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52 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: systematic

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por.huPrognostic Value of Glasgow Prognostic Score in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 1610109cancer systematic, systematic review, diagnosis systematic, trus systematic, systematic biopsyuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine14
satyananda.huWe invite you to a special summer yoga retreat at the Hungarian Yoga Associaton, conducted by 5 experienced international yoga teachers of the Satyananda Yoga-Bihar Yoga tradition. The foundation of the program will be the systematic practice of different branches of yoga. At this retreat you will…renowned systematic, systematic approach, program systematic, systematic practice, life systematicyoga, february, retreat, author, awareness5
bibliatanitasok.huIn 1998, we decided to leave our church and the charismatic movement. Before this serious decision we read Arnold's teaching about the Toronto phenomenon, about the true face of the third wave movement. I also spent hours in New York bookstores reading systematic theologies, theologies from…interest systematic, systematic bible, bookstore systematic, systematic theology, good systematicchurch, bible, book, jewish, christian3
equery.hu…horse care by enabling horse professionals to deliver safe, effective and sustainable trainings and treatments via carefully selected, synergetic technologies. EQUERY R6 contracts the most important muscle groups in a systematic way and recruits 3 times more fibers than a conventional training.pleasant systematic, systematic treatment, group systematic, systematic waytechnology, muscle, horse, wireless, stimulation2
kapinfood.hu…are high-intensity , safety control has remained handcraft . Because lab tests are expensive and complex, control is haphazard: there is no systematic , real-time microbial quality monitoring. Regulatory trends request decentralised self-monitoring, but no technology exists to serve this demand.haphazard systematic, systematic real, unprecedented systematic, systematic monitoringfood, safety, lab, innovative, address2
aktivzenetanulas.huNemes, L. N. (2019): From sound to symbol: ear-training through the systematic use of singing and creative movement . Workshop at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Academy of Music. Workshop. Glasgow, 3 March, 2019training systematic, systematic usemusic, learn, model, movement, active2
wingtsuncsorna.huHow was Wing Tsun Kung Fu created? The short answer is that by the thorough and systematic work of the founder masters. The basis of Wing Tsun was the Shaolin system which has been polished for 1500 years at that time. The Shaolin masters realised that the old system was way too complicated…thorough systematic, systematic workman, art, martial, technique, special1
ensport.huyou want a personalized, tailor-made, consistent, and systematic training plan. Our plan is not a template you can download, nor is a copy-paste plan, but a custom-made, professionally thought-through program designed especially for you (and your goals).consistent systematic, systematic trainingwindow, plan, training, run, athlete1
xpl.huExplico's policy advisory tasks are centred on aiding clients in understanding both their industry and the political landscape. Through a systematic method, we pinpoint, track, and evaluate long-term changes and trends. Our service offers insights into how these shifts might influence…landscape systematic, systematic methodclient, political, public, risk, government1
bestlocalgov.huSustainable. A Best Practice should not be a single event. It should be sustainable. For example, whereas the most efficient one-off clearing of rubbish from the pavement is not a Best Practice whereas the systematic collection of waste from households can become one.practice systematic, systematic collectiongovernment, local, practice, council, europe1
realidaconsult.huWe use well-known and accepted tools and methods for analysing and screening a business /company. Adopt a systematic approach to understand the environment, the operations and the current situation of the company.business systematic, systematic approachconsult, management, issue, situation, process1
b-labs.huDevelopment is followed by a systematic testing of the nearly complete application to ensure that the highest quality app is delivered to the customer.development systematic, systematic testmobile, app, application, development, user1
inmategym.huOf course, appropriate warming up and systematic stretching before, during and after the training sessions are essential in order to maintain flexibility and joint health so that the big moves can be performed perfectly without pain and negative consequences!!!warm systematic, systematic stretchingtraining, body, session, muscle, like1
neuronsolutions.hu“The systematic development of competencies during the joint project work with the expert of Neuron Solutions enables the team of Gedeon Richter Plc, after the implementation of the pilot project, to be able to start and execute AI development projects on its own or, if necessary, to select and…solution, application, consultant, intelligence, artificial1
bkb-solutions.huBKB consultants are accomplished to provide the full scale of project management. Our quality assurance scheme and the systematic training procedure for our project managers guarantee that you get the most efficient solution to any SAP-related issue.scheme systematic, systematic trainingsolution, management, development, knowledge, performance1
luxglam.huA systematic study to understand whether or not a specific project, venture, or approach is feasible.soon, maintenance, search, result, social1
secaas.huSolarwinds attack highlighted the vulnerability of your supply chain? Is systematic supplier risk management a customer, regulatory or standard requirement?chain systematic, systematic suppliersecurity, training, management, organisation, interest1
