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168 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: mutual

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mediatorpont.huDivorce, parental custody, child support, property sharing, and resolution of other types of conflicts. This is the main focus of our Mediator Office . You can have a divorce by mutual agreement or mutual consent, with the help of an experienced Divorce Attorney . We would like to show you that…divorce mutual, mutual agreement, agreement mutual, mutual consentdivorce, attorney, mediator, court, agreement10
pannoncsoport.huWe have maintained strategic cooperation with many of PANNON Group's Owner-Partners for several years, even decades. We believe that predictability, reliability and mutual support and assistance in long-term goals are particularly important. Our recently launched joint work with PANNON Centrum Kft…party mutual, mutual understand, year mutual, mutual success, nature mutualopinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market7
gepekberlese.huBuilding skyscrapers is like building the relationships. Steady construction requires solid and robust foundation as well as prosperous relations are built only on faith and mutual respect. We pay attention to all small details for best results.relation mutual, mutual respect, faith mutualpost, robust, construction, steady, foundation7
compassioninaction.huSuppose you have already realized that your business strategy in the current environment will only work if you and the people around you have made the shift from top-down command-and-control to partnership, from self-interest to mutual empowerment, from withholding information to transparency…interest mutual, mutual empowerment, conflict mutual, mutual learn, constructively mutualaction, self, result, group, value4
interactivebrokers.huIBKR GlobalAnalyst PortfolioAnalyst Bonds Marketplace Mutual Funds Marketplace No Transaction Fee ETFs Investors' Marketplace Short Securities Availability Third Party Integrationmarketplace mutual, mutual fundaccount, broker, trading, interactive, fund4
bodrogrugo.hu“During our great business relations over the years, we always tried to satisfy our expectations through mutual agreements. It is our experience that Bodrogolaszi Rugógyártó Kft devotes great attention to flexibility; accepting all our customer requests is clear proof of their customer-oriented…leader mutual, mutual cooperation, expectations mutual, mutual agreementspring, quality, production, manufacture, tender4
ratotcenter.huOffices and storage facilities can be easily personalized upon request basing on mutual agreement.request mutual, mutual agreementoffice, warehouse, center, sqm, parking3
szarvasimuzeum.hu…break it, and even had the power to heal the sick. In the interactive game located across from the entrance, our visitors can experiment with the mutual canceling effects of hexes and healing practices. According to reports by Pastor Sámuel Tessedik from Szarvas, superstition was still a…visitor mutual, mutual effectexhibition, age, idol, room, people3
doktorpc.huFinished her are its honoured drawings nor. Pretty see mutual thrown all not edward ten. Particular an boisterous up he reasonably frequently. Several any had enjoyed shewing studied two. Up…pretty mutual, mutual edwardipsum, lorem, dolor, homepage, sit3
naturexpert.huWishing to see you soon among our satisfied customers, in a mutual and lasting relationship of esteem and trust, I send you the most enthusiastic Waidmannsheil for your next hunting adventures and I invite you to visit our website, where you will find a lot of information and various programs…inextricably mutual, mutual trust, customer mutual, mutual lastinghunting, hunt, page, main, game2
security-expert.huPerson protection is a kind of service form, when the protected person’s life and life style is protected methodically. This service needs a lot of confidential and personal information sharing, during this process the Principal can expect mutual confidence and secrecy....problem mutual, mutual confidence, principal mutualdebt, management, security, legal, private2
dpc.huCoordinate with related functions, customer service, and quality analysts to create mutual understanding on expectations, processes, standards, and solutions in IT operationsoperation mutual, mutual understand, analyst mutualmanagement, consulting, training, software, solution2
managerhungary.hu…mini-courses on topics that can be well-adapted in business such as learning methods, creativity and a novel approach to decision making based on mutual cooperation (see brief guide to “ Parallel Thinking: The Six Thinking Hats ” attached). The audiences worldwide include the senior management of…making mutual, mutual cooperation, negotiation mutual, mutual respectthink, manager, de, book, management2
mediatormiskolc.huMediation does not seek to decide who is innocent and who is at fault, who is right and who is not. It does not focus on the negatives of the past, but concentrate on values, solution, future. The purpose of mediation is to find mutual benefits and acceptable compromises between the parties.order mutual, mutual agreement, mediation mutual, mutual benefitmediation, mediator, relationship, divorce, view2
nt.huA DEDICATION TO THE CORE PRINCIPLES OF SUPERIOR CLIENT SERVICE, MUTUAL RESPECT AND DECENCYservice mutual, mutual respect, way mutual, mutual understandlaw, nagy, legal, firm, client2
f-projekt.huOur advisory firm was called into being by the growing demand for business life based upon transparency and basic human values. As founders of F-Projekt Ltd. we strongly believe that the grounds and framework of fair business built on mutual trust and ethical responsibility may definitely be…business mutual, mutual trustsolution, page, client, advisory, process2
indepth.huThe ancient Celtic symbol appearing in our logo means flowing, mutual inspiration, and continuous learning during cooperation. The trinity means body, mind, and soul in a human and the circle symbolizes cyclical repetition.logo mutual, mutual inspirationdepth, organization, group, development, learn2
jungleapartment.huRegistration Nr. MA19008132 For our mutual satisfaction, please respect the following rules:nr mutual, mutual satisfactionapartment, house, bed, gallery, kitchen2
konigkft.huIn alignment with our philosophy – which is value creation for our customers – we always strive to build genuine relationships with all parties involved and work together closely in order to find common solutions. We believe that this opens up the road to mutual success.road mutual, mutual successwindow, customer, certificate, vehicle, number2
