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399 Hungarian websites relevant to the keyword: importance

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por.huPrognostic Importance of Tumor Deposits in the Ipsilateral Axillary Region of Breast Cancer Patients 577prognostic importance, importance tumor, clinical importance, importance correlation, concern importanceuniversity, department, hospital, medical, medicine7
ecolres.huA bombcrater pond network demonstrates the importance of connectivity for aquatic biodiversitynetwork importance, importance connectivityresearch, garden, ecological, species, science6
gydu.huFor District II, this new swimming pool is of great importance. It provides opportunities for a more comfortable and cost-effective school swimming program, as well as a swimming program and water polo instruction, alongside active recreational opportunities for the general public.great importance, importance opportunitypool, swimming, water, school, hour5
whiterabbit.huWWF Hungary and the importance of conversation became hot topic during the campaign. Due to the online auction and offline exhibition we had huge media coverage. 36% of total Hungarian population was reached; the traffic on the auction’s website went up by 63%, and 300k+ people were involved…woman importance, importance breast, people importance, importance conversation, value importancecampaign, result, brand, brief, solution5
kopintalapitvany.huembargo against Russia, but the exposure is moderate compared to the Baltic Republics and Slovakia. In this context, the report demonstrated the importance of diversification in the short term and technological development in the long term. The scientific novelty of the study is related to the…company importance, importance online, article importance, importance accurate, report importanceeconomic, international, literature, country, economy4
cityplant.huThe importance of the CityPlant Green Air Program is the use of plants which, according to research done by NASA, filter and break down toxins in the air. Thanks to their stress relieving effects they create a comfortable office atmosphere.plant, office, green, air, wall4
napkiado.hu…still there. New towns grew on the mediaeval ruins, then they became ruined during the wars, however, they have always represented the sacred importance of the centre of the country. The mediaeval works of art, collections in the museums, our monuments held in high esteem or forgotten by the…today importance, importance modification, forest importance, importance today, sacred importanceanthem, national, country, nation, book3
bcsconsult.huAll received application has high importance to us, so we will respond in the shortest possible time. Please contact us so we can start working together!high importance, importance shortconsulting, solution, development, financial, detail3
intertar.huOur partners and employees are of utmost importance for us. Therefore our colleagues work by adhering to strict rules:company importance, importance corporate, utmost importance, importance colleaguesconstruction, development, download, gallery, office3
munkavedinfo.huYes, I’ve read about it. The link law is an interesting framework that emphasizes the interconnectedness of legal principles and regulations. It highlights the importance of considering the broader legal context.regulation importance, importance broad, suddenly importance, importance inform, person importancelegal, law, agreement, regulation, important3
pepperpr.hu(ISV) Partner Programme, designed to foster stronger and more innovative partnerships between Zebra and the ISV partner community. As an element of Zebra’s channel development strategy, the ISV programme highlights the importance Zebra places on the ISV’s role in developing new technology solutions.programme importance, importance zebra, attention importance, importance copyright, copyright importancepepper, software, technology, market, office3
capoeiraafroritmo.hu06-STAGE – That is the stage where you receive the blue belt. With that belt you are prepared to take over the position as an instructor of capoeira. You will continue with your training, your apprenticeship and your evolution, not only of your mental and physical capacities. There is also the…actually importance, importance world, capacity importance, importance necessitystage, belt, group, student, white3
utodia.huWe believe in earning your trust and business every month, not locking you into long-term commitments. Our services are offered on a month-to-month basis, providing you with the flexibility to adapt as your business needs evolve. While we prioritize this flexibility, we also understand the…campaign importance, importance tangible, flexibility importance, importance confidentialityportfolio, grid, layout, post, custom2
controllabor.hu"Our company produces parts for the automotive industry using a forging technology. In this business, it is of paramount importance to select subcontractors with the right certification and experience. Control Labor Ltd. has been performing non-destructive material testing for us for many years…experties importance, importance flexible, paramount importance, importance subcontractormaterial, control, solution, procedure, quality2
action2020.huWhen it comes to corporate sustainability, it is important to think about both of its three pillars, the environment, society and the economy. In this spirit, ALTEO has developed a complex CSR program in which employee involvement and engagement have outstanding importance.key importance, importance socialceo, director, manage, environmental, development2
diamondresidence.huThe importance of apartment cleanliness plays a decisive role in the long-term ranking of accommodation. Our cleaning partner is responsible for the quality laundry, ironing, and on-site delivery of the textiles used by the guests staying in the apartments.guest, accommodation, apartment, package, booking2
seacon.huThe importance of information is continously growing in the economic life. In many cases, the database of a company represents higher value than all other assets. Nowdays every company has a lot of confidental documents in electronis form, such as contracts, blueprints, price lists, payroll lists…asset importance, importance informationsoftware, europe, data, presentation, fleet2
krafty.huThis article focuses on E. The species of the greatest clinical importance are Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium. Although the resistance characteristics of these two species differ in important ways Cited by: My instinct says dehydration irritates my prostate.clinical importance, importance enterococcus, method importance, importance enterococcalinfection, prostate, doctor, az2
powerchild.huThe owner of the company deeply believes in high importance of renewable energy and applied solutions with local conditions carefully considered . The main slogan is: produce as much as absolutely necessary, not more. Also, use as much effort and sources as necessary. We all need to save energy…high importance, importance renewable, key importance, importance customerengineering, wind, prototype, repair, electric2
nanotechnology.huComputed STM image of a graphene nanoribbon with imperfect edges. Note the localized electronic states on the edges. This shows the paramount importance of edge structure on the electronic properties of graphene nanodevices. Our recent review paper written by L. P. Biró and Ph. Lambin gives an…paramount importance, importance edge, utmost importance, importance practicallypublication, butterfly, image, detail2
service247.huService247 offerings are AaaS (Application as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) services based on the above mentioned data centre infrastructure for customers whom the above mentioned features have great importance but they cannot afford, because:software, customer, infrastructure, data, available2
gyoriszesz.huSeveral divisions of the chemical industry are based on our rectified alcohol products as feedstock of high importance. By complying with increasing quality requirements, we offer alcohol of high analytical purity for our Partners producing cosmetic and household cleaning products; paints…high importance, importance qualityindustry, food, pharmaceutical, chemical, alcohol2
naf.huWe consider of great importance the objectives of SDGs and, in our own way, we take - maybe apparently small-scale but in fact even more - decisive steps for their realization day by day.great importance, importance objectiveboard, limited, seeker, job, main2
russianstudies.huThe opening speech was delivered in Russian by the rector of the university, Academician László Borhy. In it, he emphasized the importance of the conference reflecting on the increasingly prevalent discourse of memory politics worldwide and its goal of creating a cultural-academic space that is…borhy importance, importance conference, scientific importance, importance bookrussian, study, history, russia, historical2
feherdent.huChild dental care Your parents must have told you about the importance of proper oral hygiene. However, people often fail... Learn moreparent importance, importance properdental, dentistry, tooth, treatment, oral2
formalin.huThe Company’s formalin production facility is located at Kazincbarcika in the BorsodChem Industrial Park, which can be found on the premises of BorsodChem Zrt. Because of the location and owners of the plants the environment protection factors had already got an accentuated importance during the…factor importance, importance plan, great importance, importance taskproduction, plant, material, industrial, customer2
ols.huProcessing of sheet metal constitutes an essential part of mechanical engineering, manufacturing of equipment and a number of other industries. The advantages of sheet metal include the ease of processing and formability, therefore sheet metal processing has been gaining an importance from year to…process importance, importance yearsheet, metal, process, technology, quality2
sermones.hu…of the exempla in them give access to very important elements of medieval sermon literature for both, Hungarian and international research. The importance of the two authors goes far beyond ecclesiastical or literature history. The Observant branch of the Franciscans represented the largest…importance sermon, research importance, importance authoredition, de, research, digital, oeuvre2
blumprogram.hu…operation, the personality development of kindergarten children has become the focus of our program in a way that we continue to emphasize the importance of children’s physical, mental and spiritual HEALTH. Based on surveys, however, the program name “Go Healthy!” only meant physical health for…way importance, importance childchild, kindergarten, development, family, teacher2
dent-esthetic.hu…consultation and expectations, where the quality of my work is best asserted by the contentedness of my clients. For this goal of utmost importance, I am offering my best professional performance, and also making all the efforts to establish a partnership with my clients that will make them…high importance, importance esthetical, utmost importance, importance goodesthetic, dental, summary, treatment, tooth2
aacm.huAACM Central Europe presented the details of PROSPECT2030 project, and underlined the importance of the transnational character of the project which helps taking stock from the experience of other European regions in energy planning and utilizing public grants to accelerate low-carbon investments…project importance, importance transnational, step importance, importance relevanteurope, central, energy, region, stakeholder2
helping-hand.huThey also understood the role and importance of self-regulation and executive functions, and what methods one can use to help children develop these. There was a great emphasis on understanding and acquiring the practical interventions and strategies, by which one can support the everydays and…role importance, importance self, attention importance, importance earlychild, teacher, parent, behaviour, kindergarten2
startouring.huTravel back to the 13th century as you climb high atop a hill in Visegrád to Solomon´s Tower, one of Central Europe´s largest and best preserved Romanesque castle keeps. With a commanding view of the Danube as it turns 90º, this spot was of strategic importance to the Romans, who also built…strategic importance, importance romans, considerable importance, importance fishpondwine, century, castle, country, house2
ora-akcio.huFinally, we understand the importance of safeguarding your privacy and rights. That’s why we provide expert guidance on creating a user agreement and privacy policy that complies with legal guidelines. Trust the Legal Avengers to protect your online presence with user agreement and privacy policy…explanation importance, importance data, finally importance, importance privacylegal, agreement, law, contract, requirements2
laszlojudit.huAn essential element of export sales strategy is market research including the mapping of competitors and their activities, actively finding potential customers as well as maintaining existing contacts. Representing the company at various international fairs, exhibitions or procurement tenders is…key importance, importance supportmarket, sale, foreign, international, development2
abece.huSuccess, however, requires a great effort of the pupil. Therefore, difficulties of the task and the importance of the continuity of practice has to be discussed with him beforehand. It is the student who has to decide if he can undertake this additional task beside his extracurricular activities…task importance, importance continuity, special importance, importance essentialchild, problem, programme, task, treatment2
futureoceans.huDr. Ari published the first scientific paper on a behavioral experiment conducted on a giant manta ray (Manta birostris) in the Lisbon Aquarium, which revealed some interesting information about the importance of vision in the life of manta rays.information importance, importance vision, ray importancemanta, ray, foundation, ocean, future2
gonefishing.huSeeing the importance of supporting local people and economy we try to use as much as possible from local products and services. Local business is the backbone of the local economy and supporting them directly supports the community around us.people importance, importance attitudefishing, guide, water, local, fish2
abtl.hu(5) The Director General of the National Security Service shall draw up a separate list of the documents of outstanding importance from the viewpoint of the protection of the national security interest from among the documents containing data specified in paragraphs (2)-(3) of Article 2 during the…outstanding importance, importance viewpoint, particular importance, importance copyarchive, shall, public, record, document2
infravizsgalat.huIn describing the various diseases, we also refer to the possibility and importance of using a plant-based progesterone containing cream!possibility importance, importance plantinfrared, imaging, body, hormone, treatment2
hndmetal.huWe at HND Metal Ltd. believe in the importance of long-lasting business relationships. We have supplied equipment to a variety of businesses successfully emerging in their fields. We hope to count you among our satisfied clients and will look forward to receiving your inquiry.inside importance, importance product, metal importance, importance longmetal, sheet, bespoke, treatment, water2
bodrogrugo.hu“The portfolio of our company calls for springs of strategic importance, which we were unable to procure for many years. We have contacted several domestic and foreign companies over the years, but none of them were able to fulfill our requirements. Not only did they take on the process of…strategic importance, importance unablespring, quality, production, manufacture, tender2
elegantdesign.huWe emphasize the importance of durable, hand-crafted items created by our Hungarian and Romanian craftsmen.elegant, factory, clothing, fashion, principle2
stabilmernokiroda.huIn order to ensure the professional execution of projects, we emphasize the importance of general design »project importance, importance generalconstruction, general, technical, introduction, reference2
