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354 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: status

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por.huPhenotype of Bone Metastases of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expression and K-RAS Mutational Status 99nutritional status, status score, methylation status, status kvdmr, margin statusuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine38
aeo.huObtaining the AEO certificate has nothing to do with the size of the company, weather it is a o ne-man company or a multinational company, anyone can apply for the AEO certificate. The AEO status is not just an opportunity; instead it has become an expectation in which all companies that deal with…acquisition status, status method, aeo status, special status, status customcustom, certificate, authority, application, activity21
komplexinstrukcio.huAs it follows from the program methodology, there are three key aspects of the KIP - open ended differentiated tasks, group-work with strictly divided roles and status mitigation. These all have to be present during a KIP class. Throughout the years, the teachers have already come up with a stable…atmosphere status, status difference, work status, status treatment, pillar statusschool, teacher, child, pupil, group18
memyselfandi.hu• Quick opening as a source of a media stream URLs, URL text or HTML source snippet selections, local HTML files either from macOS services and context menus or using drag & drop onto the application dock icon, status menu icon, or any stream window.macos status, status menu, icon status, player status, connection statuscurrently, player, application, track, process18
abtl.hu(4) The list of documents the security status of which was maintained by the data classifying authority shall be handed over to the Archives. The list may not contain any State secrets. If the Archives does not find it justified to maintain the security status of any document included in the list…legal status, status person, security status, status data, ethnic statusarchive, shall, public, record, document15
ferrotamin.huIn case of iron deficiency first our iron stores get empty (1 st phase). This is no iron-deficient anaemia yet, but the iron deficiency can be manifested by clinical parameters. This status is generally without any symptoms, but if we already take care of the appropriate iron supplementation, we…deficient status, status body, parameters status, status generally, peak statusiron, woman, body, supplementation, complex14
uptimehero.huEasy & reliable uptime and performance monitoring solution, with highly customizable and fast status pages.monitoring status, status page, fast status, monitor statushero, page, custom, notification, pricing13
officialmiradry.humiraDry Budapest | Official miraDry® Clinic Hungary - The Highest Rated Provider in Hungary (Diamond Status)clinic, treatment, official, provider, sweat7
mlszsz.hu(6) The Presidency makes the decision about the admission of regular members, youth members and supporting members. The admission of honorary members is approved by the General Assembly (GA), following the proposals of the Presidency. The honorary membership status comes into existence after the…membership status, status existence, status right, status ga, status memberassociation, member, shall, presidency, president7
dhotel.hul) * * employment employment with with the the tax tax and and customs customs authorities authorities in in accordance accordance with with the the Act Act on on the the Status Status of of Personnel Personnel of of the the National National Tax Tax and and Customs Customs Administration,law status, status civil, act status, status prosecutor, status defensebath, act, guest, room, relationship6
diakhitel.huwill be transferred directly to the institution of higher education, so it will indeed pay for your studies. Similarly to Student Loan 1, you can apply for Student Loan 2 online in no time, using an electronic signature, and start repayments after your student status ended, depending on your income.refugee status, student status, status institution, status incomestudy, loan, student, free, page4
nohac.huWe would like to invite you to the automotive event in Miskolc Hungary, the International Automotive Conference: Electromobility and the international status for Automotive Supply Chain that will take place in a month.international status, status automotive, conference statusautomotive, cluster, news, event, north4
etanitas.huWelcome To Houzez Houzez is an innovative real estate WordPress theme that helps to ensure your website’s success in this super-competitive market. All Status For Rent For Sale Looking for Commercial - Office - ShopResidential - Apartment - Condo - Multi Family Home - Single Family Home - Studio -…market status, status rentapartment, rent, property, detail, profile4
medicort.hu…remains with the patient (or at least close to them if it has to be taken off during examination) during their entire time inside the facility, identifying them throughout their journey. By tracking the beacon , Medicort provides real-time information on the position and status of the patient.position status, status patient, whereabouts status, status usepatient, journey, management, efficient, easy3
munkavedinfo.huA: To gain a clear understanding of the legal status of DraftKings Sportsbook in Texas, it’s important to seek expert legal analysis. You can find insights on this topic at DraftKings Sportsbook legal in Texas .free status, status luxembourg, legal status, status draftkingslegal, law, agreement, regulation, important3
coris.huHow do you think your retired status will be? Would you like to have the same life quality in a safe financial status? We are helping you in these aims to come true. The message of our pension program has never been so actual than nowadaysfinancial status, status aim, retire statusinsurance, pension, family, detail, protection3
debrecenbike.hu…and sophisticated system of services make it an efficient body representing the Hungarian community of cyclists. MK’s mission is to establish the status of the bicycle as a means of transport of its own right and as the most popular sports and recreational equipment. The Club’s Debrecen chapter haschurch status, status national, unrivalled status, status possible, mission statusbike, street, church, build, city3
regea.huReshaping consciously the thinking and attitude as a result of our activity patients with cancer are substantially altered, anxiety decreases, positive thinking, healing faith strengthened and improves overall mental status and increases the healing chances of reducing the chances of relapse.mental status, status patient, current status, status chancepatient, cancer, method, health, foundation3
menekultugyved.huThe Republic of Hungary shall grant subsidiary protection status to an alien who does not qualify as a refugee but in respect of whom substantial grounds have been shown for believing that the person concerned, if returned to his or her country of origin would face a real risk of suffering serious…refugee status, status alien, protection statusasylum, citizenship, immigration, attorney, procedure3
tavex.huUnfortunately it is not possible to order the products with the stock status ‘arrival unknown’ in our webshop. To have up-to-date information, please contact us via phone or e-mail about a possible order of such items.stock status, status arrivalpage, stock, cart, overview, spread3
equilibriumcapital.huEQUILIBRIUM CAPITAL proudly informs its existing and future Clients that in Astana, Kazakhstan, we will receive the status of “FOREIGN FUND MANAGER” by using our licenses naturalized by the ASTANA FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY (AFSA).legal status, status business, emirates status, status external, kazakhstan statuscapital, equilibrium, fund, manager, client3
eutdij.huThe blue led shows the battery status of the OBU. If the LED is permanently light on that means the battery is charging.battery status, status obuvehicle, device, road, axle, easy2
yourvoice.huE-mail notifications: enable employees to stay updated on the status of the whistleblowing.employee status, status whistleblowingvoice, report, fee, maintenance, employee2
azumba.huKratom Deutschland Legal – For those interested in herbal supplements, it’s important to know the legal status of Kratom in Germany.exempt status, status requirements, legal status, status kratomlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule2
bmbah.hu(b) the terms of residence in Member States other than the one which conferred long-term status on them for third-country nationals enjoying that status.resident status, status member, term status, status countrynational, permit, permanent, client, fund2
geselem.huThe language of the application can be set to English by clicking the corresponding radio button on the left of the status bar.leave status, status barapplication, element, page, help, available2
1818.huProviding information on the status of your documents (ID card, passport, driving licence) by using the document tracking applicationinformation status, status documentadministration, phone, question, news, document2
shopiboo.huLet our platform do the heavy lifting. From managing order statuses to setting up cash on delivery fees, we automate the tasks that take up …order status, status cashcustomer, feature, store, free, fee2
weddinginhungary.hudecree of divorce (if divorced) official document certifying your widow status official document about your name change (if you changed your name, which is indicated on your birth certificate)marital status, status basically, widow status, status officialwedding, planner, day, agency, venue2
cnchungaria.huWe strive to develop a strategic partner status that provides maximum flexibility in all respects. We perform all tasks by optimizing, with maximum integration of quality conditions, so we can do it quickly and efficientlypartner status, status maximum, report status, status ordermachine, tool, production, activity, hydraulic2
szav.huWhen staggered or disoriented, perform the Hard Headed action; make a Daunting ( k k k k ) Discipline check to remove status. Difficulty reduced per rank of Hard Headed.check status, status difficultytier, activation, check, character, active2
hojtsy.huWhile your project cannot be surely Drupal 10 compatible yet, most deprecated APIs for Drupal 10 were marked in Drupal 8. You can use Upgrade Status on Drupal 9 to identify problems and use Drupal Rector again to fix most of them.upgrade status, status drupaltranslation, event, issue, core, symfony2
mab.huMAB has been awarded recognition status by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME)recognition status, status worldaccreditation, education, procedure, forum, decision2
nanoworx.huThe software can serve any number of TVs. PCs connected to the TV receive content from the server, but the application can also work offline. With the central application, you can set programs running on TVs and change the status of TVs as well. The system also includes a common media collection.tv status, status tv, information status, status requirementprocess, software, developer, order, solution2
extor.huThe SNMP adapters enable users to monitor the status of UPS units via internet or ethernet connectionuser status, status ups, ups status, status informationprotect, phase, power, module, output2
mkvk.hu2008 The Act on the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors went into effect on January 1, 2008. The new Act has reaffirmed the legal status of the Chamber and expanded its professional and public tasks.secondary status, status title, legal status, status chamberchamber, member, auditing, sector, place2
mipzrt.huThe wonderful pictures shown on the website are used as samples from different international industrial parks to demonstrate the future status of the Marcali Industrial Park. We hope that we are going to build such buildings together.future status, status marcaliindustrial, region, website, development, plan2
boldideas.huinnovative campaign solutions too, but only for clients who are ready to change the status quo,ready status, status quobold, brand, idea, client, hello2
bio-garancia.hu…facility once in a year, in a previously agreed time. The inspector produces a report based on the inspection findings and determines the actual status of the products. Besides the yearly inspection a random inspection may also be conducted. In case any deviations from the regulations are found…actual status, status product, certification statuscertification, organic, inspection, regulation, control2
