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221 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: environmentally

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thejerrycanbar.huThese portable mini bars are handmade. We use 100% natural dyes in an environmentally friendly manufacturing process.dye environmentally, environmentally friendlybar, handmade, friendly, man, colour13
higlernatural.huWe have equipped all EcoNatural toilet paper, soap dispensers, and wastebaskets with elegant signs to show that your business has chosen a professional and environmentally conscious product made from cardboard boxes.hygiene environmentally, environmentally conscious, guest environmentally, future environmentally, approach environmentallyenvironmental, paper, natural, dispenser, conscious9
kutfurok.huSafe, environmentally friendly well drilling - well-drilled well drills - drilled well with warrantysafe environmentally, environmentally friendlydrilling, water, drill, warranty, safe9
varrattisztitas.hu…in Italy. Both weld cleaning machines with the belonging accessories and professional consumables from Switzerland allow a quick, easy, and environmentally friendly cleaning . The Hungarian product SMART CLEANER 932´s advantage beyond the favorable price is the larger performance and the…fast environmentally, environmentally friendly, easy environmentally, efficient environmentallyclean, brush, seam, machine, article7
tailored.huSophisticated and robust web application development services specifically designed for environmentally conscious businessesspecifically environmentally, environmentally conscious, world environmentallytailor, development, application, conscious, sophisticated7
magyarendre.huThis method has many advantages, and in many cases offers an effective solution. It is considered an environmentally friendly solution primarily because of the need to avoid working with chemicals. In addition, the WOMA Method of working with water under high pressure, which is highly effective in…solution environmentally, environmentally friendly, removal environmentally, machine environmentally, system environmentallyremoval, channel, machine, camera, sewer6
kiskozossegek.huThe Small Communities Programme is a research and action based initiative started in 2008. Our main aim is to help the formation of local small eco-communities in the Carpathian Basin – both in rural and urban areas. These small communities can contribute to achieve an environmentally friendly way…community environmentally, environmentally friendlycommunity, small, programme, local, ecological5
action2020.huHungrana Kft. is committed to sustainability in its business operation; we believe that successful production practices are in line with effective environmental protection, and are therefore committed to using environmentally friendly technologies and producing environmentally friendly products.water environmentally, environmentally conscious, operation environmentally, manufacturer environmentally, environmentally friendlyceo, director, manage, environmental, development5
big-battery.huThe most powerful environmentally friendly battery in the world is now available in Europe!powerful environmentally, environmentally friendlybattery, big, europe, friendly, available5
benyei.huArchitectural and interior design studio in Budapest | Complete design of buildings with innovative, energy-efficient and environmentally conscious solutionsefficient environmentally, environmentally conscious, aside environmentally, environmentally friendlyinterior, space, build, architecture, energy5
wecup.hu…state that this paper cup is completely sustainable since comes from a renewable source, do not damage the environment as it is plastic-free and follows the waste hierarchy’s motto of “Three R’s” say Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, thusly resulting Eco-Select cups to be thoroughly environmentally-friendly.sustainable environmentally, environmentally friendly, way environmentally, environmentally ecologically, thoroughly environmentallycup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable4
zoldmami.huReduce your environmental impact and replace your household items with high quality, environmentally-friendly, organic, organic products. Fill your cart with a selection of eco-based - gluten-free - vegan - healthy products. Save money and time, buy online!quality environmentally, environmentally friendlyoffer, cart, wish, list, view4
volumetric.huOur company is committed to the development of the built environment based on respect. In our investments, we strive to use environmentally friendly materials, while we now supply our newly built homes exclusively with renewable energy sources.investment environmentally, environmentally friendlydevelopment, developer, environment, investment, value4
adamhouse.huIn short, SIP (Structured Insulated Panel) is a unique, highly stable and environmentally friendly construction system for the construction of buildings with low energy consumption and of passive buildings. Due to the extremely good thermal insulation and structural properties of the SIP panels…value environmentally, environmentally friendly, free environmentally, stable environmentallytechnology, house, production, programme, reference4
rekk.huThe aim of the Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research (REKK) is to provide professional analysis and advice on networked energy markets that are both commercially and environmentally sustainable.commercially environmentally, environmentally sustainableenergy, market, research, analysis, economic4
biomal-pack.huOur goal is to find out the needs of our partners to provide material-saving, environmentally friendly technology packaging technology solutions.material environmentally, environmentally friendly, customer environmentally, efficient environmentallypackaging, quality, request, homepage, catalog4
starfol.huOur products are made from environmentally-friendly, compostable, 100% biodegradable and sustainable materials. They are designed with the highest quality in mind, while striving for economical solutions; as well as aesthetically pleasing and clean designs. YAMA, our own brand offering an…product environmentally, environmentally friendlypackaging, industry, hygiene, material, logistic4
yukopaper.huInstead of disposable plastic straws, we offer an environmentally friendly, 100% degradable paper alternative, the Yukopaper straw.straw environmentally, environmentally friendlystraw, paper, plastic, environmental, touch4
minibud.huConvenient, fast and environmentally friendly door-to-door transfer at the best price! In addition to your seat, the transportation of a large and a small piece of hand baggage is also guaranteed for each person. The expected travel time is 30-40 minutes, during which a free Wi-Fi service is…fast environmentally, environmentally friendlyairport, shuttle, transfer, card, hour4
agrobiomass.huWe founded our company in Szentkirály in 2012 after many years of practical and professional experience. Our main scope of activity is the trade of biomass raw material in the production of environmentally friendly green energy. Our main profile includes the purchase, transport, processing and…effective environmentally, environmentally conscious, environmentally friendly, production environmentallybiomass, wood, energy, activity, green3
hologramhungary.huHologram labels have an environmentally friendly version , the hologram paper label , so your label does not have to be plastic. If our customers have green policies , we can satisfy their needs too, because the environment is very important to our company too .environmentally friendly, label environmentallylabel, security, customer, printing, material3
poligratkft.huIt cleans and repairs corroded surfaces, protects against new corrosion damage by increasing corrosion resistance, and is biodegradable in an environmentally friendly way.acid environmentally, environmentally friendly, biodegradable environmentallysurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless3
levteam.huSolar panels or even a whole farm of solar panels are capable of providing the necessary energy input for private homes, public institutions or even for big companies in an effective and environmentally friendly way. Solar panels can be constructed and put to operation on the roof of a building…effective environmentally, environmentally friendly, advantage environmentallypower, energy, station, goal, technology3
olforg.huThe ISO 14001 standard focuses on operating in an environmentally friendly manner. To achieve this, we carefully monitor and manage our environmental impacts. Our goal is to reduce our emissions, minimize waste, and utilize sustainable resources. With the help of the ISO 14001 environmental…company environmentally, environmentally friendly, quality environmentally, environmentally conscious, standard environmentallymilling, turn, client, reference, quality3
mgosiphazak.huOur houses are built from environmentally friendly building components. Thanks to its magnesium oxide shell, the Graphite SIP panels are better than their predecessors. Get to know our innovative building block.house environmentally, environmentally friendlyhouse, build, component, technology, reference3
