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95 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: restriction

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mkfe.huFor heavy goods vehicles the Ministry of Construction and Transport has lifted the traffic restrictions at nights on the upcoming weekend of the national holiday, October 21-23, 2023.traffic restriction, restriction night, drive restriction, restriction heavy, restriction weekendtransport, coronavirus, border, traffic, heavy8
tradiscoseeds.huthe existence of the right of the data subject to request from the Company access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject and, in the case of processing based on certain legal bases, to object to processing as well as the right to…data restriction, restriction process, right restriction, case restriction, restriction shalldata, subject, shall, personal, process7
f12.huAs per the documentation , apps and service principals can have restrictions at object level and tenant level. Scoped restrictions take precedence over tenant level settings and only one policy object can be assigned to an application or service principal ( link ).appmanagementpolicy restriction, restriction passwordcredentials, attribute restriction, restriction sophisticated, principal restrictionhello, access, application, user, sign7
szabadnyelvklub.huYou can practice your English or German knowledge here, in the Libre Language Club, by joining our weekly conversations, without restrictions.language, conversation, german, weekly, knowledge6
alpsadria.huWe are monitoring daily the state of restrictions from Polish Government and we would like to keep you updated as well, to help in your decision to join the Conference. From 26 June, the limit will change to 1 person per 10 m2, but the situation is developing dynamically so we count on less and…state restriction, restriction polish, dynamically restriction, restriction time, follow restrictionalp, scientific, announcement, abstract, cancellation4
premiumapartmanok.hu…data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.combination restriction, restriction erasure, restriction processapartment, data, personal, premium, process4
ap-x.huThe Company shall inform all recipients to whom rectification, erasure or restriction of data processing has been communicated or with whom personal data have been disclosed, unless this proves impossible or requires a disproportionate effort. Upon request, the Company shall inform the data…data restriction, restriction data, erasure restriction, restriction processdata, subject, process, personal, management4
serpakalandpark.hu…data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.combination restriction, restriction erasure, restriction processdata, price, adventure, personal, process4
nt.huIt has been developed primarily to serve our attorneys' professional work, however, it is made available to external Budapest attorneys for on-site research (the usage of the CD-ROM library and on-line databases by outside attorneys might be subject to publishers' restrictions).rule restriction, restriction financial, purchase restriction, restriction article, new restrictionlaw, nagy, legal, firm, client4
azumba.huKnife Blade Legal Length – It’s important to be aware of legal restrictions on knife blade lengths to avoid running into trouble with the law.regulation restriction, restriction trouble, legal restriction, restriction knife, permit restrictionlegal, law, agreement, contract, rule3
stockngo.huThe reduce in the quantity of products can be easily tracked and controlled. Workers can set daily, weekly and monthly limits and restrictions, even by products or product groups.limit restriction, restriction worker, restriction productstock, detail, individual, touch, screen2
abtl.hu…Heritage in agreement with the Minister controlling the civil national security services. The members of the committee may inspect without restriction into the documents falling under the effect of this Act at the document management organizations – with the exception of the documents includedcommittee restriction, restriction documentarchive, shall, public, record, document2
wisdom.huUnfortunately our Facebook site got some restictions and it is not available now. We have sent appeals to remove these restrictions and hopefully our site will work again very soon.month restriction, restriction facebook, appeal restriction, restriction hopefullywisdom, tour, alive, october, september2
ismerosok.huWe always appreciate your feedback and other suggestions about our products and services. But it is important to know that we may use them without any restrictions or obligation to compensate you, and we are under no obligation to keep them confidential.important restriction, restriction obligationdata, condition, account, purpose, law2
elmolight.huMicro-biological treatment, utilisation and controlled composting of communal sewage sludge, and obtaining the permission to distribute the composts without restriction;marketable restriction, restriction productsludge, compost, treatment, soil, waste2
abadacapoeira.huWe have safety guidelines and the event will follow all the preventions and restrictions to combat COV-19.prevention restriction, restriction cov-19training, summer, day, camp, dance2
madagaszkar.huThe government has announced that all travel restrictions related to Covid-19 have been lifted for all travelers to Madagascar.travel restriction, restriction covid-19madagascar, honorary, republic, task, country2
lipotfurdo.huHuge green areas in the thermalbath and spacious pitches in the large campsite. Border crossing without restriction!pool, bath, water, huge, slide2
