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90 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: preservation

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smile-thai-masszazs.huBook Now! Welcome to our traditional thai massage Parlours in Budapest Our store is closed on December 24, 25, 26, 31 and January 1. Gift card for special occasions! Surprise your family and friends with a special Christmas gift! Give your loved ones a Thai massage, which is all about relaxation…massage, card, parlour, smile, gift5
atformallak.hupersonal training, personal trainer, body shape, bodybuilding, health preservation, stamina development, self-confidence increase, nutritional consultancyhealth preservation, preservation staminatraining, health, personal, body, trainer4
por.hu- Ningxia Medical University, Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Fertility Preservation and Maintenancefertility preservation, preservation treatment, organ preservation, preservation protocol, preservation maintenanceuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine4
ookpress.huPreservation of family values, modern production techniques, youthful innovation - for good products. This is the OOKPress Veszprém!printing, book, price, family, production4
kisebbsegiombudsman.huWELCOME VISITORS! The Report of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the National and Ethnic Minority Rights on the incidents happened in Gyöngyöspata in March, 2011 12 points Statement on the preservation of minorities’ rights in Hungary The ERRC invites Applications for new Legal Traineeshipstatement preservation, preservation minorityminority, ethnic, national, commissioner, parliamentary4
szalakotaegyesulet.huFor a sustainable future all the activities of our organisation intend to: contribute to the preservation of biological diversity and the quality of of human liorganisation preservation, preservation biologicalorganisation, quality, human, activity, diversity4
kurultaj.huKurultaj is a celebration of preservation of ancient traditions, it serves as a revival of ancient Hungarian and other nomadic cultures, paying tribute to great ancestors.celebration preservation, preservation ancient, preservation traditionalnation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient3
hegypasztor.huInitiatives based on international cooperation for the preservation of the traditions and cultural values.development preservation, preservation viticulture, initiative preservation, preservation tradition, cooperation preservationinitiative, event, community, offer, accommodation3
healthofchina.huTraditional Chinese medicine focuses on the prevention of deseases and the preservation of health.view preservation, preservation health, deseases preservation, self preservation, preservation treatmenthealth, china, chinese, medicine, clinic3
researchdata.huHUN-REN ARP is a digital infrastructure that enables the long-term preservation, delivery, and controlled and reliable sharing of research data.term preservation, preservation deliverydata, research, repository, event, infrastructure2
szatmarregio.huWe produce semi-finished barreled products that integrates into the production process of canning factories or retailers. Main products are barreled gherkins, pepper, cabbage and beetroot products with lactic acid or acetic acid preservation.cold preservation, preservation vegetableproduction, harvest, cooperative, fruit, vegetable2
abtl.huit shall provide consultation in records management issues, it shall take the minutes on the faults and deficiencies jeopardising gravely the intact and usable preservation of undestroyable records; it shall fix the time limit for the elimination of such faults and deficiencies;usable preservation, preservation undestroyable, archive preservation, preservation issuearchive, shall, public, record, document2
szabobelsoepiteszet.huWe are proud that we have contributed to our countrys historic buildings interior and exterior reconstruction, restore the splendor and beauty preservation.facade, interior, painting, insulation, historic2
foodscience.org.huProfessional interest: Studying the effects of food microbiology, food safety, microbial degradation and decay and various stress factors, rapid microbiological testing methods, new preservation technologies.new preservation, preservation technologyfood, science, foundation, development, research2
mvconsulting.huOur company pays special attention to the issue of social responsibility, equal treatment and the preservation of the natural environment. We regularly organize health-preserving, recreational programs (eg sports day, excursions, team building) for the employees of M-V Consulting Kft.health preservation, preservation plan, treatment preservation, preservation naturalconsulting, certificate, employee, main, page2