exportreadiness.huAn essential element of export sales strategy is market research including the mapping of competitors and their activities, actively finding potential customers as well as maintaining existing contacts. Representing the company at various international fairs, exhibitions or procurement tenders is…key importance, importance supportmarket, sale, foreign, international, development2
zsenaktrans.huWe believe in human-(centered) relationships, the power of the word and the importance of the tiny details. We never wanted to be the biggest in our work, but we always wanted to be the best in reliability!word importance, importance tinyfleet, storage, homepage, destination, career2
pestbuda.hu…(PIM). The institution's undisclosed goal was to bring the poet's work closer to the people of the 21st century, to our everyday lives: the importance of home, the importance of friends or the sacrifice made for our loved ones are all topics that we can easily identify with. Artefacts, special…life importance, importance home, home importance, importance friend, special importanceago, square, public, build, century2
pannoncsoport.huThe importance of PANNON Csoport for us is due to the successful development we have achieved with the many existing and prospective members and our mutually fair business relations.opinion, supplier, cooperation, group, market2
endometriozismagyarorszag.huBy making a donation, you can help hundreds of women live a better life and fight endometriosis, which is the disease that is considered to be the leading cause of infertility. You can also help us raise awareness of the importance of a health-conscious lifestyle.awareness importance, importance healthsymptom, treatment, tax, donation, awareness2
reformatus.huThe staff of the National Reformed Roma Ministry will continue to organise a variety of events, meetings, and trainings in 2024 to promote the Gospel values and the importance of reconciliation between peoples.value importance, importance reconciliationchurch, ministry, refugee, community, event2
konigkft.hu…high quality window structures and glazing systems for numerous OEM bus, rail, tram, and automotive manufacturers. König Kft. believes in the importance of quality, flexibility, and continuous improvement. We focus on creating the greatest value for our clients by working closely together, even…kft importance, importance qualitywindow, customer, certificate, vehicle, number2
aplusrenovation.huWe provide exceptional renovation service for our foreign clients, even if the owner is not present in the country. Our focus on smooth communication is of highest importance.high importance, importance familyrenovation, property, remodel, quote, free2
compex-so.huRoad salt The traditional road salts are available in bag and in bulk as well. Considering the importance of environmental protection we also distribute eco-friendly de-icers. 03bulk importance, importance environmentalsalt, homepage, free, additive, gallery2
babel-budapest.huThe Babel team is a close-knit family and We strongly believe in the importance of people’s characteristic, therefore it has a great significance next to hospitality and professional knowledge when it comes to recruitment.strongly importance, importance peoplerestaurant, wine, great, day, reservation2
drkaligabor.hu…appearance, which is a cardinal factor in building a healthy physical, spiritual and mental harmony. My medical approach highlights the importance of continuous training in order to master and provide the safest and most effective market leader technologies available in aesthetic medicine…approach importance, importance continuoushyaluronic, acid, augmentation, lip, surgical2
luxuryproject.huKatalin has very strong relationship management skills and understands the importance of “listening and understanding” the consumer as opposed to doing what she believes they want from a service perspective. During a number of interactions at large and complex business events and dinners which she…environment importance, importance attentive, skill importance, importance consumerevent, luxury, wedding, hospitality, private2
urba.huWe attach great importance to the study of the context and the location of a project by adopting a responsible, ethical and sensible approach, both by the choice of materials and construction techniques. Driven by a deep belief in the transformative power of eliminating the unnecessary, we create…great importance, importance studyinterior, retail, restaurant, bar, store1
budapest18.huAs the main road of our district, it is the most important route of Pestszentlőrinc, making its appearance as a settlement image is of paramount importance. The defining elements of this image are the proportion of areas used by pedestrians and reserved for public transport vehicles (e.g. trams)…paramount importance, importance elementcenter, innovation, district, road, urban1
tomcsanyibirtok.hu…many other plants live together; where we must oversee the harmony, which results in the creation of the base material for the wine. In addition to sulfur and copper we use orange oil and various teas for spraying, and we attach great importance to precisely coordinate seasonal works with nature.great importance, importance preciselywine, natural, hill, gallery, media1
pannonlagotto.huIn the puppies menu you can find information about the importance of early socialization and the conditions for buying puppies.information importance, importance earlydog, week, litter, breed, female1
ambedkar.huIn our school, Szabolcs Tóth gave a motivating lecture on selective waste collection and his experiences of travelling to India. Szabolcs emphasizes the importance of…school, student, day, news, university1
haverla.huWhether you are the one drafting a contract or entering into an agreement, you should be aware of the importance of legal advice.aware importance, importance legalarea, law, practice, contract, data1
dogandpony.huEvery successful business relies on some form of marketing and advertising. The importance of good marketing is just as relevant as ever, if not more: the methods employ may have changed, but its role in helping your business reach the next step hasn’t.advertising importance, importance goodagency, logo, dog, advertising, media1
suzuki.huThe DoingGood - CSR Award was held for the fourth time this year to raise awareness of the importance of social responsibility. It is an important objective each year, to enable companies to share experiences and best practices from their CSR campaigns, inspiring each other to elevate socially…awareness importance, importance socialcorporation, website, christmas, employee, corporate1
dss.huNowadays, the importance of embedded systems is growing – we also have considerable experience in the development of embedded software that operates them.nowadays importance, importance embeddedsolution, data, development, quality, software1
infood2000.huWe have been distributing premium quality food and beverage brands in Hungary for almost 20 years. Providing excellent products to our partners is of the utmost importance to us so we pay attention to every detail.utmost importance, importance attentionbrand, food, quality, page, interested1
tehetszmehtobbet.huA multitude of celebrities and experts are drawing attention to the global consequences of the decline of pollinators and the importance of their protection.pollinators importance, importance protectionbee, campaign, exhibition, event, ambassador1
klimapolitikaiintezet.huCities are home to more than 50% of the world's population and this proportion is growing. As a result, urban sustainability is of paramount importance...climate, event, green, institute, protection1
stettin-hungaria.huIn its work, STETTIN-HUNGARIA attaches great importance to the flawless and timely fulfilment of orders, including attention to sustainability.great importance, importance flawlessbuilding, renovation, public, industrial, reference1
randstad.huRandstad helps you get a rewarding job and stay relevant in the ever-changing world of work. We understand the importance of a job in your life and we want to help you find work that feels good to you . And we’ll help you continue to grow as your needs and ambitions change. That's what we're here…work importance, importance jobjob, expertise, area, seeker, office1
aldeacom.huAt the core of our services is the unique approach we take to each and every project, from the initial consultation to the smooth implementation. We believe in the importance of a flexible approach, so we are available 24/7 and offer last minute implementation options to ensure smooth and…implementation importance, importance flexiblepromotion, decoration, event, delivery, food1
iconrem.huOur operation is characterized by expertise and dedication. We believe in the importance of high-quality integrated services.dedication importance, importance highmanagement, icon, property, estate, real1
perfectenterprises.hu…means that this problem affects hundreds of millions. There can be countless reasons for this, for example: a lifestyle lacking exercise, poor nutrition, smoking and an overly stressful work environment. Finding out the cause is of the utmost importance, because this condition can worsen with age.utmost importance, importance conditionenhancer, description, cart, man, perfect1
realschool.huOur physical environment plays a major role in how we feel, behave and develop, and hence it is of utmost importance at the REAL School. The environment needs to support our social-emotional wellbeing, our pedagogical philosophy, and our approach to sustainability.utmost importance, importance realschool, real, learn, international, british1
arenabusinesscampus.huIf you place great importance on your company’s sustainable image, and would like to further get that point across to both your employees and customers, ATENOR Hungary may just be the partner you’ve been looking for, as all of our sustainable office buildings have BREEAM Excellent certifications…great importance, importance companyoffice, space, location, green, gallery1
informatikusleszek.huIntroduction In PHP development, selecting between static and non-static methods holds significant importance when it comes to code organization and functionality. Both approaches provide unique bene...significant importance, importance codeperformance, pattern, question, developer, method1
fesztivalakademia.huThe Artistic Directors of Festival Academy Budapest on this summer’s festival programme, concept, the Hubay Competition and the importance of family.competition importance, importance familyfestival, academy, fab, competition, violin1
nemesarch.huAs the the look of outside has importance for the good of the public, the interior is more important for the ones living inside.outside importance, importance goodbuild, architect, introduction, certificate, law1
firstmed.huDue to anemia, I visited the clinic for a gastroenterology examination (stomach + colonoscopy). My fears about the examination were quickly dispelled by the kind attitude and the information I received about the importance of the examination. The bottom line: it doesn’t hurt, it’s not unpleasant…information importance, importance examinationclinic, care, health, medical, doctor1
digitalis-konyveles.hu• In addition to accounting, I also carried out auditing. It means that I am focused on small details, but I see the importance of the big picture as well.detail importance, importance bigdigital, accounting, tax, bookkeeping, international1
centrumbanakutyad.hu"Bors was a full of fear adopted dog and became a happy, cheerful member of our family. We learned from Katica to understand the reason of his behaviour and how we can change it. And of course the importance of patience! We are very thankful!"course importance, importance patiencedog, course, group, training, individual1
inmategym.huWe recommend you to visit our osteopath (chiropractor), before you start training and at least once a month, who will loosen up the tightness in your muscles and correct the mispositioned joints, which will make you feel like you have been given a new body! (To read more about the importance of…body importance, importance trainingtraining, body, session, muscle, like1
fodraszgepek.huWith over 20 years of experience, we recognize the importance of internationalization for company growth. Approximately 25% of our clients have an international presence.experience importance, importance internationalizationhair, salon, haircut, client, style1
metal99.huOur company has many years of experience in the field of welding of aluminium, carbon steel, and stainless steel (AWI, MIG, MAG), and we attach high importance to continuous development and observation of international requirements.high importance, importance continuousmetal, production, homepage, repair, electrical1
ordogkatlan.huA guided tour of the sculptures and the panoramic trail - reflections on the importance of the symposia, an introduction to the seven creative periods and their typical works, and a shared exploration of the message of the works. The programme lasts approximately 1.5 hours. Participation is free…reflection importance, importance symposiumtheatre, performance, festival, concert, music1
keresztenymotorosok.hu- We also organize rides for charitable purposes, during which we visit institutions where we can bring joy to the residents with our presence and offer help with our donations. - In our environment and in motorcyclist circles we advocate the importance of safe, civilized and responsible…circle importance, importance safegod, fellowship, christ, jesus, important1
transled.huWhen designing our product range, it was of prime importance to offer high-technology, reliable quality goods.prime importance, importance highmodule, strip, supply, power, controller1
drbiroagnesui.huhighest professional level whereas we make efforts to exoterically impart information about possible legal possibilities, to help decision making and to settle affairs in the simplest and most efficient way. We place great importance on informing our clients about the actual status of their affairs.great importance, importance clientoffice, law, expertise, legal, client1
orientriver.huWe understand the importance of efficient financial transactions in international business. Our team specializes in letter of credit management, offering expert guidance to streamline payment processes and minimize risks associated with cross-border transactions. We ensure compliance with…river, orient, solution, management, expertise1
budafokone.huM0 highway, which is the ring road circling Budapest, is just 2,2 kilometers far away from the Park. Here you can access the busiest south section of the ring road connecting the M1-M5 highways to each other. This ring road is of primary importance due to the fact that it integrates the radial…primary importance, importance facturban, logistic, location, route, primary1
projecthr.huWith corporate HR background and executive search experience, we understand the importance of professional success. With health coaching, we can sustain outstanding performance without compromising health issues.experience importance, importance professionalhealth, market, research, human, resource1
supermagnete.huOur top priority is to fulfil the requests of our customers one hundred per cent. That’s why we attach great importance to service here at supermagnete. This customer focus and our high-quality magnets have made our online shop successful since 2003. The result is satisfied customers throughout…great importance, importance servicemagnetic, adhesive, ferrite, approx, customer1
hunyady.huInner Somogy, an area that stretches from Lake Balaton in the North to the River Drava in the South, is a region famous for its large forests, fish-ponds, and wildlife. It is also a bird area of European importance. The rare species that can be found here include the White-tailed Fish eagle, the…european importance, importance rarebarn, bathroom, house, bedroom, wine1
laszlofoldi.hu…I would like to be able to share as many moments as possible with people about this wonder, but I would also like to draw attention to the importance of protecting our environment and our planet. I really like the macro, and the wide-angle themes both have a lot of challenges and a lot of…attention importance, importance environmentnature, category, laszlo, photographer, award1
bakaapartman.huWhen designing the apartments, we have taken into account the importance of enabling larger companies to spend their freetime together. On the ground floor there are 3 apartments for 2+2 people, which can be opened together on request and upstairs there are 2 4+2 people apartments.account importance, importance largeapartment, room, gallery, reservation, people1
