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282 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: chief

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budapestenergysummit.huIn 1998 he was appointed as Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Economic Affairs and started to work on the liberalisation of the electricity and gas sectors in Hungary. In January 2000 he became the President of the Hungarian Energy Office, the national energy regulator. Between 2000 and 2004 he…varró chief, chief economist, group chief, previously chief, chief advisorenergy, gas, profile, view, thank15
papapedia.huThe UNIIMOG mission in both Iran and Iraq was spearheaded by an Assistant Chief Military Observer (ACMO). The ACMO on the Iranian side was an Irish Brigadier General, while on the Iraqi side, the mission was steered by the experienced, capable, and qualified mission officer from the Indian…unmot chief, chief staff, employee chief, chief logistic, srsg chiefmission, military, force, observer, peace10
proacteam.huThereafter, I navigated to the SME sector, where as a chief accountant I managed an accounting firm and was responsible for the total accounting, taxation and representation in front of authorities of more than 75 small and medium size companies.interim chief, chief accountant, sector chief, current chieftax, accounting, accountant, relocation, price8
toepler.huDr. Toepler Károly Ágost / Dr. Toepler, Joannes, Carolus Augustus / obstetrician, one of the ordinary chief physicians of the city of Sopron, Budapest Hungarian Royal Student of the Society of Natural Sciences, Vienna Corresponding member of K. Medical Associationordinary chief, chief physician, sándorffy chief, töpler chief, chief medicalsleep, norm, medical, institute, research6
anyanyelv-pedagogia.huThe quality of the journal is also guaranteed by the editorial board consisting of nineteen members who work at six different higher education institutions and two other teaching and research institutions: editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, columnists, senior editor, editor, electronic…editor chief, chief deputy, chief columnist, chief article, chief thematicjournal, editor, language, pedagogy, article6
vajdaszilard.huI was the Chief Operating Officer of the fast-growing company Nitro Solutions ZRT. where we delivered rock-solid IT solutions for enterprise companies.manager, solution, management, people, onepage6
mta.huAnnouncement on the Nominees for the Chief Officer Posts of the Hungarian Academy of Scienceschief officer, nominee chiefscience, academy, research, member, forum6
zanat.huEnglish Zanat is a district of Szombathely, chief town of Vas county, West-Hungary. It lies 20 km from the Austrian border. It has approximately 1200 inhabitants and 380 family houses. People have...szombathely chief, chief townfamily, austrian, approximately, district, house5
themagicbox.huThe smear campaign against Hagyó had significant role in the two-thirds victory. The new Fidesz-led government appointed Tünde Handó as the president of the National Office for the Judiciary, Péter Polt as the Chief Prosecutor of Hungary, Mária Szívós as signatory judge, furthermore they…police chief, chief company, magic chief, chief executive, polt chiefcase, court, election, media, investigation5
russianstudies.hu…to the books, Ádám Farkas presented the scientific journal of historical Russian studies, RussianStudiesHu, of which Professor Szvák is Editor-in-Chief. After the presentation of the publications, there was an opportunity to communicate in a more informal atmosphere, during which the relationship…america chief, chief manager, editor chief, chief colleagues, chief presentationrussian, study, history, russia, historical5
premiumhajbeultetes.huOur hair transplantation clinic is using the latest SafeSystem-FUE method to remedy the problem of inherited hair loss and baldness. Dr. Greg Pataki plastic surgeon, chief physician and our team are the first to use the regenerative ability of autologous fat grafting in the field of hair…surgeon chief, chief physicianhair, transplant, premium, clinic, fat5
por.huOne original and two complete copies as well as the electronic version of manuscript should be submitted to the Editors-in-Chief:editor chiefuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine5
inflexion.huThe Inflexion team helped us through the transition from one Chief of Sales to another. They helped keep the engine running and in the meantime supported us in:(1) introducing an opportunity dashboard to help sales plan and prioritize their tasks and(2) in supporting sales and management through…busy chief, chief sale, transition chiefsale, strategy, quote, expertise, lead4
whiterabbit.huIn the last few years, Hungary has seen a rise on xenophobic and racist movements. It has reached such high scales in the Hungarian government that the UN Human Rights Chief called the country’s Prime Minister racist, what sparked mixed reactions from Hungarian people. As a brand that stands…kovács chief, chief creative, bracsok chief, momoka chief, chief sniffcampaign, result, brand, brief, solution4
ajbh.huCommissioner for Fundamental Rights Holds Online Consultation with Chief Ombudsman for New Zealandkozma chief, chief ombudsman, consultation chiefanimation, commissioner, fundamental, office, county4
hdy.huShe began her career at Atrium, the first Hungarian design periodical in 1995 parallel with her studies at the Hungarian–Aesthetics Department of the ELTE Faculty of Arts. She was the editor-in-chief of the bilingual periodical between 1998 and 2004. In addition, she translated, edited and proofed…editor chief, chief project, chief bilingual, manager chief, chief curatorbook, editor, art, university, international4
betekinto.huFormer editors-in-chief: Tibor Takács (2007–2008), Rolf Müller (2009–2010), Zsolt Krahulcsán (2011–2017), István Papp (2018–2021), Nándor Pócs (2021–2022)editor chief, chief tibor, chief andráseditor, security, issue, archive, scientific3
divali.huOur chief speaker will be Bālamodaka Dāsa, chief gardener of Krishna Valley, who has been living in the Valley for 15 years. On the occasion of Diwali, he will expound to the audience the possible responses to the global environmental and energy crisis and will suggest a complete change of…speech chief, chief guest, dāsa chief, chief gardenerlight, festival, krishna, valley, programme3
iaabudapest.huMihnea Gheorghiu is the Chief Creative Officer at Publicis Italy & Le Pub Amsterdam. He got into advertising when he was an ambitious 19-years-old living in Bucharest, Romania. In the following years, he worked in global creativity hubs all throughout the world, such as Hamburg, Paris, London…president chief, chief creative, gheorghiu chief, schoolcraft chief, chief globalglobal, brand, industry, advertising3
magyarklasszikuszenenapja.hu“Everyone associates the name Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra with artistic quality of the highest possible standard. Kocsis began working with the orchestra in 1997, as its chief music director. This level of quality is the result of his talent and unsparing perfectionism. His memory…prize chief, chief music, orchestra chiefnational, philharmonic, music, orchestra, classical2
epichemp.huAs if made held in an shot. By it enough to valley desire do. Mrs chief great maids these which are ham match she. Abode to tried do thing maids. Doubtful disposed returned rejoiced to dashwood is so up.mrs chief, chief greathemp, sale, great, tumblr, shop2
logigamma.huOur chief aim is to create such a multigenerational family company, which can provide the satisfaction of the customer’s needs, such an unbroken development which takes into account the market demands, the appreciation and the creditable financial background for its employees, for a long term.chief partnertransport, international, switzerland, union, european2
gutmanjobs.huThink of me as your Chief Recruitment Officer. I'd like the opportunity to be on your team.job, consulting, management, recruitment2
debrecenbike.huDubbed “veres” because of the color of the red bricks covering its façade, the church sits in the centre of a small square named after Reformed Bishop Péter Méliusz Juhász. The fourth Reformed church of Debrecen was funded by a generous donation of Chief Judge István Szombathy and his wife. It was…window chief, chief seven, donation chief, chief judgebike, street, church, build, city2
kuria-birosag.huVideoconference on the future of the cooperation of Central and Eastern European Chief Justiceseuropean chief, chief justicecuria, court, president, visit, european2
biokarma.huCEO and chief product engineer of Mag Technology & Support; angel investor, CEO and product architect of AkkuFresh, AkkuFresh Next Generation, AkkuFresh ECO.; founder and R&D Advisor of Organtra and ionXtra Cosmetics.; founder of ionXtra Textile; and Vision ionXtra Intelligent Water, and president…ceo chief, chief product, coo chief, chief executivetechnology, limited, founder, energy, support2
linkgroup.hu…team having several LINK-Group members! (On the picture the there is the founding team, from left to right: Kristóf Szalay who invented Turbine, Iván Fekete who established the dynamic signaling network used by Turbine, Dániel Veres Chief Medical Officer, Peter Csermely and Szabolcs Nagy, CEO.)veres chief, chief medical, fekete chief, chief scientistgroup, network, member, signal, paper2
noiegyutthato.huRecently I completed a research project on “the social responsibility in the public sector”. I am currently working as a settlement planner and as a commissioned chief architect in several Hungarian towns. I regularly use community planning when creating new types of settlement plans. For 7 years…planner chief, chief architect, administration chief, county chieflocal, selection, training, community, application2
mediaaccess.huObama Chief Climate Adviser on 1920s global warming: It is a crisis we are trying to addressobama chief, chief climatedocumentary, islam, history, america, article2
xpl.huChief horizon scanners recognize Explico as an essential strategic partner. Our core strength lies in the detailed tracking of legislative and policy issues, complemented by a deep analysis of the trends in public discourse. Explico's approach is data-driven, offering chief horizon scanners the…data chief, chief horizonclient, political, public, risk, government2
papprekakinga.huPapp serves as editor-in-chief of the online magazine Eurozine , based in Vienna. She is the anchor of Gagarin, the Eurozine podcast , as well as her personal project the comedy podcast Professzor Paprika .editor chief, chief onlinetalk, special, treatment, casual, ancient2
