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340 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: particular

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premiumapartmanok.huPersonal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data…indirectly particular, particular reference, right particular, particular right, cookie particularapartment, data, personal, premium, process6
serpakalandpark.huPersonal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data…indirectly particular, particular reference, right particular, particular right, cookie particulardata, price, adventure, personal, process6
xairit.huLadies others the six desire age. Bred am soon park past read by lain. As excuse eldest no moment. An delight beloved up garrets am cottage private. The far attachment discovered celebrated decisively surrounded for and. Sir new the particular frequently indulgence excellence how. Wishing an if he…new particular, particular frequentlyportfolio, resume, skill, client, pricing6
preciz.co.huPreciz Building and Commercial Ltd was founded in 1991. The main profile of the company was at the beginning the planning and construction of industrial, commercial, and public buildings. Since 2004 the company has been focusing on renewable energy, in particular on the development, planning…energy particular, particular developmentltd, commercial, build, wind, energy5
komplexinstrukcio.hu…circumstances (such as e.g. class, ethnicity, family background…), peer status (mainly given by popularity) and intellectual capacities of a particular child. Even though the status of a child could vary in time and across subjects, research data show that children are always aware of their…capacity particular, particular child, necessarily particular, particular student, able particularschool, teacher, child, pupil, group5
helping-hand.huThe maturity of executive functions of children with ADHD-type behaviours often falls short of their peers. Parents and teachers often are puzzled of the phenomenon that a child who is otherwise smart is unable to work independently on a particular task.environment particular, particular focus, consequence particular, particular activity, carbohydrate particularchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten4
dreamwedding.hu…seeming to be the best choice ever. Though afterwards no better decision may be made. A wedding is a one-time and unrepeatable event: the most particular moment of two people’s story. The wide circle of service providers we offer for You, tested many times and in several situations and aware all…event particular, particular moment, work particular, particular case, wedding particularwedding, day, help, dream, guest4
opl.hu…issues, and advertising and marketing law as well as acting as the company’s data protection officer and consumer protection officer. In particular, Ildikó was the lead project manager executing Invitel Zrt’s 2016 demerger, an unprecedented transaction in the regional market, and managing…matter particular, particular regard, officer particular, particular ildikó, team particularlaw, university, legal, language, fluent4
expandaltlemez.huMicroexpanded metal is suitable for use for filters as well as other applications, and can be considered a particular type of expanded metal from which it differs due to its small mesh size.application particular, particular type, type particular, particular shapesheet, data, metal, suitable, type4
tourdematra.huIt is important that members obey all road rules. Races are on open roads and all road rules apply, in particular no crossing the centre line. KEEP RIGHT in Hungary. Indications given by authorized staff along the way must be followed.rule particular, particular centre, link particular, particular link, worthiness particularrace, entry, tour, road, cycling3
tradiscoseeds.huIn addition to or instead of publication on its website, the Company may choose to make the “Privacy Notice” available as a contract attachment. In this case, it is sufficient to provide the data subject with information on the processing relevant to the particular group of data subjects. The…excessive particular, particular repetitive, subject particular, particular client, relevant particulardata, subject, shall, personal, process3
por.hu…of persons outside their own institutions who might be considered as reviewers for their manuscript. Authors can also request to exclude particular reviewers. The review process is intended to be finished within 30 days. Four levels of evaluation are used for manuscripts: accepted…tissue particular, particular reference, author particular, particular revieweruniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine3
journeytoawareness.hu“My mind and in particular my thoughts used to be all over the map. My thought processes were cluttered and I searched for truth and peace in my life, doubting that I would ever find it. I live now for the present. Thank you.mind particular, particular thoughttherapy, family, column, question, relationship3
energyprojects.huIf you have any questions about more detailed factual and legal issues that require particular consideration or advice, or you need our quotation, please do not hesitate to contact us:basis particular, particular need, issue particular, particular considerationattorney, issue, step, power, plant3
azumba.huAnd if you’re in the midst of a job search, familiarizing yourself with legal vacancies in your desired location or polishing up your resume for a particular legal role, it’s important to be well-prepared.decision particular, particular input, sale particular, particular company, resume particularlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule3
drfabry.huWe provide professional and flexible legal counseling services either for corporations or for natural persons related to the mentioned law matters in cooperation with our Clients. With this philosophy, we consider the necessary measures to be taken in a particular case and we fulfill our…transaction particular, particular attention, assistance particular, particular caution, measure particularclient, law, legal, office, agreement3
szazadveg.hu…to assess whether the use of personal data collected by the Hungarian government for political campaign purposes is in line with EU law. In particular, the EU must ensure, the report says, that EU funds allocated to support the digitalisation of public services in Hungary do not violate the EU…law particular, particular eu, condition particular, particular regarddata, report, protection, political, human3
abtl.huensure conservation and restoration of deteriorated or damaged archives; prepare or have a security copy prepared of these archives and of archives of particular importance, and hand over a copy thereof - unless a legal rule otherwise provides - to the security film repository in the National…respect particular, particular data, archive particular, particular importance, particular documentarchive, shall, public, record, document3
szav.hu…When your character uses this talent, you should explain how their mastery of knowledge lets them accomplish this task. In addition, your GM may rule that a particular knowledge skill makes the most sense in a given situation, and require your character to use that specific knowledge skill.spell particular, particular arcana, gm particular, particular knowledge, difficulty particulartier, activation, check, character, active3
doktorpc.huFinished her are its honoured drawings nor. Pretty see mutual thrown all not edward ten. Particular an boisterous up he reasonably frequently. Several any had enjoyed shewing studied two. Up…edward particular, particular boisterousipsum, lorem, dolor, homepage, sit3
kontron.hu…many modules and new SAP products, as well as project experience with large, medium-sized and small enterprises, both in the Hungarian and international markets. Our strength is the provision of support to our customers’ entire SAP project and operational lifecycle, with particular emphasis on:lifecycle particular, particular emphasissolution, network, management, customer, cloud2
lowevonblumengarten.huGENERAL APPEARANCE : According to his original purpose, the Leonberger is a large, strong, muscular yet elegant dog. He is distinguished by his balanced build and confident calmness, yet with quite lively temperament. Males, in particular, are powerful and strong.male particular, particular powerfuldog, breed, close, strong, straight2
caimmo.huYou can specify which cookies may be used by selecting the respective slider in the cookie settings. In particular, you can decide whether or not to give your consent to the transfer of data to the USA (by selecting the "Analytics", "Google Maps" or "Youtube" sliders). Please note that based on…justice particular, particular risk, setting particular, particular consentprivacy, provider, map, setting, data2
adatvedelmi-jog.huAccording to the GDPR, data controllers shall take appropriate measures to provide any information relating to processing to the data subject in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language, in particular for any information addressed specifically…probability particular, particular large, language particular, particular informationdata, protection, law, process, subject2
papapedia.hu…of ceasefire violations and to attempt to resolve such incidents with the parties involved; and to report to the Secretary-General on the implementation of its mandate, including, in particular, violations of the ceasefire agreement. The authorized strength of the Mission was 88 military observers.mandate particular, particular violation, particular implementationmission, military, force, observer, peace2
twinstravel.hu.... And your help and resolution in times of my insecurity and doubt were very good and efficient. Say hello to the ladies we had for guides, in particular to Monika in Warsawa, because she is very good and a beautiful person in all senses ...saludos. From Diaz Pailles Guillermo Manuel, Amirante…guide particular, particular monikatravel, tour, city, guide, person2
jackplate.huThe proper start, good hole shot, suitable gliding, getting on plane behaviour of a particular hull and propulsion characteristics of any type of outboard engine, whether this is a fishing boat or a smaller or larger vessel, shall be due to the adequate power of the outboard, the position of the…behaviour particular, particular hull, engine particular, particular height, choice particularseries, plate, engine, power, hydraulic2
akuna.huAmong the recipients of personal data provided by the Administrator is, in respect of the obligations of the Administrator imposed by generally binding legal regulations are public authorities, in particular administrative, judicial or other public authorities. With respect to the proper…regulation particular, particular provision, authority particular, particular administrativebuyer, seller, agreement, purchase, case2
superiorhomes.huAll our apartments are rented out at the moment. If you are interested in a particular one, please contact us 2-3 months before the current contract expires.interested particular, particular monthapartment, bedroom, luxury, rent, view2
drwittner.huWe only give advice if we know the particulars of the case and have analyzed the possible options in detail. We take responsibility for our advice.advice particular, particular caselaw, corporate, client, contract, commercial2
buhiserpenyo.huWe discuss the project timescales and particular demands such as working outside of office or retail hours, and come up with a project plan.timescales particular, particular demandpaint, painting, window, area, job2
iskolakavaltozasert.hu…The main topics related to “Global Fairness” are to be integrated in the classroom, in the curriculum, in educational opportunities and in everyday classes. The project is therefore aimed at school actors – in particular at managers, teachers and students, as well as school administrations.actor particular, particular manager, project particular, particular benefitschool, change, agent, global, globally2
drcsernus.huDr Csernus’s aim is for her patients to feel comfortable in their own skin. She brings all of her knowledge, experience and dedication to each patient or visitor, taking care of both general and cosmetic dermatological issues. Dr Csernus likes to place particular emphasis on helping her patients…csernus particular, particular emphasisdermatology, treatment, skin, general, care2
nt.huNagy és Trócsányi Ügyvédi Iroda's full-service tax practice covers tax litigation which is a key area of expertise for the group, as well as tax structuring and planning mandates. Péter Nagy and Orsolya Kovács are praised as 'exceptional'; Kovács has particular experience in handling tax…kovács particular, particular experience, counsel particular, particular matterlaw, nagy, legal, firm, client2
szikametro89.huWe are the Hungarian representative of numerous well-known foreign companies; in particular, we represent Austrian, German, Spanish, and Italian companies domesticallycompany particular, particular austrianmanufacture, machinery, repair, main, duct2
vblaw.hu…between companies or dissolution and liquidation of a company as well. Moreover, during the period before he passed the Bar exam, he placed particular focus on real property law, by drafting and drawing up gift agreements and more complex real property sale and purchase contracts and by…exam particular, particular focuslaw, property, representation, field, legal2
angolaembassy.huThis webpage is open to all who are interested in getting information about Angola’s on its various aspects, in particular issues related to the exponential growth of its economy.aspect particular, particular issue, country particular, particular restangola, embassy, event, diplomatic, sector2
tamasmagusmedium.hu…like to read anything onto anyone, that’s why I look for the ages in his life when there were emotional or physical events that triggered this particular life situation and we discuss together how this happened in him and what he perceived from it. This is mainly necessary because by bringing up…clue particular, particular person, tool particular, event particular, particular lifecourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health2
abstractman.huA big chapter of my plannings was dedicated to the perfectioning of a particular kind of solid, what in a nutshell can be described as a tetrahedral structure, which has the center point on its surface, while there is the maximum possible continuity through this point.deflexions particular, particular case, perfectioning particular, particular kindsurface, solid, shape, edge, case2
