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138 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: parallel

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puzsar.huParallel port port (lpt (lpt port) port) output, output, direct direct access, access, control control led led display, display, linux, linux, windows, windows, webhvprog parallel, parallel high, voltage parallel, axelson parallel, parallel usbpage, pic, electronic, software, basic10
profilok.huThe “parallel” sheet profile is popular due to its elegant aesthetics. It is characterized by calm lines and high loading possibility, thus it is recommended for industrial surfaces with large areas.bp parallel, parallel sheet, raise parallelprofile, sheet, thickness, steel, raw8
extor.huRack solution with a 6-20 kVA UPS including rack cabinet, power distribution, UPS communication and an uninteruptible power supply as single, parallel or A/B busbar concept.up parallel, parallel operation, single parallel, parallel busbar, distribution parallelprotect, phase, power, module, output8
prepostrecords.huLive improvisation in Lumen, Budapest as part of "Parallel" series - this was the first part of the double concert made with the Janousek-Wroblewski Quartet. Recorded on 25 February 2020. Máté POZSÁR - piano Gergő KOVÁTS - saxophone Péter AJTAI - double-bass Audio & video recorded, mixed & edited…budapest parallel, parallel series, jazz parallelduration, date, music, live, concert6
managerhungary.huIt was Dr Edward de Bono who first used the terms “ lateral and parallel thinking ”, and he was the first to apply techniques based on these processes. He argues that these techniques are more effective in increasing company competitiveness and effectiveness. He also adds that these methodologies…process parallel, parallel lateral, method parallel, parallel think, guide parallelthink, manager, de, book, management5
portex.huProgressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.enthusiastically parallel, parallel taskfreight, chain, road, compliant, supply5
mrtt.hu…of Eastern Finland). The second day of the conference was focusing on the different aspects of the Central and Eastern European transition. 12 parallel sessions (one in English) hosted approximately 100 presentations with the participation of several invited speakers. The traditional 'Young…conference parallel, parallel session, transition parallel, development parallelregional, science, association, annual, conference5
hm2020.huComparison and evaluation of commercially available whole mitochondrial genome massively parallel sequencing workflowsmassively parallel, parallel sequencingforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis4
kisimre.huThis is one of my earlier but a bit more complex project which was inspired by the very cool Logitech G15 keyboard. I had a simple keyboard an I’ve attached a display to it that showed me various useful (?) info. Hardware The fact that this device was made in 2007 pretty much sums up that I used…lcd parallel, parallel port, pretty parallelhvac, sensor, device, data, belgrade3
nanotechnology.hu…self-supported graphene layer. Our results show that a grain boundary may act as a reflector at some energies. When two grain boundaries run parallel to each other, the graphene ribbon confined between them may behave like a channel for the charge carriers. We emphasize therefore the…boundary parallel, parallel graphene, parallel nanolitography, apart parallel, parallel processpublication, butterfly, image, detail3
ckmarketing.hu“Parallel task user friendly convergence through supply are chains. Dynamically simplify reliable meta service visionary sources. unleash tactical thinking via granular intellectual capital architect dynamic information value”detail, change, rim, tire, portfolio3
homescape.huturn your entire home into a playground, and you can feel in a real escape room. The number of the players is not an obstacle, as you can work in parallel and even on several routes. Plus, thanks to the creative solutions, each team member will have a separate task, so no one will be left out of theobstacle parallel, parallel route, linear parallel, parallel taskgame, escape, room, task, real2
lowevonblumengarten.huHINDQUARTERS : Seen from the rear, position of the hind legs not too close, parallel. Hocks and feet : turned neither in nor out.straight parallel, parallel close, close parallel, parallel hockdog, breed, close, strong, straight2
acrux.hu…plat collector and the evacuated-tube collector. The heart of the solar collector is the absorber area, which is generally consisted of a few parallel metal strips. There are different surface treatment techniques, which can improve the efficiency through the absorption factor. Absorbers are…generally parallel, parallel metal, collector parallelcollector, heat, price, pump, energy2
lubevirabonn.huCompletely synergize resource sucking relationships via premier niche markets. Professionally cultivate one-to-one customer service with robust ideas. Dynamically innovate resource-leveling customer service for state of the art customer service. Objectively innovate empowered manufactured products…product parallel, parallel platformgreat, effort, template, unique, seamlessly2
protontheatre.huIn his first directorial work in Poland, Kornél Mundruczó depicts the depths of the human soul pretending to be God. The performance, which opens at TR Warsaw, analyses the different aspects of euthanasia in two parallel stories. The Bat is the first part of a trilogy about the subject of suicide.euthanasia parallel, parallel storytheatre, proton, production, performance, premiere2
