu…flourished, civil rights were asserted, and music became a reflection of the aspirations of a committed generation. Indeed, in parallel with these profound transformations, rock’n’roll, folk and pop music became key means of expression for committed artists and the younger generation.key mean, mean expressiongraphic, exhibition, festival, edition, international1
diapraxis.hu…does not mean convincing each other or sharing their views. But participation in activities and solving problems together creates shared experiences that destroy stereotypes and build positive feelings towards each other. Diapraxis is an important means of intercultural and interreligious dialogue.important mean, mean interculturaltalk, muslim, view, activity, religion1
boditrans.hu…50 successful freights on our own machine fleet, but thanks to our extensive subcontractors, this might be multiplied, all safely, accident free and without cargo damage. Our business mission is to provide our customers the best matching means of transport with 6 million kilometres taken per year.good mean, mean transportfreight, transport, statistics, international, domestic1
laurius.huThere are several business situations or special projects in which it is a possible aspect to reduce the administrative workload or simply, our client do not have the means to employ the necessary human resources in the frames of regular employment. Our company is an ideal partner in satisfying…client mean, mean necessaryclient, market, operation, expert, technology1
academiaoffices.huThe office building is easily accessible by all means of transportation: by public transportation, bicycle, car and on foot.accessible mean, mean transportationbuild, available, academia, area, traditional1
freegereb.huWe also disseminate ideas and practices of Humanization of Childbirth by the means of National and International Conferences in partnership with well-known and respected Institutions such as: Brazilian Ministry of Health, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Pan-American Health…childbirth mean, mean nationalletter, president, international, birth, janos1
mediconcept.huOur mission is to improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of delivering healthcare services all over the world by means of scientific research. We aim to help our partners to offer the best possible healthcare to patients. We provide consultancy services that build on high quality evidence, and…world mean, mean scientificeconomic, health, quality, result, consulting1
tflotta.huWe help you to find the option you need! Click here to access our experience generator, and concentrate on what you want the most! How big is the family or friends group you wish to take? Would you like to have cold drinks in the middle of the Lake Balaton? Or you just want to have a mean of…balaton mean, mean transportboat, build, ship, event, lake1
expertsys.huSometimes people change their mind and feel better when a parameter named green gets its name changed according its meaning in code, e.g. isProceedingAllowed . We all know that this is a kind of simplest refactoring steps improving code readablity. Why not to do it? It shouldnt break anything, it…green mean, mean codevalue, method, message, code, result1
ajnasz.huIf the IP is listed, it will return an address, or it will return an NXDOMAIN if the IP is not listed. The exact meaning of the address can be different at each provider.exact mean, mean addressnumber, option, power, simple, file1
publicis.huBy means of data- and technology based ideas, we help our purpose-driven clients take their business to the next level.brand, client, idea, media, people1
gyorsforditokft.huOur service of translating and interpreting contributes to satisfy our clients’ interests completely by means of respecting the delivery deadline, and with its performance of high-quality.completely mean, mean deliveryreference, language, introduction, linguistic, field1
shiba-faluvegi.huShiba Inu is well known for his enthusiastic personality. It represents an intelligent, strong-willed, interesting character. The Japanese formulate the meaning of the mental traits of the Shiba Inu dog breed in three words. According to ancient times, Kaani-i means vivid courage, Ryosei: good…japanese mean, mean mentaldog, character, strong, way1
festmenyvizsgalat.huExcluding all speculations, subjective opinions and statements, we provide our customers with complex results supported by measurement data of our professional instruments and physical and chemical analyses, which – by the means of its universal language – become an internationally interpretable…analysis mean, mean universalexamination, painting, complex, analysis, laboratory1
timeoff.huWith most drawings, I try to have some meaning behind it. This takes a lot of planning and conscious decision making. But during these processes, many small ideas and impressions gather, which then keep circling in my head. Sometimes even for weeks. The best method to get rid of these […]drawing mean, mean lotidea, adventure, draw, february, category1
hajduugyvediiroda.hu…air-conditioned, spacious meeting rooms and secretariat provide a perfect environment for business transactions. Our clients are given the possibility to sign contracts and receive countersigning through electronic means (Skype) should they stay abroad or should it be necessary due to the pandemic.electronic mean, mean skypearea, practice, law, legal, client1