socialresearch.hua comprehensive review of the Labour Code, in particular the regulation of working time and working time framecode particular, particular regulation, system particular, particular viewwage, social, union, trade, labour2
epds.huThe system provides companies with the ability to ensure that only Users with the appropriate competence have access to a piece of equipment and a particular activity may only be performed when appropriate qualifications are held. Therefore, the training and its date can also be recorded for Users…equipment particular, particular activity, extent particular, particular regulationequipment, environment, activity, operation, management2
rubingroup.huBeyond hosting corporate and private events, we also offer our clients and guests the most delicious food and drinks. Together with Rubin Group’s very own chef, even the smallest of details of each menu is taken care of. We pay particular attention and care with respect to food allergies, and…care particular, particular attentiongroup, event, boat, danube, gallery2
mildent.huDental hygiene treatments are dental treatments which help remove plaque, supragingival and subgingival tartar. Dental hygiene treatments also include tartar removal, polishing and periodontal treatments, which aim to remove subgingival tartar in particular.whitening particular, particular dentaltooth, dental, crown, treatment, dentist2
aether.huWifi Camera reveals the electromagnetic space of our devices and the shadows that we create within such spaces, in particular our wifi networks which are increasingly found in coffee shops, offices and homes throughout cities of the developed world. We will take real time “photos” of wifi spacespace particular, particular wifiarchitecture, space, aether, house, camera2
inmategym.hu…to re-stabilise the blood sugar level after. People who do various manual or physical jobs, it is important to understand how many calories the particular job they do requires. A person who works at a warehouse and does some packing-walking-loading of light goods will need less calories than a…sugar particular, particular plant, calorie particular, particular jobtraining, body, session, muscle, like2
solaradio.hu“God has blessed this month in particular my life and my job gave me an extraordinary reward, which was not expected. So, now I am very pleased to offer this amount for Fountain Media to donate your mission. Surely, You need this support, and I am happy to be able to help with this work.”month particular, particular liferadio, media, god, fountain, church1
abece.huThey need to practice dictation. Apart from dictation, they have to learn composition, writing outlines, writing sentences which can help them talk more about a particular topic.sentence particular, particular topicchild, problem, programme, task, treatment1
xath.huYour own xath group could be for particular subject (e.g. music, anime, video games), for the visitors to your site or just for you and your friends. You can use it on xath or embed it on your site. Groups are fully customizeable and can be members only if you want to restrict it to your friends.group particular, particular subjectpower, game, sticker, group, custom1
nyirsegmez.huThe purpose of Nyírség Méz Kft. is to acquaint people with Hungarian honey production, which is of excellent quality, and to export our luscious honeys, which are particular owing the climate of the Carpathian Basin, to Europe. We collect the best Hungarian honeys to be able to satisfy the needs…honey particular, particular climategallery, important, people, honey, need1
sacinformatics.huTime and Leave Management: Time Management processes include the capture of working time and time off in accordance with particular agency policies. Leave management includes the leave request process and the management of leave balances.accordance particular, particular agencytechnology, banking, office, development, application1
vinylmaster.huWhen laying the vinyl floor, we will need a saw (e.g. decopier saw), a ruler, a snitzer, a rubber hammer, as well as a pencil and spirit level. Cut the vinyl floor tiles to the right size, recycle the fallen pieces at the edges. Pay particular attention to the area around the heating pipes, where…edge particular, particular attentionfloor, flooring, cover, type, room1
katalin2.huSome people find the notion of information being stored on their computer or mobile device a little intrusive, in particular when that information is stored and used by a third party without their knowledge. If you prefer, it is possible to block some or all cookies, or even delete cookies which…intrusive particular, particular informationboat, river, captain, hot, summer1
ggdent.huHe finds rehabilitating implantology cases that others have said to be hopeless a particular challenge. He provides state-of-the-art dental implant procedures to his patients with state-of-the-art technology background and by the support of his excellent dental team.hopeless particular, particular challengedental, implantation, tooth, implant, oral1
kiskozossegek.huIf you want to support any of these goals in particular, please make a note when transferring your donation.goal particular, particular notecommunity, small, programme, local, ecological1
russianstudies.hu…editors of the series, Gábor Klaniczay and István Szijártó stressed the synthesizing and innovative character of the book and they praised in particular the attempt to develop a new historiographical direction. The author self-ironically reflected on the choice of his topic by discussing the…book particular, particular attemptrussian, study, history, russia, historical1
gtec-power.huParticular applications to power devices in the security (lighting, fire prevention, smoke extraction,…). It is UPS, identificable in the category of rescuers , witch are subject to standard EN50171 (CPSS: Central Power Supply System) and guarantee reliability, guaranteed minimum autonomy and…power, supply, modular, industrial, europe1
ora-akcio.huNot for profit planks in particular stand to gain quite a lot from table portal technology, as they often confront additional concerns such as enterprise and fundraising. These can be addressed with features just like calendar integrations that make it easy to see everyone’s real-time availability…plank particular, particular lotlegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements1
nhgandpartners.huThe founder of Németh H. Gábor & Partner Law Office, with around two decades experience and particular expertise in every civil and economic law areas covered by the law office, also being extensively engaged in litigation and arbitration cases.experience particular, particular expertiselaw, office, expertise, lawyer, legal1
adaptax.huThe fashion industry has been the subject textile discussions from many perspectives during its history. Discussions range from people who disagree with the principles of fashion use of textile in its entirety, to those who disagree with particular outcomes of fashion.entirety particular, particular outcomeaccounting, tax, consulting, employment, wage1
budaventura.huCongresses, meetings and symposia have a long tradition. In Hungary we find particular venues...hungary particular, particular venuetrip, tour, travel, wine, central1
immedex.huOur particular product focus lies on rare disease therapies, where the access to high quality therapies requires complex sourcing solutions. We have extensive experience and specialization in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market.pharmaceutical, quality, footer, health, wholesale1
m-prospect.huOur translation agency has all the modern technical translation tools available for fulfilling our orders, while also devoting particular attention to human skills and relationships. Over the ten years of our operations as an agency, we have developed our processes in such a way that both our…order particular, particular attentionlanguage, quotation, translation, prospect, skill1
bpc.huA business plan is a detailed description of a particular company’s planned operations in regards to marketing, financial and general operations as well. Our BI systems analyse the extracted data, which allows for more accurate and safer business planning, as managers become able to make decisions…description particular, particular companyconsulting, data, process, intelligence, development1
sociall.huThe 1:1 social media consultations are created just for you and your company. We’ll take some time to study the particular difficulties you face and identify practical solutions.time particular, particular difficultysocial, media, owner, list, strategy1
vgxlab.huBioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data, in particular when the data sets are large and complex.data particular, particular datatechnology, vascular, laboratory, ngs, genetic1
genaqua.huFrom time to time, it is important to check the operation of our mechanical system to eliminate existing but even foreseeable faults. Ideally, these maintenance will not be a particular financial burden, but failures can lead to replacement of the entire system.maintenance particular, particular financialbuild, general, construction, industrial, engineering1
sirsoft.huThis particular media management and business consultant site is hosted in Europe / Hungary. We are everywhere.radio, consultant, consulting, programming, management1
mesevilagovi.huWe provide a homely environment for a small group of mixed-age, English-Hungarian speaking children. This small class size gives us the opportunity to focus individual care and attention on each child, allowing the teachers to interact with each child in accordance with their particular stage of…accordance particular, particular stagechild, kindergarten, environment, introduction, language1
bilingua.huAnd the translators working for the translation agency know the given language very well, but they may not be as knowledgeable in the particular field (technical, legal, medical and healthcare) as the client company’s experts. If you have specific ideas about the text that is to be translated, for…knowledgeable particular, particular field, expression particular, particular waytranslation, agency, language, price, free1
hrbl.huDelisting is easy but be careful. Your host will be listed again next time it sends malware to us or to our contributors . After several listing-delisting cycles delisting will be temporarily suspended for that particular address or hostname.temporarily particular, particular addressusage, contributor, mail, server, legitimate1
eurobond.huOur clients are the largest market leading companies in their own particular business sector. We provide them with a flexible and complex service. Interested in guarantees? We can help you in both the national and international fields!company particular, particular businesstype, international, user, guide, advantage1
leomosolyaert.huIf you found this page, you've probably already heard of me: my name is Leó, and I was born with an extremely rare genetic condition in 2019 in Budapest. My condition has no name: it's categorized as genetic epilepsy and is currently untreatable. As of today, there are only 6 documented cases of…case particular, particular conditionfoundation, story, condition, smile, symptom1
hubite.huit can be set content to be displayed at a particular time or date or different content to be displayed when user is approaching a beacon, is standing by a beacon (dwell time) or walking away from a beaconcontent particular, particular timeuser, tourism, tourist, app, solution1
mscity.huThanks to our international experience, we are proficient in any reporting structure , and cross-border communication is our particular strength.communication particular, particular strengthtax, city, accountancy, accountant, client1
iks.huThe International Kodály Society is active in 34 countries and has Affiliated National Organizations in 16 countries. The IKS was founded in 1975 in Kecskemét, Hungary to promote the musical, educational and cultural concepts associated with Zoltán Kodály for the benefit of music generally and in…generally particular, particular educationalscholarship, music, membership, newsletter, publication1
sopronimuzeum.humayoralty of an outstanding figure, Kristóf Lackner, Sopron reached one of the most prosperous periods of the town. This age was greatly determined by the spreading of humanism. Visitors can learn about a particular 17th century women’s wear reconstruction and a detail of a contemporary gusset-copy.visitor particular, particular centuryexhibition, house, century, category, bakery1
infravizsgalat.huInfrared imaging can monitor the effects of medications and therapies used to treat a particular disease.therapy particular, particular diseaseinfrared, imaging, body, hormone, treatment1
ernart.huUnder the special present circumstances we hold the sessions online, and you don’t need to worry neither for not having any particular artistic tools or materials. These sessions are built on the creativity existing in all of us (there is such creativity in everybody indeedJ ), So you don’t need…online particular, particular artistic, talent particular, particular toolart, therapy, session, creation, group1
klimakamra.huIn particular, many electrical components have to be permanently water- tight, as they must work reliably even under the most adverse weather conditions. Test a wide variety of test specimens as to their tightness. Morechamber, climate, temperature, environmental, simulation1
ritkabetegsegakademia.huDiamond Congress Kft. will only assume liability for damages occurring due to causes attributable to it and proven, and the maximum amount of compensation shall be the participation fee of the particular participant of the given conference .fee particular, particular participantdata, congress, case, legal, conference1
consultancyhouse.huA key part of any business plan is the market analysis. This section needs to demonstrate both your expertise in your particular market and the attractiveness of the market from a financial standpoint.expertise particular, particular marketplan, financial, organization, thing, success1
sommelierhungary.hu…the propagation of awareness and consumptions of quality wine and other alcoholic beverages and to take care for the appropriate professional qualification of the sommelier staff. Its particular purpose is to provide professional platform and networking that serve as an asset to all its members.staff particular, particular purposegeneral, member, association, food, training1
lelek-harmonia.huSmall group sessions: sessions for 5 - 10 persons on particular topics (e.g. autogenic training , developing stress management skills, integration problems for foreigners, developing conflict management skills, developing self-knowledge, etc.). Groups start every half-year depending on the number…person particular, particular topicproblem, psychologist, counselling, disorder, technique1
