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85 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: phenomenon

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heritagemanager.huArt itself often becomes heritage or it can help to give new meanings to heritage phenomena. For us both are important, but our area of interest is particularly heritage interpretation, which is a methodology of interpreting heritage phenomena. Interpretation is the art of relevance, it can render…heritage phenomenon, phenomenon important, phenomenon interpretation, different phenomenon, phenomenon heritageheritage, manager, cultural, association, community4
nanotechnology.huThe reflection spectrum of butterfly wings shows small, but selective changes when subjected to vapors of different liquids. We measued and modeled this phenomenon on such an exceptional butterfly species, Albulina metallica , where the colors of both the upper and lower wing surfaces are physical…liquid phenomenon, phenomenon exceptional, optical phenomenon, phenomenon coloration, light phenomenonpublication, butterfly, image, detail4
femtolab.hu[30] P. Dombi, S. E. Irvine, P. Rácz, M. Lenner, N. Kroó, G. Farkas, A. Mitrofanov, A. Baltuska, T. Fuji, F. Krausz and A. Y. Elezzabi, “ Observation of few-cycle, strong-field phenomena in surface plasmon fields, ” Opt. Express 18, 24206-24212 (2010).ultrafast phenomenon, phenomenon condensed, plasmonic phenomenon, phenomenon book, field phenomenonfield, lab, opt, k., generation3
fuleky-tokaj.huFÜLEKY TOKAJ estate wine, single-vineyard, late harvest and Aszú wines all share balance and elegance. FÜLÖP the Phenomenon, Bodorgkeresztúr’s white stork brand , their second label contains a dry and a late harvest wine.fülöp phenomenon, phenomenon bodorgkeresztúrwine, estate, gallery, guesthouse, news3
osas.hu…drawing, graphics and the presentation of the relationship between the two media with other media as the exhibition deals with the innovative phenomena of fine arts after 2009 and seeks answers to the question of the relationship between artistic innovation, renewal of tradition and the…interrelationships phenomenon, phenomenon nature, innovative phenomenon, phenomenon fineart, post, open, exhibition, structure2
hiperszuper.hu…and social sensitivity; their interest is diverse, their genuity is remarkable , and many of them are unusually agile even physically. The phenomenon is undeniable, and from family homes through educational institutions to workplace it is more and more intensively transforming the scenes of…physically phenomenon, phenomenon undeniable, decade phenomenon, phenomenon socialhomepage, individual, picture, solution, big2
ecolres.huMany of the projects of the Centre for Ecological Research are carried out with the active involvement of the public. Together, we can perform our spatially and temporally widespread research more efficiently. During our Citizen science programs, we monitor various species and ecological phenomena…ecological phenomenon, phenomenon answerresearch, garden, ecological, species, science2
metropolis.org.huKeszeg Anna – Kálai Sándor: Nordic noir From genre to brand value. Conceptual frameworks of a transmediatic cultural phenomenoncontemporary, representation, history, social, woman2
roseville.huSignificant archaeological finds and phenomena excavated on the Bécsi Road plot where the RoseVille office building is developed by ATENORfind phenomenon, phenomenon bécsioffice, build, development, developer, manager2
lidar-wmt.hu…pick the relevant categories. Beside the airborne survey, the service contract by default includes the preliminary field survey of the selected area, and the 3D visualized mapping of surface phenomena acquired from the LIDAR data, including the relevant patterns and distinctive landscape elements.unique phenomenon, phenomenon graph, surface phenomenon, phenomenon lidarsurvey, solution, process, landscape, preliminary2
kopintalapitvany.hu…of circular distributions is also prevalent when Budapest is removed from the sample, which further reinforces the north-south polarisation phenomenon. This configuration is modified only in a few sectors, such as accommodation services, where specific geographical considerations determine the…polarisation phenomenon, phenomenon configuration, need phenomenon, phenomenon objectiveeconomic, international, literature, country, economy2
greenscorecard.huIt is our intention that these data be analysed by many, and to see many people, especially decision makers, carry out their own assessments. We seek to generate debate on social phenomena, on sustainability, and on the future of society. If many people used this database suitable for preparing…difficult phenomenon, phenomenon assessment, social phenomenon, phenomenon sustainabilitygreen, deal, sustainability, society, economy2
