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73 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: permanently

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noetklub.huThe Supporters’ Club of NOAH’s Ark Animal Shelter Foundation-Hungary was founded by a group of volunteers for the purpose of collecting and establishing a fixed amount of money each month, which the Shelter could count on permanently.supporter, foundation, shelter, animal, purpose5
abtl.hu(3) Business companies operating with a permanently state owned property share are obliged to regulate their records management in agreement with the competent public archives, to manage their records in accordance with the regulations, to facilitate on the spot information for the public archives…company permanently, permanently statearchive, shall, public, record, document3
lathatatlan.huIn this exhibition blind and vision-impaired guides accompany you in an adventure that will alter your perspective permanently.news permanently, permanently millenarisinvisible, exhibition, dinner, taste, foreign3
qbparty.huThe entry must not write on the hard drive permanently; CAB-dropping is allowed, but we'd recommend to use Crinkler .drive permanently, permanently cabentry, yes, place, travel, minute3
szav.huChoose one magical implement your character owns when taking this talent. Your character becomes bonded to this implement, and no other person may use it. Your character may attempt to summon it by making a Hard ( k k k ) Arcana, Primal, or Qi Skill check. If your chosen implement is ever…skill permanently, permanently career, implement permanently, permanently newtier, activation, check, character, active3
kornyezet-szimulacio.huBricks, clinker bricks, stone or tiles are often exposed to wind and weather for decades without protection. In order to guarantee long-term quality and to permanently protect buildings, the materials are subject to intenssive temperature tests.component permanently, permanently tight, quality permanently, permanently buildingchamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental2
corvinahotel.huFlexum Thermal & Spa the 5 best medicinal waters of Europe! Located 1,500 meters from our hotel, Flexum Thermal & Spa has undergone huge improvements in recent years. 7 permanently operating thermal water experience pools with different temperatures await guests who want to heal, relax, or do sportsyear permanently, permanently thermalroom, table, family, book, restaurant2
ritkabetegsegakademia.huErasure of data on request are fulfilled by an employee having access to data, in other cases, permanently, but at least the data will be supervised annually and if their storage is not necessary any more, they are erased by the entitled employees.case permanently, permanently datadata, congress, case, legal, conference2
eutdij.huIf the LED permanently lights, your device is ready to use (it communicates, and navigates well). In any case, before you start driving , you must check the device if it is operating well. If you notice the OBU doesnt operate , please buy a route ticket.led permanently, permanently light, permanently devicevehicle, device, road, axle, easy2
monolamp.huAlthough every globe comes with a basic scratch protection layer, it’s surface is still sensitive therefore you need to avoid any sharp objects or anything similar that can potentially scratch it accidentally and any chemicals such as alcohol that can permanently damage the globe surface.alcohol permanently, permanently globelamp, globe, history, light, cost2
eagle23.huOur products have already been proven in both domestic and foreign markets, supplying a wide range and permanently high quality of lighting systems ans smoke and heat ventilation systems.range permanently, permanently highreference, gallery, photo, present, heat1
donaszi.huIt’s true, that many Finns speak good English. If you move to Lapland you can get by without learning Finnish, if you really want to. But if you plan to live here permanently, we suggest you familiarise yourself with the language. ( House of Lapland , July 2019 )finnish permanently, permanently languagewriter, journalist, freelance, social, media1
lake-tisza.huSignificant part of Lake Tisza, which belongs to the Hortobágy National Park , and Ramsar Convention is nature conservation area. Entrance in forbidden temporarily to some parts while to others permanently. The majority of those areas where the lake reserves the most natural values using…part permanently, permanently majoritylake, tour, canoe, island, touristic1
seqomics.huThe privately held small enterprise SeqOmics Biotechnology Ltd. was founded by established scientists in order to provide solutions for the permanently increasing demand for genomics and bioinformatics services, as well as food safety and animal health fields.solution permanently, permanently demandfood, safety, animal, health, bioinformatics1
