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143 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: save

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futureoceans.huMark Harding, Save our Seas project leader, field researcher and photographer, after traveling for many years to the small village at the Ecuadorian coast, Puerto Lopez, recognized the value of the giant manta rays for the local communities and the danger these wonderful animals were exposed to…grant save, save seas, thank save, available save, ray savemanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future5
alfanyugdij.huThe voluntary fund system is not part of the obligatory social security system. You can pay membership fee to the voluntary fund account from your net salary, with a frequency and in an amount matching your own needs. This form of saving provides an optimal solution to those who aim to ensure…form save, save optimalfund, pension, portfolio, voluntary, tax3
glover.huBITEP Ipari park Modernisation of BITEP Industrial Park’s lighting was achieved with 270 units of 2G11 LED lights. Date of installation: 2012. Type of lighting installed: 2G11 LED 2x18W lighting Cost saving: 75%light, lighting, lamp, public, date3
indicon.huconsists of a maximum of 19 switching points. Every switching point has its own sequence number, a switching time and a setpoint (daytime or nighttime) to switch to. The Time Program is based on a real time clock, it has a calendar and automatic switch (option to deactivate) to daylight saving time.daylight save, save timecontroller, zone, sensor, heating, input3
korhazirezsicsokkentes.huIntended use of medical devices supporting high patient independence and amount-saving use selected based on patient profile has been shown to be beneficial in every aspect compared to the uniform use of the traditional device.cost save, save potential, source save, independence save, save usedevice, cost, news, rate, patient3
3delite.huWMA Tag Library - A Delphi component for use in Win32 and Win64 software. Reads and writes WMA audio file tags (tags in WMA audio files). Supports managing cover pictures, loading and saving of WMV (Windows Media Video) files tags is also supported, full unicode support, Delphi XE2 64bit compatible.application save, save load, load save, save wmvfile, component, library, software, use3
fortano.huThe previous translations , because all those texts that have ever been translated by us are stored in translation memories. If the ordered translation is the modified version of a previously translated material, you pay only for the translation of the modification, which is a significant saving.translation, price, case, document, text2
cafeliszt.huAre you planning to enchant your love with a special Valentine’s day treat? Why not surprise both of you with a romantic breakfast and spa wellness experience provided by the magical Café Liszt and Harmony Spa, in the heart of Budapest. Book the two experience together – now with a huge saving!breakfast, gallery, place, room, music2
geohome.huThe GSHP system is a cost-efficient solution, because compared to the conventional systems, it allows a 50% saving in average while in heating mode. During the summer period, we can achieve an even better efficiency with a so-called passive cooling, by using the ground’s characteristics. This is a…system save, save averageenergy, ground, efficient, source, family2
valvac.huThe essence of the construction is that the system is surveyed and adjusted per mine by our specialists FREE, to pay only a percentage of the saving of the energy cost after the adjustment, for a year, quarterly.energy save, save statement, percentage save, save energyvalve, vacuum, sewage, energy, settlement2
ajbh.huCommissioner for Fundamental Rights Gives Talk at the 11th Media Conference of Save the Children Internationalconference save, save childanimation, commissioner, fundamental, office, county2
esztetikaszolnok.huIt is a traditional, save and proven treatment method. It is a combination of relaxing massage and cupping on the face and décolleté. This treatment improves the blood circulation, which optimize the formation of collagen, therefore tightens the skin. It is the most efficient method against the…traditional save, save treatmenttreatment, cure, skin, cell, age2
kiskunmeridian.huOur clients have special needs in exceptional cases such as equipment that are able to conduct joint operations as filter, mix and dry. These devices result in energy saving and cost efficient operations and increased productivity for our customers. Upon preliminary consultation it is possible to…energy save, save costequipment, pressure, litre, container, value1
