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185 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: crisis

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camigos.huart business corona covid19 crisis economy fashion game lady movie pandemic rumor sport tech technology womeneconomy crisis, crisis április, corona crisis, crisis economyago, economy, game, cup, magazine18
mediaaccess.huObama Chief Climate Adviser on 1920s global warming: It is a crisis we are trying to addressdocumentary, islam, history, america, article10
meltanyossag.huCentre for Fair Political Analysis has analyzed the crisis communication of four European leaders from the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak to the first re-openings (from the end of February to the end of May). We were curious to see how the crisis altered the political communication of the…european crisis, crisis communication, analysis crisis, curious crisis, crisis politicalanalysis, election, opposition, primary, political7
kopintalapitvany.huThe theory of economic thoughts has gradually lost ground in the economics curriculum, and the economic actors seemed to assume in the period of intensive technological and mar­ket changes that the former ideational debates had lost their relevance. Yet, recent financial and non-economic crises…energy crisis, crisis term, banking crisis, crisis year, employment crisiseconomic, international, literature, country, economy7
bekesstock.hucsabaprog pandemic epidemic marks romantic tourist virus restore summer italian sky hygiene building cathedral coronavirus landmark venice vacation empty town venezia lockdown rainy rain square sunny historic covid italy 2020 VE adriatic june st crisis recession view marco alert europe desert…coronavirus crisis, crisis photo, st. crisis, crisis recessioncounty, travel, europe, tourism, vacation6
envizont.huWar damage crisis and POSTCOVID impacts mitigation by challenge actualized integrated engineering, best available technologies and facilities development.crisis mitigation, war crisis, damage crisis, crisis postcovid, potcovid crisislaboratory, circular, llc, expert, engineering6
karitativ.huCristmas Love Feast: Thousands of families rely on help in the present times of crisis Food for Life Hungary, the humanitarian aid arm of the Krishna-conscious believers has organised food distribution events in Hungary on a daily basis for the last thirty years. Although the present difficult…global crisis, crisis individual, time crisis, crisis foodfood, distribution, love, help, christmas6
ceesen.huIs your municipality ready to take part in the global fight against the climate crisis and rising energy prices?climate crisis, crisis energyevent, municipality, sustainable, conference, energy6
nezopont.huThe half-century-old commemoration of the 1956 revolution was a symbol of the moral crisis of the Gyurcsány government. Fifteen years later, the picture just becomes clearer: today, every second Hungarian believes that the police actions of the time were unlawful, and 42 percent blame the then headmoral crisis, crisis gyurcsánypolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature5
drpatakieva.huÉva Pataki MD. - Psychiatrist: specialized for depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, life criseslife crisis, crisis subsequentlydisorder, anxiety, depression, psychiatrist, psychotherapy5
kiskozossegek.hu…can contribute to achieve an environmentally friendly way of living, building strong relationships among people living in the same place, and strengthening the local economy. We believe that we can solve the ecological crisis only if cooperation among people living nearby becomes much stronger.ecological crisis, crisis cooperationcommunity, small, programme, local, ecological5
businessenglishonskype.hu…has changed, shifted, and evolved to mirror the wants and needs of the societies whose wealth it creates. Sometimes, as in the 2008 financial crisis, business failed in its efforts. In other examples—the legacy of Apple’s game-changing products, for example—companies have been spectacularly…crisis management, financial crisis, crisis businessmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy5
next9.huIn a crisis situation, our senior crisis experts, our PR experts with wide media contacts and our SM provide support.crisis communication, senior crisis, crisis expertcommunication, media, award, corporate, storytelling5
bodyguardacademy.huWe start continously bodyguard, crises zone and firearms courses. You can learn professional skills from bodyguards of politicians, stars, etc.bodyguard crisis, crisis zoneacademy, course, central, european, training4
tamarahagen.huOur areas of expertise include among others: strategic communication, marketing communication, employer branding, internal communication, corporate and B2B communications, media relations, digital communication, social media, crisis communication, CSR communication, public affairs consultancy…media crisis, crisis communication, crisis training, way crisis, crisis actuallycommunication, touch, public, relation, corporate4
ontarget.huNever stop growing and boost your business results. Use our consulting service to turn the crisis to a growth opportunity. Start changes now!service crisis, crisis growthresult, consulting, potential, strategy, development4
direkt36.huAccording to an internal document of the Ministry of Interior leaked to Direkt36, health care authorities are aware of the gravity of problems caused by hospital-acquired infections in Hungary. Miniszter Sándor Pintér is involed in the deliberations, and measures were proposed to address the…inside crisis, crisis hungarianhospital, infection, secret, document, russian4
russianstudies.huof the Year was Péter Dancz, while the Best Russistics Paper Award was given to Enhzaya Sárköziné Vandan; the monograph Religious struggle and the crisis of traditionalism in 17 th -century Russia (in Russian: Религиозная борьба и кризис традиционализма в России XVII века) by Szergej Filippov…struggle crisis, crisis traditionalism, migration crisis, crisis late, ochakov crisisrussian, study, history, russia, historical4
krq.huMore than pure advice – preparing for crisis through simulation and by putting systems in place that limit damage to the firm to the minimum.crisis communication, advice crisis, crisis simulationcommunication, client, brand, page, video3
wasmet.hu…the long term. Nothing proves this better than history: while currencies have come and gone over time, gold has survived many wars and economic crises, providing security and stability for its owners. And today, it is common practice for banks to invest a significant part of their reserves in…economic crisis, crisis security, social crisis, crisis owner, reserve crisisinvestment, jewelry, process, bar, coin3
emeraldpr.huWhen it comes to working with clients, we believe that this is the most trust-based relationship a company and an agency can have. Most of our clients trust us with crisis communication or issue management, therefore Emerald PR hardly has the opportunity to submit entries in communication awards…crisis communication, client crisisemerald, zsofia, communication, member, association3
infogroup.huÁdám is CEO and second generation leader of Infogroup. He uses his experience as financial advisor to several privatization projects to build a strategic real-estate portfolio, that withstands crisis and attracts long-term investors. As vice president of Hungarian Real Estate Developers Roundtable…portfolio crisis, crisis long, climate crisis, crisis environmentaldirector, development, real, estate3
