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659 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: significant

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significant.co.huYet, many overlook its significance, leading to missed opportunities. At Significant, we specialize in tailoring data strategies to drive business objectives, leveraging extensive experience in conceptual design, data management, and machine learning model implementation. From mitigating data…efficiency significant, significant data, opportunity significant, insight significant, significant pioneerdata, strategy, optimization, tool, workplace22
indicon.hu…process and will always adapt to any changes in outside temperature, in the heating system or the heating zone. A good optimization means significant energy cost savings and lowered emissions, meanwhile the required temperature will always be reached precisely at the required time. For…control significant, significant energy, family significant, significant help, easily significantcontroller, zone, sensor, heating, input21
kopintalapitvany.hu…CIS countries (Commonwealth of Independent States2 ), Russia and the Central and Eastern European EU member states. For Hungary, the risks are significant, especially through demand and supply shocks triggered by the embargo against Russia, but the exposure is moderate compared to the Baltic…law significant, significant change, similarly significant, significant negative, internationally significanteconomic, international, literature, country, economy11
por.huSignificant Family History of Breast Cancer may Further Increase Risk of Pre-malignant and Malignant Lesions in Specimens from Breast Reduction Surgery 1671gradient significant, significant prognostic, selection significant, significant baseline, nodal significantuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine11
flexeffect.huFlexeffect Ltd. has a 15 year long professional history and demonstrates significant experiences in providing wagework services.history significant, significant experience, sector significant, significant referenceprocess, long, history, production, need6
pepperpr.huin terms of geographical coverage. This figure means a 25% turnover increase compared to the previous year for the German-owned DIY chain. This significant growth was partly based on the consumer-oriented structure of products offered, partly on a strong expansion policy; and finally on the…school significant, significant strength, region significant, significant difference, chain significantpepper, software, technology, market, office6
szunyogmonitor.huMOSQUITO MONITOR MOSQUITO MONITOR DISTRIBUTION OF INVASIVE MOSQUITOES IN HUNGARY HU Graphs, diagrams and maps ASIAN TIGER MOSQUITO TIGER MOSQUITO ASIAN BUSH MOSQUITO BUSH MOSQUITO KOREAN MOSQUITO Received reports Taxonomy Temporal distribution Spatial distribution Climate change combined with a…change significant, significant increasemosquito, distribution, asian, spatial, report5
juniorbus.huCounded in 1994, for more than 20 years our company’s mail profile is Passenger Transport , and one of the most significant project of our activity is the School Bus Service, transport of students to school and home. Our activities on Inland Tourism:transport significant, significant projecttransport, activity, passenger, mail, profile5
agrikusz.huThe company is developing on a permanent basis, it plays a significant role in the insurance market and leads the agricultural insurance sector . Our goal is to be among the 30 best broker companies in the community of approximately 400 insurance companies currently active in Hungary, with high…plc significant, significant role, basis significantinsurance, agricultural, market, broker, corporate5
mta-tkk.huhearing and visual disabilities (2018–2019), and the Languag-E-Chance Educational Research Group’s project (2016–2020) – and the previous TÁMOP SIGNificant Chance Project (2013–2015). At the workshop Csilla Bartha, Péter Zalán Romanek, Margit Holecz and Anna Nagyné Kiss gave presentations on some…támop significant, significant chancelanguage, news, research, deaf, chance5
graincargo.huOur main activity and source of income is the domestic and international transportation but our organization of transport is also outstanding and becoming more and more significant.activity significant, significant fleetlogistic, transport, transportation, domestic, international5
eskuvoiautom.huIf you are looking for a unique wedding car to make a significant event memorable, look no further!car significant, significant eventwedding, model, event, unique, memorable5
azumba.hu…and organizations to navigate the complex field of law. Whether you’re dealing with employment contracts, rental agreements, or starting your own business, having a comprehensive understanding of legal agreements and regulations can make a significant difference in your decision-making process.transaction significant, significant potential, concern significant, update significant, significant implicationslegal, law, agreement, contract, rule4
pulsoholding.huTo successfully lead major projects, you have to understand typical investor and project financing approaches. Pulso Holding will help to interpret some vital contractual instruments that are relevant for the financing of significant projects so that you are in a position to ensure the financially…historically significant, significant problem, emergency significant, significant leak, day significantdevelopment, oil, health, real, estate4
indotek.huThe Indotek Group is a group of investment management companies owned by American and Hungarian shareholders. Over two decades we have developed significant capacities and a dominant presence in our key markets, ensuring that the investments of our institutional partners, as well as of our…decade significant, significant capacitymanagement, investment, group, property, market4
karmazin.huKarmazin Films is a grading studio in Budapest featuring decades of industry experience gained on significant international projects.experience significant, significant internationalgrading, color, studio, industry, decade4
mega-park.huThe No.1 most popular shopping mall of the county, situated in the heart of Békéscsaba city, taking up an estimated gross area of 80 000 m2. Our company tackles the complex and challenging job of operating Csaba Centre to an the highest standard. Ever since opening in 2001, Csaba Center Invest…aircraft significant, significant modernisation, enterprise significant, significant additional, year significantarea, main, page, industrial, location4
travelsoft.huTravelSoft Online Ltd. was established more than two decades ago with the aim of developing very high quality, widely used tourism technology services. We strive for state-of-the-art technology and continuous improvement, always monitoring market demands and these significant development products.demand significant, significant developmentsolution, corporate, software, custom, technology4
bilingual.huOur program delivers both a head start in English amounting to a significant gain compared to students in the standard national bilingual program and a full Hungarian education.english significant, significant gainbilingual, student, education, unique, school4
ferrotamin.huDESPITE OF THE DECREASING DEMANDS THE NUMBER OF WOMEN SUFFERING FROM IRON-DEFICIENT ANAEMIA DURING MENOPAUSE IS SIGNIFICANT! In older age the reason of iron deficiency is the inappropriate nutrition. According to results of representative studies about nutrition habits, from the diet of older…woman significant, significant iron, menopause significant, significant oldiron, woman, body, supplementation, complex4
csovarilegal.huSoftware, created or further developed by companies, patents and utility models entitle them to significant tax savings in corporate income tax, local business tax, as well as in innovation contribution under the Hungarian IP box regime. R&D activities are also entitled to tax incentives not only…model significant, significant tax, advantage significant, project significant, significant experiencelaw, tax, legal, university, expertise4
juliamalom.huOur customers include a significant part of industrial manufacturers using flour and the traditional food manufacturers producing bakery products operating in Hungary or in Central and Eastern Europe.customer significant, significant industrial, construction significant, significant emphasis, truth significantwheat, flour, technology, mill, quality4
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.huSuper Mario Globe was a significant upgrade to Super Mario Bruce 3, which was also a masterpiece. However, the SNES team has actually handled to attain such an outstanding success. With advanced style, boosted graphics, Yoshi’s intro, exceptional graphics, power-ups, new capacities, activity…globe significant, significant upgrade, bit significant, significant total, deal significantgame, video, like, lot, certainly4
ebht.hu…Turkish army for over a month. Eger is the city of the Baroque, its cityscape is dominated by the Baroque. In the 17 th century, it was a significant centre of culture and education. Close to 170 outstanding creations of the architecture of past centuries survived in almost untouched beauty:…century significant, significant centre, significant sized, truly significant, significant largewine, grape, cellar, region, century4
megaglobal.hu…customer relationships and start economic production, but at the same time, the outbreak of the unexpected 2008 credit crisis nullified all significant plans and expected results. Due to the constraints arising from the economic situation, the range of services expanded significantly: web…crisis significant, significant plan, manufacturer significant, significant part, development significantcustomer, structure, slide, manufacturer, technology4
opusglobal.huIn 2018, the Board of Directors of OPUS GLOBAL Plc. decided on portfolio enlargement, by which OPUS Group was supplemented with companies of significant potential. The Corporate Group was enlarged with two food industry companies utilizing agricultural inputs.company significant, significant potential, interest significant, significant company, plc significantglobal, value, industry, management, food3
drfabry.huWe acquired significant experience in representing clients before the tax authority related to tax audit cases, including litigation. We monitor the judgments of the European Court of Justice, especially the preliminary decision making procedure, which have significant influence on tax related…procedure significant, significant influence, testator significant, significant importanceclient, law, legal, office, agreement3
szarvasimuzeum.huWelcome to the Domán exhibition, where you can see a selection from the veterinarian Imre Domán’s ethnographic collection, which was established in Szarvas in the second half of the 20th century. In the course of his 40-year-long career, Domán received a significant number of disused farming…domán significant, significant numberexhibition, age, idol, room, people3
pipistrel-hungary.huPipistrel is a world-leading small aircraft designer and manufacturer, specialized in energy-efficient and affordable high-performance aircraft. With more than 30 years of experience, Pipistrel has produced more than 2,200 aircraft to-date, gaining significant international reputation by…industry significant, significant advanced, party significant, significant arise, date significantaircraft, cooperation, manufacture, virus, production3
habitat.huThe most significant housing problems of different countries vary , and so do their most efficient solutions. Therefore, Habitat-programs of the past decades have taken various forms as well. Besides building new houses, Habitat organizations around the world support those in need through…million significant, significant issue, especially significant, significant centralhabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization3
benyocs.huDr. Benyőcs graduated in 2011 at the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest. Before starting his own law office, Dr. Benyőcs spent nine years working for leading international law firms (DLA Piper; Weil, Gotshal & Manges). Dr. Benyőcs has significant legal experience in real…practice significant, significant experience, office significant, benyőcs significant, significant legallaw, office, legal, matter, dispute3
kapusi-co.hu…is widely involved in start-up projects, e-business, in- and outbound business structures. He conducts negotiations mostly in English and some in German. His graduate business education mainly focused on the courses connected to the M&A. His real estate law and investment experience is significant.company significant, significant software, law significant, significant experiencelaw, estate, real, office, legal3
wedding-shop.huThe floristry business has a significant market in the corporate and social event world, as flowers play a large part in the decor of special events and meetingsbusiness significant, significant marketwedding, event, flower, gallery, decor3
startouring.hu…Gyõrffy István Nagykun Museum and in the Regional House of the Nagykunság, a traditional Cumanian (Kun) peasant house. The works of the most significant potter folk artist, Sándor Kántor, recipient of international and domestic prizes, is exhibited in the Pottery House. Among his exhibits are…structure significant, significant foreign, hectare significant, significant biosphere, work significantwine, century, castle, country, house3
papapedia.huThe United Nations Iran Iraq Military Observer Group (UNIIMOG) was a significant peacekeeping operation administered by the United Nations from 1988 to 1991. The inception of UNIIMOG was sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council via the adoption of Resolution 619 on 30 May 1988, in…war significant, significant destruction, uniimog significant, significant peacekeeping, observer significantmission, military, force, observer, peace3
itstudy.huThe rapid evolution of technology have significantly changed significant many practices in our lives today. The rapidly changing economic and social environment requires a correspondingly constant adaptation from the actors of the economy. This includes vocational education, who prepare many of…significantly significant, significant practice, team significant, significant experienceeducation, vocational, teacher, training, development3
cserneczkybalint.huThe second lesson, in my opinion, was the most significant, as it focused on designing and developing sustainable software by adhering to the SOLID and Clean Code (proposed by Uncle Bob) principles and Design Patterns. These principles have enabled me to create robust, maintainable, and scalable…opinion significant, significant sustainable, environment significant, significant time, additionally significantsoftware, developer, code, solution, performance3
pannoncsoport.huFrom the very beginning, Pannon Csoport has been purchasing Bakonytherm products from Pápateszéri Téglaipari Kft. In the last 5 years, a number of vendors with significant turnover in Bakonytherm building materials have joined Pannon Csoport's network, and our company's turnover has grown…product significant, significant growth, vendor significant, significant turnover, relationship significantopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market3
ventosus.hu…city already filled with operational infrastructure was a substantial challenge, particularly when seeking to connect the residential park and significant public institutions. To ensure a seamless operation, an additional 3 MW boiler house was also established within the residential park to…coordination significant, significant risk, park significant, significant public, solution significantbuild, heating, energy, engineering, heat3
roseville.huSignificant archaeological finds and phenomena excavated on the Bécsi Road plot where the RoseVille office building is developed by ATENORextremely significant, significant finallyoffice, build, development, developer, manager3
gombaforum.huCultivated mushrooms regularly make headlines in newspapers for their various medicinal properties. They have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer and contain significant […]cost significant, significant investmentmushroom, cultivation, technology, research, economy3
mindenkinyer.hu…develop a plan to achieve them, and provided valuable guidance and support as I worked to implement that plan. Their wealth of experience and knowledge in the industry was invaluable, and their ability to listen and provide insightful feedback helped me to make significant progress in my business.feedback significant, significant progressgoal, individual, plan, testimonial, area3
ovst.huOVST is already the largest chartering company in Hungary, with ownership of significant world-class assets across the value chain.ownership significant, significant worldtrade, value, social, large, corporate3
mta.huThe full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has been awarded the Dimitrie Cantemir Medal for her support of the European integration of Moldovan researchers, her significant contribution to the training of young researchers and her high quality lectures and scientific activities.researcher significant, significant contribution, scientist significant, reversal significant, significant numberscience, academy, research, member, forum3
pestextfestival.hu…like our audiences to be able to meet contemporary writers of the region too, such as Alena Mornštajnová, Peter Balko, Andrzej Stasiuk or Svetislav Basara. They have provided us not only with significant stories of human destiny but also, a deeper understanding of our Central European identity.basara significant, significant story, festival significant, significant internationalfestival, literary, author, writer, literature3
cathayassociates.hu…the organization. Playing a central role allows us to serve the needs of our clients in the entire Central and Eastern European region directly from Hungary. Cathay Associates represents itself on all continents and all significant markets, primarily focusing on Europe and Asia (especially China).continent significant, significant market, activity significant, significant professional, level significantlaw, international, legal, corporate, media3
oko-melli.huthe detection of harmful foreign matter in plants that provide nectar and pollen to bees. On the other hand, the development of the world - bridging distances on Earth - has also resulted in previously unknown or no significant damage or pathogens appearing in the uterus in other parts of the world.unknown significant, significant damagehoney, bee, organic, natural, quality2
fortano.huThe previous translations , because all those texts that have ever been translated by us are stored in translation memories. If the ordered translation is the modified version of a previously translated material, you pay only for the translation of the modification, which is a significant saving.modification significant, significant savetranslation, price, case, document, text2
securesoft.huEvery day e-mail exchanges consist significant business risks. Highly sensitive operation and strategy related information is sent and received. Adequate protection is necessary meanwhile providing an excellent user experience. It is a must as data protection is much easier with high level of user…exchange significant, significant business, device significant, significant housesecure, security, software, white, view2
kszs-law.huSince its establishment, Kántor, Szilasi, Sárközy and Partners (KSzS) has exerted significant charity, pro bono activities of in the spirit of social responsibilitykszs significant, significant charity, member significant, significant numberlaw, lawyer, social, publication, engagement2
aeo.huOur company was formed in 2012 January. Our history, however reaches back to 2007. In this year the AEO pilot project was running in many EU countries – among them Hungary – which the union’s customs authorities were conducting with certain economically significant companies. In Hungary at the…economically significant, significant company, certificate significant, significant overlapcustom, certificate, authority, application, status2
bestlocalgov.huSignificant. Has the best practise contributed to the solution of one or more problems of the local government? Does this problem exist in more municipalities and is the solution unfamiliar with many local governments?practise significant, significant measurablegovernment, local, practice, council, europe2
geofluids2021.hu…Special emphasis will be placed on geofluid assessment tools and methods, harmonized exploration, geofluid and groundwater utilization. We, therefore, welcome researchers in all aspects of geofluids’ research. The greater the diversity of interests, the more significant will be the result.interest significant, significant resultsymposium, deadline, international, abstract, registration2
onalloelet.huWe know that it is a long way to go, however, there are already significant changes, such as accessible vehicles within the public transportation. Each year more and more public buildings are made accessible, facilitating the daily life of the disabled, letting them live a full, independent life.founder significant, significant experience, way significant, significant changepeople, activity, independent, live, accessibility2
vojtek.huThe interim manager can provide great support to the inventor or owner of the original concept and other people doing the development job to ensure that a successful company could develop using on the original idea. In the early phase of the launch companies or significant units usually do not…requirements significant, significant expertise, company significant, significant unitmanagement, manager, task, portfolio, solution2
acrux.hu…flat plat solar collectors depending on the medium between the covering glass and the absorber. The simpler one is fulfilled by air which has significant thermal lost as a result of convective heat transfer. This thermal lost energy can be reduced by evacuating the air from the collector frame…sonnenkraft significant, significant position, air significant, significant thermalcollector, heat, price, pump, energy2
rigokft.huOperates as a central unit of the company. The significant part of the production takes place in Martfű. In this location the production of the bookbinder machines, mold production, cutting die and aluminum founding and machining takes place as well as the technical designing related to production.company significant, significant productionmachine, production, cut, semi, automatic2
odd.huDuring our successful projects our colleagues have gained significant experience both in the realm of the electricity industry (Electricity System Operators, Power Providers and Dealers, Network Licensors, Power Plants) and in IT projects , both in the field of metering technology and Process and…colleagues significant, significant experienceconsulting, electricity, introduction, meter, activity2
drzsu.huThe most significant inner change, is the experience of deep inner peace. Inner peace calms down stress through physiology, hence reducing food intake, promoting an alkaline, vegetarian diet and active lifestyle with sharp concentration. The calmed physiology decreases and resolves medical issues…inside significant, significant controlhealth, alive, change, integrate, unique2
columbusalap.hu…With the help of European Union funds - including the venture capital program implemented within the Jeremie program – SMEs have achieved significant R&D results in Hungary during the past few years. However economic introduction and continuous development of these results in many cases…sme significant, significant resultfund, equity, private, capital, venture2
doppio.huDublino is a dominant hospitality furniture manufacturer in Hungary, and is also known internationally. When creating the international marketing strategy our first aim was to set direction for the short-, and long-term improvements. Corporate branding also paid a significant part in our work.branding significant, significant work, nyrt significant, significant employeragency, creative, market, research, management2
calmed.hu…and skills, the development, the modification, the addition and the individualization of existing medical devices and systems now represent a significant part of our company’s daily work. During repairing and maintenance of endoscopic systems in the past, we encountered a number of type errors…accessories significant, significant activity, system significant, significant companyrepair, maintenance, device, manufacture, custom2
abstractman.huAnd last but not least the meaning of the solid’s name in short: “tangential” as the convex and concave generatrices are all osculating to the axes (their vectors are meeting in 0 degree angles) and “cohesion” as because of the significant fragmentation it has a big surface area in relation to the…cohesion significant, significant fragmentation, note significant, significant discrepancysurface, solid, shape, edge, case2
bravogroup.huBravogroup is one of the most significant Hungarian owned, private holdings. In the course of almost 3 decades, we have provided office automation, mobile and IT services for thousands of satisfied customers with the help of more than 650 of our colleagues, working in 15 companies.bravogroup significant, significant hungarian, openly significant, significant developmentsolution, office, distribution, operation, trade2
kophaza.huFor the mayor of the village, Ferenc Grubits, are the cultural development and the tourism very important. The environmental protection is very significant. The sister town of the village is a small country town, Kiseljak. Kiseljak is in Bosnia-Hercegovina. A lot of people speak there the language…protection significant, significant sistervillage, country, important, chapel, welcome2
studies.hu…the study examines two scenarios: an immediate phase-out of conventional farrowing crates by 2025 and a 10-year transition period until 2035. The simulation results indicate that the ban would lead to a significant decline in pork production in the EU, with production decreasing by 23.6% in...ban significant, significant decline, afsc significant, significant contributionanalysis, result, economic, farming, ago2
metanet.huMetanet Ltd offers B2B services in such special areas where the most significant carriers cannot or can only partially provide them. Metanet services are built upon solutions that integrate the most high-tech innovations and can be deployed – even instantly – in locations where other technologies…area significant, significant carrier, significant onerental, card, support, connection, air2
gp-inno-consulting.huThese trends result in significant challenges for companies. There is a need for a new way of thinking and problem solving to address internal challenges, product and service development, process improvement and strategies.model significant, significant competitor, trend significant, significant challengeconsulting, think, agile, creativity, innovation2
oriensb.huThe Weimar parts we can deliver from stock in hand in case of order. Among our significant orderers there are parts retailers, stores, services, machine repair entrepreneurs.order significant, significant ordererclutch, manufacture, profile, activity, machine2
transporteconomics.hu…roads. On the positive side, instead of empty motorways, we would see villages relieved from the burden of high traffic, less accidents, and significant time savings. Monetary values can be assigned to all of these effects, so the benefits and the (minimal) costs of such a measure could be…driver significant, significant time, accident significantdata, transport, map, note, road2
falcocluster.huIt is important to improve the revenue-generating capacity of the participants, as a significant profit can be achieved by the sharing of capacities, with the appearing network flexibility and the achieved cost sharing of economic growth. We want to unite the resources of the previously isolated…supply significant, significant saving, participant significant, significant profitcluster, member, market, activity, introduction2
gkindustry.huTechnological pipe assembly is one of our main activity areas till today. Besides these activities the following play also significant role in ouractivity significant, significant roleindustry, construction, portfolio, european, technology2
batizandras.huBy the end of the presentation, participants will understand that stories and the more conscious application of their structure and elements help us communicate more convincingly and memorably. Thus, stories also enable us to make a more significant impact on our partners and to become more…story significant, significant role, significant impactpresentation, custom, offer, webpage, impact2