foodscience.org.huThe Foundation is open, any private and legal entity and other community without legal status from Hungary and abroad can join, provided that they agree with the aims of the Foundation and wish to help in financial support. Anyone can join the Foundation. The executive board is to decide about…legal status, status hungary, status foundationfood, science, foundation, development, research2
papapedia.huTo prevent, through negotiation, any other change in the status quo, pending withdrawal of all forces to the internationally recognized boundaries (IRB)change status, status quomission, military, force, observer, peace2
rentify.huYour personal advisor is always available to help you with counsel and support. For a quick overview at any time, simply log in to your customer account. There you can see the current status of your investment at a glance.current status, status investment, tenant status, status repairproperty, management, reference, portfolio, problem2
industry4.huThe cyber-physical producing systems developed according to the above mentioned concept help not only in the production planning and optimization but support the maintenance management functions as well. The products’, resources’, raw materials’ and components’ relevant status information is…relevant status, status information, forecast status, status changeindustry, production, solution, log, process2
ydrab.huthe Configuration section of the gateway page. On this page, click Activate Online button. Then enter the code you received earlier in the text box below the Enter activation code label, and click Activate button. The status of the module can be checked in the list of modules, in the License column.connection status, status device, value status, status column, button statusmodule, power, focus, configuration, automation2
civiljogok.huWithin the scope of its program to develop the legal environment of non-governmental organizations, Ökotárs / Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (HEPF) has been playing a significant role in the revision of nonprofit status rules, the expansion of public and community participation…nonprofit status, status rulengo, public, legal, goal, regulation2
dronepermet.huOur drone-mounted cameras will provide you with an accurate view of your crops' nutrient supply, weed infestation and stress status.stress status, status fielddrone, page, farming, crop, solution2
teatrom.hu…exhibitions and many other programs in 26 Roma villages and urban districts of Borsod County in North-East of Hungary. Join our multidisciplinary art festival! The entry to the events is free of charge, but the non-locals are wellcome to pay an average entry fee, or register for supporter status.equal status, status societycommunity, performance, group, art, festival2
docroom.huOur research projects investigate the health status of those who are struggling with access to health care and we help underserved people to get appropriate health services through innovative solutions.health status, status access, status clientresearch, health, publication, social, people2
bsce.huThe TETRISk application is a very effective visualisation tool for monitoring different corporate performance indicators. The unique feature of the tool that it is using several properties in parallel, the dimensions, the colours and positions simultaneously according to the importance and the…project status, status report, importance status, status urgencydevelopment, management, solution, data, report2
hiaszt.huIn the 1960s the consolidation processes of the Kádár era offered a kind of cultural opening, and as a consequence a number of the so called amateur theatres could experience a relative freedom: institutionalized companies could stage dramas which had been formerly banned, and their amateur status…amateur status, status chancetheatre, stage, literary, amateur, studio1
nezopont.huSome people were surprised when the Hungarian government made a quick decision to support Ukraine's candidate status for EU membership. They felt that Ukraine did not deserve to join because of the series of atrocities committed against Hungarians in Transcarpathia or because of President Zelensky'scandidate status, status eupolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature1
mt-gasconsulting.huWe are not future tellers, but can spot trends, we can identify the changes of the legal and market circumstances quite specified, we can also estimate the influence of these changes for both the market and the status of our customers'. We can show You the business opportunities hiding behind…market status, status customerconsulting, gas, customer, welcome, energy1
relativ.huCommunication is the best tool for gamechangers. Our clients are those market players who want to move beyond the status quo or reframe their market position.player status, status quocommunication, portfolio, client, game, player1
mionarix.huExecution of the website based on the plan, creation of the API endpoint and generation of the status image.generation status, status imagedevelopment, website, client, reference, site1
csovarilegal.huThe “owner’s status” increases the employees’ motivation and their attitude towards their employer. In the last few years, we have seen a strong shift from tax optimization to motivation through ownership.owner status, status employeelaw, tax, legal, university, expertise1
helloszentgotthard.huOnline Neosurf casino Australia for high rollers are designed for players who play a lot and often. If you reach a high VIP status, there are not only many rewards, VIP bonuses, personal support or cashback, but also the possibility of individual bonus offers. For players who predominantly play…vip status, status rewardhomepage, tourist, game, introduction, pension1
ecpa2021.huPlease note: at least an on-line registration entitles your paper to be included in the Proceedings. Each paper needs a separate registration. In case the Covid situation clears and you would like to change your status from on-line to an in-person participation, it is possible.situation status, status lineconference, abstract, submission, agriculture, precision1
settlers.hu…support. They have always been reachable throughout the entire process; replied to my questions so fast and informed me promptly regarding the status of my application, where needed. They kept all the deadlines. I am so greateful that I had the chance to work with such a proffesional and…promptly status, status applicationimmigration, relocation, authority, matter, destination1
helgem.huAccounting of maintenance: A periodic cost incurred in activities that preserve an asset’s operational status without extending its life. Maintenance is an expense that, unlike capital improvement (which extends an asset’s life), is not capitalized.operational status, status lifeprocess, quality, practice, food, machine1
maks.huHungarian Golden Crown Cooperative is an international financial institution and is a unifying instrument for all individuals – natural persons and legal entities, from any part of the world, regardless of gender, religion, social status, opinions and other attitudes. The cooperative creates the…social status, status opinioncooperative, crown, goal, activity, legal1
reginfo.huHelping our customers to achieve their up-to-date regulatory status according to the latest pharmaceutical trendsregulatory status, status latestregulatory, affairs, rim, medical, publish1
kontron.huOur number one partner is the US-based PTC , a leading developer of industrial digital transformation software. Kontron has the highest “Platinum Partner” status and “Authorized Training Partner” rating at the PTC.partner status, status trainingsolution, network, management, customer, cloud1
kekjatek.huWe are perfectly aware that everyone must bear this hard & crazy times. The coronavirus halted the entire world suddenly and leads to so many consequences that we are not able to foresee at this point. We all hope the status is going to change very soon, and things will be the same as they used to…point status, status sooninvisible, main, page, game, news1
womenscareer.hu…and participated in the International Symposium organized by Fordham University Institute for Women & Girls under title “Looking Back, Looking Forward: Economic and Health Issues for Girls and Women of All Ages Around the World” - on the margins of the 59th Commission of the Status of Women.commission status, status womanwoman, career, development, association, release1
vimely.huOur deep learning based spirometry solution provides fast and accurate analytics on lung status - wherever and whenever needed.feature, learn, deep, data, lung1
wpmax.huDuring the cooperation, you will be constantly informed about the development through regular status reports. And when the work is done, you will receive all the help you need to keep your new revenue-generating machine running safely and continuously.regular status, status reportwebsite, offer, media, social, tool1
gestuetmariahalom.hu…– countless medals at Olympic Games, World and European Championships and international Championships are an impressive proof of Hanover’s unique status worldwide. But Hanoverians are much more: They are friends in the stable and daily pleasure, the second athlete of a team or simply beloved familyunique status, status worldwidesale, success, breed, auction, let1
r-filter.huThere is an area with our devices of UV ozone technology for grease and odour elimination in the kitchen exhaust air. If you are interested, we will evaluate the current status of your kitchen exhaust system and propose a solution, or we can participate in the planning process of a new…current status, status kitchenair, disinfection, odor, device, filter1
bloomair.hu…Strategic Plan. The technology helps to improve the environmental conditions and the sustainable use of natural resources. It also offers a solution for taking advantage of the grant opportunities aimed at improving the health status, climate adaptation and environmental quality of forests.health status, status climatesoil, technology, water, nutrient, directly1
healing-darkness.hu“A day full of surprises. To start with, Dr Sreejit came in Sunday. I thought he would just greet me. Not at all. He went on with checking my health status. I mean “went on” and did not start because previously he already has sent out a detailed questionnaire to me. It contained questions quite…health status, status meandarkness, sound, second, retreat, method1
flow.hu…me at the time (2010-2011 Teapalota to Potala), in order to further my development. This year of study – ‘shabbaht’ – was instrumental in finding my voice as a leader and, at the same time, in daring to leave the status I had already acquired and to base my career on some kind of natural authority.time status, status careerdevelopment, management, leadership, training, group1
paltranslations.huAs a translator and interpreter, I am ready to support you at business meetings, factory visits, training sessions, plant status reviews, company audits etc.plant status, status reviewpage, translation, interpretation, subject, translator1
mildent.huDiagnostics, that is the check-up of the status of the teeth, jaw and mandibles, is our initial service for each new patients prior to the different treatments. In addition, diagnosis include the examination of the soft tissues of the mouth and cancer screening, providing both the patient and the…check status, status tooth, health status, status causetooth, dental, crown, treatment, dentist1
sacinformatics.huDesign and implementation of an online solution for beekeepers for monitoring status of the hives. Hives have sensors and communication system installed, a web interface receives data from them and stores the data in a central database which can be processed and analysed using an online user…beekeeper status, status hivetechnology, banking, office, development, application1
dnv.huWe commit to treating all employees fairly and with respect. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, gender, age, nationality, ethnic background, skin colour, political opinion, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, marital status, physical constitution…marital status, status physicaldiversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group1
kalocsaikinga.huAt the beginning of a new assignment, we discuss your/ the company objectives and status qoue in 1-2 preferably face-to-face meetings.objective status, status qouestrategy, communication, growth, brand, process1
