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96 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: evidence

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coldwar.huDocumentary Evidence on the Hungarian Mediation Efforts between the US and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1965-1967), Volume V. Post-Mediation Events. October-December, 1966: Volume V. Post-Mediation Events. October-December, 1966documentary evidence, evidence hungariancold, history, research, center, soviet9
hungaryinstant.hu…sheep, but that they’ve finally found a community of people who get where they’re coming from. Whenever they report back to the group with the “evidence” they’ve found or the new elaborations on the conspiracy theory that they’ve been thinking of (“what if it’s even worse than we thought??”), theysheep evidence, evidence right, one evidence, evidence cult, lack evidencepeople, theory, thing, like, fact7
por.huOverexpression of ROCK in Human Breast Cancer Cells: Evidence that ROCK Activity Mediates Intracellular Membrane Traffic of Lysosomes 83cancer evidence, evidence serbian, lack evidence, evidence association, epidemiological evidenceuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine6
chiropractic.huWhether you have just arrived to Budapest, are new to chiropractic care, or have lived here for years and are now in need of care, at Budapest Chiropractic Center we ensure you will feel at home and at ease with everything we do. We strive to provide our patients with quality family oriented…family evidence, evidence chiropracticcenter, patient, monday, tuesday, thursday5
hm2020.huWeight of evidence of Y-STR matches computed with the discrete Laplace method: Impact of adding a suspect's profile to a reference databaseweight evidence, evidence haploid, report evidence, evidence haplogrouping, evidence strforensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis5
mediconcept.huOur mission is to improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of delivering healthcare services all over the world by means of scientific research. We aim to help our partners to offer the best possible healthcare to patients. We provide consultancy services that build on high quality evidence, and…line evidence, evidence health, value evidence, evidence gap, essential evidenceeconomic, health, quality, result, consulting3
fibusmed.huEvidence-Based Medicine Guidelines (EBMG) is an easy-to-use collection of clinical guidelines for primary and ambulatory care linked to the best available evidence. Continuously updated, EBMG follows the latest developments in clinical medicine and brings evidence into practice.available evidence, evidence continuously, medicine evidence, evidence practice, guideline evidencehealthcare, small, professionalism, news, knowledge3
gs-poseidon.huCrowd Management or Security Awareness training: For those requesting a CROWD Management only please be advised that the 2010 MANILA STCW Convention has separated this documentary of evidence two trainings ad issue two pieces. Price: 200 EUR. 3./ Security Awareness training, Price: 120 EUR. The…documenary evidence, evidence training, documentary evidencetraining, centre, course, certificate, price3
szarvasimuzeum.hu…prehistoric jewelry. In addition to simple amulets, you can also observe pieces made of sea shells and sea snail shells, providing indisputable evidence that long-distance trade existed as early as prehistoric times. Besides Bronze Age jewelry, there are also pintaderas exhibited in this showcase,indisputable evidence, evidence longexhibition, age, idol, room, people3
raicszoltan.huDaniel Hillier, Michele Fiscella, Antonia Drinnenberg, Stuart Trenholm, Santiago B Rompani, Zoltan Raics , Gergely Katona, Josephine Juettner, Andreas Hierlemann, Balazs Rozsa & Botond Roska Causal evidence for retina-dependent and -independent visual motion computations in mouse cortex Nature…causal evidence, evidence retinaexperiment, software, vision, hardware, manager2
tarsasjatekvac.huMagic: The Gathering Ravnica: Cluedo Edition – 2-4 Player Murder Mystery Card Game (Includes 8 Ready-to-Play Boosters, 21 Evidence Cards, 1 Foil Shock Land, and Detective Game Accessories)booster evidence, evidence cardgather, card, murder, manor, commander2
szkeptikustarsasag.huGeophysicist, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Attila Mesko has passed away today. He was the 3rd president of Tényeket Tisztelők Társasága (Society of People Thrusting the Evidences) - the first skeptic organization in Hungary. The founding president of TTT was János Szentágothai…people evidence, evidence skeptic, treatment evidence, evidence hungarianeuropean, congress, detail, society, news2