terkitolto.huNowadays, the environmentally corporate decisions are becoming increasingly valued, which is not only due to the tightening of legislation. Environmental awareness is a market expectation, and definitely influenced by the market's perception.nowadays environmentally, environmentally corporatebiodegradable, green, fill, packaging, safe3
tofer.huUsers of ozone-disinfected eggs are exempted from the time-consuming and environmentally polluting egg washing procedures prescribed by the authorities for egg disinfection!time environmentally, environmentally egg, producer environmentally, environmentally friendlyegg, disinfection, fresh, quality, customer3
negrokft.huMake your plant more environmentally friendly by having your plate heat exchangers serviced by an expert, environmentally friendly team.attention environmentally, environmentally friendly, plant environmentally, expert environmentallyplate, heat, exchanger, gasket, maintenance3
poligran.huEnvironmentally responsible technology is used in the production of corrugated boxes, grids and cut-out products.flexible environmentally, environmentally friendly, employee environmentallypackaging, technology, production, material, specific3
omnipack.huOur cluster is considered as a dynamic strategic association which is a living example of an efficient and innovative cooperation of SME’s, big companies and researchers resulting further growth for our cluster members. Omnipack Cluster also serves as a knowledge center of market players engaged…development environmentally, environmentally friendly, player environmentallypackaging, cluster, material, technology, tool3
in15.huIN15 was developed to meet all the crucial technical requirements of our modern age – and more. Besides professional innovation, our specific environmentally friendly solutions include thermal control, energy efficiency in heating and lighting, and optimized water consumption.specific environmentally, environmentally friendlyfloor, technical, location, visit, office2
molbubi.huMOL Bubi is an environmentally friendly and fast option for getting around the city centre. You can pick up and drop off your green bike at 197 stations across the city, so you can easily combine it with other forms of public transport to choose your most suitable travel mode. Also, getting from A…bubi environmentally, environmentally friendly, bkk environmentally, environmentally consciousbike, share, easy, location, news2
pedanteria.huWhether it’s about cleaning windows, facades, carpets, and drapes, or even removing graffiti, we use environmentally friendly detergents for our successful work.graffiti environmentally, environmentally friendlyclean, carpet, certificate, office, industrial2
hungarovend.huPaper coffee cup Mokador - Coffee to Go The glass, which is made of high-quality, environmentally friendly, recycled paper, is designed to hold co..socially environmentally, environmentally sustainable, quality environmentally, environmentally friendlycoffee, cart, premium, list, wish2
btd.huWe select cosmetics, medical device, medi-cosmetics, food and food supplements, herbal products and Fmcg products that come from environmentally aware manufacturers from all over Europe.product environmentally, environmentally awaremarket, distribution, europe, central, sale2
digitalconto.huWe offer comprehensive online accounting services for sole entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations, and business entities, conveniently and environmentally consciously delivered through an online platform.conveniently environmentally, environmentally consciouslyaccounting, entrepreneur, sole, taxation, rate2
kabelkonfekcio.huThe focus is on environmentally conscious solutions! From building insulation through the generation of energy required for production and the air-conditioning of offices to waste recycling and delivery logistics we have countless ideas to ensure that we leave the smallest possible ecological…focus environmentally, environmentally consciouscable, assembly, signal, power, industry2
fotaxi.huBudapest, 1st June 2021 - From now on, it will be easier for environmentally conscious passengers to choose, even if they take a taxi. In the mobile application of Főtaxi, which has the largest e-taxi fleet, one of the more than 60 completely emission-free electric and more than 200 low-emission…easy environmentally, environmentally conscious, airport environmentally, environmentally friendlytravel, application, passenger, order, calculator2
mediawavefestival.huWe launched the organization and implementation of Mediawave on a community basis in 2011, more than 10 years ago. Which process has not been implemented in the same rhythm in all our genres. In the musical and other artistic, as well as environmentally conscious attitude, we managed to develop…artistic environmentally, environmentally conscious, musical environmentallyfestival, gather, archive, community, gallery2
almabirtok.huWith regard to orchard cultivation, we also aim to promote the protection of the environment, to restore environmental balance and biodiversity, to disseminate information, explore and promote environmentally conscious consumer behaviours and habits, and to facilitate and support high-level school…information environmentally, environmentally conscious, education environmentallyassociation, main, experiential, news, grant2
bio-klima.hu…contain chlorine, as it is made from salt, but only in very low concentration, less than one thousandth. It is pH neutral and does not irritate your skin. Therefore it does not need to be washed off surfaces, and can degrade fully in a matter of minutes and leave in an environmentally-friendly way.minute environmentally, environmentally friendlyclean, air, unit, healthy, premium2
mipack.huIn cooperation with Mipack Kft we have changed the packaging of our screenwash liquid and cooling fluids. The outcome is an innovative and environmentally friendly and economical packaging, which thanks to the new sleeve label allowed us to create a unique and flexibly designable packaging. Mipack…innovative environmentally, environmentally friendlysolution, packaging, flexible, method, optimal2
galamboslogistic.huIn order to fulfil these requirements, environmentally focused management systems are essential. As a result we create harmonization between the goals of the Business and environmental requirements. Therefore Galambos Logistic Ltd. introduces and operates Environment Management System according to…requirements environmentally, environmentally management, advantage environmentally, environmentally consciouslogistic, environment, protection, value, clean2
eco-office.huWe wanted to create a place like this. When we decided to create a coworking office we were sure of one thing: it will be different to the other ones. There are a lot of cool places in the city where you can hire a desk. However, it was important for us to be environmentally friendly and to change…important environmentally, environmentally friendly, environment environmentally, environmentally consciousoffice, space, community, meet, appointment2
cityplant.huOur qualified colleagues make sure that plants are taken care of correctly, as only healthy plants have the beneficial physiological effects we expect from them. We use environmentally friendly plant care products and formula in our services.effect environmentally, environmentally friendlyplant, office, green, air, wall2
nuanstextil.huWhen we think of upholstery fabric, in addition to high quality , it is also important to choose colors or design , easy to clean , environmentally friendly technology, to protect our health , and for our four-legged friends to enjoy their time with us comfortably .easy environmentally, environmentally friendlyfabric, friendly, color, catalog, upholstery2
lightport.huThe aim of the project is to develop an easy-to-install and integrate, cost-effective, environmentally conscious prototype road data collection machine, to support the regular inspection and automated task-based maintenance of road and public facility elements.effective environmentally, environmentally consciousroad, pilgrimage, portal, application, development2
aqualorenzo.huAs a 100% Hungarian company, we produce and distribute popular mineral waters, soft drinks and energy drinks with a long history. We pride ourselves in our environmentally conscious, sustainability-focused operations, innovation and being one of the largest cutting-edge bottling plants in Europe.history environmentally, environmentally consciousrange, energy, drink, water, contract2
bakator.hu…as producers of seeds and pet food also prefer to use paper bags. It is also a good idea to pack oily seeds and various mill products in our environmentally friendly and strong paper bags. We produce paper bags of completely different sizes. Since in addition to manufacturing, we also design our…light environmentally, environmentally friendly, product environmentallybuild, packaging, house, construction, quote2
kodkft.huEnvironmental protection appears as a high priority task in all fields and individual processes of Kód KFT's activity. Minimizing environmental load, using alternative energy resources and processing the raw materials we use in the most environmentally friendly way – these guidelines all make up…material environmentally, environmentally friendlyelectrical, production, control, implementation, activity2
