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37 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: symbolic

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ststephen.hu…formed a National Grand Lodge (often called The Grand Lodge of St. John). A Grand Orient was erected separately in 1872 by several lodges chartered by the Grand Orient of France. These two bodies united in March 1886 to create The Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary, then comprising twenty-six lodges.today symbolic, symbolic grand, chapter symbolic, march symbolic, december symboliclodge, stephen, member, mason, st.7
weddingceremony.husymbolic wedding ceremony, spiritual wedding ceremony, christian wedding ceremony, crossfaith wedding ceremony, official wedding ceremonysymbolic ceremony, minister symbolic, symbolic element, ceremony symbolic, symbolic weddingwedding, ceremony, christian, way, minister6
1870.huto wait for the formation of our National Grand Lodge, (the Grand Lodge of Hungary) for a further 120 years. In 1886 it amalgamated with the Grand Orient of Hungary, to become the Symbolic Grand Loge of Hungary. It was also in the year of 1870 Bro. Ferenc (Franz) Liszt joined a lodge in our capital.brother symbolic, symbolic grand, hungary symbolicanniversary, lodge, event, dress, bus5
flippermuzeum.huIt was more than 30 ago that legendary Data East marketed a pinball called the ‘Time Machine’. This name has got a symbolic meaning ever since. Today all pinballs have transformed into a time machine, remnants of an old age. Their natural environment, the arcade has been outdated since then…machine symbolic, symbolic meanpinball, ticket, news, machine, media2
hagyomanyokhaza.huThe venue of the dance event is a symbolic space: concert halls, restaurants, bars and village pubs, etc.event symbolic, symbolic spacedance, folk, performance, scenic, repertoire2
civilosszefogas.huThe neoliberal elite in Brussels has strayed from the path designated by the citizens of the European Union. What they’re doing is the opposite of Mother Theresa, the symbolic representative of Christian solidarity and love. She ignored all political interests to mediate divine mercy and bring…theresa symbolic, symbolic representativegallery, letter, open, statement, history1
hamvasintezet.huOur decision to wear the name of Béla Hamvas stemmed from the author’s invaluable and highly versatile body of work paired with a life story of symbolic significance. Béla Hamvas is one of the towering minds of twentieth-century Hungary, whose humanism ...story symbolic, symbolic significancesecurity, news, communist, research, history1
ipvision.huIntelligence – demonstrated by machines, when a machine analyzes its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success. With tools as statistical methods, computational intelligence and traditional symbolic AI perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of…traditional symbolic, symbolic aitechnology, machine, solution, intelligence, carrier1
idegennyelvumedia.huForeign-language Hungarian press has an important mission, as Budapest and Hungary are significant tourist and cultural hubs in Europe, but we can honestly say that the whole world knows and loves our country and the symbolic buildings of the capital. The opinions foreigners form of the country…country symbolic, symbolic buildingmedia, news, language, foreign, supporter1
ivanyifilm.huGábor Iványi has been a symbolic figure in Hungary ever since the regime change 30 years ago. He used to be a member of the Hungarian Parliament for 8 years, both terms in opposition. His church, of which he is also one of the founders, is not only committed to religion, but also to outstanding…iványi symbolic, symbolic figurepastor, soul, portrait, documentary, director1
ipacsszabo.huThe old, timeless Kossuth press that I have gotten from my friend Sanyi Zsurki is symbolic to me as well. I renovated it and adapted it to the needs and knowledge of the present.zsurki symbolic, symbolic needwine, vineyard, place, estate, earth1
monolamp.hua complex machine. With time test cards became obsolete and also a symbol of a dominant era of TV history and I wanted to capture some of it in a symbolic object, this is how MONO LAMP was born. It took over a year to prototype, build partnerships and eventually find the right balance between…history symbolic, symbolic objectlamp, globe, history, light, cost1
pestbuda.huA memorial site is being prepared in the Fiumei Road Cemetery for Hungarians whose resting place is not in the country The National Heritage Institute wishes to create a symbolic place of remembrance in the Fiumei Road Cemetery, which serves as a memorial site for all the former compatriots who do…institute symbolic, symbolic placeago, square, public, build, century1
napkiado.hu…which part these persons took in the history of their culture. It analyzes as well, what these anthems and other poems written to be an anthem talk of: how the concept of a nation and of a homeland is represented in these texts, and what kind of symbolic geography and history emerges from them.kind symbolic, symbolic geographyanthem, national, country, nation, book1
whiterabbit.hu"Iron Curtain" was the name of the metaphoric barrier separating communist Eastern Europe from the West during the Cold War. The symbolic fence-cutting at the Austro-Hungarian border led to the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the collapse of communist regimes in Europe. However, in Hungary the road…war symbolic, symbolic fencecampaign, result, brand, brief, solution1
hotelhero.huOn this website we would like to share our actions and good deeds so far, be it symbolic solidarity or tangible contribution. Numerous selfless gesture and help have already taken place across the country and our goal is to make them permanent in everyday life. From time to time, we want HotelHero…far symbolic, symbolic solidarityhelp, news, hero, member, campaign1
hunorkolozsi.hu"Hunor has great skills. I appreciate that he really thinks about what symbolic meaning he could use to convey the message. Moreover he provided me with a lot revisions and focused togther with me to get the job done and fullfill my needs. Will definitly hire him again."skill symbolic, symbolic meanlogo, website, basketball, view, coffee1
merjed.hu“The distinctive feature of human intelligence is imagination and the power of symbolic thought. Our lives are shaped by the ideas we have and the beliefs we hold. New ways of thinking can transform us.”power symbolic, symbolic thinktraining, fermentation, industry, school, page1
silver-line.huPizza & Beer River Cruise: Why not kick off your night with a few pints of beer aboard of a beautiful boat that amongst others, cruising under the divine and rightfully symbolic Chain Bridge ? Gather your friends and replace the boring bar scene with bashing on river Danube instead. Unlimited beer…rightfully symbolic, symbolic chaincruise, dinner, danube, piano, river1