szav.huWhen assisting an ally with a Charm, Deception, Leadership, or Negotiation check, add automatic a per rank of Supporting Evidence.support evidencetier, activation, check, character, active2
mkvk.hu…accounts and vouchers, the auditor must in all cases act in accordance with the provisions of the national auditing standards in force, acquire evidence on their reliable and fair nature, and establish an opinion on the basis of the foregoing. The report audited by the auditor is therefore a…force evidence, evidence reliablechamber, member, auditing, sector, place2
jewishwomen.huI think about you often, and not only now that owing to Andrea, the conference is fast approaching which is the first evidence that your fear of being forgotten was unfounded. I don’t argue with people in general, but now I must argue with you. As I said then: “Judiths, since there are so few of…fast evidence, evidence fearreception, jewish, news, venue, sponsorship2
nuclearmorphology.hu…crew ISS photos Joe Allen men on the Moon moon's diameter Moon hoax Moon video optical geometry Pannonia particles predictions Roman Empire scordisci Selene probe Solar System vacuum speed of light in vacuum strong evidence Sun's distance surfaces tetra-particle tetrahedron trading post upscalingdevice evidence, evidence completely, strong evidence, evidence sunexperiment, gravity, truth, modelling, true2
szamoljademokraciaert.huThe protocol is the first piece of evidence for any violation of the law. Without an official record of the case the possibility of legal redress is lost.piece evidence, evidence violationmember, election, station, poll, worker1
adoeljaras.huRecently we saw a lot of cases during our practice, where a harmless target audit (audit regarding the fulfillment of certain tax obligations) is followed by a criminal investigation initiated by the auditors. In other cases, the target audit is especially initiated by the tax authority to collect…authority evidence, evidence futuretax, law, client, procedure, association1
b-married.hu“They put their heart and soul into their job! The final result is the perfect evidence of it.wedding, flexible, video, talented, perfect1
csunyavalas.huEvidence suggests that parental alienation often occurs in very tense and volatile separations or divorces, particularly when there are bitter child custody battles.visit, october, september, june, january1
bridgeinstitute.huits ability to produce results and provide knowledge. To achieve this goal, global success companies such as NNG, LogMeIn, Prezi and Ustream founded Bridge Budapest in 2013. Since then we have been constantly working to provide evidence that it is possible to join the competitive world from Hungary.constantly evidence, evidence possiblecourse, cooperation, education, knowledge, engagement1
thedognerd.huChanging problem behaviors is a lot of work, but I’ll be with you every step of the way. Together we will change your dog’s behavior using evidence based, humane methods, while keeping in mind both yours and your dog’s welfare.behavior evidence, evidence humanedog, training, behavior, class, walk1
kappenabzeichen.huThe small horns decorating the Feldjäger’s caps were certainly worn by the KuK Landwehr units as well. There is a lot of direct evidence for this. Wearing photos and, as [ … ]direct evidence, evidence photojanuary, postcard, october, corps, arm1
evotech.huOur company provides evidences day by day that the business and efficiency interests of our clients from different segments of the building industry cannot be separated from each other – that results the necessity of the common approach and the continuous cooperation.provide evidence, evidence dayelectrical, build, activity, industrial, automation1
petnehazy-nora.huI created a program series which serves the goal that uses the tools of Anti-aging and Active-aging medicine to make a positive impact on the elderly’s quality of life. My program is evidence based and my PhD research also supports the methodology.program evidence, evidence phdvolunteer, research, goal, care, personal1
sunlighten.huThere is a mountain of evidence on infrared sauna use showing that it is as foundational as diet and exercise. Sauna use is a miracle practice. I love my sauna. I use it. I benefit from it.mountain evidence, evidence infraredsauna, infrared, technology, quality, health1
