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609 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: function

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sidenote.hufunction. This This is is how how it it works. works. It It gets gets a a piece piece of of text, text, which which will will be be “written” with with a a defined defined font font (note (note that that the the chosen chosen font font should should be be in in the the project’s data data folder)…function previously, function float, function randomization, new functionlocal, color, outline, like, bash41
garenal.huThe Garenal Plus Drink Powder thanks to its unique ingredients can help the proper function of the immune system, protect our cells against oxidative stress and protect the health of our liver.proper function, function immune, healthy function, function body, function nervouspowder, drink, health, body, liver23
helping-hand.huThey also understood the role and importance of self-regulation and executive functions, and what methods one can use to help children develop these. There was a great emphasis on understanding and acquiring the practical interventions and strategies, by which one can support the everydays and…good function, function family, executive function, function method, memory functionchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten21
por.huMiRNA-195-5p Functions as a Tumor Suppressor and a Predictive of Poor Prognosis in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer by Directly Targeting CIAPIN1 1181regulation function, function human, oncogenic function, function proliferation, lymphoid functionuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine13
seafleet.huThe price of our product is determined by the required functions and the number of managed cars, so it can be flexibly changed with the growth of the company.product function, function numberfleet, management, software, overview, data11
indicon.hu…is in reset state (indicated by the LED on the sensor). If there is no reset indication, the push of the button will start a daytime heating period of predetermined duration. The duration can be adjusted in the parameter settings. The function can be activated multiple times in case it is needed.feature function, function eco, restart function, function reset, setting functioncontroller, zone, sensor, heating, input8
3delite.hu…be also used for off-line processing eg. in an audio editor to modify the volume of the audio stream. The library is based on a shape editor window and a BASS DSP function. Requirements: any programming delevoper environment that supports the stdcall calling convention. C++ and Delphi API included.sample function, function like, edit function, function need, fps functionfile, component, library, software, use7
fejlesztek.huThe constructor function creates an uint array named “data” with length “integers”. The uints from bs copied here. The remaining space is filled with zeros.generaclase function, function deep, constructor function, function uint, popcount functiondata, bit, image, file7
digitrainspro.huUse the Dispatcher game, simply set up routes, track occupied sections on the layout, play Station speaker announcements. With the Model Time function, trains can run on schedule!special function, function service, direction function, function locomotive, time functionapp, user, model, control, versatile7
bred.hu…In our model, the core element is to get to know the users and their expectations from the space they would use, so that we could optimize the interaction between user and space. Function, ergonomics, and design are the 3 pillars of our method which we examine in our “inside-out” design model.lighting function, function theater, analysis function, function standard, practice functionspace, solution, office, spatial, health7
praxi-dent.huWordzie GO: Play excellent quiz-based games, learn languages with word lists and master any subject, math, biology, chemistry or anything! With student and teacher functions. - Wordzie GOteacher function, function wordziestudent, teacher, language, chemistry, list7
cgib.huClass (Procedure) Call (Procedure) Function (Procedure) Include (Procedure) Sub (Procedure)cgib function, function procedure, command function, function consolecolor, contenttype functionprocedure, center, help, tutorial, article7
procurcon.hu…of the potentials, the exploring, structuring and implementing the ideas, and monitoring the applied changes and results. The Procurement function can play various roles in this initiative, and our Partners will identify the best tailored solution for the Clients, and their management team.administrative function, function cost, procurement function, function table, function internationallyprocurement, purchase, process, management, improvement6
regioexpo.huOrganizing a virtual conference is a lot like organizing a live one. It is a very multi-faceted task that requires precise planning and management. RegioExpo helps you with this, as the platform can be completely customized and the functions can be changed according to our customers’ needs.completely function, function customerconference, virtual, lecture, main, hall6
abtl.hu(2) The Minister of Cultural Heritage is entitled to permit the placement of holdings of the loci authentici of the capitular or convent bodies (ecclesiastical bodies entrusted with notarial functions) in the competent domestic ecclesiastical archives, and of other public records in open private…course function, function agency, continuous function, function archive, condition functionarchive, shall, public, record, document6
exmachina.huBuy now and pay later payment function for in-store purchases. This function can be implemented in any payment mobile application which can handle QR codes. The solution based on the instant payment system.follow function, invoicing function, payment function, function store, purchase functionpayment, solution, terminal, electronic, module6
magnexpress.huDuring active sport activities our body has a higher need for magnesium. As the muscle work gets more intense the appropriate amount and quality of magnesium is indespensable. The magnesium contributes not only to the normal muscle function but to the normal protein synthesis too.normal function, function muscle, function nervous, muscle function, function normalmagnesium, normal, page, main, muscle5
toepler.hu…therapeutic treatment from all three severity categories are determined. In the case of the OSA group, a test batterie measuring neurocognitive functions is taken after the polysomnographic examination, before the start of therapeutic treatment. The inclusion of the test package is planned to be…cognitive function, function obstructive, neurocognitive function, function polysomnographic, function suitablesleep, norm, medical, institute, research5
speedcounter.huVMS (Video Management Server) suitable for the ONVIF standard. Also it is easy to integrate into any kind of city management or road monitoring system. SpeedCounter delivers the standard video visualization features and the high-tech data collecting and alerting functions on the same user interface.alerting function, function user, function mail, personalization function, function cameratraffic, solution, vehicle, speed, software5
abstractman.huThe differences between them can be sorted in two main categories in function of the regularity. On the one hand the shape with the rhombic dodecahedral cadre represents a higher level of symmetry summation. The 90 degree hyperbolic paraboloid faces of the contrastoid are symmetry compages on…big function, function radius, category function, function regularity, automatic functionsurface, solid, shape, edge, case5
krgroup.huWe have been present in Hungary since 2016, offering a wide range of services including accounting, HR and payroll functions, tax advisory and compliance. With our boutique-like approach, we can help you build your presence in Hungary from scratch or support you in developing your existing business.payroll function, function taxtax, group, accounting, vat, rate5
eutdij.huIn every cases all vehicle owners has to purchase route ticket before vehicles begin road usage. On the e-road toll obligatory roads there is an extensive network of fixed and mobile control system functioning, thereby filtering out unauthorized road users is almost completely possible. National…use function, function operation, system function, function unauthorized, alarm functionvehicle, device, road, axle, easy5
csharp-tutorial.huIn the past few weeks I was asked to create a simple login form by several developers. In this short useful code you’ll see a login form with logoff and remember me function on the main form. Some of the …logoff function, function maintutorial, code, framework, entity, useful5
marmin.huWeb Visitors Visitors Into Into Leads Leads is is a a tool tool widget widget that’s functions functions on on your your site, site, set set to to capture capture every every visitor’s Name, Name, Email Email address address and and Phone Phone Number. Number. It It signals signals you you the the…widget function, function site, lead function, function instantlylead, site, visitor, free, website5
rigocon.huThe embedded concordance of the business lines, finance and the supporting functions is key to longer-term success for any firm; this however, should be based on the internal transparency of processes defining roles and responsibilities, decision making, data flows and systems, records and…finance function, function key, compliance function, function relevantrisk, management, control, solution, financial4
vargaae.hu> This project is an online B2C shopping application that contains a basic e-commerce’s functions from shopping to placing order with using real-time databaseadministrator function, function project, commerce function, function order, function crudapplication, andras, portfolio, developer, skill4
classboxmester.huBy the help of the Class book function you can make an archive of your child’s elementary school memories.share function, function useful, book function, function archiveschool, class, student, parent, child4
maxwell-digital.huSmart multimeter with temperature, frequency measuring function. The device communicates with your smartphone using the free mobile application.frequency function, function device, function protectdigital, diode, continuity, data, light4
health-wise-living.huThe space where we live, live, work, always affects us. Over the decades, interior design and interior decoration have evolved to an artistic level, so that in addition to function, our soul feels good in the environment. With advances in science , the advent of smart home systems have made our…comfort function, function effect, addition function, function soulinterior, health, space, live, wise4
rigokft.huThe Lamibind 3000 PUR semi automatic bookbinder machine is one of the most cost effective professional semi-automatic PUR binding machines in the world. It is a member of the Lamibind family of products; and has all the necessary functions and more that are required by a medium size printing shop.necessary function, function mediummachine, production, cut, semi, automatic4
midgames.huIt is time to check the winner 4kbyte intro production from Function demoscene meeting, last weekend at Budapest. Fluted all around :) You can check the real time version here!intro function, production function, function demosceneintro, game, animation, version, developer4
ar-game.huOur gamification solutions, which we combine with special AR functions, are perfectly applicable in the life of companies. They add color to the event of a company meeting, help employees cooperate during team-building games, increase the spirit of competition, and act as a unifying force.unique function, function ar, ar function, function application, application functiongame, application, reality, solution, mobile4
control1.huControlling is, simply put, a management function ensuring that your business is performing up to your plans.management function, function businesscontrol, management, controller, analysis, plan4
eniac.huAB4 - Accounting & Business is an integrated accounting system that provides a comprehensive solution for the accurate and precise management of your company's accounting and payroll tasks, including basic accounting and complete controlling functions. AB4 is a complex but affordable cloud-based…control function, function complexmanagement, software, solution, detail, enterprise4
lightport.huInvolvement of vehicles involved in road traffic without a data collection function in road data collectioncollection function, function road, specific function, function ext, main functionroad, pilgrimage, portal, application, development4
joshua.huBash and SSH fun: SSH is eating my stdin! Or: why does my Bash script not continue after returning from a function?cryptographic function, function wycheproofminute, read, fun, bash, tip4
magnewill.huYour body requires more nutrients when you are under more intense exertion. During this exertion your muscle need optimal magnesium supplementation for its proper function.proper function, function nervous, function musclemagnesium, supplementation, muscle, main, page4
pietro-smarthome.huThe intelligent shutter control function provides you more than just comfort. The shutters are lowered when the alarm goes off, which adds to your security. The movement of the shutters keeps adjusting to the heating and cooling systems, which guarantees energy saving.main function, smarthome function, control function, function comfortcontrol, free, quote, gallery, advantage4
budapestboatcruise.huBudapestEvent Hostess Agency is a professional hostess agency in Budapest, providing hostesses for events, conferences, corporate and promotional functions since 2005. Hire our exhibition hostess staff for trade fairs in Budapest, Hungary or out of Hungary as well. Our team includes multilingual…promotional function, function exhibitionagency, event, exhibition, conference, trade4
szoftveralapcsomag.hu…offers them a customized user profile fitting their general needs. The user interface of this customized profile contains special icons and function groups that make the often-used functionalities easier to reach. For example, one can find the launch icons of document editing, note taking…package function, function service, icon function, function group, calendar functionuser, software, package, success, digital3
kornyezet-szimulacio.huThe Weiss Technik Climate Test Chambers Clime Event help you to test the influence of temperature and humidity on the properties, function and lifespan of your products. Reproducible, certified and under accelerated conditions.improve function, function innovative, network function, function easy, property functionchamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental3
szuszekos.huIn addition to their woodworking characteristics, the structural solutions not follow-ing from the function also drew attention to their content connected to faith – this was duly justified by the signs used on the chests. The use of a roof form on these carpentry-style chests, which can also be…solution function, function attention, faith function, function particular, symbol functionchest, style, carpentry, item, geometric3
raicszoltan.huThe early version of the main user interface of Vision Experiment Manager has limited analysis functions. It focuses on controlling Femtonics RC Microscope and visual stimulation software. It handles scan regions, displays online analysis status. It has access to motorized stage and goniometer…retinal function, function feedback, analysis function, function femtonics, alternative functionexperiment, software, vision, hardware, manager3
azumba.hu…safeguard sensitive data, these platforms provide granular access settings, security protocols, and a customizable watermark to prevent unauthorized for downloading or screenshots. They also offer advanced search functions, audit trails, and user authentication to limit unauthorized use of system.search function, function audit, extra function, function rate, mature functionlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule3
ccsys.hu…evaluate and report the measured values, settings and corrections afterwards. The measured values are always saved, and the optional ISO report function of the system records the compliance with ISO, PSO and other standards. The CSyS ColorLAB module helps You adjust the CTP tone value increase…assurance function, function loop, report function, function system, correction functioncolor, control, measurement, quality, camera3
ratotcenter.hu…in some of our store rooms to facilitate faster and more accurate loading. On the premise workshop and other service areas with ancillary functions also available sized between 20-250 sqm, headroom up to 3m. Electric power consumed by those areas to be metered separately on an individual…ancillary function, function availableoffice, warehouse, center, sqm, parking3
travelsoft.huEasy to integrate interface, to build new systems, to expand the functions of existing websites.system function, function websitesolution, corporate, software, custom, technology3
ovifon.hu…day. And they are too little, to explain in details, even if we ask. We all try to take action to limit this lack of information. We form groups, use social media, while we are fully aware that it is not secure and neither does it fit this function. But that is over thanks to the arrival of Ovifon!secure function, function thank, emergency function, function childpreschool, parent, organization, child, detail3
historycruise.huwall. But the building you see up there was only erected in the early 20th century; it’s not medieval at all, no fisherman ever fought there. The function of the building is purely decorative; it was built to give a nice frame for the church. And obviously it was built for you as there’s a very nicefisherman function, function build, different function, function waste, main functionbridge, city, history, cruise, build3
basicasset.huThe area of UX might be unknown to some people. It basically refers to ensuring perfect user experience, experience that makes users ‘feel at home’ with the application. When an application has a good UX, users don’t need to look for the functions, the whole menu structure is self-explanatory, and…user function, function menu, quality function, function processprocess, management, development, basic, asset3
pestbuda.huThe renewal of the City Park continues, the new National Gallery is also planned to be built The Liget Budapest project continues with family-friendly developments, in addition to the recreational functions of the park, other green areas are also renewed: this year, the KRESZ park and its…new function, function rebirth, recreational function, function park, traffic functionago, square, public, build, century3
yardmanagement.huThe functions of a Warehouse Management System and an intelligent mobile data collection software merged into a powerful logistics solution: this is L-mobile WMS.benefit function, positioning function, function singleyard, management, solution, mobile, plan3
epds.hu…to operators. In the case of the operators of explosive areas, the responsibility increases exponentially, since in addition to ensuring the function of the given equipment, they also take responsibility for avoiding that they become an ignition source in addition to ensuring the same technicaladdition function, function equipment, main function, activity function, function userequipment, environment, activity, operation, management3
a47.huThe three-storey building on the corner of Andrássy út and Liszt Ferenc tér was built in 1878 in Neo-Renaissance and eclectic style with a residential function, based on Vilmos Freud’s designs. Due to the dilapidated condition of the building, it has spoiled the World Heritage cityscape for years…residential function, function commercial, catering function, function shell, function vilmosbuild, area, history, description, location3
mullermonika.huDiverse architectural design, many functions, and easy interiors for the family and gathering of friends.location function, function room, design function, function easyinterior, process, main, page, apartment3
informula.huThe result of the business digitalization and automatization the implemented IT functions and the data are increasing . If an enterprise wants to be data-driven it has to process high volume real-time data with low latency. The classical centralized and monolith IT architectures can not handle…automatization function, function data, business function, function completely, function independentlyreal, data, infrastructure, enterprise, architecture3
mscity.huFrom 2012, she has been successfully managing her own company again. She is the owner and managing director of MS City Audit, as well as working in the function of auditor. In addition to the abovementioned functions, she also provides IFRS consultancy and auditing services . She has native-level…audit function, function auditor, abovementioned function, function ifrs, kft functiontax, city, accountancy, accountant, client3
premiumapartmanok.huDepending on which of the functions or services of our website you use, it may be necessary to use your personal data. Your personal data will not be used for the types of use specified in this data protection declaration.able function, function websiteapartment, data, personal, premium, process3
vasutimerleg.huWith the right sensing system, rail operators can learn a great deal of data about the trains that roll on their tracks. AMTAB’s system for monitoring weight and wheel damage of railway cars continues to develop new functions based on sophisticated analysis of the data its sensors collect.new function, function sophisticatedrailway, wheel, network, durability, installation3
puzsar.huKicad TTConv, TTConv, image image to to kicad kicad converter, converter, scalePCB scalePCB and and other other python python functions functions Mige Mige Home Home pagelanguage function, function library, python function, function migepage, pic, electronic, software, basic3
algeo.huPlot functions and find points of interests such as roots or intersections. Algeo automatically finds these points and jumps to them.advanced function, function sinh, plot function, function point, feature functioncalculator, review, manual, faq, beautiful3
masszazsfotel.huThe Sanyo FX1 is more than just a zero gravity chair. Beside the Zero Gravity experience, two different air massage functions are taking care of the refreshment of your body and mind.dreamwave function, function feel, massage function, function carechair, massage, showroom, relaxation, interested3
faportal.huHis modestly beautiful pieces of furniture breathe the peace of the forest; his playgrounds with their remarkable atmosphere revive wood. All works of the folk-industry artist Tóth Attila prove that function and natural form can be tamed and bound into each other.attila function, function natural, beauty function, function yearplayground, furniture, wood, public, wooden3
ocmhungary.huThis is a so-called "comfort module", that gives new convenience and security functions to the vehicle's factory default functions. The OCM modul connects to the factory diagnostic connector (OBD II), there is no need for cabling or complex mounting. By removing the module from the OBD connector…security function, function vehicle, default function, function ocm, original functionmodule, action, video, voltage, close3
bsce.huOur Smartphone Banking application is a front-end connector application for Internet Banking system to reach them from modern mobile phones and tablets. Above the usual functions of a mobile internet bank client solution the application has two extras, the Guardlet alarm system, which keeps the…usual function, function mobiledevelopment, management, solution, data, report3
serpakalandpark.huDepending on which of the functions or services of our website you use, it may be necessary to use your personal data. Your personal data will not be used for the types of use specified in this data protection declaration.able function, function websitedata, price, adventure, personal, process3