csodalampa.huWe regret to say that according to current statistics there are about 5000 children in Hungary who - based on their medical status - are eligible to wish...medical status, status eligiblewish, report, foundation, lamp, annual1
bizfulfillment.huEnsure accurate and efficient fulfillment of orders. Track in real-time and have visibility over the status of your shipmentsvisibility status, status shipmentquote, testimonial, logistic, delivery, reliable1
aztranslations.huWe mostly proofread technical marketing texts (websites, brochures) and official documents (e.g. diplomas, certificates of civil status).translation, text, client, quality, document1
hajozasert.huThe purpose of the Foundation is, to sort the current status of the "Szőke Tisza" steambooat (originally named as: "Charles the IV"), which was built in 1916–1917 (shovel-wheeled, with double chimney), including the rescue of protected technical memories of the ship, Safe storage of the ship’s…current status, status szőkenews, navigation, public, interest, ship1
gyermekkoriautizmus.huIsolation, unemployment and lack of education have been assumed to be inevitable consequences of the limitations imposed by autism itself. The inferior economic and social status of people with autism is not a consequence of the disability itself but rather the result of societal barriers and…social status, status peopleautism, difficulty, child, people, autistic1
toepler.huIn addition, our goal is to compile a psychometric test package measuring neurocognitive functions that may be suitable for OSA patients, to prepare an opinion on the suitability to perform activities with a high risk of accidents, and to determine the minimum conditions for neuropsychological…neuropsychological status, status roadsleep, norm, medical, institute, research1
gyogygombakkalkonnyebb.hu• Life-long membership (even inheritable) – no obligations, you only need to buy at least one product a year to keep your active status.coffee, opportunity, mushroom, medicinal, country1
chichaya.huThai foot massage prevents and cures many illnesses. Contrary to the name, it has beneficial effect not only for the foot, but also for the whole body and all organs. The sole of the foot is the map of the body, the meridian points of all organs and parts of our body can be found on it. The status…body status, status sensorymassage, body, traditional, type, effect1
drtacstimea.huAfter knowing the family history, health status, risk factors, I will prepare a personalized test plan for the client for a fee.health status, status riskmedical, portfolio, health, family, occupational1
pensum.huThe number of the hired workers will not count towards your company's headcount ( SME status ).quote, form, workforce, need, solution1
tiszaett.huInitiator and moderator of the meeting: Tisza EGTC, Lead Beneficiary. AGENDA: agree on the content of the final leaflets (what should be included, what images, what content); status of the Concept Note document, closing the project,final conference. It was agreed: the bulletin for the REVITAL I…content status, status conceptnews, document, gallery, event, conference1
itdot.huAll the products above manageable and reports to our SNMP based Element Manager. Here you can check the status and performance of the whole system, incl. ie. Internal temperature of an amplifier or the fan speed of displays, etc.manager status, status performancepassenger, software, control, solution, installation1
bta-group.hu…management, or carries out a risk assessment and test monitoring for the project. The TM reports regularly to the project management about the status of the project to the client and to the business side. He / she is responsible for the continuous exchange of information inside and outside the…management status, status projectgroup, management, software, process, analysis1
request.huWe encourage freelancers to join our creative agency. Be a member of a team. Be inspired and participate in developing processes and ideas while keeping your own individual professional status at the same time.professional status, status timerequest, creative, agency, freelancer, brand1
tacho-spion.huYou want to ensure a professional and reliable status check of all relevant technical motor parts and detect a possible tampering with the odometer mileage?reliable status, status checkbuyer, price, check, europe, private1
aiesec.huAIESEC is a non-governmental not-for-profit organisation in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), affiliated with the UN DPI, member of ICMYO, and is recognized by UNESCO.consultative status, status unitedyouth, leadership, global, goal, internship1
appletree-kindergarten.huApple Tree Kindergarten and Nursery has been awarded the status of Green Kindergarten meeting all of the standards and requirements set out by the Hungarian Museum and Library of Agriculture.nursery status, status greenkindergarten, tree, nursery, child, teacher1
syscontrol.huAgroSense is changing the technology of growing! It combines precise soil measurement, the observation of plant status, insect presence and control of irrigation with the latest scientific evidence on nutrient and pest management.plant status, status insectcontrol, solution, instrument, webpage, proprietary1
backtotheroots.huBy using the Filmfreeway system, anyone can easily upload their own creation, provide basic information, and track the current status of their application. Applying for the festival is a unique opportunity for every filmmaker to present their work on the international stage and be part of an…current status, status applicationfestival, root, international, application, location1
dcahungary.huSince September 2016 – as a direct supplier for BMW AG – we have been awarded the Project Management Office (PMO) status, therefore a direct contact has been formed with full access to the Group.pmo status, status directclient, reference, office, quality1
kappenabzeichen.huTyrol enjoyed a special status in Austria. I will not go into the historical reasons for this here. From the point of view of the Great War, it is important [ … ]special status, status austriajanuary, postcard, october, corps, arm1
orszagbarok.huprovide military support to the Hungarian kings in the 11th and 12th centuries. Originally They were called barones regni, barons of the realm , a status originally only held by the office holder while he was in office but by the late 1300s it also to applied to the descendants of the high office…realm status, status originallystory, realm, kingdom, family, castle1
partitestverek.huWe encourage to use of this fighting name, but in addition, everyone has their own ID number and status.table, national, news, flag, international1
rallysimfans.hu…and is available only in certain online rallies. Keep eye on RSF online rally list with test rallies using the Zlín stage. The stage is not yet 100% ready, but it already looks amazingly detailed city stage. Please see a separate message about the story of Zlín, status and its creation process.zlín status, status creationstage, plugin, update, detail, version1
grantis.huIn case the financial & insurance environment of Hungary looks new, overly complicated, or simply you want to save time, then join our foreign clients! We have already helped several thousand people in improving their financial status. Our partners range from local investment firms through…financial status, status partnerinsurance, financial, consulting, investment, loan1
endo.huWhatever is the status of your Siebel based environment we can help you improve it with due-diligence, configuration analysis, business requirement gap analysis, upgrade or performance tuning.mile, application, investment, digital, long1
macher.huCommitted to execute within a short period of time. Proactive communication about production status and partial shipments. The technical issues that arise are jointly discussed."production status, status partialproduction, quality, cable, customer, technology1
fitpuli.huPredicted amount of savings due to improved employee health status, based on international data and calculated from the numbers you just provided.health status, status internationalhealth, employee, programme, data, user1
energiaklub.huMycle Schneider, the coordinator and chief editor of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report ( WNISR ) seems to have 48-hour days. When he is not coordinating, drafting and editing the annual report...industry status, status reportenergy, nuclear, climate, photo, article1
fklaw.hudrafting Purchase & Sale Contract; representation of the client in the land registry registration procedure; obtaining the government permit for foreigners for the acquisition of a real estate in Hungary; obtaining reliable information on the legal status of the real estate to be bought; (also:…legal status, status reallaw, data, firm, legal, client1
kdwebdesign.huEach option packaged in the app's menus is provided in order to improve your personal development statusapp, mobile, template, page, input1
sacinf.huDesign and implementation of an online solution for beekeepers for monitoring status of the hives. Hives have sensors and communication system installed, a web interface receives data from them and stores the data in a central database which can be processed and analysed using an online user…beekeeper status, status hivetechnology, banking, office, development, application1
naih.huThe Act CXII of 2011 is comprehensive in scope, as it is applicable to all data processing operations undertaken in Hungary regardless of the public or private legal status of those performing such operations, including also law enforcement, national security and defence sectors, together with…legal status, status operationauthority, data, act, protection, president1
kirana.huElements, objects around us reflect to our unconscious messages, desires, and our current status. They are like mantras, their color and shape affects us and our environment. I believe that the manifestation of the world and our inner reality interact with each other. That's why it's important…current status, status likeelement, eng, profession, creation, harmony1
hdmarketing.huWe're a Google Partner since 2011, and in 2023 we're Premier Partner too, that means we're among 3% of Google Partners whom gets Premier status.consultant, qualification, agency, growth, management1
mariannmarczi.huThe Hungarian pianist Mariann Marczi made her debut on a CD in 2013 with the recording Splinters, featuring twentieth-century Hungarian piano works by Kurtág, Ligeti, Kodály, Lajtha, Bartók, Jeney and Csapó (Odradek ODRCD 307) that was warmly received. Given her status, the pianist should be much…warmly status, status pianistpiano, minor, sonata, concert1
pgospedition.huRegular truck monitoring, the status of your transport is always accurate and actual, no matter when you call,monitoring status, status transportoffer, transportation, day, customer, additional1
mvosz.huOur members have joined together to changed the status quo and modernize companies. We have an extensive membership, from education institutes to entrepreuers association. The network of MVOSZ covers the whole country and the association has members in all 19 counties. MVOSZ has reached more than…member status, status quoassociation, enterprise, efficiency, event, page1
csongradikorus.hu…before at the school and sung again with pleasure in a choir while working. In two years' time this female choir was broadened with male singers. As a result, music-friends with different jobs can be found in the orchestra with a membership of 40, which has now outgrown a chamber orchestra status.choir, music, concert, chamber, friend1
kaye.hu*NEWSFLASH* Instagram is the place to be for active updates on my booking status, cute puppy pics + typography obsessions!booking status, status cutegraphic, small, logo, shop, profile1
lram.hu…mobile networks. In additon, thanks to our activity, after processing the measured datas, our partners have the opportunity to prepare statements relating to the single networkparameters, to recognise the status of networks, to compare the single service providers, and to follow up all changes.networkparameters status, status networkintroduction, communication, measurement, activity, complaint1
fazekasugyved.huGeneral legal consultancy with regard to the establishment of social organizations and the acquisition of legal status of public benefit; Preparation of foundation documents; Foundation of foundations, associations, sports clubs; Preparation of internal regulations; Countersigning of documents…legal status, status publiclaw, legal, contract, representation, case1