zobak.hu…fact-based information to the management. My auditor certificate meets the requirements in regards to certified process auditor of most car manufacturers, so my audit report is recognized by the auditors of the OEM's as evidence of internal audits (see as example the CSR 'FormelQ' of VW Group.)oem evidence, evidence internalquality, management, automotive, supplier, consulting1
elekieletmodkozpont.huElek is a place where modern medicine meets nature’s remedies and lifestyle change. Here one can benefit from scientific evidence-based alternative treatments in a peaceful, caring, and accepting environment.scientific evidence, evidence alternativelifestyle, guest, center, disease, medical1
toll-charge.hu…classify goods motor vehicles with a gross weight over 3.5 tonnes, registered in the HU-GO system and with a foreign country code, into the lowest environmental protection category, where carriers cannot provide satisfactory evidence of their vehicle’s environmental protection category.satisfactory evidence, evidence vehiclenational, payment, news, customer, protection1
szelmezeitavak.huEvery angler must help the work of the inspectors. The photos made by inspectors if it has the time and date (hour and minutes) is evidence. The photos will be accepted by the disciplinary committee as evidence.minute evidence, evidence photofishing, fish, angle, area, lake1
hclu.hu…is appealing to the Constitutional Court to challenge the decision of the Supreme Court of Hungary, which upheld the police's decision to ban solidarity demonstrations in support of the victims of the Gaza conflict. The Curia deemed the police's decision to be lawful, despite evidence presented.law, freedom, union, rule, news1
sens.huDaniel Hillier, Michele Fiscella, Antonia Drinnenberg, Stuart Trenholm, Santiago B Rompani, Zoltan Raics , Gergely Katona, Josephine Juettner, Andreas Hierlemann, Balazs Rozsa & Botond Roska: Causal evidence for retina-dependent and -independent visual motion computations in mouse cortex Nature…causal evidence, evidence retinasoftware, sen, neuroscience, engineering, experiment1
uniquetravel.huThe Carpathian Basin occupied by the conquering Magyars had been inhabited since prehistoric times. According to the archaeological evidences found at Vertesszölös, the Carpathian Basin had already been the dwelling place of prehistoric man half a million years ago.archaeological evidence, evidence vertesszölösunique, travel, art, tour, heritage1
ritkabetegsegakademia.huafter termination of the conference (conract) we preserve all data for five more years to have evidence for proving of business activity towards the participant in case of legal dispute or towards the tax office in case of control;year evidence, evidence provedata, congress, case, legal, conference1
kerimpex.huThe yearly sold couple of thousand square meter gypsum board, and those couple of hundreds satisfied customer,some of them since 15 years, are the evidences that Kerimpex Ltd is more than an ordinary building material retail storeyear evidence, evidence kerimpexbuild, interior, material, architect, retail1
atlaszmernokiroda.huWe believe that delivering the design documentation by the agreed deadline is an evidence of quality work.deadline evidence, evidence qualitystructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation1
abud.huWe are a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in innovative solutions for the built and urban environment. Our tailor-made recommendations are always evidence-based, supported by computational analysis, state-of-the-art research and international best practices.recommendation evidence, evidence computationalbuild, urban, news, advanced, scale1
orosznyelvtanar.hu…and efficient, even for those who study the language with great difficulty (my husband, who now speaks Hungarian without hesitation, is a clear evidence to it). I am truly grateful to her, and am happy to recommend her to those who are only planning to learn this extremely difficult language.clear evidence, evidence trulylesson, class, russian, student, language1
atlasmernokiroda.huWe believe that delivering the design documentation by the agreed deadline is an evidence of quality work.deadline evidence, evidence qualitystructural, engineering, structure, construction, documentation1
drogriporter.huTony Duffin is the CEO of Ana Liffey Drug Project. Established in 1982, Ana Liffey was Ireland’s first service founded on the principles of Harm Reduction. Tony, who has spent decades at the front line of Irelands burgeoning drug problem, has long advocated for progressive and evidence-informed…progressive evidence, evidence responsedrug, people, video, harm, reduction1