atlassoft.huThe key to our success is that our staff members, whom are all on top of their industry on a global scale, not only build on known technologies, but pursue constant on-going in-house R&D activities, which enables us to add new functions, not yet documented, to our products, creating significant…start significant, significant industry, product significant, significant businessanalysis, software, security, development, technology2
emiratusadozas.hu…nor quality, striving for the highest, “Western” service levels you expect. Our one-stop-shop solution stands out in the market, giving us significant leverage over competition. Our agile team consists of European professionals with valuable experience from Nasdaq listed companies, financial…market significant, significant leverage, paper significant, significant dropuae, solution, account, free, permanent2
veginnovation.huOne of the major milestones for VEG in the year 2023 is its "entry" into the drone show market. The fleet, which is considered significant even on a European scale, consists of 500 units. This enables the execution of world-class, spectacular, and self-defleet significant, significant europeaninteractive, visual, innovation, video, identification2
donaldbubble.huThose familiar with the legendary Donald Bubblegum still remember its taste and aroma. The modern generation, which did not experience this wonderful product, has heard about it from the older ones, forming a strong connection to a significant piece of the past. In the 1990s, comics appeared in…small significant, significant detail, connection significant, significant pieceflavor, gum, wholesale, piece, timeless2
egerhotelsbooking.huEger is one of the most beautiful historical cities of Northeast Hungary, it lies 130 kms from Budapest at the southern slopes of the Bukk Mountain. The city is a significant educational and cultural centre with several museums and monuments, the most famous is the Eger Castle . The Dobo Istvan…city significant, significant educationalbooking, city, reservation, apartment, package2
agroworld.huAGRO WORLD Group processes a significant portion of the Group's crops. In Nádudvar and Tiszavasvári fodder plants are operated where the sheep and cattle forage is produced. The produced forage is used for feeding own animals and the excess amount is sold to domestic market and to Romanian partners.group significant, significant portionproduction, breed, crop, sheep, cattle2
dace.hu“These days the online dating services are strengthening in the premium segment. This trend benefits those local brands that have a significant past and offer a personalized and quality service.” – Péter Weiler, CEO of Dating Central Europe Ltd.brand significant, significant pastdate, mission, portfolio, europe, central2
refkossuthter.hu…for three age-groups. Furthermore, joint services with other congregations took place and important guest-priests were invited, but the most significant improvement was making the adult converts enter into service. All these blessed activities made the little congregation became one of the majorwar significant, significant resource, priest significant, significant improvementcongregation, god, church, jesus, family2
kandallopub.huBudapest, the enchanting capital of Hungary, is a city known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culinary landscape. Among its many gastronomic delights, the burger scene in Budapest has gained significant traction, captivating locals and tourists alike. From classic…budapest significant, significant traction, witbiers significant, significant portionbeer, craft, award, reservation, flavor2
zsolnayfenyfesztival.huZsolnay Light Festival awaits lovers of light experiences in Pécs from 6 to 9 July. The most significant element of the festival is the Zsolnay Light Art international mapping competition with prize money. In the process, the world's best light-artists bring the monumental facade of the Cathedral…july significant, significant element, event significant, significant eventlight, festival, art, map, visitor2
polypack.huABS is also highly recyclable material. Our plant has all necessary equipment, so a significant portion of PS raw material can be made of recycled material, thus reducing lead time, cost and the ecological footprint of our products.equipment significant, significant portiontray, material, raw, component, food2
fejlesztek.hu“15 2” dimension means 2 lines of 16 bit binary data, where only the most significant 15 bits are used.data significant, significant bitdata, bit, image, file2
bpdigital.huDuring our collaboration, we have made significant progress in strategically important areas. BP Digital’s professional assistance, smooth project management, and communication enabled us to achieve outstanding SEO results.collaboration significant, significant progressdigital, organic, traffic, engine, search2
posthorax.huObese Cardiac Patients Significant Reduction Of Deep Sternal Wound Complications By Wearing The Posthorax Vest ?patient significant, significant reductionheart, surgery, complications, patient, wound2
superweek.huThanks to his intensive experiences on Looker Studio since its launching, Mehdi will share learnings and tactics about Looker Studio and its advanced features, and how the latest significant additions can help for professional data management and usages.latest significant, significant addition, surprisingly significant, significant shiftdata, analytic, digital, day, analyst2
coachingworks.hu"Things happened during the coaching sessions became part of my thinking practices and are still with me as significant reference experiences. "preparation significant, significant event, practice significant, significant referencesession, previous, process, background, art2
s-consulting.huIn recent years, we have experienced significant shortage of capacity in the developer market. This problem motivated us to put greater emphasis on the software development area. To enable our experienced team to be fully focused on software development projects, we moved our consultancy…year significant, significant shortage, service significant, significant partnerconsulting, solution, software, future, development2
cargoport.huWe offer personalised services in the field of domestic and international transport, freight forwarding and logistics. Our presence on the market is increasingly significant thanks to the many years of experience and expertise we have. The name Cargoport guarantees quality both in Hungary and all…increasingly significant, significant thanklogistic, transport, forward, domestic, international2
tedxbme.huDr. Sándor Kling is an exceptional individual who has made significant contributions to the world of engineering and sports. Dr. Kling made history as the first person to enter Formula 1 from the Hungarian education system, setting a pioneering example for aspiring motorsport enthusiasts in his…service significant, significant challenge, individual significant, significant contributionevent, idea, official, organizational, website2
medaqua.huLiving organisms need significant amount of sweet water; for example, 2-2.5 liters daily is necessary for a human adult. Water is the most important component of our bodies.organism significant, significant sweetwater, curative, treatment, illness, complaint2
irisintezet.huDr. Zoltán Kelemen, Chief Internist and Head of the Institution, is responsible for the development and continuous implementation of our professional concept of putting strong emphasis on the therapeutic treatment of geriatric conditions and the significant improvement and maintenance of patients’…condition significant, significant improvementpatient, institute, care, treatment, health2
propertysupport.hu„The cooperation resulted in a renewed lease agreement in MOM Park Offices for 4,800 sqm, ensuring significant cost reduction, a considerable refurbishment budget and favourable lease conditions for the tenant.”sqm significant, significant costproperty, support, management, office, client2
altherm.huSquare or round bale boilers standalone outdoor unit. Significant cost savings, eco friendly solution, high efficiency, automatic operation, PLC controlled combustion process, low CO emissions.unit significant, significant costboiler, heating, cover, biomass, pump2
herbasium.huVitamin C and its iron content are also recommended in case of significant vitamin deficiency due to its immune-boosting properties.case significant, significant vitaminherb, effect, honey, beneficial, folk2
dimboard.huWe look at business goals and workflows precisely to develop the best DIMBOARD operational display solution available. Even with a smaller investment, significant efficiency gains can be achieved.investment significant, significant efficiencydata, production, collection, process, improvement2
azbesztdiagnosztika.huWhat motivated us to build up our company? The fact that 40-60% of the pipeline network in Hungary was made from asbestos cement material, besides there are significant lengths of reinforced concrete (SENTAB) pipelines as well, mostly with large diameter. They have been operated for 40-50 years…material significant, significant length, size significant, significant lossmanagement, certificate, pipeline, phone, main2
linardics.huLaser-cut sheet metal component parts Laser-cutting saves a significant amount of time and expenses even in the case of products with complicated geometry, both in the case of small and large series.cut significant, significant timemetal, sheet, component, requirements, machine2
broadbit.huWe also have significant experience in data migration for document management projects, based on the most modern “data mining” (Big Data) technologies, using machine-based algorithms ( Machine Learning ) to digitize the classification of documents. Documents can be grouped by content (text…document, management, development, implementation, software2
granoperis.huOur company was established in 2020 primarily to provide temporary employment and recruitment services. Our employees – in their previous functions – were in contact with several large companies, which require a significant number of employees, as a Client. Among others, they have cooperated with…company significant, significant number, client significantcurrent, hire, employee, recruitment, previous2
budapestguides.huWe take a walk to the Church hill to see the nice view from there and the oldest catholic church consecrated to the patron saint of the place St. Andrew. On the main square we visit an orthodox church with an old iconostase, Szentendre has a significant Serbian minority, which has added special…szentendre significant, significant serbian, hungary significant, significant touristtour, city, hour, guide, famous2
h-p-s.huWe have significant experience in software development of warehouses and manufacturing support. Our solutions are able to manage automatic, semiautomatic and manual warehouses, the pick-by-voice module of Hilis includes the latest technologies for warehouse logistics.process significant, significant experienceknow, solution, reference, job, opportunity2
fklaw.huThe financial sanctions for non-compliance with the GDPR are significant with fines reaching up to 4% of a company’s global annual turnover or Euro 20million, whichever is larger. Recently both Facebook and WhatsApp were fined in Spain for data transfer issues. While the fines imposed on Facebook…work significant, significant health, gdpr significant, significant fine, whatsapp significantlaw, data, firm, legal, client2
hungarotherm.huIn addition to the exhibitors’ products and services, HUNGAROTHERM also attracts mechanical engineers, fitters and future professionals with programmes, competitions and meetings to increase the event’s professional appeal. Facing new challenges, the construction industry is experiencing…challenge significant, significant change, industry significantexhibition, exhibitors, gallery, energy, visitor2
idosgyogyaszat.hu…real private sector has a small segment of health care system, the majority of them are outpatient clinics. In the case of elderly people, a significant part of nursing homes are private institutions. However, even these private nursing homes can get some partial financial support from the…people significant, significant nursingage, university, effect, medical, health2
magadert.hu…from rehabilitation and the relatives of addicts who undertook to preserve abstinence. We know from our experience that detoxification does not solve the problems of drug-addicts, so the relatives also need longer time to change. The group is a significant resource and support for the relatives.group significant, significant resource, year significant, significant changegroup, drug, addict, addiction, problem2
dnui.huThe Law Firm has an extensive transactional real estate practice. A regular real estate acquisition starts with a due diligence exercise where the understanding of the significant real estate issues is crucial. Since the real estate transaction are often seen in Hungary as share deals, the Law…firm significant, significant practice, understand significant, significant reallaw, firm, practice, field, preparation2
ultrasmart.huUltraSmart is an active participant in basic and applied research collaborations, a significant portion of which are implemented in international partnerships.collaboration significant, significant portionlab, development, production, research, innovation2
biologiclabs.huBio-Logic Labs is an active participant in basic and applied research collaborations, a significant portion of which are implemented in international partnerships.collaboration significant, significant portionlogic, lab, development, production, research2
piperayipari.huIt is difficult to imagine a significant and large-scale construction without a gas generator, concrete mixers, jackhammers, vibrating plates and other special-purpose facilities. These units are designed to be used on any type of work to speed up the time for construction and improve the quality…customer significant, significant benefit, difficult significant, significant largequality, construction, material, equipment, manufacture2
pestbuda.huThe 125th anniversary of the death of Miklós Barabás was commemorated in the Fiumei Road Cemetery Miklós Barabás was one of Hungary's most significant artists, and on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of his death, a wreath was laid on Friday at his tomb in the Fiumei Road Cemetery, which was…hungary significant, significant artist, bridge significant, significant bridgeago, square, public, build, century2
masszazsharmonia.huThe use of gentle therapies is a significant help both in the prevention of diseases, and in his healing. “therapy significant, significant helpmassage, body, harmony, appointment, pressure2
russianstudies.hu…for his dedicated work in ensuring the continuity of the "Budapest Historical Russian Studies Workshop." Professor Dmitrii Redin from Ekaterinburg, Russia, was also made an honorary member for his significant contribution to the international recognition of the Centre for Russian Studies.bodnár significant, significant role, highly significant, significant professional, member significantrussian, study, history, russia, historical2
parallelcollective.huThe Collective started working together in 2019 as an experimental group project. The aim at that point was to create an exhibition based on regular meetings where knowledge exchange of the different cultures was the primary goal. The collaborative project with the doctoral students from outside…europe significant, significant numbercollective, parallel, student, art, doctoral2
mildent.huIn case that the roots of the teeth of the upper jaw dive into the maxillary sinus, the loss of the bone is more significant due to the loss of the teeth. In case of upper-posterior molar teeth, if there is only a thin bone stratum between the maxillary stratum and the oral cavity where the…bone significant, significant losstooth, dental, crown, treatment, dentist2
marmin.huIt can can be be a a significant significant improvement improvement for for your your business business – and and it it gets gets even even better… once once you’ve captured captured their their phone phone number, number, with with our our new new SMS SMS Text Text With With Lead Lead feature…significant improvementlead, site, visitor, free, website2
nt.hu‘Dr. Péter Nagy – his strengths are his huge professional experience, factual knowledge, significant litigation practice and him being strong-minded. He is a go-to lawyer. Dr. Orsolya Kovács – Her strengths are her thorough knowledge and precise document editing.’lawsuit significant, significant language, knowledge significant, significant litigationlaw, nagy, legal, firm, client2
aram-foldgaz.hu…trade of natural resources becomes the task of economic organizations even if electricity and natural gas trade does not closely belong to the scope of activity of many such organizations, and this may not be their most significant expense, which may even lead to a potential lack of resources.organization significant, significant expenseelectricity, price, low, order, energy2
maratonmernok.huPaint drier unit is a large energy consumer in car industry. We have significant experience in optimization in this area.industry significant, significant experiencecontrol, unit, advanced, industry, process1
drszilagyikatalin.huA significant part of the Office’s services covers traditional law, focusing on corporate and commercial law, non-profit law, real estate law, European Union law, intellectual property law and civil litigation. More recently, our activities have been expanded to include a full range of legal…law, office, small, individual, medium1
hernyak.huIn addition to the recognised world-class grapes of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, we also attribute a significant role to another member of the pinot family, Pinot Blanc. Fermentation is instrumental in our sparkling wines, just like in our spirits. We do not disgorge them until they have matured for…noir significant, significant rolewine, estate, family, grape, organic1
jdlaw.huOur scope of practice also extends to those significant areas of law which have increasing importance nowadays, such as IT law, data protection law, public procurement law, competition law, intellectual property law with special regard to trademark and patent law as well as copyright law.practice significant, significant arealaw, legal, client, firm, expertise1
tipark.huTipark offers particularly good conditions for industrial activity, as a large amount of cheap labor force is available in the neighborhood. During the years of operation, significant tax benefits are waiting for the investors. The additional advantage is that the estate is located far away from…operation significant, significant taxindustrial, piece, activity, estate, land1
zeneszalon.hu…Tuscan Area this classical station began in 2003. To understand the programs in advance it is possible to subscribe to a yearly membership. Klara (previous VRT3) is the significant Flemish classical radio station. 24/7 on air. No commercials, heterogeneous, interesting programs in Dutch language.previous significant, significant flemishmusic, classical, concert, event, radio1
sipospack.hu…constantly looking for new challenges and implementing leadin-edge technologies in order to support our Partners locally as well as globally. This vison of ours helped us to became a significant player in the Hungarian packaging industry, and we are always available for new relations to initiate.vison significant, significant playerpackaging, recyclable, material, printing, solution1
alvicom.huOur mission is to help our customers’ business plans to be realised with the best quality, reliable IT systems. In our cooperation, we use our expertise to make a significant contribution to the reliable operation of IT systems supporting business processes and the predictable completion of…expertise significant, significant contributionsoftware, development, expert, client, reliable1
globe-shield.huOnly Hungarian companies and individuals participated in the founding of our company in 2015, building on the many years of high-level professional experience of our senior staff and their achievements in this economic sector, which were achieved as the leaders of the most significant Hungarian…leader significant, significant hungarianglobe, shield, security, control, protection1
kornyezet-szimulacio.huIMV has developed super-long life amplifiers with Integrated Shaker Manager technology which; minimizes the required electric power, cuts down electric consumption, reduce blower noise if air-cooled type shakers and have significant reliability.shaker significant, significant reliabilitychamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental1
nobilitas.huIn October 2017 the “Park of the Nobles” (Nemesek Ligete) within the gardens of the Inkey Castle of Kecskemét was established, 36 trees were planted, representing 36 significant noble families regarding Hungarian history.tree significant, significant nobleassociation, historical, family, noble, youth1
mavex-rekord.huMAVEX-REKORD Ltd owns the former Porcelain and Electronic Components Manufacturer Company of Kőbánya. We have the technical requirements for the manufacture of porcelain and technical ceramic parts, including fuse manufacturing. We have a significant production and real estate background.manufacture significant, significant productionreal, estate, railway, component, manufacturer1
atisziget.huBeyond ensuring the operation of the ÁTI-SZIGET and the current partners, our available infrastructural capacities enable the introduction of many activities, for example manufacturing technologies which need electrical energy, natural gas, drinking water, industrial water of significant volumes…water significant, significant volumenetwork, road, building, property, public1
lauryfarm.husignificant results and individual genetic background. It is the quality and the determination that is important. Our mini pony foals are beautiful, pure-bred and unique in Hungary. If you are ready to have your lovely pony at your home, don't hesitate to contact us.breed, stallion, sale, gallery, important1
meevet.huThe aim of the branch is to have high qualitiy and safe live-line working play a significant role during the every-day electrician work. For this reason it organises trainings and regularly provides the involved ones with information. The LLW Branch cooperates with the manufacturers, vendors and…work significant, significant rolebranch, electric, energy, industry, resident1
pattern.huDirectly after graduating with summa cum laude from ELTE Faculty of Law, Tóni joined PwC Hungary’s Tax and Legal Services team. As a corporate income tax senior consultant he gained significant experience and in-depth knowledge in project and people management and consulting. After more than 4…consultant significant, significant experiencemanagement, digital, knowledge, consulting, pattern1
labimmun.huOur partners are some of the leading companies in the laboratory diagnostics industry globally. Through their products, they are all working to achieve significant progress in providing quicker and more accurate laboratory diagnostic results.product significant, significant progressdiagnostic, determination, laboratory, quick, accurate1
radius.huAn innovative, cost-effective method where we can achieve a significant advantage in speed of implementation with our in-house tool manufacturing.method significant, significant advantageradius, manufacture, activity, search, website1
campdenbri.huCampden BRI Hungary Nonprofit Ltd. is one of the most significant independent European service providers in the food and drink industry (including agriculture and related sectors). Campden BRI Hungary with a 100 years of industry and R&D experience supports its PARTNERS and offers CLIENT SPECIFIC…nonprofit significant, significant independentfood, news, overview, training, event1
solaradio.hu“I could not sleep one night, twisting and thoughts rushed out, including that of you esteemed media work, carried out by the radio. In the morning I felt motivation to jump into my car and early morning gave a significant amount of money through my dear friend to pass contribution to the Fountain…morning significant, significant moneyradio, media, god, fountain, church1
primavetprodukt.hu…then owners in order to include the products in contract manufacturing under their own production. After obtaining all the necessary permits (HACCP, GMP) in the factory hall, the production started, which included a significant amount of contract production in addition to our own products. About usproduction significant, significant contractcareer, factory, group, united, kingdom1
56films.huMore than 60 years after the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, eyewitnesses to the first and most significant uprising against the tyranny of the Soviet Union share their personal stories of survival and resilience.eyewitness significant, significant uprisingdocumentary, revolution, story, outdoor, cold1
belsoepitesz-lakberendezo.huThe stairway is the most lasting, most significant part of a house, so it is important to design carefully. The organization of the transport is the key element how to use spaces. One misplaced stairway punishing every …lasting significant, significant houseroom, furniture, interior, kitchen, object1
dezsenyi.hu…in labour disputes. Upon engagement, we are available to provide legal advice before workplace problems become disputes , which can prevent a significant proportion of labour litigation. An additional benefit for our client is that even in the absence of a dispute, we can prevent the formation ofdispute significant, significant proportionlaw, legal, client, labour, attorney1
macher.huImportant pillars of our core activity are the high complexity technologies and manufacturing processes, that require significant manual processing. The strong background of high value-added harness manufacturing is provided by the extensive manufacturing experience and by a specially trained…process significant, significant manualproduction, quality, cable, customer, technology1
hangszergyujtemeny.huThe Leskowsky Instrument Collection has over 1800 instruments in its collection. In addition to our significant collection of Hungarian folk instruments, we have folk, experimental, classical and historical instruments from all over the world.addition significant, significant collectiongroup, school, event, instrument, camp1
hgrv.huOur main activities are technical and IT consulting, IT systems support, GIS data processing and modeling. A significant part of our customers and projects are still tied to the domestic energy industry. Throughout the years, our profitable company has been working with a small but effective team…modeling significant, significant customerdevelopment, process, management, need, informatics1
endomedix.huWe carry out a significant number of gastroscopies and colonoscopies under anaesthesia , which are performed under the supervision of a specialist anaesthetist in deep sedation with propofol, instead of the superficial anaesthesia used elsewhere, to ensure real pain relief.centre, food, anaesthesia, gastroenterology, examination1
strigon.huIn our cutting department we process medium and large size welded or cast parts. Thanks to our significant machine park and the expertise of our colleagues, we perform first-class cutting work!thank significant, significant machinemachine, tool, welding, machining, manufacture1
folkfeszt.huWe enhance intercultural dialogue; inspire our festivals to present the most significant national and regional cultural achievements and trends emphasising the mutual presence of tradition and modernity, creativity and innovation.festival significant, significant nationalfolklore, festival, folk, federation, international1
belsoudvar.huOur experience is that more and more affordable to build environmentally conscious buildings what are able to give answers on the effects of climate change. The solutions, what were almost utopian 10-20 years ago, nowadays are common in the common practice. Therefore we believe in the near future…future significant, significant buildingresearch, build, office, expert, architect1
vasutimerleg.huWeighing in motion is our absolute top competence. This is what the system was originally developed for (30 years ago) and it has seen significant improvement over the years.ago significant, significant improvementrailway, wheel, network, durability, installation1