supermagnete.huAre you looking for magnets with certain specifications such as a particular magnetisation, adhesive force, thread size or colour for a specific purpose? You can find our selection of products matching your search criteria under Magnets by Characteristics .specification particular, particular magnetisationmagnetic, adhesive, ferrite, approx, customer1
ertekespecs.huThe city of Pécs is not only special for its particular climate and location within the country, but also for the unique co-existence of different cultures in the city for the last 2,000 years. This untroubled co-existence of different institutions and beliefs make Pécs a unique city.special particular, particular climatevaluable, gallery, church, synagogue, medieval1
allaboutparenting.huYou can ask any question under each of the program’s video episodes. These questions need to be related to that particular episode. Any questions that are not related to that episode’s subject will be removed to keep the answers relevant for all program members. Another advantage is that you can…question particular, particular episodeparenting, child, parent, month, chapter1
fdlaw.huOur lawyers work in partner-led teams tailored to the particular assignment and the respective client’s needs, thereby ensuring:team particular, particular assignmentlaw, firm, lawyer, employment, corporate1
tokajmagic.huIs that true, that Tokaji Aszú can be aged in bottle for decades? Eszencia is really developing in bottle even for a hundred years? I have a szamorodni from 1983, what shall I do with it? I’d like to stock some bottle from a particular vintage when our son born, but we cannot find any aszú from…bottle particular, particular vintagewine, tasting, special, local, topic1
elcomplex.huFrom our own developments or from a specified circuit diagram, based on particular function, environmental requirements and sizes we design a prototype which can be mass-product.diagram particular, particular functiondevelopment, process, production, software, electronic1
emcis2004.huSo be it! What a superb awesome advice Jethro, Moses’ dad in-law provided for him. So I will relate my instructing to these. Service can’t be satisfy isulation, we as a whole need the assistance of others to satisfy the service. This was the situation of Moses, he was the one in particular that…moses particular, particular godteach, principle, ministry, society, conference1
szta.huOur seasoned investment team are all experts in a particular field. We will find the shortest way to your success together.expert particular, particular fieldinvestment, news, fund, step, success1
theartofbeingme.huThe project THE ART OF BEING ME aims at starting a series of artistic events and artist talks on identity questions that are reflected in the work of the artists involved. Objectives are to give the involved artists a platform for discussion and exchange on identity questions with an interested…audience particular, particular artistart, artist, programme, festival, identity1
pacsaifemhordo.huits experts ensures that the quality and technical parameters of the products fully meet the international standards and standards of the UN, in particular for the packaging and transport of dangerous goods. Based on BISNODE's qualification on 20th March 2019, it was one of Hungary's most trusted…un particular, particular packagingsteel, packaging, barrel, size, introduction1
bozayattila.huThe composer considered his 2nd creative period (from 1968 to 1978) as a time of “hole digging”. His first Erkel Award can also be considered as the start of this period. At the beginning of these years, he met zither player Mátyás Pribojszky, as a result of which he became interested in folk…culture particular, particular zithermusic, biography, composer, period, academy1
gajdoszenekar.huAt our concerts – besides authentic folk music – adaptations can also be heard, which can be put into the category of ‘world music’. In these pieces classical musical elements, musical solutions typical of pop music, and authentic folk music sounding make up a special unity, which results in the…unity particular, particular acousticgroup, folk, release, gallery, authentic1
exleasingcar.huMAX BID. The maximum bet amount. In the event of competition, the iBID assistant will send a bid greater than the competitor’s bid in one smallest step (50 EUR or 100 EUR, depending on the rules of the particular auction). iBID Assistant will never exceed the maximum amount indicated (MAX BID).rule particular, particular auctionauction, condition, bid, privacy, search1
sacinf.huTime and Leave Management: Time Management processes include the capture of working time and time off in accordance with particular agency policies. Leave management includes the leave request process and the management of leave balances.accordance particular, particular agencytechnology, banking, office, development, application1
szuszekos.huThe world of faith is also related to the functions of the particular symbols. In the carpentry-style chests, they kept grain and seeds (in Hungarian, the equivalent of life is a synonym of wheat), and on the other hand, the items of a woman’s life, her dowry, was also kept in the chest. At the…function particular, particular symbolchest, style, carpentry, item, geometric1
mse-zsory.huapp for any sports fan on the relocation. You can use the data and news we provide you with to make informed predictions about the winner of the particular race or game you follow and place winning bets. You can place sports wagers on online bookies, and we recommend visiting legitimate sites, just…winner particular, particular racenews, feed, result, score, transfer1
7days.huLanguage is a fascinating tool that allows us to communicate, convey emotions, and express our thoughts. Verbs, in particular, carry a significant weight in...verb particular, particular significantgrammar, language, passive, vocabulary, password1
negrokft.huWe pay particular attention to using environmentally friendly materials wherever possible, to reduce emission of harmful chemicals or pollutants.plate, heat, exchanger, gasket, maintenance1
dabashotel.huThe restaurant of Dabas Hotel, located in the center of Dabas City, has had a long history over the last decades: the visitors of the city or those who are only passing on the highway 5 may know this particular building as the "Gate of the City". Built on the site of Dabasi Csárda, our restaurant…highway particular, particular buildroom, restaurant, wedding, premium, event1
graefl.hu…by woodlands and pastures. We always eat what nature provides us. It is more than just simple seasonality, we eat what nature gives us on a particular day. Our creative chef is always ready to adapt our mouth-watering dishes to the currently available ingredients. We indulge ourselves in…nature particular, particular daymanor, restaurant, apartment, event, castle1
onergy.hu…all used energy agents. This system is able to provide exact information of the energy consumption by collecting local measurements in the particular fields’, facilities’, plants’ and components’ energy consumption; to reveal the lavishing areas, to implement the prompt and transparent energy…measurement particular, particular fieldenergy, building, technology, methodology, automation1
yurusuaikido.huof as a sophisticated method for our other martial arts. This method can be applied to a greater or lesser extent depending on the nature of the particular martial art, for example, goju-ryu karate is characterized by an alternation of hardness and softness, it fits well with aikido, but there is a…nature particular, particular martialtraining, art, martial, official, organization1
aacm.hufor climate investments like investment loan, direct or intermediated framework loan, equity investment and investment platform, described their particular features and shared example projects. During the webinar the most popular products, which resulted in the most questions from the registrants…platform particular, particular featureeurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
hungariantranslation.huLocated in Debrecen, Hungary Aniva Bt. is a professional organisation offering comprehensive Hungarian translation services in a wide range of fields at competitive rates. All translation work is completed by experienced, qualified, native Hungarian translators each of them specializing in…translator particular, particular areatranslation, market, quality, communication, rate1
infopark.hu…is to support, with due consideration of the implementation objectives of Infopark, applied research and development (including its utilization) contributing to the development of society and economy in particular, and aimed to establish a network of connections between science and economy.economy particular, particular networkbuild, office, development, accessibility, area1
restoration-ecology.huThe EU's Green Deal is currently being under attack, with particular focus on the Sustainable Use Regulation (SUR) and the Nature Restoration Law (NRL).attack particular, particular focusrestoration, ecology, group, publication, research1
orszagbarok.huBaron was an informal designation for wealthy lords who owned a large amout of property usually including a castle. All the lords with estates and villages attached by the charter to a particular castle were the baron's banderium, or bannermen. They pledge loyalty to the baron and were under…charter particular, particular castlestory, realm, kingdom, family, castle1
dnv.hu…beliefs, marital status, physical constitution or other personal characteristics. Our Code of Conduct expressly forbids it and has done so for many years. But beyond our Code of Conduct is a duty that each DNV employee has to live our Values – in particular, the Value that we care for each other.value particular, particular valuediversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group1
dtdexpress.hu…there can be various impacts such as vibrations, transfers, temperature, salt exposure (in maritime transport), shifting during braking, etc. Certain packaging may have specific requirements for entry into a particular country. For any questions, please consult packaging technology experts.entry particular, particular countryfreight, transport, shipment, air, road1
pihenokert.hu„Reliable, correct, particular with high empathy that is essential for garden planning. Never ever better, I can only recommend him.correct particular, particular highgarden, plan, irrigation, dream, homepage1
drivinglicence.huIn Hungary the specific requirements that need to be met in order to get a driving licence are strictly defined by the authorities. The teaching materials have to contain the meanings of traffic signs, the rules of the road, the driving theory, and the technical particulars.drive, school, course, theory, licence1
onlinepiackutato.hu…more people we need to ask to get the target number of answers, the higher the price will be. Example: if you can only ask women aged 28-45 in Budapest who have higher than average income and regularly consume a particular product, it will cost much more than asking people aged 18 to 59 nationwide!regularly particular, particular productresearch, market, sample, result, questionnaire1
wpmax.huWith a combination of unique design and a user-friendly interface, I create a digital experience that captivates visitors and increases sales. Focusing on your business goals, I pay particular attention to the efficiency and easy usage of the webshop.goal particular, particular attentionwebsite, offer, media, social, tool1
brandway.huBrand Way & Compass® Advisory, Trademark Protection, Marketing and Servicing Ltd. was established for providing professional representation of domestic and foreign clients in the field of IP. Our activity covers the treatment of the industrial property and copyrights, in particular representation…copyright particular, particular representationbrand, way, youngsters, privacy, trademark1
drtivadar.huIn particular, we would like to highlight that the Firm will no longer send newsletters and will use cookies, which are different from the previous ones, but still anonymised and therefore do not involve personal data processing.law, protection, firm, data, office1
estateandmore.huMost of the problems in our profession are caused by a lack of proper communication. We take particular care to inform our customers properly.communication particular, particular careassistance, estate, real, seller, sale1
elitehunting.huclaims have to be entered on the shooting list (or drawn up a protocol) and signed by the hunter as well as the representative of the hunting ground. Therefore we ask you to check thoroughly the particulars in the shooting list.thoroughly particular, particular shoothunting, price, lorem, ipsum, hunt1
intellimed.hu…a page or group of pages that contain information about a certain topic, an event or similar item giving more detailed information than a site's general content area may provide. A community organization may create a separate, temporary microsite to inform members of a particular activity or event.member particular, particular activitypage, technological, mobile, responsive, app1
eutdij.huThe easiest way is probably to determine which categories the particular vehicles and combinations of vehicles are belong to, if we count the wheels (one side double wheel count as one) and dividing by two: this time we may obtained the number of axles, which we can easily categorize with help of…category particular, particular vehiclevehicle, device, road, axle, easy1
kofaragojozsef.hu…circles, concentric circles and spirals, stairs, pyramids, towers, half circle shape amphitheatres – invite-conjure the viewer into a particular, sacred-mythical, timeless and dimensionless space. In my opinion, József Kőfaragó’s picture language shows kinship with Csontváry's, Gulácsy's,viewer particular, particular sacredpainting, artist, page, official, art1
hdy.hu…and laymen. The Yearbook published by MOME has a clear message: the university is a think tank that, besides shaping the Hungarian design scene by way of its daily practices, disregards its own particular interests and acts as a responsible patron, a conscious and active player of the design scene.practice particular, particular interestbook, editor, art, university, international1
privatelabels.huDesigning the right label involves the ability to sell the product. Unique labeling allows you to showcase the uniqueness of the product and catch the right audience’s eye for that particular nutritional supplement.eye particular, particular nutritionalmanufacture, quality, price, worldwide, wholesale1