neternet.huCompletely synergize resource sucking relationships via premier niche markets. Professionally cultivate one-to-one customer service with robust ideas. Dynamically innovate resource-leveling customer service for state of the art customer service. Objectively innovate empowered manufactured products…product parallel, parallel platformgallery, column, post, space, format2
stayinplay.hu…game is recommended for anyone above 6, with parental guidance if necessary. Keep in mind that the route is about 1 km long and must be completed on foot. The games intended for different age groups may also be played simultaneously, as the stories are parallel throughout the locations of the game.story parallel, parallel locationgame, story, location, route, family2
fusia.huWorldwide business-to-business parallel trade of branded fast-moving and luxury consumables goods.fusia parallel, parallel trade, business paralleltrade, international, close, europe, price2
silhouetteconsulting.huParallel to graduating from the Faculty of Foreign Trade of the Budapest Business School, I continuously worked at various events. That was when the world of these events enchanted me for life. At a young age, I had the opportunity to learn the basics of event organisation from excellent experts…budapest parallel, parallel studyevent, consulting, manager, challenge, client2
villamosmerohelyek.huGlobally integrate superior methodologies for cooperative meta-services. Authoritatively procrastinate world-class human capital whereas intermandated resources. Rapidiously network focused e-markets rather than clicks-and-mortar outsourcing. Appropriately supply visionary testing procedures after…procedure parallel, parallel marketelectrical, wiring, expert, technician, type2
dronemeres.huObjectively innovate empowered manufactured products whereas parallel platforms. Holisticly predominate extensible testing. Objectively innovate empowered manufactured products whereas parallel platforms. Holisticly predominate extensible testing. Tesztproduct parallel, parallel platformdrone, quality, photography, celebration, video2
apertura.hu…Eastern European documentaries from their common history, and we think the region can be regarded as a unique entity in its own term. Based on parallel historical processes, significant common features emerge that allow us to ask about the possible regional similarities, parallels and trends in…term parallel, parallel historical, similarity parallel, parallel trend, historical paralleldocumentary, winter, fall, spring, summer2
3delite.huBASS Threaded Mixer Library - A component for use in Win32 and Win64 software with BASS. Implements a BASS mixer channel which mixes the pluged-in source channels in separate parallel threads to be used with professional low-latency ASIO output. Requirements: any dev. environment that supports the…separate parallel, parallel threadfile, component, library, software, use2
sutolemez.huWe need the following information to make an offer regarding the baguette sheets: dimensions of the sheet, number of waves, which side to be parallel with, shape of the waves, , in case of some products it may be important to know the dimension of the distance between the waves, what size of…through parallel, parallel short, wave parallel, parallel shapebake, sheet, trolley, tray, type2
gip.co.huIn the world, a new economy is in the making. In parallel, investment opportunities are abundant and attractive, in a wide variety of sectors. Massive reform efforts are opening new investment frontiers that reward both first movers and established players.making parallel, parallel investmentinvestment, global, real, estate, management1
tritoo.huDelivery of data acquisition and monitoring functions in cluster environment. Parallel data processing to achieve the real-time data analysis.environment parallel, parallel datadata, solution, science, analysis, process1
vrnq.huthe level of full implementation and market entry. Veroniq’s forms of cooperation adapts to the need of the project, to you. Financing and long o/ short term business agreements evolve parallel to the technical development while working together synchronized, ending up in the best win-win situation.agreement parallel, parallel technicalengineering, development, technical, inquiry, introduction1
abstractman.huInside the tessellation we can discern twelve non-parallel planes, represented by one triangle pair on every individual’s surface. The triangles are meeting in one vertex, forming a “hour-glass” shape, an individual is made up by twelve hour-glasses. To every plane belongs a rhombic pattern. The…non parallel, parallel plane, distance parallel, parallel rhombicsurface, solid, shape, edge, case1
graphicpecs.huThe 1960s were a key period in the United States, a time of unprecedented upheaval, marked by political protests, social changes and artistic experimentations. The counter-culture flourished, civil rights were asserted, and music became a reflection of the aspirations of a committed generation…generation parallel, parallel profoundgraphic, exhibition, festival, edition, international1
action2020.huAccording to the experiences of those european cities that are leaders in car-sharing, one shared car can substitute five to ten owned vehicles. This solution is a perfect tool to alleviate the traffic, the congestion of cities and in parallel it has a positive impact on the environment.city parallel, parallel positiveceo, director, manage, environmental, development1
iptker.huSince 1980 with the release of its patented series of parallel grippers, the Robohand name has come to represent the best in innovation, quality and reliability.series parallel, parallel gripperprofile, solution, pneumatic, automation, machine1