szaboesszalai.huHe has been involved in the country's most important and most significant criminal cases, including economic, property, fiscal and transport cases, and has taken an active role as a defender and as legal representative on the side of the defendant or the victim.important significant, significant criminallaw, firm, proceedings, criminal, case1
eurobond.hu…and professional background, are recognised as our business partners as well as the Hungarian insurance companies. These business relations and capacities allow us to provide such services where there are significant value bonds or guarantees to be issued, or special type of risks to be undertaken.service significant, significant valuetype, international, user, guide, advantage1
gki.huBased on the 2022 data, there are significant regional differences in earnings. Compared to the…data significant, significant regionaleconomic, research, article, month, newsletter1
piroplan.huHe acquired significant professional experience in 1993-94 while working at the European Office of the American Tyco Sprinkler company in Cologne, Germany.engineer, fire, protection, mechanical, executive1
tmtanitas.huAlthough the subjective experience will differ from one meditation to the next, objective measurements show that there are consistent objective changes in the brain when the mind transcends, such as a significant increases of the “happiness hormone” serotoninmind significant, significant increasemeditation, stress, deep, benefit, health1
ismerosok.huWe will notify you before we make any significant changes to this policy. Before you decide to continue using our products, you have the opportunity to review the revised policy.data, condition, account, purpose, law1
raconteur.huParallel to managing all relevant social media channels, we have handled numerous influencer campaigns yielding in significant growth of brand awareness for our clients.campaign significant, significant growthcampaign, reference, career, post, art1
drhathazi.huOur Lawyers have reliable competence and significant experience in other specific areas such as investment investigation, finance law, competition law, trademark law, info-communication and electronic trade services law, patent law, claim management, EU and international private law.competence significant, significant experiencelaw, lawyer, protection, firm, page1
etk-rt.huA practical approach to risk management creates significant value for organisations. A sustainably designed risk management system identifies and assesses the key risks to the organisation.management significant, significant valueinternal, co., event, provider, expert1
budafokone.hu…the replacement of the main entry system to an automatic license plate recognition system, the new intra park traffic and parking system, significant landscaping to turn the logistics center more “green”, and the construction of outdoor leisure and meeting points are the results of the team’ssystem significant, significant landscapingurban, logistic, location, route, primary1
mbtelectric.huHydropower systems are capital intensive assets can produce a significant income for decades provided they are operated and maintained to a high standard.asset significant, significant incomeelectric, energy, process, maintenance, sustainable1
womenscareer.huWe would like to express our special thanks to Mrs. Éva Fábry, Director of the European Centre for Women and Technology (ECWT) for the opportunity to present our Association and to extend our invitation for the Best Workplace for Women 2010 Award, which drew significant interest in recent years…award significant, significant interestwoman, career, development, association, release1
ngproject.huThe founders of the Blockchain Coalition belong to the forward-thinkers who have recognized that blockchain technology has matured and become accepted, thus it can play a significant role in global economic competition, and its application could be a strategic goal for the world’s leading economies.accept significant, significant rolesolution, energy, industrial, automation, technology1
phbences.huDr. Zoltán Szemrédi and Gabriella Szemrédi founded the non-profit foundation for the students of Pannonhalma in Hungary to assist with the schooling expenses of talented students from less fortunate families. The founders make significant donations each year.founder significant, significant donationstudent, school, foundation, financial, fund1
homlokzrt.huThe company’s main activity is railway construction, more precisely track construction and renovation. A significant part of construction works is carried out using the company’s own resources, providing general construction from the design process to the handover.renovation significant, significant constructionconstruction, railway, engineering, visitor, station1
nezopont.huAccording to a nationally representative poll conducted by Nézőpont Institute for Magyar Nemzet, Three-quarters of Hungarians (74 percent) believe that education about homosexuality in schools and kindergartens should be made dependent on parental permission. It has received significant media resopermission significant, significant mediapolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature1
harp.huGuided by the desire to put clients first, the history of Harp & Partners dates back to 2002, when its two founders, having acquired significant HR experience in both international and domestic markets, wished to establish their own company in order to provide a wide range of HR services in the…having significant, significant hrharp, training, employee, news, customer1
kosditrade.huWith our new machines the micro-, small and middle-sized enterprises can realize significant increase on sales revenue. Our up-to-date machines are essential tools for further development. Just follow tenders and let your business thrive with our new machinery.enterprise significant, significant increaseloader, machine, category, accessories, machinery1
torocsiktech.huThe award was created by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the three regional chamber of commerce. Its porpose is to recognize the most significant product or service based on intellectual work. I was honored to be one of the two awardees in 2022 with my "IoT Platform" project.porpose significant, significant productsoftware, technology, circuit, engineering, embedded1
gloriafashion.huThe GLÓRIA FASHION GROUP Ltd. has significant experience in manufacturing sportswear products. For many years, we have produced leisurewear as well as spring, autumn, and winter products for companies such as Adidas and Arena.group significant, significant experiencefashion, production, group, leather, coat1
bartokudvar.huInfogroup has been one of the most significant players in the Hungarian real estate market since 1990. Its ever growing portfolio covers all aspects of the real estate market: Besides office and industrial building developments, it is active in the residential and retail segments and provides…infogroup significant, significant playercourt, office, award, location1
exclusivefloor.huOur most important mission is to construct a distinctive and characteristic floor that would represent as the face of your home. Moreover, we combine aspects that are as significant like quality and exclusivity such as design.aspect significant, significant likefloor, exclusive, build, template, joomla1
cutpro.huFilm distribution proved to be an exciting digression for us but our true vocation had always been the delivery of high quality technical solutions so we decided to dedicate all our energy to this activity. Our decision was instantly rewarded by the market and our partners: it did not take long to…long significant, significant stakeholderdcp, production, cut, digital, offer1
xlw.hu, sometimes fatal threats to the differential, often hidden under mud and, in some cases, fallen leaves. If you want to avoid serious damage and significant costs, as well as make your car more reliable, using a protective guard is strongly recommended. The purpose of the differential guard is to…damage significant, significant costaccessories, road, detail, discovery, tough1
kisleptek.huThe thematic studies of the working groups of the BIOEASTsUP H2020 project contribute significant...food, supply, chain, short, conference1
leones.huToday, McDonald’s USA announces that we are making significant progress towards our commitment to source 100% cage-free eggs by 2025. Our egg supply chain is now 33% cage-free, and we will source more than 726 million cage-free eggs for our McDonald’s U.S. restaurants...usa significant, significant progressrestaurant, developmental, market, egg, meal1
menhely.huThe success of the foundation relies on the cooperation of businesses, individuals and organisations that also strive to help the homeless. The foundation continues to assume a significant role in coordinating activities with other homeless organisations and other partner organisations. (These…foundation significant, significant rolefoundation, mission, shelter, organisation, homeless1
fodorhegyikft.huWorking without voltage discharge is needed in places (plants, hospitals, other electric networks) where voltage discharge may involve significant losses or malfunctions.discharge significant, significant lossdischarge, voltage, energy, maintenance, industrial1
themagicbox.huThe smear campaign against Hagyó had significant role in the two-thirds victory. The new Fidesz-led government appointed Tünde Handó as the president of the National Office for the Judiciary, Péter Polt as the Chief Prosecutor of Hungary, Mária Szívós as signatory judge, furthermore they…hagyó significant, significant role, appointees significantcase, court, election, media, investigation1
bottcher.huSolid professional experience in processing different elastomers, first-class products, continuous development, and the professional support of our technical sales colleagues - these success factors are a significant competitive advantage for our customers. To maintain an effective market…factor significant, significant competitiveprinting, industry, sleeve, digital, compound1
empmi.huIn addition, EMPMI has significant experience in the field of civil engineering and industrial construction.empmi significant, significant experienceengineering, private, construction, field, nuclear1
ststephen.huWhilst there are Masonic charities that cater specifically, but not exclusively, for Masons or their dependents, others make significant grants to non-Masonic organisations. Our main charity donations go towards a home for mentally disabled children, and an institute undertaking research into…dependent significant, significant grantlodge, stephen, member, mason, st.1
buzassandor.hu…personalized homework activities that triggered immediate changes in my life and around me. The coaching process covers well-defined scopes while the well-targeted questions tap on and fine-tune the issues that bring significant changes in an instant. It was definitely well worth it! Thank you!”bring significant, significant changesession, strategy, performance, free, people1
solhotel.huThe Spa of Bük, which is well-known throughout Europe, became one of the most significant medical spas of Hungary in the second part of the 20th century. The thermal waters of inestimable value, the special climate of the Sub-Alps, the sight of the well-kept settlement, the surroundings rich in…europe significant, significant medicalapartment, house, lorem, molestie, look1
nagyvadhunting.huI maintain business contacts with approximately 50 Hungarian hunting grounds and I welcome also any additional offers, since I always look continuously for new hunting grounds for my significant and still growing clientele.ground significant, significant clientelehunting, proposal, ground, introduction, cost1
skc.huFood production is one of the most important industrial segments in terms of global economy and ecological sustainability. Recognizing the ever-increasing importance of this, thanks to our comprehensive strategic construction and numerous high-value investments, we have made significant…investment significant, significant improvement, improvement significant, significant capacityconstruction, office, food, management, application1
pannoniakonyvvizsgalo.huA significant part of our partners have been choosing us as auditors for more than 5 years!valuation, pricing, transfer, evaluation, detail1
eagleburgmann.huEagleBurgmann made a significant contribution to ensuring that our maintenance and overhaul operations ran smoothly, even during the time-critical phases.eagleburgmann significant, significant contributionsolution, technology, industry, mechanical, customer1
arpishow.huIn the years of its existence, the Arpishow has had several significant and successful concerts. In the year of its foundation, it was one of the participants of the Palace of Arts’ 20 August event series, it is a regular performer at international swing dance events, where it has gained great…arpishow significant, significant successfulconcert, video, gallery, event, music1
businessenglishonskype.huIn the period following World War II, business practice shifted again. Wartime innovation had yielded significant technological advances that could be applied to commerce. Managers began to utilize quantitative analysis, and were able to make use of computers to help solve operational problems…innovation significant, significant technologicalmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy1
balatonhelp.hu…discounts within our association. The Water Rescue Service of Hungary and Volunteer Firefighters Brigade (VMSZ) engages in various activities beyond rescue operations. Whether it's event security, water rescue courses, or preventive lectures, you can enjoy these services with significant discounts.service significant, significant discountdiscount, price, package, weekly, monthly1
budapestlngsummit.huTeodora Georgieva has more than 20 years of experience as a strategic manager, leading significant projects in various economic sectors. Currently, Ms. Georgieva is the Executive Director of the Bulgarian side of the project company ICGB and is also a member of its Board of Directors. ICGB is…manager significant, significant projectlng, summit, gas, energy, speaker1
oitservices.huDuring my professional experience, I met a significant number of cases, issues and solutions, which gives me a confident background. Here at Outsource-IT Services you will find professional solutions for every possible issues you may have. My dedication is based on determining, identifying and…experience significant, significant numberict, solution, office, outsource, data1
glulu.huOur product range contains a significant variety of products that are sugar-free or have no added sugar in them. According to our international market research, our free from products (free from multiple allergens) are unique in the sector. We produce sweet cookies in 8 different flavors and…range significant, significant varietyfree, gluten, taste, deep, bakery1
medi-lab.huOur partners are some of the leading companies in the laboratory diagnostics industry globally. Through their products, they are all working to achieve significant progress in providing quicker and more accurate laboratory diagnostic results.product significant, significant progressdiagnostic, colleagues, laboratory, disease, care1
folia-szamitas.huTo statistically eliminate wrong measurements it is also important that you should repeat the measurements at least 3 times, sporadically. In case there is no significant difference between the results of the three measurements, you can take the measurement as being accurate. In case the three…case significant, significant differencecalculator, site, calculation, shrink, portal1
innoview.huWe are looking for a Senior Java Developer with strong background in core Java & API buildout. Job purpose: Our application is designed to process significant volumes of data from multiple upstream systems, which requires high proportion of straight through processing. You will be responsible for…application significant, significant volumejob, workforce, solution, talent, career1
caving.huBudapest is the capital of caves. It is the only capital in the world which has caves of significant size and length underneath its buildings and streets. More than two hundred caves are known under the Buda side of the town. However these caves also have a special place in the world because of…cave significant, significant sizecave, view, walk, tour, adventure1
napur.huThe new hotel is built in the near of the row of historically significant cellars on the riverbank of Tisza.historically significant, significant cellardetail, architect, office, build, center1
alparutca5.huworkmanship and style of ocean bottom and extraordinarily fishes. All districts, religions and standings have their own personal significance of ocean depths foods. From Britain to New Zea land, fish dishes have its own personal significance. Indeed, it is a significant wellspring of food in the […]significance significant, significant wellspringfood, kitchen, culture, tip, restaurant1
astoriadental.hu– If a significant portion of a tooth is missing, fillings or inlays no longer provide long-term solutions. In this case, a crown or an onlay is prepared. A highly accurate imprint of the tooth – which might even be supported by pins – is created after its reconstruction and polishing, and a…dental, surgery, oral, treatment, tooth1
rimconsulting.hu…towards our client, which can make the activities of the institution or company better and safer. We can point out shortcomings that pose a significant business risk to the customer, even if it does not fulfill it's legal obligation by failing to develop an internal provision or regulation and…shortcomings significant, significant business, imposition significant, significant fineconsulting, rim, protection, security, case1
constructionpapers.huThis is the blog of the Construction Team dealing with construction matters and disputes in Cerha Hempel Dezső and Partners. Our colleagues regularly publish on civil and construction law issues of great interest, which are recurring significant problems for businesses in the construction…interest significant, significant problemconstruction, contract, law, paper, dispute1
hatos.huHatos Language School has been operating in Győr and its vicinity since 1997 and by now it has become one of the most significant and versatile private educational institutions. We have a number of awards and satisfied customers which prove our high-quality work.vicinity significant, significant versatilelanguage, course, recent, news, private1
fourpoint.huWe devote significant resources to the implementation of tourism development-related projects, thus making the region more popular among tourists.point, application, grant, management, plan1
energytour.huThe most significant development of the project in Hungary was the partial renovation and modernisation of the shelter in Lovaszi. Once completed, it will function as a modern tourist attraction, open to the public at any time during opening hours.energy, tour, development, detail, ready1
dentist-debrecen.huSadly, in Hungary dental treatment in general is not free, and so even a simple tooth replacement (e.g. a crown) can represent a significant outlay for someone earning an average wage. In addition, nowadays a well-cared-for appearance is more important in social success, and a winning smile and…crown significant, significant outlaydental, tooth, dentist, surgery, treatment1
defence.hu“The Hungarian defence sphere and the Ministry of Defence achieved several significant results in 2023, but we cannot chill out in this year either”, said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at a reception held in honor of the members of the Budapest Military Attaché Corps (BMAC) in the…defence significant, significant resultdefence, force, general, news, command1
vps-hosting.huSignificant speed benefits, bug tracking systems, and multiple architectures make it flexible and reliable.hosting, server, plan, memory, guarantee1
ovarvill.hu…direct region typically but we also had several projects in different areas of the country, and undertake implementation everywhere. Due to the recirculation of the profit, since the foundation of the Company, we have managed to become one of the most significant electric enterprises of the area.company significant, significant electrictender, introduction, reference, activity, photo1
hunt-art.huI have been working as a second-generation leather-goods maker for 25 years. s a leather worker, I inherited the love of my profession from my ancestors. My main profile is my own handmade hunting products and accessories and I have a significant experience in all areas of leather goods range…accessories significant, significant experienceart, hunt, accessories, rifle, holder1
fellpack.huThe Fellpack Csomagolóanyagokat Gyártó és Forgalmazó Szolgáltató Kft. (Fellpack Packaging Material Manufacturer And Distributor Ltd.) is significant company in the Hungarian packaging and wrapping material manufacturing and distribution since 1993. We primarily produce plastic (polyethylene, BOPP…distributor significant, significant companypackaging, material, wrapping, sack, like1
szesim.huResearch can have a significant impact on road safety , driver training and the development of effective intervention strategies. It will also lay the foundations for future studies and research into the habits of professional drivers during monotonous shifts.research significant, significant impactdrive, simulator, driver, development, cognitive1
quintus.huThis includes examining market conditions, financial projections, and legal and regulatory requirements to ensure a project’s viability. The purpose of a feasibility study is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a project before committing significant resources.project significant, significant resourcesustainability, sustainable, environment, investment, construction1
tamasibeladr.huI strongly favor an open-minded atmosphere and personalized therapy when dealing with my patients. Education on prevention and vaccines makes a significant part of my practical work. I further think that dealing with sexually transmitted infections greatly demands discretion from the doctor’s…vaccine significant, significant practicaldermatology, clinic, appointment, screening, fee1
trhome.hu…price. Thanks to the demand for real estate, the value of real estate has increased by 8-10 percent in recent years, which can be considered significant compared to other regions! The invigoration of tourism has also increased, which, in the case of real estate intended for investment…year significant, significant regionproperty, real, estate, number, turkey1
potenton.hu…Workshop in Komló, Hungary. He therefore approaches music as a composer, as evidenced by his numerous piano arrangements. He has also made a significant number of organ transcriptions of orchestral and choral works, which he often plays not only in Hungary, but in countries from Western Europe…arrangement significant, significant number, bartók significant, significant portionconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music1
unlocked.hu…negative, their school career path is full of failures, resulting in low self-esteem and self-respect. Prejudice from the majority society is significant toward this target group, making the outbreak from their marginalised position, and reintegration, rather difficult. The comprehensive goal of…society significant, significant targetsummary, presentation, photo, programme, meet1
purgemax.hu…agent is very high performance and I recommend it for all professional injection moulding applications. We redesigned our processes and made significant savings. Not only did we save on the new cleaning material, we also noticed where we could improve on the old washing standards and gave us theprocess significant, significant savingmolding, injection, extrusion, blow, feature1
arvaconsulting.huOur colleagues have significant experience in advising on equity and debt capital raises. Our experience allows us to identify the right partner depending on the client’s capital requirements and strategic objectives.colleagues significant, significant experienceconsulting, site, firm, international, capital1
pannongroupconsulting.hu…people were placed on the Hungarian labor market. With our high-quality expertise, we can find the ideal candidate for you, which can save you significant costs and time, whether it is about manpower intermediation, recruitment or accommodation of employees. Our accommodation service is available…candidate significant, significant costconsulting, group, recruitment, foreign, market1
synetron.hu…also regularly renew the conditions of using these. Our suppliers has the ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 cerification. The experiences up to now makes us to say that we can develop quality management, give newer training courses time by time to our colleagues and we have significant practical experience.colleagues significant, significant practicalcustomer, quality, provision, instrument, requirements1
trgykft.huSince 1996, the company has been a significant and dynamically developing Hungarian company producing a continuously increasing range of reinforcement bars and steel meshes according to the market requirements. The company has a strong focus on compliance with the highest quality requirements and…company significant, significant dynamicallysite, fence, metal, plain, reinforcement1
goconcept.hu“My experience in psychology, my years as a writer in the advertising industry, as well as my four years of film theory have gained new meaning for me through digital storytelling. The philosophy of global education has had a significant influence on my thinking; I have many unforgettable memories…education significant, significant influencetraining, lab, development, trainer, change1
vanaround.huIn one tour, you have a chance to visit the two most significant Catholic abbeys at the mountainous region of Bakony. With their basilicas, libraries and arboreta, the Cistercian Abbey of Zirc and the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma are definitely must-see attractions!chance significant, significant catholictour, region, trip, beautiful, place1
meranti.huAs a result of continuous quality improvement our products have been exhibited with success at the Budapest International Fair since 2000. We have been receiving significant orders from the Western-European market since 2008, which resulted in serious investments, and we still have considerable…fair significant, significant ordergallery, tender, site, customer, webpage1
szemvizsgalat.huThe eye is one, if not the most important our sensory organ, which exposed to innumerable dangers throughout our lives. Even if we try to avoid a significant part of these hazards (e.g. contact with corrosive substances), there are still factors that gradually damage the integrity of our eyes…life significant, significant hazardvision, eye, antioxidant, health, important1
palazzani-industrie.huWe will be glad to show you some of the most significant new models of Palift Aerial Platforms and of our Earth Moving Machines of Paload Range.glad significant, significant newmachine, application, news, loader, sale1
nextentservices.hu“The business intelligence solution proposed by Nextent has helped us to increase the operational efficiency of revenue generating systems. By detecting anomalous operations, we have achieved significant revenue growth.”operation significant, significant revenuedata, solution, application, development, decision1
szta.hu20+ years of senior management international banking internship + significant corporate background.internship significant, significant corporateinvestment, news, fund, step, success1
metamatik.huWe recommend our FM software package to companies with a significant portfolio of real estates, whether managed by themselves, or their outsource partners, where the complexity…company significant, significant portfoliobuild, engineering, management, facility, electrical1
auditassistance.huAudit Assistance Könyvvizsgáló és Tanácsadó Kft has been a member of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors since 2002. Our firm has gained significant experience in auditing services over the last decade.firm significant, significant experienceassistance, advisory, forensic, diligence, tax1
hevesgep.huOur company also carries out significant innovation activities in the field of agricultural machinery, based on the professional knowledge and experience accumulated over several decades. In addition to production, we try to satisfy the needs of agricultural farmers by applying modern technical…company significant, significant innovationmachine, homepage, technology, reference, grain1