quantaconsulting.hu…state-of-the art methods and best practices to reshape the traditional industry standards, outdated corporate operations and bring a unique perspective. Our innovative data-driven approach provides a solution for those problems, in particular where conventional techniques fail. More about us >>problem particular, particular conventionalconsulting, knowledge, modeling, advisory, quantitative1
shiba-faluvegi.huIt is characterized by strong will and stubbornness, never giving up. This strong will in obedience can cause a problem, Shiba owners have experienced while feeding, in the company of strangers, stranger dogs. If you consider a particular situation to be dangerous, you may exhibit aggressive…dog particular, particular situationdog, character, strong, way1
procurcon.huWe strongly believe that although Purchasing has been challenged to push prices down, purchasers need to put prices into a broader context, and calculate with the total cost of ownership of the particular category items (TCO) at the same time.ownership particular, particular categoryprocurement, purchase, process, management, improvement1
chiropractic.huA paradigm is a way of thinking or a model of reality for one’s beliefs. With any particular paradigm comes a certain set of values and code of ethics.belief particular, particular paradigmcenter, patient, monday, tuesday, thursday1
puraset.huOur vision is to take our products beyond our home country and into the Central and Eastern European and Balkan regions to other countries around the world, with a particular focus on our target markets in Asia and Africa, where we already have a presence with other products.world particular, particular focuswater, detail, solution, drink, treatment1
ltlo.huAcquisition and maintenance of rights, whether they are trademarks, patents, industrial designs or domains, franchises and other commercial networks, license agreements, copyright consultancy, in particular the purchase of softwares or the sale of in-house development, strategic advising.consultancy particular, particular purchaseexpertise, expert, law, legal, representation1
autobio.huA tumor marker is a biomarker found in blood, urine, or body tissues that can be elevated by the presence of one or more types of cancer. It can be produced directly by the tumor or by non-tumor cells as a response to the presence of a tumor. There are many different tumor markers, each indicative…indicative particular, particular diseasediagnostic, solution, news, infection, microbiology1
hologramhungary.hu…single occasion events like local cultural or sports events where the tickets are sold on site. The hologram label protects the ticket from counterfeiting attempts by photocopying. It is very difficult to obtain that particular label for them on the fly, which makes the counterfeiting impossible .difficult particular, particular labellabel, security, customer, printing, material1
matuszimpex.huKyrgyz sheep meat is unique in the market. Due to the characteristics of the animal breed, the sheep stores the fat in the case at the bottom, so the taste of the meat is almost entirely fat-free. This particular feature provides a gastronomic experience not experienced with practically any other…free particular, particular featurequality, trout, meat, kazakh, fillet1
vackolo.huOur nonprofit association was founded in 2006, determined to help stray, vulnerable, neglected, abandoned, unwanted, and often wounded or injured animals. For 17 years, we have been engaged in animal protection, in particular, we are committed to ensure a dignified future for companion animals.protection particular, particular dignifiedanimal, dog, shelter, owner, association1
relnet.huIn order to keep pace with the development of the technology we pay particular attention to the continuous training of our resellers and end users. Our trainings, workshops and other events provide insight into the details of our vendors' solutions. Please note that some events are only available…technology particular, particular attentiontechnology, vendor, network, event, solution1
trebutarestarsa.hu…can vary from one manufacturer to another. Before buying construction equipment, it is recommended to do market research, compare different brands and models, read customer reviews and contact experts to select the best equipment that meets the requirements and needs of a particular project.need particular, particular projectequipment, construction, quality, technology, industrial1
wildwind.huA big thank you to all of the guys and girls at the centre, they epitomise friendly professionalism. Of particular note, from my perspective and in no particular order: Alistair for his enthusiasm and knowledge of all things fast Cat, Joe for all the help and support, Laurissa for stepping in and…professionalism particular, particular note, perspective particular, particular ordersailing, holiday, beach, greece, kid1
reach-i4.huReal-time automated data is essential if you want to unlock to the full benefit from OEE. Measure and display OEE so that operators can see it in real time. Measure the OEE for each product being packaged on a particular line, and use the results to compare what lines perform better than others…product particular, particular linedata, reach, solution, big, real1
thomasmenner.huThe quality of large-scale beers is permanent for a while and it does not need any particular care because it has been heat-treated – preserved. However, the factor of pleasure is low, nutritional value is negligible. In case of high-quality craft beers, it is different! One of the important…permanent particular, particular carebeer, craft, abbey, quality, tradition1
kenway.huOur company pays particular attention to facilitating the purchase of real estate for investment purposes by our clients, so we cooperate with foreign partner offices in order to promote the greatest possible market outlook. Our portfolio also includes Spain, the United Arab Emirates, and Turkey.company particular, particular attentionestate, real, rent, property, sale1
kurultaj.hu…in all the nomadic cultures. Hungarian nomadic tribes also held these meetings, a fact that is mentioned in Byzantine and Arab written sources. At such meetings, important decisions were made, in particular, the leaders of the tribes would meet often to discuss military decisions and strategies.decision particular, particular leadernation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient1
pipa.info.hu" The Study Group for Hungarian Psychoanalysis is a work group formed to collaborate in a particular project. The project objective is to publish the book entitled “Lélekelemzési tanulmányok. Dolgozatok a pszichoanalízis főbb kérdéseiről” című 1933-as tanulmánygyűjtemény (Psychoanalytic studies…group particular, particular projectdonation, social, foundation, tax, case1
kornyezet-szimulacio.huIn particular, many electrical components have to be permanently water- tight, as they must work reliably even under the most adverse weather conditions. Test a wide variety of test specimens as to their tightness.chamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental1
hrsmart.huDue to the periodic nature of such a need, it does not make sense or possible to employ a permanent and experienced staff member. It’s much better to have a professional who periodically works for you for a particular project or task, but then with full commitment.periodically particular, particular projectemployee, recruitment, staff, organizational, support1
franchisehungary.huIt may be the "master" of a country or region, that is, the only person or entity responsible for a particular area within a person. A person who purchases an activity for the management of a country or territory purchases a franchise right in that area.responsible particular, particular areaapplication, need, range, option, opportunity1
digitalhistory.huThe ideal procedure is based betting account now for several bookmakers. This allows you to quickly and easily find out which sportsbook offers to match your particular selected the best course and then you bet. Identify a suitable bookmakers can, for example, from our list of Verified bookmakers.sportsbook particular, particular goodbetting, history, digital, long, mistake1
chichaya.huparts of our body can be found on it. The status of the sensory nerves and reflex points that can be found here, reflect to the condition of the particular body part. By pressing and massaging these points, toes and calves, the circulation of the given body part will improve. Stimulation and…condition particular, particular bodymassage, body, traditional, type, effect1
europeandanubeforum.huThis means both access to the most important works representing the highest level of European culture (in particular, the address of its freely accessible website) and news of major cultural events.culture particular, particular addresseuropean, danube, forum, media, alternative1
ismerosok.huor defect. To the extent permitted by law, WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, JUSTICE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. We have no control over what others do or say, and therefore we are notfitness particular, particular purposedata, condition, account, purpose, law1
mte.huestablish the Hungarian Association of Content Providers that has elaborated, discussed, and accepted the Statutes of the Association, the Code of Content Providing, the Code of Ethics of Content Providing, and made several recommendations to its members and accepting associations about the…association particular, particular ruleassociation, provider, provide, rule, regulation1
agai.hu…deals while disclosing the potential dangers in the Hungarian target companies and the eventual risks in the contemplated transactions. We pay particular attention to the development of IT law as new complex area of law (protection and processing of data, information technologies, copyrights…transaction particular, particular attentionlaw, office, international, corporate, commercial1
orientme.hu…the assistance of experts who know the local conditions well and can properly assess the market is essential. We also offer our market research capacity as a particular service to our current and future partners, since according to our experience it is a significant determining factor for success.capacity particular, particular serviceconsulting, source, translation, introduction, language1
datavik.huWhen entering a new market area, it is crucial to be able to get know and monitor the features and trends of the area in which the particular service or product arrives. To support such operations, we undertake market research, trend analysis, market share analysis, portfolio analysis and…area particular, particular serviceclient, market, development, review, research1
imperialeagle.huHELICON LIFE project paid particular attention to informing professional groups and coordinating different fields of expertise. Within the framework of the project, 79 workshops and conferences were organized, and associates held presentations on 55 further events between 2012 and 2016…project particular, particular attentionpoison, volunteer, nest, chick, fight1
sttp.huHandover testing: By this we mean checking the different Entry and Exit criteria to decide if a particular development can move on to the next phase. Where possible, it may be worth automating this activity to help decision makers.criteria particular, particular developmentpoint, client, straight, management, solution1
learninginnovation.hu…results were showcased as well as the general level of satisfaction from the partners concerning the implementation of the project and the organisation of Transnational meetings. In particular, the Partners were focused on how further exploit DELSA results even after the project completion.meeting particular, particular partnertraining, innovation, course, education, adult1
minimabistro.huMínima Bistro is the manifestation of a longlasting desire of the owner of Dionysos Taverna to not only recall the atmosphere and cuisine of a particular country, but to freely recreate a unique taste experience and a vibe of lifestyle, combining the Mediterranean flavours he has experienced…cuisine particular, particular countryrestaurant, reservation, drink, event, mediterranean1
sefcsik-keramia.huA particular combination of substances is used to make these pots. It took years to bring the mixture to perfection and it is made up on the premises. The handcrafted objects are moulded, modelled and decorated by hand and fired at 1 200 °C, which gives them their unique rusticity and durability…ceramic, garden, functional, unique, customer1
benei.huOur confectionery plant is particular emphasis on results of the practical application of nutrition science, therefore, the manufacture of our products only the evidence of good quality materials used.plant particular, particular emphasisfirm, market, development, production, employee1
jetter.hu…name is Jetter Automation Hungary since 2019 July. Our goal is to support our customers through our extensive experience and the high level of bespoke service we provide with particular emphasis on protecting and securing client’s intellectual property through maintaining strict confidentiality.service particular, particular emphasisautomation, development, customer, solution, report1
grantis.huIn order to find the best service for your particular needs, we will do a thorough market research of the 100+ financial products that we list. After this non-biased search, we will send you the Top 3 offers from our partners that we would recommend.service particular, particular needinsurance, financial, consulting, investment, loan1
meatcapital.huMajority and largest part of our market are Central and Eastern Europe, South Africa, and some particular countries of the Far East. Our priority, besides our export and import activity, is providing our Clients with accurate service and high quality raw materials. The quality of our distributed…africa particular, particular countrymeat, capital, market, player, dominant1
auroraenergy.huOur Company’s main profile includes consultancy services in such sectors as energetics and mining (and in particular oil mining ), meeting your Company’s existing needs and demands at the highest possible standards. We have decades of experiences in energetics and oil mining, and our Company was…mining particular, particular oilenergy, management, operation, asset, financial1
