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238 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: majority

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legokompatibilis.huThere are many variations of passages of available but majority have alteration in some by inject humour or random words. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.available majority, majority alterationipsum, lorem, variation, dolor, amet37
nezopont.huAccording to a recent poll conducted by the Nézőpont Institute, among the world’s best-known leaders, Hungarians consider Pope Francis (92 percent) and Viktor Orbán (72 percent) to be the most peace-oriented. The majority of Hungarians think that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (53 percent),peace majority, majority hungarians, vast majority, preference majority, majority socialpolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature21
koszteczkystudio.huThere are many variations maksu rez of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, injected humour, or randomised words look even slightly believable.available majority, majority alterationversion, light, dark, news, gallery19
digitaliskozosseg.huThere are many variations of passages m um ilable, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, amr sonr bangla variations of passages oorpsum available, but the majority.ilable majority, majority alterationportfolio, visual, set, single, wide18
ho-szivattyuk.huMany variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.available majority, majority humour, ipsum majority, majority lorem, majority alterationipsum, lorem, variation, dummy, industry11
bagolymedia.huKarácsonyi fotózás Utolsó helyek Időpontfoglalás What we can do for you Our Awesome Service There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration. Business Stratagy There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority…available majority, majority alteration, majority websiteipsum, lorem, development, agency, case10
zoldmivesalapitvany.huThere are many varieations of passages Lorem Ipsum available majority have only alteration some form, have onlyavailable majority, majority alteration, majority maksuipsum, lorem, passage, available, form9
neomoto.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage.available majority, majority alterationshop, page, image, variation, button8
web8096.huWeb8096 Profi megoldás. Teljeskörű kivitelezés, tanácsadás read more Weboldal készítés Google Ads Hírdetés Facebook hírdetés Marketing tanácsadás Our Activity We Reveal Them There are many variations passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by…the majority, majority have, available majority, majority alterationadvertising, available, lorem, passage, variation7
mmt-c.huThe are variations of passages of abe, but majority have suffered incididunt dolore magna aliqua.abe majority, majority incididuntgeneral, construction, build, passage, dolore6
lomtanitas365.huThere are many with variations of quis. passages of available but the majority have some by injectedavailable, passage, variation, quis, page6
tanyavendeghaz.humany variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing…available majority, majority alterationpassage, ipsum, lorem, humour, variation6
r-bag.huR-BAG Hungary was established in Budapest in 2001, as the firstly established entity of the R-BAG Group. It has still the biggest organization structure within the Group. R-BAG Hungary is also the majority owner of its subsidiaries in Central-Eastern Europe. The comprehensive financial and…company majority, majority owner, hungary majority, majority subsidiarywebsite, group, phone, austria, slovenia6
dubaitravels.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of lorem ipsum.available majority, majority alterationview, lorem, quick, passage, furniture5
karosszerialakatolas.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsumavailable majority, majority alterationlorem, ipsum, passage, dummy, text5
mlszsz.hu(11) The resolutions of the GA in open voting shall be passed by the majority of the members’ votes, participating at the meeting. Each member has the right to vote. In case of equal voting, the vote of the President shall be the final.shall majority, majority member, candidate majority, majority voteassociation, member, shall, presidency, president5
vegyukmeg.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsumavailable majority, majority alterationmeg, lorem, ipsum, passage, dummy5
luxglam.huWith a community of over 400 million users (and a majority age group being 18 to 29), wouldn’t you want to make sure you’re monitoring what people are posting on social networks? Especially if the demographic of your audience falls in that age range.user majority, majority agesoon, maintenance, search, result, social4
texasgym.huMultiple Layouts There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority…passage, variation, available, ipsum, lorem4
tanlux.huPurchase Now There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour of this randomised words which don't look even slightly believable If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum.available majority, majority alterationlorem, industry, ipsum, text, dummy4
vertes-hegesztes.huMultiple Layouts There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority…passage, variation, available, ipsum, lorem4
bte.huAccording to the statutes of BTE: „Honorary member is that individual, who is voted by the Chaimanship with majority and the Association elect a member because of the individual’s surpassing moral support, subsidy and activity.”qualified majority, majority decision, member majority, majority vote, chaimanship majorityassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor3
gyorihelyek.humajority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsumdirectory, pricing, comprehensive, mortgage, hard3
xaxogo.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.available majority, majority alterationtemplate, page, ipsum, lorem, dummy3
e-szolarium.huThere are many variations of pasages of Lorem Ipsum Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alte ation in some form, by injected humour.available majority, majority altelorem, ipsum, app, developer, amet3
szamiroma.huNorwegian experts shared their insight on music and migration, identity and the role of music in non-majority communities. The opening panel saw Sigbjørn Nedland presenting the theoretical framework of ’Voices of Spirits’, highlighting the similarities between the Sami and Roma communities and the…power majority, majority musician, non majority, majority community, majority issuemusic, voice, norwegian, artist, norway3
theorangefiles.huFidesz-KDNP won 133, or 66.8 percent, of the 199 seats in the National Assembly. This two-thirds majority will again enable the governing alliance to pass so-called cardinal laws ( sarkalatos törvények ), including those amending the Fundamental Law of Hungary, without support from National…többség majority, majority opposition, third majority, majority national, majority alliancenational, file, orange, election, european3
absolvo.huNEWS - Our Client Shoprenter, a member of the Innonic Group, closed a successful M&A transaction with the market leader Polish e-commerce SaaS provider company IAI (IdoSell), which acquired a majority stake (51%) in the Hungarian company. Shoprenter was advised by Absolvo Consulting in the…successfully majority, majority stake, idosell majoritygrowth, market, transaction, investor, capital3
szarvasimuzeum.hu…not only spoiled the lifestyle and health of the locals, but also hindered the development of sensible farming. Despite the efforts made, the majority of the population in the 19th century still resorted to home remedies and herbs or visited quacks if they were ill. They made little use of the…effort majority, majority populationexhibition, age, idol, room, people3
vizgaz-gyorsszerviz.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, typesetting industry. has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since.available majority, majority alterationplumbing, line, typesetting, text, dummy3
fulfillit.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered ligula lacus eget in some form, by injected humour or randomisedavailable majority, majority ligula, passage majority, majority formgrid, detail, news, cart, freight2
createve.huThere are many variations of demo text passed sages of Lorem Ipsum available the majority There are many variations of demo text passed sages of Lorem Ipsum available. Text passed sages of Lorem Ipsum available.available majority, majority variationauctor, odio, ipsum, mauris, tellus2
serval.huThere are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected.available majority, majority alterationipsum, lorem, music, text, desktop2
officeresearch.hu…questionnaires to map employee needs and individual office usage. Using cross-questions our team brings unseen problems to the surface. We strive to understand the individual and team level thinking of every leader, department and employee. These are summarized and formulated as a majority need.employee majority, majority needoffice, workplace, research, organizational, analysis2