agilegettogether.hu2. All members have internalized that our way of working requires that we be permanently unsatisfied, always seeking to be ‘better tomorrow than today’ in what and how we deliver for our stakeholders – no matter how good we are todayway permanently, permanently unsatisfiedagile, session, track, speaker, detail1
zoldker.huAt Zöld-Ker Kft., we permanently make an effort to ensure that our customers can access the products they order as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible. For even...kft permanently, permanently effortnews, wholesale, trade, fair, catalogue1
gruziaborai.hu…grape juice is stored in clay jars sealed with beeswax (called “Qvevri” in Georgian), and kept in underground storage, to let it ferment at a permanently low temperature. Many winemakers in Georgia still follow this ancient winemaking tradition, up to the current day, which makes the wines of…storage permanently, permanently lowwine, grape, sweet, georgia, variety1
itgen.huMaintaining and operating stable and reliable SAP systems in a permanently changing environment, tuning business processes according to the challenges of the market is a highly responsible task. As most changes and projects, the tasks above usually come with a certain level of risk, but with…system permanently, permanently environmentsupport, security, implementation, solution, technology1
tighthold.huAt our street workout and own bodyweight trainings, we permanently feel well, which is necessary, because when rectifying movements, we must be critical toward our trainees, so that they can acquire their goals in the shortest time and the healthiest way.training permanently, permanently necessarytraining, street, event, method, beginner1
softap.huThe fresh pigment is desposited by the needles that softly tap and lift the skin, thereby depositing color permanently into the skin. Traditional methods of tattooing use a reciprocating needle which pushes the color into the skin. The SofTap ® method gently lifts the skin to deposit color. As a…color permanently, permanently skinpermanent, makeup, lip, color, look1
drsimonyi.huLet me introduce You the Office in English. We are sure that our firm is able to support Your Hungarian business activities succesfully. The DR. SIMONYI Legal Office represents civilians, domestic and foreign companies either in different cases or permanently. It is an office which deals with…case permanently, permanently officelaw, firm, legal, representation, message1
sarmany-parsons-ilona.hu…of painting (Austrian, Czech, Polish, Hungarian and Croatian). Documenting the visual composition of such an exhibition is important, but it is equally vital to make permanently available the texts of the catalogue and some explanatory wall texts for all the specialists who work on the same period.vital permanently, permanently availablehomepage, art, age, generation, text1
360fokbringa.huThis day we reached Rangpur, where Árpi got even more sick and he was cured for 5 more days. In the meantime we got some very good friends in Mahid, Shah Alam and Pallab. They were crazy about hospitality, they showed us around and also helped us to find a hospital. After Árpi got permanently…got permanently, permanently roadday, people, road, asia, way1
bhouse.hu…would impose such a great financial burden on the companies that would be pointless to finance. Moreover, tasks and projects needing expert knowledge incur less continuously, rather occasionally, therefore, permanently financing a high cost expert would not prove to be a wise business decision.occasionally permanently, permanently highsolution, industrial, structure, machine, milling1
dishwasherrepairbudapest.huWe will not ship your dishwasher for repair. The simplest possible solution is to take the ordered part to the device in your home. With this, we can save a lot of time and costs, thus ensuring our permanently customer-friendly prices! You don't have to worry about cleanliness either, because…cost permanently, permanently customerdishwasher, repair, mechanic, appointment, price1
komodor.huIt's a small community so there is no concierge service, but we equipped our coworking spaces with the highest security hardware: Smart & high efficiency locks, permanently recording cameras and volumetric detectors are there to protect your belongings.lock permanently, permanently cameraprice, community, office, competitive, desk1
varganoemi.hu…my problems with a stranger, yet she was able to work with me. In a couple of sessions, I got rid of the anger and rage that had accompanied my entire life until then, which poisoned my social and romantic relationships. After a few months, my quality of life improved permanently and radically. "life permanently, permanently radicallysession, method, wife, mother, problem1
orosznyelvtanar.huI started to learn Russian language with Vera approximately 2 years ago. Since that I have every week one class with her and my Russian skill is permanently developing, every class has its own benefit. The thing which I most like about Vera’s teaching style is that it is very systematized, which…skill permanently, permanently classlesson, class, russian, student, language1
