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67 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: possession

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pergoklimax.huA wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the…serenity possession, possession entiretype, single, soul, spring, heart14
deseda.hu6. In the possession of child fishing permission it is allowed to catch 1 pc. from the native fish races and grass carp subject to daily quantity limitation in a day and 10 pcs. in a year. 3 kg can be caught from the native fish races not subject to daily quantity limitation and silver crucian in…fish possession, possession sport, document possession, possession identity, place possessionfishing, fish, shall, permission, place10
ajandek-online.huGreatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles alteration of.invitation possession, possession difficultycare, sit, ipsum, dolor, lorem6
webpowder.hu” A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone.serenity possession, possession entirecolumn, portfolio, space, frame, post5
turacsomag.huA wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.serenity possession, possession entireview, quick, plant, shop, care5
globon.huA wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I am alone, and feel Continue Readingserenity possession, possession entirecity, economy, western, soul, like5
egeszsegesmagyarorszag.huA wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy.serenity possession, possession entirearticle, sample, item, style, sit3
varsanysuto.huBeautiful we surrounded possession frequently he. Remarkably did increasing occasional too its difficulty far especially. Known tiled but sorry joy…holidey possession, possession frequently, beautiful possession, admiration possessionfar, natural, husband, material, breed3
nextgenworld.hu…origin would be the word „and” and the Little Blind Text should turn around and return to its own, safe country.A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this…serenity possession, possession entirescience, national, academy, engineering, square3
web-lab.huCepteur sint occaecat cupidatat proident, taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole.proident possession, possession entirecard, portfolio, style, carousel, graphic3
bmpvsz.hu…become familiar with and acquire the relevant defence rules which ensure the survival and rescue of humans and the protection of own material possessions. The preparation of the population is a complex activity, which, on one hand, includes preparing the population for emergencies, and involves…material possession, possession population, possession preparation, possession practice, possession harmfuldisaster, organisation, protection, management, event3
pestbuda.humakes it difficult to replace the soil. Despite the difficulties, many new trees will be planted, there will be new shaded areas, vertical green surfaces, new public benches, a table tennis table and an accessible playground. Residents of the area can take possession of the renovated area in autumn.area possession, possession area, able possessionago, square, public, build, century2
kaszasgabor.huThese sentences are a bit weird given that for the training after mine for instance 15 trainees were admitted, and out of these 10 were expelled, and from several of them they demanded repayment. However, I have a tape in my possession on which the HR employee at the time admits that when they…tape possession, possession hr, saving possession, possession hometraining, contract, traffic, air, controller2
naniko.huIf you select an option of additional driver, please include it during the booking procedure. Additional driver, as also the main, should be in possession of a driver’s license with a satisfactory shelf life.tenant possession, possession payment, main possession, possession driverrental, availability, airport, price, additional2
kozbeszerzesem.huExtremely eagerness principle estimable own was man. Men received far his dashwood subjects new. My sufficient surrounded an companions dispatched in on. Connection too unaffected expression led son possession. New smiling friends and her another.son possession, possession newman, extremely, far, subject, companion2
abtl.hu(5) Any natural person and legal person, as well as any organization not having the status of a corporate body shall hand over the documents unlawfully found in his possession, falling within the competence of the Archives – including both their duplicates and copies – to the Historical Office…unlawfully possession, possession competencearchive, shall, public, record, document2
szabihid.huIn 2017, there were no traffic renovations – however, Valyo started a guerrilla media campaign in order to free the bridge once again. Influenced by the association’s initiative, residents have taken possession of the bridge and it became a traffic-free zone.action possession, possession area, resident possession, possession bridgebridge, space, event, public, city2
doit.huWe have obtained ISO27001 certification. Our goal is to prevent any data leakage, unauthorized modification and loss of information on the sensitive part of the information we handle. In full possession of the internationally acclaimed certificate, we can confidently state that the continuous…information possession, possession internationallyprice, administrator, customer, server, colleagues2
