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58 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: struggle

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null24.hu…15, 2018 Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, But without video március 17, 2015 What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us május 2, 2015 Inside each of us, there is the seed of both good and evil. It’s a constant strugglevideo, long, inside, poverty, music13
kritikaifoldrajz.huThe Return of the Colonial: Understanding the Role of Eastern Europe in Global Colonisation Debates and Decolonial Strugglesgeography, global, critical, eastern, europe4
ivanyifilm.hu…public life, speaking out whenever he can for the values he holds dear. As a result, he is under constant attack from the current government, and his activities are gradually becoming impossible. The film follows his struggles over the past two years, while showing the man who cannot been broken.film struggle, struggle pastpastor, soul, portrait, documentary, director2
oneminute.huWhen I first met One Minute and decided to start working together, I didn’t get a consultant, but a friend who helped me to carry the struggles of a CEO. Before meeting them, my plan was to raise one round as fast as possible and as much as I can. But they helped me to build up a complete strategy…problem struggle, struggle money, friend struggle, struggle ceominute, table, cap, management, overall2
mta-tkk.hu…fighting for Deaf people’s right to their mother tongue, for the ratification of Hungarian Sing Language. He initiated and spearheaded the struggle that has been going on for decades for bilingual education. He was a champion athlete and sports leader. His passing away is a huge loss to the…language struggle, struggle decade, deafness struggle, struggle successfullylanguage, news, research, deaf, chance2
ipacsszabo.huI think that with two grape varieties I am able to unfold every desire of mine, my curiosity, and I get to know them on a deeper level. Rising above the struggles of everyday life, I’d like to give joy with my wines .level struggle, struggle everydaywine, vineyard, place, estate, earth1
drogriporter.huDrugreporter produced a new documentary, titled “Psychedelics in Scotland” on the struggle to liberate psychedelic medicine in Scotland. In the film, people with lived experience provide testimony on the healing powers of psychedelic drugs. We produced additional films as well at the 3 day long…scotland struggle, struggle psychedelicdrug, people, video, harm, reduction1
divali.huteaching for humankind, which is included in the most ancient epic Rāmāyana. Today, in 2022, just after a wave of pandemic, facing economic hardship and witnessing an armed conflict in our neighborhood, we can admit that we first and foremost need God’s blessing and prowess in our everyday struggle.light, festival, krishna, valley, programme1
szeniortenisz.hu…legal entity with self-management. The General Assembly unanimously accepted this proposal and elected me as the first President. After a long struggle, we managed to overcome the administrative obstacles and on the 5 th of September 2003 the Supreme Court registered our Association. Our goal waslong struggle, struggle administrativetennis, room, night, association, person1
hunyouth.huAs a young woman coming from the Northern rural area of Hungary, she experienced the daily struggles of youngsters, therefore during her mandate she focuses on children, adolescent and young adults coming from rural areas in Hungary with a highlight on girls and young female.daily struggle, struggle youngstersyouth, delegate, student, nation, united1
innovators.huWith the technology enabled transformation of the business world the struggle for talent has intensified. Undoubtedly key business success factor is the ability of an organization to attract, develop, and retain key talents. Simply: talent management.world struggle, struggle talentinnovator, development, people, challenge, management1
paintball.hu…great battles of history, or imaginary ones from books or movies. They can last for several days with even several hundred participants. Apart from the main mission, smaller units may need to carry out smaller tasks. This game is about perseverance and will power. Can you take the daylong struggle?game, field, price, equipment, course1
clearvision.hu…agile, on premise and from the cloud, one thing is certain: we are in the heart of it .... We live together with the ever-changing trends and struggles of our industry, we see constant renewal, we are trying and testing the newest solutions and decide. We choose what we think is optimal for…trend struggle, struggle industrysolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication1
mcc.hu…at a recent panel discussion between Renée Lerner, Professor of Law at George Washington University and Craig Lerner, Professor of Law at George Mason University, at the MCC's Zalaegerszeg Centre, where we were given a glimpse into a fascinating area of American legal and political struggles.international, student, public, center, academy1