greenhouse.co.hu• In its life, Global Green Europe Kft. Pays special attention to sustainability, ensuring environmentally conscious, economical and efficient operation. During the production of our products, we take care not to burden our environment, this is achieved by minimizing the use of plastic and using…farm environmentally, environmentally friendly, sustainability environmentally, environmentally consciousgreen, greenhouse, production, house, market2
kozossegikertek.huWe believe that the good example of an individual is followable, we contribute to the improvement of the microclimate of our residential area and our city by distributing an environmentally conscious and sustainable lifestyle.city environmentally, environmentally consciousgarden, community, city, programme, centre2
koronayacht.huReliable electric and hybrid ship motors. Try to sail without limits (even on Lake Balaton and Lake Fertő), comfortably, economically and environmentally friendly.economically environmentally, environmentally friendlyelectric, engine, ship, amsterdam, market2
in-cup.huOur extensive range of services enables us to meet the individual needs of our partners, whether it be packaging, delivery, logistics, planning, execution, administrative issues or environmentally friendly solutions.preparation environmentally, environmentally friendly, issue environmentallycup, packaging, main, page, coffee2
takepszolg.huTaképszolg Kft thinks together with its customers: we recommend solutions and technologies in the fields of cleaning and environmentally friendly operation that our customers can benefit from.clean environmentally, environmentally friendly, modern environmentallyclean, employee, office, cleanliness, review2
kj.huiMobility is not only a complex solution for urban areas but also a unique experience for the customers . It might fully change their approach toward the public transport and the environmentally friendly individual vehicles. We design the whole IT Architecture for intermodal mobility platforms…economical environmentally, environmentally sensitive, transport environmentally, environmentally friendlyticketing, solution, touch, innovative, mobility2
renadesign.huGreen construction refers to a structure and using process that is environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle.process environmentally, environmentally responsibleconstruction, detail, build, general, green2
enagro.huAndrás Váczi, general manager of Enagro presented the reed as an environmentally-friendly heating solution. The children could also see and touch the Miscanthus plant, as well as the pellets and briquettes made of it.reed environmentally, environmentally friendly, importance environmentally, environmentally consciousnews, plant, energy, picture, activity2
engineed.huOur range of services in this area includes all necessary electronic and mechanical solutions. From stage equipment to heavy industrial production, our colleagues always apply state-of-the-art solutions in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective manner.solution environmentally, environmentally friendlyengineer, customer, electronic, development, research1
shedohairsalon.hu…Kevin Murphy products after returning home. It was love at first sight. Since I admire the natural, it was important for me to work with an environmentally friendly, innovative brand that contains raw materials inspired by the finest ingredients offered by nature. All of this is the result of theimportant environmentally, environmentally friendlyhair, salon, introduction, price, result1
danubio.huWe are very proud that DANUBIO is the first Hungarian residential property in Hungary to meet the stringent sustainability requirements set by the independent British Building Research Institute's environmentally conscious building certification system. With this achievment we've joined a platform…institute environmentally, environmentally consciousfloor, residential, view, location, build1
milben.huYou won’t regret locating them, becaise it does not produce carbon monoxide or any poisonous materials. It is environmentally friendly and makes easier the development of the economy.material environmentally, environmentally friendlysteel, reference, cell, energy, renewable1
puraset.huOur regenerable adsorbents, with high manufacturing and technological standards, provide cost-effective, environmentally friendly purification of drinking water without the need for local chemical and additive treatment. Our development work has led to the addition of the PuraWell end-point water…effective environmentally, environmentally friendlywater, detail, solution, drink, treatment1
exoshop.hu…products, we are the importers of them. The biggest challenge of our time is climate change, so we will soon open our doors to recycled and environmentally friendly products. According to our plans, our offer will thus be expanded several times this year, thus we will be able to welcome more and…recycle environmentally, environmentally friendlyprivacy, customer, payment, delivery, point1
fehervarplastic.huFehérvár Plastic & Cleaning Ltd. was established in 2013 by Hungarian owners who invested their own professional experience of several years. Our company emphasizes the protection of the environment and follows environmentally conscious operative principles. The choice and development of our…environment environmentally, environmentally consciousplastic, clean, waste, material, stock1
pekasolar.huThe demand for residential solar systems is increasing year by year, and besides more and more domestic tender opportunities are also available for households. Thinking environmentally friendly and reducing the electricity bill are major factors but choosing the right contractor is also an…household environmentally, environmentally friendlyinterested, quality, energy, solution, wholesale1
z-shipping.hu«ZARA SHIPHOLDING COMPANY» has been established in the energy market since 2023 and is able to respond immediately to the changes of the market requirements to meet all the Customer needs. The mission of the company is to ensure a cost-effective, innovative, environmentally friendly delivery for…innovative environmentally, environmentally friendlydelivery, storage, gas, customer, terminal1
auras.huOur state-of-the-art energy systems are environmentally conscious and economical solutions for users, while complying with strict environmental regulations.system environmentally, environmentally consciousgeneral, energy, performance, refractory, contract1
wasmet.hu…for our clients to see in person the process of creating the investment gold sheets they have purchased. But that’s not all. As an environmentally conscious company, we’ve made our manufacturing process zero-emission because we want future generations to have at least as many…sheet environmentally, environmentally consciousinvestment, jewelry, process, bar, coin1
laundry.huBesides efficient and fast washing, environmental protection is also very important to us. Our machines enable environmentally friendly washing thanks to their efficient use of energy, detergents, and water due to their professional design.machine environmentally, environmentally friendlylaundry, machine, washing, self, clothes1
wing.huAs one of the largest real estate companies in Hungary, WING has developed several popular, high-end, retail facilities. The company has carried out two shopping centre developments, Hungary’s first environmentally conscious mall, the Hegyvidék Center in Buda and Agria Park in Eger. WING has also…hungary environmentally, environmentally consciousoffice, district, property, international, real1
pandhplast.huHomes and offices can become used to the trash just levisszük, maybe throw in ledobóba and then deliver it. The environmentally conscious end users time and energy spórolva have picked it apart, and then selectively placed around ….ledobóba environmentally, environmentally consciousplastic, material, raw, acquisition, sale1
academiaoffices.huTo commemorate the International Green Building Week, interested guests are welcome to explore ten buildings during the event taking place between September 11 and 15. Participants in the "Green Walk'' program can choose from five locations out of the ten, allowing as many as possible to peek…scene environmentally, environmentally consciousbuild, available, academia, area, traditional1
zoldgepezet.huZöld-Gépezet Ltd. is dealing with the best machines used for scrap metal recycling. The machines we sell are not only efficient, they also provide an environmentally friendly solution.efficient environmentally, environmentally friendlymachine, scrap, force, metal, process1
fullm.huWe are at the disposal of our clients with environmentally friendly products, the most modern machines and tools. Our main goal is the satisfaction of our partners, so we work with colleagues who share the same principle and do their work accordingly.client environmentally, environmentally friendlyreference, client, clean, removal, maintenance1
solesco.huOn-site generation is environmentally friendly, helps the electricity system to function properly and reduces the emissions of harmful substances from energy production.generation environmentally, environmentally friendlyenergy, generation, renewable, electricity, long1