ertekado.hu…begin playing real money. Moreover, these offers can result in real money when you play with skill. Casino free play is a great opportunity to practice your gambling skills. Although it’s not always easy to win on free play, it is a great way to gain a familiarity with the particular online casino.familiarity particular, particular onlineslot, free, machine, bonus, game1
dentaleducation.huOur institution has been founded 25 years ago by Dr. Jenő Iván dental surgeon, chief medical officer. My father was paying particular attention to customer focus and continuous innovation. These have become the engine of our work, to this day it is a pledge of our successes.father particular, particular attentiondental, education, surgery, price, training1
i-coaching.hu…to enforce data protection and confidentiality rules. We have taken appropriate measures to protect the data in accordance with the law, in particular against unauthorised access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, accidental destruction or damage, and against…law particular, particular unauthoriseddata, process, academy, training, course1
quatro-trend.huOversized transportation safely, in unexceptionable quality, always adjusting it to the particular load.quality particular, particular loadreference, truck, oversize, page, picture1
vitatech.huVITATECH’s competencies cover many areas of solid waste processing, in particular the mechanical (pre-) treatment and sorting of waste streams rich in metals, RDF and biomass processing, electrical and electronic waste (WEEE).process particular, particular mechanicalprocess, data, key, recycling, technology1
bipoco2018.huconference initiated the organization of BiPoCo 2014 in Visegrád and the BiPoCo 2016 meeting in Szeged. The scope of the conference was extended with topics on smart, nano-structured systems for controlled molecular release and particular attention was paid to the biomedical application of polymers.release particular, particular attentionseptember, scope, goal, conference, speaker1
f12.huFor a particular user, the Authentication methods blade can give information about Hello device registrationshello, access, application, user, sign1
kontikon.huThe fact that KONTIKON is free from any effect and interests of industries, banks and regulators and is not tied to any particular company means that we are able to focus exclusively on the interests of our Clients. It is our objective to establish trust and a long-term business relationship with…regulator particular, particular companyclient, industry, expansion, market, successfully1
csodalampa.huThe Csodalámpa Wish Fulfilling Foundation does not offer a "menu-card" of wishes to the children. Therefore we can only start to organise the granting of the wish after we have received the particular details.wish particular, particular detailwish, report, foundation, lamp, annual1
ebhinvest.hu"I would like to express my thanks to the experts of EBH INVEST who implemented the plans formulated by Józsa Dávid. In particular, I would like to highlight the devotion of Gábor C, who in the months of construction, connected his life with St. Orsolya Grammar School. He was at the project…dávid particular, particular devotionconstruction, reconstruction, monument, general, engineering1
jarmumechanika.huWe are at your disposal, have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We have the expertise and the experience that we are willing to share with you if you get stuck on how to proceed. Knowing the technical data in the catalog, we can tell if the particular part needs to be replaced or even…catalog particular, particular professionalclutch, mechanic, vehicle, repair, brake1
swedishchamber.huThe Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary has cooperation with two Hungarian organizations who are supporting women and children who face particular difficulties these times.child particular, particular difficultychamber, swedish, member, sustainability, commerce1
laurus2000.huThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.fitness particular, particular purposesupport, value, version, yes, directive1
hopajzskft.huIf the comfort of your home is important to you and you want more than the traditional insulation technology can offer, then you’ve come to the right place. The insulation materials we offer - and in particular the HP4 special heat-reflective coating - are much more effective than the standard…material particular, particular specialdocument, gallery, technology, forum, important1
kh.huK&H Group is continuously following development of the international situation and any mandatory measures. Please be informed that, pursuant to the European Union’s financial sanctions on Russian banks, we temporarily suspend transactions – in particular, currency market transactions – denominated…transaction particular, particular currencyaccount, card, loan, saving, investment1
laxford.huThrough continuous education and training our senior developers are able to make decisions in a particular direction of a project development, in the expected time required for development.decision particular, particular directiondevelopment, director, successfully, electronic, component1
avico97.huListing the References (projects) of Avico ’97 Ltd. gives us an opportunity to introduce the sometimes unique technical and functional requirements on already realized PA and Voice Alarm Systems in the particular buildings. We also emphasize the flexibility and versatility of g+m PA and VA systems.system particular, particular buildingalarm, voice, sound, knowledge, base1
meatland65.huMajority and largest part of our market are Central and Eastern Europe, and some particular countries of the Far East. Our priority, besides our export and import activity, is providing our Clients with accurate service and high quality raw materials. The quality of our distributed products is…europe particular, particular countrymeat, land, mobile, sale, market1
healing-darkness.huBut the particular noise started over again in the night. In unpredictable intervals “Plates tinkled”. Now in a more subdued tone, now more loudly. This was when I fancied an animal doing something. But what? This is no rummaging, no objects are rolled over, the sound is always identical, only its…darkness, sound, second, retreat, method1
binarit.huIf there is a change in the resource needs of an IT project, or if your team is missing an expert of a particular field, we can provide an appropriate expert or even an entire project team at short notice. The outsourced experts have continuous language and technical trainings; thus we are able to…expert particular, particular fieldsoftware, development, integration, custom, operation1
spiritsdigest.hu…was not only to create something very new and different in the Tequila category, but also to do it in a way that tastes great naturally without the use of any additives. Bartenders in particular are driving the call for additive-free Tequila but struggle to find enough examples to fill a bar menu.”bartender particular, particular additivebrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
europeuncensored.huThe Foundation for a Civic Hungary has launched a debate series about the future of Europe in general and the post-COVID restart of Europe in particular. We need an open and honest discussion about our core values. We should not shy away from issues, which are unpopular in the leftist dominated…europe particular, particular openeurope, future, strong, identity, nation1
plie.hu…experiences. The soul of the project is a special layered panel from plywood with different veneers, in which Gergely puts the flexible felt material. With a particular milling technique he creates patterns in the panel and the result is a geometric, origami-line flexible, but stable structure.material particular, particular millingcollection, basket, furniture, technology, fashion1
cirkuszbp.huNonetheless, he was always in the kitchen with his Grandma too. He knew his foods at a young age, new what particular flavors tasted and you just could not get him out of the kitchen.new particular, particular flavorcoffee, place, food, family, day1
smartflex.huFrom novice to professional, no particular skill is required or needed to start using any of the Smartflex products, just a little creativity, passion and flair. Our range of products makes each sweet design venture such a pleasure, finishing with stunning results.professional particular, particular skillpaste, distributor, premium, market, flower1
eltesoft.huIn the forthcoming years the main task of the info-communication industry will be to ensure higher and higher levels of means and solutions for invigorating the flow of knowledge on particular scientific and innovation areas. And also, to dismantle the time and space barriers in the public ICT…knowledge particular, particular scientificevent, news, research, training, ict1
ap-x.huThe data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of his or her habitual residence, place of employment or suspected infringement, if he or she considers that the processing of personal data concerning him or her infringes the…authority particular, particular memberdata, subject, process, personal, management1
hungamosz.huWhen it comes to the subject of mountain bike maintenance, there are quite a few things that you need to take into consideration. Although the specific mountain bike maintenance that you will have to conduct will vary, depending on the particular type of bike that you have, there are a few basics…maintenance particular, particular typebike, repair, maintenance, tip, bicycle1
centralpc.hunetwork cards. They have power supplies in separate boxes, and the motherboard is also separate item. With laptop and notebook computers (and in particular with the new generation of mini-notebooks or "Netbooks") almost all of these items are integrated onto the motherboard, and the power supply…computer particular, particular newrepair, computer, desktop, central, complete1
markrottweilerklub-hungary.huProhibited list: a list of data that can not be treated for a particular purpose for data handling.data particular, particular purposedata, controller, personal, protection, person1
thegardenofdelight.huThe Garden of Delight is an exhibition in public space commissioned by the Netherlands Embassy in Budapest. Throughout July, 25 Citylight posters will present the work of Dutch artists, photographers and designers at 25 tram stops (tram lines 47-49) in the centre of Budapest. Each of them has…budapest particular, particular fascinationdelight, garden, flower, page, studio1
portex.huGlobally known for our ability to handle every last detail of our customers’ particular logistics and forwarding needs, TransCargo’s Special Services team takes care of all your logistics.customer particular, particular logisticfreight, chain, road, compliant, supply1
connext.hu…existing office places, or basic complete condition to handing over of the ready built office places. They cover every phase. We estimate the particular demands of the order, connected with the demands of the facilities management; we work together with designer team who have many experiences. Wephase particular, particular demandoffice, build, square, construction, implementation1
skc.huOur construction business has a wide range of production and service capacities and capabilities. In addition to the general generate construction and design tasks, we also undertake construction work in our own construction. In particular, our specialty, heat block SYSTEM passive house…construction particular, particular specialtyconstruction, office, food, management, application1
mmminterior.huWe approach every passenger compartment with maximalism and passion for cars, paying particular attention to even the smallest details, so that the end result always achieves the WOW effect!car particular, particular attentionreference, interior, gallery, compartment, passenger1
kfib.hu…confident that the country needs professional reasoning based on empirical facts to become a priority. We think that political discourse should revolve around the different options of a particular decision, and that the analysis of the consequences of such decisions should be entrusted to experts.option particular, particular decisionanalysis, budget, fiscal, projection, impact1
ihitech.huSelf-financed real estate development is also one of our Company's main profile. We look for the most optimal estates according to market demands. After the purchase, we initiate the planning, and afterwards the construction of the block of flats or family houses which fit to the particular…house particular, particular environmentquality, build, estate, real, construction1
kinaiforditas.hu…population already speaks one of the Northern dialects that differs only slightly from Putonghua played an important part in making this particular language variation the country’s official language in 1909. The official language, referred to by the Western world as Mandarin Chinese or…important particular, particular languagetranslation, agency, language, chinese, associate1
kbtraining.huRight to object to data processing: You shall have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation. In such cases, the Controller shall investigate for each case individually, whether there are legitimate grounds to justify…ground particular, particular situationdata, training, participant, controller, process1
menekultugyved.huThe Republic of Hungary shall grant refugee status to an alien who, owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular social group, is outside the country of nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear…membership particular, particular socialasylum, citizenship, immigration, attorney, procedure1
muladharayoga.huOffers carefully selected group of asanas (postures), that work around your particular challenges.posture particular, particular challengeyoga, practice, hour, class, event1
trehab.huThe primary goal of today’s functional tape is to create maximum stability besides joint movements and to relieve the load on particular tissue structures.load particular, particular tissuetherapy, physiotherapy, minute, nutrition, exercise1
mvwconsulting.huIt is no coincidence that in the last two years about three times as many guest workers have arrived in Hungary from abroad. In the case of trained or auxiliary work, even the language barrier is not a particular obstacle. Administration and recruitment do not require time and energy investment on…barrier particular, particular obstacleconsulting, permit, employment, real, estate1
zsolnaycafe.huSANTO DOMINGO – An exquisite coffee specialty made from carefully selected, high-quality Arabica coffee beans. During the roasting process, we only use coffee beans from one particular plantation. The flavor speaks for itself. A luxury taste for the most demanding customers. It is supplied through…bean particular, particular plantationdessert, coffee, tradition, famous, build1
