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505 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: strategic

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asconsult.huAdvocate Strategic Consulting provides strategic and management consulting services for industry-leaders in the Banking, Insurance, Pharmaceuticals and Oil Industry - from helping companies identify organization bottlenecks and challenges of an ever-changing business environment to delivering…advocate strategic, strategic consulting, consulting strategic, strategic managementconsulting, transformation, management, technology, agile20
novareg.humanagement, leading development, goals, strategy, guidance, strategic planning, management development, business development, innovation, administrative consultancy, sales, sales development, efficiency improvement, organization, organization developmentstrategic management, strategic partner, hungary strategic, strategic plan, simple strategicmanagement, development, innovation, analysis, organisational13
sensomedia.huStrategic goal We use our developments and results within the house, so that we can work with modern methods and in a modern environment.media, solution, software, development, customer10
husa.huThe formation of the Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Stockpiling Association, the legal predecessor of the Hungarian Hydrocarbon Stockpiling Association (the Association or HUSA) was set out by Act No. XLIX of 1993 on the strategic stockpiling of imported crude oil and petroleum products…strategic stock, volume strategic, release strategic, xlix strategic, strategic stockpilingassociation, hydrocarbon, stock, volume, fee9
mcs.huA strategic partner of MCS Slaughterhouse Ltd. is the Bonafarm Group, which can ensure the tracing of each pig in a unique manner, in an entirely integrated system.strategic supplier, strategic partnerquality, meat, pig, production, sale9
tamarahagen.huOur areas of expertise include among others: strategic communication, marketing communication, employer branding, internal communication, corporate and B2B communications, media relations, digital communication, social media, crisis communication, CSR communication, public affairs consultancy…experience strategic, strategic communication, expertise strategic, enhance strategic, strategic plancommunication, touch, public, relation, corporate8
absolvo.huOur creative and experienced team of M&A professionals navigates the intricacies of the deal-making landscape, assisting you in identifying strategic partners or right financial investors and executing seamless transactions.landscape strategic, strategic partner, dozen strategic, international strategic, strategic financialgrowth, market, transaction, investor, capital8
meltanyossag.huCenter for Fair Political Analysis participated in the project of the Casimir Pulaski Foundation entitled “ Energy security and effective strategic communication of civil and governmental actors: V4+Ukraine ”, which was carried to as part of their “Economy and Energy” program.strategic negotiation, decade strategic, strategic consideration, security strategic, strategic communicationanalysis, election, opposition, primary, political8
gwc.hu…complex corporate branding, establishing media and online presence and handling situations demanding highly specialised communication. Common to all of them are our outstanding communications expertise, strategic thinking, innovative use of tools, as well as reliable and results-oriented delivery.strategic pr, expertise strategic, strategic thinkcommunication, expertise, highly, outstanding, reference8
personar.huAs a strategic consultant, one of our main tasks is to guarantee that the meticulously planned communication strategy is executed by the most suitable agencies. If necessary, we also provide help with the selection of the right agencies, assist their work and also review the processes while…personar strategic, strategic communication, experience strategiccommunication, strategy, consultancy, method, target7
pepperpr.hu…and printing operations. By today, re-pricing products in the store has evolved from simply being a reaction to purchasing mistakes, to a strategic tool that retailers apply to increase traffic and sales. Price changes are often required for regional pricing or other variable pricing…poland strategic, strategic shareholder, group strategic, strategic hr, mistake strategicpepper, software, technology, market, office7
ontarget.hu…to reach or what their contribution should be to achieve those goals. The result is a highly fragmented organisation where reaching the goals is a sometimes a question of luck. Interestingly, strategic planning done right will cascade the company strategy to all of your people. We consult on how.result strategic, strategic alignment, interestingly strategic, strategic plan, strategic businessresult, consulting, potential, strategy, development7
efisz.huContinuous analysis of the strategic environment, actualities and trends of the electronic payments with the involvement of industry operators (government and financial stakeholders).strategic goal, analysis strategic, strategic environmentpayment, electronic, association, provider, member7
actpartner.huBy following the jointly developed strategic grant conception, we provide project management within the framework of a trust-based professional cooperation, which applies to the entire grant management process until the project is completed.write strategic, strategic grant, range strategic, strategic consulting, company strategicgrant, training, act, application, plan7
ceis.huWe provide professional consultancy in the fields of strategic development, site selection, state subsidies and venturecapital transactions.field strategic, strategic developmentnews, european, investment, central, transaction6
silvestris.huAcquisition of 100% shares of Angelika Farm Ltd. in order to secure strategic agricultural raw material supply.strategic partnership, strategic alliance, order strategic, strategic agricultural, farm strategicoil, process, botanical, essential, technology6
xpl.huBy providing tailor-made strategic advice, we help our corporate clients understand and manage political, regulatory and policy risk in the EU – our expertise in identifying, analysing, and mitigating such risks ensures that our clients' businesses can focus on sustainable profit and growth.explico strategic, strategic partner, essential strategic, range strategic, strategic advisoryclient, political, public, risk, government6
advana.huAs an IT strategic consultant, we work closely with clients to shape their IT vision, align technology with business goals, and drive digital transformation.strategic consultingconsulting, quality, professionalism, consultancy, unparalleled6
metaelmelet.huThe Institute for Strategic Research - Homepage of the Metatheory-Metaphilosophi Research Groupinstitute strategic, strategic researchresearch, homepage, group, institute, theory6
businessenglishonskype.huBusinesses such Nike and Adidas require suppliers to prove that labor conditions in their factories meet required standards. Sustainability, recycling, diversity, and environmentalism have entered business thinking alongside strategic management and risk.organization strategic, strategic management, alongside strategicmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy5
tsrlog.huThe main strategic objective of TSR Log is to demonstrate to our partners during quality services that for us precision, communication, teamwork, expertise and reliability are essential for a perfect collaboration.main strategic, strategic objectivelog, offer, quality, main, collaboration5
exalt.huWe’re Exalt Interactive , a strategic design firm creating delightful service and product experiences, transforming businesses.exalt strategic, strategic design, interactive strategicinteractive, interaction, firm, delightful, device5
taxworld.huOur strategic legal partners conduct legal and tax related background checks, tax planning, representation during litigation, out-of-court dispute settlements as well as cases before public authorities and wealth accumulation inspections of both private individuals and companies. They also offer…company strategic, strategic cooperation, collection strategic, strategic partnerlegal, tax, accounting, office, client5
hta.org.huMr. Min is the head of the company’s Budapest-based sales office. In his role he is providing strategic leadership for the premium tire maker’s sales and marketing operations in the Hungarian market.strategic partner, role strategic, strategic leadershiptire, association, member, tyre, director5
felvesznek.hu…budget, description of tasks and calendar of activities, what is more, the financial rules of the cooperation. Partners also received four Strategic Documents: these describe the means and methods of communication under the lifetime of the project, how to disseminate and exploit results of…action strategic, strategic partnership, excellent strategic, strategic relationship, issue strategictraining, manual, teacher, school, career5
syncon.huFounded by Suzanne Pozsonyi in 2005, with the aim of transferring her international clinical research and strategic business development experience to pharma companies or service providers who do not have the presence in the emerging regions.strategic partner, research strategic, strategic business, international strategicinternational, research, amsterdam, clinical, netherlands4
starkcapital.hu…Bank (HDB) he is intimately familiar with the origination of syndicated loans and the debt- and equity financing of large projects of strategic importance. As recognition of his efforts in transforming HDB to an EU-conform, state-owned financial institution, he had the privilege to servecompany strategic, strategic buyer, prospective strategic, strategic investor, project strategiccapital, advisory, acquisition, management, merger4
hungarytoday.huThe Rákóczi Association is a key strategic partner and ally of the Hungarian Government in organizing the project.hungary strategic, strategic discussion, key strategic, strategic partnereuropean, minister, flight, latest, government4
enasco.huStrategic Advisory • Tech Hunting & Innovation Advisory • Business Development • Project Management & Tender Supportenergy, group, innovation, advisory, development4
significant.co.huWith expertise in designing and delivering data-driven cultures, we empower organizations to embrace data as a strategic asset, fostering a mindset for informed decision-making and organizational DNA.hr strategic, strategic plan, potential strategic, strategic initiative, data strategicdata, strategy, significant, optimization, tool4
cafecsoport.huFleishmanHillard Café is one of Hungary’s leading communication consultancy agencies, specializing in insight-based communication strategic planning, crisis communication, stakeholder network management and employer branding. Our goal is to maintain and improve the reputation of our clients and…communication strategic, strategic plan, insight strategic, service strategicgroup, communication, agency, integrate, media4
validum.huA developed integrated management system helps organizations identify, manage, monitor and control their HSE and quality issues in a “ holistic ” manner and achieve strategic business aims by incorporating these issues into business management.organization strategic, strategic approach, manner strategic, strategic businesssafety, fire, management, training, environmental4
agilegettogether.hu…programs where every team is organized around agile practices and frameworks, but that’s clearly not enough to achieve enterprise agility. In this talk I will share my experience about what the traits of a truly Agile Organization are and how the strategic processes and layers need to evolve.strategy strategic, strategic misalignment, elusive strategic, ust strategic, strategic alignmentagile, session, track, speaker, detail4
danubecapital.huDanube Capital R&A Zrt. was established out of the strategic and analytic team of MKB Bank Nyrt., in 2019. Within MKB Bank our team has become one of the biggest strategic and analytic team in Hungary throughout the years, while supporting and managing the bank’s clients.group strategic, strategic macroeconomic, operation strategic, strategic issue, important strategiccapital, danube, analysis, market, economic4
propertysupport.huWith weighty experience on their backs in large-scale office constructions and organizational responsibilities, our colleagues help in working out the goals and detailed schedule of the project in line with our Clients’ interests, and then contribute to the determination of the budget in the…strategic plan, course strategicproperty, support, management, office, client4
highlaneconsulting.huComplex challenges require complex-minded, business-oriented, results-focused professionals who understand and synthesize each sub-area. Our solutions to our customers are based on a holistic approach, strategic thinking, design research, validation and thorough testing, as well as market research…approach strategic, strategic thinkinnovation, consulting, process, organization, plan4
cspadvisors.huCSP Advisors’ creative minds and exceptional works have truly elevated our brand. Their strategic networking efforts have forged valuable connections and opened doors to new opportunities. We highly recommend their services.presence strategic, strategic partnership, revenue strategic, strategic affiliate, opportunity strategicadvisor, agency, zoltan, creative, brand4
help4you.huQuickly deploy strategic networks with compelling e-business. Credibly pontificate highly efficient manufactured products and enabled data.strategic decision, quickly strategic, strategic networkimmigration, permit, help, social, search4
equinox.huHigh-quality, result-oriented project preparation, grant and project management, strategic consulting and organisational development services for private and public sector clients, in Hungary and abroad.management strategic, strategic consultingdevelopment, preparation, management, consulting, reference4
proagilitas.huBased on aspiration and experience, Pro-Agilitas is predestined to work with clients on mission critical strategic issues. The company is here to help with finding and pursuing creative ideas, to formulate strategic actions and to work shoulder to shoulder with clients on realizing plans…critical strategic, strategic issue, idea strategic, strategic actionmanagement, consulting, way, mission, shoulder4
centera.huWe provide support primarily in strategic planning, innovation management, process management, system design and installation, and integration tasks.project strategic, strategic plan, primarily strategicmanagement, innovation, plan, risk, footer4
realvista.huIn the fast-paced world of real estate, where competition is fierce and first impressions are everything, standing out is not just an advantage – it’s a necessity. That’s where RealVista Real Estate Marketing Service comes into play. We are not just another marketing agency; we are your strategic…realvista strategic, strategic partner, agency strategicreal, estate, photography, reference, list4
cathayassociates.hu…quick and understandable answers with flexible availability. We strive for complete coverage both professionally and geographically: with our strategic partners, we help our clients not only in legal matters but also in the fields of taxation, accounting, public procurement, and tender…geographically strategic, strategic partner, cooperation strategic, development strategic, strategic issuelaw, international, legal, corporate, media4
bora94.huBORA 94 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Development Agency Nonprofit LLC (BAZ CDA) is a nonprofit organization, 100% owned by the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Self-Government. The Agency is an umbrella organization that has established strategic partnerships with public and private actors, such as…organization strategic, strategic partnership, partnership strategic, strategic scope, year strategicdevelopment, llc, agency, county, international3
derossi.huBusiness valuation is a pivotal tool when considering strategic movements such as a merger, acquisition, or sale, offering an accurate understanding of your enterprise's worth for effective negotiations. Beyond these transactions, business valuation is also a cornerstone when you're looking to…complexity strategic, strategic advantage, tool strategic, strategic movementvaluation, auditing, de, financial, data3
oriastablajatekok.huThe giant wooden board games offer a unique and lasting experience for adults and school-age children alike. The games are peaceful strategic battles without dice, spectacular and brain-boosting!game strategic, strategic combat, peaceful strategic, strategic battlegame, event, board, giant, festival3
uniqalis.huHe has more than 30 years of economic experience, especially in African export development. He has led several strategic and transversal projects for many Hungarian and foreign companies.country strategic, strategic approach, development strategic, strategic transversalschedule, appointment, african, international, main3
braunpartners.huBraun & Partners Hungary is the leading CSR strategic consultancy in the country. We support responsible companies, brands and leaders.csr strategic, strategic consultancy, communication strategic, management strategic, strategic globalconsultancy, bulgaria, client, brand, communication3
bonafarmcsoport.huCome and visit the plants of the Bonafarm Group and its strategic partners on our interactive map.group strategic, strategic partner, zrt strategicmanufacture, division, meat, production, group3
r-bag.huR-BAG Hungary was established in Budapest in 2001, as the firstly established entity of the R-BAG Group. It has still the biggest organization structure within the Group. R-BAG Hungary is also the majority owner of its subsidiaries in Central-Eastern Europe. The comprehensive financial and…financial strategic, strategic managementwebsite, group, phone, austria, slovenia3
edinapasti.huIn addition to website design, I also provide a marketing approach and strategic support. This way you can be sure that your website will not only be beautiful, but also effective and result-oriented.website strategic, strategic support, approach strategicwebsite, industrial, custom, solution, focus3
epti.huOn Tuesday, 24 May the Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC) relocated to new offices and facilities at its home station, the HDF Pápa Air Base. Although the Heavy Airlift Wing – the unit known for operating C–17 cargo aircraft – still has the address of the air base, its personnel will continue…tuesday strategic, strategic airliftfacility, reference, news, colleagues, technical3
rezsimonitor.hu“Deciding to consult with Sharon has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Sharon made me take a really good look at the issues by confronting them, and together and together we created a strategic plan to change my life for the better."issue strategic, strategic planlorem, dolor, ipsum, success, aliquid3
rigocon.huTaking reasonable risks in a controlled manner is an inherent part of conducting business; from the formulation of strategic goals through to the operation of the value-chain and cash-flow until the assessment of results. Proper risk management creates cohesion within management, employees and…formulation strategic, strategic goal, process strategic, business strategic, strategic financialrisk, management, control, solution, financial3
emeraldpr.hu"I have worked with Zsofia and her team for years as a client. She holds the highest professional and ethical standards combined with an attitude set for maximum success. Her strategic advice and superb problem-solving skills have supported our successful operation in Hungary."success strategic, strategic adviceemerald, zsofia, communication, member, association3
steampeek.huVFurrika! is an addictive puzzle game that combines the charm of your favourite VFur streamers with strategic gameplay. Drop your favorite furry VTuber into a glass and witness them merging into other VTubers upon contact!opponent strategic, strategic battle, thrilling strategic, strategic match, streamer strategicgame, similar, strategy, simulation, action3
nt.huPéter Nagy boasts considerable experience in a wide range of disputes, including banking litigation, liability litigation and damages claims. Interviewees highlight his “great pool of knowledge,” while a client describes him as “very responsive and reliable” and praises his “deep legal knowledge…ability strategic, strategic think, knowledge strategic, controversial strategic, strategic plotlaw, nagy, legal, firm, client3