hologramhungary.huThe hologram is an aesthetically extraordinary, rainbow looking metallic or transparent phenomenon. With its harmonic rainbow colours and movements, softness or sturdiness the dynamism emerges from the regular printing products. The extremely high resolution - which can range from 120 000 dpi to…transparent phenomenon, phenomenon harmonic, effect phenomenon, phenomenon regularlabel, security, customer, printing, material2
felvesznek.huOur analysis of the current situation in partner schools from Hungary, Finland and Bulgaria shows a stable trend in the numbers of learners that are facing difficulties in graduating. The roots of this phenomenon reflect the different national and local contexts: in some cases, these are linked to…root phenomenon, phenomenon different, country phenomenon, phenomenon europetraining, manual, teacher, school, career2
astronomyknowhow.huIndeed, "there is something" beside the star on two sides, cca. 180 degrees to each other. Since no other star of the same brightness produces this phenomenon, I would exclude optical errors.brightness phenomenon, phenomenon opticaluniverse, light, dark, creation, nebula2
g-online.huThe " Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology " directed by well-known Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan performed clinical and functional tests for the care prevention of cutaneous aging phenomena on impressing of cases. These were the foundation of Romanian cosmetologists that have developed a personalized…age phenomenon, phenomenon case, phenomenon reaction, phenomenon skincart, stock, care, treatment, skin2
hiaszt.huAs the first part of a broad and comprehensive inquiry, the proposed three years of research aims to examine the history of the Hungarian so-called ‘amateur’ phenomena (theatres, performances, festivals etc.) and the accessible documents of their history between 1961 and 1972. Missing (Theatre)…amateur phenomenon, phenomenon theatretheatre, stage, literary, amateur, studio1
silhouetteconsulting.hu…the programmes that went with them, which, from the aspect of guests’ experiences, always constituted perfect organisation. This was when I first thought what it would be like to be part of the entire phenomenon on the other side. So that was the moment I decided that this would be my profession.entire phenomenon, phenomenon momentevent, consulting, manager, challenge, client1
glob.huLES FISSURES DANS LES CONSTRUCTIONS ? PHENOMENES NATURELS OU DEFAUTS ? (Cracks in constructions. Natural phenomenon or defaults ? )natural phenomenon, phenomenon defaultcommission, scientific, publication, list, activity1
furedi-annamaria.huI can’t help it, I appreciate realism. This »beautification« of the past can be observed in other recently made British (and some American or Canadian) films as well, it seems to be a phenomena. I think that instead of hypocritical denial, the past should be acknowledged as it was. Even if it is…film phenomenon, phenomenon insteadcanada, woman, people, thing, category1
mta-tkk.huwas taken into account by our presentation. „ Rethinking linguistic patterns of the Hungarian Sign Language: What Do the Deaf’s Viewpoints Tell Us about Their Perception? ” was the title of the presentation in which the focus was on presenting two rethought phenomena of the bilingualism of the Deaf.focus phenomenon, phenomenon bilingualismlanguage, news, research, deaf, chance1
drogfokuszpont.huThe EU drugs agency (EMCDDA) will be presenting its annual overview of the European drug situation on 27 May in a multilingual, multimedia information package focusing on today’s rapidly shifting drug phenomenon.drug, report, problem, european, national1
chemcryst.hu…and material science, including organic, inorganic, bio-organic and bio-inorganic compounds and play role in chemistry at interfaces, transport phenomena, polymer sciences, molecular sensors, molecular switches, etc. Molecular self-assembly also allows the construction of larger structures such astransport phenomenon, phenomenon polymerresearch, publication, chemical, science, laboratory1
energocell.huBy manufacturing our product, we greatly contribute to the reduction of both energy and landfill use because the raw material of foam glass is 100% waste glass. Our technology offers solutions to several environmental protection issues, and other environment burdening phenomena as well. Glass…environment phenomenon, phenomenon glassglass, foam, waste, research, thermal1
ibsaderma.huWith the passing of time, the skin undergoes ageing characterised by a slowdown in cell physiological mechanisms. Skin relaxation and thinning, together with the formation of wrinkles, are the most obvious signs of this phenomenon, directly related to a strong reduction of hyaluronic acid in the…sign phenomenon, phenomenon directlyarea, face, neck, body, ambassador1