drsimonyi.hu…activities succesfully. The DR. SIMONYI Legal Office represents civilians, domestic and foreign companies either in different cases or permanently. It is an office which deals with domestic commercial, company, labour, IT and business law in particular, including the related legal areas as well.law particular, particular relatedlaw, firm, legal, representation, message1
renovplus.huWinning the jackpot in an online casino is a thrilling prospect, but it certainly requires strategy and understanding. The prime focus should be on making the ‘Top Bet’. The Top Bet, often also known as the maximum bet, is a strategy where you gamble with the maximum amount of money allowed on a…money particular, particular slotstrategy, today, risk, winning, slot1
nyitottkor.huWe consider our work a process of Game-Theater-Exploration, which guides the participants through an experiential activity, focusing on a particular social problem and a human story, in a safe zone. We enter into a game together that emerges to be a performative act about humanity, through which…activity particular, particular socialdrama, group, participant, european, education1
intertranscoop.huOur company puts particular emphasis on the security of both the valuables being transported and those stored in our warehouses. In addition to a 24-hour manned security service, security is ensured at our sites by an automated licence plate recognition system, a video surveillance system and an…company particular, particular emphasiseurope, warehouse, gallery, real, estate1
cgeopol.huWhoever controls the production (and in particular, the standardisation and development) of information and communication technology products and softwares, as well as the transmission and archiving of data, controls the Cyberspace. Whoever controls the attention of the people controls the Virtual…production particular, particular standardisationcouncil, member, board, research, foundation1
combinatorica.huCOMBINATORICA publishes research papers in a variety of areas of combinatorics and the theory of computing , with particular emphasis on general techniques and unifying principles . Coverage in COMBINATORICA includes:computing particular, particular emphasispaper, issue, editor, mathematics, volume1
helgem.huWe undertake to provide engineering support, that is, a set of actions necessary for maintaining any particular piece of equipment, machine or system in, or returning it to, its normal operating condition for maximum useful life.necessary particular, particular pieceprocess, quality, practice, food, machine1
ahproduction.hu…in the production of complete programs, with its considerable technical and creative staff capacities, expertise and experience gained in this particular segment. Thanks to the annual volume of orders and the quality of the programs produced, Antenna Hungária is now one of the major program…experience particular, particular segmentchampionship, production, broadcast, european, woman1
autobuszberles.hu“The vehicle was nice and clean, the driver arrived on time and was courteous, even after the umpteenth extra request. Thank you for the service and thanks in particular for this kind of flexibility!” Aron – Logistics Directorthank particular, particular kindminibus, bus, transfer, quote, logistic1
machupicc.huTHE FLOW OF THE RIVER This river was channeled in Inca times and definitely left its mark. The path starts from Aqokqasa hill, and right above the road, the site of Tunasmoqo can be seen. This particular image is really interesting, as it clearly shows the...tunasmoqo particular, particular imageeye, story, gallery, site, image1
weddinginhungary.huWe will try to make our Website including our Directory available but cannot guarantee that our Website will operate continuously or without interruptions or be error free and can accept no liability for its unavailability. You must not attempt to interfere with the proper working of our Website…website particular, particular securitywedding, planner, day, agency, venue1
pinterlaw.huThe materials contained on this website are for informational purposes only, and their receipt does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. You should obtain legal counsel on any particular matter which concerns you. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy…counsel particular, particular matterlaw, developer, legal, status, homepage1
ravera.huWe take reasonable steps to protect personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. But, you should keep in mind that no Internet transmission is ever completely secure or error-free. In particular, email sent to or from the…free particular, particular emailindustrial, engineering, mechanical, co., industry1
dragin.huOur programmes, available all year round, are designed for both professional English purposes and general English purposes. We are able to offer company-specific courses tailored to meet particular needs such as:course particular, particular needlanguage, tuition, translation, learn, german1
budapestenergysummit.hu…during the same year. In 2017 he took over the current role of the Vice Chairman of the Executive Board. Prior to joining MET, Mr. Massmann gained extensive international experience in the European energy industry with a particular focus on gas wholesale in the Central and Eastern European markets.industry particular, particular focusenergy, gas, profile, view, thank1
fixbetonkerites.huAll our products are handmade and can be delivered to your door anywhere in the country or even across borders. We pay particular attention to quality in the manufacturing process, which is backed up by our outstanding guarantee. Our company only sells products in undamaged, aesthetically perfect…border particular, particular attentionfence, concrete, quality, quote, customer1
ikte.huWe focused on a different age group each day through the characteristic, age-specific forms of play, in order to work with the parental attitude, skills, competences of the children belonging to that particular age group. Having an intercultural, European group allowed all to be inspired and find…child particular, particular agegroup, method, therapy, training, art1
art-galeria.huInnovation in decorating. Handmade creations are made of sheet metal. Metal plates are created by welding, pressing and cutting. The elements are welded together and give the individual mood of the particular decoration with different painting and antique methods. In terms of style, they are made…mood particular, particular decorationart, picture, hand, decoration, painting1
basicasset.huToday, especially in view of the spreading crisis, business organizations must, more than ever, pay particular attention to the congruity of their processes and the organizational structure, as well as make a point of increasing their ability to create value. On the basis of the professional…organization particular, particular attentionprocess, management, development, basic, asset1
polypack.huOur future is characterised by a special focus on product development and quality assurance. As all industrial operators, we too have a responsibility to ensure environmental awareness and sustainability throughout our activities. We pay particular attention to the efficient use of energy in our…activity particular, particular attentiontray, material, raw, component, food1
twcs.huThe aim of this session to introduce the key objectives of the Congress with particular emphasis on system approaches and synergies between the scientific fields of wine science such as oenology, wine business, wine tourism, multifunctional agriculture, and even the relevant areas of heritage…congress particular, particular emphasiscongress, wine, venue, session, registration1
rubikontext.huLater on the profile was expanded to include the production of tools, various devices and their parts, and in particular the parts of packing machines.part particular, particular parttext, machine, tool, sewing, manufacturer1
gs-poseidon.huPOSEIDON Maritime Centre, has been issuing internationally accepted certificates after successful training, though does not bear responsibility for individuals to be accepted and admitted for particular work position, as this may vary from or lack some of the international offer, conditions…individual particular, particular worktraining, centre, course, certificate, price1
tradeland.huTradeland Ltd. provides a wide range of support and solutions for European companies to trade effectively in Asian markets. Meanwhile, we provide effective European market penetration opportunities, with a particular focus on creating and securing a sustainable future for our partners from the…opportunity particular, particular focuswater, owner, group, director, manage1
egynapavarosban.huOur most popular tours have always been the ones showcasing the famous sights and secrets of a particular part of the city that we enhance with some investigation on your part. You have to guess, look out for and find the hidden treasures of the city while you eat or have a drink at the…secret particular, particular citycity, detail, day, tour, egy1
poligratkft.huCleaner CS achieves metallically shiny, grease-free surfaces. Lime scale and water-stains can be effectively removed with it. In particular Cleaner CS removes residues from test-chemicals for crack- and crevice-testing.effectively particular, particular cleansurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless1
atoz.huOur Class Programs aim to relate strongly to the individual needs, developmental stages, and interests of the particular children in the class. The qualified teachers plan their own age-related program and daily routine based in accordance with the Centre’s educational guidelines, curriculum and…interest particular, particular childchild, centre, international, kindergarten, introduction1
matrabikersc.huWe reserve the right to request that you remove all links or any particular link to our website. You approve to immediately remove all links to our website upon request. We also reserve the right to amen these Terms and Conditions and it’s linking policy at any time. By continuously linking to our…link particular, particular linkcycling, website, bike, road, member1
elektromos-futohalo.huPianoforte solicitude so decisively unpleasing conviction is partiality he. Or particular so diminution entreaties oh do. Real he me fond show gave shot plan. Mirth blush linen small hoped way its along. Resolution frequently apartments off all discretion devonshire.partiality particular, particular diminutionfar, effect, man, window, general1
ecm-kft.huEcoloChem Magyaróvár Kft was originally founded on the 1st of January, 2001 under the name Motim Aluminiumsulfát Kft Previously it had been a division of Motim Rt which had been responsible since 1960 for the chemical processing of aluminium oxide and in particular the production of aluminium…oxide particular, particular productionproduction, quality, salt, capacity, customer1
humanreport.hu…analysing the current challenges facing modern societies, and looking at the developments in Hungary and in the world in recent years, so it is likely that the book will be of particular interest to readers. (András Karácsony, university professor, vice-rector, Eötvös Loránd University).book particular, particular interesthuman, report, book, communication, social1
ltlegal.hu…area, as well as throughout western Hungary. The work of the members is not limited to multinational and Hungarian small and medium sized enterprises, but also ranges to private individuals, having a particular focus in the areas of energy-, financial-, tax-, real estate-, land-, and corporate law.individual particular, particular focusmember, association, area, legal, line1
penznavigatorinformatika.huThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.fitness particular, particular purposesupport, value, version, directive, local1
diakonosz.huApart from that we like participating in organising ecclesiastic events, in their administration, we support founding new churches, launching new missions; and we try our best to strengthen particular churches, the information flow between communions and to exchange the good practices.good particular, particular churchchurch, introduction, task, feature, photo1
colegal.huWith her many years of professional experience gained while working with different international law offices, Dr. Nóra Tapolczai provides legal advice in German, English and Hungarian language as well primarily in relation to the complex implementation of business and corporate law, in particular…law particular, particular crosslaw, legal, preparation, university, counselling1
alicehotel.huLarge and light spaces, cosy comfort and unique design make the Deluxe rooms located on the upper floors attractive. When setting up these rooms, particular attention was paid on creating internal harmony. Following a day full of adventures in Budapest, the spacious terrace is an excellent place…room particular, particular attentionroom, accommodation, suite, terrace, event1
free-association.huWhat do you think: why did we choose the name Free Association? Why not a Hungarian name? What was the first thing that crossed your mind when you saw this colourful website? Do you think it was created with a particular purpose in mind? Do you think we considered that it may seem a tad too…website particular, particular purposefree, association, research, fact, clientele1
igazgatas.huHUNADI has been involved in the preparation and evaluation of a number of legislation, in particular the performance evaluation of public administration organisations.legislation particular, particular performancepublic, organizational, administration, development, structure1
argeomentum.huEnvironmental access and time spent in ‘nature’ is the foundation to healthy lives and minds. Amongst Scandinavian countries, the concept of ‘care farms’ has come to cater to the needs of a broad range of people, in particular those with special needs and disabilities. We have undertaken research…people particular, particular specialresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation1
eurosegway.huRecently spent a fab 90 mins with Kamran as our tour guide. He asked us where we had been so far on our trip and was there anywhere in particular we would like to go. As we were staying in Pest it was decided we would tour Buda. What a fantastic, informative and enjoyable experience we had…trip particular, particular pesttour, guide, detail, review, spanish1
