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92 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: ecological

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ecolres.huMany of the projects of the Centre for Ecological Research are carried out with the active involvement of the public. Together, we can perform our spatially and temporally widespread research more efficiently. During our Citizen science programs, we monitor various species and ecological phenomena…centre ecological, ecological research, species ecological, ecological phenomenon, rapid ecologicalresearch, garden, species, science, pond15
restoration-ecology.huRestoration ecology combines ecological theory and practical applications leading to restoration of disturbed, degraded or completely damaged ecosystems (see more at Society for Ecological Restoration ).centre ecological, ecological research, ecology ecological, ecological theory, society ecologicalrestoration, ecology, group, publication, research11
oxyhouse.huWe offer to deep clean the environment of acute and chronic ill people, eliminating completely and deeply every dust, dust mites, fungus and mildew , with strictly ecological products. On demand we offer to move furnitures and electric devices to accomodate the environment to the changed…professional ecological, ecological product, usage ecological, team ecological, work ecologicalclean, environment, deep, house, holiday11
kiskozossegek.hu…can contribute to achieve an environmentally friendly way of living, building strong relationships among people living in the same place, and strengthening the local economy. We believe that we can solve the ecological crisis only if cooperation among people living nearby becomes much stronger.economy ecological, ecological crisis, exemplary ecological, ecological initiative, local ecologicalcommunity, small, programme, local, strong10
egc2023.huThe 18th Eurasian Grassland Conference (EGC) will take place in Hungary, from 25 September to 1 October 2023. The conference is organized by the EDGG, the Seed Ecology Research Group at the Centre for Ecological Research and the Körös-Maros National Park Directorate. It is supported by the IAVS…centre ecological, ecological researchconference, grassland, national, september, directorate6
ecovalley.huEvery single moment of the day is a matter of making the right choices for a better world. Eco Valley Foundation, a non-profit organization in Hungary, strives to be a channel of a model community, which makes efforts to become a working module of a self sustainable, ecological, organic and…sustainable ecological, ecological organic, sustainability ecological, complete ecological, ecological economicvalley, volunteer, model, education, sustainable4
biomagker.hu"Due to its high protein content, soy is a functional food - it also plays a prominent role in animal feed. Produced under ecological conditions, free of genetic modification, it is a high-quality raw material."great ecological, ecological farming, feed ecological, ecological conditionnews, seed, soybean, variety, food3
polypack.hu…awareness and sustainability throughout our activities. We pay particular attention to the efficient use of energy in our plant, reducing the ecological footprint of our products. We work from recyclable materials, practically waste-free. The process residue material from the production process…plant ecological, ecological footprint, reduction ecological, cost ecologicaltray, material, raw, component, food3
balogarpad.hu…improving our estate, consciously embracing sustainable and close-to-nature farming practices from the very beginning. The fact that our vineyard is mostly surrounded by stretches of abandoned land of exceptionally rich flora and fauna helps us to preserve the ecological diversity of our terroir.terroir ecological, ecological island, fauna ecological, ecological diversitywine, grape, natural, winery, vine3
szunyogmonitor.hu…threat we need to know the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of these species. For this purpose, scientists at the Centre for Ecological Research in collaboration with the University of Pécs launched a country-wide mosquito monitoring program in 2019 with the contribution of…centre ecological, ecological researchmosquito, distribution, asian, spatial, report3
zoldaktiv.hu…seasonal employment opportunities in the area for full year employment, improving the situation of local and regional tourism enterprises, local community service, new approaches in the way of living toward sustainable development. Both the social and the ecological aspects are important for us.social ecological, ecological aspect, economical ecological, ecological fieldsocial, tourism, cooperative, barrier, day3
erti.hu, moreover, they are more suitable for performing welfare and recreational functions. The key task of forest research is the investigation of the ecological relations, evolution and growth, that is, the internal laws of the forest in order to determine the proper ways of disturbance. The permanent…investigation ecological, ecological relation, station ecological, ecological genetic, clarification ecologicalforest, department, natural, management, change2