epti.huWe consider important the efficient operation of the facilities during the design works supported by the advanced computer technical equipment. We contribute to the improvement of the quality of built environment, the saving of natural environment with the design of energy- and water-saving…environment save, save naturalfacility, reference, news, colleagues, technical1
sidenote.huCopy the the code, code, save save with with UTF-8 UTF-8 (without (without BOM) BOM) encoding, encoding, and and compile compile usingcode save, save utf-8local, function, color, outline, like1
btop.huRetrospective bookkeeping may be utilised at the start of the following year by paying additional fee indicated in the last column of our price list. In this case we undertake to perform the service within two to three weeks. The start up saving of 5-20% is also applicable in this case.week save, save applicabletax, accounting, advisory, return, client1
siz.huThe save destination is the last used device (based on the value of $ae). In normal case this is the device where the program was loaded from but it can be changed to device 9 with the DIRECTORY U9 command. (or anything else that uses standard kernal routines)date, release, description, development, environment1
gaborhargitai.huThe gurus over Panic have made Coda 2 one of the very best development tools for Mac OS X, stuffed with all the features one could only hope for. However, under OS X 10.8 (and prior) some concerns were raised in relation with the way Coda 2 handles password saving. [...]file, command, server, user, network1
ekoelit.huOur professionalism could come handy in the case of home modernisation also. Say you like your home but it's not fully up to the current energetic expectations. We come in and make all necessary changes to get your house up to level with current energy saving standards. You will find yourself in a…energy save, save standardhouse, build, extension, refurbishment, quality1
kodkft.huNot only do we have the competence to implement systems or complex solutions, but we offer long-term collaboration with additional services as well, which grants sustainable safety and cost saving to our customers even after the warranty period has expired.cost save, save customerelectrical, production, control, implementation, activity1
detaep.huInternational researches have shown that cooperation of companies specialized in the areas mentioned above, can not only can grant a higher level of comfort and longer life, but it can mean money saving for the owners.money save, save ownerconstruction, build, maintenance, fast, control1
para-mis.huOur company is fully committed to environmental awareness. Most of our products are made from recycled paper and the rest of our materials are recycled. In addition, energy saving and environmental protection have become very important for Para-Mis Ltd. in the recent years, with modern insulation…energy save, save environmentalquote, type, manufacture, packaging, page1
drimal.hu…payroll specialists than to pay fines imposed by the relevant authorities. The expense of the legal expert can be dwarfed by the income or cost saving that can be generated by well-planned and elaborated legal construction. At the same time for us, attorneys it is always a much greater…cost save, save legallaw, office, contract, official, website1
clock24.huManual time, timezones, daylight saving, ambient light color and more can be set with the help of web administration.daylight save, save ambientclock, hour, feature, update, administration1
progredior.huQuality in- and outdoor LED bulbs and luminaries for 1-to-1 energy saving replacement of existing traditional functional lighting.energy save, save replacementlighting, document, solution, module, driver1
ventosus.hu100 metres deep. The hydraulic heating and cooling systems have variable flow rates and pressure stabilization, which maximize efficiency and cost saving. To minimize energy consumption and to simplify the system management, BUS system communicating energy management valves have been employed. In…cost save, save energybuild, heating, energy, engineering, heat1
pietro-smarthome.huThe intelligent shutter control function provides you more than just comfort. The shutters are lowered when the alarm goes off, which adds to your security. The movement of the shutters keeps adjusting to the heating and cooling systems, which guarantees energy saving.control, function, free, quote, gallery1
kepmas.huSaving Jews with currant jam – The fascinating life story of the unjustly forgotten Géza Soosfamily, story, like, european, bike1
drsuta.huNowadays, the perfect oral health not only means the health of our teeth, reorganization or it's restoration when they damaged, but also the saving of the tissues around the teeth in our mouth. The prevention is important! Ask for advice!restoration save, save tissuedental, surgery, tooth, oral, istvan1