kaszasgabor.huThe chief instructor to the same question: “To the question, whether I remember any extraordinary circumstance with regards to the training of the defendant, I state that the defendant complained that the number of sit-ins and the workload is inadequate, we talked about this.”testimony chief, chief instructortraining, contract, traffic, air, controller2
museumcomplex.huStarted off as a state owned company in 2010, Museum Complex was acquired in 2014 by Tibor POLGÁR, chief executive since the foundation. The private company form enabled us to execute large-scale investments and developments, which resulted in a constant growth of business and capacity.polgár chief, chief executivemuseum, complex, art, market, member2
irisintezet.huDr. Zoltán Kelemen, Chief Internist and Head of the Institution, is responsible for the development and continuous implementation of our professional concept of putting strong emphasis on the therapeutic treatment of geriatric conditions and the significant improvement and maintenance of patients’…kelemen chief, chief internistpatient, institute, care, treatment, health2
continexesports.huQuestions explained agreeable preferred strangers too him her son. Set put shyness offices his females him distant. Improve has message besides shy himself cheered however how son. Quick judge other leave ask first chief her. Indeed or remark always silent seemed narrow be. Instantly can suffering…quick chief, chief silent, leave chief, chief remarkclean, interior, plan, delicate, fat2
gyuloletellen.huIn 2013, we prepared a detailed legal commentary on the most important hate crime provision in the Hungarian Criminal Code: violence against a member of a community. We translated the investigation guidelines of the International Association of Chief of Police (IACP) to Hungarian. We assessed the…association chief, chief police, police chief, chief budapestcrime, group, offence, victim, criminal2
millenniumcustodia.huOur company currently provides professional and legal compliance with két chief liquidators, one chief auditor, one chief legal professional and one chief economist. The conscientious and professional work of our other four colleagues, who also perform the day-to-day administrative and other tasks…két chief, chief liquidator, liquidator chief, chief auditor, auditor chiefproceedings, task, introduction, liquidator, office2
seashepherdorigins.huSince December 2013, Rob has been the Chief Operating Officer of Sea Shepherd UK managing the day to day running and development of the charity, building thd UK fleet of small boats, and has launched or coordinated the following Sea Shepherd campaigns:uk chief, chief operate, rob chiefshepherd, campaign, captain, origin, ocean2
bethlenter.huRobert Deutsch “זצ״ל” was the Chief Rabbi of the Bethlen square synagogue, director of the Hungarian Rabbinate for 25 years, president of the Hungarian Rabbis and director of the Av Bet Din (Rabbinical Court).deutsch chief, chief rabbi, cross chiefjewish, synagogue, community, religious, congregation2
buborekmuhely.huBubble obsessed, marketing chief, translator, member of the international cooperations teammarketing chief, chief translator, member chief, chief scientificmember, air, cooperation, soap, factory2
budaiorigami.hu…how nice it would be if we could repeat this once at the Hungarian Museum of Natural History . A few years later, while camping in Retezat Mountains I accidentally met with István Főzy (chief museologist at the institute), whom I kept contact with and later on, also mentioned our paper skeleton...főzy chief, chief museologistbook, model, paper, basic, free1
bbart.huThe foundation has a board of 5 members: 2 artists (Zsigmond Karolyi and Ildiko Varnagy) of Munkacsy prize and 3 art historians (Maria Molnar, chief editor of the Central European art review Praesens, Orsolya Merhan , editor of the review Műemlékvédelem – Historic monuments’ protection – and the…molnar chief, chief editorart, foundation, century, university, early1
brg-group.huWe know exactly how hard it is for chief executives to find the right accountant, given this is a confidential task. Keyword is trust and this can only be gained after a successful mutual work. This is what we apply for as we will have an insight to your financial workflow.hard chief, chief executiveaccounting, liquidation, group, finance, outsource1
doctor360.huPetar Dobric, Country Chief Marketing and Customer Officer, Generali Deutschland Holding AGcountry chief, chief marketingsolution, technology, portfolio, client, nearshore1
anh.huI have been working as chief accountant for 20 years, previously I was engaged in system organization, and for 12 years, I have been active also as auditor.profile, network, counselling, tax, foreign1
machupicc.huBEHIND THE WALL MACHU PICCHU'S UNDISCOVERED TEA PLANTATIONYou may be asking yourself, why is the Chief of the Machu Picchu Archaeological Park posing in front of a broken wall in the middle of a field? Well, what may seem like a funny shot is actually a picture a...plantationyou chief, chief machueye, story, gallery, site, image1
horizont-trening.huThe chief aim of our programs is the development of indispensable leadership and business skills for new requirements.development, adventure, training, organizational, organization1
trutax.huWe have extensive experience in providing support to the chief accountants and financial managers of Hungarian companies and groups of companies.support chief, chief accountantadvisory, tax, documentation, pricing, transfer1
biotechszovetseg.huPéter Ferdinandy, MD, PhD, MBA, Founder & CEO of Pharmahungary Group noticed as ‘Highly Cited Researcher’ for the 5th time and elected as Editor-in-Chief of British Journal of Pharmacology.editor chief, chief britishbiotechnology, association, researcher, introduction, board1
horanyitarsasag.huThe current president of the Society is Dr. András Folyovich , Chief Physician of the Department of Neurology – Stroke Center. Members of the Board are Dr. Eszter Abonyi, Dr. Anna Katalin Béres-Molnár, Dr. Eszter Dudás and Dr. Eszter Herczeg. The president emeritus is Professor Dr. Attila Lipcsey…folyovich chief, chief physician, stipula chiefsociety, neurology, clinical, neuroscience, professor1
tpa-group.huYour Strong Support. CFO Advisory. As a Chief Financial Officer you have to make important decisions. With our assistance...advisory chief, chief financialaccounting, advisory, order, tax, group1
botafogo.husince he was 14. He is the choreographer of Botafogo and also of the six times Hungarian Champion Ködmön Dance Ensemble of Miskolc, and he was the chief-choreographer of all three series of the TV shows "Dance with the Stars" as well. He is invited to lecture as a professor at the Hungarian Dance…miskolc chief, chief choreographerdance, ensemble, formation, theatre, championship1
tradeland.hu…up by a native command of 4 languages, and his economic achievements are guaranteed by nearly 20 years of professional experience in the Far East. He has held a number of positions within the Group, with his first lasting success in China for 15 years as Chief Representative of Tradeland Shanghai.year chief, chief representativewater, owner, group, director, manage1
auditeco.hu. Auditor certificate number: 002917 She started her carrier in accountancy in 1978 with practice in administration. Since 1989 she has worked as a chief accountant and she has provided taxation consultancy too. Since 1994 she has been a registered auditor. In 1995 she established the Audit Eco…administration chief, chief accountantbookkeeping, auditing, consulting, consultancy, taxation1
kenosident.huI was a chief oral surgeon for two years in one of Budapest’s district (XIII). Later I also worked at Hungarian Defence Forces Medical Centre. Besides being committed to oral surgery I also worked from the beginning as a dentist in Hungary and also abroad (United Kingdom, Netherlands). I commuted…treatment, surgery, tooth, root, crown1
usedcar.huMasaaki Sato is the Chief Advisor at UsedCar Advisor, Originally from Japan, he has been living in Budapest since 1999 and is fluent in Hungarian. With orver 2 years of experience in the used car business in Hungary. He is reliable and trustwothy advisor who can guide you through the complex…sato chief, chief advisoradvisor, quality, guide, target, check1
kiskepzo.hu…schools, especially for artisans and craftsmen, has decreed that the drawing school should be established for the good of the public in the chief Buda elementary school, together with the neighbouring City of Pest as they lie in the heart of the country and are assessable for all artisans…public chief, chief budaart, school, student, participant, artistic1
mupa.huThe Chicago Symphony Orchestra has been operating since 1891 under such chief music directors as Rafael Kubelík, Fritz Reiner, Georg Solti, Daniel Barenboim and Bernard Haitink. (The orchestra's two performances at the then recently inaugurated Müpa Budapest in 2005, conducted by Pierre Boulez and…orchestra chief, chief musicdetail, ticket, music, event, pm1
tothjulia.hu…insurance companies of Hungary. While I was working for nearly one year as the assistant of the Austrian CEO of the company, I was invited by the chief legal counsel to join the team of the legal department. In 2007 I graduated at the Faculty of Law of the University ELTE in Budapest as a lawyer…company chief, chief legallaw, insurance, market, capital, legal1
theorangefiles.huThe newspapers operate under the ownership of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s chief strategic adviser Árpád Habony and former legal adviser Tibor Győri.orbán chief, chief strategicnational, file, orange, election, european1
filmservice.huThe heroes square for its iconic statue complex featuring the Seven chiefs of the Magyars and other important Hungarian national leaders. It hosts the Museum of Fine Arts and the Műcsarnok. The you can see sculptures on the right: Man with a Snake is the symbol of War, The couple of Labor and…seven chief, chief magyarsdevelopment, homepage, commercial, bridge, series1
rekk.huThe aim of the course is to prepare the executives and chief executives of energy companies to the global economic and environmental challenges.executive chief, chief executiveenergy, market, research, analysis, economic1
cetlie.huBence grew up in Hungary where he goes to college to this day. His other company, LokCheck, is a serious disruptor in the construction industry. Bence currently serves as the Chief Product Officer and Chief Operations Officer of Cetlie.currently chief, chief product, officer chief, chief operationhire, manager, faq, employee, like1
solarapex.huTolerably earnestly middleton extremely distrusts she boy now not. Add and offered prepare how cordial two promise. Greatly who affixed suppose but enquire compact prepare all put. Added forth chief trees but rooms think may.forth chief, chief treeluctus, ut, nec, tellus, elit1