racerbeans.hu…European immigrants from Italy and Germany to buy land for coffee, and until land redistribution created small parcels of land (typically smaller than 5 hectares), the majority of the coffee was controlled by white landowners who often exploited local labor with very low wages and poor conditions.hectare majority, majority coffee, instead majority, majority growercoffee, small, process, dry, quality2
furedi-annamaria.huIn Hungary we know that not all gypsies are the same and although some prejudices prevail, this incident would never happen here. We, the majority, know very well that there are a lot of people among the Roma who shun work and bank on state aid, sadly this is too striking. But there are numerous…great majority, majority childbirth, incident majority, majority lotcanada, woman, people, thing, category2
preproject.huO5-Social sensitization - tolerance improving, anti-discrimination training for the majority societytraining majority, majority societysummary, photo, presentation, booklet, report2
csunyakartya.huManagement There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem...available majority, majority alterationinvestment, plan, solution, delivery, hello2
kepmas.huPeople call him Count Gergely; Gregor Roy Chowdhury-Mikes , the majority shareholder of the Secuiana, an apparel manufactory in Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc), Romania, has...mikes majority, majority shareholderfamily, story, like, european, bike2
agroworld.huAGRO WORLD Group cultivates more than 5,000 hectares. The majority of the cultivated land are located surrounding Nadudvar and Tiszavasvari within a 30-km area. The main crops are wheat, corn, sunflowers and sweet corn.hectare majority, majority landproduction, breed, crop, sheep, cattle2
szaguldozz.huLicensed vaccines are available only for influenza virus, with vaccines against the other pathogens either in clinical trials or in preclinical stages of development. The majority of studies evaluating respiratory virus vaccines measure serum antibody responses, because, although both cellular and…development majority, majority study, annually majority, majority infantrespiratory, virus, korean, cell, vaccine2
prohair.hu…are experiencing a long-term slowdown of hair loss (and a long-term increase in hair growth) while on a treatment that controls hair loss. The majority of women with androgenic alopecia have diffuse thinning on all areas of the scalp. Men on the other hand, rarely have diffuse thinning but…vast majority, majority hair, loss majority, majority womanhair, pattern, transplantation, loss, doctor2
orbitmedia.huMichael Jordan is reportedly in serious discussions to sell his majority ownership in the Charlotte Hornets to the team's existing minority owner.jordan majority, majority stake, discussion majority, majority ownershipmusic, style, news, culture, release2
abtl.huThis section contains the majority of the documents of the Archives, investigation files, operation files, work files, enlisting files etc. Beside the files that were handled by the central operative archives, a separate series of files contain documents of the former Main Division III/I…section majority, majority document, file majorityarchive, shall, public, record, document2
kopintalapitvany.hu…economic developments. The extent and timing of Hungary’s access to EU transfers could be better. The GKI’s forecast differs from the current majority view in its assumption of a downturn this year and a slower decline in inflation, as well as in the extent of the likely delay in access to EU…current majority, majority view, vast majority, majority fundingeconomic, international, literature, country, economy2
konyvillusztralas.hu"That he didn't see you live and so he caught the facial features of the majority, based on just a few amateur photos - it's a Genius!" (My niece's reaction)feature majority, majority amateurillustration, book, graphic, fairy, publication2
yukopaper.huThis enormous amount represents a huge load on our planet, the vast majority of plastic waste goes into our oceans and stays there for 500 years. Our hygienic, fast-degradable Yukopaper straws made of paper are an excellent alternative for everyone.vast majority, majority plasticstraw, paper, plastic, environmental, touch2
foxmarketing.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered injected humour dummy now.available majority, majority humouripsum, lorem, sit, consectetur, amet2
meltanyossag.huThe 2022 Hungarian elections ended with an unexpected twist. Fidesz not only hung on to its majority but managed to receive a 2/3 supermajority for the fourth consecutive time. CFPA’s analysis of the outcome.fidesz majority, majority supermajorityanalysis, election, opposition, primary, political2
csaladtudomany.huToday, free sexuality has become widely accepted. The majority of people do not know or do not know correctly the late effects of the various types of couple relationships and lifestyle models. Thus, the level of non-culture and selfishness in the couple relationship is a cause for concern.widely majority, majority peoplefamily, science, alliance, marriage, newsletter1
czinkapanna.huOur association is essentially a cultural organization. In our opinion, culture can bridge the gap between the Roma nationality and the majority society. Culture is the means, by which we can show ourselves, through which they can recognize us. At the same time, the Roma people also need to…nationality majority, majority society, identity majorityassociation, cultural, event, talent, interest1
unlocked.hu…in education is mostly negative, their school career path is full of failures, resulting in low self-esteem and self-respect. Prejudice from the majority society is significant toward this target group, making the outbreak from their marginalised position, and reintegration, rather difficult. The…prejudice majority, majority societysummary, presentation, photo, programme, meet1
eli-alps.huThe Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI ERIC) signed an agreement with the University of Szeged to become the majority shareholder in ELI ALPS. The strategic agreement effectively integrates the Hungarian-based research...szeged majority, majority shareholderprocurement, data, public, research, alp1
kisebbsegiombudsman.huMinority communities in Hungary have had great expectations about the new Parliament elected in April 2010. They were hoping that the two-third majority of the governing political forces would pass the legislation vital for their interests that had not been adopted for years due to the lack of…april majority, majority politicalminority, ethnic, national, commissioner, parliamentary1
weddingflow.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected...available majority, majority alterationportfolio, ipsum, lorem, sit, consectetur1
drfucskar.huProtection of ownership interests in cases of minority and majority ownership Investment and syndicate agreementsminority majority, majority ownershiplaw, case, legal, agreement, asset1
pecspilates.hu…and begin with a detailed examination. In the beginning, we strive to relieve pain, so physiotherapy techniques typically make up the majority of the treatment on the first occasions. As the complaints subside, the strengthening and flexibility pilates exercises will gain more and more…typically majority, majority treatmentbody, method, exercise, class, muscle1
hankooknegyed.huWe're pleased to say that General Affairs (GA) Unithas completed the majority of the renovations planned for this year, and by the time you read this, the entire project will be complete. However, their work is far from over, and they already have many plans for 2024! Here's an overview.unithas majority, majority renovationemployee, health, day, september, news1
hiperszuper.hu…deficit, Asperger syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, high-functioning autism, which are exclusionary stamps using the perspective of the majority, are not included outside of this paragraph. We believe that this condition is a natural, healthy endowment of populous masses that ensures…perspective majority, majority outsidehomepage, individual, picture, solution, big1
idosgyogyaszat.huDominant part of the Hungarian health care system is organized and supervised by the government and funded by the National Health Fund. The geriatric departments also operate in this framework. The real private sector has a small segment of health care system, the majority of them are outpatient…system majority, majority outpatientage, university, effect, medical, health1
invescom.huBuyout of a majority stake in Prohuman, the leading CEE HR service provider, from GI Groupbuyout majority, majority stakeclient, international, transaction, sell, value1