silent-night.huFor centuries, the song has crossed borders and overcome crises. It connects people no matter their origin, age or religion, and provides a link back to the time during which it was created. Over 200 years ago, Joseph Mohr, a priest from Salzburg, and Franz Xaver Gruber, a teacher from Upper…border crisis, crisis people, europe crisisnight, silent, song, hope, europe3
blackpage.huThe communications sector is facing many challenges, and brands are practicing caution. Following the trends or acting as pioneers? How long can we maintain ethical decision making during an economic crisis? Our managing director, Dora Somlyai shared her insights on Kreatív.crisis communication, possible crisis, crisis situation, economic crisis, crisis directorclient, agency, communication, consulting, approach3
zsolnayfenyfesztival.hu…After carefully assessing the possibilities the present situations can hold and taking them in consideration in a responsible manner, it became certain that in the current global crisis situation, ZsHM cannot organize the event at the same scale and with such complex programs as in previous years.energy crisis, crisis sustainability, climate crisis, crisis child, right crisislight, festival, art, map, visitor3
kisgabipszichologus.hu…for appointment so your tension, fears, worries can be addressed and hopefully new, creative ways of approaches, attitudes of coping with the crisis situation can be worked out. Gabriella Brédáné Kis is a licenced Hungarian Psychotherapist (Therapist) and Clinical Psychologist, providing…hungarian crisis, crisis center, attitude crisis, crisis situationcounseling, psychotherapy, therapy, relationship, group3
csaladtudomany.huvalues that govern couple relationships, marriage and the family are in anarchic condition both in Hungary and in Europe. National and international surveys show that restoring the dignity of marriage at the social level is inevitable for solving the crisis of family life and the demographic crisis.inevitable crisis, crisis family, demographic crisis, crisis symptom, symptom crisisfamily, science, alliance, marriage, newsletter3
klimapolitikaiintezet.huAn international, three-day conference was organized by MCC between the 29th of September and 1st of October, focusing on economic and energy crisis in...food crisis, crisis greenclimate, event, green, institute, protection3
habitat.hu…all around Hungary. For example, we replace doors and windows, renovate one room or the roof, rewire the electric system, put up new tiles in the bathroom, etc. This special and targeted support may prevent a family crisis or an accident due to inappropriate electric or sewage systems in the homes.family crisis, crisis accident, climate crisis, crisis good, crisis areahabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization3
arvamisszio.huWe are most thankful for the interest many of you manifested in the cases of children in crisis. There are some developments we want to share with you about their situation:child crisis, crisis developmentchild, family, adoption, mission, story2
arbolus.hu…liquidation and bankruptcy. We are also planning to launch a consultancy service for senior executives who do not have an overview of this area of business. We believe that many companies would be able to avoid liquidation proceedings through a well organised bankruptcy or crisis management.bankruptcy crisis, crisis management, activity crisisllc, bankruptcy, mission, proceedings, knowledge2
menhely.hu…in conjunction with homeless people, Fedél Nélkül (“Without a Roof”); and was the first organisation to provide a 24 hour dispatcher service, Crisis Car, recovery centre and centrally located luggage storage area. The foundation was also first to provide long term accommodation for elderly…service crisis, crisis carfoundation, mission, shelter, organisation, homeless2
luminalearning.huThe APAC Leadership community identified the need to be trained on aspects of Leading in a Crisis uses Leader 360 for self-assessment.aspect crisis, crisis leaderlumina, learn, solution, event, study2
insolvcontroll.huThe INSOLV-Control Crisis Management Kft. Was up at guiding the creation of a liquidator, a crisis management company that fully meets the expectations of today's global and domestic.control crisis, crisis management, liquidator crisisengine, description, search, short, management2
gaudiumcapital.huFor all those companies that for some reason ended up in the crisis, but with the help of some management consulting and cost optimization can achieve improvement in competitivenesscrisis management, reason crisis, crisis helpcapital, procedure, announcement, insolvency, proceedings2
metropolis.org.huKirály Hajnal: Figurations of Societal Crisis in Post-Communist Romanian Cinema: From Pintilie to Aferim!societal crisis, crisis postcontemporary, representation, history, social, woman2
linkgroup.hu…crises in many complex systems , such as proteins in physical stretch, ecosystems in abrupt environmental changes or social networks in economic crisis. De-coupling and re-wiring of modules emerges as a general model of adaptation and learning. The paper and its Supplement , which were published…phase crisis, crisis complex, economic crisis, crisis degroup, network, member, signal, paper2
spiritsdigest.huThe campaign shows us that when it comes to climate change and other global crises, actions need to be taken on governmental, brand, and individual consumer levels too.global crisis, crisis actionbrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour2
krisna.huGlobal crises and individual battles – thousands await the Christmas Love Feast from the Hare Krishnasglobal crisis, crisis individualkrishna, thousand, feast, love, christmas2
cafecsoport.huFleishmanHillard Café is one of Hungary’s leading communication consultancy agencies, specializing in insight-based communication strategic planning, crisis communication, stakeholder network management and employer branding. Our goal is to maintain and improve the reputation of our clients and…plan crisis, crisis communication, communication crisis, crisis management, management crisisgroup, communication, agency, integrate, media2
probako.huWhen an unexpected crisis situation occurs, you need expert help with communication immediately. Crisis communication work can only be effective with the right preparations. Probako team help both in preparation and in the communication management of the crisis.crisis communication, unexpected crisis, crisis situation, immediately crisiscommunication, media, award, campaign, social2
lelek-harmonia.hu…methods (NLP, cognitive techniques, KIP, immagination, relaxation, autogenic training) can be used in the virtual space as well. Under the current circumstances mental and physical health, efficient stress-management, positive thinking, solving the crisis situations quickly is highly important.crisis intervention, think crisis, crisis situationproblem, psychologist, counselling, disorder, technique2
ecst.hu…on a variety of fronts. This should be recognized and confronted. Without this we have no chance, for example, of tackling the demographic crisis in a humane and effective way. Here, we must rely on the tools of science and of extensive experience to protect individuals and their communities.inevitable crisis, crisis family, demographic crisis, crisis humanefamily, society, science, european, marriage2