cacao.huWe offer selected corporate gifts tailor-made to meet any of your company's particular needs - check the links . Chocolate tastings, chocolate dinners and all types of creative, social and cultural events about chocolate are also organised by us.company particular, particular needchocolate, quality, culture, goal, exclusive1
fklaw.huIn order to achieve this, we believe in the absolute priority of understanding the particular policies and needs of our client. We also believe that this can only be done through personal contact with the client, since this can facilitate in-depth harmony and cooperation between the client and its…priority particular, particular policylaw, data, firm, legal, client1
csellengocsemete.huIn the compilation and implementation of our professional program, we give particular attention to the individual needs of children, to their needs, to self-expression and to the development of their community and social sense.program particular, particular attentioncare, child, activity, family, development1
szombathely2030.huAn internationally unique development and test environment, ranging from households to senior homes and thermal baths to virtual hospital infrastructure. There is a particular emphasis on sports, stroke and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. It combines academic and applied research with user needs.infrastructure particular, particular emphasisenvironment, rehabilitation, development, international, city1
ethermedia.huOn-Page and Off-Page SEO is still the best tool for long-term growth and organic traffic. For short and medium term gain, there's Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and other online marketing campaigns that we can help you with for your particular needs.campaign particular, particular needdevelopment, website, brand, logo, success1
atexkft.huThrough the years our corporation has attained particular expertise in the cable-manufacturing and plastic processing industry. The experience and the preparedness of our experts and suppliers, along with our customized machine production program, equips us with strong capabilities when it comes…corporation particular, particular expertisecontrol, technology, green, machine, production1
hotelvadvirag.huEverybody who would like to try and learn this particular sport, can practice with the historical hungarian bows.everybody particular, particular sportdetail, restaurant, horse, wedding, forest1
kecskemetibirs.huYou can place an order all year around. The actual year’s prices are available from mid-September. Prices can vary depending on the demand and supply of the particular year as well as on the size of the order. Minimum order quantity outside of Hungary is 5 tons. Delivery depends on preliminary…supply particular, particular yearorder, fruit, yellow, skin, flesh1
atlantikhair.huTo disseminate printed materials (including the distribution of leaflets) is a report of the advertising information (or information of a different kind) to the maximum number of potential customers in a particular area (or several areas).customer particular, particular arealeaflet, distribution, advertising, type, people1
gaborhargitai.huHaving undelivered mails due to numerous errors is not nice – having all of our sent emails rejected by a particular host is nothing short of a nightmare. Google has a strict policy on deciding whether it would allow a mail to be delivered to one of its’ accounts or [...]email particular, particular hostfile, command, server, user, network1
wine-tours.huLeave the city behind and discover the beautiful tranquility of the Hungarian countryside with its hidden treasures and world of excellent wines! Meet the most outstanding winemakers of the North-Balaton region and learn about grape varieties like Kéknyelű, that can only be found in this…kéknyelű particular, particular areatour, wine, lake, day, private1
budapestguides.huWe will taste in a wine cellar 5 different supreme quality wines with a cold plate of Hungarian flavours (salami, paprika, sausages, tomatoes). You will get an explanation on wine growing in general in Hungary and on the particular wine you are tasting.hungary particular, particular winetour, city, hour, guide, famous1
bnpparibas.huOur aim is to encourage our clients to become long-term partners. This we do by adapting the products of our parent bank to their particular needs, constantly developing new and improved products, and by continuously raising the quality of our services.bank particular, particular needparibas, group, access, direct, corporate1
existentialcounselling.huCounselling sessions last for 50 minutes and take place at a fixed time, usually once a week ; although some clients might prefer more frequent sessions. Short term counselling can offer support and focus on a particular issue, while long term counselling provides the space and opportunity for…support particular, particular issuecounselling, expat, psychotherapy, book, issue1
balancepointconsulting.huDuring tax consultancy, we provide our Clients with advice on taxes and contributions related to their particular business.contribution particular, particular businesspoint, consulting, accounting, client, multinational1
supratec.hu"Supratec Group is a leading company focusing on R&D and manufacturing of high-tech, high quality equipment for wastewater & water applications, in particular on membrane process technology."application particular, particular membranemembrane, water, technology, advantage, sheet1
coretrade-shipping.huWe look after all the customs and duties issues according the various regulations, in particular REACH and the new European Conflict Mineral Regulationregulation particular, particular reachshipping, core, trade, dry, fast1
naih.huCompared to the former ombudsman-type of institution , the new set of laws confer the Authority with broader competency to pursue violations of both informational rights. In particular:authority, data, act, protection, president1
wasmet.huFor us, there is no such thing as an impossible mission, we do our utmost to ensure that our clients get what they want. Our organization places particular emphasis on the customer experience – including the opportunity for our clients to see in person the process of creating the investment gold…organization particular, particular emphasisinvestment, jewelry, process, bar, coin1
biharybalassa.huOur Firm places particular emphasis on creative, helpful and business-oriented thinking during the legal support of real estate transactions. We handle all aspects of property law transactions: due diligence, structuring, real estate management, development and execution, rental contracts and…firm particular, particular emphasislaw, legal, firm, attorney, comprehensive1
quattrohunting.huOur company is trying to meet the ever changing fashion, materials and styles. In regards, our materials vary depending on these conditions. As a result, particular products are only available in our webshop for a shorter period of time. Of course, this does not change the quality of the garments…result particular, particular producthunting, main, page, clothes, article1
hallercamping.huParticular attention was paid to the continuous disinfection and cleaning of the entire area, especially in common areas (washrooms).guest, heart, campsite, dear, quality1
aronszabo.huAron Szabo was born in Budapest, but grew up in Veresegyház on a farm, close to the nature. He is currently a student of the faculty for Media Design of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, but he is rather attracted to film. His creative work does not depend on one particular area:…work particular, particular areadirector, homepage, video, management, istvan1
morenocentrum.hu…articles written in all sorts of subjects over the years. It is interesting to see how she put all pieces into prespective by adding a short introduction to each particular item. Her other book called "To Dream Again: A Memoir" was the result of her work of at least of five years as far as I know.introduction particular, particular itemdrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend1
lidar-wmt.hu…It is also possible to detect unique phenomena through graph-based segmentation and modelling, and isolate features specific to certain time-periods, areas or particular structures. All these aspects promote the description, periodization, and visualization of both past and future processes.area particular, particular structuresurvey, solution, process, landscape, preliminary1
szalkasszorutacskok.huActually, it began in my childhood the particular interest about hunting and dogs, my Father is a hunter and owner of a hunting shop. I remember, when he brought home to me the deer legs and I arranged them in our garage. I also remember, I have some nice memories when we went together hunting to…childhood particular, particular interestdog, hunting, champion, class, judge1
gastromood.hu…is at the end of the street is no little extra, nor is the fact that the premise is also home to a bike shop. I'm not a bike person at all, but I love pistachio croissants and I'm a particular fan of them here. Everything I've eaten here so far has been delicious - the avocado toast, the Croque...croissant particular, particular fancuisine, post, view, restaurant, gastronomy1
adveropia.huUse PPC for keyword domination – Even if you have good organic rankings for particular keywords, you can still use PPC and dominate the search results.ranking particular, particular keywordsuccess, brand, awareness, strategy, customer1
zhe.huDue to the difficulty of modeling human limb, it is very challenging to design the controller for human-robot collaboration. In this paper, we present a novel controller combining the variable admittance control and assistant control. In particular, the reinforcement learning is used to obtain the…control particular, particular reinforcementvideo, robotic, jia, pan, human1
kiskunmeridian.huAccording to the production specifications of pressure appliances our company takes part in the setup and installation of the particular equipment and the preparation of qualification documents.installation particular, particular equipmentequipment, pressure, litre, container, value1
soloron.huThe website and its content elements may only be used for their intended purpose. All further uses, in particular reproducing, copying and storing by printing and electronic means, require the prior written consent of Soloron IT Zrt.use particular, particular reproducesolution, operation, quality, click, security1
fmla.huSince September, 2008 the Fehér Miklós Secondary Grammar School and Dormitory has been teaching and educating the students of the football school, paying particular attention to the development of our competitively sporting students’ personalities.school particular, particular attentionfootball, academy, school, introduction, grammar1
cziffrafesztival.huGyörgy Cziffra was an authentic interpreter of the Romantic piano repertoire – Schumann, Chopin, Liszt, Brahm and Rachmaninov’s compositions – deeply rooted in European culture. A particular aim of the Memorial Year is to span a bridge between genres and art forms. Besides classical music…culture particular, particular aimfestival, event, performer, art, calendar1
babelsound.huThose better do have a chance, and musicians enjoy priority at the gate. This year, between 15th and 21st July, in Balatonboglár, the free Babel Sound Interactive World Music Festival displayed that particular timelessness and atmosphere of love, - just like in the years before.festival particular, particular timelessnesssound, festival, music, night, concert1
cserneczkybalint.huAdditionally, I have taken on several other significant projects. In particular, I developed a cycle time application that optimizes the production process by analyzing data and identifying areas for improvement. This application has proven to be highly effective.project particular, particular cyclesoftware, developer, code, solution, performance1
edueras.huThe strength of our enterprise primarily lies in our highly qualified team providing consultation services in particular areas such as intermediation between unemployed people and businesses, career advice, entrepreneurship and administration services.service particular, particular areatouch, learn, idea, innovative, course1
sisconsulting.huTherefore the company started to manage numerous projects on these fields right after being established. Some were managed solely by the general manager while some were dedicated to teams of fellow consultants with expertise in particular fields of business.expertise particular, particular fieldconsulting, development, capability, management, commercial1
zsolnayfenyfesztival.huThe curatorial staff of Zsolnay Light Art considers it important to strengthen the public-art nature of building mapping and the conscious exploitation of its potential. When the tender applications are assessed, in addition to visuality, a particular importance is attributed to the presentation…visuality particular, particular importancelight, festival, art, map, visitor1
falcongt.hu„We take our customer’s expectations into consideration first and most importantly in order to prepare tailored proposals for the particular needs. This way we ensure long lasting resiliency across the entire organisation.”proposal particular, particular needconsulting, security, risk, data, threat1
ostertrade.huFocus is always on the particular situation of the client. We offer a unique system of financing. We can organize the marketing and provide a repurchase agreement to the investor. With this, the income in hard currency, necessary to repay the investment, is secured at the start of the project.focus particular, particular situationnews, expert, leave, profile, engineering1
in12.huIN12 is characterized by functional exclusivity, a way of working that suits your particular company.work particular, particular companyoffice, floor, place, text, complex1
drbalsai.hu…aren’t effective enough with a normal manual toothbrush, or for those who tend to brush to harsh or hard. It has a smaller had and that makes it easier to reach every part of your teeth. But it has to be used in a proper way as well, it has to be applied for a particular time and on every surface.way particular, particular timedental, tooth, smile, clinic, oral1
applemax.huAPPLE MAX, Ltd. is a commercial firm specializing in wholesale certified organic produce, proud to deliver high quality apples, walnuts, pears, plums, cherries and sour cherries. Our particular focus is organic apples, but we have expanded to provide greater diversity to answer our customer’s…cherry particular, particular focusorganic, food, produce, consumer, fruit1
