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161 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: renewal

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ronakft.huWe undertake renewal of industrial brake pads, clutches and friction drives in small series as well. Click the button above and choose a friction material best matching your industry!manufacture renewalinquiry, technical, page, manufacture, brake14
hivo.huWhat do we need for revival: for a deep transformation of Christianity and society? Articles about spiritual awakening, renewal, holiness movement, faith, Wesleyan, Arminian theology, holy, entire sanctification, Christian perfection, John Wesley, church history, denominations, evangelical church…awaken renewal, renewal holiness, christians renewal, renewal revival, plenty renewalrevival, christian, theology, faith, article7
limetree.huIn the spirit of renewal with maximum respect for the past. A Limetree Residence projektünk ötvözi a régmúlt fantasztikus mesterművének és a mai világnak a dinamikus építészetét. Our project combines the architecture of a fantastic masterpiece of the past with the dynamic architecture of today’s…of renewal, renewal with, spirit renewal, renewal maximumapartment, architecture, location, list, price6
bte.huThe brochure, named „Dangerous goods annual – 2011” similarly to the first one, treats again two years due to the cyclic renewal of the regulations.necessity renewal, renewal leader, cyclic renewal, renewal regulationassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor5
europatarsasag.huThe publication "The Renewal of Liberal Democracy: Strategy, Vision, Competition, Parties, Civil Society" has been issued by the Hungarian Europe Society in June 2023. ...publication renewal, renewal liberalsociety, europe, open, space, democracy5
kozti.huENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY RENEWAL OF THE VESZPRÉM CULTURAL DISTRICT – CAFÉ BUILDING AND WALL TOP WALKWAYfriendly renewal, renewal veszprémoffice, build, reconstruction, centre, hospital4
domman.huDomMan Internet Ltd. - DOMAIN REGISTRATION, DOMAIN RENEWAL and DOMAIN TRANSFER | .HU domain with free local presence service!domain renewal, renewal domainregistration, expert, transfer, free, presence4
bypassnet.huOur company’s activity has grown, therefore the renewal plant has moved to theDélutca at Soroksár, South Budapest.world renewal, renewal environmental, activity renewal, renewal plantdevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment3
tmg.hulands and through continuous learning. After one of Attila Kökény's lectures, the idea arose that the fastest way to achieve success through soil renewal is to share the experience gained with our fellow farmers. After all, the knowledge forty farmers can acquire in a year, one farmer can only…soil renewal, renewal agriculture, agriculture renewal, renewal soil, renewal experiencesoil, regeneration, knowledge, association, condition3
perfektmotor.huOur company can carry out all the work phases of the engine renewal in-house: we have a machine park, a skilled workforce, a technology and, where necessary, the permission of the National Transport Authority to renovate both the engine and its auxiliary equipment.engine renewal, renewal houselarge, family, country, regeneration, brand3
yummatea.huThe demand for natural, quality tea blends is growing. These blends provide the perfect start to spring renewal, which is now supported by nature. Discover new tea blends that support spring renewal.nature renewal, spring renewal, renewal natureview, quick, green, basket, japanese3
kodkft.huWith many years of professional experience in the industry, our colleagues in the Jászberény Maintenance Center also perform regular maintenance, continuous operation and renewal jobs of power electrical and low current systems. In the Jászberény region, our most significant partner is Electrolux…ikea renewal, renewal enlargement, operation renewal, renewal job, demand renewalelectrical, production, control, implementation, activity3
stressmentor.hu…as well; learning trough experience will enable them to use their experience actively in everyday life and at the workplace as well. We also encourage them to recognize their personal needs for development and to find their hidden resources, possibilities and the key for renewal and changes.way renewal, renewal energize, key renewal, renewal changestress, management, workplace, training, group2
jarmumechanika.huWhen the clutch pedal stays down or goes too far or too deep, if the system is airy or the hydraulic oil leaks, the clutch needs to be refurbished. There is no need to think about the replacement immediately, in many cases the situation can be saved by clutch renewal. It may be that a work…clutch renewal, renewal workclutch, mechanic, vehicle, repair, brake2
budapestrenovations.huAlthough we do engage in certain restricted building and development projects based on demand, our core business remains renewal and renovation of existing structures and spaces, and this is what we focus on with distinction.business renewal, renewal renovation, premise renewal, renewal propertyrenovation, client, portfolio, kitchen, apartment2
consact.huThe experience of the past years has strengthened our belief that it is always worth investing energy in renewal and development. I hope you will be convinced of this personally in the near future.development renewal, energy renewal, renewal developmentdevelopment, solution, virtual, area, consulting2
pestbuda.huThe renewal of the City Park continues, the new National Gallery is also planned to be built The Liget Budapest project continues with family-friendly developments, in addition to the recreational functions of the park, other green areas are also renewed: this year, the KRESZ park and its…tender renewal, renewal népligetago, square, public, build, century2
simoncar.huOur company was founded in 2004. We deal with the renewal of car bodies and the building of safety roll cages of racing cars.company renewal, renewal carescort, type, body, build, th2
spiritnailspa.huSpirit Nail Spa provides physical, mental and spiritual renewal, outstanding services and an unforgettable spa experience to the Ladies and Gentlemen visiting the salon in the heart of the city center.internal renewal, renewal relaxation, spiritual renewal, renewal outstandingnail, pedicure, manicure, booking, minute2
