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132 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: parameters

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por.huThe Relationship Between Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes, PD-L1 Expression, Driver Mutations and Clinical Outcome Parameters in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Adenocarcinoma in Patients with a Limited to no Smoking History 1221clinicopathological parameters, parameters survival, histogram parameters, parameters egfr, metabolic parametersuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine20
indicon.huThe display and settings of the controller allow the user to view or adjust lots of different settings and parameters. The most important of these are the following:setting parameters, parameters important, zone parameters, parameters zonecontroller, zone, sensor, heating, input15
biosysfoodeng.huE549 Munkhnasan Enkhbold, Attila Lőrincz, Majd Elayan, László Friedrich, Attila Solymosi, Balázs Wieszt, Jáni Kornél, Adrienn Tóth: Comparison of the effect of organic acid mixture on quality parameters of red deer and beeffermentation parameters, parameters cell, physical parameters, parameters organic, nutritional parameterseffect, conference, university, science, food8
marsalsoftware.huThere are a lot of possible situations when you want to transform the “Title” field value into an html link – with some parameters, for eg. the ID of the actual List…link parameters, parameters spo, parameters egtitle, list, column, application, article6
lollipop.huTraditional, individual hand-made lollipops. Craft products that contain natural dyes. Choose your quality lollipop with the appropriate parameters.lollipop parameters, parameters packaginghand, natural, quality, traditional, individual6
ydrab.hu…is to check the changes made with the module in the official programming interface of the controller. And vice versa. The OPC Quick Client of Ignition is excellent for this purpose. With this built-in tool, you can easily read and write the tags. You can find the list of available parameters below.activation parameters, parameters contact, relationship parameters, parameters incorrect, writable parametersmodule, power, focus, configuration, automation4
bloomair.huThe telemetry directly connects to the internet: records all parameters, saves GPS coordinates, generates work records. With the right access all data is available online.software parameters, parameters treatment, record parameters, parameters gps, technical parameterssoil, technology, water, nutrient, directly4
jackplate.huInstalling a properly sized JackPlate on a fishing boat eliminates any problems that result from our outboard engine obscuring or falling into the line of our side-view sonar, meaning we usually experience poorer sonar images on the portside. The perfect sonar image depends on many parameters, but…image parameters, parameters engineseries, plate, engine, power, hydraulic3
gtssimulation.huPower of AI The GTS is a fully configurable solution and collects a vast amount of data during training exercises and exams. The system itself, based on world-leading concept and academic research, provides unique insights into measurable and comparable tactical parameters about the users. Over…trainer parameters, parameters training, performance parameters, parameters statistics, tactical parameterssimulation, training, skill, environment, task2
tec2000.huFor many drivers, one of the most important parameters for efficient driving is the engine power. Although it's sufficient...important parameters, parameters efficientclean, engine, fuel, flush, additive2
poligratkft.huThe operation can be performed by flooding, circulation and spraying. If the cleaning is done according to individual needs and purpose, e.g. removal of some deposits the materials used and operating parameters may vary. In the basic case, the cleaning medium is an alkaline solution, and the…polish parameters, parameters beginning, operate parameters, parameters basicsurface, pickle, steel, process, stainless2
expertsys.huThat null can be really anoying. Your webmethod may have other parameters which all get their right values from the caller, but the renamed one gets nothing. Without any signs of error. In not-so-often-used situation You may already forget about the rename and only get the issue ticket about some…webmethod parameters, parameters right, attributetargets parameters, parameters notvalue, method, message, code, result2
i-qrs.huDetailed motion analysis, quick on-line reports, on-line monitoring and analysis of the vital parameters, together with the historical analysis, and individual player profiles will improve the tactical and physical performance of the players on a professional level. With the help of the animations…vital parameters, parameters historical, motion parameters, parameters playermodule, player, field, rehabilitation, animal2
hianycik.huContact us or upload a picture, enter the parameters of the subject, and we will find it or we will manufacture it for you!picture parameters, parameters subjectself, shortage, item, reference, cart2