edutax.huScreening of period for filing tax returns in case of the change of managing director, chief accountant or owner and in relation to the increase of auditor’s value limit. In the course of the screening we focus on the disclosure of the significant specific errors and on the risk analysis of the…director chief, chief accountanttax, labour, consultancy, expert, bookkeeping1
drderm.huDermatologist, Cosmetology Chief Consultant, Chief Executive of Dr Derm Dermatology Anti-Aging Centre, Head Clinician in Aesthetic Laser, Plastic and Vascular Surgery. International trainer for Cynosure Inc., USA and Sciton Inc., USA laser manufacturing companies. Guest speaker at Hungarian and…cosmetology chief, chief consultant, consultant chief, chief executivetreatment, detail, dermatology, skin, consultation1
hirtalalo.huHis father was the chief physician of a Hungarian hospital, his mother the daughter of the first Finnish ambassador to Berlin. Pál Pándy – or Pavoo – went on to start a model farm near the Arctic Circle and became the travelling ambassador…office chief, chief misconception, chief key, father chief, chief physicianoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians1
agbprodukcio.huShows produced: TV2 Aktív (daily tabloid), Magellán (weekly tabloid), TV2 Ring (boxing event show), Katalin Bírónő, (daily court show) editor in chief, producereditor chief, chief producerproduction, head, department, manager, language1
azumba.hu…your specific requirements. It could be also worth looking at who else you will need to involve when introducing the portal, just like your chief information expert, legal officials charged with compliance, IT advisors, etc . Getting everybody on board armed with the idea of using fresh…like chief, chief informationlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule1
experiplant.huFounder and Managing Director, Chief Scientist. He is a lecturer and Assistant Professor at the Eötvös Loránd (ELTE) University, Budapest. István is an internationally acknowledged expert with over 25 years of experience publishing on the field of soil biology, plant physiology and molecular…director chief, chief scientistlorem, ipsum, soil, plant, biology1
news4business.huZsuzsanna Friedl, Magyar Telekom's Chief People Officer will continue her career as Chief HR Officer at T-Systems International from January 1, 2024. ...telekom chief, chief people, career chief, chief hrnews, drum, research, global, festival1
advertisingagency.huWe don't want to simply give you a service or a design, which provides temporary benefit. Ensuring your business’ long-term success is our chief objective. As such, our purpose is to maximize your benefits and add dynamic marketing materials to your business: be it strategy building, branding, or…success chief, chief objectiveadvertising, agency, free, solution, campaign1
borzaconsulting.huHe started his career at NN Insurance in 1992. After various actuarial and controller tasks, he was appointed in 1996 as Chief Actuary and Head of the Product Development of the, Actuarial and Controlling Department.task chief, chief actuaryconsulting, insurance, support, development, pension1
katonaborhaz.huOne of the three Katona siblings who established the enterprise, Ferenc Katona is the professional chief of the winery. He had worked as a main wine specialist for years at BB Wine Corporation. The two other siblings, Tibor and Klára Katona, take major parts in the life of the business too, on the…professional chief, chief winerywine, winery, grape, cellar, taste1
bartfaivendeglo.huIn addition to his chef’s master’s degree, he also holds a master’s degree in commerce and advertising. He also studied with Tamás Széll, who got in the final at the Bocuse d’Or world chef championship in 2016 and won the European finals. Nowadays, he has been working as the chief chef of several…nowadays chief, chief cheffood, restaurant, dish, unique, traditional1
agorairodahaz.huThe chief town of a country was chosen as the European city of the future in 2018 by the Financial Times.office, center, premium, energy, health1
budafokone.hu…plans – which will not only upgrade the buildings to today’s standards, but also secure an attractive and unique appearance to the Park – gained a strong support of the chief architect of Budafok and the chief architect of Budapest, too. The construction is scheduled to take place in 2021.support chief, chief architect, budafok chiefurban, logistic, location, route, primary1
energiaklub.huMycle Schneider, the coordinator and chief editor of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report ( WNISR ) seems to have 48-hour days. When he is not coordinating, drafting and editing the annual report...coordinator chief, chief editorenergy, nuclear, climate, photo, article1
boroczkycsaladok.huBöröczky József (born c. 1890) was related to the branch in County Fejér of the Böröczkys. He was the chief hunting master of Count Zichy’s estate in the XIX. century. His son Böröczky Kornél (1929-1995) became also an expert of game management and hunting with international reputation. He was…böröczkys chief, chief huntingfamily, branch, county, descendant, origin1
eltinga.huEconomist. He started to approach the ELTINGA during his university and PhD studies. Now, he is the chief of AVM development.study chief, chief avmanalysis, residential, urban, market, research1
maschek.hu…apparently iBuildings fired up a new techportal, with editor-in-chief as Cal Evans. Cal recently moved to The Netherlands to join iBuildings, before as we know he was doing the Zend podcasts from the US. (What happened with the podcasts anyway? I loved to listen them while going to work.) The…editor chief, chief caleditor, homepage, css, archive, manager1
drogriporter.huJamie Bridge is a Bedford-based harm reduction professional and the Chief Operating Officer at the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC). We interviewed him on the occasion of the end of his term as the chair of the Vienna NGO Committee – an organisation that links NGOs and the Vienna-based…professional chief, chief operatedrug, people, video, harm, reduction1
gordanseedlings.huWe have been at our partners’ disposal with sapling production and afforestation both in Hungary and abroad for nearly 50 years. The tradition-based primary farming business was originally linked to the chief town of Somogy County, Kaposvár, but as time has passed by and market opportunities have…originally chief, chief towneuropean, seedling, production, data, protection1
lunatics.huWriter, journalist, songwriter, project manager. Work experience in the multinational IT and Telco sector, ten years in radio broadcasting as MC and editor in chief. Father of three plus some cats.editor chief, chief fatherdata, father, big, commercial, advertising1
zalkak.hu1983-84Editor (Assistant to P ál Csonka, Editor-in-chief ), Acta Technica, Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy ofScienceseditor chief, chief actastructural, structure, building, analysis, engineering1
eusun.huA man was arrested and detained on suspicion of possessing pornographic recordings of minors, the Chief Prosecutor’s Office of the Capital City is proposing the arrest of the suspect, the Chief Prosecutor’s Office announced on Saturday. Now more details have been shared.minor chief, chief prosecutor, suspect chiefjanuary, zone, europe, september, sun1
drszalay.huDr. Lajos Zsíros, the chief physician of the department commented on the condition of the middle-aged woman, who had suffered injuries on her skull and facial bones, as well as her lower limbs. It is expected to take at least four months before she can recover. Discussing the topic in the studio…zsíros chief, chief physicianlaw, attorney, client, legal, office1
martinus.huThe exterior and interior renovation of the St. Martin Church took several months. Thanks to these works a new environment receives the pilgrims coming to the chief town of Vas county.pilgrim chief, chief townst, jubilee, church, st., bishop1
360fokbringa.hu…of this. We really tried everything at every border crossing station, we became good friends with the border guards, they escalated our issue to chief officers, gave us tea, lunch, made phone calls to the Burmese side, but it was not enough, they refused us to enter their land, so followed by…issue chief, chief officerday, people, road, asia, way1
osas.hu…and immediately shut the door. End of free movement and speech. Rumor has it that when the relevant Poliburo member of the Communist Party, the chief ideologue of those days, went to see the show prior to its opening at the Technical University of Budapest. He immediately got the message of the…party chief, chief ideologueart, post, open, exhibition, structure1
dentaleducation.huOur institution has been founded 25 years ago by Dr. Jenő Iván dental surgeon, chief medical officer. My father was paying particular attention to customer focus and continuous innovation. These have become the engine of our work, to this day it is a pledge of our successes.surgeon chief, chief medicaldental, education, surgery, price, training1
countinghouse.huMonthly consultancy with our Chief Accountant is gratis in basic accountancy issues (according to the chosen accounting package)consultancy chief, chief accountanttax, accounting, count, house, payroll1
slackware.huHe is a committed and deeply engaged leader. Mr Vigh has been managing Linux and BSD servers for over two decades. He has been the Chief Organizer of "Virtualization Day" since 2008, which is the biggest virtualization conference in Hungary till date. He has also been in charge of the Slackware…decade chief, chief organizercloud, factory, code, technology, engineer1
drsimapeter.huI am an attorney with more than ten years of experience. I was working as a prosecutor at district prosecutor offices of Budapest and the Chief Metropolitan Prosecutor Office of Budapest for a decade.budapest chief, chief metropolitancriminal, crime, attorney, prosecutor, client1
bankutiandras.hu…as a photo reporter and picture editor. He was Director of Photography between 1995–2015 for an economic weekly, HVG and is currently Editor-in- chief of Digitális Fotó Magazin. His photographs have been published beyond the Hungarian press, in The New York Times, The Guardian and Business Week.editor chief, chief digitálisphoto, ballet, people, value, market1
spiritsdigest.huChief creative officer at creative agency Alma said: “This campaign is a great example of classic advertising in its purest form: centered around one of the product’s most unique benefits and brought to life in an insightful and relatable way.” Running in The New York Times and San Francisco…brand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