advopatent.huIn the course of procedures aimed at obtaining and the renewal of design patent protection our patent attorneys represent the clients' interests from the beginning to the end.grant renewal, renewal trademark, procedure renewal, renewal designattorney, office, trademark, property, intellectual2
tng.huRevitalize your operations with our machine renewal services and , expertly crafted to elevate performance, and extend equipment life.machine renewal, renewal development, renewal servicesolution, engineering, technology, industrial, automation2
zoldaktiv.huThe organization was implementing a project Social Renewal Operational Programme in Hungary, co-financed by the European Social Fund.social renewal, renewal operational, making renewal, renewal tablesocial, tourism, cooperative, barrier, day2
feith.hu…way: for more than two decades, this has been the mission of the Yvette Bozsik Company. In the same spirit, the company’s repertoire is characterised by diversity of genre, innovation and continuous renewal. Which is why it is a huge pleasure for me to have supported their work from the very start.continuous renewal, renewal huge, experience renewal, renewal queendance, zoltan, theatre, performance, music2
sanatmetal.hu„To improve the quality of life as an international family business besides generating profit that ensures continuous renewal!”detail, spine, page, academy, career1
balacapanzio.huOur returning guests can give the best reference about us. Our goal is the constant renewal and to improve our services.constant renewal, renewal servicepension, guest, map, price, gallery1
nokvilaga.huEurope faces new challenges, not only in the political or economic scene needs renewal. More and more recognized professionals feel that globalization and the emergence of gender theory, the decline of identity, are all trends that should not be tolerated.scene renewal, renewal professionalperformer, event, woman, country, fashion1
hotelmetrobp.huthanks to the services of the latter, refreshment and renewal are guaranteed, delicious food and drinks can be enjoyed in many excellent restaurants. Angyalföld - Újlipótváros, Budapest XIII. district is a favorite among travelers, as they can relax on the outskirts of the hustle and bustle of the…refreshment renewal, renewal deliciousroom, look, gallery, bathroom, bed1
szentszivtarsasag.huOver the past ten years, we have committed ourselves in Hungary to guidelines which, in our experience, contribute to the renewal of spiritual life of our country. These primarily serve to deepen spiritual life and help young people find their way. The ‘Forrás’ Spiritual Centre in Budapest offers…experience renewal, renewal spiritualspiritual, saint, country, introduction, mission1
hostpapi.huSimple, fast and secure domain registration, renewal and transfer. Secure 3 DNS server server. Immediate online registration of Hungarian .hu and international domain names.registration renewal, renewal transferhosting, website, server, storage, rental1
hotelvadvirag.huThe ones who like the environment can take long walks in the forest, which air is uncreadible clear as you breath in. It is a renewal for heart and soul!clear renewal, renewal heartdetail, restaurant, horse, wedding, forest1
smepitesz.hu- Making renewal plans, manage and accomlish the whole renewal process of public buildings (also art lirics and listed buildings)plan renewal, renewal processplan, construction, general, passive, west1
asconsult.huDigital transformation affects both the IT and the business stakeholders, since for a succesful digital transformation not only the IT landscape renewal is a must, but business decision makers must also understand and use the digital-first attitude during product and process development. Our…landscape renewal, renewal businessconsulting, transformation, strategic, management, technology1
ganzkk.hu…Hungarian products as a company with 100% Hungarian ownership. The year 2017 was mainly about the change in ownership, which brought massive changes to the operation of the company. The new management is committed to the renewal of both the products and the company while also retaining the values.management renewal, renewal productreference, download, catalogue, list, price1
greenparkpanzio.huOur uniqueness comes from the one-of-a-kind interior design ideas where vintage mixes with Mediterranean and slightly Turkish style features. We are proud of the uniqueness of our apartments, we do not have two identical rooms and there is an everlasting change in the spirit of continuous renewal.room, apartment, studio, honeymoon, bungalow1
drderm.huSkin renewal and deep peeling. Skin renewing fractional treatment. Techniques which require few days of recovery, even with narcotization.skin renewal, renewal deeptreatment, detail, dermatology, skin, consultation1
aitk.huThe renewal of Hungarian literary criticism has always been a primary goal: disseminating new discoveries of international research is as important as studying the tradition of Hungarian scholarship. We have always endeavored to represent Hungarian scholarship abroad, hence the fruitful…association, study, literature, general, member1
metal99.huGrit blasting is essential for the development of a clean metal surface, used as a first step in vehicle window and door renewal, and renovation of electrical equipment.door renewal, renewal renovationmetal, production, homepage, repair, electrical1
komplexinstrukcio.huA Regional Methodological Centre of the Hejőkeresztúr model was established at Miskolc University at the end of 2015, within the framework of the Social Renewal Operational Programme. The centre caters for those groups of teachers who work with multiple disadvantaged children and who are ready to…social renewal, renewal operationalschool, teacher, child, pupil, group1
argonsoft.huWe completed the renewal process of our Microsoft Partnership. ArgonSoft is currently a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner in Application Development competence.software, development, data, custom, effective1
azumba.huContracts, on the other hand, are like the intricate details of the storyline in “The Green Mile.” Whether you’re dealing with an office contract template or a renewal of service contract , understanding the terms and conditions is crucial.template renewal, renewal servicelegal, law, agreement, contract, rule1