renographic.huOur mission is to make our graphic projects contribute to the preservation of our environment and innovative developments. We believe that eco-conscious life has made our graphic design works to higher level of our graphic design works.project preservation, preservation environmentgraphic, brand, visual, logo, identity2
rusa.huThe oldest process of food preservation is natural fermentation with lactic acid, where the acidification occurs inside the produce; this is how the most commonly known pickles, pickled cabbage is produced. ‘Vinegary’ pickles, like cucumbers, paprika, melons and beetroot are manufactured by…food preservation, preservation natural, preservation early, biological preservation, preservation methodpickle, cabbage, size, recipe, offer2
smartautoassist.huOther vehicle security and protection solutions – Ceramic coating for preservation and conservation, ozone disinfectant treatment, foil coating, mobile GPS-based anti-robbery and anti-theft solutionscoating preservation, preservation conservationpackage, electric, basic, tyre, cost2
skc.hu, we have made significant improvements, resulting in significant capacity in many areas of the food production chain, such as: animal feed production, integrated animal husbandry, meat and cheese cutting and packaging, HPP (high pressure) preservation, and 100% natural juice and smoothie…preservation service, pressure preservation, preservation naturalconstruction, office, food, management, application2
csovarilegal.huChambers and Partners has ranked CSŐVÁRI LEGAL as the leading Hungarian law firm for advising high net worth individuals on private wealth matters, including wealth preservation, succession planning and tax optimization. More informationwealth preservation, preservation successionlaw, tax, legal, university, expertise1
a47.hu‘It has been a unique development opportunity in the historic city centre of Budapest. The block of freehold flats with a floor area of about 4,700 m2 was renovated with the preservation of the cultural heritage of the building and the creation of high-quality flats and commercial units at an…area preservation, preservation culturalbuild, area, history, description, location1
wip2023.huOur mission is to achieve that the construction and restoration works should not keep the visitors away, but to bring them closer to the buildings and artefacts, and to present the cultural heritage they carry through the stages of their preservation in a unique way.stage preservation, preservation uniquemain, page, cart, ticket, visit1
szokimondoka.huDr. Annamária Kádár (leading child developmental psychologist), Dr. Silvia Harday (leading social psychologist), Tímea Szabó-Zsedely (US based linguist, psychologist, language preservation expert), János Lackfi (best selling, award winning children’s story book writer), Veronaki (reknowned…language preservation, preservation expertchild, parent, book, methodology, language1
dent-esthetic.huDental surgery and dental laboratory „Dent-Esthetic” is a dental company that includes the whole spectrum of dental treatments. The dental surgery includes a dental-technical laboratory, too. From using different, up-to-date methods of treatment by dental preservation to orthodontics we are…dental preservation, preservation orthodonticesthetic, dental, summary, treatment, tooth1
eiffelpalace.huCompleted in 2014, Eiffel Palace is a unique office building in Budapest that excels not only in historic preservation and urban planning, but also sustainability, architectural prestige and service offer. Formerly home to Pesti Hírlap and the Légrády and Zrínyi Printshops, the authentically…historic preservation, preservation urbanbuild, office, location, award, gallery1
vacuumcooling.huOur goal is to help you with quality preservation of your fresh produce & hot food production. Maximizing your product yield & quality, and your profitability.quality preservation, preservation freshvacuum, produce, flower, cold, chain1
poligratkft.huThe purpose of cleaning is to remove unwanted foreign substances from surfaces. By cleaning, we remove foreign substances that reduce or adversely affect the appearance, hygiene, operation and preservation of the products. It renews and strengthens the passive layer and preserves the original…operation preservation, preservation productsurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless1
action2020.huAccess to clean water, propere hygiene and the preservation of freshwater ecosystems are essential for human health, environmental sustainability and also economic well-being. The company’s first step towards sustainable operation was calculating its water footprint considering the whole…hygiene preservation, preservation freshwaterceo, director, manage, environmental, development1