flatsgo.huHover over pictures to add more cards or rearrange them with the Tools panel. Add multiple cards by selecting multiple images. You can set the number of columns in Block Parameters.mobirise, website, block, image, free2
eutdij.huIf you sold your vehicle, you need to remove the related registration on the HU-GO portal. If you buy a new vehicle, you can re-register the old OBU unit with the parameters of the new vehicle on the HU-GO portal.necessary parameters, parameters registration, unit parameters, parameters newvehicle, device, road, axle, easy2
ferrotamin.huIf the intake or the utilisation of iron is not appropriate, these stores get empty gradually. FIRST only the quantity of iron delivered in blood decreases. IN THIS PHASE THE CREATION OF ERYTHROBLASTS IS STILL SMOOTH, but iron-deficiency can be recognised through lab parameters. Depending on the…clinical parameters, parameters status, lab parameters, parameters degreeiron, woman, body, supplementation, complex2
kojimori.huAutomated cloud based Data acquisition (DAQ) with special processing technology and optimized performance, brought to you by ITware . The Kojimori software used in Japan at more than 200 agricultural companies transmits the various parameters recorded by remote measuring instruments to a central…company parameters, parameters remote, physical parameters, parameters researchdata, sensor, japan, cloud, solution2
phasefield.hu…nucleations termed “non-crystallographic branching”. Phase-field simulations support this mechanism, and, using a minimal set of thermodynamic parameters, are able to reproduce all of the microstructural variation observed experimentally in all of the investigated coral skeletons. Beyond coral…physical parameters, parameters mineral, morphogenesis parameters, parameters nacre, thermodynamic parametersphase, field, science, material, group2
industry4.huThe product identification, the manufacturing program, the quality standards and the parameters measured during the production provide together the effective error detection.standard parameters, parameters production, environmental parameters, parameters productindustry, production, solution, log, process2
juliamalom.huAll these enable the precise determination of the parameters of the flour, so we can ensure consistent quality, thereby satisfying the individual requests of our customers.determination parameters, parameters flour, microbiological parameterswheat, flour, technology, mill, quality2
ronakft.huOur inquiry contains all essential parameters, so we can give you the perfect offer! You can fill it out anywhere at any time, speeding up the process of your order.essential parameters, parameters perfectinquiry, renewal, technical, page, manufacture2
flumen.huThe charging schedule considers a lot of parameters: the technical parameters of the cars, the planned routes, the environmental characteristics, the arrival and departure times, the enterprise priorities, the available power at the distribution panel, the electricity price changes, etc.lot parameters, parameters technical, technical parameters, parameters carcharge, enterprise, electric, fleet, approach1
plastic-form.huIf the product does exist in your head, we make the 2D drawing and 3D model based on the agreed parameters.tool, plastic, form, management, production1
cansathungary.hu…including the power supply, sensors, a communication unit, and they have to build them with respect to the given conditions. There are several rules about e.g. the dimensions of the case, the mass of the satellite, or about other important parameters. This can be considered as a challenge.important parameters, parameters challengecompetition, satellite, official, organizer, challenge1
blackbelt.huIt became immediately obvious that BlackBelt reacted speedily when needed, and that their development framework, Judo, can create a product extremely quickly and efficiently when provided the right parameters.development, software, client, technology1
dev-nelli.huIn addition, we also undertake design work: send us the necessary parameters or just formulate your problem, and we will prepare the design documentation in STEP, DXF, PDF, or even 3D PDF format. After acceptance of this, we will realize your vision with the help of our professional machine park.necessary parameters, parameters problemmachine, cut, production, page, engineering1
compotech.hu…the mechanical properties of conventional materials (e.g. steel, aluminum, etc.) for special requirements. Stability, weight, design options, fire resistance. In addition to these parameters, we can expect products with higher levels of quality and cost reduction to achieve economic efficiency.addition parameters, parameters producttechnology, history, career, hand, lamination1
idosgyogyaszat.huKovács A, Szikszai Z, Várady E, Imre S. Study on the hemorheological parameters of oldest-old residents in the East-Hungarian city, Debrecen. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2006;35(1-2):83-8hemorheological parameters, parameters oldage, university, effect, medical, health1