soulstore.hu…state of mind, it is essential to properly take care of the integrity of our body. We believe that everyone should live the best quality of life, which we try to help create through our products. Without exception, the products on our site serve a healthy and environmentally conscious lifestyle.healthy environmentally, environmentally consciouslook, recipe, page, pancake, peanut1
okoindustria.huThe program in 2021 focused on the circular economy, e-mobility, the green economy, water management and living water protection, smart solutions and environmentally friendly products.solution environmentally, environmentally friendlyexhibitors, green, programme, event, organizer1
polytermix.huWith the help of these, we built our factory and warehouse halls, created an internal road network, purchased modern, environmentally friendly production and energy-saving material handling equipment, and developed our applied technology.modern environmentally, environmentally friendlyprocess, waste, material, application, site1
ecpa2021.huEnvironmentally friendly and profitable agricultural production at the same time? It’s possible!conference, abstract, submission, agriculture, precision1
tuki.huAnswering the challenge of air-quality protection, mainly in the steel, aluminium, hydrocarbon and ceramic industries, introducing energy-saving and environmentally sound technologies, featuring sophisticated control techniques, and systems that require minimum service, and industrial furnaces…energy environmentally, environmentally soundequipment, fire, co., activity, industrial1
etpkft.hu…1-3 MW of power that have a much higher overall efficiency in the industrial environment than their conventional high-power counterparts. We have created a biomass-fired boiler plant to supply an industrial plant and an urban district heating system with cheap, environmentally friendly heat energy.cheap environmentally, environmentally friendlyenergy, insulation, portfolio, gallery, return1
hidepito.huOur goal is to carry out quality work in the most diverse areas of the construction industry, in addition to our core activity - bridge construction - using modern technologies and environmentally friendly solutions.technology environmentally, environmentally friendlyactivity, reference, membership, legal, certificate1
z-rox.huWe strive to meet our customers' expectations for quality and cost-efficiency as a reliable, competitive and environmentally responsible partner.competitive environmentally, environmentally responsibleoffer, printing, solution, technology, packaging1
evida.huWe will choose the appropriate truck for your needs from among our environmentally-friendly fleet. Whether you need a canvas-, or crane loadable vehicle, any of these can be provided without problem, and we can also offer trucks with pallet racks and anti-slip equipment.need environmentally, environmentally friendlyvehicle, reliable, shipment, transport, international1
fluart.huBeyond producing life-saving vaccines, we aim to make a positive impact on the planet by embracing environmentally conscious practices. By adopting sustainable packaging materials and optimising transportation methods, we work towards creating a healthier planet for generations to come.planet environmentally, environmentally conscioushealth, vaccine, environment, safety, innovative1
ookpress.huThe entire surface of the products can be printed, so they are produced with completely unique graphics required by the customer. Comfortable, environmentally friendly and practical.comfortable environmentally, environmentally friendlyprinting, book, price, family, production1
herbalabor.huWe’ve created sketches of herbs, for our environmentally friendly packaging we chose a recycled case, wood excelsior and glass. Our plans include the recycling of glass, and organization of the collection process.herb environmentally, environmentally friendlyherb, mushroom, l., story, gift1
oldmancoffee.huWe strive to directly source the best coffees possible through our yearly trips to origin and to provide home baristas and coffee lovers with traceable, single origin and high quality roasted specialty coffee by establishing reliable, ethical and environmentally conscious relationships with coffee…ethical environmentally, environmentally consciouscoffee, man, journey, lover, gift1
happytrain.hu…Austria, and Saudi-Arabia . Happy Trains provide a comfortable and unhindered trip through picturesque lands and towns. Our sightseeing trains are designed for tourist resorts, holiday parks, theme parks or any place where you would like to transport your guests in an environmentally friendly way.guest environmentally, environmentally friendlytrain, happy, tourist, sightseeing, quality1
klimavedelembuk.huSwitching to environmentally friendly, sustainable energy sources instead of using fossil fuels is of paramount importance.climate, change, common, association, german1
mthardy.huOur goal is to increase energy efficiency, to reduce costs and achieve a reduction in electricity consumption, to build environmentally friendly systems, and last but not least, to improve life and health conditions, finally to improve the optical efficiency by using unique, esthetic designs.consumption environmentally, environmentally friendlyequipment, energy, t., maintenance, cost1
plamapack.huSmart polyethylene packaging is environmentally friendly, 100% recyclable and offers a wide range of different packaging, especially suitable for protecting sensitive surfaces from mechanical damage during the production phase or during product transport. The package is lightweight, elastic and…packaging environmentally, environmentally friendlypackaging, insulation, production, quality, flexibility1
ecovalley.huEvery single moment of the day is a matter of making the right choices for a better world. Eco Valley Foundation, a non-profit organization in Hungary, strives to be a channel of a model community, which makes efforts to become a working module of a self sustainable, ecological, organic and…organic environmentally, environmentally friendlyvalley, volunteer, model, education, sustainable1
gbplan.hu…building solutions are an integral part of the architectural concept and hence when selecting these solutions, economical, energy-saving and environmentally friendly modes and functions ensuring comfortable conditions are considered. The planned engineering systems take into consideration the…energy environmentally, environmentally friendlyplan, technical, inspection, build, energy1
nitrogreen.huOur product is made from 100% natural, biodegradable, and environmentally safe ingredients (in fact, it enhances soil health). Therefore, it is a perfect choice for health-conscious and environmentally aware consumers.biodegradable environmentally, environmentally safe, conscious environmentally, environmentally awaresupplement, nitrogen, plant, soil, phosphorus1
palazzani-industrie.huThe widest possible range of options including environmentally friendly, efficient power options, wheeled and tracked chassis and optional attachments designed to suit specific requirements or industries.option environmentally, environmentally friendlymachine, application, news, loader, sale1
piperayipari.huWe offer environmentally friendly and intelligent solutions for all aspects of ventilation systems in both the private and public sectors.quality, construction, material, equipment, manufacture1
cruisinclean.huWe bring our own equipment and water to the site. During our work, we use only environmentally friendly chemicals that fully decompose, ensuring effective cleaning while also protecting the environment.work environmentally, environmentally friendlyclean, wash, vehicle, wheel, interior1
bypassnet.huThat is why we are working on renewable processes and using environmentally friendly technologies . We are also looking for further solutions to contribute to a vibrant and developing future.process environmentally, environmentally friendlydevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment1
perlit92.huThe applications of perlite are getting continuously more and more versatile. In countries paying special attention to the protection of environment the environmentally friendly perlite replaces artificial materials of similar properties in rapidly growing frequency.environment environmentally, environmentally friendlyplant, protection, industry, filter, environment1
vaskft.hu…with our customers. It is important to keep pollution in mind, so our production waste gets recycled. We are also registered with Environmentally Friendly Products Co. We are able to use an additive in our films, as a result of their use, our products degrade without causing damage to…gets environmentally, environmentally friendlyagricultural, sack, industrial, garbage, pouch1
gironde.huThe products of the Hungarian-owned Gironde Ltd. are mostly made from natural ingredients, without animal testing, using environmentally conscious technology. The success of Lorin in Hungary and Eastern Europe is due to the fact that we offer high quality cosmetics and household products at…test environmentally, environmentally consciousbrand, clean, price, quality, household1
sueba.huSustainable, resource-efficient and intelligent energy solutions for a climate-friendly future: Only those who think socially, environmentally and economically can build sustainably.socially environmentally, environmentally economicallyvalue, live, quality, exceptional, environment1