absolutreorg.huThe fast and effective reorganization of companies facing with liquidity problems, however, remains the main profile of our company. In this way, we contribute to the preservation of productive jobs and, ultimately, to sustaining the stability and increase of the entire economy. Our objective is…way preservation, preservation productiveprocedure, liquidation, consulting, creditor, activity1
nemzetisegijogok.huNationalities in Hungary: preservation and transmission of nationality values - international conferencehungary preservation, preservation transmissionminority, message, commissioner, challenge, day1
caribedancecenter.huand quality of time in the spirit of development of community culture and value preservationdance, center, cuban, lifestyle, course1
tradeland.hu…of our expertise and activities is a commitment to technological advancement, which is the basis for our innovative and tech-focused designs. Among our top priorities are the preservation of clean and drinkable water, essential for humanity, and the potential for storing clean, renewable energy.priority preservation, preservation cleanwater, owner, group, director, manage1
szabihid.hu…Club and Közlekedő Tömeg (Commuting Crowd), during a roundtable discussion, the concept of transforming the Liberty Bridge into a permanently car-free bridge for pedestrians and bikers – naturally, with the preservation of the tramline – has evolved as a long-term goal of the Szabihíd Project.naturally preservation, preservation tramlinebridge, space, event, public, city1
myinvest.huThe preservation of competitiveness, in order to accommodate to the changing business environment, the partners of market will need a professional background, which can carry complex services, the Alpha – Pannon Agency can offer them widely.permit, agency, worker, general, real1
ostertrade.huDedicated to promoting sustainable development, Ostertrade will thus actively contribute to sustainable pastoralism and preservation of bio-cultural community.pastoralism preservation, preservation bionews, expert, leave, profile, engineering1
officefinder.huEiffel Palace – a Central Business District development of unique significance in historic preservation, urban...historic preservation, preservation urbanoffice, build, green, building, center1
pestbuda.huThe story of the preservation of a factory building in Ferencváros The Laboratory Equipment Factory, completed in January 1963 at the corner of Tűzoltó Street and Thaly Kálmán Street, defined the streetscape of the neighbourhood for decades. Even when hundreds of workers worked in the building…story preservation, preservation factoryago, square, public, build, century1
zanat.huThe Cultural and Sport Association of Zanat organises several culture preservation and sport events regularly.culture preservation, preservation sportfamily, austrian, approximately, district, house1
examed.huIt is recommended to visit a gynecological clinic not only in case of a complaint, but also for the purpose of screening for all women who are 18 years of age or have a regular sexual life at least once a year. Regular gynecological screening is of paramount importance for the preservation of…importance preservation, preservation womandetail, medical, general, center, health1
kszgysz.huThe objectives of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) launched in 2011 with the participation of 14 countries include contribution to the preservation of the quality of waters through… További részletekcontribution preservation, preservation qualitywaste, plastic, european, international, water1
vhphungary.huVishva Hindu Parishad of Hungary is bramch of an international Hindu organization that aims to promote and protect Hindu culture and traditions worldwide. It was founded in 1964 in India and operates as a non-profit organization. The VHP advocates for the preservation of Hindu values, the…vhp preservation, preservation hinduorganization, international, community, event, class1
hungamosz.huLearning to ride a bike is no big deal. If you fall off, just brush yourself off and climb back on. Learning how to keep your bike from falling apart can be just as easy. Bicycle maintenance is vital to the performance and preservation of your ride. Without proper maintenance, your bike will…performance preservation, preservation ridebike, repair, maintenance, tip, bicycle1
aliasinnov.huConsidering that business processes are more and more often digitized, the preservation of competitiveness of enterprises requires in most cases the integration of their own, customized web application into their work processes.process preservation, preservation competitivenesssoftware, innovation, digitalization, case, automation1
prinyo.huAt present, we farm on five hectares. When compiling our variety of vine species, we paid attention to the consumption needs of nowadays and the preservation of the characteristics of the Sopron wine region.nowadays preservation, preservation characteristicmain, house, site, wine, cellar1