falcocluster.hu…companies, specialized suppliers, service providers, related industries and their related institutions (universities, public organizations, agencies, professional associations, trade associations) that are connected by similarities and complementary characteristics in a particular subject / area."characteristic particular, particular subjectcluster, member, market, activity, introduction1
arvamisszio.huwriting recommendations, based on our records, about parents suitable for a particular child;suitable particular, particular childchild, family, adoption, mission, story1
mta.huThe objective of this humanitarian fundraising initiative is to provide financial support for the scientific community of Ukraine, in particular researchers and MTA’s public association members belonging to the Hungarian community of Kárpátalja (Carpathian Ruthenia), along with their families, as…ukraine particular, particular researcherscience, academy, research, member, forum1
esztergom.hu…areas used to be the regional center of industry, today Esztergom has become a clear economic center of the area. Investments in greenfields and in the industrial park, in particular the establishment of the Suzuki plant and the development of its supplier network, played a major role in this.park particular, particular establishmentcity, history, municipal, economy, government1
tarchaworld.huWe modernized our production line through tenders, as a result of the development, we have the most advanced technology in chocolate production, with particular attention to quality assurance.production particular, particular attentionchocolate, milk, easter, material, raw1
ptf.huAmong the diverse work areas of pastoral psychology, we place particular emphasis on pastoral care.psychology particular, particular emphasischristian, timetable, training, management, theology1
icontest.hucan provide you experts for particular areas, development teams and can also deliver fullfledged solutions.expert particular, particular areatechnology, energy, expert, area, solution1
hervay.huOur office is mainly specialized in civil and commercial law , employment law transactions and parties. In addition cases deal with all that occurs and in which we can help our customers Dear law firms practice. Professionals particular expertise and great practical experience. Full range of legal…professional particular, particular expertiselaw, office, labour, legal, proceedings1
salvavita.huAwareness-raising programs that support you to pay particular attention to the issue of equal opportunities at the workplace.program particular, particular attentionpeople, employment, organization, job, disability1
lbmcoach.huShe listened to what we wanted to work on and tailored her techniques to our particular situation. She always suggested sensible and practical ways to tackle our issues, and they worked!technique particular, particular situationcolumn, grid, post, portfolio, latest1
justhodl.huUse PPC for keyword domination – Even if you have good organic rankings for particular keywords, you can still use PPC and dominate the search results.ranking particular, particular keywordbrand, customer, media, way, strategy1
britmagyariskola.huOur education takes particular account of the Hungarian National Curriculum (NAT). Therefore, children at Brit-Magyar Bilingual School fully immerse into the Hungarian National Curriculum, besides materials from the Cambridge International curriculum, used as a supplement.education particular, particular accountschool, student, child, question, admission1
new-buddha.huIllnesses: Prevention is the best cure; however, if one is already sick, particular emphasis must be put on professional care.sick particular, particular emphasisreligion, issue, music, exception, answer1
rowanhillglobal.huThe Hungarian-owned Dr. Dombi Law Firm, as a member of the RowanHill Group, supports its partners and clients in a wide range of business law areas, in particular in commercial and corporate law, digitalisation projects, e-commerce and innovative services.area particular, particular commercialglobal, strategy, mission, valuation, value1
kpluszj.huParticular attention is paid to other entities and SMEs below HUF 500 million sales revenues in Budapest and the primary area of Pest county.accounting, tax, payroll, development, consultancy1
mszjf.huThe Hungarian Copyright Forum (’HCF’) was established on 21 March 2001 with the aim of promoting, through the development of copyright in general, the protection of creators and other rights holders. Amongst our objectives are, in particular, the studying of the evolvement of copyright in…objective particular, particular studycongress, protection, international, award, national1
rolandtoth.huWhen I left WordPress development years ago it was because of messy code, plugin dependency hell, update nightmares and lack of scalability - not to mention vulnerability. Even after years I spent more time with bugfixing and finding workarounds rather than actual development. In this particular…development particular, particular casesite, toth, developer, portfolio, previous1
ipamentesszekhely.huWe pick up your postal mail at the registered office and after organizing it we regularly forward it to you on the day of its arrival. Or upon particular request, we can send the letters to you straightaway or you can come to our office to pick them up in person.arrival particular, particular requestoffice, mail, register, postal, price1
hologram.huSimilar to conventional shrink-wrapping, it tightly wraps the particular form when heat is applied, and once removed, cannot be placed back.tightly particular, particular formsticker, reference, protection, foil, safety1
duslant.huif you register as a partner, you can also choose from our specialists to perform a particular job!specialist particular, particular jobspecialist, registration, abroad, main, quick1
luminaxis.huThe Hungarian property market in general – and Budapest in particular – is growing fast. In fact, it is booming.budapest particular, particular fastreal, estate, month, property, investment1
grofbuttler.huGróf Buttler wines are produced by traditional winemaking methods, preserving the values and the exceptional quality of the grapes. Particular attention is paid to the integrity of the grapes during the harvest as well, and this approach is upheld throughout the entire processing stage. After the…grape particular, particular attentionwine, winery, soil, taste, vine1
summitdvkft.huDue to our size, teamwork is common at our company. We support each other in reaching our goals with joint efforts. We share our knowledge, to the particular benefit of new employees. We respect each other’s personality, and mutually strengthen our capabilities. At company events, friendships are…knowledge particular, particular benefitsummit, career, corporate, employee, support1
nokvilaga.huKazakhs have a particular talent in music. There are beautifully singing or music-playing members in almost every family. Their musical instruments evoke the sounds of the steppes.kazakhs particular, particular talentperformer, event, woman, country, fashion1
betonracspadlo.huEach production phase and barn requires its own particular solution, and we are really flexible.barn particular, particular solutionfloor, concrete, grid, quality, flooring1
csemo.huIn the life of our village, environmental improvement, the implementation and maintenance of environmental protection are of particular importance. One of the notable factors in achieving this goal is the “environmental education" of kindergarten and schoolchildren, since one quarter of the…protection particular, particular importancevillage, flowery, area, official, website1
jobgroup.hu, as well as the written and unwritten rules of fair and ethical business competition. Our Internal Code of Conduct and Ethics and our Quality Policy place particular emphasis on transparent and fair business operations that are sustainable in the long term, and which we also expect from our…policy particular, particular emphasisdetail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour1
tamasiszallas.huWe offer you accomodation in apartments and weekend houses in the holiday-areas next to the thermal baths.tamási particular, particular openstreet, apartment, guesthouse, general, accomodation0
palatinusgrandhotel.huOne of the most beautiful buildings in the enchanting city centre of Pécs is Palatinus Grand Hotel, the captivating Art Nouveau hotel. Besides services that will satisfy all your needs, our hotel also offers just the perfect start to dive deep into the town rich in programs and unforgettable sites.particular offerview, room, detail, museum, event0
railexim.hu…Other Components… Assurance of Quality… Company Particulars… Send a Message… Submit an Inquiry…company particularsupply, component, history, wooden, assurance0
geselem.hu…After the given period of time elapsed the model is no more editable, however the calculation results are available, assuming that the calculation succesfully finished before the time period elapsed, or at least the calculation can be succesfully executed at the moment when the period elapse.method particular, particular displacementapplication, element, page, help, available0
massagetime.huThese words are here to provide the reader with a basic impression of how actual text will appear in its final presentation. This is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. It has been placed here solely to demonstrate the look and feel of finished, typeset text. These words are here to provide…massage, dummy, basic, copy, text0
eupowers.huof power plant (including nuclear power plant) systems. We also design, integrate, insure, install and commission the various equipment (from fuel supply systems to flue gas treatment and disposal) and the associated tools, spare parts, fittings or consumables required throughout the life cycle of…power, management, european, operation, plant0
bodycoach.hu"Whole Body Vibration" is a principle that has come over from science. An automatic stretch reflex is generated in the body by means of the mechanical vibrations of a plate. It therefore reaches 100% of the muscle groups without you having to move. With traditional training methods this is only 60…body, vibration, training, aspect, reference0
kinderparadise.hu…a restaurant and you don’t want to sacrifice the peace of your own home on the altar of the kid’s party, yet you are looking for something quite unique, then Kinder Paradise is the best place. We provide a cloudless and enjoyable birthday party for all ages. Kinder Paradise provides an idyllic…particular requirementsparadise, child, kind, package, pool0
gustocafe.huCafe Gusto quickly became well-known for its fine tiramisu, loin carpaccio and foie gras. Our restaurant can be found in Frankel Leo street next to Margaret Bridge, just few minutes walk from Danube.food, gallery, friendly, coffee, wine0
gyermekkoriautizmus.huThe lives of people with autism need to be predictable and the individual may become very anxious or even aggressive if change is introduced without warning. Routines are very important. Many people with autism use lists to prompt them about what comes next and the need for the list continues even…condition particular, particular strengthautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic0
skilltransfair.huTwitter… LinkedIn…project particular, particular needeast, street, month, ago, number0
ninjatools.huA collection of the most popular and useful tools that help you easily convert day-to-day data.easily, image, format, color, file0
jagerguesthouse.huJager Guest House is offering accommodations in Sopron. Located around a 12-minute walk from Firewatch Tower, the guesthouse with free WiFi is also 1.1 km away from Medieval Synagogue. Lővérek is 3.4 km away. VOLT Festival is 3.7 km from the guesthouse, while Goat Church and Chapter House is a…couple particular, particular locationguesthouse, minute, walk, house, church0
design-jegygyuru.huUnique wedding rings and engagement rings made from titanium, gold, gems and fancy materialsring particular, particular opportunitywedding, view, quick, engagement, jewelry0
healthofchina.huI obtained my Bachelor of Science diploma in the year 2013 in China at the Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine with the specialization in acupuncture and manual therapy. I also did my clinical practice on several hospital wards at the university’s hospital, alongside famous professors.health, china, chinese, medicine, clinic0
primaudit2005.huWe consider it as a priority to get ackwainted with the production processes as well as the process integrated audit tasks of our product manufactoring clients. We put great emphasis on the examination of the continuous operation of these companies as well as on the complete examination of the…authority particular, particular legislativeclient, activity, area, tax, government0
futurespective.huThey spend over 50% of our waking life at work. Devoting that amount of time to a career that brings you challenge, growth and fulfillment is critical life.solution particular, particular peoplecareer, organisation, people, development, growth0
shep.huI've been making graphics with computers since 2007. My love for visual art developed in my early childhood with drawing. Later I discovered the world of photoshop and CGI, I realized that this is what I wanted to do for a living.particular ordergraphic, shepherd, illustration, image, portfolio0
swisscham.huWe place great emphasis on the continuous information of our members and online followers: we publish Swiss and Hungarian business news as well as news of our members on our platforms.member, event, chamber, news, swiss0
global-service.hu…each individual circumstance accordingly, constructing a seamless supply chain logistics to our clients. In addition, through upholding our core business values, namely Efficiency, Effectiveness, Integrity and Client Satisfaction, we continue to deliver goods in a professional, intact and timely…service particular, particular needglobal, touch, freight, value, need0
irisintezet.huThe IRIS Nursing Home and the IRIS Institute are located on the southern shore of Lake Balaton, in the Central Park of Balatonföldvár. We provide high-quality personalized care for people with chronic health conditions. At the Institute we provide care for 250 patients on a continuous basis.practice particular, particular religiouspatient, institute, care, treatment, health0
chillapartman.huChill Apartment located in a quiet street, in a pleasant and calm surroundings. The Lake, beaches, restaurants and pubs as well as the historical part of the city is within an easy distance.shall particular, particular atteapartment, shall, friend, vacation, family0