soundbridge.huBefore a sound bath, it is worth avoiding strong stimuli from the outside world and instead start to listen inwardly and tune in to what you want to let go of or allow into your life or yourself. Often before the program, there is an amplification of phenomena that help this process of awareness.amplification phenomenon, phenomenon processsound, group, day, session, retreat1
gyuloletellen.huResearch. The working group conducts research to better understand the phenomenon of hate crimes and to identify new tools in the fight against hate incidents.well phenomenon, phenomenon hatecrime, group, offence, victim, criminal1
zsuzsannasimon.hutaboo of discourse and representation around female hair by revisiting the extreme story of Wilgefortis: the fanzine for the exhibition addresses the representational, cultural, physiological and psychological aspects of hirsutism, the phenomenon of increased female body hair growth." Flóra Barkóczihirsutism phenomenon, phenomenon femalesingle, picture, beard, sculpture, legend1
migraciokutato.huThe Migration Research Institute was established in September 2015 with the purpose deepening understandings of migration phenomena – particularly immigration in Europe – through synthesizing the scientific findings of various disciplines.migration phenomenon, phenomenon particularlyanalysis, migration, institute, research, water1
kinoalfa.huKINO ALFA is committed to sensitive and critical cinematic portrayals of social phenomena through personal dramas. In recent years, Kino Alfa has been collaborating with filmmakers on films in various stages of development. Those projects all reflect on socially and psychologically pressing issues…social phenomenon, phenomenon personaltheatre, culture, production, documentary, feature1
gaszek.huAnd so we got to the point. Nowadays we are going through a new wave of fight against mass production: handicrafts are increasingly valued - and we must not just smile that this is only cheap marketing lingo because behind this phenomenon we find all these aforementioned needs. Man’s desire is to…lingo phenomenon, phenomenon aforementionednews, gallery, archive, painting, art1
zahorjanivett.huIn the early 2010s, I founded the Rebellive blog, at a time when the phenomenon of the fashion blogger or blog in general was only paving it's way in Hungary.time phenomenon, phenomenon fashionfashion, social, media, journalist, marketer1
sittszallitas-lomtalanitas-koltoztetes.huKnowing the legislations of physics, we can clarify what is taking place around us. Why planes fly as well as ships float, dawn comes, objects fall to the ground, at first rumbling rumbles, and after that lightning flashes. Isn’t it interesting to discover solution to all phenomena by yourself? At…solution phenomenon, phenomenon sitegame, video, like, lot, certainly1
taxworld.huonly on one single aspect. Hungary utilizes a rather complex and fast-changing system for regulating both taxation and accounting. Keeping track of all these poses a challenge for our clients. It is a common phenomenon that a solution that was acceptable yesterday might be considered obsolete today.common phenomenon, phenomenon solutionlegal, tax, accounting, office, client1
panograph.huThe idea of EU Hotel Pinboard is based on the new social media phenomenon, Pinterest with a rapidly increasing user base and quite a number of Hotel Photos had been shared on the site >>>media phenomenon, phenomenon pinterestpanoramic, image, photo, virtual, tour1
szazadveg.huThe issue of political bias may be related to the fact that the report is also problematic in methodological terms. In this connection, the phenomenon of preconception is also worth mentioning, i.e., in such “research”, ideas that were previously thought to be true without substantive information…connection phenomenon, phenomenon preconceptiondata, report, protection, political, human1
eredeti-sudoku.huSudoku became a global phenomenon when Wayne Gould, a retired judge, began producing his own puzzles and introduced them to the Times newspaper in London, which began publishing Sudoku puzzles in November 2004.global phenomenon, phenomenon wayneintroduction, number, place, favourite, originally1
travellina.huFor many years, I have been looking at pictures of the northern lights, longing to photograph them one day myself. I read all the information I could find about the phenomenon online: including when and where is best to travel. I came to the conclusion that my best bet was to participate in a…information phenomenon, phenomenon onlinecountry, travel, island, cape, useful1
laptopburkolatjavitas.huAnyone who owns a laptop has already encountered the phenomenon that after one to two years of use, it is more difficult to close the lid of the laptop than before. When opening the screen, you can also hear a crackling sound or it just opens more strongly than usual because the laptop hinge is…laptop phenomenon, phenomenon yearhinge, repair, case, plastic, cover1