newdoor.hu“ We have been working with Newdoor Communications Kft for years. Together we’ve developed the online communications of our company. Our team is characterized by strategic collaboration, analysis, flexibility, creativity and precision.responsibility strategic, strategic approach, team strategic, strategic collaborationstory, communication, digital, value, competency3
control1.huThey interpret the data that directly and indirectly affect the success of the business, revealing relationships that are not clear to a manager, thus providing background support for making important strategic decisions. A controller makes a comprehensive interpretation of the data produced by an…consultation strategic, strategic plan, progress strategic, strategic objective, important strategiccontrol, management, controller, analysis, plan3
equilibriumcapital.huAt the 6th meeting of the Hungarian-Kazakh Strategic Council, Mr. Murat Nurleu, Minister ofkazakh strategic, strategic council, meet strategiccapital, equilibrium, fund, manager, client3
tmerp.huERP AND S4 / HANA enterprise resource planning system provides IT support for the integrated processes of both business and budget organizations. It can be used to control, direct and automate processes, support decision-making, strategic and operational planning, and ensure the flow of information.company strategic, strategic decision, making strategic, strategic operational, development strategicimplementation, solution, process, management, operation3
ikte.huThe strategic partnership’s aim was to share best practices between sectors and methods connected to art expressions. The project idea came from the experience that helping professionals face burn out on a regular basis, no matter their education, country of work. During the project we looked for…experience strategic, strategic partnershipgroup, method, therapy, training, art3
psgroup.huThe wide range of offered services provide the possibility of Customer’s IT becoming from a background service to a strategic force, a competitive element of business. We help planning, implementing and building systems – on-premise, hybrid or could-based, provide maintenance and support for them.commitment strategic, strategic force, service strategicsupport, group, maintenance, management, engineering3
inviera.huHigh level strategic planning in conjunction with strategic project design for smooth and effective implementation.level strategic, strategic plan, conjunction strategic, strategic project, comprehensive strategicplan, feature, consulting, page, smooth3
lac.huHonorary Kazakh Consul László Horváth, President and CEO of LAC Holding Zrt, participated in the 6th session of the Hungarian-Kazakh Strategic Council. The... more...kazakh strategic, strategic councilsupport, management, kazakh, session, council3
mooncreativelab.huAny good agency can deliver on the challenge you bring them. But, a strategic agency works with you to uncover the true reason behind your challenge. At Moon Creative, you’ll benefit from our five-phased approach which hepls to identify the best strategy, the tactics that will bring you success…challenge strategic, strategic agency, speed strategic, strategic mindset, presence strategiclab, creative, media, social, agency3
arcww.huAtelier is dedicated to the fashion, beauty and luxury sectors. atelier leverages style, design and incisive strategic thinking to create aspirational luxury values for brands competing in these growing areas.management strategic, strategic plan, incisive strategic, strategic thinkgroup, leo, brand, agency, sector3
varberg.huWe list commitment and up-to-date professional knowledge among the most important values of ours. The project-management services of the Extend Europe Ltd. help their customers strategic and organizational efforts with concrete practical methods, instruments and also with integrative supportive…customer strategic, strategic organizational, project strategic, strategic questionltd, associate, management, solution, development3
quantic.huHigh scale industrial land development on 100 hectares, in strategic location in the Vienna-Bratislava-Győr triangle. Direct access to the M1 (E60) Highway.strategic location, project strategic, strategic plan, hectare strategicdevelopment, industrial, management, process, land3
pannoncsoport.huWe have maintained strategic cooperation with many of PANNON Group's Owner-Partners for several years, even decades. We believe that predictability, reliability and mutual support and assistance in long-term goals are particularly important. Our recently launched joint work with PANNON Centrum Kft…year strategic, strategic collaboration, key strategic, strategic partner, joint strategicopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market3
omnipack.huOmnipack First Hungarian Packaging Technology Cluster is a strategic alliance engaging itself in environment protection and sustainable development, the development of state-of-the-art packaging technology solutions and proactive international presence.dynamic strategic, strategic association, profit strategic, strategic alliance, cluster strategicpackaging, cluster, material, technology, tool3
born.huBORN Brandcoaching is a Budapest based network of restless business professionals. We are strategic partners of innovative multinationals, operative government companies and startup ecosystem participants. We facilitate research, strategy and action plan executions.professional strategic, strategic partner, mobilsofa strategicbear, brand, manager, event, rule3
orientriver.hu…coordination, and customs compliance, ensuring efficient and timely delivery for our clients. With our expertise in international trade, we provide strategic guidance on logistics optimization, risk mitigation, and negotiation strategies, enabling businesses to thrive in the global marketplace.capability strategic, strategic collaboration, knowledge strategic, strategic partnership, trade strategicriver, orient, solution, management, expertise3
mab.huThe Strategic Planning Board of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB) has been establishedaccreditation, education, procedure, forum, decision2
probako.hu…and sensitivity on the part of the communicator than it would in the case of a universally loved brand. Próbakő brought along this delicate, but determined approach, providing us with invaluable strategic and professional help in the darkest hours of the creation of our communication strategy.invaluable strategic, strategic professionalcommunication, media, award, campaign, social2
orhaautomotive.huwere performed for major companies. RUUKKI-Holic, Thyssen Krupp Presta Győr, AUDI Győr, SKODA Mlade Boleslav. Their products are characterised by excellent quality and manufacturing precision , all at a competitive price level. We consider their company to be a strategic partner among our suppliers.company strategic, strategic partnermanufacture, steel, quality, satisfied, automotive2
proconsultatio.huAnalyses, due diligence, valuation of firms, business units, and share packages, strategic consulting, enhancing controlling systemspackage strategic, strategic consulting, financial strategic, strategic problemdetail, analysis, valuation, consulting, research2
budafokone.huIt was our honor to sign a strategic partnership with the Budafok Local Government in January. It is a pleasure to experience that the mayor of Budafok strongly supports the cooperation with the local companies and, just like us, he considers such collaboration one of the key success factors in…honor strategic, strategic partnershipurban, logistic, location, route, primary2
dm-innovation.huNowadays, technology-business opportunities and needs are changing rapidly. DM-Innovation offers system-based business consulting services for technology companies. We provide support on strategic development of new products and services. We help financial investors and R&D institutions with…business strategic, strategic technology, support strategic, strategic developmentinnovation, development, technology, sale, process2
intelligencemedia.huBegin with our detailed onboarding and strategic foresight, ensuring clarity from inception to prototype. With our transparent feedback, expert design, and steadfast support, we elevate your journey in artificial intelligence.onboarding strategic, strategic foresight, strategic planintelligence, media, solution, development, process2
pattern.hu…assignments we bring a holistic approach to our engagements with a strong focus on ready-to-execute concepts. We work closely with our clients to formulate and deliver solutions that make a strategic impact by enriching robust analysis with creativity and hands-on-knowledge of digital tools.solution strategic, strategic impactmanagement, digital, knowledge, consulting, pattern2
kerteszmate.huI support my clients with 14+ years of experience gained in international and domestic high profile strategic projects and programmes.profile strategic, strategic project, member strategicconsultation, management, training, pmo, reference2
kopintalapitvany.hu…a downturn this year and a slower decline in inflation, as well as in the extent of the likely delay in access to EU transfers. Underlying these considerations is the assumption that the government’s political and economic policy thinking is changing at the tactical rather than the strategic level.common strategic, strategic goal, tactical strategic, strategic leveleconomic, international, literature, country, economy2
amplify.huAmplify was founded in 2017 with the goal of providing expert advice and support to organizations engaged in an M&A process to achieve their strategic goals. Since our foundation, we are consistently at the forefront of the Hungarian M&A industry, participating in numerous large-profile deals in…process strategic, strategic goal, strategic investorfinancial, consulting, reference, organization2
flow.huI have been working as Flow’s Organizational Development Consultant since 2008 and since 2016 I mostly work on leadership development processes, strategic HR and complex organizational development and also on change management projects as a Partner.process strategic, strategic hr, management strategicdevelopment, management, leadership, training, group2
iqc.huand trainer team of 15. These persons are subcontractors paid on basis of their time spend on a given project. IQ ConsultinG manages an extended strategic alliance integrating Hungarian and Non-Hungarian consulting firms, and three universities with their Business Schools. The cooperation of this…extend strategic, strategic alliance, know strategicconsulting, market, organizational, development, management2
orhamuvek.huwere performed for major companies. RUUKKI-Holic, Thyssen Krupp Presta Győr, AUDI Győr, SKODA Mlade Boleslav. Their products are characterised by excellent quality and manufacturing precision , all at a competitive price level. We consider their company to be a strategic partner among our suppliers.company strategic, strategic partnerstructure, satisfied, quality, manufacture, additional2
magyarbankholding.huAccording to the financial report by MKB Bank Nyrt., which has been published today, MKB Group met its strategic targets and successfully adapted to the changing economic environment last year. MKB Bank has completed the first phase of the integration process amidst macroeconomic uncertainties…group strategic, strategic course, strategic targetnews, group, organizational, structure, banking2
fpsc.huIn May 2012 our Foundation concluded a strategic partnership agreement with Barankovics István Foundation. The agreement provides that the two foundations will co-operate in order to issue publications related to Hungarian and European Christian democracy and, based on the social teaching of the…foundation strategic, strategic partnershipfoundation, christian, social, account, democracy2
sensa.huIn addition to communication, sales also incorporates strategic elements. Who would make a great customer, and where do the opportunities and threats lie within a market full of competitors. Our efficiency and work are greatly affected by what we do between our client meetings. How do we prepare…development strategic, strategic selection, sale strategic, strategic elementdevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting2
infogroup.huÁdám is CEO and second generation leader of Infogroup. He uses his experience as financial advisor to several privatization projects to build a strategic real-estate portfolio, that withstands crisis and attracts long-term investors. As vice president of Hungarian Real Estate Developers Roundtable…project strategic, strategic realdirector, development, real, estate2
vajdaszilard.huproject manager, COO of a department, and Product Owner of a software. Most recently, I served as the head of the Project Management Office at Mirum Agency Budapest. This diverse experience has provided me with a unique perspective, allowing me to see the bigger picture and make strategic decisions.picture strategic, strategic decision, development strategic, strategic planmanager, solution, management, people, onepage2
budapestenergysummit.huWilliam D. Magwood IV is the NEA Director-General since 2014. Prior, he served as Commissioner appointed by the US President and confirmed by the Senate to the US NRC. 2005-2010, he provided independent strategic and policy advice on energy, environmental and technology policy issues. 1998-2005…independent strategic, strategic policy, center strategic, strategic internationalenergy, gas, profile, view, thank2
mystexgame.huCompete with 100 players on a remote island for winner takes showdown known issue where certain skin strategicmatch, game, manage, remote, issue2
bpdigital.huIdentifying the appropriate goals is an essential part of any project. We begin all of our cooperations and collaborations with analysis and strategic planning, ensuring that we work toward vital goals throughout the project.analysis strategic, strategic plan, road strategicdigital, organic, traffic, engine, search2
gyoriszesz.huOur strategic market is the pharmaceutical industry. We offer ethyl alcohol, fermented from sugar beet molasses and cereals and rectified for the pharmaceutical industry.industry, food, pharmaceutical, chemical, alcohol2
h2h.huWe provide H2H business consultancy and project management support services on strategic and practical level to a wide range of people and businesses in a variety of industry sectors - from ICT to HealthCareservice strategic, strategic practical, management strategic, strategic goalproin, urna, augue, risus, et2
bodrogrugo.hu“The portfolio of our company calls for springs of strategic importance, which we were unable to procure for many years. We have contacted several domestic and foreign companies over the years, but none of them were able to fulfill our requirements. Not only did they take on the process of…spring strategic, strategic importancespring, quality, production, manufacture, tender2
laszlojudit.huStrategic Partnership is the highest level of business relations. I am confident that there is a return on energy invested in the establishment and building of relations; and both the seller and the buyer can benefit from co-operation. My aim is to facilitate the establishment of such co-operation…market, sale, foreign, international, development2
mindenkinyer.huStrategic business planning is an important part of any successful business. It involves setting long-term goals, analyzing the company’s current...goal, individual, plan, testimonial, area2
hst.huThe solution oriented exploration and focused analysis of economic and social conflicts with a strategic approachconflict strategic, strategic approach, designation strategic, strategic directionstrategy, concept, research, development, management2
mkvk.huThe Chamber’s representatives regularly offer presentations at international conferences. The Chamber’s strategic objective is to establish ongoing cooperation with the professional chambers of EU member countries.term strategic, strategic objective, chamber strategicchamber, member, auditing, sector, place2
eurogate-rail.hueconomy if the export of domestic products became uncompetitive with the drastic decline of rail freight transport, and the railway services for strategic companies and power plants were hampered. In addition, due to the higher purchase costs of imported products, the inflationary effect that has…organization strategic, strategic partnership, service strategic, strategic companyrail, railway, price, road2
valkuz.huStay ahead of the curve with our strategic IT consulting services. We analyze your existing infrastructure, identify opportunities for improvement, and develop a roadmap that aligns your technology investments with your business objectives.strategic consulting, curve strategicwebsite, management, security, server, solution2
ngproject.hu…based on distributed intelligence management systems are becoming more and more important every year, not only to manage the operation of a single process or machine function but also to monitor the entire factory or even a national system of a sector and provide management with strategic data.management strategic, strategic data, application strategic, strategic goalsolution, energy, industrial, automation, technology2
psi.huThe core of our services and training programs is built around raising awareness and conveying the message that issues of corporate security are part of the strategic activities of top management.security strategic, strategic activity, priority strategic, strategic tasksecurity, need, customer, demand, protection2
kontron.huAs a recognized system integrator of industrial digitalization solutions, on November 6, 2019, Kontron launched the Kontron University 4.0 Programme, unique in the history of Hungarian higher education. Under this programme, Kontron entered into a five-year strategic partnership with five…year strategic, strategic cooperation, strategic partnershipsolution, network, management, customer, cloud2
baricsaorsi.huCredibly envisioneer enterprise-wide content before resource maximizing leadership skills. Progressively visualize professional value via distributed value. Efficiently restore adaptive bandwidth through best-of-breed outsourcing. Appropriately redefine professional sources with extensible…team strategic, strategic theme, extensible strategicmockup, resource, alignment, video, brick2
mkagency.huIncluding strategic consulting, contractual negotiations, transfer & contract management, marketing and media positioning.agency, client, career, private, management2
konigconsulting.huIf the answer is yes to any of these questions König Consulting can offer your company a wide range of strategic HR services from performance- and talent management to employee surveys and from HR due diligence to organisational development and interim HR management.range strategic, strategic hrconsulting, consultancy, individual, advise, career2
cij.huStrategic Lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) are a growing threat to freedom of expression across the European Union, designed to scare journalists and human rights defenders into silence and restrict public debate. With the support of the European Commission a pan-European consortium…media, center, training, independent, production2
azumba.huFor businesses performing strategic deals, data area software is a crucial tool for the purpose of securely writing confidential data files. These applications can help businesses collaborate upon due diligence projects, mergers and purchases, and other strategic transactions that require a high…enlighten strategic, strategic decision, business strategic, strategic deal, purchase strategiclegal, law, agreement, contract, rule2
primefund.hu…at Hungarian Factoring Company Ltd. (MKK Zrt.), dominant in the sphere, where, as a business branch manager, he was responsible for the strategic management of corporate claims and financing transactions. The task of the organisational unit managed by him included the assessment of overduecompany strategic, strategic approach, responsible strategic, strategic managementlaw, fund, investment, management, expert2
artitect.huArtitect is a design studio and communications agency based in Budapest, Hungary. With a 360° service portfolio, we create integrated brand experiences through strategic planning, a design-led mentality, engaging content and cutting edge digital advertising methods.experience strategic, strategic plankitchen, agency, advertising, communication, digital2
hm-management.huHungary is a geographical and strategic position that makes it an ideal place for logisticsgeographical strategic, strategic positionmanagement, assistance, country, transparency, investment2