regioexpo.huHere we can provide the following events on request: parallel lectures, corporate symposia, round-table discussions and courses, combined with an on-demand live chat feature with the participants.request parallel, parallel lectureconference, virtual, lecture, main, hall1
avicogroup.huThe six buildings parallel to the street were built on an area of 17,000 sqm. Simplicity and functionality were in focus when the flats were planned, while providing them with as much natural light as possible was equally important.building parallel, parallel streetdistrict, group, fully, hand, flat1
danubecapital.huThe question of how much my company is worth does not only occur in the case of generation shift, but also comes to the fore parallel to a selling or a buying proposal. Our team has expertise in valuation and transactions to provide fair value estimations and to provide ideas to increase this value.fore parallel, parallel sellcapital, danube, analysis, market, economic1
bsce.huThe TETRISk application is a very effective visualisation tool for monitoring different corporate performance indicators. The unique feature of the tool that it is using several properties in parallel, the dimensions, the colours and positions simultaneously according to the importance and the…property parallel, parallel dimensiondevelopment, management, solution, data, report1
skinacademy.hu…symposia only once after lunch. The breaks will be long enough for refreshing conversations, meals and browsing the industrial exhibition. Parallel sessions are not included in the programme; hence the participants do not have to make difficult choices as they cannot be in two places at the…exhibition parallel, parallel session, time parallel, parallel symposiumacademy, registration, skin, interactive, disease1
imzrt.huParallel with satisfying high quality interior design needs, we were also contacted by Pannon GSM Telecommunications Limited (today known as Telenor Ltd.) – whose well-known slogan was „Pannon GSM, the leader” at that time – on the basis of our bank references, for constructing their first…technical, control, scope, engineer, construction1
seashepherdorigins.hu…mate at one of Sea Shepherd ships, the White Holly. She helped to set up the Holly for missions, and worked as Media Coordinator on a campaign. In parallel to crewing onboard, Nathalie has started the development of the Expedition Boto da Amazônia, which was launched in 2021 by Sea Shepherd Brazil.campaign parallel, parallel crewingshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean1
origodigitalfilm.hu…file formats. It performs image and audio synchronization of dailies material, timeline editing, color correction, image scaling, and supports parallel workflows for higher throughput and efficiency. Stereoscopic 3D support includes stereo color matching and parallax processing. Output for…scale parallel, parallel workflowdigital, post, production, complex, daily1
unlocked.huDuring the project we plan 6 transnational partner meetings in the participating countries, with a parallel edition of 5 Workshop, and the development of 6 intellectual outputs. 8 multiplicator events are planned in connection with these intellectual outputs (2 per country).country parallel, parallel editionsummary, presentation, photo, programme, meet1
meditations.hu…had to be performed on the server side. Now it is possible to use the device itself for computation and this is even more so if using the multicore capabilities of modern mobile GPUs. With these technologies we turn them into small parallel supercomputers which runs programs up to 20 times faster.small parallel, parallel supercomputersfast, custom, problem, algorithm, computation1
akkoinvest.huAKKO Invest Plc invests its own assets, does not manage external assets, and its basic goal is to build a successful holding company, which, although operating with risk, can hopefully achieve value growth for its owners in most market economy environments, in parallel with rising share prices.environment parallel, parallel sharenews, share, portfolio, publication, shareholder1
pepperpr.huAmerican based Kennedy Information made an overall survey about HR Consulting firms based on the spending, preferences and perceptions of HR clients in the US. In parallel, another survey was made in Hungary on the same theme. The conclusion drawn in the case of the Kennedy report says that…client parallel, parallel surveypepper, software, technology, market, office1
pokorny.huRecently in parallel with I`m dealing with stone-sculpting and land-art which in some cases has a nature of site-specific intervention. My land-art works appears like a stampings as well, hidden in the nature, such as sewing which occurs on the material’s surface.recently parallel, parallel stonegallery, sculpture, art, stone, nature1
solservices.huHungarian power plants are becoming obsolete, the current installed capacity of 8,900 MW may decrease to 6,900 MW by 2023, while the country’s energy consumption will increase by 1 percent per year. Together, the two parallel processes prompt the renewal of the Hungarian power plant portfolio…year parallel, parallel processenergy, renewable, implementation, sustainability, generation1
bbqterkep.huObjectively innovate empowered manufactured products whereas parallel platforms. Holisticly predominate extensible procedures.product parallel, parallel platformuser, story, benefit, strategy, map1
isbnbooks.huThe exhibition focuses on the transit (trace) lines of the endless dirt roads connecting Szeged and its surrounding, which incessantly assimilate parallel experiences, strategies of escape and coping, narrativity. Astrid Csatlós processes her own experiences, her anxiety-inducing thoughts, by…incessantly parallel, parallel experienceexhibition, event, book, category, slide1