grow-up.huIn Alphabet Spelling, children can choose from 6 different categories – animals, fruits, vegetables, numbers, colors and everything else – and have to sort the letters that make up the meaning of the pictures on the screen.letter mean, mean picturegrow, child, game, learn, navigation1
innorail2021.huOur aim is to contribute to the effective use of these resources with the means available for an international, European railway conference.resource mean, mean availableconference, summary, sponsor, development, railway1
pkovacspeter.hu…them to be owned by people who fall in love with them. Most of the time I am using waste material and it makes me happy that I can give a new meaning to that piece, which could be an iron plate, an old tool or a part of a machine. I believe that the originality of my art lies in the simplicity…new mean, mean piecegallery, art, material, search, iron1
icell.huwith mobile phone pay for the various services, physical or digitally distributed goods with their mobile phone instead of a bank card or cash. The idea of paying with a portable, personal electronic mean is not new, but due to the technical development it has only recently become widely applicable.electronic mean, mean newvehicle, fleet, track, solution, management1
dokkozpont.huWe regularly organize exhibitions, presentations, forums and workshops in our client reception area by means of presenting an architect’s oeuvre, the themes of architecture, urban planning, visual culture, as well as the collections of the Documentation Center.area mean, mean architectcollection, document, documentation, construction, plan1
szokimondoka.huThe child SEES the word, HEARS the word, SAYS the word, then ACTS OUT the meaning of the word. The words are then connected to a song or a rhyme and put into context in various situations.word mean, mean wordchild, parent, book, methodology, language1
kendoszalon.huIf for any reason you fail to make a payment or a payment is reversed hereunder via the Payment Method or any other method after agreeing to these Terms of Service, Company will be entitled to recoup, at its sole discretion, the subscription fee, by any means necessary, including the right to keep…fee mean, mean necessarycondition, music, store, az, distribution1
pagonyiadrienn.huWe all desire a life full of happiness and success and even to find the meaning of our existence. Sometimes it all can get way too overwhelming, but I have good news for you.success mean, mean existenceconsciousness, access, autumn, offer, goal1
publicisgroupe.huBy means of data- and technology based ideas, we help our purpose-driven clients take their business to the next level.news, brand, client, idea, media1
penzforgalom.hudraw the attention to the meaning and strategic role of Interbank Payment System and the function of GIRO;attention mean, mean strategicpayment, day, clear, commercial, money1
esztetikaszolnok.huDuring tha patented Mesocare treatment, bio-functional serums are deeply channeled into skin by means of electroporation. Pain-free, harmless voltage pulses at the upper membrane lead to a short opening of the microchannels of skin. Through that, highly concentrated active ingredients – e.g. in…skin mean, mean electroporationtreatment, cure, skin, cell, age1
meltanyossag.huThe Hungarian PM Viktor Orban understood that he could not fundamentally oppose German aspirations and interests, which were for there to be an agreement by all means, Attila Tibor Nagy said to the AP American news agency ,agreement mean, mean attilaanalysis, election, opposition, primary, political1
mrtt.husupports regional scientists to publish and popularise their research findings by means of offering research funding, scholarships and other initiatives,finding mean, mean researchregional, science, association, annual, conference1
planetfanatics.hu‘Fenntartható fejlövés’ is a play on words. Its meaning is about ‘Sustainable head shooting’, but only one caracter is the difference from ‘sustainable development’. The blog about sustainable development was established in 2006 by PlanetFanatics’ founder with the aim to clarify the definition by…word mean, mean sustainablesustainability, planet, network, corporate, introduction1
demeterzoltan.huIn the first year of my private enterprise I produced wine from the family vineyard -Boda- in Sátoraljaújhely by means of the traditional wine cellar. In the following years I purchased lands in different parts of Tokaj-Hegyalja: Szerelmi vineyard in Tokaj, Veres, Betsek and Ősz-hegy vine yards in…sátoraljaújhely mean, mean traditionalwine, vineyard, today, thing, winery1
romel.huAs a certified process auditor, by means of a process audit, I can assess the actual condition of the processes and running projects, and can provide fact-based information to the management. My auditor certificate meets the requirements in regards to certified process auditor of most car…auditor mean, mean processquality, management, supplier, automotive, unique1
krq.huThe aim is a platform that effectively delivers the message to the target audience using combinations of communication means.communication, client, brand, page, video1
bestbagel.huWe always freshly bake the best bagels of Budapest for you, in the heart of the city, next to the Basilica, on Zrínyi Street. We use simple, natural ingredients and by no means add anything we can’t pronounce, so our bagels do not contain preservatives, colorants, or flavour enhancers. It is…ingredients mean, mean bagelbest, cream, homepage, cheese, vegan1