sepsieniko.huI started my career in the Budapest-based Eötvös József Collegium. The very start of my career in this Institution has also given me the opportunity to realise the importance of talent nurturing (with respect to both the management and the development of the intellectual and institutional…opportunity importance, importance talentstudy, university, theatre, research, french1
lb42.huWe all know a logical and clear user interface can extremely guide operating staff, as well as data visualization's importance.technology, engineering, production, equipment, industrial1
spiritsdigest.huGiven the importance of heritage and traditional processes, it’s no surprise that the whiskey category is still a strong source of extremely unique and expensive editions. At the same time the auction is a good example that luxury is not always selfish – it can also support global and local causes…brand, rating, global, consumer, flavour1
citypearl.huA mini-exhibition of archival footage also evokes the everyday life of an area of urban historical importance at the timehistorical importance, importance timecity, list, ready, tour, gallery1
pfeifferszilard.huThough we would not argue against the importance of detecting malware, there should also be a cheap and effective step before detection, namely prevention. A...trust, personal, page, security, feed1
sportnaplo.huAs a coach, doctor, or sports expert, you are aware of the importance of details. In the SportDiary system, every athlete's data and performance can be meticulously tracked, from anthropometric data to mental abilities. You can create personalized training programs and rehabilitation protocols…aware importance, importance detailathlete, data, evaluation, management, performance1
mindkiado.huI have been a company manager for more than thirty years and have been working as a personality development coach and Gestalt consultant for over 10 years. In both of my professions, I consider the importance of supporting the process of individual change, before losses and pain provide…profession importance, importance processbook, psychology, publisher, soul, accessible1
realmanagement.hu…sale of residential and other real estate objects, investment consultancy and of course operation management, which has received ever growing importance in the latest times. We are managing office buildings, Penny Markets, Spar and Interspar super- and hypermarkets, Tesco markets, several Aldi…management importance, importance latestreal, management, reference, career, responsibility1
ternai.huTernai Ltd. emphasizes the importance of quality improvement and constant food safety in all phases of its activity.ternai importance, importance qualityquality, agricultural, activity, requirements, production1
intelligencemedia.huWork with a team that understands the importance of aligning business objectives with technical solutions. We offer exceptional end-to-end partnership, encompassing every stage from concept creation to delivery and long-term maintenance.team importance, importance businessintelligence, media, solution, development, process1
mlszsz.hu(7) The Association was not founded primarily to operate as a business organisation. The Association’s business activities are only secondary in importance. The Association’s business activities shall never endanger its social benefit activities, they shall support the Association’s other…secondary importance, importance associationassociation, member, shall, presidency, president1
petconnvet.huWe do our best to promote and raise awareness of the importance of responsible animal husbandry. Our goal is to ensure that all pets get the highest possible quality of medical care, using the opportunities offered by digitalisation. Our platform also supports the effective work of veterinarians.awareness importance, importance responsibleapplication, owner, digital, important, appointment1
schaltech.huWe attach great importance to protecting the environment. All large companies have a high responsibility, no matter what energy and materials they use in large quantities. We strive to leave an ecological footprint as small as possible.great importance, importance environmentfacade, reference, technology, structure, construction1
sunsetresort.huWhen designing the apartment house, we prioritised the importance of digital life and created the efficient operation of the building based on this principle. By using an application, the hotel operates almost entirely without staff, as most services, such as check-in and check-out can be…house importance, importance digitalview, lake, apartment, half, sunset1
technicalinterpreters.huRecently we have contributed to the introduction of a maintenance and security SAP system at a Hungarian company. This one-and-a-half-year project highlights the importance of accurate translation and interpretation.project importance, importance accuratetechnical, interpret, interpretation, important, interpreter1
cassettestoreday.hu…Store Day which is an international, annual observance intended to recognise the value of Compact Cassettes as a music format. Cassette Store Day was first held in 2013. The celebration was inspired by Record Store Day, which acknowledges the importance of record stores and the vinyl music format.day importance, importance recordstore, cassette, day, release, international1
healthandyouth.huIt is a known fact that free radicals in the human body are harmful to health, and that antioxidants have a protective function. Many expect miracles from the latter, while others do not attribute high importance to them.health, youth, frequently, question, oil1
corporatesustainability.huOur goal is to spread corporate management according to ESG aspects, our mission is to provide easy-to-understand, practical consulting and creative strategy-making services to companies that recognize the importance of ESG and Carbon Footprinting in the difficult-to-transparent, constantly…company importance, importance esgsustainability, corporate, creative, strategy, consulting1
hotelhero.huThe Swedish Chamber of Commerce hosts the first Hungarian CSR Awareness Week from June 28 to July 4. The event aims to raise awareness of the importance of corporate social responsibility, enable companies to share experiences from their CSR campaigns, and inspire each other to operate in a…awareness importance, importance corporatehelp, news, hero, member, campaign1
lichen.huIn this way we hope to contribute to the understanding of the role and importance of lichens and lichenological research in nature, in human life and society.role importance, importance lichenresearch, knowledge, homepage, science, detail1
raszta.hu…of a construction site across the street. It reminds me of the complexities of managing a quotation for construction labour contract. The meticulous attention to detail, the negotiations involved, and the importance of documenting every aspect of the agreement reflect the nuances of legal ...negotiation importance, importance aspectlegal, january, law, agreement, board1
idosgyogyaszat.huThe importance of health issues related to aging and older people was recognized as science in Hungary in the early 20th century. Four scientists did efficient pioneering work for the development of gerontology and geriatrics in the country: prof. Sándor Korányi (physician and nephrologist)…age, university, effect, medical, health1
teacher-training.huWhatever your reasons or background, you’ve come to the right place. Along with the importance we place on delivering quality, affordable training– something we’ve been doing for over 30 years– we also focus our efforts on helping individuals make the choice that suits them, in terms of which…place importance, importance qualitytraining, teacher, course, assessment, fee1
drhorvathdavid.hu…practices in Europe, Israel and in the USA. We tried to develop our conditions to reach a high professional standard, which has the greatest importance for us in our work. Four veterinarians, two assistants and three qualified animal cosmeticians do their work for the earliest recovery of your…great importance, importance workexamination, veterinary, assistant, hour, animal1
evacon.huOur service is based on attention to details, with flexibility and innovation on cost effective ways. We take care of the timeline and budget of the planned organized programme. Evacon Ltd. knows the successful importance of the project security and goals with the maximum satisfaction of sponsors…successful importance, importance projectconcept, management, programme, activity, reference1
pavadesign.huGraphic design for print is still of great importance today, keeping in touch with business partners, bridging the gap between the online and offline worlds. Business cards, stationery, flyers, posters, banners can be used to spread brand awareness.great importance, importance todaywebsite, quote, publish, portfolio, document1
basicasset.huThe preparation of a mobile application project is very costly, but no project is ever the same. The price largely depends on the technology used, the integrations, as well as the development requirements of related systems (backend, admin, website). The price may increase if speed is of…speed importance, importance systemprocess, management, development, basic, asset1
goldtunnelsystem.huWhen choosing the right sporting discipline, nurturing talent, or choosing sports for children and youngsters, it is of paramount importance to get to know the characteristics of the body, support physical development, and preserve one's health. One of the fundamental pillars of the Gold Tunnel…paramount importance, importance characteristictunnel, athlete, assessment, analysis, success1
itkarbantartas.huITSecure Ltd. attaches great importance to providing its customers with high quality and modern IT services. We aim to provide secure IT systems for our customers by ensuring ease of use and by using the latest technologies.great importance, importance customeroperation, cloud, development, network, infrastructure1
compassioninaction.huExplore the true nature and power of being and acting with compassion: realize the real importance of conscious choice between toxic emotion guided reaction vs. value driven response.real importance, importance consciousaction, self, result, group, value1
lbmcoach.huPractice ultimate self-care and increase your health and vitality. People who take exceptional care of themselves attract extraordinary opportunities and people into their lives. Learn the importance of being blessedly selfish.life importance, importance blessedlycolumn, grid, post, portfolio, latest1
mentee.huBeing involved with hockey on a daily basis helped me to deeply understand the importance of constant learning. In the past years team video sessions have became a crucial part of how we develop players but not many organisations have the resources to work with every player individually helping…deeply importance, importance constantvideo, game, tomorrow, hockey, face1
fromhelldaleranchkennel.huIn both breeds, temperament and health are of paramount importance to me, as well as looks of type. All of my Airedale Terriers in breeding have hip and elbow and occasionally shoulder x-rays, but on the website I have included the results that have been sent in and received for official judging.paramount importance, importance lookdog, irish, breed, ideal, love1
polluxled.huIn the busy world today it is of higher importance to take care of our environment and ourselves. This is the only way to preserve the sustainability of our Earth.high importance, importance carelighting, street, reference, technology, international1
budcb.hu…large cities attracting international attention and partnerships. Committed to promoting the sustainability of the sector, recognizing the importance of environmental responsibility and social impact. By embracing sustainable practices, BUD CB contributes to the long-term viability and successsector importance, importance environmentalmeet, guideline, destination, bureau, convention1
workant.huOur company experienced first-hand the importance of a workforce not employed in its own warehouse. Outsourcing certain work processes to subcontractors is an increasingly noticeable trend these days. The reason for this is that an important accounting technical difference can be realized between…hand importance, importance workforcerecruitment, cycle, candidate, management, worker1
agilegettogether.hu…is a new mindset, a new way of thinking about software engineering This talk discusses the advantages of thinking Product instead of Project, the difference between Product teams and Feature teams, the importance of emphasizing Engineering rather than Process, and the role of Product Leaders.team importance, importance engineeringagile, session, track, speaker, detail1
dalmasialmaskert.hu…of the current time. The Jászság is far from Dunaalmás. The forties is also far away from the eighties in time, but both parents taught the importance of the family and the land to their children. These children, as grownups in the always changing world, tried to keep the traditional values as…parent importance, importance familytraditional, course, previous, language, family1
in-cup.huProtecting our environment is of the utmost importance to our company, and we are committed to continuous improvement, advanced technology and degradable packaging for a sustainable future.utmost importance, importance companycup, packaging, main, page, coffee1
bonus.co.huThe onions are cut into pieces that are suitable for our taste, which has no importance. However, it is important not to be too small. Smaller heads are usually cut to four and larger ones are cut into several pieces. We place the whole goose liver on it and seal the foil. Bake in a 200 degree…taste importance, importance importantbonus, goose, recipe, meat, piece1
csemo.huIn the life of our village, environmental improvement, the implementation and maintenance of environmental protection are of particular importance. One of the notable factors in achieving this goal is the “environmental education" of kindergarten and schoolchildren, since one quarter of the…particular importance, importance notablevillage, flowery, area, official, website1
vitecer.huSince quality is crucial importance, all of our products meet the highest European food safety and production requirements. We have found our success in our continuous researches , developments and cooperations with experts on the field.crucial importance, importance productstraw, technology, worldwide, herbal, extract1
jphtrading.huEver since our foundation, the distribution of the masculan® condom family has been of paramount importance in our business activities; we sell masculan products not only in Hungary, but also in the surrounding countries such as the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Ukraine and Slovakia.paramount importance, importance businessmanager, digitalization, wedge, coating, slot1
mvconsulting.huIn addition to healthy employees, we also employ people with reduced capacity to work , which contributes to promoting equal opportunities. We also attach great importance to the funding of charities to help the disadvantaged.great importance, importance fundingconsulting, certificate, employee, main, page1
fenestrabengals.huHere, You will be able to find vast amounts of information, that can help You in getting familiar with the bengal breed. We introduce our cats, ourselves, our dedication, and we try to bring your attention to the importance of responsible buying and keeping of pets.attention importance, importance responsiblesoon, course, day, verification, breed1
bravogroup.hu…lies in successful agreements and cooperation, which provide the profits necessary for the implementation of innovations. We do all this while providing attractive work environments for our colleagues. Seeing their vital importance, we put financial independence and stability before growth.vital importance, importance financialsolution, office, distribution, operation, trade1
hintalovon.huSince 2015, we have been working to raise awareness of children's rights. We want to make sure that society has a voice in all aspects of life. children's interests and perspectives in all areas of life, so that we really listen to children. We want us all to understand the importance of a good…child importance, importance goodchild, participation, report, safeguard, advocacy1
