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698 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: basis

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premiumapartmanok.hu…or via a contact form, the personal data transmitted by the data subject are automatically stored. Such personal data transmitted on a voluntary basis by a data subject to the data controller are stored for the purpose of processing or contacting the data subject. There is no transfer of this…legal basis, basis art, voluntary basis, basis data, basis processapartment, data, personal, premium, process8
abtl.hurecords schedule: a list serving as a basis for selection of public records from the aspect of systematization and disposal, which lists the current records classified according to items (such as subject groups, or where necessary, by the type of document) in a system adapted to the scope of…list basis, basis selection, archive basis, basis regulation, purpose basisarchive, shall, public, record, document8
ritkabetegsegakademia.hu…of the conference in person is also possible. After clicking on the package of services, the registration system generates a pro forma invoice on basis of which payment can be effected. Items to be paid are included in the pro forma invoice. Once paid, Diamond Congress Kft. will issue an invoice…legal basis, basis data, basis necessary, basis delivery, contractual basisdata, congress, case, legal, conference8
serpakalandpark.hu…or via a contact form, the personal data transmitted by the data subject are automatically stored. Such personal data transmitted on a voluntary basis by a data subject to the data controller are stored for the purpose of processing or contacting the data subject. There is no transfer of this…legal basis, basis art, voluntary basis, basis data, basis processdata, price, adventure, personal, process8
tradiscoseeds.huthe existence of the right of the data subject to request from the Company access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject and, in the case of processing based on certain legal bases, to object to processing as well as the right to…legal basis, basis processdata, subject, shall, personal, process7
mkvk.hu…the provisions of the national auditing standards in force, acquire evidence on their reliable and fair nature, and establish an opinion on the basis of the foregoing. The report audited by the auditor is therefore a source of security for outside clients, business partners, creditors, investorsopinion basis, basis forego, declaration basis, basis faulty, course basischamber, member, auditing, sector, place6
i-coaching.huNLP Akadémia Kft. shall, upon the customer's request, provide further information about the data concerning the customer that it processes, the purpose, legal basis and duration of the processing, as well as about who receives or has received the data and for what purpose. NLP Akadémia Kft. will…legal basis, basis process, basis data, basis durationdata, process, academy, training, course6
leadevents.huOur country, the land of our ancestors, our culture, our traditions, our wealth, that we invite you to discover, to share to preserve.

Devise and implement programs, trips for our customers in Hungary, it is the basis of our concept.

To live Hungarian moments, to visit the…
hungary basis, basis hungarian, basis conceptlead, culture, country, land, wealth5
komplexinstrukcio.huThe KIP program is the basis of a massive school development program, called Complex Basic Program which aims at decreasing early school leaving by training the teachers of endangered schools.theoretical basis, basis kip, skill basis, basis status, program basisschool, teacher, child, pupil, group5
edac.huElectronicsDesign &Consultancy ABOUT THE COMPANY EDAC is an international Electronics Desing And Consultancy company on the bases of AGILE principles. We develop ease-of-use products and share our knowledge during consultation. We provide our services for consumer, industrial and automotive…company basis, basis agileelectronic, consultancy, concept, engineering, production5
isaac.huThe security awareness must change as the place changes. The professionally designed and displayed communication-information-control-measurement are the basis of corporate security.measurement basis, basis corporatesecurity, communication, safety, site, corporate5
szentandrasi-szabo.huSzentandrási-Szabó Family Dentistry in the 12th district of Budapest. Our dentistry is exclusively dental and family-owned, guaranteeing that our decisions in patient care are based on a strictly professional basis.professional basis, basis kinddentistry, family, dental, patient, tooth5
okopannon.huOn the basis of the above information the producers and importers of Green Dot marked products have permission to use the trademark on the packaging of their products only by the further authority (sub-licence) of ÖKO-Pannon Nonprofit Plc., the exclusively entitled organisation, at a charge of…fee basis, basis packaging, contract basistrademark, packaging, charge, green, licence5
basicasset.hu…importance: the system can be set up faster if more developers are involved, but then the development time per cost ratio is higher, too . On the basis of adequate specifications, an experienced developer can assess quite accurately the preparation of the application or system you need. If you…value basis, basis professional, degree basis, basis company, data basisprocess, management, development, basic, asset4
dreros.huThe balance of private life and relationship means the basis of happiness – said Erika Erös M.D.relationship basis, basis happinesseros, clinic, remote, consultation, health4
felvesznek.hu…and Bulgaria) and is led by Raabe Klett Ltd (Hungary) undertook to compose a comprehensive Career Management Manual for VET teachers. On the basis of this Manual, 10 teachers from two partner schools (Manfred Weiss VET School from Budapest, HU and Raahe VET Institute, FI) take part in a 5-dayteacher basis, basis manual, discussion basis, level basis, basis experiencetraining, manual, teacher, school, career4
berkodaru.huBerkó Daru Ltd. services are currently carried out with more than 20 Liebherr cranes with a capacity of between 13 and 400 tonnes. However, we can supply a crane with a higher load capacity on a single order basis, throughout Hungary, if necessary abroad and we’re also undertake escort of…order basis, basis hungarycrane, vehicle, escort, currently, abroad4
ap-x.huIf the Data Controller refuses to comply with the request, the information on this shall include the legal basis for the refusal and the legal remedies available to the data subject.legal basis, basis data, basis refusaldata, subject, process, personal, management4
tomeo.huBudapest photographer available on a freelance basis for private, corporate, photojournalism, travel, sport, music, event, interior & exterior photography.freelance basis, basis privatephotographer, exterior, interior, corporate, available4
inforness.huIn order to serve a given “USE CASE” on the basis of artificial intelligence, thorough domain knowledge is required, on the basis of which mathematical models and algorithms can be created.case basis, basis artificial, knowledge basis, basis mathematical, project basistraining, university, development, algorithm, hana4
tenyerlegal.hu…I had the opportunity to learn the basics necessary to practice the profession, and to find areas I am passionate about and enjoy on an everyday basis. I was fortunate enough to find these areas almost at the very beginning of my career, and these are the areas I still devote my professional lifeeveryday basis, basis fortunate, rate basis, basis combinationcontract, legal, law, agreement, procedure3
szazadveg.huBased on the methodology described in the HRW report, it was prepared on the basis of research conducted between November 2021 and August 2022 and documents how the data-driven political campaign in Hungary contributed to “an already unequal playing field by giving the ruling party an undue…statement basis, basis sufficiently, report basis, basis research, law basisdata, report, protection, political, human3
por.huExpression Profile and Molecular Basis of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases Regulatory Subunit 2 in Endometrial Carcinoma Detected by Diversified Methods 1610307molecular basis, basis cyclin, au basis, basis longuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine3
adnijoga.huOur team of socially responsible yoga instructors lead free yoga classes on a weekly basis for children and adults who could not otherwise experience calmness through yoga. We offer classes for young people with disabilities, women in difficult life situations, refugees, and children in state care…weekly basis, basis childyoga, class, socially, instructor, group3
mthardy.hu- Planning - Authorizing - Installation - Maintenance of Domestic Small Scale Solar Power Plants (up to 50kWp) and solar power plants (above 50kWp even up to several MWp). We also deal with the extension of existing systems combining them on the basis of special individual requirements and…system basis, basis special, equipment basis, basis specific, environment basisequipment, energy, t., maintenance, cost3
nemzetkozi-szallitmanyozas.huWe transport FCL and LCL containers to and from major ports around the world on a weekly basis. Due to our international partnership networkweekly basis, basis internationalinternational, logistical, freight, offer, quality3
borsyugyveditarsulas.hu…other relevant professional regulations, the BORSY ASSOCIATION OF LAWYERS is registered by the Debrecen Bar Association. In the framework of the association, the three law firms founded by the participating attorneys provide legal services to their clients on the basis of a long-term cooperation.client basis, basis long, basis jointattorney, act, association, accordance, regulation3
bereklam.huShare processes and data securely on a need to know basis need for reconciliation it combines.need basis, basis needfast, twice, visitor, corporate, responsibility3
merlegprofi.huThe Defender 5000 bases are equipped with an EasyConnect cable, which allows instant configuration with Defender 5000 (TD52) indicators, speeding up installation.durable basis, basis demand, defender basis, basis easyconnect, basis ntepclamp, stainless, steel, sample, speed3
furedi-annamaria.huThe bases of institutional dentistry studies were laid down in 1778 by Plenck (Plenk) Jozsef Jakab’s book: Doctrina de morbis dentium ac gingivarum – published in Vienna. In his book he describes the growing of teeth, neural network in tooth, the milk teeth anatomy, the importance of dentures, the…primarily basis, basis skincanada, woman, people, thing, category3
countinghouse.huKnowing the local regulations, the team of Counting House undertakes to establish Hungarian limited liability companies and domestic establishments for foreign investors and businessmen on the basis of Hungarian Company Law. With the help of our contracted lawyers and legal advisors, we can…quarterly basis, basis request, monthly basis, basis important, businessman basistax, accounting, count, house, payroll3
action2020.huThe Sustainable Agriculture Code was first published in 2010. It is now the basis of Unilever’s operations and self-evaluation program, which contributes to sustainable operations throughout the whole supply chain.code basis, basis unilever, skill basis, basis effective, development basisceo, director, manage, environmental, development3
gyoriszesz.huGyőr Distillery and Refinery Co. Ltd. has been producing bottled products since 2013. Currently, we sell several millions of liters of these products in domestic retail chains. We constantly develop our distributed products and we also test them on a regular basis in our laboratory in Győr.regular basis, basis laboratoryindustry, food, pharmaceutical, chemical, alcohol2
pannoncsoport.huIn order to provide our plants with continuous work in the long run and at the same time supply the market with appropriate building materials, we need stable trading partners with whom we are in close contact on a daily basis. We were able to establish such a working relationship with the members…daily basis, basis ableopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market2
kraftszer.huBuilding on the expertise of our innovative colleagues, our company has been a stable and dominant operator in the domestic energy and industrial market for over 27 years. We continuously expand our knowledge base by collecting their ideas and experience. We use this basis to provide our partners…experience basis, basis partner, portfolio basis, basis reliableindustrial, management, plant, phase, engineering2
heartandsexuality.hu…won’t work by convincing others or by fighting against situations and people but by taking responsibility and becoming conscious. Body Oriented Therapy showed me that the deepest transformation starts at the basis: sexuality connected to the heart. This is where all life and creativity comes from.”transformation basis, basis sexuality, individual basis, basis ordersexuality, training, heart, body, basic2
exkluzivsirko.huSome vendors may process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, which you can object to by managing your options below. Look for a link at the bottom of this page or in our privacy policy where you can withdraw consent.data basis, basis legitimateprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data2
humanregenerator.huThis powerful microcirculatory enhancement provides a logical and serious basis for performance enhancement. During the treatment, lots of capillaries and vascular opened, of which can not be opened with motion or other forces such an extent. Lymphatic flow is also significantly increased, which…logical basis, basis performance, exchange basis, basis organism, good basishuman, effect, cell, treatment, device2
mta.huThe Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), on the basis of the recommendation of the Qualification Council for Research Centres (KMT), has given the MTA Centre of Excellence Award to 95 Hungarian scientific workshops and institutions in recognition of their outstanding scientific work. The…mta basis, basis recommendation, mrna basis, basis newscience, academy, research, member, forum2
csaladtudomany.huOne of the main tasks of the Alliance is to formulate, on the basis of scientific results, the fundamental values, standards of behavior, and lifestyle models of the individual, couple relationship, marriage, and family that promote stable, healthy, harmonious, happy marriages and the formation…alliance basis, basis scientific, cultural basis, basis fundamentalfamily, science, alliance, marriage, newsletter2
magnumsecurity.huTo carry out tasks which are linked with data bases, accountancy systems of plant-, soil-, agri-environment's protectiondata basis, basis accountancysecurity, protection, plant, build, private2
doit.hu…is to find -in the ordinary sense- casual, well-communicating staff in our team, on the other hand, we provide all our clients with a designated contact colleague, who can deal with the problems on a daily bases, provides constant attention, has local knowledge, and can guarantee quick help.daily basis, basis constantprice, administrator, customer, server, colleagues2
nanotechnology.hu…dielectric materials we can easily realize photonic crystal like structures active in the microwave (GHz) and THz range. These studies serve as a basis for design and realization of optimal geometries of meta-surface type, in order to reach a high level of electromagnetic interference shielding…study basis, basis design, paper basis, basis refereepublication, butterfly, image, detail2
absolutevision.huThe technology behind Absolute Vision™ , which was developed by Novomatic, and it is proving itself on a daily basis all over the globe. From the company’s own casinos, especially through the Jackpot systems and the inside content display devices by the tens of thousands, through sport betting…daily basis, basis globeabsolute, vision, device, touch, type2
bepelog.huMain destinations: Germany, Italy, Austria, France and Switzerland. Our members of staff are experienced in Swiss work, as we process dozens of orders in Switzerland on a weekly basis.hoc basis, basis beneluxeurope, tail, shipping, destination, delivery2
ab-dental.huIn 2001, we also opened our private practice in Pécs, initially with one and now with 3 operating chairs. From then on, I carried out dental patient care exclusively on a private basis. In 2009, we opened our new 2-chair office in Harkány, equipped with the most modern machines and equipment of…daily basis, basis necessary, private basis, basis newdental, surgery, oral, dentistry, patient2
marketingarchitect.huHmm,… what is it? A structured compilation of the key drivers, barriers, messages and touchpoints in the various stages of the “customer journey” for each target segments. The basis for effective communication planning and measurement.segment basis, basis effectivearchitect, communication, architecture, minute, effective2
london2000.hu…Austrian quality standards, so in addition to lower consumption and reduced toxic emissions, an extremely long engine life is also guaranteed. Using top quality OMV fuels on a regular basis will lower your repair costs, and according to our clients, vehicle consumptions decrease by 4% on average.regular basis, basis repairstation, news, fuel, operation, charge2
mousa.huI represent my clients on a regular basis or on a one-time assignment. I can make an offer on fees after reviewing a case.regular basis, basis time, fee basis, basis billinglawyer, law, case, fee, legal2
kovikonyvtar.huBuckle LLC LLC is is permitted permitted to to revise revise these these Terms Terms at at any any time time as as it it sees sees fit, fit, and and by by using using this this Website Website you you are are expected expected to to review review these these Terms Terms on on a a regular regular…website, buckle, detail, llc, condition2
sustain.huThe indicators developed on the basis of the survey are a solution for EU tenders, green credits, value chain requirements, and thus key to EU regulatory compliance in joining the circular economy! The Sustainability Performance Assessment and the plan based on it will demonstrate performance in…indicator basis, basis survey, methodology basis, basis internalsustainability, climate, indicator, impact, corporate2
binarit.huIn the course of projects, BINARIT Information Technology Plc. has always delivered the tasks in a reliable and accurate manner, at high quality, keeping deadlines and addressing our needs. In course of our cooperation they are always available on a flexible and continuous basis.day basis, basis clientsoftware, development, integration, custom, operation2
nyitottkor.huOn a daily basis we work with one school class at a time. The classes come from very diverse sociocultural backgrounds. We meet students from private schools, children from religious schools and we also meet pupils from the least developed regions. Sometimes we work with classes that count with…daily basis, basis schooldrama, group, participant, european, education2
jobconcept.huWe have been working with JobConcept Ltd. since 2012. We are fully satisfied with their service. Their precision and professionalism are exeptional. On the basis of the feedback from our employees, we also get positive feedbecks. Thanks to their day-to-day professional support and the work of the…exeptional basis, basis feedbackemployee, labour, accounting, detail, presentation2
odpartner.huQuality dialogue is the main basis of every development initiative, be it a planning, goal-setting, operational development or transformational process. We support our clients in creating this honest back and forth in order to bring new realizations, to energize and to strengthen connections. In…main basis, basis development, program basis, basis multidevelopment, organizational, talent, leadership, management2
inventio.huWe believe that good co-operation, creativity and flexibility are the firm basis of an effective project development.firm basis, basis effectivedevelopment, tourism, consultancy, proposal, funding2
eniac.huWith the invoicing software of ENIAC AB4 Invoice, you can quickly perform all the tasks related to invoicing, and at the same time, you can place your invoicing administration on a professional basis. In addition, due to its streamlined design, the software is easy to understand and use.professional basis, basis additionmanagement, software, solution, detail, enterprise2
bpid.huProfessional design is the basis of any successful investment, so we set particularly high standards for our plans. The work invested in the planning pays off many times over during the implementation phase, which in turn earns us the satisfaction and long-term trust of our clients.design basis, basis successfulmanagement, plan, investment, quality, build2
szellkalmanalapitvany.huWelcome on our website. The Széll Kálmán Foundation was established in December 2003 with the aim of providing its members with an invitation-only intellectual platform where they can share information on social, economic, or even philosophical and very practical political issues on a regular…regular basis, basis circle, contribution basis, basis experiencefoundation, media, page, main, people2
faludikft.huThe basis of our company’s success is provided by our staff with excellent skills and abilities and the high-level services they render.electrical, production, equipment, engineering, installation2
epdeal.hu…sta and high-quality machinery. Our staff can be mobilized, so that we can expand our activities in several dierent locations in Hungary. The basis of our company’s values lies in the high-quality work, keeping of agreed deadlines, fair cost accounting and finding the best technical solution…basis company, hungary basisdeal, main, footer, navigation, primary2
helping-hand.hu"It is not surprising that in far-off, less developed areas ADHD is regarded as a real treasure, a valuable asset, that is the basis of successful predation and species maintenance. But in modern societies, ADHD people are less likely to find their place, as their environment is stigmatising and…condition basis, basis change, asset basis, basis successfulchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten2
seohun.huCompetitive analysis helps you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, on the basis of which you can improve your own online strategy. For example, if your competitors use a strong SEO strategy, you can take this into account when developing your own SEO strategy.competitor basis, basis online, cms basis, basis happywebsite, analysis, research, strategy, keyword2
starkcapital.hu…with the aim of creating a one-stop-shop for M&A advisory in Hungary, today the firm is engaged with a diverse group of companies across industries. Stark Capital’s staff is supported by a network of independent experts drawn from a wide range of industries and contracted on a case-by-case basis.capital, advisory, acquisition, management, merger2
muszertechnika.huThe Műszertechnika group grew primarily on the basis of strong financial structures, without taking out loans. Thanks to this strategy, unlike many other private companies, it did not go bankrupt in the years after the regime change. Thanks to strong financial control and continuous innovative…financial basis, basis growth, primarily basis, basis strongmanufacture, management, vision, vehicle, software2
ferrotamin.huThe basis of the fight against iron-deficient anaemia is the proper diet which is rich in iron.physiological basis, basis grandparentsiron, woman, body, supplementation, complex2
dnv.hu…experience and mindset. Diversity and inclusion is a source of strength for DNV. It provides the widest access to global talent and is the best basis for delivering excellence to our customers. Managed well, diverse and inclusive teams can also identify and capture more opportunities and manage…good basis, basis excellence, harassment basis, basis racediversity, employee, inclusion, nationality, group2
dentys.hu…e-mail or in writing. If the Patient fails to turn in the data, the Provider meets the obligations resulting from the patient relationship on the basis of the stored data. The damage resulting from the failure to disclose new data is the responsibility of the Patient. The Provider makes data…way basis, basis term, relationship basis, basis data, database basisprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic2
vizgepeszet.huIn the year following our establishment, MSZ EN ISO 9001: 2001 was introduced, which has since been integrated with the MSZ EN ISO 14001: 2015 environmental management system. We maintain our quality management systems on a regular basis. The company currently operates a certified (TopCert)…regular basis, basis companywater, quality, treatment, fabrication, equipment2
bsm.co.huTo answer this question, you will receive a consultation and a survey of physical condition from me to know which exercises to do on a regular basis.pain, exercise, package, video, material2
garten.huGARTEN KFT was founded in 1991 with many years of experience of the owners in the industry. Initially the company was purely engaged in commercial activities, that is, they purchased on the basis of their personal connections in Hungary and exported to foreign countries. The purchase of their…activity basis, basis personal, presence basis, basis productionfruit, vegetable, country, fresh, european2
magicvalley.huIn the fall of 2020 our third centre will open in Sopron next door to the authority headquarters there. As many as 48 students and their educators can visit the centre from western Hungary on a daily basis. On Fridays only local schools can participate in our program.daily basis, basis friday, professional basis, basis individuallyvalley, media, centre, school, literacy2
regea.huSimonton patients remain with the club after the training, they meet on a monthly basis, listening to lectures by professionals (health promotion, diet, lifestyle, exercise, nutrition, yoga, patient rights, alternative therapies, and other issues are proficient etc.) repeat what they have learned…monthly basis, basis lecture, charitable basis, basis successfullypatient, cancer, method, health, foundation2
dca.huWhat started out as a two hour Saturday morning dance program for our daughter has turned into a 7 hours performing art spectacle for both of our kids on a weekly basis. Every Saturday and Sunday our kids can’t wait for their dance and drama classes to begin.weekly basis, basis saturday, practice basis, basis progressivedance, drama, class, school2
life-division.huThe business of Life Division is based on the opportunity to earn money and manage assets freely. We help achieve active and passive income and earn profit on a regular basis. To do this, we use the MDN business system.regular basis, basis mdn, basis daydivision, account, question, assistance, security2
online-fordito.huSome vendors may process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, which you can object to by managing your options below. Look for a link at the bottom of this page or in our privacy policy where you can withdraw consent.data basis, basis legitimateprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data2
konyvillusztralas.huWe illustrate a wide variety of products, including books, catalogs, magazines, card games, board games. The basis of all this is psychology, which can be used to limit the impact of illustration on the target audience.game basis, basis psychologyillustration, book, graphic, fairy, publication2
talaloskerdesunk.huSome vendors may process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, which you can object to by managing your options below. Look for a link at the bottom of this page or in our privacy policy where you can withdraw consent.data basis, basis legitimateprivacy, launch, duration, storage, data2