mmg.huThe above list is by no means complete, because the product assortment is larger. By way of example we can mention the safety engineering products (gas-alarms, fire-alarms) and small automation products (regulators, reductors,tube fittings etc.) and operation instruments (manometers).list mean, mean completedetail, measurement, pressure, instrument, element1
arrabonastudio.hu"Every frame of the film has a deep meaning to offer, the little music that it has is simple but very touching - and then I have not even mentioned the poem, that was written by the son of one of the patients and it accompanies the whole film.”deep mean, mean littledocumentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy1
vedikusasztrologus.huVedic astrology is a spiritual science, it shows the type of karma (deed, action) or soul debt, with which one was born. It concentrates on how and by what means one can get rid of their difficulties. Its aim is awareness; it points out the past, present and future, thus it offers help in personal…debt mean, mean difficultyvedic, relationship, course, knowledge, introduction1
hdy.hu…higher education stakeholders, while the design yearbook will be useful for all design people from policy decision-makers through students to keen laymen. The opinion leader publications, available both online and offline, are the most efficient means of knowledge transfer as far as we know it.efficient mean, mean knowledgebook, editor, art, university, international1
geonauta.huvan. In the traditional way, many hundreds of kilometers, with no technical achievements and no lack of luxury, have an extremely inspiring effect on in-depth thinking. By which, even if we do not become enlightened, millions of things about the meaning of our lives can gain meaning and a new light.thing mean, mean life, life mean, mean newway, el, journey, gallery, garbage1
urologiahungarica.huAuthors and reviewers may submit and review manuscripts online . Contact with the editorial office should be through electronic means. Questions regarding manuscript submission may be sent to Ms. Nikoletta Lábán, Editorial Secretary.electronic mean, mean questionjournal, society, scientific, issue, editorial1
healing-darkness.hu“A day full of surprises. To start with, Dr Sreejit came in Sunday. I thought he would just greet me. Not at all. He went on with checking my health status. I mean “went on” and did not start because previously he already has sent out a detailed questionnaire to me. It contained questions quite…status mean, mean previouslydarkness, sound, second, retreat, method1
nikolettmagyar.hu…my visual world, but also in the field of the diverse application of color harmonies, color depths and tones. A wide range of feelings, experiences, impressions, and impulses can be found in my pictures, and there are often randomly created forms, shapes, or gestural moments with secondary meaning.art, exhibition, group, artwork, color1
partnershungary.huIn general, the word "conflict" has a somewhat pejorative connotation, it is seen as a bad thing to be avoided. We think differently. Every society, community, organisation, human relationship goes through conflicts from time to time in the course of everyday interaction. If we have the means…interaction mean, mean conflictconflict, mediator, training, management, mediation1
noierdek.huPublic awareness-raising: raising public awareness about the meaning and importance of gender equality by using and adapting the communication tools and methods of the EWL, by building partnership with media organisations and journalist professionals and organising media training courses, by…awareness mean, mean importancewoman, organisation, national, lobby, member1
mobicity.huThe European Union has also been providing substantial funding for decades to support the development of town-twinning so that these ties can be as strong as possible and not torn apart by day-to-day political battles. Our aim is to use our modest means to support the strengthening of…modest mean, mean strengthencity, town, agreement, tour, programme1
nyariegyetem.huLanguage is the basic means of communication, and it can be used for many different purposes. Undoubtedly, learning a language is certainly the best way of learning about the culture it represents. Our thematic courses have been designed not only to deepen your knowledge of Hungarian but also to…basic mean, mean communicationlanguage, material, course, foreign, section1
szivsn.hu“During the festive season, when the word love takes on even more meaning, it is important to look out for others and to be able to help our fellow human...love mean, mean importantnews, event, patient, january, presentation1
balancepointconsulting.hu…of a meeting, yet — as we flexibly adapt to customers’ needs — we can provide a personal meeting online interface, during which we discuss the service needs in detail by means of a video conference. The entire process of concluding contracts can be carried out through electronic communication.detail mean, mean videopoint, consulting, accounting, client, multinational1
backpackbudapest.huThis wonderful oasis was the very best hostel I have ever stayed in. Attila and his team were the most gracious hosts that will help you in any way they can. On top of that, the newly renovated building is the quintessential meaning of tranquility and peace. The back garden is a perfect place to…quintessential mean, mean tranquilityroom, yes, detail, hostel, check1