kinai-medicina.hu​ Tuina or Chinese medical massage is a powerful manual treatment which uses various massage techniques and places pressure on relevant acupoints in order to regulate physiological functions, promote blood circulation, loosen up muscles and relieve pain.physiological function, function acupoints, body function, function gradually, function bloodacupuncture, pain, herb, chinese, problem3
nanotechnology.huwell-defined crystallographic orientation. Ribbons with edges of so-called zigzag orientation display a sharp semiconductor-metal transition as a function of their width, which was identified as the signature of a magnetic switching from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic coupling between…composite function, function nanocarbon, transition function, function width, mwnt functionpublication, butterfly, image, detail3
kopintalapitvany.hu…industry. The study provides data on several companies, but also uses the example of one company – BYD – to demonstrate the functioning of the Chinese support system and the wider situation of the Chinese EA industry. It suggests that the Chinese state is seeking global…byd function, function chinese, corporate function, function factor, understand functioneconomic, international, literature, country, economy3
singularcrew.huThe crew has attended Function Party. Leon's compo picture for the handdrawn graphics competition got first place.crew function, function partycrew, graphic, poison, music, plugin2
fulspecialista.hu…spur, nasal spines, basal lamella due to septoplasty, and nasal polyp surgery due to nasal polyposis, which is also painless. Impaired nasal function may also be caused by middle ear disease, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, or ethmoidal sinusitis. The causes of nasal bleeding, epistaxis, can be…nasal function, function middle, nutritional function, function digestionear, nose, throat, inflammation, disease2
goconcept.huIt helps you overcome mental blocks, attain goals, live up to change, and to keep a clear view of your own situation, your own functioning.leadership function, function situationaltraining, lab, development, trainer, change2
faa.huIFS means Iterated Function System. This is a description of an iterated function system mainly for novices in math.iterate function, function system, description functionartwork, exhibition, drawing, website, text2
granoperis.huOur company was established in 2020 primarily to provide temporary employment and recruitment services. Our employees – in their previous functions – were in contact with several large companies, which require a significant number of employees, as a Client. Among others, they have cooperated with…previous function, function contact, function staffcurrent, hire, employee, recruitment, previous2
sinus-gyertya.huDue to the perfect unity of shape and function, it will give you pleasure as a decoration and as a household good as well.form function, function website, shape function, function pleasureproduction, traditional, magical, colour, packaging2
aatdevelopment.huIn case your company does not run a big HR team, or there is no definite HR function, but you do get in situations, where it might be advisable to have an HR professional at hand...hr function, function situation, function partner, instead function, function organizationmanager, introduction, development, solution, main2
odpartner.hu…new realizations, to energize and to strengthen connections. In our work, we simultaneously yearn to strengthen the abilities for organizational changes, to optimize business efficiency and to evolve an organizational culture and functioning that is attractive to the coworkers on the long term too.culture function, function attractive, leader function, function practicedevelopment, organizational, talent, leadership, management2
deliontechnik.huThe sprinkler system is the most common water-based built-in fire extinguisher. Its function is to extinguish or control the fire during the initial phase, without human intervention. Water is the most commonly used extinguishing agent. Its high thermal capacity, non-flammability, high heat of…extinguisher function, function firewater, gas, fire, construction, mist2
innopharmkft.huVitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12 play an essential role in the energy-yielding metabolism of the immune system, contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system (vitamin B2, B3, B12) and contribute to the maintenance of the normal skin (vitamin B2, B3). Vitamin B2, B3, B6 and B12…normal function, function immune, function nervousdetail, food, supplement, normal, mineral2
aplusrenovation.huMoreover, you may need to divide the home into more rooms to accommodate the increasing number of family members. In that case, the function of a home keeps on changing; hence, a renovation might be required to meet the changes. In addition, improving property’s efficiency is another good reason.home function, case function, function homerenovation, property, remodel, quote, free2
osas.hu…Édeske just could not stand the political regime from the ‘60ies all the way up to the political changes in 1989 as he always ridiculed the functioning of a non-functioning system through and by artistic means. His exhibitions those days were often closed literally a day after their opening if…change function, function non, non function, function systemart, post, open, exhibition, structure2
budapesthotelsnet.hu…participants, as well. The four-star Danubius hotel has excellent public transport connections. All air-conditioned rooms are equipped with Internet access. The hotel's conference centre offers 12 air-conditioned function rooms with a wide range of services for businessmen and conference guests.additional function, function room, air functionreservation, city, centre, room, discount2
katalin2.huKatalin II's website sets cookies solely in order to enable or enhance functions or improve the navigation experience for the user. Under no circumstances does Katalin II Sétahajó szolgáltató Bt. use cookies to collect, process, disseminate or record personal data.order function, function navigation, aware function, function browserboat, river, captain, hot, summer2
belsoepitesz-lakberendezo.huEach space has a special objects, which dominate in scenery, and function. Not only at the custom-made furniture, but at every object, the usability and visuals is an important aspect of a design. Each composed …scenery function, function customroom, furniture, interior, kitchen, object2
yellowcar.huThe Porsche Dynamic Light System (PDLS) is available as an option. Its dynamic cornering light function swivels the main headlights towards the inside of a bend, based on steering angle and road speed, so as to light up more of the road at bends and turns. Put simply, the road ahead is illuminated…light function, function main, technology function, function taillightspage, yellow, model, vehicle, light2
fitprogramokregivel.huWith a crisp, refreshing watermelon flavor, Forever Multi Fizz™ is an effervescent tablet that helps you jump-start your hydration by providing a bubbly flavor boost to water. It is enhanced with vitamins B, C and E, which support a variety of body functions, energy and metabolism. (Gluten free…liver function, function cell, body function, function energylifestyle, flavor, plant, powder, natural2
mmgrendszerhaz.huThe Ergo+LeoVISION system is a vision function and work efficiency measurement and development system that thoroughly examines the visual information intake and cognitive processing in its full detail and complexity.vision function, function workprocess, control, automation, production, machinery2
okthaimassage.hu…significance in Thai massage. If you place a human body from the torso upwards on the sole, you get a map of the different organs and body parts. By massaging the reflexology points of the foot and the sole of the foot, the masseur can treat the problems of the organs and harmonise their functions.organ function, function bodymassage, foot, neck, head, traditional2
sherlockrehab.huSometimes it is a diagnosis in itself; sometimes the cause is unclear even to medical science; but often the pain in the head is just the result of abnormal functioning of another organ or area.abnormal function, function organ, system function, function fasciamanual, therapy, therapist, treatment, pain2
netbriefing.huIn addition to the above, the system can also provide the normal functions of an offline navigation system, such as route planning, NAVLOG creation, weight and balance calculations, in-flight navigation with the "Direct To" function, and so on. The use of the system is free, only installation of…normal function, function offline, direct function, function useflight, plan, navigation, air, arrival2
nyomozzvelunk.hu…Unique solution in Hungary: professional mobile application-driven team game with more than 40 analog elements, built-in augmented reality (AR) function - an unforgettable team experience! Who is it for? - For employees of multinational companies, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, event…ar function, function unforgettablegame, hunt, urban, mobile, build2
bekesstock.hu…foyer, an area where the spectators could stop during the intervals of the theatre shows. After the earthquake of 62 AD the building changed its function and became a barracks for gladiators, which resulted in certain parts of the building being reorganised. The most important rooms were those on…build function, function barrackscounty, travel, europe, tourism, vacation2
tunderkert97.huThe wearing surface can be laid in various colors. Patterns, graphics, cartoon characters, dimensional sculptures matching to the playground’s spirit and function, can be used to create a more exciting surface and playtime for children.spirit function, function exciting, shock function, function materialsurface, rubber, wet, material, playground2
siz.huMy idea was that as the SD2IEC firmware already supports different hardware variants and bus implementations (Commodore serial, DophinDOS parallel, IEEE-488) we could easily add support for TCBM too and use all the other (like SD-card handling, filesystem, disk image and file handling, firmware…update function, function original, new function, function freedate, release, description, development, environment2
multisoft.huThe MultiSoft team is always up to date regarding our problems and responds flexibly to our requests, whether it’s a simple question or the launch and implementation of a larger, short-term project. We have been using Dynamics ERP for several years with developments and localization functions by…save function, function crash, localization function, function multisoftinvoice, application, development, solution, power2
hsmti.hu…automated buffer storage into an existing production line. Risk and resource evaluation of production lines, making of proposals for capacity expansion. Expansion of an existing production lines with additional function. Implement of automatic material transfer systems beetwen production machines.control function, function image, additional function, function implementmachine, image, process, technology, production2
katonalab.hu…that synapses exploit a plethora of additional messenger molecules integrated into sophisticated signaling pathways to accomplish their complex functions. Thus, the major objective of our laboratory is to identify new signaling systems regulating synaptic transmission and its plasticity. We aspirecomplex function, function major, synaptic function, function newlaboratory, molecular, news, people, publication2
arenatel.huOther services: CAMERA REPLACEMENT, PORT REPLACEMENT, BACK COVER REPLACEMENT, WIFI REPAIR, FUNCTION BUTTON REPLACEMENTreplacement function, function button, repair functionphone, device, replacement, mobile, type2
magtein.huOur Magtein® (Magnesium L-threonate) products are built on more than a decade of research from MIT led by the original inventor [Dr. Liu]. Magtein® is a revolutionary magnesium product that crosses the blood-brain barrier and supports improved cognitive functions.executive function, function memorymagnesium, cee, distributor, region, website2
szemvizsgalat.hu…are accumulated in the macula, via their antioxidant and photoprotective activities protect macula against oxidative stress. 1,2,3 Zinc Helps functioning of different enzymes in the eye, protects the retina against oxidative stress, takes part in synthesis of rhodopsin. 4,5,6 Copper Prevents…zinc function, function different, function enzymevision, eye, antioxidant, health, important2
centrehotelsbudapest.hu…four-star Danubius hotel has excellent public transport connections. All air-conditioned rooms are equipped with Internet access. The hotel's conference centre offers 12 air-conditioned function rooms with a wide range of services for businessmen and conference guests. ✔️ Hotel Hungaria City Centerair function, function room, function seminarcentre, enquiry, city, price, booking2
atriumpanzio.huWe have an approx. 35 square meter function room for rent which is perfect for 12-15 person for birthdays, team buildings, small events, product intros.meter function, function roomatrium, booking, lovely, breakfast, package2
malnalab.huA new research group with András as the scientific leader will be started next January at Eotvos Lorand University. The group is funded by the grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for five years, and its project will focus on predicting relations of protein structural dynamics and enzymatic…research, article, september, june, molecular2
jobgroup.huWith in-depth industry knowledge, a local and global network of contacts, and the most innovative methods, we address the labour market challenges of the energy and utilities sector. In addition to our comprehensive services, we also offer an HR decision support function.detail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour2
giaform.hu…in the field of design, part design, mould design, mould production, plastic injection moulding or CNC cutting. GIA Form ensures professionalism from the idea to its fulfilment. Cutting-edge machinery to serve function and design, bearing the rules of injection moulding technology in mind.machinery function, function designmould, form, manual, cut, plastic2
smileterminal.huOur primary focus is the art of designing and manufacturing natural teeth. As each restoration is unique to each patient and must mimic or enhance the beauty and function of the original teeth, as well as be in harmony with the rest of the system, this is perhaps the greatest challenge of the…chew function, function natural, beauty function, function originaldental, dentistry, treatment, smile, aesthetic2
familyday.hu…shifting the location of where the pen attaches to the overall mechanism, we also design cars that can “draw” linear combinations of the sine and the cosine functions. By additional circles on the car, we can get Fourier series, we can add any number of sinusoids so as to approximate any function.cosine function, function additionalbridge, math, family, day, art2
cogwheel.huWhich are the functions and activities ACTUALLY necessary to ensure the longevity of the company?actually functiontraining, development, employee, manager, participant2
kodkft.huIn its present setup, the AirImage system consists of two types of devices. The first type is a plastic-covered device. This device does not have a controlling function, it is only capable of making measurements. For this purpose, four sensors (temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and airborne…device function, function capableelectrical, production, control, implementation, activity2
mxcsoftware.huCloud based complex ticket selling system with public sales website, ticket office, reporting and invoicing functions tailored to partner networks.invoicing function, function partnersoftware, solution, calculator, development, app2
palmettadesign.hu“With Palmetta, we wanted to create a place that offers an exciting insight into the design culture of our time, that merges function, creativity and elegance at the highest level.”time function, function creativitykitchen, accessories, coffee, yellow, tray2
bmwmodulszerviz.huThe CCC iDrive is completely non functional, as a result your screen remains black. No navigation functions can be controlled from iDrive controller anymore.navigation function, function idriverepair, navigation, fault, logo, series2
tfmworld.huYou can make manual and automatic backups from your VPS. These functions are available in VPS Managervps function, function available, new functionserver, hosting, package, backup, day2
pillefizioterapia.huPhysiotherapy is not only therapy for sick people, but also an opportunity to get to know your body image, be aware of your movement strengths and that what lifestyle changes are necessary to preserve locomotor functions. One of the best feelings is that you can count on one to a professionally…insufficient function, function lymphatic, locomotor function, function goodpain, preparation, pelvic, physiotherapy, rehabilitation2
carlsbad.huCarlsbad Research has many years experience conducting numerous Veterinary Clinical Studies in a wide range of animal species. The management of the data collected (data capture) and the statistical analysis of the results are key functions in the conduct of Clinical Studies. The assurance of…key function, function conductresearch, study, clinical, animal, privacy2
markcon.hu…opportunitites. Numerous virtual pedestrian routes help the visitors to explore the town. The application also features a useful programme guide function. Besides offering a summary of various attractions the software also offers different map functions, which help in the orientation. The…guide function, function summary, map function, function orientationcampaign, game, website, development, application2
ringatokiskore.huthe half closed and covered Ring-a-tó Bistro is at your service as a venue for social functions and hospitalitysocial function, function shady, function hospitalityapartment, beach, lake, room, night2
countinghouse.huThis is an important function not only for the multinational companies, but also for the SME sector. So, I decided to move to the SME sector to strengthen the Counting House team, helping our Clients build-up their own HR processes, operate their employment admin systems, and the connecting…important function, function large, function multinationaltax, accounting, count, house, payroll2
admintips.hu1. Plain text mails Let’s say we have a mail with the following content: First we have to specify where the mails are: Then we can call our function: 2. HTML mails In this...simple function, function message, mail function, function htmlpowershell, tip, october, string, text2
axbo.huIt is important that you get up right after you hear your wake-up melody. If you do not get up you will fall asleep again and a new sleeping phase will start which would be unfavourable for waking up pleasantly. Therefore aXbo does not come with a snooze function.additional function, function possibilitysleep, alarm, phase, clock, wristband2
aranypartvilla.huWe use cookies to ensure the proper functioning of our website, to personalize content and advertisements, to offer social media functions, and to analyze our website traffic. By browsing our site, you consent to the use of cookies.proper function, function website, media functionroom, gallery, private, leisure, option2
b-labs.huThe development time of a mobile application is mainly determined by two things: the complexity of the functions to be developed and the graphical requirements.complexity function, function graphical, prototype function, function middlemobile, app, application, development, user2
wpmax.huThe income is generated directly or indirectly on the website. After every advertisement and social media post, all eyes are focused on your website, and if the website is not able to show an image that makes people trust it and dare to buy, then that website is not fulfilling its function.website, offer, media, social, tool2
naih.huh) The Authority makes recommendations with respect to new laws and to the amendment of laws pertaining to the processing of personal data, the access to data of public interest and to data accessible on public interest grounds, and shall give its opinion with respect to draft laws affecting its…organ function, function shallauthority, data, act, protection, president2
warehouserentinfo.hu…new warehouse. Several services of the portal are only available after the tenants, warehouse searchers have registered. With the help of these functions you can save your favorite warehouse buildings, you can send an inquiry to all of them at the same time and you can ask for a notification if a…help function, function favorite, search function, function portalwarehouse, rent, district, category, agency2
zhe.hu…for human-robot collaboration. In this paper, we present a novel controller combining the variable admittance control and assistant control. In particular, the reinforcement learning is used to obtain the optimal damping value of the admittance controller by minimizing the reward function.reward function, function agentvideo, robotic, jia, pan, human2
keli.huInstall connect-proxy: The debian package description is pretty clear in describing its functions:file function, function questionserver, view, apt, file, small2
shopperparkplus.huAlthough there are no established public transport links in the vicinity, there is direct access from the main road 26 to the facility, which is located in a central settlement of Northeastern Hungary, along a commercial corridor. The adjacent areas contain a mix of retail and other commercial…commercial function, function undevelopedretail, classification, area, property, portfolio2
merlegprofi.huIn addition to standard weighing mode, this economical indicator also features parts counting and accumulation functions.programming function, function comprehensiveclamp, stainless, steel, sample, speed2
kekstore.huOutdoor EDC Portable Gadgets Multi-function Key Holder Saws Bottle Opener Steel Stainless Hex Wrenchmulti function, function keyview, shipping, free, gift, woman2
chiesi.huOrgan failure means that an organ loses the ability to perform its physiological functions, and...rare, disease, care, pharmaceutical, respiratory2
deluxeinteriors.hu…for end consumers as well as professionals in the discerning gastronomy and hotel industry. These pieces feature the exceptional design , function, quality and manufacturing standards you have come to expect from products made in Germany, while also embodying the spirit of constant…design function, function qualitycart, brand, collection, heritage, vat2
kdwebdesign.huThe calendar input function enables the user to setup training, meditation and relaxation sessions with ease. Just open the feature and start setting up your time as you desireinput function, function userapp, mobile, template, page, input2
officerentinfo.hu…for a new office. Several services of the portal are only available after the tenants, office searchers have registered. With the help of these functions you can save your favorite office buildings, you can send an inquiry to all of them at the same time and you can ask for a notification if a newhelp function, function favorite, search function, function portaloffice, rent, district, building, category2
ieam.huMany useful functions of our CMMS and warehouse management system makes easily manageable and traceable the whole maintenance flow.useful function, function cmmssuccess, maintenance, login, condition, management2
katalizis.hu…- like intuition, rest, fantasy etc. - called ( Perception - ), and to change the individual itself - like thinking, reflexion, development etc. - called ( Action - ). These basic motives are related to the four cognitive functions of Jung: sensation, feeling, intuition, and thinking, respectively.cognitive function, function jung, analogy function, function innmotivational, theory, motive, motivation, model2
faedragroup.huOur group of companies develops buildings with different functions, from design to construction and sale. Our clients include families buying homes, investors and industrial companies.different function, function designgroup, development, construction, investor, gallery2