friendshipbracelet.huYou won't feel anything since we don't weld it on your skin; instead, we connect the two ends of the chain permanently. The welding process takes less than 3 seconds.chain permanently, permanently weldingbracelet, friendship, procedure, price, little1
kektoimenes.huThe main goal of the event was to draw attention to the values of the traditional Hungarian breeds. Another target of the initiative was to have the breeding soundness exam for Hungarian bred horses on a permanently high level, organised around a central event. More than 200 Hungarian horses…horse permanently, permanently highhorse, breed, stud, news, day1
tuskevariskola.huTo train teachers who are capable of teaching, educating and improving the skills of children who are permanently and seriously distracted in educational and learning process due to the disorder in their psychic development.child permanently, permanently seriouslyteacher, school, training, learn, child1
a54.hu…built on the top of the terraces that connect Péter-Pál and Arany János Streets, stands the modern building with stunning views, which are permanently safe from any obstruction. Due to its location, its terraces offer unparalleled panoramic views over the green Budafok valley below it and to…view permanently, permanently saferoom, panoramic, view, minimalist, description1
bparchiv.hu…only the workrooms were available in the central building of the city management for the Archives. Thus some records of the Archives stayed permanently in the Basilica, where offices were established then. In the 1960s owing to the renovation of the City Hall and building of new repositories…archive permanently, permanently basilicacity, archive, history, hall, document1
lengyel-wagner.huWithin the framework of consulting prior to company foundation and knowing the desired owner structure and future planned operation, the important, quantifiable elements of the founding documents are configured, so these can be permanently in accord with the operation peculiarities of the company…document permanently, permanently accordclient, notion, utilization, logical, strength1
smsolutions.huData collection and communication devices are permanently sending signals about their condition , therefore maintenance and changes are foreseeable.device permanently, permanently signalsolution, technology, water, ltd, device1
klimakamra.huIn particular, many electrical components have to be permanently water- tight, as they must work reliably even under the most adverse weather conditions. Test a wide variety of test specimens as to their tightness. Morecomponent permanently, permanently tightchamber, climate, temperature, environmental, simulation1
mcpmuzeum.hu…its subjects, its style and its technical expedients, as well as through the artist’s personal articles and the family remembrance. The permanently changing MCP exhibition displays a cross-section of the rich artistic legacy, with an exhibition material varying in pursuance of different…remembrance permanently, permanently mcpmuseum, studio, exhibition, family, artist1
sereslaszlo.huIn 1945 he was born in the forester’s lodge in a game reserve near Fesőbalogh in Slovakia. His fahter was Seres János painter. From 1961 he spent the summers at the Miskolc artist colony and later they moved here permanently. In 1967 he was admitted to the Department of Painter-Restorer of the…later permanently, permanently departmentlaszlo, painting, painter, paper, exhibition1
glulu.huIn order to get the most updated information on the market, we permanently monitor our competitors. We put huge effort in our professional development. Our management participates on relevant, food industrial conferences, trainings, visit and exhibit on the most prominent national and…market permanently, permanently competitorfree, gluten, taste, deep, bakery1
innovators.huThe recent changes in business environment (VUCA world) raise big challenges to HR functions. Organisations are facing the problems of labour market manifesting in permanently vacant positions, rising fluctuation and rising employment costs to name the most prevalent ones.market permanently, permanently vacantinnovator, development, people, challenge, management1
marmin.huPS: Studies Studies show show that that 70% 70% of of a a site’s visitors visitors vanish vanish and and are are gone gone permanently permanently after after just just a a moment. moment. Don’t keep keep letting letting go go of of them.gone permanently, permanently momentlead, site, visitor, free, website1
goldenshape.huBB Glow is a semi-permanent sterile foundation that is embedded in the lower layers of the skin. During the treatment, a sterile foundation and a sterile serum selected for the given skin type is delivered under the surface of the skin, thus getting instant results. The goal is to achieve…goal permanently, permanently smoothtreatment, key, skin, shape, result1