raconteur.huParallel to managing all relevant social media channels, we have handled numerous influencer campaigns yielding in significant growth of brand awareness for our clients.campaign, reference, career, post, art1
jackplate.huThe propeller ideally delivers power most efficiently in a horizontal position, in a state where the direction of propulsion is exactly parallel to the water surface, with each leaf operating at the same pitch angle at each rotation angle. This condition is clearly the result of the exact engine…exactly parallel, parallel waterseries, plate, engine, power, hydraulic1
bte.huThe last meeting of our working group representatives took place at PPG' site on 20th July 2016. One of the major points was to create our Facebook profile and parallel start a closed group to develop the information flow among our members. We are happy to announce that The Hungarian Association…profile parallel, parallel closeassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor1
jaroracs.huThe bearing bars are load-bearing vertical flat steel strips, which are parallel from one support to the next one.strip parallel, parallel supportgrating, bar, grid, bear, steel1
drbujalos.huNevertheless this is a difficult goal for a person in modern life’s hassle. We want to meet several role’s expectation in parallel, and meanwhile we have no force and no time to create the moments of celebration and serenity for ourselves.expectation parallel, parallel forcethought, burn, multinational, way, shield1
drivingcamp.huDuring the theoretical lessons, participants can learn about the effects of vehicle dynamics and the basics of the mechanical functions of the vehicle. During the practical training, the adaptive systems of the vehicle in use can be experienced through a series of exercises based on and running in…exercise parallel, parallel theoreticaltraining, drive, price, voucher1
napkiado.hu…of homeland, the ancient glory. The national anthem is a unique symbol, but they have similar features among each other, which may have been caused by the parallel history of these nations, and there are similarities in the history of the poems that later became the national symbols of a country.feature parallel, parallel historyanthem, national, country, nation, book1
vistanet.huObjectively innovate empowered manufactured products whereas parallel platforms. Holisticly predominate extensible testing procedures for reliable supply chains. Dramatically engage top-line web services vis-a-vis cutting-edge deliverables.product parallel, parallel platformpost, single, list, grid, offer1
ipari-csarnok.huOnly 5 weeks were available for the construction of the halls and the concreting of the area was completed in parallel.tent, hall, warehouse, lightweight, construction1
importer.huParallel to this and within a separate core business activity, ROLE had started the trading of high quality Chinese agricultural and food products to the EU. Thanks to our successful customer-focussed operation and solid supply network today our brands have become well-known and loved throughout…role, trading, chinese, food, customer1
henigaleria.hu…of the self expression. I believe that my paintings live independent life and their life positive influence is practised for their environment for an edge and with their existence. My aim that let me convey to the people with a realistic depiction one with us parallel mythical world s message.depiction parallel, parallel mythicalpainting, painter, national, soul, sale1
checkitlean.huIn parallel with Human Resource Development, through Lean Continuous Development and Production Support to the Design of the Company's Image.ecosystem, check, development, expertise, thought1
molnar2010.huAs a main feature of our company, we would mention the adherence to the given deadlines, in parallel with the impeccable execution. The development of our assets is continuous in order to implement up-to-date, innovative solutions.deadline parallel, parallel impeccablestreet, build, reference, family, house1
it-one.huObjectively innovate empowered manufactured products whereas parallel platforms. Holisticly testing procedures.product parallel, parallel platformsidebar, post, column, sex, porn1
controlaudit.huCreate a Web site using Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder wizard, if this service is available from your hosting provider.site parallel, parallel pleskcontrol, site, server, page, application1
hbs-conference.huThe scientific programme will be organised according to the traditions; a few plenary lectures followed by oral presentations running in parallel sessions. Abstracts selected by the Scientific Advisory Board are delivered as oral lectures; all other abstracts are presented as posters.presentation parallel, parallel sessionmeet, annual, conference, society, abstract1
fortuneinvest.huFortune Investment takes care about Client’s children future by supporting them with opportunities to study in Europe. We arrange learning in elementary and middle school as well as collage and university in Hungary. In parallel studies give basis for receiving of resident permit in Hungary.hungary parallel, parallel studyfortune, investment, europe, real, european1
cesep2023.huThis is the first time that CESEP is organized in Hungary. The Hungarian carbon community is honoured to host the 9th CESEP meeting. The organizers will follow the tradition of CESEP established by the French Carbon Group: no parallel oral sessions and a full afternoon for conference excursion.group parallel, parallel oraldetail, conference, storage, energy, protection1