sttp.huRegression testing: With regression tests, our goal is to ensure that business-critical functions and processes work independently of change. If the maintenance tasks are acceptable, it is advisable to support this type of test with automation.business function, function requirement, critical function, function processpoint, client, straight, management, solution2
ebhinvest.hu"Reconstruction works of the Reformed Old Church in Pápa - the project affected different building functions in several separated buildings. During the full reconstruction of the Old Church and the related museum building, not only the buildings and the courtyard were renovated, but also the…mechanical function, function office, build function, function buildingconstruction, reconstruction, monument, general, engineering2
tmtanitas.huOver 350 of published research studies on the TM technique have documented major benefits for: stress and anxiety, brain function and cardiovascular.brain function, function cardiovascular, function lowmeditation, stress, deep, benefit, health2
medicort.huMedicort is accessible to its users through a web application and does not require the use of any special device. Computers or mobile devices used by the medical staff are capable of accessing Medicort’s functions. If integrated into a patient registry system, the service can be run within it as…network function, function cloud, medicort function, function patientpatient, journey, management, efficient, easy2
hevesgep.huThe product range is extremely wide, which can be divided into the following groups according to their function:machine, homepage, technology, reference, grain1
kamingroup.huWe use cookies to help you navigate efficiently and perform certain functions. You will find detailed information about all cookies under each consent category below.certain function, function detailgroup, page, preference, consent, website1
goldenwell.huTabletop and freestanding variants dispensers for 19 litre bottles. With heating and cooling function.water, mineral, bottle, quality, litre1
cardnet.huIn 2017, Festipay was one of the first companies to deploy NFC-enabled wristbands that combine ticketing, venue access and cashless payment functions in order to maximize convenience and service security for festivalgoers. Festipay is also the official cashless payment service provider of Budapest…payment function, function ordertransaction, detail, provider, electronic, market1
mnv.hu…complex providing cultural and tourist services according to the highest standards has also been created. Besides the renovation a multi-purpose function hall and an underground parking garage have been built, and the royal gardens of the Castle of Buda have also been restored. Not only does the…purpose function, function hallintroduction, website, asset, complete, purpose1
hunherbal.huWe use cookies to help you navigate efficiently and perform certain functions. You will find detailed information about all cookies under each consent category below.certain function, function detailpreference, consent, website, visitor, advertisement1
naniko.huAt any time, subject to a two-day period before the commencement of the lease, you can change your booking via the corresponding function. Naniko not charge any penalty in this case. However, one must take into account that a change in the type of vehicle or duration of the rental entail a change…correspond function, function nanikorental, availability, airport, price, additional1
napora.huLater on its role as decoration in parks, in castles, in gardens became just as important as its time-keeping function.horizontal, vertical, century, page, main1
autochip.huIn our chiptung page you’ll find detailed information about the procedure, function as well as the result of engine optimisation. We will explain how it is possible to reduce fuel consumption and increase horse power at the same time.procedure function, function resultengine, power, page, website, site1
bingham.huInstall printers, scanners and other devices. We will take care of their running and proper functioning. We will support and install your pc. Let's train users to use the pc and safely. In addition, we will provide you and your employees with support for any PC or peripheral problem. You no longer…proper function, function pcserver, software, user, additional, solution1
draaronstern.huFunction (return to your normal daily routine of eating, talking, smiling and being yourself)tooth, treatment, dental, dentistry, crown1
cableworld.huThe TOTALCRYPT system developed by CableWorld solves the descrambling function at the receiving side by using the standard Common Interface.descrambling function, function receivedevice, software, analyzer, download, uk1
dev-lab.huWe advise layered, sporty, casual clothing and comfortable, closed, flat-soled shoes (due to the hot cartridge). Please also consider that firearms can be greasy / oily / dirty as part of their normal functioning (lubrication, soot, gunpowder residues etc.) so please make sure you dress accordingly.normal function, function lubricationshoot, package, weapon, range, detail1
benyei.huWhile the preferences of style differ from person to person, the essential task of any successful interior design is to ensure a smooth purpose. Function should not be at odds with its form, rather in harmony with it. We think beyond the limits of the room: we often rethink the floor plans…purpose function, function oddinterior, space, build, architecture, energy1
petarolo.hu…advantage is that its laths can be moved separately, so the angle of the laths determines how much light comes through. It can be manually or electrically driven. In case of electrical drive the wind-, light-, temperature-detector and the automatic timing function make its use even more convenient.timing function, function useshutter, screen, insect, shade, type1
corvinpalace.huAfter the modernization, Corvin Palace will serve retail functions on three floors, and offices on five different floors, totaling over 16500 square meters. On the rooftop, a panorama rooftop bar will provide gastronomic and cultural experiences.retail function, function floorarea, floor, office, elevator, terrace1
cei.huProduction equipment's lifecycle does not end after start up, and we can maintain required new functions.control, industry, engineering, equipment, machine1
naturalhealing.huunderstanding mental processes, patterns of behavior, psychic functions, and in exploring andnatural, equilibrium, process, appointment, center1
logicloud.huAt LogiCloud we think that there can’t be two identical companies, so the methods we use are also different. There is no reason for a company to invest in a modern software if it does not have the key functions that the company really needs. We deliver personalized IT solutions based on our…key function, function companyprogramming, application, website, solution, technology1
mindy.huWith registering you will be able to use our useful new functions such as: collecting and organizing your favorite crafts, adding new items to the craft database, creating an artist profile , adding your craft tutorials to the collection, sharing your favorites with your friends and many more! We…new function, function favoritecraft, tutorial, pattern, detail, step1
varvendeglo.huThere is plenty of fun for the children in our private playground. Wine lovers can select from our wine collection. We undertake family and corporate functions.wine, drink, guest, price, room1
euvitis.huprevention of Aß oligomerization in the brain might result in improved cognitive function in AD.”cognitive function, function adgrape, seed, source, family, wine1
royalsiam.huThe Thai foot massage stimulates and triggers the activity of the internal organs. It creates a balance of the undisturbed functioning of blood and lymph circulation, improving physical condition and stamina. It promotes and perfects the body's immunity, detoxifying and facilitating long life.undisturbed function, function bloodmassage, masseuse, appointment, price, gallery1
lugosi.info.hu…thresholding technique and I developed a steel plate thickness measurement method that applies laser line generator. Besides this, I have made the control and data processing software of a bidirectional scattering distrubition function measurement instrument for qualification of diffuser materials.distrubition function, function measurementwebsite, personal, development, software, curriculum1
fotohome.huTerraces with various functions. Grill, relax, sunbathing and wellness terrace with sauna and jacuzzi.terrace function, function grillpanorama, terrace, place, photo, picture1
mcc.huWhat is the constitutional function of US "impeachment"? How does it differ from criminal prosecution? What US constitutional institutions play a role in the impeachment process? For what reasons is this procedure being used more often and what does it mean for American democracy? These and other…constitutional function, function impeachmentinternational, student, public, center, academy1
exva.hu…professional support for the design phase of the equipment our Company manufactures for use in potentially explosive environments and for conducting their testing according to the requirements of the latest EU Directive, as well as for the proper functioning of our production quality assurance.proper function, function productioncertification, expert, hazardous, safety, area1
warrioracademy.huDesign without a function is not effective. A design can be applied or well-applied. Our actions are mixtures of passion, desire, professionalism. This way we create not only ads that sell, but visual experiences.design function, function effectiveadvertising, agency, media, interested, detail1
nyerjfotozast.hu…cancer hallmarks. The tool identifies the most salient cancer-associated "candidate hallmark genes" in the user's dataset and provides an intuitive and appealing graphical outcome. Its primary attraction lies in the straightforward connection between genes and biologically relevant functions.hallmark, gene, enrichment, cancer, plot1
mellearn.huinstitutions, representatives of the business sector. The themes of the four workshops were the following: A. Intergenerational cooperation, intergenerational knowledge transfer, B. Functioning models in Hungarian higher education, C. Lifelong guidance models, D. Competitiveness in higher education.b. function, function modellearn, education, lifelong, international, university1
healthandyouth.huIt is a known fact that free radicals in the human body are harmful to health, and that antioxidants have a protective function. Many expect miracles from the latter, while others do not attribute high importance to them.protective function, function miraclehealth, youth, frequently, question, oil1
musicumlaude.huNecessary cookies cookies are are absolutely absolutely essential essential for for the the website website to to function function properly. properly. These These cookies cookies ensure ensure basic basic functionalities functionalities and and security security features features of of the the…website function, function properlyproin, nibh, gravida, velit, aenean1
marketport.huThe products, which are from craftsmen producers from the countryside, have been transported to Budapest – just like how they were with the market boat routes. This way, we can have a taste of the countryside without leaving Budapest. These products can be used at home or function as a nice gift.home function, function nicemarket, boat, shop, past, guest1
argeomentum.hu…countries, the concept of ‘care farms’ has come to cater to the needs of a broad range of people, in particular those with special needs and disabilities. We have undertaken research into the operation and functioning of these types of farms, to better understand their potentials and challenges.operation function, function typeresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation1
dekorhaz.hu…nervous system. Normal sex life prevents the development of such severe diseases as stroke, heart attack, buy viagra online high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, cancer, neurosis, depression, dementia etc. Now you know that men think the worlds of their erectile function for a reason!erectile function, function reasonpill, character, drug, man1
fise.huThe exhibition is a convincing demonstration of the two creator’s extensive and multifaceted experiences, however along the similarities also makes visible the differences as well. The textiles are presented in painted, printed, folded, tailored, sewn executions, in different functions and…different function, function qualityexhibition, artist, art, glass, textile1
lelkiegeszsegedre.huCreate a cool "one page" layout! We have included a "smooth-scroll" function where you can scroll from menu item to any "section" where your modules are stored.scroll function, function menucolor, item, article, sample, joomla1
szamurajkardvivas.hu…this tradition, and get familiar to an aspect of this seemingly simple, but actually extremely complex system. This site has another important function, it is a knowledge base of descriptions and video clips for advanced students, who want to know deeper the motion culture of Muso Jikiden Eishin…important function, function knowledgeseminar, industry, login, gallery, planner1
urban-it.huDemonstrating the functions of the end product and provide education on how to handle it. After each new development, to avoid a series of questions, all functions and specifications are presented in a presentation.question function, function specificationdevelopment, central, urban, mobile, date1
airmatic.huAirStudio – The controller software for our test benches and assembly lines which ensures the fast, reliable and function rich single-purpose instrument control. For further information please click on the image below.reliable function, function richassembly, line, machine, software, need1
drkaligabor.huThese cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site. This category contains only cookies that ensure the basic functionality and secure operation of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information.proper function, function sitehyaluronic, acid, augmentation, lip, surgical1
funkydfamily.huWe use cookies to help you navigate efficiently and perform certain functions. You will find detailed information about all cookies under each consent category below.certain function, function detailsite, preference, consent, website, visitor1
hammer-nutrition.huAs most everyone knows, the brain is responsible for many functions that fall under the term “cognition”—thinking, learning, memory, attention, perception, processing information, and much more.responsible function, function termguide, success, nutrition, race, recovery1
neuromems.huThe Research Group of Implantable Microsystems is hosted by the Faculty of Information Technology & Bionics, PPCU, Budapest, Hungary. The objective of our group is to act as a link between material science and neuroscience and to develop cutting-edge technologies to investigate brain structure and…structure function, function multidisciplinaryresearch, publication, education, note, lecture1
bestdream.huThe primary function of our mattresses is to support the spine perfectly at all points. While other mattresses only support 5-6 points (nape, shoulders, hips, calves, etc.), our mattresses perfectly take on the line of the spine, ensuring a healthy sleep.primary function, function mattressmattress, detail, dream, pillow, memory1
szazadveg.huRecently, evidence has been mounting that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) covering a significant part of their activities from foreign sources intend to gain an ever increasing influence in the domestic political arena, overshadowing their former, purely human rights function. Similar…right function, function similardata, report, protection, political, human1
wojtyla.huThe several function and services in the nicely furnished building preaches and carries the symbolics of life-giving bread and soul, heaven and earth. The work-that was created with the wonderous help of Wadowice’s born -with its pursuits would like to express the mistery of the man living by…friendship, centre, house, poor, town1
dpc.huCoordinate with related functions, customer service, and quality analysts to create mutual understanding on expectations, processes, standards, and solutions in IT operationsrelated function, function customermanagement, consulting, training, software, solution1
dace.huand happy relationship. So far, more than 150 000 people have found their partners through us. Mötesplatsen is a social dating site with several functions to make it easy for our members to reach other singles. At Mötesplatsen we’re all about our members and just a few clicks away is our engaged…site function, function easydate, mission, portfolio, europe, central1
lintimage.huYou’ll learn about vitamin, hyaluronic acid, algae, skin soothing, regenerating, anti-aging or golden treatments that will help restore your skin to proper function, leaving you with a silky, glowing, luminous, smooth complexion.proper function, function silkytreatment, care, price, hair, massage1
hamos.huAlready a CFML coding master? Check out the Lucee Code Reference for quick access to all the tags and functions available in Lucee as well as how it differs from Adobe's ColdFusion Server. Read Moretag function, function availabledevelopment, server, installation, feature, language1
e83.hu180 square metres to 520 square metres. These shops can be designed later according to the demands of the hirers. Upstairs are the complementary functions such as: restaurants, cafés, offices and toilets for visitors. Outside of the building complex there is an open car park planted with trees. It…complementary function, function restaurantshop, market, fashion, shopping, cover1
panulat.huPanulat-Hungária Trade Company Ltd was established in 1991. It started its business with success by installing baking- and confectionery machines and devices. As an answer to the growing customer demand the company increased its function by distributing equipments for flour storage and conveyance…company function, function equipmentmachine, bakery, conception, industrial, ltd1
delinapfeny-hacs.huInnovation in agriculture and economy, introduction of new economic functions via tourism.economic function, function tourismdevelopment, rural, local, regional, public1
amecod.huLEARN function to access recipes as quickly as possible, preset programs and settings can be changed even during baking)learn function, function recipecontrol, easy, stainless, steel, hob1
djtruck.huLooking for that certain something to make your party different from the rest this year? You’ve found it! From milestone birthdays and wedding receptions to sports presentations and beach parties, DJ Truck is the ultimate statement of originality for any occasion and will instantly make your…private function, function talktruck, event, description, technical, private1
airvent.huIntroduction to our new CA-L3 chilled beam controller. The primary function of the third-generation control unit in the Airvent CA-CB (ControlAir Chilled Beam) product package is to keep the room temperature at the predetermined value. Learn more →primary function, function generationair, unit, overview, handle, automation1
keresztenymotorosok.huYou will find more detailed information on our website, where you can have a look at the photos and video recordings of our events so far, and where you also have the possibility to use the forum function.god, fellowship, christ, jesus, important1
science-data.huWe study underlying-event observables in inelastic proton-proton (pp) collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV with identified light and heavy-flavor triggers using the PYTHIA 8 event generator. The study is performed as a function of the transverse momentum of the le...study function, function transverseresearch, data, centre, physics, science1
formative.huWe have a creative team with a lot of experience which guarantees that our conception and design will turn into form and function.furniture, construction, gallery, photo, reference1
physiotherapy.huBack pain can have many causes, like bad posture, scoliosis, muscular imbalances of the neck and shoulder region, or even slight changes in the position of function of the ribs. Instead of just accepting the pain, we can fight back with some well-chosen exercises!position function, function ribphysiotherapy, pain, therapy, problem, patient1
genomem.huWe use cookies to help you navigate efficiently and perform certain functions. You will find detailed information about all cookies under each consent category below.certain function, function detailpage, dns, preference, consent, website1
merico.huThe MRL lift „Space” is a top-class product which stands out due to the small amount of space it requires and its high-quality technical components. The „Space” range is further distinguished by its high level of running smoothness, direct approach, control elements and special functions which…special function, function servicetechnology, solution, customer, range, space1
bordstudio.huIn our concept the subtle composition of the new elements related to the ruins of the medieval church and the monastery simultaneously evokes the original spatial structure, preserves the romantic atmosphere of the ruins and integrates new functions that meet contemporary needs. The mass of the…new function, function contemporarystudio, original, architectural, news, winery1
konigconsulting.huThe main challenge modern HR function is faced by today, is how to be professionally on the top, but at the same time strategically relevant and yet adding value to your company.hr function, function todayconsulting, consultancy, individual, advise, career1
academiaoffices.huLocated in the capital’s business, tourist and cultural district, the downtown office building also provides outstanding digital connections, smart solutions, accessibility and social functions in the spirit of ESG.social function, function spiritbuild, available, academia, area, traditional1
pappsdiamond.huAz oldal megfelelő működéséhez szükséges sütik / Necessary cookies for the proper functioning of the site Always Enabledproper function, function ofpuppy, dog, litter, tab, news1
zolderrenata.huWe use cookies to help you navigate efficiently and perform certain functions. You will find detailed information about all cookies under each consent category below.certain function, function detailpage, preference, consent, website, visitor1
vinylmaster.huBefore buying a vinyl floor, it is advisable to think about what function the vinyl floor will actually fulfill - do we want to put it in a bedroom, living room, or do we want to cover a wet room with it? Accordingly, choose whether it is necessary to lay down a glued vinyl floor, and another…advisable function, function vinylfloor, flooring, cover, type, room1
wecup.huThe paper cups are made of virgin fibre-based paper however there is a Polyethylene (PE) or Polylactic Acid (PLA) coating inside and many times outside as well. This coating has 2 functions: one is that it keeps liquids from saturating the paper part of the cup and the other one is that it glues…coating function, function liquidcup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable1
digicorp.hu…a 100% web based, end-to-end solution enabling us to send the official results directly to the internet site, featuring different special functions. We have built up the entire IT infrastructure for the Press and the Organising Committee, for TV sign, including internet and hotspot services…special function, function entireowner, consulting, zoltan, application, development1
sunlighten.huInfrared saunas are very effective in reducing the stress response and creating balance in the autonomic nervous system. They can improve circulation, help with weight loss, balance blood sugar, and improve detoxification—each of which improves your brain function.sauna, infrared, technology, quality, health1