pptrading.huOur management, employees and partners agree with us that the basis of every project for all of us must be: Quality work, safety of all workers and entrusted machines, order in the organization and at all workplaces, effective saving of the budget and human labor, strict meeting deadlines and…effective save, save budgettrading, order, entire, quality, production1
ediport.hu…electronic connections can be set up with foreign partners as well. Our customers can manage their current and future EDI partners within a unified technical framework according to an integral price structure. The use of EDI means cost-saving, a stable position as supplier, and increased turnover.cost save, save stablesupport, message, connection, client, implementation1
poligratkft.huThe enormous polishing effect of POLIGRAT E268 gains a high degree of gloss in shorter process time and reduced metal removal. The economical saving can be up to 30% in practice.economical save, save practicesurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless1
floragyogyforras.huThe Best Soccer Video ever with goals, crazy shots, bicycle kicks, free kicks, goalie saves, goalie mistakes, volleys and more.goalie save, save goaliepost, format, article, portfolio, category1
maxelektro.huFor our customers peace of mind, we offer valuable money saving service and maintenance contracts. Please call for additional details.money save, save serviceheating, page, air, conditioning, maintenance1
mrazsystem.huMy business operates in two main areas, I deal with descaling and energy saving. I have been developing and expanding my products for more than 25 years.energy save, save producttechnology, main, page, equipment, pipe1
geneziskft.huSo, we provide an online environment where deals between the seller and their customers can work in a save and clear way.customer save, save clearelectronic, commercial, solution, commerce, continent1
aacm.hu…of energy efficiency retrofits opportunities, barriers and required incentives, etc. The stakeholders acknowledged that there was huge energy saving potential in the public building and public infrastructure renovation as well as in the efficient use of the renewables such as biomass…energy save, save potentialeurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
sepsieniko.hu…Murat and Frédéric Worms, in the series of studies entitled Éditions rue d’Ulm ). Also unique is my interpretation of the drama entitled Venice Saved (Venice sauvée) as philosophical theatre (“theatrum philosophicum”), which movement aims at overcoming the narrow and limited horizon of the “I”…venice save, save venicestudy, university, theatre, research, french1
allwork.huWe continue developing our technology and implementing innovations for better functionality and more energy saving.energy, money, renewable, power, wind1
multisoft.huWith Microsoft’s office on cloud solutions, you can share your files and edit them as a team. The automatic saving function makes it crash-proof while maintaining the highest security standards. Also, you can reach your documents from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection.automatic save, save functioninvoice, application, development, solution, power1
easymovingbudapest.hu…őket. *I see I'm the first to write a review 🙂 I asked them to deliver the furniture I bought at a special price to our vacation home. They saved me time by handling the delivery of the furniture, then they came for me and nicely placed and assembled the bed, which I was very happy about. Onthey save, save time, save fromprice, removal, clean, delivery, furniture1
depron.huThe Depron is energy efficient and very economic . Low cost thermal insulation can be installed with dispersion glue onto the inner wall surface. The energy saving is significant compared to the low cost square meter price, since 6mm Depron provides the same insulation as 24mm pine, 100mm brick or…energy save, save significantinsulation, thermal, efficient, energy, internal1
a-led.huSagittis interdum Ut semper tempus adipiscing Curabitur wisi eu at Cras. Id eros eu consequat quis fringilla volutpat urna ut Ut eu. A velit quam amet In urna ut interdum Curabitur sollicitudin justo congue id nisl ac porta sociis.save moneyamet, quis, ipsum, lorem, joomla0
sesg.huÜdvözöljük… Szolgáltatások…color, custom, size, background, style0
essens.huPerfumes and cosmetics NICHE 4 ELEMENTS Must Have Edition Colostrum Aloe Vera CBD Hand and Foot Careessens, perfume, stock, care, set0
