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76 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: instance

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talaloskerdesunk.huReports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising) content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which…service instance, instance form, advertising instance, instance ad, interest instanceprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data8
exkluzivsirko.huReports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising) content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which…service instance, instance form, advertising instance, instance ad, interest instanceprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data8
online-fordito.huReports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising) content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which…service instance, instance form, advertising instance, instance ad, interest instanceprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data8
expertsys.huThey allow returning unchangeable “lists”. Did You ever hunted a bug where Your retval instance was containing values which wasnt created by Your method?int instance, instance intlist, array instance, instance ienumerable, retval instancevalue, method, message, code, result7
themagicbox.hu…with the Nokia-box and the metro line 4, furthermore the charge of being involved in criminal organization was also dropped. Since the ex Deputy Lord Mayor is still pleading his innocence the responsible defence lawyers have appealed the decision and the case goes to the court of second instance.decision instancecase, court, election, media, investigation5
haxbase.huThe values of the attributes do not reflect reality. It is rather based on in-game experience and consistent activity . For instance, trstgn only occassionally plays therefore he got lower statistics though he could have gotten higher judging by in overall. In addition DavidMC49 is the latest…activity instance, instance trstgnintroduction, activity, value, attribute, consistent5
lorik.hu…even a slight illness, we turn to a medical doctor for efficient help, we should never be too greedy about the money and time for getting help from a professional, the defence counsel in the criminal proceedings against us. In such instances we should never be left alone in the maze of paragraphs.proceedings instance, instance maze, law instance, instance complexity, code instancecriminal, law, lawyer, proceedings, defence3
kaszasgabor.huThe trainee seriously had to violate the rules for him to be made to pay back the fees of the education as per the contract. For instance, if he was expelled from the training, then he was obliged to repay the fee in case he seriously violated the contract. If there was no proof, or we could not…contract instance, instance training, training instance, instance traineetraining, contract, traffic, air, controller3
gaborhargitai.huStraightforward, constant updating is the key to have a fresh and bleeding edge Ubuntu system. However, for those of you who are strapped for disk space – for instance if you are hosting multiple operating systems on one drive – “useless” files can eat up quite a big chunck of [...]pihole instance, instance reason, agh instance, instance network, like instancefile, command, server, user, network3
ffz.hutomcat8-admin : This package installs two web applications that can help managing this Tomcat instance. Once installed, you can access the manager webapp and the host-manager webapp .system instance, instance tomcat, tomcat instance, instance managertomcat, apache, package, application, page2
tomkoadam.hu…tool as it stores the certificates as cluster resources and does not regenerate them on every Traefik restart. With the built-in approach it is easy to bump into Let’s Encrypt’s weekly limit. Using cert-manager also enables us to run more than one Traefik instances on a Kubernetes cluster.traefik instance, instance kubernetes, mysql instance, instance warningkubernetes, software, certificate, cluster, microservice2
hungaryinstant.huConsider, for instance, the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. In 1981, Pope John Paul II was shot four times by a Turkish member of a known Italian paramilitary secret society who’d recently escaped from prison - on the surface, it seems like the sort of thing conspiracy theorists…negative instance, instance thingpeople, theory, thing, like, fact2
drszilagyigergo.huI frequently participate in various deals in respect of real estate, for instance in the drafting and countersigning of sales and gift contracts, deeds of foundation of condominiums, sharing agreements, and in the related administration at land authorities.estate instance, instance draftlaw, contract, agreement, representation, advice2
szav.hu…on the circumstances and might decide that some items simply can’t be created with what’s available (if you are being held in a prison cell, for instance). Your GM may spend d on the check to indicate the item ends up being dangerous to the user and anyone around them in some way. For instance, a…coordination instance, instance stun, cell instance, instance gm, way instancetier, activation, check, character, active2