pepperpr.huA new survey from the Business Software Alliance (BSA) finds information technology (IT) decision makers from North America and Europe have grown more concerned about information security over the past two years. The survey finds 78% have increased the number of IT security projects they work on…project majority, majority proactivepepper, software, technology, market, office1
mmfuggetlenpenzugyitanacsado.huThere are many variations of simply free text passages of available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected hum randomised words which don't slightly.available majority, majority alterationsidebar, agency, carousel, development, portfolio1
nobilitas.huAs a result of the election in 2017 the majority of the new Board consisted of members from the former “Fekete Sas street” club, Baron Rudolf Loránd Riedel, Géza Arday, Miklós Kubinyi, Imre Páll, and Baron Tamás Tunkel. The same year the Board changed again, its members were: Baron Loránd Rudolf…election majority, majority newassociation, historical, family, noble, youth1
malnalab.huBased on our research that was published in Cell earlier, Printnet Ltd. the majority owner and Eötvös University licensed out the MPH molecule family to Motorpharma Ltd. in July of 2021.printnet majority, majority ownerresearch, article, september, june, molecular1
ddrs2021.hu…was conducted among our participants, speakers and sponsors to learn about their preference for this international conference. Overwhelming majority preferred to have a conventional face-to-face conference at a later date. DDRS Conference as a culminating event of a series of conferences in…overwhelming majority, majority conventionalscientific, programme, conference, exhibition, organiser1
focusfox.huOur biggest departement. We do more and more scenes for feature films, but the majority of our works is still commercials.film majority, majority workwebsite, production, post, commercial, studio1
atlassoft.huWe employ a Team of over 20 people at the moment. Majority of us have a deep passion about IT, spreading from our work time to our leisure time.moment majority, majority deepanalysis, software, security, development, technology1
zsenaktrans.huWe are not afraid of challenges, and we are proud of that the vast majority of our clients supply us with further tasks, after the first successful one.vast majority, majority clientfleet, storage, homepage, destination, career1
budapestconsulting.hu…such as customs duties and excise duties, as well as special cases of value added tax. Since taxation is a very complex process, in the vast majority of cases it is necessary to review several processes to get the best results for you. If you're thinking about starting a business, it's a good…vast majority, majority caseconsulting, tax, accounting, eng, financial1
columbiapartners.huWe are aiming to acquire the entire company or a majority stake along with providing the required capital infusion for growthcompany majority, majority stakeoffer, investment, mainly, contract, open1
mayexusa.huMayex USA established a subsidiary in Hungary, where the majority of the development work and other operations are located. The subsidiary is fully owned and controlled by Mayex USA Inc.hungary majority, majority developmentdrink, utilization, mineral, water, development1
muszertechnika.huCurrently more than 500 hotels in Hungary, Romania and Austria use our hotel front office systems. This is partly due to the fact that the majority of hotels opening in the country are implementing our product, and partly to the fact that hotels using other suppliers’ systems are switching to our…fact majority, majority hotelmanufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software1
iqc.huOrganization model of IQ ConsultinG: IQ ConsultinG is a special combinations of a traditional consulting firm and a network based organization. The majority of professional tasks are managed by a full-time employed consultant staff. If the resources are limited for a given job, or highly…organization majority, majority professionalconsulting, market, organizational, development, management1
barkacsoldal.hu…concerning the information technology agreement in the Analytical Index Guide to WTO Law and Practice. Under the terms of the agreement, the majority of tariffs will be eliminated on the 201 products within three years, with reductions beginning in 2016. By the end of October 2015, each of the…agreement majority, majority tariffmarch, april, order, court, contract1
conceptflow.hu“They successfully managed every event, we could entrust the team with the majority of the work.”team majority, majority workevent, day, christmas, request, concept1
hdy.hubetween the individual fields of design. The majority of designers have no information on what is happening in Hungarian design life beyond their own fields, what international achievements we have, where we are or what success lines we have. Naturally, this book does not take a sect oral /…design majority, majority designerbook, editor, art, university, international1
boldizsar-trans.huIn our services, we operate a quality management system that complies with the requirements of the MSZ EN 9001: 2015, MSZ EN 14001: 2015, MSZ 45001: 2018 standards. The majority of our own fleet is EURO 6 compliant vehicles with a load capacity of 24 tonnes.standard majority, majority fleetquality, gallery, vehicle, day, available1
pelzmann.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected.available majority, majority alterationview, quick, chair, furniture, close1
opusglobal.huThe indirectly and majority-owned HUNGUEST Hotels Private Limited Company and respectively its subsidiary companies, namely the Balatontourist group are the members of OPUS GLOBAL Plc. tourist division.indirectly majority, majority hunguestglobal, value, industry, management, food1
workandsmile.huThere are. But most Thai workers have a certain level of basic knowledge of English, and the majority of those working in hotel tourism in their home country speak English. Of course, it is possible to determine the level of English required for the job, when assessing the needs. Work & Smile will…english majority, majority hotelemployee, smile, recruitment, worker, people1
mfprotection.huThere are many variations of dummy passages of Lorem Ipsum a available, but the majority have suffered that is alteratio.available majority, majority alteratioipsum, lorem, simply, dummy, typesetting1
inmategym.huTraining-wise, it means that you may show better results in endurance training if your muscles are built up mostly of slow twitch muscle fibres or in hypertrophy training, if the majority of your muscle fibres are fast twitch.training majority, majority muscletraining, body, session, muscle, like1
locked.huAll games can be played in English, moreover the main language at Locked Room is English. Although the vast majority of tasks do not require any language skills, it may be necessary to know English at basic level. Instructions and hints from the game master are provided in the requested language…vast majority, majority taskroom, game, escape, lock, player1
szegedszeged.huThe best way to explore the city of Szeged is on foot. In three hours we can stroll the main streets and squares and spend some time in the Votive Church, the symbol of Szeged. During this walk we can catch the feeling of the town, get an outline on its history and see the majority of the most…history majority, majority importantimage, tour, interesting, hour, church1
kszs-law.huWhen choosing its employees, Kántor, Szilasi, Sárközy and Partners (KSzS) concentrates most of all on performance, ethical behavior, and participation in community-building. We are proud that more than half of the current staff has been working in our office for more than ten years and for the…vast majority, majority workplacelaw, lawyer, social, publication, engagement1
liveinbudapest.hu”In Hungary, in the vast majority of offices, the heads of offices have their own decision - making scope; in addition to requests and demands, in most cases, personal appearance, kind attitude and support of the client are also necessary for success„vast majority, majority officepermit, administration, case, important, consulting1
auditeco.huThe Audit-Eco Auditing, Bookkeeping and Consulting Ltd. is 100% Hungarian, our registry number: 001156. The majority owner, managing director and registered auditor of the company is Bálint Kálmán Bulcsúné dr. Auditor certificate number: 002917 She started her carrier in accountancy in 1978 with…number majority, majority ownerbookkeeping, auditing, consulting, consultancy, taxation1
magadert.huWe have groups on Mondays and Thursdays from half past 6 to eight o’clock. At the beginning from 1998 the majority of our clients were drug users, but in the last few years the scope was extended to include behavioural addictions. such as co-dependence, sex addiction, relationship addiction…beginning majority, majority clientgroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem1
meatcapital.huMajority and largest part of our market are Central and Eastern Europe, South Africa, and some particular countries of the Far East. Our priority, besides our export and import activity, is providing our Clients with accurate service and high quality raw materials. The quality of our distributed…meat, capital, market, player, dominant1