brandmakers.huAt Brandmakers we provide integrated services to our costumers, including strategic and creative planning and complete coordination of online marketing and communication.costumer strategic, strategic creative, strategic plansocial, event, studio, communication, plan2
qstest.hu…Management is a modern business application that provides manufacturers, distributors and retailers with the ability to obtain a unified understanding of inventory, warehouse, manufacturing, service and logistics, with analytics that turn data into insights to support better strategic decisions.well strategic, strategic decision, priority strategic, strategic partnermanagement, solution, automation, customer, process2
szintezis-net.huStrategic planning helps us better understand your goals so that we can keep the focus on what is important to you throughout our cooperation. We can plan milestones for the development process and how we can achieve them most efficiently. We will define KPIs and how we will measure them.process, development, solution, user, patient2
clew.huWe believe that Hungarian businesses that were born to succeed must be given the opportunity to grow and the chance to realise their strategic plans! We believe that your company is capable of achieving the same level of growth! As business and financial advisors, we will give you a steady hand on…chance strategic, strategic plan, path strategic, strategic goalconsulting, financial, hand, investor, legal2
exportreadiness.huStrategic Partnership is the highest level of business relations. I am confident that there is a return on energy invested in the establishment and building of relations; and both the seller and the buyer can benefit from co-operation. My aim is to facilitate the establishment of such co-operation…market, sale, foreign, international, development2
artcomm.huI am a B2C and B2B strategic marketing specialist with extensive experience in marketing, communication, event management and PR. I have over 20 years Marketing and Marketing Communications experience with executive leadership skills in the Hungarian & Central Eastern European, automotive, energy…perspective strategic, strategic earth, experience strategic, strategic marketingpresentation, communication, skill, leadership, brochure2
eli-alps.huThe Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI ERIC) signed an agreement with the University of Szeged to become the majority shareholder in ELI ALPS. The strategic agreement effectively integrates the Hungarian-based research...alp strategic, strategic agreementprocurement, data, public, research, alp2
bilogic.huBusiness intelligence (BI) is an analytical service that can combine data from disparate domains, systems, or data sources, and explore and analyse the relationships between them. One of its main purposes is to provide transparency into the way an organisation works, to support strategic decisions…organisation strategic, strategic decision, day strategic, strategic businessintelligence, data, logic, decision, colleagues2
noierdek.huInternal capacity development and coalition building: strengthening of and networking among member organisations of the Hungarian Women’s Lobby through capacity development, elaboration of strategic planning, and mainstreaming knowledge on women’s human rights into the work of member organisations…elaboration strategic, strategic plan, sustainable strategic, strategic partnershipwoman, organisation, national, lobby, member2
oditsolutions.huWhether it’s digital transformation, sector convergence, or financial and operational complexities, leading technology and digital capabilities to a CEO’s toughest strategic issues.tough strategic, strategic issue, strategic restructurecybersecurity, academy, leadership, publication, change2
veginnovation.huIt is an exciting board game that combines the experience of foosball with interactive buttons and strategic decision-making.button strategic, strategic decisioninteractive, visual, innovation, video, identification2
startouring.hu…its collapse, the new government was forced to sign the Trianon Peace Treaty in 1920. Since the pens of the negotiators were guided by military-strategic considerations when they drew the borders of the successor states, two thirds of the Hungarian nation found itself outside the borders of the…military strategic, strategic consideration, spot strategic, strategic importancewine, century, castle, country, house2
tyrusz.huother experts via contract to the company. Furthermore, Our company specializes in providing comprehensive business development services, with a strategic focus on bridging the gap between the vibrant Hungarian market and the dynamic markets of the Arab world. We are committed to fostering mutuallyservice strategic, strategic focusmarket, study, honey, communication, success2
opl.huGyörgy joined OPL gunnercooke in April 2022 in order to lead the intellectual property (IP) practice of the firm. György worked previously at the IP practice group of international law firms and spent one year at a German leading IP firm, Bardehle Pagenberg in Münich. György gained significant…experience strategic, strategic plan, commercial strategic, strategic sectorlaw, university, legal, language, fluent2
outturn.huNegotiations have to be well prepared. Objectives, alternatives and the status quo have to be to defined and the strategic situation has to be analyzed. A precise diagnosis leads to a successful therapy.poor strategic, strategic fit, quo strategic, strategic situationnegotiation, management, deal, support, market2
moonwalk.hu‘MOONWALK’ is a strategic cooperation of three civil society organization from Hungary, Italy and Portugal. Find out more about the partnership here. The project was implemented with the co-financing of the European Union, in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. Find out of the programme here.moonwalk strategic, strategic cooperationdisability, people, research, young, youth2
guidevision.huOur strategic business consulting team is focused on providing creative and informed advice, based on a thorough understanding of each client’s goals, present environments, and requirements.strategic advicemanagement, customer, insight, value, study2
budapestlngsummit.huTeodora Georgieva has more than 20 years of experience as a strategic manager, leading significant projects in various economic sectors. Currently, Ms. Georgieva is the Executive Director of the Bulgarian side of the project company ICGB and is also a member of its Board of Directors. ICGB is…experience strategic, strategic manager, play strategic, strategic partnershiplng, summit, gas, energy, speaker2
easy-way.huDefines the information goals directly in line with the organization’s overall strategic plansoverall strategic, strategic plan, easyway strategic, strategic solutionsolution, strategy, expert, enterprise, automation2
czifrajuli.huIn Cannes, Milan and Munich, Juli skillfully managed investor fairs as external PM, where the strategic interests of the country and the capital (in that Budapest is the Capital of the Danube) were represented. She also professionally supported me and my growing team as a coach, taking a lot of…practical strategic, strategic sense, pm strategic, strategic interestinterview, consulting, article, psychology, book2
clearvision.hu…business management positions at multinational companies and is linked for more than 10 years to Clearvision team. Beside the setup and management of the professional team, he also plays determinative role in defining the company's strategic directions. He spends free time with sports and travel.company strategic, strategic directionsolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication2
blascoding.huFor years, BlasCoding has been at the forefront of delivering robust software and hardware solutions. Their new direction, however, marks a strategic pivot towards leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technologies to provide more innovative, efficient, and forward-thinking solutions…transformation strategic, strategic plan, direction strategic, strategic pivotsoftware, solution, hardware, digital, development2
annamagyar.huHer deep understanding of human nature allows her to create solutions that are conceptually grounded and purpose driven. In her work, she seeks to create visual identities through a powerful combination of intuitive design approaches and strategic thinking.approach strategic, strategic think, careful strategic, strategic planbrand, graphic, identity, freelance, personality2
cgeopol.huPrimarily the Council makes competitive , political and strategic researches and geopolitical analyses. It organizes conferences and seminars as well as holding lectures on the questions of foreign and security policy. It also undertakes the preparation of risk analyses and the handling of the…political strategic, strategic researchcouncil, member, board, research, foundation1
bud360.huSeize the unique opportunity to invest in Budapest's most coveted locations with BUD360. Our strategic approach focuses on prime property selection and transformation, ensuring significant returns on investment. With an impressive ROI of 34% and a rental yield of 15%, we not only promise a…location strategic, strategic approachinvestment, appointment, property, real, estate1
hdy.hu. There are no books out in the market presenting a summary of contemporary Hungarian design in a condensed form at the moment (nor has been one in the past decades) despite the fact that each design-aware nation that treats its creative industry as a strategic sector has a yearbook-type…industry strategic, strategic sectorbook, editor, art, university, international1
lawyerbudapest.hu…first gained expertise in public and private procurements, tenders and licensing procedures. In the past few years he’s been focusing on working out business legal concepts and commercial contracts. Gary is the strategic thinker and a virtuoso of concept-making with high level of business attitude.gary strategic, strategic thinkerlaw, formation, lawyer, tax, vat1
iskiconsulting.huWe offer unique and efficient solutions in strategic, regulatory, business development, professional communication, project management and market research issues of the sectorsolution strategic, strategic regulatoryconsulting, activity, reference, efficient, solution1
angolmesekert.huThe strategic goals include the long-term goals of our kindergarten. These objectives are the starting point for our local program.child, preschool, introduction, education, development1
bilk.huBILK Logisztikai Zrt. is a well-established, commercially stable company. At the heart of its strategic planning is the achievement of continuous growth in addition to constant cost optimisation in the long run.heart strategic, strategic planlogistic, warehouse, centre, corporate, governance1
balker.huIn addition to industrial adhesives – as Motip’s leading strategic partner – we have been distributing Motip technical sprays, putty, chassis guards and lubricants since 2010. We offer a huge selection of these products to our partner, complementing our range with industrial tapes and safety…lead strategic, strategic partneradhesive, application, range, construction, industry1
horvathconsulting.hu…and consultant he took project management responsibilities for numerous organizational development and change management projects in Greece, Denmark and Morocco. Later as a senior management member he gains experience in HR strategic issues like management development and succession planning.hr strategic, strategic issuesale, horvath, consulting, management, development1
sttp.hu…and maintain business value. The best way to achieve it is sophistication. And since Leonardo, we know that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Creating a sophisticated system requires expert knowledge, forward-looking, strategic thinking and a complete and deep understanding of business.look strategic, strategic thinkpoint, client, straight, management, solution1
avhga.huThe European Investment Fund (EIF) and Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány (AVHGA) have signed a COSME agreement in Hungary, benefiting from the support of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the […]fund strategic, strategic investmentguarantee, agricultural, investment, food, credit1
park22.huEuropa Capital is majority owned by Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd, one of the world’s largest real estate groups, which is a strategic investor alongside Management. Europa Capital Partners LLP and Europa Capital LLP are authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.group strategic, strategic investorestate, management, real, building, office1
globalia.huWe launched the solar park development business in year 2019. To date, we have been involved in the design and financial background of more than 150 MW capacity of solar parks. Our strategic goal is to implement several land-based solar park projects in Kazakhstan. Our new company, founded in…park strategic, strategic goalnews, kazakhstan, forum, solution, minister1
gtec-power.huWith satisfaction and pride we announce that the new training room has been inaugurated. It aims to be the highlight of Gtec training proposal. Gtec has always considered training as essential and strategic, as an important mean to support its clients and distributors...essential strategic, strategic importantpower, supply, modular, industrial, europe1
dussmann.huWith a clear strategic positioning and a comprehensive rebranding, the Dussmann brand will gradually present itself in a new look and feel in the coming weeks. Curious?clear strategic, strategic positioningclean, security, technical, management, industry1
defence.huOn 11 January, the foundation stone of the new C-17 Aircrew Training System (Simulator) building of the Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC) was laid at the Hungarian Defense Forces’ 47th Air Base in Pápa (western Hungary). This part of the building will house the offices and workshops for the…build strategic, strategic airliftdefence, force, general, news, command1
hrsmart.huIt is important to see exactly what the labour market implications are before important strategic steps are taken. We help you get prepared and answer all necessary questions before making any strategic decision.important strategic, strategic step, question strategic, strategic decisionemployee, recruitment, staff, organizational, support1
colabs.huin investing their time and money into new, cutting edge startups. Next to the funding members also provide value by mentoring and coaching the entrepreneurs in whom they invest, serving on their boards, providing contacts and assisting with team building, strategic planning and further fundraising.build strategic, strategic planinvestor, member, investment, event, app1
investmentor.huWhether strategic counselling, finding the right real estate or solving taxation related issues, we can assist you at many aspects of economic life.agency, real, estate, support, legal1
cavok.huOur base, Godollo Airfield, is located near Budapest, the beautiful capital of Hungary. The airfield is close to all the local amenities with easy road and rail transportation to Budapest city center and Budapest International Airport. Our strategic location is ideal for visual flight and…airport strategic, strategic locationtraining, flight, aviation, airline, school1
elanit.huELANIT supports transmission system operators, electricity generators, traders and energy suppliers in implementing and realizing their strategic objectives. ELANIT´s competencies span from providing technical assistance for projects to the successful selection and introduction of supporting IT…supplier strategic, strategic objective, cooperation strategic, strategic partnerconsulting, electricity, industry, solution, sector1
independads.huEmploying advanced analytics tools, IndependADS track and analyze campaign performance data, providing valuable insights that inform strategic adjustments and enhance overall advertising effectiveness.insight strategic, strategic adjustmentcampaign, data, user, performance, client1
unlocked.hu…ex-detainees and addicts with high criminality risk, and to support their social integration. The project wants to achieve its goal through a strategic partnership working on tools extension, knowledge and experience sharing, and on employing innovative, non-formal creative programs and methods…goal strategic, strategic partnershipsummary, presentation, photo, programme, meet1
uniquefield.huGive us a hint of what you are looking for and we will research it, do analysis and come up with an integrated strategic plan.analysis strategic, strategic planagency, social, strategy, brand, plan1
smartlegal.huWe planned to write off the debt, but in the end, due to you professionalism, we managed to collect a big part of it. You have what a good law firm should have: knowledge and seasoned experience, strategic thinking, enthusiasm, and responsiveness!experience strategic, strategic thinklegal, law, international, lawyer, solution1
projecthr.huDeveloping and communicating corporate values and engaging talents are complex strategic tasks. Where employer branding is the everyday experience of employees, and the commitment to values comes to life in leadership actions, thriving teams can work with creativity and productivity for common…complex strategic, strategic taskhealth, market, research, human, resource1
metmaxeurope.huMetMax Europe, as a strategic European supplier, is a metalworking company with several decades of experience. It manufactures and supplies portfolios of complex components for its international clients. Its main profile is the production of high-precision, complex machined components, primarily…europe strategic, strategic europeaneurope, technological, page, background, precision1
fklaw.hu…whichever is larger. Recently both Facebook and WhatsApp were fined in Spain for data transfer issues. While the fines imposed on Facebook and WhatsApp were not significant in this case, the potential for massive fines make compliance with the GDPR a major strategic issue for all companies.major strategic, strategic issuelaw, data, firm, legal, client1
mesh360.huOutsourcing your marketing, building or recovering your business’ online presence and making your current communication more successful! We believe in a strategic approach, continuous communication filled with emotions, and the measurement that is essential for optimization.successful strategic, strategic approachreference, graphic, logo, strategy, development1
cbsproperty.huCBS Property is a major landowner in Hungary with nearly 8,000,000 m2 of property in strategic locations, mostly in and around the capital city of Budapest. Some of the sites are currently being marketed for sale while others are to be developed. Details of all of these properties are available…property strategic, strategic locationproperty, district, site, homepage, capital1
transfer-r.huThe main activity of the company is providing of reloading and goods storing services, as well as services of intermediaries in foreign trade and freight forwarding-customs operations. The company is located at the distance of 5 km from the border crossing Chop in Ukraine, which provides it with…good strategic, strategic logistictransfer, forward, reference, activity, transport1
tpa-group.huExpansion in new markets, strategic reorientation or reorganisation: mergers and acquisitions open up opportunities for companies of every size and...market strategic, strategic reorientationaccounting, advisory, order, tax, group1
layermark.huOur founder and team have experience in strategic B2B growth through best marketing solutions. We partner with clients to build ROI-centric campaigns that take your business to the next level. We customize solution for our clients such as whether that’s through video marketing, SEO optimization or…experience strategic, strategic growthdigital, user, advertising, application, solution1
birokft.huDue to our excellent workforce and expanding strategic connections, we have expanded our activities to spare parts production. We have also become an automotive industry supplier.workforce strategic, strategic connectionmilling, operator, metal, tool, production1
dogandpony.huOur marketing agency in Budapest supports companies with a holistic knowledge in every aspect of marketing: from market analysis, strategic planning, and creative design to copywriting and production, as well as each field of marketing communication, whether it is ATL or BTL. Our Hungarian…analysis strategic, strategic planagency, logo, dog, advertising, media1