papprekakinga.hu…of Conscious Consumers, Humusz Alliance, and others. Served as a communications officer at the Hungarian Association of Sex Workers in 2016 and of the Roma Education Fund in 2018. Her fields of specialization are CSR, public service communication, organizational structures and crisis communication.structure crisis, crisis communicationtalk, special, treatment, casual, ancient2
reformatus.huA hybrid conference held on 10 March in Madrid, organised by the Conference of European Churches featured training on security awareness and crisis management in …awareness crisis, crisis managementchurch, ministry, refugee, community, event2
divali.huOur chief speaker will be Bālamodaka Dāsa, chief gardener of Krishna Valley, who has been living in the Valley for 15 years. On the occasion of Diwali, he will expound to the audience the possible responses to the global environmental and energy crisis and will suggest a complete change of…food crisis, crisis economic, energy crisis, crisis completelight, festival, krishna, valley, programme2
xpl.huStrategic advice in mitigating the identified political risks, including support in executive coaching, organisational development, and crisis managementdevelopment crisis, crisis managementclient, political, public, risk, government1
abtk.huJanka Kovács , a postdoctoral research fellow at our institute, participated in the conference of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health (EAHH), which took place from 30 August to 2 September 2023, and this year focused on: Crisis in Health and Medicine .year crisis, crisis healthresearch, humanity, centre, news, detail1
secaas.huWant to increase your company’s resilience or just want to know how your organisation would respond in a crisis?security, training, management, organisation, interest1
smartia.hu…for various cultural diversities and offer a mentorship program that prevents company turnover, increases efficiency, and develops individuals and communication skills in the long run. Our methods are effective for organizational development and provide security during times of crisis management.time crisis, crisis managementjoy, cultural, video, appointment, turnover1
kon-trade.hu…authorised repair workshop have been in existence since 1979, at that time, under the possible operational frameworks. Even before the change of regime, despite of the industrial production’s crisis at that time, we succeeded at starting up our company and widening the number of our customers.production crisis, crisis timetrade, news, login, production, customer1
hirtalalo.huIn an interview with Magyar Nemzet, the minister spoke about the status of EU funds for Hungary, the crisis Christian democracy is undergoing, Ukraine's EU accession and the significance of Hungary's EU presidency.hungary crisis, crisis christianoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians1
ehk.huDue to the health crisis in areas of the world EHK supports, 2nd hand Molecular and Immunology equipment is in greater demand than most items we offer. If you have any of this equipment available for sale, we are interested. To receive an offer to purchase your equipment real fast, click the…health crisis, crisis areaequipment, sale, website, laboratory, great1
budbed.hu„We were renting out our apartment as an Airbnb but at the start of the pandemic they thought it was too risky and convinced me to rent it out for long-term. They are still managing everything and this way I was able to avoid the crisis.”apartment, management, rent, short, real1
taxworld.hu…inspections of both private individuals and companies. They also offer comprehensive legal services on the fields of labour law, corporate law, crisis management, insolvency situations and claims and assets management. Their expertise may be utilized in all life stages of the venture. Setting up…law crisis, crisis managementlegal, tax, accounting, office, client1
brandway.huThe behaviour of customer has been changed as a result of the economic crisis nowadays, only those can prevail who offer competitive products or render competitive service. The business partners may recognise these easily due to its unique character and quality which is connected to the products…economic crisis, crisis nowadaysbrand, way, youngsters, privacy, trademark1
uniquetravel.huHungary has made the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy, with a per capita income nearly two-thirds that of the EU-28 average. In 2010 the government implemented a number of changes including cutting business and personal income taxes, but imposed ’crisis taxes’ on financial…taxis crisis, crisis taxisunique, travel, art, tour, heritage1
outturn.huOutturn’s Turnaround and Restructuring practice offers critical assistance to companies that are underperforming, in a crisis, or are healthy, but with underperforming divisions. Working directly with company management, Outturn Advisory helps stabilize financial and operational performance by…company crisis, crisis healthynegotiation, management, deal, support, market1
agilegettogether.huWorking together by introducing the transformation of leadership through a personal journey, where everyone can see the challenges, obstacles, but also the bright side of being an agile leader. Exchange of the experiences about Psychological safety, existential crisis, organizational blindness and…existential crisis, crisis organizationalagile, session, track, speaker, detail1
mellearn.hu…the promotion of the role of LLL, the adaptation of employees to the labour market, the country’s and the enterprises’ recovery from economic crisis with the experiences of higher education institutions, the good practices of LLL and with the review of resources needed for development. The maineconomic crisis, crisis experiencelearn, education, lifelong, international, university1
aktivzenetanulas.huSinging and music education is in crisis in Hungary. It is in crisis despite the fact, that here (unlike the European average) music and instrumental education is available for everyone through the network of primary schools and music schools, what’s more, there is high-quality professional work…education crisis, crisis hungary, hungary crisis, crisis despitemusic, learn, model, movement, active1
coachingteam.huIn general, during a crisis, an organization is forced to face conditions that threaten its balance, and resolving them becomes the most important task, however the situation cannot be solved nor avoided with standard problem-solving tools.general crisis, crisis organizationdevelopment, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious1
inflexion.huHR is reinventing itself as we speak. It has to. The Great Resignation, crisis management, and burnout are all affecting businesses. We have all experienced these issues, directly or indirectly.resignation crisis, crisis managementsale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead1
marosholding.huWe have started our activity in Hungary in 1991. Our prior activities: liquidation, crisis management, investment advice, developing business plans, -tenders.liquidation crisis, crisis managementactivity, management, investment, prior, advice1
vojtek.huThe interim manager takes the lead when it comes to changes: he or she takes the driver’s seat at crisis management or exit management, MBI or MBO, management buy-out or buy-in situations to ensure smooth implementation, merger and acquisition, launching some new business, or when the task is to…seat crisis, crisis managementmanagement, manager, task, portfolio, solution1