komplexinstrukcio.hu…thus help the teacher to address different learning needs and at least partially compensate for the lack of auxiliary team members, such as for instance teaching assistants. Given that missing capacities are often identified by teachers as a principal barrier to inclusive education (Gallová…pupil instance, instance creative, member instance, instance teachschool, teacher, child, pupil, group2
sziklaimasszazs.hu…won’t be force to in conversation and I’m not going to smooth just your feet in your booked time. However, the reverse can be true as well. For instance we can talk and I can work effectively and gently at the same time. Remember, you are the guest, the massage is all about you ! Feel free to ask,true instance, instance effectivelymassage, unique, guest, free, book1
mecsupply.hu…and assemblies. Less suppliers for our customers, is cost effective. The combination of lower prices and less suppliers gives our customer a great synergy effect. This, together with short and fast transports, make us a very good alternative to sourcing in, for instance, from the Far East.alternative instance, instance fartool, component, production, mechanical, quality1
kme-legal.huThe Braunschweig Appeal Court (Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig), acting on second instance confirmed the decision of the first instance court in which the court found justified the action of the plaintiff claiming for the payment of the purchase price. In the case the courts had to apply the Vienna…second instance, instance decision, decision instance, instance courtinternational, news, court, history, principle1
szamoljademokraciaert.huWhat to do if you notice any instance of violation of the law during the campaign or on the day of the elections, in or outside the polling station?member, election, station, poll, worker1
dpc.huProviding a Senior Consultant (via Deloitte) to specify an international bank data warehousing strategy, helping the organization to direct a multi-country, multi-instance warehousing strategy. The total investment is planned to be 20 million dollar in the first yearmulti instance, instance warehousingmanagement, consulting, training, software, solution1
sermones.hu…alliance between the elite and the friars primarily focused on the wars against the Ottoman Empire, but not exclusively; the Hussites were, for instance, also on the agenda. Furthermore, the friars themselves were devoted reformers targeting not only their own religious community, but also the…hussites instance, instance agendaedition, de, research, digital, oeuvre1
soulbook.huHave you checked your instagram, facebook, or any other social media? Who you follow? It can tell a lot about you. For instance I follow...post, view, like, ki, page1
elbronco.huWe know El Bronco as a very reliable and responsible partner now for many years. We especially appreciate the excellent organization and the ongoing development for instance regarding horses, instructors and accommodation. Our guests enjoy the familiar atmosphere where all the employees give them…development instance, instance horseel, horse, ride, national, western1
eredetvizsga.huView at the first 3 characters of the VIN serial numbers, which reference the actual manufacturer of the vehicle. Known as the World Manufacturer Identifier, or WMI, this code also states whether the manufacturer produces more than 500 cars per year or not. In the case of GM, for instance, "1G1"…gm instance, instance referencenumber, vehicle, section, serial, manufacturer1
hungariancontemporary.hu…Bloc? What is available in English language about the practices of the region? Aside from specific conferences and workshops addressing the subject, is it possible to get a thorough and deep understanding of what is actually happening in the field of contemporary art in, for instance, Hungary?art instance, instance hungarycontemporary, art, editor, individual, treat1
musthave.huGet instance update about our new products and promos! Speciall offers 20% for your next buy...review, shipping, free, manager, brown1
pharmateka.huOur goal is to develop new, efficient, special additives that render superfluous to use medicines in animal husbandry. An example for such an additive is, for instance, the feed additive called DSP the use of which is a solution to prevention and treatment of swine dysentery. The activities of our…additive instance, instance feedpass, award, preventive, element, article1
schrenk.huIt would be really cool to expose physical sensor data to mobile phones for further consumption. For instance imagine a sensor, which can meconsumption instance, instance sensorimage, computer, dive, diving, phone1