folia-szamitas.huRegrettably, as a recurring phenomenon, films that seem to be an absolutely or relatively good buy - with extremely low prices - appear on the market from time to time. We are going to show you what is behind the scenes!regrettably phenomenon, phenomenon filmcalculator, site, calculation, shrink, portal1
por.huApoptosis Phenomena in Squamous Cell Carcinomas and Adenocarcinomas of the Uterine Cervix 887apoptosis phenomenon, phenomenon squamousuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine1
orsiferenc.hu…sunshade roof, I felt like we were going to capsize at any moment because I was swaying so much over the water. However, this made the special phenomenon visible to me, where thousands of glowing plankton emerged from the water displaced by the ship. Sadly, I couldn't enjoy the sight to the…special phenomenon, phenomenon visibleadventure, book, diving, bus, pencil1
nems.huPósa L.: Multiple Physical Time Scales in Few-nanometers Sized Graphene-SiOx-graphene Memristor; Török T.: Quantum Transport Phenomena in Transition Metal Oxide Memristors; CIMTECtransport phenomenon, phenomenon transitionet, prize, gallery, lab, force1
felszigetseta.huOne of Tihany's best-known phenomena is the echo. It has existed since the middle of the 18th century, since the construction of the present abbey.good phenomenon, phenomenon echobenedictine, location, abbey, house, hill1
theorangefiles.huParticipants from across the political spectrum attended the demonstration—a new phenomenon in Hungary, where the opposition to the Orbán government has been fragmented into nationalist, socialist, liberal and green factions that do not cooperate with one another.new phenomenon, phenomenon hungarynational, file, orange, election, european1
spiritsdigest.huCoor’s initiative is a good example of efficiently reacting to real-life consumer problems or phenomenon with product innovation.problem phenomenon, phenomenon productbrand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
teraszajto.huShaping bargain jeans ready made fashioning extraordinary apparel valuable looked pumps. Braiding shading sleeveless. Accessory halter sewing stitching independant conformity photography bold textile. Shade attractive quantity leotard signature enhance conformity phenomenon illustration…conformity phenomenon, phenomenon illustrationrife, feature, website, support, ready1
komplexinstrukcio.huWhen we encounter a new phenomenon, we try and find some solutions and now we are working on them. One of them is the case with the low level of achievement on reading tests. We introduced a kind of reading programs for the elementary grades (one – four). It means that the pupils regularly read…new phenomenon, phenomenon solutionschool, teacher, child, pupil, group1
vajdaszilard.huIdeation – People exceptionally talented in the Ideation theme are fascinated by ideas. They are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.manager, solution, management, people, onepage1
szerelek-javitok.huElectricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and motion of matter that has a property.physical phenomenon, phenomenon presencerenovation, maintenance, testimonial, example, faq1
nyitottkor.huThe focus of the TIE programme is the phenomena of being a „nerd” or „geek” and having to face with marginalization and exclusion as a result of that. The protagonist of the drama is called Niki, a 16 years old „know all”, talented, hard working athlete with excellent school performance. The…programme phenomenon, phenomenon nerddrama, group, participant, european, education1
csunyavalas.huThis phenomenon, known as narcissistic parental alienation syndrome, is a severe issue many parents worldwide have experienced.visit, october, september, june, january1
blumprogram.hu…present in the lives of children in many different ways, so liaising and cooperating with them is often not easy either. Diversity is a real phenomenon in kindergarten life. Given this, we can say that one of the greatest challenges of 21st century pedagogy is to implement differentiation. The…real phenomenon, phenomenon kindergartenchild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher1
mahayanaegyhaz.huAccording to Mahayana, the phenomena do not have any self, or a single tangible and identifiable essence, all the phenomena of the world are considered to be transient, it recognizes that nothing can be said about the Buddha after Parinirvana (total extinction).mahayana phenomenon, phenomenon self, essence phenomenon, phenomenon worldbuddhist, activity, human, teaching, great1