flexoroll.hucharacterized by proactivity enables us to be able to get in the minds of our customers, and think like them. We know full well and we share the importance of economic discipline, cost-effectiveness and speedy service and delivery time. Since we truly believe that there should be no compromise when…like importance, importance economicpaper, logistic, warehousing, cost, material1
aidevelopment.huWe prioritize ethical AI practices. Your data privacy and security are of paramount importance to us. We adhere to the highest ethical standards in AI development and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.paramount importance, importance highdevelopment, productivity, feature, translation, operational1
endomedix.huThe bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which lives in the stomach, is perhaps one of the most important discoveries in the modern history of medicine. Its importance lies in its association with the development of stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and other serious diseases. About Helicobacter pylori…medicine importance, importance associationcentre, food, anaesthesia, gastroenterology, examination1
owkft.huIn addition to the beauty and saleability of the glasses, their quality and warranty background are of utmost importance. The most important part of our daily work is the high level of service to the needs of our customers, in all areas and issues. The satisfaction of our partners is the first and…utmost importance, importance importantcustomer, optic, login, page, warranty1
scargo.huSatisfaction and long-term trust of our customers are of paramount importance to us , therefore our primary goal is to establish long-term and stable partnerships !paramount importance, importance primarychick, offer, safe, choice, transport1
agrobiomass.huWe take great pride in being among the first to underline the importance of correct and ethic business morals towards our partners and employees.pride importance, importance correctbiomass, wood, energy, activity, green1
rpt-innoteq.huFunctional prototyping with 0,1 mm preciseness, 16 μ layerwidth and short deadlines Know more about the main characteristics of printed materials we use and about our technology background Some words about the cost effective product engineering, the importance of the reverse engineering in product…engineering importance, importance reverseprototyping, manufacture, reverse, engineering, scan1
drcsernus.huYou probably don’t need to be reminded of the importance of good skin care, but you may be surprised by the range of modern, safe treatments available to make your skin more beautiful. Read on to find out more.probably importance, importance gooddermatology, treatment, skin, general, care1
braccoitaliano.huOur kennel's goal is to breed great looking and well working (hunting) Bracco Italianos. All our dogs have gone through skill tests and are screened for hip dysplasia. Although we place an importance on their ability to be great hunters – dogs from our kennel don't need to be kept as hunting dogs…dysplasia importance, importance abilitydog, puppy, hunting, great, kind1
skc.huFood production is one of the most important industrial segments in terms of global economy and ecological sustainability. Recognizing the ever-increasing importance of this, thanks to our comprehensive strategic construction and numerous high-value investments, we have made significant…sustainability importance, importance thankconstruction, office, food, management, application1
menhely.huApart from providing assistance to the homeless, the Shelter Foundation values the importance of treating the homeless and those threatened by homelessness with dignity, to respect their independence and also to encourage them in their freedom to make their own responsible decisions.foundation importance, importance homelessfoundation, mission, shelter, organisation, homeless1
ckmarketing.huIs a statement that highlights the importance of providing high-quality auto repair services. It suggests that the company or individualstatement importance, importance highdetail, change, rim, tire, portfolio1
szaboesszalai.huIn criminal proceedings - given that time is of crucial importance we are available at all times, both at night and at weekends, we are committed to providing immediate legal (defence) assistance.crucial importance, importance availablelaw, firm, proceedings, criminal, case1
varganoemi.huOne of my friends said to me once: "We can only tolerate each other, because we've known each other since childhood." Then I just laughed at it, I didn't attach much importance to this statement.childhood importance, importance statementsession, method, wife, mother, problem1
peminfo.hu…and loving each other. We are convinced that it is God’s plan to see more and more people giving praise to Him, for his glory. We believe the importance of an everyday collaboration with God’s Spirit, the Holy Ghost being aware of His will, how He wants our lives to help and save others who are…glory importance, importance everydaygod, homepage, construction, people, holy1
investmedical.huWe are paying close attention to prevention protocols especially chronic patients and the importance of preventionpatient importance, importance preventionmedical, care, factory, patient, quality1
sugarterv.huWe are aware of the weight, importance and design responsibility of our task, which requires maximalismweight importance, importance designsugar, building, dream, build, ready1
shivaayurveda.huAyurveda emphasizes the importance of prevention and maintenance of health. It offers guidance on diet, and lifestyle.ayurveda importance, importance preventionayurvedic, treatment, massage, health, page1
drszenassy.huWe are committed to corporate social responsibility both as a firm and as individuals and are happy to take on certain cases that, although not falling into any of the above categories, we consider to be of great social importance. Equally, we support non-profit organisations and charity schemes…social importance, importance equallylaw, firm, corporate, labour, real1
jeva.hutwo explanation explanation animations animations about about the the importance importance of of voting voting and and using using your your 2 2 votes votes wisely.animation importance, importance votetitle, detail, post, commercial, campaign1
drtanacs.hu…of the legal profession, during which he regards the level of detail and cost-effectiveness expected by the given client to be of paramount importance. As law is constantly evolving, up-to-date knowledge is essential for him, so he is a participant and speaker at many conferences to this day…paramount importance, importance lawlaw, legal, contract, protection, representation1
businessenglishonskype.huBusiness history itself emerged as a topic of study in the 1970s. Dr. Alfred Chandler progressed the study of business history from the purely descriptive to the analytical—his course at Harvard Business School stressed the importance of organizational capabilities, technological innovation, and…school importance, importance organizationalmanagement, corporate, issue, human, strategy1
barnao.huOur office attaches great importance to social responsibility, we make significant efforts to spread it as widely as possible, taking into account sustainability and social aspects.great importance, importance socialconsulting, sustainability, public, procurement, innovation1
bsce.huThe TETRISk application is a very effective visualisation tool for monitoring different corporate performance indicators. The unique feature of the tool that it is using several properties in parallel, the dimensions, the colours and positions simultaneously according to the importance and the…simultaneously importance, importance statusdevelopment, management, solution, data, report1
ethermedia.huAt Ethermedia, we emphasize the importance of providing our clients with a top of class design and functionality when it comes to their digital presence. May it be a website design, software development, or a logo, we start from scratch, and build the brand from the ground up for success.ethermedia importance, importance clientdevelopment, website, brand, logo, success1
euroturbo.huIn this rapidly changing industry, we’ve realized the importance of continually updating our approach to stay relevant in the market, and are committed to just that. Because of this, we only provide our partners the procurement of latest technology, premium quality parts and their maintenance…industry importance, importance continuallymember, gas, pump, oil, industry1
aeo.huThe members of the team that are incorporated for temporary cooperation cannot communicate with each other according to AEO guidelines. The AEO viewpoints become secondary in importance and certain sectors might not know what sort of changes are occuring in other areas.secondary importance, importance certaincustom, certificate, authority, application, status1
avplay.huIncrease the efficiency of your event with perfectly chosen colours and lighting! Once we have created the right atmosphere with the composition of lights, everything else just clicks into place at the event. The importance of lighting at an event cannot be overestimated!event importance, importance lightingsolution, play, event, quotation, technology1
novabazaar.huIn the realm of remote work, the importance of a harmonious and inspiring home office cannot be overstated. Crafting a...work importance, importance harmoniousoffice, vibe, tribe, lifestyle, routine1
szamoljademokraciaert.huSince the 1990s, governments and political leaders have done very little to get Hungarian citizens to understand the importance of their civic duty and shared responsibility that forms the basis of any functioning democracy.citizen importance, importance civicmember, election, station, poll, worker1
kandallopub.huWe understand the importance of providing a seamless online experience. To make a reservation via our website, simply visit our home page. With just a few clicks, your reservation will be confirmed, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your table awaits you at Kandalló Pub.beer, craft, award, reservation, flavor1
montana.huServing our clients in an accurate and reliable way is of paramount importance for us. Our main goal is to provide stable background to their day-to-day operations, whether they need network support, system integration, hardware support or software development.paramount importance, importance mainintegration, software, development, career, stable1
refkossuthter.hu…While in the 30’s and 40’s the congregation was a noteworthy cultural factor in town, with plenty of local, regional and countrywide events of importance held in the church’s basement (equipped with a stage and with a capacity of 250 seats), during socialism, the same basement had to be leased outevent importance, importance churchcongregation, god, church, jesus, family1
interlanguage.huThe management of our school considers providing our students with the highest degree of customer-friendly service and high quality language training of utmost importance.language, course, school, swedish, norwegian1
clearvision.hu„Ignoranti, quem portum petat, nullus suus ventus est” - “If a man does not know to what port he is steering, no wind is favorable to him” – these are the famous eternal words of Seneca, reminding us to the importance of the target. We at Clearvision believe, that if we carefully define the goal…seneca importance, importance targetsolution, development, customer, financial, telecommunication1
armenian.huDuring the meeting, the parties discussed a wide range of issues of bilateral agenda, highlighting the importance of further development of relations in areas of mutual...agenda importance, importance developmentago, month, minister, foreign, day1
weinberg.huFactories, plants, with complex technical content, with the help of our qualified professionals, keeping in mind the importance of environmental awareness.mind importance, importance environmentalconstruction, general, award, steel, structure1
drivingcamp.huThey also learn the importance of the adjustment of correct seating position and steering wheel handling.training, drive, price, voucher1
posthorax.huPresenting the importance of stabilizing the sternum after open heart procedures. This study confirms that stabilizing the thorax in the dorsoventral axis prevents sternum dehiscence and infections.heart, surgery, complications, patient, wound1
airwin.hu“Great facilities, great team, brand new airplanes. Just did (A)UPRT there. It seemed a useless training, but after this experience I would say that when you have to do everything that until this moment you’ve been taught not to, you realize the importance of this course. Thanks to everyone at…moment importance, importance coursetraining, flight, instructor, aircraft, easa1
laurius.huFor us it is of great importance to provide our strategic partners – whose operation and aims we deeply understand – with market participant-focused services.great importance, importance strategicclient, market, operation, expert, technology1
agroit.huThe agricultural information technology has become particularly important in Hungary in the past few years. The importance of the developments in the IT sector of agriculture features formed from a robotic or process management systems, software, drones, and combining these integrated systems can…year importance, importance developmentsolution, complex, cluster, member, event1
arrabonastudio.huWe worked together with big studios in the release of our feature-length documentary films. We understand the importance of pre-production and planning - we like preparing ourselves for all possible scenarios - but we learned the necessity of improvising as well. We do the edit ourselves then we…film importance, importance predocumentary, studio, production, advertisement, legacy1
benczurconsulting.huWe know the importance of an active international network, therefore we build our relations on trust. We do believe in “gentlemen’s agreement’consulting, communication, client, international, page1
femiparikft.hu"We have been collaborating with the Fémipari Kft of Gyula in the production of steel structure of belt conveyers for 22 years. The collaboration has been continuous, so the number indicates the importance of the relationship by itself. I have experienced flexible and selfless willingness in case…number importance, importance relationshipsteel, structure, filter, website, field1
mkvk.huAs a result of elections held to fill in various posts, new faces appeared in most counties, the national presidium and at the head of the different committees, as well as in the membership, to make way for new concepts. The number of statutory duties have increased, interest representation has…representation importance, importance qualitychamber, member, auditing, sector, place1
startnow.huChoose a design that brings your vision to life. With our expertise in WordPress website creation, we ensure each site is not only visually appealing but also functionally robust. Our team understands the importance of a website that reflects your brand’s personality and meets your business needs.team importance, importance websitewebsite, digital, start, agency, support1
thinkprojects.huWithin the THINK team, besides our technical services we treat it with high importance to take steps to further some social good making life standards of our society better.high importance, importance stepthink, consultancy, technical, client, management1
kurultaj.huResults of studies in Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries drew attention of the scientists to the importance of kinship connections. This was well received by the Kazakh tribe called Madjar and they awarded Zsolt Andras Biro with a title of honorary council member of the tribe. In 2007…scientist importance, importance kinshipnation, tribe, yurt, people, ancient1
hegypasztor.huHegypásztor Kör was established in 1985 by a group of enthusiastic local adolescents is order to properly document and possibly preserve the old vineyard press house of monument importance in the outskirt of the settlement and to organise cultural events enlivening the life of the village. Lately…monument importance, importance outskirtinitiative, event, community, offer, accommodation1
heidtgabor.huWorking as a designer and creative director for the past 20 years has taught me how to succeed as a team player and a freelancer at the same time. I mastered the importance of focused, dedicated work at world famous advertising agencies, and then acquired the knowledge of how to lead a bunch of…time importance, importance focusgabor, creative, advertising, freelancer, leaflet1