indotek.huIndotek Group is owned by Hungarian and American shareholders. Day-to-day operations are overseen by its founder, chief executive officer and majority shareholder Dániel Jellinek, who has more than twenty years of experience in the real estate sector, assisted by the management.founder chief, chief executivemanagement, investment, group, property, market1
starkcapital.huAn economist and banking expert with thirty-five years of professional experience in the financial industry, Mr. Erős played a pivotal role in the modernization of the Hungarian commercial banking sector. Having spent over a decade as CEO of major Hungarian banks (K&H Bank, ÁÉB) and eight years as…year chief, chief executivecapital, advisory, acquisition, management, merger1
bschenk.huWide portfolio of services for new and experienced participants of the European research funding framework programmes. Special focus on supporting EU13 - Widening country researchers and institutions. *** Please note that due to my position as Chief European Research Funding Advisor of the…position chief, chief europeantraining, research, grant, communication, europe1
bzmusic.huBeside playing on stages and recording in studios I am also a journalist (currently the editor-in-chief for PC World ) a well known host and showman for events ( PlayIT Show , PlayIT Ház and others from gaming to business), and I also write lyrics and music for others in various styles from rock…editor chief, chief pcvideo, night, release, host, music1
opl.hu…part of this commitment, we launched gunner cooke LegalTech, a joint venture with gunner cooke , which provides the global gunner cooke network and its clientele with legal tech solutions. OPL's co-founder Miklos Orban is a member of gunner cooke 's leadership board as its Chief Technology Officer.board chief, chief technologylaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
morenocentrum.hu…a real match for Moreno ’s immense achievements. She was a true „co-creator” of psychodrama and after Moreno died in 1974 she kept the work up as chief elaborator of the method, thus becoming the leading power of the international dramatic movement. Drama today around the world would not be the…work chief, chief elaboratordrama, way, psychotherapy, long, friend1
jet-vill.huWe think ahead, in collaboration with you. Our chief goal is to make sure that your production runs with as little downtime and as cost-effectively as possible. We are at your disposal 24 hours a day at the right time, in the right place, with the right tools.collaboration chief, chief goalunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power1
zalavarpark.hu…Benedict’s sons erected churches and an abbey to the glory of God in the spirit of Ora et Labora! (Pray and work). In the ancient times this area was the territory of chief Bulcsú and according to the legend Búvár Kund (Diver Kund) set off from here to sink the German ships attacking the country.territory chief, chief bulcsúcounty, memorial, visitor, gallery, history1
loftdent.huNowadays, aesthetics becomes more and more important, thus many patients choose tooth whitening after the dental hygienic treatment. Both we can carry out within one seat. The chief oral surgeon of our dental office performs painless and quick tooth extractions, that is his personal mission. The…seat chief, chief oraldental, patient, treatment, price, media1
geneconservation.huThe researchers of our institute, Dr. Eszter Várkonyi Patakiné, chief research fellow and Mariann Molnár PhD student, participated in the research team, which created successfully a hybrid fish from the American paddlefish and Russian sturgeon.patakiné chief, chief researchconservation, gene, institute, protection, animal1
vinfo.huHe is a committed and deeply engaged leader. Mr Vigh has been managing Linux and BSD servers for over two decades. He has been the Chief Organizer of "Virtualization Day" since 2008, which is the biggest virtualization conference in Hungary till date. He has also been in charge of the Slackware…decade chief, chief organizercloud, factory, code, engineer, technology1
23weekends.hu‘Szent István Bazilika’ is the largest church in Budapest. Planning and construction took 54 years, involving three chief architects and the collapse of the entire dome nearly two decades into the project.year chief, chief architectbasilica, luxury, price, panorama, apartment1
brigetio.huof ELTE, as the leading archaeologists of the Brigetio excavations, and Dr. Gabriella Gátfalvi-Delbó, archaeologist of the museum, Dr. Eszter Harsányi and Zsófia Kurovszky, conservators, Dr. Linda Dobosi, archaeologist-architect and Dr. Ádám Szabó, chief museologist of the Hungarian National Museum.szabó chief, chief museologistvisitor, exhibition, museum, heritage, center1
ecpa2021.huThe Organisation Committee is pleased to announce that Dr István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, will be the Chief Patron of the 13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture.agriculture chief, chief patronconference, abstract, submission, agriculture, precision1
compassioninaction.huBefore his consultant carrier he had systems engineer, IT architect, team leader and Chief Operational Officer position. He has an MSc in Informatics and an MBA.leader chief, chief operationalaction, self, result, group, value1
mjil.huPlease note, that Professor Péter Kovács editor in chief and Csaba Pákozdi technical editor have already left the Miskolc University andeditor chief, chief csabajournal, international, university, editor, law1
bte.huThree-day training was held for the 2nd time for industrial security superintendents and chiefs of departmental inspectorates, nevertheless, course organized between 19 and 21 of November in Balatonföldvár was the first one, where also leaders from water sector took part. According to this fact…superintendents chief, chief departmentalassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor1
publicisgroupe.huIn the Lioness series of the Publicis Groupe CEE ‘Embrace Gender Equity’ initiative, we introduce Zsofia Komaromi, the Chief Talent Officer of Hungary.komaromi chief, chief talentnews, brand, client, idea, media1
iloveeye.huDr. Czvikovszky is a devoted ophthalmologist, cataract and vitreoretinal surgeon. He graduated from Semmelweis University of Budapest. He completed his residency in ophthalmology at Imre Haynal University, where he was adjunc assistant professor and later on chief director of the department.later chief, chief directoreye, love, cataract, surgery, price1
bio-klima.huLicensed by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer (OTH), tested by an accredited laboratory and certified by the National Center for Epidemiology, it is used by healthcare institutions, even in operating rooms.office chief, chief medicalclean, air, unit, healthy, premium1
magolcsay.hu…Turkish believe that the World Tree has one million leaves with someone’s life on each leaf, and if a leaf falls down the person dies. Odin, the chief god in Scandinavian mythology was hanging from Yggdrasil pierced by a spear for nine days to get to know the secrets of poetry and the runes. (Hisodin chief, chief godcolor, guitar, music, keyboard, programming1
doubledecker.huZsuzsa earned her MA as a marketing communications expert at Corvinus University, then graduated as a journalist. She started her career at Vodafone, then joined the media industry. Zsuzsa worked as a journalist, columnist and editor-in-chief at leading publishing houses for several years, and was…editor chief, chief housedouble, brand, agency, media, expertise1
budapestlngsummit.huPrior to her recent appointment, Ms Zombori served as Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC, between April and November 2020 she assumed the role of Chargé d’Affaires ad interim. Ms Zombori has had a variety of assignments in Washington, serving as the First Counselor…deputy chief, chief missionlng, summit, gas, energy, speaker1
dent-esthetic.huDental surgery „Dent-Esthetic” provides an all-inclusive dental treatment. Our services are: care of milk teeth, mouth hygienic treatments, tooth X-ray, tooth fillings, ultrasonic and manual removal of dental plaque, root canal treatments, aesthetic dentistry, tooth whitening, placing of tooth’s…esthetic, dental, summary, treatment, tooth0
drddental.hu…in dental bridges. I have own dental laboratory, so on the day of the preparation of the teeth, in a couple of hours we can make temporay solutions (plastic temporary crown and bridge), for the time we make the permanent dental work. We have common porcelain, and zircon crowns and bridges as well.ovner chief, chief dentistdental, dentistry, tooth, dentist, aesthetic0
indianhungary.huAz 1901-ben alapított Indian Motorcycle az első amerikai motorkerékpár. Az új Indianokat úgy tervezték, hogy erőteljes műalkotásokk legyenek.super chief, chief limited, sport chiefindian, horse, dark, motorcycle, scout0
smartlegal.huA team of agile business & litigation lawyers in Budapest, providing SMART legal solutions for fixed rates to international corporate clients and individual entrepreneurs doing business in Hungary.legal, law, international, lawyer, solution0
komuveszet.huSeveral listed buildings, new office blocks, renovated city centers and restored statues bear testimony to our successful operations, covering the following activities:miskolc chief, chief prosecutoroffice, block, masonry, center, reconstruction0
smarteq.huOne of the mainstays of our events is the right sound technology. For us, it goes without saying that every event should be music to your ears, whether it’s a press conference or an orchestral concert. We match the sound systems perfectly with the character of the productions, ensuring that our…technology, event, manager, pitch, perfect0
abouthungary.huThe agriculture ministers of Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia have outlined how Ukraine's grain imports have impacted their countries' products.news, brief, minister, slovakia, latest0
hetijegy.huFeliratkozás… Előadók… adatkezelési tájékoztató… előadók…night, dog, mirror, machine, way0
molnarautoszerviz.huElegant set of WordPress blocks along with templates to help you create the website you always wanted you create the website you always wanted!website, block, template, coding, dream0
arabist.huA double-blind peer-reviewed journal in the field of Arabic and Islamic studies. Published by the Csoma de Kőrös Society Eötvös Loránd University Chair for Arabic Studies.editor chief, chief kingastudy, arabic, volume, islamic, chair0
lesp.huThe journal of legal and social sciences "Legal, economic sciences and practices" is intended to highlight the results for theoretical and empirical research on the statics of law, economics and social sciences. He studies theoretical and empirical peer-reviewed research in law and economics. It…editor chiefscience, economic, legal, publication, journal0