2060.huIt is not necessary to buy expensive physical servers, there is an easier solution - cloud. The whole world is gradually shifting to the virtual environment. Today, you can just buy a virtual server and any time adjust parameters precisely according to your wishes. Cloud eliminates the high price…time parameters, parameters preciselysolution, price, customer, certificate, free1
geoplan.huground investigation report (geology, soil layering, soil state, soil parameters, groundwater)soil parameters, parameters groundwatergeotechnical, investigation, foundation, assessment, soil1
obsidianls.huOur company also offers digital recording services. We are happy to provide digital recording of handwritten texts, filled questionnaires and any other documents in accordance with the parameters given in any language.accordance parameters, parameters languagelanguage, quality, translation, price, affordable1
trusthungary.hu“Since 2006, Francis Ford Coppola Winery has aged Sonoma County wines in Trust barrels. With each vintage, we took steps to fine tune the barrel parameters to enhance the fruit expression and overall wine style. The Team at Trust understood our wine style and winemaking philosophy, and brought us…barrel parameters, parameters fruittrust, barrel, process, oak, customer1
falkland.huIn addition, Falkland Kft. provides 24/7 dispatch service, ensuring proper communication with both drivers and clients, and performing constant monitoring of the vehicle positions and other important parameters.swap, delivery, body, vehicle, transport1
admiralcount.huBefore you contact our lawyer partner to make company formation, we recommend a free personal meeting in our office. We can discuss all the parameters necessary for a secure start of your company.office parameters, parameters necessarytax, taxation, count, accountancy, bookkeeping1
relaxspa.huDuring the condition assessment we measure the body’s several electric parameters, such as resistance, impedance, current intensity, tension, capacity, induction, frequency. Thanks to the speed of the computer, the results are ready within a few minutes, and thus help discovering and healing…electric parameters, parameters resistancetreatment, massage, cost, minute, weight1
edmon.huIn association with our partner companies we are ready to solve your recruiting problems as well as your employee-leasing problems. Because of the unique parameters we need a personal appointment to discuss the details. Please contact with us.unique parameters, parameters personalpermit, step, live, administration, job1
terdgepberles.huthe desired location. Its operator is simple and you can learn to use it in a matter of seconds. There are countless possibilities to adjust the parameters of the movement so that we can tailor it to our current needs. The knee-moving machine only needs to be adjusted to the patient's knee once and…possibility parameters, parameters movementknee, machine, rental, rent, patient1
epitoanyag.org.huCeramic nanocomposites: control of structural and PTX parameters of the synthesis of mullite from kaolinite using Taguchi experimental designptx parameters, parameters synthesisissue, journal, author, material, paper1
grantis.hu…from - making it nearly impossible to make the ideal choice without professional help. We will bring you a solution based on your personal parameters, fast and free! Our in-house developed calculators combined with over a decade of experience and financial know-how will be in your service to…personal parameters, parameters fastinsurance, financial, consulting, investment, loan1
controllabor.huWe will assess your needs and then, as an independent consultant, we will recommend the right tool with the right technical parameters, taking into account the market as a whole, with a concrete implementation schedule.technical parameters, parameters accountmaterial, control, solution, procedure, quality1
cni.huIf all setting parameters are given for color mixing, the product will be ready in an average of 1 working day.item, description, printing, domestic, coating1
szesim.huTo gain a deeper understanding of the participants’ attention level, the research team uses Pupil Labs Core glasses during the driving simulation. The advanced eye movement tracking device allows real-time monitoring of participants’ eye movements, pupil dilation, and other parameters. By…dilation parameters, parameters changedrive, simulator, driver, development, cognitive1
cardsys.huMP INFOSYS is a modular software package to record, handle and display all the data during pentathlon competitions strictly following the rules fixed by UIPM. 5TUSA provides quick and precise data management with wide-ranging possibility for setting parameters, while 5INFO, 5NEWS, 5TABL and 5VIDEO…possibility parameters, parameters essentialresult, software, competition, package, download1
kornyezet-szimulacio.huOn request, we will equip your Test Chamber with explosion protection or an irradiation unit. Integration of further parameters is also possible – contact us!integration parameters, parameters possiblechamber, vibration, climate, laboratory, environmental1
sunbelt.huIn the course of requesting a quote, in addition to providing the basic data, you can also attach a spreadsheet, photo or some other file (e.g. a table summarizing the product data). This allows a simpler and more accurate specification of the required product parameters.reference, procurement, quote, industrial, solution1