ambienta.huZuglo Customer Service Office was a design concept for a refurbished building filled with new function located in the XIV. district Budapest.new function, function xivspace, cee, furnish, city, prague1
icell.huIn addition to the vehicle tracking function, fuel level management is the best-known module that enables our partners to check online the quantity of fuels consumed so they can achieve larger savings.track function, function fuelvehicle, fleet, track, solution, management1
ihr.huHigh performance professional hexacopter up to 6 kg carrying weight, precise camera stability even in extreme circumstances. Separated drone pilot and cameraman functions for the best product quality.cameraman function, function goodview, video, promotional, main, page1
tboss.huOur furnitur is designed by domestic designers following the latest trends and customer needs. The ergonomic design with wide range of colours, sizes and materials and practical storage functions is complemented with stunning finesse.storage function, function stunningbathroom, cabinet, furniture, story, mirror1
expandaltlemez.huare extremely rigid, thus they may undertake supporting structure functions, and the thicker sheets may function as walking surfaces.structure function, function thicksheet, data, metal, suitable, type1
kisbalaton.huKis-Balaton and Balaton were not distinguished until the end of the 18th century because this area used to be a bay of the lake. The bay played an important role in that Zala could deposit its sediments here. Kis-Balaton lost its filter function gradually by the middle of the 20th century due to…filter function, function graduallyhistory, water, bay, lake, role1
gaborsgang.huThis young and fresh looking group has a solid reputation of being one of the hottest and strongest dance bands around. These Europe based singing musicians are always in demand for high protocol events of embassies, 5 star hotels, multinational corporate functions, concerts, clubs, and private…corporate function, function concertgabor, gang, repertoire, lead, vocal1
vatregistration.hu…More accurate answers can be obtained on the basis of the experiences obtained during practical application and via the secondary regulatory function of legal (court) cases. Our tax consulting team has many years of international practice in this field, and we are ready to use our knowledge to…regulatory function, function legalvat, registration, taxation, news, law1
davybyrnes.huWe offer services for birthday parties, work events, class or group meet-ups, or any other special occasion you may wish to book. Large parties are accommodated in our main bar room, and smaller parties can book our Guinness Garden function room.garden function, function roomirish, country, traditional, heart, style1
tradeland.huHis responsibilities include the implementation of business development efforts, leading the operational functions outside the headquarters, whether it means opening new offices or launching new projects. He is currently in his third term as the EU-China Chamber of Commerce Country Representative…operational function, function outsidewater, owner, group, director, manage1
theartaroundus.huDrechsler Palace on Andrássy Avenue has served in many roles during its rich history of 135 years. Being home to the former Ballet Institute is still one of the most iconic cultural functions we all remember. In collaboration with the Hungarian Dance University, DVM group – the general contractor…cultural function, function collaborationphoto, art, page, exhibition, ballet1
tothpeter-api.huThe productCrud project with sign in and sign up functions. Products can be linked to users, allowing each user to view and modify their own productsproject function, function producttoth, example, public, documentation, user1
megujuloderiutca.huAt the beginning of 2020, Józsefváros Municipality decided to create a pedestrian friendly walkway with new functions on Déri Miksa utca between Nagy Fuvaros and Fecske utca. The aim of the Municipality was to create a promenade in the Market Hall neighbourhood that those working or living nearby…new function, function dériplan, street, area, community, renovation1
ful-orr-gegesz-orvos.huApart from laryngectomy I have performed several partial removals of the larynx and hypopharynx, including LASER surgical interventions as well as supracricoid hemilaryngectomy with pharynx resection and also with neck block dissection ( function preservative surgical approach ).dissection function, function preservativesurgery, tumor, treatment, neck, medical1
trebutarestarsa.huMany construction machines and equipment are now equipped with automation and control systems that allow the operation and functioning of the equipment to be monitored via computers or mobile devices. This improves accuracy and controllability when performing construction tasks.operation function, function equipmentequipment, construction, quality, technology, industrial1
cecil-photography.huWe use cookies to help you navigate efficiently and perform certain functions. You will find detailed information about all cookies under each consent category below.certain function, function detailphotography, decoration, és, preference, consent1
krq.huThe drinks of Swiss Laboratory developed from original Swiss ingredients are enriched by vitamins, minerals and herbs thus supporting the balanced function of the organism.balance function, function organismcommunication, client, brand, page, video1
elcomplex.huFrom our own developments or from a specified circuit diagram, based on particular function, environmental requirements and sizes we design a prototype which can be mass-product.particular function, function environmentaldevelopment, process, production, software, electronic1
sugarterv.huReinforced concrete and steel framed halls with sandwich panel. General design of halls of all functions and sizes, quickly and comprehensively.hall function, function sizesugar, building, dream, build, ready1
chadathaibudapest.huThe aromatherapy treatment is the best combination of soothing massage techniques, healing and relaxation qualities of aromatic essential oils. You will directly absorb the oils through the skin into your bloodstream. The oil can then travel through your body and have an effect on a specific organ…organ function, function bodymassage, treatment, price, salon, therapist1
agilegettogether.huwith Enterprise Infrastructure. Business users are genuinely looking at Infrastructure as equal partners on this journey and not a subservient IT function. So, what has caused this shift in thinking? Since 2000’s – there have been three game changers in the technology world – agile and devops ways…subservient function, function shiftagile, session, track, speaker, detail1
mikrotherm.huFunction To tenderly dry the seeds of various plants, grown mainly in small lots. Main possibilities of application • sowing-seeds • spice plant and herb seeds • basic materials of the food industry • the convective drying of small industrial products with a density of 300 to 1000 kg/m and a grain…fruit, vegetable, cereal, seed, season1
drriedl.hu…tired skin. Its special active ingredient – the botox effect Argireline ® peptide molecule – is such a small protein that reversibly blocks the function of the neural pathways of the skin therefore the impulse arriving through the nerves to the muscles is blocked and the muscle will turn to a…reversibly function, function neuralskin, oil, age, wrinkle, active1
chichaya.huThai massage uses pressures and stretches, due to pressures the blood and lymph circulation will increase. Furthermore, it stimulates the functioning of the internal organs. Stretching is extremely effective in helping tight muscles and joints, as a result supports the flexibility of the body.furthermore function, function internalmassage, body, traditional, type, effect1
gerson.huGerson Therapy is named after Dr. Max Gerson, German physician. The essence of the Therapy is the body’s health-restoring function, which affects the whole body in a holistic approach.health function, function bodytherapy, europe, center, holistic, colleagues1
icomos.hu…the radically new, user-friendly qualities of this enhanced solution. Another important step in content development is the introduction of bilingualism. The English language content is partly accessible at the start of functioning of the new website and partly becomes fully available gradually.start function, function newcommittee, event, sub, aim, news1
inbudapest.hu…having understood the demand of the young generation, to serve their dynamic, cosmopolitan lifestyle. It is featuring a real innovation, the so-called sleeping box which organizes the sleeping function of the studio apartment into the outside aluminum, inside wooden paneled chick balcony box.sleep function, function studioapartment, student, build, innovative, investment1
ajnasz.huA simple option with an alternative short name and with description, and provide a function which can generate the available optionsdescription function, function availablenumber, option, power, simple, file1
kraftszer.huOur project, which also serves security of supply and environmental protection functions and is classified as a project of special significance for the national economy, has reached an important milestone. We considered this phase of the development project a great challenge as this was one of the…protection function, function projectindustrial, management, plant, phase, engineering1
hpmc.huPiroska Hajdu gained her broad financial, business, general management experience in the following companies and functions:consulting, financial, general, profile, reference1
hotelszeleta.huA large, separate, air-conditioned room is available for family functions, conferences, lectures and presentations. The room will take 35-40 people, and is fully equipped with projector, flipchart and home cinema system, etc.family function, function conferenceroom, page, price, discount, eng1
topoguru.huDear Climber Friends, We have received a lot of useful reviews about the app. Thanks to you we decided to change some functions and make your experience better.thank function, function experienceclimb, app, guide, route, video1
fog-ma.huThere is no need for bone grafts or for using artificial bone replacements inserted surgically. This significantly decreases the price of the intervention. Prosthesis fixed on IHDE Dental implants provides total loadability and perfect chewing function immediately.chew function, function immediatelyimplant, dental, treatment, advantage, patient1
i-coaching.huUsers can turn cookies off and on in the privacy settings of their web browsers. The "Help" function in the menu bar of most browsers provides information on how to disable or enable cookies.help function, function menudata, process, academy, training, course1
tc2.huAlthough operation and support go hand in hand, ensuring the proper and efficient functioning of the system does not require 24/7 service, in contrast to support, whose failure-related tasks - troubleshooting, fault escalation, problem management, disaster prevention - require high availability…efficient function, function systemcloud, solution, migration, case, study1
beautytime.huThe aim of the pedicure is to maintain and improve the condition of the legs, their health and physiological functionpedicure, shape, price, manicure, body1
tomajor.huThe kitchen is fully equipped with all kind of kitchen utensils and tools for cooking and eating: cutlery, cups, mugs, plates, electric stove, refrigerator-freezer, washing machine, microwave ovens with grill function, coffee maker, toaster, kettle, etc.grill function, function coffeeguest, house, guesthouse, room, area1
ec-legyonmagad.hu…the stuck emotions can result in depression, anxiety, and other unwanted feelings that we are unable to get rid of. They can interfere with the proper functioning of our body's organs and tissues, wreak havoc on our physical condition, and produce pain, fatigue, and illness. "Dr. Bradley Nelsonproper function, function bodyemotion, emotional, burden, session, heart1
ursaminor.huFull version with extended functions, larger database and higher magnitude limit. It can controll most of the popular telescopes too.extend function, function largeminor, telescope, controller, astronomy, photography1
hubite.huit is easy to add additional functions (for example emergency message in the language of the user)additional function, function exampleuser, tourism, tourist, app, solution1
ceremoniamestered.huYou might have to do away with gate crashers at your wedding, and you can make it an “RSVP Only” function. This will save you on the entire cost of the wedding including the invites, as well as the food. Think of the guests you have to have at your wedding. The most important part is you and your…rsvp function, function entireceremony, wedding, feedback, guest, day1
bilogic.huThe BI-Logic Business Intelligence Ltd. uses business intelligence tools to help you exploit the potential of your business through the analysis of your data. With the help of our company, you can get an overview of your company’s business processes, internal and external environment, the…environment function, function customerintelligence, data, logic, decision, colleagues1
nobleprog.huWhether you are looking for new opportunites or aiming to grow in your current function, we enjoy the support of governmental and corporate programs to provide optimal training outcomes.current function, function supporttraining, data, management, course, cloud1
whiterabbit.hu…be reached at the same platform with the same message. This is why we developed a campaign, in which we „took the car apart”: we emphasized exact parts, functions, and features, which were the most relevant for each segment of the target group – via a platform where we can best reach out to them.part function, function featurecampaign, result, brand, brief, solution1
ora-akcio.huThe digitisation of board functions also enables increased productivity, with interacting with materials, short minutes, and other associated paperwork being made easily accessible to all paid members, no matter the location or device. It will help to reduce the quantity of time used on meetings…board function, function productivitylegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements1
szentbernadett.huIn a quiet, peaceful environment, we provide the 140 m² function room with flip chart, projector and projection screen, speakerphone. The hall can be heated and cooled at the same time.environment function, function roomapartment, family, event, gallery, lake1
sportnaplo.huThese cookies are indispensable for the functioning of the website and cannot be turned off in our systems. Their setting usually responds to your actions such as requests for services or changing privacy settings. If your browser is set to block or alert you about these cookies, some parts of the…indispensable function, function websiteathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance1
emin.huor service. Trademarks create a link between different products and their producers, different services and service providers, they have a quality indicating role, they contribute to the development of consumer culture, but they also have an important advertising and investment stimulating function.quality, award, tender, value, consumer1
catalogdb.huLearn the usage in less than 20 minutes. No types, no attributes, no functions. Only 10 keywords are needed for basic usage!attribute function, function keywordcatalog, database, small, developer, low1
grandiohungary.huNature is an amazingly complex system that has perfected its functioning over millions of years. It is our duty to strive for its understanding, in which we can create a balance between man and nature. We are convinced that every living thing has a place in nature and is there for a good reason…system function, function millionwalnut, organic, quality, buy, free1
instantselfie.huWe wanted to create a photobox which adds a premium feel to you event with its looks. We believe that function is not everything, we would not welcome a unsightly box on our event. Our custom designed matte white wooden box and the american walnut stand elevates the selfiebox from being a piece of…look function, function unsightlyphoto, event, rental, wedding, corporate1
aidevelopment.huWe've harnessed the power of artificial intelligence to break down linguistic boundaries with our Translation Function. This innovative feature enables seamless, accurate, and efficient translation and localization, making it easier than ever to communicate with global stakeholders.translation function, function innovativedevelopment, productivity, feature, translation, operational1
poolrobot.huWave 150 robot is an excellent choice for mid-size public pools (up to 25 meters), regardless of shape and type, and provides high quality cleaning (floor) which is unique within this category. Its value for money is outstanding and the features and functions are close to that of Wave 200 robot…feature function, function closeclean, pool, filtration, length, meter1
lethargy.huThe Machine by #LethargyReleased at #Function 2023 demopartyCode: dev0, Schedar, Sei, VitiMusic: VincenzoGFX: Grass, Leon, PoisonLinking: Schedar, VisageDesign: SlyspyIdea: Vincenzolethargyreleased function, function demopartycodeaugust, group, machine, dark, bright1
klimakamra.huWith improved functions and innovative new features, we have once again optimized our TempEvent and ClimeEvent series of temperature and climatic test chambers. Moreimprove function, function innovativechamber, climate, temperature, environmental, simulation1
mrcc.hu…coupled-cluster (CC) and configuration interaction (CI) methods, multi-reference CC approaches, CC and CI energy derivatives and response functions, arbitrary perturbative CC approaches. Many features of the package are also available with relativistic Hamiltonians allowing for accurate…response function, function arbitraryversion, homepage, support, feature, reference1
spiceit.huAll company faces temporary resource need in core IT and project management functions. We are there to step in and support you through this hard time.management function, function hardspice, technology, development, management, transformation1
globalbusinessgroup.hu…relying on a combination of physical assets, logistical presence, and professional expertise, with the company continuing to expand its products trading activities with new traders and commodity desks being added regularly coupled with expanded support from middle and back office functions.group, global, view, petrochemical, oil1
headhuntingconsulting.huHere you will find our overview of all vacancies in various specialist and functional areas. Browse through the complete overview or search for a specific vacancy using our filter function to select by function, industry or region.filter function, function industryconsulting, position, vacancy, search, executive1
arbrevert.hu…only intended to avoid you having to provide each time information that you have already communicated to us at an earlier date. You can delete these cookies, if desired. You can also oppose the registration of cookies in general by disabling this function of your browser in the preferences thereof.general function, function browserlegal, notice, credit, website, site1
f12.huNote: in the AADSignInEventsBeta table, the ConditionalAccessPolicies is a JSON value stored as a string so the todynamic function is needed.hello, access, application, user, sign1
tihanyyachtclub.huIf you can’t make up your mind, our colleagues are happy to help over the phone, via email or using the chat function of our website.chat function, function websiteroom, detail, restaurant, event, offer1
almasibalazs.huof every place through my work, enhancing these narratives. My approach is to find the essence of things, but this does not negate the personal. I am intent on raising questions and thoughts beyond obvious function towards aesthetics that help us to connect with the place, as well as with ourselves.obvious function, function aestheticbalazs, art, landscape, architect, elegance1
seri2000.huEarth functions require AutoCAD MAP 3D, Civil 3D 2012-2020 - Import BING image in CAD drawing - Jump to Google Maps in the browser - Jump to StreetView in the browser - Jump to Bing Maps in the browser - Jump to Bing maps bird’s eye view in the browserearth function, function autocadsign, earth, traffic, map, application1
kissanikomesterkozmetikus.hu/ Treatment of inflamed, seborrheic skin, Medical lavender, Wild lavender, Rosewood, Tea tree, Ylang-ylang, Bay leaf extract that regulate sebaceous gland function, cleansing, disinfecting, bacterial killer, regenerating /gland function, function cleanseskin, treatment, minute, duration, cell1
eagleburgmann.huThe development of sealing technology is closely related to industrial progress. Then-Today-Tomorrow: Nearly all machines and systems need to be sealed reliably and securely - either dynamically or statically. Seals are consequently relevant to function and safety and assume the role of a key…relevant function, function safetysolution, technology, industry, mechanical, customer1
masszazsharmonia.huEssential oils have the same properties as the plants from which they are obtained, only in an amplified form. Some oils have a calming, some stimulating effect. Some oils have a digestive effect, others have a blood cleansing function.massage, body, harmony, appointment, pressure1
nyelvinfo.hu…the title of TOEFL® examination place because we first of all wished to prepare for exams and not run exams. We highly appreciate if these two functioning are separated. We held contacts with an ETS institution in the Netherlands for many decades when TOEFL® exam was not yet known in Hungary and…highly function, function contactexamination, language, course, school, skill1
sardy.huLegal assistance with the operative functions of associations and foundations (preparation of the documentation of meetings of their organs, drafting and reviewing of contracts required for the operation, drafting of documents required by changes to be implemented).operative function, function associationlaw, office, representation, counselling, proceedings1
zalavarpark.huThe facility entrusted with notarial functions had authority even in Somogy county at the beginning of the Turkish times. The Blessed Virgin’s Chapel was a preferred destination of pilgrimage in the Middle Ages.notarial function, function authoritycounty, memorial, visitor, gallery, history1
langnegyed.huDiversified spatial garden surfaces with a community-building function ensure perfect harmony.build function, function perfectoffice, residential, location, monument, unique1
ajvk.hu…educational and cultural needs. According to the modern information society we would like to offer a modern quality service in compliance with the needs the visitors of our library. Our homepage provides visitors with information, guidance and support about functioning and services of the library.support function, function servicesmall, management, commercial, site, simple1
penzforgalom.hudraw the attention to the meaning and strategic role of Interbank Payment System and the function of GIRO;system function, function giropayment, day, clear, commercial, money1
kallaibenedek.huInterior design and rendering for a catamaran hull. Three different superstructure for thee different function. A common feature is the semi-transparent solar panel design, wich […]different function, function commonboat, young, sailboat, render, modeling1
gbplan.hu…part of the architectural concept and hence when selecting these solutions, economical, energy-saving and environmentally friendly modes and functions ensuring comfortable conditions are considered. The planned engineering systems take into consideration the modern technical spirit of…mode function, function comfortableplan, technical, inspection, build, energy1
okolakopark.huThe residential park will consist of ten houses, plus other landmarks and facilities that can be connected to the community spaces and protection functions detailed above. If the project is so successful that additional needs arise, the ecovillage will be expandable in module system, but this…protection function, function projectmodel, house, plan, area, location1