operettissima.huBeing a non-profit performing arts organisation, Operettissima Nonprofit Ltd. nurtures the legacy of world-famous Hungarian operetta composers and Hungarian operetta traditions through the promotion and staging of concerts and theatre performances. Operettissima, together with its strategic…operettissima strategic, strategic partneroperetta, concert, theatre, ticket, news1
publicisgroupe.huPerformics is a performance pioneer, with a focus on performance marketing that has moved from a specialty service to the strategic center for brands. We’re connecting marketing investment to consumer intent, redefining performance by using data, consumer intent signals, technology, media and…service strategic, strategic centernews, brand, client, idea, media1
jobgroup.huWe are more than a supplier. Our aim is to think together with our clients about business challenges, whether they are operational or strategic HR processesoperational strategic, strategic hrdetail, solution, recruitment, industry, labour1
ppis.huAs a full-scale innovation management agency on a mission to make ideas work, we are bringing promising R&D developments to market. As a strategic consultancy dedicated to low carbon economy transition we support our clients to become innovative and resilient.market strategic, strategic consultancyinnovation, climate, management, private, change1
aegislegal.huIt is our intention to offer company owners and executives highly specialized legal services with auxiliary strategic advisory in those complex situations which demand this kind of structured legal thinking: in the field of business transactions, capital markets and trust structures.auxiliary strategic, strategic advisorylaw, market, capital, page, advisory1
travelsoft.huHigh quality is a strategic aspect for us, our company meets the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standardquality strategic, strategic aspectsolution, corporate, software, custom, technology1
innovators.huEspecially in strategic context, foresight is not about predicting the future. There are far too many variables and dependencies in play to be able to do so. Foresight is about imagining many different futures: positive futures, negative-, weird- and amazing futures.especially strategic, strategic contextinnovator, development, people, challenge, management1
basilicon.hu…allows businesses to anticipate trends, optimise operations, and boost their competitive edge. Whether you’re navigating through the labyrinth of Big Data or embarking on sophisticated network analyses, our team of data experts is your dependable partner, translating numbers into strategic wisdom.number strategic, strategic wisdomconsulting, international, knowledge, strategy, broad1
sarifruzsicoach.hu“Deciding to consult with Sharon has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Sharon made me take a really good look at the issues by confronting them, and together and together we created a strategic plan to change my life for the better."issue strategic, strategic planstory, success, session, ipsum, dolor1
thevibe.hu​ At The Vibe, we are a Budapest-based PR and communications consultancy specializing in Public Relations, strategic communication and sustainable marketing. Our team of experts works tirelessly to create unique and effective PR campaigns that will elevate your brand and connect you with your…relation strategic, strategic communicationvibe, communication, agency, client, enthusiastic1
artitechmedia.huOur mission is to empower individuals, startups, and established businesses with stunning online platforms that not only reflect their vision but also drive results. We believe that a well-designed website is more than just a digital presence; it’s a strategic asset that can elevate your brand and…presence strategic, strategic assetwebsite, goal, development, main, quality1
productflow.huWouldn’t it be nice to not only accelerate queues but also taking their economic effects into consideration when constantly making strategic and tactical decisions? Not to mention knowing why this keeps happening, how much it costs and could you avoid the pitfalls somehow?constantly strategic, strategic tacticaldecision, webinar, page, process, need1
pipistrel-hungary.huas part of this cooperation, to deliver exceptional strategic value to stakeholders. All involved parties expect a significant arise of industry-wide engagement, forming enhanced global competitiveness, backed by skill and experience which Slovenia-Hungary regional connection is offering.exceptional strategic, strategic valueaircraft, cooperation, manufacture, virus, production1
penzforgalom.hudraw the attention to the meaning and strategic role of Interbank Payment System and the function of GIRO;mean strategic, strategic rolepayment, day, clear, commercial, money1
caboverdeconsul.huLocated in a strategic zone between Europe (3-4 hours by plane), the West African Coast (1-2republic, investment, cape, country, general1
primustrust.huGenerational wealth transfer is a comprehensive strategic approach that aims to create a robust, secure, and predictable process for transferring substantial amounts of family wealth between generations while minimizing tax burdens and ensuring flexibility.comprehensive strategic, strategic approachtrust, protection, asset, tax, family1
agilecontracting.huAC supports, controls and focuses on product design on strategic levels with premade contracts.design strategic, strategic levelcontract, agile, ac, webinar, template1
eagleeye.huContent marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined.marketing strategic, strategic marketingdevelopment, study, process, media, social1
paladinbilisim.huOur certified consultants leverage our strategic partnership with our vendors to deliver transformative solutionsconsultant strategic, strategic partnershipdata, solution, management, intelligence, organisation1
ltlo.huAcquisition and maintenance of rights, whether they are trademarks, patents, industrial designs or domains, franchises and other commercial networks, license agreements, copyright consultancy, in particular the purchase of softwares or the sale of in-house development, strategic advising.development strategic, strategic adviseexpertise, expert, law, legal, representation1
allinwine.huCollective thinking, strategic planning, and coordinated efforts are key to ensuring that companies not only survive but thrive and excel. All-In Wine was born in this spirit to assist teams in coming together, progressing towards common goals, and achieving success.think strategic, strategic planwine, build, benefit, competition, culinary1
thegcindex.huhas a hands on approach with client and as a Strategic / Implementer GCologist she is focusing on giving pragmatic and ready-to-implement solutions, which will take you to a higher level or move you to next phase.client strategic, strategic implementerchange, consulting, mindset, development, culture1
redrecruitment.huIn this blog post, we explore a case study of ABC Tech Solutions, a German AI technology firm, and how RED. Recruitment, effectively addressed their organizational development challenges. Facing issues with outdated job descriptions amid a rapidly evolving tech landscape, ABC Tech partnered with…tech strategic, strategic overhaul, company strategic, strategic objectiverecruitment, europe, central, agency, eastern1
elber.hu…on their expertise, thoroughness and quality work. A reliable and well-prepared partner for our construction tasks to the satisfaction of our customers. For us ÉLBER Ltd. is a strategic partner for the future - based on their professional experience and their commitment to high-quality production.élber strategic, strategic partnerindustry, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, industrial1
mititex.huThis strategic choice is enforced by ensuring our maximum priority towards Product’s Quality and Reliability, since our conviction is that this represents the actual keystone for competitiveness.quality, activity, group, member, italian1
hungarianbatteryday.hubattery industry and its strategic objective is to keep up with the new industry trends by becoming an important player in the battery production value chain.industry strategic, strategic objectivebattery, day, industry, director, objective1
abci.huAdvocate Business Consulting is a privately owned Hungary-based IT Consulting and Development Services Company. 15 leaders in Financials and Pharmaceuticals industry chose us as a strategic partner for IT Consulting and Development, from Business Analysis to Outsourced IT development and Project…industry strategic, strategic partnerdevelopment, consulting, industry, pharmaceutical, financial1
kevintalas.huOverseeing the day-to-day operations, upkeep, and strategic optimization of the dynamic WordPress website of a foreign Coffee Roastery and Café. Exploring opportunities for improvement and innovation, including the integration of new features when warranted to enhance functionality and user…upkeep strategic, strategic optimizationuniversity, opportunity, challenge, science, computer1
darkcube.huAdvise of strategic activities relating to the space sector and the telecommunications industry, as well as preparation and advise of applications for national and international eventsdark, space, consulting, telecommunication, sector1
ovsz.huThe Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service (HNBTS) serves as the national centralized provider of blood component products to the hospital sector in Hungary and is responsible for strategic planning, management, training and advisory activities in health policy decision making for the field…responsible strategic, strategic plandonation, blood, office, stem, cell1
vmmodel.huVM provides an experienced professional crew which can provide a highly personalised and strategic management to develop only lasting and longterm careers for a very selected group of "A" level models, who can start their career without any financial investment from their side. They have a special…personalised strategic, strategic managementmodel, homepage, girl, boy, international1
auter.huAs the biggest PCB manufacturing company owned by Hungarian strategic investors in Hungary we help you in design and professional manufacture of your printed circuit products with 100% special demands. It can be single side, double-side, multilayer PCB, flexible, rigid or rigid-flex we use our 35…hungarian strategic, strategic investorfoil, circuit, board, graphic, production1
ahproduction.huMaking sure that we meet the highest professional standards, our program production service covers the entire production process (of ready-to-air programs). In television program production we work in strategic partnerships spanning a decade with other participants of the television market…production strategic, strategic partnershipchampionship, production, broadcast, european, woman1
gabortorok.huRESEARCH. Specializes in the analysis of the political system following the regime change, as well as in political and strategic analysis; wrote his doctoral dissertation on the topic of political agendas. Writer, co-writer or editor of eight books, of which two are widely used university…political strategic, strategic analysispolitical, university, analysis, science, academic1
szeged-english.huNew Faces is a European Strategic Partnership that aims to promote historical and literary understanding of the complexities of crises (cultural, linguistic, political, social, religious, and economic), to help face a complex contemporary European context.european strategic, strategic partnershipuniversity, february, study, student, department1
quicksystem.huSince its foundation, the firm continuously endeavored to aid its clients in achieving their strategic objectives. Contemporaneously with the growth of client requirements, we develop our specialty skills, broaden our offerings, so that we can provide the indispensable IT background which is…client strategic, strategic objectiveoperation, software, development, network, client1
fourpoint.huOur company represents a progressive and goal-oriented approach in the market with its dynamically developing and complex service system. Our main strength is strategic thinking which, along with professional planning and management, also includes the controlling of current project activities.strength strategic, strategic thinkpoint, application, grant, management, plan1
eltearabszak.huMáté Szalai (Budapest): The Role of Smallness and Responsibility in the Strategic Narratives of British Elites Regarding the Withdrawal from the Gulf Region (1968-1971)responsibility strategic, strategic narrativepost, reply, volume, september, october1
masterfoam.huWith its manufacturing site established in the northern region of Hungary in 2005, Masterfoam Ltd. has joined the group of extruded PE foam producers in Europe. Masterfoam has proven to be a long-term reliable strategic supplier of the dominant players in the European construction and packaging…reliable strategic, strategic suppliernews, packaging, certificate, central, close1
budapestcapoeira.hu…Portuguese attacks until the end of the 17th century. In this struggle they demonstrated not only their combat capabilities, but also their organizational skills and strategic thinking. The quilombos - their secret cities - operated as complete mini-states with economy, commerce and infrastructure.skill strategic, strategic thinkgroup, training, schedule, photo, presentation1
laurius.huFor us it is of great importance to provide our strategic partners – whose operation and aims we deeply understand – with market participant-focused services.importance strategic, strategic partnerclient, market, operation, expert, technology1
mediway.huSince the foundation of the company, we have developed strategic and valuable partnerships with multi-national companies and medium-sized companies. These are some of the valuable partnerships we have developed with companies:company strategic, strategic valuableforce, sale, medical, pharmacy, centre1
bpne.huIn 2005, our visionary journey began as a European enterprise, pioneering in the realms of telecommunications and communication technology. With each passing year, we've transformed through dynamic growth, cutting-edge technology, and strategic acquisitions. Our roster boasts acclaimed mavens in…technology strategic, strategic acquisitioncounter, safe, drone, expert, technology1
xperteam.huOur company can be an outstanding partner of your business when it comes to high-risk projects, strategic decisions and planning return on investment.project strategic, strategic decisionintelligence, reference, age, expertise, competency1
enet.huLeveraging 22 years of experience, eNET masterminds bespoke problem-solving, massive transformations, strategic initiatives, and comprehensive implementations. Our role extends beyond that of mere consultants; we seamlessly meld with our clients, embodying their collective spirit.transformation strategic, strategic initiativedigitalization, process, management, consulting, technology1
orienteventive.huOur main goal is to identify your needs and to transform your suggestions into creative reality. We dedicate special attention to every single detail, keeping budgeting in mind while achieving strategic goals.mind strategic, strategic goalorient, event, build, conference, ready1
smsolutions.huAs a fast-growing start-up company, we are also focusing on strategic planning, gradual expansion and stability. Namely, besides increasing efficiency, we feel effectiveness and organisation guarantee high-quality services.company strategic, strategic plansolution, technology, water, ltd, device1
ternai.huOur strategic goals are to introduce high quality fresh vegetables and premium products in the European “agricultural market” with our cold-foil grown and purchased vegetables. We are also looking for the opportunities that arise from the novelties of cultivation, and are strengthening our…quality, agricultural, activity, requirements, production1
secaas.huA virtual CISO can provide strategic and operational leadership in the security field for small and medium-sized companies that cannot afford to employ a highly skilled and experienced professional full-time.ciso strategic, strategic operationalsecurity, training, management, organisation, interest1
adveropia.huStrategy drives us All digital marketing tactics have strategic implications: SEO, PPC, social media, design all impact internet marketing performance. No matter what you hire us to do, we think about the overall picture. That’s been our approach since the beginning, and it makes us unique…tactic strategic, strategic implications, unique strategic, strategic servicesuccess, brand, awareness, strategy, customer1
bepro.huutmost care, the desired success is inevitable. We do our utmost to be market leaders in Hungary, but from the very beginning it is an important strategic goal for us not to limit our activities within the country’s borders. The task is difficult but not impossible. We know and acknowledge our…important strategic, strategic goalsign, board, office, decoration, advertisement1
odd.huOur strategic partner is NINGBO SANXING ELECTRIC , a Chinese parent company of the AUX Chinese Group, which is one of China’s Top500 companies.consulting, electricity, introduction, meter, activity1
novatecheu.hu…stands out as a beacon of expertise. We provide cutting-edge predictive analysis, consulting, engineering, and assessments to empower your business with strategic insights. Our forward-thinking approach ensures that you are not just keeping up with industry standards but setting new benchmarks.business strategic, strategic insightmain, precision, europe, edge, commitment1
szkiroda.hu…as well. Therefore, our lawyers obtain continuously expanding and deepening knowledge concerning the special legal environments relevant to our partners and the predominant business and professional peculiarities, as a result of which our priority clients also rely on us as strategic consultants.client strategic, strategic consultantoffice, law, area, colleagues, page1
sisconsulting.huUtiber – we set up a team of consultants to map the company’s processes in management, HR, finance and IT departments. The objective was to create an actionable internal reco for the stakeholders (quick wins & strategic goals) based on a 360 degree analysis and on industry best practises.win strategic, strategic goalconsulting, development, capability, management, commercial1
f-projekt.huIn the course of performing assignments we are committed to providing Clients with practical and individual solutions adjusted to both their short-term and strategic goals. The basis for rendering efficient services is the open and clear communication which allows us to design a long-term solution.term strategic, strategic goalsolution, page, client, advisory, process1
investcee.huWe work with corporate in-house departments, law firms and business teams to help engage with legal technology tools (LegalTech) in a creative and transformative manner. Clients access smart technology via our LegalTech Marketplace to optimize their legal work streams and provide strategic…stream strategic, strategic guidancelegal, technology, operation, law, house1
cloverfield.huFP&A and Operational Finance: Financial Budgeting , linking finance and operations, strategic finance.operation strategic, strategic financeprocess, plan, cloud, performance, fast1
zoard.huStrategic marketing is a magical field where data and creativity meet to help businesses stand out and reach their target audience. This is the key to business success in a competitive world.digital, agency, website, page, build1
pestbuda.huBrainstorming can start about Népliget - the capital has launched a design competition The Metropolitan council has issued a tender for the renewal of Népliget, design teams of which at least one member is a landscape architect can apply for the task. Based on the strategic plan adopted last year…task strategic, strategic planago, square, public, build, century1
marketintelligence.huResearch agency based in the Central and Eastern European region performing consultancy assignments such as market/ competitive analysis, strategic presentations / workshops, interim management/ company transition and report writing for a range of global clients (in the field of research…analysis strategic, strategic presentationmarket, intelligence, cee, agency, research1
budaors.huInhabitants of surrounding settlements also like using services of our commercial centres. In addition to the wide range of offerings of shopping centres, our industrial park offers sites to a number of enterprises. Our city's strategic direction for the coming period is the increasing settlement…city strategic, strategic directioncity, affairs, office, settlement, transaction1