secureaccess.huBilling is the base of revenue management. Following an assisted review of non-billed time and expenses, last minute adjustments issue an invoice in any currency based on a time and material, fixed or capped agreement. Follow up on your invoices’ status.access, report, document, management, billing1
leanbox.huA visualization tool that provides real time status information about the whole production unit or area.time status, status informationmanufacture, production, way, process, data1
clevermove.hu“Thanks Anna for perfect work! Now I have all documents to stay in Europe officially and have here work status. I am very glad to work with you, thanks again.”work status, status gladpermit, path, permanent, appeal, residency1
esztergom.hu…populous district, and there are only 18 more populous districts in Hungary; these are mostly the immediate agglomerations of cities with county status. Esztergom is also the center of the Ister-Granum European Territorial Association, which crosses the Slovak-Hungarian border and covers more thancounty status, status esztergomcity, history, municipal, economy, government1
mgr-informatika.hupersonal consultation with IT professional about the status of the existing IT infrastructureprofessional status, status infrastructuresolution, supplier, consultation, reference, server1
e-med.hu…of heartbeat, using a software to break down a large number of physiological variables. This equipment provides valuable information on the status of living tissues, emphasizing the analysis of cellular respiration and metabolism, the perfusion, oxygenation and conductivity and electrical…information status, status tissueessence, medical, device, result, tissue1
konformitas.huThe KONFORMITÁS Certifying Ltd. continuously demonstrates preparedness in its certification activities by upholding its own accredited status and developing the professional fields.accredited status, status professionalcertification, certificate, activity, detail, stage1
codeantz.huCodeAntz challenges the status quo and deliver solutions that drive growth. Consulting company in field of IT, specialized in enterprise information systems. We help to build software ecosystem your business needs. Even if the best solution involves changes in the structure of your organization.codeantz status, status quosoftware, solution, application, development, news1
emiratusadozas.huHighly ineffective agencies, authorities, have inspired us to challenge the status quo and build the most seamless, reliable & time efficient permanent residency services:authority status, status quouae, solution, account, free, permanent1
e6integrations.huWhatever is the status of your MuleSoft based environment we can help you improve it with due-diligence, configuration analysis, business requirement gap analysis, upgrade, or performance tuning. Every consultant in e6 has business analysis and development experience in one hand. This can…solution, integration, architecture, architect, flexible1
patafinn.huWith or without olympic status – PATA remains Finn Fanatic forever A unique Boat like ours deserves to be loved so we keep on track and move on with full determination. So we developed the new PATA FANATIC. “I have been dreaming all my life to build the best Finn dinghy and the best carbon […]olympic status, status patanews, boat, cup, second, build1
sundance.huOur work involves improving the status of assets that we already own, by determining optimal usage, leading to concept preparation / design supervision and, if we determine that our optimum benefit derives from development of the land, permitting and approvals, followed by construction…work status, status assetdevelopment, property, view, office, croatia1
fogdakezemalapitvany.huSupported living is a form of service that creates the right conditions for people with disabilities to develop a more open, family-friendly lifestyle for themselves. Our goal is to maintain and promote independent living according to the age, health status and self-sufficiency of the users. Since…health status, status selffoundation, people, disability, youngsters, young1
molplugee.huThe list on this page is for information only, you can check the real-time availability or status of the chargers by contacting the customer service.availability status, status chargertype, charger, device, number, cable1
restoration-ecology.huA short update on the current state of play with the adoption of the Nature Restoration Law (status on 17 May) for the RestoreNature NGO coalition mainly to inform the NGO action in the next weeks, especially in the run up to important votes in the European Parliament.law status, status restorenaturerestoration, ecology, group, publication, research1
csaladfakutatas.huA research in the records (archives) may complete the research in the state register, during which the civil status, the occupation, the property status, etc. of the family, or the person in the research explored from the different recordings can be made clear.civil status, status occupation, property status, status etcresearch, family, history, register, field1
obchungary.huMy statuses: gold for Star Alliance, platinum for Sky Team and emerald for Oneworld alliances.airport, hand, delivery, personal, board1
raicszoltan.huThe early version of the main user interface of Vision Experiment Manager has limited analysis functions. It focuses on controlling Femtonics RC Microscope and visual stimulation software. It handles scan regions, displays online analysis status. It has access to motorized stage and goniometer…analysis status, status accessexperiment, software, vision, hardware, manager1
tigrics.hu…The changing business sector elements and the ways of life request more from the wild. The natural life wrongdoings are accepting coordinated status and the current administrative systems are deficient. There are numerous species in the earth confronting risk, however Tiger is one of the…coordinate status, status currentnear, wild, privacy, condition, worldwide1
prompt.huIn the framework of the Latte project, we developed tools and software to record livestock, monitor the health status of the animals, and track their movements on a map.health status, status animalsecurity, technology, solution, complete, maintenance1
drbiroagnesui.huhighest professional level whereas we make efforts to exoterically impart information about possible legal possibilities, to help decision making and to settle affairs in the simplest and most efficient way. We place great importance on informing our clients about the actual status of their affairs.actual status, status affairsoffice, law, expertise, legal, client1
reach-i4.huReal-time tracking of assets (including raw materials, industrial machinery, fleets of trucks, containers, final products, etc.) enables businesses to be well informed about device and equipment status and performance. This improved intelligence can be used to more effectively prevent quality…equipment status, status performancedata, reach, solution, big, real1
radiancedigitalsolutions.huWe talk about the ability of companies to adapt to changes. Some do and manage to survive. Others lengthen their status as much as they can, without modifying anything, hoping that what has to happen will not happen. The Internet has arrived and has modified our behaviors as users, it has come to…change status, status internetdigital, solution, client, free, touch1
okotechnik.huOn our application areas we expanded our offers, and we have got the dealership status for the following machines:dealership status, status followgrating, safety, floor, air, pump1
marketing21.huWe are proud to take part in Google’s partner program, and of the fact that Marketing21 has earned the status of Google Partner Agency.fact status, status googleagency, solution, digital, advertising, innovative1
madagaszkar.hu- Such person or citizen of the host country can be nominated and named to be honorary consul who has high public esteem, and who is suitable for filling such a position due to his social status, financial situation, clean legal record and education.social status, status financialmadagascar, honorary, republic, task, country1
vdberk.huGet instant insight into the availability of shapes and sizes and the prices that apply to you. View the status of your open quotations online and convert them to an order with one click.price status, status opentree, login, range, nursery, uk1
paytrim.huWe are trendsetters in the payment industry. We challenge the status quo, and we dare to be different.industry status, status quopayment, solution, future, card, terminal1
lowevonblumengarten.huOnly a short time later, many of these dogs were sold as status symbols from Leonberg all over the world. At the end of the 19 th century, the Leonberger was kept in Baden-Württemberg as the preferred farm dog. His watch and draft abilities were much praised.dog status, status symboldog, breed, close, strong, straight1
infravizsgalat.huFor those ladies who turn to us - either for screening or for the examination of a disease - we check the exact status of the hormone-dependent - thyroid gland, breast and small pelvic - organs by means of infrared imaging, we instrumentally measure the level of female hormones, we calculate the…exact status, status hormoneinfrared, imaging, body, hormone, treatment1
mlszksz.huFor more detailed tracking and status information, sign in or contact your local BestLogistic representative for access.track status, status informationlogistic, transport, development, member, goal1
mortgage.hu“I will definitely recommend him to others. His team is thorough, and detail oriented. They provide a weekly update on your status. ”mortgage, broker, responsive, page, loan1
promove.huIf you move with us, you will also support the Heim Pál Children’s Hospital, and we are proud of our long-term donation contract and our special support status.furniture, quote, removal, quick, price1
ballaaudit.huThe company has no dues, faultless bank information and its status is stable and operations are balanced.information status, status stableauditing, continuous, accounting, consultation, software1
mindenallatert.hu…and fear, as well as joy and love. We are delighted to see that an ever-growing number of individuals and organisations are working to change the status quo of human-animal relations, this is the only way of creating a better place for animals and humans to live – together. Care For Every Animal…organisation status, status quoanimal, care, minden, foundation, way1
megaglobal.huFrom 2021, we have been awarded the highest partner status with one of the world’s leading manufacturers – we became Zebra Premier Business Partners. For our customers, this means better prices, a wider product range and more extensive manufacturer services.partner status, status worldcustomer, structure, slide, manufacturer, technology1
phi.huThere is another possible integration point, called agent status monitoring. If you would like an accurate break management it is absolutely a must. Our break controlling module can work only if these agent status data are real time and valid. You can call our web service if something changes in…agent status, status monitoring, status datadivision, shift, employee, page, data1
drzsu.huThe program address those, who want to change, restart their lives after broken relationships, carrier change, change in life status or returning to life after raising children. If you really had enough and ready to do the work to get out of stuck, the program is for you.life status, status lifehealth, alive, change, integrate, unique1
magna-balance.huGeneral condition; a person’s perception of his own physical and mental status; level of satisfaction, which is based on the perception of their health status; their physical and mental being considered as a person feels.mental status, status level, health status, status physicalmagna, device, family, massage, magnetic1
humanreport.huThe interviewers tried to contact these people again in 2005, and those respondents who were available and willing to take part, they completed the questionnaire with. The surveyors found only 50% of them. Interviewers asked questions about the socioeconomic status, lifestyle, needs, physical and…socioeconomic status, status lifestylehuman, report, book, communication, social1
mente.huThe Youth Chaplaincy of the Vác Diocese is a unique formation in Hungary. It is owing to the Bishop of the diocese, Dr Miklós Beer, who in 2007 had the idea to establish a separate status, namely that of the youth pastor , whose duty would be to gather up and create a loving community of young…separate status, status youthyouth, community, mission, introduction, activity1