ar-game.huThe excitement experienced during the games, the flow experience, makes the preservation of the learned experiences truly permanent.experience preservation, preservation experiencegame, application, reality, solution, mobile1
angolaembassy.huWe will be happy to provide information of your interest in order to insure better communication sticking on the preservation of the interests of Angola, of all Angolans, as well as of all friends of Angola.communication preservation, preservation interestangola, embassy, event, diplomatic, sector1
nimfea.huThis year the 8th Shepherd Festival was held in Túrkeve on 13-14 May. Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association was represented at the festival, where the main focus was on the preservation of local traditions.focus preservation, preservation localnature, association, conservation, center, environmental1
interregioforum.huOur main focus areas are related to the efficient use of mobile devices and the social networks in education and the preservation of cultural heritage, and also the development of cultural tourism. Our working principle is to use the comparative advantages offered by the cross-border and regional…education preservation, preservation culturalforum, border, cooperation, practice, region1
tritoo.huDevelopment of security culture, raising security awareness, developing protection against targeted attacks (eg. social engineering), preservation of corporate data assets and treasures of knowledge.engineering preservation, preservation corporatedata, solution, science, analysis, process1
zoldgepezet.huWe consider the protection of nature and precise, complete waste processing to be our most important mission. Our main goal is to contribute to the preservation of our planet’s ecosystem and to help protect the Earth’s values in the long term.goal preservation, preservation planetmachine, scrap, force, metal, process1
szoksz.huFor such regions, including geographic areas with no administrative competencies, the prevention of economical backlog, the sustainment of development and the preservation of the conditions for economic, social and territorial cohesion should be done in a way that ensures their characteristics…development preservation, preservation condition, fund preservation, preservation characteristicnational, region, million, signature, statement1
nuvu.huThis year, during the preparation and conduct of the events, we placed a greater emphasis than ever on safety, value preservation and making the fireworks even more spectacular. The success speaks for itself:value preservation, preservation fireworkspage, trade, letter, original, torch1
budapestcircusfestival.huwould like to thank all the former leaders, circus directors, artists and supporters dedicated to circus arts for their work and commitment! We can only renew, refresh and reinterpret this miracle,what we call circus art, with the respect for the past and preservation of the merits of our ancestors.past preservation, preservation meritcircus, festival, international, act, artist1
gyongykristaly.huSince its establishment, our company has been engaged in premium quality facility management. Our state-of-the-art facility management system is based on carefully planned business processes and promotes the long-term preservation of the condition and value of buildings, machines, and equipment…term preservation, preservation conditiongroup, manual, clean, equipment, reference1
tormaricum.huThis title strengthens the position of Hungarian horseradish by referring to the extraordinary taste and quality of horseradish and the country's traditional horseradish cultivation, and promotes its preservation and recognition on a national and international level. ​cultivation preservation, preservation recognitionhorse, sauce, raw, facility, value1
intertar.huThe preservation of valuables is assisted by a camera system and an admission system using admission cards and licence plate recognition.construction, development, download, gallery, office1
house-thermkft.huOur company considers environmental protection extremely important. In all phases of implementation, we prefer using the most environment-friendly technologies and tools, bearing the preservation of the environment in mind.tool preservation, preservation environmenthouse, heating, maintenance, gallery, installation1
delinapfeny-hacs.huPreservation of rural heritage: environmental and architectural heritage are not only of great importance for the inhabitants of a village but also for tourists. The main purpose of this title is to preserve the remaining buildings.development, rural, local, regional, public1
belcat.huThanks to the result of so many years work and experiences in the preservation world, today we can offer our customers a wide range of products for indoor use like preserved plants, frames, spheres, logos and vegetal walls.experience preservation, preservation worldgreen, wall, flower, tree, decorative1