hungaryinstant.huOur brains fucking love puzzles and patterns. This is a well-known phenomenon called apophenia , and at one point, it was probably helpful for our survival - the prehistoric human who noticed patterns in things like animal migration, plant life cycles and the movement of the stars was probably a…pattern phenomenon, phenomenon apopheniapeople, theory, thing, like, fact1
nuclearmorphology.huMorphology modelling is a practical method re-interpreting all phenomena of the Universe and creating realistic models of them based on the latest scientific achievements by the application of the rules of morphologic connectibility and the conclusions of system logic.method phenomenon, phenomenon universeexperiment, gravity, truth, modelling, true1
himesudvar.huThe most precious form of sugar is in the aszú grapes. Tokajhegyalja became world famous for this unique phenomenon. The special geographic location of the wine district, the type of grapes influence the wine making process. The special climatic conditions are indispensable for the development of…unique phenomenon, phenomenon specialwine, grape, region, taste, quality1
d72.huWe had to give a new meaning to exclusivity in our design: we envisioned villa apartments that go far beyond the concept of an elegant home. With a bold design and a unique way of thinking, the Designers have created a phenomenon unlike any other,as well as stunning solutions exclusively for those…designer phenomenon, phenomenon unlikearchitecture, apartment, gallery, description, location1
dola.huEnvironment and the outdoors . Solar eclipse and many interesting celestial phenomena. Renewable energy at home e.g. solar energy...celestial phenomenon, phenomenon renewabletool, device, power, cave, current1
helping-hand.huThe maturity of executive functions of children with ADHD-type behaviours often falls short of their peers. Parents and teachers often are puzzled of the phenomenon that a child who is otherwise smart is unable to work independently on a particular task.puzzle phenomenon, phenomenon childchild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten1
karpitmuveszek.hu…by the mid-1990s, at the time of the association’s foundation, most of the artists have turned back to the traditional tapestry roots. This phenomenon, even if not conscious, it represented a sharp U-turn back to the academic founder of the art form in Hungary. Back, to one of the most…root phenomenon, phenomenon consciousartist, light, thread, tapestry, nature1
magyarasztrofotosok.hu…also have a place among astrophotographers! Astrophotography is, in fact, nothing more than extension of the abilities of our eyes, making the phenomena of the night sky, and thus the depth of the cosmos available to all those who undertake this demanding yet wonderful activity rich in experienceeye phenomenon, phenomenon nightassociation, month, community, activity, member1
abece.huIn recent years, a new variant of dyslexia has developed, which is related neither to heredity nor to mental activities. More than 90% of dyslexic children have this type of dyslexia. There are only assumptions as to the causes of the emergence of this phenomenon. Among these are the following:child, problem, programme, task, treatment1
online-angol.huThe musical online English lessons are about a linguistic phenomenon or problem and based on an English pop song containing it.linguistic phenomenon, phenomenon problemlesson, free, song, christmas, skill1
biomembrane.huOnce upon a time, neither in the Wild West nor in North Carolina, but around a corner of the Karolina street in Budapest, when the high-speed internet was 64Kbit/s, ordinary people formed a fellowship to make fun and to investigate phenomena associated to various diseases. Their fight with…fun phenomenon, phenomenon diseaseuniversity, research, science, academy, member1
katonalab.huSynaptic junctions are major sites of communication in the brain, where chemical messenger molecules transmit information from presynaptic neurons to their postsynaptic partners. The efficacy of synaptic transmission is not constant in time and space. Instead, its plasticity is a fundamental…fundamental phenomenon, phenomenon informationlaboratory, molecular, news, people, publication1
debrecensteelhome.huShaping bargain jeans ready made fashioning extraordinary apparel valuable looked pumps. Braiding shading sleeveless. Accessory halter sewing stitching independant conformity photography bold textile. Shade attractive quantity leotard signature enhance conformity phenomenon illustration…conformity phenomenon, phenomenon illustrationdoe, color, night, pole, north1
whiterabbit.huAir pollution is a global problem. Carbon emission has increased dramatically especially in urban centers, causing high level of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. This sly and lethal phenomenon costs millions of lives every year. So, when Pantone announced the Classic Blue as the Color of…lethal phenomenon, phenomenon millioncampaign, result, brand, brief, solution1
