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82 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: brussels

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protontheatre.hu10 years after its Brussels world premiere, the Proton Theatre's production Hard to Be a God will be presented at the Gyula Castle Theater Summer Festival.year brussels, brussels world, kunstenfestivaldesarts brussels, brussels avignon, vienna brusselstheatre, proton, production, performance, premiere10
nezopont.hu77 percent of Hungarians are against the European Union’s plan to send immigrants to Hungary despite the Hungarian government's objection. There is no social group that supports Brussels' plan, even 58 percent of left-wing voters reject it. The plan to introduce a migrant quota has been on the aggroup brussels, brussels plan, percent brussels, brussels european, victim brusselspolitical, poll, hungarians, category, feature7
fidesz-eu.huOutrageous double standards in Brussels: the Tusk government is trampling on the rule of law in Poland, while the European Commission turns a blind eyestandard brussels, brussels tusk, viii brussels, brussels peacenews, european, parliament, mep, card7
abouthungary.huBrussels is trying to blackmail us into compliance on LGBTQ and migration, abusing EU fundsparticipant brussels, brussels unlawfulnews, brief, minister, slovakia, latest7
bhutan.info.huThis unique international workshop was held in Brussels, Belgium with the support of our Society. 40 attendees discussed how to apply Buddhist inspired values in business management. Speakers included two of our founding members: Prof. Laszlo Zsolnai and Zoltan Valcsicsak. With two renowned…institute brussels, brussels belgium, workshop brusselsbhutan, talk, zoltan, society, dream6
roseville.huATENOR, the Belgian real estate developer listed on the Euronext Brussels market, is proud to announce that RoseVille, its Class “A+” office building on Bécsi Road has been awarded the BREEAM “Excellent” sustainability rating. Achieving this rating is an important milestone in the development…euronext brussels, brussels largescale, brussels market, exchange brussels, brussels activeoffice, build, development, developer, manager6
galkinga.huInstead of education from Brussels, dialogue and understanding is needed with regard to Bosnia-Herzegovinaeducation brussels, brussels dialoguenews, european, parliament, introduction, eng5
xpl.hu…clients to analyse and mitigate the effect of political risk on their EU operations. Many of our clients are Fortune 500 companies with a commercial interest in the EU or which seek to use their Central and Eastern European regional presence as leverage in pursuing public policy aims in Brussels.budapest brussels, brussels office, capability brussels, brussels presence, firm brusselsclient, political, public, risk, government3
okotars.huWhere do we stand with the European civil society strategy? – was the title of the conference Ökotárs and its partners held on 12 October in Brussels, in the EFTA House. The event, attended by about 60 representatives of civil society organisations from Central Europe, Brussels-based European…eu brussels, brussels conference, october brussels, brussels efta, europe brusselssociety, report, european, tree, rule3
hirtalalo.huThe migration pact adopted in Brussels in the last days of the year will make everyday life in the western part of the continent even worse and more dangerous.pact brussels, brussels day, interested brussels, brussels inexplicableoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians3
kulturalisutvonalak.huFollowing the initiative of the Region Department of Historic Sites and Monuments (Brussels, Belgium) the European cities with Art Nouveau sites organized a network in 1999monument brussels, brussels belgiumroute, european, cultural, council, danube3
inventio.huSince 2005 our group has been active also in Brussels, in order to gain access to direct funds from the European Commission besides applying for the Structural Funds in Hungary.consultant brussels, brussels search, active brussels, brussels orderdevelopment, tourism, consultancy, proposal, funding3
theorangefiles.huOn February 15, 2019, Spokesman István Hollik announced that the Orbán government would launch an “information action regarding the plans in Brussels to encourage immigration because we think that all Hungarian people have the right to know about those proposals that fundamentally threaten…plan brussels, brussels immigration, let brussels, brussels nationalnational, file, orange, election, european3
yata.huOur parent organisation, the Hungarian Atlantic Council, was represented in Brussels by Zsolt Rábai, former Secretary General of the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA), where hecouncil brussels, brussels zsoltyouth, association, treaty, summit, publication3