gyorrally.huHungarian rally stars explain how to make a rally event safe, enjoyable and environmentally friendly. If you are a true fan, you will not endanger the safety of yourself and the competition, you will not harm nature and you will consume alcohol responsibly!enjoyable environmentally, environmentally friendlynews, brand, hometown, building, contractor1
kisbalatoniokoporta.huRespect for the environment is a defining element in our hospitality. For the breakfast provided to our guests’ vegetables, fruits and eggs come from our own organic production. Other inputs such as dairy we also strive to source locally and directly from environmentally farming producers. Our…directly environmentally, environmentally producerroom, house, garden, guest, surrounding1
tipark.huare waiting for the investors. The additional advantage is that the estate is located far away from the residential area, making it ideal for environmentally harmful industrial activities as well (e.g.: cable manufacturing, battery assembling, chemical activity, etc.), which of course comply with…ideal environmentally, environmentally harmfulindustrial, piece, activity, estate, land1
arthomes.huCleaning service carried out only with environmentally friendly cleaning agents that comply with EU standards.service environmentally, environmentally friendlyart, apartment, luxury, rental, center1
oko-melli.huWe sell about 2% of the natural honey produced in the country. Our main aspect is the sale of quality honey produced by the bees of our members. For us, respect for nature and tradition is the most important values. We are constantly improving our knowledge in the field of beekeeping with…beekeeping environmentally, environmentally conscioushoney, bee, organic, natural, quality1
premiumbudapest.hustate-of-the-art cooling and heating technology with renewable energy in an environmentally-friendly wayenergy environmentally, environmentally friendlyroom, apartment, premium, kitchen, live1
r-filter.hu…the University of Szeged, we have maximized the efficiency of the technology. Our creative team takes into account the energy-efficient and environmentally conscious expectations of our time. In addition to high technical content, it is also our goal to offer our products an aesthetically…efficient environmentally, environmentally consciousair, disinfection, odor, device, filter1
molnarbeton.huWe believe and confess that we must protect and nurture the beauty of our Earth. We are pioneering the spread of environmentally friendly solutions and technologies in the construction industry, where green thinking is not often given prominence.spread environmentally, environmentally friendlytransport, concrete, customer, environmental, construction1
citikert.huWe build sustainable gardens that don’t need to much effort to maintain in the long run. We are environmentally-friendly.run environmentally, environmentally friendlygarden, construction, plant, child, harmonious1
limetree.huWe plan to implement one of the outstanding projects in the area with this development. During the planning process, we made sure that the environmentally friendly construction methods, which are very important to all of us, come to the fore.sure environmentally, environmentally friendlyapartment, architecture, location, list, price1
ingenium.huAs Hungary prepares to embrace the idea of a National ESG framework, Hungarian businesses seek to adopt the new initiatives. We can say that not only policymakers, but investors and even consumers are starting to favour those companies that manage to showcase their environmentally friendly…company environmentally, environmentally friendlyconsulting, boundary, realm, today, center1
amecod.huDimmable with warm white LED lighting, height-adjustable stainless steel shelves, remote refrigeration unit mounted (within 20 meters) and ventilation cooling. Programmable defrost cycles filled with R448a environmentally friendly refrigerant.cycle environmentally, environmentally friendlycontrol, easy, stainless, steel, hob1
ferrokov.huEnvironmentally friendly production at European level according to the requirements of ISO 14001 standard.production, hot, steel, machine, introduction1
biomagker.huBiomagker is a reliable producer and supplier of GMO free seeds and grains. We are the breeder of the Borbála soybean variety, which was created for human food productions. Our breeding program is commited to provide high quality products while promoting environmentally sound and sustainable…product environmentally, environmentally soundnews, seed, soybean, variety, food1
skippertm.huThis environmentally friendly road light is a multifunctional LED warning light that is fully rechargeable. With permanent or flashing facility, it also includes a light sensor for automatic activation which can be deactivated. The rechargeable safety light requires 6x AA batteries (not included)…safety, unit, post, base, simply1
colling.huHow about a solution for payroll that reduces administration time, is safe, and is even more environmentally friendly? Moreover, your employees will be more satisfied.safe environmentally, environmentally friendlyquote, friendly, accounting, payroll, question1
paksbusz.hu…services are going to improve considerably both in quality and volume, it is also worth mentioning that all this will take place in an environmentally friendly way, without emissions. The electricity demand of the new buses will be covered by renewable energy and baseload supply from the…place environmentally, environmentally friendlytravel, news, bus, public, point1
iaabudapest.huDagmara Szulce, Managing Director of IAA Global, said: “As consumers become more aware of environmental and social issues, they are increasingly taking into account a company's sustainability practices when making purchasing decisions. If a company is perceived as not being environmentally or…company environmentally, environmentally sociallyglobal, brand, industry, advertising1
karinaplant.huThe dynamic spread of synthetic fibers was followed by the realization that the production of petroleum-based plastics is not environmentally friendly and that clothing made from synthetic fibers is less comfortable to wear than clothing made from natural fibers. The furniture industry started to…plastic environmentally, environmentally friendlyhemp, plant, flower, use, medical1
pellet.huPellet heating is the most environmentally friendly wood-burning technology, burning it does not increase the greenhouse effect.heating environmentally, environmentally friendlypallet, material, social, responsibility, news1
kenderfono.hu…of yarns, twines and ropes. Our products are sold throughout North America and Europe. The company’s primary goal is to produce top quality cordage from natural and environmentally friendly raw materials for the agricultural sector, craft industry, furniture manufacturing and many other uses.natural environmentally, environmentally friendlyrope, natural, industry, hemp, baler1
dev-lab.huYou surely can and it would certainly be both an environmentally friendly and a cost effective way of transport. Please visit our Contact page for more details.certainly environmentally, environmentally friendlyshoot, package, weapon, range, detail1
solservices.huSolServices Ltd. is engaged in the implementation of energy generation from renewable sources, bearing in mind sustainability aspects and Hungary’s domestic energy-industry development targets. SolServices Ltd.’s state-of-the-art solar projects, based on the latest innovations, as well as its…innovation environmentally, environmentally friendlyenergy, renewable, implementation, sustainability, generation1
ikaruspark.hu…and with rock hard financials voting for the development of Ikarus Park. Hi-Tech Park, smart tools, smart home appliances, smart vehicles, environmentally friendly technologies to be used and spread, incubate micro companies, developing wholesale and manufacturing bases in harmony with the…vehicle environmentally, environmentally friendlymission, news, tool, navigation, dream1
cafeexpress.huOur company strives for carbon neutrality and uses only environmentally friendly materials for refurbishments and maintenance.neutrality environmentally, environmentally friendlycoffee, machine, sale, water, colombia1
goldhotel.huWe use environmentally friendly and energy-saving solutions. Detailed information can be found at each hotel room type.room, apartment, conference, accommodation, single1
eagleburgmann.huCobaDGS is an innovative centrifugal compressor sealing solution for you to reliably reduce fugitive process gas emissions like methane without having to compromise. Commit to a better future, both environmentally and economically.future environmentally, environmentally economicallysolution, technology, industry, mechanical, customer1
harmonium.huWe founded the organization in 2004. Our main area is communication, environmentally friendly education and helping the NGO-s.communication environmentally, environmentally friendlywelcome, page, management, communication, broadcast1
vsagreenzone.huThe project aims at expanding cross-border, international contacts on the theme of sustainable development, where social reintegration and "reinvesting" (social inclusiveness) are also symbolically represented. The final target beneficiaries are prisoners and released persons. The aim is to…responsible environmentally, environmentally awaremeet, summary, programme, photo, serbia1