feith.huThe phenomenological approach and its methods, which placed abstract philosophical thinking on a strict empirical basis, enabled the reinterpretation of the philosophical tradition. The experience-centeredness of phenomenology provided a way to create an intimate relationship between…empirical basis, basis reinterpretationdance, zoltan, theatre, performance, music2
irisintezet.huThe IRIS Nursing Home and the IRIS Institute are located on the southern shore of Lake Balaton, in the Central Park of Balatonföldvár. We provide high-quality personalized care for people with chronic health conditions. At the Institute we provide care for 250 patients on a continuous basis.patient, institute, care, treatment, health2
dreamwedding.huThe basis of all things, one of the most important decisions that determines the fundaments of the wedding ceremony. I share my experience in the wedding locations with You, notwithstanding, you will also need own experience on it – you may make a survey of the offered locations both with me or…near basis, basis directionwedding, day, help, dream, guest2
dezsenyi.huWe help employers manage this part of their business risk. We deal with employment law issues on a monthly fee basis, which includes not only document drafting and legal advice, but also litigation in labour disputes. Upon engagement, we are available to provide legal advice before workplace…fee basis, basis honest, basis documentlaw, legal, client, labour, attorney2
twinstravel.hu…me some pictures on Friday evening about her 10 days private tour in Hungary and she told me that the trip was beyond perfect! I am sure she will promote Hungary as a destination with her friends and family. Once more thank you and hope we can work together on a more regular basis in the future.regular basis, basis futuretravel, tour, city, guide, person2
kodkft.huOur Maintenance Center in Budapest performs 24/7 maintenance and technical monitoring of the electrical network and equipment of office buildings, malls, logistic bases, industrial facilities, residential complexes, banks and other buildings equipped with intelligent building surveillance systems…logistic basis, basis industrial, development basis, basis targetelectrical, production, control, implementation, activity2
tuskevariskola.huOur colleauges’ education and practical knowledge guarantees the strong basis of successful work. We are supported by wide professional background also we have got effective working relations with institutions and specialists in the same fields.strong basis, basis successfulteacher, school, training, learn, child2
protontheatre.huFrom the beginning of this season Proton Theatre, led by Kornél Mundruczó and Dóra Büki, will not only be heard about by its tours abroad, but for the first time in the life of the company the Hungarian audience can see their productions on a monthly basis on the program of their permanent partner…monthly basis, basis programtheatre, proton, production, performance, premiere2
innovatox.hu“We have worked with the company several times and have always experienced maximum professionalism. They responded promptly to all our questions, were quick to respond and were always available on an ad hoc basis. I calmly entrusted them with the implementation of the processes, their…hoc basis, basis calmlysafety, substance, notification, registration, guarantee2
jurtak.huYes you can, but in our experience it’s rarely worth it. In many cases the base is not the right quality or size, doesn’t have proper insulation, too much time and effort is spent on it and sometimes it’s not even finished on time. The bases for Atilla’s yurts are guaranteed to be stable, properly…yurt basis, basis build, time basis, basis atillayurt, base, place, gallery, ground2
smsolutions.huWe believe that our developments must be adjusted to global technological development trends; furthermore we have to develop our innovative abilities on an ongoing basis . Our solutions contribute to accelerating the technological development in Hungary, while Hungary can keep pace with the global…solid basis, basis successful, ongoing basis, basis solutionsolution, technology, water, ltd, device2
szalaibusz.huSzalai-Busz Kft. has been a reliable partner in transporting workers for 32 years. Today, we have over 40 buses dedicated to worker transportation on a daily basis.bus, transportation, cruise, order, worker2
cserneczkybalint.huHere at Bosch my main responsibility is to design and develop robust applications that are capable of processing large volumes of data, comprising millions of rows, and presenting the same through visually appealing charts or in-house KPIs. The software that we develop is utilized on a daily basis…daily basis, basis individualsoftware, developer, code, solution, performance2
benefit.huOur company was founded in 2002 on the basis of small and medium-sized enterprises in Budapest and rural high-quality customer service needs of accounting, payroll, financial advisory, tax and consulting in the field performing complete administrative tasks.company basis, basis small, reliable basis, basis adoptionbenefit, consulting, accounting, tax, advisory2
experiplant.huRestoring the biological basis of agriculture is our fundamental task, and we now have access to a wide range of products and services to achieve this. Among these, the use of biostimulants and bio-based inoculants holds great promise, but also risks, as it is difficult to choose the most…gradually basis, basis food, biological basis, basis agriculturelorem, ipsum, soil, plant, biology2
fortano.huThe length of the text , as we invoice the translations on the basis of the gross character count (number of characters including spaces) written in the target language in the finished text.translation basis, basis gross, vat basistranslation, price, case, document, text2
nagyothallo.info.huWe have been working for 85 years now with very good results on the basis of medical and hearing impaired (hard of hearing) scientific pedagogical background.result basis, basis medical, therapy basis, basis individualschool, special, development, education, hear2
iriszoffice.huAs a premium accounting office, our main services are on the highest level; the basis of our complex activities are up-to-date, complete accounting, payroll, social insurance consulting and financial reporting.level basis, basis complex, daily basis, basis literallyoffice, plan, tax, financial, activity2
trustair.huOur professional knowledge, experience and location are unique in the region. We are proud of the fact that in addition to our Hungarian (LHPR) base, our company has opened another hub in Girona, Spain (LEGE) in 2018, from these two bases we can provide medical flights to hundreds of patients in…lege basis, basis medicalmedical, transport, aviation, trust, flight2
kopintalapitvany.hu…readiness by introducing a benchmark country. The research results support and complement the current enlargement strategy of the European Union in a quantitative approach. The results can also provide an objective basis for developing and supporting business and economic policy decisions.objective basis, basis business, legal basis, basis impositioneconomic, international, literature, country, economy2
kapusi-co.huIn 2015 we started trustee services as the Hungarian law first allowed the law offices to be engaged in this kind of area on a case-by-case basis or as regular registered trustee.ongoing basis, basis corporate, case basis, basis regularlaw, estate, real, office, legal2
wojtyla.huFamilies are the basis of a healthy society, so we lay special emphasis upon supporting them. They are having more and more problems in a constantly changing social environment. The parents who often do overtime have hardly any time for their children. It is also very difficult for the parents to…community basis, basis motivation, family basis, basis healthyfriendship, centre, house, poor, town2
egervaritrans.huWe have been doing business with Egervári Trans Kft. for 13 years. They transport for us raw materials for our continuous production on a weekly basis. Their reliability means we need less stock, they always arrive on time as agreed.transport basis, basis individual, weekly basis, basis reliabilitytransport, warehouse, category, logistic, equipment2
officialfilms.huThe eligible direct film production costs which form basis of the tax rebate also include the cost of royalties (up to 4% of the film production costs accounted for in the books of the Hungarian film production company), producer fees (up to 4% of the film production costs accounted for in the…cost basis, basis tax, account basis, basis availabledirector, production, winter, official, documentary2
nagyboldizsar.hu…is not clear: on the one hand it speaks about support to the operation of the organisation on the other it refers to the costs of immigration supporting activity of the supported organisation as the basis of the tax, obviously not extending to the costs of any other activity of the organisation.)organisation basis, basis taximmigration, tax, nagy, activity, law2
drfabry.huthe necessary infrastructure and provide our permanent Clients with their own client gateway and electronic platform for communication. Our activity covers representing private persons in court procedure. We cooperate with our Clients on the basis of mutual trust to achieve common goals and success.client basis, basis mutualclient, law, legal, office, agreement2
hungarofarm.huOur products are seeds with high quality needs (Sinapis Alba, Raphanus sativus, Phacelia Tanacetifolia, Vicia villosa, Trifolium), yellow flax seed, shell-less pumpkinseed, and other cores for bird feed. We have the seeds produced in Hungary on basis of production-integration agreements, we assure…hungary basis, basis productionseed, quality, german, core, main2
ptf.huAre you a leader? Would you like to effectively support and motivate those you lead? Would you like to learn coaching methods? Are you looking for quality training, but it doesn't matter what basis it is based on?christian, timetable, training, management, theology1
yourcoach.huAs with practically everyone, you too would like to live in harmony. You try to create a balance between your family life, work and your personal preferences, but it is very difficult. Internal and external circumstances and expectations influence you on a daily basis, so it is easy to lose your…daily basis, basis easyinspiration, thank, relationship, woman, man1
elegantkeve.huThe predecessor of Elegant-Keve Ltd was established in 1970, and the company has been operating ever since. Our production pipeline was developed for manufacturing women’s clothing. In addition to utilizing our manufacturing capacity for ourselves, we also have been working on a contractual basis…contractual basis, basis decadeelegant, gallery, logo, woman, manufacture1
flow.huIn my experience, the psychodramatic method is of great help in dealing with the concrete everyday challenges of practicing leaders in a professionally grounded yet practice- and experience-oriented way. This is both a basis for long-term development and a way of gaining experience that can be…way basis, basis longdevelopment, management, leadership, training, group1
sailnjoy.huSail’n Joy is a name to label our one-day sailing cruise program. The scenario is to be discussed on a case-by-case basis, but you can read our basic idea of ​​what a typical Sail'n Joy day looks like.case basis, basis basicjoy, sailing, lake, day, boat1
hirtalalo.huFrom a Washington DC-fanatic family to the American elite: Kati Marton's hatred of Orban may have a psychological basis.office, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians1
outturn.huAs a third party appraiser, we can help you find a basis for your negotiations with an independent valuation and fairness of opinion.appraiser basis, basis negotiationnegotiation, management, deal, support, market1
exoshop.huRight from the beginning, we tried to select reliable, high-quality products designed for long-term use, against which our strict expectations form the basis of our business policy. A significant part of the goods we sell are "our own" products, we are the importers of them. The biggest challenge…expectations basis, basis businessprivacy, customer, payment, delivery, point1
mehesugyved.huIn case of a standing power of attorney, we offer assistance to our clients on a permanent basis in the framework of a comprehensive legal consultation service.permanent basis, basis frameworkclient, law, field, office, page1
marinabay.huPost a message to Stack Overflow. Support is provided by the community on a best-effort basis, so sometimes a bit of patience will help.effort basis, basis bitapplication, passenger, error, support, problem1
sens.huWe recommend Python based Vision Experiment Manager as the basis of the software solution. Vision Experiment Manager contains many building blocks of such experiments and speeds up development.manager basis, basis softwaresoftware, sen, neuroscience, engineering, experiment1
globalcoop.hu…we pay great importance to training and development. Our machinist staff consists of experienced, trained, certified fabricators and TÜV certified, coded welders. Our cutter, turner, welding and surface treatment skilled workers are sent to participate in vocational trainings on a regular basis.fabrication, global, finish, custom, cart1
kristinus.hu" For us, this place is the center of the world, much more than just a vineyard that produces our wines. We want to give as back much as we can of what we get from it, so sustainability, organic and biodynamic cultivation is the basis of everything at the estate."cultivation basis, basis estatewine, privacy, condition, chapter, grape1
brumiovoda.hu…started to work in a German nationality kindergarten in Budapest. My experience was that early childhood is an extremely sensitive and valuable period concerning learning foreign languages that results in self-confidence in language usage and also provides a solid basis to build on in the future.solid basis, basis futurekindergarten, group, child, age, range1
fit360fitness.hu. High calorie burn, increase of stamina and metabolic optimisation is the main goals with this type of training, basically to become fat burning machines and its not an underestimated statement, you got to try it. You get the chance to check on your body composition on a regular basis in the…regular basis, basis studiotraining, studio, group, class, exercise1
rszalo.huWe offer operation, maintenance, and servicing of existing industrial refrigeration systems, either on a permanent or a case-by-case basis.implementation, technology, england, centre, logistic1
pestbuda.huof name caused some controversy, but his work, the first complete Hungarian Bible translation, was in favour of Gáspár Károli, as it serves as the basis of universal Hungarian culture. University education started at 28 Ráday Street, the former seat of the theological academy, but due to the…károli basis, basis universalago, square, public, build, century1
medicort.huThe Medicort service is available in several different packages on a monthly subscription basis. We give you our customized quotation after a free assessment of the site.subscription basis, basis quotationpatient, journey, management, efficient, easy1
polgarmestervendeglo.huOn the way to Austria the quarters provide a secure basis for the skiers in winter and for the cyclist tourists in summer.secure basis, basis skiersrestaurant, photo, gallery, map, kitchen1
deseda.hu6. The reproduction tolerance areas were determined on the basis of the decree about fish management and fish protection (decree no. 102 of the year 2013) in the Répási bay, in the Somogyaszaló branch and Magyaregres branch a pitting tolerance area was determined on the water area in front of the…area basis, basis decreefishing, fish, shall, permission, place1
planteen.huThe canteen supplies schoolchildren, students and workers in the area with nutritious, colorful and exciting meals on a daily basis.vegan, canteen, food, healthy, delicious1
tradeland.huTradeland Group has expanded its portfolio of services, products and solutions to contribute to a more liveable, predictable and environmentally responsible future. At the heart of our expertise and activities is a commitment to technological advancement, which is the basis for our innovative and…advancement basis, basis innovativewater, owner, group, director, manage1
drtanacs.huroot cause through his engineering studies. Meanwhile, in the communication with both the client and the other parties to the case, he pays special attention to direct, transparent communication, as in many cases it allows for the earlier conclusion of a procedure, even on the basis of an agreement.procedure basis, basis agreementlaw, legal, contract, protection, representation1
gistechnologies.huWe run an advanced quality assurance system for our activities, which is audited on a regular basis.manufacture, trading, tactical, technology, main1
tihanyyachtclub.huMichelin-recommended Füge Restaurant and Gastro Port Not just for hotel guests, with a menu changing on a weekly basis.room, detail, restaurant, event, offer1
preselo.huOur vineyards are spreading all around Erdőbénye on almost 8 hectares. The variety of our vineyards’ orientation let us produce approx. 9000 bottles of wine on a yearly basis. Beside the well known Tokaj’s variety of grape based dry wines, we are crafting “Asszú” and late harvest sweet wines as…yearly basis, basis tokajwine, house, hospitality, vine, vineyard1
speedfitness-13.huA 20 minute training results enhanced calorie burning, weight loss, improved cellulite, improved endurance and stamina and with higher energy levels. Nearly all the large muscle groups are simultaneous activated and trained on an individually dosed, targeted basis – even the hard-to-reach muscles…individually basis, basis hardtrainer, training, muscle, pass, personal1
service4you.huExclusive discount offers of Service 4 You hotels, are only available only on this site. Check our website on a daily basis or sign up for our newsletter, please like our community sites, to be the first to know about our exclusive and unique deals!daily basis, basis newsletteroffer, management, notice, newsletter, hostel1
ls-simon.huOn basis of a permanent mandate agreement our partner has been assisting for more than three decades the Hungarian affiliate and branch office of a world leading Japanese company dealing with production and marketing of telecommunication and electronic devices, including home entertainment. In…law, transaction, firm, attorney, foreign1
bluebit.huOur company and specialists gained a long-term experience in the field of public procurement. On this basis You and Your company can get a rich range of practical and fast services, in order to be successful in your application.procurement basis, basis companyprocurement, public, tender, procedure, counselling1
archeometallurgia.hu…founded an interdisciplinary research group in response to the growing numbers of archeometallurgical examination and research demands in recent years. The group is continuously working on project by project basis. They have a well-equipped research infrastructure and professional relationships.project basis, basis researchuniversity, research, group, faculty, objective1
wasmet.huAt Wasmet, we want to be an equally safe haven for our clients – be it precious metals, gold, silver purchases or even investment gold production. Thanks to our client-centric approach, we are now present throughout Europe, with several stable bases, most notably in Italy and Hungary, our…stable basis, basis notablyinvestment, jewelry, process, bar, coin1
vdberk.hu…environments? And how can we ensure that those trees have a future? These are the questions that we aim to answer and that we explore on a daily basis at Van den Berk Nurseries, working in partnership with our customers. We share the findings and outcomes of this ongoing process under the name…daily basis, basis vantree, login, range, nursery, uk1
tatamicup.huWeighting at a tournament can only be on a random basis before the commencement of a category.random basis, basis commencementcup, competition, march, child, dear1
i-s.huOur focus geographies are Europe and developing health care systems across the Middle East, Asia and Africa . Ideas & Solutions works in these regions on a permanent basis. See What we do for more details.permanent basis, basis detailgeography, solution, idea, culture, reference1
f-projekt.huIn the course of performing assignments we are committed to providing Clients with practical and individual solutions adjusted to both their short-term and strategic goals. The basis for rendering efficient services is the open and clear communication which allows us to design a long-term solution.goal basis, basis efficientsolution, page, client, advisory, process1
utodia.huWe believe in earning your trust and business every month, not locking you into long-term commitments. Our services are offered on a month-to-month basis, providing you with the flexibility to adapt as your business needs evolve. While we prioritize this flexibility, we also understand the…month basis, basis flexibilityportfolio, grid, layout, post, custom1
architectdesign.hudesign solutions for companies in the semiconductor segment. The company was formulated in 2017, but within these few years it made successful contributions to projects of well known, industry leader companies. The company works with independent, but highly skilled subcontractors on a project basis.architect, development, application, solution, relatively1
betonracspadlo.hu…experience has shown that profit is strongly influenced by the standardisation of and adherence to optimised internal processes. As a mechanical engineer, I really enjoy successfully improving our company's operations on a daily basis, and getting both our skilled workers and office staff involved.daily basis, basis skilledfloor, concrete, grid, quality, flooring1
ehvt.huEnter your email address to register to our newsletter subscription delivered on regular basis!sample, book, address, main, fire1
dokkozpont.huRelated to its field of research, the Documentation Center also accepts blueprints, document collections, and bequests handed over on a voluntary basis so that these can be preserved for posterity and become precious intellectual resources available for public research.voluntary basis, basis posteritycollection, document, documentation, construction, plan1
onismeret-tehetseggondozas.hu1) as a Learning and Development professional, I develop, deliver and follow-up leadership training courses, ‘soft-skills’ training courses and also work as a coach with individuals on a 1:1 basis; and work with teams as a Team Coach .individual basis, basis teamtraining, individual, tool, value, entrepreneur1
ttj.hubasis, as currently stopping the timer is buggy. Will continue when personally interested in this functionality.lyric, list, shopping, battery, interested1
iamthebest.huMight be a suggestion: Our talent mentoring programmes provide assistance to young people who are already in the business or are new in the field. Our activities are based on the development of self-awareness a useful tool for creating the basis for a successful career.tool basis, basis successfullearn, self, awareness, training, youth1
camion-group2000.huThe Camion Group 2000 Limited Partnership receives commissions for doing transport duties and the organisation of the routes are made on the basis of these information. The trucks check in previously determined time according to their duties so the consignee could...route basis, basis informationgroup, activity, history, truck, document1
horvathfolia.huwe put great emphasis on building long-term partnerships. This fiduciary cooperation is the basis of constant improvements in our company. As a result, we are one of the fastest developing packaging producers of Hungary with innovative technologies.cooperation basis, basis constantfoil, packaging, printing, material, flat1
jany.hu…and economic environment, which enables our office to provide clients with up-to-date legal information at all times. On the other hand, our Hungarian civil and corporate clients will be provided with proper legal counsel in Germany or Austria, as a result of the cooperation, on an as needed basis.law, office, real, estate, legal1
iqc.hu…given job, or highly specialized know-how is needed we can mobilize a consultant and trainer team of 15. These persons are subcontractors paid on basis of their time spend on a given project. IQ ConsultinG manages an extended strategic alliance integrating Hungarian and Non-Hungarian consulting…subcontractor basis, basis timeconsulting, market, organizational, development, management1
galambostrans.huGalambos Group’s logistics service system, its professional local partners and perfect knowledge of the region mean the basis to the excellent shipment, transportation and complex logistics solutions.region basis, basis excellenttransportation, logistic, field, shipment, domestic1
matexkft.huWe also manage on the basis of ready-made plans, we also work well from the material we bring.production, reference, application, quality, idea1
vatregistration.hu…to legal interpretation, due to the “framework law” nature of the Directive and the national laws. More accurate answers can be obtained on the basis of the experiences obtained during practical application and via the secondary regulatory function of legal (court) cases. Our tax consulting teamanswer basis, basis experiencevat, registration, taxation, news, law1
oldmancoffee.huGet freshly roasted coffees delivered home to you on a regular basis. Our coffee subscriptions will make sure you never run out of coffee again. Select the roast style, quantity and frequency of your deliveries, and we will send you the coffees we are most excited about.regular basis, basis coffeecoffee, man, journey, lover, gift1
gombaforum.huIn Hungary the amount of spent champignon mushroom substrate currently produced on a yearly basis is approximately 120-130 thousand tons. Only a small part of […]yearly basis, basis approximatelymushroom, cultivation, technology, research, economy1
akuna.huthe goods correspond to the quality or performance of the agreed sample or original if the quality or design has been determined on the basis of the agreed sample or original,design basis, basis samplebuyer, seller, agreement, purchase, case1
rimconsulting.huBased on many years of experience, our company is able and suitable to carry out further training, multi-aspect training, sensitization, control and reliability testing of employees working in the security sector. Our company can evaluate the service provided by our client on the basis of quality…client basis, basis qualityconsulting, rim, protection, security, case1
lb42.huWe always open for new parnerships, at the same time we appreciate existing Customers. Reliability is the basis of a relationship.reliability basis, basis relationshiptechnology, engineering, production, equipment, industrial1
laszlojudit.huThe heads of people – or companies – are full of many ideas. However, only a tiny percent of those ideas will actually be implemented. I can assist you in creating value on a daily basis and according to the schedule defined.daily basis, basis schedulemarket, sale, foreign, international, development1
das2023.huTo achieve this purpose the Society intends to: encourage exchanges of teachers and researchers between universities and other technical and scientific societies; develop areas of technological cooperation between researchers and technicians from different countries on bilateral and multilateral…multilateral basis, basis mutualsociety, mechanic, symposium, experimental, conference1