drbujalos.huCurrently as a coach ( Life coach ) I wish to use all of these experiences and impulses to work with my clients on their challenges. Want to help them to successfuly manage their work related struggles with multinational companies, big corporations and solve difficult milestones of their life.work struggle, struggle multinationalthought, burn, multinational, way, shield1
csemo.huThe village of Csemő was established in 1952 located on the boundary of two towns, Nagykőrös and Cegléd. Then judgement was delivered in the so-called "Csemő trial", which put an end to the struggle between the two towns for the possession of this land. Csemő, with a population of 4,460, lies in…end struggle, struggle townvillage, flowery, area, official, website1
davehelpsdebrecen.huthrough my career as a fitness coach and personal trainer, I got involved heavily with the local international community. I worked and made friends with hundreds of students throughout the years, which gave me a really good peek into their daily lives, struggles and issues that they regularly faced.life struggle, struggle issuehelp, price, day, problem, international1
furedi-annamaria.huYotengrit takes out evil from itself and manifests as a woman-god: UKKO and a man-god: GONUZ, creating a dualism of femininity and masculinity that is very different from the Chinese Yin-Yang dualism, but even more so from the old Iranian dualism, in which there is a good and bad balance, and…eternal struggle, struggle motorcanada, woman, people, thing, category1
nordegard.huWe invite those interested to take a closer look at the daily lives, customs and struggles of these peoples, and get a more authentic picture about the aforementioned periods of history.custom struggle, struggle peopleperiod, carpathian, basin, history, introduction1
gyogyitobeszelgetesek.huAs a person and a psychologist I am always very optimistic. Even in the most difficult situations I can find something to be happy about and I help patients to adopt an approach, with the help of which they can feel well even during the struggles and problems of everyday life.help struggle, struggle problemproblem, psychologist, hour, consulting, person1
gastromood.hufull house at the weekend. I couldn't believe it! I was a little annoyed, but then I thought that they must know something if they are being chosen by so many people in these rather struggling times for hospitality. Firstly, the restaurant has a relaxed, family atmosphere, which is greatly helped...people struggle, struggle timecuisine, post, view, restaurant, gastronomy1
grossglockner.hu"Only the symbol of the mountain and climbing; every decent person should have a Matterhorn that you want to climb through fire-water. Not the the Matterhorn is nice, ... but its nice to Matterhorn are to enforce them shall remain the real human behavior: the struggle. Not the struggle for…behavior struggle, struggle existence, dualism struggle, struggle lifetour, form, application, photo, route1
krisartraku.hu“Art will remain the most astonishing activity of mankind born out of a struggle between wisdom and madness, between dream and reality in our mind.” – Magdalena Abakanowiczmankind struggle, struggle wisdomdraw, art, pottery, collection, ceramic1
uniquetravel.huThe Hungarian crown was competed for in 1301 by three candidates – from Bohemia, Bavaria and the Naples branch of the house of Anjou. The struggle for the Hungarian crown lasted eight years, but the Angevin prince was finally enthroned at Buda in 1309 as Charles I of Hungary.anjou struggle, struggle hungarianunique, travel, art, tour, heritage1
yoganiche.co.huMy journey with yoga began in 2015 or 2016, during a challenging period in my life. I was going through a difficult breakup, facing academic and professional struggles, and dealing with the physical and emotional aftermath of a severe leg injury. It was during this time that I discovered yoga, and…professional struggle, struggle physicalyoga, journey, inspiration, january, period1
fise.huKinga Földi creates objects inspired by nature, but their messages are more complex than being mere natural forms. They talk to us on a deeper human level through a language that we all share: our feelings, desires and struggle. Her sculptures originate from the biological world and are made from…desire struggle, struggle sculptureexhibition, artist, art, glass, textile1
egyensulyintezet.huThe Equilibrium Institute believes in a Hungary, in which diverse political visions and policy proposals can compete freely. In a Hungary, in which public discourse is not dominated by political power struggles, but by expert debates about the future of our country, and the consensus that emerges…power struggle, struggle expertinstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think1