syscontrol.huAgroSense is changing the technology of growing! It combines precise soil measurement, the observation of plant status, insect presence and control of irrigation with the latest scientific evidence on nutrient and pest management.scientific evidence, evidence nutrientcontrol, solution, instrument, webpage, proprietary1
debrecenbike.hu…your selfie with (the statue of) literary great Lőrinc Szabó. Zero in on the inscription “Iron Yard” on one of the surrounding façades, which is evidence of the late glory of these former merchant buildings. In the meantime, you won’t have to worry about the safety of your ride as long as you’ve…façade evidence, evidence latebike, street, church, build, city1
pragaipersonaltraining.huRegular check-ins and progress tracking can foster both accountability and motivation by providing tangible evidence of progress and holding individuals accountable for their actions and goals.tangible evidence, evidence progressplan, goal, individual, meal, need1
springforum2019.huThis will be the second Spring Forum and will set up an evidence-based medicine platform to discuss specialized issues in infertility and to share experience, with emphasis on maximizing live birth rates.forum evidence, evidence medicineforum, spring, agenda, form, navigation1
obudaizsinagoga.huAlthough there is documented evidence of Jews living in Obuda already from the year 1 349, we know very little of the life of the community. Since the settlement decrees passed by Maria Theresa of the Habsburg Empire did not give rights to Jews to settle in Pest or Buda, Jews were forced to settle…obuda, synagogue, community, jewish, build1
szazadveg.huRecently, evidence has been mounting that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) covering a significant part of their activities from foreign sources intend to gain an ever increasing influence in the domestic political arena, overshadowing their former, purely human rights function. Similar…recently evidence, evidence nondata, report, protection, political, human1
kaszasgabor.huI find myself asking why the court disregarded crucial evidence? Why did it accept obvious and proven lies as facts? And finally: how many people would apply for the training of HungaroControl, struggling with shortage of labor, knowing that this could happen to them?crucial evidence, evidence obvioustraining, contract, traffic, air, controller1
kozjegyzodebrecen5.huThe notarial deeds – contracts, statements, certificates – as public deeds have the strongest power of evidence. The notary can enforce our rights with the help of these deeds without litigation, directly, through enforcement.power evidence, evidence notarynotary, notarial, document, public, register1
szaguldozz.hu…viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase the large, L, protein that is packaged into the virion and enters the host cell upon infection. There is also evidence that transcription is enhanced by the M protein and that the switch from transcription to replication is mediated by the M protein Collins and…infection evidence, evidence transcriptionrespiratory, virus, korean, cell, vaccine1
szuszekos.huto territories as far as the Caucasus, following the path that of the Hungarians. However, recent (available) archaeological data already provide evidence that the history of these chests – in terms of space and time – dates back to the Tarim Basin. It can also be proven that among the Hungarians…data evidence, evidence historychest, style, carpentry, item, geometric1
new-buddha.huLife after death: Well, this is an issue about which no one can state anything with certainty. There is no evidence.religion, issue, music, exception, answer1
romel.hu…fact-based information to the management. My auditor certificate meets the requirements in regards to certified process auditor of most car manufacturers, so my audit report is recognized by the auditors of the OEM's as evidence of internal audits (see as example the CSR 'FormelQ' of VW Group.)oem evidence, evidence internalquality, management, supplier, automotive, unique1
web4mefejlesztes.huHere you can describe in more detail, yourself or the problem, its consequence, pain point, target characteristics, desired outcome, service, product, product feature, function, benefit, solution, solution plan, process, team member, reference, evidence.skin, cream, site, serum, sit1
drtivadar.huReliability, trustworthiness, ethical administration should be evident in every economic actor’s code of conduct. We always inform our clients, based on the information and evidence available to us, about the expected outcome of their case accurately and completely.information evidence, evidence availablelaw, protection, firm, data, office1