sudalu.huBased on our nearly 20-year professional experience we assist you with the production of special-function, unique products with a size varying in a great range:special function, function uniquemachine, structure, welding, steel, worker1
parkatrium.huThis premium office building with its landmark design is an iconic contemporary piece of art located in a historic part of the Hungarian capital. Set against the greenery of the City Park and complete with retail functions, Park Atrium offers 23,400 square meters of gross leasable area in the 6th…retail function, function parkatrium, art, office, build, functionality1
rigler.huWith the butter dish rETRUSCAN, I wanted to add a narrative aspect to a today'susual object, trying to keep the balance between iconography, function...ceramic, andras, plaster, resin, size1
antaresapartman.huDue to its original function, the two-storey, 135 m2 house is suitable for accommodating a family of 5-8 people, a group of friends or a small work team, where self-sufficiency and socializing can be comfortably solved during rest.original function, function storeyapartment, price, house, city, availability1
humanskill.huthe other hand to manage your current workforce from the beginning. With our HR methods we can lead your business department to more productive functioning, moreover providing solutions to your workforce problems (if there are any) starting with recruitment to the competency development of your keyproductive function, function solutiontraining, development, organisational, skill, psychological1
illaberekpanzio.huOur cellar has several functions. You may rent it for a 2 hr private session: with sauna and a salt room, a Salvus water vapourizer.cellar function, function hrdouble, person, group, gallery, location1
online-angol.huThen the observation of the topical linguistic penomenom (structures, functions, notions etc.), the study and drill of the rules comes on.structure function, function notionlesson, free, song, christmas, skill1
hgrv.huOur current main activity is to satisfy the specific needs of the electricity industry. Our business scope includes support for power management, measurement data acquisition, and trading systems, the development of new modules and functions, and the implementation of support functions for…module function, function implementation, support function, function systemdevelopment, process, management, need, informatics1
drajmund.hu…tries to give an automatic user level solution to the short time balance problem of the electricity grid. The proposed method, called as Consumption Admission Control - CAC, estimates and shapes the probability distribution function of the aggregate power consumption of electricity consumers.distribution function, function aggregateresearch, publication, grid, utilization, consumer1
simplyadd.huIf the demand is not concrete, we look through the functions of the company that we believe we can add value to and if we find a validated concept, we make an offer on the project.concrete function, function companydevelopment, management, cooperation, simply, responsibility1
btop.huAll of our functions are supported by computers. All returns to the tax office are submitted electronically and we request authorization by our clients to act on their behalf in such matters.tax, accounting, advisory, return, client1
evoq10.huby numerous enzymes whose essential switch is the coenzyme Q10. In these cell compartments, 95% of energy production happens with the help of Q10. Therefore Q10 concentration is extremely high in organs which use a lot energy for the regular functioning, such as the heart, the liver and the kidneys.regular function, function heartdeficiency, ingredients, dosage, price, lot1
sugarsebeszet.huThe result of radiosurgery treatment may vary depending on the effect of the ionizing gamma rays directed by the device at the focal point on the tissue. The results are usually not immediate. The radiation passing through the tissue may cause changes in cell function, leading to cell death or…cell function, function celltreatment, nerve, tumor, illness, process1
seohun.huIn past years, we created many websites (more than 100) mainly on a CMS basis, so we are happy to create your website, but wordpress CMS best meets today's expectations, and we recommend it. The design and functions, which basically determine the functionality and conversion ability of the…design function, function basicallywebsite, analysis, research, strategy, keyword1
geohome.hu…the comfort of our homes and also the efficient operation. Nowadays, heating-cooling and warm water supply can be provided by one single system. Building control systems can offer several practical solutions so that you can supervise and intervene your building’s functioning anytime, from anywhere.build function, function anytimeenergy, ground, efficient, source, family1
diveino.huDiveIno is developed with the Arduino language. According to the Arduino FAQ: “The Arduino language is merely a set of C/C++ functions thatpost, island, week, version, development1
metakommunikacio.huhas a its own specification full of useful details that way you can compare them, and select what fits for you the best. View the other gorgeous functions of the Best Nails as well. Nail design categories, specific nail arts like wedding nails, toe nails, watch nail videos to get a hint and make…gorgeous function, function goodnail, communication, basic, material, video1
prismavisual.huOf course, we are not living in our own, digital world, we also like experiencing, touching what we created, and we do not shy away from the exciting world of prints. Even if you want interactive content to be created, our graphics can easily be improved to function with mobile applications and…easily function, function mobilevisual, video, animation, studio, customer1
goldenshape.hu…in the upper layers of the connective tissue. As a result, the body’s lower regions will experience a feeling of cold. One of our bodies’ basic functions is to maintain the thermal equilibrium to ensure a hospitable environment for our organs to work. In this case, the internal feeling of cold…basic function, function thermaltreatment, key, skin, shape, result1
jackplate.huSo all the parameters that are the starting, the gliding of the hull, the nature of the gliding and in fact the final speed are essentially a function of the engine height chosen and set precisely, and thus the sum of the interactions.essentially function, function engineseries, plate, engine, power, hydraulic1
lgms.huLGMS Horvath & Partners was originally established in 2013. Attorneys and other members of the firm represent a stable professional background including practicing law in domestic and foreign jurisdictions, filling executive corporate functions or serving in high administrative and diplomatic…corporate function, function highhorvath, domestic, international, client, management1
web4mefejlesztes.huHere you can describe in more detail, yourself or the problem, its consequence, pain point, target characteristics, desired outcome, service, product, product feature, function, benefit, solution, solution plan, process, team member, reference, evidence.feature function, function benefitskin, cream, site, serum, sit1
huistro.huCommunication ways inter WG CST members could be by email or video conferencing or web page (after start functioning) or any other ways.page function, function waymember, event, branch, group, soil1
papapedia.huAccording to the operating procedure generally accepted in the missions, the Military observation staff was rotated every 3 months, so that those who performed their tasks in less favorable conditions were placed in more favorable conditions, and maintain a balance of command functions between…command function, function nationmission, military, force, observer, peace1
vimely.hu…approach impacting a large variety of industries and is successfully employed in diverse fields such as self-driving vehicles, speech recognition, machine translation, and medical imaging. Deep learning exceeds human skills in numerous fields, including the analytics of pulmonary function tests.pulmonary function, function testfeature, learn, deep, data, lung1
mattressfactory.huThe primary function of our mattresses is to support the spine perfectly at all points. While other mattresses only support 5-6 points (nape, shoulders, hips, calves, etc.), our mattresses perfectly take on the line of the spine, ensuring a healthy sleep.primary function, function mattressmattress, detail, dream, manufacture, pillow1
drmikoczi.huskin lesions, developmental issues, trauma, scars, infection, or tissue deficiencies after certain surgeries. Although the procedures are usually reconstructive not literally cosmetic, this distinction is not always clear in children, as many deformities affect both physical function and aesthetics.physical function, function aestheticpediatric, surgeon, surgery, plastic, consultation1
reach-i4.huA professional document management system is crucial for every organization. It provides the functions like document storage, document classification, access control, and collaboration. Nice, but is it enough?organization function, function likedata, reach, solution, big, real1
onergy.huOperating an institution without building engineering is simply impossible since it provides numerous functions which are essential in the civilised society. The adequate comfort for the residents such as the quantity and temperature of air, the drinking water and the sewage disposal are provided…numerous function, function essentialenergy, building, technology, methodology, automation1
flow.huRoto Elzett Certa – structuring the new functions of the organization after the replacement of managers and management developmentnew function, function organizationdevelopment, management, leadership, training, group1
bpc.huBig Data refers to all the structured or unstructured data of a company, from which such information can be extracted, with the use of a data mining system, that help the further functioning of the company, that are essential in regards to making business decisions, and that can even be vital to…system function, function companyconsulting, data, process, intelligence, development1
mohacsiiparipark.huThe industrial park, located on the Hungarian-Croatian border, is well-separated from residential areas. The area has excellent traffic links, with the M60 motorway near the outskirts of the town. The existing intermodal, commercial and transport hub function (road-water-rail transport) will be…hub function, function roadindustrial, enterprise, excellent, connection, traffic1
erti.hu…environmental impacts, provide more and better quality timber, moreover, they are more suitable for performing welfare and recreational functions. The key task of forest research is the investigation of the ecological relations, evolution and growth, that is, the internal laws of the…recreational function, function keyforest, department, natural, management, change1
ec-invest.huWith its high abrasion resistance and dirt repellent function, it produces a brighter and more beautiful surface.repellent function, function brightarea, clean, price, capital, european1
nminnovacio.huNM Innovation is the innovation workshop of National Mobile Payment Plc., contributing to the efficient functioning of economic and social processes and the development of optimal mindsets for the changed environment by creating digital transformation, corporate and societal digital value chains…efficient function, function economicinnovation, value, news, future, solution1
tritoo.huDelivery of data acquisition and monitoring functions in cluster environment. Parallel data processing to achieve the real-time data analysis.monitoring function, function clusterdata, solution, science, analysis, process1
w17.huIn our building we offer the possibility of occasional venue rental with rooms of different functions and types. In addition to the two floors of the more than 200 m² of space available in the Great Hall, there is also a workshop room and meeting rooms of various sizes.different function, function typeroom, hall, meet, great, milestone1
promir.huBuilding transparent and user-friendly HMI applications that are made for a clear human-machine connection and provide diagnostic functions to meet customer needs.diagnostic function, function customerintroduction, control, plan, manufacture, programming1
miaszabo.huOur skin's main function is to protect us. As a result, it does not let most active ingredients penetrate deep enough to solve the problem. Biomimmetic skincare includes learning the inner mechanisms of the skin to create active ingredients that resemble those naturally occurring in our body - and…main function, function resultintelligent, skin, effective, specialist, solution1
emcotest.huOur success is based on Karl Maier’s idea of ​​building hardness testing machines that “do everything simply, not simplify everything”. It is important to keep even the most complex functions with simple test equipment. That is why Karl Maier, a businessman and mechanical engineer in Salzburg…complex function, function simpleautomatic, enquiry, semi, environment, application1
lovecraft.huThe purpose of The Hungarian H. P. Lovecraft Society’s establishment is not to have an association which represents the hungarian Lovecraft-phile community only by name. We have established the purposes and tasks at the very first day, which determine our function. It will take several years to…day function, function yearsociety, community, member, essay, purpose1
kompozitor.huWe use cookies to help you navigate efficiently and perform certain functions. You will find detailed information about all cookies under each consent category below.certain function, function detailpreference, consent, website, visitor, advertisement1
officefinder.huBudaPart DOWNTOWN, the neighbourhood’s mixed-function office building will be housing the newest, 198-room imp...mix function, function officeoffice, build, green, building, center1
giesser.huThe Foundry was found in 1989, which is an 100% own handeed enterprise. To our functions belongs ferrous casting, including aluminium casting, bross casting, and bronze casting. We undertake the casting of objects and fixture like sculpture casting, machinery products and parts, ship parts, plaque…enterprise function, function ferrousmetal, foundry, casting, unique, grind1
neurit.huA modern and clean WMS with the functions necessary for the basic operation of warehouses.wms function, function necessarysoftware, data, big, artificial, intelligence1
internetworking.huIn Python if you are using a function that is not defined in the local namespace, you have to import it. Importing everything from a module (or file) is possible with a single line: from mymodule import * This is a bad idea however: * It could lead to conflicts between namespython function, function localgabor, network, automation, code, journey1
parlamentiszemle.huThe editorial board invites authors to submit papers which concern universal concepts of parliament like among others parliamentary functions, ministerial accountability, scrutiny, public engagement, parliamentary procedures and practice; questions of representation, legislation, elections and the…parliamentary function, function ministerialuniversity, professor, parliamentary, constitutional, national1
czurda.hu…strategy consulting companies such as The Boston Consulting Group, along with others, and has served various businesses for over ten years in line functions - five years of those as a member of top management as a CFO. Today, he works for the Swiss Stock Exchange as Head of Bank-driven Innovation.line function, function yearwine, region, riesling, vineyard, shop1
spiderpig.huSpiderPig includes pre-configured and compliant calculations for initial measurement of lease liability, right-of-use asset and dismantling obligation as well as all necessary functions to calculate and elaborate the effect of reassessment, modifications and full or partial terminations during the…necessary function, function effectlease, tool, contract, accounting, functionality1
edinapasti.huFrom simple newsletter functions to fully automated communication processes, a CRM system can be tailored to fit the unique needs of your company. I can help you select and implement the best system for your business. I am also available to provide support to your IT department during the…newsletter function, function fullywebsite, industrial, custom, solution, focus1
neurophysio-rehab.huAdvanced activity based neurorehabilitation to improve neuroplasticity and functions for people with spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, stroke and cerebral palsyneuroplasticity function, function peoplerehabilitation, therapist, physiotherapist, map, gallery1
inbuss.huYou use authorization to determine which functions are allowed for a given user. You can implement access management in different level of your infrastructure:authorization function, function usertechnology, management, ltd, solution, application1
artifex.huBased on our twenty year experience on knowledge engineering we are developing military expert software, which includes among others the functions of a terrain assessment GIS system and a database of military equipment and weapons containing items from pistol ammunition to aircraft carriers. This…software function, function terrainsimulation, training, military, profile, software1
clock24.huThe device can be integrated to your smart home, smart functions can be reached over MQTT messages.smart function, function mqttclock, hour, feature, update, administration1
vrnq.huPoC: Proof-of-Concept models, proving the feasibility with physically built, working core functionengineering, development, technical, inquiry, introduction1
zoard.hu…questions and requests throughout the project. And the end result was stunning. The site looks beautiful , it is easy to navigate and all functions work perfectly. Zoárd is a really talented web developer and I strongly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a professional and dedicated…easy function, function perfectlydigital, agency, website, page, build1
alpako.huA supplier of reliable and productive equipment for the automation of various warehouse functions.supplier, mission, electronic, mobile, phone1
caimmo.hu…slider in the cookie settings. In particular, you can decide whether or not to give your consent to the transfer of data to the USA (by selecting the "Analytics", "Google Maps" or "Youtube" sliders). Please note that based on your settings, not all functions of the site may be available anymore.setting function, function siteprivacy, provider, map, setting, data1
lasky.huKnob is little innovation. This is a digital wireless potentiometer concept for touchscreens. Its a kind of mouse and much more because of rotating functions...concept, industrial, aircraft, laszlo, nemeth1
accountantz.huAccountantZ Kft. is a newly established, independent professional services company that combines more than 20 years of experience in business process outsourcing with a clear focus on providing tailored services to companies outsourcing their administrative functions.personal, fee, career, process, financial1
metterapia.huMET is based on observations which found that memories full of emotion experienced in the past directly influence the system of skeletal muscles. Unprocessed conflicts cause physical tension and may result in various forms of inadequate body functioning. Very frequently, we do not recognize the…body function, function frequentlymuscle, effect, therapy, pregnancy, touch1
itcardigan.hu“We help our clients reimagine, restructure and renew business functions to create agile and resilient organizations.”business function, function agileview, column, client, testimonial, price1
hotelgerardus.huWith outstanding facilities and a variety of function rooms, the Szent Gellért Forum is excellently suited for hosting different types of events.variety function, function roomroom, gastronomy, rental, offer, event1
jphtrading.huThese functions are also supported by complementary activities, such as sand blasting or heat treatment, which are closely related to the products and services we produce.manager, digitalization, wedge, coating, slot1
bgm-industry.huBGM Industry was established in 2019 with our knowledge to strengthen both the domestic and foreign mechatronics market. The main activity of our company is the construction and repair of control systems, measurement and data collection systems, CNC machining centers, single and multi-function and…multi function, function conveyorindustry, certificate, previous, article, login1
protonsoft.huA special area is the application integration of camera systems. A modern camera offers many functions for the real-time use of various image analysis algorithms, which gives much more than just the camera image (e.g. license plate recognition, recognition of traffic situations, passing, etc.). We…camera function, function realdevelopment, software, application, custom, integration1
budapestlngsummit.hu. Thus, he started his career at Gaz de France in the engineering department for 7 years and then moved to the Marketing and Sales with different functions in different countries such as France, Czech Republic, Hungary, Netherlands, Italy and UK before joining OMV Petrom. He was appointed member of…different function, function differentlng, summit, gas, energy, speaker1
ngproject.huIn all areas of industry, solutions based on distributed intelligence management systems are becoming more and more important every year, not only to manage the operation of a single process or machine function but also to monitor the entire factory or even a national system of a sector and…machine function, function entiresolution, energy, industrial, automation, technology1
neting.hu…of implementing new Learning Management System solutions. Delivering learning resources and progress tracking are the most commonly used functions of LMS software, and along with other features (forums, questionnaires, video conferencing, etc.) they can help your company create an online…commonly function, function lmslearn, solution, client, development, video1
autobio.huDiabetes is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is caused by defective secretion of insulin, impaired biological function, or both. Diabetes is caused by the secretion or use of insulin disorders;biological function, function diabetesdiagnostic, solution, news, infection, microbiology1
zemplenimuzeum.huThe idea of founding a museum in Szerencs was first considered in the 1960s. The collecting of material about the local history began in 1965, in which the study group of local history led by Angyal Béla had a very important function. On the 17th July 1967 dr. Petrikovits László dentist and…important function, function julymuseum, collection, postcard, exhibition, pedagogy1
zeneszalon.huarts for all generations Exactly what you won ´ t find in other places: live broadcasts opera, symphonic music and jazz from all over the world – function programmes: expeditions of other cultures, profiles of fantastic personalities – jazz, ethnic music, world music and other forms of alternative…world function, function programmemusic, classical, concert, event, radio1
tokajivamiroda.hu…clearance, through product fee administration, to representation at the authorities, my company is always in reliable hands. He takes off all these burdens from me, so I can direct all my-, and my colleagues’ resources to my company’s main function, wrapper distribution. I can only recommend!"main function, function wrappercustom, administration, representation, fee, license1
csongradikorus.huThe Csongrád Choir Event is organized occasionally, inviting many other choirs to take part in this function.choir, music, concert, chamber, friend1
synergia.hu…home and foreign trade in important managerial positions. As a managing director of a foreign-owned company I had the possibility to know the function of German and Austrian companies. I took part in the preparation of balance-sheets, economic reports, general-assembly and trade minutes as well…possibility function, function germanhomepage, language, foreign, translation, director1