olforg.huEnvironmental consciousness plays an important role in our company. Therefore, we strive to reduce our environmental footprint and operate in a sustainable manner. A significant portion of our power consumption is covered through the use of solar energy. We generate our own electricity using solar…manner significant, significant portionmilling, turn, client, reference, quality1
addresscheck.huIn fact, whatever the size of your database, it is worth cleaning it up, as you will see a significant improvement in your open and click-through rates.worth significant, significant improvementdatabase, address, important, mail, worth1
xperteam.huThe key to our success is the ability to keep equilibrium between the dozens of complex dimensions of this field. Thanks to the XperTeam references and experiences, we are well prepared to tackle complex project. Our experts have a 15-20 years of experience which adds a significant value to our…experience significant, significant valueintelligence, reference, age, expertise, competency1
mighealth-unipecs.huAccording to UN DESA, in the year of 2019, about 272 million people were estimated to be international migrants. Out of them UNHCR recorded 20.4 million as refugees and 3.5 million as asylum seekers. According to ILO nearly 60% of them, an estimated 164 million are migrant workers and a…worker significant, significant sharehealth, migrant, conference, education, europe1
kulcsarjuli.huI have gained experience in multiple industries as well as with smaller firms since 2006. I have built a significant network .firm significant, significant networkjob, career, people, interview, recruitment1
borzaconsulting.huThe Hungarian and Danish subsidiaries of a significant European IT development group are working on an IFRS17 solutions.subsidiary significant, significant europeanconsulting, insurance, support, development, pension1
ap-x.huThe data subject shall have the right not to be covered by a decision based solely on automated data processing, including profiling, which would have a legal effect on him or her or a significant effect on him or her.effect significant, significant effectdata, subject, process, personal, management1
onecargo.huIt is vital for us to ensure your goods are delivered safely and timely anywhere in the world either by sea, air or road. We arrange freight forwarding for both export and import. We dedicate significant importance to provide tailored service to meet specific requirements of customers at the best…import significant, significant importancefreight, request, offer, bootstrap, minimal1
ganzkk.huWith its over 100 years of history, GANZ Kapcsoló- és Készülékgyártó Kft. has a significant role in companies manufacturing low current equipment both in Hungary and internationally.kft significant, significant rolereference, download, catalogue, list, price1
borzsonybarokk.hu…Börzsöny Baroque Days. We would like to extend our thanks to all of you who contributed to the festival. The cooperation with the Haydneum — Hungarian Early Music Centre has been a significant help. We are also grateful for the financial support from partner municipalities as well as from sponsors.centre significant, significant helpbaroque, day, august, festival, concert1
build-log.huOur warehouse has a floor area of 2×4,000 m 2 , where we have a significant storage capacity of 12 metres height, which is complemented with an outdoor storage area of approximately 1,000 m 2 .area significant, significant storagelog, build, solution, homepage, career1
aiplibusz.huOur company has gained significant experience and favourable references for more than a decade.company significant, significant experienceimage, transport, passenger, government, success1
sensomedia.hu…We produce and provide people with lasting values to reach industrial breakthroughs. If we do this professionally and persistently, our businesses will yield more and more profit. We also aim to play a significant role on the international IT market. Nothing is out of reach with Senso Media."profit significant, significant rolemedia, solution, software, development, customer1
informatikusleszek.huIntroduction In PHP development, selecting between static and non-static methods holds significant importance when it comes to code organization and functionality. Both approaches provide unique bene...method significant, significant importanceperformance, pattern, question, developer, method1
tigrics.huChinese oriental medication: The unlawful exchange tiger bones quickened in 1980’s. Tiger populaces in China had been destroyed by the interest from conventional oriental medication makers. China stays a significant customer of tiger and other Asian large feline items for assembling these…china significant, significant customer, actually significant, significant reasonnear, wild, privacy, condition, worldwide1
dataprivacy.huThe Hungarian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Agency recently released its 2015 annual report, including enforcement statistics. The report shows a significant increase in the number of cases handled…report significant, significant increaseguidance, data, post, category, privacy1
iriszoffice.hu…Since 2004 Írisz Office has been the flagship company among them. The last 20 years the evolution and growth of Írisz Office Group has been significant and unbroken, which is traceable not only in figures, but in the complexity of our activities as well. At our company, accounting is not just…group significant, significant unbrokenoffice, plan, tax, financial, activity1
lezermuvek.hu…its activities are expanded towards mould repair. By increasing its machinery besides mould repairing the modification of moulds became more significant in addition to making new mould inserts. From beginning of 2018 we constantly make new mould bases for our partners. As a new milestone in 2018mould significant, significant additionmould, repair, welding, engraving, cut1
sommelierhungary.huIt aims to make a significant contribution to promoting food and drink culture by raising awareness on it as part of the cultural heritage as well as involving different actors of the sector and fostering dialogue among them. The MASOSZ inspires also to enhance the propagation of awareness and…general, member, association, food, training1
plasticor.huIn addition assembling, to automated manufacturing processes, we also deal with processes that require significant operator intervention. Well-trained workforce.process significant, significant operatorinjection, molding, plastic, production, tool1
etalonhorses.hu…of Andrew Lloyd Webber from 1986 to 1997. He built up massive experience in theatre at the beginning of his carreer. As an actor he dedicated significant part of his life to perform with horses live on stage and movies. He is one of the most experienced equestrian actor today in the world as he…actor significant, significant lifehorse, fire, close, equestrian, video1
budapestsightseeingcruise.huThis boat trip is ideal for those wanting to discover the Budapest’s significant cultural and historical landmarks with ease and class.budapest significant, significant culturalcruise, river, sightseeing, dinner, sight1
cedit.huFire protection in the office HOW CAN WE AVOID ON-SITE FINE DURING AN AUTHORITY CHECK? Fire protection - official inspection When renting an office, we can run into many pitfalls during a disaster protection official inspection, which can even result in a significant on-the-spot fineinspection significant, significant spotprotection, fire, safety, office, learn1
apertura.hu…from their common history, and we think the region can be regarded as a unique entity in its own term. Based on parallel historical processes, significant common features emerge that allow us to ask about the possible regional similarities, parallels and trends in the development of relevant…process significant, significant commondocumentary, winter, fall, spring, summer1
muszertechnika.huThrough organic growth and continuous acquisitions, Műszertechnika-Holding aims to become one of the most significant Hungarian-owned groups of companies. The financial basis for our growth is provided by the conscious use of our resources, the reinvestment of the profits generated and the use of…holding significant, significant hungarianmanufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software1
karkojanos.hu…and marketing across multiple channels and third party marketplaces. I had the opportunity to work with the best online agencies. Together we built the company's Search Engine Optimization, ensuring that the products and brand remain highly discoverable across all significant search experiences.discoverable significant, significant searchmanager, digital, certification, ecommerce, growth1
huntrax.huOur main profile is international transportation accompanied with metal construction manufacturing and assembling with significant references.assemble significant, significant referencereference, activity, vehicle, scope, colleagues1
hairtransplanthungary.huFUE hair transplantation is not a "beauty treatment" but a cosmetic SURGERY that requires significant professional background and professional work!surgery significant, significant professionalhair, clinic, transplantation, consultation, result1
kozgep.huKÖZGÉP has a competent and dedicated team with extensive experience in cooperating with other companies on significant infrastructure projects.company significant, significant infrastructureactivity, national, quality, railway, area1
promala.huI’ve been a professional Business Management Consultant since 2000. I believe in maintaining a positive mindset, creating partnerships with a purpose, and always striving for significant outcomes. When you work with me, you should expect a collaboration with transparency and consistency. Want to…purpose significant, significant outcomeconsulting, page, today, performance, corporate1
gloriadent.huIt is necessary to prepare a crown if there has been significant damage to the material of the tooth and therefore it is not possible to reconstruct the tooth with fillings or inlays. We can offer a durable, stable and comfortable solution with the help of the crown and its completion can be…crown significant, significant damagedental, surgery, tooth, dentistry, oral1
nanotechnology.hudifferent evolutionary effects. The structural coloration of the four wings of 25 male individuals (100 samples for each species) was measured. Significant differences were found in the near UV wavelength region that are perceptible by these polyommatine butterflies but are invisible to human…species significant, significant differencepublication, butterfly, image, detail1
grendarsmedia.hu“As a media agency we aspire to innovative and effective solutions when implementing our clients’ promotional campaigns. By these projects with significant digital post production and animation – in case of a company image films or viral videos spreading on social media sites – our excellent…project significant, significant digitalvideo, animation, portfolio, faq, production1
kon-trade.huNowadays the Kon-Trade+ Ktf. has become a significant factor in the indigenous vacuum technological industry. The several hundred millions of HUF annual turnover and its continuous increase clearly demonstrates the satisfaction of our clients and the commitment of our employees. Now not only can…ktf significant, significant factortrade, news, login, production, customer1
nonprofitpartner.huDue to the labour shortage and fluctuation companies try to retain their employees. Corporate volunteering programs can play a significant role in achieving this goal.program significant, significant rolevolunteer, social, organization, consultancy, programme1
euvitis.hu…Moreover, studies suggest that grape-derived polyphenolic compounds may inhibit oligomerization of Aß. … Such inhibition would be highly significant, because accumulation of soluble extracellular high-molecular-weight (HMW) oligomeric Aß species in the brain currently is considered a major…highly significant, significant accumulationgrape, seed, source, family, wine1
barnao.huOur office attaches great importance to social responsibility, we make significant efforts to spread it as widely as possible, taking into account sustainability and social aspects.responsibility significant, significant effortconsulting, sustainability, public, procurement, innovation1
okotechnik.huThe company Gastechnik Himmel GmbH will make available existing resources under the best possible use of the latest technologies and will make a significant contribution to accelerate the energy transition.technology significant, significant contributiongrating, safety, floor, air, pump1
husse-esse.huFormed in 1993, the Hungarian Society for the Study of English (HUSSE) is the most significant scholarly society in Hungary devoted to the promotion and cultivation of English studies, in its versatile interdisciplinarity, ranging from literature through history to linguistics, from film studies…husse significant, significant scholarlysociety, study, october, april, february1
racerbeans.hu…institution like Colombia and Costa Rica do. Also, the distance between the farms and parchment delivery points in general is very significant, so farmers tend to wait for a full load before driving their coffee to town, which can negatively impact the quality. Infrastructure on farms…general significant, significant farmercoffee, small, process, dry, quality1
katonaborhaz.huBesides the most significant varieties of the world (such as Chardonnay, Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon), the traditional Hungarian varieties can also be found in our cultivation.wine, winery, grape, cellar, taste1
laternastudio.huOur third activity is the valuation of real estate: we also have a significant 10 years of experience and internationally recognized certification and privileges.estate significant, significant yearmain, office, management, architect, privacy1
astero.huA significant achievement of our work thus far has been introducing and spreading Hungarian sour cherries among Russian customers in the early 2000s, making Hungarian sour cherries a big success in the span of a few years satisfying the Hungarian farmers.vegetable, fruit, fresh, cherry, sour1
bolcsode11kerulet.huCreche The environment in which children spend most of the day has a significant effect on their entire life in the future.day significant, significant effectchild, colleagues, introduction, gallery, care1
markjector.hu…on: this way the tool becomes applicable for long distances and in bright environments too. Barriers of use: The tool does not apply to significant distances in itself. In environments of bright light, the device is not applicable on its own. The device is capable of creating one mark at a…tool significant, significant distancelight, figure, length, distance, subject1
rudabanya.hu…Ore excavation started again in 1880 and at the same time the development of Rudabánya got new momentum. Following the Trianon treaty, Rudabánya remained the only significant iron ore mine in the country. It was also member of the former alliance of Upper Hungarian Mining Towns with seven members.rudabánya significant, significant irontown, website, city, welcome, sightseeing1
hungarocom.huThe main features of HUNGAROCOM Telecommunication Ltd. founded in 1989 are flexibility, quick reaction and problem-solving ability. This feature is coupled with a significant overview and experience of wired and wireless as well as IP-based telecommunications and IT networks and the devices that…feature significant, significant overviewtelecommunication, artificial, intelligence, special, thing1
millenniumcustodia.huBased on the designation of the competent courts, our company performs the tasks specified above in the jurisdiction of three Judgment Boards, in a significant part of the country.board significant, significant countryproceedings, task, introduction, liquidator, office1
baltazarszinhaz.huThe Baltazar Theatre, founded in 1998, is the only professional theatre company in Hungary whose members are mentally disabled actors. The company became a significant part of Hungarian theatrical life. The Baltazar Theatre breaks new ground by putting actors’ disabilities in the background and…company significant, significant hungariantheatre, disable, member, mentally, actor1
bilingua.huIn the case of several websites or if you choose to have your website translated into several languages we can provide you with a significant discount.language significant, significant discounttranslation, agency, language, price, free1
smhv.huOur company plays a significant role in the renovation of Hungary’s public lighting. Municipalities can save up to 30-40% by modernizing their public lighting.company significant, significant rolepower, lighting, public, grid, installation1
kalo.huWe offer significant expertise in structuring domestic or cross-border mergers and acquisition transactions and have first rate industry knowledge on financial sector related mergers and ... read moreassociation, attorney, law, legal, advice1
modiano.huYou’ll enjoy the lowest energy costs available on the market cutting energy consumption in half compared to the new office buildings, and delivering even more significant savings compared to older buildingsbuilding significant, significant savingoffice, build, gallery, efficiency1
hiperszuper.huThe phenomenon was first noticed by the clinic and attempts were made with drugs to tame the rebel-looking, out of line minority. In the last decade, the phenomenon has been studied by social scientists and the voices of professionals who, in addition to their significant achievements, also…addition significant, significant achievementhomepage, individual, picture, solution, big1
bte.hu…information from every main fields. We studied the fields of dangerous goods delivery on roads, rails, inland waters and air, similarly to the brochure issued in 2009. It is a significant change that we asked the authorties involved in the dangerous goods delivery to present their own activity.brochure significant, significant changeassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor1
szazadveg.huRecently, evidence has been mounting that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) covering a significant part of their activities from foreign sources intend to gain an ever increasing influence in the domestic political arena, overshadowing their former, purely human rights function. Similar…ngo significant, significant activitydata, report, protection, political, human1
debrecenbike.huThe compound includes the Gábor Oláh Street Stadium, the Debrecen Indoor Swimming Pool, and the Imre Hódos Arena. They play a significant role in the nation’s sporting life of their own right as well as parts of a multifunctional recreation complex. Having organized an impressive roster of…arena significant, significant rolebike, street, church, build, city1
greenorganico.huThe Green Revolution marked a significant increase in food production due to the introduction of...revolution significant, significant increaseorganic, green, food, conventional, quality1
opl.huGyörgy joined OPL gunnercooke in April 2022 in order to lead the intellectual property (IP) practice of the firm. György worked previously at the IP practice group of international law firms and spent one year at a German leading IP firm, Bardehle Pagenberg in Münich. György gained significant…györgy significant, significant experience, branding significant, significant timelaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
malometterem.huAn exclusive, elegantly designed lounge and bar serves the relaxation of our guests. In the lavishly furnished restaurant, the masterpieces of Hungarian gastronomic culture can be enjoyed in the company of the best domestic wines and pálinkas. We obtain a significant part of our raw materials from…pálinka significant, significant rawlist, wine, restaurant, drink, event1
metal99.huMetal 99 Ltd. has been serving the Hungarian industry since 1991. Our dynamically increasing and expanding product portfolio is capturing both the domestic and the international markets. We have strong relationships with significant transport companies, such as BKV Budapest Transport Corporation…relationship significant, significant transportmetal, production, homepage, repair, electrical1
balanceline.hu…advisors can help your newly established or already running business, to choose the most beneficial form of taxation. In certain cases you can achieve significant decrease in tax liabilities, you’ve never considered. We give you the key to an easier and more transparent tax planning of your firm.case significant, significant decreasetax, line, legal, finance, financial1
gesztenyespark.huLocated in the section of Gesztenyés Street bordered by Kishegyi Way and Pollack Mihály Street, Gesztenyés Park is an outstanding enterprise: to date, it is the single most significant comprehensive residential development in Paks.single significant, significant comprehensivegallery, floor, map, plan, garden1
healing-darkness.hu“The Hindu ascetic Tapaswiji Maharaj (1770-1955) lived 185 years. In 1940 the magazine Life published an article on Tapaswiji where he was called “The Miracle Man of India”. The article highlighted that he had undergone a significant rejuvenation process by cleansing his body using the method…article significant, significant rejuvenationdarkness, sound, second, retreat, method1
sundance.hu1999 was a major milestone year, with the acquisition of a large, architecturally valuable and prominently positioned textile factory in Budapest, which presented a significant and unique office development opportunity. With the backing of Apollo Real Estate Advisors (AREA) of NYC, a complete and…budapest significant, significant uniquedevelopment, property, view, office, croatia1
houseforsale.huThe villa offered for sale is situated in a newly settled district of Szada, with detached houses on plots of significant sizes, on the edge of a forested natural reserve area.plot significant, significant sizehouse, garden, amazing, sale, luxury1
komplexinstrukcio.hu…worldwide (Cohen and Lotan 2014). It aims to create more equitable classroom atmosphere in which status differences among pupils do not play a significant role and don't hinder their learning efforts. It also radically changes the teaching perspective - it allows for appreciation and evaluation ofpupil significant, significant roleschool, teacher, child, pupil, group1
czurda.hu…piece of land in Győrszemere, with an excellent wine-growing rating. This land was bought by his father as symbolic compensation for their significant former estate, which his grandfather had been forced to relinquish during the dark communist regime. Looking back on his history, and forwards…compensation significant, significant estatewine, region, riesling, vineyard, shop1
tabunello.huThe organic vineyard lies on a volcanic hill, the base soil consists mainly of volcanic heritage and the "Pannon" marine deposit. There are significant microclimatic differences in the mountain's main climate. Since the mountain blocks the northern winds its south side is dominated by…deposit significant, significant microclimaticwine, bottle, st, vineyard, vine1
rusa.hu…prepared with quickly fermenting, sour and vinegary red wines and a multitude of spices. In later centuries, fermented dairy products played a significant role among the dishes of shepherding people. Many of the past ages’ fermented foods are commonly appreciated to this day, like the Bulgarian…product significant, significant rolepickle, cabbage, size, recipe, offer1
5thgear.hu5th Gear Ltd. was established in 2000. Our factory is located in Kőszeg next to the border of the country. ( Map... ) The development of the company is continuous from the beginning. One of our significant results is the 600 m 2 new hall, which was built in 2009. Afterwards our machine park was…beginning significant, significant resultgear, machine, assurance, quality, gallery1
euronormgroup.hu„We are brand independent. We are always able to provide optimal up to date solutions regarding the price and quality. Our slogan: EVERYTHING WHAT IS DOORS AND WINDOWS ON THE BEST PRICE AND QUALITY” Our partners include carpenters who are doing exclusive quality to internationally significant…internationally significant, significant steelwindow, indoor, street, group, aluminum1
mastergood.huThe company was initially started with 5 persons (1994). Intensive development began in 1998 with significant investments in terms of scale and amount, and the number of the employees was increased. During this time, several poultry breeding and broiler farms and another fodder mixing plant were…development significant, significant investmentchicken, free, fodder, family, process1
hmmmaster.huDifferent surveys verify the fact, that the consumption of soup in Hungary is significant among European countries. In the majority of Hungarian households, almost every week, this tradition takes place during mealtime. It’s not a coincidence, since the tradition of making Hungarian soup…hungary significant, significant europeansoup, fruit, delicious, healthy, dish1
stettin-hungaria.hu…industry. Its equity exceeds HUF 1.5 billion, its activities cover the full range of general construction services. Our references include the construction of industrial, commercial, public buildings and residental buildings, as well as our significant reference in the field of building renovation.building significant, significant referencebuilding, renovation, public, industrial, reference1
laurelbudapest.huThe presence of Michelin-starred and Michelin-recommended restaurants has a significant impact on the Budapest fine dining scene. It elevates the city’s culinary reputation, attracting food enthusiasts from around the world who seek extraordinary dining experiences. Michelin recognition not only…restaurant significant, significant impactrestaurant, dining, culinary, taste, wine1
rbikft.huAs commissioned experts, we have already supported installation processes of significant industrial machinery in our region. For now, we can say that we are present in Hungary’s largest multinational factories both independently and in cooperation with our partner companies, to the highest…process significant, significant industrialdeployment, development, technology, machine, industrial1
flownyelvstudio.huOur school is called FLOW for a significant reason. We are committed to teach according to methods that are based on the flow-experience , the sense of accomplishment and the balance of revision and discovering a language.flow significant, significant reasonlanguage, course, learn, skill, method1
sgconn.huKnowing the technical characteristics, manufacturers’ background and market conditions of a significant proportion of electromechanical components, especially connectors and switches, I help my clients - developers, designers and procurement managers - in component selection, application, and…condition significant, significant proportionelectronic, connector, component, engineering, background1
mbft.hu…biophysical research laboratory of the country was created in the frame of Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences headed by A. Garay in 1971. The National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene was also a significant research unit with biophysical orientation.radiohygiene significant, significant researchsociety, national, section, member, scientific1
action2020.huWe know, that HEINEKEN, as a global corporation, has a significant impact on our environment and society. This is one of the reasons why we create the “Brew a better world” strategy, in which we are committed to environmental protection and sustainable developmentcorporation significant, significant impactceo, director, manage, environmental, development1
eyewitness.huToday’s information society has recognized the demand from the generation of digital natives that disseminating information through moving pictures should play a more significant role in education. In the present project, our research team argues that, where it is possible and where it is…picture significant, significant roleresearch, education, subject, material, host1
depron.huThe Depron is energy efficient and very economic . Low cost thermal insulation can be installed with dispersion glue onto the inner wall surface. The energy saving is significant compared to the low cost square meter price, since 6mm Depron provides the same insulation as 24mm pine, 100mm brick or…save significant, significant lowinsulation, thermal, efficient, energy, internal1