lightphaser.hu"Strategic Virtual Frontiers" is a 10-track instrumental album where each song has a subtle style deviation to fit its actual message. The world is in constant struggle battered by crisis after crisis. People are slowly awakening from the surrounding hypnotizing artificial information bubble that…struggle crisis, crisis peoplemusic, official, website, software, production1
javorbenedek.huGlobal pressure is mounting around water resources. The World Economic Forum continues to rank water crises as one of the..media, european, mep, letter, story1
end2end.huDo you plan a project which seems too big for you? Or it has been running but is showing signs of crisis? One of our strengths is the “end-to-end” management of complex projects. Our main principle is that it is better to prevent trouble, but once a project is in crisis, then we may also…sign crisis, crisis strength, project crisis, crisis effectivelyconsulting, management, customer, task, surprise1
radiancedigitalsolutions.huThe outsourcing of support and services is a flexible model that helps companies in their effort for business continuity or reopening of their activity as an effect of the coronavirus crisis.digital, solution, client, free, touch1
hunbisco.huIn times of peace, crisis and war, people have always loved, love, consumed and consume biscuits, chocolate, candies and other delicacies, said Dr Róbert Török, director of the Hungarian Trade and Hospitality Museum, at the traditional pre-Easter round table discussion of the Association of…peace crisis, crisis warconfectionery, manufacturer, association, sweet, moment1
itlgroup.hu…their focus away from fear and train it upon a more positive emotion. In that spirit, this website is an invitation to entrepreneurs and managers who have been facing the current economic crisis caused by Covid-19 to share their uplifting experiences. Because we believe stories are powerful!economic crisis, crisis covid-19tax, law, real, estate1
ommik.huDuring the coronavirus crisis museum and archive professionals do not rest on their laurels. Amsterdam City Archives is helping to build a digital archive of the coronavirus and its consequences in th...coronavirus crisis, crisis museummuseum, national, conference, digital, collection1
studiolegale.huThe key to survival is adaptation. During our 25+ years we had to adapt to several fundamental reforms of the Hungarian legal system, even to economic crisis, booms, and the changing of needs of our clients. We have always tried to be faster and more flexible than our competitors.economic crisis, crisis boomlaw, firm, associate, insolvency, tax1
fvszemle.hu"The current economic crisis has once again underlined how crucial the Single Market is for the success of the European project. I look forward to exploring how we can remove the remaining obstacles and reinvigorate the process. This may require a fresh look at how the market and the social…economic crisis, crisis crucialmarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission1
ernart.huThese courses enriched my assortment of methods, so besides art therapy, I assist my clients in classical conversational ways as well ( coaching, mental health counselling, mediation ) in solving their conflicts (either in relationship crises or business disputes), or in developing their life…relationship crisis, crisis businessart, therapy, session, creation, group1
control1.hu"The data and information I get from Control1 gives me the kind of secure knowledge that not only allows me to sleep easier, but also to believe that we can survive in a crisis. Due to both this and the excellent relationship we have built up, we plan to work with Tamás and his team in the long…easy crisis, crisis excellentcontrol, management, controller, analysis, plan1
kozossikereink.huThe financial cycle of 2007-2013 has brought serious challenges for EU, partly resulting from the economic crisis, partly from the joining of further ten countries to the organization of originally fifteen members.economic crisis, crisis partlyresult, success, funding, cycle, financial1
debrecenijogimuhely.hu"The current economic crisis has once again underlined how crucial the Single Market is for the success of the European project. I look forward to exploring how we can remove the remaining obstacles and reinvigorate the process. This may require a fresh look at how the market and the social…economic crisis, crisis crucialmarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission1
nakedman.huI am naked in the sense, that I have decided to lose my old masks, shields and disguises. Through a difficult childhood, abusive relationships, trauma and substance abuse, crises and pain, I have decided to find my way back to myself, uncovered, vulnerable, and it’s fire!abuse crisis, crisis painman, title, site, facilitator, kingdom1
auroraenergy.huThe consultants of Aurora Energy assume energy management and operational consultancy in all areas of energetics, such as operative organisational review and redesign, executive, crisis and change management and other fields of corporate management (project management, technical and financial…executive crisis, crisis changeenergy, management, operation, asset, financial1
bee.co.huThe Lake Chad Basin is currently suffering one of the world’s greatest humanitarian crises, with more than 10 million people in need of immediate assistance. Climate change interacts with the conflict in the region tohumanitarian crisis, crisis millionbee, nature, change, urban, story1
jmphotels.huIn case of crisis management, after the due diligence, we carry out repositioning and propose measures to increase sales and reduce costs.case crisis, crisis managementroom, operation, free, motorway, centre1
historycruise.hu…ugly, we have to admit. The first plans were made in the twenties, and on these plans some decoration at the pillars could still be seen. But the crisis of 1929 intervened and the plans were simplified. At the time of its inauguration it was named after the regent of the country, Miklós Horthy…pillar crisis, crisis planbridge, city, history, cruise, build1
szeniortenisz.hu…CEO of Montavid Rt. retired and Nóra Pákhné Metzler did not resume senior committee work for family reasons. Senior tennis was going through a crisis and when the 2003 General Assembly, which was attended by a number of senior tennis members, I suggested that the Association for Hungarian…tennis crisis, crisis generaltennis, room, night, association, person1
maks.huElimination of the consequences of the global financial crisis and its impact on HGCC membersfinancial crisis, crisis impactcooperative, crown, goal, activity, legal1
mkagency.huWe provide complex support that pushes your career to the next level. Performance diagnostics, personal training, focused improvement, injury prevention and crisis management.prevention crisis, crisis managementagency, client, career, private, management1
rimconsulting.huSupport for communication, stress management, coaching, outsourcing. Employee psychological assistance, crisis intervention, burnout prevention in individual and group form.assistance crisis, crisis interventionconsulting, rim, protection, security, case1
filmart.hua middle aged Hungarian man who desperately wants to change his life. He tries to escape from his Eastern-European mid-life crisis, and elope with Irene.life crisis, crisis irenetelevision, police, story, documentary, series1