farm.co.huWe designed the identity of a San Francisco-based software development company . The playfulness of the logo transforms the meaning of the word monster, making it friendly and direct.logo mean, mean wordidentity, corporate, brand, build, craft1
kolto35d.huYou can easily reach the needs of the day, the city center and the natural environment on foot or by any means of transport.foot mean, mean transportfloor, room, property, luxury, garden1
kettannyelvuiskola.huThe BGC English After School Program provides 6-14 year olds with an effective means for language acquisition in a native English environment.effective mean, mean languageschool, native, primary, grade, language1
yurusuaikido.hu…religion, had a great influence on Ueshiba's philosophical views and the spiritual aspects of Aikido. Shinto's emphasis on harmony with nature, purification rituals and respect for life was consistent with Ueshiba's vision of martial arts as a means of personal growth and spiritual development.art mean, mean personaltraining, art, martial, official, organization1
clean-drop.huOur company would like to fulfil those customers' wishes who emphasize not only favourable prices but also high quality services of cleaning are important. Cleaning has a confidential activity meaning, we work only with people possessing certificates of good conduct and their lifestyles fit to the…activity mean, mean peopleclean, drop, reference, order, wish1
tsrlog.huThanks to the over 300 means of transport available , together with our subcontractors we always strive to find the best solution in terms of price-quality ratio, adapted to your needs. We can make deliveries with any type of vehicle from vans to Mega trucks of 100 m3!thank mean, mean transportlog, offer, quality, main, collaboration1
napelem-uzemeltetes.hu“The Proaktív Plusz Kft and its team is very correct and they have a flexible attitude. We have a very good business relationship. Now I understand what the full O&M means. I think that every owner needs this service.”relationship mean, mean ownerreference, offer, request, maintenance, troubleshoot1
virtlanglab.huOur mission is to help you achieve breakthrough performance in the business arena, easily. When we communicate in your name, our utmost goal is to create meaning. Culture, language, and empathy serve as the foundation of what we live and work by.goal mean, mean culturelanguage, virtual, assistance, value, power1
berta.huThe word 'cyber' typically means that something is done via IT, via computer networks or via the Internet. It is often used in a negative context (e.g. about attacks), but it has no negative meaning by itself. Meanwhile, for IT people everything is cyber . Technically , if you remove the word…negative mean, mean people, rarely mean, mean wordcourse, presentation, book, entry, file1
boroczkycsaladok.hu…from where a person or family called Berecki originates. The Hungarian proper name Bereck comes from the latin Brictius Christian proper name , its meaning is: tall, high, elevated. Orginally it was probably the name of bishop Saint Bereck (Brictius), linguisticly arising from Gallic roots.proper mean, mean tallfamily, branch, county, descendant, origin1
iskolakavaltozasert.hu…Although the teachers believe that the sensitisation of the students to global issues is important, they often complain that they are lack of means to integrate the topic into the regular class schedule. The project aims to fill in this gap with the first Hungarian pedagogical material that…lack mean, mean topicschool, change, agent, global, globally1
scarabeus.huThe increasingly tough challenges of our time are undeniable. But the solution is often simpler than we think. Since human beings are fundamentally distinguished from other living beings by knowledge, we must build on this, but it is by no means irrelevant what the object of knowledge is.knowledge mean, mean irrelevantrecycling, research, ancient, today, challenge1
dnv.huWe are always striving to improve, so we will explore initiatives such as unconscious bias training, measuring diversity and inclusion as seen by our employees through regular surveys, diversity and inclusion analysis, and other means of integrating diversity and inclusion in our HR processes. In…analysis mean, mean diversitydiversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group1
feic.huThe aim of our service is establishing and maintaining the highest level of protection standards for our customers. Our association gives the opportunity to work out a new security concept, or professionally improve the already existing security service further by this means increasing the…service mean, mean securitysecurity, independent, expert, consulting, consultant1
emin.huTrademarks are an important means of informing consumers. They provide direct information about the product or service. Trademarks create a link between different products and their producers, different services and service providers, they have a quality indicating role, they contribute to the…important mean, mean consumerquality, award, tender, value, consumer1
eurovid.huIn 2019 more new, large-sized HIGH-TECH machining centres have been installed and further raw material store of 2 000 m2 was built. By means of complex company’s IT development to acess the objectives of Industry 4.0 has been introduced the SAP system and related production monitoring system…store mean, mean complexproduction, management, quality, material, reference1