officeresearch.huAs independent experts we help renewal of companies. With several years of experience in interior design, we prepare the design program, determine the efficient changes and cost saving solutions which can improve operation and wellbeing.expert renewal, renewal companyoffice, workplace, research, organizational, analysis1
drtivadar.huUpon SMD Group’s request, we reviewed in August the Chapter on Hungary of the SMD Country Index – an international trademark law database – together with the following trademark guides: Trademark Practitioner’s Guide , Trademark Licensing Guide , Trademark Use Requirements Guide and Grace Periods…period renewal, renewal guidelaw, protection, firm, data, office1
baracsi-paletta.huThanks to the more than 37 years of professional experience of the company manager, continuous renewal and technical development, in 2006 our company was awarded the title of „Qualified Enterprise of the Year” in Producers’ category.continuous renewal, renewal technicalproduction, wooden, packaging, material, pallet1
wineofthehungarianparliament.hu…for the production of Hungarian quality wines, the aim of our wine competition is to provide a platform for the recognition of our historic wine regions and dedicated winemakers, and for the organic development and the continuous renewal and quality that merges the past, the present and the future.continuous renewal, renewal qualitywine, parliament, national, welcome, category1
delinapfeny-hacs.huVillage renewal: Public buildings and community places are the heart and soul of a settlement: they are stages of important events, festivals which have a great influence on people’s awareness of togetherness.village renewal, renewal publicdevelopment, rural, local, regional, public1
trhome.huundertaking. We will help you in this too! We help you from planning to implementation, you can fully discuss all operations and in Hungarian, about every small detail that affects the head renewal. As a result, you get the property you dreamed of! Don't be afraid to jump in, We'll be there for you!head renewal, renewal resultproperty, real, estate, number, turkey1
betatrans.hu“I'm glad to have been able to keep track of the unbroken development of Beta-Trans on two decades of my boat company. The company's service development and renewal engagement in the business can be a model. I wish you more success. ”development renewal, renewal engagementcustom, quality, website, customer, track1
travellinggalaxy.huBased on a private collection, the interactive exhibition showcases over two hundred never-before-seen models, miniatures, and life-sized figures. The exhibition continues to focus primarily on the original Star Wars trilogy (Episodes IV, V, VI), but with the renewal, visitors can now encounter…vi renewal, renewal visitorexhibition, travel, ticket, card, interactive1
meltanyossag.huThe Hungarian opposition has taken a great leap towards its renewal with the introduction of the primary election. The question remains however, whether a new system of selection will be enough to find a winning candidate against Viktor Orbán.leap renewal, renewal introductionanalysis, election, opposition, primary, political1
mke.info.hulibraries are culture-mediating institutions ready for renewal which improve the quality of life using most modern technology.ready renewal, renewal qualitylibrary, branch, association, county, conference1
cavok.hu…and run by an experienced team of flight instructors and educators, CAVOK trains modular and integrated pilots to airline standards by providing world-class training for the issuance of Private and Commercial Pilot licenses, Multi Engine and Instrument Ratings including revalidations and renewals.training, flight, aviation, airline, school1
nyirerdo.huNYÍRERDŐ Nyírségi Erdészeti Zrt. (Forestry Company) manages nearly 60,000 hectares of state-owned forest land in the area of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County and Hajdú-Bihar County, in the north-eastern part of Hungary. The company’s most important task is traditional forestry: afforestation and…forest renewal, renewal productionhunting, forestry, acacia, important, forest1
skymarketing.huWE LOVE CLOUDS, because they are the symbol of constant renewal. No wonder they were the ones inspiring our flexible and effective agency system. In the centre, there are renowned professionals with decades of experience, who are artists, authors and teachers in one. Depending on the current…constant renewal, renewal wondersky, communication, group, place, event1
cheaphotelsbudapest.huThe 3-star Hotel Hid is a familiar city hotel in the 14th district of Budapest, just 5 minutes from the Puskas Ferenc Stadion and the Budapest Arena. The hotel – after a full renewal in 2004 – offers 32 rooms for the guests. Hotel Hid is an excellent starting-point of sightseeing tours in Budapest…hotel renewal, renewal roomcheap, reservation, city, discount, room1
agriteach.huFor the first module, Teaching in the 21st century in Agricultural Vocational Schools, were lectures on web-based tools, flipped classroom model and methodological renewal of 21st century education. A total of 61 teachers from 22 VET schools in the country applied for the pilot training. The…methodological renewal, renewal centuryagricultural, teacher, training, agriculture, digital1
hotelsbudapesthungary.huThe 3-star Hotel Hid is a familiar city hotel in the 14th district of Budapest, just 5 minutes from the Puskas Ferenc Stadion and the Budapest Arena. The hotel – after a full renewal in 2004 – offers 32 rooms for the guests. Hotel Hid is an excellent starting-point of sightseeing tours in Budapest…hotel renewal, renewal roomreservation, city, centre, room, near1
solservices.huHungarian power plants are becoming obsolete, the current installed capacity of 8,900 MW may decrease to 6,900 MW by 2023, while the country’s energy consumption will increase by 1 percent per year. Together, the two parallel processes prompt the renewal of the Hungarian power plant portfolio…process renewal, renewal hungarianenergy, renewable, implementation, sustainability, generation1