oltigergo.huAt a very young age, while still studying business economics, I had to find a way to make somewhere where flexible working hours were no problem. In the middle of the economic crisis, my friends thought I was crazy that I started working in the real estate business. Most of them, who laughed at me…economic crisis, crisis friendreal, estate, media, market, academy1
kkbse.huThe bicycle is a tool to disrupt systems that contribute to the climate crisis. We make decisions based on environmental impact.climate crisis, crisis decisionmember, opportunity, reason, event, charity1
flowpr.huPR - Social Media - Influencer Marketing - Video Production - Graphic Design - Media Purchase - Public Affairs - Crisis Communications - SEOaffairs crisis, crisis communicationagency, award, news, social, media1
colegal.hu…(including real estate based projects) and the related fusion control and competition law issues. In relation to the impacts of the economic crisis, she has participated in successfully restructuring the Hungarian subsidiaries of German, Austrian and also international companies in the fields…economic crisis, crisis successfullylaw, legal, preparation, university, counselling1
vedikusasztrologus.hu…on how and by what means one can get rid of their difficulties. Its aim is awareness; it points out the past, present and future, thus it offers help in personal problems, crisis, and obscure life situations. It ascertains the precise life circumstances and what can be expected in one’s future.problem crisis, crisis obscurevedic, relationship, course, knowledge, introduction1
she4she.huAugust of 2021, the Taliban took over Afghanistan and rose to power. Soon enough started aggravating the humanitarian crisis. Civilians...humanitarian crisis, crisis civilianwoman, community, art, committed, need1
mta.hu…taking place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 6 to 9 December 2022. Convened under the main theme “Science for Social Justice”, this year’s forum calls on decision-makers to recognise the vital role that science must play in solving the world’s worsening societal, economic and environmental crises.science, academy, research, member, forum1
swoosh.huworking in the government sector and in the management consulting industry. He is skilled in International Relations and Diplomacy, Public Affairs and Government Relations, Project Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Crisis Communications and Media Relations, NGO management, and Networking.responsibility crisis, crisis communicationcapital, website, asia, opportunity, management1
blumprogram.huSupervision : stress management, coping with crises, prevention of burn outs, among other things;management crisis, crisis preventionchild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher1
azumba.hu…the value of whistle blowers and exactly how boards should be on the lookout for early on warning signals that could indicate an impending crisis or catastrophe. It draws upon the medical concept of prodromes to highlight the importance of figuring out and reacting to early indicators or…impending crisis, crisis catastrophelegal, law, agreement, contract, rule1
greenscorecard.huThis is the second time our Report undertaking to assess the state of the Green New Deal in Hungary is published. Three dimensions of the global crisis are presented, analysing data on the economy, the environment and society. Several hundred indicators are detailed, complemented with data tables…global crisis, crisis datagreen, deal, sustainability, society, economy1
refugeecenter.huIn addition to fulfilling their physical needs, we want the refugees who are interested in us to find peace of mind as well. In addition to post-traumatic stress, they have to deal with many difficulties in this crisis. A psychologist helps children and adults to live stress-free everyday life…difficulty crisis, crisis psychologistrefugee, center, ministry, child, ukrainian1
iparnapjai.huLászló György , the Ministry for Innovation and Technology’s (ITM) State Secretary for Economic Planning and Regulation thanked the businesses for their partnership over the last two and a half years in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and for retaining their employees and workplaces…workplace crisis, crisis investmentindustry, exhibition, day, exhibitors, visitor1
knowledgepyramid.huAs an expert of crisis and change management – with more than ten years of management and consulting experience – we offer the following solutions to our clients in the SME and corporate sectors, primarily in the areas of Finance, HR, and Sales / Marketing:expert crisis, crisis changeknowledge, pyramid, expert, change, introduction1
jurassic2022.huWe have been through turbulent years since the last congress in Mexico in 2018. The pandemic hit, war broke out as our neighbour Ukraine was invaded, an energy crisis is looming, and climate change came home with a record hot and dry summer this year. Yet science always offers hope and we are glad…energy crisis, crisis climatecongress, september, august, invitation, limestone1
experiplant.huAgriculture has reached a crossroads. Past practices, which have destroyed the environment and gradually destroyed the basis of our food production, the healthy soil, cannot be sustained. The climate crisis is also transforming our opportunities at an unprecedented rate. However, the new paths are…climate crisis, crisis opportunitylorem, ipsum, soil, plant, biology1
bte.huThe Inspector General of Industrial Safety announced that the crossing point by Röszke (on the Serbian border)- dedicated as the offical point for vehicles carrying dangerous goods- is closed due to the proclaimed crisis. Any kind of road traffic is prohibited. Based on the bilateral agreement…dangerous crisis, crisis kindassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor1
drogriporter.huAnimation (3) Counting the Costs of the Global Drug War (15) Drug Policy Alliance conferences (24) Drugreporter Café (18) Drugreporter News (11) European Harm Reduction Conferences (6) Funding crisis of Harm Reduction in Eastern-Europe (8) Harm Reduction Coalition Conferences (6) International…conference crisis, crisis harmdrug, people, video, harm, reduction1
rekk.huOur gas market model can be applied for evaluating infrastructure investment, analysing crisis situations and impact assessment of regulatory changes.investment crisis, crisis situationenergy, market, research, analysis, economic1
ukrainehelp.huDedicated specialists help children cope with the stress of leaving their home, loss or grief at Heim Pál National Childcare Institute's Psychology Crisis Ambulance Children's Psychology Crisis Ambulance: +36 30 44 34 751psychology crisis, crisis ambulancehelp, ukraine, free, station, ukrainian1
historyorherstory.huThe dynamically evolving Christian religion restructured the value system of the Roman Empire and provided a new direction and purpose to human life. During the crisis of the empire, the Christian teachings about the Kingdom of Heaven and an impending peaceful world easily resonated with the…life crisis, crisis empirehistory, market, trade, icon, age1
dnv.huAt present, to support our diversity and inclusion efforts, we run mentoring programmes, including the reverse mentoring of senior leaders by ‘next generation’ colleagues. We also hold multiple annual events that include up-and-coming talent, although this has recently been hampered by the…diversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group1