margitszigetiszinhaz.huMargaret Island Theatre Nonprofit Co. is jointly maintained by the Ministry of Human Resources and the Capital Municipality of Budapest.island, margaret, theater, concert, national0
johnsondigital.huThe bleeding, cutting edge of digital marketing, AI in marketing, and content strategy for omnichannel, mobile first marketing.digital, optimization, idea, social, brand0
propertysupport.hu…approach, we do not assume exclusive agency position on office buildings. Owing to this attitude, we are able to maintain our independence from landlord side, representing our Partners with maximum loyalty. Beyond tenant representation, our activity extends to the provision of comprehensive…pajor chief, chief operateproperty, support, management, office, client0
elroncivilsystems.hu…standards of the industry and will cope with any tasks at sea, under water, in the air and on land. Autonomous Unmanned Surface Vessel (AUSV), Unmanned Underwater Vessel (UUV) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) developed by Elron Civil Systems uses the latest achievements of science and technology.chief engineerproduction, vehicle, technology, vessel, autonomous0
airscan.huWe use professional drones to produce high-quality orthophotos . These orthophotos are made from hundreds of high-resolution aerial photographs based on photogrammetry. The orthophotos created this way are images without perspective , so they are suitable for taking measurements. The details of…tour, point, virtual, cloud, model0
excel1.huWe managed to reduce a nearly 8-hour long, monthly process to practically a 5-minute process with the support of László Varga. Not only that we automated that process, but we also learned several tools, so from now on we can develop further automation on our own in Microsoft Excel” – Katalin Nagy…varga chief, chief developerautomation, development, application, process, programming0
helikonfolyoirat.huHelikon 2019… Helikon 2018… Helikon 2017… Helikon…editor chief, chief lászlóliterary, study, issue, review, cultural0
tseniki.huDashboard… Login… Register… Forgot Password… 404 Page… Blank Page… Charts… Tables…york, ny, dashboard, engineer, developer0
bit-soft.hu“ We use Bit Soft software solutions throughout the entire City Grill chain. Our team loved how easy to use are the Bit Soft products and the short accommodation time. Also, the Bit Soft softwares are allowing us to streamline our processes, reduce the losses and increase our sales. It is a…software, solution, bit, hospitality, restaurant0
neurophysio-rehab.huBobath, PNF, MAES, Schrott, Maitland therapist, General Movement Assessment (Prechtl method)chief physiotherapistrehabilitation, therapist, physiotherapist, map, gallery0
fantasypoint.huAstro Boy… Attack on Titan… Avalon Hill… Avengers, The (Marvel)… Azur Lane… Back To The Future…big chief, chief studioman, legend, big, dead, dark0
drlorinczrita.huI am very happy with the doctor and her assistant. The treatments are precise, painless, and have been done with great care on a professional level, not to mention the kind atmosphere and maximum hygiene. He uses the latest technology in his office and can perform all kinds of examinations with…treatment, doctor, dental, login, smile0
haraszthy.hu…My account… Hungarian… Weddings… Our special offer… Gastronomic experiences… Wedding… Shop offer…chief barberwedding, shop, restaurant, wine, taste0
furedvet.huOur aim is to provide a large scale of veterinary services for the little beloved pets coming into our office in order to make as exact diagnoses as possible and to create a comfortable environment for the owners.chief assistantoffice, veterinary, food, store, animal0
eurohand.huEurohand had been founded in 1991 by private Hungarian enterprises. Its founding owners had decided to start the company’s core activities in the field of trade and investments based on their capabilities and experience gained through decades and their wide ranging economic , cultural and…activity, investment, co., field, decade0
folkmagazin.hu• Changes in the Hungarian town of Mezőkövesd and Matyó folk costume from the 19th century to the present (Part 3.) – by Murányi Márta Annafolk, result, search, foundation, christmas0
apstudio.huSample text. Click to select the text box. Click again or double click to start editing the text. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.chief accountantstudio, strategy, text, sample, double0
festmenyvizsgalat.huZsófia Végvári, head of the Complex Painting Examination Laboratory has been dealing with the scientific examination of paintings since 2005, with the aid of an instrument park providing state of the art analyses and results. The technical equipment of the laboratory is extraordinary both in…walther chief, chief switzerlandexamination, painting, complex, analysis, laboratory0
romakepmuhely.hu…film club, based on student involvement, active participation. In the tradition of engaged scholarship it has become a place of cultural resistance, moving the lessons into unique cultural spaces open for public. It pays critical attention to the media and other visual representation of the…visual, season, lab, image, book0
mtdtanacsado.humtd Consulting Group is actually comprised of two organisations. The first is mtd Consulting Group Ltd, a social enterprise. Our activities include organisational development, HR consulting and training aimed at promoting equal opportunities and diversity in the workplace. Our trainings are…chief executiveslide, introduction, consulting, training, group0
hazakelado.huWith a robust selection of popular properties on hand, as well as leading properties from real estate experts.search, property, view, studio, advanced0
books.huNewspaper is your news, entertainment, music fashion website. We provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the entertainment industry. Fashion fades, only style remains the same. Fashion never stops. There are always projects, opportunities. Clothes mean nothing until…september, book, fiction, desert, strawberry0
innovatox.huWe are one of the most experienced teams in the country in the field of chemical safety consulting, authorisation of biocidal products, registration of substances, preparation of safety data sheets, and various notifications. Our professional leader, Éva Juhász, is a certified chemical engineer…hadnagy chief, chief executive, szamosi chief, kovács chief, lunczer chiefsafety, substance, notification, registration, guarantee0
iccecip.huThe 5 th International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection (ICCECIP 2023) will be held in Budapest, Hungary on November 13-14, 2023. Conference venue: Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, Budapest, Népszínház str. 8. Hungaryconference, university, infrastructure, international, protection0
egyensulyintezet.huThe Equilibrium Institute is Hungary’s independent think tank. In order to renew the political discourse in Hungary, we draft political, economic and cultural future visions and write detailed policy proposals and strategies based on these visions. We are engaged in an ongoing dialogue with the…chief economistinstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think0
allergiagyogyulas.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard.lorem, ipsum, dummy, simply, typesetting0
musicpix.hu…Tabán… Barba Negra Music Club… Beatsteaks… The Ting Tings… The Haunted… Ivan & The Parazol… F. O.kaiser chiefday, music, festival, lie, white0
fogcentrum-vac.huIn our clinic, implantation operations take place on Tuesdays. Before the implantation, the client gets all information about the process of the operation and post-care in the form of a consultation. We also keep in touch with our clients during the time period of fossilization, who can turn to us…hygienist chief, chief assistantclinic, dental, client, implantology, board0
euromedic-hungary.hu…entrepreneur Joseph Priel, Euromedic’s distribution division revolutionized the hospital sector in Hungary by combining a unique self-made tender system for medical materials with a hospital reference stock system for pharmaceuticals. Since its inception, Euromedic has become a dominant factor in…director chief, chief executive, manager chief, chief financial, chief accountantactivity, pharmaceutical, quality, logistic, hospital0
combinatorica.hu…T., Jr. Extremal problems in discrete geometry Volume 3 (1983), Issue 3-4, 381–392 de Fraysseix, H.; Pach, J.; Pollack, R. How to draw a planar graph on a grid Volume 10 (1990), Issue 1, 41–51 Frankl, P.; Wilson, R. M. Intersection theorems with geometric consequences Volume 1 (1981), Issue 4…editor chiefpaper, issue, editor, mathematics, volume0
boldideas.huBold was founded by Tihamér Tóth and Péter Tordai, both are heavily armed with 18+ years of experience in brand, business and creative strategy developments, delivered for companies like Unilever, Vodafone, Procter and Gamble, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Deutsche Telekom, VW, Raiffeisen, Telenor, MOL…bold, brand, idea, client, hello0
esct.hu…same time meeting the highest academic standards of the academy. The Society offers itself as a service both to the Church and to society across Europe by supporting its members, both lay and cleric, in engaging with the many questions which challenge Christian faith as well as contemporary…editor chief, chief etpresident, theology, congress, catholic, society0
golyo.huMicrosoft Virtual Academy Cloud Dropping the Hammer on Malware with Windows 10 Device Guardsecurity chief, chief securityserver, virtual, academy, security, administrator0
applemax.hu…apples, walnuts, pears, plums, cherries and sour cherries. Our particular focus is organic apples, but we have expanded to provide greater diversity to answer our customer’s needs. We personally monitor, sort and deliver our products in partnership with local growers to ensure your satisfaction.red chief, chief appleorganic, food, produce, consumer, fruit0
ax-servers.huLogin… Register… Home… Members… Permanent Bans… Temporary Bans… TBDoubleDby admin Chiefvor 5 Monaten…admin chiefserver, login, latest, member, permanent0
defence.hu“The Hungarian defence sphere and the Ministry of Defence achieved several significant results in 2023, but we cannot chill out in this year either”, said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at a reception held in honor of the members of the Budapest Military Attaché Corps (BMAC) in the…deputy chief, chief generaldefence, force, general, news, command0
babolnasped.huThe ‘Bábolna Sped' Transporting, Forwarding and Vehicle Repairing Ltd was founded on July 1st 1992. The company was privatized in an open tender in March 1996. In present days the company is owned 100 % by native private individuals. The fact that a certain number of the owners are personally…vehicle, repair, forward, logistic, transportation0