seashepherdorigins.huNathalie Gil is currently President at Sea Shepherd Brazil. She joined Sea Shepherd in 2019 after dropping out of a career of 18 years’ experience working as strategic partner to many large companies around the world, as it made her disappointed by working with the status quo, but motivated to…disappointed status, status quoshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean1
orderedd.huThe OrderEdd is an innovative application that enables simple order placement and management through QR codes, all the way to delivery. Integrated, GPS-based tracking ensures real-time status updates for orders, enhancing user trust and convenience. The app's intuitive interface and contemporary…time status, status updateorder, description, code, ready, future1
napkiado.hu…because of its complicated ethnic relations, to be the nest of fervent tribal nationalisms, for here live underdeveloped people in a peripheral status. Nowadays the border of the European Union runs through this region. It may be worth asking the question: who and why was interested in creating…peripheral status, status nowadaysanthem, national, country, nation, book1
gacserlab.huSince the last decades, invasive candidiasis has posed a serious threat to patients in the hospital environment. If untreated, such infections can result in severe diseases such as endocarditis, peritonitis or even meningitis. Suppressed immune status, underlying malignant conditions and the…immune status, status malignantlab, paper, grant, news, presentation1
repulokamera.huIn the case of construction work, we can document important events or record the current status, such as the location of wires, piping, and the exact mesh of the reinforcing bars. These are an important element in the further work and enlargements.current status, status locationdrone, video, industrial, condition, photography1
diaklabor.huMember of the association can be any student laboratory (if it has an own legal status) or the hosting school or the school holder. Any organization or legal person which is supporting or participating in the operation and work of a student laboratory can also join our association.legal status, status schoolstudent, lab, operation, education, laboratory1
tantusz.huOur company has been employing people with disabilities for more than 20 years, and since 2015 we have a protected job status.printing, label, cut, gift, machine1
mimoart.huWhich Budapest Casinos Use Rgn Fruit Spins 2023 The Bonus Bet line applies a random multiplier to winning combinations that form on it of between 2x and 5x. Minimum Deposit Casino Hu I didn't hear anything for a few days and noticed the status of the withdrawal had disappeared from my account…day status, status withdrawalvirtual, play, free, game, people1
euraxess.huThis applies to all Ukrainian citizens coming from the territory of Ukraine as well as to third-country nationals legally residing in Ukraine. Temporary protection is not the same as refugee status. Temporary protection can remain in force until 1 June, unless extended by government decree.refugee status, status temporaryresearcher, funding, job, search, development1
ovst.huBy using our state-of-the-art computer systems, we can control all aspects of your supply chain. Our logistics specialists use a wide range of advanced applications to view shipment status, manage inventory, schedule actions and report performance.shipment status, status inventorytrade, value, social, large, corporate1
ovsz.hu…transplant centers, but it also oversees and monitors the organ donation and transplantation process. In order to that, changes in the data and status of patients who are candidate for the waiting list for organ transplants and patients on the waiting list are constantly monitored by comparing…data status, status patientdonation, blood, office, stem, cell1
pipa.info.huOur foundation is transparent. We believe that different social classes can be connected regardless of place and social status, and needs must be addressed all the time.social status, status needdonation, social, foundation, tax, case1
eniac.hu…and sector-specific solution for companies’ project management, from the phases of planning, preparing quotations and concluding contracts through the control of performance and readiness status up to the long-term registration of various financial and performance guarantees and retention bonds.readiness status, status longmanagement, software, solution, detail, enterprise1
trainingcontrol.huThe operation of the complex performance diagnostic unit is based on the so-called sensor network principle, on the basis of which a large number of physiological variables characterizing the fitness status of the body are determined.fitness status, status bodytraining, process, diagnostic, performance, adaptation1
adatvedo.huWe assess the data security, data protection and information security status of your company, based on a personal interview.security status, status companydata, protection, security, privacy, reference1
mse-zsory.hu…euros including bonus payments to the as ROM. But the Italians demand 75 million euros, it says. Alisson has already led talks with Liverpool coach Jürgen Klopp. At Anfield, the status of the previous keeper Loris Karius is questioned at the latest since his Patzern in the Champions League final.anfield status, status previousnews, feed, result, score, transfer1
drsuta.huPatients and their claims are in the middle of our attention. We try to do our best with the occasions of the treatments to get back the healthful status as soon as possible. We are waiting for the current and the other patients before choosing on weekdays (tuesdays and thursdays).healthful status, status soondental, surgery, tooth, oral, istvan1
applixation.huMedicort will make your patient journey management easier and more efficient by letting you track the current position and status of your patients and medical devices within the compounds of your health care facility.position status, status patientdevelopment, location, software, task, spectrum1
majorhalo.hu…their families. By providing relief in everyday life our aim is to promote the integrity of the family, and to support parents in achieving their status appropriate to their individual and social tasks. By establishing care homes we acknowledge the rights of adults with autism to live completely orparent status, status appropriateautism, community, network, people, opportunity1
racerbeans.hu…and battles with coffee-leaf rust in the past decade have remained obstacles in the way of the country achieving clear, prized single-origin status. The largest country in Central America, Nicaragua continues to develop its reputation as a coffee origin to watch, however: The crop is still itsorigin status, status largecoffee, small, process, dry, quality1
colling.huYour own accountant without staff? Are you interested in an integrated accounting system that allows you to get up-to-date information about the current status of your company, even from home, in a matter of seconds?current status, status companyquote, friendly, accounting, payroll, question1
existentialcounselling.huThe topics you bring to counselling may range from relationships, career, stress, low mood and self-esteem to ones specifically related to your expat status, such as adapting to a new working environment, building new relationships, being away from family and friends in your home country , the…expat status, status newcounselling, expat, psychotherapy, book, issue1
sardi.huFurthermore, I find it important to keep my clients informed about the status of their case, knowing that for them their case is always important.client status, status caselawyer, contract, data, process, legal1
cofa.huThe Certified Organic Farmer’s Association was founded to unite organic farmers and grant COFA status to select farms, ingredients and products that meet our organic agricultural standards. Our farmer-led certification ensures that each member meets the highest evaluative criteria. Each…cofa status, status farmorganic, association, member, farming, certified1
bethlenter.huOur synagogue has always been status quo, meaning it did not take sides in the orthodox-neolog debate. The religious life started to rise again in 1985 with the devoted work of Rabbi Robert Deutsch and has an evolving community nowadays as well.synagogue status, status quojewish, synagogue, community, religious, congregation1
scale-artis.huScaleArtis Group enjoys the status of a reliable supplier in Europe and the CIS countries. We ensure product quality control at every stage of interaction with customers. We apply modern technologies to increase efficiency and improve processes and business methods.group status, status reliablerequest, machine, industrial, detail, spare1
apostille.org.huIn the vast majority of cases, these documents or certificates are used in front of some foreign authority or other body in order to certify a so called legal fact. (e.g. marital status, qualifications etc.).marital status, status qualificationdocument, legalization, delivery, international, certificate1
newlogicconsulting.huEvery client has a legitimate need to have accurate information about the status of their shipment – the New Logic Consulting Kft. places great emphasis on this. We also think together professionally with our clients. We help our partners with professional advice and the development of alternative…information status, status shipmentlogic, consulting, domestic, international, solution1
keszthelyivarosfejleszto.huFor the implementation of the supported projects of the Ltd. 32 new status have been established and our staff has increased from 2 to 9 people. The Family and Career Point commenced its operation in 4 Fő Square, also next to our business location situated Human Resource Development Bureau, the…new status, status staffhomepage, resource, compliant, channel, relationship1
intertelgroup.huThe company’s mission is to be recognized as a trusted and reliable partner by all customers. Our management team has reviewed working practices and processes to ensure this status. Our valued customers and partners are a true testimony of our quality, reliability, and business ethics.process status, status valuegroup, wholesale, electronic, consumer, trade1
duna3000.hu…business processes is essential for us. We provide monthly, quarterly reports to our clients about their actual business performance, financial status as well as about taxes and contributions payable. We try to pay close attention to our clients’ questions, requests and satisfy those by providingfinancial status, status taxisaccounting, tax, consultation, authority, report1
alvicom.huworkloads, so the return on a carefully planned investment is questionable. Testing carried out by our experts gives you a reliable picture of the status of your system. Our independence, expertise and experience ensure that complex IT projects are transparent, traceable and ultimately manageable…picture status, status systemsoftware, development, expert, client, reliable1
or-zse.hu…in the world training non-orthodox rabbis and cantors. It has gradually broadened its profile since the 1990s, and it was awarded a university status in 2000. Now, it offers rabbinical and cantor training programmes, Jewish studies, social work, community building, and it also hosts a doctoral…university status, status rabbinicaljewish, university, study, theological, doctoral1
marcaliszallas.huWith a town status since 1977, Marcali is a commercial, medical and cultural centre of its surroundings. The Roman Catholic Church lying in the town centre was built in the 15th century. After its reconstruction it characterizes baroque and classical elements. The Széchenyi Castle was built in…town status, status marcaliapartment, private, quality, accommodation, bath1
bte.hu(2) Our event is public. Everyone is allowed to take part in it, without having consultative status and voting rights.consultative status, status voteassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor1
alfanyugdij.huIdentification form and statement on politically exposed person status for natural personsperson status, status naturalfund, pension, portfolio, voluntary, tax1
blumprogram.huIncrease the professional standing of preschool teachers, support their mental health status, update their culture of methodology;health status, status culturechild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher1