mystiqueroom.huDark murder casts a shadow on the streets of Kamakura. You must enter the shogun's house at night to steal the evidence. The culprit can no longer be safe... Discover one of Budapest's most beautiful japanese exit game, The Shogun!night evidence, evidence culpritroom, player, minute, difficulty, length1
mititex.huAll incoming materials go through a strict quality control process, based on the principle of prevention and efficiency, before being released into production, and only when and if has been proved by test and procedure evidence that all requirements are fully satisfied, these materials are stored…procedure evidence, evidence requirementsquality, activity, group, member, italian1
ora-akcio.huIf you’ve ever wondered about the admissibility of recorded phone calls in court, our legal expert answers this question. Get insights into the legal considerations surrounding the use of recorded phone calls as evidence in court.call evidence, evidence courtlegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements1
lidar-wmt.huLIDAR technology is especially time efficient compared to other terrestrial methods. Datasets from such surveys can be used as multi-purpose evidences to explore the correlations between anthropogenic and natural processes in any landscapes. Compared to traditional methods, airborne laser scanning…purpose evidence, evidence correlationsurvey, solution, process, landscape, preliminary1
dietetikusod.hu…diabetes, insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, etc. - because of this, they need to change their lifestyle and eating habits. I believe in Evidence-Based Medicine. In all cases, I provide my patients with information reflecting professional and scientific viewpoint based on research results…habit evidence, evidence medicinediet, nutrition, university, health, disease1
themagicbox.hu…2015 he completely withdrew the story of the Nokia-box and he apologized to Hagyó spending nine months in custody for his earlier false statements on him. Finally, the prosecution did drop the related investigation, admitting that the statements on the Nokia-box cannot be supported with evidence.case, court, election, media, investigation1
euvitis.hu“Recent epidemiological and experimental evidence suggests that moderate consumption of red wine may reduce the incidence of AD and attenuate AD-type cognitive deterioration and amyloid neuropathology. … Moreover, studies suggest that grape-derived polyphenolic compounds may inhibit…experimental evidence, evidence moderategrape, seed, source, family, wine1
gaszek.hu…The fear of death which resides in every human being creates instinctual attraction towards all objects which are unique and inimitable (it is the illusion of the European man that he himself is unique and inimitable) – and thus can survive us and serves as an evidence for our one-time existence.inimitable evidence, evidence timenews, gallery, archive, painting, art1
epds.huIt provides clear evidence about the adoption of the introduced regulations and the control activities set out in them.clear evidence, evidence adoptionequipment, environment, activity, operation, management1
trifectawines.huNo one knows when the first wines were made in the Tokaj region. Historical records show that vineyards had been established in Tokaj as early as the 12th century. There is evidence for the earlier introduction of wine production to the region, but opinion is divided on when this occurred.century evidence, evidence earlywine, premium, cellar, quality, valley1
benei.huOur confectionery plant is particular emphasis on results of the practical application of nutrition science, therefore, the manufacture of our products only the evidence of good quality materials used.product evidence, evidence goodfirm, market, development, production, employee1
tourdematra.huThe Event Registration Form must be completed by a person aged 18 years or over. Evidence of age may be requested. If an event is open to riders under 18 parental consent will be required both upon entry and also at the event.year evidence, evidence agerace, entry, tour, road, cycling1
singalongkidsbudapest.huChildren learn a range of fun songs and rhymes through music, role play, movement, actions, games and by using different props. Parents often share with Cleo videos of their child performing a song or chanting a rhyme, while showing all the actions they learned during the classes. Such videos are…video evidence, evidence kidclass, kid, child, sing, music1