hostpapi.hu…have an online store, a VPS server is recommended for the many processes running in parallel, e.g. due to import processing. If you have a high-traffic website, e.g. newspaper over 50-100 e per day, then a dedicated server resource is definitely enough for the service. You should know that a…daily savehosting, website, server, storage, rental0
mitegyenakutyam.huGeneratePress Premium 2.0 introduces the first ever Block Based Theme Builder. Through a combination of the Block Element and the GenerateBlocks plugin you can now build and style your own theme elements directly from the block editor.time savepost, sample, guide, volume, block0
publicus.huPublicus Institute conducted a national representative poll of 1014 people between 04-07 June, asking people about the Russian-Ukrainian war. (Ezen kutatás magyar nyelven itt olvasható.)majority, people, israel, research, strike0
lionfootballacademy.hugoals matches match results news players post format results soccer sponsors store teams tournamentsgoalie save, save goaliesoccer, player, masonry, column, match0
1st1.hu…Reconstruction… Integrity management… Holo login-relogin… Personal intelligent exposure…value savearrow, leave, correction, casting, login0
laptopszervizbudapest.hu…of the screen. In our service, we can replace almost every laptop screen, from the smallest to the largest and these screens are available immediately with warranty. You can find many different brand new and used laptop screens in our supply, the installment of these screens is free, you can…repair, day, problem, price, replacement0
eubottlebuilder.huAll of the information you have provided about your bottle is sent it to EU Bottle so they can respond to your quote request accurately including a copy of the front and back of the bottle you created in the Bottle Builder.bottle, graphic, builder, colour, big0
matracvasar.huHome 3… Home 4… Home 5… Shop… Shop Lists… Shop Default… Product Detail… Product Default… Product…legnépszerűbbek saveshop, delivery, day, fully, yellow0
washaway.huProduct name 3… Quick view… Product name 12… Product name 4… Product name 11… Sale… Product name 10…view, quick, sale, simple, parturient0
agorairodahaz.huThe chief town of a country was chosen as the European city of the future in 2018 by the Financial Times.energy save, save architecturaloffice, center, premium, energy, health0
klinikaigyogyszeresz.huData… Statistics… Help Center… About… Log…dashboard, form, data, statistics, center0
hunguesthotels.huSrpski… Loyalty… Discovery… Our hotels… Hunguest Hotel Apollo… Hunguest Hotel Aqua-Sol… Hotel Aquarell…child, friendly, conference, popular, value0
huray.huDomestic hot water supply of restaurants, hotels, hairdressing salons, beauty salons, schools and other kind of collective institutions and the production of industrial hot water is economical and expedient by gas.energy save, save pumpwater, hot, boiler, technological, industrial0
sch-klima.hu…Fisher Art… Fisher Comfort Plus… Fisher Summer… Gree… Gree Pulse… Gree Comfort X… Gree Amber Grey…series, arctic, easy, art, summer0
por.hu- - Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer (IBMC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer Hospital), Department of Thoracic Medical Oncologynational save, save commercialuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine0
smsolutions.huFirstly, we recommend our smart water metering solution for clients with large water consumption in order to be able to implement smart metering efficiently without changing the water meterscost save, save opexsolution, technology, water, ltd, device0
busexpress.huIf you want to take the advantages of our highest quality car, with armchairs and a small table inside, you should book our VIP transfer . Beyond the vehicle type this kind of transfer has the same services as the private transfer, so there isn’t any waiting time, specified departure time is…transfer, login, passenger, private, shuttle0
hajdufolk.huof 207,000 people, lies in the heart of Europe. This is the seat of Hajdú-Bihar county andgoal save, save folkfolk, ensemble, dance, city, national0
glamourcosmetics.huVitalcare… Outlet… Christina Aguilera (10)… Gloria Vanderbilt (4)… Jennifer Lopez (7)… Missguided (9)…save bravedistribution, brave, tailor, edt, shower0
falco7.huWe entered the professional building and institution cleaning market in 1996 by forming FAl-Co7 Kereskedelmi- és Szolgáltató Bt. (Trade and Service Deposit Company). As a result of the seven years of dynamic development of the company, the leadership decided to create a company form with more…energy save, save workclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements0
garmentsx.huBuy Premium Lambskin Leather Jackets in Europe. Unbeatable Prices and Long Lasting Leather Jackets. Best Price in Whole Europe. Free Shipping.leather, jacket, price, option, select0