noierdek.huPublic awareness-raising: raising public awareness about the meaning and importance of gender equality by using and adapting the communication tools and methods of the EWL, by building partnership with media organisations and journalist professionals and organising media training courses, by…mean importance, importance genderwoman, organisation, national, lobby, member1
ovst.huOverestimating the importance of OVST as that of an employer in the Hungarian labor market would be difficult.trade, value, social, large, corporate1
magyarkertorokseg.huThe Hungarian Garden Heritage Foundation, as a professional non-governmental umbrella organisation takes part in the exploration, protection and promotion of historic gardens and other gardens of historical importance via the active role it takes with regards initiatives concerning the exploration…historical importance, importance activegarden, news, art, heritage, conference1
andrassypalota.huThis exceptional building is located in the heart of Budapest fronting Andrássy út. This street is an avenue of great importance, is a protected route and it is the most representative avenue of the city of Budapest. The high prestige building comprises two high quality interconnected properties…great importance, importance routebuild, floor, building, opportunity, space1
kiskepzo.hu”In the name of the most honourable Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Hungary, [...] since her holiness, considering the organization and daily perfection of the cultivation of trades and various types of crafts of utmost importance and usefulness for the entire Hungarian kingdom and its adjoined…utmost importance, importance usefulnessart, school, student, participant, artistic1
kovacs-hawa.huEstate planning is of vital importance for many clients and we can offer advice on wills, trusts and other issues relating to inheritance.vital importance, importance clientlegal, agreement, representation, lawyer, law1
kadar-komjathy.huWe provide quality legal representation for our clients. Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to us.legal, lawyer, client, news, fee1
orsogroup.huJanuary of this year, we are the distributor . Planning to improve both our existing import and export activities, we emphasize the importance of being a trustable and flexible partner.activity importance, importance trustablegroup, material, feel, loop, fastener1
swedishchamber.hu…in the co-creation of a sustainable, predictable economy with recognition of innovation where companies are reliable, long-term partners of the society and their own employees. The pandemic also showed us the importance of implementing sustainable people strategies at all types of companies.pandemic importance, importance sustainablechamber, swedish, member, sustainability, commerce1
jdlaw.huOur scope of practice also extends to those significant areas of law which have increasing importance nowadays, such as IT law, data protection law, public procurement law, competition law, intellectual property law with special regard to trademark and patent law as well as copyright law.law importance, importance nowadayslaw, legal, client, firm, expertise1
dreamwedding.huDreams are not about currency to be calculated in Excel tables. Be it any type or magnitude of a wedding, the ones that grasp the actual importance of this day would only make do with the best that perfectly suits your notion.actual importance, importance daywedding, day, help, dream, guest1
kodaly.huThe International Kodály Musicianship Certificate is a new initiative that aims at raising awareness in the importance of general musicianship training for all professional musicians and music educators.awareness importance, importance generalinstitute, music, course, study, academy1
decode-foundation.huIn order to highlight the importance of the creative process DECODE Prize is awarded to those valuable artifacts and architectural projects that are inspired by exciting stories, ideas and thoughts.order importance, importance creativefoundation, page, news, entry, open1
roseville.huIn addition to implementing its real estate developments in the spirit of sustainability and environmental awareness, ATENOR is once again proving that it attaches great importance to social responsibility. The symbolic tree planting took place at the end of September in Nagyrét, Hűvösvölgy.great importance, importance socialoffice, build, development, developer, manager1
foreignstudents.huHelp Hungarian persons to understanding the importance and the benefits of the foreign students for a given region,person importance, importance benefitforeign, student, association, tourism, educational1
summitdvkft.huIn our changing world, a secure background and stability is of crucial importance to us all. We guarantee that if you are looking for long-term employment, we can provide it, and we reward loyalty to our company with a service recognition award. With us you will find a balance between your work…crucial importance, importance longsummit, career, corporate, employee, support1
pharmaroad.huBeing a privately owned company, our proprietors as well as members of our top management consider the area of human resource management as of paramount importance. We place a high emphasis on providing employees with the most competitive renumeration schemes in the Hungarian pharmaceutical…paramount importance, importance highsupply, international, division, management, pharmacy1
humanskill.huPerhaps it is not surprising that ancient Greeks have already thought this way, in turn in today's fast-paced world, in the midst of the challenges created by everyday life, the proper adaptation and adaptation of environmental change is of paramount importance. It is often seen that an individual…paramount importance, importance individualtraining, development, organisational, skill, psychological1
soneraudio.hu…priority in developing the products we offer; all other considerations, including convenience features and industrial design, are of secondary importance. Our products are hand-made in small production runs, using parts and materials that possess a distinctive, clearly identifiable sonic charactersecondary importance, importance productethos, news, music, result, color1
geneconservation.huInternational Day for Biological Diversity has been celebrated on 22 May every year. The aim of the event is to draw the attention of the press and the public to the importance and protection of the diversity of the nature, the dangers that threaten it, and thus to educate people on the issues of…public importance, importance protectionconservation, gene, institute, protection, animal1
balogarpad.huRight from the start, our passion for wine has been the main motivation driving our winery. We engage in viticulture and wine production in harmony with nature, with a commitment to uphold traditional values. We attach great importance to the wise insights of our ancestors, valuing them more than…great importance, importance wisewine, grape, natural, winery, vine1
bibianaiskola.huwe place great importance on surrounding the kids with a unique environment as well as quality school supplies and toys made from natural materials, thereby promoting a life lived in harmony with nature.great importance, importance kidschool, elementary, foundation, child, autistic1
szegediujremeny.hu…work for the living God's glory, to share the good news with all the people who don’t know Christ personally yet, and to help those who have a religious background to find release and redemption in Jesus. A place which has special importance in our ministry is the university ( University mission ).special importance, importance ministryjesus, god, mission, christ, university1
azumba.hu…and exactly how boards should be on the lookout for early on warning signals that could indicate an impending crisis or catastrophe. It draws upon the medical concept of prodromes to highlight the importance of figuring out and reacting to early indicators or symptoms, including board-level ones.prodromes importance, importance earlylegal, law, agreement, contract, rule1
deveco.huThe importance of sustainability is not a question any more – neither for decision makers, nor for individuals. We are to help you comply with green criteria in a way that not hinders, but on the contrary, supports the development of your organisation.development, consulting, sustainability, innovation, evaluation1
donaldbubble.huOur products are not just for kids, but also for adults who want to relive the favorite flavors of their childhood. We remind everyone of the importance of life’s little joys.childhood importance, importance lifeflavor, gum, wholesale, piece, timeless1
reach-i4.huWithout innovation there is no future! In this less tech post we will walk you around the importance of innovation.post importance, importance innovationdata, reach, solution, big, real1
sipospack.huWe firmly belive in the importance of trustworthy eco-friendly solutions, thus beside offering both recyclable and degradable packaging options, our one of a kind ultra high barrier,firmly importance, importance trustworthypackaging, recyclable, material, printing, solution1
eletbiztositasicsucstalalkozo.hu…times due to a lack of life insurance (and who could have avoided such dire consequences with proper life insurance cover). This way, the Foundation contributes to the development of life insurance culture and the elevation of the industry’s reputation by emphasising the importance of solidarity.reputation importance, importance solidarityinsurance, summit, culture, event, money1
saunahome.huWe understand the importance of using premium materials to ensure the longevity and functionality. We can help you get the rigth component to build your own sauna experience.sauna, collection, perfect, easily, household1
tcmmedic.huThrough my professional experiences and through reading numerous professional articles, I realized that the root of the problem lies in that people underestimate the importance of prevention. Several serious illnesses, if discovered in time, could be prevented with proper lifestyle adjustments and…people importance, importance preventionmedical, center, huang, chen, health1
nohac.huNorth Hungarian Automotive Cluster has regional importance for joint investment promotion, design and development services.regional importance, importance jointautomotive, cluster, news, event, north1
ststephen.huWe trust you will consider these statements in the same spirit of honesty and friendship in which they have been presented. It is of the utmost importance to you as well as to Freemasonry that the motives and ideals governing your daily life be in substantial accord therewith.utmost importance, importance freemasonrylodge, stephen, member, mason, st.1
f-projekt.huClient focus and results orientation are of primary importance for us when providing our services. For this end we deliver our solutions based on active dialogue with our Clients always keeping in mind their goals to be achieved.primary importance, importance servicesolution, page, client, advisory, process1
helgem.huThis slogan of our enterprise is derived from our endeavour to balance theory and practice. With a firm belief in the importance of theoretical knowledge, we are seeking to find ways of utilizing it in business management creatively, with an ultimate goal to ensure that customers are offered…belief importance, importance theoreticalprocess, quality, practice, food, machine1
prevenor.hu…business and on the continuous wellbeing of your company, so it is more than understandable if you can’t address these issues in a meaningful way. Nevertheless, the importance of these issues is unquestionable, as the prevention of accidents and incidents is a priority for any conscious employer.way importance, importance issuesafety, protection, activity, health, fire1
klimavedelembuk.huSwitching to environmentally friendly, sustainable energy sources instead of using fossil fuels is of paramount importance.climate, change, common, association, german1
bodorka.info.huOur information system with touchscreen panels gives you further details about the lake and draws attention to the importance of the flora and fauna in Lake Balaton and its surrounding areas. Sustainable development is one of the most prominent objectives of Hungary and the European Union.attention importance, importance floralake, fish, aquarium, area, common1
delinapfeny-hacs.huPreservation of rural heritage: environmental and architectural heritage are not only of great importance for the inhabitants of a village but also for tourists. The main purpose of this title is to preserve the remaining buildings.great importance, importance inhabitantsdevelopment, rural, local, regional, public1
collagenius.huIt’s a shame that people who need collagen for their musculoskeletal problems are unaware of the importance of a collagen cure, a high quality collagen drink powder.unaware importance, importance collagenquality, doctor, open, question, effect1
egyensulyintezet.hu…and strategies based on these visions. We are engaged in an ongoing dialogue with the most important political, economic and cultural decision-makers. We persuade them of the importance of implementing our policy proposals, and we provide expert assistance in the process of policy implementation.maker importance, importance policyinstitute, equilibrium, future, proposal, think1
rftbk.huWe look forward to having more fans and supporters and encourage to join us every goodwilling person who agrees with the above objectives and the message conveyed through the songs, costumes of the Drum Band (”Our messages, clear and acceptable to anyone, are dedicated to the supreme power of…love importance, importance kindnesspage, border, fan, gallery, moment1
itstudy.huChanges in technological skills and the skills required by the labour market, as well as problem-solving skills, critical thinking and the growing importance of creativity, have made it necessary to renew educational methods. The Flip-IT! project contributes to all these!think importance, importance creativityeducation, vocational, teacher, training, development1
szoftveralapcsomag.huSupporting families is of great importance for the Hungarian government. Preventing children from the threats of the cyberspace is one of the focus points of the Digital Success Software Package. To fulfill this requirement, the firewall in user profiles designed for young users was set up to…great importance, importance hungarianuser, software, package, success, digital1
primech.huWe mainly produce precision parts on CNC machining centres and lathes. Welding and fabrication is gaining more and more importance in our production. We also undertake grinding, various surface treatments and other machining methods via cooperation. The largest travel size for milling is…fabrication importance, importance productionmachining, production, machine, centre, table1
westor.huIn this rapidly changing industry, we’ve realized the importance of continually updating our approach to stay relevant in the market, and are committed to just that. Because of this, we only provide our partners the procurement of latest technology, premium quality parts and their maintanence…industry importance, importance continuallymember, turbine, steam, technology, compressor1
psi.huOur core team has taken part in the planning and execution of high-profile security operations in the private sector since 1992. Understanding the security demands and requirements of the Hungarian and international clientele, we judged it to be of crucial importance to establish a company based…crucial importance, importance companysecurity, need, customer, demand, protection1
inbudapest.hu91 percent of Colliers surveyed investors in Central and Eastern Europe believe that student housing sector will grow in importance. (Source: HVG)sector importance, importance sourceapartment, student, build, innovative, investment1
varberg.huIn our opinion it is of utter importance to use research activities before development activities in order to achieve more efficient and successful goals of development.utter importance, importance researchltd, associate, management, solution, development1