jankovits.huI may say that during our 25-year history, the Jankovits Engineering (Hydraulics) Kft. has given evidence of such level of confidence that could be compared only to the confidence level of Swiss watch manufactures. We are a heavy industrial – metallurgical plan with overly extending and very…kft evidence, evidence levelengineering, hydraulic, machine, manufacture, machinery1
gyogytorna.info.huThe methods we use are internationally scientifically accepted, evidence-based movement therapies that restore painlessness and mobility in painful body parts.scientifically evidence, evidence movementtreatment, physiotherapy, method, pain, physiotherapist1
projectarmstrong.huIn this challenge you will have to send a small spacecraft to Jupiter’s moon Europa and search for evidence of alien life. Apply to the competition with your team of 2-3 members until 27th March!europa evidence, evidence alienprize, competition, member, gift, challenge1
munkataborok.hu…officially sentenced prisoners but also tens of thousands of victims who were either sent to internment and forced labor camps without judicial evidence or lived in exile as disgraced pariahs in closed “semi-internment deportation” camps. The material displayed here is based on the exhibition…judicial evidence, evidence exilecamp, labour, general, historical, website1
dietetikustippjei.huWe Have Been The Most Trusted “Health Care Nutrition” Manual For 12 Years, And We Are Proud Of Rich History Of Providing Evidence Based Nutrition.history evidence, evidence nutritionsit, dolor, consectetur, ipsum, amet1
i-coaching.huThe scepticism that initially surrounded the method quickly turned to enthusiasm in the light of practical experience. EMDR is an evidence-based method, with controlled scientific studies demonstrating its extraordinary effectiveness. The US Department of Defense's Veterans Affairs Division has…emdr evidence, evidence methoddata, process, academy, training, course1
mediatorpont.hu„Clients usually get bored of property sharing lawsuits after 1.5 years. They get fed up. These lawsuits require serious documentation of evidence, it is very hard for people to prove their private property rights. This is when they choose to work out an agreement when they see how long these…documentation evidence, evidence harddivorce, attorney, mediator, court, agreement1
abtl.hu…be released from the legal consequences of the unauthorized data management and the abuse of special personal data, as well as of the State secret violation. The documents unlawfully possessed, falling within the competence of this Act may not be used as evidences before any authority or court.act evidence, evidence authorityarchive, shall, public, record, document1
boroczkycsaladok.huFrom the XVI. century onwords we can find further written records about the life story of the Böröczkys. One of the Böröczkys called Krisztina made it to quite high circles: various documents found in the National Archive provide evidence that the wife of voivod of Veszprém István Oroszy (Oroszy…archive evidence, evidence wifefamily, branch, county, descendant, origin1
kiraly100.huthe district of Terézváros. A group photo of the late members of the regular table that can be seen on the wall of the Gastro Corner provides its evidence. Király 100 Gastro Corner today is one of the most popular restaurants in Budapest where famous artists, sportsmen and politicians like to…corner evidence, evidence királyevent, reservation, table, gallery, video1
katonalab.hu…classical neurotransmitters (such as glutamate and GABA) have well characterized principal roles in mediating basal neurotransmission, emerging evidence has revealed that synapses exploit a plethora of additional messenger molecules integrated into sophisticated signaling pathways to accomplish…neurotransmission evidence, evidence synapseslaboratory, molecular, news, people, publication1
arec.huThe ionisation can enhance the effectiveness of the method. Thanks to this method, we can really be the best in the area of curing these illnesses. Several thousand children and adults who took part in an AREC therapy can prove the success and efficiency of this method. Another evidence can be the…method evidence, evidence facttherapy, respiratory, method, child, technology1
tamasibeladr.huEvidence-based dermatology & sexual health clinic with above-average mindset and proficiency. Fluent in English, Deutsch wie Muttersprache, médiocre en français, castellano básico, 一点儿汉语.dermatology, clinic, appointment, screening, fee1
zalavarpark.huThe heritage and religions of several nations are concentrated here to get along well with each other. As an evidence of this a collection of Hungarian, Bulgarian, Slovenian and Austrian monuments stands in the park. Thanks to the several-year long exemplary cooperation of the Local Government of…nation evidence, evidence collectioncounty, memorial, visitor, gallery, history1