ec-invest.huWe offer customized deals tailored specifically to your company according to your needs! Each offer is preceded by a personal consultation, during which we work with you to determine the parameters of the final offer. Our colleagues with thorough professional knowledge will be happy to advise you…consultation parameters, parameters finalarea, clean, price, capital, european1
pacsaifemhordo.hu…company in Zalaszentmihály. The strictest manufacturing technology implemented by its experts ensures that the quality and technical parameters of the products fully meet the international standards and standards of the UN, in particular for the packaging and transport of dangerous…technical parameters, parameters productsteel, packaging, barrel, size, introduction1
fahal.huJapanese manufacturers are known to pay attention to quality and at YGK they really do it on a masterful level. The company has several patents, and unique manufacturing mechanisms have been developed to maximize all important parameters of the cord. The cords are strong, faithful to size, quiet…important parameters, parameters cordfishing, brand, catalogue, lures, duel1
silverhost.huSilverhost - International Hosting researches alternative solutions and examines their applicability, which can provide services that have similar or better parameters compared to licensed solutions, so it can provide them to its customers at a significantly lower price. We currently offer Cloud…well parameters, parameters solutiondefault, unlimited, server, cart, backup1
independads.huUsing machine learning algorithms, we continually refine and optimize campaigns based on performance data, automatically adjusting bid strategies and targeting parameters to maximize return on investment.target parameters, parameters returncampaign, data, user, performance, client1
elsato.huUsing the Random person search selector system makes it easier and statistically acceptable to carry out spot test (persons, parcels and car inspections). Easy to install, easy to use, and has many convenience features. All relevant operational parameters is freely programmable, and if the…operational parameters, parameters freelysecurity, industry, random, control, electronic1
muzso.huIn both cases you've to specify the extension ID in the "extensionID" variable. And of course you can adjust the other URI parameters if you want to.ago, week, socks, app, movie1
metwork.huAfter filling out our request for quotation template with all the important technical parameters, we will give you an accurate and detailed offer so that you can easily consider it yourself or present it to the decision makers.technical parameters, parameters accuratemachine, quote, offer, deadline, solution1
japanszotar.huAccording to the parameters of this edition, it can be considered to a standard work just like the Brencsán (medical Latin) or Országh (English) dictionaries.dictionary, medical, page, japanese, sample1
dynamic-csurgo.huIn addition to the precise production of the prototype, you will also receive accurate professional information about its future parametersassembly, manufacture, dynamic, cable, contract1
szalaitk.hu…can choose from commercially available second-hand vehicles available anywhere in the EU. At all times, you can view the photographs and technical parameters of at least 1500 smaller and larger trucks, trucks, trailers and semi-trailers in Utility Vehicles Trading in Pécs, Makay István út 70.technical parameters, parameters smallvehicle, forklift, commercial, customer, solution1
rafacz.huA Red EGO three pedal set has alltogether 22 adjustable parameters, which means that if each person in the world bought a pedal set, it would be possible to have a different setup for everyone. In order to help to find your required setup, here is our virtual setup guide to find your optimal pedal…adjustable parameters, parameters personpedal, simulator, spring, setup, real1
fractal.huFRACTAL has been specialized in shallow geophysical survey, for detecting near-surface targets, determine the spatial- and depth-distribution of rock geophysical parameters and revealing the structure of undergroud rock and soil. Combination of technical innovation and our practical experience…geophysical parameters, parameters structuremain, page, gallery, publication, surface1
cerlux.huWith the help of measuring production process and the required features of our material and products, as well as evaluation of data, we provide you with compliance with technical parameters of our end-products.technical parameters, parameters endquality, technical, need, material, customer1
biopol.hu…content of the soils, helping the soil microflora, optimizing nutrient uptake, improving the electrolyte balance of plant juices, keeping nutrients in an absorbable state, significant increase in root system, improvement of quantitative and qualitative parameters are expected from our products.qualitative parameters, parameters productorganic, soil, farming, quality, nutrient1
iceee.huMonitoring biofilm parameters on MBBR technologies with light microscope and image processingbiofilm parameters, parameters mbbruniversity, science, environmental, engineering, faculty1