coachingteam.huWe think about organizations and departments – small or large – as an interactive ecosystem where we create harmony between people, processes, structures, capabilities and values along clear strategic directions to maximize business and organizational performance.clear strategic, strategic directiondevelopment, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious1
sudalu.huThe main focus of our company is the manufacturing of welded aluminium structures, including construction scaffolding, floors, supporting structures, stairs, ladders, working platforms, steps for machinery, foldable scaffolds, and their accessories. Our strategic partner is ZARGES Kft…accessories strategic, strategic partnermachine, structure, welding, steel, worker1
innomotive.huOur strategic goal is to increase our competitiveness in the ICT, education, consulting and e-products and services markets by continually providing more, better, more complex and more tailored products and services to the market's economic and non-profit players.main, training, market, development, consulting1
fronius24.huWe actively establish strategic partnerships with our suppliers through joint development activities.actively strategic, strategic partnershipperfect, charge, welding, energy, overview1
aacm.huThe third Replication Workshop organized by Piemonte Region focused on the challenges of Financing Energy Efficiency, was held on the 15 of April 2021. An overview of the strategic framework of the new ERDF programming period, the priorities and related EU policies were presented by Karoly Oelberg…overview strategic, strategic frameworkeurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
tulipantunder.hu…above and below ground. In joint operation with the owner of the experience center, we reopened the water park after a year of shutdown as the strategic consultants of the park, after a complete change of image and renovation. Thanks to our full rebranding, interim management and business…shutdown strategic, strategic consultantproduction, exhibition, space, dream, game1
proper-m.huMarcell is a senior real estate professional with over 13 years of experience in real estate advisory with special focus on real estate investment, transaction management and strategic consultancy.management strategic, strategic consultancyproper, transaction, real, estate, management1
realign.hu…portfolio clearly illustrates that we have extensive and high-quality knowledge as well as the required competencies to apply at all stages of real estate investments. We lead our projects with a developer, partnership and creative approach, with strong strategic and business understanding.strong strategic, strategic businessmanagement, construction, office, technical, expertise1
invescom.huFundraising: Capital raising from strategic or financial investors – venture capital, private equity or mezzanine financing – enables our clients to successfully realize their growth strategies. In the course of our fundraising assignments Invescom provides full range of transaction services…raise strategic, strategic financialclient, international, transaction, sell, value1
reticolo.hu…to resolving community and environmental issues. Our current portfolio is comprised of a wide range of developments across property sectors. These sectors consist of penthouse and flat management, strategic project management, attic investments, monument statics, constructing and facade cleaning.management strategic, strategic projectdevelopment, castle, engineering, monument, construction1
origodigitalfilm.hu…filmmaking in Europe, and set out to align itself with the best premier independent film studios in the United States. Through this strategic decision, the Origo Film Group was born. Today, the Group is comprised of five integral components that come together in a state-of-the-art…state strategic, strategic decisiondigital, post, production, complex, daily1
hpmc.huThe combination of the strong financial background, the general business knowledge, executive experience and the strategic thinking ensures the performance and efficiency improvement of the companies using HPMC’s support.experience strategic, strategic thinkconsulting, financial, general, profile, reference1
bridgeinstitute.hu…our non-profit programmes, we provide knowledge transfer and produce tools for the commercial market in Bridge Institute. With our social enterprise we intend to show how an NGO can use its knowledge to gain profit and long-term sustainability to support its strategic goals and everyday operation.sustainability strategic, strategic goalcourse, cooperation, education, knowledge, engagement1
ctosolutions.huWe navigate and orient ourselves in a multitude of machines, networks, programs and codes – sometimes with strategic and sometimes analytical thinking.code strategic, strategic analyticalsolution, optimization, consultation, transformation, client1
brakehose.huOur ability to innovate and our ever-widening technological developments form the basis of our strategic development, and in the long run this is the key to our success.basis strategic, strategic developmenthose, brake, catalogue, hydraulic, production1
gks.hubusiness consultancy • training & development • hr • strategic planning • sales • marketing • events • pr • aftersales • audits • translation & proofreadinghr strategic, strategic plansolution, knot, value, core, training1
procurcon.huTypically, it covers tender processes that start with preparing the specification with Clients and close with finishing the contract preparation with the selected supplier. Our Partners have wide range of experience in handling supplier situations (strategic partnerships, leverage and bottleneck…situation strategic, strategic partnershipprocurement, purchase, process, management, improvement1
castlegate.hu. We understand it is our responsibility to protect not only your properties, information, but also your reputation and we strive to provide you a service like no other. From honing our skills to providing strategic partnership we always aim to over deliver no matter what the situation or problem…skill strategic, strategic partnershippage, gate, castle, member, plan1
kurultaj.huKurultaj is a very important event for a professional horseman and fans of horse riding. Besides a parade of horsemen, each Kurultaj holds horse races and various tournaments. Among European countries, only Hungary has preserved the traditional strategic team game for riders called “kokpar”.traditional strategic, strategic teamnation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient1
opusglobal.huThe Energetics segment of OPUS GLOBAL Plc. is under a significant transformation, by which the centre of gravity is shifted in the industry. Our strategic goal is to make our Company a key player in the domestic energy market in the long run and herewith to contribute to the long-term and stable…industry strategic, strategic goalglobal, value, industry, management, food1
citadelconsulting.hu…solutions to our clients’ complex business challenges. In our collaborations, we quickly and effectively gain in-depth knowledge about our clients and their market environment, as well as we strive to establish close business relationship by becoming a strategic and financial business partner.relationship strategic, strategic financialadvisory, consulting, management, merger, sell1
icons.huWe are continuously improving our knowledge and services in order to be able to provide the best solutions to our clients. We are aiming to build strategic alliances with our clients by helping them to:client strategic, strategic alliancenetwork, analysis, icon, training, development1
skc.huFood production is one of the most important industrial segments in terms of global economy and ecological sustainability. Recognizing the ever-increasing importance of this, thanks to our comprehensive strategic construction and numerous high-value investments, we have made significant…comprehensive strategic, strategic constructionconstruction, office, food, management, application1
seashepherdorigins.huNathalie Gil is currently President at Sea Shepherd Brazil. She joined Sea Shepherd in 2019 after dropping out of a career of 18 years’ experience working as strategic partner to many large companies around the world, as it made her disappointed by working with the status quo, but motivated to…experience strategic, strategic partnershepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean1
szendeffy.huLooking to incorporate Mixed Reality into your operations? I provide strategic guidance on hardware selection, content development, and user experience design. I'll help you understand the potential benefits and challenges of adopting Mixed Reality technology and create a roadmap for its…operation strategic, strategic guidancereality, development, unity, viewer, technology1
hrda.huStrategic decisions are made by the council consisting the delegates of member organisations.data, science, research, national, open1
digitalislapok.huNavigate the realms of industry trends, cultural dialogues, and environmental initiatives through our e-paper collection, Digitalislapok Strategic Perspectives. Unlock valuable insights for informed decision-making and international collaboration opportunities.digitalislapok strategic, strategic perspectivepaper, gateway, cart, checkout, book1
superweek.huIn this presentation, we’ll explore the parallels between the worlds of poker and data-driven marketing. Both realms require a strategic approach to decision-making in environments filled with uncertainty and imperfect information. Focus on embracing imperfection and leveraging available data to…realm strategic, strategic approachdata, analytic, digital, day, analyst1
nobilitas.huDuring this time period MTCSE and Castellum Foundation in Transylvania formed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement and enjoy good relations.transylvania strategic, strategic cooperationassociation, historical, family, noble, youth1
onlineprojects.huOnline Projects becomes a strategic partner with T-Mobile and Telenor, developing early mobile applications, including games and knowledge-base software.project strategic, strategic partnerdevelopment, software, history, mobile, solution1
confindustria.huWe make information a strategic element through cooperation with a study center and an online newspaper about Hungarian economic information in the Italian language.information strategic, strategic elementpresident, association, presence, membership, private1
halamid.huFortify your data strategy with optimized database management, ensuring secure, efficient, and insightful data handling to inform strategic decisions.handle strategic, strategic decisioninnovation, solution, affordable, operation, cloud1
fjit.huTo achieve our targets we provide strategic recommendations for the State Secretariat for Healthcare, and initiate consultations with relevant professional organisations. We have analysed the situation and characteristics of school healthcare, made recommendations about the role of school…target strategic, strategic recommendationschool, healthcare, member, health, mission1
ertekterv.hu…Budapest and cycling networks for tourism purposes in rural areas. On this basis, we wanted to share our good practices with colleagues from all around the world to show how strategic planning and development plans can improve cycling environment considerably even without significant expenditures.world strategic, strategic planplan, cycling, network, development, conference1
publicis.huPerformics is a performance pioneer, with a focus on performance marketing that has moved from a specialty service to the strategic center for brands. We’re connecting marketing investment to consumer intent, redefining performance by using data, consumer intent signals, technology, media and…service strategic, strategic centerbrand, client, idea, media, people1
dstech.huBased on our capabilities, industry experiences and alliances we serve our clients in key business areas, including: strategic planning; marketing; business, product and service development; project management; outsourcing; operations management.area strategic, strategic plantechnology, consulting, competence, market, national1
pecsisor.huThe organic beer production started in 2019 with the Bio Premium Gluten free Lager, unfiltered Bio Weissbier and Bio Pale Ale. The extension of the organic product portfolio is a strategic goal, we aim to transfer our Premium brands to organic ingredients over the next years.portfolio strategic, strategic goalbeer, brewery, organic, free, gluten1
vigdavid.huAs the company head, I oversaw various operations ranging from procurement and financial management to public relations and strategic planning. My goal was to ensure efficient management of these aspects to drive the company's success and growth.relation strategic, strategic planmanager, advisory, management, skill, development1
hclu.hu…our new strategy, which is more complex than the previous one: we decided to develop new types of activities as well as strengthen the role of strategic planning for greater impact. In addition, we have been able to continuously expand our team over the past years. In a challenging environment…role strategic, strategic planlaw, freedom, union, rule, news1
qsspartner.huCorporate Planner is an integrated software solution for operational and strategic challenges. It provides financial planning and consolidation functions as well.operational strategic, strategic challengeplanner, corporate, portfolio, training, data1
lita.huThe key aspect that underpins and multiplies the success of all data-related activity in an organization. It addresses the changes in people, processes, organizational and technology required to treat and optimize Data as an asset. Our data governance proposition includes strategic advice…proposition strategic, strategic advicedata, management, governance, delivery, organization1
oxit.huThis project is a empowering strategic decision-making, it provides data visualization, tactical simulations, and collaborative planning for efficient and precise operations.empower strategic, strategic decisiontender, reality, robotic, technology, repair1
rocham.huThe economic relations between Romania and Hungary represent the most dynamic side of the two countries’ strategic partnership, the engine for development and welfare and a real tool in the benefit of the business community and entrepreneurship. This is an initiative of a business group of…country strategic, strategic partnershipassociation, romanian, circle, member, site1
horcsikcad.huDue to its strategic partnership Hörcsik CAD is able to realize large software development projects as well. Key software Programmer partners work with Hörcsik CAD since the very beginning (1998).ltd, development, homepage, build, consulting1
cryptic.huCryptic will facilitate a deep dive information gathering workshop with the relevant stakeholders to gain an understanding of the current state and business processes and strategic objectives.process strategic, strategic objectiveconsulting, cloud, security, strategy, secure1
solesco.huOur team and our collaborative strategic partners cover the entire life cycle of solar power generation projects, from feasibility studies to commercial operation, enabling us to provide a full range of services to our customers.collaborative strategic, strategic partnerenergy, generation, renewable, electricity, long1
cskozosseg.huPlay the world's number 1 online action game. Engage in an incredibly realistic brand of terrorist warfare in this wildly popular team-based game. Ally with teammates to complete strategic missions. Take out enemy sites. Rescue hostages. Your role affects your team's success. Your team's success…teammates strategic, strategic missioncommunity, counter, strike, download, server1
kodkft.huOur strategic goal is to satisfy the needs that emerge on the market to the fullest possible extent, on the highest possible level, in a quick, reliable and flexible manner. And while we are constantly striving to strengthen our cooperation with our existing business partners, we are keen on…electrical, production, control, implementation, activity1
learninginnovation.husix European Countries – Belgium, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland and Spain – met online for the closing meeting of DELSA – Digital Empowerment for Low Skilled Adults – a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education.action strategic, strategic partnershiptraining, innovation, course, education, adult1
belegal.huWe believe, that under the current economic conditions it is essential not only for providing the best legal solution but to validate and optimize the economical and financial consequences of such transactions. Therefore, we have established a solid co-operation with local tax-, audit, IT and…audit strategic, strategic advisorylaw, attorney, legal, solution, reliable1
hiperszuper.huTheir sensitivity can manifest to any extent within the body-soul-spirit unity, and due to the alertness of their attention some are real pioneers, game changers, transformation-leading change agents; they analyse and recognise situations efficiently, and as a result to their resilience, they are…resilience strategic, strategic thinkerhomepage, individual, picture, solution, big1
trainhungary.hu…to be different and to abolish the everyday conservative attitude on this market. The key to success is a better communication, continuous exchange of information with partners, good collaboration between employees, computerization of information transfers within the company and strategic partners.company strategic, strategic partnertrain, locomotive, homepage, electric, maintenance1
doubledecker.huPéter has an MA in social psychology, studied PR, HR, change management and has been a lecturer at ELTE University. As co-founder and managing partner of Double Decker he is responsible for strategic projects and management consulting, as well as business and institutional clients. Péter is a…responsible strategic, strategic projectdouble, brand, agency, media, expertise1
leventech.huCatalyzing Transformation Through Technology” is a pioneering initiative dedicated to leveraging cutting-edge technological advancements to drive meaningful change across industries. By harnessing the power of innovation, digitalization, and strategic partnerships, we aim to reshape traditional…digitalization strategic, strategic partnershipportfolio, future, technology, today, transformation1
digitalagenz.huPicture a chat over coffee, except instead of caffeine jitters, you receive a dose of strategic automation solutions that will have your clinic operating with maximum efficiency.dose strategic, strategic automationdigital, clinic, plastic, surgery, automation1
connectcx.huWe undertake strategic and operational consulting services, project management tasks, create the proper customer journey plan for the best customer experience, whether it is a product, a service or online business.customer, connect, specialist, advisory, management1
papapedia.hu…the ceasefire agreement between the two countries during the period of 1988 to 1991. Each sector was led by a sector headquarters stationed at strategic locations, such as Saqqez, Bakhtaran, Dezful, and Ahwaz on the Iranian side, and Sulaymaniyah (Northern), Ba'qubah (Central), and Basra…headquarter strategic, strategic locationmission, military, force, observer, peace1
newconcept.huYour website or webshop will not be a mediocre copy but an absolutely unique creation tailored for your business based your on your imagination. Strategic thinking without borders and compromises.imagination strategic, strategic thinkexpert, portfolio, faq, website, solution1
szbike.hu…in addition, the program contributed to the promotion of the goals of the association by cultivating and strengthening the cultural traditions of the Carpathian Basin wine, and by opening up International Relations, the possibilities of cooperation were discussed and strategic goals were planned.cooperation strategic, strategic goalwine, order, association, innovation, carpathian1
immowest.huIn all these areas we consider ourselves as a partner at your side, and offer individual services with remarkable attention and reliability. We strive to integrate the high quality and standard that we offer into the strategic objectives and cultural background of our client.standard strategic, strategic objectivereal, estate, consultancy, international, trade1
historycruise.huThe fortress, the so called Citadel , was built in 1851 by Austrians to control the rebellious Hungarians. It’s the highest point of the centre, a strategic point from where one could control the whole city with cannons. The Castle District wasn’t created on the top of that hill, but on the lower…centre strategic, strategic pointbridge, city, history, cruise, build1