urbanverbunk.huMoussa Ahmed is one of the most recognized young dance artists in Hungary. His work is marked by numerous professional awards (e.g. Gyula Harangozó Award, Junior Prima Award, Bezerédj Award) and several successful record attempts. For instance, he is the holder of the World’s Fastest Folk Dancer…attempt instance, instance holderurban, dance, folk, video, water1
wincom.huAs a young and open minded team, we always search for the latest solutions. We try to build long-term partnerships by providing quality and support during and after working on a project. For instance, our films are available with video or web host service with constant (24-hour) monitoring upon…project instance, instance filmsolution, creative, photography, cinematography, demand1
trhome.huIn the first instance, we assess the needs free of charge, even during several conversations, we inform the buyer about the purchase process and the real estate possibilities in the subject. After the needs assessment has been completed, we will help you get to Alanya, where our Hungarian…property, real, estate, number, turkey1
drbecskydent.huPlanning an implant tooth replacement is impossible without proper X-ray examinations, for instance panoramic X-ray or computed tomography (CT).examination instance, instance panoramicimplant, tooth, replacement, dental, surgery1
wecup.hu…question how many trees need to cut out for the consumption of paper-based disposable products, packaging materials, newsprint or books for instance however it is a bit more complex case. Paper is an essential material for several thousands of years so wood is. Due to the many changes in…book instance, instance bitcup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable1
bsce.hu…submit filings to the European Banking Authority in XBRL format. It allows end-users to enter data directly in an Excel template, where they’re already comfortable working. In the background, the add-in saves the data in a valid XBRL instance document based on the EBA XBRL Taxonomy for submission.xbrl instance, instance documentdevelopment, management, solution, data, report1
aplusrenovation.huIf you are among the homeowners who plan to sell their homes in future, then there is a need to renovate the home to improve its value. For instance, improving the value of your home might include changing the front door to the new door models, repainting, updating the design of your bathroom…value instance, instance valuerenovation, property, remodel, quote, free1
fintechplatform.huonly Universal Data Processing Control Center enables you to set up one single control instance monitoring for a single site or even different groups of worldwide locations by any point with recordable digital or analog measured metric .control instance, instance singlebutton, customer, solution, mobile, payment1
darkcube.huOur company is committed to support and promote innovative ideas, and research & development, as we believe and know that the spinoffs of the space industry affect our everyday lives in a highly beneficial way. For instance, the advantages of the space innovations can be traced in the area of…way instance, instance advantagedark, space, consulting, telecommunication, sector1
aholnapiskolaja.huThe educational tools are developed according to the individual needs of the students . For instance, the children use notebooks with larger spacing, or due to their differences in sight during the same exercise one of them uses a tablet, the second student a smartphone, while the third one a…student instance, instance childschool, tomorrow, child, multiple, severe1
internetworking.huJust a quick note about WSL2. It might consume a lot of RAM and eventually cause blue screens in Windows 10. If you experience something like this, just follow this process: 1. Shutdown the wsl instances wsl --shutdown 2. create the .wslconfig file under c:\Users\wsl instance, instance wslgabor, network, automation, code, journey1
lorix.huProduction started in Bajna, Hungary in 1993, to serve the high foreign demand of our metallised textile. Conductive fabrics that we produce, is able to remain the characteristic of the textile, it stays flexible while it also have the conductivity of the desired metal (For instance, Copper…metal instance, instance coppershield, fabric, homepage, textile, application1
artmagazin.hu…perceptions. Several important initiatives from recent years that were intended to spread this turn in broader circles are worth mentioning, for instance the Secondary Archive, which is the most recent history of art written by women. The Archive offers a detailed overview from distinctive…worth instance, instance secondaryart, exhibition, artist, reality, contemporary1
ingatlanmania.hu…furniture or internet connection for the employees, because it’s already set up in these serviced offices. Besides extra services available, for instance reception, which make the working easier and faster. Those who desire cultivated workspace, this service can an ideal solution to. The companies…available instance, instance receptionmeeting, estate, office, april, employee1