nitrogreen.huThe NitroGreen products are made from 100% recycled materials sourced in Hungary and are completely safe for the environment. In fact, using NitroGreen instead of synthetic fertilizers can help reduce our ecological footprint since synthetic fertilizers are derived from natural gas.important ecological, ecological footprint, fertilizer ecologicalsupplement, nitrogen, plant, soil, phosphorus2
autorola.huEcological vehicles, respect for the environment. (direct dealings between buyer and seller).vehicle, auction, buyer, seller, direct2
sipospack.huThanks to our innovations, our individual packaging can now be made in a sustainable way. By creating recyclable, homogeneous products, we support the recyclability of packaging materials. This also reduces the load on our environment and decreases our ecological footprint.environment ecological, ecological footprintpackaging, recyclable, material, printing, solution2
heatenergy.hu…point, we strive to add value to products through continuous improvements and ideas, as well as through excellent standards of service in all areas from design to engineering and out to production and service. We also treat ecological sustainability as an essential and common-sense requirement.service ecological, ecological sustainabilityheat, energy, gas, regulator, safety2
solservices.huThere have been only a few examples of large-scale solar park developments in Hungary so far. SolServices Ltd. is actively involved in the development and implementation of the best practices. In order for our solar parks to provide the greatest added ecological and social value, we have launched…compliance ecological, ecological consideration, great ecological, ecological socialenergy, renewable, implementation, sustainability, generation2
gyuttmentfesztival.hu…and Hungarian members who joined together to make the experience of ecovillages available in our region, to make it applicable, and to connect those local farms, communities and organizations that already have valuable experience in the ecological, economic and social areas of sustainability.experience ecological, ecological economic, addition ecological, ecological communitygather, community, countryside, network, day2
heritagemanager.hu…involves different views and encourages to act responsibly. KÖME mixes the holistic view of heritage interpretation with our experiences of ecological embeddedness. We are members of the international network of Interpret Europe and our goal is to create a regional network for heritage…complex ecological, ecological system, contemporary ecological, ecological knowledge, experience ecologicalheritage, manager, cultural, association, community2
bio-klima.huIn addition to being highly efficient, the cleaning agent we use also breaks down completely in a short time, leaving no ecological footprint.time ecological, ecological footprintclean, air, unit, healthy, premium2
ertekterkep.huTo harmonize the economic and the ecological approach with principles and practices of local self-government.economic ecological, ecological approachvalue, map, reference, publication, competition2
biokutatas.hu…knowledge are being reduced. I am happy to see, and I support any steps or results that aims to promote healthy, clean eating, to maintain the ecological balance, and to rediscover our long lost regional plant varieties. ÖMKi is excellent in this regard. I think that the work they do is vital now,research ecological, ecological approach, eat ecological, ecological balanceorganic, research, agriculture, food, variety2
inteco-trade.huAt INTECO-TRADE we are pleased to deliver ecological, safe and reliable energy solution for your business and home – liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). We provide different LPG products to better cover your needs: auto-gas for cars, commercial gas for heating households and running businesses…reliable ecological, ecological solution, pleased ecological, ecological safetrade, fuel, energy, industrial, railway2
seed-ecology.huOur group is based at the Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany in Vácrátót, Hungary. We are keen on studying the conservation and restoration possibilities of grassland ecosystems using approaches of seed ecology and landscape ecology. In this homepage we introduce our…centre ecological, ecological researchecology, seed, research, group, homepage2
urbanverbunk.huCombining the traditional elements of folk dance with the tools of modern movement culture, Urban Verbunk shot in Uzbekistan to reflect on the global problem of water shortage with a unique spot. The message of the clip is that we are in the last hour, and if we do not act, the ecological…attention ecological, ecological problem, hour ecological, ecological processurban, dance, folk, video, water2
action2020.huWe are aware of our environmental responsibility and sustainability is at the heart of our policies and practices. Our products are manufactured and marketed in accordance with ecological guidelines, as this is the best solution for both business and the environment.accordance ecological, ecological guidelineceo, director, manage, environmental, development2
greenstarbau.huBecause we think green: we try to use as many environmentally friendly materials and technologies as possible to protect our planet and reduce our ecological footprint.planet ecological, ecological footprintgreen, reference, interior, furnishing, apartment1