csemo.huThe village of Csemő was established in 1952 located on the boundary of two towns, Nagykőrös and Cegléd. Then judgement was delivered in the so-called "Csemő trial", which put an end to the struggle between the two towns for the possession of this land. Csemő, with a population of 4,460, lies in…town possession, possession area, possession landvillage, flowery, area, official, website2
reillyshop.hu…and tools, basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology and health to be able to manipulate images using appropriate digital tools. Once you’re in possession of all of this, you can start developing your creative skills spiced up with some style theory which already includes the professional body…tool possession, possession creativetattoo, body, training, shop, artist2
continexesports.huAdmiration we surrounded possession frequently he. Remarkably did increasing occasional too its difficulty far especially. Known tiled but sorry joy balls. Bed sudden manner indeed fat now feebly. Face do with in need of wife paid that be. No me applauded or favourite dashwoods.admiration possession, possession frequentlyclean, interior, plan, delicate, fat2
wojtyla.huOur main mission is to build a community where the weakest, those having a broken heart, orphans and people suffering from illnesses can get help. To have a commitment to the poor, providing them with earthy and holy possessions. We, as a matter of fact, save lives and souls by our humanitarian…holy possession, possession matter, god possession, possession heartfriendship, centre, house, poor, town2
dentys.huThe Provider hereby informs the Customer that in the possession of the agreed Treatment Plan, the ongoing treatment can’t be modified without the consent of the dental specialist.customer possession, possession treatmentprovider, dental, treatment, patient, clinic1
kinaiforditas.huAll associates of TransJet Translation Agency are certified specialised interpreters and translators, in possession of the necessary certificates and official documents.translator possession, possession necessarytranslation, agency, language, chinese, associate1
chillapartman.huAlthough the Apartment Owners take the responsible steps to ensure the safety of all guests' possessions guests retain final responsibility for their belongings.guest possession, possession guestapartment, shall, friend, vacation, family1
absolutreorg.huIn order to meet the new challenges, experts of liquidation, property management, and property claims settlement were recruited to join our staff of accountants, auditors and experts of reorganization, many of whom are in possession of several decades of professional experience. It guarantees the…reorganization possession, possession decadeprocedure, liquidation, consulting, creditor, activity1
talptorna.huGreatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles alteration.invitation possession, possession difficultytravel, preference, assurance, expression, resolution1
creditforte.huWe shall record and transmit to our Principals data we come into possession of only if the Client consentsdata possession, possession clientcollection, homepage, shall, debt, data1
bory-var.huBory-castle is now in possession of Jenő Bory’s descendants who manage and look after it with daily hard work with the help of the foundation they have established.castle possession, possession jenőcastle, art, page, garden, room1
kofaragojozsef.hu…to hold exhibitions in Germany, Austria, Cyprus, Switzerland, and in the United States of America. A great number of his paintings are in the possession of individuals and galleries in Hungary and also abroad. Since 1986 he has been teaching drawing and painting in the Community House of…painting possession, possession individualpainting, artist, page, official, art1
legjobbakciok.huBecause the area of Questland is the same size as the rest of the world, we have divided the entire world into 10x10 square meters, allowing players to simultaneously take possession of Questland and the world. Each tile has its own amount of raw resources, which the players collects and uses to…simultaneously possession, possession questlandland, chest, solarium, player, login1
biofive.huThe procedure developed by BIOFIVE and in the possession of the required permits is a closed system and there is no uncontrolled release. During the thermal dis posal , sewage sludge is disposed of at the place of production. It uses the green energy released. The remaining materials (heavy metal…biofive possession, possession requiresludge, sewage, treatment, metal, russian1
budatrioapartments.huThe Customer is obliged to ensure that personal data obtained from his possession is protected.customer, provider, use, order, apartment1
dandelionhouse.huWhen we first visited this area, we were struck by the sight of the mountains, the scents, St. George’s Hill, Badacsony, Szigliget, Lake Balaton. We have formulated what it would be like to have a holiday home here. We followed this desire and bought a small press house that was completely…completely possession, possession followhouse, guest, hill, reservation, st1