budapestenergysummit.huEuropean Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Italy. In 2014-2017 she managed European Union research funds in the field of energy efficiency in Brussels. Currently working at the Joint Research Centre’s Netherlands location, her research focuses on employment, education and skills related aspects…hemetsberger brussels, brussels year, office brussels, brussels board, efficiency brusselsenergy, gas, profile, view, thank3
balatongitar.hu…de Guimaraes in Portugal; International Guitar Festival Rust in Austria; Festival Internazionale della Chitarra – Città di Mottola in Italy; GuitArt festival Plovdiv in Bulgaria; Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Festival in Romania and at the Brussels International Guitar Festival in Belgium.theater brussels, brussels parma, romania brussels, brussels internationalguitar, international, music, prize, concert2
kultplay.huNadia and her collaborators think the EP election is a little more than sending a new team of corporate lobbyists to Brussels. They believe as European citizens we can write the guidelines to our common future by suggesting a rational interenet policy to the MEPs. Europe after all isn't very…pump brussels, brussels money, lobbyists brussels, brussels europeanreader, art, social, installation, european2
vilagkep.huIn Brussels I created a little photo studio , and I finished my graphic design studies. I also give private lessons in photography. In addition when I have the time I experiment in new photography fields with new techniques, or visit museums to get inspired.graphic, photography, website, jump, news2
iprotest.huAnswer of Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission, Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship - Brussels, 26 August 2011citizenship brussels, brussels augustprotest, freedom, religion, august, answer2
ila-hungary.huThe ILA is one of the most important NGOs in the field of public and private international law which was established more than 140 years ago, and nowadays has 54 national branches and more than 3500 members. The ILA was founded in Brussels in 1873, and its present-day headquarters are in London…ila brussels, brussels presentbranch, international, law, association, member1
gerbeaud.huÉmile Gerbeaud receives the golden medal of the National Industrial Association. At the 1898 World Fair in Brussels and the 1900 Paris Exposition, he was invited to be a member of the jury, and was awarded the French Legion of Honour. Gerbeaud’s lucky star continued to shine ever wider and brighter.fair brussels, brussels parispage, legend, chocolate, ago, tradition1
nt.huN&T began in 1991, when Péter Nagy and László Trócsányi, having worked in New York and Brussels respectively, returned to Hungary to start their own law firm in Budapest. Within a year, the firm was up and running and had evolved into a full-service commercial law firm, with over a dozen…york brussels, brussels respectivelylaw, nagy, legal, firm, client1
iqc.hu“ The Brussels-based East West Consulting Group (EWC) holds the rights for Europe’s most extensive EFQM-based method for examining organizational audits and competence. In 2002, our company gained the right to represent the analytic toolbar called CDP® (Corporate Development Process) in Hungary…consulting, market, organizational, development, management1
civilosszefogas.huThe neoliberal elite in Brussels has strayed from the path designated by the citizens of the European Union. What they’re doing is the opposite of Mother Theresa, the symbolic representative of Christian solidarity and love. She ignored all political interests to mediate divine mercy and bring…elite brussels, brussels pathgallery, letter, open, statement, history1
gs-poseidon.huWE ARE THE ONLY HUNGARIAN MARITIME TRAINING CENTRE, ACCEPTED BY IMO (London), EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency, Brussels)training, centre, course, certificate, price1
budapesttimes.huBalazs Hidveghi, an MEP of ruling Fidesz, on Tuesday slammed Brussels for applying "double standards" and remaining silent in the face of "blatant violations of the rule of law in Poland".tuesday brussels, brussels doublejanuary, mep, minister, newspaper, european1
kepeskronikak.hu…events and exhibitions. Past years we assisted local governments, museums, comics book association in the organization of their events, like International Historical Comics Festival, Art exhibitions in the Hungarian Cultural institutes in London, Brussels, Helsinki, Budapest and Esztergom, Hungary.london brussels, brussels helsinkibook, event, creative, exhibition, art1
hta.org.huSince its establishment, HTA has been a member of the European Tire and Rubber Manufacturers Association (ETRMA), a central association of the European tire industry since 1959, and has its office in Brussels.tire, association, member, tyre, director1
kszgysz.huBrussels, 21 April 2023 - Today, world’s leading standardisation body International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) met in Tokyo to discuss the key findings of the joint study conducted by… További részletekwaste, plastic, european, international, water1