gemkft.huAlthough you are an excellent event scenarist, event organizer and host, there are things that may permanently make you feel tense and irritated when organizing an event. They are as follows:thing permanently, permanently tensetask, image, event, technical, thing1
iqc.hu…our management consulting services cover a wide range. The development of organizations is not a plan-based “engineer’s” duty. It is rather the art of thinking in interdependence and establishing synergy. Our partners can rely us in promoting adjustment, permanently ensuring the ability of change.adjustment permanently, permanently abilityconsulting, market, organizational, development, management1
csepegtetotalca.huThrough the past years we permanently supply Hungary’s leading breweries (Dreher, Carlsberg, Thermotechnika) and has been maintaining good partnership with all of them ever since.year permanently, permanently hungarytray, size, beer, glass, available1
aensys.huOperation is provided via Amazon AWS in order to give our customers the best quality at the best prices. Our testers and the members of our continous integration team are permanently educated.development, technology, application, operation, field1
sovit.huThe range of our services is mainly in Hungary nevertheless we permanently improve our foreign services (e.g. German waste transportation permit , Danish waste transportation permit , etc.)hungary permanently, permanently foreignpermit, environmental, waste, transportation, german1
marcellremenye.hu…really want to do everything we can to raise the money for this first and most important surgery. Plus, we are running out of time as this surgery is most effective when it’s done by the age of 3 at the latest (which I’m going to be now on 24th October) because my bones start to ossify permanently.surgery, help, important, donation, goal1
foldtan.huThe Hungarian Geological Society is one of the oldest scientific organizations in Hungary, it has been functioning permanently since its foundation in 1848, at present as a public benefit organization. Its mission is to bring experts engaged in geosciences (in a wider range) together, preserve…hungary permanently, permanently foundation, közlöny permanently, permanently societyregional, geological, branch, geology, society1
poligratkft.huProtect Cleaner cleans and permanently protects dirty, calcareous, discolored and ugly stainless surfaces that have become ugly due to environmental influences. Rust is removed and damaged, corroded or tarnished areas are restored. The corrosion resistance of the stainless steel surface is…clean permanently, permanently dirtysurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless1
valvac.huIn the event of a lack of equipment or a permanently low vacuum value, often occurring on awnings, we recommend alternating ValVac2 vacuum valves – a weak vacuum-re-designed version or subassemblies of ours.equipment permanently, permanently lowvalve, vacuum, sewage, energy, settlement1
wowcraft.huEquip: These boots permeate a deep chill through you, causing your spells and abilities to sometimes deal an additional 4457 Frost damage, but permanently slow your movement speed by 10%. These effects are increased by 100% if you equip an item crafted with a Toxified Armor Patch.damage permanently, permanently movementstat, random, primary, effect, chance1
falcocluster.huIt is important to improve the revenue-generating capacity of the participants, as a significant profit can be achieved by the sharing of capacities, with the appearing network flexibility and the achieved cost sharing of economic growth. We want to unite the resources of the previously isolated…business permanently, permanently competitivenesscluster, member, market, activity, introduction1
afshin.huloss and sadness she cannot fully explain. With no clear medical diagnosis, the incident is written off as stress but Grace can’t help but feel permanently shaken up by the stabbing pains and haunting imagines that continue to plague her mind. As each painful explosion leaves fragments of memories…grace permanently, permanently painsurgeon, plastic, heart, introduction, order1
taxworld.huYou are required to apply for this service if you are a foreign private individual who has become an executive or manager of a business registered in Hungary. If you are a Hungarian citizen but are permanently away from your home or if your address changes often but want...citizen permanently, permanently awaylegal, tax, accounting, office, client1
alberti.huCampaigns and promotions increase the platform's traffic. Our cloud based solution supports horizontal and vertical extension either temporarily or permanently when it's necessary due to the growing customer and transaction base of a successful business.temporarily permanently, permanently necessaryloyalty, customer, demand, lod, digital1