choralisconstantinus.hu…started. After long adventures, the manuscript finally appeared in print in 1550 and 1555. The three-volume polyphonic collection is extremely significant. It crowns the church music tradition ranging from the emergence of polyphony to the Renaissance. Musically, it is a kind of summary which…extremely significant, significant churchintroduction, course, volume, date, venue1
filmservice.huSt. Stephen`s Basilica is a Roman Gothic Basilica. It is named in honor of the first Hungarian King, Stephen. Today it`s the third largest church in present-day Hungary. This is the most important church building and one of the most significant tourist attractions in Hungary. It is 96 meters (315…build significant, significant touristdevelopment, homepage, commercial, bridge, series1
nagy-lezer.hu…its activities are expanded towards mould repair. By increasing its machinery besides mould repairing the modification of moulds became more significant in addition to making new mould inserts. From beginning of 2018 we constantly make new mould bases for our partners. As a new milestone in 2018mould significant, significant additionnagy, mould, repair, welding, engraving1
sapiens.huChanging organizational culture is a complex journey. Executive leaders can create a permissive environment, where people can innovate, and as a result the organization becomes more resilient. Scientific research proves that the state of flow plays a significant role in our ability to amplify…flow significant, significant rolehuman, machine, evolution, training, solution1
hoszivattyu-pest.huWhen you're looking to install a heat pump or an air conditioner, the most crucial factor to consider is proper insulation. If your home isn't adequately insulated, you'll face significant heat loss and high utility bills. Thus, it's vital to address any insulation deficiencies before installing…adequately significant, significant heatair, heat, heating, pump, solution1
barankovics.huKDNP is one of the system changing parties in Hungary; members of the Demokratikus Néppárt led by István Barankovics returning from a forty-year exile undertook a significant part in reorganising the party officially on 2 April 1989.exile significant, significant partyfoundation, christian, democracy, political, k.1
orientme.hu…the assistance of experts who know the local conditions well and can properly assess the market is essential. We also offer our market research capacity as a particular service to our current and future partners, since according to our experience it is a significant determining factor for success.experience significant, significant factorconsulting, source, translation, introduction, language1
inteco-trade.huAt INTECO-TRADE we have direct contracts with LPG and FUEL producers; this provides significant preferences to our Customers in terms of price and quality. We are providing our Customers with supplementary services. Besides wholesale trading, we are providing each partner with strong logistic…producer significant, significant preferencetrade, fuel, energy, industrial, railway1
pics2023.huWith the advancing science, the newer formulations are more complex, making it difficult for generic development. Significant amount of research is being conducted to aid in developing methodologies and in vitro bioequivalence development for the generic industry.development significant, significant researchsymposium, industry, international, scenario, university1
kadar-komjathy.huA significant part of our legal activity is representation in inheritance cases and probate proceedings.legal, lawyer, client, news, fee1
evotech.huWe provide complex, continuous and effective cooperation with our clients during the design and construction activities that are considered significant added value to our clients.activity significant, significant valueelectrical, build, activity, industrial, automation1
primaudit2005.husignificant leadership and organizing skills. I have fulfilled this challenge and completedclient, activity, area, tax, government1
deluxeinteriors.hu…and the DNA of the brand that has always combined the concept of fashion and design with glamour and sensuality, Roberto Cavalli Home is inspired by the iconic prints and patterns of the most significant collections of the Maison: from animal print to damask, the colors and textures overlapping.pattern significant, significant collectioncart, brand, collection, heritage, vat1
socialcluster.huThe Social Cluster Association of Hungary is proud to announce, that in September two new Alzheimer Cafés have started in Hungary, one is at the biggest and most frequented district of Budapest, the XI. District, and the second is in one of the most significant cities of West-Hungary…second significant, significant citysocial, cluster, news, practice, event1
tejtermek.hu…certain sectors. This self-regulation is designed to be implemented by the interbranch organizations. The facilitation and strengthening of the implementation of the interbranch organizations has a significant importance in order to have an effective market regulation operating in each sector.organization significant, significant importanceorganization, milk, board, sector, market1
dynamic-csurgo.huThe Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the resulting Russian embargo have significant effects on the electronics market and its satellites in...embargo significant, significant effectassembly, manufacture, dynamic, cable, contract1
krafty.huAntibiotic Prophylaxis for Transrectal Prostate Biopsy The safety and scientific of choice for single drug therapy of susceptible Enterococcus faecalis infection. However, addition of 80 mg or mg gentamicin had no significant effect on.gentamicin significant, significant effectinfection, prostate, doctor, az1
tc2.huThe number of visitors to the e-commerce portal and the initiation of transactions on the site has already been a significant burden due to the higher access data of foreign sites. Running this in traditional VPS (server hosting) centers with a traditional, “brute force” approach, Web & App was…site significant, significant burdencloud, solution, migration, case, study1
nhgandpartners.hu…resolution to existing problems, our office also offers and provides outstanding professional qualities with extensive experience gained in significant litigation and arbitration cases. Our office has been renowned for effectively providing legal aid services to several relevant actors and…experience significant, significant litigationlaw, office, expertise, lawyer, legal1
sedulitas-pro.huOur company was established for the aim that playing significant role amongst engineering offices in Hungary practicing in field of reformatted vehicle industry.aim significant, significant rolevehicle, electric, main, page, battery1
innopan.hupanel thermal insulation boards offer a solution to the increasingly stricter energy consumption regulations, while at the same time possessing significant advantages compared to other competing products. Our duty is to provide as many people as possible with the thermal insulation system of the…time significant, significant advantageinsulation, download, thermal, ventilation, pipe1
edutax.huScreening of period for filing tax returns in case of the change of managing director, chief accountant or owner and in relation to the increase of auditor’s value limit. In the course of the screening we focus on the disclosure of the significant specific errors and on the risk analysis of the…disclosure significant, significant specifictax, labour, consultancy, expert, bookkeeping1
kidma.huOur organization just held a major conference on the effects of the Egyptian affair on Israel with significant Hungarian politicians, diplomats and professors. We had hundreds of participants, and a great media coverage.israel significant, significant hungarianjewish, goal, activity, cultural, movie1
infogroup.huThe company’s donation strategy is based on our sense of responsibility towards social challenges, which is part of our usual conduct of business. We also put sustainable, green solutions and the energy-consumption of our buildings in our focus. The sustainable operation of buildings plays…building significant, significant roledirector, development, real, estate1
oroshazaglas.huSince the establishment of our company in 1995, we have been dealing with flat glass processing. Our activity is divided into three sectors: construction, vehicle and other industrial applications. All three areas of application are significant.glass, homepage, application, industry, vehicle1
e2hungary.huE2 Hungary started its business on 1 January 2016 in the Hungarian market of energy supply. It entered the market as a new player, which, however, looks back to certain business traditions, as the founders of the company used to be significant players of the energy industry and trade while its…company significant, significant playerpage, energy, trading, request, proposal1
jui.huSince the foundation of our law firm, we have successfully implemented our professional goal in practice to build long-term relationships with our clients, based on trust between attorney and client. The success of this philosophy is confirmed by the fact that we are mandated on a permanent basis…basis significant, significant portionlaw, firm, practice, client, area1
conferences.huAbout 300 meetings have been organised so far, including the following large and significant events of the last years.large significant, significant eventconference, participant, meeting, international, event1
sagikazarmark.huprogramming and seasoned developers alike—is about how they can start contributing to open source software projects. In this post, my aim is to provide practical advice that will guide you to become not only an active participant in the open source community but also a significant contributor to it.community significant, significant contributorminute, post, certificate, pipeline, source1
acsgep.huThe Ácsgép Group was established in 1990 as the first private crane operating company in Hungary after the end of the socialist regime. The Company is a market leader in Hungarian tower crane rental business, due to the highly qualified and experienced employees and the significant fleet extension…employee significant, significant fleetcrane, quote, request, mobile, detail1
horizont-trening.hu23 years. It is a long time for a company to live good times and bad times. Inevitably gets into contact with every significant companies and organizations; colouring economy in Hungary and internationally.contact significant, significant companydevelopment, adventure, training, organizational, organization1
ferrokov.huAt the time of establishment the main activities of the company included hot-dip galvanizing of steel structures on order. Since then the company has gone through dynamic development, thus we have been able to carry out significant improvements.able significant, significant improvementproduction, hot, steel, machine, introduction1
bmpvsz.huIn 2021, thanks to support from NEA and BM OKF (Interior Ministry, National Directorate General for Disaster Management), our organisation was able to carry out significant equipment procurement and received a VW Amarok vehicle for use.able significant, significant equipmentdisaster, organisation, protection, management, event1
unitrade-auto.huOur company was founded in 2008. Our main profile is the production of stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum plate, pipe and hollow section products and structures. A significant part of our products are produced for export, mainly Europe. Our customer relations are stable, we always pay special…structure significant, significant productproduction, quality, machine, management, introduction1
mab-pharma.huAs a member of MAB Group, we take conducting long-term, mutually advantageous and ethical business as the cornerstones of our philosophy. By means of our flexible, client-centered attitude, significant market and professional experience, we strive towards especially long-term, strategic cooperation.attitude significant, significant marketpharmaceutical, vision, market, client, mission1
orbitmedia.huPinkyDoll and other content creators have been gaining significant attention by adopting personas inspired by NPCs during their livestreams.creator significant, significant attentionmusic, style, news, culture, release1
security-expert.hu…or afraid of that someone is preparing to do that? Does not your lessee want to leave your property? There is a solution! You can spare lot of unnecessary discomfort by choosing an experienced security company to solve your estate debates problems and in long term you can save significant money...term significant, significant moneydebt, management, security, legal, private1
idegennyelvumedia.huForeign-language Hungarian press has an important mission, as Budapest and Hungary are significant tourist and cultural hubs in Europe, but we can honestly say that the whole world knows and loves our country and the symbolic buildings of the capital. The opinions foreigners form of the country…hungary significant, significant tourist, significant factormedia, news, language, foreign, supporter1
springboard.huSpending a full term at a boarding school will result in a significant improvement in your child’s English skills, including spoken, written and reading. They will have sufficient time to get fully involved in school life, develop friendships and new social skills. They will be encouraged to…school significant, significant improvementschool, application, boarding, british, child1
foreverbracelet.huYou can make Forever Bracelets with your bff, significant other or your parents as well. You can't go wrong.bff significant, significant parentbracelet, jewelry, studio, appointment, permanent1
archivportal.huThe full bibliography for 50 years of our archival publications may be found on our portal, and besides this, the full texts of a significant number of publications may be read on our pages, or they are accessible by means of our combined search engine.text significant, significant numberarchive, portal, database, review, award1
nnx.huNeoNetworX is a consulting company specialized in leading and supporting organizational cultural transformations . These journeys require intense changes in mindset, operation, leadership, communication, and values. Changing all these takes a significant amount of dedication and time, both from us…value significant, significant dedicationintroduction, agile, story, transformation, activity1
kortarsgaleriak.huContemporary art galleries have a significant role in the Hungarian art scene, as they represent, support and manage artists in Hungary. Simultaneously, they introduce Hungarian artists within the framework of international exchange programs as well as exhibitions and art fairs abroad.gallery significant, significant rolegallery, art, contemporary, management, dynamic1
e-lawyer.huOur activity is made efficient by our significant experience both in enforcement of creditors’ claims and representing the debtors towards the creditors.efficient significant, significant experiencelaw, lawyer, firm, legal, client1
konigunits.huKönig-Units Ltd. is a privately owned export-import trading company, significant participant of the Hungarian retail market.company significant, significant participantunit, news, quality, distribution, national1
piringer.huBasically, we produce polypropylene straws and single-use plastic cutlery made of polystyrene. Our products are mainly distributed to domestic and international wholesalers. A significant proportion of our products is exported, but we aim for a continous increase of domestic sales.wholesaler significant, significant proportionstraw, drink, message, plastic, single1
mymentor.hu…out what to do, we'll take care of the planning, allowing you to focus on execution and experiencing personal growth. This step saves you a significant amount of time. 24/0 support: You can ask our AI mentors questions anytime, day or night. Community: Join a community where you can meet…step significant, significant timegoal, , expert, success, community1
ddrs2021.huThe corona virus pandemic has disrupted everyone’s life and has brought about significant changes in their normalcy. The Co-Chairs and the Local Organisers of DDRS have been continuously monitoring the epidemic situation caused by the corona virus. Keeping participants’ safety in focus, a survey…life significant, significant changescientific, programme, conference, exhibition, organiser1
karate2020budapest.huHungary has old and traditional experiences in organizing events, in hospitality, the people and the society are opened, friendly and hospitable. Sportlife has an impressive and rich tradition in our country. Sport has a significant role in Hungary, we have hosted several tournaments of great…sport significant, significant rolepage, main, location, accommodation, download1
bmszki.huIn the area of professional development, support of minorities, defending the rights of excluded people, training of professionals the social sector could stand on significant EU-funding so far. We’re deeply concerned the European Community will effectively answer into our needs emerged during the…sector significant, significant eusocial, street, accommodation, european, center1
margitpalace.huEnvironmental components aiming at reducing carbon impact and improving energy savings is key and we put the emphasis on that aspect; a thorough technical due diligence is ongoing which will lead to significant property improvements throughout 2022.ongoing significant, significant propertysqm, space, list, people, hide1
lavx.huSignificant experience in designing and operating clouds virtual and bare-metal environments. Hundreds of managed Linux and Windows servers in the few last years.solution, develop, consulting, manage, skill1
munkavedinfo.huAdditionally, there are new laws and regulations that have come into play recently, such as the Iowa 6-week abortion law and the PMMA requirements for 2022 . These legal guidelines and regulations have significant impacts on various aspects of society, and it’s essential to stay informed about them.regulation significant, significant impactlegal, law, agreement, regulation, important1
brbfinance.huNorbert has been working at the field of audit and transaction services since 2005. He has significant experience in the field of advisory services related to financial and tax due diligence, valuation, IFRS and internal audit.service significant, significant experiencefinancial, expertise, market, finance, advisory1
solarkraft.huWe provide full assistance to install the solution that works best for you and keep you satisfied for decades. Our company also has significant experience in tender projects.company significant, significant experiencepower, energy, solution, free, government1
spiderclub.huon on almost almost 1100 1100 square square meters meters and and on on 150 150 routes. routes. Spider Spider Club Club is is globally globally significant significant with with this this magnitude. magnitude. Our Our separated separated boulder boulder room room is is one one of of the the biggestglobally significant, significant magnitudehall, training, climb, course, wall1
varrattisztitas.hu…our accessories and consumables to be better than you currently use. There are also suitable alternatives for seam cleaners and wearing parts used by machines from different manufacturers to achieve significant cost savings - it is our pleasure to have a chat with you and to make you a good offer!manufacturer significant, significant costclean, brush, seam, machine, article1
barben.huToday, Ben-Ross and Barben Ltd. have nearly eleven hundred employees, putting their vast amounts of experience to use while facing the challenges of such a large production. The enterprise is proud to promote development on a local as well as national level with its significant tax contribution…level significant, significant taxmanagement, shoe, factory, quality, employee1
fintechlab.hu"A bank cannot remain a significant market player if it doesn't build an ecosystem around itself..."bank significant, significant marketinnovation, manager, cee, region, lab1
liverland.hudirect the production of high quality live material. Our domestic market share - especially in respect of some specific kind of geese – is very significant and greater than 20%. Our activities are very diverse, from the foster of parent couples with great genetic endowments live on our own farms…goose significant, significant greatland, goose, live, production, market1
hotel-budapest.huAs a significant hotel in the Hungarian capital, all 289 rooms promise impressive view and comfortable rest for individuals and groups. Its restaurant offers international and Hungarian cuisine, and the retro-style café and lounge are perfect starting points to the bustling days of Budapest.room, price, available, booking, event1
bravolight.huIt is essential to be cost-effective if you want to remain competitive in the industrial segment. Saving money is not only the question of employment and workflow. By optimizing energy consumption – primarily on lighting – you can save a significant amount of money on a long term. Using the…lighting significant, significant moneylighting, light, plan, solution, source1
varganoemi.huAn extremely fast method , a significant change can be achieved in just 1-5 sessions depending on the problemmethod significant, significant changesession, method, wife, mother, problem1
shuttlers.hu…pricing tailored to your company’s needs. Additionally, our services offer the possibility of reclaiming VAT, a feature that can result in significant cost savings compared to traditional taxi expenses. Choose our services for a seamless blend of quality, transparency, and financial benefits…feature significant, significant costdriver, booking, fleet, price, travel1
innowaste.huOur goal is to establish a significant global footprint in sewage sludge processing as a service. Offering a pioneering, beneficial service as for service providers and as for service customers. As a result of low cost sewage sludge treatment, burning material creation, ash as secondary raw…goal significant, significant globalwaste, sludge, cost, innovative, management1
theorangefiles.huI am writing to You because we are standing before a historically significant European Parliament election. This March, the stakes will be higher than they have ever been before.historically significant, significant europeannational, file, orange, election, european1
i-volution.huWe bring you the experience of driving premium cars – without a significant financial burden!car significant, significant financialluxury, electric, lease, vehicle, rental1
aidomain.huThe rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine-learning tools like ChatGPT is having a significant impact on the industry of web development. Therefore, you might be wondering: Will AI replace programmers? Let’s take a closer look at the current state…chatgpt significant, significant impactpage, slider, width, portfolio, sample1
jennyz.huNeedless to say, it’s been a slow, bumpy journey, but now some basic tech is part of their day to day lives, and I’m so grateful. They’re a little more connected and autonomous, and have a slightly better understanding of the very significant and impactful advancements we’ve seen so far in their…understand significant, significant impactfulday, february, week, photo, family1
beacoach.huAs an HR professional and leader I could get insights into all aspects of People processes. Organisational development forms essential part of these processes, though for 6 years I was heavily and deeply involved in a significant OD project. Here I could learn a lot about internal communication…involve significant, significant odway, career, september, university, fun1
elsner.huAs part of expanding our scope of activities, we established the company's dental technology business in 2011. The needs and expectations experienced during the assignments stimulated us to innovate, as a result of which we appeared in the dental market with significant innovations in a short…market significant, significant innovationdental, implant, solution, news, denture1
negrokft.huWe provide a high degree of operational safety with our activities, even in places where production downtime means significant loss. We are also insured for these situations.downtime significant, significant lossplate, heat, exchanger, gasket, maintenance1
tubakurzus.huThe Tuba camp is a celebration of the Hungarian tuba society. The artists and significant teachers of the deepest brass instrument are happy to participate in the camp, where young talents can meet, learn from outstanding artists, play music together, hike, cauldron, play football. In the magical…artist significant, significant teachercamp, teacher, music, meal, application1
satyananda.huWe are very happy to announce that the most significant undertaking in the development of Ashram has begun. The Hungarian Yoga Association’s ashram has been developed from donations of the Hungarian and international Satyananda Yoga community since 2006. Over the past years we have received…happy significant, significant undertakeyoga, february, retreat, author, awareness1
tormaricum.huThe Hungarian horseradish production holds significant importance even at the European Union level, as half of the economic community's production comes from the region of Hajdúság.production significant, significant importancehorse, sauce, raw, facility, value1
d-paprika.huD-paprika Ltd. was established in 1989 by private individuals and is currently owned by the same family. The company gives work to 70 people in three shifts, thus making it the most significant employer of Csólyospálos, the local municipality and the surrounding area.shift significant, significant employertender, family, sidebar, certification, energetic1
shooteasy.hu- The incentive is available through local business companies who receive significant tax relief after their support of filmscompany significant, significant taxproduction, director, incentive, channel, location1
foodbase.huAs a flavour producer, we create flavours that give consumers a sense of value, that plays a significant role in the consumption and acceptance of food, therefore it is very important to choose a supplier that produces high-quality flavour. We produce flavours in liquid and powder form.value significant, significant roleflavour, food, vinegar, base, powder1
amplify.huFinancial due diligence of Frontal Group, which is the market leader in Hungary and has a significant market share in Germany, engaged in designs, manufactures and executes facade elements.hungary significant, significant marketfinancial, consulting, reference, organization1
sportnaplo.huSportDiary provides significant assistance in managing teams and seasons, as well as in personnel records. We said individuals because although managing athletes is the biggest task, the system also manages coaches, doctors, administrators. Usually, the latter are the ones who can manage the data…sportdiary significant, significant assistanceathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance1
nimfea.huDespite the rainstorm disturbing the work, there were about 30 volunteers actively participating during the two days, and they made a significant progress: the stable was whitewashed inside and outside; all doors, gates, window-frames and the pen of the sheep gained a cheerful green coating.day significant, significant progressnature, association, conservation, center, environmental1
kt-sec.huThe services we provide demand trust to such a great extent that go beyond the usual customer-service provider concept. Today, our activity covers complex services (e.g.: representation before court and other authorities), that – by utilising our effective and concerted action – disburden the…customer significant, significant issuemarket, dominant, owner, property, operator1
altekfa.huAs one of the oldest and most significant tree nurseries of Hungary, our work creates value for both the current and future generations.old significant, significant treenursery, wholesale, tree, quality, plant1
ertekterv.hu…Budapest and cycling networks for tourism purposes in rural areas. On this basis, we wanted to share our good practices with colleagues from all around the world to show how strategic planning and development plans can improve cycling environment considerably even without significant expenditures.considerably significant, significant expenditureplan, cycling, network, development, conference1
ceremoniamestered.huFood may or may not play a significant role in your wedding. However, you do have multiple options. A buffet is more cost-effective than a full course meal for each guest. Furthermore, you could skip having a full bar and simply serve signature cocktails as well as several non-alcoholic beverages…food significant, significant roleceremony, wedding, feedback, guest, day1