interactivebrokers.huRestrictions apply. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on USD investment loan balances as of January 2, 2024. Interactive Brokers calculates the interest charged on investment loans using the applicable rates for each interest rate tier listed on its website. Learn more about investment loan rates .account, broker, trading, interactive, fund2
por.hutogether with related clinical and clinicopathological aspects; is a forum for high quality papers from all over the world, including, naturally, our closer geographical area; entertains teaching material from internationally recognized experts. (The only restriction: manuscripts must be in English.reaction restriction, restriction fragment, expert restriction, restriction manuscriptuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine2
innovatox.huInnovaTox as a partner helps with regulatory registrations, notification and thinking in options not restrictions.safety, substance, notification, registration, guarantee2
casinolove.huThese bonuses require a deposit and are typically more generous than no-deposit bonus offers. Welcome bonuses are exclusively available to new players and apply to their first or initial few deposits. Our goal is to rank these offers based on their generosity and the minimal restrictions they come…usually restriction, restriction bonusbonus, deposit, spin, free, code2
heartandsexuality.huUnfortunately, because of the restrictions caused by the Covid situation, we couldn’t start as much programs as we were planning, even though we already put a lot of effort in them. However, we are not disappointed, as we plan to start women’s and men’s groups in the future, to enable more school…unfortunately restriction, restriction covidsexuality, training, heart, body, basic1
kbtraining.huRight to restriction of processing: You shall have the right to obtain restriction of processing from the Controller, where the data processing is unlawful, or where the Controller no longer needs the data for the purposes of the processing but they are required by you for the establishment of…right restriction, restriction process, claim restriction, process restriction, restriction datadata, training, participant, controller, process1
moonwalk.huThe partners tested the methods and tools presented in the handbook during the pilot phase of the project. While COVID-19 restrictions made reaching these objectives difficult, the partnership managed to adapt the project to the changed environment and implemented both the research and the…covid-19 restriction, restriction objectivedisability, people, research, young, youth1
ovifon.huDue to COVID restrictions, parents are even less aware of what is going on on preschools, they feel to have drifted further away. Our applications helps to balance the parent-teacher connection, so they feel more like part of the community, and more involved in the life of their child.covid restriction, restriction parentpreschool, parent, organization, child, detail1
munkavedinfo.huIn the midst of everyday life, it’s important to be aware of legal requirements and travel restrictions , including those related to COVID-19.travel restriction, restriction covid-19legal, law, agreement, regulation, important1
ertekado.huAlthough many online casinos offer free spins bonuses, these are only available for specific games. Before you make any deposits, it is important to be aware of the restrictions and requirements for these bonuses. It is recommended to study the terms and conditions of casino free play. Some…aware restriction, restriction requirementsslot, free, machine, bonus, game1
agriakennel.huA heartfelt thanks to the organisers for their hard work and dedication in conducting a lovely show despite the CoVid restrictions, kudos to your fantabulous team work.covid restriction, restriction kudochampion, winner, dog, breed, group1
quintus.huEach space should be tailored to the specific requirements of the user, taking into account individual taste, budget, lifestyle, and spatial restrictions.sustainability, sustainable, environment, investment, construction1
kszgysz.huDue to the recent COVID-19 pandemic situation and the border restrictions the Presidency Board of the Organising Team decided to postpone ÖKOINDUSTRIA2020. The new date is 28-30 April, 2021. További részletekborder restriction, restriction presidencywaste, plastic, european, international, water1
konnekted.huAirBands leverages the benefits of blood flow restriction (BFR), a safe and effective method to reduce the time and intensity required to buflow restriction, restriction bfrapp, note, open, mail, apr1
szelmezeitavak.huAngling is authorized on the lakes under property of MAA with valid area permissions issued by the association with the following restrictions:fishing, fish, angle, area, lake1
eastwestunion.huAnother field of our activity is just simply getting information to solve some ad hoc problems, like translation services during an accident in Hungary, some official processes like getting different kinds certificates, informations on weight restrictions, etc.weight restriction, restriction etcwest, union, east, useful, portfolio1
drfabry.huInheritance law is a special and complex field of law, its’ object is the transfer of the entire legacy of the testator to the successors. Due to its’ financial impact, the last will of the testator has a significant importance. With reference to the restrictions of the grounds for disinheritance…reference restriction, restriction groundclient, law, legal, office, agreement1
nemesarch.huA multi level process. The preliminary design’s purpose is to clerify the will, the circumstances, the requirements and law restrictions.build, architect, introduction, certificate, law1
jurassic2022.huWe are pleased to inform our participants that from 7 March 2022 all COVID-19 related sanitary and travel restrictions were withdrawn in Hungary.travel restriction, restriction hungarycongress, september, august, invitation, limestone1