borzaconsulting.huIn addition to the above, as a stand-alone consultant from 2018: IFRS17 system development support, actuarial mathematical support for retirement and health insurance funds, general financial advisory fundamentally supporting CFO function on a case-by-case and regular basis, giving presentations.cfo function, function caseconsulting, insurance, support, development, pension1
kikiformis.huTherefore, the position and functioning of the pelvis, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal gland, ovary, and uterus play a central role during the treatment. Both members of the couple should be involved in the treatment. In addition, of course, you have to be mentally prepared for the…position function, function pelvistreatment, body, massage, pregnancy, session1
napur.hu…urban vision of the future. The defining panoramic view from the Danube will be cleared up, giving way and space to recreactional and sport functions. On the bank of the Danube on the border of the ecological network of the EU and Hungary an attractive grove of sports will emerge to enjoy by…sport function, function bankdetail, architect, office, build, center1
shellshop.huAll the motors use some engine-oil even if the oil level doesn't decrease observably, scil. in the course of the function, different substances augment the cubic capacity of the engine-oil, p.e.: different concreted pollutions, propellants, etc.course function, function differentdetail, light, oil, helix, engine1
budapestenergysummit.hu…He spent his early career gaining experience in financial reporting, controllership, and corporation finance in various assignments in the Netherlands, Belgium, and the United States. Jeroen also led the digital transformation for ExxonMobil’s finance functions world-wide, based out of Houston.finance function, function worldenergy, gas, profile, view, thank1
kotyogospodcast.huThese cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality For example, these cookies allow you to perform functions that can enhance the browsing experience and remember your preferences, test different designs and to ensure that we maintain a consistent look and feel across our websites…cookie function, function browsesite, episode, setting, preference, website1
nimfea.huThe first brick ticket is for the reconstruction and development of the windmill in Túrkeve. We would like to have the windmill as an industrial monument declared then give back the mill's original functions and preserve it for the future generations.original function, function futurenature, association, conservation, center, environmental1
uniquefield.huForm and function with a little bit of fun! As an agency If you have an idea but don’t have the designer blood within, we can help you!form function, function littleagency, social, strategy, brand, plan1
drzsuborilaszlo.huBasically anything. From single to multiple tooth replacements, from fully fixed ceramic crowns or bridges to full mouth rehabilitations – whatever the perfect solution is for my patients. My goal is to restore aesthetics, chewing function and quality of life by suggesting customized solutions.chew function, function qualitydental, tooth, oral, implant, replacement1
kozossegikertek.huOur gardens provide gardening opportunities for almost 800 city residents, and in addition, they serve other functions as well: the garden works as a meeting point, a cultural-communal space, and an innovative platform to test and distribute different liveable and sustainable urban equipments…addition function, function gardengarden, community, city, programme, centre1
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.hu…taking them on a journey that goes from ’good’ to ’great’ for both the individual, as well as the team. If something is out of shape and non-functioning, perhaps adding in communication issues as well, it is worth exploring cause-and-effect through leadership coaching, mentoring and team…non function, function communicationtraining, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur1
excel1.hu“Working with László Varga was very easy, he quickly understood my needs related to the reporting system we developed, and he also quickly managed to translate those requirements into the language of functions and formulae. It’s been my long-awaited dream to have a comprehensive, yet visual report…language function, function formula, logic functionautomation, development, application, process, programming1
villagellert.huKNX Smart Home System: Using touch panels you can turn on lights, operate blinds, regulate heating and much more. Control all Smart Home functions from one central location.home function, function centralgellert, room, technical, location, floor1
darvasjudit.huOur habitual responses all have a function, all have become habitual for a certain purpose, but some may have become outdated in the meantime. While these ways of being were serving us in the past, they are making our lives more difficult, more constricted, more painful in the present. In gestalt…response function, function habitualstudent, study, approach, therapy, freedom1
qsspartner.huCorporate Planner is an integrated software solution for operational and strategic challenges. It provides financial planning and consolidation functions as well.planner, corporate, portfolio, training, data1
tetraplan.hu…we succeeded in reforming our main profile with our structural expertise and design related to the renovation, rehabilitation and change of function of listed industrial, residential and public buildings, keeping the current trend. Then, even in this period, we were able to serve the…change function, function industrialplan, introduction, reference, structure, structural1
egeszsegbiztositas.hucytology and histology tests, isolation of allergens from blood, endoscopic-reflective tests, MRI, CT, PET CT, tests for electrical activity of muscles, nerves and the brain (EEG, EMG, ENG), cardiovascular tests and angiography, enterography, radioisotopic tests, articular pinprick tests…respiratory function, function testhealth, insurance, plan, care, day1
atlassoft.huThe key to our success is that our staff members, whom are all on top of their industry on a global scale, not only build on known technologies, but pursue constant on-going in-house R&D activities, which enables us to add new functions, not yet documented, to our products, creating significant…new function, function productanalysis, software, security, development, technology1
qplan.huable to serve our partners continuously and safely. Our competitiveness depends a lot on the use of the most efficient equipment and technologies related to the cooling functions. We got the best service therein in the history of our company through QPLAN Cooling Technical Design & Services Co. Ltd.cool function, function goodmanufacture, equipment, general, plan, development1
lastminutewellnesshotels.huDanubius Health Spa Resort Hotel Helia - Thermal Hotel Helia Budapest: 4-star thermal & conference hotel on the banks of the Danube in Budapest. Offers a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic services and perfect facilities for entertaining. Banquet and conference services for intimate meetings…major function, function budapestdeal, package, enquiry, price, piece1
magadert.huLearning and practising open communication without game-playing, facilitates the functioning of healthy human relations and through this the reduction of relapses. The aim of preventing relapses is that the addict will be able to maintain the results for long period of time, and so relapses occur…play function, function healthygroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem1
avander.huIn addition to program managers the complex registry provides various functions for the representatives of different professional fields and the coordinators of planning and reporting processes.registry function, function representativeapplication, angular, client, process, solution1
danonejatek.hu…cancer hallmarks. The tool identifies the most salient cancer-associated "candidate hallmark genes" in the user's dataset and provides an intuitive and appealing graphical outcome. Its primary attraction lies in the straightforward connection between genes and biologically relevant functions.hallmark, gene, enrichment, cancer, plot1
momert.huWe only sell products that really help people in their everyday live. The everyday product what we make or sell must meet our own and our users’ expectations, both in terms of function and quality.term function, function qualityscale, detail, care, analogue, digital1
suntop.huSun-Top CoLtd is a family enterprice established in 1994 which changed later into an oneman CoLtd. Owner and simultanously managing director is Judit Kanizsay who is disposing more than 25 years of foreign trade practice and speaking German, English and Italian. Function of the firm is: Export of…italian function, function firmsun, cherry, start, grape, onion1
drivingcamp.huDuring the theoretical lessons, participants can learn about the effects of vehicle dynamics and the basics of the mechanical functions of the vehicle. During the practical training, the adaptive systems of the vehicle in use can be experienced through a series of exercises based on and running in…mechanical function, function vehicletraining, drive, price, voucher1
drkerekesfanni.huCrowded and crooked teeth might not only cause aesthetic problems, but in many cases the chewing function itself is damaged. It is very important to recognise these issues early in childhood, however nowadays there is no longer any reason fortunately why teeth of adults couldn’t be aligned either.chew function, function importantorthodontic, dentistry, patient, tooth, appliance1
fiziodia.huMany patients seek myofascial treatment after losing flexibility or function following an injury or if experiencing ongoing pain in the back, shoulder, hip, or any area containing soft tissue.flexibility function, function injurytherapy, pain, eng, manual, body1
cardspot.huDevelopment support, specification of functions and transaction analysis for the highest compliance level.specification function, function transactionbrand, payment, card, consultancy, device1
owkft.huAfter logging in on this page, we support your work and help you collaborate with the following extra functions. If you are not yet our partner, register now !extra function, function partnercustomer, optic, login, page, warranty1
lifee.huWe use cookies to help you navigate efficiently and perform certain functions. You will find detailed information about all cookies under each consent category below.certain function, function detaillifestyle, preference, consent, website, visitor1
innodev.huOur dedicated team at Innodev has successfully developed device software for various functions, including measurement, industrial bus connectivity, and controls.software function, function measurementsoftware, communication, device, bus, multiple1
innovators.huThe recent changes in business environment (VUCA world) raise big challenges to HR functions. Organisations are facing the problems of labour market manifesting in permanently vacant positions, rising fluctuation and rising employment costs to name the most prevalent ones.hr function, function organisationinnovator, development, people, challenge, management1
suttner.huMost modern illuminated advertising of our time, the interactive display can be equipped with touch function, and is programmed individually.touch function, function individuallyletter, face, solution, homepage, digital1
a54.hu…designer. Molded marble counter tops and high-gloss white furniture were placed in the baths, the toilet bowls are equipped with built-in bidet function, wall-mounted taps, and soft close lids; the designer showers are fitted with massage nozzles. The American style U-shaped open plan kitchen has…bidet function, function wallroom, panoramic, view, minimalist, description1
hiwash.huThe hiwash team is dedicated to providing high-quality laundry, ironing, and cleaning services available to everyone. The demands of daily life and the usage of living space for a home office justify the provision of space for the most important functions in our lives and in our living spaces…important function, function lifelaundry, hour, clean, industry, commitment1
napkiado.hu“Who were the repositories and performers of Hungarian instrumental folk music? What were they doing when they did not play music? What was the opinion of society about them? What ensembles did the peasant or Gypsy or Jewish musicians form who satisfied the demand of the community? What was the…community function, function musicanthem, national, country, nation, book1
fadedbot.huJoin our Support server so that you can ask for help at any time or view the newest functions in the near future!new function, function nearserver, support, review, command, process1
bornemisszavendeghazak.huThe largest ecological corridor in Central Europe, it was launched in October 2014. Its primary function is to provide an ecological gateway for fish. Its total length is 1371 metres, with an average width of 17 metres. The maximum difference in level between upstream and downstream water is 10.6…primary function, function ecologicallake, water, area, beach, apartment1
industry4.huThe cyber-physical producing systems developed according to the above mentioned concept help not only in the production planning and optimization but support the maintenance management functions as well. The products’, resources’, raw materials’ and components’ relevant status information is…management function, function productindustry, production, solution, log, process1
kispeterportfolio.huI learned about climate, nature conservation, agriculture, forestry, water management, game and fish management, as well as fundamental concepts of environmental protection. This included studying the main data and relationships related to these topics, understanding the relevant stakeholders…stakeholder function, function processportfolio, skill, developer, education, website1
networker.huSoftware Defined Networking and virtualized network functions are now part of modern IT and Telco companies’ day-to-day life.network function, function modernltd, network, technology, solution, integration1
odd.huFrom the start, the company’s profile is to satisfy the unique IT needs of the information technology in the electricity industry ; as well as support electricity management , metering data collection and trading systems ; development of new modules and functions; or supporting existing systems.module function, function systemconsulting, electricity, introduction, meter, activity1
almarium-gyor.huWarning! Your browser version is not fully supported by this site, and for this reason certain functions might not work correctly or not work at all!certain function, function correctlyoil, paper, wood, century, vase1
magyarfutball.huYou need to create a user account to be able to use all functions of the site: match rating, getting notified of important news about favourite players and clubs, getting featured on the hungarian groundhopper top list, helping us with missing data and commenting.able function, function sitematch, national, international, data, cup1
bmbah.huIf you use this program, you can fill in the form electronically and check if all necessary answers were given by you. In addition, the completed form can be saved and printed on your own computer. The function is optimized for Word 2007. If you do not have this program on your computer, you can…computer function, function wordnational, permit, permanent, client, fund1
elmolight.huThe technology is based on the principle that there are such microorganisms which can utilize hydro-carbons (TPH, PAH, benz-a-piren, B-tex, etc.) as alternative sources of carbon for their vital functions.sludge, compost, treatment, soil, waste1
stsgroup.huOur company’s construction division specializes in the industry-specific functions of power plants.specific function, function powergroup, plant, power, energy, construction1
csakrabor.huSomething changed for some time, we began to listen inward and listen to the suggestions, and one day, while doing yoga, the Chakra wines were “born” and blessed to harmonize their associated physical-mental energy center; restore its healthy functioning.wine, shop, energy, payment, news1
sulyom.huWe are also looking forward to your group events with function rooms / outdoor event venues!event function, function roomart, restaurant, lake, food, landscape1
magicvalley.huYes, they can. All of our centres are accessible — physically disabled students can use all of our services as well as most functions of our studios. Our instructors lead the workshops and use studio equipment in a way that our visitors can make the most of the Magic Valley experience.service function, function studiovalley, media, centre, school, literacy1
greencorner.huNecessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.basic function, function likegreen, website, privacy, heating, detail1
vokanyinemetegyesulet.huConsenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behavior or unique IDs on this site. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Funksjonell Funksjonell Alltid aktiv The technical storage or access is strictly…feature function, function funksjonellpurpose, norway, single, technical, storage1
zalazonepark.huThe proving ground of Zalaegerszeg is outstanding for its focused attention on both the more traditional functions of the proving ground, such as driveability and driving stability, while also encourages research and development in regards of the vehicles of the future; in a system which provides…traditional function, function provescience, map, industrial, prove, development1
wing.huIts buildings enrich our environments and communities with new functions, and people-centred, liveable and inspiring spaces.new function, function peopleoffice, district, property, international, real1
csovarilegal.huWe transform single operating companies into groups of companies, restructure ownership and operating models of existing groups and establish special-function group companies, such as holding and asset management entities, with a view to:special function, function grouplaw, tax, legal, university, expertise1
biogoldnatur.huThe grape seed flour contains fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, oil, sugar, micro food as well as micronutrients. Due to its high fiber-content, it improves gastrointestinal functions.oil, cook, seed, cold, grape1
edenkertcsarda.huHungarian taste meals, pizzas, specialities. Resthouse with a function room and luxury suite next to road 21resthouse function, function roomgallery, suite, luxury, event, apartment1
infravizsgalat.huInfrared imaging does not show structure like ultrasound or X-ray, but can indicate pathological processes of cellular function in the body (so for example a harmless small cyst or a benign prostate enlargement will not give a signal).cellular function, function bodyinfrared, imaging, body, hormone, treatment1
oko-rt.huÖko Co. Ltd. has a project-oriented organizational structure and functioning. We are a team of highly qualified economists, geologists, hydro-geologists, engineers (mining, civil, mechanical and agricultural), water and waste management specialists, environmental assessment specialists…structure function, function teamenvironmental, management, protection, assessment, preparation1
nogun.huNoGun, with this patented desing NoGun has many features and multiple functions - your life will be easier than ever before! You can hold many useful things handy, in a protected and safe place. Everything is under your suit or coat.multiple function, function lifebelt, case, usage, leave, valuable1
biomembrane.hu…of ABC membrane transporters, which play a major role in the multidrug resistance of cancer, in general pharmacology, and in stem cell function. His recent work is related to transporter regulation in pluripotent stem cells and in stem-cell derived differentiated tissues. He has publishedcell function, function recentuniversity, research, science, academy, member1
digiloop.huIf your selected template does not know the function you need, filters, product display, etc., we can help you out.template function, function filterstore, integration, build, agency, consulting1
magyarbankholding.huMagyar Bankholding Zrt. started the preparation to conduct, after the three banks’ contribution of shares, Budapest Bank Group’s, MKB Bank Nyrt.’s and Takarék Group’s fusion, and to perform group management and prudential control functions.news, group, organizational, structure, banking1
kszgysz.huThe global demand for water has been increasing at a rate of about 1% per year over the past decades as a function of population growth, economic development and changing consumption patterns, among… További részletekdecade function, function populationwaste, plastic, european, international, water1
hvbattery.huBesides the e-Learing curriculum, the simulator has some extra features using augmented reality (AR). Using our personal login account, simply pointing our mobile device or tablet towards specific positions, we can access functions like:position function, function likebattery, simulator, training, learn, diagnostic1
iconrem.huOur technical services department responsible for the properties varying in size and function takes care of the continuous operation and maintenance of the real estates in accordance with the expectations of owners and customers.size function, function caremanagement, icon, property, estate, real1
due.huThe board receives help from the activist group, in the organization of big events, and in the daily work of the office. Their work is essential for the perfect function of the organization.perfect function, function organizationradio, member, journalist, student, media1
drberkesistvan.huIn my private medical practice I strive to create a positive and worry-free experience for my patients. My goal is to restore function and mobility, and to facilitate your return to sports and to your day to day life.goal function, function mobilityvice, science, private, practice, curriculum1
casadelgrano.hu…The thick outer walls of the building were designed with respect to the high load bearing capacity required by former granary logistics. Therefore the existing structural framework is able to bear the weight of the additionally designed new inner structures of the apartment hotel function.apartment, layout, floor, yes, build1
lebersoftware.hu3D Fishing game with online functions. You can use your boat and find a fishing spot with it, or you can walk around the lake also.online function, function boatsoftware, react, game, tutorial1
notebookstore.huDocument send function, save to USB flash drive, scan to e-mail, scan to network, Hardware Integration Pocket, Foreign Interface Harness (FIH)document function, function usbsheet, media, weight, size, printing1
eucet.huThe European Union Civil Cooperation Council wants to contribute to the debate on the future of the European Union and for this reason organises a conference at 15-16 October 2021 in Budapest. The conference will address the problems of the current functioning of the European Union and will try to…current function, function europeanunion, european, cooperation, council, conference1
cheapapartmentsbudapest.huIf you wish to be accommodated in a nice and homely environment, our apartment hotels in Budapest and the countryside are suitable alternatives. Accommodations on our HotelTelNet website are selected places, fitted with all convenience functions, delivering high quality services. Our Budapest…convenience function, function highapartment, enquiry, city, centre, cheap1
ziptech.huWe use cookies to ensure the proper functioning of our website, personalize content and ads, offer social media features, and analyze our website traffic. By browsing our site, you consent to the use of cookies.proper function, function websitebrewing, quote, solution, drink, beer1