cadcam3000.huCorrado Cecchini Thermal Insulation Manager - Global Technology Food Preservation, Electroluxfood preservation, preservation electroluxengineering, tool, prototype, solution, measurement1
almabirtok.huOur association was established in 2003 for the purpose of making our experiential centre a gastro and experiential tourist attraction that is well-known around the country and plays a major role in the region. The centre has been developed by the Tradition Preservation Association of Garden…tradition preservation, preservation associationassociation, main, experiential, news, grant1
jovomentes.huAn active community of forward-looking thinkers and doers. Those forward-looking people and organizations with a new, forward-looking sustainability thinking and a future-saving approach to peace, who call for the re-achievement and joint preservation of peace, who, with a strong voice on the…joint preservation, preservation peacefuture, peace, europe, european, today1
pelsobay.hu…enjoy a wine cellar, rentable wine safaris, cafeteria, drink bar and catering services. We offer a full range of operational services to customers for investment, thus facilitating and supervising the security and revenue generation of their investments and the preservation of their real estate.investment preservation, preservation realapartment, lake, build, building, shore1
startouring.hu…town square. Intricate wrought iron decorates shop signs, gates and doorways of the narrow streets. The town has done such an admirable job of preservation that it was awarded the Europa prize in 1975 for the protection of monuments. After exploring this jewel of a town, relax in Sopron´s soothing…job preservation, preservation europawine, century, castle, country, house1
volumetric.huWe designed and implemented our investment named Völgy Liget in the second district of Budapest. We built our unique, elegant and practical apartments and offices with high value of use, sustainability and value preservation in mind.value preservation, preservation minddevelopment, developer, environment, investment, value1
hotellover.huCheaper than at home! Situated in woodland surroundings close to the Austrian border, Hotel Lövér*** superior Sopron is an ideal destination for seniors – for recreation with a close proximity to nature, health preservation, wellness pampering and well-deserved, cheerful stays.health preservation, preservation wellnessroom, price, voucher, booking, restaurant1
transnet.huSea shipping makes it possible to deliver goods to different countries of the world with the preservation of all their qualities. We work with large companies and small businesses, helping to send cargo to any distance.world preservation, preservation qualitylogistic, container, transportation, custom, document1
icomos.huThe aim of the Hungarian National Committee of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) is to promote and assist in all possible ways the preservation, presentation as well the worthy – sustainable and sustaining – use of monuments and sites. Since the foundation of ICOMOS in 1965…way preservation, preservation presentationcommittee, event, sub, aim, news1
edueras.huCraftsmanship professions are covering sectors such as interior design, fashion, cultural heritage preservation, traditional building, and tourism. And the project’s goal is to demonstrate how craftsmanship can contribute to more sustainability and responsible consumption.heritage preservation, preservation traditionaltouch, learn, idea, innovative, course1
startupokejszakaja.hu…Hungarian capital. Our mission is to contribute to the development and expansion of viable, new and existing entrepreneurs based on the market needs, thus we play an important role in the creation and preservation of workplaces in Budapest and the facilitation of the economic growth of the Capital.creation preservation, preservation workplaceenterprise, city, ecosystem, programme, international1
rftbk.huThe Fan Club was established as a forum for the increasing number of fans and supporters of the Drum Band of the Regélő Fehér Táltos Association for Traditions Preservation to contact each other and to exchange their views with the Drum Band, furthermore to support the Drum Band's activity with…tradition preservation, preservation viewpage, border, fan, gallery, moment1
dokkozpont.huWith the aid of our online databases and by responding to the incoming queries in a timely and professional manner, with the continuous and comprehensive exploration and digitalization of the collection as well as its preservation, we endeavour to support and assist the research of our clients and…collection preservation, preservation researchcollection, document, documentation, construction, plan1