cofa.hu"Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity, and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and…people ecological, ecological processorganic, association, member, farming, certified1
okoindustria.huAll this with ease, from the comfort of your office or home. This year, ÖKOINDUSTRIA is really left the smallest possible ecological footprint.possible ecological, ecological footprintexhibitors, green, programme, event, organizer1
szatmarregio.huOur company is highly engaged in decreasing it's ecological footprint throughout it's operation. In our Operative Program for the next 7 years we dedicated our resources and our development plan for clean energy consumption. We introduced high capacity solar panel network to our cooling houses…highly ecological, ecological footprintproduction, harvest, cooperative, fruit, vegetable1
kopintalapitvany.hu…emerging industries to promote the green transition. The electric car industry is a good example of these efforts. Drawing on theories of ecological modernisation and state industrial policy, this paper presents China’s policies and plans to promote the development of this industry. The…theory ecological, ecological modernisationeconomic, international, literature, country, economy1
budapestfa.huTwo hungarian contemporary artists have decided to move out from the crowded city to decrease their ecological footprint.city ecological, ecological footprintforest, tour, air, monument, horse1
ugh.huThe international organisation GREEN BRANDS has awarded brands from three countries that have met the rigorous assessment process for ecological sustainability at a gala event. The event was attended by representatives of the winning brands and members of the expert jury from Hungary, the Czech…process ecological, ecological sustainabilitytraining, brand, czech, event, publication1
protec-plastics.huWith our Protec Blu Signature® initiative, we want to further advance the ecologically necessary transition from a linear economy to a circular economy and to harmonize ecological thinking with economic action.economy ecological, ecological thinkcap, silicone, thread, cable, protection1
skc.huFood production is one of the most important industrial segments in terms of global economy and ecological sustainability. Recognizing the ever-increasing importance of this, thanks to our comprehensive strategic construction and numerous high-value investments, we have made significant…economy ecological, ecological sustainabilityconstruction, office, food, management, application1
bypassnet.huOur ‘green’ department has been formed. We have paid special attention to reducing our ecological / carbon footprint and have become committed to the development and use of ‘green’ technologies.attention ecological, ecological carbondevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment1
oregpresetterem.huOur delicatessen also represents this, where the local producers’ products- made with their heart and soul- can be bought. In this way you can help the growth of the domestic small holders and farmers and you can also reduce your ecological footprint as most of the delicacies come from a 15km area.farmer ecological, ecological footprintrestaurant, event, wedding, wine, culinary1
schaltech.huWe attach great importance to protecting the environment. All large companies have a high responsibility, no matter what energy and materials they use in large quantities. We strive to leave an ecological footprint as small as possible.quantity ecological, ecological footprintfacade, reference, technology, structure, construction1
kaszo-life.hu…Hungary) and rehabilitate natural habitats that have been degraded. The project seeks to improve the water supply of the forests, smaller swamps and grasslands of Szentai Forest Natura 2000 site as well as retaining precipitation in the area and thus stabilising the favourable ecological state.favourable ecological, ecological stateaction, official, welcome, result, progress1
kenderbenajovo.huThe resource of our action plan is an industrial hemp with a long tradition, which can be successfully grown according to ecological principles. From this still modern raw material, a range of products with competitive, low environmental impact can be produced, from building materials to food…successfully ecological, ecological principlehemp, process, future, development, page1
grandiohungary.hu…a balance between man and nature. We are convinced that every living thing has a place in nature and is there for a good reason. By maintaining ecological stability, the number of pests in the plantation can still be tolerated, but in return remains a rich soil life and living community, which, in…reason ecological, ecological stabilitywalnut, organic, quality, buy, free1
napur.hu…of the future. The defining panoramic view from the Danube will be cleared up, giving way and space to recreactional and sport functions. On the bank of the Danube on the border of the ecological network of the EU and Hungary an attractive grove of sports will emerge to enjoy by the city dwellers.”border ecological, ecological networkdetail, architect, office, build, center1
zoldutak.hu…Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) launched its programme called European Green Belt , with the vision “to create the backbone of an ecological network, running from the Barents to the Black Sea that is a global symbol for transboundary cooperation in nature conservation and sustainable…backbone ecological, ecological networkiron, curtain, border, area, step1