chemikaleast.huConsulting and strategic planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies.consulting strategic, strategic plandummy, lorem, simply, typesetting, printing1
klauzalapartments.huBased on the opportunities observed, we help you find the upcoming trends in your industry, and find the right strategic directions to go with your business.right strategic, strategic directionlead, data, opportunity, report, sale1
pannoncsapagy.huWould you like avoiding several hours of production breaks caused by the failure of a strategic part, like a bearing or a v-belt?failure strategic, strategic liketechnique, bearing, catalogue, linear, technology1
bhouse.hu…complex purchase projects from design to implementation. However, we also support our partners to efficiently complete subtasks (such as strategic evaluation of projects, selection of appropriate suppliers and schedule, evaluation of quotations, and therefore the selection of the most…subtasks strategic, strategic evaluation, partner strategic, strategic tasksolution, industrial, structure, machine, milling1
comsyssoftware.huData science uses scientific methods, processes, and algorithms extract knowledge from data and leveraging this data to take major decisions is a key strategic practice for any business.key strategic, strategic practicesoftware, data, development, llc, technology1
skilltogo.huI have known Alexandra Cser for 8 years. We have worked together in transition workshops, career workshop, strategic workshops, and in a personal leadership coaching process. Szandi is an extremely prepared and intelligent trainer who always strives to bring the best out of you. In addition to…workshop strategic, strategic workshopresilience, organization, development, positive, leadership1
fvszemle.hu…Commissioner for the Internal market, Financial services and Tax policy (1995-1999) and for Competition (1999-2004), with the mission of preparing a report containing options and recommendations for an initiative to relaunch the Single Market as a key strategic objective of the new Commission.key strategic, strategic objectivemarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission1
krisztapenzugy.huConsulting and strategic planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies.consulting strategic, strategic planconsulting, guidance, plan, advice, curiosity1
epppc.hu…international marketplace of Public Private Partnerships (PPP). We aim to fully embrace PPP topics and develop the skills and competencies of the above representatives by offering them tailor made trainings, strategic conferences and access to business intelligence through our consulting services.training strategic, strategic conferenceissue, consulting, center, european, training1
arvaconsulting.huOur colleagues have significant experience in advising on equity and debt capital raises. Our experience allows us to identify the right partner depending on the client’s capital requirements and strategic objectives.requirements strategic, strategic objectiveconsulting, site, firm, international, capital1
balanceline.huIf you’d like to make strategic business decisions or launching a new firm in Hungary, you need an extensive overview of the local tax environment. Experts of Balance Line can provide all up- to-date information concerning the relevant Hungarian tax regulations. After a deep and thorough analysis…tax, line, legal, finance, financial1
proffice-assistant.huLet me take care of the day-to-day routine tasks and let you focus on strategic management.task strategic, strategic managementassistant, virtual, copywriting, travel, management1
krns.huBudapest, Hungary, 1, June, 2022 – BCS Consulting Services Kft., announces its strategic partnership with UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group), a leading global provider of human capital management (HCM), payroll, HR service delivery, and workforce management solutions.kft strategic, strategic partnershipdimension, workforce, management, resource, people1
faragostilus.huConsulting and strategic planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies.consulting strategic, strategic planconsulting, guidance, plan, advice, responsive1
highquality.hu…costs can be reduced and replacement stock can be provided immediately. When we say cost reduction we mean fast and professional support by a strategic partner who has knowledge of the product and works for a fix cost with a professional stuff. By making smaller deliveries, smaller quantities…support strategic, strategic partnerquality, action, customer, support, inspection1
warrioracademy.huWe don’t want to work with the MANY. We want to work with the FEW, who create own long-term business strategic plans, and seek for a partner supporting brand development with creativity, design and advertising experience. We are always innovating to supply the best values to our partners.business strategic, strategic planadvertising, agency, media, interested, detail1
budcb.hu…and social impact. By embracing sustainable practices, BUD CB contributes to the long-term viability and success of the industry. Through strategic event organization, business acquisition support, sales promotion, and continuous analysis of market trends, BUDCB endeavors to attract a…industry strategic, strategic eventmeet, guideline, destination, bureau, convention1
prooptimum.hu…intervention, it is necessary to find the fundamental problems and tasks to be solved. Whether it’s a tax audit, back taxes, liquidation, compulsory liquidation or criminal proceedings, our objective is to find the strategic solutions that are most beneficial for all our partners in the long term.objective strategic, strategic solutiontax, cancellation, consultancy, consultant, advice1
aidevelopment.huOur advanced algorithms can draft, send, and respond to emails, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic activities. Experience increased productivity and improved customer engagement.team strategic, strategic activitydevelopment, productivity, feature, translation, operational1
raconteur.huWe believe that mindful strategic planning is the crucial foundation of building and maintaining a successful brand in today’s competitive world.mindful strategic, strategic plancampaign, reference, career, post, art1
termeszetem.huStrategic Assessments supporting the long term conservation of natural values of community interest as well as the national implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020green, action, colorful, nature, species1
darjeelingteahaz.huManaging a provider involves a large number of moving parts, one of which can be the table of company directors (BOD). It is an advisory body system that aims to protect the interests of investors and stakeholders. Typically, the board’s tasks include strategic planning, considering overall…task strategic, strategic planfree, paper, write, game, math1
scriptorium.huTake your career to new heights with Career Coaching. With expert guidance I will help you navigate challenges, make strategic choices, and achieve your professional aspirations.challenge strategic, strategic choiceexecutive, meditation, career, yoga, practice1
capitalw.huEntrust the management of your assets to seasoned experts, ensuring strategic and personalized investment decisions are made on your behalfexpert strategic, strategic personalizedcapital, wood, financial, management, office1
biotechszovetseg.huThe main purpose of HBA is to strengthen the position of biotechnology as a strategic industry in Hungary.biotechnology strategic, strategic industrybiotechnology, association, researcher, introduction, board1
continentalgroup.huAs Managing Director his job is to steer the company with strategic insight. His motto is that a company is either growing or regressing. He prefers the first of these options. When he's not busy with business development, he enjoys playing tennis, golf or reading a good book.company strategic, strategic insightgroup, travel, owner, portfolio, restaurant1
theorangefiles.huThe newspapers operate under the ownership of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s chief strategic adviser Árpád Habony and former legal adviser Tibor Győri.chief strategic, strategic advisernational, file, orange, election, european1
worldeconomy.huHERMES is a strategic alliance of 26 leading education institutions in 15 countries. Its ambition is to offer dual degree programs in Management on all academic levels.hermes strategic, strategic allianceeconomy, student, international, research, view1
columbiapartners.huAndrej graduated from Corvinus University in Budapest and Columbia University in New York. He has worked as a consultant for McKinsey & Company mainly in digitization, new product launch and mergers and restructuring. He founded a successful fintech startup in the US that was acquired by a…startup strategic, strategic buyeroffer, investment, mainly, contract, open1
lightphaser.hu"Strategic Virtual Frontiers" is a 10-track instrumental album where each song has a subtle style deviation to fit its actual message. The world is in constant struggle battered by crisis after crisis. People are slowly awakening from the surrounding hypnotizing artificial information bubble that…music, official, website, software, production1
uniquetravel.huHungary is a landlocked country; it has a strategic location astride main land routes between Western Europe and Balkan Peninsula as well as between Ukraine and Mediterranean basin; the north-south flowing Duna (Danube) and Tisza Rivers divide the country into three large regions. Location:…country strategic, strategic locationunique, travel, art, tour, heritage1
dutcham.huKey annual partner Strategic Partner Members Corporate Patron Members Corporate Members Personal Memberpartner strategic, strategic partnerevent, member, news, netherlands, chamber1
gallus.huGallus Group is a strategic partner of LIDL Hungary: a joint short made about our cooperation.group strategic, strategic partnersupplier, group, integration, chicken, sale1
creacity.huCreaCity is a strategic consultancy specialized in sustainable urban development. We help our clients with full-service project management, with a focus on global benchmarking, stakeholder dialogue, concept development, and communications. Our model is a community of renowned experts working…creacity strategic, strategic consultancydevelopment, view, concept, city, stakeholder1
muszertechnika.huWe aim to create our Human Resources vision in line with the vision of our business strategy through strategic workforce planning. We are working to build a positive employer brand inside – and outside – the company. To achieve this, we make our business decisions collaboratively, with a rapid…strategy strategic, strategic workforcemanufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software1
arco-kft.huARCO's high standard of professionalism allows the company to provide technical support (technical assistance on the development of nuclear technologies) and advise on strategic issues (consultations on strategic aspects of enterprise development).technology strategic, strategic issue, consultation strategic, strategic aspectgroup, nuclear, development, technology, client1
ebs-consulting.huEffects-Based Solutions offer a series of lectures ranging from the tactical to the strategic level to senior leaders in the corporate world. Knowledge and expertise of lecturers come from a thorough understanding of major aspects of military science, practical experience as commander both at home…tactical strategic, strategic levelconsulting, topic, research, military, lesson1
bloomair.huThe Bloomair technology provides several opportunities to apply for the calls of the tender system within the framework of the Hungarian CAP (Common Agricultural Politics) Strategic Plan. The technology helps to improve the environmental conditions and the sustainable use of natural resources. It…politics strategic, strategic plansoil, technology, water, nutrient, directly1
debrecenijogimuhely.hu…Commissioner for the Internal market, Financial services and Tax policy (1995-1999) and for Competition (1999-2004), with the mission of preparing a report containing options and recommendations for an initiative to relaunch the Single Market as a key strategic objective of the new Commission.key strategic, strategic objectivemarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission1
grid.huOur mission includes the support of decision making processes of our clients, contributing to companies and regulatory bodies in the establishment of strategic actions and decisions. In addition, we aim to promote rational energy consumption in line with the support of the Hungarian national…establishment strategic, strategic actiongrid, main, cee, solution, consultancy1
drdoczy.hu…Czifra Sándor Péter, who spezialises in criminal law cases, we established the Dóczy & Czifra Law Office on 20. October 2021. As a lawyer I provide end-to-end solutions and a strategic, long-term view. I guarantee effective, progressive and energetic legal work. Kinga Orsolya Dóczy Attorney at lawsolution strategic, strategic longlegal, advice, law, contract, litigation1
cnchungaria.huWe strive to develop a strategic partner status that provides maximum flexibility in all respects. We perform all tasks by optimizing, with maximum integration of quality conditions, so we can do it quickly and efficientlymachine, tool, production, activity, hydraulic1
bonitasktk.huWe primarily seek to add to our portfolio those companies to which, through its partner companies, in addition to funding, we can provide valuable technical and strategic support. We wish to work with owners and management who are committed to achieving mutual success.technical strategic, strategic supportinvestment, management, fund, group, domestic1
bancard.hu…fields (financial institutions, energetics, commerce and state administration). Our colleagues have often participated in the preparation of strategic plans, implementation studies, have devised business models from planning through supporting the introduction to participation in operative…preparation strategic, strategic planreference, management, light, introduction, consulting1
a-games.huAs second board game of A-games for gamers Prehistory takes us back to the stone age to make complex strategic decisions and in order to survive. Funded on Kickstarter in 2018.complex strategic, strategic decisiongame, board, player, play, family1
falcocluster.huWe want to develop a cluster with competitive and strong internal cohesion on the domestic and on the international markets as well that are clearly positioned, consciously-highly utilized and continuously reviving. Also we want to create a strategic alliance that provides a highly organized…continuously strategic, strategic alliancecluster, member, market, activity, introduction1
netlife.hu…of our clients and channel partners. If you are facing any business challenge that is ruining the profits and the whole work environment in terms of customer satisfaction, let us know and we will be more than glad to provide our expert support to you in the form of strategic business solutions.form strategic, strategic businesscustomer, development, welcome, application, quality1
bestlocalgov.huAdequate. It must be seen to have met the given challenge, to be adequate to the circumstances. It must be appropriate. Adequacy can best be measured against the strategic goals of the municipality, as set out in the Local Development Strategy. 42 43 TÖOSZ Programmes providing help for local…good strategic, strategic goalgovernment, local, practice, council, europe1
hrpark.huObjective: review of HR related processes from business aspects with paying regard to strategic targets of the organization.regard strategic, strategic targetworkforce, customer, complex, solution, effective1
mke.info.huto take a professional stand in determining the strategic directions of Hungarian librarianship, in formulating its vision.stand strategic, strategic directionlibrary, branch, association, county, conference1
nyitottakvagyunk.hu…service-provider NGO. In this blog post, we will delve into the challenges faced by corporate sustainability in 2023, highlighting the rise of the Anti-ESG movement and the evolving landscape of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts, and WeAreOpen’s strategic narrative on the above.weareopen strategic, strategic narrativeopen, diversity, resource, inclusion, practice1
squarra.huOur Law Office was established in 1997 and has maintained a close professional and strategic partnership with the German law firm Boesebeck Droste from the early stages of its existence. During the period between the 1 st of January 2000 and the 31 st of October 2006, the Law Office was operating…professional strategic, strategic partnershiplaw, office, property, international, firm1
mab-pharma.huAs a member of MAB Group, we take conducting long-term, mutually advantageous and ethical business as the cornerstones of our philosophy. By means of our flexible, client-centered attitude, significant market and professional experience, we strive towards especially long-term, strategic cooperation.term strategic, strategic cooperationpharmaceutical, vision, market, client, mission1
prime-time.huWe deliver top quality solutions based on requirements designed in cooperation with our clients in strategic planning, marketing consultancy, brand building, social media and online communication, content and creative production, press work, publishing, event management, database management, media…client strategic, strategic plancommunication, event, connectivity, trust, expertise1
mediator.huThere is no communication or business problem that, with the right approach and meticulous attention, cannot lead to great and distinctive solutions. Our creative, media, social media, digital, event, PR and strategic expertise provide the spark,pr strategic, strategic expertisemediator, browser, video, great, solution1
sunbelt.hu…days. You may have experienced this yourself. Due to the fixed nature of the internal processes of companies, individual problems are often handled inefficiently. In the meantime, the company wastes precious time and energy, which could have been focused on other processes of strategic importance.process strategic, strategic importancereference, procurement, quote, industrial, solution1
thermofoam.huOur company has been operating according to the ISO 9001 standard since 2004. We also provide tailor-made solutions for strategic partner.solution strategic, strategic partnerpackaging, material, construction, solution, need1
sportnaplo.huusage. Imagine updating attendance data or receiving transparent reports on team performance at the click of a button, all while saving on your budget. SportDiary is not just an online platform, but a strategic partner that allows you to make data-driven decisions. Decide smartly, choose SportDiary!platform strategic, strategic partnerathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance1
certisbelchim.huWith unique access to innovative technology in the crop protection sector from our Japanese shareholders, our own proprietary products and additional strategic suppliers, Certis Belchim has a leading pipeline and portfolio.additional strategic, strategic supplierprotection, crop, development, growth, expertise1
archbook.huFor more than three decades, he has held IT, management and senior expert positions in a strategic energy company.position strategic, strategic energybook, national, memory, wonder, arch1
in15.huA few minutes’ drives from the city center with outstanding transport arrangements, next to some of the busiest highways and strategic roads.highway strategic, strategic roadfloor, technical, location, visit, office1
mscity.huBetween 2010 and 2016 she worked as a financial assistant at SSLD-Bálint Kft., where her tasks also included providing comprehensive management support, the preparation of decisions, as well as strategic planning. As a special professional service, she also supported the priority clients of the…decision strategic, strategic plantax, city, accountancy, accountant, client1
dominarium.huDominarium is based in Budapest, Hungary with an international network of strategic partners.network strategic, strategic partnerroom, location, sector, website, investment1
cevent.huOur values are: strategic thinking, creativity, visual skills and our strong ability to cooperate. We believe in long-term collaboration, assistance, professionalism, high quality service and the joy of the well-done work. We do believe in our team.value strategic, strategic thinkevent, creative, client, solution, success1
doctor360.huArtOfInfo is a strategic partner of Chronos Systems for the implementation of a comprehensive, self-service workflow platform.artofinfo strategic, strategic partnersolution, technology, portfolio, client, nearshore1