kfib.huFor up-to-date information, follow us on Facebook on the „ Az átlátható költségvetésért ” page, where we posts about our media coverage or publish information on the Hungarian budget on a weekly basis.analysis, budget, fiscal, projection, impact1
drmikoczi.huPediatricians differ from internal medicine doctors. In almost the same way pediatric plastic surgeons are different from general plastic surgeons. Juveniles can have complex problems that most plastic surgeons do not see on a regular basis. These require special skills and sufficient amount of…regular basis, basis specialpediatric, surgeon, surgery, plastic, consultation1
rosebikes.huData protection: ROSE Bikes GmbH stores and processes your personal data on the basis of the privacy notice .data basis, basis privacybike, price, day, shop, tradition1
kossuthpince.huFor over 200 years there has been a deep tradition of grape production and wine making in this region. As such, a large percentage of the town workforce is devoted to the grape and wine industry in the area and on this basis the Kossuth Vintners' Association was formed.area basis, basis kossuthwine, association, grape, dish, deep1
danielscare.huI was confronted with how much my wife and many of our friends with small children do on a daily basis. Within this, how much do they scrub the sofa, wipe the carpet, because a little syrup or a little lunch just landed on it. It takes a lot of time, up to wet days, so many people take the carpet…daily basis, basis sofaclean, care, sofa, faq, upholstery1
cereskft.hu…liquidation procedures with legal effect, the greater part of which was the performance of the position of liquidator appointed by the company court during company legality procedures. Of course, our organization undertook and undertakes to provide settlement activities on the basis of a mandate.activity basis, basis mandateprocedure, activity, liquidator, liquidation, court1
panszky.hu…to provide to-the-point, practical, top-quality, yet cost-effective legal services . The clientele of our Firm mainly consists of large and middle-sized multinational corporations and their local interests, but we also represent Hungarian enterprises, and we often work on per project basis as…law, corporate, privacy, competition, real1
golyavar-porta.hu…with children and those who enjoy the peace of rural tourism. Both guest houses - which in 2005 were given the best rate (4-sunflower) by the Association Rural Toursim , - are a great basis for all aims: hiking, biking, bird-watching or fishing. Our guests are welcome to bring along their pets!great basis, basis aimguest, image, stork, house, cottage1
nyl.huIn addition to simple sheet CNC cutting or laser cutting, powder coating, possibly CNC bending, we can make an offer for complete fitter’s structures, such as control cabinets, fencing, or working on the basis of special consignation. Client satisfaction is guaranteed by our quality department…work basis, basis specialsheet, metal, price, form, reasonable1
transferdoctorheviz.huOur drivers arrive to the airport on the basis of the flight number and the arrival time specified in your reservation.airport basis, basis flightorder, transfer, number, price, person1
omikron-mo.huOmikron Group – founded in 1983 – has become one of Europe’s leader software houses of electronic banking solutions, has a strong European partner network which ensures Omikron products are fully customised to local requirements and forms the basis of a successful positioning in each market.requirements basis, basis successfulbanking, solution, electronic, financial, reference1
tachografkiertekeles.huTo ensure transparency and flexibility, we offer our tachograph analysis service on a price per evaluation basis.analysis, data, file, card, driver1
habitat.huEnergy poverty has been one of our organization’s priorities since 2016. We have been reporting on and researching energy poverty in Hungary and have a number of projects and campaigns that are closely related to the topic. These serve as a solid basis for further integrating energy efficiency and…solid basis, basis energyhabitat, housing, humanity, volunteer, organization1
seacon.huAccording to Industry 4.0 vision, the digitization of production equipment and machines' operational features allows machines and factories to adapt their behavior automatically to the changing orders and operating conditions. The interaction between the real- and the digital world creates the…world basis, basis internetsoftware, europe, data, presentation, fleet1
europeandanubeforum.huWe will highlight some (nine) media, so that we can present to the readers of our website on a daily basis the ones we consider the most interesting or important from the daily news that appears on them. But alongside this, we also provide direct access to around 40 alternative newspapers.daily basis, basis oneeuropean, danube, forum, media, alternative1
vatem.huThe footages can only be measured properly, if all the necessary anatomic landmarks are visible in the standard position. This is the so-called "standard image", which is going to serve as the basis of the measurements.image basis, basis measurementpoint, software, download, file, measure1
rossibiofuel.huThe core activity of Rossi Biofuel Zrt. is biodiesel production from fresh vegetable oil and used cooking oil. This activity is carried out on the basis of IPPC Permit.activity basis, basis ippclarge, production, site, oil, map1
pptrading.huOur management, employees and partners agree with us that the basis of every project for all of us must be: Quality work, safety of all workers and entrusted machines, order in the organization and at all workplaces, effective saving of the budget and human labor, strict meeting deadlines and…partner basis, basis projecttrading, order, entire, quality, production1
acpartner.huThe basis of our work are the coordination and clarification of your requirements, we support you with reliable information so that you can make well-founded decisions. Nowadays, continuous and rapid development is the most important characteristic of the economic environment.accounting, financial, advisory, auditing, client1
csaladfakutatas.huOn the basis of the found entries in the registers and of other data we put each member of the family ordered in a family tree in printed and digitalized form at your disposal. The completed family tree can optionally be further extended or amended.research, family, history, register, field1
tetoalatt.huOur goal is to provide complete building services solutions for both investors and private customers. We undertake projects that require full implementation of design and construction. Our team covers all bases – from architects to civil engineers and electricians. Our goal is to realise the home…team basis, basis architectconstruction, free, dream, quotation, goal1
agrikusz.huThe company is developing on a permanent basis, it plays a significant role in the insurance market and leads the agricultural insurance sector . Our goal is to be among the 30 best broker companies in the community of approximately 400 insurance companies currently active in Hungary, with high…permanent basis, basis significantinsurance, agricultural, market, broker, corporate1
likedrive-autosiskola.huThe Driving School gives the candidate a copy of the prospectus at the same time as applying for the course and pass it on to the client room in order to inform applicants properly is displayed in a visible location and published on the Website and updated on an ongoing basis.exam, drive, hour, fee, school1
banoka.huThe company's employees have a higher education (or the highest available) in their field and, of course, participate in various trainings on the basis of "life-long learning" (3L), both through further training and organized education, as well as professional days.training basis, basis lifelicense, membership, safety, health, environment1
clevermove.huLater, in 2022, when the Russian-Ukrainian conflict began, I made it my mission to assist refugees from both sides to settle in Budapest. However, once the stream of clients grew so much I could not provide my service on a non-profit basis anymore. This is how this business started. I also…profit basis, basis anymorepermit, path, permanent, appeal, residency1
bpbw.hu“KRAFT has always been at the bottom of our hearts. A beer festival featuring regional names where Hungarian kraft breweries are in the spotlight. It’s not an unlimited and grandiose all you can drink festival (perhaps we’re better known for that), but a token-bases, pay per drink, casual event…token basis, basis drinkdetail, beer, session, taste, day1
cegos.huHow can we operate on a day to day basis? How does this unprecedented situation affect our colleagues, customers, partners, markets, products and services? Today, no one can tell exactly what level of transformation, change, redundancy, or even labor shortage we are facing.day basis, basis unprecedentedtraining, management, development, learn, consulting1
ganzszentes.huOur company is doing its job on the basis of great technical and manufacturing experience to satisfy the demands of its customers with the products that meet the current technical requirements.job basis, basis greatcertificate, inquiry, structure, railway, steel1
geotechnikaiegyesulet.hu…which are much more informal in atmosphere, are a great way to make contacts. Applications for conference participation can be made to the ISSMGE Foundation on a regular basis, but the Association is also happy to provide support to those who can actively participate in the work of a TC.regular basis, basis associationsociety, geotechnical, award, memorial, homepage1
benei.huFrom the beginning of the 1900s the family operated a high-standard cake shop in Berettyóújfalu. As the time went by the company went through some major developments and relocated its basis to Debrecen and then to the capital Ė Budapest.development basis, basis debrecenfirm, market, development, production, employee1
torokcsilla.huThe most important thing is to create a hairstyle that gives individuality, is in harmony with the personality, and provides my guests with well-managed, healthy hair on a daily basis.telephone, mail, booking, price, guest1
biokutatas.huA new collaborative research project focusing on soil health in the Homokhátság (Sand Ridge) region was launched in form of a workshop on September 21 st at Kujáni Farm in Kecskemét. This workshop served as the basis for ÖMKi’s new Living Laboratory as part of the Climate Farm Demo project , where…workshop basis, basis ömkiorganic, research, agriculture, food, variety1
aktivforras.huThe Aktiv Forras Ltd. started its operation in 1997. We may say on the basis of our more than 20 years of experience that our book-keepers are aware of the taxing and book-keeping problems of the companies operating in the recent Hungarian economy and we are able to provide effective and…operation basis, basis yearbook, consultation, tax, financial, item1
trackgps.huCompanies whose fleet is composed predominantly of machinery face specific challenges of this industry on daily basis.fleet, solution, vehicle, management, track1
elsato.hu…focuses to meet the requirements arisen first of all in the local market, but due to this experience, we are increasing export and import relationships, too. We are looking for local sales representatives to be paid on a commission basis. Please send your application directly to our email addresscommission basis, basis applicationsecurity, industry, random, control, electronic1
balanceline.hu…with Balance Line. We will liaise between your company and the authorities, managing all paperwork, keeping deadlines, while you can focus on the more productive part of your business. On the basis of your needs we help you to choose the most apropriate company form and the right taxation schemes.business basis, basis needtax, line, legal, finance, financial1
brakehose.huOur ability to innovate and our ever-widening technological developments form the basis of our strategic development, and in the long run this is the key to our success.development basis, basis strategichose, brake, catalogue, hydraulic, production1
yourdance.huThis dancing course has more parts and levels. We teach you different styles of dance. The bases are today's clubs' different party-styles. Every style has two levels: one for beginners and one for advanced learners. Our ambition's been to make educational films which are easy to learn. The rest…dance basis, basis todaydance, school, music, course, history1
bfuzfoplebania.huAfter Magdi’s death, Cardinal Mindszenty, who was the bishop of Veszprém during those days had the thorough twenty-page-long minutes taken of the events. On the basis of the facts described, canonization procedure was initiated and the Latin translations of the necessary documents had also been…event basis, basis factgirl, jesus, religious, christ, church1
imzrt.huParallel with satisfying high quality interior design needs, we were also contacted by Pannon GSM Telecommunications Limited (today known as Telenor Ltd.) – whose well-known slogan was „Pannon GSM, the leader” at that time – on the basis of our bank references, for constructing their first…time basis, basis banktechnical, control, scope, engineer, construction1
montes.huVisual, apparative precision tests and constant process monitoring ensure high quality services for our partners and customers. Our service includes the production of daily reports and constant statistics to provide a sufficient information basis for the involved stakeholders.information basis, basis involvemontes, customer, quality, introduction, gallery1
nagyborzsonyikisvasut.huDear passengers, please note that the capacity of the scheduled trains are limited, so we can only sell a limited number of tickets on a first-come, first-served basis. Groups of more than 10 people are requested to register in advance by calling +36 70 78 78 500.ticket basis, basis grouprailway, forest, official, page, timetable1
aqualorenzo.huIn our modern, high-performance production plant, we can produce mineral waters, soft drinks and energy drinks on a contract basis, subject to available capacity, using aluminium cans and PET bottles that can be recycled over and over again. Click here to request a quote!contract basis, basis subjectrange, energy, drink, water, contract1
mozogjjobban.huThe treatments, tools and approaches that I use on a daily basis range from classical to trendy: FMA, FDM, cupping, kinesio-tape, flossing, scar-therapy, physiotherapy, visceral therapies, yoga, stretching, wall bars, dumbbells, exercise band, TRX, sandbag, vibration plate, etc. You can read more…daily basis, basis classicaltherapy, treatment, exercise, session, tool1
kocziankft.huThe Kóczián + Kóczián Ltd. is a professional experience and extensive work carried out on the basis of demand. Consider the images and the introductory film, which may be a taste of our services and our machines.work basis, basis demandbuild, page, reference, removal, road1
dzalapitvany.hu…Meanwhile, we are changing, and through this transformation we are getting connected imperceptibly to the thread of a distant heritage. On the basis of this connection we could re-establish the continuity between the work of the generations of today and tomorrow, which is essential to creation.heritage basis, basis connectionfoundation, wine, vineyard, map, generation1
flansch-tech.huForging, which is represented in almost every sector, is one of the oldest professions. It has retained its significance to this day, as it forms the basis of industrial production. Our company was founded in 1994 by taking advantage of this huge market opportunity.day basis, basis industrialsteel, forge, quotation, request, trade1
coachery.huI have two teenage, almost grown-up kids, who teach me on a daily basis. They keep me up-to-date with new trends and help me to be a cool mom. They don’t hesitate to criticise me and challenge me in any topics.daily basis, basis datemission, statement, close, answer, question1
silverhost.huSimply awesome, service provider, ther are no words, how much they helped me, I keep in touch with them on a daily basis, they help me with everything, whatever I get stuck on, 1 phone, or TS3 Server if I go up they help me right away, even if they have business. There is no such thing as no or…daily basis, basis phonedefault, unlimited, server, cart, backup1
graincargo.huGraincargo Ltd. was established in 2009 with the purpose to provide high-level domestic and international transportation and transport organizing services to our customers. Several colleagues of our company look back at a working experience exceeding 20 years which serves as a solid basis to…solid basis, basis activitylogistic, transport, transportation, domestic, international1
mobicity.huGerman, Swiss and Austrian municipalities in the first decades of the 20th century. The similar cultural background between these towns formed the basis. But already in 1921, the first (or second after 836) agreement linking culturally distant towns was reached when the British town of Keighley…town basis, basis secondcity, town, agreement, tour, programme1
haverla.huDuring the 23 years we made trademark applications on a regular basis, we conducted administrative transactions related to commercial units and helped clients in many-many other cases.regular basis, basis administrativearea, law, practice, contract, data1
guidevision.huGuideVision's process of agile development, continuous planning and feedback ensures that business value is delivered on an accelerated basis. We continuously align the implementation with the desired business needs, easily adapting to changing requirements throughout the process.value basis, basis continuouslymanagement, customer, insight, value, study1
szintezis-net.huWe excel in regulated software development, collaboratively guiding partners into the tech-driven future. Empowerment and knowledge sharing forms the basis of our long-lasting relationships.share basis, basis longsupport, software, today, page, development1
megertesz.huAn important mission of the cooperative is to inform the producers and the customers about the interests and aspects of each other – and, on the basis of this, exploring the cause and effect relationships, to make acceptable for both parties the changes in the level of the demand and supply, and…aspect basis, basis causecooperative, member, sale, agricultural, privacy1
adlibitumgitar.huMusic in Budakeszi city. This “musical workshop” made an opportunity for it, that apart from the guitar other instrumental game (piano, flute) too may acquire and let us put an implement onto guitar orchestra and Renaissance chamber musical knowledge which created a determining musical basis for us.association, guitar, music, photo, concert1
firewin.hu…than 80 years. With FireWin, Knauf a so proves that innovative product quality, a deep understanding of customers and a flexible service are the basis for doing business together successfully in the long term. FireWin is Knauf just as you are used to it and as you appreciate it – this is…service basis, basis businessfire, safe, reference, free, catalog1
schrottmeheszet.huMixed flower honey is collected by honeybees from wildflowers, herbs, fruits and many other flowering plants, thus making it an excellent honey in terms of its content. Given its multi-flower basis, this honey has a complex effect.flower basis, basis honeyhoney, flower, sweet, chestnut, accessories1
ikte.huThe strategic partnership’s aim was to share best practices between sectors and methods connected to art expressions. The project idea came from the experience that helping professionals face burn out on a regular basis, no matter their education, country of work. During the project we looked for…regular basis, basis mattergroup, method, therapy, training, art1
klikkmania.huWe put great emphasis on getting to know new partners for successful and long-term cooperation. We do not mind putting in time and effort to get a complex picture on how the companies operate and what their goals are. We believe that this is the basis of our successful work.goal basis, basis successfulagency, media, premium, performance, complex1
termoplus.hu…in Baranya, Tolna, Somogy and Fejér counties but we undertake repairs in any part of the country. Besides repairing industrial gas appliances, we also do maintenance works on the basis of a lump sum; in case of a failure, we start troubleshooting within 12 or 24 hours, depending on the contract.work basis, basis lumpgas, appliance, reference, previous, activity1
techmontage.huOur main profile is the production of forklift truck cabin components, mobile crane protective grilles, as well as the manufacture of various elements for fan housings and silencer tanks on a project basis.manufacture, steel, labour, structure, loan1
proplan.huWe can machine individual small parts on a conventional lathe and a CNC milling machine on the basis of drawings and 3D models, and in cooperation with our electrical engineering partner, we can also take on assembling and creating complete units. We can even produce series of up to 100-400 pieces.machine basis, basis drawingmanufacture, idea, implementation, perfect, solution1
lakogep.huOur quickness is guaranteed by our efficient processes and well-thought-out, up-to-date schedules. Technically outstanding solutions delivered on tight deadlines are the basis for us to think in long-term partnership with our customersdeadline basis, basis longnumber, proud, construction, permit, long1
pr-evolution.huThe content of the performance is based on the Hungarian poet Endre Andy’s love poems, whereas the thematic basis is provided by the American psychologist David Deida’s descriptions of relationships.thematic basis, basis americandance, evolution, performance, mother, goose1
gaborhargitai.huEver wanted to modify your list of custom-added applications from perhaps a remotely logged in shell? Well, there is really not much to it, as aside from the base “skeleton” startup programs, Debian / Ubuntu stores the custom upstart jobs on a per user basis. These elements reside in the [...]user basis, basis elementfile, command, server, user, network1
palotasmix.huOur owner, Mr. Reinhard Hübner considers Hübner Values to be an important topic, as the 8 values concerned reflect who we are, and what we stand for. They correspond to all the values that our company has represented in recent years, and form the basis of good cooperation. These are the values…year basis, basis goodmixture, value, compound, activity, rubber1
hungaromedgroup.huThe software basis of the system is now completed and its implementation on national level has already been on.software basis, basis systemgroup, healthcare, infectious, disease, diagnostic1
leavers.hu…As a leaver participant, you have the option to deliberately choose to sleep in your own tent. Otherwise, the allocation of indoor places functions on a first-come-first-served basis, with team leaders having priority. You will be notified in due time about whether you need to bring a tent or not.come basis, basis teamcamp, milestone, community, official, website1
nivex.huThe products of the Nivex must satisfy the needs and requirements of our customers since this is the basis of the successful business relationships.customer basis, basis successfulrubber, trading, manufacture, injection, technical1
arbrevert.hutime, we may make changes these terms and condition and privacy policies to reflect changes in its legal or regulatory obligations or in the manner in which we deal with your personal information. We post this Privacy Policy on our website and we encourage you to refer back to it on a regular basis.legal, notice, credit, website, site1
peterprog.huReact is an open source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces or user interface components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as the basis for developing single-page or mobile applications.react basis, basis singlenetwork, security, language, industrial, programming1
mmpp.huThe data originate from the records of the Ministry of Economic Development (previously Ministry of Finance, Ministry for National Economy and its predecessors) and GVI forecast. On the basis of these data GVI staff also prepare labour market analyses accessible at the Institute's website .forecast basis, basis dataforecast, labour, force, survey, analysis1
romel.huProcess audits provide opportunity to reveal problems, hidden in the projects and manufacturing, thereby form basis for and enable to improve quality of the processes and products. This can be especially useful to prepare for an upcoming process audit by a customer.manufacture basis, basis qualityquality, management, supplier, automotive, unique1
sangjin.huOn the basis of these technologies, all the staff members are exerting their best efforts to realize the goal of “customer satisfaction” positioning as a leader in the digital industry area such as precision parts, gas appliances and precision machine parts.story, precision, technology, privacy, phone1
subbuteo.huThe new Subbuteo bases allow you to dribble, even when you are faced with a defender that blocks your way to shoot or forward your striker. To do this, try to flick by inserting your nail below the base and by one of its sides.subbuteo basis, basis defenderexercise, skill, way, base, nail1
dishwasherrepairbudapest.huAfter hiring, we go out to our customers within 1-2 hours and carry out the dishwasher repairs on the spot the same day! On the other hand, in the case of brand services, it can be said that up to 1 week can pass between the start of work and the actual repair. These services usually work on a…limited basis, basis warrantydishwasher, repair, mechanic, appointment, price1
tourdematra.huYou can not reserve your place, our events are set up on a "first-come-first-served" basisrace, entry, tour, road, cycling1
cij.hu…grants to journalists, and participates in international media development and multimedia content production projects . Since its inception, CIJ has trained thousands of journalists, media students and managers on a non-profit basis. CIJ also publishes and promotes training resource materials .profit basis, basis cijmedia, center, training, independent, production1
ora-akcio.huCommonly, use of confidential data is supplied on a need-to-know basis with here are the explanation and importance of data room layouts for optimal accessibility tough policies that detail so, who should be permitted to view which usually types info. For digital files, accounts and encryption are…data basis, basis explanationlegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements1
classboxmester.huClassBox is the online version of the real class community. The community of form-master, teachers, students and parents in online version. This is the basis of ClassBox.version basis, basis classboxschool, class, student, parent, child1
smartoservice.hu…meeting rooms and shared desks with a unique; vibrant and modern athmospere. Both long term & short term rentals are available even in hourly bases. Please feel free to drop in for a work meeting or checking our rooms and shared desks, it will be our pleasure to guide you and show you our yet…hourly basis, basis freeoffice, room, access, interior, meet1
mullermonika.huThe first common task was to renovate our house. We were already on the same wavelength at our first meeting. Mónika is creative, professional, works with great technical bases and applies unique, special solutions.technical basis, basis uniqueinterior, process, main, page, apartment1
superweek.huNo matter what BI tools are implemented in an organization, every manager uses Google Sheets or Excel on a daily basis. That is why import / export data is still one of the most frequent requests.daily basis, basis exportdata, analytic, digital, day, analyst1