lake-tisza.huSignificant part of Lake Tisza, which belongs to the Hortobágy National Park , and Ramsar Convention is nature conservation area. Entrance in forbidden temporarily to some parts while to others permanently. The majority of those areas where the lake reserves the most natural values using…lake, tour, canoe, island, touristic1
civiljogok.huWithin the scope of its program to develop the legal environment of non-governmental organizations, Ökotárs / Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (HEPF) has been playing a significant role in the revision of nonprofit status rules, the expansion of public and community participation…hepf significant, significant rolengo, public, legal, goal, regulation1
cantatenobis.huOver the past 10 years, since Vocal Ensemble Cantate Nobis was established with the leadership of Mária Husznay-Thormann in 2011, the choir of has become a significant and prominent figure of the cultural life in Jászberény, our hometown. Our current membership of 26 singers mainly consists of…choir significant, significant prominentensemble, choir, vocal, leadership, hometown1
timur.huSeptember 1 was a big day! The official cross-vendor Vulkan mesh shading extension that I teased a while ago, has now been officially released . This is a significant moment for me because I’ve spent considerable time making the RADV implementation and collaborated with some excellent people to…officially significant, significant momentsource, stuff, developer, open, stack1
bfhotel.huBalatonföldvár holds numerous wonders and shows us the most beautiful landscapes. If you are looking for the perfect place to relax, have a family vacation or have a romantic weekend with your significant other, come to Balatonföldvár and stay in BF Hotel.weekend significant, significant balatonföldvárholiday, treasure, natural, sight, offer1
patentkftedenyfenekgyartas.huEarlier, like most of the tank manufacturers in Central and Eastern Europe, we also sourced dished ends from Western European countries. Procurement was charged by significant transport costs due to the long distances, but often the procurement deadline did not support our meeting the already…procurement significant, significant transportproduction, german, quality, assurance, russian1
reach-i4.huA general rule of thumb is that costs of poor quality even in a thriving company will be about 10 to 15 percent of operations. REACH® offers opportunity to make significant improvements in this space.opportunity significant, significant improvementdata, reach, solution, big, real1
mikropakk.huTo be able to deliver innovative solutions with high value added, we dedicate a significant proportion of our revenues to R&D, assign a Project Engineer to each new project and run our own automation department that makes sure not only the product but also the manufacturing processes are maximally…value significant, significant proportionsolution, packaging, injection, value, closure1
revomatic.huWe have a significant – several years – tradition in the processes system of development, manufacturing, automation and control that enables us to provide quality services to our Partners in the entire field of industrial automation. Most of our experiences were obtained at domestic and European…machine, cell, construction, special, purpose1
tec2000.huI drive a diesel Smart car for work and have seen significant improvements since using TEC 2000 products. The combination of Oil Booster, Engine Flush, and Diesel System Cleaner resulted in a healthier engine with reduced oil burn, no smoke, and easier cold starts. Despite the car’s limited power…work significant, significant improvementclean, engine, fuel, flush, additive1
szengine.hu…combustion engines available on the market is the unsuitability for the competition regulations so they become usable only after making significant modification. However, our team develops a special and innovative engine optimized especially for the strict rules of the racing series. That’susable significant, significant modificationstudent, engine, result, member, news1
bookers.huWe would like to welcome you as and among our content and regular customers and clientele. We hope that we will soon be a part of your future business success and wonderful holiday experience. Our long-term and mutual cooperation results in further free services and significant benefits for you.service significant, significant benefitticket, flight, reservation, travel, important1
idomsoft.hu…IT and public administration management consultancy, IT system design and implementation, hardware and software selection, operation of IT systems and providing related service activity. Our company had a significant role in major IT development projects of relevance to Hungarian citizens.company significant, significant rolehistory, personal, activity, data, operation1
kastelyfurdo.hu…bath dates back to 1965, when thermal water with a temperature of 62 0 C was discovered 1198m deep during drilling. The total dissolved mineral content of the water is 1,878 mg/l. The water is rich in sodium bicarbonate, but also contains bromide, iodide and a significant amount of metaboric acid.iodide significant, significant metaborictown, accommodation, news, price, gallery1
oktatasiweblap.huThis could be significant for schools that are in the competitive sector and want to attract more students. After all, the young people of the 21st century are now exclusively online. So, in addition to a website, it may be necessary to create paid ads on Google or Facebook to drive traffic. These…website, interested, previous, institution, day1
sznbk1988.hu…of authors who have conflicted with the Catholic Church or another religious community in their own time, especially if these views have had a significant impact in Hungary. In this case, the authors are also asked to indicate whether the insights of the authors under consideration were later…view significant, significant impactconference, st., text, biblical, th1
economical.huAt the same time, the we play a significant role in the construction industry of the EU Member States. We provide services in compliance with the policies of the Member States.time significant, significant roleeconomical, build, house, semi, homepage1
mehke.huWe plan to enable significant growth in our country over the coming years in waste recollection, in domestic waste recovery, in the capacities of enterprises that convert wastes into products, and in the protection of our environment, with the cooperation of experienced international small and…waste, association, industry, management, protection1
medianets.hu…and data analytics for intelligent and automated cities, V2X communication and intelligent transportation systems. MEDIANETS is active in significant European and national research projects, together with R&D projects carried out with our partners from the ICT industry. MEDIANETS’ teaching…active significant, significant europeanresearch, laboratory, intelligent, student, staff1
graffitiworkshop.huIn addition to unique painting techniques, a significant emphasis is placed on health and environmental protection. Accordingly, we exclusively use water-based paints for painting, which contain 0% toxic substances. This means that the creation is not only inspiring but also sustainable and…technique significant, significant emphasisreservation, pricing, ticket, paint, interested1
velutina.huOn 22 August, we started our preliminary tests. For the time being, we have undertaken studies that do not require or do not require significant resources.study significant, significant resourcenest, colony, beekeeper, species, asian1
ballaaudit.huThe business is a private entrepreneurship, owned by Dr. István Balla (55%) and Dr. Istvánné Balla (45%) {nee Éva Krammer}. The ‘BALLA AUDIT Auditor Ltd’ carried out significant posts during its short life and still does at present. The two most outstanding auditing posts are: Óbuda–Békásmegyer…ltd significant, significant postauditing, continuous, accounting, consultation, software1
mikofami.huFrom the very beginning, export activity played a significant role in the life of Mikofami Kft.activity significant, significant rolemeat, plant, beef, quality, development1
online-pszichoterapia.huWorking one-on-one with a certified Life Coach can help you identify and attain your biggest goals. Our private coaching clients experience significant breakthroughs that lead them to challenge their thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in their careers, relationships and quality of life.client significant, significant breakthroughsit, adipiscing, consectetur, amet, ipsum1
mze.huSignificant advances in technology take place last decade in the enamelling industry. The aim of the advances is wide-ranging: quality improvement; cost reduction; environment protection; development new products etc. Association inform fluently about these to whom admit a necessity andassociation, member, main, conference, publication1
intermetal.huWe must not forget that hazardous waste has a significant value, they are recyclable materials.waste significant, significant valuemetal, ferrous, waste, scrap, hazardous1
drsimonyi.huWe participate in the formation of new companies on behalf of domestic as well as foreign clients, represent numerous domestic companies and deal with their needs in relation to company law. Our office represents clients in court as well. We have achieved significant experience in the field of…court significant, significant experiencelaw, firm, legal, representation, message1
progresszivnyomda.huOur regular orders come from all over the country, however our export is also significant to some European countries like France, Germany, Belgium, Romania and Slovakia. Our print shop's main profile is producing small and medium impression marketing materials, catalogues, hard- and softcover…export significant, significant europeanpage, printing, prepress, download, reference1
qhbprojekt.huQHB Projekt Kft., established as a spin-off company. Our company was spun off from a construction company with a history of almost 30 years in 2020, with the intention of separating the construction activity from the project management tasks. We have created a project management team with a…team significant, significant knowledgemanagement, technical, activity, advice, preparation1
poultrymatic.hu…less energy will be required for the production and the economic indicators of the substance won’t get worse. This way we can save a significant amount of heating energy and if the heating ventilation is optimized, we can save electric energy too. Using the same quality of litter, it is…way significant, significant heatingbedding, automatic, development, installation, occupation1
karatsonarchivum.huAs a painter and graphic artist, Gábor Karátson left a serious oeuvre, and his artistic writings are also significant. His pictures and illustrations were characterized by a unique vision, careful execution, and last but not least, experimentation with various materials. According to our plans…writing significant, significant picturearchive, collection, research, book, database1
kurultaj.hu…and weapons. The battles are not based on a planned choreography; they are improvised and therefore closely resemble the real battles of that period. The duel contest will attract a huge audience, and the competitors who participate in the duels will have the chance to win significant prizes.chance significant, significant prizenation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient1
neverland.huYou get to decide whether you want to sit at a country, or minimalistic bar while sipping your favorite drink; take a selfie that no one else can at the „normal is boring” corner; or just retreat to the Lovebox with your significant other. (You can also apart from enjoying quality drinks – sign up…lovebox significant, significant apartroom, bar, escape, event, restaurant1
worldnews.huMeghan Markle and Prince Harry have reportedly made significant changes to their inner circle over recent weeks. Daily Express :: More...reportedly significant, significant changenews, travel, movie, daily, queen1
alteon.huIn the recent years our team has participated in the design and construction of many significant investments for known multinational companies such as IBM, Alcoa, GE Power Systems, TYCO Electronics, Diamond Electric, StoraEnso and Suzuki.construction significant, significant investmentconstruction, investment, homepage, firm, communal1
szkokesfiakft.hu…and creates its prices in accordance with our partners’ expectations. Due to recent dynamic development, cleaning and lawn mowing now play a significant role in the company’s activities. Presently, the cleaning and lawn mowing services used by our partners are determining in the company’s income.mowing significant, significant roleés, activity, cart, order, long1
casadelgrano.huCasa del grano - the company - was founded to turn this building into a high quality boutique apartment hotel for discerning guests who appreciate both style and functionality . Founders of the company draw on significant travel experience and understand the difference between mass-placement in…company significant, significant travelapartment, layout, floor, yes, build1
feic.huThere are numerous security companies on the Hungarian market and as consequence of the significant price competition, providers offer their services at the possible lowest price. In several cases the preparedness and professional knowledge of the security service providers are not in balance with…consequence significant, significant pricesecurity, independent, expert, consulting, consultant1
mszjf.hu…Trade Organisation (WTO). For further information on ALAI please visit its website. As the Hungarian national group of this highly prestigious international organisation, the most significant event in our short history was the hosting of the Congress and General Assembly of ALAI in September 2003.organisation significant, significant eventcongress, protection, international, award, national1
countinghouse.huThereafter, I navigated to the SME sector, where I gained significant accounting experience in Hungarian and foreign-owned cultures enjoying diverse national diversity. So, based on my almost 20 years of professional experience, I decided to start my own business, which I run together with my…sector significant, significant accountingtax, accounting, count, house, payroll1
profimunkak.huA plank portal supplies a central database for significant information, restoring collaboration and streamlining the have a peek at this site preparationdatabase significant, significant informationboard, data, way, software, room1
csrmatrix.huIt has become the most significant c(s)r forum of the year, where business decision-makers, communication managers, researchers and university students can share their experiences.consulting, media, corporate, responsibility, decision1
pvsz.huKeszthely is the centre of the West Balaton region and the capital of Lake Balaton. The area has been inhabited since prehistoric times; in the time of the Romans, it was once regarded as one of Pannonia’s most significant centres.pannonia significant, significant centretown, heritage, walk, vicinity, hill1
wasmet.husurvived many wars and economic crises, providing security and stability for its owners. And today, it is common practice for banks to invest a significant part of their reserves in gold. This is no accident. Investment gold provides security of wealth for individuals and companies alike…bank significant, significant reserveinvestment, jewelry, process, bar, coin1
meatland65.huSignificant part of the products sold by our company are fresh and frozen pork meat cuts, manufacturing raw materials, as well as poultry,- beef, and other meat products which form part of our complete product range.meat, land, mobile, sale, market1
magyarbankholding.huThe 70 years old MKB Bank Plc. is the Hungarian financial system’s classic bank. As a result of a successful reorganization between 2015 and 2019, the operation and system of this financial institution follows the criteria and expectations set by the EU. As a significant universal bank of Hungary…eu significant, significant universalnews, group, organizational, structure, banking1
mkfe.huThe most significant sports event in Hungary's history to date, the World Athletics Championships will be held in Budapest between 19-27 August, 2023. The celebration of the founding of Hungary also falls at the time of the sports event. During the two occasions a total of almost two hundred road…transport, coronavirus, border, restriction, traffic1
7days.huLanguage is a fascinating tool that allows us to communicate, convey emotions, and express our thoughts. Verbs, in particular, carry a significant weight in...particular significant, significant weightgrammar, language, passive, vocabulary, password1
igazsagosatmenet.huHaving been in operation since 1969, Mátra Power Plant is the only significant electricity generating power plant based on domestic primary energy source (lignite) in Hungary. With its total installed capacity of 950 MW it is the second largest electricity producer in our country and plays an…plant significant, significant electricitycoal, footprint, calculator, news, power1
atoz.huOur English speaking international preschool and nursery first opened its gates in September 2002. Since this time our Centre has experienced significant growth, beginning with 38 children in 4 classes and now having more than 100 children in 7 classes. Right from the start we have been keeping to…centre significant, significant growthchild, centre, international, kindergarten, introduction1
hegyvidek.huNearly five percent of residents in the 12th district are foreign nationals. The English version of the website was created with the aim of making the most important information concerning the life of the district and the council available to the significant number of foreign-speaking residents of…available significant, significant numberpublic, search, news, district, taxation1
arenabusinesscampus.hu…for various buildings, and it is especially suited for larger workforces in need of spacious offices. The District VIII offices of Aréna Business Campus are located in one of the most significant business locations of the capital: they are among best offices in Budapest you can get your hands on.campus significant, significant businessoffice, space, location, green, gallery1
droidx.huWe can play a significant role in this by planning to supplement our production with another Unisign Uniport 6000-HV 5-axis carousel machine, which is not the largest in the region.machine, quality, machining, plant, management1
ak-epito.huA-K Építőipari Kft. was founded by Károly Tallosi and Antal Horváth owners-managing directors. The two engineers are familiar with the significant industrial investments not only on the side of the employed designer and the contractor.familiar significant, significant industrialconstruction, general, hall, build, customer1
angolulhenivel.huIʼve made significant progress in my English fluency thanks to the personalized coaching at Angolul Henivel. Highly recommended!personalized, lesson, learn, class, potential1
outturn.huA merger or acquisition is a significant event for any business. Both sides of the transaction feel the pressure to ensure they have the most accurate information prior to completing the deal. At the same time, both sides are usually motivated to complete the deal in a timely manner. The goals may…acquisition significant, significant eventnegotiation, management, deal, support, market1
avidinlab.huThe spread of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has become the most significant event of 2020, which has transformed our lifestyles, work and private lives, and is having a huge impact on many sectors, from education to transport and tourism. The most we can do at the moment to prevent further…cov-2 significant, significant eventsample, result, laboratory, logistic, method1
hatvany.huHer colourful figures decorate the walls of a number of nurseries, schools, patient’s rooms in medical institutions. From 2016 she has decorated the entire pediatrics departments in Orosháza and in Karcag, in two significant hospitals in Hungary.karcag significant, significant hospitalart, portfolio, school, artist, book1
hdmarketing.huDue to the continuous and significant growth of our customer base, we moved to a new, more spacious (our 3rd) office at the beginning of 2019.continuous significant, significant growthconsultant, qualification, agency, growth, management1
meatcapital.huSignificant part of the products sold by our company are fresh and frozen pork meat cuts, manufacturing raw materials, as well as poultry,- beef, and other meat products which form part of our complete product range.meat, capital, market, player, dominant1
szepvolgyi.huA significant part of our guests have been visiting us faithfully since the opening of the Tennis Center, which is why our site has a family atmosphere. Guests can meet friendly staff and have a live chat. Our goal is to make our guests feel at home with us.tennis, court, lesson, summer, center1
velencesunset.huThe one-time residence of the Vörösmarty family houses Hungary’s most significant Vörösmarty [...]hungary significant, significant vörösmartyapartment, sunset, lake, child, room1
talaj-mechanika.huI have taken part in many significant projects for 20 years of my carrier. I have participated in drilling soil borings, laboratory analysis and making reports. I have already ran geotechnical tests, renovations and strenghtened the structures of castles, churches, architectural heritage buildings…engineering, gallery, report, photo, geotechnical1
tetohutes.huPayback is expected in the first summer for large industrial halls with significant internal thermal expansionhall significant, significant internaltechnology, roof, protection, energy, summer1
schunkpince.huT his is the region of Hungary where the so-called Indian summer – pleasant autumn weather, bringing warm days – asserts itself the most, because of the significant influence of the southern, Mediterranean climate. The other unique feature of the microclimate of the Mecsek Hills is that this is…day significant, significant influencewine, winery, region, local, hill1
dss.huIn recent years, we have increasingly focused on industrial digitalization, as manufacturing companies have realized that they can achieve significant efficiency gains with the help of our IT solutions.company significant, significant efficiencysolution, data, development, quality, software1
graphicpecs.hu…and Marcel Breuer, a leading figure in the Bauhaus movement. The city, which rightly identifies itself as a cradle of culture, boasts a significant artistic influence, is home to the country’s oldest university and has a rich heritage from the 150-year Ottoman occupation. Historically, Pécsculture significant, significant artisticgraphic, exhibition, festival, edition, international1
proacteam.huLater, I broadened my horizons at several multinational companies and had the opportunity to work in the manufacturing and service sectors, where I learned about the context and processes of international finance, cash flow planning, receivables management, thus gaining significant experience in…management significant, significant experiencetax, accounting, accountant, relocation, chief1
unimode.hu…traditional values, while opening up to the world of fashion and designers, shining a modern light on this classic profession. Using their professionalism and trusted tools, with significant added value, they strive to bring this ancient profession back into the public eye, one stitch at a time.tool significant, significant valueuniform, british, school, international, basic1
coachingteam.huThe purpose of the training is to enable employees working with significant performance requirements to effectively deal with stress they face.employee significant, significant performancedevelopment, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious1
photopro.huWorking with PHOTO PRO Production results in significant savings and allows a higher production value .production significant, significant savingphoto, campaign, production, photographer, catalogue1
toepler.hu…of a work accident and a road accident. Based on the literature history, we expect that the OSA group will show a cognitive deficit compared to the control group. As a result of the therapy, we expect significant improvements in sleep patterns, breathing during sleep, and cognitive functioning.therapy significant, significant improvementsleep, norm, medical, institute, research1
mm-erd.huThe successful innovation proves that our products had won significant prizes in numerous Hungarian and foreign exhibitions. Well-known participants of the Hungarian food industry use our forms for years with satisfaction. Our product quality, the aesthetic finish made it possible to appear in…product significant, significant prizepage, main, market, development, beginning1
exoshop.huRight from the beginning, we tried to select reliable, high-quality products designed for long-term use, against which our strict expectations form the basis of our business policy. A significant part of the goods we sell are "our own" products, we are the importers of them. The biggest challenge…policy significant, significant goodprivacy, customer, payment, delivery, point1
taxcontor.huTaxcontor Kft. is an accounting and tax consulting company with more than 30 years of professional experience and more than 10 employees with higher education. Our clients are primarily business companies, a significant part of which have been using our services since its establishment.company significant, significant servicetax, accounting, consulting, reference, newsletter1
ipariparkinfogroup.huInfogroup has been one of the most significant players in the Hungarian real-estate market since 1990. Its ever growing portfolio covers all aspects: besides office and industrial building developments, we are active in the residential and retail segments and provides services in facility…infogroup significant, significant playerhall, industrial, plot, logistic1
bekemetal.huBéke-Metál Bt. was formed in 2000 as a family venture. Its initial business activities were based on operating a small truck, but since then our growth has been significant.copper, radiator, metal, clean, waste1
darkcube.huThe space means the storehouse of infinite possibilities and innovations for us. During its history, the space and the telecommunications industry have proved several times that it fosters the most significant collaborations at both national and international level.time significant, significant collaborationdark, space, consulting, telecommunication, sector1
wingtsuncsorna.hu…on any of these ideas as long as it did not helped them achieve the main goal, which was to defeat the opponent as soon as possible. The most significant point was efficiency. The founders realised that we have chance against a stronger opponent only with dexterity and agility, so techniques werepossible significant, significant point, speed significant, significant strengthman, art, martial, technique, special1
quickconnectors.hu…and intricate testing devices are a thing of the past. The connectors are designed for pressures up to several 1000 bar depending on connection type and test piece. In cpmparison to threaded connections there are significant time and cost reductions due to the efficient design of WEH connectors.connection significant, significant timeconnector, solution, valve, special, place1
mmgrendszerhaz.huThe system consists of a pair of glasses that resemble regular optical glasses, but with significant additional functionalities. The glasses incorporate an optical and electronic structure that allows for adjustable lens transparency tailored to the condition of the child's eye.glass significant, significant additionalprocess, control, automation, production, machinery1
orszagbarok.hu"They were the men, who for more than a hundred years influenced the highest politics in the Kingdom of Hungary. They were present when the most significant issues were dealt with and they helped several kings to gain the throne. Powerful, proud but diplomatic, the Podmaniczky were great…present significant, significant issuestory, realm, kingdom, family, castle1
geoflame.huultimate Leica Nova MultiStation MS50 which conducts laser scanning as well as the modelling of the surrounding by pointclouds. By now our company has become a significant player in the market owing to the fast, accurate and flexible handling of our assignments, and our material and human resources.company significant, significant playerquestion, reference, mining, survey, technology1