centauriweb.huEuropean farmers protested for better food systems While the Council presidency and European Parliament negotiated about the regulation on nature restoration and before the decision of the renewal of the approval of glyphosate, 250 protesters from the Good Food Good Farming movement took to the…story, short, literature, sun, matter1
arenabusinesscampus.huATENOR, an urban real estate development company with European expertise listed on the continuous market of Euronext Brussels, invests in largescale real estate projects that meet strict criteria in terms of location, urban planning, economic effectiveness and respect for the environment.euronext brussels, brussels largescaleoffice, space, location, green, gallery1
arrabonastudio.huWe've made numerous EU supported project and event films in Brussels and around Europe. We treat these projects with a lot of care as we know how important role they play in attracting funding, new members or customers to your company. We write the script, organize the shoots, while always…film brussels, brussels europedocumentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy1
nyitraizsolt.huZsolt Nyitrai, Minister of State for Infocommunications and Chair of the Telecommunications Council during Hungary’s EU Presidency took part in an event organized by the European People’s Party focusing on radio spectrum policy issues in Brussels on 12 January, 2011. In his speech the Minister of…issue brussels, brussels januarynews, presidency, europe, european, spectrum1
personaltrainerbudapest.huAt school I participated in and enjoyed all sports activities but particularly excelled at football and athletics. A lot of things changed when I moved to Brussels, it has made a big difference to my life. I couldn't continue football, and since I've always been interested in fitness, bodybuilding…thing brussels, brussels bignutrition, body, training, trainer, plan1
opl.huat two international law firms where advised on Hungarian and international tax structuring and commercial transactions. Balázs also gained experience in antitrust and EU regulatory policies as a trainee at the European Commission in Brussels. Balázs is passionate about combat sports and philosophy.commission brussels, brussels balázslaw, university, legal, language, fluent1
drlevai-budapest.huI have worked as a lawyer in public administration and local government, as well. I had the opportunity to expand my knowledge through internships in Washington D.C. (USA) and Brussels (Belgium). I am familiar with the corporate environment, currently provide legal services to individuals as well…usa brussels, brussels belgiumlaw, lawyer, legal, attorney, real1
kozossikereink.huHungary closed the 2007-2013 financial cycle with a result beyond all expectations and at the same time Hungary reached in Brussels to spend the next cycle in the term of economic growth.hungary brussels, brussels cycleresult, success, funding, cycle, financial1
greenplayer.huIn cooperation with our Brussels based strategical partner, BSH Consulting SPRL we are highly involved in the capacity-building and policy making activities of the European Institutions, with having our main focus in counselling and conducting in the field of EU law, economic development and the…cooperation brussels, brussels strategicalgreen, player, main, management, economy1
socialresearch.huThe European Trade Union Confederation (Brussels) supports the demands of the Hungarian trade unions.confederation brussels, brussels demandwage, social, union, trade, labour1
benczurconsulting.huWe are committed to following the latest trends, and relevant policies to support you in finding the best way to promote your business in Brussels and at an EU level.business brussels, brussels euconsulting, communication, client, international, page1
skc.huinto the business opportunities of projects that have come into our sights. We also have a great deal of practical experience in accessing direct brussels financial funds and resources, which are open to all Member States, thus offering particularly great opportunities for beneficiaries, especially…direct brussels, brussels financialconstruction, office, food, management, application1
annodomino.huSammy Baloji is a photographer from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He works in Lubumbashi and Brussels, and held...birthday, happy, music, asia, ago1
bbart.hu…by the ministry of culture, later on the Hungarian Academy of Arts . By our foundation and by the financial assistance of the HAA and the National Cultural Fund, Budapest became an associate member of the RANN ( Réseau Art Nouveau Network, Brussels ) , and we participated, lectured in its meetings.network brussels, brussels meetingart, foundation, century, university, early1
hm2020.huHM2023 will be taking place in Budapest, one of the most beautiful cities of Europe. The previous conferences have taken place in the magnificent cities of Berlin, Porto, Innsbruck, Ancona, Brussels, and Bydgoszcz. In the history of Budapest, the year 1872 stands out as a milestone, for it was…ancona brussels, brussels bydgoszczforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis1