dandelionhouse.hu…after a full water-electricity channel change, after some grassing, bushing, terrace building and air-conditioning the house has won its current status, known as Dandelion Guest House. Love was at first sight of this place, we still enjoy our favorite place, on a hilltop, from where we can reach…current status, status dandelionhouse, guest, hill, reservation, st1
citypearl.huThe construction of Phase A of City Pearl is continuous. We would like to show the status with some spectacular drone photos!continuous status, status spectacularcity, list, ready, tour, gallery1
hirtalalo.huIn an interview with Magyar Nemzet, the minister spoke about the status of EU funds for Hungary, the crisis Christian democracy is undergoing, Ukraine's EU accession and the significance of Hungary's EU presidency.minister status, status euoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians1
magyarasztrofotosok.huThe Association has set a number of tasks on its flag, among them the efforts to create a community, to present the works of astrophotographers, to raise the Hungarian astrophotography to international status, and last but not least to define the genre framework and ethical principles of…international status, status genreassociation, month, community, activity, member1
signcoders.huKeep track of task status, user assistance such as reminders. Process automation and control quality control, performance measurementtask status, status userprocess, sign, language, impact, social1
ciponeked.huBase wheel zoom adoption open manage future-proof for. Start what’s status cost food caught.proof status, status coststyle, shop, shoes, view, quick1
edmon.huFirst page photo copy of the passport. (please write down your mothers maiden name, marital status and place of birth)marital status, status placepermit, step, live, administration, job1
muszertechnika.huA company known primarily as a supplier to the automotive industry. Its activities are based on two main profiles: the manufacture of plastic components for motor vehicles and electromechanical assembly. As much as 95% of the sales originates from supplies to the motor industry, the range of our…supplier status, status tirmanufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software1
ebc.huEnterprise Business Consulting (Team EBC) is delighted to declare that it has achieved Silver Partner status with SAP AG.partner status, status sapconsulting, enterprise, development, technology, knowledge1
outturn.huNegotiations have to be well prepared. Objectives, alternatives and the status quo have to be to defined and the strategic situation has to be analyzed. A precise diagnosis leads to a successful therapy.alternative status, status quonegotiation, management, deal, support, market1
magyarendre.huThe well does not give enough water? Curious about filter status? Stuck, the pump may have broken? Don't push it!!!filter status, status stickremoval, channel, machine, camera, sewer1
returmatic.huOutdoor reverse vending machine with large storage capacity and built in compression unit (and glass breaking unit) for the return of metal cans, PET and glass bottles.machine, reverse, detail, logistic, unit0
bauerresidence.huBauer Residence is located in the renewed Magdolna Quarter of District 8, a quickly developing area of Budapest. The apartment building is just 6 minutes’ walking distance from the II. János Pál pápa station of Metro4.garden, street, apartment, area, layout0
f12.huWindows Hello for Business and Windows Hello may sound siblings, but they are actually two different families in authentication world ( link )*. Hello is basicly using password caching while Hello for Business uses asymmetric authentication (key or certificate based) – that’s why Windows Hello for…hello, access, application, user, sign0
funcompany.huA Fun Company Party Zenekar és Esküvői Zenkar teljes mértékben élőben játszó együttes. Nem csalunk, nem verünkt át senkit. Ezért csak teljes létszámban tudjuk előadni a műsorunkat és nem is szeretnénk máshogyan. A zenekar öt fővel és egy sofőr-technikussal tudja csak elvállalni az esküvőtöket.world status, status quofun, love, man, queen, day0
tarhelyvadasz.huRegister… Forgot Password?… Home… Browse All… Register a New Domain… Transfer Domains to Us… News…network statusportal, estonian, persian, norwegian, login0
rxd.huwanted to also add the “official” diagrams of the gates (how much fun that is)….but when I was talking with my daughter - or I don’t know how I figured out that it could be a game… Simple game I’ll configure some binary logic using all the inputs…and the goal of the game is to make all the LEDs lit!haut statusbusy, fun, game, logic, board0
virtnr.huElfelejtette jelszavát?… Elfelejtette felhasználónevét?… ide.… Magyarázat… Profil… Hívási…permission, table, null, simple, primary0
karambitshop.huKarambit HU… Karambit FADE… Karambit Hyperbeast… Karambit Tiger Tooth… Karambit Lore… Karambit Case…warehouse status, status eladvashop, forest, warehouse, tooth, case0
dynamat.huWith so many free programming libraries and X toolkits around, why would one want to use xclass? Like any other toolkit, the xclass library provides certain advantages and disadvantages for the application programmer.status barwidget, page, list, application, library0
pinterlaw.hu…has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website. However, any and all liability which might arise from your use of or reliance upon the information or links contained on this website is excluded. Copyright in the content of this website is owned by dr. Pintér Attila Law…legal statuslaw, developer, legal, homepage, firm0
immedex.huOur particular product focus lies on rare disease therapies, where the access to high quality therapies requires complex sourcing solutions. We have extensive experience and specialization in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market.pharmaceutical, quality, footer, health, wholesale0
baranyay.huNeed a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needsleader statusgrowth, plan, current, solid, foundation0
homeinspection.hu…Therefore, if you use more than one of my services, I'll give you a discount: 10% off the second service and 15% off the third. If we inspect two nearby properties at the same time, I will give you a 20% discount on the price of the second inspection. The discount does not apply to travel costs.legal status, status residentialproperty, inspection, decision, house, price0
budapestjewishwalk.huBudapest through the eyes of an insider. Highlights and hidden treasures melted into a private guided tour. Jewish, classic, child-friendly in a unique way.view, jewish, tour, child, city0
avion2.huCopyright Avion2 . All rights reserved.server status, channel status, status onlinechannel, rank, player, server0
qanda.huI am proud of the results my clients has achieved with my research findings and communication solutions:current status, status quoresearch, market, portfolio, apply, application0
luminaxis.huFirst and foremost, we are four good friends, with a lot of experience in different fields. The goal of our enterprise is to help other people find great investment opportunities in the dynamic real estate environment of Budapest. And, of course, make a good buck along the way.current statusreal, estate, month, property, investment0
holgykiseret.huIn addition to Europe, applications are also received from USA, Australia, Canada and from other countries who ask for escorts for weddings, travel, business and other events of friends. You can apply to be an escort from these countries as well. Your introduction is not seen by outside people…escort, europe, event, wedding, application0
idealhost.huLogin… Register… Forgot Password?… Register a New Domain… Transfer Domains to Us… Domain Pricing…network statussupport, view, cart, login, password0
newcomer.huThe 14th Independent Games Festival Main Competition, that Ultimate Newcomer was re-entered successfully into in last October, has announced the current list of Finalists and Honorary Mentions. Just like last year, we wish best luck to the finalists! But unfortunately, Ultimate Newcomer yet again…project statusultimate, game, january, adventure, october0
superpixel.hu“Dani nem lovagol problémákon, meg nem keres igazat, egyszerűen fogja és megoldja, ha probléma merül fel. Kiszámítható weboldal építő: amit mond, az úgy lesz. Tartja az időkereteket. Mond építő kritikát, véleményt is.”order status, status managerwoocommerce, builder, form, premium, divi0
brandmeister.huStatus page of the Hungarian Brandmeister server (2162)server, page, frequency, log, node0
ifd.hu“ You don’t need a whole ecommerce system to sell your online courses. Paypal, Stripe payment methods integration can help you sell your courses out of the box. In the case you wanna use WooCommerce, this awesome WordPress . ”release statuscourse, studio, teacher, page, payment0
elektrichouse.huShop… My Account… Minden barkácsgép… Minden világítás… Super Deals… Home v1… Home v2… Home v3… Home v3…headphone, wireless, music, processor, core0
szoftvertrening.hu“ You don't need a whole ecommerce system to sell your online courses. Paypal, Stripe payment methods integration can help you sell your courses out of the box. In the case you wanna use WooCommerce, this awesome WordPress LMS Plugin will serve you well too. ”release statuscourse, layout, education, single, income0
esleep.hu…button… View More… Hover design Effects… All info on hover… Icons & Add to cart… Icons on hover… Quick…stock status, status positionshop, view, page, quick, image0
maxcargo.huHungary, 2220 Vecsés, Lőrinci u. 154., Airport City Logistics Park, Building “D”, 3rd floorcurrent status, status airfreight, logistic, air, ocean, road0
elucidum.hu…Left Sidebar… Article Category Blog… Standard Post Format… Video Post Format… Audio Post Format…therapy, post, format, adipiscing, article0
brevissimus.huIn Tomcat 9.0 access to the manager application is split between different users. Read more...server statustomcat, manager, documentation, configuration, application0
smsware.hu(full)… JMX Console… JBoss Web…tomcat status, status xmlresource, management, tomcat0
er1k.huuptime…hosting, én, navigation, browser, main0
akollegium.huIn a modern building with affordable costs. Apartments, single and double rooms, spacious common areas. Calm and motivating learning environment.college, apartment, room, common, area0
funpic.huAds Animals Babies, kids Buildings Celebrities Demotivation posters Gadgets, internet Garments Holidays Other drawing Other photo Politicians Sport Strange people Vehicles Adultcurrent statusshare, adult, dinner, holiday, vehicle0
encosoftware.huThe main profile of EN-CO Software cPlc. is personalized IT Solution planning and development for enterprices.gold status, status microsoftsoftware, development, solution, plan, security0
expresszekszerhaz.huFlex is distributed with six preset styles. Each can be customized in the “Presets” Settings to individualize the template text, background and mayor colors, and in the Layout Builder, you can use unlimited color combination for every part of your template!gallery, column, space, post, format0
papamaciarvai.huHome Our animals Female dogs Male dogs Found new owner News Donations Conditions for adoption Adatlap létrehozása Gallery Contactstatus ownerowner, number, image, sex, phone0
triodent.hu…Left Sidebar… Article Category Blog… Standard Post Format… Video Post Format… Audio Post Format…format, post, category, variation, article0
programlicit.huHOME | | SELL SELL | | REGISTER REGISTER | | LOGIN LOGIN | | HELP HELP | | FAQ FAQ | | SITE SITE FEES FEES | | ABOUT ABOUT US US | | CONTACT CONTACT US US | | |register statussite, login, faq, help, fee0
gomibo.huWith more than 15 years of experience in the Netherlands, we now offer our user-friendly platform in Hungary. Easily find your perfect phone, gadgets, and accessories. Anyone can do it, at Gomibo!status order, order statuscustomer, smartphone, phone, shipping, accessories0
futuredm.huYou have successfully installed XAMPP on this system! Now you can start using Apache, MariaDB, PHP and other components. You can find more info in the FAQs section or check the HOW-TO Guides for getting started with PHP applications.apache, easy, distribution, faq, guide0
toxicbase.huApache PHP information… Apache server…server statuslamp, turnkey, control, reference, resource0
jokaidental.huThe Jókai Dental Dental Office located in central Budapest in district 6. awaits its patients with full dental care. Whether it’s aesthetic or oral surgery, we guarantee you are at the best place.dental status, status code, status discountdental, dentist, tooth, price, appointment0