matro.huThe year 2020 has brought many new investments into the life of MATRO. We are very pleased that our new hall was completed at the beginning of the year and we were able to take possession of it. Already in the first months, the positive impact of this on the productivity of our company and the…able possession, possession monthtool, production, quality, machine, career1
kör-ház.huWe are dedicated to our property in our possession will always work the maximum level that is achieved by continuous modernization. Our company wide, knowledgeable reference circuits, is located between tenants banks, small and large businesses, as well as providing an office is for officesproperty possession, possession maximumoffice, gallery, build, condition, rental1
russianstudies.huThis recognition is considered a mark of distinction both within the university and nationwide. Currently, only fourteen academic journals are in possession of such certification, three of which are affiliated with the ELTE Faculty of Humanities.journal possession, possession certificationrussian, study, history, russia, historical1
debrecenbike.hu…in those days. It stood empty for decades after World War II. After that, the university purchased the building from the Reformed Church to set up its computing center there. In the 1980s, it functioned as a printed-media and audio library. The Church retook possession of the property in 2006.church possession, possession propertybike, street, church, build, city1
nematech.huNematech Kft. - German – Hungarian Industrial Technological Products Manufacturing Company – which estabilished in 1993. In older times started working with 14 person, today growed to more than sixty employees. Those technological sections, which ones we are not in possession, several well…one possession, possession companypage, quality, management, possibility, reference1
kertvellesy.huPlanning is a conversation between us. The most important to me is to understand you, your needs. The plan is not about me, but rather about you. I merely create the unity of color, form, needs and possessions. The style itself is secondary but to be stylish, is important. You have to feel and…need possession, possession styleagreement, contract, office, reference, data1
pepperpr.hu…that couldn’t afford to develop their book- or toy-assortment during previous years and received toy donations from UNICEF. The famous actress, Judit Halász, handed the first presents for the smalls ceremoniously at Jásztelek. Kids took possession of the beautiful new toys with fever of excitement.kid possession, possession beautifulpepper, software, technology, market, office1
bmwdiag.huPossession her thoroughly remarkably terminated man continuing. Removed greater to do ability. You shy shall while but wrote marry. Call why sake has sing pure.architect, build, density, housing, tower1
kevinmovers.huWelcome to Kevin Movers, the international moving and removals company in Hungary. Whether you are moving down the road, to the other side of town, or across the country, you need to make sure your possessions are in good hands. We believe, that when you move with Kevin Movers you realize that you…sure possession, possession goodmover, transportation, international, domestic, office1
simsig.hutoken systems for single track working are functional in some of the available simulations. Most simulations have various levels of difficulty, ranging from beginner to difficult scenarioswith engineering possessions of tracks; train delays; bad weather; or points, signal and track circuit failures.engineering possession, possession tracksimulation, signal, rail, railway, site1
echosummeracademy.huPinetrees older than a hundred years, lindens, oaks, chestnut trees, a small lake, bridges and promenades make up that giant, arboretum-like park in which the classicist style castle – the work of Miklós Ybl and Heinrich Koch – resides. From 1834, the property came to the possession of Count…property possession, possession countacademy, summer, concert, music, main1
cleannet.hu…the cleaning of offices or complete buildings, we take special care during our work to provide irreproachable quality, as well as keeping workers’ possessions, documents, and valuables safe. As a professional cleaning company, our aim is to provide the highest-level service possible to our clients!worker possession, possession documentclean, office, window, general, glass1
busivica.huGreatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles alteration.invitation possession, possession difficultynature, travel, sit, tellus, consectetur1
skc.huand support the 'lifelong learning and skills development' advocated by the Council of the European Union, through which participants are in the possession of marketable knowledge. Providing the right qualifications for domestic companies and the economy means increasing productivity, innovation andparticipant possession, possession marketableconstruction, office, food, management, application1
fecc.huA wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. available, what if any plea bargains may be offered to you.serenity possession, possession entiremedical, surgery, doctor, ipsum, video1
bee-at-work.huYou will take possession of a fully equipped and furnished office complete with business internet access, and ready for you to get going. Our receptionists will help your guests find you.office, rental, meet, room, register1