clevermove.huI began working in immigration in 2020, when covid-19 and its restrictions disabled free travel and put a lot of obstacles for people willing to relocate to Hungary. At first it was more of a passion project and I helped couples to reunite and young entrepreneurs to come to work in Hungary.covid-19 restriction, restriction freepermit, path, permanent, appeal, residency1
innowayrd.huInitus-V 222 system combines ergonomic wearable Far-UVC resistant textiles and a filtered 222nm Far-UVC light source to allow Far-UVC technology to be used without any restriction in the presence of humans all over the world under all regulatory standarts.technology restriction, restriction presencegeneral, mechanical, founder, medical1
ec-invest.huWe do not have any meaningless restrictions, and we take into consideration the interests of our Clients when concluding our contracts. Contracts entered into shall not, as the case may be, entail unchangable and irrevocable obligations. If you decide to rent another vehicle over the course of…meaningless restriction, restriction considerationarea, clean, price, capital, european1
lacitanit.huWith the power of event analytics, track user engagements such as clicks, video plays, and downloads, regardless of the specific webpage. With no restrictions on the number of events you can monitor, you gain sharper, deeper insights into your site's performance.webpage restriction, restriction numberuser, website, conversion, visitor, session1
aquaworldresort.huBefore your trip please read through the general terms (e.g. check-in, check-out, restrictions for children, payment methods, or catering options).check restriction, restriction childroom, treatment, day, family, pool1
ahang.huAccording to the We Are the Majority group, the fairness of the elections has been compromised in many ways, but the gravest problems at the moment are party media built from public money and the restriction of the freedom of press.money restriction, restriction freedomcampaign, family, public, national, care1
euraxess.huAs of March 7 1, 2022, Hungary no longer has any travel / public restrictions related to COVID-19. Wearing a face mask remains mandatory in hospitals and social institutions.public restriction, restriction covid-19researcher, funding, job, search, development1
hotelclarkbudapest.huPets (dogs and cats) are allowed with restrictions and for an extra charge of EUR 15 per day (food is not included).cat restriction, restriction extraroom, legend, city, leo, heart1
dentys.huThe Provider offers guarantee exclusively for the dentures made and the dental treatments performed at DENTYS Dental Clinic by its own specialists. The guarantee is offered under the following conditions and restrictions.provider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic1
likedrive-autosiskola.hu– If the doctor prescribes restrictions (glasses or contact lenses), the learner is obliged to do so carry practical glasses or contact lenses with you during practice and exams.doctor restriction, restriction glassexam, drive, hour, fee, school1
maniv-bp.huThanks to the ease of epidemic restrictions and lifting of restrictive measures, Budapest’s rental market has started to recover in June.epidemic restriction, restriction liftingproperty, real, estate, apartment, management1
otpbank.huAnnouncement about restrictions related to the official currency of the EU Member States banknotesannouncement restriction, restriction officialaccount, banking, retail, management, security1
miskolcisofor.huWorking hours are usually differ due to holidays, red-letter days or other restrictions. Please check our Facebook page for updates.day restriction, restriction facebookdriver, tariff, vehicle, safe, hour1
fadcafe.huIf you want to keep your privacy and safety when browsing on the internet in a café or if you want to avoid region based content restrictions. (Hungarian version link) Prerequisites Raspberry ...content restriction, restriction hungariancurriculum, reference, website, technology, page1
agroszemek.hu…coeliac disease as well. Our grain sorghum hybrids have got high-protein content and they are absolutely tannin-free, this way there are no restrictions regarding the blending percentage in the animal fodder, for it does not have digestion hindering attributes. Our seed grains are sold both…way restriction, restriction blendgrain, seed, nutrition, human, gallery1
karamellchoco.huThe insurance marketplace has a lot of restrictions and limitations, which the insurance companies oftentimes try to use as the loopholes for getting away with not paying you. We will change that!lot restriction, restriction limitationstyle, law, lawyer, header, case1
szav.huYour character must have purchased the Parkour! talent to benefit from this talent. Once per round, when using the Parkour! talent, your character may suffer 4 strain instead of 1 strain to move to any location within medium range instead of within short range. All other restrictions of Parkour…range restriction, restriction parkourtier, activation, check, character, active1
gerotamas.huIn the Hungarian Republic everybody has the right to choose a lawyer without any restrictions.law, criminal, real, estate, corporate1
zoldutak.hu…an earlier unthinkable chance of freedom emerged before the “socialist” countries. Today, when we can step anywhere, at any time, without any restriction through the re-opened state borders situated in the place of former walls and barbed-wire fences, Iron Curtain Trail reminds us those people…time restriction, restriction stateiron, curtain, border, area, step1