rewart.huAll cooperation is based on the human relationship; we build and expect partnership. Our goal is to create mutual solidarity, commitment, and respect with client & co-agencies & suppliers.professional mutual, mutual solidarity, goal mutualbrand, curious, enthusiastic, heart, talented2
kapcsolatcentrum.huOur main activities: Individual Therapy and Counseling, Family & Couples Therapy and Counseling, Parental Counseling, Divorce Mediation, Mutual-help Groups, Group Training. The sessions are held in Hungarian, English and Spanish.mediation mutual, mutual helpfamily, individual, group, appointment, help2
kaszasgabor.hu…appeared before them on November 22, 2011, exactly one week later, and I stated in writing that I would sign the termination of the contract with mutual consent on the proviso that no repayment would be demanded of me. I asked for and received a transcript of my appearance there from someone at HR,contract mutual, mutual consenttraining, contract, traffic, air, controller2
mta-tkk.hu…with Iván Vasák since the beginning. With his help and support the world of research learned how to involve stakeholders as equal partners in mutual learning, and in cooperative, socially responsible research. Two decades ago they imagined and developed the foundations of bilingual education ofopportunity mutual, mutual acceptance, partner mutual, mutual learnlanguage, news, research, deaf, chance2
bynd.huWe collaborate with brands who have already recognized that high quality visual content is indispensable to achieve their communication goals. Our partnerships are characterized by mutual respect and making brands stand out from the rest is our common goal.partnership mutual, mutual respectcreative, commercial, brand, video, social2
tuskevariskola.hu…experience. Since the school is maintained by foundation, it requires more attention of families to ensure effective working, however, the mutual responsibility, the self-organization of parents association, the experience of becoming one community can give each active participant of…work mutual, mutual responsibility, trust mutual, mutual clubteacher, school, training, learn, child2
bpdigital.huWe will conduct an analysis that will allow you to see objectively what the SEO potential of your project is and what steps and efforts will lead to our mutual success.effort mutual, mutual successdigital, organic, traffic, engine, search2
equilibriumcapital.huSigning Mutual Aggrement with Barnabas Revesz, CEO of SMARTSET Ltd (UK) on issuing units on token basedcapital, equilibrium, fund, manager, client2
action2020.hu…to startups, which can make the most in highly critical moments. We consider it very important that regarding the needs of businesses, by a mutual work we provide a sufficiently detailed professional information and help them from startups and promising ideas to become a successful and…business mutual, mutual workceo, director, manage, environmental, development2
gergenyi.huOne of our aims is to make agreement in questions of law, to achieve the mutual peaceful settlement in disputes. In order to achieve this, we continuously consult the parties in person or via e-mail, we try to solve the possible disagreements with the help of compromises.law mutual, mutual peacefullegal, office, law, procedure, contract1
mke.info.hu2010. Baja: Meeting of cultures: libraries and librarians at he service of mutual understandingservice mutual, mutual understandlibrary, branch, association, county, conference1
raga.huThe Indian Classical Music is a musical language. It has its own sounds, words, sentences or poems, and last but not least it has its own grammar. What you see on the stage is not improvisation, but live musical communication. In the western culture we used to have this kind of mutual musical…kind mutual, mutual musicalkhan, music, classical, indian, interview1
fermenta.huAt FERMENTA Kft. we consider it our duty to perfectly match the value of the products and services that we distribute to our customers and all their customers which is based on mutual goals and trust to achieve them.customer mutual, mutual goalapplication, food, drink, concentrate, fruit1
tofemcnc.huBesides the "quality" we consider also the exact following of the deadlines as well. Our main target is the highest level service for our clients, besides our mutual benefit.client mutual, mutual benefitproduction, machine, client, detail, capacity1
raszta.hu1. Termination by Mutual Agreement Letter: Legal Process and Template What is the legal process for termination by mutual agreement? Can I find a template to help me draft the letter? Yes, you can find detailed information about the legal process and a template for the termination by mutual…termination mutual, mutual agreementlegal, january, law, agreement, board1
ethica.huSome companies might provide people and teams under their expected skill level, undermining trust between them and their clients. At Ethica we believe mutual trust is the basis of any relationship, so gaining and maintaining this is paramount in all our client relationships.ethica mutual, mutual trustpeople, client, technology, planet, software1
re4you.huour markets completely and every year help hundreds of clients and customers buy, sell, let, rent and manage their homes and investments. We have an outstanding group of professional sales associates at your service. We also believe real estate is about developing partnerships based on mutual trust.partnership mutual, mutual trusttype, house, detail, room, live1
skalar.huOur mission is to use innovative and state-of-the-art technical solutions in the design process for mutual satisfaction with our partners. Read more..process mutual, mutual satisfactionstructure, future, construction, engineering, reference1
firexol.huWe believe that a successful partnership is based on the liking and mutual respect for iron and leather (profession), so we hope to welcome you among our partners soon.like mutual, mutual respecttool, distribution, leather, introduction, contract1
necs.huContent 1. New ISCC Document for Solid Biomass open to Public Consultation 2. Mutual Acceptance of 2BSvs for Waste and Residues 3. Equivalence Assessment of the German Waste Monitoring System (ASYS) 4. Nabisy Updateconsultation mutual, mutual acceptanceenvironmental, consulting, client, welcome, management1
flanker.hu“Quality, reliability and commitment. Thank you for making us experience all these as your partner! We hope that we will have much mutual success also in the future."partner mutual, mutual successindustry, adhesive, manufacture, automotive, electronic1
drfabry.huthe necessary infrastructure and provide our permanent Clients with their own client gateway and electronic platform for communication. Our activity covers representing private persons in court procedure. We cooperate with our Clients on the basis of mutual trust to achieve common goals and success.basis mutual, mutual trustclient, law, legal, office, agreement1