dca.huIn the spring of 2020 when Hungary was facing the first wave of pandemic Covid-19, DCA offered online lessons and Sunny attended the majority of the ballet lessons, keeping the frequency of once or twice per week. The lessons offered by DCA are with good methodology to meet professional…sunny majority, majority balletdance, drama, class, school1
nyiresvt.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything…available majority, majority alterationlorem, ipsum, text, page, dummy1
bagodihutohaz.huHungarian family enterprise the company has its virtues: flexibility, quick adaptability, continuous development, pursuit of high quality and cler, simple relationships. Majority of the employees work int he company from its beginning, the work is carried out in a good mood and with long experience.relationship majority, majority employeefruit, certification, history, food, quick1
borzsonybarokk.huAs in previous years, it was a great pleasure to experience the atmosphere getting ever livelier as the programme moved forward. We were delighted to see a full house at every concert as well as familiar faces: the majority of the audience came to several concerts (many attended all of them)…face majority, majority audiencebaroque, day, august, festival, concert1
paloscsilla.huThe majority of muscle skeletal pain is the results of bad posture, stress and adverse lifestyle, not diseases. Approximately 70% of headaches can be traced to muscle stiffness in the neck. The accumulating muscle tension shortens the spine, restricts movement and the joints lose some of their…technique, testimonial, session, review, result1
sacinf.huOur works include complex desktop software created for different business sectors, many internet banking front-end systems and other web applications, using different frameworks and environments. Majority of our projects were implemented in Java, Microsoft .NET and android platforms. You can read…environment majority, majority projecttechnology, banking, office, development, application1
rimoalkatresz.huThe majority of the components on order are toothed (they include every known type of toothed elements of cylinder, spiral, worm and bevel gears, as well as toothed parts belonging to them as complementary elements – requiring outstanding expertise-, spiral gears, multiple-start worms, splined…component, manufacture, machine, special, reference1
zurosbanda.huTheir second album 2021 features original compositions, not just folk song arrangements. The Hungarian lyrics are in the majority on this album, but the Balkan line in the music is of course still there. This album also became a WMCE top-list album, and in September 2021 it was voted the 10th best…lyric majority, majority albummember, organizer, music, folk, balkan1
iriszoffice.huThe vast majority of those who choose our accounting and tax planning services will see a dramatic increase in profits within 12 months after we took over their accounting. Owing to outsourcing accounting, tax planning, budgeting, optimization and financial tasks to Írisz Office, the management…vast majority, majority accountingoffice, plan, tax, financial, activity1
isamurai.huBattery replacements are among the most common repairs. The majority of the battery issues are with two-year-old phones however we also receive high volumes of older iPhones as well (4-5 years of usage).repair majority, majority batteryrepair, center, replacement, battery, shopping1
m-prospect.huThe overwhelming majority of the employees of companies operative in Hungary speak the English used in business processes as a foreign language. During our skills development courses and workshops given in English, the majority by expert trainers who are native speakers, there is a pronounced…overwhelming majority, majority employee, english majority, majority expertlanguage, quotation, translation, prospect, skill1
ablakprofilok.huThe majority of our historic monuments and precious old buildings was constructed with doors and windows made of qood-quality wood with sturctures evolved as a result of experiences gained for over long periods. With the appropriate form of maintenance they would be preservable for an almost…year majority, majority victimwindow, mistake, historic, website, manifesto1
csipkehotel.huBalcony and bathroom belong to the rooms which are equipped with phone, radio and television. We provide internet connection (WIFI) to each room. The majority of the rooms are uniquely controllably airconditioned.room majority, majority roomdetail, sight, room, restaurant, price1
bynd.huThe majority of resources will be deployed here so this is a strictly disciplined work process. We make a plan on how to make use of every single minute. Ideally a decision maker from your team will also be present in order to avoid any surprises in the final result.creative, commercial, brand, video, social1
mta.huOn Tuesday, at the 196th General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Assembly of Academicians once again elected Tamás Freund, a neurobiologist and full member of the Academy, as President of the scientific body, by a large majority. In addition to the President Tamás Freund…large majority, majority additionscience, academy, research, member, forum1
partikerteszet.huThe shop was opened on 21st March 2002, the first day of the spring. The vast majority of the offer are plants, self-grown under local climatic conditions, apart from that, we have a continuously changing, varied stock of products to meet customer demands.vast majority, majority offerfamily, nagy, gallery, brook, area1
elektronforras.hu…serious if the IT or the communication damaged or just become unusable during an outage. If the power ends in the connector the production almost immediately stops and stop the majority of the services as well. We are general facing to start loose money, proportional to the period of the outage.immediately majority, majority serviceserver, room, energy, power, installation1
teatrom.huExclusion is present on both sides - not only the majority lacks openness to mingle, but also the Roma communities are closed towards the majority and sometimes even to each other. Facilitating multiple encounters is the best way to foster inclusion. Theater mainly connects by creation and…side majority, majority openness, community majority, majority multiplecommunity, performance, group, art, festival1
hojtsy.huGábor also did the vast majority of the actual code patches required for marking Claro stable and the default theme.vast majority, majority actualtranslation, event, issue, core, symfony1
apostille.org.huIn the vast majority of cases, these documents or certificates are used in front of some foreign authority or other body in order to certify a so called legal fact. (e.g. marital status, qualifications etc.).vast majority, majority casedocument, legalization, delivery, international, certificate1
matheannapszichologus.huAfter spending the majority of my childhood in the United Kingdom, and one year as a foreign exchange student in the United States of America, I speak English at a native level. This is the reason why I also take clients in English. In this case, it is necessary to indicate this need at…session, introduction, pricing, form, help1
ahang.huAccording to the We Are the Majority group, the fairness of the elections has been compromised in many ways, but the gravest problems at the moment are party media built from public money and the restriction of the freedom of press.campaign, family, public, national, care1
create26.huYou should feel comfortable and at ease at the place where you spend the majority of your time.place majority, majority timetour, space, office, room, meet1
mbft.huThe programs and the scientific activities of the sections and groups are summarized separately, but one common feature has to be mentioned here: The great majority of the members of the sections belongs also to other national and international scientific communities being organized for a specific…great majority, majority membersociety, national, section, member, scientific1
balogarpad.huIn our vineyard, all the plants are natural, non-grafted, own-rooted vines, with the majority of the stock being 40 to 50 years old. This reliance on own-rooted vines ensures that our plants are truly natural, allowing them to authentically express the characteristics of the given variety in all…vine majority, majority stockwine, grape, natural, winery, vine1
park22.huEuropa Capital is majority owned by Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd, one of the world’s largest real estate groups, which is a strategic investor alongside Management. Europa Capital Partners LLP and Europa Capital LLP are authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.capital majority, majority mitsubishiestate, management, real, building, office1