chifufund.huWe are always glad to talk about potential cooperation with investors, owners of investment projects and strategic partners. Feel free to contact us anytime, as we are confident we can contribute to the success of your mission!project strategic, strategic partnerfund, investment, management, opportunity, economic1
idsyst.huWe develop information management software applications that boost the efficiency of news searches, accelerate media analysis and unify media databases incorporating data from various databases with diverse formats. Based on these information we consult our clients with PR strategic advises. Our…pr strategic, strategic advisemedia, news, analysis, archive, daily1
buechl.huWith the acquisition of TADAK-NETT Kft., the BÜCHL Group is expanding its product portfolio – a further strategic step towards the future. TADAK-NETT Kft. is a family-owned company based in [...]portfolio strategic, strategic stepinnovation, recycling, career, group, treatment1
hangveto.huHangvető has been a hub for world music in Central Eastern Europe since 2003. We organise world and folk music festivals, produce films, publish and distribute records. Hangvető builds cultural strategies and consults with cities, having worked with several ECoC title holders and candidates.strategic consultingfestival, music, international, consulting, documentary0
greenformatics.huWe assist in the development of digital solutions for our partners in the public sector to achieve the most efficient solutions for their inner operations, by producing interfaces that facilitate improved usage of their services through accessible, transparent and easy to use platforms.strategic innovationsolution, data, digital, operation, case0
oko-rt.huÖKO Co. Ltd. was established in 1991. On the market of environmental consulting, however, it is considered a long-standing firm since the research- and expert team of the share company has worked previously as a certain unit of different state-owned institutions, obtaining the skill and knowledge…eia strategic, strategic environmentalenvironmental, management, protection, assessment, preparation0
eniac.hu…history. ENIAC CRM uses proprietary information technology tools to increase the efficiency of companies' customer management activities. The software covers all the areas relevant to the relationship between the company and its customers. In the fierce market competition of our times, it is notstrategic consultancymanagement, software, solution, detail, enterprise0
bcestratcomm.huLotus spa center is the best till date I have experienced in past few months. They know hospitality very well. Even the spa & massage is extremely soothing. Rates are also pretty reasonable.bce strategic, strategic communicationcommunication, appointment, massage, therapy, sit0
alternate.huThe partner in the transition of sustainability and responsibility We supported almost 100 organization's responsible and sustainabledevelopment strategic, strategic goalsustainability, organization, responsible, transition, responsibility0
4com.huTotal cost of ownership of a telecom network is in close connection with planning and performance management.strategic consultancyplan, network, optimization, strategy, consultancy0
nnx.huWe offer a wide variety of services, supporting every step from initial brainstorming on methods engineering right up to auditing and overwatching ended / ongoing transformation programs. Here is a short teaser to some of our team-level services, just to give you a - very light - impression about…introduction, agile, story, transformation, activity0
hsnlab.huHSNLab is a research lab hosted at BME, the largest and most prestigious technical university of Hungarylab, day, research, publication, innovation0
drivingcamp.hu…training, the adaptive systems of the vehicle in use can be experienced through a series of exercises based on and running in parallel with the theoretical training. Participants will learn the basic driving techniques and solution schemes that are essential for dealing with emergency situations.strategic partnertraining, drive, price, voucher0
bred.hu…In our model, the core element is to get to know the users and their expectations from the space they would use, so that we could optimize the interaction between user and space. Function, ergonomics, and design are the 3 pillars of our method which we examine in our “inside-out” design model.design strategic, strategic analysisspace, solution, office, function, spatial0
pannonrex.huWe create solutions that work: through careful analysis, proactive risk management, creative design, thoughtful implementation, throughout testing, attention to detail, and continual project control we deliver applications that do what our clients need within budget, on time.strategic consultingsolution, vision, execution, software, showcase0
költségosztó.hu…on the mucous membranes rather than low humidity, or "stuffy air" may mean that the temperature is too warm or there is lack of air movement, or "stale air" may mean that there is a mild but difficult to identify odor. These conditions may be unpleasant and cause discomfort among occupants, but…air, quality, solution, building, indoor0
colaw.huThis website is operated by the Law Offices of Kölcsey-Rieden and Partner, registered with the Budapest Bar Association (H-1055 Budapest, Szalay u. 7.), in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which can be found on the website are of the Hungarian Bar…strategic partnerlaw, lawyer, employment, partnership, january0
optimumfs.hu…improving our methods for facility management, the cleaning of buildings, industrial cleaning, process technology cleaning, special surface treatment, cleaning of food industry facilities, hygiene services, landscaping, reception desk and gatehouse security services, as well as waste management.strategic thinkquote, clean, privacy, facility, industrial0
holepito.huThe Construction Manager is not required to provide an estimate or contract cost breakdown and does not typically participate in pre-construction.team strategic, strategic operationconstruction, safety, build, pre, contract0
falcongt.huinclude high-end premium software, hardware and custom hardware solutions. Related services include planning and developing data security systems, commissioning and customisation of software, maintenance of information security systems and customised operation.consulting, security, risk, data, threat0
cafecan.huOur partners are award winning agencies from 16 countries within the region with proven track record of high level expertise in many different fields like creative and media services, social media management, event organisation and PR.strategic plancountry, agency, communication, media, group0
whiterabbit.huIn the last few years, Hungary has seen a rise on xenophobic and racist movements. It has reached such high scales in the Hungarian government that the UN Human Rights Chief called the country’s Prime Minister racist, what sparked mixed reactions from Hungarian people. As a brand that stands…stumpf strategic, strategic director, max strategic, strategic sniffcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution0
straketing.huWelcome to the website of STRAKETINGwebsite, research, consulting, partnership, version0
deepdata.huDeepData Ltd was established in 2016. Its team members have formerly been the Hungarian partner in various FP7 and H2020 projects, possessed research contracts with major Hungarian institutions, such as the country's prime research university, Eötvös University, or MTA, the Hungarian Academy of…strategic consultantresearch, science, university, data, corruption0
salvavita.huProability: The aim of the project was to increase the employment opportunities of people with disabilities in the open labour market. As envisioned by the project partners, this could be achieved through awareness raising programs regarding the employment of disabled people, designed for present…field strategic, strategic partnershippeople, employment, organization, job, disability0
e-konyveles.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et leo condimentum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et leo condimentumlorem, dolor, ipsum, sit, amet0
independentautomationgroup.huIndependent Automation Group… Complex Automation Mentoring… Strategic Automation Consulting… Automation…automation, group, independent, complex, consulting0
lambdaprojekt.huOur deep understanding of landlord-tenant relations and experience in construction project management makes us suitable for setting up and executing complex retail and office projects.management, asset, technical, engineering, coordination0
salessolutions.huVia our international venue finding partner we work together with 150 professionals from Singapore to Florida in many locations of the world to find the perfect venue just anywhere.strategic partnervenue, sale, solution, find, event0
egyuttazautistakert.hu…does not only mean that someone finds it hard to make eye contact or is a bit of an introvert. Autism shows differences in social interactions like the use of eye contact, the regulation of social contacts, contemporary relations and mutually sharing experiences. Some autistic people have a…people, autism, spectrum, goal, disorder0
krq.huWe understand our clients – we see the point. We know how to turn information into news, into a story. We are partners throughout, from devising a strategy to sales promotion, and in carrying out efficient marketing communication in between. Our edge is that our team includes former journalists…strategic plancommunication, client, brand, page, video0
bcskonyveles.huIt is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable…amet, enim, lorem, ipsum0
micromedical.huAs a medical device distributor, MicroMedical is helping both patients and physicians finding solutions for their unmet needs, by delivering advanced technology.current strategic, strategic partnertechnology, advanced, medical, device, distributor0
doppio.huWhat does Doppio Creative - Online Marketing Agency offer to you? Market research, Web development, Online marketing campaigns, PPC management.partner strategic, strategic consultantagency, creative, market, research, management0
smart-hr.huProfessional recruitment services using proprietary methods and expertise in the key business areas from Smart Solutions recruiting department.service strategic, strategic partnersolution, recruitment, staffing, staff, worker0
mvconsulting.huOur company pays special attention to the issue of social responsibility, equal treatment and the preservation of the natural environment. We regularly organize health-preserving, recreational programs (eg sports day, excursions, team building) for the employees of M-V Consulting Kft.consulting, certificate, employee, main, page0
valitum.hu© 2009 - 2019 Valitumvalitum strategic, strategic consultingconsulting, funding, tab, item, development0
europrotokoll.huWe believe that real professionals are trained in service, therefore, our students will spend half of their course time visiting outstanding event locations, top-class event venues that are related to protocol, international relations such as national ministries, international organizations…strategic partnerprotocol, training, corporate, event, organisation0
nextentservices.huDoes your company have information (data) that…? If yes, where can I find it? Can I trust it? These and similar questions often arise when planning and implementing business processes. With a good data management solution, these questions can be answered quickly.strategic partnershipdata, solution, application, development, decision0
netvisor.huNETvisor is a system integrator specialized in designing, implementing operations support systems to improve ICT service quality and efficiency.smart strategic, strategic planner, strategic plan, optical strategic, telecommunication strategicict, operation, support, development, network0
improversgroup.huDevelopment of school culture based on strengthening the life-skills and character competences of teachers and young people.strategic navigationdevelopment, group, culture, organization, school0
stokoflow.huYour website should be your most effective sales tool, but most clients won’t even last a minute.strategic plansolution, complete, sale, website, idea0
nybkdesign.huPressville is a high quality WordPress theme specifically crafted for small to medium municipalities. It is packed with lots of advanced features such as events, directory listings, galleries, documents and people directory.parking strategic, strategic planpage, feature, community, public, event0
bosegprogram.huIt is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable…strategic approachlike, normal, page, layout, point0
valjlathatova.hu…it look look like like readable readable English. English. Magnam, Magnam, consequatur consequatur quas quas ratione ratione eaque eaque praesentium praesentium eligendi eligendi voluptatum voluptatum at at harum harum mollitia mollitia rem rem veritatis veritatis accusantium accusantium pariatur.strategic book, strategic approachlorem, ipsum, book, reader, distribution0
evacon.huOur service is based on attention to details, with flexibility and innovation on cost effective ways. We take care of the timeline and budget of the planned organized programme. Evacon Ltd. knows the successful importance of the project security and goals with the maximum satisfaction of sponsors…execution strategic, strategic followconcept, management, programme, activity, reference0
por.hu- - Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer (IBMC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer Hospital), Department of Thoracic Medical Oncologyhealth strategic, strategic centreuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine0
pannontax.huPannon Tax Audit Kft. | Könyvvizsgálat, Rating, Audit, Eu pályázatok, Költségvetés, Pénzügy, Könyvelés, Audit, Szombathely, Könyvvizsgálat, West hungary, Adótanácsadás, Steuerberatungsolution strategic, strategic ideatax, rating, west, expert, management0
profilakasfelujitas.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipcing elit off sedllo eiusmod rfty tempore incid dunt ulat labore elret herrty dolore malgna aliqua Uiot enim aled minim sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipcing elit off sedllo eiusmod rfty tempore incid dunt ulat labore elret herrty…strategic plansit, elit, ipsum, amet, ctetur0
spin-it.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipcing elit off sedllo eiusmod rfty tempore incid dunt ulat labore elret herrty dolore malgna aliqua Uiot enim aled minim sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipcing elit off sedllo eiusmod rfty tempore incid dunt ulat labore elret herrty…strategic planpage, sit, elit, ipsum, amet0
justisec.huEver since our partnership, the inventory results have greatly improved. Due to the JUSTICE SECURITY system our guarding expenses have decreased.strategic partnersecurity, protection, justice, eng, management0
benefitproducts.huImage design… Branding… PR services… Strategic consulting… Business consulting… Campaign planning…strategic consultingbenefit, consulting, image, plan, campaign0
aktivforras.hu“Aktiv Forras Ltd. has been providing book-keeping, tax return declaration and pay-roll services for our company for 10 years. The always completed their work meeting the legal regulations and the deadlines. We had no penalty, default interest or any other legal consequence in connection to our…book, consultation, tax, financial, item0
rehabmiskolc.huIt is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable…strategic approachlike, normal, page, layout, point0
alliedsoft.huAllied Software Systems offers professional services to their customers since 2003. Main areas: software development, IT network management, digital cartography.agreement strategic, strategic oemsoftware, value, management, automotive, reference0
wigner.huAs part of the HUN-REN Welcome Home and Foreign Researcher Recruitment Programme announced for the first time this year by the HUN-REN Secretariat, six Hungarian and one foreign researcher from the international elite will come to Hungary to form research groups at HUN-REN research site to…strategic planresearch, physics, news, centre, institute0
metida.huOur experience extends beyond simple real estate knowledge. The kind of service we consistently give, through the power of our team, is what sets us apart from all the others and it is virtually impossible for individual agents to match. Please call us for assistance with any of your real estate…strategic planinvestment, property, news, client, research0
klikkmania.huThe Klikkmánia Search engine marketing and SEO agency deals with complex search engine marketing, SEO and Google Ads campaigns since 2007.training strategic, strategic planagency, media, premium, performance, complex0
fintechlab.hu…the bank of the future and supporting innovation in business areas. We are the bridge between the bank and the ecosystem. Our main goal is to find the best collaborations for the bank, invest in promising startups and further enhance our network in the financial sector and among fintech companies.head strategic, strategic designinnovation, manager, cee, region, lab0
ehszu.huattorney lawyer solicitor legal counsel in Budapest Hungary avocat juriste conseil juridique in Budapest Hongriecommitment strategic, strategic approachlaw, office, expertise, introduction, associate0
globeowl.huTo join the project you must be an undergraduate, postgraduate or 2019 graduate. All skills and backgrounds are welcome – you might be an English student, a geographer, an economist or a sociologist or a history student (this list could go on…) – everyone has something to contribute and we’d…student, training, owl, globe, skill0
hadacs.huMy Mission ─ To help companies pursue their goals using the power of social media, content and influencers.fundamental strategic, strategic pillarsocial, media, mission, power, goal0
corporatesustainability.huOur goal is to spread corporate management according to ESG aspects, our mission is to provide easy-to-understand, practical consulting and creative strategy-making services to companies that recognize the importance of ESG and Carbon Footprinting in the difficult-to-transparent, constantly…esg strategic, strategic prioritysustainability, corporate, creative, strategy, consulting0
deveco.huOur international and national government and corporate experience shows that development and improved sustainability may be easier to achieve through INNOVATION .development, consulting, sustainability, innovation, evaluation0
amcham.huAmCham Hungary is one of the largest American Chambers of Commerce in Central and Eastern Europe, representing both American, international and local business interests in Hungary. Not only is it a gateway to the growth of your business in the European Region but it also provides you with vital…member strategic, strategic agreementmember, event, news, large, law0
innight.huInnight - the company of logistic solutions! - Night delivery, goods transportation, night courier service, adr courier service, express parcel delivery, express transportationHellmann Worldwide Logistics CEP Kftstrategic advantagelogistic, transportation, delivery, night, parcel0
marktsoft.huOur colleagues’ up-to-date expertise, experience and commitment is the solid ground that guarantees the satisfaction of our clients. High-standard services that are in full harmony with client demands ensure the success and highest value of our company.term strategic, strategic partnershipdevelopment, software, client, reference, solution0
galkinga.hu…must stop using civilians as human shields… There is no place for double standards in the Union’s…turkey strategic, strategic partnernews, european, parliament, introduction, brussels0
timesolutions.huI spent 25 years in Magyar Telekom in various positions. I worked in mostly managerial positions in areas relating to network development, innovation and customer relations. I have deeper knowledge relating to network architecture, equipment, solutions and implementation processes. I have helped…strategic consultingsolution, development, ict, consulting, communication0
auditinfo.huWe would like to inform our Dear Customers that in order to prevent the consequences of a human epidemic causing a mass illness that endangers the safety of life and property…strategic consultingannouncement, management, proceedings, colleagues, privacy0
eupowers.huof power plant (including nuclear power plant) systems. We also design, integrate, insure, install and commission the various equipment (from fuel supply systems to flue gas treatment and disposal) and the associated tools, spare parts, fittings or consumables required throughout the life cycle of…power, management, european, operation, plant0