apambeajulna.huEklund K, K, Wilhelmson Wilhelmson K. K. Outcomes Outcomes of of coordinated coordinated and and integrated integrated interventions interventions targeting targeting frail frail elderly elderly people: people: a a systematic systematic review review of of randomised randomised controlled ...people systematic, systematic reviewny, ray, york, movie, book1
verummedical.huA professional therapist consults more often than others. We turn to him for increased pressure, viral infection, long-term, elevated temperature, cough and runny nose, pain in the muscles, stiffness in the back, neck, the need for a preventive examination, systematic observation. Therapy is the…examination systematic, systematic observationmedical, appointment, dermatology, therapy, price1
greenconsulting.huIt means work related to the analysis, development, and definition of business (economic) IT systems. The main task of the business analyst is to provide a precise, systematic documenting of the expectations of the software for the client.precise systematic, systematic documentmain, page, client, website, solution1
epitoanyag.org.huSystematic review of natural rubber latex modified concrete for eco efficient construction worksissue, journal, author, material, paper1
iosec.huRiA represents a unique tool for systematic management of any risk in an organization. It helps to manage risks for risk owners as well as cyber and information security managers.tool systematic, systematic managementdata, security, protection, personal, risk1
vonalvezeto.huThe VONALVEZETŐK Group unifies the engineering approach and the economic development approach in a comprehensive and systematic way, with several extensions.comprehensive systematic, systematic wayengineering, line, road, local, office1
csovarilegal.huLawyer, (soon to be) economist, systematic, thorough. A real multitalent who can be assigned to any arms of the firm.economist systematic, systematic thoroughlaw, tax, legal, university, expertise1
esct.huThe aim of the European Society for Catholic Theology is to promote the academic discipline of Catholic theology primarily at the intersection where Church and society meet. As a systematic reflection on ‘faith seeking understanding’, Catholic theology engages in interdisciplinary research and…society systematic, systematic reflectionpresident, theology, congress, catholic, society1
hvbattery.hu…ends. It is gereat to see students when they find correlation between what they had learnt during the classes and the simulator. It is part of their learning experience. This waay, the students develop self-condidence and such systematic approach which they can use in the future as employees.condidence systematic, systematic approachbattery, simulator, training, learn, diagnostic1
aera.huDestination branding requires a systematic approach. It is most effective when the product & service development and the communication process work in perfect synergy to achieve the outlined vision. For our customers and partners, we propose that solution.branding systematic, systematic approachcommunication, concept, consulting, destination, people1
restoration-ecology.huThe restoration of invasion-resistant plant communities is an important strategy to combat the negative impacts of alien invasions. Based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of seed-based ecological restoration experiments, here we demonstrate the potential of functional similarity, seeding…invasion systematic, systematic reviewrestoration, ecology, group, publication, research1
debtmarket.huDEBT‐MARKET enables systematic follow-up of proposals for debts to be sold or bought and the conclusion of agreements with partners. Our independent debt exchange prudently allows your company to effectively complete debt bundle related businesses in compliance with current legislation. Virtual…debt, market, buyer, seller, exchange1
csakgergely.huThis is exactly where we (You and I) can have a profound impact. My systematic approach helps you attain knowledge, tools and self-reliance to actively engage yourself in self-care and attain self-recognized health goals.impact systematic, systematic approachyoga, massage, stress, people, healthy1
dca.huAT the very beginning, she danced once a week. And later as she registered for the IDTA examination, she started to have lessons twice a week, one for learning and practice on the basis of a progressive syllabus, and the other is a special module for examination. Under systematic and insistent…examination systematic, systematic insistentdance, drama, class, school1
munkavedinfo.huJustin Bieber: For sure. I think it’s important for everyone to have a basic understanding of systematic statements of law so they can navigate the legal landscape effectively.understand systematic, systematic statementlegal, law, agreement, regulation, important1
oko-melli.huThe most significant of these was the emergence of the great Asian bee (Varroa jacobsini) in the early 1980s, which fundamentally shook the industry. It caused severe losses and sometimes even total destruction in the apiaries. The regular, systematic and consistent use of acaricides has become…regular systematic, systematic consistenthoney, bee, organic, natural, quality1
emtc.huOur quality policy is foreshowed to all our employees and subconstractors. We cultivate our employees’ quality conscious aspect and attitude by systematic qualification. Due to the quality requirements define we our general and unique quality goals, those fulfilment is regularly traced.attitude systematic, systematic qualificationrequirements, quality, colleagues, german, general1
wendon.huComprehensive services: a multi-layered, systematic approach to document preparation, from translation to desktop publishing.layer systematic, systematic approachtranslation, translator, technical, pharmaceutical, document1