potenton.hu…P. Eötvös, I. Fischer and Z. Kocsis. He got the Kossuth Prize, the Gramophone Award, and won top prizes at competitions from Salzburg through Brussels to Indianapolis. Founding leader of the Kelemen Quartet, they won the Melbourne, the Beijing and the Paolo Borciani competitions and they play atsalzburg brussels, brussels indianapolisconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music1
humusz.huBrussels, 3 July 2017 - More than 7 months after the transposition deadline of the EU Plastic bags directive, environmental NGOs celebrate today the 8th edition of the International Plastic Bag Free Day. In this important year where plastic pollution of ocean is considered a priority global…waste, plastic, international, economy, circular1
renyikatalin.hu…their strength is relative. They lose their bloom, like flowers; they turn yellow and brown, like autumn wheat. The inspired quality of Katalin Rényi’s art originates from this humble acknowledgement – and, without exception, always leads us back to the sacred. To the soul, which, in thisberlin brussels, brussels moscowmain, painting, graphic, sculpture, exhibition0
mmn-mag.huAjánló , Track Friend ambient , beat on the brat , experimental , IN CASE OF , indie , nousklaer , rotterdam Boriradio, music, track, friend, january0
europeuncensored.huThe Future of Europe debate needs to be open and free. We have to restart Europe. Without useless political correctness, without taboos, completely UNCENSORED.hungary brussels, brussels officeeurope, future, strong, identity, nation0
escoplatform.huTo achieve these targets, a functioning energy efficiency market needs to be developed, and to facilitate this, the Hungarian Association of Enterprise Developers (MVOSZ) has established the Energy Efficiency Service Providers and ESCO Platform (HUNESCO), whose members are prominent Hungarian and…energy, efficiency, market, contract, environment0
coollab.huDesign shop | Coollab studio | Pécsshop, studio, identity, calendar, logo0
ktc-international.huOur training programs reflect the latest global trends, as our speakers are people who set the international standards. That is the added value in KTC International trainings and that is why our clients keep coming back to our events – the quality information and the quality education, with…brussels octinternational, forum, event, data, drive0
glob.hu– Coordinator of the national commission : « Cracks in masonry » (representants of the industry, universities, SECO – control office …)november brussels, brussels belgiumcommission, scientific, publication, list, activity0
fevita.huFEVITA HUNGARY cPLC is one of the largest enterprises engaged in cold-storage activities in Hungary. The plant started operations as a factory unit of the National Frozen Foods Corporation [Hűtőipari Országos Vállalat] in 1967. Since 1995, our products are branded FEVITA in the domestic market.vegetable, activity, news, environment, qa0
ezoterikuswebaruhaz.hu© Copyright 2012 - 2024 | Avada Theme by ThemeFusion | All Rights Reserved | Powered by WordPressmiso brussels, brussels sproutview, recipe, guide, cart, quick0
vxh.huFounded in 1997, Vision X Lighting is a multinational company specializing in the field of industrial lighting and heavy duty. We provide engineering, manufacturing and consulting on site to offer specific services for the desired fields, including all rolling and static material but also…vision, lighting, light, industrial, europe0
gundel.huThere are many iconic Hungarian dishes associated with the name of Gundel that we only call National 11 on the menu? Gulyás soup, Palóc soup, Újházy chicken soup, Paprikás chicken, Fogas Kárpáti, Somlói dumplings and Gundel Pancakes were also included in this selection. They are all Gundel…cake brussels, brussels worldnational, event, wine, cake, restaurant0
zsonglor.hu…all initiatives about juggling as a circus art, sport or hobby/ free time activity. In its projects, the members of the association use the creativity, joyfullness, and challenge of juggling combined with a strong educational approach, in this way completing cultural, educative and civil missions.fanatikz brussels, brussels belgiumcircus, association, international, juggle, activity0
scienceport.huScience Port is a freelancer advisory and laboratory service for solving analytical and chemistry related issues for different business partners.science, analytical, advisory, issue, chemistry0
campdenbri.huCampden BRI Hungary Nonprofit Ltd. is one of the most significant independent European service providers in the food and drink industry (including agriculture and related sectors). Campden BRI Hungary with a 100 years of industry and R&D experience supports its PARTNERS and offers CLIENT SPECIFIC…october brussels, brussels leuvenfood, news, overview, training, event0
diaklakas.huStudent room for rent in Budapest, Erasmus accommodation Budapest, Student accommodation Budapest, Accommodation for students in Budapest, Student housing, Student apartman in Budapestbrussels studioroom, student, month, studio, accommodation0