abtl.hu…The number of employees is 99. The Archives is an independent, publicly financed institution. The budget is defined by Parliament in the annual budget law. According to experience so far, sources are continually available. No elections or government crisis have endangered continual work so far.government crisis, crisis continualarchive, shall, public, record, document1
europeuncensored.huToday’s European Union is in an identity crisis as it seems to be losing its points of reference. We have to define our standpoint, our goals and how we should shape Europe of the future. A strong, competitive Europe, that is a homeland for so many nations.identity crisis, crisis pointeurope, future, strong, identity, nation1
kapcsolatmentor.hu…as I do. That’s when the idea of a helping centre was born in my mind. I wanted to create a place where seekers could get complex help, regardless of the nature of their problem, be it a crisis in your relationship, divorce, post-divorce issues, business-related conflicts, or career problems.problem crisis, crisis relationshiprelationship, family, career, divorce, problem1
bbvedelem.huWe develop security and emergency plans tailored to our clients' needs and expectations by doing pre-event research and threat assessment as well as emergency preparedness and crisis response planning. We have an excellent record in managing prestigious national and international events—you can…preparedness crisis, crisis responsecustomer, quality, security, committed, friendly1
kwds.huHMV Survivor I provides ideal combination of acceleration, mobility, safety and reliability for crisis situations.reliability crisis, crisis situationtransmission, spare, power, engine, application1
megaglobal.hu…the goal was to build customer relationships and start economic production, but at the same time, the outbreak of the unexpected 2008 credit crisis nullified all significant plans and expected results. Due to the constraints arising from the economic situation, the range of services expanded…credit crisis, crisis significantcustomer, structure, slide, manufacturer, technology1
pattern.hu…adventures stretch back to working on online financial trading platforms and products in Ireland before, during and after the latest financial crisis. In the real world, he enjoys having fun with his wife and two young kids and tries to squeeze as much sport, hiking and travelling into the…financial crisis, crisis realmanagement, digital, knowledge, consulting, pattern1
backstreetvoice.hugiving the opportunity for sound engineers, directors, voiceover artists to connect with each other in real-time – our voiceover studio was one of the first in the country to do so. This proved to be the ideal solution to respond to the current crisis and provide business continuity for our clients.current crisis, crisis businessvoice, studio, director, artist, sound1
szeged-english.huNew Faces is a European Strategic Partnership that aims to promote historical and literary understanding of the complexities of crises (cultural, linguistic, political, social, religious, and economic), to help face a complex contemporary European context.complexity crisis, crisis culturaluniversity, february, study, student, department1
prooptimum.huOur company aims to provide complex tax advisory services to individuals and businesses. Tax advice on all aspects of business law, taxation and accounting. Based on our experience, most of our clients come to us in a crisis situation to solve an acute problem. Most of the cases cannot be solved…client crisis, crisis situationtax, cancellation, consultancy, consultant, advice1
hungarolen.huWe would like to thank all members of the volunteer advisory team for their professional work in supporting the crisis management.work crisis, crisis managementlen, linen, thread, yarn, mill1
palyazatiro.huThe 21 st century set the pace; it means great competition and permanent changing for everyone. It is especially true nowadays when we are burdened by the influence of the global financial and economic crisis. Hungary's policy covers a package deal of 14 billion forints for helping enterprises and…economic crisis, crisis hungaryfinancial, economic, union, organization, proposal1
mse-zsory.huAustralian sport will never have the industrial influence to bring the economy from economic crisis or resolve a local unemployment problem. But it is more than a fringe gamer in the economic video game. They have a public profile by which to showcase their views when athletes take a stand on…economic crisis, crisis localnews, feed, result, score, transfer1
lacom.huWe are an integrated communications agency. Should it be about product launch, the branding of your company, or about crisis management, we can provide you with good ideas and creative solutions. Besides big companies, our services are also available to small- and medium sized enterprises thanks…company crisis, crisis managementmedia, plan, creative, event, personal1
basicasset.huToday, especially in view of the spreading crisis, business organizations must, more than ever, pay particular attention to the congruity of their processes and the organizational structure, as well as make a point of increasing their ability to create value. On the basis of the professional…view crisis, crisis businessprocess, management, development, basic, asset1
energiaklub.huEnergiaklub’s opinion on the nuclear elements of the Hungarian National Energy and Climate Planenergy, nuclear, climate, photo, article0
thevibe.hu​ At The Vibe, we are a Budapest-based PR and communications consultancy specializing in Public Relations, strategic communication and sustainable marketing. Our team of experts works tirelessly to create unique and effective PR campaigns that will elevate your brand and connect you with your…crisis communicationvibe, communication, agency, client, enthusiastic0
productsafety.huDo you have lack of information or no time to solve product safety and compliance problems of your company?I'm Hortenzia Csiszár, product safety andcrisis managementsafety, testimonial, problem, lack, expert0
gyogyitobeszelgetesek.huI firmly believe that those should work as a psychologist who are interested in other people’s problems and can turn to patients with empathy. This is why I decided to become a psychologist.crisis situationproblem, psychologist, hour, consulting, person0
solservices.huSolServices Ltd. is engaged in the implementation of energy generation from renewable sources, bearing in mind sustainability aspects and Hungary’s domestic energy-industry development targets. SolServices Ltd.’s state-of-the-art solar projects, based on the latest innovations, as well as its…energy crisis, crisis dependencyenergy, renewable, implementation, sustainability, generation0
globeowl.huTo join the project you must be an undergraduate, postgraduate or 2019 graduate. All skills and backgrounds are welcome – you might be an English student, a geographer, an economist or a sociologist or a history student (this list could go on…) – everyone has something to contribute and we’d…ecological crisis, crisis fussstudent, training, owl, globe, skill0
babamamatanoda.huContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin.climate crisis, crisis mainstreamlorem, ipsum, text, therapist, simply0
magyar-dalszoveg.hu…Death (2010)… loneliest bitch in america (2022)… chloe moriondo - Rly Don't Care (2021)… Blood Bunny…death, blood, love, face, mean0