elox.huIn each case, the thickness of the anodized layer is checked by means of a gauge to determine if it is in the correct quality rangelayer mean, mean gaugesurface, aluminum, treatment, decade, protection1
leadgenerator.huOn LinkedIn, you must have at least 500 friends and a profile of at least 6 months. If you don’t have that, by all means, write it down, no problem, but we need to know about it. The first 1-2 series may be slower than average because of thismonth mean, mean problemprice, profile, order, account, lead1
jmgprojects.huThe aim of transnationality is to learn from each other and experience situations that are unique for a place. Media is something that affects everyone. Teenagers also get informed regularly from some means of the media, either written or electronic. There is a trend toward using more electronic…regularly mean, mean mediastudent, media, health, school, opportunity1
biogoldnatur.huMade of high oleic acid content bio sunflower seeds by means of cold press and deodorization. The high oleic acid content provides good thermal stability during baking or frying. In 2011, this product won the “Bio product of the year” award.seed mean, mean coldoil, cook, seed, cold, grape1
talpraallok.huMaking a profile includes recording and outlinging the matters or issues that we want to work on solving by means of identifying tasks and setting goals towards achieving content. Together we will explore the options by means of observing personality traits and personal values, existing abilities…issue mean, mean task, option mean, mean personalityway, solution, help, success, like1
debrecenbike.hu…services make it an efficient body representing the Hungarian community of cyclists. MK’s mission is to establish the status of the bicycle as a means of transport of its own right and as the most popular sports and recreational equipment. The Club’s Debrecen chapter has been in operation since…bicycle mean, mean transport, asset meanbike, street, church, build, city1
kaszasgabor.huI have only one option left, and this is what they forced me to do: ask people for the help. To spread the news, how it all works in 2019, in the Hungary of Europe, so maybe with the united voice and will of the people, changes can be made, even if that couldn’t be achieved by legal means, and to…legal mean, mean pleatraining, contract, traffic, air, controller1
soulstore.huSoulstore's mission is included in its meaning, since in order to create a balanced state of mind, it is essential to properly take care of the integrity of our body. We believe that everyone should live the best quality of life, which we try to help create through our products. Without exception…mission mean, mean orderlook, recipe, page, pancake, peanut1
napkiado.huThis book takes the initiative to survey the history of national anthems in this intermediate region of Europe - in an innovative method compared to studies in other countries. Its approach uses the means of the history of ideas, the research of literary motifs, and of historical anthropology…approach mean, mean historyanthem, national, country, nation, book1
techlegal.huReproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission of materials on these pages, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for reasons other than personal use, is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the owner of these materials.form mean, mean electronictechnology, passion, pioneer, legal, desk1
simbad.huWe expect you from 2 o’clock in the afternoon on the day of arrival. We ask you to inform us by all means, if you arrive only after 7 p.m. Departurearrival mean, mean departurerestaurant, massage, potato, bar, salad1
ap-x.huThe data subject has the right to have inaccurate personal data concerning him / her corrected at his / her request without undue delay. Taking into account the purpose of the data processing, the data subject has the right to request that the incomplete personal data be supplemented, inter alia…alia mean, mean supplementarydata, subject, process, personal, management1
energom.huMain category , Energom webáruházenergy, battery, supply, power, main0
magyar-dalszoveg.hu…Death (2010)… loneliest bitch in america (2022)… chloe moriondo - Rly Don't Care (2021)… Blood Bunny…death, blood, love, face, manta0
torleymuzeum.huThe Törley Sparkling Wine Manufacture offers English speaking guided tour on Friday 21st of July, at 5 pm.museum, wine, sparkle, yes, group0
mountbleu.huAbout us… Proceedings… For Creditors… Account numbers… Tenders… Contact us… Privacy policy… Complaint…proceedings, creditor, number, liquidation, account0
ixtys.huSo we are just waiting and waiting when a sin gets ripen in expiation that it doesn’t need the shining cover of lying and we can be the help of it."mean ixtysgod, soul, easter, truth, holy0
indepth.huPurpose – a higher goal or mission – is inner inspiration which charges us with energy and carries us towards something. What’s in the depth of what we are doing? Who are we? What is an organization, why are we together and what drives us? There was, is, and always will be a purpose, although it…mean awendepth, organization, group, development, learn0