roseville.huIn addition to implementing its real estate developments in the spirit of sustainability and environmental awareness, ATENOR is once again proving that it attaches great importance to social responsibility. The symbolic tree planting took place at the end of September in Nagyrét, Hűvösvölgy.responsibility symbolic, symbolic treeoffice, build, development, developer, manager1
kurultaj.huSoldiers were buried either with their own or sacrificed horses (horse burial) or with a horse harness (horse symbolic burial). Modern Hungarian breeds of horses are world famous and experts have long debated the exact type of ancient Hungarian horse. Genetic studies have helped in this…horse symbolic, symbolic burialnation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient1
boczgyula.hu…to the visual, but they are typical and vital for understanding his art and its reception. He first exhibited his works in 1963. His surrealist, symbolic, and non-figurative works linked him at the outset with Sürenon artists. However, the rich associations his work evoked in his audience helped…surrealist symbolic, symbolic nonsculpture, exhibition, sculptor, stone, public1
fvszemle.huThe Single Market is the cornerstone of Europe's integration and sustainable growth. As the European Union approaches the 20th anniversary of the symbolic date of 1992, President Barroso believes, as announced in his Political Guidelines, that the Single Market requires renewed political…anniversary symbolic, symbolic datemarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission1
sumegipalota.huThe location of the Episcopal Palace in Sümeg is rather symbolic: it is situated behind the castle, if not concealed, but left a little hidden from the eyes of visitors to the city. However, the complex tourism development that took place between 2018 and 2021 may draw attention to this special…sümeg symbolic, symbolic castlevisitor, history, development, gift, shop1
oregpres.huIf you enter the courtyard today, you can still see the symbolic entrance of the former stable and the long corridors. You can find wells and baker’s ovens in three closed peasant courtyards, which we tried to rebuild in their original forms. The clay bricks from the 1700’s were built back into…today symbolic, symbolic entrancerestaurant, family, offer, event, conference1
debrecenijogimuhely.huThe Single Market is the cornerstone of Europe's integration and sustainable growth. As the European Union approaches the 20th anniversary of the symbolic date of 1992, President Barroso believes, as announced in his Political Guidelines, that the Single Market requires renewed political…anniversary symbolic, symbolic datemarket, consumer, single, proposal, commission1
czurda.huAs a wine enthusiast, passionate cook, and food lover he is a lifelong wine-making fan and he dreamed of having his own vineyard. In November 2014, he grabbed an opportunity and acquired a beautiful piece of land in Győrszemere, with an excellent wine-growing rating. This land was bought by his…father symbolic, symbolic compensationwine, region, riesling, vineyard, shop1
thehungarianpaprika.huThanks to its special climate, Hungary became one of the biggest producers of paprika: so much so that nowadays paprika is widely known as a Hungarian symbolic heritage. The plant is usually harvested in September, then processed in various ways depending on the product. When it comes to the…hungarian symbolic, symbolic heritagetype, spice, sweet, hot, history1
meltanyossag.hu“The local elections in Hungary meant symbolic loss for Fidesz”, said Attila Tibor Nagy to German paper Spiegel . The election has shown that people are partially tired of Fidesz and that it is possible to replace the Orbán-system in the elections to come.hungary symbolic, symbolic lossanalysis, election, opposition, primary, political1
affianced.huPicking the wedding ring is a very exciting task, which- according to our experience- can help couples to get to know each others’ tastes and improve their ability to compromise. Engagement rings bear a symbolic meaning, that not only stand for the unity of men and women and their endless love but…ring symbolic, symbolic meanwedding, engagement, jewelry, unique, color1
szabadsagszinpad.huAs a matter of fact, the monument is really a genuine symbol. It is the monument of the government's arrogance and the criminal steps it took. Its removal will also be symbolic, signaling that liberty has returned. The protesters have stated they will continue their protest actions and presence as…removal symbolic, symbolic libertymonument, history, civilian, government, personal1
apt4you.huof the victorious battle of 1848 - its heroes inscribed in gold in all Hungarian historical chronicles, is also home to Pipo de Ozora's Castle, a symbolic landmark, standing proudly to this very day outstanding in its individuality and homeyness among all other castles of its age. In a more recent…castle symbolic, symbolic landmarkairport, festival, transfer, image, close1
wojtyla.huThe several function and services in the nicely furnished building preaches and carries the symbolics of life-giving bread and soul, heaven and earth. The work-that was created with the wonderous help of Wadowice’s born -with its pursuits would like to express the mistery of the man living by…build symbolic, symbolic lifefriendship, centre, house, poor, town1
hiaszt.hutopic has not been carried out to date. The aim of the present research is to process the history of ‘amateur’ theatres in the period between two symbolic dates: 1961-1972 (the founding of the Universitas and the first national festival of these amateur theatres). It is important to note that these…period symbolic, symbolic datetheatre, stage, literary, amateur, studio1
voteswithoutborders.huVotes without borders is an investigative reporting project about electoral manipulations, irregularities and questionable postal voting practices during the 2022’s general elections in Hungary. The project focuses on the native Hungarian communities living outside Hungary, and covers four…ukraine, slovakia, vote, mail, tap0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)introduction symbolic, symbolic computationprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
bte.huBeside the leaders mentioned above, Nagy Zsolt, chairman of our association – International Professional Association of Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors – presented the important changes of ADR of next year. The leader of dangerous shipment section of NDGDM (National Directorate General for…fee symbolic, symbolic activeassociation, dangerous, safety, advisor0