szarazszilvia.huI am grateful every day, that after all these years of struggle, progress making, blocks solving and realizations, finally peace and unity prevail in my soul again… but this peace now is not dependent on others! Thank you for your contribution to this! I’m grateful for it.year struggle, struggle progresstreatment, consultation, class, day, happy1
filmart.huTheir struggle seemingly unequal takes an unexpected turn, when they realise to be part of a bigger game. Police inspector, hungry for a personal revenge until now, starts to trust the girl and hides her in his flat.television, police, story, documentary, series1
kapcsolatmentor.huI’m sure many people share my experience, especially if a difficult situation occurs in someone’s everyday life or relationships, or at work. These difficulties can include private life struggles, work or business problems, and legal issues.life struggle, struggle workrelationship, family, career, divorce, problem1
schrenk.huBased on the Adding New Fonts blog post I tried to add new fonts to the Adafruit GFX Library. It was quite a struggle, so I decided to writeimage, computer, dive, diving, phone1
geonauta.huGoing around the Camino, beyond selfish goals, in addition to improving myself, to show people a camino way that, while involving shoeing, suffering, struggle, is a huge human and character-forming effect van. In the traditional way, many hundreds of kilometers, with no technical achievements and…suffer struggle, struggle hugeway, el, journey, gallery, garbage1
vaderegyrajongoifilm.huJoin us on a special journey in a galaxy far, far away, directly following the events of the Revenge of the Sith. This film offers you the opportunity to delve even deeper into the world of Darth Vader and explore the inner struggles of the character.inn struggle, struggle characterfan, homepage, universe, exciting, story1
ligya.hu…and I had a happy childhood. They loved me and supported me. It is true we were very poor and did not have money for anything. It was full of struggle, I could not go to university, I had to work early and destitution was part of my everyday life. However, that is the past and we always should…money struggle, struggle universityfather, foundation, university, difficult, child1
budapestcapoeira.hu…the depths of the jungle and allied with the indigenous inhabitants. They resisted Portuguese attacks until the end of the 17th century. In this struggle they demonstrated not only their combat capabilities, but also their organizational skills and strategic thinking. The quilombos - their secret…century struggle, struggle combatgroup, training, schedule, photo, presentation1
atlatszohang.huThe struggle to seek and find happiness is one of humanity's bigest issues. One of the initial elements of the production is the Tibetan folk tale The Bird of Happiness and its contemporary, modern-day interpretations, its meanings and attempts at a better understanding.festival, music, sound, concert, transparent1
klimapolitikaiintezet.huThe Transnational Struggle over The Making of Net Zero Policies: Energy-Finance Technocrats versus Global Libertarianstransnational struggle, struggle makingclimate, event, green, institute, protection1
startouring.hu…Renaissance carving and one of the world´s largest Benedictine libraries. This is a place that has witnessed all of the nation´s history from struggles within the Árpád dynasty of Magyar founders to Tatar, Turkish and Austrian rule. Pannonhalma´s Benedictine high school is one of the most…history struggle, struggle árpádwine, century, castle, country, house1
doszkocs-zsuzsa.huHer artwork revolves around the theme of togetherness, depicting the bond between a man and a woman, or between animals, human and canine companionship, intertwined forms, or lines converging towards a common vanishing point. This can be interpreted as a distinctive struggle against the feeling of…distinctive struggle, struggle feelpainting, gallery, drawing, picture, painter1
russianstudies.huRussian Teacher of the Year was Péter Dancz, while the Best Russistics Paper Award was given to Enhzaya Sárköziné Vandan; the monograph Religious struggle and the crisis of traditionalism in 17 th -century Russia (in Russian: Религиозная борьба и кризис традиционализма в России XVII века) by Szergejreligious struggle, struggle crisisrussian, study, history, russia, historical1
agilegettogether.huFostering autonomy while ensuring people are making the best decisions is an everyday struggle for leaders at every level of an agile organization. How do you refrain from pushing your solutions and trust the team to find their own? How do you make sure people don’t take bad decisions? How can…everyday struggle, struggle leaderagile, session, track, speaker, detail1
compassioninaction.huWhat you perceive as an external conflict can be seen as projection of your internal struggle.action, self, result, group, value1