iotnet.huIn case of availability we are providing LoRaWAN services on our existing network based on the number of sensors, applications, and other parameters.network, low, technology, software, solution1
hardsonic.hu…(3D model, in .step or .iges format), knowledge of the material of the component, and knowledge of the welding machine’s technical data are required. Detailed description of the problem, complete with photos. Then there is a site visit where the mechanical and welding parameters are refined.ultrasonic, welding, machine, clean, technology1
lifthold.huhave higher speeds. Automatism also helps speed: when the tower crane raises the load, it adjusts the maximum rhythms of work based on the given parameters at once. It is important that the Group's designers design in BIM (Building Information Modeling System), so they can anticipate what a tower…work parameters, parameters importantmachinery, machine, history, crane, operation1
casadelgrano.hu// With respect to thermal engineering principles we designed parameters exceeding the requirements of regulations , based on inner side thermal insulation and water vapor blocking. The inner side insulation ensures that the external brick features of the building remain untouched.principle parameters, parameters requirementsapartment, layout, floor, yes, build1
festekkutato.huOur R&D Department elaborates paint formulations for industrial use. Primary task is to realize FKI's own product development targets. Technical Service lab is part of the R&D department, which adjusts the paint parameters to customers' requirements and renders direct technical assistance.paint parameters, parameters customerpaint, development, expert, research, production1
waterstars.huBerci cares about the Training Partner software to make sure all parameters are analyzed correct and for efficiency.sure parameters, parameters correctcart, training, row, instrument, vat1
petnehazy-clubhotel.huThe location has ideal parameters for events. With 77 apartments, it is suitable for accommodating a large number of guests, and with its 3 rustic event halls covered with wood, it provides an excellent location for conferences, lectures, family days, and musical events.ideal parameters, parameters eventevent, homepage, guest, group, nature1
zhe.huIn this letter, we present a general approach to automatically visual servo control the position and shape of a deformable object whose deformation parameters are unknown. The servo control is achieved by online learning a model mapping between the robotic end-effector's movement and the object's…deformation parameters, parameters unknownvideo, robotic, jia, pan, human1
chochomoon.hu…has a long history. We examined different technologies in Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Based on this experience, we managed to build a production line that, under monitored circumstances and parameters, is suitable for crafting chocolate of great and steady quality.circumstances parameters, parameters suitablechocolate, dark, premium, milk, quality1
vatem.huWith the help of the [(VATEM) software it is possible to measure the body parameters of the animals walking through the place of recording by performing measurements on the images of the animals, using the optometric method. Originally we prepared the first version of this software to be able to…body parameters, parameters animalpoint, software, download, file, measure1
bozzayviktor.huIt is also a fully object-oriented solution for a theater ticket management system, enhanced with the functionality to specify the number of consecutive seats desired and the preference level for different search parameters, such as being closer to the center rather than close to the stage…search parameters, parameters closeuniversal, curriculum, developer, application, measurement1
ellipsometry.huOTKA T023534 (1996-1999, Hungarian Project): Impact of the microscopic parameters of porous silicon on the optical properties. Project leader: Miklós Friedmicroscopic parameters, parameters porousoptical, student, university, development, fry1
geo-log.huHelps to assess the hydrogeological parameters of the aquifer, the fluid production capacity and gas-water ratio of the well via downhole and surface testing procedures.hydrogeological parameters, parameters aquiferlog, inspection, solution, geophysical, seismic1
droidx.huThe success and utilization of this was huge, so we bought it. a simultaneous 5-axis machining center with similar parameters and even more advanced technology.similar parameters, parameters advancedmachine, quality, machining, plant, management1
soneraudio.hu…ago. As passionate music lovers, we aim at uncovering the magic hidden in recordings. We are not interested in chasing meaningless technical parameters, because they do not bring us closer to the music. On the other hand, we make it a point to recover as much as possible of the oft-overlooked…technical parameters, parameters closeethos, news, music, result, color1
galambostrans.huShipping and transportation system with excellent parameters, continuously renewed, maintained, quality equipment, are the pledge of reliability. Competency and innovation is our background, which ensures the precise operation of the system, enabling theexcellent parameters, parameters continuouslytransportation, logistic, field, shipment, domestic1