supermagnete.huAt the online shop of supermagnete, a large and varied assortment of different magnets and magnetic products awaits. It all started in 2003 with strong neodymium magnets , and they still rank among the most popular magnets at the supermagnete shop today. These magnets have an impressive adhesive…magnetic, adhesive, ferrite, approx, customer0
suncell.huOur company is an end-to-end, customer-oriented alternative energy company that brings you cutting-edge solar energy solutions.energy saveenergy, renewable, solution, wind, reader0
recharger.huRecharger – Better change this to something appropriate!appropriate, category, founder, ceo, august0
books.huNewspaper is your news, entertainment, music fashion website. We provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the entertainment industry. Fashion fades, only style remains the same. Fashion never stops. There are always projects, opportunities. Clothes mean nothing until…september, book, fiction, desert, strawberry0
horizonsolutions.huWe focus on the implementation of international share plan in Hungary - tax compliance, beneficial taxation, employee communicationtime savetax, consulting, plan, employee, share0
nonstopinfo.hu…With Cookie Bar (EU law)… Popup Advertising… All tours list… All tours grid… All tours Sort…tour, single, transfer, footer, city0
delikatkft.huLanguage… Password…close, language, password, login0
ritorno.huTechnics Corner Shop Inside Technics Stereo Audio Reference Pure High Fidelity 1979-2009 Japandisc save, save casestereo, detail, amplifier, tube, portable0
seafleet.huOur product can be well integrated with CRM, administration (eg SAP), transport management or other IT systems, and the unified solution gives you full control over your fleet management.fleet, management, software, overview, function0
frankoingatlan.huIntroduction… Contact… Details… Detailed search… 11For sale… 7For sale… Békéscsaba (Jamina)… 22For sale…save investproperty, sale, insurance, detail, house0
greencorner.huNecessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.save settinggreen, website, privacy, heating, detail0
sparklein.huThis can be a short description about a project or an industry you are contributing to through the reliable products you build.save investmentindustrial, solution, industry, sparkle, description0
hejoautofenyezo.huSoftware Upgrade Backup / Restore License Management eDetect Spectrum Analyzer Automatic Channel Selection eAlign Wireless Link Test Watchdog Ping Traceroutenetwork, notification, wireless, setting, language0
ithelpcenter.huWe provide technical support for ad hoc, short-term or long-term projects. Our team of reliable and highly skilled professionals are at your service if you need to outsource the management of any kind of IT-related issue or to supplement your existing team. You can count on us if you find your…cost save, save solutionsupport, help, step, solution, center0
3dparts.huÁrajánlat kalkulátor… 3D…model, hide, printer, warning, large0
amberhomes.hu…in a unique space design. The bourgeois milieu of the flats rising above the city is full of life, the colors are captivating. The contrast of white and warm shades brings passion into the space that has become even more exciting from the light patterns filtered through the unique tile weave…value saveattic, gallery, apartment, build, terrace0
pinkflamingo.huI would like to highly recommend Anna’s flat to all who want to stay in Budapest. It’s a newly renovated flat at the center of the city, walking distance to many places, very close to the railway, metro and stations. High ceilings, brand new furnitures, 2 bedrooms, wide bathrooms, no noise due to…flat, balcony, district, apartment, homepage0
fallost.huBuy a Gift card… Contact Us… Houserule… Terms and Conditions… Privacy Policy…date, card, gift, language, currency0
pps.hu…in Budapest, it’s my privilege to offer assistance with all your real estate needs. Whether you’re planning to buy, rent, sell, or require management services, I’m here to provide expert guidance and support at every step in this dynamic city. My commitment is to ensure your real estate…property, sale, estate, real, apartment0
stockngo.huThe reduce in the quantity of products can be easily tracked and controlled. Workers can set daily, weekly and monthly limits and restrictions, even by products or product groups.space savestock, detail, individual, touch, screen0
yerseybutik.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte tur adipiscing elit integer fermentum in orci lorem ipsum.lorem, dolor, ipsum, shop, pattern0
budgetleasing.huThe price range for long-term car rentals can vary significantly based on factors like the type of vehicle, rental duration, location, and rental company. Budget-friendly options are typically available for extended rentals, with lower daily rates compared to short-term rentals.fuel save, save tiprental, type, fuel, transmission, body0