hrinkubator.huNiki has over 15 years of professional experience in the field of HR and spent the majority of her career as a leader. She gained experience in various fields in human resources, both on company and advisory levels. She is an expert in working with Startups and Scale-ups and also has experience…hr majority, majority careersolution, expert, career, recruitment, employee1
moonwalk.huAdvocacy groups play a major role in changing social systems; people living with disability were able through these movements to change their living conditions, to have the right to education, to have equal access to everything that gave the majority a decent quality of life, to earn an…access majority, majority decentdisability, people, research, young, youth1
privateinvestigation.huSurveillance is the most effective form of secret, covert information gathering. Before you choose to employ the services of a private investigator agency, make sure that the people in charge of surveillance have received the necessary qualifications and have adequate practical experience because…experience majority, majority privateprivate, investigation, case, agency, family1
alkoholfuggoseg.huThe majority of those who use our services – thanks for the successful early intervention – still live and work in their family. In our experience, for many clients, their substance abuse problems are advanced, but do not need therapeutic institutional treatment yet. This is also thanks to early…addiction, rehabilitation, group, day, form1
mehascan5d.huIf you are looking for an online casino, you will find a lot of information online. Since the world of gambling online has evolved greatly over time and the internet has become the most popular way for the majority of Bővebben …way majority, majority bővebbenslot, free, category, game, popular1
lake-tisza.huSignificant part of Lake Tisza, which belongs to the Hortobágy National Park , and Ramsar Convention is nature conservation area. Entrance in forbidden temporarily to some parts while to others permanently. The majority of those areas where the lake reserves the most natural values using…permanently majority, majority arealake, tour, canoe, island, touristic1
buildtogether.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.available majority, majority alterationlorem, ipsum, page, passage, case1
applion.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some formed humour or randomised words which don't look even .available majority, majority alterationdevelopment, mobile, solution, app, customer1
salessolutions.huWe manage the majority of the administrative tasks, so you can concentrate on other aspects of the event.venue, sale, solution, find, event1
pipa.info.huUtilizing studies and findings of social sciences in order to get insight into social processes. Delivering professional lectures and trainings to foster processes – psychological analyses, conclusions, creating space for changes, understanding influences on majorities and minorities. Click here…influence majority, majority minoritydonation, social, foundation, tax, case1
gelatobianco.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything…available majority, majority alterationtext, lorem, ipsum, editor, price1
murati.huPlanned and migrated the majority of Xero's production services from our legacy Rackspace platform to AWS.cloud, engineer, technology, architect, infrastructure1
abece.hu…handicapped by speech disorder; and in the same way, educators who do the same job also have to deal with more than one pupils at a time. The majority of the methods presently used by the so-called specialists have some similar aspects: they take up a long period of time, and it is difficult fortime majority, majority methodchild, problem, programme, task, treatment1
kurultaj.huAfter the death of Attila the majority of the Hun tribes traveled east to the steppes of the northern Black Sea and the northern foothills of the Caucasus. Later, in 895-896 AD, a tribal alliance of Hungarians traveled West, eventually settling in the Carpathian Basin where they founded the…attila majority, majority hunnation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient1
aitech.hu“I envision some years from now that the majority of search queries will be answered without you actually asking. It'll just know this is something that you're going to want to see.”year majority, majority searchmain, navigation, privacy, beginning, query1
secon.huOur three main scopes of activity, which are all strongly related to each other, are consulting, planning and managing SEO projects, and training. As most companies dealing with SEO on a professional level, the majority of our customers comes from the SME sector as well. It has become obvious to…level majority, majority customersearch, consulting, effectiveness, strategy, training1
ganzszentes.huQUALITY is certified by TÜV Rheinland, according to international standards, with state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment, highly technical and physical staff. The vast majority of our employees are young, well-trained, welders certified according to MSZ EN 287-1.vast majority, majority employeecertificate, inquiry, structure, railway, steel1
dert.huSince July 2014 MET Asset Management AG (formerly known as: MET Power AG) has been the majority shareholder of Dunamenti Erőmű Power Plant, operating as a member of MET Group, which is planning to further modernise the plant.ag majority, majority shareholderplant, power, statement, management, history1
feith.huOriental studies is primarily an international science, and the vast majority of articles are published in world languages. Hungary, however, has also had a strong tradition of publishing research findings in Hungarian since the 19th century. As dedicated researchers of Oriental studies, the…vast majority, majority articledance, zoltan, theatre, performance, music1
hmmmaster.huDifferent surveys verify the fact, that the consumption of soup in Hungary is significant among European countries. In the majority of Hungarian households, almost every week, this tradition takes place during mealtime. It’s not a coincidence, since the tradition of making Hungarian soup…country majority, majority hungariansoup, fruit, delicious, healthy, dish1
csaszarzsoka.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything.available majority, majority alterationdetail, case, study, sure, passage1
mkne.huThe majority of our members are educators (from kindergarten teachers to higher education faculty members); however, our membership also includes engineers, physicians, museum scientists, secondary school students, and many others with different backgrounds.environmental, education, member, society, training1
gombaforum.huIt has been known for a long time that the majority of cultivated and wild mushrooms contain chemicals that can positively influence our health and […]time majority, majority wildmushroom, cultivation, technology, research, economy1
steampeek.huBy choosing YES and using this website you are affirming that you are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in each and every jurisdiction in which you will or may view adult material, whichever is higher; such materials doesn't offend you; and viewing the adult material is legal in each…age majority, majority jurisdictiongame, similar, strategy, simulation, action1
bohoboutique.huThis room is where your family spends time together, and it is the room most of your guests will spend the majority of their time in. Choosing furniture that creates a pleasant, welcoming appearance while holding up against the wear and tear of everyday life is the key in getting this space to…guest majority, majority timecurve, table, sofa, chair, contemporary1
barben.hu…Ltd. invested in an approximately 15,000 square meter piece of land in Tiszakeszi, with roughly 5000 square meter of it containing buildings. With some help from EU funding, the majority of the buildings were entirely renewed by May 2010, reflecting high European standards for their employees.funding majority, majority buildingmanagement, shoe, factory, quality, employee1
ransommentes.hu…and other sectors. Therefore, we developed a method so that our name, Adatmentes LTD, won’t mean one with emergency. We would like to ensure the majority that the collapse cannot happen even in the case of the most cunning attack, and even in 24 hours your system can get back on track. This is our…emergency majority, majority collapseattack, assessment, day, detail, eng1
lz-lampa.huDesign and production of unique lamps and chandeliers for 20 years. The majority of the lights introduced on our website can be seen in our showroom.year majority, majority lightview, lighting, lamp, prestashop, shop1
binarit.huFor the majority of the applications delivered we provide continuous modification and updating services even after the guarantee period, thus allowing for current business requirements to be efficiently incorporated in the Systems. Competencies:software, development, integration, custom, operation1