ganz-holding.huThe historic path of the Ganz factory had been characterized by revolutionary technical inventions, patents such as the hard cast carriage wheel of Ábrahám Ganz, the hard cast rolling mill of András Mechwart, the distribution system operated by transformers connected in parallel of Károly…transformer parallel, parallel károlygroup, production, machinery, trade, gallery1
szuszekos.huThe finite lines of the squares, on the other hand, correspond to the finite stages of life on earth. Circles (heads) on parallel and intersecting lines and triangles can form human figures. Straight lines are rather masculine, while curved lines are rather feminine in charac-ter; finally, they…head parallel, parallel linechest, style, carpentry, item, geometric1
culex.huThe technology of the drawing of blood happens on an analogous manner according to the animal protection rules, with the human blood giving. We collect blood from only controlled animals and not animals delivered onto the slaughterhouse with unknown background and not waste products animals. With…animal parallel, parallel singleblood, animal, process, production, source1
hdy.huShe began her career at Atrium, the first Hungarian design periodical in 1995 parallel with her studies at the Hungarian–Aesthetics Department of the ELTE Faculty of Arts. She was the editor-in-chief of the bilingual periodical between 1998 and 2004. In addition, she translated, edited and proofed…periodical parallel, parallel studybook, editor, art, university, international1
sznbk1988.huSince the Enlightenment, readers have increasingly looked less and less for a sacred message in biblical texts and more for parallels between Jewish and Christian history, ethnography, and the history of religion, and for confirmation or refutation of the scientific worldview. Although the germs…text parallel, parallel jewishconference, st., text, biblical, th1
mrazsystem.huIn both areas of operation, I keep in mind two main directions, environmental awareness and savings, which can be achieved in parallel when using my products.saving parallel, parallel producttechnology, main, page, equipment, pipe1
innotiv.huWe undertake the perforation of leather, artificial leather and Alcantara® in circle (5 different sizes), square and star shape. We are also capable of printing „Flechtnarbe” as in oldtimer Mercedes’ in three different designs. The perforations are high quality made, they are parallel and…quality parallel, parallel longleather, order, quantity, minimal, material1
emlekezesdramaja.huKáva started it’s program sequence in spring 2013, called The dramas or remembrance, whereby four theatrical performances were created in parallel. The dramas of remembrance works up an episode of the Hungarian history through more points of views with 9th to 13th grade high school students. The…performance parallel, parallel dramaschool, remembrance, drama, art, social1
miklosdaniel.huAn API wrapper for a hungarian webshop platform called Unas. Using this library you can fetch data parallel from the server, something you cannot do on the webui.data parallel, parallel servermiklos, dev, job, great, common1
cerlux.hu…and the experts who held it are important. These 4 main facts make the company stable. Thanks to the +50% ground expansion, the factory lays on 2700 m2. Production goes in 22 furnaces, in 8 shop-floors with 150 people. Numbers are increasing every year parallel with the development of the company.year parallel, parallel developmentquality, technical, need, material, customer1
mikeklaudia.huFor a while I have worked parallel as a Project Expert for a multinational company and in private as a coach. Then the time came and I made one of my hardest decisions ever and I quit my main job.career, process, job, change, today1
mkvk.huIn the era of socialism, accounting was predominantly used to serve the interests and information needs of the ruling organs. Accounting experts were mere instruments for executing account frameworks of the people’s economy and the sectors and Decree 33 of 1968. The relevance of auditing also…auditing parallel, parallel forensicchamber, member, auditing, sector, place1
ernart.huIn parallel with the above, I earned mediator and coach qualifications as well, and obtained my P sychology BA degree at Károli Gáspár University (Budapest, Hungary). Currently I attend the Psychology MA course of the University of Debrecen (Hungary).art, therapy, session, creation, group1
superweek.huIn this presentation, we’ll explore the parallels between the worlds of poker and data-driven marketing. Both realms require a strategic approach to decision-making in environments filled with uncertainty and imperfect information. Focus on embracing imperfection and leveraging available data to…presentation parallel, parallel worlddata, analytic, digital, day, analyst1
raszta.huAs I sit by the window looking out onto the bustling city, my mind drifts into the world of law and legality. The laws of Mendel come to mind, and I can’t help but draw parallels between the principles of genetic inheritance and the intricate legal frameworks that govern our society. Suddenly, I…mind parallel, parallel principlelegal, january, law, agreement, board1
pannoncsoport.huTELIMPEX Hungária Zrt was established almost at the same time as PANNON Csoport Kft. Our company's dynamic growth has many parallels with PANNON Group’s development, expanding turnover, and position in the Hungarian building materials market. We believe that such merits could only be achieved…growth parallel, parallel pannonopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market1
margofeszt.hu…days. Alongside contemporary Hungarian authors, the autumn festival focuses on contemporary writers from all over the world. Festival events run parallel with a book fair, and literary events are supplemented by concerts and theatre shows. The autumn festival also hosts the award ceremony of Margó…event parallel, parallel bookfestival, book, fair, literature, literary1