termekkavalkad.huWe’re something other than duplicates… What’s more, we do it right! A full administration printing background.view, quick, free, lifestyle, item0
jovomentes.huAccording to his creed, the anti-war artistic stance can serve as an urgent example for pro-peace political action today, and can greatly help the common cause of peace-making if the words of art, society and politics reinforce each other. Its mission is that we all become saviors of the future. Youfuture save, save movementfuture, peace, europe, european, today0
vendeghazcentrum.hu…molestie sodales.… View Deal… Los Angelase, United States… Florida, United States… Texas, United…package, deal, tour, united, view0
javorbenedek.huenergy energy policy European Commission European Parliament European Union Greens Hungary investigative journalism paks Paks2 press freedom transparency whistleblower directive whistleblower protection whistleblowersenergy save, save lawmedia, european, mep, letter, story0
starton.huUse a clear and attention-grabbing short paragraph to engage your audience and draw them into reading the rest of your content.sit, tellus, consectetur, ut, amet0
yousite.huContext… Debug… Share… Request… Browser… Headers… Body… App… Routing… Views… Versions…save settingsite, context, app, view, version0
dajsz.huPrivacy…game, friend, privacy, support0
ambiental.huFor us it was a great decision to start to use Ambiental, we are saving our time, and have live information about all our actions. All of our employees are very happy to use this easy method to report EHS issues, and immediately see the dashboard about all EHS actions. Reported near misses numbers…feature, pricing, testimonial, report, finding0
boengineering.huThe main task of the collaborative machines of The Universal Robots, Fanuc and Kuka is the direct support of the human labor processes. Collaborative robots are able to cooperate safely with colleagues while machines can do the dangerous or monotonous tasks instead of them.energy save, save maintenanceforward, engineering, industrial, automation, maintenance0
egyedieremrendeles.huAs a jeweler, your goal is to increase the number of customers who buy from you, and perhaps to cultivate a long-term relationship in which they make multiple purchases from your store.customer, store, sale, earring, perfect0
budabasket.huCopyright © 2024 Budabasket , All rights reserved.cart, shop, basket, account, order0
xrayschool.huWelcome to Indico. The Indico tool allows you to manage complex conferences, workshops and meetings.school, ray, event, united, conference0
paddockf1.hu2000 F1 helmet – Formula 1 helmets F1 helmet – Formula 1 helmets F1 helmet – Formula 1 helmets F1 helmet – Formula 1 helmets F1 helmets - Formula1 helmet F1 helmets - Formula1 helmet F1 helmets - Formula1 helmet F1 helmets - Formula1 helmet F1 helmet – Formula 1 helmets F1 helmets - Formula1…helmet, cart, model, gift, mug0
aacharity.huWe exist for non-profits, social enterprises, activists. Your help as an individual citizen could make a difference.charity, donation, child, mission, event0
clockgo.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the…dashboard, page, main, industry, section0
jajdejo.hu…– Tech… Homepage – Travel… Minden Lifestyle… The Coolest Vanity Apps… Must Have Beauty Kits &…culture, homepage, great, seven, achievement0
pszichopraxis.huEmotionally unstable condition and the most effective ways to deal with such using therapycolumn, style, event, grid, masonry0
optimumfs.hu…improving our methods for facility management, the cleaning of buildings, industrial cleaning, process technology cleaning, special surface treatment, cleaning of food industry facilities, hygiene services, landscaping, reception desk and gatehouse security services, as well as waste management.cost savequote, clean, privacy, facility, industrial0
whiterabbit.huIn the last few years, Hungary has seen a rise on xenophobic and racist movements. It has reached such high scales in the Hungarian government that the UN Human Rights Chief called the country’s Prime Minister racist, what sparked mixed reactions from Hungarian people. As a brand that stands…campaign, result, brand, brief, solution0
alginit.hu…plants with sufficient quantities of water, allowing theto withstand periods of drought. The cycle of water retention and release can occur repeatendly and eternally. In fact the application of 4 kg Alginit on a surface of 1 m 2 improves the water retention capability of the soil up the to 40 %.water save, save retentionsoil, water, user, application, mineral0