gyuttmentfesztival.hu…A Life, in which we do not bypass the mud, but build a house of it. Where we do not eliminate weeds, but cook soup of it. We dream of an environmentally conscious, ecology-focused new Life. We, the pioneers, representatives, guerrillas of eco-conscious existence, gather for four days once a…soup environmentally, environmentally consciousgather, community, countryside, network, day1
silvestris.huWe are a team of innovative people who deliver unique solutions in the full spectrum of the botanical universe by integrating plant development, indoor & outdoor farming, extraction and purification, using exclusively environmentally friendly 21st century technologies in all areas.exclusively environmentally, environmentally friendlyoil, process, botanical, essential, technology1
urbantours.huWelcome to Budapest’s premier electric scooter tour provider! Our mission is to offer tourists and locals a fun , comfortable, and environmentally-friendly way to explore the city’s top sights and hidden gems. With our wide range of e-scooters and expert local guides, we guarantee an unforgettable…comfortable environmentally, environmentally friendlytour, scooter, hour, city, electric1
balker.huSaba is a Dutch manufacturer of high quality and technically advanced adhesives and sealants. They provide environmentally friendly adhesive applications for building construction and industrial use.sealant environmentally, environmentally friendlyadhesive, application, range, construction, industry1
biofil.hu…soil bacteria that enable farmers to reduce their current application rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (NPK) in an environmentally friendly, cost-effective way. They improve the soil structure, increase the water retention capacity of the soils, increase the production…npk environmentally, environmentally friendlysoil, tender, bacteria, fertilizer, effective1
boxprint.huAt Box Print we deal with the full development and production of environmentally friendly packagings made of cardboard and corrugated board.production environmentally, environmentally friendlycardboard, packaging, blister, reference, quality1
drivingcamp.huTraining for economical and environmentally conscious drivers who, by properly treating their vehicles, would like to reduce the fuel assumption and exhaust emission of their cars.economical environmentally, environmentally conscioustraining, drive, price, voucher1
imaginegreen.huImagine Green Association is focused on promoting environmentally sustainable practices and supporting rural development through initiatives such as eco-tourism, education and awareness-raising efforts, and efforts to enhance biodiversity.association environmentally, environmentally sustainablegreen, imagine, association, tourism, sustainable1
oxyhouse.huThe products applied by us are Ecolab certified (UNI EN ISO 9001-2008): environmentally friendly, professional ecological products to obtain the cleanest surfaces without dust and dust mites .iso environmentally, environmentally friendlyclean, environment, deep, ecological, house1
vm-shop.huDuring production, we pay special attention to the use of sustainable, environmentally friendly processes.sustainable environmentally, environmentally friendlyshop, publication, magazine, picture, photo1
tradeland.huTradeland Group has expanded its portfolio of services, products and solutions to contribute to a more liveable, predictable and environmentally responsible future. At the heart of our expertise and activities is a commitment to technological advancement, which is the basis for our innovative and…predictable environmentally, environmentally responsiblewater, owner, group, director, manage1
cni.huDue to the technology of our deep-cleaning equipment with baking soda, it is environmentally friendly.soda environmentally, environmentally friendlyitem, description, printing, domestic, coating1
corvinsetany.huThe first residential house in Hungary built with an environmentally conscious concept, it has a special geothermal heating and cooling system. Modern architectural elements give the building a truly dynamic appearance.hungary environmentally, environmentally consciousoffice, promenade, build, apartment, view1
kornyezet-szimulacio.huClimeEvent makes testing even more reliable, environmentally-friendly and easy to service. A new refrigerant matches compatibility with future requirements. Optimised air guidance delivers the best-in-class performance. Tests can be programmed.reliable environmentally, environmentally friendlychamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental1
thermofoam.huQuality control is governed according to the ISO 9001 standard, and we are open to implement policies that can help us cooperate with our partners on the long run. Sustainability is also a key element in our day-to-day operation, as we are constantly looking for new environmentally friendly…new environmentally, environmentally friendlypackaging, material, construction, solution, need1
gpp.huOur goal is providing thoughtful service to our customers with environmentally friendly solutions, therefore we have various products, which are manufactured in Hungary EU, with that step we strongly believe we can reduce environmental impact and give a secure solution to the continuous and safe…customer environmentally, environmentally friendlyfood, bowl, packaging, paper, green1
axiscnc.huSteel and Fabracation Industry offers the most cost-effective, high-quality engineering and design services around. With our consulting, designing, prototyping, and other expert services, we consistently save customers time and money. We also offer a host of additional services, all under the…initiative environmentally, environmentally friendlyaxis, production, steel, industry, machining1
malnaskertvendeghaz.huWe operate our guesthouse in an environmentally responsible manner using a wide variety of renewable energy sources – hot water and additional heating, for instance, are provided through a solar thermal collector system.guesthouse environmentally, environmentally responsibleguest, guesthouse, offer, saint, village1
belsoudvar.huOur experience is that more and more affordable to build environmentally conscious buildings what are able to give answers on the effects of climate change. The solutions, what were almost utopian 10-20 years ago, nowadays are common in the common practice. Therefore we believe in the near future…affordable environmentally, environmentally consciousresearch, build, office, expert, architect1
phantomelectricboats.huPhantom delivers this performance with a clean and environmentally friendly propulsion system that allows for zero-emission boating. Because of these features, you can also enjoy the experience of high-speed boating in places where only electric boating is allowed.clean environmentally, environmentally friendlyphantom, boat, electric, quality, material1
topclean-5ker.huIn addition to being a chemical-free and environmentally friendly process, BioClean offers other advantages as well:free environmentally, environmentally friendlyclean, dry, price, list, laundry1
maksz.huIn the outstanding year of 2019, the Hungarian car rental profession served domestic and foreign customers with about 7,000 rental cars, reaching three hundred thousand short-term rental agreements. There is also an increasing emphasis on the operation of an environmentally friendly fleet (e- and…operation environmentally, environmentally friendlyrental, guide, association, homepage, organizational1
schmidtmanagement.huIn addition to the quality of services it is extremely important for us to work with environmentally friendly and innovative technologies. This leads not only to more efficient performance but is also important for the health of our employees and the people working in the building.important environmentally, environmentally friendlymanagement, security, operation, clean, technical1
arenabusinesscampus.hu…the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for buildings of any kind, which means green office buildings that receive the “Excellent” rating are considered excellent choices for your employees’ well-being, and the communication of your environmentally friendly corporate image with BREEAM.communication environmentally, environmentally friendlyoffice, space, location, green, gallery1
vacigreens.huThe development of Váci Greens aims at attaining a highly environmentally aware construction and operational certification, which is unique in Hungary. The cost efficient Váci Greens buildings have been awarded BREEAM “Excellent” environmental certifications, they were the firsts to receive it in…highly environmentally, environmentally awarebuild, green, office, floor, building1
goldpenkonyveloiroda.huUse the power of online tools. Comfortable, environmentally-friendly solutions for the 21 century.comfortable environmentally, environmentally friendlyaccounting, protect, tax, payroll, firm1
econordesign.hu…made from recycled PU foam. The development of the highly durable coating involves the participation of several local companies. Our vision is to enhance the aesthetics and comfort of urban public spaces, parks, and events with our environmentally conscious foam furniture in the coming years.event environmentally, environmentally consciousfurniture, material, foam, recycle, accessories1