nxtlevel.huAs the founder of the company, I will be the main person you will be in contact with throughout the project. That's why I wanted to show a bit of my personality in the case study, because mutual sympathy is essential. If this makes you feel that you would like to work with us, then I have answered…study mutual, mutual sympathycase, form, study, goal, step1
aacm.huCall for replicant partners: join our PROSPECT2030 team and participate in a learning experience with one of our Expert Partners. Discover progress on energy action plans, local events and next mutual learning sessions. You can download the full text here .event mutual, mutual learneurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder1
merjed.huI have been working in a laboratory that is specialized in food safety since 2007. I am a technician of food analysis and a chemist and got enrolled in Food Engineering at Corvinus University. There I met the pioneers of Hungarian fermentation industry with who we developed the mutual aim of…industry mutual, mutual aimtraining, fermentation, industry, school, page1
revelator.huThe success of our partners is our greatest appreciation! Our main inspiration comes from our clients, who are decisive in their fields and with whom we have worked successfully over the years with mutual satisfaction.year mutual, mutual satisfactionoption, solution, consulting, logistic, management1
onlinet.huEven with full-blown digitalization, there will always be fast challenges. Both providers and customers need adequate answers for very different reasons. What’s mutual is that these solutions should be rapid, saving time and money for every parties.reason mutual, mutual solutionsolution, development, process, client, quote1
seahorse-engineering.huWe wish to be a company where our customers and our own employees are equally satisfied, where good cooperation and mutual respect are key values.cooperation mutual, mutual respectengineering, expert, tab, software, page1
hpandpartners.huWe always aspire to establish long-term cooperation based on mutual trust with our Clients.cooperation mutual, mutual trustlaw, firm, legal, client, solution1
erdosmuanyag.huOur clients recognized the always improving nature of our company. This helped us develop several long-time mutual business relationships both on the Hungarian and the European market. If you are looking for parts for insulating glass or plastic doors and windows, look no further!time mutual, mutual businessmanufacture, key, glass, flexible, connector1
fmitech.huIn case of a mandate, I strive to achieve realistic, achievable, measurable and sustainable goals based on mutual agreement.goal mutual, mutual agreementquality, manager, management, support, workflow1
karman-mechanics.huOur company provides engineering services with experience in numerical simulations and engineering development. Our goal is to be a trusted partner for industrial companies with the aim of mutual growth. Our dedicated and experienced team develops carefully prepared design proposals for our…aim mutual, mutual growthmechanic, reference, customer, structural, engineering1
szojaoltopor.huWe welcome new partners for Rhizo Nat Extra based on shared purpose and on mutual growth while being a server for customers.purpose mutual, mutual growthseed, soybean, privacy, imprint, powder1
subly.huSupport in planning, analysing, optimizing and growing your business. We believe in long term partnership and mutual success.partnership mutual, mutual successdevelopment, complex, need, mainly, foreign1
global-service.huWe must work cohesively with our colleagues across the group and with our Customers and partners around the world, building strong relationships based on tolerance, understanding and mutual cooperationunderstand mutual, mutual cooperationglobal, touch, freight, value, need1
biggeorgeproperty.huThe protection and the expressed increase of our developed and purchased buildings’ value is an important objective for us. We are building long-lasting relationships with our renters and partners on the foundations of mutual satisfaction and value-creating power.foundation mutual, mutual satisfactionproperty, development, real, estate, view1
molnar78.hu…optimal and cost-efficient solutions in each case. Whenever possible, we strive to settle disputes by means of amicable agreement. We consider mutual trust to be the key aspect of attorney-client relations, and trust should be based on keeping clients up to date throughout the entire duration ofagreement mutual, mutual trustattorney, law, office, client, representation1
reguly.huThe fourth day we could prepare costumes from the given material and take part in the Italian fashion show and performance. As part of the mutual professional interest we visited some lessons - Maths, PE, Music and Chemistry - of the Macedonian colleagues. Later our hosts organised a dance…performance mutual, mutual professionalschool, student, teacher, host, day1
innomed.huAmong the connections of Innomed Medical Inc., there are business partners who we know for decades. It is important for us to achieve reliable cooperation and mutual business success.cooperation mutual, mutual businessmedical, development, ray, generator, ecg1
edutax.huFurthermore, we undertake to prepare sample documents customized to companies, whether they are legal statements, employment contract, information, notice, mutual agreement – or special labour document, rules, atypical employment contract, distance work, executive employee, etc. As demanded, our…notice mutual, mutual agreementtax, labour, consultancy, expert, bookkeeping1
bingham.hu…Our mission and purpose is to make it accessible to everyone. With the increase in biocracy across the European Union, it is still necessary to prove, send and care about the security of your data. This is our goal in helping you in this respect. We will look forward to our mutual cooperation.forward mutual, mutual cooperationserver, software, user, additional, solution1
baltictrans.huIn addition to excellent quality , reliability , an ideal match between topic and translator, as well as the use of state-of-the-art technology , we do our best to build good personal relationships both with our clients and our translators. Open, two-sided communication based on mutual respect can…communication mutual, mutual respectbaltic, language, translator, quote, expertise1
bravogroup.huMutual honesty and fairness are essential conditions for cooperation both within the company and with partners. Our authenticity is established by, among others, the fact that we only make promises regarding activities that we are able to keep and that we see such promises as obligations.solution, office, distribution, operation, trade1