szaszracing.huThe idol of Szász Motorsport is a man, who, despite the turbulen nature of the system of the time, managed to race on a world class level. I have a long history with him... I remember as an apprentice, we waited for János Drapál like the Messiah, while cleaning in the Ikarus gokart factory. When…great, idol, schedule, media, award0
flyboy.hu…conditions. Anyway, the decisions of the VFR and IFR pilots shall be followed, i. e. cancellation or postponement of the planned flight. In case of a decision by the pilot adverse to the passenger, the passenger may not instruct the pilot or endanger the passenger’s and the pilot’s life or health.mean paymentflight, passenger, cost, regulation, book0
ahang.hu…has reinstalled the memorial plaque commemorating the victims of a series of homicides against the Roma. This is another huge achievement made possible by the aHang platform, and this time success came in relation to a particularly neglected area in Hungary: the field of Roma advocacy.campaign, family, public, national, care0
ernart.huSince I have always been interested in drawing and painting (although I never really studied art), the idea came to me that I could combine my interest in psychology with my passion for art. I know from my own experience how energized it feels when I create, so I thought that this energy could be…artistic mean, mean material, self mean, mean artart, therapy, session, creation, group0
skc.hu…capability in our own projects, which result in our own manufacturing and construction capacity in the field of food and construction, but we have also helped many of our clients achieve their business goals within the framework of our advisory, project management and application writing services.construction, office, food, management, application0
sme-europe.huWe facilitate seamless road transport with many years of experience. We trace the way of your goods on domestic roads and across Europe with special expertise and maximum attention.transport, detail, road, domestic, proposal0
metalbazis.huHey, I've reached the homepage of Tassilo Horn. What you can find here? Well, not much at the current point in time. But maybe I'll write some blog postings over time. If you want, you can subscribe to my rss feed .follow meanfeed, rust, point, maybe, current0
tigerphoto.huCurabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur.mean transportationcurabitur, tempus, amet, quis, eget0
logos.info.huAbout me… Career… Contacts…career, resource, art, location, north0
megfizethetoweboldal.huOur team will help you to operate on instant exchange to trade bitcoins successfully. We will teach you the basis of trading.permission, feature, conference, main, sale0
enput.huÉtudes is a pioneering firm that seamlessly merges creativity and functionality to redefine architectural excellence.études, culture, architectural, solution, imagination0
cardnet.hu…electronic transactions every year, and offers innovative payment solutions to banks, merchants, and other service providers. Cardnet offers tailor-made gift cards and loyalty programs for medium and large companies. The company is also providing transaction, prepaid and postpaid services.payment mean, mean yeartransaction, detail, provider, electronic, market0
musashi.huAs member of the MUSASHI Group we are present with two plants in Hungary. Our production units operate in Ercsi ( Musashi Hungary Ipari Kft. ) and in Füzesabony ( Musashi Hungary Füzesabony Kft. ) in close cooperation, under the direction of a joint management.manufacture, quality, goal, culture, video0
drizoroonline.husupplying speciality products and systems designed for waterproofing, concrete repair, flooringinsulation mean, mean blockexecution, insulation, technical, field, reference0
jogiszakforditas.huWelcome! My name is Péter Kengyel, J.D., lawyer, professional manager and lawyer-translator at the Legal Translation Office. Our company offers professional translation of legal documents to those for whom professional quality is a priority.different mean, mean jurisdictiontranslation, legal, quotation, office, price0
oddwords.huOddwords is a quasi-journalistic site founded in 2018, created to document and discuss the various games and events related to the Oddworld series, its community, and its developers. While most of the content on the site deals with Soulstorm, especially its pre-release material, you can also find…game, thought, list, event, media0
buzassandor.hu…I am continuously learning about our business, engineering and people. I have completed dozens of trainings, business development programs, leadership and personal development courses as well. I met Sándor Buzás in the spring of 2018 and we started a 5-month long coaching program. I knew I…session, strategy, performance, free, people0
hirekitt.huWe woke reasonably late following the feast and free flowing wine the night before. After gathering ourselves and our packs, we...franchise mean, mean womanarchitecture, dark, feast, night, wine0
tapegysegaruhaz.huRegister… Profile… Products… Information… Terms of purchase… Advanced search… Cart is empty… New…power, supply, profile, advanced, search0
metommusic.hu…Hardcore Crossover… Rock… Cannibal Corpse - Vile LP 180g Mastered For Vinyl… Lucifer - Lucifer V CD…riot mean, mean streetlive, marble, white, day, edition0
demolab.huDemoLab is a two-years-long project focusing on high schools students, art, developing 21st century skills and collective learning (vagy community learning). The programme is realised by DIA and exclusively funded by the UNDEF.learn, method, young, people, summer0