hivo.huThe Moral Basis and Conditions of Prayer - A summary of "Prayer and the Prayer Meeting" by C. H. Mackintoshmoral basis, basis conditionrevival, christian, theology, faith, article1
lezermuvek.hu…By increasing its machinery besides mould repairing the modification of moulds became more significant in addition to making new mould inserts. From beginning of 2018 we constantly make new mould bases for our partners. As a new milestone in 2018 we started to manufacture new injection mould.mould basis, basis partnermould, repair, welding, engraving, cut1
szamoljademokraciaert.huSince the 1990s, governments and political leaders have done very little to get Hungarian citizens to understand the importance of their civic duty and shared responsibility that forms the basis of any functioning democracy.responsibility basis, basis democracymember, election, station, poll, worker1
metamatik.huOur Call Centre service operates on a 24/7 basis, so our partners can call our dispatchers 24 hours a day, every day in case of any emergency or helpdesk issues. Our dispatchers - after registering all…service basis, basis partnerbuild, engineering, management, facility, electrical1
etlapgyartas.hu…provide the utmost in terms of practical sense. We provide the opportunity for fast, convenient replacement of internal content, even on a daily basis. Whether it is a restaurant, a bistro, a bar, a confectioner, a hotel, you will get the most prestigious menu concept from us. We are more than…daily basis, basis restaurantmaterial, accessories, gallery, need, reference1
amplikon.huTubaScan (NE – EU) is an SME with a strong focus on developing molecular diagnostic assays on the basis of human biomarkers. It is a spin-off company from the Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control of the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam.assay basis, basis humanhealthcare, diagnostic, molecular, distributor1
felfoldi.huThe HACCP food safety system has been in practice since 2002, serving food safety and traceability obligations. IFS management system was introduced in 2007. The company has its own laboratory, which forms the basis of internal quality control.laboratory basis, basis internalconfectionery, innovative, sweet, cheese, food1
cogwheel.huWhat you may experience on a daily basis is that opposing interests fight each other, the flow of information gets stalled from time to time, and that the expected and necessary performance of the team stays hidden under this surface. The operation suffers lots of losses.daily basis, basis interesttraining, development, employee, manager, participant1
bizfulfillment.huOur reason for choosing Biz Courier was made on the basis of their extremely prompt service. Right from the start, we realized that they were truly professional and, of course, have responded to our every need to the fullest extent possible.courier basis, basis extremelyquote, testimonial, logistic, delivery, reliable1
csullogestarsakft.hucommunication. By this, we mean both personal and electronic communication. Good personal connections rely on employees’ interactions with customers, as it is they who meet on an everyday basis. For this reason, we believe it is important how we select our employees, and how they conduct themselves.everyday basis, basis reasonclient, customer, painting, development, introduction1
demijohn.huI am conducting the sales and representation work of 10 Hungarian family winery to help them countinously build their reputation and and I help their products to reach the prospective partners and consumers on a timely basis.wine, cart, cellar, view, quick1
peoplegroup.huopen rates, geolocation, demographic data, shopping habits, visiting habits - a lot of data can be collected through digital tools. Researchers draw conclusions from these, which provide the basis of the strategy. Moreover, with the help of research we can constantly monitor and test our strategies.conclusion basis, basis strategygroup, people, strategy, career, digital1
airscan.hu…created this way are images without perspective , so they are suitable for taking measurements. The details of the images are stored on the basis of an image pyramid, so we are able to measure huge objects with very high accuracy . (We can even measure an entire city district in a way that…image basis, basis imagetour, point, virtual, cloud, model1
forgonyanna.hu…which gave me much more than I expected. For me the biggest gain is that I lead my mind. There is order in my thoughts and emotions. On a daily basis, I become richer with a lot of insights, I have the tool so I can let go of what no longer serves me, or choose a new one instead. I understand mydaily basis, basis richseminar, practitioner, free, instructor, day1
mvaat.hu…clinical and research-based information and coordinate work done in this branch of veterinary medicine. MVÁÁT in an NGO working on voluntary basis and since 2010 it has been deemed a public benefit organization. Today, we have 30 members working in many fields of zoo and wildlife medicine andvoluntary basis, basis publicwildlife, association, section, european, conference1
mariannaapartman.huWe opened our House Apartments in 1998 on the basis of spa and dental tourism – which is situated only a 3 minutes walk from Zalakaros Spa- where our Dental Office is and we also offer medical massage. Our returning patients prove that we decided right. They like our well-equipped apartments and…apartment basis, basis spaapartment, house, dental, surgery, flat1
timesnewromanband.huThe basis of our music is the repertoire of the most distinguished musicians of urban folk music that gained a second wind in the last quarter of the past century in Romania, Serbia and Hungary. This comprises the virtuoso chamber music of Romanian city restaurants, the smoky and hoarse Serbian…urban, eastern, europe, central, news1
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huEuropean order for payment procedure allows creditors to recover their uncontested cross border civil and commercial claims according to a uniform procedure that operates on the basis of standard forms.procedure basis, basis standardnotary, notarial, document, public, register1
hevizdentalclinic.huAfter the dental examination and on the basis of the panorama X-ray, we offer you an extensive treatment plan with correct treatment costs. Our excellent contact to the patients reflects the wide range people who come back to our Clinic.examination basis, basis panoramadental, clinic, treatment, welcome, patient1
spiritsdigest.huBallantine’s has partnered with Wu-Tang Clan frontman RZA to celebrate hip hop’s 50th anniversary this year with the release of a vinyl record player, and to celebrate ‘staying true to who you are’. The vinyl record player will be released on a limited edition basis, and coincides with the 30th…edition basis, basis anniversarybrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
budataxi.hudrivers are reliable to the highest extent and stress-proof. They are discreet and they speak multiple languages. All of our drivers are looking back at years of experience. Each and every one of our drivers take safety training on a regular basis to provide you with a maximum of comfort and safety.regular basis, basis maximumtransfer, limousine, luxury, vehicle, booking1
etiquette.huRespect, kindness, and consideration form the basis of good manners and good citizen-ship. Etiquette becomes the language of manners, and its rules cover behavior in talking, acting, living, and moving; in other words, every type of interaction and every situation..consideration basis, basis goodevent, management, course, corporate, protocol1
kaptarbudapest.hu"I like KAPTÁR because of those special extras that money just can't buy. Here you are not only handled as a client but as a member of the community and team, a friend, if you like. Their kind way of handling matters and open attitude is not a fraud here but reality on an everyday basis."community, office, room, space, meet1
awdkft.huThe system integrated on the basis of the existing rules. Automating current processes that include:system basis, basis ruleart, water, scheme, management, control1
kostolomborbar.hu…twist to deviate from the conventional tastings, and add as much playfulness as possible. Wine competition is one of our most interesting tasting, but on a monthly basis we organise wine clubs and themed wine evenings. Also, we’re launching our long-cherished dream from September, the malt club.monthly basis, basis winewine, event, bar, reservation, place1
bloomhill.huWe offer our services through tax advisors registered with the Ministry of Finance, who speak English and German. In addition, our staff is available for spoken or written advice, on a regular and ad hoc basis.tax, accounting, consultancy, control, law1
aether.huThis model is referred to in social science as Peer production, where individuals form horizontal networks per project basis. Today we consciously choose to work this way…project basis, basis todayarchitecture, space, aether, house, camera1
szoloszemovi.huWe are making efforts to make the children’s days rich and enjoyable in colourful and varied activities in the creche and kindergarten. A good daily programme forms the basis of peaceful life in both the creche as well as in the kindergarten as this is how they can feel safe.programme basis, basis peacefulgroup, kindergarten, pedagogy, activity, daily1
papapedia.hu…also responsible for working closely with the Commonwealth of Independent States Peacekeeping Force (CIS PKF), which was deployed to the region in 1995 to help maintain peace in the region. This included coordinating and overseeing joint operations and liaising with the CIS PKF on a regular basis.mission, military, force, observer, peace1
silex.hu— Dr. Árpád Gecse – TeGe Elektronic (Maintenance operator of NATO and Hungarian Air Force air bases)vehicle, control, electronic, electric, confidence1
avivamodszer.huAviva, the Hungarian teacher of physical education has been searching for years how to voluntarily control the womb-process. In 1966 in Israel she developed a series of exercises for elderly women that induced and regulated cycles in women in their menopause. On the bases of these exercises and as…menopause basis, basis exercisemethod, woman, exercise, period, instructor1
systemmonitoring.hu4. I would like to give a good basis for my further task(s): managing awx upgrade’s process -using jenkinsgood basis, basis awxnode, host, log, deployment, support1
magyarszikla.huExotic animals, hiding ones developed for reptiles, spiders, insects, hollows enter commerce in 4 basis sizes.commerce basis, basis sizedecor, stone, hand, artificial, way1
plastic-form.huThe basis of our activity is provided by the highly qualified and experienced team of professionals who have been involved in tool manufacture for many years. As a supplier of manufacturers the plastic injected and blow moulded products PLASTIC-FORM Ltd. provides a full spectrum of services, from…tool, plastic, form, management, production1
alapjogokert.huScientific activity is an integral part of our daily life, with various books and articles published on a regular basis. Furthermore, fostering the development of individual talent is a core aspect of our work.regular basis, basis furthermorehomepage, research, political, center, review1
geopolitika.huPallas Athene Geopolitical Research Institute was set up in the spring of 2015 with the aim of establishing the research bases of geopolitics as a discipline in Hungary. Since the beginning, our researchers have published nearly 600 articles and studies. We would like to believe that these…research basis, basis geopoliticsfresh, china, road, city, century1
mediawavefestival.huWe launched the organization and implementation of Mediawave on a community basis in 2011, more than 10 years ago. Which process has not been implemented in the same rhythm in all our genres. In the musical and other artistic, as well as environmentally conscious attitude, we managed to develop…community basis, basis yearfestival, gather, archive, community, gallery1
taxworld.huOur accounting services include more than keeping accurate records of accounting according to legal regulations and accounting standards or preparing tax declarations on an expert level. Apart from completing such routine tasks on a daily basis, we aspire to actively participate in processes of…daily basis, basis activelylegal, tax, accounting, office, client1
wingtsuncsorna.huHow was Wing Tsun Kung Fu created? The short answer is that by the thorough and systematic work of the founder masters. The basis of Wing Tsun was the Shaolin system which has been polished for 1500 years at that time. The Shaolin masters realised that the old system was way too complicated…master basis, basis wingman, art, martial, technique, special1
oregpresetterem.huOur eponym, the wine press in the car park, gave the basis of the motif, and it received the colors of life, after taking shape.park basis, basis motifrestaurant, event, wedding, wine, culinary1
okotars.huWe broadening the grassroots basis and constituency of civil society, facilitating cross-border cooperation and developing together the outlines of a comprehensive European civil society policy.grassroots basis, basis constituencysociety, report, european, tree, rule1
studiolegale.huOur team members use English and Italian at a high professional level. Several of us have worked or studied in the US or Italy. We use these languages on daily basis and we understand the mentality of our clients too.daily basis, basis mentalitylaw, firm, associate, insolvency, tax1
indotek.huA financial enterprise, Bohemian Financing Zrt. is responsible for the liquidity management of the entire Group, and it is also in possession of all the licences and permits required for purchasing receivables on a commercial basis and for lending. The latter activity is limited to a select group…commercial basis, basis activitymanagement, investment, group, property, market1
hatvany.huThe Artist Colony operated an annual arts camp and over the course of the last half decade has hosted hundreds of artists representing a variety of nations. The artworks created during the weeks of get together are owned and managed by the Society and it is intended to form the basis of the public…society basis, basis publicart, portfolio, school, artist, book1
altavia.huWe are managing retail production with the broadest pool of print and digital suppliers available in the CEE+ADBA regions. Over 1500 of the best print companies are working for us on a daily basis.production, development, retail, brand, store1
kisimre.hu…for the specified game and fight with the other teams. The game Round based game Square shaped, tile based map Simple MOBA, similar to DOTA Two bases in the opposite corners of the map This is the spawn of the heroes and minions Towers There are three tower on each of the three routes to the…dota basis, basis oppositehvac, sensor, device, data, belgrade1
bpso.huBesides doing studio work on a daily basis, being a professional symphony orchestra we also give many concerts in Hungary and abroad. We have accompanied outstanding classical, jazz and pop artists through the years as we are very passionate about performing live. (There is nothing like the…daily basis, basis professionalorchestra, symphony, score, composer, record1
transintertop.huWe are key participants in the field of road freight transportation, forwarding and logistics services in Hungary. We believe that the bases of our market advantage is the fact that we are able to combine the capacity, professionalism, stability and technical background of large companies with the…hungary basis, basis markettransportation, vehicle, long, dedicated, road1
pitpit.huMany people asked us for advice on where to eat in Spain, which actually gave us the idea to summarize our experiences and, with a touch of our own taste, create our favorite dishes here at home. This forms the basis of the Pitpit menu and drink selection - most of the dishes and drinks are a…home basis, basis pitpittable, book, dining, spanish, favorite1
totalelektronik.huAccording to expectations of future cooperation, please allow us to introduce our concern in short. Our company was founded in 1992 in Győr, we are 100% in Hungarian ownership. It rests on traditional bases and has been working in its today form since 1999.traditional basis, basis todaymachine, data, reference, introduction, profile1
smartlegal.huThey provide quick and reliable professional service, which is a basis if our decision making.service basis, basis decisionlegal, law, international, lawyer, solution1
hungarotrain.huUnder the commission of the manufacturer, our Company was acting for the guarantee repair services of the AdTranz (ABB) trainsets delivered to MÁV. Since the expiry of the guarantee period, we have been participating in maintenance works on the basis of MÁV’s order.work basis, basis mávvehicle, commission, railway, repair, subcontractor1
ethica.huSome companies might provide people and teams under their expected skill level, undermining trust between them and their clients. At Ethica we believe mutual trust is the basis of any relationship, so gaining and maintaining this is paramount in all our client relationships.trust basis, basis relationshippeople, client, technology, planet, software1
biopol.hu…without restoring the humus content and microbiological life of the soils. The use of humic acid-based products, composting and the use of soil microbiological preparations can be the basis for this process. With our products, we also want to help farmers on this difficult but future-oriented path.preparation basis, basis processorganic, soil, farming, quality, nutrient1
merjed.hu…loyalty and their ability to adapt to changing technologies means a great potential during both of the everyday and the long-term work of the company, which we cannot expect to be fulfilled by employees who have fixed-term contracts or who work at the company on a seasonal or temporary basis.training, fermentation, industry, school, page1
atformallak.huThis lady (163cm) was weighing 100kg before we started the training. She wasn’t used to making sport on the regular basis previously. After six months of regular training which she executed with great determination making some serious sacrifices, the workout, and the one-hour-long cardio training…regular basis, basis previouslytraining, health, personal, body, trainer1
magyarmalmok.huTo work a vineyard, you need a lot of guts to do that. To go out there and work all year, you almost feel that these people talk to the grapes. Wine is a lifestyle, and you can talk about it for ages. It's a passion, but it's not something I can do on a daily basis.elit, sit, lorem, neque, dolor1
hospicehaz.huEmotional and spiritual support for patients and their families forms the basis of hospice.family basis, basis hospicecare, patient, family, pain, donation1
okolakopark.hu…organized and managed agricultural model farm based on organic farming provide the most important living conditions on an own, sustainable basis, including food production. Our prestigious building stock and establishments with recreational facilities enable a lifestyle of high quality. Andsustainable basis, basis foodmodel, house, plan, area, location1
karkojanos.hu…operator and internet service provider, EE Limited(Everything Everywhere). My key responsibility was to oversee IT security changes on the company's firewalls and creating the related summary report of the requests. I also tracked and handled security events and alerts on an end-to-end basis.manager, digital, certification, ecommerce, growth1
stek-hungary.huSTEK is a known and respected brand worldwide. Nothing proves this more than the thousands of installers who work with STEK paint protection films on a day to day basis all over the world, installing them on high value cars. The films’ resistance against environmental effects is excellent, so…day basis, basis worldprotection, paint, county, installation, impress1
futurestars.huMain coach Steve Yeboah is a former professional football player UEFA B qualified football trainer with several years of international experience. You will learn and build a solid basis of this beautiful game in good team spirit with the help of our english speaking and ‘Junior Kick’ qualified…solid basis, basis beautifulfuture, sponsor, football, summer, camp1
budatrioapartments.huThe Customer acknowledges that the Service Provider makes the reservation primarily on the basis of the information provided by the Customer during the order. In addition, the Customer is obliged to provide correct information regarding the order and the individual contract, so it is obliged to…primarily basis, basis informationcustomer, provider, use, order, apartment1
gergenyi.huIt is the perfect choice for large companies and major suppliers. In this segment legal transactions must be solved on a daily basis, a big number of lawsuit and extra judicial procedures might occur. A much bigger contract file must be handled, often with special areas of law.daily basis, basis biglegal, office, law, procedure, contract1
fortuneinvest.huFortune Investment takes care about Client’s children future by supporting them with opportunities to study in Europe. We arrange learning in elementary and middle school as well as collage and university in Hungary. In parallel studies give basis for receiving of resident permit in Hungary.study basis, basis residentfortune, investment, europe, real, european1
keresztenymotorosok.hube our personal Saviour. We have accepted Him in our hearts as the Lord and Governor of our lives. The value system formulated by the Bible is the basis of our value system, too. It is present in our everyday lives and determines our way of thinking and our decisions. This is quite important for us,bible basis, basis valuegod, fellowship, christ, jesus, important1
megfizethetoweboldal.huOur team will help you to operate on instant exchange to trade bitcoins successfully. We will teach you the basis of trading.successfully basis, basis tradingpermission, feature, conference, main, sale1
compassioninaction.huThere is 1 place available in each group with special conditions for applicants, awarded on the basis of purpose and motivation.applicant basis, basis purposeaction, self, result, group, value1
magyarij.huWe await the application of all bow fabricators, who are making horn bows either out of passion or on commercial basis.bow, foundation, homepage, trademark, award1
laurius.hu…require the employment of a group of experts – and as it is often the case, for that single project only. It is exactly where we can serve our client by putting a team together for the successful and effective realization of the project and supplying the needed workforce even on a temporary basis.client, market, operation, expert, technology1
promees.huWith nearly 10 years professional EHS organization supporting experience, the PRO-MEES team was specifically established to provide new ways and innovative solutions in Hungary by unique tools, methods and approach, creating a comprehensive professional basis for its partners.professional basis, basis partnersafety, training, activity, fire, protection1
mavkfv.huQualification of weldings (ultrasonic testing, geometrical measurement on 1m basis by straightness testing device)measurement basis, basis straightnessdiagnostic, qualification, track, rail, measurement1
freeszfe.huThe amount of regular support set up in Barion will be deducted from your account by your service provider on a monthly basis.event, support, donation, cost, month1
culex.huWe have the suitable stockbreeder with closed, isolated livestocks,with well-controlled veterinary background. These animals are the main basis of the blood donors.main basis, basis bloodblood, animal, process, production, source1
soundweaving.huIn this case, the punched tape acts as the score. Embroidered shirts and pillows from the Transylvanian Bukovina, and from Kalotaszeg and Hungary served as a basis for the patterns. As part of the transformation, embroidery patterns turned into laser cut textile pieces, and cross-stitched patterns…hungary basis, basis patternpattern, origin, artist, county, introduction1
baloghorsolya.huMaximum protection for your home, property and pets on the basis of your needs. Online as well, in just a few minutes.pet basis, basis needstrategy, financial, revenue, private, insurance1
ergofem.huErgofém LTD is a dominant market participant in the Southern Great Plain region. The Company focuses on technological and human basis development, so it fully services the customers’ needs.human basis, basis developmentltd, cut, welding, blast, coating1
rentabikesiofok.huWe continually assess our guests’ needs and develop our vehicles, service the existing bikes on a daily basis, we apply the latest developments of the security and the convenience, so that everyone who chooses us can get home fatigue and satisfied after a trip around the lake.daily basis, basis latestbike, rental, tour, news, lake1
velutina.hu…hornet, observing its reaction and whether it would come back with the different markings. We managed to recapture one specimen during the afternoon. These trials may provide the basis for fitting transmitters and, as an alternative, possibly introducing a short-acting capsule into the vespa nest.trial basis, basis transmitternest, colony, beekeeper, species, asian1
britmagyariskola.huOf course, the sooner the better, since children learn most by playing on an activity-based basis, their brains absorb information at multiple times the speed of an adult. At an early age, children do not learn a language but rather acquire it but developing intuitively through activities that…activity basis, basis brainschool, student, child, question, admission1
tahitiresort.huEven if you do not want to leave the establishment, you can still treat yourself! We provide wellness experiences in the house, which can be used on complimentary basis during summer and winter time as well.complimentary basis, basis summerapartment, offer, voucher, relaxation, accommodation1
englishcenter.huThe English Center was established in 1997. Through the 20 years of its operation it has gained relevant experience in teaching adults English, mostly women aged from 35 to 55 or around. As a main profile, intensive English courses are run on a daily basis by a professional staff of 8 qualified…daily basis, basis professionalcenter, adult, learner, language, situation1
polymeron.huTesting Measurement is the basis of most engineering activities, development, and quality assurance. Our Testing division offers a wide rangemeasurement basis, basis engineeringdivision, extrusion, molding, injection, prototyping1
ais.huAvalon International School – with its own kitchen – offers school lunch and two snacks during the school day for all pupils. We do pay attention to prepare healthy and high-quality food for the children with giving vegetables and fruit on a daily basis.school, nursery, child, international, general1
epds.huDuring the establishment of the organisation, building trades can be created, on the basis of which the professional areas and the authorisations associated with them can be distinctly separated. Accordingly, only those who are competent in the subject have access to and may perform operations in…trade basis, basis professionalequipment, environment, activity, operation, management1
homeinspection.huHandover of a report and photos in 5 working days that provide a solid basis for price negotiations.solid basis, basis priceproperty, inspection, decision, house, price1