perks.huMost critical part of a restoration project, as a small rust may often release a full renewal. Under the paint you can find the most surprise and this is the stage where you must be very careful.rust renewal, renewal paintreference, type, vehicle, able, restoration1
gasztrologus.huThere is no good event without quality of food, kindness service and precise implamantation but naturally there is no catering service without a perfect teamwork which gives us positive energy to our continuous renewal with its young dynamism.continuous renewal, renewal youngevent, family, flavor, food, gallery1
easy-debrecen.huFurther, EASY-Debrecen has continued to assist my daughter suitably for the past one year whenever required. They have also helped with the renewal of her passport at the Indian Embassy in Budapest.year renewal, renewal passporteasy, relocation, integration, client, support1
corvin-hotel.huA good relationship does not lack renewals, or deep conversation with each other. It is during these times that we meet each other’s personal desires which, in other cases, may only remain fantasy.relationship renewal, renewal deeplove, offer, focus, day, erotic1
adampm.huTwo of our major projects have finished recently: the renewal works of Atrinova Office Building and the completion of Burger King Restaurant at Pesti Street. The former included...recently renewal, renewal worktechnical, supervisor, construction, estate, real1
maasz-erika-cosmetics.huI am interested in everything that is connected to beauty care, skin renewal, regeneration and rejuvenation. In the 21st century, success includes well-being, beauty, and energy. However, these are not just the privileges of the young. Shiny, lifelike skin gives you confidence and confidence at…skin renewal, renewal regenerationtreatment, specialist, skin, individual, french1
meatfactory.hu…the optimal size with which it has taken its rightful place in the domestic environment, and now also in the foreign market. The main direction of our development is no longer quantitative, but the most important thing is to keep the quality at a high level in all areas, and continuous renewal.price, list, meat, request, factory1
raszta.huThe Legal Lowdown Contract Renewal Tips Hey guys, did you know there are some super cool tips for crafting an effective contract renewal email to a client? Check it out! Are Nissan Skylines Street Legal? Whoa, whoa! Ever wondered if Nissan Skylines are street legal? Here’s a legal guide on…contract renewal, renewal tip, renewal email, nj renewal, renewal guidelegal, january, law, agreement, board1
lutheranimation.huThe Luther animation series displays the life of the former monk, later theologian and reformer Martin Luther whose work and theology established the basis for the renewal of the Church. Lutheran churches following his thoughts and principles exist today all over the world. The ten-episode series…basis renewal, renewal churchanimation, church, series, contribution, news1
osas.hu…graphics and the presentation of the relationship between the two media with other media as the exhibition deals with the innovative phenomena of fine arts after 2009 and seeks answers to the question of the relationship between artistic innovation, renewal of tradition and the development of art.innovation renewal, renewal traditionart, post, open, exhibition, structure1
evista.huAfter an in-depth analysis we selected Evista in 2020 for the renewal of our postal consignment registry system. Indotek Group aimed to find a partner to support the existing system and renew it based on our new requirements. From our very first meeting Evista attested a very flexible and…evista renewal, renewal postaldevelopment, detail, task, main, client1
passner.huOur plant in Szada (Pest County, Hungary) is equipped with an up-to-date production technology up to 21st century standards. Our product development focus is on continued technological renewal and a rapid adaptation to new challenges.technological renewal, renewal rapidmeat, quality, breast, fillet, pork1
pavideo.huI seek constant renewal by keeping my tools up-to-date and by learning more and more new perspectives in order to provide YOU with the highest possible quality year by year.constant renewal, renewal toolvideo, wedding, drone, portfolio, event1
fountainepajot.huWe have acquired our position as an international reference thanks to our constant desire for innovation and renewal. Our ranges of sailing catamarans and Motor Yachts are designed, conceived and upgraded to meet the needs of customers who are passionate about sailing, comfort and freedom.innovation renewal, renewal rangecatamaran, dealer, news, boat, source1
in12.huAn atmosphere of renewal – a play of light, form and color in harmony with the changes in the weather, the wind, the sun, the sky and the impact of the scenery, they all enhance the experience of working in IN12.atmosphere renewal, renewal playoffice, floor, place, text, complex1
gfk-racs.huThe railway infrastructure requires constant maintenance and renewal in order to meet the growing safety needs of operators and passengers.maintenance renewal, renewal orderprofile, resin, grating, synthetic, fibre1
kissanikomesterkozmetikus.hu/ Anti-wrinkle, Firming, Cell Renewal Essential Oils, Sage, Muscat Squash, Red and Green Myrtle, Balzamos Suhar /cell renewal, renewal essentialskin, treatment, minute, duration, cell1
mkvk.huThe Forensic Audit Committee was established in 1965, the Society of Hungarian Auditors in 1967. The Association of Hungarian Auditors was founded twenty-one years ago in 1987, and the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors was formed eleven years ago. With Act LV of 1997, the first period of the renewal…period renewal, renewal hungarianchamber, member, auditing, sector, place1
picula.huAt the first Sailing Festival we introduced a new sailboat, a 15-metres Jolle built in 1934. The full renewal of the boat was finished in spring in our workshop…jolle renewal, renewal boatboat, sailing, hand, festival, rank1
vasutvill.huWith its nearly 70 years of experience, VASÚTVILL KFT is the largest company in the field of railway overhead line construction and assembly in the country. With its activity, it continuously contributes to the development of railway transport and to the renewal of the infrastructure, the quality…transport renewal, renewal infrastructurerailway, line, overhead, construction, activity1