szazadveg.hu…reach voters through new, opaque paths — has been the subject of relatively little investigation .” However, the report was unable to substantiate these blunt statements on the basis of sufficiently systematic knowledge and related convincing arguments, included in an appropriate professional unit.sufficiently systematic, systematic knowledgedata, report, protection, political, human1
papaibotond.huNowadays Botond goes to Bobath therapies twice a week, besides that he has two swimming courses, two traditional phisiotherapies and one logopaedia lesson every week. His systematic development started when he was 20 months old, at that time he had Deveny and water therapies. In kindergarten…week systematic, systematic developmentfoundation, step, rehabilitation, surgery, help1
bekotours.huWe gladly do systematic transfers and jitney bus service for firms, certainly in these cases we can agree about a discount price. You can see the companies we used to work or still work together successfully in the reference section. The bus drivers are all polite and having several years of…gladly systematic, systematic transfervehicle, reference, bus, price, journey1
unitedservices.huTaking a systematic approach to workplace cleaning can not only keep your space looking presentable and functional, but save you time and money. At United Services we work with lots of offices and properties to ensure they are clean and well-run and to help our clients find solutions to managing…united, maintenance, problem, facility, operation1
pepperpr.huthe basic steps and guarantees of the business use of creative intellectual power. Software, as well as all other intellectual products need the systematic and dedicated enforcement of the legal regulations on behalf of the authorities and all those asserting the law" - commented Dr. Gergely…product systematic, systematic dedicatedpepper, software, technology, market, office1
dynflow.huDynFlow drastically decreased the Customer Service Representatives' clumsiness, they don't need systematic coordination anymore. With DynFlow's measuring system the operation can be more efficient – we ran real-time measurable and controllable workflows.clumsiness systematic, systematic coordinationcustomer, operation, workflow, client, knowledge1
novareg.huEnterprises and companies face fierce competition, and as a result, they strive to develop continuously, but sometimes they are not aware that some of their developments involve innovation for which they can apply for support. We strive to manage development in a systematic way, with an innovation…development systematic, systematic waymanagement, strategic, development, innovation, analysis1
hiaszt.huchance for experimenting with theatre aesthetics and language. Although important publications have been made on several ensembles and creators, systematic research on the topic has not been carried out to date. The aim of the present research is to process the history of ‘amateur’ theatres in the…creator systematic, systematic researchtheatre, stage, literary, amateur, studio1
kismihok.huBerkers, H., Mol, S. T., Kismihók, G., & Hartog, den D. (2015). Resolving semantic confusion in the job analysis terminology: A systematic review of job information. 17th Biannual Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology . 17th biannual conference of the…terminology systematic, systematic reviewlearn, t., conference, research, proceedings1
weddinginhungary.hu…to) any spyware, computer virus, Trojan horse, worm, keystroke logger, rootkit or other malicious computer software. You must not conduct any systematic or automated data collection activities (including without limitation scraping, data mining, data extraction and data harvesting) on or in…software systematic, systematic automatewedding, planner, day, agency, venue1
creativedu.huThe education system should be redesigned building on topicality, curiosity, development of skills and systematic thinking. How does the EKO connect to it? Please watch the following video, and you will find the answers.skill systematic, systematic thinkcreative, education, method, global, educational1
szabadossandor.huSelf-understanding and people skills are acquired in the same way – by inference based on systematic observation. We observe our own behavior, monitor our feelings and reactions, and then draw the conclusions about ourselves and incorporate these into our personality. Inevitably, these…inference systematic, systematic observationsession, self, counseling, issue, relationship1
ternai.huOur partners' quality demands, our systematic operation and the commitment of our employees always guarantee the excellence of our goods offered.demand systematic, systematic operationquality, agricultural, activity, requirements, production1
ctit.huOur company provides high quality service in SAP CRM, SAP IS-U and SAP C4C projects for the implementation, development and operation of complex SAP services, as well as custom-developed solutions.support, solution, application, consulting, implementation0
szaknyelvioktatas.huThese live online vocabulary building courses are designed to give lawyers and legal professionals all possible assistance to thrive in the international legal landscape. The online courses will provide a practical and up-to-date legal English language skills training to legal professionals.practical systematic, systematic approachlegal, course, student, class, international0
syrc.huThe existence, development and expansion of SYRC Security Ltd. in Hungary, its continuously growing turnover and its services covering all segments of the personal and property protection market are a faithful reflection of the trust of our customers and the stable, balanced economic background of…security, protection, website, asset, access0
rsdtech.huAt RSD Tech, we go beyond website development to offer full-stack development services. Our expertise spans front-end technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript frameworks...brand, group, technology, development, digital0