arbolus.huLast but not least, I would like to mention a service that has been brought to life thanks to the changes of today's world, namely the management of problems that arise when a company is being acquired. Evidence shows that more and more companies in the country are finding themselves in a…company evidence, evidence companyllc, bankruptcy, mission, proceedings, knowledge1
tmtanitas.huTranscendental Meditation in Budapest for expats. Are you living in Budapest and interested about Transcendental Meditation? Book for the next English introductory lecture or make a private appointment without obligation, where you can get more information about it.meditation, stress, deep, benefit, health0
mrtt.hu…among others 14 experts from abroad and 50 PhD students. The keynote speaker was Prof. Jouke van Dijk, President of the European Regional Science Association. On the first day two plenary sessions were organized: one in Hungarian and one in English, with international speakers: Prof…experience evidence, evidence localregional, science, association, annual, conference0
turbotanoda.huHumanities in 2003, I completed a Postgraduate Specialist Course in Corrective and Preventive Educational Psychology. In 2013 I graduated as a Special Education Teacher from the University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty with a degree in Pedagogy of Students with Learning Disabilities."teacher, speciality, child, school, education0
mediaaccess.huConspiracy to Commit Fraud with the Kiraly Family, TV2, Friderikusz, Presser Gábor, Mester Tamás, Fenyő Miklós, Eszenyi Enikő, tabloid magazines, other Hungarian TV and Radio outlets, and you, their supporters – Organized Crime Exposed – In Memory of Tóth Lüszi (English)documentary, islam, history, america, article0
dienesnagy.huOver the last 60 years, millions of people have learned the Tm technique through effective personal instruction with highly-trained teachers. Now, with the aid of video meetings and an interactive phone app, your certified TM teacher can connect with you without requiring you to be in-personal for…teacher, nagy, technique, meditation, session0
proguide.huWe provide complete solution for guided dental surgeries for Professionals. Our service includes solution from diagnostic through surgery plans to the patients happy smile.highly evidence, evidence basesurgery, register, login, plan, implant0
blogbook.huBeej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall (HTML,PDF)code evidence, evidence hearprogramming, guide, tutorial, documentation, book0
komaromikozjegyzo.huComing to Komárom from the east, turn right onto Felvidéki Street, then at the first possibility on Jedlik Ányos Street, after 100 metres, you will find the building and the parking lot in front of it on the right.preliminary evidence, evidence designationnotary, street, office, friendly, version0
hazareten.huFind an overview about diabetes, the different types, risk factors, and the impact it has on public health. To receive updates about diabetes topics, enter your email address: Előnézet University of Bristol Clinical Staff - Rates and Allowances. From 1 April Rate from 1 April.experimental evidence, evidence raymondexperimental, clinical, school, journal, physics0
avobmat.hu…began in 2017 with the objective of creating a tool that is capable of performing critical and interactive analysis of bibliographic metadata AND texts with data-driven and NLP (Natural Language Processing) methods supported by AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques in a number of languages.type evidence, evidence oldtext, metadata, digital, toolkit, research0
akozjegyzo.huIntroduction… Services… Description of Hungarian notarial profession… Attestations… European payment…preservation evidence, evidence procedureprocedure, notarial, payment, document, registration0
ixtys.huSo we are just waiting and waiting when a sin gets ripen in expiation that it doesn’t need the shining cover of lying and we can be the help of it."god, soul, easter, truth, holy0
almarium-gyor.huSilwer, wood, 1th half of 20th century, Austrian hallmark 1867-1920, 16x10,5x4,5 cm, silver weight 275 goil, paper, wood, century, vase0
proctologybpmeeting.huHoping that this meeting will once again provide diagnostic insight and therapeutic assistance in a wide range of complex proctology and perineology issues, we kindly invite you to the 4th Budapest Proctology Meeting!meeting, registration, welcome, note, surgery0