mt-gasconsulting.hu…well. In fact we know everybody on the market, we have a great relationship with traders, system operators, consultants and authorities. The mutual human and professional respect is what typifies our relationship with our partners. We can provide the comfort of perspicacity for our partners.authority mutual, mutual humanconsulting, gas, customer, welcome, energy1
projecthr.huThroughout our professional experience we constantly learn that the most successful collaborations are always where the mutual goal of client and candidate is to explore the possibilities of the individual life paths.collaboration mutual, mutual goalhealth, market, research, human, resource1
krq.huPassionate commitment to the work we do. Excellence derived from intellectual rigor, creativity, and practical experience. Client-driven focus. Honesty, integrity, and mutual respect.integrity mutual, mutual respectcommunication, client, brand, page, video1
benczurconsulting.huWe are constantly developing ourselves and widening our network. We believe in proactive communication, mutual trust and transparent processes.communication mutual, mutual trustconsulting, communication, client, international, page1
szabadossandor.hu…or herself. Often, it is only in retrospective that we come to understand how we left all that was good and fulfilling, all that we built with mutual effort and commitment, to ruin. This realization may come when we are already deeply involved with someone else, in a relationship that is…fulfil mutual, mutual effortsession, self, counseling, issue, relationship1
btms.hu…solutions for our clients. By fostering a collaborative and client-centric approach, we strive to build long-term partnerships based on trust and mutual success. With our dedication to excellence and a deep understanding of the industry, we are your reliable partner in navigating the ever-evolving…trust mutual, mutual successsoftware, development, solution, consulting, client1
munka-vedelmi.hu“Many novice real estate investors soon quit the profession and invest. When you invest in real estate, you often see a side of humanity that stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and saving money shelter you from.”bond mutual, mutual fundquote, construction, safety, health, consultant1
bridgeinstitute.huWe create an environment that stimulates telling stories, sharing experiences and failures in order to reach mutual engagement, move participants to action and enhance growth mindset.order mutual, mutual engagementcourse, cooperation, education, knowledge, engagement1
bookers.huWe would like to welcome you as and among our content and regular customers and clientele. We hope that we will soon be a part of your future business success and wonderful holiday experience. Our long-term and mutual cooperation results in further free services and significant benefits for you.term mutual, mutual cooperationticket, flight, reservation, travel, important1
deveco.huWe plan, implement and support your project as our own, we strive for business relations relying on long term cooperation and mutual trust.cooperation mutual, mutual trustdevelopment, consulting, sustainability, innovation, evaluation1
vl2004.huWe both have nominated Hungarian and also multinational undertakings in our partner-portfolio, with whom we maintain a continuous and long-term partnership for mutual confidence.partnership mutual, mutual confidencescrap, equipment, licence, confidence, metal1
mte.hu– Content Providers exert legitimate and professionally sound influence, based on mutual agreement, on the changing conditions of the market, the altering legal background, international processes affecting the Hungarian context, and the formation of roles assumed by the stateinfluence mutual, mutual agreementassociation, provider, provide, rule, regulation1
icontest.huOur client base is increasing continuously, we keep working with all clients we have ever worked with, mutual partnership is key for usclient mutual, mutual partnershiptechnology, energy, expert, area, solution1
egyensulyintezet.huA nation that is community-centred, stands in mutual solidarity and is future-oriented. Strengthening cooperation, democratic values, and cohesion in society. The place of Hungarian in Europe and the world.community mutual, mutual solidarityinstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think1
norexerp.huWe are proudest when clients tell us that we represent their interests as if their company were ours. This level of commitment provides a foundation for long-term confidence and mutual respect.confidence mutual, mutual respectclient, management, consulting, provider, reference1
summa-artium.hu…equal chances projects, the Musical Instrument Fund that lends master instruments to early career artists, the Kiraly Istvan Fund that supports literary achievements or the Trust for Mutual Understanding Regional Fund, that supports cultural mobility and cooperation projects in the CEE region.trust mutual, mutual understandart, partnership, cultural, aim, private1
tamasmagusmedium.hushe must be your only helper! If we are already working together and you feel the urge to go somewhere else, the minimum you expect from me is that you ask for my opinion before doing so, because we agree that you will cooperate with me during the joint work, there must be mutual respect and trust !work mutual, mutual respectcourse, day, consultation, spiritual, health1
uniqalis.huWe are committed to advancing equity and sustainability in business as well as in society. Our goal is to create an effective win-win relationship based on fairness and mutual respect. We help our clients make long-lasting, fruitful partnerships. We help companies unleash their potential while…fairness mutual, mutual respectschedule, appointment, african, international, main1
griffon-shipping.huProvide a tailor-made solution to all our partners fomenting a mutual growth of business development between producers and customerspartner mutual, mutual growthshipping, ceramic, value, person, ethical1
otpbank.huIf you want a yield that exceeds the deposit interest rate, invest a part of your savings in securities! You will find it easy to choose from our wide range of securities including domestic and foreign government bonds, shares, OTP Bonds, mortgages, mutual funds and certificates.mortgage mutual, mutual fundaccount, banking, retail, management, security1
zhe.hun human-robot collaboration, it is crucial for the robot to make its intentions clear and predictable to the human partners. Inspired by the mutual learning and adaptation of human partners, we suggest an actor-critic approach for a legible robot motion planner.partner mutual, mutual learnvideo, robotic, jia, pan, human1