elte.huEötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is the oldest and largest university in Hungary and it is the most popular higher education institution among applicants each year. As the leading research university in Hungary, the name of ELTE means knowledge, opportunities, competition, openness and community…ukranian crisisuniversity, student, faculty, mobility, summer0
segelyszervezet.huApart from social programmes in Hungary, Hungarian Interchurch Aid has also carried out humanitarian and development work in over 40 countries, helping those in need regardless of nationality, religion or world view, all the while meeting the highest professional and transparency requirements.humanitarian crisis, crisis afghanistan, crisis iraqaid, account, code, humanitarian, donation0
mirkzsofia.hu…I can facilitate you to find your solution in those kind of situations where an objective and un involved helper is needed. Working with highly sensitive people have an extra importance for me as I am one of them. I learned how to cope with the difficulties what they can have in their…crisis managementcounseling, curious, solution, psychologist, problem0
redrecruitment.huLooking for a stable and reliable partner in Recruitment & Business Services? RED is a leading agency in Central Eastern Europe, providing top-notch solutions for your business. Find out morerelation crisis, crisis managementrecruitment, europe, central, agency, eastern0
envo.huI started with this track which was the closest to call as 'release ready' after I saved this with 3 other tracks to a different folder, I deleted everything that I made in the past year (most of them were just basic drum tracks or empty projects), and reopened this track, and finished it over the…release, able, music, thing, little0
family-center.hu…non-smoking surroundings where the customers can escape from the downtown noise and plaza hustle, comfortably choose between prettier-than-pretty fashion goods, trendy shoes and colourful toys, acquire sports and leisure time equipment, and have renowned drugstores and grocery stores on one site.family, center, fashion, shoes, site0
gombaleckek.huContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin.climate crisis, crisis mainstreamorganizer, venue, form, ipsum, lorem0
kiraly24.huThe Király24 Penthouse apartments have been designed so that the fantastic panorama can be enjoyed from as many apartments as possible. In the case of penthouse apartments, the designers strived to provide them with natural light from as many directions as possible and to ensure the intimacy of…exceptional crisis, crisis proofapartment, detail, city, location, terrace0
surveymethodsroom.huThe Survey Methods Room Budapest was formed in September 2022 within the Department of Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences, ELTE.time crisis, crisis challengesurvey, room, method, introduction, news0
portfolio.huSouth Korean battery plant keeps sacking Hungarian workers after pocketing billions for job creationstore crisis, crisis decadeprice, fund, economy, portfolio, rate0
magyarregio.huStruggling to sell one multi-million dollar home currently on the market won’t stop actress and singer Jennifer Lopez from expanding her property collection. Lopez hasfavorite, lifestyle, market, million, currently0
szabadossandor.hu…patterns. If our needs were left unfulfilled, then the patterns we create may obstruct self-realization. In addition to our conscious choices, it is these very patterns that are responsible for the recurring issues in our lives. The good news is that we are capable of learning how to…commitment crisis, crisis quartersession, self, counseling, issue, relationship0
nyiresvt.huLorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever…climate crisis, crisis mainstreamlorem, ipsum, text, page, dummy0
budapestwatersummit.huSummit menu… Expo menu… Vision menu… Magazine…water crisiswater, summit, october, magazine0
alkoholfuggoseg.hu…and effective method. For this reason we have found it necessary – as a model experiment – to adapt the institutional methods to supported day care community living conditions, thus providing a so-called near home ambulant rehabilitation system where their recovery program is compatible…addiction, rehabilitation, group, day, form0
pannontax.huPannon Tax Audit Kft. | Könyvvizsgálat, Rating, Audit, Eu pályázatok, Költségvetés, Pénzügy, Könyvelés, Audit, Szombathely, Könyvvizsgálat, West hungary, Adótanácsadás, Steuerberatungproblem crisis, crisis trust, moral crisis, crisis management, solution crisistax, rating, west, expert, management0
formatio.huFollowing a child psychiatric consultation and, if necessary, a complex examination, we prepare a detailed therapy plan, in which we give a precise recommendation regarding the therapy required.adolescent crisischild, therapy, complex, detail, family0
pjconsulting.huWhat is my goal? To partner with you to enhance the quality of your life via life coaching, relationship and career consultation via virtual sessions from Budapest.relationship, career, consultation, investment, appointment0
4dpartners.hu4D Partners is a consulting company founded by several experienced professionals in 2005. Beside the core team of consultants we work together with other professionals, researchers, lawyers, engineers and other specialists in order to fully understand your business problem and provide the best…company crisis, crisis managementconsultant, core, consulting, improvement, performance0
redlemon.hu…communication agency, but our services have been evaluated over the years with the upcoming market needs. Today we have extended experience in B2C and B2B communication, social media management, community management, celebrity and influencer management – both in local and Central European market.communication crisis, crisis communicationsocial, media, management, client, communication0
ebtwebshop.huWe have became an authorized distributor of CRAFT bearings, which means the exclusive right to distribute and commercialize CRAFT bearings’ products in Hungary,energy crisis, crisis europebearing, shop, flag, craft, login0
homokhatkennel.huGolden hearts is a creative and inherently flexible theme designed to make a solid and respectable online platform for a variety of projects relating to NGOs, charity events, campaigns. Spread the awareness for a cause in a professional way with this template and popularize your organizations today.climate crisis, crisis worldpost, child, style, event, gallery0
intertranssec.huThe optimal level of security is determined by the right balance of security devices and guards, as well as a set of security procedures tailored to the activity in each case.crisis managementsecurity, training, event, technology, transport0
kalocsaikinga.hu…services sector. I have been a trusted C-suite consultant, with strong business acumen and the right growth mindset. After my 20+ year corporate career, I now apply my experience and network to help business owners and leaders of mid-size to smaller companies through growth and branding strategies.strategy, communication, growth, brand, process0
iamthebest.huMight be a suggestion: Our talent mentoring programmes provide assistance to young people who are already in the business or are new in the field. Our activities are based on the development of self-awareness a useful tool for creating the basis for a successful career.faith crisis, crisis womanlearn, self, awareness, training, youth0
womentime.huThis may be the latest case of post aggression emigration in Ukraine. But it is unlikely to be the final stage for millions of people to leave the country. These people do not wantdemographic crisis, crisis pandemicjun, news, fashion, politics, lifestyle0
