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28 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: quarterly

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countinghouse.hu…services based on the demand of our Clients , which are beyond the balance sheet and profit & loss statement according to the Hungarian Act. If you need special management reports, please let us know and we are happy to prepare and present you monthly or quarterly basis, as per your request.monthly quarterly, quarterly basis, quarterly reporttax, accounting, hungarian, house, payroll3
absl.huWe, at ABSL Hungary, are continuously committed to providing value to the Business Services Sector, which is why by introducing our quarterly business outlook, we would like to keep you updatedsector quarterly, quarterly business, subscribe quarterly, quarterly newsletterevent, member, association, calendar, news3
epiccreations.huSubscribe to our newsletter for quarterly updates on what we’ve been working on, news about our team and new releases.newsletter quarterly, quarterly updatecreation, reference, prop, newsletter, interior2
okopannon.huAccording to the trademark licence contract, you should pay on the basis of packaging weight sent quarterly or as a flat rate until the 25th day after supplying of data.quarterly declaration, weight quarterly, quarterly flattrademark, product, packaging, charge, green2
civilszemle.huThe Civil Review (Civil Szemle) is a theoretical journal: a quarterly publication on civil society, social movements, and nonprofit organizations. Based ont the previous achievements, the journal attempts to integrate into international trends. In addition to monitoring the development of the…journal quarterly, quarterly publication, publisher quarterly, quarterly onlineuniversity, publication, review, professor, foundation2
btop.huYou need to pay monthly or quarterly after we performed the service on the basis of the number items booked, the related turnover, and the number of employees on payroll. Starting up companies may enjoy 5-20% reduction from our standard prices. You will know the fees three months beforehand, that…monthly quarterly, quarterly servicetax, accounting, advisory, return, process1
mkne.huOur quarterly newsletter – “ Kör ” (Circle) – provides information about the life of our Society and highlights news in environmental education. It is published on our website and disseminated to our members mainly electronically.environmental, education, member, society, green1
kfib.huTo that end, the FRIB publishes its Baseline Projection about the state of the economy with quarterly frequency, and, where required, it prepares analyses on the impacts of new policy measures on the budget.economy quarterly, quarterly frequencyanalysis, budget, fiscal, projection, impact1
egeszsegbiztositas.huThe core concept of private health insurance is that the insured pays a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or an annual premium to the insurance company, in return for which the insurance company organizes and finances medically justified examinations due to the insured’s health complaints, and…monthly quarterly, quarterly halfhealth, insurance, care, plan, day1
qstest.huIt has become more and more important to bring new products and features to the market as soon as possible, but most businesses release new features only monthly or quarterly. One reason is that the deployment to production environments often involve numerous manual time-consuming and error-prone…monthly quarterly, quarterly reasonsolution, automation, customer, process, software1
metalex2001.huThe monitoring system of the premise was created by the regulations of the Environmental Protection Conservancy (KF) and the measuring is sent quarterly to the conservancymeasure quarterly, quarterly conservancyhomepage, waste, scrap, ferrous, metal1
valvac.huThe essence of the construction is that the system is surveyed and adjusted per mine by our specialists FREE, to pay only a percentage of the saving of the energy cost after the adjustment, for a year, quarterly.valve, system, vacuum, sewage, energy1
sriprahlada.huDuring the Covid lockdown, we also had to find a way to reach our students. Thanks to that situation, even today, our students and parents can access daily class materials, homework, and important information regarding school programs and events on Gurukula’s website. We also started our quarterly…website quarterly, quarterly gurukulaschool, valley, education, student, krishna1
turisztikaitanulmanyok.huThe most important goal of the quarterly scientific journal Tourism and Rural Development Studies, founded in 2016, is to be – as one of the main forums for the scientific work of Hungarian tourism, hospitality and rural development researchers – an important domestic basis for the publication of…goal quarterly, quarterly scientifictourism, study, rural, development, journal1
por.hu…forum for the rapid communication of reviews, original research, critical and topical reports with excellence and novelty. Published quarterly, POR is dedicated to keeping scientists informed of developments in its focused biomedical fields which span the gap between basic research and…novelty quarterly, quarterly poruniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine1
devlart.huWe aimed to publish issues quarterly. Dev L'Art Publishing serves standard quality publication for both authors and readers.issue quarterly, quarterly devdev, journal, book, scientific, publish1
tachografkiertekeles.huDriver card data must be downloaded and analysed every 28 days, while vehicle digital tachograph data must be downloaded and analysed quarterly and annually.datum quarterly, quarterly annuallyanalysis, datum, file, system, card1
mzzt.huIt organizes various events, concerts, exhibitions and publishes occasional books as well as editing the Hungarian language musicological quarterly Magyar Zene [Hungarian Music].musicological quarterly, quarterly magyarhungarian, music, exhibition, site, society1
con.huThe Concorde research team, which won the ‘Research Team of the Year’ award in 2015, has been preparing capital market analyses for 21 years. Team members prepare quarterly fundamental analyses about the largest companies in the region and small and medium-sized Hungarian enterprises listed on the…member quarterly, quarterly fundamentalinvestment, corporate, private, research, banking1
hankooknegyed.huOne of the new features of this year’s Hankook Quarterly is the “Did you know?” column, which aims to bring you a piece of news from the company that you may not have known about before…hankook quarterly, quarterly columnemployee, day, health, charity, july1
onlinepiackutato.huThe online panel is a database in which the research company records personal data, socio-demographic characteristics, or some consumption habits of the people who voluntarily registered in the panel. Panel members participate in motivational gift lottery at certain intervals (e.g. quarterly)…interval quarterly, quarterly basicallyresearch, market, sample, questionnaire, vat1
changeroutine.huWe set-up a quarterly program which we implement in two-week sprints with monthly retrospectives and plan adjustments. “What are we going to test next week?” is a common question of ours. The answer shows whether the track and pace is right.change, routine, development, organization, process1
granitnagyker.huCompany… Products… Natural Stones… Wagework… News… Contact… Profile… Account… Cart… Checkout… Veress…stone, distribution, limestone, block, material0
gvi.huProportion of companies providing certain types of fringe benefits Proportion of companies providing certain types of fringe benefitseconomic, research, monthly, enterprise, institute0
hupx.huCerQlar - HUPX GO webinar 2024 Q3: Risk management and market developmentsquarterly hourmarket, datum, regular, product, procedure0
shooteasy.huSHOOTEASY will give you advice and provide you with the best experts of the special Hungarian film incentive system. All local, Hungarian expenses (with a very few exceptions) qualify for a 25% rebate . An additional allowance of 25% of the local, Hungarian spending can be used for foreign costs…monthly quarterly, quarterly accountingproduction, director, hungarian, incentive, channel0
rekk.huflood risk management climate policy price forecasting energy efficiency ASTEC academic publications smart technologies water basin management public policy security of supply water utilities electricity markets renewable energy water economics district heating natural gas markets market…energy, market, research, analysis, economic0
abrahampartners.huOur accounting firm helps existing and newly established companies with great professional experience, be it a sole proprietorship or a company. We provide a full range of accounting services (accounting, tax consulting, payroll, social security administration) for your business that can be…monthly quarterly, quarterly annualaccounting, preparation, monthly, return, tax0