familyday.huWe aim to promote the spirit of support, encouragement, and unity among people across the world. Inspired by ancient architectural designs and the concept of mutual support structures, we invite families to come together and build their own 3D structures. The activity kit includes all the…concept mutual, mutual support, participant mutualbridge, math, family, day, art1
clarksonhydeglobal.huOur philosophy is based on creating complete and mutual trust, on rigor and professionalism, and in giving full respect to confidentiality.complete mutual, mutual trustglobal, tax, international, preparation, advisory1
cosignum.huenvironmental and water industry, ICT, infrastructure as well as real estate development. We have strong commitment in establishing and developing mutual cooperation between potential social and business partners both in EU region as well as the CIS, Balkan and Asian regions and countries with…commitment mutual, mutual cooperationsector, development, chinese, social, region1
triad.huA relatively simple principle of sharing elementary data of documents of mutual interest with the partners in a Zero Corner Model scenario can bring us closer to what we really want. This is what we call data centric integration.document mutual, mutual interestcustomer, document, consulting, credit, model1
crk.huWe are proud that the CRK has already hosted many events where togetherness, team spirit, and mutual attention have been highlighted in today’s fast-paced world…spirit mutual, mutual attentionevent, center, wedding, quote, camp1
karmun.hu…‘Collective Responsibility’ aimed to urge all nations to take action regarding universal issues, while this year, with the theme ‘Global Consciousness’ we encourage people to practice mutual understanding and acceptance in order to find solutions to our issues and function effectively as a society.people mutual, mutual understandconference, nation, registration, united, model1
lawyerbudapest.huA true partnership is a two-way street — ideas and information flow openly and regularly, based on a foundation of mutual trust and respect for one another’s expertise — and our clients embrace this philosophy.foundation mutual, mutual trustlaw, formation, lawyer, tax, vat1
m-clean.huXred non nulla nunc. Sed convallis dui mauris,snd mutual missed myself the little sister one. ...snd mutual, mutual littleclean, page, feature, cloud, website1
gerotamas.hu“By executing his professional obligations, the lawyer – by legal means and mode - contributes to the enforcement of his Client’s rights and the fulfillment of his Client’s obligations. The lawyer takes part in settling the mutual consent of the litigations of the Parties in opposition” -…lawyer mutual, mutual consentlaw, criminal, real, estate, corporate1
gpz-design.huA portfolio is a grouping of financial assets such as stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies and cash equivalents, as well as their fund counterparts, including mutual, exchange-traded and closed funds. A portfolio can also consist of non-publicly tradable securities, like real estate, art, and…counterpart mutual, mutual exchangeprofession, graphic, digital, logo, app1
szaboesszalai.huDr. Péter Szalai, attorney-at-law, specialized in civil law in the broad sense of the term, and has been continuously representing clients before courts in divorce cases, both in factual and in divorce by mutual consent (dissolution).divorce mutual, mutual consentlaw, firm, proceedings, criminal, case1
rekkova.hutwo materials introducing the contemporary collections are very close to my heart. Hungarian and English versions appeared on the site in December 2022. Creating the descriptions of “Shape of Water” and “Once Upon a Time…” was the most beautiful phase of the collaboration and a source of mutual joy.source mutual, mutual joycopy, article, publication, management, art1
comx.huTell us your idea, and we will answer with a story. We are sure we'll find the perfect solution for our mutual vision. We will develop your project to You or with You, from the pitch to the screenplay.solution mutual, mutual visionvision, hand, artistic, care, routine1
ironboard.huOur relationship of mutual trust both with foundries and with customers has enabled us to optimize times and simplify work processes, thus helping companies to develop their sales organization in new markets.relationship mutual, mutual trusttrading, production, plant, customer, process1
kor-fitting.hu…technical information as well. In the course of our work, we consider the establishment and maintenance of long-term partnerships based on mutual trust as the most important thing. Thanks to our favorable prices, you can use our stainless steel fittings in areas of special technical…partnership mutual, mutual trustvalve, stainless, steel, tube, instrumentation1
egervaritrans.huWith our well-trained team of drivers, who have been a key player for many years, we can deliver coordinated, precise work. They are a stable, close-knit community with minimal movement, thanks to mutual cooperation.thank mutual, mutual cooperationtransport, warehouse, category, logistic, equipment1
armenian.huDuring the meeting, the parties discussed a wide range of issues of bilateral agenda, highlighting the importance of further development of relations in areas of mutual...ago, month, minister, foreign, day1
wagnerlaw.hu…we built all these years allow us to offer our clients a high-quality, effective representation of their cases. Our service is built on mutual trust. We know how to fight and our success is proven: we have over a thousand cases settled in favour of our clients. We are on the list of…service mutual, mutual trustlaw, citizenship, firm, international, injury1
alphagreen.huWe welcome new suppliers & customers to contact us to explore mutual & beneficial discussions that we believe will lead to long-term successful trading partnerships.customer mutual, mutual beneficialgreen, focus, supply, marketplace, supplier1
bred.huBRED® is not only a trademark; BRED® is a team, as well. What brought us together is our love for design: our mutual belief that design is not vain formalism, but a practice that serves function and humans.design mutual, mutual beliefspace, solution, office, function, spatial1
cee.huOver the years, CEE has not just been a supplier to TI Fluid Systems but also a valuable partner. The company’s reputation for technical competence, particularly in fluid connectors and plastic injection moulded components, is unparalleled, and we have always shared mutual respect and trust.unparalleled mutual, mutual respectcee, engineering, europe, plastic, injection1
folkfeszt.huWe enhance intercultural dialogue; inspire our festivals to present the most significant national and regional cultural achievements and trends emphasising the mutual presence of tradition and modernity, creativity and innovation.trend mutual, mutual presencefolklore, festival, folk, federation, international1