wishywashy.huWishy Washy – Washing, ironing, cleaning, carpet cleaning, dry cleaning, shoe cleaning, shoe and clothes repair and a wide range of cleaning services in Debrecen with a door to door delivery.time save, save serviceclean, washing, package, shoe, clothes0
jatekingyen.huÖssze gyűjtöttünk több mint 300 online játékot, hogy kellemes szórakozást biztosítson az ide látogatóknak. Jelenleg 11 kategória között tudsz válogatni.save butterflyrush, nut, quick, quiz, edition0
celeni.huCeleni is a lifestyle, emerging, Hungarian fashion brand for women. Celeni’s feminine pieces ,are wearable and versatile trousers, jackets, dresses, transitioning from daywear to evening-wear with just the change of fashionable accessories. Celeniwedding designs unique made-to-measure wedding and…price, sale, regular, dress, brand0
hunguest.huFind your favorite Hunguest hotel! Book now!child, friendly, conference, discovery, popular0
gopallets.huSTRENGTH – racking capacity of up to 1200 kg (assuming even distribution of load), and static loads of up to 5000 kg.space savepallet, hygienic, static, weight, low0
deep-soft.huOptimize your business efficiency with the Deep Store warehouse management application! Easily manage your inventory, track the movement of materials or products, and minimize discrepancies in warehouse stock.deep, main, page, introduction, storage0
nini.huNINI is a fashion brand specialising in handbags and accessories. Handcrafted handbags are classy but injected with a touch of fun and playfulness.available, color, love, shirt, blazer0
sherlockrehab.hu…and complex knowledge to my current condition, in a personalized way. She gives a powerful, problem-centered, healing massage, spiced up with her likeable personality and good mood. I would like to write a prescription for your therapeutic massage for anyone affected by musculoskeletal complaints!manual, therapy, therapist, treatment, pain0
anettehilbertcoaching.hu“It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors.”people, easy, appointment, thing, booking0
laurus2000.hudict, file, ftp, ftps, gopher, gophers, http, https, imap, imaps, ldap, ldaps, mqtt, pop3, pop3s, rtmp, rtmpe, rtmps, rtmpt, rtmpte, rtmpts, rtsp, scp, sftp, smb, smbs, smtp, smtps, telnet, tftpsave handlersupport, value, version, yes, directive0
makramate.huStone Rage is a prehistoric, open-world multiplayer survival game. Players begin the game with close to nothing and their goal is to gather materials that they can use to craft weapons, buildings and food all while surviving against other players and prehistoric wildlife.technology, game, engine, portfolio, development0
savethehungarianorthodoxy.hu…of discontinuation, and our properties are in tragic states! Whatever that was not destroyed during the Shoah was ruined during the communist occupation, then even deteriorated further under poor management. We require aid to survive! The storied 150-year history of our communities must not end!restoration, orthodox, street, synagogue, history0
penznavigatorinformatika.humbstring extension makes use of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.save handlersupport, value, version, directive, local0
bloomair.huThe Bloomair technology offers no-till cultivation of woody plants without soil disturbance. The technology prevents greenhouse gases (GHG) from entering the atmosphere by injecting pig slurry or any liquid fertilizer 60-80 cm deep, directly into the rootzone. Therefore, farmers may also…water savesoil, technology, water, nutrient, directly0
viktoriapekseg.hu…Service Plus… Digital… Essential Free Resources for Graphic Designers in 2022… 12Comments… Options…planet save, save shoppingdigital, single, job, like, event0
lawyerbudapest.huViktor has graduatated from ELTE Budapest law school. He has aquired Master of Laws “LL.M.” postgraduate degree in Business and Transactions and another one in Employment Law. He has gained notable experience in corporate law and labor law. His primary focus is on corporate transactions and…tailor save, save ownerlaw, formation, lawyer, tax, vat0
nexusfund.huNexusAI uses the most popular AI models such as GPT, Dall-E, Ada to create text, image, code and more within seconds. The process is simple. All you have to do is provide a topic or idea, and our AI-based generator will take care of the rest.generator, image, text, custom, post0
hasznaltapro.huThis fresh and exciting platform allows you to easily advertise and find a seller or buyer partner in numerous categories.furniture, appliance, ago, day, garden0
szallasmanagement.huOnline hotel software, booking engine, channel manager and mobile applications Hotel front offise system and revenue management in one platform.hotel save, save costmanagement, channel, software, booking, mobile0
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