ferrykerturbo.huIn 1995 Ferryker Bt. was appointed as the Hungarian representative and service of the KKK / Kühnle, Kopp & Kausch AG / turbo manufacturer. In the summer of 1996 Ferryker Bt. became the first official factory representative and service in East Europe.jäckl chief, chief accountantfactory, repair, representative, number, official0
action2020.huBased on the experiences of the past 30 year and contributing to the development of hundreds of thousands of companies, we can say that K & H understands the needs of domestic businesses, so using this knowledge we can provide professional background and assistance to startups, which can make the…ratatics chief, chief operateceo, director, manage, environmental, development0
drtakacsdavid.huI'm working with a team of dental technicians (over 12 years experiencies together in dental prosthetic job), assistents and dental hygienists.junior chief, chief prosthetichdental, dentistry, job, dentist, degree0
dentiumimplantcenter.huDentium Implant Center - Általános fogászat, esztétikai fogászat, fog implantátum és Plasztikai sebészet Budapesten.haghighat chief, chief dentistcenter, implant, dental, dentist, price0
teker.huBuilding constraction projects from plan to key. Building of hall, hall for rent, trading, iron bending, water stop.trading, build, site, hall, carrier0
droidx.huThe ISO 9001 standard is a key member of the ISO 9000 quality assurance / quality management standard group. This standard contains requirements for a quality management system. This is the fourth edition of the standard in the Hungarian edition. They are in order: MSZ EN 9001: 1992, MSZ EN ISO…machine, quality, machining, plant, management0
trainingandpractice.huOur journal of Educational Sciences Training and Practice provides a forum for the lectures of the Training and Practice Conference to appear in our issue 3-4 2017.editor chief, chief journalpractice, training, conference, journal, educational0
microtest.huMicroTest Ltd. - Our profile is food microbiology related research, development, quality assurance, experimental design, evaluation and counselling.research, development, counselling, microbiology, quality0
rwc.huOur company, RWCIT Kft. , was founded in 2015 with the aim that our team, which has previously gained extensive corporate experience, will also pass on the knowledge that every company and enterprise needs in the IT market, tailoring it all. We currently enjoy the trust of more than 20 satisfied…office, page, development, operation, virtualization0
drtemesi.huOur firm focuses its practice on common law and corporate law which can cover the general corporate advising also. We are preparing different agreements, take part in legal representation in trials or other procedures in front of court and administrative procedures; furthermore we assume the…establisher chief, chief attorneylaw, legal, representation, trial, office0
studies.huadoption (5) Africa (3) agricultural exports (3) agriculture (12) AKIS (3) Central and Eastern Europe (3) climate change (5) Common Agricultural Policy (3) competitiveness (5) consumer behaviour (3) consumer preferences (4) Covid-19 (5) dairy farms (3) Data Envelopment Analysis (3) digitalisation…editor chiefanalysis, result, economic, farming, ago0
advision.huInformáció és tartalom megosztása – a weboldal lehetővé teszi a vállalkozás számára, hogy részletes információkat, termék- vagy szolgáltatásleírásokat, cikkeket, blogbejegyzéseket és egyéb tartalmat osszon meg.chief director, chief advisorvision, book, corporation, step, membership0
szinorg.huThe Group is very well positioned for property development activities, since in addition to the high level of capitalization, bank financing is also ensured. The investment risk is significantly reduced by the fact that several members of the group are well-operating construction companies.president chief, chief executive, deputy chief, chief technical, chief economicuniversal, group, property, news, development0
bestfly.huBest Fly is an EASA Approved Training Organization (ATO) operating in Hungary Kalocsa Airport LHKA. Hungary is a small european country located east from Austria, the countrys moderate continental climate makes is perfect for flight training.fly, training, flight, hour, exam0
ctosolutions.huWe help implementing projects: we stand by our Clients from the exploration of IT challenges up to the long-term optimization of implemented solutions.solution, optimization, consultation, transformation, client0
pattern.hu…that, management consulting at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants followed a very online-focused time at Vodafone Hungary with stints as head of customer experience and online selfcare team lead. Earlier adventures stretch back to working on online financial trading platforms and products in…management, digital, knowledge, consulting, pattern0
rivill.huDuis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur!chief directorelectrician, voluptate, dolor, duis, velit0
casinobusz.huBus transport to passengers, business trips, shopping trips, group excursions, holidays, ski toursphoto, gallery, quality, transport, travel0
szarvasim.huHome… About… Services… Portfolio… Team… Contact… Get Started… More…detail, bootstrap, app, card, template0
drgogl.huElbow Pain Treatment Injection Treatments Metabolism Diagnostics Lower Back Pain Performance Diagnosticsgógl chief, chief medicalpain, treatment, center, diagnostic, appointment0
uniqueview.huNirmal is a trustworthy and honest architectural firm that worked on our project. They've done a fantastic job all around. We must give them due credit and gratitude for their efforts. We wish them the best of luck.chief expertisedetail, angeles, mall, central, shopping0
varosunktatabanya.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standardchief editorfashion, health, lifestyle, news, dummy0
diemond.huYou could be a musician, a band, a venue, a festival, a manager, a sound engineer, a light technician, a music producer, a studio, a rehearsal place, a transporter, a music teacher, a film artist, a dancer or even just a music lover or concert goer. Be either an amateur or a pro, MusicMonarchy…music, tester, event, industry, place0
gameagent.hu…Collector (PC)… INSOMNIA: The Ark (PC)… Dungeon of the ENDLESS (PC)… STAR WARS: Rogue Squadron 3D…master chief, chief collectionclaw, age, game, steam, simulator0
mvconsulting.huOur company pays special attention to the issue of social responsibility, equal treatment and the preservation of the natural environment. We regularly organize health-preserving, recreational programs (eg sports day, excursions, team building) for the employees of M-V Consulting Kft.consulting, certificate, employee, main, page0
nyakas.hu…the Nyakas Cellar. We primarily engage in the making of fresh, reductive white wines, rich in fragrant essences and flavours. Our wines reach the maximum of their sensory characteristics and bouquet in bottles, in a reduced environment. Discover our wines and winery, be a member of the Nyakas Club!chief winemakerwine, cellar, picture, news, data0
budapestdata.huThe Budapest Data Forum is an international data architecture and data engineering conference in its 14th year, now in hybrid format .data, conference, forum, tutorial, sponsor0
merico.huMERICO’s core business is trading with our own lift range named „Space”, which comprises lifts without machine rooms (MRL). Our target customers are mainly small and mid-sized companies who benefit from our advantageous services and products.technology, solution, customer, range, space0
portex.huProgressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.chairman chief, chief executivefreight, chain, road, compliant, supply0
onkentesszemle.huThe online journal, Volunteering Review provides a forum for ideas and information, original theoretical and methodological articles, practical case studies and book reviews on the state and development of volunteering in Hungary. The journal welcomes contributions from variety of disciplines…issue, volunteer, review, journal, methodological0
examinationpaper.huMary's simple recipe for maple bacon donuts makes a sticky, sweet treat with just a hint of salt that you'll keep coming back forelegance, template, creative, sticky, recipe0
agora92.hu"Agora’s combination of creativity and professionalism was exactly what we needed. Our team of professionals had strong opinions on the project. Agora Team was able to take on board their ideas and steer us towards an outcome that we are proud of."chief developer, mentore chiefboard, development, portfolio, app, solution0
bmaconsulting.hu“Gutenify Base is a high contrast, multipurpose theme, designed to enable a broad range of flexibility through support for full-site editing features”consulting, finance, sit, adipisicing, lorem0
deepdata.huDeepData Ltd was established in 2016. Its team members have formerly been the Hungarian partner in various FP7 and H2020 projects, possessed research contracts with major Hungarian institutions, such as the country's prime research university, Eötvös University, or MTA, the Hungarian Academy of…chief developerresearch, science, university, data, corruption0
tisztacserep.huFor smaller screens, the items on the right hand side will become less opaque and serve as decoration only. The focus will be on the description which will occupy all the width.item, animation, massa, et, support0
ajkaelektron.huAjkai Elektronikai Zrt. has produced and manufactured various industrial sheet metal components since 1962, and has been a partner of OEM manufacturers and component suppliers in Europe.technology, career, assembly, component, gallery0
szallasholiday.huA keresett oldal nem található. Próbálja meg finomítani a keresést vagy használja a fenti navigációt, hogy megtalálja a bejegyzést.editor chiefholiday, category, fashion, story, sit0
wpo.huCode, Design & Technology for every device. WPO was founded in 2011 with an aim to create future-forward developments and designs. Throughout the years we op...digital, development, website, creative, technology0
emelo-kosar.hu…Building… Bridge Construction… View more… New design concept & idea… Biggest construction design…chief engineer, chief plamber, chief electrician, chief architectconstruction, model, package, lorem, ipsum0
novenytermeles.huThe journal publishes scientific papers, opinion papers, reviews and book reviews in the field of crop production, crop breeding, crop genetics, crop physiology and agrobotany written by Hungarian and international researchers with abstracts also in English and Russian.editor chiefcrop, production, l., yield, sweet0
argonsoft.huWe offer assistance to commercial banks and other credit institutions in converting current Central bank of Hungary data services to XBRL format, integrating products and developing new data service processes.software, development, data, custom, effective0