aacm.hu…to found out the opinion of the participants. The first targeted the responsibility of the condominium renovation and from the results the majority thought the owners should initiate it. The answers to the second question were divisive as the main barriers to condominium renovations seems to…result majority, majority ownereurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
astellasaszakdolgozokert.huBet on the team, against which the majority relies most bettors, requires a certain portion of courage. However, if you want to really succeed in betting, you’ll be wearing the required lot of courage have found. Smart betting against betting public is likely to earn a lot of money, as we…team majority, majority bettorbetting, successful, football, discipline, money1
szenvedelyazegeszsegugyben.huHis approach and philosophy : according to his experience, the majority of healthcare institutions suffer from a downward spiral driven by stress and disappointment of the employees. However, there is another process, just as strong as the previous one: the upward spiral based on positive…experience majority, majority healthcarehealthcare, hospital, conference, patient, passion1
djj.huAnother important milestone in the transfer of ownership was when in 2001 the Bombardier Group purchased Adtranz Group and obtained a majority share in the Bombardier MÁV Kft. The next stop came in 2014. This was when the Hungarian state purchased Bombardier Transportation’s share. The company was…group majority, majority sharerailway, manufacture, news, repair, history1
whereareyou.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything…available majority, majority alterationipsum, lorem, passage, like, text1
humanreport.hu…on social theory in Hungary to do this. Unfortunately, Luhmann’s approach in Hungarian public thinking is underrepresented, even though the majority of theorists, especially in Western Europe consider this theory one of the most successful attempts of the post-1968 period, for its clear…think majority, majority theoristshuman, report, book, communication, social1
pazarpar.hu“There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.”available majority, majority alterationfashion, password, ipsum, lorem, cart1
meatland65.huMajority and largest part of our market are Central and Eastern Europe, and some particular countries of the Far East. Our priority, besides our export and import activity, is providing our Clients with accurate service and high quality raw materials. The quality of our distributed products is…meat, land, mobile, sale, market1
budapestlngsummit.huMoreover, Ion Sterian led Transgaz on the path to becoming the first Romanian multinational company in the energy sector with majority state-owned capital, successfully completing the takeover of Vestmoldtransgaz in the Republic of Moldova and building the Ungheni-Chișinău gas pipeline, an item of…sector majority, majority statelng, summit, gas, energy, speaker1
fulspecialista.hutreatment or nasal surgery. The most common cause of nasal itching and nasal polyps is allergies, hay fever, and perennial allergic rhinitis. The majority of sinus surgeries are performed with nasal endoscopy (FESS surgery) without pain. The most common nasal surgeries are deviated septum, nasal…rhinitis majority, majority sinusear, nose, throat, inflammation, disease1
euromedic-hungary.huEuromedic performs its distribution activities for state or municipality-owned hospitals and covers the majority of the market in this field, which ensured that all debts are totally collectable and secured.hospital majority, majority marketactivity, pharmaceutical, quality, logistic, hospital1
naniko.huThe city is formed from two older areas, Buda and Pest, separated by the powerful flow of the Danube. On the Pest side tourists can find the vast majority of sites, and Buda is essentially a residential area. You can see a long line to visit Castle Hill. Many tourists and business people coming to…vast majority, majority siterental, availability, airport, price, additional1
furedyacht.hu…to our courses but there are often students above 50 in our school. We organize camp for children and team building thanks to which people of all age-groups have been already in our school. In general it can be stated that the majority of our students is man but there are some women in each course.general majority, majority studentsailing, course, boat, examination, license1
dezsenyi.hu…We have clients who have their own legal team, and we act as an extension of their team. Other clients work with us as in-house counsel. The majority of our clients' mandates are on a fixed monthly fee basis - and to be honest, we actually like that, because it means that no one has to think…counsel majority, majority clientlaw, legal, client, labour, attorney1
historycruise.hu…great threat for Vienna, the Habsburgs decided to push the Turks to the East. They liberate d Hungary in 1686. But as previously mentioned , the majority of Hungarians were already Calvinists and the Habsburgs had a very strong catholic identity. So they started to re – Catholize the country. We…previously majority, majority hungariansbridge, city, history, cruise, build1
cantatenobis.hu…memories for us are the concerts at the Old Academy of Music , the Hungarian National Galery and Erkel Theatre in Budapest. Our members give the majority of the singers in the monumental multi-art production “ JÁSZOK historical play ”, while Mária our choir lead headed up the joint choir. Directed…member majority, majority singerensemble, choir, vocal, leadership, hometown1
open-air.huThere are many variations of passages of available but the majority have suffered alteration in that some form by injected randomised words which don’t look even as slightly believable now.available majority, majority alterationelement, ipsum, air, open, portfolio1
indotek.huIndotek Group is owned by Hungarian and American shareholders. Day-to-day operations are overseen by its founder, chief executive officer and majority shareholder Dániel Jellinek, who has more than twenty years of experience in the real estate sector, assisted by the management.officer majority, majority shareholdermanagement, investment, group, property, market1
kernya-alomeskuvo.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing…available majority, majority alterationpassage, generator, bride, groom, day1
duftin.huToday we can proudly say, that our ranges cover the majority of all needlework categories. The available items range from stamped embroidery and cross-stitch, through counted cross-stitch, longstitch, needlepoint, to even rawmaterials in consumer make-up.range majority, majority needleworkembroidery, login, shelf, order, history1
roadtoll.huThe majority of the busiest and most popular transit routes in Europe can be reached immediately with our device.customer, device, detail, country, offer1
luxilakk.huThere are many variations of dummy passages of Lorem Ipsum a available, but the majority have suffered that is alteration in some that form injected humour or randomised.available majority, majority alterationvalley, dummy, lorem, ipsum, simply1
garten.hu…to foreign countries. The purchase of their first own cold store in 1997 initiated the process, as a result of which GARTEN KFT processed the majority of vegetables and fruits to be exported already in four own, or rented cold storage facilities in 2007. The cold stores of about 8,000 square…kft majority, majority vegetablefruit, vegetable, country, fresh, european1
nanoworx.huIn each case, we provide a detailed quote and strive to be aware of the vast majority of expectations already in the bidding phase.vast majority, majority expectationsprocess, software, developer, order, solution1
bestlocalgov.huon the actual topic of the call. A project manager nominated by TÖOSZ supports the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee decides with simple majority in all relevant cases. The members of the Steering Committee have the rights and possibilities to offer decision makers to get involved in the…simple majority, majority relevantgovernment, local, practice, council, europe1
sacinformatics.huOur works include complex desktop software created for different business sectors, many internet banking front-end systems and other web applications, using different frameworks and environments. Majority of our projects were implemented in Java, Microsoft .NET and android platforms. You can read…environment majority, majority projecttechnology, banking, office, development, application1
industry4.huOur main aim is providing such a framework based on our previous developments, which supports the nowadays existing digitalized manufacturing processes and which provides solutions for the manufacturing units in different industrial areas according to the industrial recommendations. The majority…recommendation majority, majority productionindustry, production, solution, log, process1
rvprojects.huBy Chris Niemack Lily produced several storyboard-esque sketches which were nearly identical to or highly suggestive of specific set designs, biologicals and props seen in the series. Something to note is that the majority of Lily’s sketches appear to have relation to sequences from the finale…series majority, majority lilysession, remote, book, practice, target1