fundingproject.huBased on the information received from you, we will prepare the financial model of the project in parallel with the planning of the structure. We refine the structure and the model - or even the basic idea itself - until it not only reflects feasibility for us, but can be financed by any bank.project parallel, parallel planfunding, financial, financing, consulting, structure1
siz.huMy idea was that as the SD2IEC firmware already supports different hardware variants and bus implementations (Commodore serial, DophinDOS parallel, IEEE-488) we could easily add support for TCBM too and use all the other (like SD-card handling, filesystem, disk image and file handling, firmware…dophindos parallel, parallel ieee-488date, release, description, development, environment1
madeinhelsinki.huÁgh has been working as a production designer for almost 20 years, even though he only ended up at the University of Fine Arts by accident. After a friend’s suggestion, he wanted to study costume design—a course taught parallel with set design. This is where he took interest in the field. He…course parallel, parallel setspace, reference, production, set, place1
steampeek.hu1.0 OUT NOW! Take control of your parallel selves and explore dark, Sci-Fi worlds. Slash, bash and shoot your way through this unique rogue-lite metroidvania where the only way to save the multiverse is to end it.control parallel, parallel selfgame, similar, strategy, simulation, action1
das2023.huAll presentations will be organized in a single session. No parallel sessions will be used at the conference.session parallel, parallel sessionsociety, mechanic, symposium, experimental, conference1
sermones.huParallel to this the research of medieval exempla came into the focus of interest and the French-based research group GAHOM started to build the database Thesaurus Exemplorum Medii Aevi (ThEMA), supported between 2006 and 2011 by the Agence National de Recherche. Despite the special working method…edition, de, research, digital, oeuvre1
emika.huOur company is one of the biggest indoor luminaire manufacturer in Hungary. Parallel to the luminaire production, we have been producing car-body elements for 25 years.hungary parallel, parallel luminairenews, language, career, download, entry1
dezsenyi.huAbove a law degree she also has a parallel acquired degree in German Philology in addition to her legal education. Of course, she also has a bar certification. Her opinions are shaped with meticulous attention to every detail, but once she is convinced of the justice of a case, she takes it on…degree parallel, parallel degreelaw, legal, client, labour, attorney1
zsolnayfenyfesztival.huIn Cella Septichora, featuring underground tombs inclued in the UNESCO’s Word Heritage list, Multiverse 5.1 , a work created by fuse*, an Italian light artist team, extending beyond physical walls of sacral space, giving the impression that you can enter a parallel universe is going to be on displayimpression parallel, parallel universelight, festival, art, map, visitor1
trappdominika.huAlthough she tends to draw inspiration from deeply personal experiences, the parallel presence of historical-artistic research, multiple critical perspectives, as well as the reflective examination of international intellectual trends in the local context are equally key elements of her working…experience parallel, parallel presenceart, exhibition, painting, artist, peasant1
rafacz.huUse the preload selector and the pedal ratio adjuster with the combination of a spring setup to find the initial feel of your pedal. The larger the number of disc springs in series makes the pedal softer but a little bit linear. Using the springs in parallel makes the pedal harder. If the springs…spring parallel, parallel pedalpedal, simulator, spring, setup, real1
jetter.huAll Jetter Automation Hungary email accounts will continue to operate in parallel for a while so you can be sure that no communication is lost. In short, this change means for you and us: our work will hardly change - we will continue to do everything to convince you with our services and…account parallel, parallel sureautomation, development, customer, solution, report1
360fokbringa.huWe landed in Yangon; we enjoyed this city very much, and we stayed next to the Sule paya, a huge golden pagoda in the center of a big roundabout. The downtown was very interesting, the rickshaws here are different: they are normal bicycles with a 2 seat sidecar. Both passengers sit parallel with…passenger parallel, parallel riderday, people, road, asia, way1
shefitness.huParallel to this we also moved our 13th district private fitness studio to a more beautiful and cozy location. In march 2019. our beautiful daughter, Noémi was born. I am full of plans and I can hardly wait to implement them. While we were setting up our new fitness gym studios we recruited new…trainer, personal, woman, studio, district1
itgen.huThe introduction of a new ERP system is usually part of a long-term IT strategy. The new system is the first major milestone of this process in parallel selecting the vendor to deliver the right solution.process parallel, parallel vendorsupport, security, implementation, solution, technology1
lakatoskoves.huHungary has a complex FDI screening system, consisting of two parallel and independently functioning regimes, as summarized in the chart below. Transactions caught under either regime require the acknowledgement of the relevant authority as a precondition of implementation.system parallel, parallel independentlydetail, law, practice, firm, protection1