uucp.hugenerate a html POST form based on GET parameters (put form action url in _ACTION parameter)form parameters, parameters formcopy, file, certificate, search, mirror1
innodev.hu· The software offers graphical trace functionality, enabling users to monitor and analyze various parameters and signals in real time. This feature provides valuable insights for troubleshooting and optimizing performance.user parameters, parameters signalsoftware, communication, device, bus, multiple1
envizont.huLaboratory and on site testing, engineering expert reports and technological instructions for water, biomass, bioenergetical, biotechnological, climate-environment-health protection processes, reaserch and monitoring parameters.crisis, laboratory, circular, llc, expert1
mochnacs.huWe are capable of designing special unique equipments to specifed technology and parameters at unusual conditions and applications. The target of our innovational activity can be robotization or improvments to existing technological systems.technology parameters, parameters unusualmachine, technology, special, engineering, technological1
dm-innovation.huFor Investors, two of the many aspects and parameters are the most important. Expected return and the riskiness of the investment. The success of investing in a technology project depends mainly on business development and sales activities.aspect parameters, parameters importantinnovation, development, technology, sale, process1
flexoroll.huby the customer, we require the customer to send the specifics of their order in writing. The written order then gets registered by our SAP Business One business management software with all the necessary parameters. After that, we send a confirmation e-mail about the finalized version of the order.necessary parameters, parameters confirmationpaper, logistic, warehousing, cost, material1
doroti.huEach of our DorPack machine is individually designed to meet the needs of our customers’ and their product parameters. We are specialized for over 22 years in the manufacturing and servicing of thermoforming packaging machines and we also developed our Doroti labelling system and product…product parameters, parameters specializemachine, packaging, transfer, reference, detail1
elektriker-kapu.hu- Optimization of robot programs (perfect settings of welding parameters (MIG, MAG, TIG, Laser) creating the fastest and safest range of motion).welding parameters, parameters migresume, responsive, joomla, framework, layout1
pernixpharma.huWe carry out all phases of our activity by supervised and documented processes, by the consideration of objectively measurable parameters.manufacture, pharmaceutical, activity, application, map1
babolnatakarmany.huBoth quality and economic parameters can be significantly improved by modernisation and the optimisation of resources. István Farkas has been rearing chickens since 1990. His business has been rearingeconomic parameters, parameters significantlypig, feed, cattle, supplement, sale1
kovacsendre.huDuring the work I gained experience in communication between client and server side, sending parameters and data for API requests, generating UI from the incoming data, managing authorization, form creation and validation, sitebuild and design implementation.server parameters, parameters dataskill, developer, css, welcome, creativity1
dimboard.huAnother weakness in the manufacturing environment is data collection and data capture, or if data is still collected on machine run, shutdowns, and other manufacturing parameters, therefore these measured results are mostly unpublished. DIMBOARD can collect data from different devices, so…manufacture parameters, parameters resultdata, production, collection, process, improvement1
wiselady.hu…it to others. It proved to be impossible so I tried another way: I started to experiment with Renoise to generate something similar from white noise with randomized effect parameters. And the result was quite satisfying. ...and it started a long journey into the world of randomly generated sounds!effect parameters, parameters resultsong, music, sound, noise, randomly1
unicranes.huWe offer the best technology on Hungarian crane market. We always do our best and we can find the best solution with the right parameters for our clients in every single project.right parameters, parameters clientcrane, overview, maintenance, equipment, gallery1
geze.huWhether for fire protection or accessibility – door closers play a key role in both of these areas. Here, you can find practical tips for professional installation and setting parameters correctly.installation parameters, parameters correctlybuilding, solution, build, window, safety1
flamella.huEvacuation planning is one of the most important tasks in the design of fire safety in buildings, as the protection of occupants is a priority in the event of a fire. It is important to note that each evacuation process is completely unique and is influenced not only by technical parameters but…technical parameters, parameters characteristicfire, safety, protection, simulation, plan1