retextil.hu…method -community space and free Open Workshop -a product that is 100% handmade without chemical intervention, every piece is unique and a result of a personal creative process -it is a way of thinking that clearly reflects and reacts to the social and ecological problems of the 21st centurysocial ecological, ecological problemshop, main, art, therapeutic, textile1
boglyafesztival.hu“With the Boglya Fest event, we dreamed of a festival in the region of Lake Tisza, where young people may have a break away from the bustle of big cities, and where you could also come with your families. We believe that cultural, musical, gastronomic and ecological themes fit together well, since…gastronomic ecological, ecological themefestival, break, event, city, people1
iranytuafenntarthatosaghoz.huWe are convinced that the key players of future climate-neutral and circular economy will be the competitive businesses with outstanding ESG performance, the family farms engaged in ecological and regenerative farming, the resilient local authorities with energy and food autonomy, and the health-…farm ecological, ecological regenerativesustainability, sustainable, climate, circular, social1
almasibalazs.huThe opportunity to shape space and young minds is a gift and a challenge at the same time for a landscape architect and as academic tutor, as I am. I truly believe that art plays a role in this process, but also that the designed space has to fit the environment, perfectly in an ecological…perfectly ecological, ecological economicbalazs, art, landscape, architect, elegance1
szeged-english.hu17- MAR Paola Spinozzi , University of Ferrara: “The Ecological Humanities and Ecocriticism for Sustainable Wellbeing”ferrara ecological, ecological humanityuniversity, february, study, student, department1
mkne.huEcological evenings for HSEE members and others interested: onsite and online discussions with invited lecturers on actual and interesting issues of sustainabilityenvironmental, education, member, society, training1
dorogdigyapju.huWe are a bunch of enthusiastic professionals who have many things in common. We are all committed to sustainable living and products made locally. We´re committed to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible.locally ecological, ecological footprintwool, natural, material, locally, yarn1
kabelkonfekcio.huThe focus is on environmentally conscious solutions! From building insulation through the generation of energy required for production and the air-conditioning of offices to waste recycling and delivery logistics we have countless ideas to ensure that we leave the smallest possible ecological…possible ecological, ecological footprintcable, assembly, signal, power, industry1
fluart.hu…sustainability and health safety in all its endeavors. This commitment underscores the company's focus on fostering a sustainable and safe working environment. Through conscious decision-making, Fluart strives to contribute positively to both ecological well-being and the health of individuals.positively ecological, ecological healthhealth, vaccine, environment, safety, innovative1
mehke.huIt is our mission to achieve a reduction in the ecological footprint of Hungary as a result of our social activities.reduction ecological, ecological footprintwaste, association, industry, management, protection1
ova.info.huAdvances in ecological science and increasing public environmental awareness have resulted in changes in the management of renewable natural resources. To achieve sustainable use of wildlife, managers need reliable, accessible and well designed data on populations, habitats, and the complexities…advance ecological, ecological science, complexity ecological, ecological interaction, wildlife ecologicalgame, management, database, data, national1
drdemeterjudit.huFMT refers to the transfer of a community of microscopic organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses) from a living, healthy organism to a diseased one, with the aim of establishing or restoring an ecological balance that ensures health. A distinction is made between autologous, i.e. a procedure carried…aim ecological, ecological balancepatient, treatment, transfer, page1
innowear.huReducing the ecological footprint of our products is a defining aspect of our Research and Development, and production.textile, development, research, production, material1
wecup.huThese systems ensure that the forests have been managed responsibly and in accordance with environmental, social and ecological values. PEFC gathers the European forestry industry in its own labelling system for responsibility, replanting and endurance of forests. FSC gathers independent parties…social ecological, ecological valuecup, paper, waste, plastic, recyclable1
eleventargets.huEleven has always been a pioneer when it comes to inventions on the target market. The ECOWAVE name reflects the reduced ecological footstep we leave since 80% of the weight is recycled material.reduce ecological, ecological footsteptarget, archery, event, insert, accessories1
kisbalaton.huIn order to avoid the ecological disaster the water experts worked out a plan for the construction of “Kis-Balaton Water Protection System”. The basic idea was that Kis-Balaton could filter and treat the sediments and nutrients transported by Zala in the formed marshy area by repeated flooding the…order ecological, ecological disasterhistory, water, bay, lake, role1