rftbk.huWe also intend to build and maintain friendly relations, in the spirit of mutual respect and support, with other organizations and groups, within the country and across the borders, the members of which have similar interests and believe similar values, thus assisting each other in achieving our…spirit mutual, mutual respectpage, border, fan, gallery, moment1
dcahungary.huAs a result of our mutual reliability, flexibility and productive work, as well as outstanding communication, close collaboration has been formed. Consequently, in March 2015 we opened and established our joint Budapest office, named DCA Hungary Ltd.result mutual, mutual reliabilityclient, reference, office, quality1
starbucksjobs.huBy bringing people together over coffee, Starbucks has become one of the world’s best-known and best loved companies. Working at Starbucks is a lot like working with your friends! When you work here, you’re not an “employee” – we call ourselves “partners” because we believe in shared common goals…goal mutual, mutual successjob, big, coffee, market, store1
caribedancecenter.huFill the convenient application form and send us back and so we are in touch already. Of course this does not yet oblige you to anything but makes sure the possibility of mutual information. We would be glad if you came, we would be more glad if you remained too and we would be even more glad if…possibility mutual, mutual informationdance, center, cuban, lifestyle, course1
ontarget.hu…to the “easiest”, yet most difficult to manage motivator: money. This can become a trap where there’s no other topic with people, only their compensation. We show you a way out from there, where your people will focus on short and long terms mutual wins, working in a supporting business culture.term mutual, mutual winresult, consulting, potential, strategy, development1
partitestverek.huThe sailors of these nations are connected not only by the love of the sea and the shipping, but also by joining a table to become members of a community where mutual trust, respect and tolerance are not just empty slogans, but actually existing in common programs like manifest values. There are…community mutual, mutual trusttable, national, news, flag, international1
por.hu- Usually provided by the editors but is open for any professionals who want to publish scientific and market news (congresses, exhibitions, books, while publication of the contents of other journals can be negotiated on a mutual basis).journal mutual, mutual basisuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine1
weddingceremony.huAccording to the Christian traditions, wedding is the highest level of relationship between a woman and a man (1 Corinthians 11) based on mutual love. For that free will and clear intent is necesarry.corinthians mutual, mutual lovewedding, ceremony, christian, way, minister1
biokutatas.hu…organic farmers. As an enthusiastic organic farmer, I gladly participate in workshops and professional meetings organized by ÖMKi. These not only provide new and useful information, but also create opportunities for mutual exchange of experiences with other farmers and professional networking.opportunity mutual, mutual exchangeorganic, research, agriculture, food, variety1
haverla.huThousands of civil and employment contracts, mutual agreements, dismissals, legal opinions.contract mutual, mutual agreementarea, law, practice, contract, data1
kucseralilla.huLilla and I begun our professional relationship through a mutual acquaintance's recommendation. I instantly recognized that we will have a successful partnership. Our thought process was similar, moreover, there were no useless, incomprehensible lines in her offer – something I had unfortunately…relationship mutual, mutual acquaintancereference, campaign, successful, brand, privacy1
drszalay.huThis is because the character of the heroic ex-commando and police role model, Col. Bordás, would be incompatible with the actions of the actor. Therefore, Stohl – who once again apologised to all in his message read out at the press conference – and the production will part ways, based on mutual…way mutual, mutual agreementlaw, attorney, client, legal, office1
modernceremoniamester.huI started my career helping out on my friends’ and family members' weddings. I find it very important to reach mutual understanding with the couples I work for. I always do my best to get to know you as people, not just clients which leads us to an amazing result!important mutual, mutual understandwedding, video, gallery, day, friend1
paksiugyved.huOwner of the law office, Gabor Paksi Dr. LL.M. is lawyer at the Association of Mutual Insurers of Hungarian Lawyers.association mutual, mutual insureroffice, law, procurement, public, association1
crystalproperty.huOur vision is to surpass positions in the property management industry through maintaining a professional environment , which consists of integrity, commitment, responsibility, mutual respect & excellence. Our staff is committed to demonstrating these qualities when dealing with current and future…responsibility mutual, mutual respectproperty, management, art, condominium, current1
e-steel.huIn our list of partners we have organisations of different sizes and profiles. For the sake of mutual success, we work together flexibly, confidentially and in the absolute interest of the other party.sake mutual, mutual successsteel, structural, engineer, structure, technology1
nakedman.huYou are welcome regardless of your beliefs, age, shape, style or cultural background. Through fire-lit men’s circles, physical embodiment exercises, ritual combat, personal and group processes we will create a bond of acceptance and mutual support rarely felt. As a group we will enjoy great food…acceptance mutual, mutual supportman, title, site, facilitator, kingdom1
eco-log-ing.huOur relationship with the clients is based on trust that is the foundation of long term mutual beneficial cooperation.term mutual, mutual beneficiallogistic, plan, log, main, page1
iqc.hu…time spend on a given project. IQ ConsultinG manages an extended strategic alliance integrating Hungarian and Non-Hungarian consulting firms, and three universities with their Business Schools. The cooperation of this network is based on mutual know-how licensing and on ad-hoc formed consortiums.network mutual, mutual knowconsulting, market, organizational, development, management1
emtc.hu…of our products, to fulfill our customer’s expressed and expected requirements on high-level by providing perfect products. We develop our business policy, market-strategy regarding our partners’ opinion and feedback We stand for the validation of mutual benefits in our business relationships.validation mutual, mutual benefitrequirements, quality, colleagues, german, general1