innolabengineering.huAs a part of our core intention, we build intelligent Measurement and Data Aquisition (DAQ) systems which serve as a basis of any professional energy conversion or storage applications. We offer special and fully customizable DAQ solutions for laboratory and industrial purposes such as testbenches…system basis, basis professionalhomepage, engineering, energy, joomla, portfolio1
szakiszovetseg.huThe Alliance also functions as a network within the solidarity economy ecosystem, enabling communities to ensure that their physical spaces continue to operate on a non-profit basis in the long term.profit basis, basis longcommunity, acre, mission, build, real1
folia-szamitas.hu…learning its handling, we are going to calculate the accurate thickness for you! These measuring devices only show the thickness of film on a specific, 5 mm diameter section, but it is not an informative data. We are going to take the average thickness of a whole section (even 5-6 m 2 ) as a basis!calculator, site, calculation, shrink, portal1
megaglobal.huThe second pillar of our company is software development, based on individual business needs. Develop individual custom software from design through implementation to providing follow-up support, even on an SLA basis…customer, structure, slide, manufacturer, technology1
demeterzoltan.huMy winery was founded in 1996 with the intent to take a full and active part in the recognition and rediscovery of Tokaj terroir and its wines. I obtained the professional basis partly in the Budapest University of Horticulture, partly in the United States, France and Great Britain.professional basis, basis partlywine, vineyard, today, thing, winery1
bonaadventure.huWe conducted several field experiments targeted to predict dystocia and birth weight of calves in dairy herds, to increase newborn calf vitality and to estimate the physiological basis of heat stress, the results of which have made us interested in the domestic and international precision animal…physiological basis, basis heatadventure, main, result, field, scientific1
economical.huOn an annual basis we carry out the construction of several detached houses, take part in government contracts, and work as a subcontractor in large investments. For performing these skilled works we have twenty well-qualified employees but, if necessary, we can increase the number of employees…annual basis, basis constructioneconomical, build, house, semi, homepage1
orosznyelvtanar.huexplain the same point in different ways. Third, she really helps you improve your conversational Hungarian which is something you need on a daily basis in Hungary. She begins her lesson with a conversation on daily topics and makes it easy to learn most necessary words and phrases by interweaving…daily basis, basis hungarylesson, class, russian, student, language1
benczurconsulting.huWe understand that every sector and organisation needs a different approach to navigate the maze of Public policy. Therefore we create tailor-made strategies and provide needs-basis communication and information at an international levelneed basis, basis communicationconsulting, communication, client, international, page1
kms.huWe represent our Client’s interests on a professional basis. We keep an eye on the different phases of construction. We coordinate the construction works with professional requirements, standards, regulations and applicable law.professional basis, basis eyeengineering, energetic, build, office, reference1
molnar78.hu– In case of the drafting of official documents, court- or out-of-court representation, the amount of the attorney’s fee is specific to the given matter, thus it is established on a percentage basis .attorney, law, office, client, representation1
skool.org.huSkool is backed up by an advisory board of five experienced and enthusiastic professionals, who have undertaken on a voluntary basis to support us with their remarks and experience in achieving our goals.voluntary basis, basis remarklab, technology, eng, homepage1
procurcon.huBoth HR leaders and Procurement managers need reliable market information on compensation levels and trends in properly segmented structures. We are able to provide statistical averages for a wide range of procurement positions, which figures are updated on a regular basis.procurement, purchase, process, management, improvement1
arvali.huWe have been working with ArvaliCom on an ongoing basis for several (7) years. They are reliable and have a very fast reaction time. Also, they are able to fulfil unexpected jobs fast as well, as proven several times. They know local stylists and fashion journalists better than we, ourselves.ongoing basis, basis yearmedia, social, sensory, surprise, brand1
aceh.huEconomic and Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Embassy of P.R. China in Hungary, to protect the rights and interests of members on a reasonable basis; To promote exchanges and cooperation between members and with local enterprises in Hungary; To help members understand and study the investment…reasonable basis, basis exchangemember, news, event, page, section1
forditas.huYes, there are translation agencies which are expensive. But, just like all generalizations, this does not reflect the full reality either! Why don’t we do some calculation? Let’s do some calculation! Take the time and effort – which can be saved if you assign a team of professionals – as the…professional basis, basis daytranslation, language, price, agency, translator1
abm.huOn the basis of the owner's decision, ABM Mérnöki Iroda Kft. (ABM Engineering Ltd.) was closed down.software, engineer, sculptor, technology, developer1
ismerosok.huWe will retain the information for as long as we need it to provide our products, to comply with our legal obligations or to protect our interests or the interests of others. We decide on a case-by-case basis how long we need the data. We consider the following to make this decision:case basis, basis longdata, condition, account, purpose, law1
hboszormenyrendelo.huAs a physical therapist I have the opportunity on a daily basis to improve the lives of my patients by identifying...daily basis, basis lifetherapy, physical, therapist, pain, care1
bazisoffice.huProvide the basis of your business success. Choose a reliable still flexible basis to your company or business enterprise. Become familiar with the complex office services of Bázis Office Center, the cost-effective and innovative office solutions that flexibly fit to your company, thus providing…flexible basis, basis companyoffice, center, meet, room, offer1
ratotcenter.huadditional unique services for our tenants includes corporate and labor law on a regular basisoffice, warehouse, center, sqm, parking1
hairtransplanthungary.huAt our clinic, 2 forms of consultation are officially accepted on the basis of the professional protocol. Personal and Email Consultation.officially basis, basis professionalhair, clinic, transplantation, consultation, result1
forditoth.huThe final quote is calculated on the basis of the length of your text, i.e. the number of source language characters. This way you will know the total cost of translation when you place your order. Upon request, however, the quote may also be hour based. Prices do not include VAT.quote basis, basis lengthtranslation, quote, rate, translator, material1
premiumvision.huWe can screen for many other diseases in a timely manner if you take part in screening tests on a regular basis. Several well-known endemics can be detected early on by eye-ground examination. For example diabetes or high blood pressure.regular basis, basis endemicvision, premium, eye, optic, ophthalmology1
ilant.huWe document our production on a day-to-day basis, delivering parts with protocols (records? report?) in accordance with our quality policy.day basis, basis partengineering, production, technology, manufacture, plan1
telos.hu…by teleporting those Reptoids through ancient jumproom network that spans the Solar system and was inactive for centuries as well. They were even able to infiltrate some bases of the Light forces on Planet X, which were swiftly recaptured by the Light Forces with heavy casualties on both sides.able basis, basis lightupdate, situation, force, light, surface1
sportnaplo.huWe have reached a stage in development where we would like to expand our system in a specialized manner, which we can guarantee on a semi-annual basis by sport.annual basis, basis sportathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance1
turisztikaitanulmanyok.huThe most important goal of the quarterly scientific journal Tourism and Rural Development Studies, founded in 2016, is to be – as one of the main forums for the scientific work of Hungarian tourism, hospitality and rural development researchers – an important domestic basis for the publication of…domestic basis, basis publicationstudy, tourism, page, rural, development1
falkland.huWe provide services to Lagermax AED which is a most prominent nighttime delivery specialist in CEE region. Night-Express services subcontracted to us are honored by long-term contracts and our vehicles continue to transport mostly car parts on nightly basis.swap, delivery, body, vehicle, transport1
lutheranimation.huThe Luther animation series displays the life of the former monk, later theologian and reformer Martin Luther whose work and theology established the basis for the renewal of the Church. Lutheran churches following his thoughts and principles exist today all over the world. The ten-episode series…theology basis, basis renewalanimation, church, series, contribution, news1
sugogabona.huOur crop trading activities are not limited to Hungary, we have important international partners, who as buyers, represent a significant part of our market. As a result of our geographical location, our main transportation method is shipping on the Danube river, and our stock bases are located at…stock basis, basis bajacrop, office, introduction, trade, industrial1
fairtech.huWe consider the satisfaction of our customers to be the basis of long-term business relationships.customer basis, basis longbuilding, facility, build, residential, office1
littlefunnypaw.hu…then we have taken part in competitions with my successful puppies where they have already been awarded many times. I can proudly say that on the basis of the feedbacks puppies sold by me brought lots of happiness to the life of their new families. If you are interested in my puppies, please…proudly basis, basis feedbacklittle, funny, dog, breeder, female1
pharmateka.huSince Hungary's EU accession we have increased our R&D and production activities on an ongoing basis. Our company plays a major role in development and trade of medicine-free preventive substances.ongoing basis, basis companypass, award, preventive, element, article1
cadcam3000.hu…we specified those components which required modification. CAD-CAM 3000 arranged for the modifications of the already existing drawings on the basis of the instructions and they also optimized the new shapes for the best aesthetic outcome. They perfectionized this re-design with regard to the…drawing basis, basis instructionengineering, tool, prototype, solution, measurement1
jakablovak.hu"On the base of the excellent Dutch KWPN sport horse blood line a very good breeding basis is about to emerging which, as a joint result of regular trainings and carefully established breeding conditions, will shortly be seen also on several carriage driving races"breed basis, basis jointhorse, sale, race, page, slide1
energyprojects.huFirst, these power plants are subject to subsidy schemes in Hungary as well. Second, with the reduction of investment costs, establishment on a market basis should also be considered, in particular coupled with the need for large-scale industrial electricity demand.market basis, basis particularattorney, issue, step, power, plant1
uniqalis.huHis deep knowledge of the Hungarian and African economic and social environment and his valuable contacts in the African continent provide an excellent opportunity for our clients to discover the potential of African countries and to realize their international expansion on a sustainable basis.schedule, appointment, african, international, main1
archbook.huThese short stories are built on a realistic, but often astonishing or even thought-provoking, basis, and provide a glimpse of what a foreigner can see and experience in this open exhibition hall of geological wonders.think basis, basis glimpsebook, national, memory, wonder, arch1
newdoor.hu“ BAUHAUS Szakáruházak Kereskedelmi Bt. has been working with Newdoor Communications Szolgáltató Kft. since 2015. Our common values, such as customer-friendly attitude, constant innovation, joint thinking and responsibility, strategic approach provide the basis for our long-term cooperation.approach basis, basis longstory, communication, digital, value, competency1
arrabonavill.huWe classify electrical equipment on the basis of contact protection, lightning protection and standardization.equipment basis, basis contactelectrical, construction, low, equipment, store1
metalspray.huOur business is constantly seeking oppurtunities to establish relationships in our sector. We are in the business of delivering high quality, innovative, anti-corrosive solutions for our partners utilizing the Thermal Metal Spray Technology. We aim at long term contacts on the basis of large scale…contact basis, basis largemetal, technology, solution, thermal, quality1
markrottweilerklub-hungary.huData Processor: a natural or legal person or a non-legal entity who, on the basis of a contract, including a contract under a provision of the law, manages and processes Personal Data on behalf of the Data Controller.entity basis, basis contractdata, controller, personal, protection, person1
qstest.huA transparent business is the basis of a stable operation and decisions that affect the future. We help you coordinate your business processes with advanced technologies in the fields of finance, trade, logistics, service and manufacturing. We help you find the best solutions to satisfy your…business basis, basis stablemanagement, solution, automation, customer, process1
drszilagyigergo.huI work primarily for corporates, on the basis of either permanent or one-time retainers. Besides general activities of attorneys, I have gained considerable experience in the representation of leading multinational and domestic companies during my practice of law since 2009.corporate basis, basis permanentlaw, contract, agreement, representation, advice1
biofil.huBioFil has operated for more than 20 years, and it has accumulated a collection of approx. 2000 soil bacteria, each of which have been isolated, systematized and identified for their properties, and is the basis for the development of BioFil’s soil inoculating products.property basis, basis developmentsoil, tender, bacteria, fertilizer, effective1
magyarfilmakademia.huCsaba Káel, a new Hungarian Film Commissioner responsible for the development of the Hungarian motion picture industry, the National Film Institute will be established on the basis of the Hungarian National Film Fund, changing its name from 1 January 2020.institute basis, basis hungarianbody, soul, movie, award, language1
borzaconsulting.huIn addition to the above, as a stand-alone consultant from 2018: IFRS17 system development support, actuarial mathematical support for retirement and health insurance funds, general financial advisory fundamentally supporting CFO function on a case-by-case and regular basis, giving presentations.regular basis, basis presentationconsulting, insurance, support, development, pension1
jankovits.huThe basis of our trading activity is that we procure the best quality building blocks not only to machines manufactured by us but we ensure access to the same for our partners, too. We represent several multinational global firms engaged in manufacturing hydraulic machinery parts; our stores…engineering, hydraulic, machine, manufacture, machinery1
kwds.huComponents from renowned engine and transmission manufacturers who have been collaborating with K & W Drive Systems for over 45 years are the basis of this. Our range includes diesel and gas engines for a wide range of applications (rail, marine, power generation, military vehicles, oil & gas…year basis, basis rangetransmission, spare, power, engine, application1
jui.huSince the foundation of our law firm, we have successfully implemented our professional goal in practice to build long-term relationships with our clients, based on trust between attorney and client. The success of this philosophy is confirmed by the fact that we are mandated on a permanent basis…permanent basis, basis significantlaw, firm, practice, client, area1
officexpress.huOur goal being the realization of our vision, we need to overfulfil the expectations of our clients, suppliers and colleagues on a daily basis. This is why we are deeply committed to reaching the highest possible customer satisfaction, keeping costs under control, and representing a…daily basis, basis deeplyoffice, customer, vision, mission, value1
czinkapanna.hu…other Roma organizations. We believe that we can do a more efficient work together. At the same time, however, we make a stand for the interests of the Roma people. The basis of our partnerships is that in the course of the partnership, the Roma interests have the same weight as any other interest.people basis, basis partnershipassociation, cultural, event, talent, interest1
carbyne.huSpecialist recruitment services aimed to attract and select suitable candidates for your hiring needs on a success fee basis.medical, role, manager, specialist, typical1
clearvision.hu…our team in several areas of software and hardware development and since 2008 we undertake project development and migration tasks on a project basis. Our guiding principle is the engineering approach, accurate, detailed design, disciplined execution, and helping and teaching each other as a…project basis, basis principlesolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication1
debrecenbike.huMK is a civil organization which was established in 2002. Its main objective is promoting and facilitating cycling in Hungary and establishing its infrastructural basis. The Club is an influential actor of the public domain which is actively involved in the development of government policy as well…infrastructural basis, basis clubbike, street, church, build, city1
mazuri.huYou will feel more secure from the start with us because our PR activities, our marketing campaigns and our communication strategies will create the basis to attract your ideal clients.strategy basis, basis idealwebsite, campaign, logo, graphic, goal1
innolog.huknow-how. In our team, the youthful dynamism combines with the thoughtfulness of more experienced colleagues, and our practical approach is a good basis for planning high reliability, economical and transparent systems. Our tailor-made services and the active cooperation with the Customers provide…good basis, basis highplan, logistic, process, solution, inventory1
nyirerdo.huThe robinia tree, also called the “gold of the region”, definitely plays an important role in the life of the forestry company. The forest and wood processing products made from robinia trees form the basis of the company’s success. NYÍRERDŐ Zrt. pays special attention to the native tree species…tree basis, basis companyhunting, forestry, acacia, important, forest1
healing-darkness.hu…not only without food, but without internet just as well! This is why the reports were only continued at the beginning of December, when my special retreat was over. This book retains the direct experiences of the reports written on a daily – or several times a day – basis to the Facebook-group.day basis, basis facebookdarkness, sound, second, retreat, method1
munkahely-stressz.huFor our partners using our occupational health services, the "test" is free of charge once a year! Company managers, company doctors, occupational health and safety specialists can also order the "test" for their company, on the basis of an individual quotation.company basis, basis individualstress, occupational, workplace, health, physician1
phbences.huMembers of both boards participate on a voluntary basis, at no cost to the foundation. Furthermore, the School of Pannonhalma covers the charity’s administrative expenses, therefore, 100% of any donation or inheritance will be used for the benefit of the students.voluntary basis, basis coststudent, school, foundation, financial, fund1
goldencrm.huWe consider it very important that our work is done to the highest standard, in a good atmosphere and in a friendly relationship. The following opinions about our activities so far can provide a good basis for why you should trust us.sale, communication, detail, website, consulting1
davehelpsdebrecen.huOutside of my coaching duties, I found myself helping out international students with their major and minor problems on a regular basis. Since they needed someone to turn to for assistance with communication and language barriers, I was the perfect candidate. Over time, solving these tasks became…regular basis, basis assistancehelp, price, day, problem, international1
mtgholding.huThe employees of the company, as well as the range of trustees that can be involved, selected on the basis of quality work, mostly already proven in the other companies of the owners, are suitable for the realization of the objectives outlined above.trustee basis, basis qualityproceedings, liquidation, bankruptcy, wind, introduction1
sipospack.huBeing a family owned business with more than 30 years of experience, we truly believe in long term collaborations, where both professional and personal values are equally important on a daily basis. We are constantly looking for new challenges and implementing leadin-edge technologies in order to…daily basis, basis constantlypackaging, recyclable, material, printing, solution1
juhaszvin.hu…include Kékfrankos, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir, Portugieser, Zweigelt, Blauburger and Merlot, which form an excellent basis for making Egri Bikavér. Our white wines are made from Muscat Ottonel, Irsai Olivér, Olaszrizling, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris and…excellent basis, basis egriwine, taste, vineyard, region, event1
digitalconto.huWe prepare KATA, personal income tax, and other tax returns in compliance with current legal regulations, even on a case-by-case basis. Our services are reliable, precise, and delivered with close attention to deadlines.case basis, basis serviceaccounting, entrepreneur, sole, taxation, rate1
realidaconsult.huCultural differences, diverse working styles and business priorities may make maintaining contact and doing business with foreign partners a challenge on a daily basis.consult, management, issue, situation, process1
motorepites.huIf you vote for me on the basis of the descriptions and you will not be disappointed. With 20 years of experience, a well-equipped workshop, and a wide-ranging relationship system, I can assure you, is not an irresolvable task for me.ready, widget, motorcycle, restoration, gearbox1
sepsieniko.hu…and in English, and emphasised the textual realisations of the theatrical visions developed, from the perspective of poetry, by Pilinszky on the basis of Mallarmé’s concept of the “théâtre de la Pensée” (Theatre of Thought, Mental Theatre). It was also in New York, in the manuscript archives of…pilinszky basis, basis mallarméstudy, university, theatre, research, french1
idbc.huWe offer our IT Contracting service to the medium and large sized enterprises which intend to use external experts temporarily in projects, on an expenditure basis.creative, job, recruitment, digital, fun1
7dtender.huModels created for the purpose of archiving the as-built state of the building, can form the basis of accounting. Operational models can be loaded with facility management (CAFM) systems, placing asset management and building management on a 3D basis.build basis, basis accountingtender, build, model, plan, survey1
faker2000.huTrading wood materials and base products puts our carpentry production onto firm bases, because we always have ample amount of good quality materials with ideal moisture content to work with.firm basis, basis amplewindow, quality, introduction, indoor, wood1
exportreadiness.huThe heads of people – or companies – are full of many ideas. However, only a tiny percent of those ideas will actually be implemented. I can assist you in creating value on a daily basis and according to the schedule defined.daily basis, basis schedulemarket, sale, foreign, international, development1
teljeselet.hu…needs, as well as taking part in the organization of the camping events. These helpers spend their own vacation here, working on a voluntary basis. The camps welcome anybody who would like to join the helpers; as more and more people discover this opportunity, Söréd attracts volunteers from…voluntary basis, basis campgoal, foundation, camp, newly, center1
infravizsgalat.huFrom these, the patient's current state of health is assembled, and it will provide the basis for setting up the appropriate treatment.health basis, basis appropriateinfrared, imaging, body, hormone, treatment1
safranycsilla.huThe hotel built on the basis of József Hild’s plans in 1861 was reconstructed from an historic, early eclectic, downtown residential house with circular gallery, keeping the original facade wing.hotel basis, basis józsefaward, room, gallery, publication, interior1
secon.huTherefore, we pay special attention to following the international trends, with special care to Google’s improvements and communication. Besides performing our daily duties, we tirelessly search for, test and deliver new work methods, procedures and knowledge bases.search, consulting, effectiveness, strategy, training1
kertvellesy.huI always walk, with my eyes open, I’m interested about the things kick the buddy kostenlos downloaden . I wonder why things actually work, why people like things. This point of view is the basis of my work. Experience and make it conscious.view basis, basis workagreement, contract, office, reference, data1
benyocs.hu…in civil law-related legal matters. We also provide full-scale legal assistance in real estate law, start-up law, dispute resolution and general corporate law-related legal matters. Our services include the continuous legal support of the business activities of companies, even on a daily basis.law, office, legal, matter, dispute1
she4she.huWe know how women face challenges and deal with many issues on a daily basis. This can be especially harder for migrant and refugee women...daily basis, basis especiallywoman, community, art, committed, need1
tisler.huthe reservation is valid on the basis of prior arrangement, after confirmation and 30% advance payment of the full price by bank transfervalid basis, basis priorapartment, price, free, island, gallery1
i-ching.hu…whole I Ching , and its true meaning will be illuminated. Thus, all the readers of the I Ching - the adherents of Taoism in the first place - can get new, specific information from here. The practitioners can gain a reliable basis for the interpretation of the hexagrams, especially in divination.reliable basis, basis interpretationyi, globe, arrangement, group, jing1
alomarc.hu…by the best suited cosmetic treatments, thus giving more perfect results to our clients. The treatment process will vary from client to client and is determined on individual basis. Our clinic is designed for the comfort of patients, where our guests can get out of the rhythm of everyday life.individual basis, basis clinicmedical, aesthetic, medicine, client, treatment1
dronepermet.huThe essence of precision farming is making decisions on the basis of data in cropping as well. This is where our drones with special thermal cameras come into play.decision basis, basis datadrone, page, farming, crop, solution1
