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50 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: false

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szav.huWhen targeted by an opposed social check, your character may suffer 2 strain as an out-of-turn incidental, adding j to the check. If the check fails, spend d to indicate that your character has provided false or misleading information that the target believes to be truthful.character false, false misleading, specific false, false intelligence, ally falsetier, activation, check, character, active6
limesmodel.huDanubio Shenzhen Opera House Galvani bridge Kodály körönd Forest Office Debrecen Buda Castle 25 Pápay Park Development of LORICATUS Delivery box Budai Walzer apartment mock up Puskás Ferenc Stadium Széchenyi Lánchíd Budapest Eden City Hotel Ciprus Ship Mock Up M44 Körös Bridge House of False…house false, false historicalmodel, bridge, development, house, castle6
artalmas.huI was quite disappointed when I realized, that boolean variables (true and false) are not allowed in Perl. I figured out a workaround which is quite pretty useful.true false, false perlart, street, sticker, future, crew3
klimapolitikaiintezet.huAn informal book launch with world-renowned Dr. Bjørn Lomborg, founding president of the Consensus Center, whose bestselling book (False Alarm) has been...lomborg false, false alarm, book falseclimate, event, green, institute, protection3
ipasy.huProstate cancer is a formidable health concern, one in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. Current deficiency exhibiting diagnostic methods often results in unnecessary treatments due to elevated false-positive rates of the conventional serum PSA test. iPASy…elevate false, false positive, incidence falsediagnostic, technology, cancer, prostate, vision3
nanotechnology.huThis false color tunneling conductivity map shows the electronic structure of a graphene grain boundary. The two graphene grains (left and right regions) are separated by a linear grain boundary (middle region). The conductivity of the grain boundary is much lower. Graphene grain boundaries can…publication, butterfly, image, detail2
filmart.huIn the process of investigation, Kamenár finds out that such kind of murder is not a single case. Previously, the victims and the false killers were criminals but succeded to slip out of police. Kamenár suspects everybody, except Petra, who turns from suspected to allied person. Or, in contrary…man false, false killer, victim falsetelevision, police, story, documentary, series2
furedi-annamaria.hu…as the British would put it. These real stories give a striking contrast to the modern, open-minded image we see in the Murdoch series. I feel the film-makers present an idealized past they wish to have, an idealized self-image – which is very flattering but altogether anachronistic and false.character false, false examplecanada, woman, people, thing, category2
themagicbox.hu…Later, in March 2015 he completely withdrew the story of the Nokia-box and he apologized to Hagyó spending nine months in custody for his earlier false statements on him. Finally, the prosecution did drop the related investigation, admitting that the statements on the Nokia-box cannot be supportedcharge false, false truth, early false, false statementcase, court, election, media, investigation2
bibliatanitasok.hu…American church that had branches in Hungary too. We have great friends and fellowship there, the Bible Speak Church. After years of listening to false teaching about losing eternal security, we are blessed in our local church to listen to messages about grace and eternal security. In 1999, our…poor false, false teach, year falsechurch, bible, book, jewish, christian2
innodc.huA dental implant is a titanium metal screw which is placed into the jawbone. It is used to support one or more false teeth. In practice, both the false teeth and their supporting rod are known as ‘implants’.like false, false fingernail, jawbone false, false tooth, practice falsedental, tooth, implant, case, study2
mildent.huOn your first visit our dentist takes an impression, based on which our dental technician prepares your denture. When taking the impression, our dentist chooses the colour of your false teeth in your future denture with the help of a shade tab. In case you have some remaining teeth, their colour…denture false, false tooth, colour falsetooth, dental, crown, treatment, dentist2
drsuta.huThe most modern solution of the dentures is the implantology. Implants are made of titan. The easiest way to imagine it, such as an artificial tooth root that the dentist gets into (implants to) the jaw, and after the ossification (about 6 months) it gets the bridge, crown, or the false teeth.crown false, false toothdental, surgery, tooth, oral, istvan1