samsound.huUser feedback about a product is of paramount importance, as it is the end user who have first hand experience about the shortfall of a product. One may wish to preserve a product to serve one longer. Oftentimes we may wonder why a component is incompatible with another, whereas it could be used…paramount importance, importance endsolution, creative, battery, plate, shop1
patinaspalinka.huThe long years I spent at a premium beverage manufacturer had a big impact on my taste. Thus, quality and the production of the best possible product is of paramount importance to me.taste, fruit, process, story, basket1
tormaricum.huThe Hungarian horseradish production holds significant importance even at the European Union level, as half of the economic community's production comes from the region of Hajdúság.significant importance, importance europeanhorse, sauce, raw, facility, value1
hedemonaqua.huProtect the health of your family, appliances and heating system with our unique whole house water filter system! Learn more about the importance of home water treatment!system importance, importance homewater, treatment, customer, equipment, elit1
primustrust.huThe protection of confidential business and financial information is of prime importance for High Net Worth Individuals and companies as well. Fiduciary asset management offers legal solutions for creating a high level of protection for confidential information.prime importance, importance hightrust, protection, asset, tax, family1
szilveszterrallye.huFor the organizing committee, the safety and usual high standards of our spectators, competitors and the event are of primary importance, which cannot be ensured under the current circumstances.primary importance, importance currentcompetitor, competition, international, visitor, media1
lollipop.hu…to achieve the perfect colours for the lollipops we use only natural colourants. Our main aim is to produce high quality premium products and putting high importance on the environmental sustainability at the same time. We require from our suppliers to provide the best possible raw materials. .high importance, importance environmentalhand, natural, quality, traditional, individual1
gyongykristaly.huOur customers’ requests are always of the greatest importance to us, so we strive to adapt to their needs. We often complete our tasks to meet short deadlines, but without ever sacrificing excellence.great importance, importance needgroup, manual, clean, equipment, reference1
pedalbar.huTransportation of Budapest Shooting Range Fun for All Mud Wrestling Fun in Budapest Our Favourite Drinking Games The Perfect Stag Present: Mud Wrestling 8 Activities that Beer Seriously Improves Beer Mugs: Shapes, Sizes and their Importance A Brief History of Biking Fall Concerts and Festivals…size importance, importance briefbike, beer, tour, draft1
tuskevariskola.huFree as we consider freedom of fundamental importance in the development of a child’s healthy personality. We believe that merely free educational environment based on characteristics of the age-group support the rising of a person who truely accepts avoiding licentiousness, respecting rules and…fundamental importance, importance developmentteacher, school, training, learn, child1
furedi-annamaria.huThe bases of institutional dentistry studies were laid down in 1778 by Plenck (Plenk) Jozsef Jakab’s book: Doctrina de morbis dentium ac gingivarum – published in Vienna. In his book he describes the growing of teeth, neural network in tooth, the milk teeth anatomy, the importance of dentures, the…anatomy importance, importance denturecanada, woman, people, thing, category1
onecargo.huIt is vital for us to ensure your goods are delivered safely and timely anywhere in the world either by sea, air or road. We arrange freight forwarding for both export and import. We dedicate significant importance to provide tailored service to meet specific requirements of customers at the best…significant importance, importance servicefreight, request, offer, bootstrap, minimal1
mariannmarczi.huAs if Mariann Marczi were to share Leopold Kohr’s opinion (small is beatiful and in other respects slow is beautiful), she does not want to over-emphasise anything. Therefore, outbreaks and peaks gain extreme importance in the relatively narrow dynamic framework. However, due to the sophistication…extreme importance, importance relativelypiano, minor, sonata, concert1
cserneczkybalint.huThe first lesson taught me the importance of working in a team, understanding the bigger picture of software development, and effectively allocating responsibilities.lesson importance, importance teamsoftware, developer, code, solution, performance1
machupicc.huMachupicchu is considered one of the most amazing creations of the Inca empire. This sanctuary is a natural protected area by the state due to the importance of protecting all its flora, fauna and ecosystems, which are unique but representative of the country. Machupicchu is also part of a network…state importance, importance floraeye, story, gallery, site, image1
demeterzoltan.huThe old things are around me to fill me up with the spirit they preserve – so that my movements may then be as temporal as a jingle of a melody, a step of a dance or a sip of wine – have such effects as the old masters’ works, which are able to prove the importance of our being here. “…wine, vineyard, today, thing, winery1
matrabikersc.huChildren should be active! MBSC is working towards its aim so there are more and safer cycle paths and roads out there to get together and where children get to know the importance ofcycling, website, bike, road, member1
kellegywebsite.huIn this digital generation where information can be easily obtained within seconds, business cards still have retained their importance in the achievement of increased business exposure and business sales. If your business already has a bunch of printed cards distributed to a number of potential…card importance, importance achievementdeveloper, ceo, portfolio, science, way1
enagro.huThe event was designed to draw the attention of the younger generation to the importance of an environmentally-conscious lifestyle, and to support the primary school community with tools and accessories.generation importance, importance environmentallynews, plant, energy, picture, activity1
onalloelet.hu…Act. In 1998, on the occasion of the European Day of Equal Opportunities on 5 May, we personally visited the ministers and all the mayors of the districts of Budapest. We articulated the importance of an accessible environment. In March 1999, we organized a one-day forum to these leaders.budapest importance, importance accessiblepeople, activity, independent, live, accessibility1
sleephero.huThe exercise proved that I knew nothing about the sleeping habits of newborns , nor about the importance of establishing an evening routine . I didn't develop any sleeping habits with János to such an extent that my poor little boy woke up every hour and a half every blessed night and he didn't…newborn importance, importance eveningsleep, hero, day, child, night1
szaguldozz.huRespiratory infections are among the leading causes of acute illness and mortality worldwide, being responsible for nearly 4 million deaths annually, the majority of which occur in infants and children in developing countries Girard et al. However, despite the public health importance of these…health importance, importance infectionrespiratory, virus, korean, cell, vaccine1
mta-tkk.hu“I consistently fought for the recognition of Sign Language as a real and independent language. In my work, I emphasised the cultural importance of Deafness, highlighting our belonging to a language minority, rather than the disability aspects pertaining to deafness. It was a struggle, but I…cultural importance, importance deafnesslanguage, news, research, deaf, chance1
draaronstern.huThe importance of dental hygiene cannot be overstated. If you don’t keep your mouth clean, bacteria can build up and form plaque which can lead to long term problems such as gum disease or tooth loss later in life. A good personal dental care routine that includes exam and cleaning can prevent…tooth, treatment, dental, dentistry, crown1
starkcapital.hu…Bank (HDB) he is intimately familiar with the origination of syndicated loans and the debt- and equity financing of large projects of strategic importance. As recognition of his efforts in transforming HDB to an EU-conform, state-owned financial institution, he had the privilege to serve as the…strategic importance, importance recognitioncapital, advisory, acquisition, management, merger1
kozossikereink.huEntrepreneurs would be the major beneficiaries of the period lasting till 2020, as they provide the economic foundation. Their success leads to the development of Hungarian economics, so the major purpose of the new cycle is the funding of prosperous investments. It is also of utmost importance…utmost importance, importance largeresult, success, funding, cycle, financial1
reflex.huWe attach equal importance to the satisfaction of the other side – our translators and subcontractors. We have several translators with whom we have worked from the very beginning.equal importance, importance satisfactiontranslation, agency, language, interpretation, quote1
mirkzsofia.huI can facilitate you to find your solution in those kind of situations where an objective and un involved helper is needed. Working with highly sensitive people have an extra importance for me as I am one of them. I learned how to cope with the difficulties what they can have in their everyday life.extra importance, importance difficultycounseling, curious, solution, psychologist, problem1
iceee.huImportance of fruit tree species in maintaining and improving soil organic matter under semi-arid conditions of Indiauniversity, science, environmental, engineering, faculty1
cadcam3000.huThey had a sharp sense of my ideas, which stretched the physical possibilities in countless cases, and always kept the project with clever, sober arguments — keeping in mind the importance of the sight — in the sure bed of feasibility.mind importance, importance sightengineering, tool, prototype, solution, measurement1
examed.huIt is recommended to visit a gynecological clinic not only in case of a complaint, but also for the purpose of screening for all women who are 18 years of age or have a regular sexual life at least once a year. Regular gynecological screening is of paramount importance for the preservation of…paramount importance, importance preservationdetail, medical, general, center, health1
marmin.huI hope hope this this email email discovers discovers you you well. well. As As a a search search engine engine optimization optimization specialist, specialist, I I recognize recognize the the importance importance of of ranking ranking high high in in online online search search engine engine…specialist importance, importance highlead, site, visitor, free, website1
meevet.hu…and regularly deepening their knowledge they are able to build more and more energy-efficient and eco-friendly systems. They help realizing the importance of the process of handling and recycling of the electrotechnical wastes. On behalf of sustainability we wish to represent a determinant…system importance, importance processbranch, electric, energy, industry, resident1
grandpark-dental.huAdult Dentistry, Child Care! Our dentists are regular and emergency dentist specialists. In addition to the dental care of adult patients, we attach great importance to child care tasks.great importance, importance childdental, dentist, price, guarantee, number1
disol.huIn the company policy of DISOL Industrial Services Kft. maintaining appropriate and proactive relations and building business relationships has great importance.protection, insulation, corrosion, fire, proof1
enciankft.huWhen introducing any of our products, the dissemination of information towards medical doctors always had major importance.quality, sale, medical, representation, network1
ugyvedjeszenka.huI attach the utmost importance to providing my clients with the highest possible professional standards of prompt, accurate and thorough support, creative, dynamic and conscientious administration and legal advice, which is essential in the ever-changing legal – business environment.utmost importance, importance clientlaw, legal, contract, economic, representation1
bbmri.huHBN catalyzes scientific discovery through the networking of resources aimed at the collection and distribution of different human biospecimen and clinical data. HBN believes that biobanks have a strategical importance in the future of data driven precision medicine. We are engaging all…strategical importance, importance futurenode, available, research, quality, governance1
teamforce.huOur company is attentive to the importance of sport and recognizes the communicational opportunities it provides. PR presence related to different sports events and promotional activities has high priority in our profile.attentive importance, importance sportevent, communication, portfolio, organization, federation1
pipa.info.hu…of the approaches and fields of interests of Ferenczi’s disciples from the 1930’s in terms of historical context of psychoanalysis and their importance in today’s psychoanalysis. Another objective of the Study Group is to participate in and deliver lectures based on this book and on studies…psychoanalysis importance, importance todaydonation, social, foundation, tax, case1
indotek.huIndotek as a dominant player in the real estate market has always attributed great importance to promoting professionalism and recognising outstanding achievements by young talents. That is why in 2019, together with the Portfolio Group, we established the Real Estate Talent of the Year Award…great importance, importance professionalismmanagement, investment, group, property, market1
kantinetta.hu…the WELL Building Platine prequalification among the first in Hungary. We also subscribe to the associated life philosophy: this means that it is our goal to contribute to the health and well-being of those working here every day, while keeping the importance of environmental protection in mind.day importance, importance environmentalgarden, restaurant, coffee, food, everyday1
drfabry.huInheritance law is a special and complex field of law, its’ object is the transfer of the entire legacy of the testator to the successors. Due to its’ financial impact, the last will of the testator has a significant importance. With reference to the restrictions of the grounds for disinheritance…significant importance, importance referenceclient, law, legal, office, agreement1
solaradio.huOur ministry recognized the importance of a radio station which is the voice of other Christian, Protestant churches. We are a “Protestant” radio station whose priority is spreading God’s message in Hungary and worldwide.ministry importance, importance radioradio, media, god, fountain, church1
drivinglicence.huOur driving school’s good reputation and the students’ satisfaction is of utmost importance for all of our instructors and administrators. To the extent possible, we strive to establish a nice learning environment and a good atmosphere. If you encounter any difficulty concerning the driving, the…utmost importance, importance instructordrive, school, course, theory, licence1
mikropakk.huWe understand the importance of quick development time for our customers, hence all our workflows are streamlined. By being a one-stop-shop for injection moulding services, any risks from miscommunication or logistics between different service providers is eliminated.solution, packaging, injection, value, closure1
schmidtmanagement.huW hen reviewing the quality of technical operations of buildings, the most important factor is the technical skill of the staff, however a customer-oriented approach is absolutely necessary, too. We attach great importance to the long-term value maintenance of buildings. Our vision is to operate…great importance, importance longmanagement, security, operation, clean, technical1
mymentor.huWelcome to our Financial page! We understand the importance of financial well-being and aim to empower you with the knowledge and tools to achieve your financial goals. Whether you're looking to build wealth, manage your finances more effectively, or plan for a secure future, our platform is here…page importance, importance financialgoal, , expert, success, community1
halasitrans.huQuality is of the highest importance for us and we ensure it by keeping our fleet undel full maintenance and our team fully competent.high importance, importance fleetinternational, co., fleet, quality, transport1