villaprestige.huHévíz has as unique attractions as wellness services, therapies based on hundred years of tradition and experience, many of significant sights, wonderful hiking routes, cultural programs and events.experience significant, significant sightapartment, person, amenities, bathroom, television1
mintazalma.hu…it offers many opportunities, so we could successfully apply it to several types of clients. It is an ideal solution for festivities and conferences, which has a significant added value in spite of the apparent everydayness of the apple. In each case, we have had great success among our partners.”conference significant, significant valuefaq, reference, news, great, gift1
benkoborialapitvany.huRecently, the number of our pupils and colleagues have increased greatly, and our school has been receiving significant support from the parents and the founding community as well.school significant, significant supportchild, foundation, school, reason, occurrence1
residencerelocation.huOur company has successfully taken up the fight and kept the pace with rival multinational companies, and managed to realize significant progress in recent years. However we try to offer even more than other companies. In addition to our growing range of services we will continue to pay special…company significant, significant progressrelocation, package, customer, introduction, free1
limesmodel.huLimes Model is the market leader in Hungary and a significant company in the field of architectural and vehicle model making in Europe.hungary significant, significant companymodel, bridge, development, house, castle1
szemredialapitvany.hu…aid to many students. In recent years, the founders have regularly provided support to the foundation from their own assets. With their very significant donation in 2021, the organization's activities have been placed on a foundation that, even in the thousand twenty-six-year history of…asset significant, significant donationfoundation, charitable, board, donation, founder1
drkocsis.huIn addition, the members of the law firm have significant experience in the law of designs , and Community Designs as well. The Members’ areas of expertise also include legal advice relating to branding issues, since we understand the importance of the selection and registration of such a sign or…firm significant, significant experiencelaw, firm, trade, property, member1
kodkft.huWith many years of professional experience in the industry, our colleagues in the Jászberény Maintenance Center also perform regular maintenance, continuous operation and renewal jobs of power electrical and low current systems. In the Jászberény region, our most significant partner is Electrolux…region significant, significant partnerelectrical, production, control, implementation, activity1
szappanospince.huThe Tolna wine region belongs to the wine regions since 1998, however wine-cultivation has been present for a longer period, it dates back to the Roman times. The Hungarian viniculture can be thankful for the German settled in this region, who played a significant role in the revival of…region significant, significant rolewine, winery, region, tourism, gallery1
iaabudapest.huWe’re welcoming back Kasia Madera , journalist and presenter at BBC News, as one of our hosts this year, much like the previous editions. With an expertise of over 20 years in broadcasting, Kasia knows what it takes to handle a significant on-air subject. She has been a regular presence throughout…kasia significant, significant airglobal, brand, industry, advertising1
hotelsbudapesthungary.hu4-star Golden Park Hotel Budapest can be found on Baross square opposite Eastern Railway Station (Keleti pu.), the most important transportation center of Budapest. All significant sights and tourist attractions can be easily reached from the hotel. The rooms of the fully restored Golden Park…budapest significant, significant sightreservation, city, centre, room, near1
erd-tech.hu…an effective cost-effective solution to these problems. When installed in any vehicle (new, used - Diesel, petrol plant) we can achieve a significant reduction in emissions, based on measurements of up to 40%. By refining the measurement results of the MAP sensor, we improve the combustion…plant significant, significant reductionemission, device, reduction, goal, process1
greenhouse.co.huHungary is the second largest producer of cherries in the European Union after Poland; Hungary grows the best cherries of the continent, the centuries-old role of cherries in the life of the Hungarians is indicated by several of our place names (eg Meggyes, Nyírmeggyes, Meggyaszó, etc.). A…etc significant, significant portiongreen, greenhouse, production, house, market1
machupicc.huThe Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1983 and is among the greatest artistic, architectural and land use achievements anywhere and the most significant tangible legacy of the Inca civilization. According to UNESCO WHS , Machu Picchu is recognized…achievement significant, significant tangibleeye, story, gallery, site, image1
shopiboo.huThe platform is easy to use and packed with features that have made managing my store a breeze. I’ve seen a significant increase in sales since I started using Shopiboo.”breeze significant, significant increasecustomer, feature, store, free, fee1
acpartner.huDuring the audit, we focus on the critical areas that may contain significant risks, but this does not mean that we lose sight of the bigger picture. This approach requires experience and concentration, but gives the opportunity to see the expectations of our clients.area significant, significant riskaccounting, financial, advisory, auditing, client1
flamella.huComputer modelling is one of the best tools available for modern fire safety design. We have played a significant role in making this possibility available in the field of fire protection in Hungary. Contact us with any questions or tasks regarding evacuation simulations with Pathfinder!design significant, significant rolefire, safety, protection, simulation, plan1
inmategym.huYour body type is another significant factor. Some people are born to be lean. They can eat as many cakes as they fancy, but will always remain slim without doing any training whatsoever.type significant, significant factortraining, body, session, muscle, like1
sugogabona.huOur crop trading activities are not limited to Hungary, we have important international partners, who as buyers, represent a significant part of our market. As a result of our geographical location, our main transportation method is shipping on the Danube river, and our stock bases are located at…buyer significant, significant marketcrop, office, introduction, trade, industrial1
zhe.huThe complex physical properties of highly deformable materials such as clothes pose significant challenges for autonomous robotic manipulation systems. We present a novel visual feedback dictionary-based method for manipulating deformable objects towards a desired configuration.clothes significant, significant challengevideo, robotic, jia, pan, human1
bud360.huSeize the unique opportunity to invest in Budapest's most coveted locations with BUD360. Our strategic approach focuses on prime property selection and transformation, ensuring significant returns on investment. With an impressive ROI of 34% and a rental yield of 15%, we not only promise a…transformation significant, significant returninvestment, appointment, property, real, estate1
general-consulting.huProudly announcing that Ramasoft played a significant role at the largest professional event inramasoft significant, significant rolereport, management, solution, risk, software1
excel1.huPrior to managing Excel1 I spent more than a decade in multinational companies (IBM, Acelity), which helped me understand how large organizations work and how corporations manage their processes. As a Lean and Six Sigma expert I took significant part in improving and transitioning back-office…expert significant, significant officeautomation, development, application, process, programming1
blackbelt.huIt’s been a pleasure working with BlackBelt and their expert services to make significant improvements to our IT solutions. Their IT professionals are experienced, highly skilled, and flexible individuals who quickly adapted to our agile environment.service significant, significant improvementdevelopment, software, client, technology1
költségosztó.huPerformance Effects: Significant measurable changes in people's ability to concentrate or perform mental or physical tasks have been shown to result from modest changes in temperature and relative humidity. In addition, recent studies suggest that the similar effects are associated with indoor…effect significant, significant measurableair, quality, solution, building, indoor1
freegereb.hu…which legalised homebirth in Hungary. This not only expanded the rights of birthing women, but improved hospital practices as well. Dr Geréb has made a significant and lasting impact on Hungarian society by introducing undisturbed birth and fighting for the rights of women and their babies.geréb significant, significant lastingletter, president, international, birth, janos1
abt.huVisit our website created specifically for foreign managers and investors, where in one place can you find the most important economic data, the most significant legal and tax information, and can get current economic news.data significant, significant legaltax, payroll, accounting, data, financial1
nconnect.hu…computers and complete IT systems, or similar technological abuses. These criminal activities results in serious damages not only on IT level: significant loss on the business reputation, risking a company’s market position and the development opportunities. The stolen customer data manipulations…level significant, significant losssecurity, solution, intelligence, hardware, hacking1
poliext.huWe made a significant impact at AGRITECHNICA 2023, the world's leading trade fair for agricultural machineryirrigation, water, supply, landscape, garden1
biomembrane.hu…transformed them to extraordinary humans (they possibly can be called heroes, but sometimes they were called simply outlaws) and they made a significant impact on their fields at the international level. Importantly, the environment provided a safe place for discussions on any scientific and…outlaw significant, significant impactuniversity, research, science, academy, member1
hungrana.huAs the most significant corn processing company in Europe, Hungrana Starch and Isoglucose Manufacturing and Trading Ltd (Hungrana Keményítő- és Izocukorgyártó és Forgalmazó Kft.) has been a definitive player in the Hungarian food industry for more than a century.corn, procurement, management, food, career1
mipolan.huA significant part of our products are available in any color. You only need to give the RAL color code and we realize your ideas.plastic, industry, quality, competence, process1
laluz.huWith our light paintings, we create unique spaces that offer a complex visual experience for all visitors The significant buildings and squares of the town will show their new faces when they are covered with a new visual surface.visitor significant, significant buildinglight, painting, map, projection, visual1
ebc.huEnterprise Business Consulting (Team EBC) providing a range of services, including development, consulting, and support with a commitment to excellence and innovative solutions on SAP technology makes a significant contribution to the success of their clients’ digital strategies.technology significant, significant contributionconsulting, enterprise, development, technology, knowledge1
felicia-feder.huFeather and down recycling has many benefits, both for the environment and for consumers. Here are a few of the most significant advantages:consumer significant, significant advantagefeather, material, goose, quality, benefit1
flightmode.huAir ticket booking (very competitive prices, quantitative discounts, owing to our significant market role)discount significant, significant markettravel, leisure, need, trip, special1
pfp.huWithin the last couple of years we generated significant experience in supplying Marketing and PR services especially for the FASHION AND FOOD INDUSTRY and gained recognitions in the FILMING INDUSTRY across Europe.year significant, significant experienceproduction, video, agency, client, creative1
pmi.huPMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter, builds a voluntary project management professional community for the development of the individual, as part of the PMI global organization with a half-century history, based on a proven knowledge base and qualification system. Our goal is to be the most significant…goal significant, significant projectcertification, pm, award, overview, member1
pcroyal.huThe printing industry has significant tradition in Békés County. Royal Printing House Ltd. is based on this knowledge and experience. The printing house was founded and bought the currently used building in 2002. The main products of the company are self-adhesive labels and flexible packaging…industry significant, significant traditionprinting, packaging, quality, self, adhesive1
pechakucha.huOn the 11th of April we await everyone inspired by the newest architectural and design trends. How to attend the most significant contemporary jewellery fair of the world as a Hungarian artist group? What stands behind the Mushroom project of Móricz Zsigmond square? How did three young architects…trend significant, significant contemporarynight, date, pm, event, contemporary1
gsound.huWe have significant IT experience, so we are able to provide world-class solutions for the increasingly specialized and network IT challenges of media services. Today, there is no such event where it does not rely on a significant extent on IT. If you run through our rental equipment park, you can…event significant, significant extentevent, acoustic, sound, technology, visual1
zane.huOnce we have a system plan, we design a circuit diagram. We have more than ten years of experience in designing high-speed, RF, analog circuits, power supplies and complex, high-integration electronics. We have also gained significant experience in IoT solutions in recent years.electronic significant, significant experiencecircuit, development, quotation, software, prototype1
szav.huthe difficulty of Social Interaction skill checks the character makes targeting his biggest fan, the fan being willing to perform minor or even significant favors for the character, or the character even becoming a reoccurring ally in the narrative. At the CM’s discretion, this talent may not be…minor significant, significant favortier, activation, check, character, active1
solarmatrix21.huQuality cars deserve quality chargers. The details are significant. Our experts will help you select and install the most suitable charger. We are also familiar with solar panel systems and carports with PV-panels. Using solar energy can drastically reduce the costs of vehicle charging at home…detail significant, significant expertpage, energy, quality, solution, charger1
silver-line.hu…heart-shaped Szamos marzipan dessert, and a joint photo of you to keep a sweet memory of this proper evening. All in all, Valentine's Day is a significant event for us such as Christmas or Easter, so we would like to provide an unforgettable experience to our guests. We try to do our best to have…day significant, significant eventcruise, dinner, danube, piano, river1
meta-inf.huThanks to thorough planning and dedicated work, the migration project proceeded smoothly from start to finish, and our new system launched on time and operates flawlessly. The expertise and experience of the team played a significant role in this, greatly assisting us in our collaborative efforts…team significant, significant rolejira, training, app, issue, user1
margofeszt.huMargó Festival is one of the most significant literary forums in Hungary today. It brings together authors, writers, poets, and a broad variety of audiences. Since its launch in 2011, Margó has organised 12 festivals with an ever-increasing variety of programmes and sell-out events.festival significant, significant literaryfestival, book, fair, literature, literary1
flexmont.huWithin the framework of individual machine production, a significant part of the assembly positions are prepared in manual semi-automatic or automatic mode in order to automate the assembly processes. These positions typically have their own autonomous PLC control.production significant, significant assemblymachine, build, technology, assembly, automation1
barandygergely.huThe website also offers a gateway to other virtual forums. The most significant one of these is the website of the parliament, where – using this link – you can get an accurate picture of my work conducted in the Parliament as a representative:forum significant, significant websitewebsite, piece, important, political, scientific1
techxpo.huTechxpo will be the largest and most significant technology business event in Central and Eastern Europe in 2024 which is not only of significant importance for the IT economy in the East-Western European regions and the Balkans, but also a platform for showcasing the latest technologies…large significant, significant technology, europe significant, significant importancehall, soon, ticket, exhibitors, event1
enet.huClimate change has transcended local or regional issues, posing a significant global threat to both the environment and human society. The consequences of climate change highlight how traditional economic models can harm our planet and underscore the necessity of balancingissue significant, significant globaldigitalization, process, management, consulting, technology1
boxago.huMost important distribution businesses charge for packages based on load and dimension, so it’s more significant than ever to decrease your box sizes.dimension significant, significant boxstep, packaging, size, process, demand1
czmb.hu…the early years we worked on short films, 3D animations and complete wedding videos, but soon, web development and online multimedia became a significant part of our repertoire. We participated in the creation, redesign and upgrade of a variety of websites, and some of them, along with many…multimedia significant, significant repertoiredevelopment, application, management, ornament, gallery1
agrobiomass.huThe use of renewable energy sources is important for both environmental and economic aspects. Fossil and nuclear energy production causes a significant amount of environment pollution. Mankind vastly contributes to the deterioration of Earth’s condition by consuming such a giant amount of energy…production significant, significant environmentbiomass, wood, energy, activity, green1
abrahamlaw.huAmong our clients are significant local companies and a number of international firms. We have built a stable portfolio of our clients with whom we have been working for several years, and we seek to build a similar stable relationship to the satisfaction of our new clients also. We see the…client significant, significant locallaw, office, introduction, relationship, international1
fazekasmotorsport.huFrom August 2009 we didn’t race for a while, we tried to gain „power” for 2010. We wanted to bring the car in good condition and we did significant developments. We also could accumulate considerable quantity of spare parts , which gave us trust, that we can be more successful. It’s not a secret…condition significant, significant developmentsuccess, page, place, champion, category1
ganz-holding.huThe legal predecessors of Ganz Machinery Works Holding group can be traced back to the beginning of the Hungarian industrialization in the middle of the 19th century, to the foundation of Ganz in 1844 and of MÁVAG in 1867. The legal predecessors played a significant role in the history of…predecessor significant, significant rolegroup, production, machinery, trade, gallery1
iqc.huthe analytic toolbar called CDP® (Corporate Development Process) in Hungary. Our successful co-operation is justified by the fact that IQ ConsultinG is given opportunities for presenting significant resources in consulting consortiums financed by the European Union and managed by EWC ,” Vécsey says.opportunity significant, significant resourceconsulting, market, organizational, development, management1
ebt-roll.huWe guarantee our customers the significant workmanship, the 30 years businessexperience, the quality, the charge in the event of derangementcustomer significant, significant workmanshipbelt, bear, customer, inquiry, accessories1
mcs.huMCS Vágóhíd Zrt. became one of the most significant employers in the region as our company provides jobs for appr. 700 employees.zrt significant, significant employerquality, meat, pig, strategic, production1
napora.huWe can found sundials in all antique civilisations, in Babylon, Egypt, the Greek, - Roman Empire. Throughout history in certain ethnic groups it bore a significant part regarding climate, work, subsistence. Thus we inherited a great number of works from the territories of the North-West part of…group significant, significant climatehorizontal, vertical, century, page, main1
talizmankert.hu…and power saving heat pump system. The windows are high quality and energy saving Berg models with built in, motor-driven aluminium blinds. We planed a very clear- out arhitectural design in this significant historical area but we build a really modern and comfortable homes to our customers.design significant, significant historicalapartment, surrounding, complex, location, description1
stop-ferfieroszak.huCan you pinpoint the significant changes that should happen in the way we think about these issues?violence, group, publication, man, field1
primustrust.huFiduciary asset management is one of the most important tools for tax planning, offering a range of strategies and opportunities to achieve significant tax benefits for High Net Worth Individuals and companies after thorough preparation and planning.opportunity significant, significant taxtrust, protection, asset, tax, family1
swisscham.huCompanies based in Switzerland continue to benefit from a competitive tax rate in comparison with the rest of Europe. However, regional variations remain significant.member, event, chamber, news, swiss1
lakatoskoves.huI would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the remarkable service afforded by you & your team at Lakatos which made a significant mark in my careerlakatos significant, significant markdetail, law, practice, firm, protection1
taxworld.huWe would like to make our accounting and legal services even more comprehensive with our convenience services. These services are not closely related to our legal or our accounting services but they represent significant added value:service significant, significant valuelegal, tax, accounting, office, client1
agai.huThe law office has also a significant experience in international acquisitions and regularly conducts full legal due diligence of Hungarian companies that foreign-based clients wish to purchase, in cooperation with its financial audit partner where necessary. For eight years, László Ágai has…office significant, significant experiencelaw, office, international, corporate, commercial1
shopperparkplus.huTesco is the largest tenant, with significant space occupied by CCC, Euronics, H&M, Pepco, Shell and Vöröskő, among others.tenant significant, significant spaceretail, classification, area, property, portfolio1
vasutvill.huOur company has nearly 200 employees and has significant professional experience with all the technical equipment needed for overhead line construction.employee significant, significant professionalrailway, line, overhead, construction, activity1
drszalay.huThe former solution would have entailed an additional cost of HUF 50 million, which obviously could not be fit into the already quite tight budget, while the second option would have meant not only incurring significant extra costs as well, but also much loss of time, which would have jeopardised…option significant, significant extralaw, attorney, client, legal, office1
crownholding.hu…markets, i.e. in Hungary and Romania, which have a high potential for long-term return. The Company achieves this by acquiring properties with significant development potential and by generating stable and continuous positive cash flow and earnings through their development and long-term operation.property significant, significant developmentcrown, portfolio, real, estate, rating1
ugh.huAfter two years, the Czech Superbrands magazine has been relaunched, featuring the most significant branding case studies as well as the personality of the year and the social brand of the year. The publication is distributed to a wider audience as a supplement to Lidové Noviny and Ekonomia.magazine significant, significant brandingtraining, brand, czech, event, publication1
mkvk.hu…of the auditor and the audit methods. The greatest risk underlying the audit is that an inadequate report is issued, or the report contains significant misstatements, and the opinion is nevertheless clean, or the qualified opinion issued in the auditor’s report is not sufficiently supported…report significant, significant misstatementschamber, member, auditing, sector, place1
mellearn.hu…to possess the knowledge about the criteria of sustainable growth and the requirements of inclusive and smart growth. In the last few years significant training experiences and contents have accumulated in Hungarian and European higher education institutions. The Europe 2020 strategy can be…year significant, significant traininglearn, education, lifelong, international, university1
adaptax.huNew York’s art scene is ever-changing so I don’t blame you if you get a feeling like you can’t catch up and don’t know where all the significant exhibitions are. That’s why we wanted to write a bit about must-visit exhibitions this month.like significant, significant exhibitionaccounting, tax, consulting, employment, wage1
bebesilaw.huIn the clientele of our firm the proportion of international cases and the number of foreign clients is significant.law, firm, office, legal, corporate1
premiumbudapest.huSt. Stephen’s Basilica, one of the most beautiful and significant church and tourist attraction in Hungary, is a short walk from Andrássy Avenue.beautiful significant, significant churchroom, apartment, premium, kitchen, live1
derossi.huHowever, equally important to us is our focus on nuances; we place significant emphasis on those subtle details that have the potential to yield considerable financial savings for you.nuance significant, significant emphasisvaluation, auditing, de, financial, data1
probako.huSignificant experience in media relations work for media companies, image building for media market leaders, communications for media companies’ flagship events, as well as publication and programme production and related content marketing.communication, media, award, campaign, social1
in15.huWith its mondern, roomy spaces, this stylish building is perfectly suitable for not only daily work, but for organizing conferences or other significant events.conference significant, significant eventfloor, technical, location, visit, office1
echosummeracademy.hu…international chamber music festivals as the artistic director of the Novi Sad Music Festival, and also did several concerts meanwhile. Significant composers wrote pieces for him and he won the prize of the Association of Yugoslav Composers. He gave concerts at the most famous halls – such…concert significant, significant composeracademy, summer, concert, music, main1
maxaldo.huWe have significant professional background and several years of experience in accountancy, taxation and counselling. Our colleagues have university or college degrees, there are tax advisors, auditors, registered accountants and stock brokers among them. They can communicate in English and German.accounting, preparation, bookkeeping, activity, financial1
con.hu‘For more than three decades now we have achieved significant business success while always abiding by those moral principles which we live by.’decade significant, significant businessinvestment, corporate, private, research, banking1
bhouse.huBuying external expert knowledge is increasingly more significant in modern business life. The improvement of this field can be easily explained. In the current, intensive market competition all companies need the specialists of a given field. Irrespective of their size, all companies shall…increasingly significant, significant modernsolution, industrial, structure, machine, milling1