berbekuczunique.huAllow me to show you some pictures of my work without pretense of completeness. I wouldn't be able to make them all the same because I make swords mostly by hand. Each one is unique and unrepeatable. Many people believe that a find or representation can form the basis of each reconstruction, but I…representation basis, basis reconstructionunique, weapon, picture, gallery, sword1
ifes.huIFES is founded on the central truths of biblical Christianity as outlined in the IFES doctrinal basis. We are happy to add any student group or international church that can affirm our beliefs .doctrinal basis, basis happychurch, group, student, christian, international1
weddinginhungary.huWe will do our best to ensure that all materials and information published on our Website, and our Directory are accurate, but please note that all content, materials and information on our Website is provided on an ‘as is’ basis and you assume total responsibility and risk for your use of our…website basis, basis totalwedding, planner, day, agency, venue1
envitek.huecom stands since more than 30 years for innovative, high-quality instruments for combustion gas analysis, pressure measurement, leak detection as well as for burner diagnosis. The development and the production occur on basis of the most updated standards, legal requirements and as a consequent…production basis, basis updategas, process, solution, manufacturer, instrument1
balancemassage.hu…sessions always have a lasting effect, too: my back and arm pains recede completely for multiple days, which allows me to function on an everyday basis without off-putting pains and aches. He himself is kind and polite at all times, while his work ethic remains exemplary without fail. Would…everyday basis, basis painmassage, mobile, relaxation, talk, technique1
aensys.huStreaming, data acquisition, push messages, offline operation and local data bases do not meen any problemsdata basis, basis problemdevelopment, technology, application, operation, field1
melea.huCombination of natural ingredients and modern science isthe basis for effective beauty treatments with long-lasting visible results. Be it an anti-ageing facial or body treatment for the desired look, , our beauty experts at Melea design the ideal tailor-made program for you to achieve your…isthe basis, basis effectiveroom, guest, premium, suite, bathroom1
autobuszberles.huWe undertake the operation of the regular bus routes of companies, institutions or even municipalities on a personalized basis, based on individual needs.personalized basis, basis individualminibus, bus, transfer, quote, logistic1
dekorpaint.huOur staff have relevant work experience in the field of corrosion protection. They participate on professional trainings and educations on regular bases, where they learn about the latest paints and technologies. In 2019, our colleague passed a successful exam in Denmark and was awarded the…regular basis, basis latestpaint, coating, corrosion, protection, colour1
mentee.huBeing involved with hockey on a daily basis helped me to deeply understand the importance of constant learning. In the past years team video sessions have became a crucial part of how we develop players but not many organisations have the resources to work with every player individually helping…daily basis, basis deeplyvideo, game, tomorrow, hockey, face1
mosomedve.huWith our wasn-n-fold service, which provides you washing, drying, and folding services on a per kg basis you can save a lot of time. It is particularly important for big families and busy people. We recommend using our drying machines as well, because the freshly washed clothes can be fold easier…kg basis, basis lotwashing, laundry, machine, clothes, coin1
salsanyaritabor.huSALSA intensive courses for all levels : history, evolution, bases with the system approved by the culture ministry of Cubaevolution basis, basis systemdance, festival, cuban, course, lake1
drtivadar.huNew provisions on consumer protection sanctions enter into force on 28 May 2022. It seems that the Hungarian authority will, in certain cases, be authorised to impose unlimited fines, sometimes even set on an uncertain basis. Will the legislator correct this situation until the effective date?uncertain basis, basis legislatorlaw, protection, firm, data, office1
houseinhungary.huOur House Hunters will assist you to find your perfect property in Hungary on the bases of your criteria. We'll inspect your chosen property and create a detailed report to help you decide.hungary basis, basis criteriaproperty, house, buy, purchase, search1
innopharmkft.husupplement products can be found in almost 1300 pharmacies. We support the pharmacy sales with a dedicated team visiting the pharmacies on a daily basis. The tools and skills of the team permit to represent the products of other companies too. Accordingly we supported the launch and distribution ofdaily basis, basis tooldetail, food, supplement, normal, mineral1
sos-magyar.huthose who intend to learn Hungarian properly , and therefore consider a solid basis important,solid basis, basis importantbook, vocabulary, material, author, order1
afromag.huThe Weekly Food organization is a community of private persons on volunteer basis who are cooking for those in need. They are supported by private donations. The food they prepare they are dividing in Budapest 7th and 8th district. In the 7 district they...volunteer basis, basis needjob, event, search, legislation, curriculum1
lanaxis.huWe respond promptly to all requests and provide professional assistance throughout the entire process. This is the basis of our successful cooperation!process basis, basis successfulsteel, structure, manufacture, equipment, pipe1
pistar.huAs a member of Schrade Alliance, we cooperate with several law firms in the CEE region on a “best-friends” basis. We bring our combined experience together to provide integrated, one-stop-shop service in relation to regional matters and transactions.friend basis, basis experiencelaw, cee, alliance, office, legal1
printologic.huThe technology allows organisations to reduce the labour requirement for printing-related tasks by months on a yearly basis. Through saving time and eliminating the annoying errors and problems that often occur during printing with conventional solutions, PRINTOLOGIC contributes to a more relaxed…yearly basis, basis timetechnology, printing, gallery, solution, organisation1
imolavendeghaz.hu…with the aid of a document reader, and be transmitted to a storage space, the Closed Guest Information Database (VIZA in Hungarian). For guests younger than 14, the accommodation provider may record the above data on the basis of data provided by the guest’s representative (e. g. parent, guardian).data basis, basis datagarden, guesthouse, room, inquiry, guest1
legjobbakciok.huLand is the basis of the Questland. All tasks and quests in the game are based on the land owned by the players.land basis, basis questlandland, chest, solarium, player, login1
profiforditas.huYes, there are translation agencies which are expensive. But, just like all generalizations, this does not reflect the full reality either! Why don’t we do some calculation? Let’s do some calculation! Take the time and effort - which can be saved if you assign a team of professionals - as the…professional basis, basis daytranslation, language, agency, translator, text1
kikiformis.huI am Krisztina Fodor, I met Yumeiho® massage in 2020, I visited László Apostol – my later master – for my own health problem. Since the age of 16, I have suffered from migraine headaches with severe symptoms on a monthly basis that have not been helped by any medical treatment. The Yumeiho massage…monthly basis, basis medicaltreatment, body, massage, pregnancy, session1
dentist-debrecen.hu…everyone has to make their own choice – bearing in mind their own personal needs and expectations, and their own financial means – on the basis of their personal choice of dentist and their trust in him or her. I do not claim – and wouldn’t want to try to convince anyone – that I am the…mean basis, basis personaldental, tooth, dentist, surgery, treatment1
geoinsight.hu…solutions (the “GEOInsight Solution”), originally developed at the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, specifically to support the analysis of population distributions on the basis of cellular data generated by mobile telephone system operators.distribution basis, basis cellulardata, welcome, case, use, solution1
themagicbox.hu…In the indictment issued carelessly and inaccurately has a reference only to the 15-15 million forints which was delivered to Hagyó on a yearly basis. Any other details on the location, the time or other circumstances are not mentioned in it. The term „Nokia-box” does not occur in the text at…yearly basis, basis detailcase, court, election, media, investigation1
moonwalk.hu…on gathering professional literature, knowledge from the experts working on the field and asking the target group directly to establish a strong basis for the methodology and steps of involving young people living with disabilities in local youth projects. The intellectual outputs would improve…strong basis, basis methodologydisability, people, research, young, youth1
ahang.huFamilies are forced to live on the streets on a daily basis in Hungary. Families torn apart like this are separated and struggle to come together again. This could all be avoided with a couple of amendments to the law. To achieve this, the organization A Város Mindenkié (The City is for All) and…daily basis, basis hungarycampaign, family, public, national, care1
johnsondigital.huMarketing data analysis provides the basis for all successful marketing campaigns. Marketing positioning requires competitor analysis, customer analysis, and content analysis.analysis basis, basis successfuldigital, optimization, idea, social, brand1
aktivzenetanulas.huThe teaching guide written by Gabriella Deszpot, Tamara Farnadi and Sára Buda provides help for the understanding of the multimedia example collection of the 2 nd model. The handbook provides the basis for understanding the theoretical and intellectual understanding of the integrated…handbook basis, basis theoreticalmusic, learn, model, movement, active1
kettannyelvuiskola.huPlayful movement, coordination and motion development. Creating the basis for health-conscious thinking.development basis, basis healthschool, native, primary, grade, language1
hzacademy.huThis proverb is the basis of the philosophy we want to convey through our training programme.proverb basis, basis philosophycourse, country, worker, training, programme1
humantelex.huBy applying for job advertisements and submitting their CV, the sender agrees that Human Telex Kft. will handle and use the information provided in the applicant's application file in accordance with the GDPR and applicable data protection rules, and may contact the sender on the basis thereof in…sender basis, basis thereofevent, creative, human, client, campaign1
prezilimpia.huOn the basis of an online competition, non-SZTE finalist students will be invited to the final in Szeged. Send us a video for the online round to convince the jury that you belong among the best.presentation, competition, talent, student, round1
interproject.huCreating own reliable electricity generating industry on turnkey basis - creating plenty of local jobs – using local materials, not depending on any foreign supplier - high tech development to the local environment, providing reliable electricity to the community and better life for people with…turnkey basis, basis plentyenergy, sun, power, development, free1
helgem.hu…formalized system that documents processes, procedures, and responsibilities for achieving quality policies and objectives. A QMS helps coordinate and direct an organization’s activities to meet customer and regulatory requirements and improve its effectiveness and efficiency on a continuous basis.process, quality, practice, food, machine1
colaw.huAt Colaw Lawyers’ Partnership we handle the cases we are entrusted with by the clients in a comprehensive and structured manner creating the strategy on that basis, which is in accordance with the client’s goal as well as with the legal background. This ensures flexibility for the client, while…strategy basis, basis accordancelaw, lawyer, employment, partnership, january1
krq.huOne of the most widely read tabloid portal of Hungary was repositioned on the basis of our ideas. Taking into account the challenges of new digital brands and also the international trends during developing the news portal places greater emphasis on photo and video content.hungary basis, basis ideacommunication, client, brand, page, video1
martonfilm.huCapture an entire project from the sky with captivating photos and videos. Showcase your work from start to finish and tell a compelling story. Aerial drone photos and videos are excellent tools for monitoring progress on a consistent basis, getting a detailed overview of your project, and…consistent basis, basis detailvideo, photo, gallery, drone, solution1
pannongreenpower.hu…is responsible for the accurate and diligent scheduling and paying the cost of the balancing energy. The cost of balancing energy can be between 10-60 HUF / kWh, which can take away your total monthly income. We take over the cost of balancing energy on a fixed monthly or fixed kWh basis price.kwh basis, basis priceplant, power, energy, consumer, development1
gyerekbirodalom.hu…in the magical place, the children simply call, the Chestnut Forest. Behind the meadow there is a farm with Horsie, the good old pony that had many of Gyerekbirodalom 's children ride his back. Medical supervision: a children’s doctor and a speech therapist visit the children on a regular basis.child, kindergarten, language, nursery, ami1
procreditor.hu15. ) If the creditor initiates liquidation on the basis of an unsuccessful execution, can the petition be based on an unsuccessful immediate collection order?liquidation basis, basis unsuccessfulcreditor, debtor, liquidation, proceedings, bankruptcy1
gridella.huWe believe that foods are not good or bad by themselves, their judgment stems from our relationship to them. Usege, human consciousness makes them what they are. Quality food taken at the right time, place, in the right quantity is the basis of a healthy meal and thus a balanced lifestyle. Life is…quantity basis, basis healthybrand, previous, food, activity, quality1
civilosszefogas.huThe CET is comprised of the communities of Hungarian regions outside the country’s borders and the supporters of the CÖF. The Cooperation Council proceeds in the interest of Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin obligation the basis of its Deed of Foundation and Organizational and Operational…obligation basis, basis deedgallery, letter, open, statement, history1
katalizis.hu…self-administred scale, and measured its content validity with the help of psychologists and psychiatrists. Analysing their answers, items in the motive groups of Action -, Action +, Perception -, Perception turned out to be a reliable basis to develop a 30 item scale, measuring different motives.reliable basis, basis itemmotivational, theory, motive, motivation, model1
roadtoll.huThe On Board Unit (OBU) can be installed on a plug-in basis. Our customer service will help you with the settings by phone.obu basis, basis customercustomer, device, detail, country, offer1
drogriporter.hu…Drugs, presents the first episode of Drug Policy and Harm Reduction News from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In it, we bring you up to date on important developments in our countries and give the floor to experts for comment. We will be publishing these video newsletters on a regular basis.drug, people, video, harm, reduction1
atlassoft.hu7. No one is ever excluded from a conversation, solely on the basis of seeing things in a different light, or having other preferences.solely basis, basis thinganalysis, software, security, development, technology1
realestatehungary.co.huThe Greale Group handles 100,000 properties on a daily basis. We calculate average prices by regions and property types based on these properties. We process new calculations each morning, so the average prices may change every day These sqm prices serve as a good indicator when comparing several…daily basis, basis averageproperty, sale, estate, real, rent1
heritagemanager.hu…and it strengthens people’s connections towards heritage. We work with artists, art organizations and art education institutions on a regular basis. We also work for fostering cooperation between artists and heritage institutions, or collaborations where heritage values become a starting pointregular basis, basis cooperationheritage, manager, cultural, association, community1
banyaiorsolya.huMy worldview was formed on the basis of my personal experiences, scriptures and modern science. It can be labelled as integrative, holistic worldview.worldview basis, basis personalvoice, society, activity, clear, event1
budapestdron.huDrone photography is still an incredibly new and emerging art form. Just a few short years ago it would have been nigh on impossible to capture some of the images that we now see on a regular basis. It’s easy to become jaded by the onslaught of drone photographs out there but a number of artists…regular basis, basis easydrone, studio, photo, video, panorama1
cae-service.huCAE-Service Ltd. was established at the end of the year 2017. After gaining many years of industrial experience, the founding members have decided to set up their own business. Due to the favorable development of the circumstances and the reliable basis the young company is developing dynamically…reliable basis, basis young, project basis, basis serviciessimulation, page, engineering, water, faq1
boglyafesztival.huWe take care of the environment, so we organize the entire Boglya Fest with an eco-approach. We want to implement a festival where selective garbage collection and composting are the basis.festival, break, event, city, people1
ruk.huWe are supplying aviation fuel on a 24-hour basis (IATA level 3) for commercial, general aviaton, military as well as goverment flights. More than 60 years of experience, reliable equipments and the highest quality of Jet-A1 help us to exceed our customer needs.hour basis, basis iatafuel, general, condition, contractual, quality1
blumprogram.hu…would also support adaptability. This is how the Blum kindergarten pedagogy program for personality development was founded on trans-generational bases (named after our grandfather, drama teacher Mihály Bácskai, one of the founders of amateur theatre in Hungary, who was born by the name Mihály…generational basis, basis grandfatherchild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher1
mayexusa.huDuring the past few years, we designed, developed and patented several versions of the Dispensing Cap. The latest prototype, completed in 2007, proved to be a sound basis for industrial application.sound basis, basis industrialdrink, utilization, mineral, water, development1
medtechconsult.huWe, MTC - Medical Technical Consulting Kft., are a dynamic company founded on the basis of German-Hungarian friendship.company basis, basis germanmedical, consulting, technical, repair, sale1
mlszksz.huThe document was drawn up and specified by MLSZKSZ on the basis of the record approved by the Logistic Conciliation Forum (LEF) on its session of March 21st 2006 under the title „The system of criteria for awarding titles for Hungarian logistic service centres”. To win the title for a certain…mlszksz basis, basis recordlogistic, transport, development, member, goal1
shoplog.huAn example of an average webshop is warehousing, parcel handling and shipping, return handling, packaging materials, and customer service (if needed). If other administrative activities occur, they are determined on an hourly basis.package, logistic, management, customer, inventory1
coachingteam.huWe are working on the basis of the ethical principles and norms of the International Coach Federation (ICF) as coaches and trainers. We are responsible for the process, the frames and the supporting and inspiring atmosphere in which the leader or the team is developing and working to reach their…development, trainer, mission, leadership, conscious1
dynamicut.hu…in order to be able to accomplish our jobs whose number and volume have increased. These developments allow us to perform various structure construction works as well. Our up-to-date premise in Eger facilitates accomplishment of jobs at high level and provides basis for our long-term development.level basis, basis longdynamic, introduction, road, construction, equipment1
keletholding.hu…liquidator certifies that the demands of the creditor cannot be expected to be met in the proceedings. The creditor must also justify the legal basis and amount of its claims, and must declare that its claims had not been assigned after the start of the dissolution, and that it does not wish to…legal basis, basis claimliquidator, useful, liquidation, number, advice1
tmerp.huKnowledge transfer – personalized transfer of knowledge that forms the basis for the safe operation of systems.knowledge basis, basis safeimplementation, solution, process, management, operation1
drbiroagnesui.hu…in judicial and extrajudicial processes. The line of our clients consists of individuals, small and medium business companies, condominiums and housing cooperatives, and social organizations. We are offering our legal services to multiple companies and organizations, even on a retainer basis.office, law, expertise, legal, client1
spiderpig.huThe tool can also serve as a basis for planning and forecasting future financial performance of your lease portfolio by providing graphical view of right-of-use assets, lease liabilities, expenses, depreciation and interest expense to show impact on Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss using…tool basis, basis futurelease, tool, contract, accounting, functionality1
gyogyitobeszelgetesek.huThe basis of person-centered psychotherapy counselling – the method I work with – is empathy, credibility and unconditional acceptance of the client.problem, psychologist, hour, consulting, person1
karacsonyfanagykereskedes.huOur offer also includes the necessary tools for pine sales, such as pine funnels, nets, carving machines, pine bases, and other accessories.pine basis, basis accessoriestree, pine, christmas, wholesale, delivery1
ensport.huIn our Premium and Pro package, you have the opportunity to communicate with your coach on a regular basis.window, plan, training, run, athlete1
blackbelt.huWe work with BlackBelt mainly on T&M basis and I can say their experts have always had the competence required for the position and they have also been a good fit for our teams.mainly basis, basis expertdevelopment, software, client, technology1
szaszlilla.huShe has taught children with mental and physical challenges (at “Smile Foundation”), and children of drug user parents (at “Sober Babies”), on a voluntary basis. She has visited numerous workshops, with, among others, Sylvia Plachy, and Steidl and Aperture Publishing Houses. She was guest lecturer…voluntary basis, basis numerousyork, art, photo, award, book1
spedpack.huWhere there is a continuous flow of transport, there is no stopping for packaging either. We provide custom packaging for our partners on a long-term and regular basis.packaging, industry, detail, automotive, transport1
tmtanitas.hu“Through meditation on a daily basis, I get to strip away the masks that we build – that I build for myself, small and large – to reach the feeling of my true self. ‘Oh, this is who I really am! This is how I can experience life!’ My guiding principle has become being true to myself. I used to…daily basis, basis awaymeditation, stress, deep, benefit, health1
hdmarketing.huBeyond Ads, our consultants are qualifying themself in the fields of Google Analytics on yearly bases.consultant, qualification, agency, growth, management1
adtradebt.huLet us introduce our firm as a Hungarian export co-ordinating company, working on the basis of 37 years experience background.company basis, basis yeardetail, easter, list, trade, offer1
trendoptik.huso we provide you with a careful and thorough eye examination which will serve as the basis of your good eyesight. .examination basis, basis goodglass, eye, exam, hour, sunglasses1
nagy-lezer.hu…By increasing its machinery besides mould repairing the modification of moulds became more significant in addition to making new mould inserts. From beginning of 2018 we constantly make new mould bases for our partners. As a new milestone in 2018 we started to manufacture new injection mould.mould basis, basis partnernagy, mould, repair, welding, engraving1
hostmyhome.huThe reservation schedule is kept up to date at all times. Prices are set based on seasonal trends in order to achieve maximum occupancy levels. Occupancy rates are to exceed 80% on an annual basis.host, street, price, apartment, guest1
chefecet.huThere is still a lot of vinegar to date: the global demand for acetic acid exceeds 6.5 million tonnes a year. According to the traditional method, its form is made with bacteria - the basis of ethyl alcohol.bacteria basis, basis ethylvinegar, recipe, food, history, closely1
akavevilagnapja.huFinding your unique brand identity is a must. It is the very basis of you communication. It differentiates your and creates a brand experience that builds a relationship with your audience.identity basis, basis communicationltd, brand, uk, square, customer1
datavik.huWould you like to stay up-to-date in daily developments concerning your business? Would you like to get concise, researched and validated briefings on your subject of interest? We monitor the news in fields designated by our Clients and prepare press review materials sent on a regular basis.client, market, development, review, research1
f12.huNote: This post is not strictly related to fighting client secret usage for apps. However, it may provide a basis for considering the purchase of Microsoft Entra Workload Identities Premium licence for at least those apps that use client secret.app basis, basis purchasehello, access, application, user, sign1
ertekterv.hu…Cycling Development Plans, including proposals for cycling routes in Budapest and cycling networks for tourism purposes in rural areas. On this basis, we wanted to share our good practices with colleagues from all around the world to show how strategic planning and development plans can improve…area basis, basis goodplan, cycling, network, development, conference1
kklvegyes.huAll parts of the soda water dispensers are also available separately upon request (dust cap, dispensing trigger, rod, valve, etc.) We distribute 2, 1.5 and 1 litre PR13 soda water bottles with the corresponding plastic bases.dispenser, soda, water, bottle, manufacture1
inkommunikacio.huIt provides positive support, feedback and advice on an individual or group basis to improve personal effectiveness..group basis, basis personalstyle, format, header, footer, layout1
lorik.huOn basis of the new Criminal Code, for instance, a lower blood alcohol level is sufficient for drunk driving. Refusing to make a witness statement has become a crime, accepting gratuity is deemed bribery in several cases. At the same time, we have more liberty to shoot a thief climbing into our…criminal, law, lawyer, proceedings, defence1
aigenerator.hu…software application for their customers online and provides it as a service through the internet. In other words, instead of purchasing and installing software on individual computers or servers, customers pay for access to the software through a subscription, usually on a monthly or annual basis.free, image, customer, tool, help1