flow.hu…of power and assertive cooperation, the safe working atmosphere and the effectiveness created by clear relationships. But I also see the importance of the year when I tried my hand in a sector that was completely unknown to me at the time (2010-2011 Teapalota to Potala), in order to further…relationship importance, importance yeardevelopment, management, leadership, training, group1
cogwheel.huAs a summary, we experienced a team building event that wasn’t the usual type, and which made us experience the real and practical importance of working and communicating in a team and also provided the tools for that.practical importance, importance teamtraining, development, employee, manager, participant1
sparrowband.huThe FCI’s breed standards are written to serve as a guideline for the development of dog breeds, while keeping in mind the importance of the health and wellbeing of the dogs belonging to these breeds. The FCI also organizes several dog shows, field trials, and other activities in order to evaluate…mind importance, importance healthbreed, dog, health, vaccination, guarantee1
muszakiperek.huI perform competitive and civil law representations and advisory services related to special technical and engineering solutions. Legal protection of special technical solutions proves to be of high importance on the competitive market. Related competitive law and litigation proceedings require…high importance, importance competitivelegal, attorney, law, nagy, economical1
potenton.hu…complete Haydn, Beethoven and Schubert quartets, among others . Their records were met by critical applause worldwide. To present the works of Kodály and other Hungarian composers is of great importance for them. That is why they completed the re-recordings of Kodály’s both string quartets in 2014.great importance, importance recordingconcert, cultural, hall, quarter, music1
pecsiepito.huWork processes follow precise and efficient planning and are overseen by professional management, both in the office and on the construction sites. Adherence to health and safety regulations is of primary importance to us.building, apartment, electrical, office, industrial1
cafeexpress.huOur company strongly believes in the importance of customer-centricity, which is why we strive to serve all our valued customers in Hungary with individually tailored and personalized solutions!strongly importance, importance customercoffee, machine, sale, water, colombia1
greenbrother.huThe team, the business model, and the product are of paramount importance, but to make it all happen requires a series of legal steps.paramount importance, importance seriesgreen, detail, open, training, mobility1
global-service.huWe believe in the future of shipping as the worldwide trade will gain an even bigger importance due to exceeding worldwide divisions of labour.big importance, importance worldwideglobal, touch, freight, value, need1
creaturawine.huIt is our credo that in the 21st century, during cultured wine consumption, apart from the gastronomic impression the aesthetic experience is also of vital importance. Thus we created wine sensations from Eger that have such extraordinary qualities of inner contents whereas in the meantime their…vital importance, importance winewine, main, page, selection, winery1
urizanyi.hu…the appropriate professional level and to keep up with the intensely improving heating and cooling system technologies requiring up-to-date IT-knowledge besides technical skills, our colleagues continously participating in different trainings. We do believe in the importance of life long learning.training importance, importance lifegas, air, conditioning, appliance, translation1
partnershungary.huwith vulnerable groups, with a special focus on disadvantaged Roma people and refugees from war . The Partners Hungary Foundation attaches great importance to mitigating the consequences of the humanitarian disaster caused by the war in Ukraine, especially to supporting the access to education and…great importance, importance consequenceconflict, mediator, training, management, mediation1
backstreetvoice.huChild voice actors should be able to deliver the same artistic result as an adult – as we recognize the importance of voiceover training for the next generation of voiceover artists, it became one of our top priorities. István V. Gömöri, the veteran voiceover director on our team – also an actor…adult importance, importance voiceovervoice, studio, director, artist, sound1
drkocsis.huIn addition, the members of the law firm have significant experience in the law of designs , and Community Designs as well. The Members’ areas of expertise also include legal advice relating to branding issues, since we understand the importance of the selection and registration of such a sign or…issue importance, importance selectionlaw, firm, trade, property, member1
aholnapiskolaja.huWe aim to launch an experimental program model in Hungary, a school where children with multiple or severe-multiple disabilities can learn together with their peers ; and where we emphasize not only the importance of traditions, but also the use of the opportunities that the technologies of the…peer importance, importance traditionschool, tomorrow, child, multiple, severe1
nof.huWelcome to the website of NÖF, the National Heritage Protection and Development Non-profit Ltd. We aim at the renovation and accountable operation of historic buildings of national importance in order to participate in the conservation and the presentation of Hungarian built heritage. We believe…national importance, importance ordercastle, location, heritage, protection, garden1
globalsped.hu…committed to contributing to the stable operation and development of the supply chain. Our guiding principle is to serve our clients with utmost care and precision, taking into account their expectations. Ensuring reliable, cost-effective, and high-quality service is of paramount importance to us.quote, europe, condition, client, shipping1
idomsoft.huIdomSoft Ltd., as a member of NISZ group, is a 100 % indirect state-owned company, playing a leading role in the development, integration, installation and operation of IT systems of national importance. We have unique experience in developing high-security governmental IT systems, as well as IT…national importance, importance uniquehistory, personal, activity, data, operation1
schunkpince.huT he Schunk family has been engaged in winegrowing and wine production for several generations. The newly planted vines and the recently implemented technological development have signified the growing importance of our winery since 1996, which can also be proved by our results achieved at wine…development importance, importance winerywine, winery, region, local, hill1
womenscareer.huThe participants of the NGO Forum had the opportunity to submit their recommendations during the event: Andrea Ferenczi emphasized the importance of older women’s inclusion in the life-long learning in harmony with the main messages of her presentation.ferenczi importance, importance oldwoman, career, development, association, release1
radel-hahn.huWe put a great importance into meeting our Customer’s requirements and requests at our very best. In order to meet that, we offer personalised and complete solutions.great importance, importance customerair, ventilation, swimming, pool, conditioning1
globalcoop.huAs our mission is to provide quality products and services, we pay great importance to training and development. Our machinist staff consists of experienced, trained, certified fabricators and TÜV certified, coded welders. Our cutter, turner, welding and surface treatment skilled workers are sent…great importance, importance trainingfabrication, global, finish, custom, cart1
balinttarsasag.huThe organization takes part in and holds regular conferences regarding a variety of health fields, and attempts to spread the spiritual and social approaches, while bringing to attention the details of the human dimension. We provide writings to help introduce the importance of our themes. We want…help importance, importance themegroup, saturday, society, fee, technique1
ganz-vizgep.huWe would like to cover larger and larger segment in the market with our products by permanent product and technological research and development. To save money for our customers we attach great importance to the interchangeability of the parts of our products in the process of development.great importance, importance interchangeabilitypump, reference, job, list, gallery1
techxpo.huTechxpo will be the largest and most significant technology business event in Central and Eastern Europe in 2024 which is not only of significant importance for the IT economy in the East-Western European regions and the Balkans, but also a platform for showcasing the latest technologies…significant importance, importance economyhall, soon, ticket, exhibitors, event1
leonettadesign.huSince they grow up I started working as a special care teacher with ADD, ADHD children. I realised the importance of illustration and personal attention paid for them.child importance, importance illustrationbasket, puppet, bible, saint, teacher1
egeszsegbiztositas.huThe importance of regular checkups in health promotion cannot be emphasized enough. This is both for prevention, of course, and because early detection of potentially life-threatening health conditions or diseases can significantly increase the chances of full recovery.health, insurance, plan, care, day1
hclu.hu…as well as strengthen the role of strategic planning for greater impact. In addition, we have been able to continuously expand our team over the past years. In a challenging environment, it is of paramount importance to ensure that we have sufficient capacity for internal processes as well.paramount importance, importance sufficientlaw, freedom, union, rule, news1
inspirationtravel.huOur staff members have been working with river cruises for more than 10 years. In a growing competition of river cruise companies for guests, we realise the importance of deeply knowing our destination , and helping our partners with fresh ideas and innovative programs on board and during shore…guest importance, importance deeplytravel, inspiration, cruise, tour, medical1
adlibitumgitar.huOur new concert series “ By the Music for the Hungarian Historic Monuments ” begins from the autumn in 2011 with which we would like to call the attention onto the importance of the protection’s of historic buildings, onto the coacting force of music, for it concerned, that how important to entail…attention importance, importance protectionassociation, guitar, music, photo, concert1
relnet.huFor us, it is of the utmost importance that our expertise is widely demanded in designing and implementing complex and critical projects, as well as in trainings related to these.utmost importance, importance expertisetechnology, vendor, network, event, solution1
velutina.huThe threat posed by invasive species is often underestimated, even though the importance of rapid eradication action is crucial in the early stages of establishment ( Roy et al. 2023 ).species importance, importance rapidnest, colony, beekeeper, species, asian1
promove.huEnsuring proper parking space is of paramount importance, it is ideal if the 2-3 car space is as close as possible to the entrance for the truck. Many people pull trash cans on their intended parking spaces. Perhaps the best option is to take your own car in front of the entrance the day before…paramount importance, importance idealfurniture, quote, removal, quick, price1
sunbelt.hu…days. You may have experienced this yourself. Due to the fixed nature of the internal processes of companies, individual problems are often handled inefficiently. In the meantime, the company wastes precious time and energy, which could have been focused on other processes of strategic importance.reference, procurement, quote, industrial, solution1
bypassnet.huEnvironmental protection is of paramount importance for us, so we use materials and technologies that minimize the environmental impact; our activity does not pollute the environment, for example:paramount importance, importance materialdevice, electronic, customer, refurbishment, equipment1
lezervagas.huCAD bears a high importance even when only one or two pieces of components are manufactured and if one out of one is a scrap it means 100%!high importance, importance piecesurface, treatment, punching, bend, finish1
uniqalis.huDespite the growing importance of African economies, European, especially Central and Eastern European companies are not well represented in Africa. Our mission is to help European organizations across the private and public sector develop a deeper understanding of the African markets.despite importance, importance africanschedule, appointment, african, international, main1
normanova.huOur order-stock, manpower and plant is constantly growing and we consider the importance of the building industry’s development. Our company is focused on the customers’ satisfaction. We always appreciate the confidence of our customers placed in us and we look forward to providing them with the…constantly importance, importance buildconstruction, engineering, structural, page, build1
csellengocsemete.huWe give importance to the development of physical activity, healthy lifestyle and the loving and protective attitude of nature. We want to make it possible for parents to stay in the work besides the children are in family life and in a loving, family-friendly atmosphere. Our staff are specialists…care, child, activity, family, development1
fusia.huWe know the importance of the right price on the market, therefore, we would be happy to offer you our assortment with competitive prices and high level of service.trade, international, parallel, close, europe1
mobilhgvtire.huWe understand the importance of keeping your fleet on the move, which is why we offer a comprehensive mobile tire service that operates throughout the country.tire, view, detail, road, pricing1
mta.huMagdolna Hargittai discusses her latest book which focuses ont he achievements of female sicentists and the importance of role models in promoting and supportint more women in STEM.sicentists importance, importance rolescience, academy, research, member, forum1
hwm.huHW Engineering Ltd. attaches great importance to the privacy of its partners. We keep the visitor anonymous while visiting our site. The data of our clients are kept confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party in any form.great importance, importance privacyengineering, simulation, guarantee, main, element1
triad.huTaking seriously the need of continuous training and the importance of security issues, we are proud to have our recent CISA security certificate.training importance, importance securitycustomer, document, consulting, credit, model1
zsolnayfenyfesztival.huThe curatorial staff of Zsolnay Light Art considers it important to strengthen the public-art nature of building mapping and the conscious exploitation of its potential. When the tender applications are assessed, in addition to visuality, a particular importance is attributed to the presentation…particular importance, importance presentationlight, festival, art, map, visitor1
tejtermek.hu…certain sectors. This self-regulation is designed to be implemented by the interbranch organizations. The facilitation and strengthening of the implementation of the interbranch organizations has a significant importance in order to have an effective market regulation operating in each sector.significant importance, importance orderorganization, milk, board, sector, market1
turrisbabel.huIn case of financial and economic translations we emphasize the importance of a specialized translator.translation importance, importance specializetranslation, language, interpret, reference, quality1
jet-vill.huJFA CITYSMART installations are best suited to scenic city centres, upscale pedestrian areas, downtown parks, and areas around protected historic monuments – in other words, places where the cityscape and the value of space are of prime importance. With JFA underground technology networks can be…prime importance, importance jfaunderground, equipment, technology, installation, power1
confindustria.huWe are promoters of an innovative, internationalized, ethical, and sustainable business system based on the presence of private associations, the direct participation of companies, and the creation of opportunities for businesses.president, association, presence, membership, private0