paleo.hu…with processes in the lithosphere, hydrosphere and the atmosphere. The biota also plays an active role in regulating the environmental parameters. Some of the major mass extinctions may have been triggered by extraterrestrial causes, but most of them appear to have been driven by sudden…environmental parameters, parameters majorpublication, mission, research, history, group1
xraylab.huThe main line of our research is the study of the atomic structure of solids. Several methods are used depending on the form of the samples and the parameters to be determined. The laboratory is equiped for the study of single crystals, powders and thin layers.sample parameters, parameters laboratorystudy, laboratory, advanced, structural, research1
nanotechnology.huAn Atomic Force Microscope in its "tapping mode" (TAFM) sweeps the sample surface by an oscillating probe attached to a cantilever. This animation shows how does the oscillation change at a step edge and also when the material of the surface is changed below the probe tip. We determined what TAFM…imaging parameters, parameters necessarypublication, butterfly, image, detail1
bitraptors.huWe’ve helped a team of professors and researchers at Stanford, to build their first prototype of PlacidO. An iOS app to make calculations for parameters of contact lenses easier.calculation parameters, parameters contactapp, user, application, prototype, native1
toureasttour.huWe do our best to assure our partners a personal planning service in order to compile custom made travel itineraries. You tell us what you want – either in detail or give us some parameters to work within – and then we arrange services to fit your wishes for your tours.detail parameters, parameters servicetour, european, gastronomy, danube, friendly1
racetimer.huRANKINGS… LOG IN… REGISTER… CONTACT…event parameters, parameters noticeevent, ranking, filter, upcoming, thank0
rwtesthun2310.hushare…ruby, aboard, rail, duration, start0
bioszenguru.hu• The relationship between human health and ecological farming, in sustainable organic agriculturetechnical parameterstitle, page, technical, provider, soil0
macrosim.huStart Screen | Budget - Revenues | Budget - Expenditures | Budget - Taxes on Consumption | Budget - Payments of households | Trade - Commodities | Retail | Construction | Employment | Employees | GDP |screen parameters, parameters ratemacro, chart, rate, simulation, screen0
kopintalapitvany.hu…headline inflation was 25.4 percent, while core inflation was 25.2 percent. Inflation slowed down by 0.3 percentage points compared to the previous month, the price dynamics of processed food, alongside with fuel prices contributed the most to the disinflation. From the second quarter onwards,project parameterseconomic, international, literature, country, economy0
branaldi.huBranaldi Hungary has many years of experience in the production of paper displays or pos displays. Regarding paper, the first thing that comes to mind is that it is very fragile, but today’s modern paper display boxes are made in a design process that allows them to beparameters specificationslide, production, process, material, quality0
bsce.huinternal communication, intranet etc.) Isolation of these systems (information silos), leads to problems which impair the efficiency of business processes (multisite data storage,process management in several systems). One of the greatest challenges of EAI is to integrate systems that are based…process parameters, parameters testdevelopment, management, solution, data, report0
caragency.huCarAgency offers professional solutions in car dealing and transporting servicesparameters itemtransport, registration, offer, free, type0
syscontrol.huPurchase, installation and maintenance of sensors, measuring instruments, measuring systems for producers, manufacturers, road operators, educational institutions, research institutesequipment parameters, parameters soilcontrol, solution, instrument, webpage, proprietary0
seismology.huThe table below shows the list of earthquakes occurred in Hungary since January 1, 2022. All times are given in universal time (UTC). For felt earthquakes, the maximum epicentral intensity is given according to the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS).earthquake parameters, parameters automaticallymanual, croatia, earthquake, romania, ukraine0
qualiform.huOur machine park consists of: 9 50 mm machining centres (in different sizes), 9 30 mm machining centres (in different sizes), 3 CNC lathes During the measurements we use 3D coordinate measuring machines of the Wenzel type and check the quality of the products we manufacture with continuously…quality, machine, production, equipment, machining0
ronhks.huOn my host the ipv6 is disabled. I had to start a docker image, which would like to use ipv6.march, june, january, february, category0
smsolutions.huFirstly, we recommend our smart water metering solution for clients with large water consumption in order to be able to implement smart metering efficiently without changing the water meterssolution, technology, water, ltd, device0