hojtsy.huI usually suggest people doing a session to also organize a smaller group discussion afterwards. At Drupal events these are called Birds of a feather (BoF) events and have a way to be proposed and promoted on a first come first serve basis. These are great, because people attending do not need to…come basis, basis greattranslation, event, issue, core, symfony1
telcotrend.huOur SAP team consists of experienced module consultants, skilled ABAP developers and experienced SAP basis experts.sap basis, basis expertsolution, custom, software, view, need1
pannonpaprika.huWe have more than 20 gardener members, their professional dedication and success are form the basis of our organization.form basis, basis organizationvegetable, pepper, biological, protection, plant1
folprint-cimke.hu…analyse the graphic you have brought, and prepare it for printing. We also offer various post-production options, such as glossy or semi-gloss lacquering (UV or water-effect), punching, cutting, presentation in the required number of copies and packaging on the basis of specified requirements.packaging basis, basis requirementssticker, printing, manufacture, label, industry1
boditrans.huWe are proud of being in the forefront of sonder transportation of the country. We are pleased to be the number one emergency transport company of the SMR company group and we are a registered customer of Volkswagen Wolfsburg parent company. On a daily basis, we are able to carry out approximately…daily basis, basis ablefreight, transport, statistics, international, domestic1
trainingcontrol.huThe operation of the complex performance diagnostic unit is based on the so-called sensor network principle, on the basis of which a large number of physiological variables characterizing the fitness status of the body are determined.principle basis, basis largetraining, process, diagnostic, performance, adaptation1
rajtmar.huand this space is far from being efficient to describe what I do on a daily basis, but I'll give a brief overview. By profession, I'm in IT more specifically in IT security, mostly working as an Ethical Hacker .daily basis, basis briefvideo, ethical, cycling, interest, hacking1
itstudy.huVocational training is confronted on a daily basis with the need for students to deliver constantly renewed skills in line with accelerated technological developments in order to succeed in the labour market.daily basis, basis neededucation, vocational, teacher, training, development1
memex.huOnce your site is on the net and essential promotion is underway, Memex provides ongoing support for all its client's web sites. Either on the basis of a site management agreement, or just in casual need, we are always available to assist our clients.site basis, basis sitesite, graphic, template, free, client1
juliamalom.huWe have the necessary equipment for the ELISA method to measure DON toxin content, which is the highest risk in case of wheat, and this is controlled on a daily basis “ from farm to fork ”.daily basis, basis farmwheat, flour, technology, mill, quality1
intalion.huWe carry out our projects according to a uniform methodology, documented in detail. Through our decades of experience, we work on the basis of strict safety standards, and we regularly review and improve our work processes.experience basis, basis strictsolution, software, process, interested, digital1
4dpartners.huWith our experience we provide a system, where you can predictably measure the result of our work and you can adapt the necessary changes on a long-term basis.consultant, core, consulting, improvement, performance1
pinterzsolt.hu"My zodiac is Libra and my ascendant is Libra as well - I think this is the determining basis of both my life and my work as an artist."libra basis, basis lifetattoo, painting, artist, gallery, artwork1
navszakerto.huFee structure: Discuss the lawyer’s fee structure during the initial consultation. Make sure you understand how they bill their services, whether it’s on an hourly basis, a flat fee, or contingency basis. Clarify any additional costs, such as court fees or administrative expenses.hourly basis, basis flat, contingency basis, basis additionallawyer, tax, legal, law, procedure1
plasticor.huWe build an independent, stable company with motivated employees, where the basis of human cooperation is love, sincerity, trust, where expertise is based on the love of the profession, where we can work in an well arranged, tidy space, where we create valueemployee basis, basis humaninjection, molding, plastic, production, tool1
bitandpixel.huThe methodologies, design philosophies and technologies used by our organisation create the necessary basis for the production of extremely high quality, impregnably high security, sustainable software products.necessary basis, basis productionbit, development, software, management, consultancy1
shopcort.huThe Shopcort service is available in several different packages on a monthly subscription basis. We give you our customized quotation after a free assessment of the site.subscription basis, basis quotationcustomer, movement, real, path, facility1
biztositasod.huAdvanced page title bar allows you unique styles, images, and content globally or per page or post basis.avada, option, page, support, custom1
dentrip.huCheckup examinations are needed on a regular basis to maintain good oral hygiene. In practice, this means that patients need to receive dental hygiene treatment annually, or even bi-annually. This task is carried out by our experienced dental hygienists.regular basis, basis gooddental, prosthetic, tooth, treatment, dentistry1
szbike.hu…Pál Kozma’s innovation activity is an example at both scientific and educational and professional levels, the knowledge of which provides a basis for commitment to similar wide-ranging professional commitments. , especially among young people interested in the profession. The programs are…knowledge basis, basis commitmentwine, order, association, innovation, carpathian1
surgoscovidteszt.huIn the recent period, we have performed more than one hundred thousand PCR tests, rapid tests and Laboratory test. The practice of this is based on our experience in occupational healthcare dating back decades. We provide occupational healthcare services to more than 1,000 companies on an ongoing…appointment, official, individual, coronavirus, antibody1
new-buddha.huUtopia: "Imagined to be ideal but unrealizable social system due to the lack of the necessary basis." However I think we should aim at its realization.necessary basis, basis realizationreligion, issue, music, exception, answer1
aficionado.huA thorough understanding of idiomatic expressions in English, an extensive Hungarian vocabulary coupled with stylistic awareness provide the basis for natural sounding translated texts.awareness basis, basis naturaltranslation, language, understand, natural, expression1
emgmetall.huWe often fabricate products according to completed design of our partners, in some cases our developers collaborating with them already in the design process. Proper preparation is important, as the basis of efficient and economical production.important basis, basis efficientmetal, sheet, technology, cut, custom1
drveresmaria.huThe occupational health service is provided on the basis of the current changes in professional legislation.service basis, basis currentoccupational, health, category, reference, care1
socurity.huOur specialists with many years of experience in large companies work to develop solutions for you in the rapidly changing technological environment that represent a high technical standard and also serve as a solid basis for future developments.solid basis, basis futurecybersecurity, division, environment, solution, virtual1
mahasti.hu- if the members enter competitions on a regular basis , who like to compete but have “outgrown” the advanced category;regular basis, basis advancedgroup, dance, competition, category, belly1
vitalmassage.huI've had a lot of massages, but today was the first time I've actually "had" a massage. Great experience and a wonderful addition to our vacation. I get massages on a very regular basis and it was my husbands first massage.regular basis, basis husbandmassage, treatment, salt, stone, oil1
sipeuropa.huIf We need to rely on consent as a legal basis for processing Your information and Your country requires consent from a parent, We may require Your parent’s consent before We collect and use that information.legal basis, basis informationdata, personal, privacy, purpose, website1
katarty.huIf you like to order individual painting on the basis of my existing painting or your own idea, here you can contact me.painting basis, basis paintingillustration, painting, art, diary, sketch1
eli-alps.huA collaboration of researchers from Szeged, Budapest and Pécs has led to the development of a completely new electron source driven by high wavelength light, which could provide the basis for the operation of new...light basis, basis operationprocurement, data, public, research, alp1
emcotest.huapplications for this revolutionary invention are filed not only in Europe but also in the US and Japan, and it still represents the technological basis of all modern hardness testers. In 1996, the hardness testing department was transformed into a separate company and EMCO-TEST Prüfmaschinen GmbH…technological basis, basis modernautomatic, enquiry, semi, environment, application1
lanclanc.hu…or only for a few days a week, depending on what is best for the family. The teachers regularly inform the parents about their children’s development and everyday life at the nursery, as we believe that the cooperation between parents and teachers is an important basis of successful education.important basis, basis successfulgroup, child, teacher, kindergarten, school1
primefund.huOur goal is to provide our partners with profitable investments in both developed and emerging markets. Primefund Fund Management Company manages private and venture capital funds for investors qualified as professional on the basis of the amount of the investment, which participate in promising…professional basis, basis investmentlaw, fund, investment, management, expert1
ec-invest.huIn the field of general cleaning we provide services for office buildings, industrial facilities, educational institutions, business premises etc. on regular daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual bases, yearly cleaning, window cleaning, carpet, carpet floor cleaning, occasional major cleaning.annual basis, basis yearlyarea, clean, price, capital, european1
ikaruspark.hu…smart tools, smart home appliances, smart vehicles, environmentally friendly technologies to be used and spread, incubate micro companies, developing wholesale and manufacturing bases in harmony with the environment. More enterprises, more workplaces, more taxes to be paid – that is the promise!manufacture basis, basis harmonymission, news, tool, navigation, dream1
naike.huHi! I hope you enjoy your staying around my website. You can follow my life here as a singer, such us video clips, photos, articles, links to my bands and sponsors. I’ll be updating the site on a regular basis, so please come back again soon! Here I also want to thank everyone, who made it…regular basis, basis soongallery, performer, video, love, song1
edenkertcsarda.hu-We have chosen our suppliers on hygienic basis, nowadays we check our relationship regularlyhygienic basis, basis nowadaysgallery, suite, luxury, event, apartment1
csovarilegal.huAnyone can act as a trustee and manage the assets of others in an “ad hoc” trust scheme (i.e., on a non-business basis, under a single asset management contract). It is also possible to take your own assets in trust through an own trustee company established specifically for this purpose…business basis, basis singlelaw, tax, legal, university, expertise1
youngandbold.huEnter your email address to register to our newsletter subscription delivered on regular basis!course, elit, lorem, health, vel1
homexperts.huWe charge for our services on an hourly basis: within an hour, we can handle various home maintenance and repair tasks. Send us the job you would like to order, and we will get back to you shortly with a detailed quotehourly basis, basis hourtask, package, handyman, job, hour1
fodorhegyikft.huOur company was founded in 2009. Since then we have been expanding our services continuously. We work with quality tools from ‘WÜRTH’ and with qualified equipment from ‘TOMINTEX’. We established our company on the basis of 12- year experience at electricity providers, 8- year experience as a head…company basis, basis yeardischarge, voltage, energy, maintenance, industrial1
crownholding.huThe Company's property development activities are typically carried out in its wholly owned project companies. However, it has entered into partnerships with other, typically foreign, real estate partners on an ad hoc basis.crown, portfolio, real, estate, rating1
interrescue.hugoal is to achieve over the years, a variety of natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, mud / snow avalanches, etc) and domestic missions on the basis of experience gained has been introduced unified training and examination system. Member organizations working experience of experts adopted a…mission basis, basis experience, branch basis, basis specialrescue, international, association, special, earthquake1
balinttarsasag.hu…techniques, and systems’ theory. In the case of longer group-work, the participants go through a lengthier professional self discovery and personal development. This is the basis of one of the most important indications of Balint-group: to prevent burn-out in all of the above mentioned areas.development basis, basis importantgroup, saturday, society, fee, technique1
gdavidwebdev.huAfter nearly 11 years of sales, I switched to my original profession, web development, and for 1 years I have been training myself on a daily basis to help companies and individuals realize their web application.daily basis, basis companyrestaurant, skill, development, app, page1
szav.huYour character removes one j per rank of Construction Specialist from checks made to construct bases, defense works, positions, fortifications, tunnels, bunkers, and similar combat engineering projects .check basis, basis defensetier, activation, check, character, active1
fortech-mix.huSerial production of high quality machined products on demand, up to continuous delivery on the basis of annual orders.delivery basis, basis annualmachine, request, quote, field, production1
choralisconstantinus.huThe Gregorian movements of the liturgy are taken from the Graduale Pataviense . This codex contains the liturgical music of the Passau archbishopric, according to which the services in the imperial court were held. This volume forms the basis of Heinrich Isaac’s Choralis Constantinus whose volumes…volume basis, basis heinrichintroduction, course, volume, date, venue1
karitativ.huCristmas Love Feast: Thousands of families rely on help in the present times of crisis Food for Life Hungary, the humanitarian aid arm of the Krishna-conscious believers has organised food distribution events in Hungary on a daily basis for the last thirty years. Although the present difficult…daily basis, basis thirtyfood, distribution, love, help, crisis1
lkqacademy.huLKQ ACADEMY gives you the opportunity to test your skills free of charge. On this basis, suitable training courses are proposed for you.charge basis, basis suitableacademy, training, course, technical, german1
eliteevents.huIt all started in 2007. First I was a wedding planner, but after a few years I became interested in some other parts of a wedding too. My husband works as a master of ceremony ( he already had more than 700 weddings ) and on his course I could learn the basis of this job. Nowadays I work as a…course basis, basis jobevent, ceremony, wedding, course, job1
pannoniay.huWe also make advertising, image and promotional films and music videos on demand. All our films are made on the basis of an individual concept and budget. Our price quotations are made after prior professional consultation.film basis, basis individualtradition, innovation, series, image, music1
abece.huOn the basis of these principles, during my years of teaching I have developed a therapy, which is based on teaching practice and takes all the above into account: this is the Fenyvesi Programme.child, problem, programme, task, treatment1
btop.huYou need to pay monthly or quarterly after we performed the service on the basis of the number items booked, the related turnover, and the number of employees on payroll. Starting up companies may enjoy 5-20% reduction from our standard prices. You will know the fees three months beforehand, that…service basis, basis numbertax, accounting, advisory, return, client1
sermones.hu…special working method of the late medieval sermon writers, the compilation, their literary achievement can be studied and evaluated only on the basis of the complete oeuvre. Furthermore, quantitative methods – gaining ground in humanities, too – cannot lead to valid results if used on excerpts…achievement basis, basis completeedition, de, research, digital, oeuvre1
colegal.hu2009 DAAD Fellowship - University Bayreuth, (summer university: language course, Basis of the German law), Germany, Bayreuthcourse basis, basis germanlaw, legal, preparation, university, counselling1
imckft.huUsing decades of managerial experience, the form of operation that formed the basis of the company's operation was developed, and the organizational structure of today's IMC Kft was established.operation basis, basis companyconsulting, industrial, llc, mechanical, liability1
ipvision.huThe application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of business processes and human life can only be done safely and efficiently with the best experts and reliable equipment in the field. The technologies we represent have to be learnt on a daily basis and we will arrive to a point where…daily basis, basis pointtechnology, machine, solution, intelligence, carrier1
szkokesfiakft.huWe believe that long-term business relationships are based on integrity, this being the basis for trust, which can serve as the pledge of truly lasting cooperation.integrity basis, basis trustés, activity, cart, order, long1
bacchusnectar.huAnother important basis for the preparation of spritzer of soda and most of the water itself. A lot of mineral water or purified water can worsen the overall tone so drink carefully selected Bükki spring water. The source Lázbérc arising from the protected zone free of all mineral and rich with no…important basis, basis preparationnectar, drink, wine, flavor, bottle1
siteco.huBrand positioning is the basis for brand identity, within which factors such as performance, design, communication and attitude must come together to give a coherent whole.positioning basis, basis brandlighting, reference, training, course, luminaire1
bergmann-cukraszda.huAll of our icecreams are made of natural ingredients with traditional gourmet methods, providing exceptional bases for our magnificient icecream sundae selection and sir ups.exceptional basis, basis magnificientconfectionery, cake, pastry, speciality, coffee1
enciankft.huWe contact medical doctors on monthly – two monthly basis, and we are regular participants of regional and national professional events.monthly basis, basis regularquality, sale, medical, representation, network1
aldomor.hu15. ) If the creditor initiates liquidation on the basis of an unsuccessful execution, can the petition be based on an unsuccessful immediate collection order?liquidation basis, basis unsuccessfuldebtor, liquidation, creditor, bankruptcy, liquidator1
zobak.huProcess audits provide opportunity to reveal problems, hidden in the projects and manufacturing, thereby form basis for and enable to improve quality of the processes and products. This can be especially useful to prepare for an upcoming process audit by a customer.manufacture basis, basis qualityquality, management, automotive, supplier, consulting1
russianstudies.huOn the basis of a previous decision made by the Council of the Institute of Historical Studies, the Council of the Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Loránd University has decided to name the new department, established by the merger of the Department of Eastern European History and the Department of…russian, study, history, russia, historical1
stop-ferfieroszak.huAt the birth of the project we received support from the Daphne program. Nowadays we do the translating, editing and production tasks by ourselves on a non-profit basis, while we always look for partners for those tasks which are out of our realms.profit basis, basis partnerviolence, group, publication, man, field1
adatvedelmi-jog.huAccording to the GDPR, the data subject’s consent will remain the general legal basis for data processing. Data processing should be managed that the data subject could withdraw their consent anytime. The GDPR highlights that in case of direct marketing, the data subject shall be informed…legal basis, basis datadata, protection, law, process, subject1
mondocon.huThere is a silver lining to everything, including the Covid pandemic. It gave us time to focus on producing online content for our fans. We publish our Mondoconline videos on a weekly bases, and they are growing in popularity.weekly basis, basis popularityconvention, competition, event, rule, visitor1
bravogroup.huOur colleagues and business partners can always expect us to openly inform them of any significant developments affecting our company, as we use this transparency to establish a basis for reliable teamwork. We pay special attention to the opinions our colleagues and endeavor to provide continuous…transparency basis, basis reliablesolution, office, distribution, operation, trade1
djj.hu…had become a secondary task. Remediation began as soon as the frontline passed, then transformation and repair works also started. In the 1950’s, new carriages were manufactured on a regular basis. By the 1960’s-70’s, one carriage was manufactured a day and the headcount of workers surpassed 3,000.regular basis, basis carriagerailway, manufacture, news, repair, history1
szesim.hu…a driver’s focus and reaction time. To this end, we intend to introduce and apply a new methodology and evaluation system, which will form the basis of a complex measurement system. The results obtained will highlight specific factors that contribute to distraction or attention lapses, which…system basis, basis complexdrive, simulator, driver, development, cognitive1
optin.huOptin Ambient Data Logger (ADL) devices are battery-powered sensor and data acquisition solutions for long-term environmental monitoring. With their small size, waterproof casing, exceptional value for money, and easy-to-use interface, Optin ADLs can be the basis for any long-term environmental…adls basis, basis longlogistic, development, software, security, hardware1
logicort.huThe Logicort service is available in several different packages on a monthly subscription basis. We give you our customized quotation after a free assessment of the site.subscription basis, basis quotationstorage, management, real, facility, movement1
fizioart.huThe basis of this is thorough questioning, and a detailed condition analysis. It also includes a digital posture test.physiotherapy, therapy, manual, problem, downtown1
leglibirtok.huLégli Winery has been founded by Ottó Légli in 1989 based on a family heritage of a 0.5 hectare land. The financial basis for the start was earned by selling peaches in the amount of 1400-1500 crates weekly during the middle of the 80’s with the integration of 10-12 families.financial basis, basis startwine, family, land, winery, flavour1
radiohu.huChances are, you are already ruining your potential to succeed in the music industry because you believe in one or more music career myths. How do I know? I am sent e-mail messages on a constant basis by tons of musicians (all seeking the answers to the WRONG questions). These are questions that…constant basis, basis tonschedule, chart, congue, automatic, lacus1
oszk.huFrom 2 November 2023 until the end of April 2024 , the services of the National Library of Foreign Literature will be available on a modified basis.library, collection, document, database, national1
1618.huOn the basis of perpetual activity of investigation, understanding, improving and verification we are builders of custom machines. The whole process is supervised by a project manager who is responsible for the targets set by you. We have gained experience in many areas of the industry, learning…machine, custom, engineering, component, mechanical1
kovacs-hawa.huThe attorney’s fee can be based on a time-costs basis. In this case the client will receive details of the working hours spent. For certain services the fees are fixed based on the value of the transaction. The client is generally also required to pay out-of-pocket costs (duty, official service…cost basis, basis caselegal, agreement, representation, lawyer, law1
soundbridge.huPacemaker, heart rhythm disturbance, epilepsy, severe varicose veins, thrombosis, psychological disorders, first trimester of pregnancy and recent surgical wound (10 days, but to be agreed on a case by case basis!).sound, group, day, session, retreat1
weatheronline.czMembership info… Předpověď počasí… Česko… V celém světě… UV index… Grafická předpověď… Radar… Blesky…basis technologyweather, limited, crop, group, climate0
tege-elektronik.huTeGe Elektronik Industrial Automation Ltd. was established in 1999. Our company is 100% privately owned. Competitive advantages - compared to big companies with similar profile are the following:airforce basis, basis dvor, basis atc, basis provincial, basis meteorologicalcontrol, remote, flight, traffic, air0
drtemesi.huOur firm focuses its practice on common law and corporate law which can cover the general corporate advising also. We are preparing different agreements, take part in legal representation in trials or other procedures in front of court and administrative procedures; furthermore we assume the…law, legal, representation, trial, office0
security.huAdd a professional IT security unit with all the necessary expertise, tools and tried-and-tested processes to your organization in just a few weeks at affordable prices!security, plan, career, unit, quote0
woitalia.itprotection… Spray window… Irrigation… Satelliti… America del Nord… America Centrale… America Meridionale…basis technologylimited, crop, america, group, media0
miskolcisofor.huJust a short phone call, and our professional driver will pick you and your vehicle up in 25-30 minutes (within Miskolc).driver, tariff, vehicle, safe, hour0
doctor360.huI have been working with ArtOfInfo already on 2 Insurance market where in Both occasions we were launching a New Direct Insurance Operation from the scratch. Even though the market didn't have any experience about the business model ArtOfInfo gave its great contribution in the setup of the IT…quality basis, basis longsolution, technology, portfolio, client, nearshore0
faber-castell.huData Protection Declaration of the Faber-Castell Groupartist, pencil, child, colour, responsibility0
turbotanoda.huHumanities in 2003, I completed a Postgraduate Specialist Course in Corrective and Preventive Educational Psychology. In 2013 I graduated as a Special Education Teacher from the University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty with a degree in Pedagogy of Students with Learning Disabilities."teacher, speciality, child, school, education0
shopiboo.huWith our platform, the world is your marketplace. Whether you’re launching a new online store, expanding your existing business, or offering subscription-based products, we make it possible in just a few clicks. Shopiboo allows you to set up recurring payments for subscription products,customer, feature, store, free, fee0