leadvertise.huhigh-growth companies from all around the world – US, UK, Hong Kong (and yes, even a few Kiwifirms) to grow their traffic, leads and sales in significant and measurable ways.sale significant, significant measurableipsum, sale, cras, odio, blandit1
nyirilaw.huEvery year, foreign companies win public procurements of significant value in Hungary, which are usually high-value construction projects. With regard to these construction investments, it can be said that the win rate of foreign companies can exceed 50 %, which [...]procurement significant, significant valuepublic, tax, procurement, law, rate1
s6mernok.huMajority of our control system engineers had experience in power plants before coming to the S-6 and they have significant operating experience in that field of the industry. Nevertheless we don’t have difficulties in designing other kinds of systems.s-6 significant, significant operateengineering, control, plant, power, software1
primefund.huNowadays, real estate market also offers huge possibilities in the office, logistics and hotel segments. In innovative markets, IT and media are also facing a significant upswing.media significant, significant upswinglaw, fund, investment, management, expert1
sumegipalota.huSümeg and its environs were given to the episcopate of Veszprém as a royal gift at the beginning of the 11 th century, which influenced its development and prominence. During the Turkish occupation, it grew to be a very significant and important city: when Fehérvár and Veszprém fell, Sümeg castle…occupation significant, significant importantvisitor, history, development, gift, shop1
procurcon.huThe focus of our activity includes Consulting, Coaching, Assessing and Developing Organizations, Training, Recruiting, Benchmarking, and Outsourcing activities that require significant experience in the field of Procurement, Purchasing and Sourcing.activity significant, significant experienceprocurement, purchase, process, management, improvement1
terravallum.huWe have significant experience is various engineering fields. Check out our expertise section. We offer design based on European and North-American standards too (Eurocode, AISC, ACI.) We operate with an extended engineering insurance to all over Europe.engineering, geotechnical, pile, structural, page1
prohair.huTwo other types of genetic hair loss in men, as well as women, not often considered by doctors are, “Diffuse Patterned Alopecia” and “Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia,” as they pose a significant challenge both in diagnosis and in patient management. Understanding these conditions is crucial to the…alopecia significant, significant challengehair, pattern, transplantation, loss, doctor1
tuzser-port.huOver the years, we have worked together to expand our network of partners to deliver reliability and consistency. We’ve also made significant strides to tightly integrate technology with our processes, giving our clients greater visibility into every engagement.consistency significant, significant strideview, detail, grain, trading, dry1
siteco.huBuilding and refurbishing with energy in mind - in times of rising energy prices more important than ever. Significant energy savings potential is made available with efficient lighting from Siteco.important significant, significant energylighting, reference, training, course, luminaire1
spiritsdigest.hu“The flavoured non-alcoholic segment is the most dynamic in the beer market, with significant growth year after year. That’s why it’s essential for us to innovate and bring consumers surprising and enticing flavours,” stated Sharon Annette, Marketing Director of HEINEKEN Romania.market significant, significant growthbrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
prevenor.huWe combine all the services that come with security and reduce the number of your subcontractors, thus you can save valuable time and money. We take a significant burden off your shoulders so that you can focus on the core business of your companymoney significant, significant burdensafety, protection, activity, health, fire1
idancehungary.huOne of the most significant Hungarian folk dance camps in the North American has been the Montreal Winter Workshop, organized by the Bokréta Hungarian...news, dance, folk, festival, house1
magtein.huThe effect of Magtein on cognitive ability was evaluated in four major domains: executive function, working memory, attention and episodic memory. Significant improvements were observed in each of these domains and Magtein was shown to reduce the affects of the aging brain by nine years.memory significant, significant improvementmagnesium, cee, distributor, region, website1
nuvu.huThe opening was a significant domestic and international success, contributing greatly to the recognition of Hungary and Budapest. Dr. Julio C. Maglione President rightly called the Budapest WC the most successful World Championship of all time. Your devotional work played a huge role in this…open significant, significant domesticpage, trade, letter, original, torch1
universaltrade.co.huWe have significant experience in the field of light- and glass-technology. Our company designs and builds glass furnaces and all types of glass molding equipments. We produce, sell, buy and refurbish machines and production lines and we put them into operation when needed. Universal Trade also…trade, universal, eastern, expert, europe1
coolteam.huOur company started its activity in 2005 with the distribution of woven labels. After three years, we have expanded our product range with a printed product line. Thanks to the hard work during the years since then, we have managed to develop into one of the most significant distributors of…year significant, significant distributorlabel, weave, emblem, printing, digital1
microsec.huMicrosec customers can create credible, legally binding electronic documents and deliver encrypted files via secure channels. We help and support the spread and development of user-friendly electronic administration with our innovative solutions. While using Microsec solutions, partners can gain…partner significant, significant profitsolution, trust, stamping, signature, software1
bakator.huIn any supply chain, one of the most important questions is the delivery distance and the time it takes for the delivery of the given quantity. This is why our customers regularly make use of our significant warehousing capacity, which we make available to them free of charge for up to 30 days. As…use significant, significant warehousing, care significant, significant volumebuild, packaging, house, construction, quote1
shmentor.huFurther cultural and e-learning materials are prepared about Hungary's national holidays, history, significant figures in the entertainment industry, Nobel-prize winners, literature, history of film and inventorshistory significant, significant figureuniversity, network, stipendium, student, registration1
lavet.huAt the heart of our development and innovation strategy is to add values of significant improvement in relation to efficacy, safety and compliance. These added values may e.g. improve the bioavailability, mask the bitter taste of unpleasant drug substances or increase the stability of drug…value significant, significant improvementinnovation, development, animal, page, main1
icons.huThis computer simulation-supported board game models the responses of employees, customers, and suppliers of a midsize company to a significant organizational change.company significant, significant organizationalnetwork, analysis, icon, training, development1
abtl.huthe 1956 Revolution may get a pension supplement. The Archives can give them the documents that prove that they are entitled to get that supplement in a significant number of cases. Victims who turn to our institute often need personal attention as well, which they get from the Archives if possible.supplement significant, significant numberarchive, shall, public, record, document1
takepszolg.huWe guarantee quality: Our cleaning company is covered by significant professional liability insurance and has ISO 9001 quality assurance.company significant, significant professionalclean, employee, office, cleanliness, review1
feith.huMore than ten years ago, Éva Magyar received an opportunity to produce her dance theatre-piece Mrozek: The Party in London. The performance was a significant milestone in Éva’s international career. Since then, Éva has performed in the Royal Shakespeare Company, and at the Globe Theatre, the…performance significant, significant milestonedance, zoltan, theatre, performance, music1
fertilia.hu25 years, quarter of a decade is a long time indeed, significant milestone even in measures of a lifetime. It is worth stopping in such remarkable moments and review where we are and what direction we are up to. Standing firmly on our feet and developing is only possible through consistent work…time significant, significant milestonefertilizer, guide, solution, liquid, calendar1
panlng4danube.huA significant milestone for the domestic and European gas fuelled transportation Budapest, 24. June 2019. – The first liquefied gas (LNG) filling station of Hungary was opened for domestic carriers […]lng, station, fill, fuel, shipping1
mupa.hu…then recently inaugurated Müpa Budapest in 2005, conducted by Pierre Boulez and Daniel Barenboim, were unforgettable ones.) Riccardo Muti has helmed the Chicagoans since 2010. While one of the most significant chapters in the versatile conductor's career was connected to Milan and ... More detailschicagoans significant, significant chapterdetail, ticket, music, event, pm1
icf.huThe blocks used to construct the wall serve a dual purpose as not only do they provide the secure shuttering for the concrete they also act as an extremely efficient permanent dual layer of insulation. The cutting of the components is simple safe & free of any significant noise producing only a…free significant, significant noisethermal, build, energy, wall, technology1
hevizdentalclinic.huWe are proud to tell you, that our family-run Dental Praxis was one of the first to establish in Hévíz - the most significant centre of Hungarian and central European spa tourism - and equipped in compliance with the dental standards of Western Europe.hévíz significant, significant centredental, clinic, treatment, welcome, patient1
mentalisallokepesseg.huResearch shows that mental toughness scores correlate closely with performance; well-being; positive behaviour and aspirations. It has a significant impact on most key outcomes in the world of work. It applies to leaders and staff, and has universal benefits.aspiration significant, significant impactmental, individual, scale, highly, dimension1
mecsekifarkasvar.huToday's Magyarhertelend: 1958 was a significant turning point in the life of the village with nearly 700 inhabitants, when 40 degrees Celsius thermal water burst to the surface in search of uranium. Later, in 1979, another well was opened. The content of calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese…magyarhertelend significant, significant turnapartment, night, price, child, guest1
paytrim.huPaytrim was founded by passionate entrepreneurs with a vision to make significant changes to a conservative industry. We believe in transparency, excellent service, and, just like you, we believe in constant innovation to meet the challenges of the future.vision significant, significant changepayment, solution, future, card, terminal1
ora-akcio.huIn the end, the most significant good thing about board application is its capability to improve and boost collaboration and communication between directors. This permits all people to stay totally engaged, able to consider all their company’s strategy in full and close the data asymmetries which…end significant, significant goodlegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements1
bhkka.huby Flore Perroquin Bachelor of Arts of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick (UK). She performed her summer internship at the CSDS. Energy has become a crucial issue in the international security debate and carries “significant political and...debate significant, significant politicalsecurity, study, main, booklet, international1
socialresearch.huSocial partners’ bargaining on the raise of the minimum wage in 2021 was hard and delayed. Employers’ organisations did not think that a significant raise would be appropriate by this time. Both in 2019 and 2020 the statutory minimum wage raised by 8 %. At the middle of January 2021, the…organisation significant, significant raisewage, social, union, trade, labour1
businesscoachdebrecen.hu…to organize these things and shake them into pants, to keep the focus on the given tasks. Like a pilot, she'll help me get to my destination. I am still at the beginning of the process, but I have already made significant progress in the field of effective work organization and prioritization.process significant, significant progressleadership, job, consultation, search, hello1
miskolckulturajaert.huWe are not a decision-making body, it is not in our hands to make significant decisions about cultural life. At the same time, we are confident that we can make our voices heard, representing a large part of the artistic and cultural sphere.hand significant, significant decisioncultural, city, public, culture, foundation1
blascoding.huBudapest, 2023 - BlasCoding, a renowned name in software and hardware development, has today announced a significant shift in its business model and services. The company is now repositioning itself as an AI-driven and digitalization-focused powerhouse, aiming to lead the charge in the rapidly…today significant, significant shiftsoftware, solution, hardware, digital, development1
bsce.huTesting is a misjudged pillar of the successful developments and product launches, although it is a well-known fact that correcting errors in ‘sharp’ environment are more expensive and they can lead to significant direct and indirect business losses. Testing by the supplier or developer is part of…expensive significant, significant direct, temporarily significant, significant extradevelopment, management, solution, data, report1
interdata.huINTERDATA Kft. has been dealing with business accounting, payroll services and tax consulting since 1996. Our people provide our clients with services that have significant added value in the areas of accounting and finance, taxation, payroll and consulting. Our local contacts and international…service significant, significant valuereference, list, newsletter, accounting, client1
personaltrainerbudapest.hu…consumption of certain 'naughty nibbles' if we're going to change the way we look – treat yourself at the weekend, or on a special night out, but balance that by eating more sensibly during the week – small modifications can result in significant changes in the way you look and feel about yourself.modification significant, significant changenutrition, body, training, trainer, plan1
ertekespecs.hu…unserviceable. A new chapel is going to be built for the Serb-Orthodox Congregation of Pécs, which would not only offer an opportunity for the significant number of orthodox citizens to practice their religion, but it would also function as an exhibition of lots of highly valued (historically and…opportunity significant, significant numbervaluable, gallery, church, synagogue, medieval1
ipariparkszolnok.huIn the development of County Rank town of Szolnok plays significant role an up-to-date Industrial Park, which gives an excellent opportunity for the settlement of competitive industrial and commercial companies. The tasks of realisation is performed by Szolnok Industrial Park Ltd. established in…szolnok significant, significant roleindustrial, centre, logistic, location, announcement1
pozsonyi16.hu…direction, and answers. This process takes place within the framework of individual counselling and consultation sessions. If there is a severe mental problem affecting many areas of life or causing significant physical symptoms, then not a consultation, but a psychotherapy process is needed.life significant, significant physicalgallery, logo, individual, edit, group1
biopol.hu…content of the soils, helping the soil microflora, optimizing nutrient uptake, improving the electrolyte balance of plant juices, keeping nutrients in an absorbable state, significant increase in root system, improvement of quantitative and qualitative parameters are expected from our products.state significant, significant increaseorganic, soil, farming, quality, nutrient1
szeniortenisz.hu…and Levente Bakonyi were often on the list of individual winners. The financial security of the operation was ensured in the beginning by the significant support of the Senior Tennis Foundation, founded on the will of the tragically deceased member, András Szőllős, and later by the International…beginning significant, significant supporttennis, room, night, association, person1
sopronimuzeum.huFor more than 200 years the village of Brennbergbánya was one of the most significant coal mines in Hungary. The first-class coal production wanted miners to be prepared for heavy physical work. The work for the miners of Brennbergbánya was particularly difficult, because this was the deepest mine…brennbergbánya significant, significant coalexhibition, house, century, category, bakery1
portfolio.huSouth Korean battery plant keeps sacking Hungarian workers after pocketing billions for job creationprice, fund, economy, portfolio, rate0
ferrykerturbo.huIn 1995 Ferryker Bt. was appointed as the Hungarian representative and service of the KKK / Kühnle, Kopp & Kausch AG / turbo manufacturer. In the summer of 1996 Ferryker Bt. became the first official factory representative and service in East Europe.factory, repair, representative, number, official0
rollotop.huWhen choosing a pool cover, keeping the uninterrupted view of Lake Balaton behind the pool all year round was a prime consideration. The Rollotop cover with solar profiles (to control the temperature of pool water in the winter) perfectly suited my needs.pool significant, significant energypool, cover, colour, water, advantage0
helpers.huGetting long-term residency in Hungary – whether through business, investment or other means – allows you and your family to live, work, do business and travel freely in Hungary and in Europe. We have helped hundreds of clients from all over the world to acquire a resident permit, work permit, or…residency significant, significant discountimmigration, helper, solution, permit, investment0
cityplant.huCityPlant Plant Décor provides the design, execution and maintenance of plant displays for offices, restaurants, hotels. Our company offers flexible plant rental schemes to its partners!greenery significant, significant spaceplant, office, green, air, wall0
evoq10.hu…not happen without enzymes. Enzymes are mostly proteins produced by our body. Additional non-protein organic molecules i.e. coenzymes are often necessary for the enzymes. Let’s imagine a situation of a train table with trains and electricity, but there is no switch to run the train. Coenzyme is…product significant, significant differencedeficiency, ingredients, dosage, price, lot0
sensa.hu…increase is possible in the results of a mediocre versus an outstanding sales agent. Finding an exceptional sales agent is not easy, especially since many believe the misconception that one is born for sales. Though selection process is key, we believe that good people can great sales agents.development significant, significant riskdevelopment, sale, management, training, consulting0
himesudvar.huThe most precious form of sugar is in the aszú grapes. Tokajhegyalja became world famous for this unique phenomenon. The special geographic location of the wine district, the type of grapes influence the wine making process. The special climatic conditions are indispensable for the development of…historically significant, significant winerywine, grape, region, taste, quality0
elbronco.huFor many years now the El Bronco team have been welcoming horse lovers from around the world and we are delighted to be able to offer stays there for our customers. El Bronco Ranch is a professional, welcoming ranch with top quality horses and facilities. Perfectly located in the Kiskunsági…el, horse, ride, national, western0
dpc.huDPC Consulting designed and successfully delivered the first installment of GE Healthcare Java Academy, an 8-week learning and coding bootcamp aimed at junior Java developers. The program combines traditional classroom training, hands-on exercises and team projects, uses high quality bespoke…significant eventmanagement, consulting, training, software, solution0
incominghungary.huOn our package programs, we include the must-see sights as well as special gems and behind-the-scenes activities, such as UNESCO World Heritage sites in Budapest and in other parts of Hungary, a folklore show, a Knight Tournament in Visegrád, in one of the beautiful city of Danube Bend, a visit…travel, incoming, luxury, trip, family0
meatfactory.huYou can request a price list here for the price list or to see the complete product range using the form!company significant, significant hungarianprice, list, meat, request, factory0
teremtoonismeret.huDivine Self-Awareness is Your spiritual capacity, Your inherent Universal knowledge. * Divine Self-Awareness is the Creative Power inside you that you bring for getting to know Yourself. * Divine Self-Awareness is the way, the purpose and the mission. * Divine Self-Awareness is the method which is…parent, power, father, mother, relationship0
idegenvezetes.huIf you need a qualified and ambitious tour guide, we can offer you the services of our 180 members, providing guided tours and translation in 30 languages . Many of us drive their cars, some even have a van. All tour guides of MISZ are licensed and work according to legal professional regulations.guide, tour, tourist, member, gallery0
drtivadar.huBudapest Law Firm focusing on intellectual property law, commercial law, employment law, real estate law and dispute resolution.office significant, significant experiencelaw, protection, firm, data, office0
startupokejszakaja.huFocus on the startup ecosystem in Budapest – Exciting startups from Budapest and the programmes supporting them.enterprise, city, ecosystem, programme, international0
bkb-solutions.huEstablished in 2012, BKB Solutions Kft. provides SAP-related consulting services to its clients in Hungary and the DACH region, primarily in the areas of SAP logistics, project management, and project administration.solution, management, development, knowledge, performance0
turbo-hiba.hu…Meghan Markle’s Royal Style: A Detailed Guide to…… Looking For Fresh Style Inspiration? Go to…healthy, style, culture, fashion, live0
oditsolutions.huWe provide clients with distinct, innovative, sustainable services to help fuel future growth, optimize current digital competencies. The Cyber strategy.accomplishment significant, significant milestonecybersecurity, academy, leadership, publication, change0
avobmat.hu…began in 2017 with the objective of creating a tool that is capable of performing critical and interactive analysis of bibliographic metadata AND texts with data-driven and NLP (Natural Language Processing) methods supported by AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques in a number of languages.text, metadata, digital, toolkit, research0
mantracomm.hu…easy, but they always offer great opportunities. Therefore, we focus on the solutions that really work, providing full-scale services to our clients on any project. To achieve the best effects, our extensive experience is also combined with the proficiency of our creative and professional partners.significant serviceoffice, communication, solution, brand, creative0
omnipack.huOmnipack First Hungarian Packaging Technology Cluster is a strategic alliance engaging itself in environment protection and sustainable development, the development of state-of-the-art packaging technology solutions and proactive international presence.method significant, significant activitypackaging, cluster, material, technology, tool0
vamosdental.hu…things, so we can make CT images on site, which are essential for planning oral surgery and other dental treatments. We consider the constant updating of professional knowledge to be extremely important, our employees regularly participate in domestic and foreign professional trainings and…patient significant, significant weightdental, treatment, guarantee, denture, patient0
palvolgyresidence.huВ Pálvölgy Residences представлена уникальная коллекция форматов квартир. Восемь корпусов комплекса включают резиденции с собственными патио, французскими балконами, угловыми панорамными окнами, а также роскошные пентхаусы с террасами. Тщательно продуманные планировки и три стиля дизайнерской…sight significant, significant placefeature, apartment, layout, estate, infrastructure0
wind.huSome of our Most Significant Projects | WIND Számítástechnikai Kft.significant projectwind, news, mobile, device, computer0
ingroup.huIN GROUP is one of the leading companies in the field of project development, real estate investment and construction.group, management, estate, real, development0
r-bag.huR-BAG Austria GmbH started active operation in January 2015 as a Branch of R-BAG Group. R-BAG Austria is owned by its Hungarian parent company which is based in Budapest (Hungary). The aim of R-BAG Austria is to provide the best Service in our Industry to our valuable customers in all fields of…website, group, phone, austria, slovenia0
tomsalamon.huEnglish… About me… Leadership… Health… Blog-English… Toggle website search… Menu…leadership, health, insurance, search, website0
smaragd.huSMARAGD-GSH Ltd. was established in 1994. SMARAGD means emerald, GSH is an acronym that comes from the initials of the name of the three founder members. Recently there are two owners.activity, water, firm, management, environmental0
intertranssec.huThe optimal level of security is determined by the right balance of security devices and guards, as well as a set of security procedures tailored to the activity in each case.economy significant, significant changesecurity, training, event, technology, transport0
greenin.huCustomers prefer to shop with you, staff’s efficiency will increase by 15% in an office packed with plants. No need to invest millions on plant decoration, worry about irrigation and care of office plants. Simply hire , book it as cost and calculate your extra income .effective significant, significant investmentplant, green, office, customer, rental0
certisbelchim.huWith unique access to innovative technology in the crop protection sector from our Japanese shareholders, our own proprietary products and additional strategic suppliers, Certis Belchim has a leading pipeline and portfolio.new significant, significant forceprotection, crop, development, growth, expertise0
trademagazin.huCompany and Personal News Auchan will raise wages between 12.5 and 21.3 percent from Januaryhungarians significant, significant decreasenews, january, chain, article, price0
masped.hu…aim is to provide you comfort and service with the help of our seventy-year long professional experience and innovative way of thinking. Social responsibility, participation in professional organizations and sustainable ethical way of thinking in business is essentially important for our companies.significant investmentgroup, logistic, reliability, tradition, social0
fotohonap.hu…of Margaret Watkins, the Hungarian Museum of Photography holds an exhibition of Zsolt Olaf Szamódy, the Hungarian National Museum hosts the World Press Photo show and a display of the Szebeni Workshop, the Hungarian Natural History Museum shows the best Hungarian nature photography, the Robert…october, exhibition, photography, photographer, month0
mobix.huMOBIX is a powerful, smart technology platform delivering Video Relay Services (VRS) , Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) , and Integrated Multimedia Messaging services and connecting the members of the Deaf and Hard Hearing Community with the rest of society.communication, sign, progress, assist, group0
botafogo.huhe was 14. He is the choreographer of Botafogo and also of the six times Hungarian Champion Ködmön Dance Ensemble of Miskolc, and he was the chief-choreographer of all three series of the TV shows "Dance with the Stars" as well. He is invited to lecture as a professor at the Hungarian Dance Academy.dance, ensemble, formation, theatre, championship0
balatonra.huBalaton - Balaton, Accommodation, Holiday Home, Apartments, Pension, Hotel, Booking, Property, Immovable for Sale, Restaurantes.significant accommodation, significant programme, significant propertyproperty, holiday, accommodation, booking, pension0