franciariviera.huThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything…available majority, majority alterationseptember, lorem, ipsum, likely, billion1
luciahair.huThere are many variations of dummy passages of Lorem Ipsum a available, but the majority have suffered that is alteration in some that form injected humour or randomised.available majority, majority alterationvalley, dummy, lorem, ipsum, simply1
bozayattila.huAttila Bozay kept the catalogue of his works with precise care. He later destroyed the vast majority of his pieces from the earlier period. Even from his graduation portfolio only one of his five works remained intact: two were significantly rewritten, two withdrawn. He urged that the performance…vast majority, majority piecemusic, biography, composer, period, academy1
tiszapartinyaralas.huThe majority of the village people work at the local shoe factories like Benn Ross or Sala Moda,etc or at the local goverment offices and small co.s of about 80 in number.village, like, local, offer, picture1
komplexinstrukcio.hu…that brings the pupils mentally back to the classroom after the break. The most important part of the KIP class is the group-work, for which the majority of time is allocated. During this time, the groups work individually on their tasks and are allowed to move throughout the classroom when needed.work majority, majority timeschool, teacher, child, pupil, group1
mizsepack.huThe vast majority of our customers are domestic companies, but our participation in the export market is also increasing, which is due to our continuous commercial activity and modern machinery…vast majority, majority customerlabel, printing, detail, self, adhesive1
orbicobeauty.huThe majority of the brands we distribute are world famous, which represent a strong market value through their high consumer brand awareness.brand, supplier, country, homepage, human1
rolandtoth.huWe picked ProcessWire as the main CMS because it handles multilanguage very well. Localization was an important feature as the majority of the guests are foreigners. Currently the site has six languages and most of the content is localized thanks for the enormous work of the content editors. As a…feature majority, majority guestsite, toth, developer, portfolio, previous1
magyarendre.huIt is not possible to determine the total amount in advance for unclogging work. Of course, we have so-called from-to prices for an average job. In the majority of cases, we fit within the amount limits found in the prices menu. If it is already visible at the time of departure, that the amount…job majority, majority caseremoval, channel, machine, camera, sewer1
tubolytech.hu…dedication to quality service, we can now proudly say that not only do most of the fastest and most powerful us cars come from our shop, and the majority of high performance cars in the country have something from TubolyTech in them, but now we are able to most everything related to cars under one…shop majority, majority hightransmission, gallery, engine, order, automatic1
cma.huKrisz has performed a crucial role in the major projects delivered by CMA over the years including the design coordination of the Gresham Four Seasons Hotel in Budapest, the National Instruments campus and the majority of CMA’s logistics and manufacturing portfolio. Krisz acts as managing director…campus majority, majority cmaarchitect, client, use, management, plan1
s6mernok.huMajority of our control system engineers had experience in power plants before coming to the S-6 and they have significant operating experience in that field of the industry. Nevertheless we don’t have difficulties in designing other kinds of systems.engineering, control, plant, power, software1
tc2.hu…support according to ITIL regulations requires at least 5 qualified support professionals due to the 3 shifts, vacations, and illnesses. And the majority of customers rarely have this number of employees, especially in the field of cloud-based computing, which is still new today but is emerging.illness majority, majority customercloud, solution, migration, case, study1
stayinplay.huGames in open-air sights and majority of the connected stories are available on both Hungarian and English.sight majority, majority storygame, story, location, route, family1
yemenembassy.huThe Houthis militias are continuing their brutal aggression on Ma’rib Governorate, where millions of citizens reside and the majority of which are Internally Displaced Persons from the Houthis controlled areas.citizen majority, majority internallyembassy, student, graduate, speech, statement1
artmagazin.huIn the life and oeuvre of an artist, there is often little of consistency to allow general conclusions to be drawn. The majority of artists, writers, thinkers and even scientists ebb and flow through better and worse periods. What is almost certain, however, is that the human characteristics and…conclusion majority, majority artistart, exhibition, artist, reality, contemporary1
daytodaykids.huThe majority of children have at least one sibling. The sibling bond most likely lasts longer than any other relationship in life and, in fact, the sibling ties developed in childhood define our relationship to ourselves and other people. Therefore, as a parent, how [...]day, child, kid, activity, parenting1
nemethgaborbuvesz.huThis show is specifically designed for the online space which takes conjuring to a whole new level. The majority of the tricks have retained their interactive nature despite the physical obstacles, and therefore, spectators can truly become part of the performance.level majority, majority trickticket, performance, trick, date, wedding1
pearlgallery-bielek.huThe great majority of pearls produced would not meet the quality standards (colour, luster and surface quality). In order to make such pearls marketable, they are treated, enhanced by simple or sophisticated technologies. Natural coloured pearls are always more valuable than those treated…great majority, majority pearlhistory, value, treatment, natural, factor1
cavok.huThe majority of our flight instructors are current or former airline pilotswho deliver the highest quality flight instruction according to industry standards.training, flight, aviation, airline, school1
elefantteher.huMajority of our co-workers have 10-20 years of moving experiences so we proudly afirm that there is no such moving or transportation task which we didn't meet before - like a moving with full packing up and unpacking or transporting special objects, highly valuable artifacts. Our 17 years of…international, page, free, office, delivery1
robotdobot.huWith the development of industrial automation, which is now an integral part of the vast majority of manufacturing companies, robots are increasingly being used, which are gradually replacing monotonous or health-threatening human labor. The advantages of robots are clear. These tireless helpers…vast majority, majority companymagician, light, vision, industrial, conveyor1
thesymptoms.huThis year, Réka Szabó was nominated by an overwhelming majority of past winners, so the Board of Trustees had no difficult task.overwhelming majority, majority pastsymptom, award, performance, privacy, statement1
gacserlab.hu…therapies are serious predisposing factors for infection. Among the species from the genus Candida , C. albicans is responsible for the majority of diseases, although the incidence of other, ‘non- albicans’ Candida (NAC) species is also rising. As C. parapsilosis is often the second or…responsible majority, majority diseaselab, paper, grant, news, presentation1
kiskepzo.huAlthough a majority of our students remain in their chosen fields (i.e., continue their studies at universities of arts), some choose another visual field after graduation.art, school, student, participant, artistic1
trhome.huThe majority of Turkey's citizens are Muslim, but this is hardly noticeable, as the city was built on European tourists and hospitality. Any kind of clothing is accepted on the beach, alcohol is available and can be consumed everywhere, and during the Christmas season - similarly to the Christian…property, real, estate, number, turkey1
hungaroautocentrum.huHungaro Autócentrum Kft. provides a technical warranty on the majority of the vehicles purchased by our company.warranty majority, majority vehiclewarranty, ago, insurance, financing, administration1
ecm-kft.huFrom the beginning of its business activities EcoloChem Magyaróvár was fully committed to prevent environmental pollution beyond the common statutory regulations. While the majority of the company’s products are applied directly in the treatment of waste water and drinking water, the company…regulation majority, majority companyproduction, quality, salt, capacity, customer1