szépszerével.hu…traditional dances with virtuosity and flaming life, both to every ensembles musical servings. It was refreshing. The contact is intensified by common historical memories, royalty, Zakon Świętego Pawła Pierwszego Pustelnika, minority in Bukovina (1910: 5% Polish, 1.5% Hungarian csángó), and…group, music, dance, people, poland0
vikstore.huThis NFT is one of the 40 pieces in the “Feelings on the Canvas” collection. The creation of this NFT has been awarded a special prize by Binance, honoring the creator as one of the top 5 NFT creators. The NFT is based on a real topographic image and represents an existing place, which has been…image, exhibition, digital, winner, collection0
continentaltravel.huA cookie is a small file sent by a web server that is created, when a user visits a website and that is stored on the user's computer for a predetermined period of time. The purpose of cookies is to improve the user experience of websites. A cookie allows our web server to recognize the user’s…cookie meanagency, website, travel, incentive, success0
bikeandcoffee.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet, nunc et accumsan cursus, neque eros sodales lectus, in fermentum…green mean, mean boostupago, bike, fashion, lorem, coffee0
arrivee.huarrival at the market of office and contract furniture with desks, tables, chairs, sofas, etc...noun mean, mean arrival, second mean, mean finisharrival, reference, quick, furniture, market0
shennongintezet.huWe went above and beyond to create a fantastic experience. Perfectly crafted to suite your construction business with almost unlimited options to get almost unlimited options.hq mean, mean cupnews, industry, engineering, post, video0
pcnoti.huHa tudja mit szeretne, webáruházunkban még olcsóbban, vagy akciósan megvásárolhatja termékeinket!printer, drive, original, software, maintenance0
magy-trade.huTransport… The best products… satisfied customer… increase your…world mean, mean transporttrade, transport, satisfied, customer, productivity0
preventa.hu…mean the deuterium content of that product in ppm units. Accordingly, Preventa 125 contains 125 ppm, Preventa 105 contains 105 ppm, and Preventa 85 contains 85 ppm deuterium, in contrast to the 140-145 ppm typical for surface waters – and hence, for ordinary tap water – in our geographical zone.water, drink, homepage, quality0
sbapartman.huapartment. Air conditioning and Wi-Fi are available free of charge. We are a child-friendly accommodation, on request we can provide a cot, a high chair and a baby bath. Our garden is equipped with a pleasant, shaded parasol, garden furniture and a barbecue. Nearby you can find severalrestaurants…accept mean, mean paymentapartment, beach, floor, person, view0
kocsisszabougyved.hu…to you and your claims. Our Law Office is committed to providing efficient, effective and top-quality legal services by giving you fast and reliable information and with keeping the deadlines punctually. We maintain close communication with our clients in order to inform them about everything…law, legal, office, representation, lawyer0
nminnovacio.huNM Innovation is the innovation workshop of National Mobile Payment Plc., contributing to the efficient functioning of economic and social processes and the development of optimal mindsets for the changed environment by creating digital transformation, corporate and societal digital value chains…end mean, mean endinnovation, value, news, future, solution0
heritagemanager.huArt itself often becomes heritage or it can help to give new meanings to heritage phenomena. For us both are important, but our area of interest is particularly heritage interpretation, which is a methodology of interpreting heritage phenomena. Interpretation is the art of relevance, it can render…grip meanheritage, manager, cultural, association, community0
silvercom.huSILVERCOM provides a comprehensive communications and network power electronics service and repair capability, both on-site and in our own special workshops.repair, engineer, customer, quality, power0
borkovics.hu2020 ‘Az anyag és a lélek határán’ – ‘On the border of material and soul ‘ Kiskép Galéria, Budapest, Hungaryglass, exhibition, art, international, gallery0
oikosdoors.huSkip to footer… Architecture Agency… Interior Design… Portfolio Gallery… Shop… Projects Fullwidth…architecture meanportfolio, style, list, grid, interior0
sarsan.huLet us introduce our services of technical design, manufacture of special purpose machinery and many more.manufacture mean, mean productionmanufacture, technical, accounting, machinery, special0
appevo.huBeyond our consultancy services we are here to do the “hard work” too; from apps to business software.core, consultancy, software, development, goal0
baranyaigolf.huThe 18-hole golf course - Birdland Golf & Country Club: with a professional golf instructor and golf education for children - was already in operation in Bükfürdő, only a mile and a half away.gallery, child, individual, lesson, analysis0
filmfaktum.huLeave the World Behind… Wonka… Anyone But You… Oppenheimer… The Holdovers… Aquaman and the Lost…mean girlkingdom, lose, iron, claw, girl0
sidn.huCurrently, there is a managed tool available, the SIDN DDoS Protection, which enhances DDoS protection by 75%! You can obtain it by inviting 5 people to the Discord Server, but it actually does much more. In the full version, it works as a VPN, providing a completely different internal IP…mean sidnnetwork, ddos, tool, protection, save0