turbo-hiba.hu…Meghan Markle’s Royal Style: A Detailed Guide to…… Looking For Fresh Style Inspiration? Go to…healthy, style, culture, fashion, live0
metagames.huMetagame kártyajáték és társasjáték bolt! Tekintse meg kínálatunk és látogasson el üzleteinkbe, vagy rendeljen online!marvel crisis, crisis protocolgame, card, battle, space, set0
ltlo.huPurchase and sale of industrial, commercial, office and residential real estate, rental constructions, planning, providing legal background for construction planning, construction execution and real estate development, legal due diligence, settlement planning, full legal representation in…case crisis, crisis managementexpertise, expert, law, legal, representation0
gwc.hu…complex corporate branding, establishing media and online presence and handling situations demanding highly specialised communication. Common to all of them are our outstanding communications expertise, strategic thinking, innovative use of tools, as well as reliable and results-oriented delivery.crisis communicationcommunication, expertise, highly, outstanding, reference0
starksil.huThis is the most effective technology (Starksil-Tech®) for our B2B clients to grow in business.crisis coachingresult, detail, career, sale, uk0
ebhinvest.huIn the diversified field of general construction, we not just manage the professional high-rise construction investments and fit-out works of public institutions, hotels and business center, but also we implement civil engineering constructions.construction, reconstruction, monument, general, engineering0
iriszoffice.huWe are more than just regular accountants. We are accounting and tax planning experts who offer unique services in the premium segment. We are operating since 2000 as a business group which involves several companies. Since 2004 Írisz Office has been the flagship company among them. The last 20…crisis managementoffice, plan, tax, financial, activity0
paleo.huThe central theme of our Research Group is the history of biosphere. This topic has been increasingly in the focus of international paleontological research in the last few decades. Using the Earth system approach, the changes of biodiversity through time and the key events in evolution are…publication, mission, research, history, group0
influencemedia.huWe are Influence Media, a think-tank providing result-oriented, 360 degrees communications and marketing solutions based on insights and data. We are a team of free spirits who believe in creativity, meaningful content, consistency and efficiency.media, influence, career, expertise, client0
trademagazin.huCompany and Personal News Auchan will raise wages between 12.5 and 21.3 percent from Januarydeep crisis, crisis producernews, january, chain, article, price0
zalkak.hu…framed structures, steel and reinforced concrete industrial and agricultural warehouse units, steel form-work systems, an education centre, an observatory, nursery schools, hotels, industrial halls, multi-storey panel system dwellings in seismic zones, a space-frame roof system and timber…structural, structure, building, analysis, engineering0
por.hu- - Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer (IBMC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer Hospital), Department of Thoracic Medical Oncologyblast crisis, crisis reportuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine0
szanalasialap.huResolution… What is resolution?… Resolution objectives… Conditions for Resolution… Resolution tools…institutional crisis, crisis managementresolution, fund, institution, member, relation0
aktivforras.hu“Aktiv Forras Ltd. has been providing book-keeping, tax return declaration and pay-roll services for our company for 10 years. The always completed their work meeting the legal regulations and the deadlines. We had no penalty, default interest or any other legal consequence in connection to our…consultation crisis, crisis situationbook, consultation, tax, financial, item0
somogyiangelika.hu…of the experiences in the development of my colleagues, I became increasingly interested in the human psyche and its science, psychology. In the course of my psychological counseling work, I keep helping my clients in deeper understanding of their issues and develop their strengths to be able to…marital crisis, crisis infidelity, age crisis, crisis adolescence, life crisisproblem, university, counselling, psychologist, therapy0
cultlab.hu…Sports… Tech… Business… Uncategorized3 hónap ago Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your…financial crisis, crisis stateago, fashion, page, latest, politics0
budgetleasing.huThe price range for long-term car rentals can vary significantly based on factors like the type of vehicle, rental duration, location, and rental company. Budget-friendly options are typically available for extended rentals, with lower daily rates compared to short-term rentals.chip crisis, crisis carrental, type, fuel, transmission, body0
jewsforukraine.huThe Jews for Ukraine platform is the result of a collaboration between Jewish international organizations, Jewish community NGOs, religious groups, and community members during the Russian attacks against Ukraine. Its aim is to better coordinate between those trying to help Jews and non-Jews who…jew, ukraine, community, jewish, power0
talpraallok.huI’ll pull myself together! ’cause there’s always a way out! I’ll pull myself together! ’cause there’s always a way out! Feel like you can’t do it on your own? With Eva’s help you can customize a solution tailored for you – towards your joy and success Doesn’t matter who you think you are, we willfamily crisisway, solution, help, success, like0
utodaink-jovoje.huCélunk, feladatunk… Példaképünk… Bevezetés… A Csoport tagjai… Dalaink… Hirdetések… Impresszum…future, digital, economy, technology, orient0
castlegate.huOur Beliefs at Castlegate are more than words on a page- they are the core values that guide our actions and shape our relationships with our clients. We understand it is our responsibility to protect not only your properties, information, but also your reputation and we strive to provide you a…crisis managementpage, gate, castle, member, plan0
doubledecker.hu…a Budapest-based, full-service PR agency with one of the longest track records in Hungary and over 25 years of experience. Our team provides high impact communications services from strategy to overall implementation for global and local brands in consumer, business and institutional sectors.crisis communicationdouble, brand, agency, media, expertise0
kerigeorgina.hu…states and schizophrenia. In 2015 I left my clinical job for a private practice (Avomed Psychological Centre), where I continued working with adults. Here I gained more experience in treating less severe anxiety and mood disorders, and problems concerning relationships or the self and general…making crisis, crisis burnproblem, clinical, psychologist, self, group0
eurolex.huReputation is one of the most important things for a brand to manage. Cut through the media noise by showing authenticity through outstanding PR, marketing and communication. Boost your sales. Let your brand grow in your own way. That’s the full potential of your story.crisis issuestory, potential, consulting, case, study0
kalandklub.hu…articles sorted by hits… Single ArticleExample of the single article… List All CategoriesList of the allnews, president, force, base, air0