cfpharma.huCF Pharma Ltd., Hungary is an independent company, being part of the family Schneider owned company group structure, with pharmaceutical intermediate and API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) development and manufacturing capabilities of small molecules.regulatory statusmanufacture, site, certificate, quality, development0
truefitness.hu…Tudjon meg még többet.… History… Session… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment… Includeredirect statusarray, controller, action, true, request0
bitrial.huBiTrial Clinical Research is a privately owned mid-sized Clinical Research Organization (CRO), based in Central and Eastern Europe with a headquarter in Budapest, Hungary.clinical, site, study, management, trial0
alpine.hu© 2024 ALPS ALPINE EUROPE GmbH, Alpine Brand. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site signifies your agreement to the Terms of Use.alpine statussoftware, specific, sound, chart, overview0
floragyogyforras.hu…Left Sidebar… Article Category Blog… Standard Post Format… Video Post Format… Audio Post Format…post, format, article, portfolio, category0
vrnq.huOur goal to help realizing the idea, to take part in cutting-edge development projects and provide full-scale engineering services. However, every mechanical, electrical development is built up of the smallest tasks, details, we’d love to help you taking one step forward!status available, status progressengineering, development, technical, inquiry, introduction0
carbona.huThe NaturMed Hotel Carbona**** superior in Hévíz welcomes you to a Mediterranean-style environment with its magnificent activity pool, 1000 m² surface of water, air-conditioned rooms, thermal bath evoking the atmosphere of the Roman era and numerous therapeutic and wellness opportunities all year…status assessmentoffer, medical, room, health, facial0
helping-hand.hu…such as repeated experiences of failure, low self-esteem, dropping out of school, becoming unemployed or incarcerated, and developing mental health problems (e.g., depression, anxiety). So, ADHD is a problem both for the children, their families and schools, but also the wider community and…project status, status currentchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten0
blroadsea.huBL Road & Sea Ltd – part of KS Spedition & Logistic group – is a logistic and forwarding company specialized for overseas transportation and related services.shipment statuslogistic, warehousing, vienna, custom, transportation0
lawyerbudapest.huViktor has graduatated from ELTE Budapest law school. He has aquired Master of Laws “LL.M.” postgraduate degree in Business and Transactions and another one in Employment Law. He has gained notable experience in corporate law and labor law. His primary focus is on corporate transactions and…special status, status commerciallaw, formation, lawyer, tax, vat0
szerezztudast.hu“ You don't need a whole ecommerce system to sell your online courses. Paypal, Stripe payment methods integration can help you sell your courses out of the box. In the case you wanna use WooCommerce, this awesome WordPress LMS Plugin will serve you well too. ”release statuscourse, layout, single, education, teach0
ipasy.hu…often results in unnecessary treatments due to elevated false-positive rates of the conventional serum PSA test. iPASy Technologies strategically addresses this critical challenge by introducing an innovative diagnostic paradigm to augment accuracy, thus mitigating the likelihood of misdiagnosis.ip statusdiagnostic, technology, cancer, prostate, vision0
smileexpert.hu…treatment or even bone replacement. We have assembled an outstanding medical team, where our experienced dentists and oral surgeons are at your service with the utmost confidence. We have 4 dental chairs, in a sophisticated environment, with brand new state-of-the-art dental equipment. Our dentalconsultation status, status conditiondental, smile, dentistry, tooth, expert0
tfmworld.huWe are currenty out of stock with every VPS type. New servers are ordered, RYZEN VPS packages will be available middle of next week, EPYC will be available again in 2-3 weeks probably.server, hosting, package, backup, day0
vigdavid.huI am the Branch General Manager for Wysio Switzerland in Hungary, overseeing day-to-day operations and IT product development. I lead innovative IT projects in the AEC industry, manage team growth and success, and support the company with my expertise in IT projects as a business analyst or…manager, advisory, management, skill, development0
intimtornaillegal.huProfil… Hívási…null, table, permission, simple, primary0
gtrsport.huSúlyok, egyéb kiegészítők… NYOMTÁVSZÉLESÍTŐK/ WHEEL SPACERS… SZELEPEK/ TYRE VALVES… CSAVAROK, ANYÁK…orange, montreal, knight, dark0
szip2.huConveniently situated in the centre of Budapest, SZIP 2 - New in Downtown offers river views and a terrace. Providing private parking, the apartment is 1.2 km from Hungarian Parliament Building.apartment, booking, private, view, downtown0
dizajnorak.huAMŐBA… 'DARABOK'… 'ERDŐ'… Facebook… History… Session… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment…redirect statusarray, controller, action, component, request0
skyva.huSky Hungarian Airlines is a virtual airline. On 1st of June 2013 our group has started with the aim of bringing together aviation enthusiasts and anyone who feels passion to aviation. Sky Hungarian Airlines strives to provide the most realistic experience possible within the limits of flight…sky, airline, flight, approval, fleet0
hypehost.huCopyright © 2024 HypeHost. All Rights Reserved.network statusportal, announcement, support, account, login0
matraair.hu…Bartucz… LFSB… EDDF… LOWS… Tibor Berces… Zeke… MTA0004 Otto Kovacs… MTA0003 Tibor Berces… MTA0002…laszlo, matra, flight, airline, welcome0
lucfalva.huügyintézés… Adatkezelési tájékoztató… Kereskedelmi és telep engedélyek… Választási szervek… 2024. évi…table, lock, simple, primary, joomla0
itrex.huPhone Accessories Laptop Accessories Accessories for PC PlayStation 5 Accessories Apple Accessories Xbox Accessories Nintendo Switch Accessories Tablet Accessories Smart Watch Accessories Gaming Accessoriesproduct statusaccessories, cart, game, touch, microphone0
geotan.huIndependent think-thank, round table of geopolitical experts. It aims to protect security, democracy and human rights. Member of the United Nations Economic andmain, council, financial, quality, activity0
etiquette.huThe corporate training programs cover business etiquette, and international business etiquette to help companies equip their professionals with etiquette training for the world.status workevent, management, course, corporate, protocol0
monstergmwow.huLogin… Register… Home… Forum… Armory… PvP Statistics… Changelog… Online players… How to connect…server statusforum, player, character, login, website0
istenhegyi14.huPremium quality apartments in the green in modern ambience. The perfect combination of nature and modern architecture in an enchanting environment, few minutes away from the city life.floor, available, apartment, gallery, plan0
dynamictours.huWe are an enthusiastic, full service Hungarian DMC in Budapest. We are at your service for Meetings & Events, Leisure groups and FITs.coronavirus status, status hungarytour, dynamic, event, leisure, meeting0
tupperlali.huShop… Shop layouts… Filters area… AJAX Shop… Hidden sidebar Hot… No page heading… Small categories…stock status, status positionshop, page, custom, image, button0
yestotap.huFilters area… AJAX Shop… Hidden sidebar Hot… No page heading… Small categories menu… Products list…stock status, status positionshop, page, custom, image, button0
ekszerbolt.huServer Status… Version…server statusdescription, listener, server, media, type0
mikrolabspf.huThe laboratory of Mikrolab does microbiology and feedstuff analysis from as early as 1983. In 1990, the company Mikrolab Ltd. was established.hygienic status, status hatcheryanimal, microbiology, lab, manager, technician0
kkhome.huRólunk… Írjon nekünk… Bérlemények… Elérhetőségeink… Elfogadom az adatvédelmi nyilatkozatot.… Érd, Felső…null, primary, table, permission, simple0
biuky.huCosmetics and perfumes online | Biuky - Biukyservice status, status orderperfume, island, offer, privacy, order0
btas.hu…szabva… Tudjon meg még többet.… History… Session… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment… Includeredirect statusaction, controller, array, maybe, component0
uucp.hugenerate a html POST form based on GET parameters (put form action url in _ACTION parameter)nginx status, status extendcopy, file, certificate, search, mirror0
sensepower.hu…sausage turducken filet mignon rump, flank swine short loin frankfurter meatball. Short ribs drumstick strip steak meatball. Shankle turkey ribeye, spare ribs jerky fatback chuck ham short loin bacon flank prosciutto picanha andouille strip steak. Headings Header one Header two Header…amet, sit, mollis, duis, arcu0
whereareyou.hu…believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.ipsum, lorem, passage, like, text0
prekop.husharks lying upside down with their bellies exposed. [22] Colloquial use favours the name ‘great white shark’, perhaps because ‘great’ stresses the size and prowess of the species. [23] Most scientists prefer ‘white shark’, perhaps because there is no extant ‘lesser white shark’ species. [23] Some…uptime status, status pagewhite, website, size, job, great0
eddzavalogatottal.huCoins have long been a stable and valuable investment. Discover investment-grade coins that not only enrich your collection but also offer potential financial growth.platform statuscoin, bid, ancient, auction, historical0
hrbau.huSzéchenyi 2020… Kapcsolat… afterDispatch 1.9 ms… Magyarázat… Profil… Hívási…table, lock, simple, primary, update0
riker.huWebex Calling,Webex Boards,IP Phones,Webex for Service Providers,ATA Adapters,Webex Room Devices,Webex Desk Deviceswebex status, status checkmeeting, app, control, help, center0
femker-97.hu…finished components. We place heavy emphasis on the expectations and requirements of our clients, and as such, the most important aspect of our company is complying with high quality work and punctual deadlines. The last 30 years have proven to us that reaching exceptional results and trust in…status toolcomponent, machine, milling, job, page0
culturaldiversity.huOur Foundation is one of the organizations trying to share ideas and information on local initiatives and projects which aim at innovative co-existence and co-operation for sustainable future in a colorful world.legal statuscultural, diversity, foundation, place, happy0
pupilpay.huPupilPay is more than a payment method, students and parents can also order their school lunch through our system, even from the comfort of their home.server statusschool, homepage, secure, cashless, lunch0
hankooknegyed.huEven in the life of the factory in Rácalmás, the ten years of “THANKS, Hankook!”, the Employee Volunteer Program, is a long timespan. And, what a 10 years it has been! On the occasion of the anniversary, we made a short film at the location of this year’s biggest project, the Arboretum, on Baracsi…chance status, status healthemployee, health, day, september, news0
rankpro.huIdentify the most critical technical SEO issues and take action to improve the health and performance of your website.website status, status checkerreport, tool, webpage, ago, checker0
wptudas.huLogin… Become a Teacher… Lost your password?… Register now… Login…release statuslogin, teacher, account, member, newsletter0
dialando.huWelcome to DIALANDO® - your online watch store in Europe. Enjoy special discounts on women’s watches and men’s watches that change every week. Free shipping on all orders above €75. Shop now!word status, status watchswiss, military, store, europe, man0
odhun.huApache PHP information… Apache server…server statuslamp, turnkey, control, reference, resource0
lomtanitas365.huThere are many with variations of quis. passages of available but the majority have some by injectedwork statusavailable, majority, passage, variation, quis0
ecodeko.huWall paneling can transform the look and feel of a room, adding depth, texture, and visual interest. Whether you choose wooden panels, decorative PVC panels, or other materials, wall paneling can create a sophisticated and stylish ambiance.stock statuswall, marble, review, customer, light0
onlinepiackutato.hu…the domestic history of the online method can be calculated from this point, although it is true that besides such penetration there were still target groups that could not be reached only partially through the Internet, so caution was not unreasonable in these times. The real turnaround, the…research, market, sample, result, questionnaire0