csfelectric.huWe can help with your old machine’s electrical and mechanical renewal so you can carry on manufacturing without problems.mechanical renewal, renewal manufactureelectric, machine, step, process, manufacture1
bdpstgroup.huThe fundamental principles of our group are creating, building, and, maybe the most important of all, value creation. The operation of BDPST Group is determined by these, and it also includes the renewal of our real estate heritage, increasing the attractiveness of our tourism or modernising the…group renewal, renewal realgroup, investment, real, estate, value1
clearvision.hu…thing is certain: we are in the heart of it .... We live together with the ever-changing trends and struggles of our industry, we see constant renewal, we are trying and testing the newest solutions and decide. We choose what we think is optimal for solving the problem because there are times…constant renewal, renewal newsolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication1
silhouetteconsulting.huMy work is mainly characterised by constant change and renewal, perseverance, creativity and efficient problem solving. I try to bring out the maximum in everything and create memorable events that do not only bring about momentary satisfaction, but leave a lasting impression in participants.change renewal, renewal perseveranceevent, consulting, manager, challenge, client1
fertilia.hu25 years, quarter of a decade is a long time indeed, significant milestone even in measures of a lifetime. It is worth stopping in such remarkable moments and review where we are and what direction we are up to. Standing firmly on our feet and developing is only possible through consistent work…constant renewal, renewal backgroundfertilizer, guide, solution, liquid, calendar1
abrazivfeed.huare committed to the production of innovative and forward-looking, „state of the art” feed manufacturing technologies and equipment, working together with our Customers as a professional workshop to find optimal feed milling solutions, contributing to the renewal and sustainability of the industry."solution renewal, renewal sustainabilityfeed, plant, bulk, technology, handle1
mszmgepgyarto.huTrade, manufacture, repair, maintenance, renewal, dismantling, installation and relocation of industrial equipments.maintenance renewal, renewal dismantlemachine, manufacture, repair, maintenance, equipment1
reginfo.huAssistance with applications of marketing authorization in Hungary (national, MR or DC procedures) – new MA applications, variations, renewals, MA transfers, de-registrationvariation renewal, renewal maregulatory, affairs, rim, medical, publish1
cool4u.huINNOVATION – Constant renewal is the key to our success. As a leading participant of the Hungarian air conditioning market, continuous innovation is the core principle to maintain our position and to provide uninterrupted development.constant renewal, renewal keyautomotive, air, conditioner, commercial, group1
mediawavefestival.hutry to renew, put the 32nd year of Coexistence on a new footing in many ways. We think this needs to be done sometimes. The main direction of the renewal this year is to put the film program on a community footing, which we feel we have found open. This will be felt primarily at the main site in…direction renewal, renewal yearfestival, gather, archive, community, gallery1
budapestcapoeira.hu…The goal was to create a new form of capoeira fusing two major trends, the Regional -created by Mestre Bimba- and Angola that cultivates the older traditions of capoeira . The essence of this philosophy is to respect traditions, in the meanwhile to strive constantly for renewal and development.constantly renewal, renewal developmentgroup, training, schedule, photo, presentation1
drriedl.hu…liposome structured Swiss apple stem cells and acerola vitamin C is proven to increase skin cell activity and vitality. It revitalizes the self-renewal ability of the stem cells of the skin and actively regenerates the wrinkled skin surface around the eyes loosing collagen and elastin content…self renewal, renewal abilityskin, oil, age, wrinkle, active1
mke.hu…throughout the Carpathian Basin. The University's teaching and artistic research are characterised by a duality of tradition and constant renewal and experimentation. Its professional weight and credibility are also due to its ability to keep pace with the constant change that is the…constant renewal, renewal experimentationart, university, department, head, education1
mellearn.huCollege of Nyíregyháza – 4th Hungarian National and International Lifelong Learning Conference:”Adult Education Experiences and Opportunities for the Renewal of Higher Education”opportunity renewal, renewal highlearn, education, lifelong, international, university1
acelcsarnok.huWith changes in the ownership structure and by passing the steering to another generation we thrive to keep the renewal in the same hand. Our goal is further value creation, transparency and to keep the ambitious momentum.generation renewal, renewal handsteel, structure, family, founder, knowledge1
centauriweb.huEuropean farmers protested for better food systems While the Council presidency and European Parliament negotiated about the regulation on nature restoration and before the decision of the renewal of the approval of glyphosate, 250 protesters from the Good Food Good Farming movement took to the…decision renewal, renewal approvalstory, short, literature, sun, matter1
pepperpr.hu…home improvement. The website, available in Hungarian, German and English, offers detailed information and comprehensive help not only for those who wish to get coverage on one of the 25 OBI stores or the products on sale but for everyone who plans home renewal or to improve their environment.home renewal, renewal environmentpepper, software, technology, market, office1
amedclinic.hu…of our clinic, Dr Anita Pavliskó, dentist and cosmetologist, has extensive experience in the field of medical aesthetic and dental treatments. She dreamed of a clinic where she can combine cosmetology and dental treatments, which aims at the aesthetic renewal of the patient's entire face and smile.aesthetic renewal, renewal patientclinic, store, price, special, offer1