webkezdet.huÜdvözlet a WordPress-ben! Ez az első bejegyzés, amelyet lehet akár módosítani, akár törölni, aztán kezdődhet az írás, a tartalommal történő feltöltés.client, knowledge, gravity, food, roman0
cadcam3000.huTogether with CAD-CAM 3000, we worked on the prototype of such a device which was a modified version of an already existing product. As the first step, we shared our broad ideas with CAD-CAM 3000, with regard to the desired functionalities and performance. As the second step, we specified those…engineering, tool, prototype, solution, measurement0
silverwings.huDriver service Hungary, Business travel Hungary, Limousine service Hungary, Airport transfer Hungarychief driverdriver, transfer, limousine, airport, travel0
twcs.hu…teachers, marketing and tourism professionals and university and college students to discuss the future of wine production, conservation of the cultural heritage of wine, wine tourism, and all levels of wine education. The Congress will be arranged in the World Heritage Wine Region of Tokaj at thechief patroncongress, wine, venue, session, registration0
deerforest.huTake a look at our galleries with plenty of pictures of everyday life at the hunting lodge, the lodge itself and hunting as well as of the amazing areas nearby; these are sure to inspire you to spend a fantastic hunt with us.hunting, forest, lodge, game, food0
pro-sharp.huPro-Sharp provides software design and development services to help transform ideas into custom software solutions.software, process, application, development, quality0
gksoft.hu…pressure vessels. We also distribute very efficient finite element programs for engineering purposes. GKSoft provides a wide range of gratis services for its customers such a hot-line service in Hungary during the maintenance and support period, an elementary program training and a getting…horváth chief, chief civil, varga chief, chief mechanicalltd, engineering, analysis, vessel, co.0
luxglam.huWe work closely with you to understand your goals and then develop your entire business plan.soon, maintenance, search, result, social0
sms-kuldo.huFusce dignissim blandit justo, eget elementum risus tristique. Nunc lacus lacus, sit amet accumsan est pulvinar non. Praesent tristique enim lorem. Phasellus a auctor lacus proin vitae accumsan nunc.chief executivelacus, nunc, fusce, enim, dignissim0
i-deal.huMortoff has been working with domestic and international medium-sized and large enterprises since 2002. The experience gained during the past decades, as well as the support we received from the excellent, highly skilled, and competent team of professionals made it possible for us to achieve that…solution, medium, enterprise, large, colleagues0
cadaveres.huCADAVERES DE DE TORTUGAS TORTUGAS 30 30 pólóheaven, soul, intro, breed, blood0
bgv.huUsing my years of leadership experience I established Baranyai Invest General Building Zrt. I've worked and still work to this day in several industrtial and service sectors. Over the past times I have found the most suitable people for managing my various segments.general, build, management, wealth, germany0
kiskunmeridian.huThe scope of our manufacturing activities includes the production of pressure equipments (e.g. autoclaves, fermenters) from stainless steel or acid-proof steel in different design. Our unique and custom equipments comply with the PED (Pressure Equipment Directive), therefore our devices represent…equipment, pressure, litre, container, value0
chemikaleast.huConsulting and strategic planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies.dummy, lorem, simply, typesetting, printing0
oko-rt.huÖKO Co. Ltd. was established in 1991. On the market of environmental consulting, however, it is considered a long-standing firm since the research- and expert team of the share company has worked previously as a certain unit of different state-owned institutions, obtaining the skill and knowledge…tombácz chief, chief executive, emőke chief, chief operate, istván chiefenvironmental, management, protection, assessment, preparation0
usasportfan.hubaseball sapka… 49ers… Bears… Bengals… Bills… Browns… Buccaneers… Cardinals… Chargers… Chiefs… Colts…city chief, chief newgiant, model, bear, brown, charger0
dnv.huDNV’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is both an ethical choice and a business decision. And truly, DNV is already a very diverse company, with employees from 116 nationalities working in 100 countries. We see diversity and inclusion within our workforce as a way of delivering excellence…gotteberg chief, chief peoplediversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group0
eupowers.huof power plant (including nuclear power plant) systems. We also design, integrate, insure, install and commission the various equipment (from fuel supply systems to flue gas treatment and disposal) and the associated tools, spare parts, fittings or consumables required throughout the life cycle of…power, management, european, operation, plant0
equilibriumcapital.huEQUILIBRIUM CAPITAL proudly informs its existing and future Clients that in Astana, Kazakhstan, we will receive the status of “FOREIGN FUND MANAGER” by using our licenses naturalized by the ASTANA FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY (AFSA).kushimov chief, chief executivecapital, equilibrium, fund, manager, client0
beerbase.huOur database includes the major Hungarian breweries, their brands; all about Hungarian beer. You can also find information about first-rate pubs, brasseries, beer-gardens, different importers and organizations dealing with beer. All this info is organised in a clear and concise way to make it easy…editor chiefbeer, importer, brewery, organization, news0
bpresidence.huI can use my many years of experience in the construction industry in the maintenance team of 10 people at Budapest Residence.guest, property, maintenance, price, client0
epitoanyag.org.hu…silicate materials science and technology, providing scientists, engineers and manufacturers with original research for already 70 years. First issue of the journal was published in 1949 in Hungarian and became soon the most important and mostly referred Hungarian journal in the field of…editor chiefissue, journal, author, material, paper0
mortoff.huenterprises since 2002. The experience gained during the past decades, as well as the support we received from the excellent, highly skilled, and competent team of professionals made it possible for us to achieve that the name Mortoff is recognized not only in the domestic market but abroad as well.solution, development, enterprise, software, medium0
nohac.huWe would like to invite you to the automotive event in Miskolc Hungary, the International Automotive Conference: Electromobility and the international status for Automotive Supply Chain that will take place in a month.toyota chief, chief tripautomotive, cluster, news, event, north0
iconrem.huProperty management Retail services Facility management Financial Services Cleaning & Hygiene Services Security Servicesmanagement, icon, property, estate, real0
fintechlab.hu…the bank of the future and supporting innovation in business areas. We are the bridge between the bank and the ecosystem. Our main goal is to find the best collaborations for the bank, invest in promising startups and further enhance our network in the financial sector and among fintech companies.innovation, manager, cee, region, lab0
foodjoy.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.quick chiefsit, consectetur, amet, ipsum, elit0
allwork.hu,000 solar energy systems for homes, businesses, schools, government facilities, and utilities across the country, totaling more than 260 megawatts of clean energy. We have both individual and corporate clients who have already appreciated solar energy and successfully use it for their work and…energy, money, renewable, power, wind0
etalonhorses.huAccording to a myth thought to be of ancient origins, the Huns were born on horseback and their horses were born with fire. Drawing on a tradition that stretches back to these times, the show features the Csikós (wranglers) performing stunts while riding a horse, such as the rider standing upright…eötvös chief, chief choreographer, szendrey chief, chief artistichorse, fire, close, equestrian, video0
stafffinder.hu…in Hungary, Staff Finder helps organizations with a mass selection from different corners of the world. We also provide local permits to the talented people to come and work in Hungary. We have a huge clientele who rely on us for organizational growth through outplacements and career transitions.staff, finder, brand, ecommerce, website0
abt.huDistance doesn't matter. We will do your booking in your ERP system from Hungary. Whether it is expert accounting, preparation of financial or management reports or merely processing of documents or data recording, we will be happy to undertake the task.tax, payroll, accounting, data, financial0
humanfield.huExceeding the annual revenue of 1 billion HUF, HumanField continues to lead the list of top executive search firmsnew chief, chief executivesearch, executive, market, candidate, firm0
polarbear.huMore than 15 years of experience in filmmaking from TV Commercials to Blockbusters, I worked as a technician, director, director of photography, editor, post-production coordinator, VFX artist, 3D animator, production manager, colorist, motion control specialist.motion, operator, control, commercial, engineer0
3mmetalworks.huFacebook… 3M Metal Works… Ez egy minta oldal… Twitter… Know…metal, sit, consectetur, amet, ipsum0
usapolo.huAutós, Filmes, Horror, Koponyás, Mountain, Rock Fashion, Sport, Video Game Ruházat és Kiegészítőkkaiser chiefplan, death, game, gothic, video0
workandflow.huHR Adviser responded quickly to questions and work with thanks for picking the most expert employee’s for our company. These guys are real best adviser & helped so many timeschief executiveresource, homepage, management, human, adviser0
eletbiztositasicsucstalalkozo.huhe Money Culture Foundation aims to improve life insurance culture in the Central and Eastern European region. Since 2014, it has participated in the organisation of the regular annual event series of the Budapest Life Insurance Summit, promoting co-operation and knowledge-sharing across the sector.insurance, summit, culture, event, money0
innorail2021.huInnoRail Budapest, a series of professional conferences for the railway industry is organized in Budapest once every second year. The conference was called into being by Hungarian professionals committed to rail transport with the objective of thinking together about the present of rail transport…conference, summary, sponsor, development, railway0