konformitas.huWe offer our System Certification Services for every organisation including producers, suppliers, distributors and trading or commercial units with no restriction and differentiation.unit restriction, restriction differentiationcertification, certificate, activity, detail, stage1
realestatematching24.huWe have now started in more than 115 countries in the increasingly competitive property market for real estate agents and for property manager to give all Franchise Partners the option to work with no restrictions. The property market can be very tough. Therefore we believe that the Franchise…option restriction, restriction property, possibility restriction, restriction frustrating, network restrictionreal, estate, property, match, manager1
szamoljademokraciaert.huEvery Hungarian citizen with voting rights can apply to volunteer as poll worker but there are some restrictions.member, election, station, poll, worker1
demeterzoltan.huThrough conscious yield restriction one can understand the optimal maturity and uncover the diversity and richness of each vineyard. I eagerly try to promote Tokaj’s revised position on the world map of wine.yield restriction, restriction optimalwine, vineyard, today, thing, winery1
kopintalapitvany.hu…in the legal framework for investment protection have also affected the requirements for investment licensing, leading to the introduction of restrictions that have affected the activities of foreign state-owned enterprises in Mongolia. They also served to protect national mineral resources. The…introduction restriction, restriction activityeconomic, international, literature, country, economy1
oneminutechallenge.huIn the moment there is no restrictions in Hungary, so we will plan accordingly. No mask, no restrictions. We will kindly ask you if youfeel sick stay at home!moment restriction, restriction hungary, mask restriction, restriction kindlycompetition, minute, challenge, event, showcase1
openaccess.hu…textbooks). L’Harmattan makes these publications available to the research community and the general public free of charge and without any restrictions. Our mission is to enforce and develop the international standards of academic book publishing, and to promote the effective dissemination of…charge restriction, restriction missionaccess, open, academic, publication, publish1
hbs-conference.hu…this August 25 th -27 th at the University of Pecs, Medical School. This meeting was scheduled to 2020 but was postponed until now because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lets use this opportunity to meet again in person and discuss current topics after two years of isolation and travel restrictions.meet, annual, conference, society, abstract1
pestextfestival.hu2020 was the year of Covid-restrictions but our team adapted the festival to the circumstances very quickly. Thanks to our flexible organizers we were able to offer live and online streaming of our colourful events, Zoom talks and studio recordings with such prominent guests like Borisz Akunyin…covid restriction, restriction teamfestival, literary, author, writer, literature1
krisztirubin.huThe eyes are large and relatively wide, slightly oval in shape. For this breed, all eye colours are allowed - no restrictions.kitten, sale, available, long, breeder1
csovarilegal.huThe most important advantages of Hungarian trust schemes are highly efficient and broad asset protection, favourable taxation and the avoidance of inheritance restrictions.law, tax, legal, university, expertise1
aeroexpress-regional.huThis coupon is valid, the discount will be granted for the first service booked in your cart that match its restrictions.error, flight, regional, customer, island1
kutyaossejtkezeles.hu…hours. Patients can leave on their own feet immediately after treatment, and can return to their original work load within a day or two, without the need for movement restrictions. The final result of the stem cell transplantation is reached by the second to the third month after the implantation.movement restriction, restriction finalstem, cell, treatment, therapy, long1
1st-steps.huThe GradeOnFire website has sample essays that students can download and read to assess the quality of the service. There is also various grammar tools and a plagiarism detection program to ensure your essay is completely original. There are no restrictions on the number of revisions that you can…original restriction, restriction numberpost, layout, page, header, essay1
svada.hu…different ship schedules, meal times, attraction opening hours. We can also respond quickly to changing circumstances such as imposed traffic restrictions. With ships spending 24 to 48 hours in Budapest we strive to maximise the value of the time spent alongside in the city. For groups staying in…traffic restriction, restriction shiptour, danube, gallery, office, cultural1
mahasti.huThere are no style restrictions. You are free to enter with any kind of eastern dance, it doesn’t matter if it’s folk, modern, oriental or fantasy, dance theatre.style restriction, restriction freegroup, dance, competition, category, belly1
mondocon.huWith over 50% of the population vaccinated, the government has eased the restrictions and we can finally meet again (in person) at a convention!government restriction, restriction finallyconvention, competition, event, rule, visitor1
hamos.huImportant! If you have installed Lucee on a public server you need make sure you secure the Server and Web admins OF EVERY CONTEXT with passwords or other access restrictions. It is also recommended that you set a default password in the Server admin so that all web admins are protected by default.access restriction, restriction defaultdevelopment, server, installation, feature, language1