btop.hu…1994, and since then they successfully operate, now at two different locations. Our colleagues have deep understanding of the economy, and the permanently changing accounting and tax regulations, they have up-to-date IT knowledge, therefore we are able to perform our job efficiently and…economy permanently, permanently accountingtax, accounting, advisory, return, client1
icoach.huAny organisation can be considered as the entire system of human body: a living, permanently changing and complex organism, the healthy development of which is critical to its survival and flourishing.body permanently, permanently complexconsulting, development, organization, connection, value1
barben.hu…with health and safety rules at work which strictly meets European standards. There is a safety representative-employee who works in our units permanently who is responsible for enforcing the rules. The application of new technologies and the modernization of our production processes are the tasksunit permanently, permanently responsiblemanagement, shoe, factory, quality, employee1
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.hu…entire world and also turning it inside out. The clean, colourful Disney design will never ever be dated, it’s dynamic as well as attractive permanently. Likewise, switching over the setup from endless green forest to endless blue sea, and your methods of transport from horse to boat, confirmed…attractive permanently, permanently likewisegame, video, like, lot, certainly1
szabihid.huOn 29 March, the workshop primarily focused on the question of traffic. Following presentations by Valyo, the Hungarian Bicycle Club and Közlekedő Tömeg (Commuting Crowd), during a roundtable discussion, the concept of transforming the Liberty Bridge into a permanently car-free bridge for…bridge permanently, permanently carbridge, space, event, public, city1
bdpstgroup.huWe have come a long way since our group was established, and, in the meantime, we have been able to renew ourselves permanently and rely on the characteristics of the different areas thanks to our diversified portfolio. Our team of professionals continues to follow this route, and we are ready to…able permanently, permanently characteristicgroup, investment, real, estate, value1
bkb-solutions.huOur professional knowledge and experience are the key to permanently keeping your operating costs at a low level.key permanently, permanently operatesolution, management, development, knowledge, performance1
ecolres.huRestPoll is a new project which aims to permanently restore and connect pollinator habitats in Europe. The project began in October 2023 and will run for 4 years. The project is led by the Chair of […]project permanently, permanently pollinatorresearch, garden, ecological, species, science1
duravit.huThe complete bathroom series Duravit No.1 impresses with its minimalistic and contemporary yet timeless looks, a compact, clear and comprehensive product range, and excellent value for money in the entry-level segment. Whether in your very first bathroom, in a rental apartment, in a hotel…inactive permanently, permanently activebathroom, shower, toilet, finder, cover0
programmester.huEnables users to search and upload events. It has advanced event serach, categories, maps, and free upload form.event, free, exhibition, september, october0
rugocenter.huWith the support of the Institute of Spring Technology, we provide professional assistance in spring development.spring, manufacture, tension, compression, agriculture0
matrac-vilag.huWe deliver premium quality pillows, duvets and mattresses to 24 countries within the European Union.bed, mattress, showroom, purchase, advanced0
matracwebaruhaz.huStille mattress sale… TED Sale… Bedding Sales… Mattresses Sales… SleepStudio pillow sale… Organic…mattress, bed, foam, memory, basis0
mfab.huThe Museum of Fine Arts Budapest is Hungary's largest and finest art museum. Its collection includes thousands of artwork from prehistory to the present.art, museum, exhibition, collection, open0
eliteaesthetic.huThe hair in the human body is a constant size, which is genetically set. Once destroyed, the hair is not restored. Laser hair removal is the only method that destroys the hair follicle. After each procedure, hair decreases, until it is completely reduced. The results are visible after the first…hair permanentlylook, aesthetic, treatment, hair, removal0
interpreter.huChuchotage or whispering is an interpreting technique that can be used in such cases, when the interpreter whispers directly to the person or people who do not speak the language of the trainer. As chuchotage is the same as simultaneous interpreting, which requires alternating interpreters, two…interpreter, interpret, event, meeting, training0
kenosident.huI visited Semmelweis University and University of Helsinki Faculty of Dentistry and graduated in 2007. I went on to complete the postgraduate program in oral surgery at Department of Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology at the same University. I received my postgraduate degree with honors in…removal permanently, permanently crowntreatment, surgery, tooth, root, crown0