fountainepajot.huNaturally concerned about protecting the primary source of our ideals, we are committed to reducing the marine footprint of our catamarans. Therefore, we propose on all our models the inclusion of renewable energy sources. Our ECO-CRUISING and SMART CRUISING concepts considerably reduce the…considerably ecological, ecological impactcatamaran, dealer, news, boat, source1
lapidarium.hu…the structural design not just a task to be completed in time and quality, but also a chance for a serious intellectual play. Community play that provides the joy of creation on the individual level and results in good engineering-economical-aesthetic-ecological quality of the designed facility.aesthetic ecological, ecological qualitystructural, structure, engineering, engineer, house1
bornemisszavendeghazak.huThe largest ecological corridor in Central Europe, it was launched in October 2014. Its primary function is to provide an ecological gateway for fish. Its total length is 1371 metres, with an average width of 17 metres. The maximum difference in level between upstream and downstream water is 10.6…large ecological, ecological corridor, function ecological, ecological gatewaylake, water, area, beach, apartment1
pecsisor.huActive participation in the brewing industry’s ongoing innovations is a key goal for the company, such as the continued reduction of our ecological footprint, to minimise water and energy use.reduction ecological, ecological footprintbeer, brewery, organic, free, gluten1
xtrorealm.huSince 2017 the xtro realm artist group organizes a multitude of programs (reading circles, exhibitions, field trips) dealing with new-realist and ecological theories that critique the anthropocentricism of contemporary thinking, in order to provide access to the discourses of climate change and…realist ecological, ecological theoryrealm, group, reader, climate, field1
hullamvilla.huSustainability was very important to us when we built and designed Hullám Villa. Our goal was to use natural materials from sustainable Hungarian sources wherever possible. We have been collecting rain water for watering the garden, we have installed LED lights and ecological and sustainable water…light ecological, ecological sustainableroom, attraction, nature, natural, gallery1
bioszenguru.hu• The relationship between human health and ecological farming, in sustainable organic agriculturehealth ecological, ecological farmingtitle, page, parameters, technical, provider1
navaykornel.huWe strive to take care of the ecological balance of our hunting area though ethical and sustainable hunting and with quality wildlife management.care ecological, ecological balancehunting, game, number, nature, area1
alvarium-meheszet.huWe keep our beehives near forests and fields, so the bees can collect water from the woodlands. To lower our ecological footprint, our hives are made out of wood, with wood accessories. Moreover, we only advertise and sell our products in our vicinity, packaged in recyclable materials.woodland ecological, ecological footprinthomepage, gallery, bee, additive, honey1
senex.huAssessment of plans and projects significantly affecting Natura 2000 sites, Ecological Assessmentsite ecological, ecological assessmenttreatment, wastewater, assessment, environmental, field1
kesabirtok.huOur main focus in grape cultivation for this size of territory is to take no compromises regarding quality. Everything from wooden poles to ecological crop protection will be set up and maintained manually with great care and love.pole ecological, ecological cropescape, cottage, estate, production, quality1
naturcleaning.huThe GREEN BRANDS trademark is one of the most important and most valuable recognition of the highly rated brands. This demonstrates compliance with the certification, showing - end consumers and business partners - the proven ecological sustainability of the company and the product.partner ecological, ecological sustainabilitycart, story, bottle, exchange, feedback1
novenyzetiterkep.huto develop, manage and to apply MÉTA database (Landscape Ecological Vegetation Database & Map of Hungary)landscape ecological, ecological vegetationprogramme, heritage, main, map, landscape1
nanotechnology.hu…etc. These materials have many existing and potential applications in technology, e.g. in communication, signal processing, computing, and as ecological freindly colorants. But biological evolution created photonic nanoarchitectures in living organisms more than 500 Million years ago. This video…computing ecological, ecological freindlypublication, butterfly, image, detail1
gldesign.huOur goal is to give people from all segments of society a possible answer to one of the greatest challenges of our time by protecting the resources of nature . Every single business organisation and individual needs to have a sustainable solution in order to preserve the ecological balance of…order ecological, ecological balancetree, christmas, range, spare, special1
bfnp.huVisitor centres and sites… Guided tours… Tours… Walking tours… E-bike tours… Water tours…ecological servicedetail, view, visitor, centre, tour0