bibliatanitasok.huIn 1998, we decided to leave our church and the charismatic movement. Before this serious decision we read Arnold's teaching about the Toronto phenomenon, about the true face of the third wave movement. I also spent hours in New York bookstores reading systematic theologies, theologies from…toronto phenomenon, phenomenon truechurch, bible, book, jewish, christian1
szabofranciska.huIn my works I emphasise the dynamics of lights and shadows, as the geometry cut by the built and the natural environment of the humans. Combine these two - the steady structure and the volatile natural phenomenon - I build up my paintings. Beside this I experiment with the different materials…natural phenomenon, phenomenon paintingeducation, art, anatomy, painting, event1
egely.huThe Egely Wheel is the result of many years of intense scientific development. Although the basic of the phenomenon are not yet fully understood, extensive control experiments have proven that the rotation of the wheel during measurement is not driven by heat, convection, or electromagnetic…basic phenomenon, phenomenon fullywheel, glass, science, mysterious, miracle1
hdy.huThe pattern continues unfolding that design is not an artistic movement or the synonym of being chic, but an attitude. It is a constant criticism of routines, a fundamental unit of the quality of human life, a social phenomenon.book, editor, art, university, international1
dnsbank.huScientific biobanks are indispensable for scientific investigation and study of certain disorders and biologic phenomenon. Tissue specimens and investigation of extracted DNA, RNA or proteins lead to databases which provide an opportunity to understand the pathomechanism of disease, drug…biologic phenomenon, phenomenon tissueaim, specimen, scientific, login, welcome1
mapema.huEducational materials which explain phenomenons which were not presented clearly during my studies.material phenomenon, phenomenon clearlymaterial, educational, site, application, game1
marsalsoftware.huOne of the most annoying phenomenon during the SPFx development, when your shiny webpart gets some update or bugfix by you and the new version does not want to appear. In this case the…annoying phenomenon, phenomenon spfxtitle, list, parameters, column, application1
zsolnayfenyfesztival.huprinciple of "live and let live". All this leads to various interactions and ultimately results in a complex, long-term sustainable system. This phenomenon can be seen in action in all areas of life, whether it is about relationships between individuals or social groups, culture, our built and…system phenomenon, phenomenon actionlight, festival, art, map, visitor1
insilico.huCompany… Books… Downloads… Liesegang…book, download0
hanivialand.huGallery… Contact… MEDIA TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS>>… Terms & Conditions… Privacy Policy… Medialogy Portfolio…land, food, video, browser, gallery0
transparency.huHungary is the most corrupt Member State of the European Union according to Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Indexdoor phenomenoncorruption, transparency, report, international, public0
locked.hu…at Székely Mihály street, 6 of our games can be played in one place and 6 more at AROOM at Kiraly street 14 – meaning that we can host very big groups at the same time. Our escape games are marked with a grade 10 difficulty level, while choosing a game, this can help you choose a room that…room, game, escape, lock, player0
hungarytoday.hu30 years ago, the Hungarian minority in Slovakia formulated the principles of self-determination and expressed their demand for self-government.european, minister, flight, latest, government0
phasefield.hu…homogeneous nucleation and heterogeneous nucleation. In the first nucleation benchmark problem, we focus on homogeneous nucleation for both single seed under different initial conditions and multiple seeds. The second nucleation benchmark problem focuses on athermal heterogeneous nucleation…physical phenomenon, phenomenon mineralphase, field, science, material, group0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)documentary, islam, history, america, article0
klimavedelembuk.huOur association is committed to protecting the environment and taking action to mitigate climate change and thereby preserve biodiversity at a global level.climate, change, common, association, german0
idancehungary.huWelcome on the first online platform dedicated to the non-Hungarian speakers of the Hungarian Dance House Movement! Dear Visitor, You are one of tens or even hundreds of thousands of people all over the world who love Hungarian dances but cannot speak Hungarian.dance phenomenon, phenomenon vörösnews, dance, folk, festival, house0