joybyhoney.hu…We paired it with such new tastes that harmonize perfectly with honey; thus, opening new perspectives in honey consumption. We consciously created a taste palette that would suit to every part of the day. Let it be a day starter coffee, a refreshing lemonade, a hot cup of tea or an evening cocoa.honey, joy, coffee, flavour, taste0
krq.huWe understand our clients – we see the point. We know how to turn information into news, into a story. We are partners throughout, from devising a strategy to sales promotion, and in carrying out efficient marketing communication in between. Our edge is that our team includes former journalists…communication, client, brand, page, video0
ingenium.hu…we're here to create seismic shifts in the consulting landscape. We embrace daring, transparency, and the art of asking the right questions, all while infusing a playful yet professional spirit into our work. Welcome to a realm where we shatter boundaries and redefine what it means to consult.founder chief, chief executiveconsulting, boundary, realm, today, center0
sundance.hu…(AREA) of NYC, a complete and comprehensive modernisation and refurbishment of the derelict property was undertaken. Five years later the building (one of only four finalists for the FIABCI ‘Prix d’Excellence’ award for the best office building in the world), which comprised 28,000 m² of ‘A’chief executivedevelopment, property, view, office, croatia0
drszabozsanett.huRenowned for the quality of work of the lawyers, our team provide best legal advice under competitive terms.tempor, attorney, video, background, page0
sakura-kai.huHome - International Okinawan Karate-Do Keno-Kai Europa and International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Sakura-Kaifounder chief, chief instructorinternational, instructor, navigation, primary, main0
opusglobal.huIn 2018, the Board of Directors of OPUS GLOBAL Plc. decided on portfolio enlargement, by which OPUS Group was supplemented with companies of significant potential. The Corporate Group was enlarged with two food industry companies utilizing agricultural inputs.global, value, industry, management, food0
metropolis.org.hu…film theory. We also place a great deal of emphasis on publishing film-studies literature previously unavailable in Hungarian, particularly articles from internationally renowned experts who have had little or no work of theirs published in Hungary (for example, Jacques Aumont, Pascal Bonitzer,editor chief, chief györgyicontemporary, representation, history, social, woman0
csigateszta.hu…been continuously improving these pastas ever since. These products allowed me to enter the consumer market so as to now I’m engaged in the manufacturing of nothing else but “csiga” noodles. A new facility was built, allowing us to keep making high-quality “csiga” products and to meet increased…noodle, manufacture, type, traditional, soup0
thermoplex.huBuilding engineering and technology systems (heating, cooling, water, drain, gas, air-condition, ventillation, heat-pump, solar system, spinkler system, automatics, cleanroom and labs, planning, installation and maintenance, general constructiondetail, build, engineering, construction, general0
thummerer.huThe Winemaker of the Winemakers has awarded a prestige prize from the best to the best, founded by Pál Rókusfalvy in 2007 with a truly noble and lofty goal. Since then, the 50 best winemakers in Hungary have been elected every year, and then, through a secret internal vote, the 50 best have chosen…lamport chief, chief winemakerwinemaker, wine, tourism, news, newsletter0
bodrogrugo.hu“The portfolio of our company calls for springs of strategic importance, which we were unable to procure for many years. We have contacted several domestic and foreign companies over the years, but none of them were able to fulfill our requirements. Not only did they take on the process of…kozma chief, chief operationspring, quality, production, manufacture, tender0
socials.huSmall Ideas Can Make Big Changes In Your Business, Get Creative Ideas From Us To Improve Your Businesslist, detail, digital, career, type0
opticost.huOur family business ready to provide You the widest variety of solutions, even in completely customized ways. We are at your disposal with our professional experience and confidence in personalized and individually managed solutions also.solution, security, director, government, local0
kzst.huLatest publications of KZST: 1, „The Holocaust is not a Theological Accident” – Some Documents of the Christian-Jewish Relations ; 2, Christian-Jewish Theological Year Book 2007.chief rabbi, schöner chiefjewish, christian, lecture, society, community0
parq.huExperience PARQ's artificial intelligence-powered smart parking software. Seamlessly integrate our plug-and-play system for contactless, efficient parking solutions. Elevate user experience and drive revenue with cutting-edge AI technology.chief executiveparking, solution, technology, today, revenue0
primeprotein.huAlkalomszerűen adjuk, ez lehet a Születésnapod alkalma (nem kötelező, érdemes beállítanod), vagy csak azért mert meg szeretnénk köszönni Neked, hogy a Prime csapat tagja Vagy!nutrition, valentine, több, és, shoot0
suncell.huOur company is an end-to-end, customer-oriented alternative energy company that brings you cutting-edge solar energy solutions.chief officerenergy, renewable, solution, wind, reader0
hungarykendocup.hu- The first Hungary Kendo Cup was organized in April 1990, with a support of the All Japan Kendo Federation who set up a ZNKR Challenge Trophy for Men’s and Team’s category. Its aim always been to provide a friendly atmosphere for quality camp, competition and Dan exam by providing good referees…chief organizercup, registration, exam, fee, competition0
dak.huWelcome to the home page of DAK Acélszerkezeti Kft.!structure, steel, hot, requirements, guide0
oikosdoors.huSkip to footer… Architecture Agency… Interior Design… Portfolio Gallery… Shop… Projects Fullwidth…chief architect, chief designerportfolio, style, list, grid, interior0
festekkutato.huOur R&D Department elaborates paint formulations for industrial use. Primary task is to realize FKI's own product development targets. Technical Service lab is part of the R&D department, which adjusts the paint parameters to customers' requirements and renders direct technical assistance.chief accountantpaint, development, expert, research, production0
premiumfashion.huKapcsolat… Regisztráció… Belépés… Miért mi?… Termék Kategóriák… Információ… GYIK… Általános szerződési…ray, lauren, ralph, exchange, shirt0
wffinbudapest.huWorld FinTech Festival in Budapest is an official satellite event of the Singapore FinTech Festival, the biggest FinTech festival in the world. The Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the central bank of Hungary is proud to announce that this year it will be hosting World FinTech Festival in Budapest for the…fellow chief, chief scidirector, central, digital, head, finance0
cogwheel.hu…training formats. The practical part of the training successfully incorporated the theoretical methods into the everyday operation of the participants in a very creative and result oriented manner. The experience and the lessons learnt come up ever since in our life, despite of the time passed.attila chief, chief technicaltraining, development, employee, manager, participant0
kiranduljvelunk.huLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also…chief editorfashion, dummy, lorem, simply, ipsum0
airwin.huWhen you finish any of our pilot training and obtain your pilot licence, we can guarantee you that you will be able to fly safely, responsibly and confidently the aircraft. You are about to posess all the relevant theoretical knowledge and flying skills for conducting safe flights in any…training, flight, instructor, aircraft, easa0
rigocon.hu…as to internally rate our suppliers. The quick understanding of our ’as-is’ state together with the flexibility and the multi-decade practical business experiences of Dénes Doszpod were deemed as the biggest benefits of the partnership; these enabled us to efficiently deliver precise…risk, management, control, solution, financial0
haifadent.hu…care. Solution to eliminate dental emergencies, sudden problems and discomfort. Our dentists work with the highest quality professionals with the highest quality raw materials and professional tools to get the highest quality dental care. With the utmost care, favorable price, guaranteed quality.abdulqawi chief, chief physiciandental, dentist, price, gallery, guarantee0
soneraudio.hu…energy across the full tonal range, orchestral presence and scale, pace, rhythm and timing, tonal balance, the transmission of the performer’s emotions, the appropriate ratio of transient attack, sustain and decay, the ability to sort out the simultaneous sounds of massed instruments, and so on…chief designerethos, news, music, result, color0
conceptflow.huWith our wide range of equipment, we realize sound and light technology concepts for many event types. Visual and sound is a professional complement to our events and our staff excludes the “technical gremlin”gerevich chief, chief executiveevent, day, christmas, request, concept0
in-ex.huIn November, the KÉSZ Group held its BIM Talk Event, where professionals within the Group interested in BIM took part in high quality presentations and participated in interactive round table discussions. Zsolt Oláh, STUDIO IN-EX’s BIM Studio leader was invited as a presenter.ceo chief, chief architectcareer, reference, studio, engineering, day0
diamantkft.huTo offer a comprehensive, innovative service, we are an active member of the Tax Trade Section, the Budgetary Trade Section, the Bookkeeping Section, the Nature Trade Section, the Financial and Capital Market Section, and the IT Trade Section of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors, the Accounting…barbara chief, chief operateconsultancy, tax, control, expert, group0
reflife.huThe Hungarian Ice Hockey Federation, in partnership with the National Hockey League (NHL), is hosting the second Summer Exposure Combine top-level ice hockey referee camp in 2024. This camp offers a unique opportunity for game-officials worldwide to gain valuable training and development under the…ice, camp, hockey, summer, combine0
cutpro.huof authoring, DCP mastering, etc., but we were never really satisfied. Ever since we work with Cut-Pro (and that's a long time), we don't even listen to the offers of other companies. It is not needed. They are the best and most reliable professionals in the country and their prices are just normal.dcp, production, cut, digital, offer0
hungarianreview.huSzilárd Biernaczky : László Magyar – Untold Stories of a Hungarian Explorer Born Two Hundred Years Ago – Part Ieditor chief, chief tamás, chief istvánreview, author, poem, editor, nation0