debrecen4u.huIn 2026, the Munich factory will initially start serial production of the Neue Klasse in parallel with the current models. More than a year later, from the end of 2027, the facility will become the first plant in the BMW Group's international production network. Series production of the Neue…klasse parallel, parallel currentexhibition, school, education, registration, accommodation1
epds.huEPDS+ is an online document and work-flow management system for large enterprises which helps to adjust the industrial operation to internal and external regulatory systems and so mitigate the risk and parallel increase the safety of operation.risk parallel, parallel safetyequipment, environment, activity, operation, management1
mildent.hu…the oral surgeon dentist may suggest a bone replacement. The bone graft surgery is also performed under local anaesthesia. Often the bone grafting can be performed in parallel with the insertion of the dental implants that is at the same time, but sometimes a few months of recovery time needed.grafting parallel, parallel insertiontooth, dental, crown, treatment, dentist1
hostpapi.hu…then shared web hosting is more than enough for you. If you have an online store, a VPS server is recommended for the many processes running in parallel, e.g. due to import processing. If you have a high-traffic website, e.g. newspaper over 50-100 e per day, then a dedicated server resource is…process parallel, parallel importhosting, website, server, storage, rental1
itworks.hu…and its dependencies like the Nvidia CUDA toolkit. See code examples for running GPU-accelerated speech recognition on your own audio files. The parallel processing power of your graphics card can slash transcription time while maintaining accuracy. Harness the power of deep learning and GPUs for…file parallel, parallel processpost, opportunity, chinese, february, cheap1
avobmat.huExploring the great unread: unveiling and analysing repeated patterns, hidden connections, trends, themes and parallels in large quantity of texts.theme parallel, parallel largetext, metadata, digital, toolkit, research1
redginseng.huThe roots of ginseng are fully developed by the end of the sixth year, and in parallel, the growth process is coming to the end. KGC (Korea Ginseng Corp) has more than 100 years of experience and always paid attention to using only fully developed roots in the production of its products to ensure…year parallel, parallel growthkorean, korea, main, page, root1
humanregenerator.huThis powerful microcirculatory enhancement provides a logical and serious basis for performance enhancement. During the treatment, lots of capillaries and vascular opened, of which can not be opened with motion or other forces such an extent. Lymphatic flow is also significantly increased, which…significantly parallel, parallel improvementhuman, effect, cell, treatment, device1
fuleiviola.huI am Viola Fülei, a potter living in Vác. I grew up in Kecskemét and began to work with clay at the age of 8 in the Youth Centre of Kecskemét in a summer camp led by Dorottya Gömöri. I felt it was the activity in my life that keeps me restless and enchanted ceaselessly. Thus, parallel to my…ceaselessly parallel, parallel studymain, page, pottery, introduction, gallery1
ab-dental.huIn 1998 he was admitted to the Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery of the Medical University of Pécs, where as a clinical doctor I was actively involved in the care of outpatient and dental surgery patients and in the education of dental students, and in parallel in the prosthetics department…student parallel, parallel prostheticdental, surgery, oral, dentistry, patient1
fise.huBotanical art is an invitation to a parallel world, where the delicate dance of flora and human souls becomes tangible on the surface of the paper. A passage where Marianna Nagy Lantos weaves a tapestry of beauty and memories. Her artistic journey, like a whimsical expedition through nature's…invitation parallel, parallel worldexhibition, artist, art, glass, textile1
excel1.hu…to have it refreshed from week to week. It is a very scarce combination that someone can deliver very complex development requirements and in parallel he can make the client understand the logic behind the functions and formulae.” – Ildikó Jankovich, Managing Director, Magyar Duty-Free Kft…requirements parallel, parallel clientautomation, development, application, process, programming1
casinolove.huThese bonuses credit an amount larger than the deposit made. Typically, you'll see 50%, 100%, or even 200% extra credit. It's important to know that most casinos maintain two parallel accounts: one for our deposited money (also called real money account) and one for bonus money (which also holds…casino parallel, parallel accountbonus, deposit, spin, free, code1
powmr.huReduce your costs with using off-grid inverters and batteries or build independent off-grid system.thank parallel, parallel modebattery, shop, privacy, cart, controller0
kinematic.hufinger jointer machines | laminating pressing machine | intarzia parquette saw and pressing machine | cnc miller machinematerial parallel, parallel parquettemachine, cut, application, process, finger0
vendeghazcentrum.hu…molestie sodales.… View Deal… Los Angelase, United States… Florida, United States… Texas, United…package, deal, tour, united, view0
pergel.huDevelopment of Media Servers, Financial Systems, NTFS DataRecover, Task-specific security hardware, Automatic License Plate Recognition , ALPR, langs: c, c++, Delphi, PHP langs.detection parallel, parallel objectdevelopment, plate, license, recognition, software0