bigfish.huWe’ll assist you in starting your business in e-commerce and making it continuously grow. With our 20+ years of expertise we will provide you with tailor-made practical support in planning, analysing, optimizing and growing your business. We believe in long term partnership and mutual success.partnership mutual, mutual successbig, fish, career, commerce, great1
brg-group.huWe know exactly how hard it is for chief executives to find the right accountant, given this is a confidential task. Keyword is trust and this can only be gained after a successful mutual work. This is what we apply for as we will have an insight to your financial workflow.successful mutual, mutual workaccounting, liquidation, group, finance, outsource1
ora-akcio.huOn a more serious note, if you’re thinking about resigning from a job, don’t forget to check out a mutual agreement resignation letter sample . It’s important to be professional when leaving a job.job mutual, mutual agreementlegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements1
drtanacs.huemployment contracts, non-compete, non-disclosure agreements, preparation and review of workplace regulations, drafting ang implementing Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), termination of employment by mutual agreement, termination, temporary agency work, temporary staffing – document…employment mutual, mutual agreementlaw, legal, contract, protection, representation1
nhkv.huThe basic pillar of the operation of NHKV is the establishment and sustenance of professional co-operations and the implementation of high quality, efficient and successful work based on mutual assistance. For this end, it is essential to unite the participants of the waste management profession…work mutual, mutual assistance, profession mutual, mutual targetpublic, data, introduction, organisation, recommendation1
hupakbc.huWe are honoured to serve as a bridge between Hungary and Pakistan, promoting not just business, but mutual understanding and cultural dialogue.business mutual, mutual understandrelation, event, pakistan, news, water1
attorney.hu…practical approach to the changing needs of all our clients. We are committed to establish strong personal ties and well-built business relationships with our clients founded on mutual respect, trust and confidence. We always provide client orientated services with the highest level of client care.client mutual, mutual respectclient, association, practical, firm, approach1
das2023.hu…develop areas of technological cooperation between researchers and technicians from different countries on bilateral and multilateral basis to contribute to the mutual scientific benefit; organize every year an Annual Symposium on "Development of Methods and Applications of Experimental Mechanics"basis mutual, mutual scientificsociety, mechanic, symposium, experimental, conference1
duna3000.hu…and widespread business relations. At Duna 3000, we believe that the base of successful cooperation with our clients is deeply rooted in the mutual partnership and trust. Our goal is to find real solutions for our clients’ challenges and questions as well as to support them to create and carrydeeply mutual, mutual partnershipaccounting, tax, consultation, authority, report1
icoach.huCoaching is always an awesome journey for me, the solid foundation of which is created by mutual trust and connection between me and my partner: a thought-provoking and creative process in which we are inspired to experiment with new ideas and practices to reach your goal.foundation mutual, mutual trustconsulting, development, organization, connection, value1
genealogia.huIt is our mutual benefit, it is for your interest as well to give exact information, to specify your e-mail, and to modify your e-mail address if it changed.genealogy, forum, archive, history, research1
realidaconsult.hu…company through a longer transformation period. We believe, consultancy is a trust-based business, as such we recommend to start any new cooperation with specific projects. These provide the opportunity to evaluate the success of the mutual work and create the trust required for closer cooperation.success mutual, mutual workconsult, management, issue, situation, process1
ggis.hu"Dear Friends... It is clearly etched in my mind how your school's Christian democratism and noble internationalism guide now Hungary-based children from countries ranging from American to Asia in the spirit of pure intellect and mutual respect. Convinced that no nobler unity can be created than…intellect mutual, mutual respectschool, international, great, question, grace1
angolmesekert.huwhere the organizational and professional culture is based on mutual acceptance, respect, and appreciation;culture mutual, mutual acceptancechild, preschool, introduction, education, development1
meatfactory.huWe value our old partners and approach everyone who knows us recently with friendship. We have established a fair business relationship with our suppliers and customers, which does not lack personal acquaintance, mutual respect and respect.acquaintance mutual, mutual respectprice, list, meat, request, factory1
budapestcircusfestival.hu…future husband, Fabio Pereira Paraizo. The breathtaking act of the only Hungarian fliegende group made up of family members is a tribute to mutual trust and confidence. One of the specialities of the performance is the blindfolded triple somersault. They have worked in Ireland's first circus,tribute mutual, mutual trustcircus, festival, international, act, artist1
fklaw.huOver the years, Meritas has carefully vetted and invited select, like-minded firms to join the non-profit alliance for their mutual benefit. Today there are more than 170 Meritas law firms worldwide, in over 60 countries. Firms become members through invitation. To maintain membership, they agree…alliance mutual, mutual benefitlaw, data, firm, legal, client1
bonitasktk.huWe primarily seek to add to our portfolio those companies to which, through its partner companies, in addition to funding, we can provide valuable technical and strategic support. We wish to work with owners and management who are committed to achieving mutual success.management mutual, mutual successinvestment, management, fund, group, domestic1
paksbusz.huThe first phase of E-MOB ends on the 31st. This three years period supported exchange of experience between the international partners and focused on mutual learning. This manifested in Action Plans devised by each partners that describe how the chosen Policy Instruments should […] Continuepartner mutual, mutual learntravel, news, bus, public, point1
zoldker.hu…our family business with purpose according to the traditional values and sustainable development, and today we are working as a member of a modern company group. The key to our success is mutual respect, credibility, honest work, engagement of the employees and responsibility for our environment.success mutual, mutual respectnews, wholesale, trade, fair, catalogue1