pepperpr.huSoftware pirate sentenced to 10 months by court of first instance For violation of the copyright law the Budapest XVIII. - XIX. district Court handed out a 10 months jail sentence and a 2 years ban on public matters to a recidivist private individual. According to the judgment, the culprit carried…court instance, instance violationpepper, software, technology, market, office1
sardy.huRepresentation in first instance and appeal proceedings before the administrative and other authorities.representation instance, instance appeallaw, office, representation, counselling, proceedings1
milkymagic.huWe offer different packagings for different customers and different purposes, such as displays, big trays, etc. For instance one of our most popular ways of packaging is a paper display, holding 24 pcs. of 5 pcs. bags. This is suitable for shelves, next to cocoa powder for example.etc instance, instance popularmilky, straw, milk, flavour, jul1
helping-hand.huTeach the child in small steps how to perform the given task. For instance, if we want him to help us with the laundry, we should ask him first to get the wet clothes to a basin from the washing machine and bring it to the dryer, then first he should only hang the socks, nicely shaped. From here…task instance, instance laundrychild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten1
prosysmod.huThe activities of the Virtual Lab are to investigate stochastic- (for instance maintenance), deterministic (e.g. mechanical etc.) systems and processes modeling - basically in the engineering and technical management - to work out mathematical models that help decision making of engineers and…lab instance, instance maintenancevirtual, lab, process, modeling, publication1
drbennandras.huThe additional cost related with the commission contract for instance the process fees or official publication cost in corporate law cases are paid by the Partner.contract instance, instance processlaw, representation, office, legal, contract1
reach-i4.huThis results in a reduction in unplanned downtime costs because of failure, where for instance costs can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars per day depending on industry.failure instance, instance costdata, reach, solution, big, real1
hungarian4u.huI will pay attention to your energy level, for instance, what mood are you in, your strengths, your needslevel instance, instance moodlanguage, session, topic, conversation, free1
bereljegyautot.huIn the event of any breakdown due to improper use or failure to perform the car’s maintenance duties, the Renter is liable to pay the costs. This will be deducted from the security deposit in the first instance, if this does not cover the costs, the Lessor may ask for a top-up payment for the…deposit instance, instance costrental, step, available, rent, price1
smallthings.hu…images with a CDN solution. Interfacing AWS S3 with the Drupal media system is usually a standard swap, but that solution wouldn’t work in this instance because the company had their own internal plugin for uploading and serving images (which included image transformation). We had to find a way tosolution instance, instance companysit, consectetur, velit, amet, duis1
budaiorigami.huWelcome! The aim of this website is to present the most of my paperfolding activity. For instance, you can have a look into the contents of my books , while in the gallery section you will find photos of a number of models folded by me (including some of my own and some of other people's designs)…activity instance, instance lookbook, model, paper, basic, free1
cubussapiens.huWhen looking at the debug output of the build (the -X switch for mvn is truly a killer feature…) it was interesting that the build did not try to download the dependency from Maven Central nor from the mirror set up for builds at the Hudson instance at eclipse. Given that the first twenty-two…hudson instance, instance eclipsesoftware, development, editor, repository, reflective1
thekeygrips.huFor instance, whenever I go back to the guest house during the morning to copy out the contract, these gentlemen are always still sitting there eating their breakfasts. I ought to just try that witht my boss; I'd get kicked out on the spot.portfolio, template, spot, thing, maybe1
bimco.huWith BIM, each and every building element can be included in a digital 3D model, whether it involves, for instance, reinforcement in a concrete column, Gyproc walls or duct systems. It creates a virtual collaboration model which all construction parties can derive information from and contribute to.model instance, instance reinforcementconstruction, modelling, modeling, structural, future1
malnaskertvendeghaz.huWe operate our guesthouse in an environmentally responsible manner using a wide variety of renewable energy sources – hot water and additional heating, for instance, are provided through a solar thermal collector system.heating instance, instance solarguest, guesthouse, offer, saint, village1
papapedia.huwere able to delegate a military consultant who served as a PA (personal advisor) to the political leaders of the mission. The consultant, Colonel László Forgács, was part of every military decision made. His recommendations and advice was acknowledged in every single instance by the UN New York HQ.single instance, instance unmission, military, force, observer, peace1