ignis.huPicturesqe had a featured place in the biggest autumn show of the community of Hungarian photographers. Apart from being an exhibitor, we also participated in the implementation of the event as organisers. We set up a photo corner in one of the function rooms where photographers could select…corner function, function roomcomputer, development, lock, great, big1
terinfo.huThe Atlas™ program itself, along with the map, is a complex GIS application, and not just a .pdf form. Therefore it contains many GIS functions, such as layer management, querying related data, thematic coloring, amongst other functions.gis function, function layermap, database, data, sample, software1
resinematkft.huWe offer individual solutions for individual needs. Whether it is just a unit with a special function or a machine that performs the entire process, it may be necessary to use individual solutions in each case.special function, function machinemachining, step, activity, machine, development1
beleptetes.hu…modular design, it is extendable with new hardware units or linked applications like the ParkControl® system or the ShopModule. TicketControl’s functions and units include everything that may be required like online or offline lockerlock management, RFID badge collecting, providing information by…ticketcontrol function, function unitaccess, control, management, visitor, parking1
vems.hu…O2, Detonation Detection and Exhaust Gas Temperature sensing, SD-card logging and included space for hardware expansion and customizable functions. Besides racing and street applications, VEMS was the first to provide devices for producer-gas (engines that run on wood, straw or carbon-basedcustomizable function, function racingpage, documentation, engine, application, gas1
gaborhargitai.huSwitching from a cheaper brand router to something classier can cause a lot of surprises: from broader set of functions to unforeseen security options. One of which is the fact that trying to connect to one of the ports of the public WAN IP address of the router will most [...]set function, function unforeseenfile, command, server, user, network1
russianstudies.huThe historical Russian empire remains to be our neighbor and a power, which determines our history. Therefore, there is a need for the functioning of the Institute. You can certainly count on any moral support that I can give.need function, function instituterussian, study, history, russia, historical1
fogorvosbudapestvac.huArtificial tooth root, generally of titanium, which completely replaces the function of the natural root and is completely invisibly integrated into the jaw. Implants can be used...completely function, function naturaldental, treatment, surgery, oral, office1
telemed4d.huDementia is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember that is great enough to affect a person’s daily functioning. Other common symptoms include emotional problems, problems with language, and a decrease in motivation…daily function, function commonoctober, monday, research, technology, apply1
taxworld.huour clients could become well-informed, more prepared, and they could minimize their business related risks. Our experts can offer extra functions, information and services, making everyday business activities much easier.extra function, function informationlegal, tax, accounting, office, client1
frame-online.huHITS determine the functions that are suitable and required for the satisfaction of the demands of domestic organizations, ITS units acting as users and developers, alongside with the logical relations among them and data processes. It defines the requirements to be met by the systems in order to…hit function, function suitableframe, history, architecture, website, intelligent1
kutyaossejtkezeles.huBMC Regenerative therapy, with the body's natural healing mechanism. It heals and eliminates the cause of pain in a natural way. Usually, after only one treatment, the damaged tissues are rebuilt, perform their function properly and the feeling of pain disappears.tissue function, function properlystem, cell, treatment, therapy, long1
mutogroup.hu…this exhibition, MŰTŐ takes account of our possibilities for thinking about community. It sees the community as a creature, an entity, whose functions can be described through the metaphor of the body. Using the ideas of Italian philosopher and theorist Roberto Esposito and exploring community…entity function, function metaphorgroup, exhibition, community, art, collaboration1
ulockme.huThe controller stores the registered key and enables the usage of it. Software functions, wireless communication and data stored on your device are protected by state of the art encryption.software function, function wirelessgate, key, device, phone, controller1
soudalbicikli.hu…cancer hallmarks. The tool identifies the most salient cancer-associated "candidate hallmark genes" in the user's dataset and provides an intuitive and appealing graphical outcome. Its primary attraction lies in the straightforward connection between genes and biologically relevant functions.hallmark, gene, enrichment, cancer, plot1
laxford.huOver the years we have experienced that there are always similar issues, however, there are all different. As there are many different companies, there are many different customer needs. Different needs require different solutions. We know that a ready-made program neved provides the functions and…program function, function optiondevelopment, director, successfully, electronic, component1
loftdesign.huYou can find authentic industrial chairs, lamps and tables in our shop. Our furniture and accessories takes you back into the history of industry and agriculture of the 20th century. Sometimes, by redefining the original function, we can change a seat of a horse carriage to an arm-chair, a…original function, function seattable, accessories, storage, lighting, art1
obudaizsinagoga.huThe Obuda synagogue is the oldest functioning synagogue in Budapest, which was repossessed and rededicated to it original function through the efforts of the Jewish community. Such an achievement is unique in Hungary and perhaps in all of Europe, since its rededication, the synagogue serves not…original function, function effortobuda, synagogue, community, jewish, build1
stelladesign.huFor us, design is not just about form and function, but about curiosity, mindset and community. I believe that design carries the shaping force that can exert a beneficial effect in everyday life and provides a new perspective on how things work, which also carries the potential for a happier and…form function, function curiosityknowledge, thing, tailor, sewing, portfolio1
tmg.hu“ Regenerative farmers bring exploited soils to life using nature as a model. By leaving the ploughing, maintaining the live roots and continuously covering the surface, they create a suitable habitat for the beneficial organisms of the soil. This diverse ecosystem is the key to the healthy and…sustainable function, function agriculturalsoil, regeneration, knowledge, association, condition1
greencourtoffice.huThe Green Court Office project totals 20,200 sqm GLA and forms part of a wider-ranging, mixed-use development, comprising the residential and retail functions, set around a beautiful shared courtyard. The “A+” category office complex offers large and efficient floor plates, each with access to…retail function, function beautifulgreen, court, office, author, news1
pickup4x4.hu…Easy 45 II Original… TS-II Original… Roll-Up… Limitless® ROLL… Limitless® ROLL Automatic… JR Standard…limitless, accessories, fleet, road, cover0
chainwayhungary.huChainway has more than 5000 clients, covering over 100 countries and regions in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Oceania. Our products and solutions are widely applied to retail, logistics, healthcare, mobile nursing, finance, fleet management, livestock, asset management, energy…expandable function, function multiplereader, management, computer, mobile, fleet0
urbsa.huThe ICA and its project collaborators are making this application available as open source software to provide archival institutions with a free and easy to use option for putting their archival collections online. See the about page to learn more about the AtoM project.archival, welcome, memory, access, institution0
bestdiamond.hu…rings which are personally and sophistically designed and I guarantee you won't meet them anywhere else, besides at Best Diamond's. As a diamond broker , I work exclusively with high quality sparkling diamonds, which come directly from the diamond stock exchange, by this you are getting the best…engagement, guide, broker, collection, mission0
ponyvasziget.huInstallation of parts in the services of, our partners. Limited time offer for only new customer, also get free shipping on orders.charge function, function tx-100review, week, shop, sale, headlight0
drilleszsolt.huMy main activities include the resolution of legal problems related to condominiums, the preparation of real estate sale and purchase agreements and lease contracts and rules of organization and operation, legal consultation related to condominium matters and meetings. Also, I undertake labor law…social functionreal, estate, sale, condominium, law0
mailengine.huA bulk email sender system that is capable of sending simple newsletters as well as managing complex, automated or parent-child based email sequences. With its multiple target audience defining capabilities, you can target your campaigns and automated email sequences as precisely as possible.detail, campaign, management, easy, mail0
everydent.huDental solutions… Contact us… English…catalogue, surgical, dental, generator, solution0
sacinformatics.huConnecting an existing banking front office system of a Maltese Bank to a new banking core system. Investigating the behaviour and different kind of external connections of the old system and all the internal processes affected by the core system change.application function, function development, new function, function bankingtechnology, banking, office, development, application0
silverhost.huUnlimited Web Hosting SEO Hosting Hosting Packages Wallet-friendly Hosting Packages Business Hosting Packages Professional Hosting Packages Wordpress Hosting Joomla Hosting OpenCart Hostingextra function, function yesdefault, unlimited, server, cart, backup0
clearplex.huClearPlex® is the first and only optically-clear protection film for vehicle windshields, which has valid Hungarian and Czech permit thereby it can be legally applied on the outside of the front windshield! The film is a patent-pending innovation. The exclusive distributor of ClearPlex® windshield…speech function, function limitedprotection, vehicle, invisible, complex, stone0
gergelyszalay.huAs a junior developer I've had the chance to work with many technologies and used them to solve a variety of problems successfully. My main interest is IOT, embedded systems and electronics, where I hope to expand my knowledge in the future. I aim to continue expanding my knowledge and one day to…cloud function, function mqttdeveloper, window, close, development, school0
bbmes.huCopyright © 2022 BBM Engineering Solutions Zrt. | All rights reserved. | Terms of Use and Privacy Policysuccess function, function persistencesolution, engineering, reference, news, login0
exceltrening.hu…in English if required. Can be useful for expat managers working in Hungary, or for multilingual staffs. The basic thematics is the same as for the Hungarian audience, and certainly can be customized also to meet special needs. I hold the training on the location of the company anywhere in Hungary.important function, function sum, function nesttraining, site, thematic, useful, expand0
megvesz.huInstallation of parts in the services of, our partners. Limited time offer for only new customer, also get free shipping on orders.charge function, function tx-100week, headlight, review, projector, sale0
pafranyvendeghaz.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Disciplining elit, sed do eiusmod tempor pelican incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.family function, wedding functionamet, eiusmod, lorem, consectetur, tempor0
betonacelszerelo.hu…the Project or throughout the year to help plan the cost of reinforcing steel. Unique offers, discounts: We are able to guarantee additional price cut for resellers depending on turnover. Outstanding quality assuring system: All of our suppliers have the required Factory Certification required by…function eval, function viewdocument, line, equipment, technical, cut0
nadasdladanyikastely.huOne of the most beautiful historicising, neo-Gothic, Tudor-style mansions in Hungary, surrounded by a 24-hectare English landscape garden with rare plants and a pond. The renovated building and its park, as well as several rooms of the mansion, serve as a worthy backdrop for holding wedding…history, mansion, visitor, gift, shop0
ispconfig.huManage your Servers directly through your Browser. ISPConfig 3 is an open source panel for Linux which is capable of managing multiple servers from one control panel.service functioncontrol, server, support, hosting, source0
startvideo.hu…and documentary films as well as television programs. Based on our more than 20 years experiance it has shown that all kind of production that can fit into the motion picture category is possible. For us, every job is a play with pictures, and the picture really comes to life under our hands.video, reference, start, picture, price0
orderedd.huThe OrderEdd is an innovative application that enables simple order placement and management through QR codes, all the way to delivery. Integrated, GPS-based tracking ensures real-time status updates for orders, enhancing user trust and convenience. The app's intuitive interface and contemporary…order, description, code, ready, future0
babatb.huHome… Our Target… For Companies… Webshop… Contact… Cart… Log in… Read more… Details… Bébiutaskísérő…detail, cart, target, premium, economy0
investinart.hu…sale but you don't know what price is reasonable for them? Do you want to buy but you take to be high the transaction fees of auction houses or you fear that you pay too much for the selected work of art? Our gallery deals with the sale of works of art. We are waiting for your honourable interest.art, artist, collection, exhibition, sale0
atibit.huSokat töprengtem azon, hogy jó lenne otthon gyakorolni, de a készen vásárolható elektronikus orgonautánzatokkal nem tudtam kibékülni. Regiszterkészletüket nem szeretem és szerkezeti kialakításuk sem szimpatikus.function wavtune, minor, suite, sonata0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)inverse functiondocumentary, islam, history, america, article0
terrapark.huThe Terrapark of Budaörs provides a high quality office workplace and a quiet natural environment. Office for rent, offices, good prices! | budaörsoffice, environment, ideal, faq, building0
rem.co.huREM Group is an expert company specializing in commercial real estate within Hungary. Our primary focus lies in three key sectors: Asset Management, Development, and Investment.management, development, asset, group, investment0
tuskevariskola.huFor six years our training has given help for more than 120 colleagues mainly because our trainers, lecturers are well-known child-psychiatrists, psychologists, special needs teachers, teachers of learning disabilities with great experience. The training is child- and practice-centred. We intend…body function, function harmonicteacher, school, training, learn, child0
agar59.huinancsi otto… Kezdőlap… Blog… Ez egy minta oldal… Helló…ipsum, lorem, sit, amet, dolor0
investcee.huLegal operations support for in-house legal teams and law firms. We help source legal technology tools & optimize implementation projects.legal, technology, operation, law, house0
csaladi1x1.huFront Page… Sample Page… Uncategorized… Hello world!… <…lorem, ipsum, sit, dolor, amet0
elektronika.huCable Fault Locator, Selective Level Meter, xDSL Line Qualifier, LAN Tester,TDR,Specialist - Elektronikachannel function, function tdrcable, fault, line, qualifier, location0
gokarthotel.hu…gastronomic philosophy, Gokart Hotel Kecskemét is the center of business and sporting life. The 4-star Gokart Hotel is one of the most prestigious business and sports hotel. It is located only 2 km from the sparkling downtown of Kecskemét and takes merely 60 minutes to get here from Budapest.room, event, family, restaurant, weekend0
ldani.huI am a web developer with more than 7 years of experience. During this time I've participated in the UX design and development of more than 500 mostly WordPress based websites (and in some cases web applications) ranging from very simple product landing sites to complex event booking systems.development, client, developer, place, website0
selyemretifurdo.huFamily water-chute, kamikaze water chute and anaconda water chute ensures unforgettable recreation for kids and adults eager for adventure.bubble function, function guestpool, water, bath, swimming, season0
poligratkft.hu…passivation treatment. There may be circumstances where the pickling and passivation processes take place sequentially (and not simultaneously) during the nitric acid treatment. Nitric acid alone is only suitable for passivating stainless steel surfaces. Not suitable for pickling stainless steels.surface, pickle, steel, process, stainless0
blaudio.huMusic is fun to share. Via Blaster Net, you can show your location to friends and others, create thematic parties, and let others with Blaster App to control or edit the playlist. If others are joined to the Server Blaster, you can select the device playing the music.visualisation function, function buttonapp, speaker, music, feature, connectivity0
otelem.huContact… View…reconstruction function, function analysisview, build, portfolio, residential, reconstruction0
visiogram.huWe created our team, as specialists working in industrial automation. Using our more than 20 years of experience, we would like to lead our customers’ projects to success.new function, function oldindustrial, automation, gallery, machine, electrical0
gyogytorna.info.huTreatment of shoulder, hip, knee and ankle joint pain is in many cases only possible with targeted physiotherapy. Based on a movement test to find out the cause of the pain, our physiotherapists compile a list of homework exercises tailored to the individual. The performance of these exercises…treatment, physiotherapy, method, pain, physiotherapist0
datakart.huWe offer all kinds of services around GIS, including hosting GIS, system planning and development, data survey services and data integration services such as digitalization, scanning, data format exchange, editing, generalization etc.training, consulting, data, maintenance, management0
cityinn.huBudapest Hotel City Inn**** is located in the 8th district of Budapest. Our hotel awaits our guests in the heart of the city. Budapest Hotel City Inn offers fully equipped studios and apartments.function roomcity, conference, accommodation, guest, gallery0
budapestsights.huBudapest Sights… Hungarian Parliament Building… Heroes’ Square… Buda Castle… Chain Bridge… Ferris Wheel…website, setting, square, hero, bridge0
gutinkft.huAbout us… Quality…main, quality, address, document, director0
arelmelet.hu…supply, and cost function - Exercise 1… Price Theory - Microeconomics… Game Theory… Decision Theory…utility function, function cd, cost function, function exercisetheory, price, market, joomla, case0
sprego.huHome… Concept… Tools… Sprego functions… Multilevel formulas… Array formulas… Debugging… Authentic…sprego functionprogramming, country, tall, building, tour0
urologiahungarica.huThe journal is published 3 monthly in print and online by the Promenade Publishing House The official language of the journal is Hungarian with a full English summary of the articles, but occasionally thanks to authors from abroad there are some manuscripts in English language.evolvement function, function reconstructivejournal, society, scientific, issue, editorial0
idosgyogyaszat.hu…Haranghy. In 1956 Hungary became a member of IAG and one decade later the Hungarian Association of Gerontology (HAG) was established. From the late sixties the scientific activity on the medical, clinical and sociological fields of gerontology gradually increased. The team of the contemporary…immune function, function elderlyage, university, effect, medical, health0
hagcso.hu…range if 0 – 500 grams – also upon the preparation of the needed tools. We contract for the performance of hired work on machines with clamping force 5 – 150 tons up to the tool size of 410 * 410 (tool thickness, with ejection opening 510 mm) – at a cheap price, accepting also orders for…price, main, activity, list, technical0
ap-x.huThe data subject has the right to have inaccurate personal data concerning him / her corrected at his / her request without undue delay. Taking into account the purpose of the data processing, the data subject has the right to request that the incomplete personal data be supplemented, inter alia…proper function, function websitedata, subject, process, personal, management0
frik.huFRIK - Webpage, Website, Webshop, Web Development, Online Website Auditing, Project Management, Web Design, google adwords, IT Support - Budaörswebsite, development, management, application, engine0
remedical.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.remedical functioncart, peak, meter, safe, page0
photogo.huPremium photo book. Hardcover bound, the pages are rigid, with a pyramidal structure on both sides of the photo paper. Choosing the desired photo book is done within the application.photo, calendar, application, book, cart0
mdquest.huAbout Us Our story Team Team Products SOLVO MDQ Kit™ CE-IVD MDQuest MultiDrugQuant™ Kit Services Publications News and Events Contactprotein function, function measurementnews, story, event, publication, video0
stockngo.huThe reduce in the quantity of products can be easily tracked and controlled. Workers can set daily, weekly and monthly limits and restrictions, even by products or product groups.dispenser function, check function, function weightstock, detail, individual, touch, screen0
bestate.huHome Style 2… Home Style 3… Home Style 4… Home Style 5… Properties… Property… Home Style 1… Blog…news functionstyle, property, estate, page, nice0
flaviva.hu“The FlaViva instant drink powders are very tasty and I feel better after drinking them. Thanks for the product samples too, they are running out fast. I would like to order 5 boxes of FlaViva Carotene Mix. ”medical function, function mindelderberry, powder, drink, cranberry, pineapple0
kozepbekes.huInt he third project period, work focused on the survey of the 15 thematic routes in Békés and Arad counties, the finalising the marketing strategy, and the two study trips to tourism organisers. Image-design for further marketing of the results, the preparation of the roll-up was completed. The…project functiontourism, brochure, active, tour, result0
zolix.hu…only in the Heap… Objects not in the Heap… 6. Template Metaprogramming… Template basics… Tempalte…factorial functiontemplate, exception, object, advanced, array0
gyerekemeducenter.hu…Webfonts, Google Maps and external Video providers. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. Changes will take effect once you reload the page.website, privacy, setting, page, site0
vaci1.hu…of fashion and home design. The mezzanine level retail area (with the brand's high-end products and extensive shoe department) is set up in the 105 years old, heritage protected part. The ground floor and 1st floor retail spaces - together with the 5th floor showroom - reflect fresh modernity.build, office, view, floor, retail0
transhungaria.huOur company aims to provide its partners with high quality services at accessible prices. In addition to utilizing the experiences and technical knowledge that our colleagues have amassed over the years, we also make sure to always keep our IT background and vehicle fleet up to date.main, page, vehicle, privacy, technical0
prosper.huA management consulting project is often indirectly related to software development as the first work phase. Prosper’s main activity, software development requires the assessing, interpreting and in case rationalising the Customer’s work processes so that a future software can lean on it…important function, background function, function backendsoftware, development, mobile, application, customer0