pmi.huPMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter, builds a voluntary project management professional community for the development of the individual, as part of the PMI global organization with a half-century history, based on a proven knowledge base and qualification system. Our goal is to be the most significant…manager strategic, strategic leadercertification, pm, award, overview, member0
nemzetiregiszter.huOn Monday, Prime Minister and President of Fidesz Viktor Orbán welcomed the presidents of Hungarian member organizations of the European People's Party. The meeting was attended by: Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) Zsolt Semjén, President of the…policy strategic, strategic directionhungarians, minister, community, national, school0
refactoring.huAdvisory services with implementation support in the field of business and technology in domestic and international environments. Precision. Expertise. Reliability.strategic planexpertise, technology, advisory, field, reliability0
workandflow.huHR Adviser responded quickly to questions and work with thanks for picking the most expert employee’s for our company. These guys are real best adviser & helped so many timesstrategic planresource, homepage, management, human, adviser0
drschwannergabor.huIt is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable…strategic approachreader, distribution, lorem, layout, readable0
stscope.huPlanning a Communication Strategy, Online Communication, PR and Social Media, PR campaigns, Planning and Implementation Event managementcommunication, scope, st, client, agency0
lacom.huWe are an integrated communications agency. Should it be about product launch, the branding of your company, or about crisis management, we can provide you with good ideas and creative solutions. Besides big companies, our services are also available to small- and medium sized enterprises thanks…strategic planmedia, plan, creative, event, personal0
kj.hu…Transport under Dr Kóka's tenure as a minister between 2004 and 2007 transformed the Hungarian toll gate and vignette-based hybrid highway toll system into a fully digital multi-lane free-flow system using "virtual vignettes ". Dr János Kóka was responsible, amongst others for the introduction ofstrategic partnerticketing, solution, touch, innovative, mobility0
aix-scientifics.huAix Scientifics ® is an independent Contract Research Organisation (CRO) consisting of an academic staff with long-term experience in clinical research for new pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Clinical trials are planned, conducted and evaluated based on scientific criteria, which are…scientific strategic, strategic regulatoryresearch, clinical, scientific, organisation, device0
gemmaconsulting.huLearn more about Gemma Consulting… strategic consultation… site selection… investment subsidies…strategic consultationconsulting, consultation, selection, site, subsidy0
htconsulting.hu…business has grown and evolved under the banner of customer and people-centricity and creativity. As a result, approximately 1,000 clients, 10,000 training days and 50,000 attendees are now part of Human Telex Consulting’s history. View celebratory speeches recorded at our 30th Birthday Event.strategic consultingconsulting, innovation, training, development, management0
absl.huStarted in 2005 as Hungarian Service and Outsourcing Association (HOA) and known as ABSL Hungary from 2022, our goal has always been to act as a bridge between the Shared Services Sector and Hungary, supporting the growth of both.hungary strategic, strategic partnerevent, member, calendar, news, report0
kozgazknowledgehub.huThis site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies.strategic areareport, member, site, mid, annual0
easteuroco.huEastEuroCo and Cornerstone International Group are proud members of the Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (AESC). We closely adhere to the code of ethics and professional practice guidelines of the AESC, the gold standard for professionalism and integrity within the…source strategic, strategic partnersearch, management, consultant, executive, center0
knip.huI am convinced that a lawyer in the 21st century characterized by the continuous and rapid technical development is only capable to provide effective legal assistance to the clients – especially on the legal fields related to intellectual property and online services – if the lawyer does not look…trademark, introduction, speciality, law, commerce0
itcardigan.huSchedule Consultation… Home… About… About Us… Team… Clients… History… Testimonials… Contact… Services…strategic consultingview, column, client, testimonial, price0
prodsp.huWe deliver turn-key solutions: following the innovative engineering design and development , with production also taking place on our premises. Production and testing is carried out by our proficient team of technicians, led by our project management department. As a result, the finished turn-key…development, production, cable, hardware, tester0
jmphotels.huNon-professional investors often invest in the hotel industry. We offer them full service from the first step of project planning to the opening of the hotel. Our goal is to launch an efficiently running hotel that meets the requirements of both the investor and the hotel guests in the given…room, operation, free, motorway, centre0
mentalisallokepesseg.huWe are using MTQ tests to measure Mental Toughness as an AQR International partner. The MTQ Plus test gives you a picture about how you are handling the following 4 dimensions:mental, individual, scale, highly, dimension0
isaac.huAny iSaac Factory / main system. When we want to specify and algorithmize the security system center, we must have typed, controlled, aggregated measurement data from the system units, from the real environment, so we can diversify the operation in a corporate level in the most effective way.operational strategic, strategic securitysecurity, communication, safety, site, corporate0
csabaovari.hu© This website is Proudly Powered and developed by CsabaOvariinsight strategic, strategic visiondevelopment, software, digital, mobile, solution0
bmaconsulting.hu“Gutenify Base is a high contrast, multipurpose theme, designed to enable a broad range of flexibility through support for full-site editing features”stage strategicconsulting, finance, sit, adipisicing, lorem0
xilaw.huXiaoyou Xi (Lucas) is a very creative and tactical lawyer. He has excellent communication skills (Chinese, English and Hungarian). His background makes him a good advisor, who understands the needs of my business.venture strategic, strategic alliancelitigation, law, tax, finance, dispute0
netrider.huNetRider – Weboldal fejlesztés, SEO, Google Adsfeature, free, sit, adipiscing, consectetur0
cocora.huLegal services in English, at favourable prices, in the heart of Budapest, next to the Basilica - Real estate law * Company law * Family law - Working languages: Hungarian, English, Romanianlegal, client, law, package, translation0
premiumvision.huYou should shield your eyes from dangerous UV radiation and digital blue light as much as possible. Both your optical and your sunglasses lenses should provide 100 % UV protection for your eyes. Lack of protection can lead to major eye disorders and an accelerated aging process of the tissues…strategic leadervision, premium, eye, optic, ophthalmology0
administer.huThe adMinister Hungary Kft. is a provider of complex financial and accounting services for small and medium-sized enterprises, and a company committed to long-term, trusted partnership. Our team of experts offers to its partners personalized, complete services, be it traditional accounting tasks…comprehensive strategic, strategic approachtraditional, expertise, specific, area, financial0
bloommarketing.huWe are proud of our flexibility to operate either as a classic creative agency or an on-site marketing team.solution, production, management, plan, reference0
mool.huWe bring a personal and effective approach to every project we work on, which is why our clients love us.development strategic, strategic planhomepage, media, client, effective, approach0
businesscoachdebrecen.hu…has always been very interested in psychology. As a certified business and leadership coach qualified by the Hungarian Coaching Psychology Association (MPCE) and as an HR consultant, I help my clients formulate their personal and professional goals and provide support on the way to achieving them.leadership, job, consultation, search, hello0
xperion.huBy applying our solutions, you can make more confident business decisions, delivering the customer experience promise and as a result your customers will recommend your company, its products and services.strategic partnershipmanagement, customer, digital, store, journey0
webandme.hu…goal-oriented interfaces after cross-unit action items. Compellingly fabricate accurate architectures via timely products. Credibly administrate prospective paradigms vis-a-vis virtual manufactured products. Conveniently redefine premium supply chains before cross-platform meta-services.vertical strategic, strategic themehomepage, page, portfolio, slider, element0
boldideas.huBold was founded by Tihamér Tóth and Péter Tordai, both are heavily armed with 18+ years of experience in brand, business and creative strategy developments, delivered for companies like Unilever, Vodafone, Procter and Gamble, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Deutsche Telekom, VW, Raiffeisen, Telenor, MOL…bold, brand, idea, client, hello0
grandis21.huquality was awarded as Best Quality Project by the Hungarian National Agency Tempus Public Foundation. The awarding ceremony took place on13th October 2020 during the conference Borderless Effect held by the Foundation online. Here stands a video that was shot to summerize the project for the event.erasmus strategic, strategic partnershipmeet, event, award, course, result0
ibs-b.hu“At the end of secondary school, I had no idea what I wanted to become. With the common first year at IBS, I gained some time to think and check out the wide variety of Bachelor’s programmes. Studying at IBS requires constant preparation but it pays off; knowledge is ingrained gradually and exams…mba strategic, strategic data, strategic partner, msc strategic, strategic humanprogramme, management, student, international, frequently0
g2amarketing.hu…agency with planning, implementation and analysis. If you think that your business deserves the maximum - choose us. We focus on long-term performance - brand and conversion growth. Our analyzes and expertise help you maximize your income. We help the development of brands, therefore both you…strategic marketingsocial, development, media, website, customer0
online-pszichoterapia.huWorking one-on-one with a certified Life Coach can help you identify and attain your biggest goals. Our private coaching clients experience significant breakthroughs that lead them to challenge their thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in their careers, relationships and quality of life.min strategic, strategic coursesit, adipiscing, consectetur, amet, ipsum0
willtomotivateu.huWILL to MotivatE(U) 2018-2020… Home… Hungary… C1 – The First Project Meeting… C5 – Project Meeting…strategic partnershipmeet, croatia, day, partnership, sub0
hirtalalo.huThe figures quoted by Secretary of State for Health, Péter Takács when attacking the Democratic Coalition have absolutely nothing to do with the official data of the Hungarian Statistical Office on the abortion situation in Hungary.airport strategic, strategic importanceoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians0
stafffinder.hu…in Hungary, Staff Finder helps organizations with a mass selection from different corners of the world. We also provide local permits to the talented people to come and work in Hungary. We have a huge clientele who rely on us for organizational growth through outplacements and career transitions.staff, finder, brand, ecommerce, website0
humantelex.huIf you've been organizing birthday parties since kindergarten and you're always the one who comes up with the most creative theme nights, then join the Human Telex creative team as event creative!creative strategic, strategic thinkevent, creative, human, client, campaign0
vasutimerleg.huIn 2008, AMTAB sold 15 systems to the Iranian Railways (IRW). They were installed throughout the country – in both very cold and very hot climate zones. Since 2008 IRW’s 15 systems have been operational, with no support incidents. Having found that the AMTAB system has met and exceeded their…amtab strategic, strategic keywordrailway, wheel, network, durability, installation0
ipariparkinfogroup.huInfogroup, industrial park, bts, bts hall, bts warehouse, warehouse for rent, warehouse for lease, industrial plot, industrial plots for sale, industrial estate, logistical plot, logistical hallhall, industrial, plot, logistic0
carpentry.huDecorex International has announced its patrons for 2015. Four leading names from the world of design and the arts have...strategic goalportfolio, carpentry, office, interior, single0
kki.hu…CONTACT… News… HIIA announces the reorganization of its strategic research groups… Connectivity…reorganization strategic, strategic researchnews, event, future, think, visegrad0
baranyay.huNeed a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needsgreat strategic, strategic businessgrowth, plan, current, solid, foundation0
mozaikhub.huA program of JDC, the Mozaik Jewish Community Hub is a professional platform that provides infrastructure, co-working space, customized professional support, learning opportunities and financial support for Jewish community NGOs and initiatives in Hungary.community, member, jewish, support, financial0
mupa.huFeledi Project presented dance productions at the Liszt Fest that were inspired by the music of two contemporary composers, Roland Szentpáli and György Orbán. The choreography of Cosmic Conflict is based on Szentpáli's The Wind and the Sun, an award-winner of Müpa Budapest's 2020 Composition…strategic partnerdetail, ticket, music, event, pm0
binarit.huWe place great emphasis on shaping a flexible, modular architectural design and on integration of modern technological elements while designing Java applications. Thus, our products are easy to integrate into our clientéle’s variety of operating environments, even into the most complex SOA-based…strategic consultancysoftware, development, integration, custom, operation0
phoenixcollection.huBeing digital is about using data to make better and faster decisions, devolving decision making to smaller teams, and developing much more.strategic plan, program strategic, strategic execution, consistently strategic, strategic objectivedigital, bee, communication, sample, article0
suncell.huOur company is an end-to-end, customer-oriented alternative energy company that brings you cutting-edge solar energy solutions.strategic planenergy, renewable, solution, wind, reader0
i2k.huThe Information Management Innovation Cluster is active in most EU, US markets through the activities of their member companies. We are active in these markets through our work in business development, digital and corporate marketing and B2B sales consulting services with an average active project…service strategic, strategic marketcluster, member, international, market, development0
lightport.huThe development of a road data collection system for road vehicles, with an automated data processing unit, as well as the optimization of the practical use of the image processing process and the transfer of collected data to related professional systems.plan strategic, strategic noiseroad, pilgrimage, portal, application, development0
diamantkft.huTo offer a comprehensive, innovative service, we are an active member of the Tax Trade Section, the Budgetary Trade Section, the Bookkeeping Section, the Nature Trade Section, the Financial and Capital Market Section, and the IT Trade Section of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors, the Accounting…strategic consultancyconsultancy, tax, control, expert, group0
dekorozmar.huOur studio was established in 2004; we are aiming to complete the orders of our customers from design to construction with good quality, short deadlines, professional machinery, trained colleagues and sub-contractors. Our activities spread from small series orders to mass production.strategic partnermobile, image, packaging, style, advertisement0
galkol.huLooking for an agent in sales promotion? Consider Galkol's services. Our strength lies in the holistic approach to POS supply. We design, apply and implement your brand identity. Our scope ranges from printing low to high production runs, through retail outlet design and POS material supply, to…client, promotion, brand, page, retail0
alohadesign.huSilicon is a leading full-service digital agency based in New York. We make mobile apps,websites & brands, that people appreciate all around the world.strategic advisoragency, digital, view, sidebar, detail0
moviepuppeteers.hu…ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proidentconsultation strategic, strategic planipsum, lorem, puppet, sit, consectetur0
bhkka.huThe Center for Security and Defense Studies Foundation was established with the support and sponsorship of the ERASMUS Foundation for Democracy and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Center for Peace and Conflict Studies. The Center for Security and Defense Studies has been fully operational…security, study, main, booklet, international0
itgen.huWe offer full-scale SAP services in all fields of SAP Technology. Thanks to the open architecture of SAP platform, SAP products are available on all server platforms and powerful relational database engines.strategic consultingsupport, security, implementation, solution, technology0
adsolution.huad solution - HR related services learning and development talent management leader development soft skillhr strategic, strategic plansolution, development, consulting, skill, talent0
sickft.huWith 80 years of experience in rubber engineering and manufacturing Sic Hungary is a reliable partner of businesses when it comes to industrial rubber . Sic is located in Pásztó, within an 80 km drive from Budapest offering price-competitive logistic solutions for European companies. We work with…rubber, molding, industry, engineering, industrial0
immovest.huThe company’s management has been instrumental in the development of the real estate market in Hungary since 2001 and has achieved many notable „firsts” and awards including the development of the first CEE technology and science park buildings and prime downtown office projects with a total value…strategic advisorybuild, real, estate, management, office0
blue.hueople and values are key for us. We strongly believe that space is more than a physical space calculable in square meters. Essential like home as a physical space for everyone to return to, creating the right office interior is getting more and more important for companies.space, office, workplace, desk, furniture0
emesesoft.huLocated just ten minutes from Washington D.C.’s famous attractions, the Metro Points Hotel offers a great location, newly renovated spacious rooms, and exceptional customer service all at a great value...strategic partnercustomer, reference, book, important, site0
emin.huThe tender is implemented with the financial and professional cooperation of the announcers. The announcers of the Value and Quality Award Tender also strive to develop and implement concepts with their own activities promoting the business success of economic organizations producing excellent…quality, award, tender, value, consumer0
urbs.huURBS Real Estate Ltd as a member of the URBS Group is involved in numerous construction implementations day by day.strategic partnerreal, estate, group, management, development0
productsafety.huDo you have lack of information or no time to solve product safety and compliance problems of your company?I'm Hortenzia Csiszár, product safety andstrategic analysissafety, testimonial, problem, lack, expert0
indalp.huThe Construction Manager is not required to provide an estimate or contract cost breakdown and does not typically participate in pre-construction.team strategic, strategic operationconstruction, award, safety, ethics, day0
kristoftamas.huExperienced Product owner with extensive experience in automotive software engineering, looking to level up his career through a management position. Able to effectively build and lead high performing development teams focusing on technical and personal excellence. An enthusiastic team player with…strategic thinkdevelopment, software, skill, engineering, learn0