napraforgoutca.huNews… Association… History of Napraforgó street… Establishment of the housing estate… Building…house, news, association, history, street0
shoplog.huIt is often mentioned along with logistics. Fulfillment is a logistics service that serves the storage, packaging, shipping, inventory management and inventory of webshop products. And occasionally billing and customer service.current status, status stockpackage, logistic, management, customer, inventory0
lescale.huWe provide all services to make the relocation as smooth as possible so that foreigners have the best possible experience in Hungary.legal status, status banksearch, permit, foreigner, immigration, relocation0
kalandklub.hu…articles sorted by hits… Single ArticleExample of the single article… List All CategoriesList of the allnews, president, force, base, air0
lackfi-janos.huTranslated… Bulgarian… Croatian… Czech… Dutch… English… English prose… English short stories… Finnish…proprietorial status, status heavylike, day, little, hand, french0
bypassnet.huOur logo and image have been renewed. We won a tender, expanded with a new reputable B2B client; we have continuously improved to increase our efficiency and provide new services; we also won 3 tenders, we have started to introduce a new ERP system, and have started to renovate our plant to reduce…device statusdevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment0
padmaresidence.huPadma Residence uses only the best materials and the highest technology available. The apartments are equipped with a heat-pumped based ceiling heating-cooling and a floor heating to give you the perfect atmosphere in winter and summer, which can even be controlled from your smartphone. You will…status projectapartment, gallery, list, street0
zheyi.huA highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations.ping statushomepage, logo, stat, container, application0
okosoldal.huYou can easily find the answer to your questions on the online support pages of Vodafone or the manufacturers. Browse frequently asked questions and answers.query status, repair statusdevice, answer, page, question, main0
neomoto.huWhen it’s about controlling hundreds of articles, product pages for web shops, or user profiles in social networks, allstock status, status positionshop, page, image, variation, button0
bred.hu…In our model, the core element is to get to know the users and their expectations from the space they would use, so that we could optimize the interaction between user and space. Function, ergonomics, and design are the 3 pillars of our method which we examine in our “inside-out” design model.space, solution, office, function, spatial0
azonnalifutar.huOur mission is to develop into the best known, largest and best courier service. We provide reliable, profitable service to our customers with motivated employees and partners who share our values.continuous status, status reportdelivery, price, solution, immediate, courier0
businessenglishonskype.hu…and Peter Drucker— encouraged businesses to consider their environments, to consider the needs of people, and to remain adaptable to change. Maintaining the conditions for business growth, and the correct positioning of product within their market, were considered key to business strategy.marital status, status marrymanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy0
russianstudies.huMember of Russian Academy of Sciences Veniamin Alekseev – Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Вranch of the RAS (Ekaterinburg, Russia) • Professor Evgenii Anisimov – St. Petersburg Historical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) • Professor Dániel Bagi –…russian, study, history, russia, historical0
skriba.huYou're seeing this page because you haven't configured any homepage URL and debug mode is enabled.http statussymfony, memory, homepage, mode, page0
xmm.huOur masseuses and colleagues put emphasis on professionalism every day. We do our best to ensure that the massage or chair massage, office chair massage provided in hotels, in an office or at an event is relaxing, stimulating and, above all, effective.health status, status surveymassage, yoga, health, workplace, manager0
szolnokim.huSession… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment…redirect statusarray, request, object, log, true0
celebguru.hu…Left Sidebar… Article Category Blog… Standard Post Format… Video Post Format… Audio Post Format…post, format, category, article, news0
chipkv.huWe're experts in maximizing engine performance and fuel efficiency for both petrol and diesel vehicles. Our experienced engineers stay ahead of the curve by conducting thorough R&D and utilizing the latest stratified ECU tuning techniques. We test all of our files extensively to ensure they meet…engineer status, status online, system statusfile, performance, vehicle, homepage, truck0
csibvpn.huThe csibVPN is one of Hungary's best VPN provider. It's started as a project in the University, but in nowodays it's much more!bandwidth, unlimited, connection, data, monthly0
dewinter.huOur mission is the local and international sales and distribution of canned food products produced in Hungary and the surrounding countries. We are dedicated to proving that WinterTrade Plc stands for Reliability, and our brands and represent Quality.operator status, status huwinter, international, retail, raw, material0
mobillelatok.huNew dimensions are opened among open-air grandstands by Papp Works’ mobile grandstands with their capability for traction and having only 10 or 12 rows height. No more broken, damaged or missing spare parts fallen from the truck, no more colleagues injured while building the scaffold.meter, mobile, row, rent, construction0
bukkivandor.huMagyarázat… Profil… Hívási…table, null, permission, simple, primary0
e2hungary.huE2 Hungary started its business on 1 January 2016 in the Hungarian market of energy supply. It entered the market as a new player, which, however, looks back to certain business traditions, as the founders of the company used to be significant players of the energy industry and trade while its…meter statuspage, energy, trading, request, proposal0
bozzayviktor.hustand-alone applications, and some were made solely for the purpose of performing technical measurements. I have also had the opportunity to lead smaller projects. I designed and created strain gauge-based sensors to solve fatigue and vibration problems. I have gained competence in vibration…machine status, status surveyuniversal, curriculum, developer, application, measurement0
snowboards.hu…Ninja Suits… Headwear… Amplifi… Anon… Aphex… Arbor… Snowboards… Bent Metal bindings… Burton…close, type, woman, glove, helmet0
irpg.huAs of version 3.0, if more than 15% of online players are level 45 or higher, then a random level 45+ user will battle another random player every hour. This is to speed up levelling among higher level players.online statuspenalty, item, command, simply, password0
budapestlngsummit.hu…in Central and Eastern Europe since 7 years with well-established brands like the Budapest Energy Summit, the Budapest LNG Summit, the Budapest Hydrogen Summit and the Budapest Climate Summit. Out events are ideally placed to take a prominent role in connecting policymakers and the business…development status, status verticallng, summit, gas, energy, speaker0
carwallpapers.huVannak dolgok, amik nem változnak, például a legújabb Jurassic Parkban is feltűnik egy Mercedes, csakúgy, mint 1997-ben.status designperformance, engineering, automotive, concept, premium0
metommusic.hu…Hardcore Crossover… Rock… Cannibal Corpse - Vile LP 180g Mastered For Vinyl… Lucifer - Lucifer V CD…live, marble, white, day, edition0
wordpressdev.huAstroWind is a free, customizable and production-ready template for Astro 4.0 + Tailwind CSS. AstroWind: Production-ready. Suitable for Startups, Small Business, SaaS websites, Professional Portfolios, Marketing websites, Landing Pages & Blogs.website, css, template, page, free0
aod.huProgress – Cataclysm… Chimaeron… Conclave of Wind… Twilight Ascendants… Valiona és Theralion… TS3…realm statusbattle, mythic, alliance, destiny, ago0
nconnect.hunConnect Hungary Ltd. founded by IT professionals, experts from the various areas of Information Technology in 2010 in order to integrate their experience. We are providing complete services on the field of IT Security, along with designing, planning and managing Information Systems from zero to…security, solution, intelligence, hardware, hacking0
23cloud.huIn order to streamline support requests and better serve you, we utilize a support ticket system. Every support request is assigned a unique ticket number which you can use to track the progress and responses online. For your reference we provide complete archives and history of all your support…ticket statussupport, ticket, customer, center, request0
legacymu.huJoin MU Online! the free-to-play fantasy RPG based on the legendary Continent of MU! Feel the power of forbidden magic! Explore and fight!server status, status onlinelegacy, legendary, power, continent, free0
seismology.huThe table below shows the list of earthquakes occurred in Hungary since January 1, 2022. All times are given in universal time (UTC). For felt earthquakes, the maximum epicentral intensity is given according to the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS).manual, croatia, earthquake, romania, ukraine0
beresbela.huThis gallery was made with just some CSS simply tricks. There are three classes for large, medium and small images. Each class uses different effect settings for rotation and box-shadow, both in regular and hover state. The z-index value moves the image up on hover. A specific design was applied…forest, image, location, gallery, small0
usapolo.huAutós, Filmes, Horror, Koponyás, Mountain, Rock Fashion, Sport, Video Game Ruházat és Kiegészítőkplan, death, game, gothic, video0
csorbai.hu© 2021 Adam Csorbai • All Rights Reservedstat, winner, pic, skill, overall0
kszs-law.huBudapest Bar: Kántor, Szilasi, Sárközy and Partners (KSzS) has been a registered member of the Budapest Bar Association since the 1 st of January 1992. Our lawyers and associate lawyers are also members of the Budapest Bar Associationlaw, lawyer, social, publication, engagement0
sargagumi.hu…Element… Seat… Smart… Subaru… Nakayama… Land Rover… Suzuki… Romagna Route… Toyota… Mazda…land, radial, element, route, line0
ivarsejtbank.huFree Powerliners Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Round Shoelaces Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.order statusamet, lorem, consectetur, ipsum, dolor0
dockbau.huMár készülőben van a ház, de a kivitelezővel gonjaink vannak. Át tudják venni a folyamatokat?redirect statusarray, controller, action, request, component0
innight.huInnight - the company of logistic solutions! - Night delivery, goods transportation, night courier service, adr courier service, express parcel delivery, express transportationHellmann Worldwide Logistics CEP Kftcurrent status, status parcellogistic, transportation, delivery, night, parcel0
kovgafam.huAbout us Our services Gallery Measuring Quality policy Our machine park Our references Contuct usproduction, quality, eng, machine, precision0
kutyaland.huLost your password?… Home… Minden termék… Login or…order statusview, quick, quisque, elit, dog0
neternet.hu…Soon… 404 Page… Login Form… Posts… Standard Post Format… Gallery Post Format… Video Post Format…gallery, column, post, space, format0
alphahosting.huNot only do we offer a 100% free trial for the first month on any hosting package, we also have a variety of other great benefits!server statushosting, server, ssl, certificate, dummy0
lasplo.huCurrently I using Exact Audio Copy v1.5 and after ripping (almost with every CD) I get “There were errors” message at the end of .log file. All tracks quality is 100% and crc values are same.service status, status servicelaszlo, user, file, music, password0
fonoise.huThe aim of our system is to show an active hearing protection warning sign in critical work areas with flexibly deployable and freely configurable devices. The permanent warning sign quickly loses its effect in workplaces with varying noise level, because workers do not link the actual noise level…noise, sound, unit, protection, benefit0
kellalapitvany.huBeszámolók, jelentések… Galéria… Kapcsolat… Beszámolóink… Közhasznúsági jelentések… >> tovább <<…table, simple, primary, lock, joomla0