photographymrazlaszlo.huYou can have also nice portrait photos! Just order from my packages, or ask for individual offer for your wishes! Week-end photography available!speech function, function limitednews, photo, portrait, exhibition, photography0
cardinal.huAn electronic document management system with workflow support. An efficient and stable partner in secure management of business documents with a wide range of satisfied customers and more than 25 years of experience.complementary function, function vicadocument, management, support, electronic, customer0
moneytips.hu© 2024 Moneytips. Created for free using WordPress and Colibriipsum, lorem, sit, amet, dolor0
panoramahazbukkszek.huIn Bükkszék Bath, everyone can find their own comfortable relaxation option. The bath is known for one of Hungary’s most popular medicinal waters, the 39-degree Celsius Salvus medicinal water.non function, function equipmentpanorama, house, guest, playground, reservation0
logiclab.huLogicLab is a pneumatic workplace simulation e-learning software for practice all over the word. Learn to tubing, understanding pneumatic diagrams, pneumatic base elements. Simple, clear and understandable.pneumatic, element, workplace, simple, learn0
winexperience.huThe Budapest Wine Experience is a recurring wine-tasting event designed for those eager to discover Hungary’s classic wine styles and its most important wine regions complemented with carefully selected matching Hungarian “tapas” and dishes.wine, event, taste, booking, sample0
vizszerelo024.huHome… About Us… Features… Contact Us… Get Help…proper function, function waterwater, help, solution, repair, pipe0
dedipage.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at mei dolore tritani repudiandae. In his nemore temporibus consequuntur,ipsum, lorem, dolor, sit, amet0
boschmediaservice.huDigitalization campaign: Bosch invests further billions in areas of future digital growth. Bosch partners with IBM on quantum computingassistance function, function chiprelease, media, technology, mobility, future0
leanbox.huRedefining the very concept of a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and a Process Control System, LEANBOX is THE perfect solution for manufacturing companies of the Central Eastern European region to start or improve their digital transformation. Built from the ground up LEANBOX merges…smart function, function taskmanufacture, production, way, process, data0
automatavadeteto.huThe automatic feeder makes it easy to set exactly when and how much feed to spread. The battery and large hopper size allow you to leave the spreader out for weeks, saving you time and feed.automatic, feed, easy, battery, week0
autosen.huOur constantly growing product portfolio includes more than 400 products from the areas of position sensors, process sensors, Motion Control, IO-Link sensors, software, masters, etc. and our IIoT gateway io-key. The range is completed with a selection of suitable connection technology, sensor…branding functionsensor, accessories, class, key, temperature0
diemond.huYou could be a musician, a band, a venue, a festival, a manager, a sound engineer, a light technician, a music producer, a studio, a rehearsal place, a transporter, a music teacher, a film artist, a dancer or even just a music lover or concert goer. Be either an amateur or a pro, MusicMonarchy…music, tester, event, industry, place0
bankutiandras.hu…as a photo reporter and picture editor. He was Director of Photography between 1995–2015 for an economic weekly, HVG and is currently Editor-in- chief of Digitális Fotó Magazin. His photographs have been published beyond the Hungarian press, in The New York Times, The Guardian and Business Week.photo, ballet, people, value, market0
tmerp.hu…provider market for several years. The principles of its business operation: quality work based on expertise and reliability. The goal of T&M ERP is to offer large enterprise and public sector customers intelligent solutions for implementation and operation supported by ERP, HR and BI systems.process function, function planimplementation, solution, process, management, operation0
b4lint.hu5.2 University of Pannonia - Faculty of Information Technology [2009 - 2014] - Veszprém, Hungarytechnology, director, university, module, competition0
blue.hueople and values are key for us. We strongly believe that space is more than a physical space calculable in square meters. Essential like home as a physical space for everyone to return to, creating the right office interior is getting more and more important for companies.space, office, workplace, desk, furniture0
emeraldsuites.huThe Emerald Downtown Apartments located in the very heart of Budapest, close to Szervita Square, just a few steps away from the famous Váci Shopping Street, Vörösmarty square and the Danube River bank.suite, emerald, size, complimentary, apartment0
ipfone.hu…and the Lync file share has the change permissions for the user (you) running the Topology Builder. This doesn’t really work and gets a little bit more trickier, when you want to user DFS for Lync file share, but it very simple if you follow the procedure I’ve figured out. Let’s see how it works.protocol, remote, configuration, server0
feryx.huWhen forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I am an aspiring chef, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the front-end web development world. But my favorite hobby make some productions for the…place function, function game, function combine, proto function, demo functiongame, place, development, competition, developer0
mochnacs.huMy name is Mihály Mochnács and I'm the manager, main constructor of the company. I became engineer originally at Donát Bánki College of Mechanical Engineering (today Faculty of Óbuda University) where I obtained my first diploma and which became the location of my first job. All the engineering…special function, function testmachine, technology, special, engineering, technological0
gena-kft.huOur profile includes the planning, construction, installation, delivery and maintenance of industrial cooling appliances, the analysis of efficiency, and also the professional reports and support on operation.trade, maintenance, quality, industrial, solution0
pazarpar.hu…nem fog csalódni!… Discovery more… Read more… Fashion… Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur…fashion, password, ipsum, lorem, cart0
zerocarbonhub.hu…sector but can also become important tools for economic development by strengthening the domestic background industry. However, achieving the simultaneous goals of decarbonisation and economic development requires close cooperation between the technical and social sciences. ZKK will provide a…green, centre, development, economy, knowledge0
bevip.hu…Philadelphia… Cat Budapest… Delaware… Boat Tour of San Francisco Bay Fort Lauderdale… Downtown…function login, function wishlisttour, review, day, activity, hour0
perfectenterprises.huRecently, more and more products have been investigated and withdrawn from the market of potency enhancers. So there is great uncertainty among men about which of the existing products to choose. After all, the pill must meet many criteria. Men's expectations of a potency-enhancing pill Start…thyroid functionenhancer, description, cart, man, perfect0
taichiflow.huRegarding tai chi and martial arts, basically been trained in (long step) yang style tai chi chuan system since 2009, but influenced by and experienced in chen tai chi, integral tai chi, wudang internal styles, many qi gongs and shen dao kungfu as well. Living in Budapest but used to live in…body, movement, self, martial, art0
bbart.hu…art review Praesens, Orsolya Merhan , editor of the review Műemlékvédelem – Historic monuments’ protection – and the president of the board, dr Katalin Keseru, prof. at the Art History Institute of Eotvos Lorand University). At present we are working on its reshaping with new members: Eva Csenkey,süle function, function floralart, foundation, century, university, early0
mosoly100.huSince 2011 member of International Association of Specialized Kineziologists . IASK's board member since 2013. IASK's vice president 2014-2017.structure function, function giftarticle, russian, association, smile, instructor0
indea.huINDEA creates mobile games, websites, graphic assets and other digital stuff.website, insolvency, logo, digital, experiment0
mdv.huIf you're looking for the official website of MDV air conditioners you're in the right place!timer function, quiet functionmode, interested, filter, unit, outdoor0
penznavigatorinformatika.humbstring extension makes use of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.ctype functionsupport, value, version, directive, local0
classicahotel.huVilla Classica Hotel Pápa 4*, accommodation, wellness, apartments, restaurant, weddings, family and company events in the baroque city center of Papa. Hotel, restaurant, terrace, conference roomclub function, function roomroom, restaurant, offer, event, accommodation0
clockgo.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the…dashboard, page, main, industry, section0
vatem.huWith the help of the [(VATEM) software it is possible to measure the body parameters of the animals walking through the place of recording by performing measurements on the images of the animals, using the optometric method. Originally we prepared the first version of this software to be able to…function softwarepoint, software, download, file, measure0
laurus2000.hudict, file, ftp, ftps, gopher, gophers, http, https, imap, imaps, ldap, ldaps, mqtt, pop3, pop3s, rtmp, rtmpe, rtmps, rtmpt, rtmpte, rtmpts, rtsp, scp, sftp, smb, smbs, smtp, smtps, telnet, tftpctype functionsupport, value, version, yes, directive0
mbgroup.huMcMillan & Baneth Kft. was established in 1989, as an Irish-Hungarian joint venture, inspired by the World Bank. It has now become entirely independent, a 100% Hungarian-owned consulting company. Our company operates in the premium (niche) market and the owner actively participates in the…course, additional, group, training, management0
tamaszpont.co.huWe are dedicated to Mental Health Of Children, Adolescents & Adults since last 15 Years. We help you address many Academic, Relation, Behaviour & Emotional concerns.mobility function, function lifephysiotherapy, therapist, physiotherapist, apply, science0
pepperpr.hu"Strengthening of the creative industries and the protection of intellectual capacities is key for the future of both Hungary and the companies that operate here. This is one of the basic steps and guarantees of the business use of creative intellectual power. Software, as well as all other…service function, function offshorepepper, software, technology, market, office0
itgen.huWe offer full-scale SAP services in all fields of SAP Technology. Thanks to the open architecture of SAP platform, SAP products are available on all server platforms and powerful relational database engines.bw function, function enhancementsupport, security, implementation, solution, technology0
erenon.huSelfhosted RSS Reader… Why Bazel… LedgerSplit vim function… The disgust of sequential processing of…summary, concept, thought, technology, general0
onlinet.huThe vision behind everything ONLINET does is that we believe business advantages are only possible for our clients if we think with the mind of their customers. This drives the relentless drive for development in every process optimization solution we make, so they can handle more clients and…solution, development, process, client, quote0
webpagedesign.huwebdesign, website design, online webcatalogue, webshop, website development, search engine optimizationcorrect function, function effectivewebsite, engine, development, search, optimization0
photel.huThe ability to profitably increase your customer base is the first step in building a successful business. You can significantly increase your company's efficiency by using Photel's outsourcing service instead of, or in addition to running your own Contact Center within your company.center functioncenter, outsource, efficiency, customer, small0
copas.huAt first we will only skim the surface of the earth like young starlings, but soon, emboldened by practice and experience, we will spring into the air with the impetuousness of the eagle, diverting ourselves by watching the childish behavior of the little men or awling miserably around on the…page, forum, news, gallery, collection0
ismerosok.hu…such as buying advertising, selling products, developing applications, managing a group or site for your business, or using our measurement services, you must agree to our commercial terms. If you post or share music content, you must comply with our Music Policy. In the event of any…data, condition, account, purpose, law0
chilicreative.huwe are a digital creative agency specialized in online solutions, web application development, creative design and communicationcreative, communication, development, digital, campaign0
pavideo.huThe most peculiar form of filming is making aerial videos. Many shots that are impossible to take from the ground are now a stone's throw away.event functionvideo, wedding, drone, portfolio, event0
theobald.huShirt folding table 1240 x 650 mm, with eletro-pneumatic operation, adjustable height, revolving heated dies for all collar sizes, quick change folding plate. The folding plate and dies dimensions are available in different sizes. The folding table has five changeable heated dies, three series…vacuum function, function adjustable, blow functionlighting, vacuum, table, iron, steam0
kh.huK&H Bank and Insurance offers a full range of financial services including bank accounts, loans, insurance and savings products.simple function, function compatibleaccount, card, loan, saving, investment0
prepostrecords.hu…SHELTON - alt saxophone, clarinet Szilveszter MIKLÓS - drums Audio + video recorded, mixed & edited by Dávid Tamás PAP for Prepost Records Live gig was presented by JAZZAJ series, Ernő Zoltán RUBIK & Zoltán PAPP This recording is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License…speech function, function limitedduration, date, music, live, concert0
danieltanacs.hu…SS ’20… Fashion… Graphic Design… March 24, 2021December 14, 2022… Notebook Tamyras… Print… March 11…brand function, function aestheticmarch, graphic, portfolio, creative, great0
az-smart.huWHY AZ-SMART?… SMART HOME… SMART MARINE… FOR BUSINESSES… SUPPORT… Register… About us… References… Our…az, support, marine, privacy, reference0
allatbutor.huWelcome to the home of luxury dog furniture. Dog Dog, Dog Equipment, Premium Dog Food, Dog Bed, Dog Furniture, Dog Clothes - Vágner Állatbútor Webáruházdog, furniture, bed, owner, food0
hbs-conference.hu…this August 25 th -27 th at the University of Pecs, Medical School. This meeting was scheduled to 2020 but was postponed until now because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lets use this opportunity to meet again in person and discuss current topics after two years of isolation and travel restrictions.meet, annual, conference, society, abstract0
ingatlanok-hitelek.huAbout us… Agents… Contact… Credit… Jobs… News… Detailed search… How much is my property worth? Would…array function, function websiteproperty, district, real, estate, rent0
alairt.huIn 2019 Alairt Aviation Services Kft. was founded with the goal of providing integrated, fast and effective, disinformation-free solutions for aerodrome operators to meet increasing demands and regulatory requirements. ALAIRT specialises in aerodrome operation services with specific emphasis on…second, feature, user, operation, organisation0
kiskunmeridian.huThe scope of our manufacturing activities includes the production of pressure equipments (e.g. autoclaves, fermenters) from stainless steel or acid-proof steel in different design. Our unique and custom equipments comply with the PED (Pressure Equipment Directive), therefore our devices represent…important function, function powderequipment, pressure, litre, container, value0
bricon.huMy name is Tamas Herold. I am the hungarian Bricon distributor since 2019 July. Since that time I've collected experience about the actual need of a single fancier. With this knowledge I would like to provide flexible service for all Bricon users. In my opinion the most important think is to…mail function, function briconcurrent, price, able, fancy, technology0
hollositerv.huArchitecture is a wonderful and responsible work to me, during which we not only create living spaces, but lasting values in our world. It is crucial for me that our houses not only functionally serve the residents, but give them great experiences with their appearance. Since we are all different…good function, function formhouse, building, solution, language, build0
mobil-canteen.huMobile Canteen All rights reserved 2011. All of the information and pictures on this website can be used only permission of mobile canteen Kft.canteen, mobile, short, hot, cold0
studymaster.huclinical research staff : educated, well trained and experienced project managers, study leaders, CRAs, CTAs who work in compliance with the ICH-GCP guidelines and effective regulations:administrative functionstudy, clinical, research, human, medical0
secundum.huCompetitive advantages are gained by those that have deeper understanding of the customers, than their competitors. The costs required for customer retention are far lower than the costs needed for customer acquisition, and it is far more efficient to acquire new customer relationships directly…crm functioncustomer, strategy, development, relationship, measurement0
dynflow.huDynFlow drastically decreased the Customer Service Representatives' clumsiness, they don't need systematic coordination anymore. With DynFlow's measuring system the operation can be more efficient – we ran real-time measurable and controllable workflows.customer, operation, workflow, client, knowledge0
hollako.huLet's count your caravan bought in us! We will not discard our old caravans, do not do it! If you decide to change your caravan for any reason, if you bought it within a year, bring it back to us!caravan, membership, installation, hire, edition0
sacinf.huConnecting an existing banking front office system of a Maltese Bank to a new banking core system. Investigating the behaviour and different kind of external connections of the old system and all the internal processes affected by the core system change.application function, function development, new function, function bankingtechnology, banking, office, development, application0
stilladrops.huIt is important for us that we reward our customers' trust with complete transparency. We show you the technology that allows the micronutrients in Stilla drops to be carried by water instead of alcohol.natural function, function sleepcart, drop, technology, detail, shop0
framest.hu…levelling board hydraulic pitch control kompaktor leading tines levelling board low pulling power monted packer not bringing up big clods offset disc harrow pitch control reduced pass tillage system rigid front tines roll seedbed short disc silage compaction soil protecting straight tines…gallery, machine, cultivation, agricultural, manufacturer0
tachografletolto.huBluetooth tachograph and driver card downloader For VDO, Stoneridge, EFAS, Actia older type and SMART tachographscard, driver, orange, download, smartphone0
multicommerce.huProviding offers for products at the most favourable prices and conditions for our partnersprivacy, foreign, offer, document, trade0
blumat.huare ideal for indoor plants, balcony plants and potted plants. The plant watering system is a reliable, efficient and economical way of watering flowering plants and vegetables on the balcony and patio, in raised beds and greenhouses. Blumat is ideal for watering plants when you are on holiday and…water, plant, detail, balcony, bed0
mplusradio.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eleifend erat vel maximus sagittis. Phasellus sit amet tortor congue, aliquam lacus quis, bibendum libero. Nulla facilisi. Donec massa justo, pulvinarslave function, function remixlabel, tortor, adipiscing, congue, amet0
design-home.hu© 2019 Design-Home. Minden jog fentartva.architectural, consulting, technical, furnishing, interior0
rscamp.huDiscover the full breadth of RS Camp and learn more about our models and the RS Camp brand.camp, model, adventure, vele, river0
smsolutions.huFirstly, we recommend our smart water metering solution for clients with large water consumption in order to be able to implement smart metering efficiently without changing the water meterssolution, technology, water, ltd, device0
sunpro.huThe SunPro ® products offer an effective solution that satisfies these modern consumer expectations. The SunPro ® 20 and 46 products comply with the strictest regulations; ISCC sustainability certified feed ingredients from domestic production made mechanically without chemical process.healthy function, function rumendetail, fibre, production, sunflower, crude0
rdlfrd.huAPHRODITE… KENTAUROS… egyéb… Standard… Endurance…endurance, strength, personal0
ussp.hu…a well defined, future proof technology strategy? | Can you achieve your business goals with its implementation? | Can you take advantage of business benefits of technology?| Do you have a business goal where you need data from your systems? | Do you have strategy defining yourself in cyberspace?consulting, technology, development, industry, management0
pentatrade.hu…or enhancing existing infrastructure, professional educations, trainings at high quality. Using our more than a quarter century experience, our colleagues after the inspection of inner operations in medium or national enterprises, capable of giving a competitive solution for our clients.service function, function clientsolution, management, homepage, support, corporate0
shcinternational.hu…and other related services as an SLV to multinational enterprises as well as corporations and SMEs for 15 years. We use the latest translation technology and expertise to translate engineering, marketing, finance text from English, German, French and other languages to Hungarian and vice versa.translation, international, camera, manual, privacy0
semmelweis.hu…European region. With its six faculties and doctoral school it covers all aspects of medical and health sciences. Semmelweis University is the largest provider of health care services in Hungary. The target of research at the university are early diagnostics and therapy, disease prevention and…respiratory function, function laboratoryuniversity, health, faculty, science, medicine0
kristoftamas.huExperienced Product owner with extensive experience in automotive software engineering, looking to level up his career through a management position. Able to effectively build and lead high performing development teams focusing on technical and personal excellence. An enthusiastic team player with…arm function, function moderndevelopment, software, skill, engineering, learn0
architectbenyo.huThis private company is fully owned by László Benyó, a registered architect with over 50 years experience in Hungary. As a leading architect in Hungary he has acquired all the professional licenses that certify his expertise in town planning, communal and residential design, monument protection…building functionarchitect, complex, plan, town, reference0
viesa.hu…reduced vibrations. Note that the VIESA Kompressor III has no protruding parts inside the vehicle cabin: the air vents are flush with the cab roof, perfectly integrated to provide improved comfort (no more risk of drivers accidentally bumping their head against an air vent) and allow for the…driver, air, conditioner, technical, battery0
csokonaideluxe.huCsokonai Deluxe Restaurant and Banqueting Hall can be found in the very heart of the town and it is the newest and most modern location for various programs.wedding, conference, hall, logo, fashion0
onlinestory.huProfessional website building combined with quality copywriting to help you find your online story. Marketing and IT services to make your website shine.personalized functionwebsite, story, copywriting, build, page0