ashszoftverhaz.hu…special operational requirements, we provide tailor-made, creative, innovative software solutions design, development, and support. We are proud of forming long term, deeply confidential business relationships with clients from both public and private sectors, firmly based on mutual satisfaction.firmly mutual, mutual satisfactionash, development, software, career, public1
havik.huThe Havik Ltd., founded in 2003, is an industrial and trade company with 100% Hungarian ownership. The production center is at Kaposújlak, 3 kilometers from Kaposvár, in Somogycounty, Hungary. Since 2011 we operate at a brand new, more than 1000 square meters production area.mutual contentmentproduction, steel, locksmith, structure, industrial0
tavastanya.huZemax License Agreement… Withdrawal Agreement Common Travel Area… When Was 12 Point Delhi Agreement…uk mutual, mutual agreementagreement, letter, license, travel, common0
digitalnatives.huWe transform your idea into a viable digital product, using our decade-long experience and the latest technology in digital product development.feel mutual, mutual linedigital, native, development, idea, innovation0
kozelafrikahoz.huChildren in many parts of Africa only go to school at all if they can afford tuition, which is why many children drop out or never go to school. The very point of the program is not to give money, but to provide learning opportunities to children in need, giving them a chance to emerge from their…assistance mutual, mutual developmentchild, africa, school, sponsor, education0
nordentsmile.huNorDent Smile dental office was established in 2014 in Mórahalom. From the very beginning the goal of our dentistry was to provide impeccable dental services to our patients coming from all around the globe. Our mission is to provide tranquility and security through the kindness and…atmosphere mutual, mutual trustdental, smile, office, dentistry, dentist0
actpartner.huOur goal is joint success, so we look for grant resources that can help your company’s plans for the next 1-5 years. We manage the entire grant management process of each successful project so that you can draw down the total grant awarded.grant, training, act, application, plan0
aeo.huThe owner of the “Customs Simplification” certificate will not be examined by customs authorities for the same criteria that were required for receiving the AEO certificate. For those applicants who already have the certificate all the conditions are considered as given, and their application is…custom, certificate, authority, application, status0
pgospedition.huAlthough 7 days in a week we organize transportation in whole Europe for dozens of our partners, our job is not only limited by that fact. By setting the trends, we broad are offer with unique services, which makes every day’s transportation no longer an unpleasant routine.need mutual, mutual cooperationoffer, transportation, day, customer, additional0
nagytarcsaparkfm.huOur Company… The Industrial Park… Our Services… Facility management… Joint representation… Legal…condition mutual, mutual agreementgallery, homepage, representation, machinery, management0
budapesterotic.huWe are so glad that you have found us! Our girls provide wonderful erotic massage experience to all of our clients. Our girls are licensed massage therapists with natural beauty. They are performing both erotic and classic massages. Your body will be fit and satisfied by our massage, thus you can…massage, erotic, body, salon, type0
bse.huBSE Xtend - Stock exchange for medium-sized companiesmutual fundmarket, data, exchange, trading, stock0
kh.huK&H Bank and Insurance offers a full range of financial services including bank accounts, loans, insurance and savings products.information mutual, mutual dataaccount, card, loan, saving, investment0
nevex.huThe NEVEX Institute is involved in the licensing process as an accredited, official partner of the national authorities, thereby to speed up the registration of new products and ultimately their route to the Hungarian users. This is the common interest of producers, traders, farmers as well as the…evaluation mutual, mutual recognitionauthorization, plant, evaluation, process, institute0
munkavedinfo.hu…changing landscape of the law, it’s important to stay informed and protected. Whether it’s understanding the legal requirements for street legal LED headlights or the process and impact of a free trade agreement between Australia and India, having access to expert legal guidance is crucial.tenancy mutual, mutual agreementlegal, law, agreement, regulation, important0
gyogyitotorodesworkshop.hu…Feedbacks… MEBOSS (MY BOSS)… We are looking for course organizers and course leaders… Trust building…mutual trusttrust, method, thematic, goal, consultation0
mariasy.huVisit the MARIASY estate in the Csurgó valley of Tokaj to taste our wines and feel the love of furmint grapes and wine!registration mutual, mutual trustwine, estate, signature, sparkle, hand0
colegal.hu…centre of our practice. Further on, our colleagues have obtained in-depth understanding of the legal aspect of criminal law, sports law, various fields of competition law and consumer protection law. In any and all of our practice areas, we efficiently provide clearly comprehensible and…notice mutual, mutual terminationlaw, legal, preparation, university, counselling0
ferrlas.huExplore our wide range of sheet metal products, including steel, stainless steel, and aluminum sheets, as well as custom fence panels. Our high-quality materials and precision cutting techniques ensure that every piece we produce meets the highest standards. Our quality products are ideal for both…collaboration mutual, mutual respectsheet, metal, cut, quality, solution0
oko-melli.hu…activity based on bees, one of the important participants in the insect world. In the course of our beekeeping activities, we visit various bee pastures with our bees, plant cultures and we would like to offer you the producer honey made from the nectar glands of plants collected by the…customer mutual, mutual satisfactionhoney, bee, organic, natural, quality0
portfolio.huSouth Korean battery plant keeps sacking Hungarian workers after pocketing billions for job creationmutual fundprice, fund, economy, portfolio, rate0
kovgafam.huAbout us Our services Gallery Measuring Quality policy Our machine park Our references Contuct usmutual respectproduction, quality, eng, machine, precision0
termokemix.huOur family business offers mold release agents to concrete producers for more than 20 years. We continuously develop our products with our partners’ help to their exact demands.product mutual, mutual successpage, main, reference, concrete, agent0