advopatent.huIf a client commissions the office for representation before the authorities (which happens in the majority of the cases), the client must also sign a power of attorney, with which our Office can prove before the authorities that it is entitled to represent the client. (The power of attorney form…authority majority, majority caseattorney, office, trademark, property, intellectual1
cableworld.huThe vast majority of CableWorld devices are based on the Gigabit Ethernet Controller II module, the so-called GEC II. The module is capable of performing…vast majority, majority cableworlddevice, software, analyzer, download, uk1
oroksegintezet.huThe Heritage Cultural Political Institution (Örökség Kultúrpolitikai Intézet) founded in 2012 – unlike the majority of domestic public political institutes - has a definite profile of expertise: its main activity includes doing research and analysis, organizing conferences, handling projects and…unlike majority, majority domesticcultural, culture, research, event, political1
ayu.huServices… About… Contact… Shop… Cart… Checkout… My account… Welcome… Contact Us… Previous… Next… Visit…tour, day, england, price, travel0
falcongt.huinclude high-end premium software, hardware and custom hardware solutions. Related services include planning and developing data security systems, commissioning and customisation of software, maintenance of information security systems and customised operation.majority solutionconsulting, security, risk, data, threat0
charitybridge.huDuring our nearly 18 years of existence, now we turn for the first time for public assistance.management majority, majority memberchild, donation, bridge, progress, edit0
tidet.huCopyright © 2024 TIDET All rights reserved. Theme: Flash by ThemeGrill. Powered by WordPressrecent, post, archive, category, passage0
bollamotor.huScreenr is responsive and adapts to several devices and screen sizes like Desktop, laptops, tablets & smartphones.detail, alignment, app, responsive, image0
group-lift.huWe won the "LIFT OF THE YEAR" award – jointly offered by the Hungarian Lift Association and the Hungarian Association of Elevator Companies for the winner of their public competition – with our panorama lifts built in 2010, 2011 and 2014. Our main references for new construction: Liszt Ferenc…group, maintenance, repair, escalator, implementation0
vivoflex.huContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not heatmare…lorem, ipsum, text, website, dummy0
mochnacs.huMy name is Mihály Mochnács and I'm the manager, main constructor of the company. I became engineer originally at Donát Bánki College of Mechanical Engineering (today Faculty of Óbuda University) where I obtained my first diploma and which became the location of my first job. All the engineering…age majority, majority freemachine, technology, special, engineering, technological0
saberarmory.hu…Star Wars items from Paz Vizla to the Scout Trooper through Slave Leia! EnjoyWithEARPHONE Browse NewWearGADGETS Browse TrendDevicesLAPTOP Browse BestGamingCONSOLE Browse PlayGameoculus Browse NewAmazonspeaker Browse Free Shipping Free Shipping On All Order Money Guarantee Online Support 24/7shop, cart, browse, free, support0
irum.huWe use the IRUM TAG tractor to transport manure, for agricultural work such as plowing and mowing, and even if it is a mountainous area we do our job with it and it is very welcome on our farm. I analyzed the price of the markets and I chose a Romanian company, an affordable price, a serious…mavi majority, majority shareholderagricultural, tractor, forestry, dealer, customer0
csodalampa.huThe mission of Csodalámpa (Magic Lamp) Wish Granting Foundation is to grant 230 to 300 wishes a year: a wish to any, 3-18 years old child, who suffer from a life-threatening illness.wish, report, foundation, lamp, annual0
fecc.huThe Hospital of future today. We are the best Medical in the family & Health More Service The Hospital of future today. We are the best Medical in the family & Health More Service Request Appoinment Booking Now Find The Best Doctors Booking Now Medical And General Practice Care! Providing Medical…availa majority, majority terationmedical, surgery, doctor, ipsum, video0
interpreter.huChuchotage or whispering is an interpreting technique that can be used in such cases, when the interpreter whispers directly to the person or people who do not speak the language of the trainer. As chuchotage is the same as simultaneous interpreting, which requires alternating interpreters, two…majority audienceinterpreter, interpret, event, meeting, training0
gvmeuropekft.hu“The team at Divi Cargo displayed excellent customer service throughout the entire process, answering any questions I had and addressing any concerns in a timely manner. I would highly recommend their services to anyone in need of cargo transport and look forward to utilizing their services in the…transport, europe, quote, air, delivery0
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digest.huA Lorem Ipsum egy egyszerû szövegrészlete, szövegutánzata a betûszedõ és nyomdaiparnak. A Lorem Ipsum az 1500-as...ipsum, lorem, date, author, idea0
geohome.hu…energy production by using GSHP systems. Under average circumstances, we need 3 parts of ground heat and 1 part of electricity to produce 4 parts of heating energy. Currently, this is the most efficient solution among the energy sources that are not subject to licensing and are free to use.energy, ground, efficient, source, family0
konyvelogyakorlat.hu…hogy ez az a szakma, ahol nem szívesen alkalmaznak teljesen kezdőket, akik még sosem könyveltek „élesben”, nincs semmilyen könyvelési tapasztalatuk. Ez egy ördögi kör, mert amíg nem tudsz elhelyezkedni, addig nem szerzel gyakorlatot, viszont amíg nincs gyakorlatod, nem kapod meg az állást.plugin, set, elegant, client, recent0
publicus.huPublicus Institute conducted a national representative poll of 1014 people between 04-07 June, asking people about the Russian-Ukrainian war. (Ezen kutatás magyar nyelven itt olvasható.)majority israelpeople, israel, research, strike, opinion0
gombaleckek.huContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin.organizer, venue, form, ipsum, lorem0
kwds.huComponents from renowned engine and transmission manufacturers who have been collaborating with K & W Drive Systems for over 45 years are the basis of this. Our range includes diesel and gas engines for a wide range of applications (rail, marine, power generation, military vehicles, oil & gas…transmission, spare, power, engine, application0
hasznospiac.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna…lorem, ipsum, simply, woman, sit0
rubicomholding.huContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature.ipsum, lorem, investment, fast, delivery0
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migraciokutato.huThe Migration Research Institute was established in September 2015 with the purpose deepening understandings of migration phenomena – particularly immigration in Europe – through synthesizing the scientific findings of various disciplines.migrant majority, majority illegalanalysis, migration, institute, research, water0
dekorhaz.huAttention! buy viagra online Do not fail to see your doctor before ordering Viagra online! Use the lowest dose of the drug that works. Never overdose your ‘love pills’ – take only 1 pill about 1 hour before intended intercourse. Never take Viagra repeatedly within 24 hours!pill, character, drug, man0
ddplogisztika.huDDP Logisztika Kft. (DDP Logistics Private Limited Liability Company) provides freight forwarding, warehousing services, handles customs clearances and formalities, as well as provides advice on customs related issues. Our colleagues more than 30 years of experience in the area of customs…custom, warehousing, forward, freight, director0
kniznerasztalos.hu…customers. Meanwhile the company with a staff size of 3 reached its limits by 1990, so we needed extension, which meant a larger workshop. Our new location with 600m 2 provided enough space for increased staff size and more machinery. Thanks to our efforts, we became able to fulfill larger orders.product majority, majority incomefurniture, machinery, staff, general, customer0
aranykonzol.huContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical.night, ipsum, lorem, bash, birthday0
agrodrones.hu„The team at Divi Cargo displayed excellent customer service throughout the entire process, answering any questions I had and addressing any concerns in a timely manner. I would highly recommend their services to anyone in need of cargo transport and look forward to utilizing their services in the…transport, delivery, timely, logistic, view0
autobizhub.huHome 1… Home 2… Home 3… Home 4… Listings… Half Map Grid… Half Map List… List With Map… Grid With Map…variation majority, majority simplymap, list, grid, news, page0
krokodilrock.huAbout… Hungarian… International…majority ownerdirector, international, staff, executive, owner0
babamamatanoda.huContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin.lorem, ipsum, text, therapist, simply0
varazslatoskeleteuropa.huAll the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessarymanagement, travel, wear, ipsum, lorem0