hurnyuzogitarsuli.hu…of months. Guitar lessons with an instructor can be the best way. Before somebody picked up the guitar, she or he was operating under a lot of false assumptions about how difficult it is to become a musician. Any learning is a procession. It means, that we learn something on the lessons and youlot false, false assumptionguitar, lesson, teacher, music, tutor1
jewish.huFrom the end of the 18th century the Jewish population grew along with their rights. The history of the Hungarian Jews were not different from other parts of the world. They also had to face pogroms and false accusations of water poisoning and ritual killings, too. Despite the difficulties the…pogroms false, false accusationsjewish, tour, heritage, private, history1
csunyavalas.huNarcissistic parental brainwashing occurs when a parent with narcissistic tendencies psychologically manipulates the child into thinking false narratives about the other parent. This could entail painting the other parent as dangerous, unloving, unintelligent, or somehow not good for the child.child false, false narrativevisit, october, september, june, january1
szabadsagszinpad.huThe civil groups organizing the protest action, representing the sober and responsible citizens of Hungary and Europe, demand the false monument to be removed from this location. They call on the government not to monopolize social memory, nor to rewrite history; but to initiate a dialogue with…europe false, false monumentmonument, history, civilian, government, personal1
prezilimpia.hu…alone to encourage consumers to shop more consciously in order to reduce harm to themselves and the environment? Or do we also have an individual responsibility and make purchasing decisions wisely and responsibly? Can consumers be expected to be properly informed or able to filter out false data?able false, false datapresentation, competition, talent, student, round1
nuclearmorphology.hu…are sacred and not to be questioned ever. Devices are constructed to verify theories instead of finding the truth. Other devices are designed on false relations of faulty theories and hypotheses. Common sense and good old geometry would provide good methods, devices and evidence, but they are…device false, false relationexperiment, gravity, truth, modelling, true1
russianstudies.huGyula Szvák: False Tsars (foreword by Nicholas Riasanovsky; Center for Hungarian Studies and Publications, New Jersey, 2000)szvák false, false tsarrussian, study, history, russia, historical1
hungaryinstant.huWe can see this at work with something called the confirmation bias . Simply put, once we believe something, our brains hold on to all evidence that that belief is true, and ignore evidence that it’s false. If I show you 100 articles that disprove your pet theory and 3 articles that confirm it…evidence false, false articlepeople, theory, thing, like, fact1
echo.huWTI after the false breakout week before now retested the September high as risk-off mood prevailed.wti false, false breakoutweek, ahead, asset, january, class1
ecst.huIn society, couple relationships, marriage and family need a human image and system of values that promote the physical and mental health, harmonious development of individuals and communities, and protect them from adverse effects. In recent decades, both in Europe and in Hungary, true and false…true false, false valuefamily, society, science, european, marriage1
abstractman.hu…a short period of time I believed that the convex (left image) and concave (right image) positionings will be perfect complementaries, consequently the solid will have tessellation properties, but it turned out that this was a false presumption. Nonetheless, the shape still has an aesthetic appeal.property false, false presumptionsurface, solid, shape, edge, case1
vasiwolftrade.huWe are specialist growers Thuja species, false cypresses and pines in a wide range of sizes and varieties, occupying 5.5 ha of area.species false, false cypresstrade, discount, map, gallery, nursery1
ora-akcio.huSimilarly, businesses must be aware of Arizona false advertising laws to ensure they are complying with regulations and avoiding potential penalties. Just like the characters in “Lagaan” had to be honest and transparent in their dealings, businesses today must adhere to legal standards of…arizona false, false advertisinglegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements1
dentys.hu…The Provider is entitled to trust in the data that the Patient turned in and to provide the service accordingly. If these data proved to be false, inaccurate, misleading or inappropriate, the damage resulting is the responsibility of the Patient – including the Provider’s damage as well. In…data false, false inaccurateprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic1
perforaltlemezek.hu• CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY – building of false ceilings, external and internal railing elements, facade coverings, sound protective walls, ventilation grids, shadings, fences,build false, false ceilingdimension, material, sheet, hole, steel1