inhaltsstoffe.huRosmarin Zrt. © | All rights reserved. Copying the text, pictures stated on website or misappropriation of copyright entails immediate decisive action.daddy ecological, ecological cleanclean, scrub, austria, navigation, ingredients0
igazsagosatmenet.huThe Coal Commission was established on 11th March 2021 as the first consultation platform of Hungary focusing on the questions of coal transition. The mission of the Coal Commission is to provide a platform for continuous multi stakeholder consultation in order to support the sustainable and just…child ecological, ecological footprintcoal, footprint, calculator, news, power0
econordesign.hufurniture at ECONOR Design. Our recycled furniture are designed for a long lifespan with their solid structures. With our team of visionary and adventurous minds, we are the ideal collaborators for designers and interior architects seeking to bring their boldest and most innovative concepts to life.furniture, material, foam, recycle, accessories0
hvac-klima.huISS CLIMATE offers a full cycle of installation and maintenance services for air conditioning systems. Our specialists are able to solve any problem.ecological systemair, conditioning, supply, climate, international0
belmakosmetik.huExcellence Shampoo… Excellence Bio Organic Treatment… Excellence Mask… Enzymo Bath… Thermic Oil…oil, új, street, mask, shampoo0
kner.huIn the industrial sector, we have driven the trend towards greater environmental friendliness with numerous products such as detachable cardboard segments and washable self-adhesive labels for glass bottles. For producers who focus on sustainability, we have a wide range of eco-materials in our…label, production, packaging, data, cardboard0
progredior.huWe offer products from leading lighting manufacturers that guarantees reliable, efficient and enrironmental friendly performance for our commercial and end-user partners to realize their various needs of different application purposes. Future-proof product developments of these well-known global…efficiency ecological, ecological footprintlighting, document, solution, module, driver0
globeowl.huTo join the project you must be an undergraduate, postgraduate or 2019 graduate. All skills and backgrounds are welcome – you might be an English student, a geographer, an economist or a sociologist or a history student (this list could go on…) – everyone has something to contribute and we’d…climate ecological, ecological crisisstudent, training, owl, globe, skill0
sustain.hu…governments, customers and legislation. Corporate performance is measured and presented using 67 GRI indicators. Depending on the size of the company and its activities, it is recommended that 10-20 indicators are selected and developed over an annual period to demonstrate the change in the…ecological footprintsustainability, climate, indicator, impact, corporate0
paleo.huThe central theme of our Research Group is the history of biosphere. This topic has been increasingly in the focus of international paleontological research in the last few decades. Using the Earth system approach, the changes of biodiversity through time and the key events in evolution are…publication, mission, research, history, group0
laszlofoldi.hu"I have been interested in nature, and the underwater world since I was a child, although I was born far from the sea, but I was still attracted to it."nature, category, laszlo, photographer, award0
csudijo.hu…and we knew, we felt it must have gone on. We confided our most important, inmost feelings, thoughts to each other. We connected. We created ideas. And a few years later, the thing you’re standing in front of was born: a community of small and tall ones, good and not-so-good ones, accepted…small ecological, ecological footprintchild, organization, community, everybody, love0
officegarden.huThe Office Garden office park offers ’A’ class office spaces in one of the most dynamically developing area of Budapest, in district 11, near the Danube bank.solution ecological, ecological footprintoffice, garden, space, class, danube0
futureoceans.hu…their survival because they don`t have other choice.`- says Csilla Ari, who established the Manta Memories Project. `The idea of the Manta Memories Project was born when I was observing manta rays at the Atlantis Resort and tourists wanted to buy manta ray photos from me to take home as souvenirs.`elasmobranchii ecological, ecological perspectivemanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future0
lichen.huIn this way we hope to contribute to the understanding of the role and importance of lichens and lichenological research in nature, in human life and society.centre ecological, ecological researchresearch, knowledge, homepage, science, detail0
ahang.hu…has reinstalled the memorial plaque commemorating the victims of a series of homicides against the Roma. This is another huge achievement made possible by the aHang platform, and this time success came in relation to a particularly neglected area in Hungary: the field of Roma advocacy.ecological bombcampaign, family, public, national, care0
okotura.hu…sites, 2000 m from railway station and close to Highway 33. It is next to the newly built cycleway and to the trunk line bus stop. Our guesthouse** and camping site** stands under the shadow of deciduous trees in the midst of small forest park. Guests are welcome here from April to November.presentation ecological, ecological farmingbooking, site, price, guesthouse, room0