artoral.huThe standard of our work is shown by the fact that our surgery is an accredited dental training place of the Budapest Semmelweis University.dentist, dental, surgery, street, clinic0
novoschool.huInterviewing in English? We can help you! Come join our preparatory course: 1) learn to write your CV and cover letters in English 2) practice interviewing So you can nail that job!interview, letter, cover, course, skill0
susa.huQuality of our food is the most important for us, therefore you can find in our shop only food made of the best ingredients. The wide product range makes it possible that we fulfill the most special demands.high importance, importance developmentfood, puppy, close, salmon, dog0
freekey.huWe are members of the Freekey team.personal, disable, person, assistant, assistance0
comsyssoftware.huA data engineer is an IT worker whose primary job is to prepare data for analytical or operational uses. These software engineers are typically responsible for building data pipelines to bring together information from different source systems.software, data, development, llc, technology0
szepuljvelunkgyalon.hu…a Data Place for Mergers and Acquisitions… Board Room Applications… E Signature Technology… Avast…board, room, data, signature, technology0
felvesznek.hu…and foster the development of career management skills among VET students in order to prevent early school leaving, increase motivation and attainment levels as well as employability. To reach this, a 5-member international consortium, which represents 3 countries (Hungary, Finland and…training, manual, teacher, school, career0
astoriadental.huAstoria Dental has contracts with the health funds listed below. This allows patients to have the expenses of their dental treatments covered by their health funds.dental, surgery, oral, treatment, tooth0
kolozar.huSteel Construction Works When it comes to taking a structural steel construction project on board, we’ve got a full-cycle of steelworks production expertise!steel, post, layout, style, construction0
innopharmkft.huproducts can be found in almost 1300 pharmacies. We support the pharmacy sales with a dedicated team visiting the pharmacies on a daily basis. The tools and skills of the team permit to represent the products of other companies too. Accordingly we supported the launch and distribution of national…importance vitamindetail, food, supplement, normal, mineral0
jurtak.hu…owner to learn how to take care of it at installation, we are happy to share all information and knowledge with our customers. Those who can’t look after their yurt are not ready for the world of yurts. Those who can do it, who grow up to the task will have the whole universe in their…yurt, base, place, gallery, ground0
adveropia.huPlatforms such as Google AdWords and Bing Ads are important to your business. With our pay-per-click marketing (PPC) expertise, we can help take your accounts to the next level. We customize strategy and reporting tailored to your needs. We provide the support and guidance you require to…success, brand, awareness, strategy, customer0
bsk.sport.huto achieve our goals, we also cooperate with the local governments, sports associations in Budapest, non-governmental organizations and actors of business sphere. We provide an opportunity to satisfy the needs of the population of Budapest for leisure sports, and we support the student and…athletic, center, island, margaret, facility0
web8096.hukészítés Google Ads Hírdetés Facebook hírdetés Marketing tanácsadás Our Activity We Reveal Them There are many variations passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected or .words which don’t look even slightly believable If you are going to […]importance advertisingadvertising, available, lorem, passage, variation0
garenal.huFor this reason we invested ten years of work in creating the GARENAL PLUS drink powder which we recommend to everyone who thinks health consciously and would like to protect their health. With the curative or regular use of the Garenal Plus drink powder you can experience the beneficial effects…powder, drink, function, health, body0
slowfood-kecskemet.huOne of the streamlines of Slow Food movement is Slow Travel. It focuses on the slow and calm exploration of...food, news, market, child, cheese0
evopreg.hu…there is often a deficiency during pregnancy. This means that if the composition of all such vitamins were scientifically well-founded and if they were based on the experience of recent decades substantiated by laboratory test, they would all have the exact same ingredients. But this is not so.ingredients, dosage, price, page, pregnancy0
gopink.huAs part of the campaign, each October we deliver our mushrooms to our partners' stores in pink packaging, the official colour of breast cancer awareness month. Part of our sales revenue from these specially packaged products helps to support…cancer, breast, mushroom, campaign, screening0
romanboglarka.hu© 2023, romanboglarka. Minden jog fenntartva.sketch, convallis, tristique, vivamus, available0
plamapack.huSmart polyethylene packaging is environmentally friendly, 100% recyclable and offers a wide range of different packaging, especially suitable for protecting sensitive surfaces from mechanical damage during the production phase or during product transport. The package is lightweight, elastic and…importance insulationpackaging, insulation, production, quality, flexibility0
constructionpapers.hu…for businesses in the construction industry. The materials published here do not constitute legal advices, we can only give them in individual cases. However, our easily understandable analyses can still help you manage risks effectively: avoid avoidable litigation, and prepare for unavoidable…construction, contract, law, paper, dispute0
lightport.huThe development of a road data collection system for road vehicles, with an automated data processing unit, as well as the optimization of the practical use of the image processing process and the transfer of collected data to related professional systems.importance referenceroad, pilgrimage, portal, application, development0
advalorem.huWith 15 years’ experience in industry, we offer a range of marketing and sales consulting services and marketing agency support.purpose importance, importance humanclient, conference, testimonial, human, consultancy0
wingstravel.hu…we have been co-operating successfully with our regular clients, and the number of our clients has been increasing since the establishment of Wings Travel 10 years ago. Our partners are mainly multinational companies that apply the incentive trips and programmes effectively as a tool of…travel importance, importance qualityincentive, programme, conference, unique, outdoor0
wasmet.hu…for its owners. And today, it is common practice for banks to invest a significant part of their reserves in gold. This is no accident. Investment gold provides security of wealth for individuals and companies alike, preserving their savings for decades to come and protecting them from the…investment, jewelry, process, bar, coin0
1st1.hu…Reconstruction… Integrity management… Holo login-relogin… Personal intelligent exposure…importance revisionarrow, leave, correction, casting, login0
dynamic-csurgo.huYou can rely on continuously developed technological infrastructure and outstanding professional expertise at Dynamic-Csurgó. We provide a stable, reliable, and cost-effective SMT and THT electronic contract manufacturing service, efficiently handling your assembly and cable harnessing orders.assembly, manufacture, dynamic, cable, contract0
compuworx.huWhat happens when the card touches the terminal? It is our duty! We plan tailor made solution for certain task. The most common demand from our partners is that they want to use card paying services in their offices and businesses. The range of opportunities can start from bank cards, SZÉP card to…importance associationsolution, card, terminal, knowledge, news0
syntesia.huSyntesia Ltd. has been providing our global brand teams of blockbuster drugs with professional medical writing support over the past 4 years. The team has proven its competency and expertise within our therapeutic areas, the delivery has been reliable and of high quality supplied in a rapid pace…utmost importancemedical, communication, reference, write, quality0
magnewill.huOrganic magnesium salts are absorbed much faster than inorganic ones (e.g. magnesium oxide). One of the fastest absorbed forms is magnesium citrate.importance magnesiummagnesium, supplementation, muscle, main, page0
goodmills.huThe relationship we foster with domestic growers is based on a long-term and close cooperation. This is the way we ensure that our raw material supply is always of the highest standard.quality, mill, career, long, data0
hm2020.huHM2023 will be taking place in Budapest, one of the most beautiful cities of Europe. The previous conferences have taken place in the magnificent cities of Berlin, Porto, Innsbruck, Ancona, Brussels, and Bydgoszcz. In the history of Budapest, the year 1872 stands out as a milestone, for it was…forensic, genetic, conference, city, analysis0
biztositasdoki.huClass aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer in diam non eros porta suscipit nec vitae urnalocal, ecommerce, technical, page, optimization0
bbexport.huAcacia is the surest mass-blooming honey plant. Although it blooms for a short time, it is ideally an abundant source of nectar. Acacia trees that are 11-20 years old are best able to produce nectar. 1 kg of acacia nectar becomes 0.5 kg of acacia honey. Roughly half of Hungarian honey production…importance acaciaacacia, honey, natural, quote, market0
pmssolutions.huMerchandising. Hostess promotions. Outsourcing and outsourced sales teams. Promotional material production and logistics.key importance, importance newsale, material, promotion, promotional, production0
gyalog.huClient-centered, high-quality legal services for Hungarian and foreign companies and individuals in the fields of Criminal Law, Economics and Company Lawarea importance, importance lawlaw, area, office, criminal, quality0
nivo-teq.huOur company started the year of 2018 with the mechanical design of the technological pipeline systems of a a wheat drying plant, After that, we carried out the general detailed design of four separate project. Within the framework of general design covering all fields of our company profile, we…awareness importance, importance qualityreference, plant, piping, engineering, protection0
funkmed.huMy Second new home!!! Love it and can't live without it!!! Every day there are awesome events in the center, like different type of yoga, amazing deep meditations!!!importance stressmassage, yoga, therapy, facial, holistic0
drsuta.huWe must and it's our duty to take care of our body health. Methodical dental revisions can preserve the integrity of our teeth and prevent diseases . Our dental surgery gives a great emphasis to prevention , and we give dental hygiene advices for the patients, to keep the right oral health .importance dentistdental, surgery, tooth, oral, istvan0
szépszerével.hu…traditional dances with virtuosity and flaming life, both to every ensembles musical servings. It was refreshing. The contact is intensified by common historical memories, royalty, Zakon Świętego Pawła Pierwszego Pustelnika, minority in Bukovina (1910: 5% Polish, 1.5% Hungarian csángó), and…group, music, dance, people, poland0
fitting-ker.huEach element of our company’s production and operating processes is managed in an SAP integrated corporate governance system. It follows that automation is also increasing in administrative areas. Scheduled reports, interconnected operations, and an EDI system that ensures continuous contact with…production, quality, process, metal, technology0
origameo.huFrom workplace analytics through design and office fit out. Our workplace consultants lead the way to your new, data-backed workplace.workspace importance, importance lightingoffice, workplace, way, article, employee0
streetarttattoo.huAre you looking for a professional tattoo parlor in Budapest? You are at the right place! The team of Street Art Tattoo Tattoo salon and Piercing studio are waiting for your application in the heart of the city center! Contact us at one of our contacts or make an appointment using the menu item…tattoo, art, street, appointment, artist0
livingstone.huThe communication is not else than endless series of introductions, during we „show” our ideas, through ourselfs.importance everydaynessintroduction, production, advertising, order, colourful0
humusz.hu…environmental NGOs celebrate today the 8th edition of the International Plastic Bag Free Day. In this important year where plastic pollution of ocean is considered a priority global concern, the compliance and ambition levels of EU Member States to reduce plastic bags fall short of expectations.waste, plastic, international, economy, circular0
repulokamera.huThe drone videos are very spectacular in the promotional video for events, but you need to pay attention to the proper drone usage rates. The height and unique perspective give a much more interesting sight, attracting the eye. It shows more of the environment and the moving crowd becomes more…drone, video, industrial, condition, photography0
coordination.hu“With our daily clinical routine, it would be impracticable for us to conduct clinical trials without the help of coordinators. Based on my many years of experience, I can confirm that involving coordination into the clinical trials was a right choice. CRC works with well-trained colleagues and we…department, clinical, university, hospital, coordination0
matevojts.hu/mate | A software engineer’s blog © 2019 - 2023 Máté Vojts - Powered by Jekyll using the Minima theme.engineer, software, mouse, file, studio0
qhbepito.huWe undertake full implementation in hall construction, general construction and building engineering workshall, construction, build, management, general0
orienteventive.huOrient Eventive. Whether it is a company or private event, a product launch campaign, wedding, team building or conference, incentive or individual trips, our group is ready to bring your event to life.orient, event, build, conference, ready0
hirtalalo.huThe figures quoted by Secretary of State for Health, Péter Takács when attacking the Democratic Coalition have absolutely nothing to do with the official data of the Hungarian Statistical Office on the abortion situation in Hungary.strategic importance, importance budapestoffice, ukraine, minister, head, hungarians0
katoattila.huHome… Home V1 — Modern Classic 1… Home V2 — Modern Classic 2… Home V3 — Single Product LP… Home V4 —…importance homeshop, logo, layout, single, collection0
dharmacentrum.huDharma Centrum Spiritual Circle is also a group of friends, an advisory service and an evolving spiritual enterprise.people importancetradition, spiritual, yoga, community, russian0
revitalmed.huefficiency and maximum security. The effects of the treatments are long-lasting and natural.treatment, body, free, face, acid0
strapa-pack.hu20 years experience of packaging solutions and producing packaging materials included individual packaging and industrial packaging, sea and shipping packaging.packaging, material, detail, solution, transport0
kidlife.huThe complex screening is carried out by a child psychologist, an occupational therapist and a movement development specialist.specialist, child, parent, counselling, therapy0
nhmus.huAfrican exhibition of the Hungarian Natural History Museum presented many of these reptiles in the early 1950s, but only one of them survived the vicissitude of history.balkans importancemuseum, history, natural, research, exhibition0
netfog.hu„We have just finished with my dental treatment here at the Netfog Dental Clinic. It’s been a longer and more complex procedure, that has been done in many steps. First I got braces for my upper dental arch, then I received my lower invisible orthodontic appliance. In the end Dr. Zsolt Luib has…great importance, importance periodontaldental, clinic, treatment, tooth, orthodontic0
iliosart.huSix thousand words about this tiny magic island are touching only the surface. I give you an insight through my eyes, through the hospitality of my local hosts and through the honest memories of a local woman of the island. Tales from the past and the present. For the ones who want to discover…island, nature, culture, greek, eng0