protec-plastics.huProtec offers multi-application protective caps , plugs , cable-glands and connectors for all industries such as hydraulic and pneumatic, pipe and flange, wire & cable, vehicles, fabrication, construction, automotive. Protec products and capabilities include protection for powertrains, fuel…ep parallel, parallel protection, head parallel, parallel shankcap, silicone, thread, cable, protection0
botanic-art.hu…creative flower arrangements. He has proven his talent at numerous flower arranging competitions and demonstrations and is always up to date on current trends. He is one of the few florists who excels not only in his work but also in the transfer of his outstanding knowledge of flower arranging.”basket, flower, bouquet, composition, course0
fiberoptickft.huThe site is being constantly updated, so be sure to check later as well for more products and services!parallel opticoptical, commodity, optic, module, accessories0
pannonianyomda.hu…The Heidelberg Tango drum scanner combines a true optical resolution of over 10,000 dpi with a dynamic range of 4.2 to ensure that all the information contained on your film is captured in the scan, max. scannable area is 470x440. The Heidelberg Nextscan's scanning format is 315 x 457 mm. We…parallel capacityprinting, size, color, machine, cover0
kiscellimuzeum.huThe ensemble of the former baroque monastery and church housing the Kiscell Museum is on the hillside above Margaret Hospital in Óbuda. The Trinitarian order having been suppressed in 1784, the ensemble was also used as military barracks and military hospital before it was purchased by the…parallel nonsynchronismmuseum, exhibition, fashion, place, permanent0
gergelyszalay.huAs a junior developer I've had the chance to work with many technologies and used them to solve a variety of problems successfully. My main interest is IOT, embedded systems and electronics, where I hope to expand my knowledge in the future. I aim to continue expanding my knowledge and one day to…logic parallel, parallel chargedeveloper, window, close, development, school0
hetijegy.huFeliratkozás… Előadók… adatkezelési tájékoztató… előadók…parallel patternnight, dog, mirror, machine, way0
menet-szerszam.hu…SPIRAL POINT (THRUGH HOLE)… TAP WRENCH… SPIRAL FLUTE MACHINE… STRAIGHT FLUTE PLUG… STRAIGHT FLUTE…parallel taper, parallel shank, ground parallel, parallel holedetail, drill, straight, leave, machine0
chipcad.huHungarian… Linear Technology… Digilent… ADC… ATTINY… DAC… DigiPOT… Drivers… PowerMonitor… dsPIC… PIC24…parallel flashpower, driver, controller, pic, step0
csempemania.hu…Trophy… Trueland… Wetwood… Willow… Woodland… Wood Basic… Wood Block… Wood Craft… Wood Cut… Wood…wood, paradyz, afternoon, dream, fancy0
parallelcollective.huParalell Hungary Collective is a collaborative initiative of the international doctorate students studying at the Doctoral School of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. The collective gathers the students who arrive from countries outside of the European region, from Latin America to the Far…parallel collectivecollective, student, art, doctoral, outside0
donaulab.huVisit SYSTAG’s virtual showroom and get to know the automation solutions for your lab! Reach safety standards for chemical processes in an efficient…parallel evaporatorreactor, tester, process, lab, pressure0
besorolasalatt.huMembers… Documentations… BA presents… Related events… Releases… Contact… Links…event, member, documentation, related, release0
narrative.huHere you will be able to find (currently without any further explanation) the three tools I have developed over the years in order to teach the process of inductive text interpretation. Use these freely! IBS model IBS card IBS...gospel paralleltool, model, interpretation, assessment, mode0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)programming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
eagleburgmann.hu120 year and part of the German Freudenberg Group. EagleBurgmann Hungaria Kft's headquarters opened in Budapest on 1 January 2003. Thanks to the highly qualified professionals and precision German production, EagleBurgmann’s name is synonymous with reliable and top quality seal technology worldwide.plan parallel, parallel prismsolution, technology, industry, mechanical, customer0
joshua.huBash and SSH fun: SSH is eating my stdin! Or: why does my Bash script not continue after returning from a function?server parallel, parallel networkminute, read, fun, bash, tip0
infomark.huAs an alternative, you can create Web pages by writing the HTML code yourself in a text editor program such as Notepad. Pointers to learning HTML include Writing HTML: A tutorial for creating Web pages , Web Monkey , CNET Web Builder , HTML Goodies , Yale Web Style Guide , and W3C HTML Homepage .copyright parallel, page parallel, parallel prosite, administrator, interface, page, guide0
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.huMindannyian tudjuk, mivel jár egy átépítés, bontás, felújítás: rengeteg törmelék, sitt keletkezik. Míg a sitt, törmelék nincs elszállítva, nem lehet tovább haladni a munkálatokkal, illetve a takarítással.legend parallel, parallel worldgame, video, like, lot, certainly0
best-budapest.huBEST Budapest… About us… Organisation… Management… Support us!… BEST Courses… BEST Academy… BEST…sefi parallel, parallel studentcourse, academy, summer, education, symposium0
fotohonap.hu…of Margaret Watkins, the Hungarian Museum of Photography holds an exhibition of Zsolt Olaf Szamódy, the Hungarian National Museum hosts the World Press Photo show and a display of the Szebeni Workshop, the Hungarian Natural History Museum shows the best Hungarian nature photography, the Robert…october, exhibition, photography, photographer, month0
kozter18.hu” More Colourful, More Loveable”- winner of Mapei community art competition at Szombathely, 2012community, ceramic, school, art, wall0