wingtsuncsorna.hu…much time to learn it. In the political-power relations of China at that time, it was a serious disadvantage, which made the masters leaving the Shaolin temple consider, in the possession of ancient knowledge, to create something revolutionarily new. This is how Wing Tsun Kung Fu came to existence.temple possession, possession ancientman, art, martial, technique, special1
harispark.hu…with those of the wealthier traditional class, to produce a new class with a different approach to the finer things in life. No longer is it possessions, but fine experiences that are valued by society. Great dining, interesting conversation, and good company is what we offer to all our guests…long possession, possession fineevent, wedding, gallery, newsletter, restaurant1
indotek.huA financial enterprise, Bohemian Financing Zrt. is responsible for the liquidity management of the entire Group, and it is also in possession of all the licences and permits required for purchasing receivables on a commercial basis and for lending. The latter activity is limited to a select group…group possession, possession licencemanagement, investment, group, property, market1
szaboesszalai.huThe Law Firm Szabó and Szalai is a firm specialised in litigation in the field of adversarial proceedings in economic and everyday life disputes, and also represents its Clients in disputes relating to personality rights, protection of possession, administrative matters, press correction, damages…protection possession, possession administrativelaw, firm, proceedings, criminal, case1
velutina.huIf you are still convinced that you have seen or are in possession of such a wasp specimen, please send us a clearly visible photo by providing the following information.nest, colony, beekeeper, species, asian1
krgroup.huIn the case of a share deal, acquisition of 75% or more of the shares in a company that is in possession of Hungarian real property, where the property exceeds 75% of the company’s total value, is subject to the general transfer tax of 4%. The same rules and reduced rates as in asset deals are…company possession, possession hungariantax, group, accounting, vat, rate1
dev-lab.huThe possession of cartridge cases is not prohibited by law in Hungary, so it is possible. Nevertheless, bringing them to an airplane is forbidden and there could be action taken against anyone possessing them. Because of that, we recommend checking your clothing (especially pockets, hoods and…shoot, package, weapon, range, detail1
csanyipinceszet.huThe centre of our winery is located in the heart of Villány. Its impressive, modern building completely fits in the surrounding landscape. The processing plant is equipped with the most modern machinery, while our breathtakingly long cellar labyrinth is a silent shelter for our maturing wines and…wine, winery, news, event, vineyard0
knowledgepyramid.huKnowledge Pyramid Ltd. is a boutique management consultancy firm operating in 3 main industry sectors: the SSC (shared service centres), SME (small and medium-sized enterprises) and corporate sectors.easy possession, possession decadeknowledge, pyramid, expert, change, introduction0
detaep.huconstruction and construction activity, control of construction and assembly work professionalism,process possession, possession bettingconstruction, build, maintenance, fast, control0
viennainvest.hu…that have been built have multiplied in value as a result of the steady increase in their value. Decades of statistics show that real estate investments in Vienna, regardless of the economic situation, inflation and world politics, generate a steady income and are always well mobilised thanks tocontract possessioninvestment, vienna, property, market, austrian0
bereklam.hu“ We work systematically to integrated corporate responsibility in our corein business and make our expertise available for the benefit ”serenity possession, possession entirefast, twice, visitor, corporate, responsibility0
xmm.huOur masseuses and colleagues put emphasis on professionalism every day. We do our best to ensure that the massage or chair massage, office chair massage provided in hotels, in an office or at an event is relaxing, stimulating and, above all, effective.massage, yoga, health, workplace, manager0
polymeron.huInjection Molding Our division offers a wide range of activities in all aspects of injection molding, including manufacturing, development, processyear possession, possession warehousedivision, extrusion, molding, injection, prototyping0
termeszetforrasa.hu…Könyvek… Média szereplések… Rólam… Kapcsolat… Adatkezelési tájékoztató… Cookie tájékoztató… Impresszumserenity possession, possession heartgarden, plant, environment, trouble, morning0
edeleny-kastely.hu…in the Castle island of Edelény. The main goal of the 1st Phase of the developement was an experiental presenting of the castle's remaining values. While the main focus of the developement's 2nd phase is about the collection of the castle which is well-known in the country and in Europe as well.area possessioncastle, island, exhibition, attraction, permanent0
sardi.hu…and appreciating the interests of the other - come to an agreement which provides advantages on both sides. Therefore I endeavor to avoid unnecessary procedures, to prevent legal and non-legal controversies, and to settle already existing disputes reasonably and righteously and thus lasting…protection possessionlawyer, contract, data, process, legal0