mcc.huYouth Talent Program High School Program University Program Leadership Academy PhD Program Postdoctoral Publishing Program Public Affairs Programs Roma Talent Program Debate Academy Parent Academymcc brusselsinternational, student, public, center, academy0
coldwar.hureaches out with a wide variety of projects and approaches to learning about the Cold War, and is compiled through many perspectives of Cold War histories. "On this day" posts remind us of the recent past, bringing it back to the present. They provide a brief, informative narrative of one…view brussels, brussels secretcold, history, research, center, soviet0
somogyimark.hu…Abstract nature… Little walls of China… Salföld and surroundings… Bird art… Water and smoke plastics…photographer, china, surrounding, advertising, photography0
koszegisor.huoblivion: a few postcards, photographs and an empty bottle or two were all that remained. Locals speak of the old brewery as a thing of legend, but even that memory is gradually fading. Most of the younger generation have never even heard of the erstwhile Kőszeg brewery and its once celebrated beer.beer, legend, brewery, taste, delivery0
teateka.huAz alábbi kérdőívet kitöltve segíts, hogy olyanról (is:)) írjak ami Téged érdekel! Loading…category, page, feed, long, jing0
naputasok.huHÓDOSI HELGA… TÁMOGATÁS / SUPPORT… GOETHEANUM – JUNI / AUGUST 2019… PRAGUE FEBRUAR 2019… BASEL NOVEMBER…art, international, academy, position, teacher0
embersari.huFaulheit (Lazyness), Bipolar project, Wolfsburg Kunstverein, Germany; Ponton Gallery, Budapestart brussels, brussels ani, contretype brussels, brussels belgiumgallery, art, photography, group, são0
natofutas.huIn June 2020, the Secretary General laid out his priorities for NATO 2030: making sure NATO remains strong militarily, becomes even stronger politically and takes a more global approach.gallery, result, run, news, detail0
vacigreens.huefficiencies of the buildings floor plates, the huge array of amenities on-site, as well as the long-term benefits from being located in a best in class and top rated sustainable building. In today’s competitive labor market, occupiers recognize the need to retain and recruit staff, and Váci Greensbuild, green, office, floor, building0
drkocsis.huThe law firm is specialized in intellectual property protection, especially in the area of industrial property , with special regard to trade marks and European Union Trade Marks . As far as trade marks are concerned, we provide general legal advice on the absolute and relative grounds of refusal…law, firm, trade, property, member0
kvlcomp.hu…ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tristique in tortor et dignissim. Quisque…shop, light, store, prestashop, conformity0
por.hu- - Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer (IBMC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer Hospital), Department of Thoracic Medical Oncologybelgium brussels, university brussels, brussels ulbuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine0
sport-tiedje.hucommercial use, our qualified and sporty enthusiastic staff are happy to give competent advice on the phone, per per Live-Support or onsite in our stores. We present great new fitness equipment offers and interesting workout tips each month. Subscribe to our fitness newsletter and benefit already inantwerp brusselstraining, bike, equipment, weight, europe0
portfolio.huSouth Korean battery plant keeps sacking Hungarian workers after pocketing billions for job creationbomb brussels, brussels useprice, fund, economy, portfolio, rate0
bfz.huBFO – Budapest Festival Orchestra – an orchestra under Iván Fischer's direction among the top ten symphonic ensembles of the worldamsterdam brusselsconcert, orchestra, festival, interview, community0
gaben.huStark is a small Design Agency based in Prague. We love to find simple solutions to complex challenges .office brussels, brussels munichpage, color, joomla, template, free0
bte.huBeside the leaders mentioned above, Nagy Zsolt, chairman of our association – International Professional Association of Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors – presented the important changes of ADR of next year. The leader of dangerous shipment section of NDGDM (National Directorate General for…association, dangerous, safety, advisor0
names.huDomains, domain name registration, servers, web hosting for a low price. Trusted VPS servers, SSL certificates, Plesk licenses.price, china, poland, south, island0
beneistvan.huDisplay avatar image Upload an image to the "Header Avatar" option, square images work best.bslaw brussels, brussels arculatshare, note, like, april, logo0
corexpro.huWe are reliable partners throughout the entire process of project management, including project planning, selecting the appropriate form of tender, project implementation and financing as well as post-project works. Our extensive professional experience guarantees that each project is implemented…plan, financing, implementation, tender, documentation0