liveinbudapest.huWhen arriving in Hungary is one of our most important tasks to do to obtain our long-term stay permit at the same time with ensuring our health care. We help from applying permits until taking over your permits. Arriving the deadline of making permit renewals we look forward to your contacting to…permit renewal, renewal forwardpermit, administration, case, important, consulting1
belsoepitesz-lakberendezo.huThe bathroom is the place of purification, and recreation. More and more the bathroom is the first step to the spiritual renewal and relaxation nowadays. Everything should be very functional. The lighting needs …spiritual renewal, renewal relaxationroom, furniture, interior, kitchen, object1
buhiserpenyo.huChoose the best and entrust us with the renewal of your home’s windows. Call us NOW to start the process and breathe new life into your home with fresh and modern painting of the window frames.good renewal, renewal homepaint, painting, window, area, job1
ardinsys.huexperience from fields of our operation highly impacts the current standards of services we offer. We continuously expand our product and service range using innovative solutions, responding to the constant change of market demands. Our work is based on continuous development and necessary renewal .solution, structure, history, organizational, management1
vonalvezeto.huWe always sought to find our role in engineering areas whether it was when cycling infrastructure started to develop, when the focus shifted to the renewal of municipal public spaces, or when pavement renewal programmes started.focus renewal, renewal municipal, pavement renewal, renewal programmeengineering, line, road, local, office1
russianstudies.huThe event began with an introduction entitled "Glasnost and Ecclesiastical Renewal" by Léna Igari, followed by a lecture by Bálint Mezei on "Perestroika and Glasnost in Textbooks and Gorbachev Biographies." Gábor Gyóni discussed the uncertainties surrounding the August 1991 coup, and József Juhász…ecclesiastical renewal, renewal lénarussian, study, history, russia, historical1
3pmstudio.huWelcome to 3pm studio Where architecture and passion are the same. Architecture 3PM Studio has been established in 2023, although it has a greater history. Now we are mainly general designers of different variety of projects. We wake up every morning looking for new challenges. Our focus is to…studio, pm, architecture, passion, vision0
iloveeye.huMember of Hungarian Society of Ophthalmology, Hungarian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (SHIOL) and European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS). Currently working in the following locations .renewal sporteye, love, cataract, surgery, price0
szelfutta.huIn the past 3 month i’ve been working on two Juwel modell 3 (The Wednesday) typewriter , one with a plastic keytops and one with a glass keytops, and also making restorations on a Juwel modell 4 typewriter.replacement renewal, renewal armplastic, clean, video, process, model0
tarot-dr-gal.huthe wisdom, philosophies, stories, morals and spirit of many cultures. The unique images on the cards present people’s similar, archetypal personality traits and life situations through a story. Every spiritual lesson that a person can experience in a lifetime is reflected in the pages of the TAROT.card, path, knowledge, origin, page0
azureyacht.huAbout us… Rebirth… Our services… They say… Contact… Home… Educomm Communications… English… Az…office renewalcommunication, knowledge, language, main, rebirth0
naputasok.huHÓDOSI HELGA… TÁMOGATÁS / SUPPORT… GOETHEANUM – JUNI / AUGUST 2019… PRAGUE FEBRUAR 2019… BASEL NOVEMBER…art renewal, renewal taborart, international, academy, position, teacher0
bognar-kft.huFrom the beginning to the end – from the raw material to the door to door shipping of the finished product. We not only perform the production of the parts, but we give fully assembled products to our customers. Bognár és Társa Kft. – everything in one place!software renewalés, place, welding, page, shipping0
inditsukbe.huThe main aim of the Indítsuk Be Magyarországot Foundation, founded by Momentum Movement, is to actively contribute to the creation of a modern, innovative democracy, which is able to use the solutions of the 21 st century and where we all proactively work together for a successful Hungary.country, political, foundation, goal, data0
levendula-vendeghaz.huWe were very-very satisfied with everything. The owners were extremely kind. A real family friendly atmosphere. I recommend it to everyone with small children. We spent 4 nights at the Levendula guesthouse in Lovas and found everything superb. It’s a very nice place, perfect to relax and recharge…guesthouse, room, booking, region, festival0
halacs.huMore than seven years ago, when I published the first version of my "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" game, I started this site as a single-page plain HTML site. Later, it became a Wordpress blog, and then a Drupal site. It was useful to learn how a website was built up and how migration and…site, network, meter, agent, utility0
creativedu.hu…established with the aim to support the attempts of the European Union in the field of global (citizenship) education by using creative and innovative educational methods. The aim of the global (citizenship) education aims to create global approach and to promote global and local responsibility.creative renewal, renewal traditionalcreative, education, method, global, educational0
hotel-kiss.hu© 2022 Hotel Kiss**** Tata | Privacy Policy | General terms and conditions | Impressum | Designed by KOLORdsgnspring renewaloffer, booking, room, gastronomy, package0
scottishmission.huserved as a place for Jewish Mission and contributed to the spiritual revival of the Reformed Church in Hungary, in later years it has been a safe-haven for English speakers and ex-pats living in Budapest, and, most recently, the Mission has been a place of shelter and community for refugees…scottish, mission, church, timeline, community0
solesco.huWe design and implement projects that contribute to sustainable and cleaner environment for the current and future generations, with a positive return on investment. Under a long-term contract, we build a predominantly self-financed renewable energy generation system at the customer's site, which…ready renewalenergy, generation, renewable, electricity, long0