arrabonastudio.hu"Daughters of Dolma is highly recommended for showing aspects of Buddhist monks you would not see otherwise. This feature allows us to highly understand who they are as people and what they do in everyday life, from fierce debates to lighter moments, acknowledging that they have daily struggles…documentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy1
lightphaser.hu"Strategic Virtual Frontiers" is a 10-track instrumental album where each song has a subtle style deviation to fit its actual message. The world is in constant struggle battered by crisis after crisis. People are slowly awakening from the surrounding hypnotizing artificial information bubble that…constant struggle, struggle crisismusic, official, website, software, production1
frenak.hu…uplifiting, they hurt in a lofty manner, and their passionately suffering erotomaniac universe purifies the spectator. Frenák’s company provides a beautiful representation of an ugly world. It presents savage inexorability in a refined way, and life-and-death struggle with dainty elegance.”death struggle, struggle daintycontemporary, dance, award, tour, choreographer1
humanreport.huKeywords: social definitions, lack of consensus, media struggle, historical memory, justice, problem-raising, problem solving ability.media struggle, struggle historicalhuman, report, book, communication, social1
kungfufilmek.huKét hölgy, testvérpár,Li Chin Feng és Li Yu Feng és kalandozik az erdőben, amikor útonállók támadják ...struggle vengeancechang, sword, wang0
alvascenter.huHelix Ultimate framework has been designed for all kinds of users from novice to expert. If you are a template developer who knows how Joomla template works then you can start your development with Helix Ultimate framework right now.helix, ultimate, legacy, framework, joomla0
preludium.huears. People were landing hastily on both sides of the river. But the Martian machine took no more notice for the moment of the people running this way and that than a man would of the confusion of ants in a nest against which his foot has kicked. When, half suffocated, I raised my head above water.thing struggle, struggle gallerypeople, arm, middle, gallery, window0
sociall.huHelping business owners tick social media off their to-do list and stand out online. Let’s give your socials the makeover it needs.struggle exactlysocial, media, owner, list, strategy0
korrepkristof.huThis inspired me to found KorrepKristof as a private education company that has been serving a wide range of students who are interested in economics and close to this discipline for more than 5 years now. With an efficient organization of education, the KorrepKristof team has already completed…struggle guaranteeexam, education, language, guarantee, essay0
metagames.huMetagame kártyajáték és társasjáték bolt! Tekintse meg kínálatunk és látogasson el üzleteinkbe, vagy rendeljen online!imperial struggle, twilight strugglegame, card, battle, space, set0
rsdgroup.hu…and managing director, defied societal expectations in India by pursuing geology. His journey also led him to Hungary, where he experienced disparities in the entertainment industry and a longing for fair treatment. His meeting with Mohammed and Anonymous fueled the shared vision for RSD Group.journey struggle, struggle leadershipgroup, legacy, need, agency, education0
casalini.huI was eagerly waiting for the final release of Helix Ultimate since the day I heard it is packed up with so many features that I need. I started using Helix Ultimate on the very first day of its release. It is wonderful and exactly the way I expected. I love the new admin interface. Using…gallery, helix, ultimate, feature, science0
tomkoadam.huMy previous basic Traefik install guide used the built-in easy approach to certificate handling. For production use-cases, it is better to use the cert-manager tool as it stores the certificates as cluster resources and does not regenerate them on every Traefik restart. With the built-in approach…software struggle, struggle worldkubernetes, software, certificate, cluster, microservice0
sportmester.hu…world not born until they arrive video december 4, 2016 Times may have changed, but there are some things that are always with us április 27, 2016 Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us video április 4, 2016 Music, at its essence, is what…video, long, inside, hello, inequality0
kissasian.huAsian Drama, Watch drama asian Online for free releases in Korean, Taiwanese, Hong Kong,Thailand and Chinese with English subtitles, Download drama with english subbedpower struggledrama, asian, free, reality, kong0
marmin.huNeil used used this this platform platform to to generate generate 11,000+ 11,000+ hits hits - - for for FREE FREE - - to to one one of of his his websites. websites. He He doesn't doesn't know know SEO, SEO, he he doesn't doesn't have have time time to to market market this. this. And And he he…struggle articlelead, site, visitor, free, website0