cirkuszbp.huWe started with roasting our own coffee in 2015, right here in the Cirkusz. To this day you can see our world-class equipment , more impressive to coffee aficionados but still impressive to others too. Guests loved being able to see first hand how it happened, and the fresh smell filling not only…coffee, place, food, family, day0
kulcsarjuli.huI met Juli as an HR professional when my career was at a low point and I had to change jobs. Not only did she help me write my CV and prepare for my job interview, she also helped me pick the perfect job. Thanks to her great support I was hired and I managed to build a whole new career. If I were…job, career, people, interview, recruitment0
woweer.nlWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.basis technologyweather, limited, climate, group, water0
icftech.huICF Technology Inc. is looking for our next great CUSTOMER SERVICE Team Member!!Do you LOVE providing exquisite customer service, do you strive to continue to i...technology, great, office, career, engineering0
szaknyelvioktatas.huThese live online vocabulary building courses are designed to give lawyers and legal professionals all possible assistance to thrive in the international legal landscape. The online courses will provide a practical and up-to-date legal English language skills training to legal professionals.legal, course, student, class, international0
mixer-beton.huBeton Profi Ltd as an independent subsidiary of Új Ház Centrum Etyeki Tüzép Ltd is part of a large company specializing in ready mixed concrete supply along with Doka formwork rental in Hungary across the Budapest and Székesfehérvár regions.shed basisconcrete, hire, consultation, free, pump0
ovupred.huOvuPred helps you save the costs of expensive, single-use ovulation tests you may need for a shorter-longer period of time. If you would like to have a baby, OvuPred shows you the days an intercourse may result in pregnancy. Should you, however, want to avoid pregnancy, OvuPred is of help again by…biological basisuse, microscope, day, instruction, sexual0
mozaikhub.huA program of JDC, the Mozaik Jewish Community Hub is a professional platform that provides infrastructure, co-working space, customized professional support, learning opportunities and financial support for Jewish community NGOs and initiatives in Hungary.community, member, jewish, support, financial0
autosen.huOur constantly growing product portfolio includes more than 400 products from the areas of position sensors, process sensors, Motion Control, IO-Link sensors, software, masters, etc. and our IIoT gateway io-key. The range is completed with a selection of suitable connection technology, sensor…trust basis, basis businesssensor, accessories, class, key, temperature0
babamami.huI STRONGLY recommend KIDZ Baby Store to EVERYONE interested in running a successful online business! It’s incredible. Best. Product. Ever! KIDZ Baby Store was worth a fortune to my companybath, hot, accessories, tub, infant0
bastetpetshop.huSmall rodents will be fed with complex dry food and dried hay according to owners requirements. Food will be stored in a sealed container labelled with the animals name and feeding instructions such as the amount per day; allergen requirements etc...food, owner, day, animal, price0
weatheronline.plMembership info… strona główna… ogólnie w Europie… Polska… woda… radar… z satelity… burze… webcams…basis technologylimited, group, media, sporty, mobile0
weatheronline.ptMembership info… homepage… Boletins… Portugal… UV Index… Radar… Webcam… Ciclone tropical… Localizador…basis technologyweather, forecast, limited, crop, group0
kornyezet-szimulacio.huThe new TempEvent and ClimeEvent The new Eco range from weisstechnik – standard Environmental Testing Chambers Intelligent OPC UA solutions for smart processes Galaxy Halt-Hass System ClimeEvent M test chambers ShockEvent D (Damper Shock) Temperature Shock Test Chamber Weiss Umwelttechnik and…engineer basis, basis highchamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental0
kpluszj.huCollects, records, organizes and presents data on the assets and profitability of a business entity (business organization, cooperative, association, public institution, etc.). Aim of data collection: providing appropriate information for interested decision makers (managers, owners, lenders…activity basis, basis preventiveaccounting, tax, payroll, development, consultancy0
fuzeserdeikennel.huThe founding female of the Kennel is Parlagi-Vadász Bársony "Csengő", in which we found the values that we expect from a Hungarian Vizsla.dog basis, basis criterialitter, news, dog, hunt, gallery0
colortec.huColorTec manufactures products using its high-tech automated line manufactured by Bronx International Ltd. The acquired technology in combination with a professional team allows ColorTec to constantly provide our customers with reliable and durable material with no interruptions in quality…ongoing basissteel, news, quality, production, partnership0
sjlaw.huFounding member of the Law Office. In addition to her degree in Eötvös Loránd University, she has a degree in industrial property law, passed the Bar Exams with excellent result and obtained a special legal qualification in Commercial Law. Member of the Budapest Bar Association. Her main areas of…information basis, basis appeallaw, data, contract, client, office0
cma.huKrisz has performed a crucial role in the major projects delivered by CMA over the years including the design coordination of the Gresham Four Seasons Hotel in Budapest, the National Instruments campus and the majority of CMA’s logistics and manufacturing portfolio. Krisz acts as managing director…ifg basis, basis russiaarchitect, client, use, management, plan0
bingham.huTogether with the server solution we also provide software and service. You can find Linux OS on all our servers. For file sharing, we use our software platform compatible with mobile devices.regular basis, basis replacementserver, software, user, additional, solution0
balanceuniversal.hu…preparation of accounting reports, tax return and other official declarations, social security administration, payroll administration, labour administration. We prepare accounting and other policies, declaration of corporate and personal income tax return including internet based declarations.secrecy basis, basis goodaccounting, office, universal, bookkeeping, payroll0
eutdij.hu…Unit. The easiest and fastest installed and registered version is the cigarette lighter connected OBU device. Our company, Auto Securit Plc. has the skyguard brand family which contains the cigarette lighter connected OBU device and can be used only to report and pay e-toll is called OBU Easy.vehicle, device, road, axle, easy0
immotech.huSkip to content… Immotech… My Account… Customer Help… Checkout… Home… About… Our Mission… Contact us…customer, help, checkout, account, sale0
weatheronline.deTopics… UV Index… Radar… Webcams… Sport… Tour de France… Golf… Weather Facts… Weather Brains… Philip…basis technologyweather, limited, group, media, france0
ehdh.hu…fuse bases df Electric… - Light dependent relays, staircase timers- Energy meters DIN rail…fuse basis, basis cylindricalfuse, terminal, main, cable, page0
weatheronline.grΠρόγνωση καιρού για την Ελλάδα, και όλο το κόσμο. Ιστιοπολοϊα, χάρτες, προγνώσεις, επικύνδυνα καιρικά φαινόμενα, Marine Weather, δορυφόροι, δορυφόρος, δορυφορική, radar, κλίμα, ιστορικά δεδομένα, μετεωρολογία, αναφορές, τι καιρό κάνει τώρα.basis technologylimited, weather, europe, forecast, crop0
gordanseedlings.hu…are offered both for afforestation and for the development of plants intended for „modern gardens”. These conditions greatly contributed to high-quality sapling production along with intensive growth in production volume, and thus deserving the recognition of the profession in addition to…purpose basis, basis higheuropean, seedling, production, data, protection0
kajakpeca.huYakAttack and Ram mounts are one of the best kayak fishing solution of the world. Camera mounts, fishfinder mounts, rodholders, anchoring systems, visibility products, track systemmount basis, ram basisquick, view, cart, kayak, fishing0
bsplastic.hu…in the history of the company. Continuous innovation, adaptation to the fast-changing needs of the market, state-of-the-art technology and highly qualified staff are only a few of our defining values that allow us to serve our Customers with the highest quality products efficiently and reliably.product basis, basis professionalplastic, packaging, custom, material, size0
lightport.huThe development of a road data collection system for road vehicles, with an automated data processing unit, as well as the optimization of the practical use of the image processing process and the transfer of collected data to related professional systems.road, pilgrimage, portal, application, development0
redcrab.huFilm and video production, post-production, animation, online stream, live broadcast, TV show production, graphic design, website and webshop.production, video, animation, movie, graphic0
pogodaonline.ruEurope Forecast… Topics… Oil spill… Press Release… Agriculture… Daily crop forecast… Hourly crop…basis technologylimited, crop, group, media, europe0
deko-print.hu…leading manufacturers in EU due to our more than 20 years professional experience as well as due to the continuous development of production procedure and technology. Our aim is to accommodate the needs and meet expectation of our customers and to do that with best quality, best delivery deadlines.flag, beach, inquiry, price, holder0
weatheronline.co.nzWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.basis technologyweather, forecast, climate, current, satellite0
barkacsoldal.huan agreement on a final text at that time, a new meeting for the conference was scheduled for 1828 March 2013.[6] On 2 April 2013, the UN General Assembly adopted the ATT.[7][8] The final treaty text had to be adopted by consensus, according to the Rules of Procedure of the Conference agreed to by…military basis, basis agreementmarch, april, order, court, contract0
ipamentesszekhely.hu…and we answer all your questions related to the Registered Office Service. You don’t have to bother with the contracts regarding the Registered Office! A personalised contract, regarding the registered office, is going to await and you only have to come to our office in Vác or in Csomád to sign it!regular basis, basis personallyoffice, mail, register, postal, price0
balatonhelp.huPackage prices vary depending on the boat's size and the duration of the contract. Each package can be contracted for the entire season, spanning from April 1st to October 31st. However, certain packages also allow for monthly or weekly contractual arrangements.inspection basis, basis individualdiscount, price, package, weekly, monthly0
exunoplures.huMoney and World Order… A Decade on Money… Global Money Dispatch… About… People… In the Press…bank basis, basis moneymoney, decade, global, order, people0
admiralcount.hu…meaning of the word. Administrating and “keeping” something is not enough any more, it is development that drives a successful business. Taxation as such is in constant change, tax laws are modified several times a year, which requires of our professionals to follow the latest laws and…tax, taxation, count, accountancy, bookkeeping0
axiscnc.hu…of experience in steel fabrication, machining, manufacturing, and design could see that many large manufacturers were scaling back their own company’s to reduce costs. To achieve their objectives Steel and Fabracation Industry assembled a team of experienced and certified craftsmen, engineers,axis, production, steel, industry, machining0
boschmediaservice.huDigitalization campaign: Bosch invests further billions in areas of future digital growth. Bosch partners with IBM on quantum computingsolid basis, basis futurerelease, media, technology, mobility, future0
nekemawebshop.hu"Orbán left left the the room room when when we we voted": voted": EU EU official official explains explains how how decision decision to to open open accession accession talks talks with with Ukraine Ukraine was was madebasis launchlaunch, post, limited, media, ltd0
szentgellertfesztival.huI welcome you warmly to the St. Gellert Festival 2023. We have some exciting news! The festival established a new ensemble with original period instruments St. Gellert Baroque Players (leader Mónika Tóth) which will give its very first performance in Bakonybél where St. Gellert made his legendary…gallery, archive, september, management, media0
dennikn.skMinisterstvo tento týždeň spustí registráciu na vakcíny proti omikronu. Budú aj pre mladšíchbasis technologypre, limited, group, media, transparency0
delta3n.hu…Cables… Permanent Monitoring Cordsets… Junction Boxes… Barriers… Cable Reduction Boxes… Cable…magnetic basis, basis flatvibration, view, cable, sensor, portable0
matrac-vilag.huWe deliver premium quality pillows, duvets and mattresses to 24 countries within the European Union.bed basisbed, mattress, showroom, purchase, advanced0
kolonics-trans.huIntroduction - Welcome to Kolonics-Trans - International and domestic road haulage, forwarding, express transportation, delivery of goods – Kolonics Trans Ltd.transportation, forward, domestic, road, international0
betatrans.hu…great advantage is speed, precision and flexibility, constant tracking of merchandise and continuous information to customers. Expanding its own truck fleet with brand new trucks is unprecedented in the field of domestic container carrying trucks, which gives even more confidence to the customers.”regular basis, basis childcustom, quality, website, customer, track0
intersearch.huIn a prior InterSearch news article, you may have encountered a discussion on the primary value that head hunters bring to organizations commented by the Board of Directors of InterSearch Worldwide.executive, diversity, network, worldwide, inclusion0
oscarbarbudapest.hu(Bacardi Superior, Superior, Bacardi Bacardi Black, Black, Cointreau, Cointreau, cukor, cukor, lime)vodka basis, white basis, tequila basis, new basisbacardi, cocktail, sour, triple, dry0
efficiency.huWith the help of our temporary workforce service, we can provide a workforce of 10-250 people for multi-shift employment, which you can use in a short time. Depending on the current state of the production process, the number of employees can be adjustedefficiency, employee, recruitment, problem, long0
netlogic-consulting.huProfessional agile coach with 10+ years experience in agile implementations from enterprise scaled agile to startup.agile, consulting, practice, certification, unlimited0
fixpmo.hu…admin. That's why we provide our Daily Jira Administrator service. We use our project management skills to do this. The other necessary thing is that the Jira settings must also constantly follow the needs. This is what our Jira Administration Support service provide, based on our Jira expertise..daily basis, basis insteadjira, management, administrator, administration, portfolio0
synetron.hu…of authorized capital yet despite we are honest and have willing to do the best. Beside we have skilled workers. We are flexible either in special requirement implementing or price calculating. After all we carry on getting more and more customer and we offer : Reliable, Fast, Prime provisioncustomer, quality, provision, instrument, requirements0
i-qrs.hu…collective and individual monitoring of players leads to more efficient training for each player, the whole team and the trainer. The telemetric module transfers data during sports activities through a wireless connection to a local server. The real-time analysis of the data enables the trainer tomodule, player, field, rehabilitation, animal0
alfafence.hu…the strongest fence panel producers in Europe. In our program we have single wire 3D profiled fence panels, double wire fence panels, security wire fence panels and light wire fence panels. This in combination with our posts, gates and accessories makes us a complete fence panel systems supplier.team basis, basis successfence, accessories, gate, temporary, post0
famuveszet.huFounded in 2007, Faművészet Kft. utilizes its modern and traditional machinery in a 2000 m2 shop to produce its woodwork employing specialists with major professional experience in the industry.quotation basis, basis siteoffice, private, vienna, gallery, reference0
mipolan.huAs the MIPOLÁN tube producer we are making insulated tubes with wide color and size selection for electrical industry and electronic producers. In 2016 our product ranges expanded with Shrinktech products, so now are available shrinkable tubes, cable ties, cable glands, cable lugs and terminals.annual basis, basis capacityplastic, industry, quality, competence, process0
thomasker.huThanks to our well-working Chinese, Indian and American business connections, we have been able to supply bulk raw materials with special quality requirements to our respected customers.acid basis, basis traceable, customer, requirements, chemical, special0
request.huWe encourage freelancers to join our creative agency. Be a member of a team. Be inspired and participate in developing processes and ideas while keeping your own individual professional status at the same time.identity basis, basis brandrequest, creative, agency, freelancer, brand0
aquaplus.huOur company, the AQUAPLUS Well Drilling, Construction and Thermal Energy Ltd. was established on the 15th of September, 1989. Our activity covers the exploration and wide range usage of cold and thermal waters.water, detail, activity, drilling, energy0
hbs-conference.hu…this August 25 th -27 th at the University of Pecs, Medical School. This meeting was scheduled to 2020 but was postponed until now because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lets use this opportunity to meet again in person and discuss current topics after two years of isolation and travel restrictions.molecular basis, basis diseasemeet, annual, conference, society, abstract0
woespana.esEl tema… Busca… Situación actual… Radar… Tormenta tropical… Buscador de clima… Tour de Francia… Esquí…basis technologylimited, group, media, premium, actual0
molnarbeton.hu…50 mixers, pumix, concrete pumps, dump trucks and semi-trailers. We can help the incorporation of fresh concrete with 7 pumps. We take great care of the quality of our products, so the quality of ready-mixed concrete is regularly tested and inspected by laboratories independent of our factories.transport, concrete, customer, environmental, construction0
wargammersmini.hu…Attact… Dedicated Transport… Genestealer Cults… Chaos Daemons… Chaos Daemons HQ… Chaos Daemons Elites…chaos, fast, troop, hq, support0
buco.huÜgyfeleink különlegesek, egyedi igényekkel. Egyedi múlttal és jövőbeni tervekkel. Testreszabott megoldásokra van szükségük. Egy megbízható partnerre, aki ismeri ügyfeleit. Egy Kreston tanácsadóra, a Budapest Consultans Kft-re!bookkeeping basis, basis financialbookkeeping, tax, finance, corporate, fiscal0
weatheronline.inWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.basis technologyweather, forecast, climate, current, graph0
coolhunter.huIgen, zöld, zöld, zöld és megint csak zöld! Szeretem ezt a színt és a barna hajúaknak egyébként is nagyon jól áll. Viszont most egy másik apropóból választottam. Egészen pontosan azért, mert szeretném nektek bemutatni, hányféle divatszabály dőlt meg az utóbbi …basis coolhunterview, fashion, history, sweet, dress0
monolamp.huMono Lamp is a personal project of mine. A design lamp, inspired by TV test cards that capture the essence of TV for the generation grew up in the ‘80s & ‘90s. This was a time before the Internet or computer games, a time when TV was the ultimate symbol of technology at my fingertips. Looking at a…basis available, different basislamp, globe, history, light, cost0
woeurope.euWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports.basis technologyweather, forecast, europe, climate, satellite0
mvwconsulting.huIt is no coincidence that in the last two years about three times as many guest workers have arrived in Hungary from abroad. In the case of trained or auxiliary work, even the language barrier is not a particular obstacle. Administration and recruitment do not require time and energy investment on…consulting, permit, employment, real, estate0
visionfinder.huVision Finder is a training in that it uses “games” or situations constructed to provide you with experiences to learn from. It is also a peer-coaching and conversation group in that it builds on learnings from your past life experience, and the sharing of insights within the group. And above all…donation basis, basis donationvision, finder, group, support, venue0
fgtech.huThe FG-TECH KFT has been dealing for 5 years with spare and wear parts for road building machines. Our Product range is very wide.tool basis, basis sleeveasphalt, track, spare, plant, machine0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)ml basis, basis libraryprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
promesa.huPromesa means promise, vow. As a full-service marketing agency, we believe in the power of words and keep our promises.promise, agency, privacy, power, imprint0
segelyszervezet.huApart from social programmes in Hungary, Hungarian Interchurch Aid has also carried out humanitarian and development work in over 40 countries, helping those in need regardless of nationality, religion or world view, all the while meeting the highest professional and transparency requirements.aid, account, code, humanitarian, donation0
fronius24.hu…it allows me to combine my passion for technology with my interest in experiencing new cultures; I spend a lot of time travelling around Asia and Latin America. The job is also extremely varied and no two days are the same. I also appreciate the comprehensive training options that are open to…sustainability basis, basis companyperfect, charge, welding, energy, overview0
sacinf.huConnecting an existing banking front office system of a Maltese Bank to a new banking core system. Investigating the behaviour and different kind of external connections of the old system and all the internal processes affected by the core system change.technology, banking, office, development, application0
sacinformatics.huConnecting an existing banking front office system of a Maltese Bank to a new banking core system. Investigating the behaviour and different kind of external connections of the old system and all the internal processes affected by the core system change.technology, banking, office, development, application0
ipasy.hu…often results in unnecessary treatments due to elevated false-positive rates of the conventional serum PSA test. iPASy Technologies strategically addresses this critical challenge by introducing an innovative diagnostic paradigm to augment accuracy, thus mitigating the likelihood of misdiagnosis.scientific basis, basis technologydiagnostic, technology, cancer, prostate, vision0
weblux.huDon't hesitate and discover the large selection of our pre-configured page layouts and content elements.feature, package, column, element, website0
arworks.huIn the last more than ten years, we have created successful solutions for many of our customers. For whom we have worked once, if they need another app, they will come back to usapplication, app, smartphone, mobile, solution0
ceosengineers.huAs a leader in structural design in Hungary, we are proud that our engineering services allow the safe and economic execution of various exceptional civil engineering works. This contributes to the quality of our built environment, while protecting the resources of the planet and our Customers.design basis, basis successfulceo, quality, execution, structural, structure0
matracwebaruhaz.huStille mattress sale… TED Sale… Bedding Sales… Mattresses Sales… SleepStudio pillow sale… Organic…bed basismattress, bed, foam, memory, sale0
ngtt.huOn 11 October 2011 , the National Economic and Social Council of Hungary’s (abbreviated NESC in English, and NGTT in Hungarian) inaugural session was held in the House of Parliament, attended by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and a number of government representatives.legal basis, basis establishmentnational, member, council, social, economic0
ewmgroup.huWe are master in creating tailor made software solutions for any purpose. With many experience in the field of Insurance & services we know how to create a user friendly operational software for a complex product.group, career, management, contract, insurance0
wofrance.frMembership info… Bulletin… Europe… UK prévisions… France… Index UV… Eau… Cartes… Observation… Radar…basis technologyfrance, europe, limited, satellite, group0
p5.huThe main idea behind FutureNow modules is openness. Unlike most manufacturers, we don’t offer a closed system and force integrators to only use our products in a project. We specialise in making automation peripherals with the communication protocol available to integrators and software module…control, module, channel, light, window0
geohome.hu…energy production by using GSHP systems. Under average circumstances, we need 3 parts of ground heat and 1 part of electricity to produce 4 parts of heating energy. Currently, this is the most efficient solution among the energy sources that are not subject to licensing and are free to use.energy, ground, efficient, source, family0
biorganik.huSubscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about our new products, "stock sale" and other promotions!food basisalternative, sale, food, ready, meal0
grillhousekft.huSkip to content… Grill House… Jacket skinny fit… Uncategorized… Jogging top… T-shirt regular fit…house, jacket, customer, short, hood0
weatheronline.co.ukWeather for UK, Ireland and the world. Sailing, Marine Weather, Weather maps, radar, satellite, climate, historic weather data, information about meteorology, reports, weather warning.basis technologyweather, forecast, uk, climate, europe0
creatology.huThe Main Chapters of Creatology on the basis of Creatology Matrix (in brief summaries)creatology basis, basis creatologybrief, paradigm, summary, main, chapter0
intertar.hu"One of the most reliable business partners of our company for a long time. We are glad to recommend their operations to our business partners by reason of their correctness, excellent work and professional standards.”construction, development, download, gallery, office0
oriandras.hu…osztjuk osztjuk meg, meg, ők tárolják ezeket ezeket az az adatokat, adatokat, és hozzá is is férnek az az adatokhoz. adatokhoz. Továbbá előfordulhat az az is, is, hogy hogy a a szóban forgó adatokat adatokat kifejezetten kifejezetten ez ez a a webhely webhely vagy vagy alkalmazás használja majd.basis launchlaunch, limited, ltd, media, llc0
fakalandmanufaktura.huThe emphasis on details is one of the things that makes Fakaland figures truly unique, the aim of which is to make them as cute and realistic as possible.animal, figure, set, forest, condition0
kittibalakinapmu.huDay 7-15: your make up tattoo will fade and become lighter, so be patient and wait for a healed resultregular basis, basis professionprice, permanent, gallery, faq, review0
biggeorgeproperty.huWe have unique experience and expertise in the fields of real estate development, construction, leasing, and investment. As Hungary’s market-leading real estate development company, we aim to provide an outstanding, complex service for private clients seeking homes and businesses looking for real…partner basis, basis successproperty, development, real, estate, view0
intertranssec.huThe optimal level of security is determined by the right balance of security devices and guards, as well as a set of security procedures tailored to the activity in each case.key basis, basis securitysecurity, training, event, technology, transport0