naniko.huThe benefits of having a private car always conclusive, because no schedule movement of public transport, you can create your own routes and explore interesting places without restrictions in time and space, to reach even the most remote sites and get the most out of your trip.place restriction, restriction timerental, availability, airport, price, additional1
csi-ga.huIf you're looking for dog-friendly accommodation, you've come to the right place! You don't have to share the two-room family house with anyone else, and there are no restrictions on the size and number of pets you want to relax with. In fact, there is no extra charge for them. Borsodnádasd is…house restriction, restriction sizeguesthouse, friendly, dog, nature, stay1
agilecontracting.huIf you feel you need this we can help you introduce and implement the methodology. You can learn the basics in a webinar – with remote counseling due to virus restrictions. Choose the right format or give us a call!virus restriction, restriction rightcontract, agile, ac, webinar, template1
biblecamps.huPretty easy, there's flights from many airports. No need for a visa or pre travel notification, and currently no covid restrictions.camp, bible, faq, week, travel1
lelkedert.huSome romance novel authors and readers believe the genre has additional restrictions, from plot considerations such as the protagonists meeting early on in the story, to avoiding themes such as adultery. Other disagreements have centered on the firm requirement for a happy ending.additional restriction, restriction plotpage, detail, success, goal, event1
natiandaaronwedding.huWhen we did the official, legal bit in Singapore, the stringent COVID restrictions in place at the time required that we could only have a maximum of six people present on our wedding day. We needed one of them to conduct the ceremony and two of them to be our witnesses, and we all sat at least…covid restriction, restriction placewedding, day, weekend, special, planner1
jogsitakarok.huTrucks exceeding a total weight of 3500 kg with a restriction to personnel transportation: max 8 people – driver excludedkg restriction, restriction personnelcategory, motorcycle, license, discount, vehicle1
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.huExercising One Punch Male has ended up being a prominent physical fitness obstacle on youtube, and also many anime fans emulate protagonist Saitama’s strenuous exercise routine, who gets rid of all of his physical restrictions by carrying out 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 air squats, and also…physical restriction, restriction pushgame, video, like, lot, certainly1
poligratkft.hu…passivation treatment. There may be circumstances where the pickling and passivation processes take place sequentially (and not simultaneously) during the nitric acid treatment. Nitric acid alone is only suitable for passivating stainless steel surfaces. Not suitable for pickling stainless steels.subject restriction, restriction usesurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless0
kovikonyvtar.huThese Website Website Standard Standard Terms Terms and and Conditions Conditions written written on on this this webpage webpage shall shall manage manage your your use use of of this this website. website. These These Terms Terms will will be be applied applied fully fully and and affect affect…website, buckle, detail, llc, condition0
pupilpay.huPupilPay is more than a payment method, students and parents can also order their school lunch through our system, even from the comfort of their home.age restrictionschool, homepage, secure, cashless, lunch0
zolix.hu…only in the Heap… Objects not in the Heap… 6. Template Metaprogramming… Template basics… Tempalte…template, exception, object, advanced, array0
womentime.huThis may be the latest case of post aggression emigration in Ukraine. But it is unlikely to be the final stage for millions of people to leave the country. These people do not wantrestriction largejun, news, fashion, politics, lifestyle0
hungaroringkartcenter.huHungaroring Kart Center in the heart of Hungary's only Formula 1 race track welcomes the motorsport enthusiasts with 14 state of art 270cc SODI GT4-R karts and 4 SODI FUN Kids Kart and provides free parking!center, track, race, karting, media0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)documentary, islam, history, america, article0
digitalconto.huWe offer comprehensive online accounting services for sole entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations, and business entities, conveniently and environmentally consciously delivered through an online platform.accounting, entrepreneur, sole, taxation, rate0
entv.huTo view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 videolive, video, interactive, free, app0
paramotor.huFor the first glance it would seem that Hungary's airspace is very strict. But as for the practice it is a very pleasant place to fly. Hungary's terrain is mostly flatland and there are some small hills, big lakes and two major rivers with fascinating views. You can fly over Lake Balaton, and have…rule restrictionlake, adventure, view, river, place0
hudomainregistration.huThe domain registration form can be returned electronically. The registration of hungarian domain names takes max. 2-3 working days, and in case of international domain names it's only 1 business days if the necessary conditions are met.registration, free, price, hosting, mail0
lazarlovaspark.huWe provide a marvellous environment for all kinds of events – family trips, company team-building programs or a romantic wedding day. We are also a popular location for organizing birthday parties and other family events in a friendly environment.covid restrictionevent, wedding, equestrian, gallery, programme0
pornhub.szex.huLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna …article, cruise, minute, travel, news0