nevex.hu…and also on the expectation of the producers. Our goal is, in addition to enforcing the National and European Union regulatory systems, to assist the approval process, as the Hungarian producers should be supplied with effective, modern and environmentally less harmful products as fast as possible.modern environmentally, environmentally harmfulauthorization, plant, evaluation, process, institute1
intretech.huWhat is meant by sustainable production and how can you make the production of your own company sustainable and environmentally friendly?sustainable environmentally, environmentally friendlymanufacture, intelligent, automation, global, industry1
nothingbuthair.huNext to the customer conscious hairdressing, our second most important goal is sustainability, both when it comes to products used for cutting and dying. We put down our votes next to the environmentally friendly products.vote environmentally, environmentally friendlyhair, hairdresser, salon, sandor, like1
f-shipping.hu«FULDA SHIPHOLDING COMPANY» has been established in the energy market since 2023 and is able to respond immediately to the changes of the market requirements to meet all the Customer needs. The mission of the company is to ensure a cost-effective, innovative, environmentally friendly delivery for…innovative environmentally, environmentally friendlydelivery, storage, gas, customer, terminal1
argeomentum.huSustainable long-term land use requires the cooperation and collaboration between agriculturalists and conservationists. We specialise in mediation across these two sectors, for less intensive and more environmentally-friendly land management and relations. We attempt to ‘open up’ planning…intensive environmentally, environmentally friendlyresearch, environmental, plan, development, conservation1
geoplan.huOur mission is to provide environmentally-friendly service of geotechnical tasks from simple facilities to large projects, following and applying modern technologies, and trends, with appropriate professional sophistication. Constantly increasing our market recognition with reliable professional…mission environmentally, environmentally friendlygeotechnical, investigation, foundation, assessment, soil1
csillagkupola.huThe place is clean, environmentally conscious, cool. If you want to relax and retreat from the world, you can do it here, because you have everything you need.clean environmentally, environmentally consciousprice, near, lake, amenities, location1
cerlux.hu…training we emphasize acknowledgement of results arising from activities done not as specified. Reinforcement of our collegaues is considered to be of high priority so that our aim at employing workers committed to qualitative and environmentally conscious work should be ensured and continuous.qualitative environmentally, environmentally consciousquality, technical, need, material, customer1
greenstarbau.huBecause we think green: we try to use as many environmentally friendly materials and technologies as possible to protect our planet and reduce our ecological footprint.green environmentally, environmentally friendlygreen, reference, interior, furnishing, apartment1
byd.huTo the top of the four-star Hotel Drava in Harkány have installed 96 pieces of KYOCERA KD 210GH-2PU module, so their electricity bill reduced by more than 1 million Ft a year. The system started to produce on the 16th of april, 2010. Today, many hotels and local government thinks about a similar…cost environmentally, environmentally friendlycell, electricity, quality, price, list1
hajduair.huThe direct goal of the planned development is to improve the efficiency and profitability of our company’s economic activities through the introduction of new technological processes and the innovative use of materials. Our company is committed to the use of environmentally friendly technologies…use environmentally, environmentally friendly, innovative environmentallyair, construction, innovation, activity, industry1
ahi-carrier.huWe set the bar high when more than 100 years ago we invented modern air conditioning. Since then, we continue to create innovative products that are efficient, effective and environmentally friendly.effective environmentally, environmentally friendlyair, carrier, solution, sale, conditioning1
ngproject.huNG Projekt Ltd. is proud to be the exclusive distributor and system integrator of RMG Messtechnik GmbH’s innovative products in Hungary. As a partner of the innovative German company, NG Projekt Ltd. is committed to efficient and environmentally friendly energy supply, from precise gas measurement…efficient environmentally, environmentally friendlysolution, energy, industrial, automation, technology1
dronepermet.huDrones deliver higher concentration solutions therefore, thanks to precise intervention, the amount of chemicals and water used can be reduced by up to 90%. The solutions are mixed by our highly skilled crop protection specialists.drone, page, farming, crop, solution0
knhungary.huProfessional installation of smart-home systems controlled by phone or computer, in cooperation with our heat pumps, smart meters, modern inverters and energy storage systems.environmentally consciousgallery, installation, customer, heat, pump0
bionectar.huAll honey offered for purchase is tested in a laboratory. Quality is the most important factor for us. After analyzing laboratory results, the price set in the contract is payed to the producer immediately. Some of the tests are carried out with our own instruments, and other tests are made by…honey, quality, acacia, sunflower, pallet0
trenalux.huThe generation of waste is a result of human activity and as such, solving and managing the resulting problem can be achieved only by human activity. This is our duty, our task, which means that this problem must be solved in a way that will not cause further environmental damage. Our story…look, technology, download, waste, activity0
gabosplasztik.huThe main activity of our company is producing plastic packing materials. Thermoforming, tool design and manufacture, product developmentcompletely environmentally, environmentally friendlytool, plastic, manufacture, development, friendly0
hajotaxi.huKisoroszi island peak : the iconic point of the Danube Bend. Good beach & panorama. Bring food and drink because the bar is further away. The beach is pebble, The Danube is fast-flowing, but the water is slowly deepening.danube, island, beach, visegrad, water0
emb.huA new orchestra material of Béla Bartók’s orchestral highlight, Concerto for Orchestra, composed in 1943 in the United States, is now available on hire. Concerto for Orchestra is the first orchestra material produced from the Béla Bartók Complete Critical Edition (BBCCE), a joint publication of G…quality environmentally, environmentally friendlymusic, edition, string, complete, orchestra0
lasky.huLASKY DESIGN - HMI design Industrial design portfolio of Laszlo Nemeth Industrial designer - LASKY Product design HMI design Software design User Interface designglide environmentally, environmentally friendlyconcept, industrial, aircraft, laszlo, nemeth0
andrada.huThe first recorded references to lithium date back to late 1800s, as a Brazilian, Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva, a well-known scientist and statesman, reported discovering a new mineral during a visit to Scandinavia.clean environmentally, environmentally friendlyprecious, metal, mining, urban, battery0
emin.huThe tender is implemented with the financial and professional cooperation of the announcers. The announcers of the Value and Quality Award Tender also strive to develop and implement concepts with their own activities promoting the business success of economic organizations producing excellent…quality environmentally, environmentally friendlyquality, award, tender, value, consumer0
minikerobkft.huHome… About… Stores… Franchise… News… Contact… Join… Locations… 1Xbet En Saglam Kacak Bahis Sitesi…environmentally friendlystore, news, location, category, fresh0
dugulaslharitas.hu…Service. We are constantly improving our services, staying up-to-date on all the latest industry advancements and bringing our knowledge to your doorstep. Since 2000, our goal has remained the same—to provide reliable services and make sure our clients know we are professionals they can trust.environmentally friendlyclient, page, tab, item, latest0
budapestprivatetour.huWe feel lucky to live in this wonderful city full of attractions, which we would like to show you too, travelling by electric TukTuk, or having a nice walk.environmentally friendlytour, private, city, electric, attraction0
gabosmuanyag.hu…company. Our company is located 35km South from Budapest in nearly 1 hectare area. At present a 600m² workshop serves as a place for production, while for storage a 420 m² building was built also of lightweight construction. The main activity of our company is producing plastic packing materials.plastic, technology, process, form, packaging0
returmatic.huOutdoor reverse vending machine with large storage capacity and built in compression unit (and glass breaking unit) for the return of metal cans, PET and glass bottles.environmentally friendlymachine, reverse, detail, logistic, unit0