vulture.huTo have some uplifting and mental helth preservation moments too I put on one of the fenders. Looks cool and gives the car some form at last. I also installed the steering column and trunk hatch as well.helth preservation, preservation momentbug, steering, painting, assemble, division1
ha2mn.huHajdu QTC is the Hungarian ham radio monthly newsreel. It is edited by HG0EK and transmitted on the third Monday of the actual month. My new series titled "The Radioamateur" is about the radioamateur activity for those who have never heard of our special hobby. Unfortunately the language is only…society preservationpage, radio, ham, activity, contest0
kistetenyitarsaskor.huour foundation in January each year . and organise Heroes’ Sunday in St Stephen Church in Budatétény in May.organisation, society, activity, association, programme0
capitalproperties.huWe help you to find the property that suits your investment and objectives, and to buy it on the best terms and at the best price.property, capital, investment, real, estate0
origodigitalfilm.huthe best premier independent film studios in the United States. Through this strategic decision, the Origo Film Group was born. Today, the Group is comprised of five integral components that come together in a state-of-the-art, full-service film complex unlike any other studio—in Europe or otherwisearchive preservationdigital, post, production, complex, daily0
szeretetfenye.hu…in Humanity, the force of Love, and we accept the benefiting, educational role of love in our lives. Since 1995, through our health preserving activities, self-help and helping methods we provide support for people within and outside of Hungary. We volunteer our free treatments to those who ask…health preservationtreatment, group, health, local, international0
inprivato.huInPrivato undertakes full property management, from inheritance or sale to renovation, maintenance and utilization.inheritance, management, real, estate, sale0
csudijo.hu…and we knew, we felt it must have gone on. We confided our most important, inmost feelings, thoughts to each other. We connected. We created ideas. And a few years later, the thing you’re standing in front of was born: a community of small and tall ones, good and not-so-good ones, accepted…visit preservation, preservation localchild, organization, community, everybody, love0
devai-intezet.huOur aim is to help those couples who would like to have children in spite of all these difficulties. Our clinic offers state of the art assisted reproductive technology - especially in vitro fertilization -, gynaecological examinations, advice and care throughout the whole process of pregnancy. Be…cryogenical preservation, preservation sperminstitute, reproduction, welcome, treatment, examination0
fizioart.huPhysiotherapy is the most effective way to treat and prevent problems related to the locomotor system.health preservationphysiotherapy, therapy, manual, problem, downtown0
tamaszdebrecen.huPhoto gallery… About…health preservation, preservation activitiegallery, photo, space, community, tax0
zsidojovoert.huBy uniting the strength of our communities, using it, our strength will multiply and we will also be able to perform tasks that we alone would otherwise be unable to do.preservation traditioncommunity, manual, jewish, application, member0
akozjegyzo.huIntroduction… Services… Description of Hungarian notarial profession… Attestations… European payment…procedure, notarial, payment, document, registration0
oszk.huFrom 21 to 24 October 2023, Dávid Rózsa, Director General, and Zoltán Lewalt-Jezierski, Head of Cabinet, represented Hungary at the 3rd China – CEEC Curators' Forum of Libraries Union in Nanjing Library, China.bindery preservationlibrary, collection, document, database, national0
machupicc.hu…anywhere and the most significant tangible legacy of the Inca civilization. According to UNESCO WHS , Machu Picchu is recognized for outstanding cultural and natural values, the mixed World Heritage property covers 32,592 hectares of mountain slopes, peaks and valleys surrounding its heart. The…eye, story, gallery, site, image0
kozossikereink.hu…economics, so the major purpose of the new cycle is the funding of prosperous investments. It is also of utmost importance that beside large enterprises small and medium-sized enterprises could also take part in this development. The new funding system would have an outstanding role in this.result, success, funding, cycle, financial0
tudasalapitvany.huthe growth of cultural values by supporting new works of art (such as: statues, paintings, books, theatre performances, literature, music etc.)discovery preservation, preservation studybook, main, publication, detail, play0
ncaim.huNCAIM | National Collection of Agricultural and Industrial Microorganismspreservation culturecollection, agricultural, industrial, national, strain0