lake-tisza.huThose who believe that Lake Tisza is similar in structure to most reservoirs have a false image of it. Lake Tisza is undoubtedly the most diverse canoe tour paradise in Hungary with the alternation of its zigzagging channels, reedy areas, water passages, unfrequented backwaters, streams and…reservoir false, false imagelake, tour, canoe, island, touristic1
maksz.hu…developing professional recommendations. In the early days, special emphasis was placed on the organization of training, such as the detection of false documents, currency management, credit card knowledge, changes in the foreign exchange code, and cooperation with the authorities in verifying thedetection false, false documentrental, guide, association, homepage, organizational1
migraciokutato.huThe Migration Research Institute was established in September 2015 with the purpose deepening understandings of migration phenomena – particularly immigration in Europe – through synthesizing the scientific findings of various disciplines.analysis false, false forceanalysis, migration, institute, research, water0
yousite.huContext… Debug… Share… Request… Browser… Headers… Body… App… Routing… Views… Versions…site, context, app, view, version0
novenyitaplalkozas.huREAD MORE This 5-Minute Trick Helps You Feel Energized, Even When It’s Cold & Dark Outsidehealth, sleep, habit, diet, daily0
budapestiejszaka.hu…party4… rusty4… soneec4… terminalcity4… up! the club4… wearerockstars4… új lemez4… Fedde Le…lake, sound, festival, electronic, live0
fotohonap.hu…of Margaret Watkins, the Hungarian Museum of Photography holds an exhibition of Zsolt Olaf Szamódy, the Hungarian National Museum hosts the World Press Photo show and a display of the Szebeni Workshop, the Hungarian Natural History Museum shows the best Hungarian nature photography, the Robert…true false, false informationoctober, exhibition, photography, photographer, month0
matrixhungary.huCopyright 2022 2022 MatrixHungary. MatrixHungary. Minden Minden jog jog fenntartva.kramatorszki false, false flagago, view, order, month, update0
moviemaker.huMovieMaker is a team of TV and movie professionals. We make moving pictures, without any boundaries of genres. We believe that no project is too great or to small, so we treat all of them with the same respect and passion what we feel about movies.movie, theatre, documentary, short, passion0
kelerapa.huDelayed data… Historical data… Technical information… Login… Export… Privacy…true, gbp, data, delay, helix0
szolnokim.huSession… Request… Sql Log… Log… Variables… Environment…global falsearray, request, object, log, true0
luxura-debrecen.huIndex… Our services… Hair removal with IPL technology… Light Therapy Treatments… Body shaping… 3D- 4D…false lashhair, technology, removal, treatment, therapy0
vipkonyveles.huInstall VW Fashion Designer Pro Posttype plugin and add your projects details to enable this section.false breakagefashion, support, true, previous, plugin0
pestivibe.hu…Drunktank (NL) / Fck Bad Things… Sari Schorr - The Freedom Tour 2023… Pho Jam vol 2… Szimpla JAM… Thedeath false, false toursession, classical, open, folk, metal0
eduid.huHungarian Research and Educational Federation (HREF) is a SAML2-based Identity Federation of Hungarian higher education and research institutions, public collections and other content providers. For the end-users, the federation aims to be transparent, therefore the login procedure is communicated…sps false, false misleadingfederation, member, user, attribute, institution0
m-plast.huWe manufacture our products from hard and flexible soft foams. Polyurethanes have a wide variety of use. such as: medical and cosmetic indust ry, the furniture industry - furnishing, construction - interior design, fashion industry, automotive industry, packaging industry and many other areas.false ceilingframe, ornament, furniture, webpage, official0
gudszent.huNéha azért az Azure Policy világában is jönnek ki új dolgok. Az egyik ilyen újdonság a DenyAction Policy, amit a Microsoft már egy ideje tesztelgetett, de mostanra már általánosan is elérhetővé vál...video, script, powershell, network, kubernetes0
gwchu.huarray:3 [ "counter" => 1 "timer" => array:3 [ "start" => 1672844041 "last" => 1672844041...initialized false, false separatorversion, request, session, data, form0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)history false, false idoldocumentary, islam, history, america, article0
bakelitfutar.hu…UNIVERSAL AKCIÓ… DREAM THEATER AKCIÓ… Record Store Day… Record Store Day 2023… Record Store…weight false, false selfrecord, új, day, module, store0
lackfi-janos.huTranslated… Bulgarian… Croatian… Czech… Dutch… English… English prose… English short stories… Finnish…yes false, false toothlike, day, little, hand, french0
ixtys.huSo we are just waiting and waiting when a sin gets ripen in expiation that it doesn’t need the shining cover of lying and we can be the help of it."god, soul, easter, truth, holy0