kontron.hu…governance and software provision solutions, industrial product lifecycle management systems and IT security solutions to IP networking solutions for telecommunications and the full range of IT infrastructures (active networks, server and storage systems, virtualization, backup, archiving, etc.).quantity parameters, parameters servicesolution, network, management, customer, cloud0
bartokudvar.huInfogroup has been one of the most significant players in the Hungarian real estate market since 1990. Its ever growing portfolio covers all aspects of the real estate market: Besides office and industrial building developments, it is active in the residential and retail segments and provides…technical parameterscourt, office, award, location0
indekft.huWater Cutting - MAXIEM 1515 JetMachining Center – abrasive waterjet machine – continuous cutting of almost all materials, double axle; 1500×1500×100 mmmachine, area, assembly, table, performance0
lucavaradydesign.huHome… 0 Cart… LV Studio… Add to cart… Sunset pohár szett (4db)… Select…cart, sunset, select, option, post0
peterpaszternak.huCheckout… My account… Photographer White… Shop… Hello…session parametersphotographer, session, white, photography, cart0
mvconsulting.huOur company pays special attention to the issue of social responsibility, equal treatment and the preservation of the natural environment. We regularly organize health-preserving, recreational programs (eg sports day, excursions, team building) for the employees of M-V Consulting Kft.common parameters, parameters detailconsulting, certificate, employee, main, page0
laurusoffices.huDevelopment… Architecture… Services… Technical parameters… Floor plans… Building A… Building B…technical parametersoffice, build, location, development, architecture0
microsolutions.huWith strong and daily communication, development progress in paralell with the design, during our work experience it prooved to be the fastest and cost effective solution.solution, resource, development, tool, customer0
notebookstore.huCopyright © 2024 NotebookStore. Minden jog fenntartva!environmental parameterssheet, media, weight, size, printing0
elektronika.huCable Fault Locator, Selective Level Meter, xDSL Line Qualifier, LAN Tester,TDR,Specialist - Elektronikacable parameters, parameters likecable, fault, line, qualifier, location0
hutkai.huIn addition to the two main product groups, we continue to design and manufacture parts that we can produce in good quality with our press and wire straightening machines, such as frame parts made of sheet metal, chain guards, gear guards, water bottle holders, brakes...bicycle, steel, carrier, wire, chain0
sarimetal.huIn order to increase our capacity, we decided to purchase another CNC edge bending machine in 2023! We chose the TruBend 7050 machine manufactured by Trumpf GmbH due to its many technological features. Our machine was put into operation in January 2024 and based on the first data, we made a good…machine, welding, metal, bend, cut0
hedemonaqua.huHedemon Aqua is a Hungarian company with more than a decade of experience in water treatment. Our goal is to provide our customers with unique water treatment solutions and thus with good water quality. Our company is flexible in dealing with all requests and we are open for combined solutions…chemical parameters, parameters waterwater, treatment, customer, equipment, elit0
zolix.hu…only in the Heap… Objects not in the Heap… 6. Template Metaprogramming… Template basics… Tempalte…extra parameters, parameters newtemplate, exception, object, advanced, array0
ninjatools.huA collection of the most popular and useful tools that help you easily convert day-to-day data.valid parameters, parameters utmeasily, image, format, color, file0
3delite.hu…video and audio files that are an exact copy of each other but also can compare files by content and give a match for MP4 video and audio files that have different tags or the MP4 atom structure is different, eg. moov atom is at the beginning or end of the file, but contain the same video or audio.picture parameters, parameters strict, adsr parameters, parameters delayfile, component, library, software, use0
kokaiestarsa.hu…molding machines there was an increasing demand for the production of small plastic parts and a suitable manufacturing machine and tool. The result of the development work was the mini injection molding machine, which not only simplified production, but also a cost-effective, innovative…parameters machine, main parametersmachine, és, molding, injection, small0
mometal.hu…and outs of the profession. When he had the opportunity to do so, he did not work only at his workplace, as he could also test himself as an entrepreneur after the change of regime. He laid the foundation on which it was possible and worth building. For me, the plant was an attractive world of…machining parametersmetal, cut, trading, llc, machining0
civilszemle.huCivil Review (CR) is a quarterly periodical that was started in Hungary, 2004. The periodical is a real civic initiative: the founder editors – well known and key experts, researchers, NGO leaders – realized that there was a massive demand for the distribution of high quality studies focusing on…technical parameters, parameters journalreview, board, criteria, periodical, order0