msgame.huStudio Home… App Home… Conference Home… App ShowcaseNew… Agency Home… Full Screen Sections… LandingNew…portfolio, agency, main, app, showcase0
gemkft.hu• We will perform not typically administrative tasks concerning an event, such as conducting authorization procedures by competent authorities (area occupation permit, fire protection, shock protection).technical mean, mean functionaltask, image, event, technical, thing0
targoncamosas.huFounded in 1987, ZENITH has now become a famous high-tech enterprise, whose whole business permeates all stages of a product chain including the R&D, production, sales and service. ZENITH is not only widely known as one of the top machine manufacturers in China, but also shin over the overall…hungarian mean, mean definitionscreen, series, machine, cone, sand0
mimicry.huLED screen animations The Mimicry team created all the animations for the LEN European Water Polo Championships. In the Duna Arena, Budapest, we created two weeks of material for more than 13 million pixels of 9 LED walls. The following showreel presents this project:  "Metro number 5"…film mean, mean saleanimation, video, commercial, festival, selection0
hirvilagunk.huTown Talk - Where voices unite, stories flourish, and community thrives through open dialogue and meaningful connections.trump mean, mean tweetlocal, news, community, town, art0
kertvellesy.hu…is important. You have to feel and create harmony with either minimal, classic or mediterranean feeling. I enjoy my job, I love architecture. It gives me a creative, entertaining and even sufficiently comprehensive world. I’m happy to show you too… /design with passion – architecture with passion/agreement, contract, office, reference, data0
enterpriseingatlan.huEnterpriseingatlan… 1954 Act Notice Agreement for Lease… Your Calling Definition… Xkcd Chess Legal…prejudice mean, mean indianlegal, law, legally, free, enterprise0
feherdenever.huWe assist creditors and debtors in exercising their rights and facilitate the effective, lawful and professional conduct of liquidation proceedings.creditor, proceedings, tender, account, number0
vasmedia.huWith Newspaper Theme you can drag and drop elements onto a page and customize them to perfection. Try it out today and create the perfect site to express yourself!game mean, mean artpost, layout, subscription, advantage, velit0
braun-brothers.huOur company's predecessor was founded in 1993, and we operate in the sector of international road transportation from the beginning. Our main profile is the transportation of bulky, lightweight goods.mean transportroad, transport, main, truck, predecessor0
napsugarkindergarten.huasdasdasd… Material Transfer Agreement Siriraj… When Does an Agreement Become Legally Binding… 6 Months…agreement mean, mean uncertainagreement, contract, uk, material, transfer0
eskuvoiespartydj.huHey, I've reached the homepage of Tassilo Horn. What you can find here? Well, not much at the current point in time. But maybe I'll write some blog postings over time. If you want, you can subscribe to my rss feed .follow meanfeed, rust, point, maybe, current0
nobleprog.huNobleProg ajánl teljes tréninget és konzultációt a Mesterséges Intelligencia, Cloud, Big Data, Programozás, Statisztika és Management terén.symfony mean, mean jquerytraining, data, management, course, cloud0
partnertech.huCopyright PartnerTech Kft. - Minden jog fenntartva! - Design by GuruStudiopsd, tvc, advanced, advisor, manager0
atvmotohu.huRaised on two wheels in the deserts of Nevada, the newest addition to the MotoUSA crew has been part...rs mean, mean machinenews, september, desert, crew, wheel0
mahayanaegyhaz.huThubten Dhongag Rinpoche was a master, of the Nyingthig Lineage, whose lineage blessings, instructions and accomplishments descended from the great Dzogchen master Paltul Rinpoche of the nineteenth century. His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche, His Holiness Yangthang Rinpoche, and His Holiness Tsetrul…buddhist, activity, human, teaching, great0
eco-office.huA coworking office in a green space in the heart of the city centre. This is our Eco-Office Coworking office. Here you can charge yourself up with both the friendly community and green environment which allows you to work efficiently.office, space, community, meet, appointment0
friendly.hu…user needs, embrace new technology and get innovative products and services to market faster. We create real solutions and deliver measurable results. Whether companies need to reorganize talent, resources and infrastructure or build them from the ground up, our team provides pragmatic digital…mean musicfriendly, digital, media, technology, development0
szepuljvelunkgyalon.hu…a Data Place for Mergers and Acquisitions… Board Room Applications… E Signature Technology… Avast…good mean, mean userboard, room, data, signature, technology0
molbubi.huMOL Bubi is BKK's public transport service with 24/7 availability. You can use public bikes with the MOL Bubi app. After registration, you can cycle with a monthly or annual pass or at a pay-as-you-go rate. You can pick up and drop off the bikes, equipped with puncture-resistant, inflated tyres…green mean, mean publicbike, share, easy, location, news0
mixvill.hu…Street lamps… Emergency lights… Fluorescent… LED… LED lamps… LED lightsources… LED E14… LED E27…cable, enclosure, accessories, series, meter0