truckroadshow.hu…product ad campaigns, business meetings or family-based events. We know that the key to ensuring that such an event is successful hinges on not just having a great creative idea but the project’s reliable and 100% guaranteed delivery. In every instance we pay attention to even the tiniest detail.delivery instance, instance attentiontruck, event, purpose, reference, main1
wojtyla.hu…a brief speech to the audience and spoke about the foundation of the Karol Wojtyla Friendship Centre and the renovation works. A number of people promised to make a donation to the Wojtyla House. The mayoress, for instance, pledged to cover the expenses of the construction of the main entrance.mayores instance, instance expensefriendship, centre, house, poor, town1
dealagency.huWe create a professional life-long career plan for the athletes and talents which guides them through their life not only the active sporting years but also afterwards. It contains much more than just on-court performance, more importantly we care about the person off the court as well – for…court instance, instance saddeal, agency, athlete, talent, career1
galambriaszto.huWe may encounter lots of instances with the nuisance caused by birds, especially pigeons. Getting rid of the birds standing on buildings is difficult as the artisanal devices deter the birds for short time. Based on this the only effective solution is the installation of a pigeon deterrent.lot instance, instance nuisancepigeon, installation, surface, electric, long1
day8.huModelPort is an advanced Library Object editor and 3D model importer for GRAPHISOFT ARCHICAD. Although ARCHICAD can handle many file formats and has great tools for the building design, adding and editing custom library objects is not easy.instance meshobject, library, editor, advanced, file0
alliedsoft.huAllied Software Systems offers professional services to their customers since 2003. Main areas: software development, IT network management, digital cartography.repository instance, instance managementsoftware, value, management, automotive, reference0
netgepesz.hu…exercitationem minima. Exercitationem omnis asperiores natus aperiam dolor consequatur id ex sed. Quibusdam rerum dolores sint consequatur quidem ea. Beatae minima sunt libero soluta sapiente in rem assumenda. Et qui odit voluptatem. Cum quibusdam voluptatem voluptatem accusamus mollitia aut…title, post, et, read, march0
aod.huProgress – Cataclysm… Chimaeron… Conclave of Wind… Twilight Ascendants… Valiona és Theralion… TS3…destiny instance, instance progressbattle, mythic, alliance, destiny, ago0
pjob.huPeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.view, ago, month, video, browser0
freekey.huWe are members of the Freekey team.personal, disable, person, assistant, assistance0
schneemaier.hu…wars… windows… windows7… windowsxp… Így kell… September 2016… April 2016… December 2014… March 2014…september, april, entry, bash, june0
flashforge.hu…elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et nam dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco nam laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in adec voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.testimonial, labore, minim, amet, enim0
jzo.huI took part in database schema development with my team and a very strange and unexpected exception threw when we wanted to save data across NHibernate Entity Framework.server instance, instance datamap, composite, relationship, identifier, code0
likedrive-autosiskola.huParticipant should be applying for the Driving School training only personally, after getting to know Prospectus and Driving School Privacy Policy and complete and sign an application form. For the participant have the opportunity to send the application form in advance by e-mail to the Driving…authority instanceexam, drive, hour, fee, school0
drveresmaria.huWith more than 25 years of experience as a basic occupational health care provider in Székesfehérvár, we offer services specifically to institutions, small, medium and large companies, keeping in mind the individual needs of our clients.issuance instance, instance suitabilityoccupational, health, category, reference, care0
robotmunkaero.huYou can send us a pallet to our showroom, where we will program the robot, you, for the productinstallation, production, worker, predictable, problem0
arrivee.huarrival at the market of office and contract furniture with desks, tables, chairs, sofas, etc...future instancearrival, reference, quick, mean, furniture0
gergelyszalay.huAs a junior developer I've had the chance to work with many technologies and used them to solve a variety of problems successfully. My main interest is IOT, embedded systems and electronics, where I hope to expand my knowledge in the future. I aim to continue expanding my knowledge and one day to…developer, window, close, development, school0