renetrad.huEz egy minta oldal…privacy, history, career, condition, social0
aicorporate.huVulnerable Domains: Major domains where anyone can register the domain name. No check is made by the registry to verify the applicants right to use the name.domain renewallist, american, package, registry, dns0
ha2mn.huHajdu QTC is the Hungarian ham radio monthly newsreel. It is edited by HG0EK and transmitted on the third Monday of the actual month. My new series titled "The Radioamateur" is about the radioamateur activity for those who have never heard of our special hobby. Unfortunately the language is only…renewal sitepage, radio, ham, activity, contest0
molnarkozmetika.huI continually studying. (makeup tattoos, 3D, 4D eyelashes, massage courses, eyelash lifting,hair removal with sugar, electro cosmetic trainings, various treatment methods to learn), and I listened many specialist’s presentation in conferences.treatment, makeup, beautician, training, eyelash0
proper-m.huExperienced real estate professional with over 20 years of experience in commercial real estate and a strong background in industrial property development. Skilled in real estate development, asset management, property management, real estate transactions, negotiation, working with tenants, and…lease renewal, renewal tenantproper, transaction, real, estate, management0
hsp-gmbh.huWe undertake to renovate old, worn-out machines and modernize their outdated system. This is not so much to do today! In general, there is a tendency to encourage exchanges, although in many cases it is not justified. We, at HSP Ltd., think that it is worth examining your existing equipment with…machine renewal, renewal mechanical, automatic renewal, renewal productionsolution, provider, machine, development, production0
dfg.huGear manufacturing, toothing… CNC and special machining… Manufacture and renewal of drive gears…manufacture renewal, renewal drive, renewal partmanufacture, gear, machine, special, machining0
hiondesign.huHion design was founded in 2014 - aiming mainly at architecture, interior design and visualization. During the last years our services extended, so we deliver solutions from the birth to the realization of the project.interior, architecture, engineering, visualization, architectural0
intellimed.huMicrosites are used in editorial or commercial web design to add a specialized group of information with content optimized for target groups. Microsites used for editorial purposes may include a page or group of pages that contain information about a certain topic, an event or similar item giving…visual renewalpage, technological, mobile, responsive, app0
glover.hu…Our operations also include the marketing of LED lights for industrial application such as public lighting and dust-proof fluorescent lamps. In order further to enhance the quality of our service we have opened an office in China. We have excellent relations with Chinese production companies andlight, lighting, lamp, public, date0
innomed.huThe Cardiology segment working on our diagnostic devices with data management software for PCs. The main products of the group are the own developed and manufactured semi- automatic defibrillator (AED) , clinical defibrillators, the variety of ECG devices and we are also distributing a whole range…medical, development, ray, generator, ecg0
ak-epito.huWe have been engaged in design and general constructions in relation to large-scale building investments for nearly two decades. In the most wide-ranging building segment, we have successfully received recognition reflected mostly by our customers and the projects assigned to us as well as their…construction, general, hall, build, customer0
kozgep.huKÖZGÉP Company meets the requirements of the national and international quality standards regulating its activities.activity, national, quality, railway, area0
humantelex.huIf you've been organizing birthday parties since kindergarten and you're always the one who comes up with the most creative theme nights, then join the Human Telex creative team as event creative!event, creative, human, client, campaign0
memail.huMeMail gives you the ability to get the email address that best represents you! 1000s of email addresses for fun, personal or business use.auto renewal, renewal validaddress, favorite, cart, inbox, account0
arteries.huWe have had smooth and flexible cooperation throughout the project. The Arteries team provided a well-coordinated and consistent process to meet our web development needs. The commitment, quick response and constant availability of the project manager, as well as the expert added value and…website renewal, renewal specificdevelopment, mobile, quote, application, detail0
profiltraining.hu©Profiltraining 2018, web: eText Internationalassociate, transition, value, reference, global0
hebakontur.huHe-Ba Kontúr carried out our numerous requests precisely and quickly. Before painting, the walls had to be straightened. This work was also carried out professionaly. They done edge protection everywhere, so even the corners look nice. They helped us choose the colors. They worked fast, but…insulation, house, quote, color, painting0
lepcsoszonyeg.huStair carpeting… Installations… Carpet hemming… Carpet cleaning… Stair rods… Tools and accessories…clean renewal, renewal staincarpet, stair, tool, wind, yarn0
autorium.hu…your trucking business, resulting in increased fuel consumption? Perhaps a previous soot particle filter repair did not deliver the desired results, or the operational safety of your car deteriorated significantly? Did you replace your defective device until now? We can renew it with full warranty!reliable, converter, catalytic, particle, de0
hudomainregistration.huThe domain registration form can be returned electronically. The registration of hungarian domain names takes max. 2-3 working days, and in case of international domain names it's only 1 business days if the necessary conditions are met.registration, free, price, hosting, mail0
mmminterior.huWe already have countless detailed passenger compartment renovations behind us. Check out our YouTube channel!reference, interior, gallery, compartment, passenger0
konformitas.huIn our Certification system we continuously apply quality improvements by tracking the changes in the international practice and developing the various accredited system certification activities.renewal auditcertification, certificate, activity, detail, stage0