jmphotels.huNon-professional investors often invest in the hotel industry. We offer them full service from the first step of project planning to the opening of the hotel. Our goal is to launch an efficiently running hotel that meets the requirements of both the investor and the hotel guests in the given…room, operation, free, motorway, centre0
officegarden.huThe Office Garden office park offers ’A’ class office spaces in one of the most dynamically developing area of Budapest, in district 11, near the Danube bank.modern environmentally, environmentally friendlyoffice, garden, space, class, danube0
infraceramic.hu…completed the fourth heating season IS and have become richer with new experiences. We would like to continue to thank all our Customers and Partners for voting to trust the infrared panels manufactured by TEPLOCERAMIC LLC. We appreciate the efforts of the manufacturing company, it is importantclay environmentally, environmentally friendlyheating, infrared, ceramic, option, select0
crownkindergarten.huCome and have a look around! Bring your parents along and find out together how we can contribute to your future success.sporty environmentally, environmentally consciouscrown, kindergarten, group, vele, programme0
greenhills.huGreenhills residential park project involves 5 new build apartment-houses, with 31 individual homes available on nearly 1500 square meters, developed by Z&Z Investment Group Ltd.house environmentally, environmentally consconsciousbuild, apartment, gallery, sale, residential0
strapa-pack.hu20 years experience of packaging solutions and producing packaging materials included individual packaging and industrial packaging, sea and shipping packaging.packaging, material, detail, solution, transport0
spedman.huContact your local SPEDMAN Global Logistics office for an obligation free quote and discover the wide range of our transport and logistic service.freight, great, air, road, logistic0
bsplastic.hu…in the history of the company. Continuous innovation, adaptation to the fast-changing needs of the market, state-of-the-art technology and highly qualified staff are only a few of our defining values that allow us to serve our Customers with the highest quality products efficiently and reliably.plastic, packaging, custom, material, size0
falco7.huWe entered the professional building and institution cleaning market in 1996 by forming FAl-Co7 Kereskedelmi- és Szolgáltató Bt. (Trade and Service Deposit Company). As a result of the seven years of dynamic development of the company, the leadership decided to create a company form with more…work environmentally, environmentally friendlyclean, technology, customer, employee, requirements0
dhlexpress.huThen simply bring the shipment to a DHL Service Point, where the staff will be happy to pack and insure a shipment for you, without you needing to have DHL account. You can pay by cash or card in our Service Points.system environmentally, environmentally friendlylocker, point, ut, shipment, package0
hellovarazs.huA new community site where you can meet people who care about conscious shopping, environmental protection and the future of children, including our future. We are waiting for you with great experiences and gift ideas in Budapest and Hungary!environmentally consciousprice, basket, regular, hello, idea0
hankooknegyed.huEven in the life of the factory in Rácalmás, the ten years of “THANKS, Hankook!”, the Employee Volunteer Program, is a long timespan. And, what a 10 years it has been! On the occasion of the anniversary, we made a short film at the location of this year’s biggest project, the Arboretum, on Baracsi…simple environmentally, environmentally consciousemployee, health, day, september, news0
villanyszerelesbuda.huThis Text Box widget is placed within a Flexbox Container. If you want to learn more about how containers can help you with your website, watch this video .environmentally friendlytestimonial, way, brand, great, text0
seedless.hu, to design innovative, creative solutions ahead of the market, while building a long term partnership with all our clients. We help you further develop your product, customer relations and business processes, while making you aware of your values, and helping you create a unique customer…sustainable environmentally, environmentally conscioussolution, partnership, market, long, creativity0
panelectron.hu…regulator PSX solar regulator specs PSC solar battery charger PSC solar battery charger specs MPPT solar charge controller MPPT photovoltaic battery charger PWR wind battery charger Electronic scale inhibitor Multi Plus scale inhibitor Multi scale inhibitor Profi scale inhibitor DC-DC converterproduct environmentally, environmentally friendlycharger, electronic, battery, charge, controller0
eubottle.hubottles in Europe, look no further. EU Bottle is your source for reliability, quality, health conscious plastic sports bottles and a commitment to unrivaled service, quality and selection. Discover how EU Bottle will work for you. Watch Nowsafe environmentally, environmentally friendlybottle, gallery, accessories, reference, faq0
trademagazin.huCompany and Personal News Auchan will raise wages between 12.5 and 21.3 percent from Januarygrocer environmentally, environmentally friendlynews, january, chain, article, price0
jack-wolfskin.huJACK WOLFSKIN - Buy waterproof clothing, shoes, tents, equipment and more available online - JACK WOLFSKIN Outdoor Shop.environmentally friendlyjacket, shoes, trousers, footwear, hiking0
anchorfence.huThe fences installed with the anchor fence system are extremely stable, so you can be sure that they protect you and your valuables from unauthorized persons.fence, column, main, page, reference0
drtanacs.hu…and transparent regulation of legal relations to be a fundamental value of the legal profession, during which he regards the level of detail and cost-effectiveness expected by the given client to be of paramount importance. As law is constantly evolving, up-to-date knowledge is essential for him,law, legal, contract, protection, representation0
csapviztisztitas.huDoulton® has hundreds of years of experience providing families with clean, healthy drinking water in their homes since its beginnings in 1826. Using natural ceramic water filters that improve the look, smell and taste of tap water, Doulton® filters remove contaminants while retaining the healthy…auto environmentally, environmentally friendlywater, filter, drink, taste, counter0
korte.huTightening environmental regulations, internal energy efficiency targets, inefficient operating conditions, obsolete and unreliable industrial wastewater treatment processes are just a few reasons you may plan to intensify, retrofit or modernise your old wastewater treatment plant.wastewater, treatment, technology, chemical, water0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)fire environmentally, environmentally friendlydocumentary, islam, history, america, article0
gph.huAn overview of Ipoly Forest Ltd.'s small railway developments in recent years from 2003 to the presentengineering, representation, railway, development, activity0
printologic.hu…functions through a special hardware practically without installation, which means that the device works as a virtual printer, thus replacing complicated software architecture. The hardware functions as a printing server, that is, the PRINTOLOGIC server receives printing tasks through network…cheap environmentally, environmentally friendlytechnology, printing, gallery, solution, organisation0
yama.huIntroduction / News / YAMA Art Gallery / Contactart, news, gallery, introduction, eng0
itstudy.huDuring the OpenQAsS project, we developed a solution to help VET institutions carry out their quality assurance tasks, in line with the current European Quality Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET).During the OpenQAsS project, we developed a solution to help VET…education, vocational, teacher, training, development0
diaklabor.huStudent laboratories are facilities which provide lessons for students and student groups in mathematics, information technology, nature sciences and technology mainly based on self-learning activities and self-experimentation. They provide every year more than 100 lessons for external students…utility environmentally, environmentally consciousstudent, lab, operation, education, laboratory0
premiumcarwash.huWe make your car shine in a professionally, while you can focus on other priorities. Whether it's exterior cleaning, interior cleaning or leather upholstery care, we provide a remarkably high quality in an extremely short time that will surely amaze you!environmentally friendlywash, clean, package, removal, premium0
e-cruiser.huElectric boat rental. Excursion, fishing on the water of Lake Balaton with our comfortably equipped electric boats, which do not require a driving licenseboat, electric, lake, license, marine0
appletree-kindergarten.huLove of nature and an awareness of our environment are emphasized and integral parts of the curriculum at Apple Tree Kindergarten and Nursery. Children are actively involved in maintaining our fruit trees, our vegetable patch and our flowerbeds. We teach children about recycling and composting. We…environmentally friendlykindergarten, tree, nursery, child, teacher0
pk-tech.huOur services are permanent disinfection, air technique systems cleaning, high cleaning, kitchen hood cleaning in restaurants.clean, disinfection, air, kitchen, technique0