bfz.huBFO – Budapest Festival Orchestra – an orchestra under Iván Fischer's direction among the top ten symphonic ensembles of the worldconcert, orchestra, festival, interview, community0
3dpano.huA Virtual Tour is a visual solution where several 3D panoramic photos and other contents (maps, videos or pictures) are stitched together into a complete showcase system . This way more complex projects can be shown while interactively navigating among the virtual content, such as a whole town…lay renewal, renewal removalvirtual, tour, panorama, visual, video0
photonet.huCanon adds two new superzoom compact bridge cameras to its PowerShot range – the Canon PowerShot SX540 HS and PowerShot…error, thumbnail, photography, magazine, photo0
nybkdesign.huPressville is a high quality WordPress theme specifically crafted for small to medium municipalities. It is packed with lots of advanced features such as events, directory listings, galleries, documents and people directory.urban renewal, renewal loanpage, feature, community, public, event0
armonia.hu…extract, rich in allantoin, collagen, elastin, glycolic acid and vitamins, combined with liquorice extract. The perfect complement to enhance the effects of Helix Active regenerating cream. Made without the use of parabens, this formula is absorbed quickly to provide all the comfort the skin needs.skin renewal, renewal serumcare, skin, active, hair, treatment0
nevex.huThe NEVEX Institute is involved in the licensing process as an accredited, official partner of the national authorities, thereby to speed up the registration of new products and ultimately their route to the Hungarian users. This is the common interest of producers, traders, farmers as well as the…authorization, plant, evaluation, process, institute0
mmvill.huRepair, rework, testing and documentation of power-supplies, converters, motor control units and uninterruptable power supplies.maintenance renewal, renewal functionaldetail, repair, voltage, medium, supply0
elephantintheroom.huOur goal is to educate, raise awareness and encourage behavior change through creative campaigns. We talk about important issues like climate change, sustainable transportation, digital addiction and many more.street renewal, renewal campaignelephant, room, idea, campaign, positive0
daruline.huThe partnership with DARULINE Ltd. enables the Operator to run his business smoothly while the DARULINE Ltd. solves his partners' tasks including crane applications.survey renewalintroduction, crane, spare, assembly, assemble0
kutfurok.huWe have undertaken water well drilling routinely - mainly in counties of Nógrád, Pest and Heves, but we have already done it almost the whole territory of Hungary and in Slovakia as well.drilling, water, drill, warranty, safe0
goconcept.hu“In my trainer development work, the encounter, the challenge, as well as the novelty of the experience inspires me – each and every time. In the course of training we learn from each other, with each person investing themselves into the “here and now”. What I can provide in every case is my…capable renewaltraining, lab, development, trainer, change0
coris.huMore than 250 insurance companies, Europe-wide representation guarantees youthat your claim and the full claims settlement process are in the best hands with us, a “Partner in everyday life” under the banner of our sloganyearly renewal, renewal longinsurance, pension, family, detail, protection0
prolon.huProLon is a 5-Day Fasting Diet Program that activates the body's dormant ability to protect, repair and rejuvenate itself.cellular renewalfast, day, benefit, diet, body0
nyitraizsolt.hu…the European community has to come up with prompt and effective answers to the technological challenges of our time. He also noted that European Union needs to shift into higher gear since the political regimes of our global competitors with communities of greater populace are more adapt and…digital renewal, renewal hungariannews, presidency, europe, european, spectrum0
doroti.huEach of our DorPack machine is individually designed to meet the needs of our customers’ and their product parameters. We are specialized for over 22 years in the manufacturing and servicing of thermoforming packaging machines and we also developed our Doroti labelling system and product…machine renewal, renewal replacementmachine, packaging, transfer, reference, detail0
styron.huThe first and defining product line of the Styron brand, which is always capable of renewalpipe, accessories, wall, shower, channel0
sonardesign.huAn end-to-end design project of a new recommendation system for small and medium sized digital merchants.goal, research, video, problem, process0
caravancatering.huHome… Trailer plastic… Trailer wood… Special products… Barbeque (BBQ)… Renewal… Barbecue car… Boxes…plastic, wood, special, barbeque, buffet0
pro-form.huPressure forming Vacuum forming Injection moulding Extruding Product and mould developmentform, mould, plastic, injection, development0
optimumfs.hu…improving our methods for facility management, the cleaning of buildings, industrial cleaning, process technology cleaning, special surface treatment, cleaning of food industry facilities, hygiene services, landscaping, reception desk and gatehouse security services, as well as waste management.development renewalquote, clean, privacy, facility, industrial0
flexumthermal.huOur water is sodium hydro-carbonate, fluoride containing thermal water, which emerges from a depth of 2000 m with a temperature of 74 degrees. It is excellent for the treatment of degenerative arthritic and spinal diseases, chronic arthritis, rheumatic complaints and locomotive complications…source renewalthermal, water, bath, medical, sauna0
aglowskinclinic.huIsmerje meg szolgáltatásainkat!… TUDJON MEG TÖBBET… Dermapen… Peelingek… Hydra needle… Top of…complexion renewal, renewal padskin, clinic, health, cleanser, needle0
yanac.huWe, the funders of YANAC felt that within our country there is no aggregator service available what focuses only IT, IT Security and Technology. Day by day we are struggling to find the timely, reliable source of information what we can use for our daily work. This idea brought YANAC live. Hope…antivirus renewal, renewal phishingjanuary, security, news, editor, vulnerability0